##VIDEO ID:toVok89bEWs## here oh good excellent there he is I I think commissioner Haye wanted to do a um he's gonna log in let me call him he might have been having a trouble let me call him we go ah and get started can you hear me can you hear me yeah oh there he is all right yeah right the gang is all here G's all here okay we'll go and get started guys um do you guys want me to go through the announcements and uh special events I mean that's pretty self-explanatory we don't have any uh proclamations I'll give you guys a quick second to tell me if you want me to go through oh you can skip that okay the public audience also um yes before we get to the administrative part yeah I have I have something I want to I want to ask everyone um hey can we go back to the one1 agenda reviews how does everyone feel about that I'm assuming you're talking to the commission correct commissioner yeah I'm talking to my colleagues and staff I I understand the reasoning but I think you know I think we should have that option to do the one-on-one reviews um well if you guys I'm not sure understand what you're talking about so I'll let let me I'll preface it like this commissioner turkin asked if the commission would like to discontinue these group work workshops and go back to the oneon-one um agenda review format that we used to do previous to these uh workshops oh is that what you're asking yes yeah I'm just I'm just trying to see what everyone's uh appetite is for that well I'll speak my piece first I've never been a proponent of this from the from the beginning so I'll be absolutely thrilled to go back to the way we were doing it before so you want the 101s I want the 101 yes and commissioner Turan yeah I'd like to go back to the one-on ones if you know there's consensus um commissioner Kelly or vice mayor um I'm kind of indifferent about it I kind of I I don't mind doing these I know that the reason was we each were having um individual ones and it was causing um you know calendar conflict and scheduling conflicts for staff so but I you I am so I'm kind of indifferent I kind of feel like if if this kind of gets the word out and us talking about different things in advance of a meeting then maybe we can you know get you know we can kind of minimize our time whereas having individual agenda reviews where each uh you know there's not a conversation that we're having to kind of solidify some U questions or issues in advance of a meeting um so you know but I and and my understanding is if there was anyone who needed to have a private discussion with a staff member outside of these workshops that that could happen so that although these are good for the benefit of everyone including staff that they're not necessarily required and that people can individually have agenda reviews if they choose I don't know that we've given this enough time to really to really see if it works because we've only done at a couple of meetings and I don't think we've really let it kind of sink in I know most municipalities do these um agenda review workshops and it's just not something that was ever in our wheelhouse so I kind of feel like we haven't given it enough time to see if it's something that works for us before we just discontinue it but that's my opinion uh commissioner Cruz um I'm fine with it just because of the convenience of of being able to go through the entire agenda you know online um and it makes it convenient for staff as well I'm not opposed to keeping these but I do think that we need to have it open to you know where Commissioners as my understanding is the case can also like have their own individual ones if they would like to and uh mayor hi everybody uh as of now I agree with vice mayor I think we just need a few more meetings like this and this is our I think second time using teams and it's gone much more smoothly uh as long as we can still have our individual one-on ones I don't mind having this group uh version as long as it's not in replacement of but rather as a supplement to As Long As somebody wants to have that that they can do that okay so so for now I'm gonna say I'm comfortable with this format okay um I yes commissioner Turan commissioner hay um we'll start scheduling your guys' one-on ones weekly I want to say uh Kendra probably uh if I may I would like to have it hello go ahead sir okay um I I am not not a a strong uh objection to the to this St of um me uh agenda review but uh I would like to have the option of course uh to have oneon-one if I uh deem that I need it okay so I guess my position is to go on with it uh we can fine-tune it and try to make it work but I'd like the the option I don't want a schedule time you know uh every week or every other week or whatever I I want uh as needed as far as a one-on-one is concerned so uh I'll go along with the majority uh here to uh to continue this format until we can uh give it enough time to work okay understood can I ask a question if if you were going to do one-on ones would you rather be on it Monday or Tuesday or not not in in I'm talking about if you were going to ask to meet with us to go a little bit more detailed I would I would rather do it on a Monday okay Tom uh commissioner turkin if you were going to need supplemental okay Monday or Tuesday yes so okay whatever I'm flexible after like 4:30 um okay yeah all right excellent okay I'm I'm gonna let you I would let you know I would let you know ahead of time okay understood excellent I'm gonna go ahead and get started with the administrative portion unless anyone else has anything before we move on proceed go ahead okay The Advisory The Advisory Board appointments the majority of these are going to be Library appointments and I think we have one uh firefighter um trust uh pension appointment is a Desiree Patterson um everything else appears to be uh Library appointments so nothing really of H significance There community support support funds for commissioner turkin this is for uh growing strong Ministries is that correct uh commissioner turkin yes thank you okay so we'll get started with a consent agenda uh 6A except the uh and that's uh r24 238 accept the grant award for the resilient uh Florida program implementation grant for $536,000 952 with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the city of Bo Beach Park Shoreline resiliency project approv Grant agreement number 25 srp19 and authorizing the mayor to execute any documents necessary to implement this resolution subject to approval of the city attorney's office so this is a 50% matching grant for 536,000 this is the living Shoreline I believe this is commissioner turkins um project that this is for the um is Rebecca on or no Lana no I sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry not she she's not on I but I can answer any questions yeah yeah I just I can answer too Andre if you need it yes sorry sorry great yeah I just want to make sure that this is uh I looked at the back up but this is indeed for the inter Coastal portion of this project correct and are we utilizing are we utilizing those structures that we had seen in that previous presentation the the the what those so for for this grant for the living Shoreline right so when we had reviewed this with Lana we were looking at um I think they were like they looked like jacked right right is this that yes corre okay all right I just wanted to make sure okay all right so I just want to make sure we're all in line here okay yeah just just a clation commissioner turken and Andrew uh this is basically we're going to have uh a GES consultant look at what are the best ways to do some of these things they'll come up with some recommendations and then we will go ahead and uh do the project in one place so it could be those arches or it could be slightly different but it'll be very similar yeah I saw I saw in the back in the back of like majority of these funds are utilized for like the planning and and uh the engineering of this and then I think the rest was looking at Construction is that correct that's correct okay um okay all right yeah just keep me updated on this on this one like to be in the no as this move along I can get like a maybe like a quarterly update or something we'll uh we'll get with Lana and make sure she up updates you commissioner Turan you want you prefer that by email yeah that's fine I just you know where we're at in the process okay and and I think the other thing too to look at maybe after we go through this planning phase is looking at maybe doing like some multi-jurisdictional contracts with our neighboring cities I think that's an opportunity I don't know if that's realistic or not um Punam but I know that there's other municipalities interested in in achieving this with us we are absolutely talking to Palm Beach County um as well as uh we can we talk to Del re all the time too so yes absolutely we can do that whether we can do it with this project or future projects that I'm not sure of but we will continue having conversations and really trying to collaborate uh so we can get most out of it so you're absolutely right that's the intent perfect thank you P all right so we'll move on to uh 6B 6B is a fleet uh end of life vehicle auction not really a lot there if you guys have any questions we we'll be happy to answer them for you um I know you've probably seen these the last couple agendas we're just trying to really um just weed out a lot of these end of life vehicles from our Fleet just to make room for new uh new vehicle orders and purchases um C is going to be proposed resolution number R2 2441 authorizing the mayor to sign the Florida Department of Environmental Protection fep consent order uh for resolution of enforcement action this is the fine that uh we got from um FD in reference to the uh the sewage spill into the intra Coastal I know most of you uh remember that I want to say it's it was a $182,000 civil um uh fine but I know there's some different and I'll let Punam go into detail or either Andrew wanted the two there's some different remedies that we can put in some different Environmental Protection remedies and I want to say it's $270 something, if we put those things in place I want to say that's going to mitigate or marginalize a lot of the uh the Civil penalties that we're actually facing you're absolutely right Dan um so basically there are two options that the city can take for paying the P penalties you have to pay uh ,000 out of the whole thing which is $183,000 change is what we were uh given the penalty for $1,000 has to be paid Upfront for administrative work that ftep had to do to investigate and issue this consent order and then after that the 173 that's left if we can do a what's considered a pollution control project a P2 project is what it's called then we have we can spend 173 which is uh the amount and if we want to do an income kind project that is not a P2 project then it one and a half times uh of that uh a penalty fine so that's that's what it is uh I can answer more questions our uh outside Council Katherine Rosell plans to be there too to answer questions if there are but I can answer more questions right now Punam excuse me Punam do you have any recommendations for what kind of projects exactly or is that still to be determined no mayor we've been talking about some projects uh some of the P2 projects that we are exploring are maybe changing some of our air conditioning and so so int the intent is to try and get Le less amount of money obviously that we have to spend to do a project and do it quickly so we can get that portion of the consent order completed uh there are other elements in the consent order that we be doing some studies and other portion of it so the P2 projects we were thinking about could be some EV vehicles um some charging stations uh or hybrid vehicles and you have to check with the the as to what would be considered uh a good project they they won't tell us what to pick but they can tell us what can what can be considered a P2 project or not or changing air conditioning units in the utility admin building the East Water Treatment Plant and some ancillary buildings at the West treatment plant so those are some of the P2 projects and then in kind projects we will we are still looking at some of the projects uh one of the things that you can't do is you can't use a project that's already been funded or budgeted so it has to be a project that's not budgeted so that's another reason to try and minimize the cost because otherwise we will have to figure out where we're going to take the money from uh uh budgeted projects so that's that's the intent uh so once we sign the consent order by 31st we have to send it to FTE 31st of October and then we will have uh 15 days they'll they'll send it back to us and after that we'll have 15 days to give them what project we are working um what what project are we going to do so if the commission has any anything that they would want to want us to look at please let me know but those were some of the things that we were thinking of and for just in kind projects it could be anything from any construction project that we don't have budgeted um again those constru construction projects usually end up being couple of million so we're trying to keep it into a P2 project if we can and utilize and hopefully get this out of the way as to what project we're going to do thank you Punam if you could just keep us uh in the loop on what your list of ideas ultimately become I I'm just personally curious uh what kind of things could be done with it but thank you um quick question for for the commission um do you want to leave this item on consent um or would you like to move it to the regular agenda to be discussed um because we could if we're not going to move it to the regular agenda or pull it then we could probably have Katherine not attend and save the the fund from her having to actually be at the meeting do you guys have a preference I recommend we keep this under consent okay any objections that's my recommendation okay I agree and you can pull it for discussion we can uh what the reason I'm asking is because Katherine Rosell is going to attend the meeting if if we're not going to pull it or have it on the U be discussed then we could save the funding for her having go attend because it's going to cost us to have her attend that makes sense okay what's our hour what's our hourly rate Andrew sea I would have to I think it's probably like 350 400 an hour okay thank you y sorry I couldn't unmute myself no she's actually more like 450 plus an hour thank you sha thank you Sean um okay uh we'll move on to 6D if uh there's no other questions in regards to uh that item specifically uh do you guys want to go over the nuisance abatement leans I can have Adam Temple go over them it's pretty much uh um part for the course no uh no significant changes no different than any other time we brought that item forward I think we can just move on which one Sor goad uh 6D commissioner hey okay it's uh it's our community standard um I'm good new Ab bment L okay so 6E um this is the pressure cleaning uh for our main roadways to promote local businesses it's in the amount of 70,000 but we also did a contingency um of 10% which is brings the total amount of $77,200 reached out I know commissioner Cruz you had some questions in regards to this item I want to say mayor you did also um did you guys get the information you were looking for and I know we when we originally met I know the mayor met with staff and we had uh made it a goal of ours to try to get this uh started by October I want to say October November time frame and this is kind of the the the cleanliness reset um that we were looking to kind of jump start our um beautification department and um Clon uh plan um as for me go ahead I'm not sure who that was but just go ahead sorry um okay no I I um I don't I know I did have conversations with staff like before that was brought up and then I had some conversations with with you city manager about like seeing if we could get um some funding for the position to potentially be on the west side of the city um and I and I think that if we were able to do that then we could if we had consensus we could move forward with it just to make sure we have that like for the city um but that's that's the last conversation I had that that's in regards to the beautification uh um Department that we're we're I I want to say we've already posted those positions the CRA we had a um conflict with the funding aspect and we ended up as a city having to fund that entire program the CRA didn't provide any funding towards that beautification department so we were not able to add those positions really correct they were going to fund uh I want to say 10 was it 142 or 121,000 Andrew um I believe it was yeah 120 so the city had to pick up the entire uh the entirety of that cost so we didn't add those two additional positions that were requested so um okay I'm just thinking that we could that's probably a a CRA kind of discussion so I guess I guess TVD yeah if you guys bring it up during the I don't even am I allowed to talk about CRA so like know it's just something to okay I guess it's just something to put in your back pocket for the for the board meeting but that that that's the reasoning behind that well this item here you know we're pretty excited you know we did the we did the meetings we we we've um queried the local businesses and and and by that effort we're awarding you know $70,000 worth of work to local businesses in the city so this is a pretty good effort and you know we're I know that Kevin is pretty excited to get this work started so it's GNA happen pretty quickly thank you so much for that Andrew do we um this the vice mayor do we have a um do we have a a map or where do are We Are there specific areas that we're starting with I don't know if there's a map Kevin can you speak yes there's a there's a map part of this attachment here it shows it's an outline of every street that we'll be doing and they they're listed on the uh bid as well so in that package that's part of the agenda item you'll see a map oh I okay all right the the blue lines are all the roads we're doing which is all the main thorrs uh through the city M okay and uh I believe we were granted $140,000 to do the project we had $42,000 by a local vendor doing all the median Curbing and this will take us to like $112,000 to do the whole city these parts of the city so I think that that we're underneath the initial 140 proposal for everything so that's where we're at right now okay what are we um I see minor roads not included in that are we is that something that we're just doing on our own I know we talked about that I think that was a small maybe because that was a small we were just going to do it independently okay and same with MLK we've already done MLK so uh yes that'll be the same situation with City staff doing that road that one seg okay perfect thank you right I just want to thank you guys Kevin and Andrew and Dan and everybody involved in making this happen I appreciate it it's a long time coming and I'm very excited for it the only thing extra I would add is I mean obviously we can't anticipate every storm could you remind me what you're expected start day was I just want to make sure uh that we avoid uh we're going to wait until after the hurricanes have passed and I get that we can't anticipate every single one of them but I don't want you guys to do all this work only for it to get messed up again and the following week but other than that I'm excited Kevin can we start in November 1 we can we can sure we can and how long will work 57 days okay most likely 45 but they always put a little bit of fat in their schedule so they they wrote down 57 days so I'll hold them to that before Christmas we'll be done I'm sure okay well before that okay so if we start November 1 we should theoretically miss the rest of the hurricane season so yeah great great hey uh Kevin quick question um as far as obviously this is just a jump start us with doing all these major thorough fars once this this is complete and we actually get our beautification department up and running are they they're going to be the ones actually maintaining that cleanliness on an annual basis correct correct correct and as this department grows and stuff maybe there'll be contractual services that we can lock in some local vendors to help out with that that's another layer down the road but right now this is the jump arst and City step will maintain it it's a you know we're giving birth to this new Pro this new uh department so it'll be interesting to put it together and make it work so yes see stff will maintain it and then as this grows and becomes popular hopefully we'll be able to expand and biger better efficiencies to do all this yeah once we once we get these Personnel in place I want to make it clear to the commission it it it's my desire and my intent to make sure we do grow that specific Department I just want to make sure that we kind of get it off the ground um in the beginning um in my in my eyes I could see that eventually becoming a a six to eight man Department to where they're just uh taking care a lot of the lwh hanging fruit when it comes to the cleanliness of the city Uh Kevin if I could also ask about uh do we have a mechanism I'm sure there is in how we check that these contractors are doing the work that they're doing uh is there someone who then like follows up or are they required to submit documentation that this this section was completed what's the plan for that I just want to make sure that we're paying for what we're getting oh yes me too not a problem um we're droning these areas prior to and we have a streets unification supervisor already in place that will be monitoring their progress and with their invoices they'll submit pictures of being done and then we'll fly the Drone once again because we want to make a document shown before after and during to uh more or less speak the story of the beautification the streets department so it'll be well monitored and uh controlled we'll say all right thanks I appreciate it yes sir y all right so moving on if there's no other questions in regards to uh 6E 6f approving and authorizing a mayor to sign a land use agree so I'm not going to go over FG and H guys if you have any specific questions these are all related to Pates Fest it's uh it's coming up on uh like at the end of this month you guys have any specific specific questions in regards to land use agreements at all or FG and H no this is just for parking and and the use of various lands for the event right mayor thank you uh the only thing I have to add uh just please don't forget to coordinate with the CRA in terms of the ride share service to help with the parking situation understood uh I'm going to let Andrew back take uh six I Commissioners uh he's going to discuss I think a lot of this has to do with our utilities uh Cypress Creek the actual Golf Course over there just west of the city limits uh is going to be undergoing a uh PUD development and that's just uh behind Cypress Creek but I think it has a lot to do with our utilities that and we have some lift stations out there so Andrew that's correct Dan um so the develop ER who's going to be redeveloping uh the golf course and doing some homes there as a part of the the Redevelopment they're re rezoning it um our lift stations are there and property that we own so we're a partner not partner but a part of the applicant application that's being submitted to rezone that property so this is just giving that con that consent to the to the county uh reone to what maybe we should have a side conversation about that okay I can give you a call we can go over that okay all right so we'll move on to 6K and I'll let uh the City attorney take 6K or is it Jay I'm sorry yes Jay I'm sorry shaa are you yes I'm here I'm sorry um there was was back in 2021 there was a a person walking down the road and they stuffed off the curb in front of one of our police vehicles and our police vehicle hit them um I would say there wasn't much damage to the person but we've really been going back but at the same time we still got hit by a car um our insurance carrier made us take out obviously use outside Council so we've been using outside Council and here we are on the eve of trial we suspect that a jury is going to award them some amount of Damages um and then we looked at that plus the cost of we our outside attorney estimated to be about 45 to $50,000 to go to trial um so we added those two numbers and to meet them in the middle at 85,000 because we anticipated a jury award of at least 40,000 but again you know there's no guarantee um and so our outside Council along with fmit wants us to settle this case and the city will be paying $54,000 of the settlement with fmit paying the difference so I am recommending this settlement based upon the advice of outside Council and our outside insurance company how much is the total uh amount 85,000 in total 8 okay so we only need to pay like 30 thou 34,000 no we're paying 54 of the 85 okay all right thank you what what what was the extent of of the injures are there any medical costs that we know of yes they were there were medical costs but I would say most of it was what we call soft tissue I mean I I believe that he did have some head trauma and stuff like that but all of that result ol olved and healed you know obviously getting hit by a car sounds horrific but believe it or not um people too tend to bounce back if they don't have you know major brain bleeds or anything like that no broken bones um but there were some medical expenses of about $50,000 okay okay I'm I'm good with the 85 okay thank you 6K is going to be approving the purchase of uh first responder high performance resuscitation Workforce training neuroprotective CPR training this is going to be a soul Source provider it's in the amount not to exceed $54,600 um do you guys want to go into any detail as far as that I know we have both Hugh and uh Adam temple on okay moving on six 6 L Adam you want to explain what the uhou um between score and uh palach County and city of Bo Beach is just as far as small businesses are concerned and economic development yes yes so uh score is comprised of basically volunteers um they're usually retired Executives and they they provide uh assistance to business owners this is an mou that basically formalizes a relationship uh with us and score for them to provide uh some services to some of our small businesses such as business Educational Services uh virtual mentoring services and online uh support and mentoring Services they'll provide some uh technical advisory services on on on an as needed basis um to support business in the city um they'll be able to provide an annual entrepreneur accelerator event uh each year U and provide some liaison Services uh between the city and our businesses I have a question any questions is this something that staff could do like on a theoretical sense because I I see for a lot of things we're using Consultants consultant Consultants like is this something that one of our Economic Development staff members could work on or if if it is a Consulting service how much paying for that for the year again this is free yeah so commissioner good question yes so there's no there's no cost it's all volunteers it's just volunteers that with small business owners there's no cost to the and and and this is a this is an affiliate the score Palm Beach is an affiliate of the US Small Business Association so this is an so that our small businesses will be able to have access to here in City Hall and and virtually thank you thank you for that I appreciate Andrew I'm familiar with score they're a great organization just want to put that out there they are they are can you scroll down Andrew to m um so M proposed resolution 24- 251 approve the adoption of the amended exhibit a to the Ila between the city of Bo Beach and Bo Beach CRA for funding construction Professional Services there's a plethora of items can you click on that Andrew and bring it up and just go into detail about the specific items that the CRA is going to be funding um with the city yeah sure um just going down the list um you know we met with early on and and met with Tim and his his team uh identified several projects that we felt were we wanted to get design done and some construction done uh just going down the list really quickly uh MLK Junior Boulevard this is to include uh I believe it's from CEST to Federal to uh do a street skate project there looking at Landscaping lighting Street lighting for the design and then half a million uh uh to fund construction that that's a placeholder we don't have estimates at the moment but it's at least funding some of the construction uh US1 beautification uh again their CRA is going to provide money to help us design a phased program to replace all the Landscaping on Federal Highway um 100,000 for that uh 400,000 to do the final design of Pence Park and permitting for the construction drawings and then uh we're looking to ask for funding for the following fiscal year to construct uh redo Pence Park uh also to do some design and Survey work some preliminary design and Survey work for the new pier at Harvey oror Park um and then some master plannings and renderings for senior center to do uh the U um look at the potential for redoing the the senior center also looking at maybe potential some senior housing there uh JC Park we're looking at uh doing some design there to help um make the park a little bit more accessible a little bit more parking a little more open so we're just doing some preliminary designs to see how we can improve access to the park uh Centennial Park is doing improvements to help fix the lawn uh to make it a little bit more sustainable and and easier to maintain uh cage district is the CR we we have an agreement for the uh the developer to pave the roads there and the CRA is going to reimburse us cuz we're going to be reversing the the the the developer to re uh to resurface the road and then Ocean Avenue Bridge is to replace the lighting from uh Federal Highway over the bridge Andrew can I ask you a question sure um for the Ocean Avenue Bridge the 225k is that all like is that already all allocated just for lighting or is there leeway for other improvements for the bridge I don't have that fully answered yet because I don't know that we have it fully detailed out um Kevin do you know if I I don't know for sure I know it I believe it does include painting the poles um basically it's a beautification project over the bridge and to re redo the lighting I think it's to replace all the poles though it's to do the mre's Kevin here it's to do the the light Replacements uh painting of the poles and we're trying to get permission to paint all the railings and stuff as well as the Spheres on this thing so it's like a whole Bridge do over painting and lights we'll say that's the plan is it is it lighting outside the is it just the pole lights or is there because I know um the tower has all of these like uh openings at the top which looks like they should there should be lighting there right um I wasn't sure what is it only for the pole lighting or would there be like additional lighting fixtures well the lighting of the bridge is also we have the lighting of the bridge that are existing and we also have lights underneath the bridge you know next to the banana boat there's also lighting that this project with Encompass that as well um I don't know about additional lighting if the towers haven't looked at that yet so that's something that we can look at if we have money in in their savings we could look at potentially doing something there with the CRA uh sounds good I think we should uh and we'll continue that conversation but I just wanted to share with everybody you know that bridge is like another entry to our city and so we shouldn't forget about that in our process for um you know creating these entryway signs I don't know if which Bridge was I on the other day uh some they had like a projector system I don't not I'm not saying we have to do that but there are lots of creative and fun things we can do to really make uh welcome to Pointon Beach really pop on that bridge yeah a lot of up keep talking about that absolutely I that's a great opportunity and I'm glad you mentioned it because that's something that we'll definitely look at thank you Andrew yes sir um that being said this is an entrance entrance to our city um I want to make sure that we uh repaint them uh the tier color rather than going the black is that uh is that what we are doing pain color that is something that we'll bring to the commission before we award the contract to finalize the color um that that there there is discussion so we we definitely want to get your input on that absolutely because to me the Tia has the character that I I would like to project for our city yeah I know that um discuss that yeah when we go to prior to we us awarding the the work we'll make sure that we we have that discussion um we can either do it as part of the award or prior to sounds good right all right any more questions guys and we can move on I I I just have one more uh for the senior center design I'm not sure if we're there yet or maybe it's still premature but uh is it just the design for just Senior Center or are you going to lean towards I think we've had discussions about it before a senior center with housing or some other complex or that to be determined it's still to be determined we haven't really developed a scope for that yet um when we met with the CR you kind of just kind of budgeted some money to make sure we can get a consultant to start the process but that is something that we're gonna have just we're going to look at that as a part of the discovery phase of that project for sure okay great thank you yeah I I'm glad you brought that up M I want to have that conversation um because we did discuss this in the past and I think I think uh the mayor had brought up like housing and revamping the senior center and combining those properties so I want to make sure that we have that all laid out before moving forward with that consultant and summon to design what do you guys think about that I I agree I think uh you know I think that we need that information so they can accurately write the scope for the consultant that makes sense correct y any other questions okay we'll move on to n in is uh two separate uh drainage easements for um Kina Cove this is part of the uh ongoing project there to help with the drainage is two 24inch outfall um pipes that are going to be um part of that neighborhood Improvement project if you guys want any ort of in-depth uh information uh Dr calott is online we can ask her or we can move on okay 60 is approve the purchase awca 102 anti-scalant for the westwater treatment plant in the amount of $67,100 from the American water chemicals as a soul Source supplier it's in uh $67,100 I think this has something to do with uh making sure the membranes that we use out there aren't leaking minerals into the water okay we'll move on 6p accepting a grant award for the general program support grant for $ 36874 with the KN Foundation execute all future documents associated with the Grant Subject to approval by the of the City attorney um this is our Arts and Cultural Center um programs this is a grant that's going to be uh used used to provide programs to the public if you want any uh any questions on this at all okay which I I do have a quick question I just want to know which programs or is it just for any Arts and Cultural programs it's for General yeah it's for General use for our programs that we have over at uh the Arts and Cultural side I think is Kelly on or Craig Clark um no but merna's on for this one she kind of backend did this um Kelly did put out for this and then we had to wait on some paperwork but Al Mna might be able to answer a few more questions about it when I spoke to Kelly there is they not really there just a putt of money that they can use for programming there is no programming set yet at this point so if there's something that we want to look at that's something we could talk about offline yep I appreciate it I'm just I'm just glad it's a good thing right so thank you guys for doing the work yep Kelly did a great job in Mna getting the money for this um 6 Q um this is just a um subordination of a utility easement interest for parcel 800 point that basically it's a subordination um for the easements in regards to the U Florida Department of Transportation widening wbri road so and R is the commission meeting minutes so we'll go on to 7A now 7A is a proposed resolution r24 257 approved piggyback agreement with pantropic power ink for equipment rental and related service to maintain an emergency backup generator for the eastw treatment plant and the amount not to exceed 13671 um how many generat we had a couple of generators go down is that correct Andrew uh um no this is this is the generator that's there is the backup for the main plant at East plant um the project that we're working on with that was Grant funded we we just need to rent for a little bit longer um when that project's finalized this will be something that we'll get rid of we won't need it what this is the one that we've been going through for the last four or five years correct all right 7B piggyback agreement for hert rentals for the rental of portable generators light towers various related rental equipment for special events Division and the amount not to exceed $150,000 so what this essentially is doing is um creating a uh a an amount $150,000 for purchasing orders that Gabby and the events crew so as as oppos to doing it individually we're basically just doing a blanket agreement to where we're going to have $150,000 they're going to be able to put forward U purchasing orders up to and in the amount of $150,000 so we don't have to come back to the commission over and over and over again and you'll see this in you'll see another one like this on 7e and it's going to be approve a piggybac agreement with um bfv doing business as All Stage production for the rental of sound stage lighting services and the amount not to exceed it's the same exact thing um and we're just piggybacking off city of Del um if you guys have any questions uh Gabby are you on yes I'm here okay um do you guys have any questions I know this is something that we're changing from um what we've done previously okay uh another uh utility uh this is approved purchase AWC polyphosphate corrosion inhibitor for the water treatment centers in amount of 107,000 if you guys have any questions Dr calot's on uh last is a piggyback and that's going to be 7f and that's with extreme Network for the purchase of network equipment this is uh an IT item I know um Fred Harris is owner IT director he can ask answer any questions as far as network switch maintenance liccy in an amount of not to exceed $200,000 a year utilizing the State of Florida alternate contract Source public hearing a b and c we don't have any changes to these specific items if you guys want to go over these specific items we will but there are no actually I'm sorry there is a change I I apologize um with regard to I sorry to interrupt Dan um with regard to hold on the second reading can you scroll oh for the flood prevention requirements the um estate reached out to us and told us that there was one other section that needed to be changed so that was added and all it adds is um if you open it I can show them if you don't mind thank you it's thinking so all right there you go what section um so it's going to be section four right here 2A and you'll see the changes wait yeah are just the the we took away or floodway data and then we changed it corrected this to reflect the correct sections because the sections had changed and that was not in the prior reading so that was something that was pointed out to us um just last week okay thank you I stand corrected there was a change okay can you scroll down to uh tan Andrew please so last two items uh is 10A and this is a first reading ordinance city of Bo Beach amending the bo Beach administrative amendments to the eighth edition of the Florida building code um this is just going to be General housekeeping items uh I don't know if you guys really want to go in depth I think you're more interested in 10B um and 10B is going to be um our school's own camera item and it's award and approved p back agreement with America Traffic Solutions DBA ver Mobility utilizing the city of Tampa contract for services related to speed detection cameras and school zones subject to the final approval of the piggyback agreement from the city attorney's office I know there was some uh during comment on the last agenda that we uh we had with this um particular item and there was some concerns that were brought forth with the I want to say it was a city of Plantation or was a city of Davy um how they actually I hold hold on like I it but we were originally going to do a piggyback off of either Plantation or Davy I can't remember which one but supposedly that wasn't procured correctly so we had to go out there and look for a contract that was procured correctly and like commissioner Turan had just referenced um Adam Temple found that Tampa had just did a contract that was procured correctly with ver Mobility and I'll let Adam take it over from here and he'll give you guys some more in-depth information as far and uh Chief Julio are you on also and I'll let you guys go ahead and brief the uh commission from from this point forward since you guys got the granular details far as far as like that Tampa contract and I I I just want to I know this is going to be an item that's going to get a lot of discussion I understand that there's a lot of people interested in the background with this item and I just want to say that the only thing the city's interested in is making sure that we get the infrastructure in place because it's just going to be beneficial to us as a city and also from the public safety side of things and I know we're kind of getting bogged down and which vendor we're going to go with but at the end of the day I think the the the main concern here is making sure we're moving this item forward and that infrastructure gets put in place and we could obviously look at the the the the vendor aspect of that as well so um with that being said Adam Chief to Julio you guys go ahead and take it over all right Dan yeah so I don't have a a whole lot to ask or uh respond to but or ADD but uh last September you guys requested that the staff go back and evaluate different piggyback options uh for the speed detection cameras um so you know staff did go back and they evaluated um a number of vendors uh particularly those that had originally responded to the RFP compared some of the available piggyback options and determined that the V Mobility um uh piggyback contract with the city of Tampa um was the was the better option um for a number of reasons that I'll I'll ask Chief to Julio um to explain um good afternoon Commissioners uh mayor uh like Adam stated we we looked at the um vendors that participate in the RFP and as you guys requested we looked at competitively bided contracts um and we were able to and I did do a presentation for the commission meeting uh basically identifying the contracts we work with procurement to make a determination if it was something we can piggy back off of uh and after looking at the the available contracts in the State of Florida um only five of the vendors that participated five of the six actually had contracts that were in the State of Florida of those five only three had contracts that were able to piggy back off of uh one was ver Mobility had the Tampa contract red speed had the plantation contract and um Blue Line had a contract with with with Chula um ultimately uh we we we are recommended the Tampa contract that ver had ver has with Tampa excuse me um part partly because we've had an existing relation ship with ver for 13 years um and um we we already have the back office system in place and from a staff perspective it would be it would be seamless to to move forward plus we also have that relationship and I think that's extremely important also is that um because of that existing relationship we were able to negotiate um a uh a fee of only $6 to the vendor uh compared to the um vendor fees for red speed which believe was 21 and what Chula was actually 24 based on the actual uh rfps um we also looked at some of your concerns U and part of the presentation identified uh some of the concerns that related to metadata and concerns related to severability of the contract and how long the contract is and to be quite honest with you most of these contracts in the scope of their work are very similar um at the end of the day it just comes down to what's the best for the city what's the best for a community and we believe uh based on our existing relationship and what the fee is that's going to the vendor that Vier would be the best option yeah thanks Chief Julia I I want to just I know um a lot of you guys have your own thoughts about which direction you want to head with this it's I we just wanted to take the opportunity to just give you guys the information a lot of the stuff can be discussed at the actual commission meeting um and I'm I'm just saying that because I I know this can get back and forth and kind of get drawn out um is there any questions pertaining to the actual numbers that you guys have been provided and not related to the vendors yeah I just want to clarify Dan go ahead Angela okay um I do have some concerns with us after that thorough discussion coming back with only one vendor and it happens to be the same vendor that we originally wanted to do some some contract with I think it's important for us to get options and my understanding is that the last commission meeting that's what we requested as a board um and that is what I believe should be happening and if we're going to renegotiate or open the door for another contractor to lower their prices we need to do the same for everybody else because if not we're not being transparent no I completely agree with you commissioner Cruz and if another vendor wants to match the all we're trying to do is look what the best option is for the city and if another vendor wants to match whatever offer that is on the table from whatever vendor It Is by no means are we picking or choosing sides all we're trying to do is look for the best option that's going to bring the most amount of Revenue back to the public safety entities within the city that's all we're doing I just want but but in reality sorry just just last thing like in reality we are picking a side because we are giving the commission only one option with one vendor who we've had I'm guessing staff has had follow-up meetings with that vendor obviously in order to get a an updated rate so in order to be fair to everybody then we need to give other vendors that same opportunity to be able to work with staff and have communication with staff and figure out you know what what the golden number might be or you know what they're providing that's different because you know again we should have options and you know whatever the commission decides to do but having one option is basically having no option at all so do you want us to go out and look at maybe a couple other different piggyback agreements and speak with those vendors and see whether or not they'd be willing to work with us to bring their pricing down is that what you're yeah I mean that's kind of what I thought we were doing since the last meeting that's what I understood but I could be wrong C can I can I add something yeah sure to and then yeah go ahead Chief all right we did we did it an evaluation on all five vendors there's actually three contracts you can look at um I'm just giving you my recommendation as the the subject matter expert in it but however we do have the red speeds Plantation contract um I did the analysis on that for the presentation as well as Wula Eustace doesn't have one that we can piggy back not Eustace sorry ultimate only has Eustace the city of Eustace we can't use that but I'm also asking them for additional uh contracts which they provided to me and I gave to procurement so you'll have multiple options I'm just giving you my recommendation U I'm giving you and also you'll have you'll know what contracts are going to be out there that we can piggyback uh so you'll have those options available in in the presentation thank you Chief I I do appreciate that um and again like if we're if we're negotiating on the side with one vendor that has a piggyback agreement out there somewhere we must do the same thing to everybody because we don't want to have any lawsuits or say hey they treat me differently especially after we've had a couple of meetings and I saw a bunch of emails before that the last meeting so I just want to make sure that our process is perfect and that there's nothing that anybody can say to try to point fingers down the road that's all Mr Cruz you got anything else am I good oh no no we're I'm done thank you okay thanks um so just for clarification and I had brought this up to you uh Dan and Adam yesterday um so for the just so I understand so so I so we're looking at Vera like commissioner Cruz mentioned that's the vendor that we're currently negotiating with because we have a relationship with him you know in that comparative analysis that Adam sent you know those numbers were typic were were were typically High um except for Vera I think it was $6 per citation right and that was I is that what we're going to negotiate or is that a different contract because if we can allow for continued negotiations to get the best deal possible that's what I would like to do but if Vera can offer that $6 per citation I think after the two tickets daily I mean I don't see a better deal otherwise and I would imagine other vendors would open up for negotiations to try to match that deal the the the problem we're going to run into is obviously we're all looking out for the city's best interest and we're trying to bring the max amount of Revenue back to the city so whatever we negotiate with our contract here other cities are going to look at that are looking to do the same thing so if we're and obviously we're just looking out for the city of Bo Beach but all this stuff is going to be public records so I think at the end of the day a lot of these vendors know that and they don't want to lose out to other cities as as far as like from a monetary standpoint and I I I think that's really what's what's at hand here I mean chief you can you can chime in at any point I I I I guess I guess my question so so here's where I'm at with this is there's there's there's multiple vendors we've gone through the RFB process I believe we've hit all the legal check boxes and procurement if if I'm wrong please correct me shaa or Adam have we have we done everything legally to mitigate or prevent any potential lawsuit I I can chime in if you'd like um it's Stacy I went through after the chief looked at after meeting excuse me I don't I don't think she knows she's not muted apologize um the chief provided me and procurement basically a number of contracts from everything that they found that was available um within the State of Florida myself and procurement looked at those and determined which of them were actually competitively procured and therefore piggyback which only left us with three options at this point um so those were the three I did an analysis and chief de Julio did one as well with respect to you know comparing the terms in each of those agreements um um side by side at which point it really becomes a business decision as to how you want to proceed but from a legal perspective and from a challenge perspective um our procurement policy allows us to piggyback from anyone else's competitively procured solicitation so it really depends which business terms benefit the city the most okay and then so when okay so so when once we're allowed to piggyback when we enter that piggyback agreement we then have the ability to negotiate with that piggyback contract correct so your ability to negotiate is very limited when we talk about a piggyback you are essentially taking the terms and conditions essentially as they are written from whatever um contract we are piggybacking off of however for something such as price if we are able to find a price and they are willing to agree to give us a better price um that's not a material deviation from the specs of the solicitation but if for example you said oh well they went out to bid for um widgets and now I want to buy you know a whole different product that's a material deviation but within terms within the contract there's some limited ability to negotiate so I think if you were saying we're willing to take all of your terms and conditions in your contract and the only thing that we're trying to change is the price um that still leaves you in the land of a piggyback um when you start deviating on every term and you're really just negotiating a new contract then you're outside of the scope of that okay perfect so okay no that answer is my question so we have we have the ability to negotiate once we enter that negotiate the price I should say once we once we enter that piggyback yeah the city has done that with some of other contracts as well okay so there's precedence for this the reason I'm asking is I just you know for me the most important thing is hey we're gonna we need to pick a vendor that's most fiscally you know conservative for the city right like where are we where are we going to get the most baying for a buck and I I think from what it sounds like from Chief De Julio's recommendation is that because we have that relationship with Vera and maybe other municipalities don't you know we're were're able to negotiate that price so I don't have any more questions you know we can pick up this conversation on Tuesday Chief there's hello no I don't want to inter you wanted to say go ahead you go ahead go ahead okay no I my last thing was just you know I mean the price is an important if not one of the most important factors even though obviously it's not being done for that purpose but you know as as it's been you know mentioned earlier in this conversation like cost is is a significant factor of any RFP and or let's say if we're competitively procuring piggybacking like what I don't want is for someone to come down the road or maybe five different vendors all of them to come back and I'm not going to say the words but you can probably follow where I'm going so I don't feel comfortable with changing the terms of any piggyback unless we provide that opportunity for probably I think legally all the applicants in the RFP I mean I guess legal you can timee in but that I'm concerned with changing prices after a piggyback has been said because the price is part of the piggyback and that's why we're considering it to be competitively procured I don't know I just it just makes me nervous to to go in that direction it makes me nervous that we're we're not wanting to take the best deal for the city I mean we just heard from legal we just heard from the police chief that we have the ability about one specific we seem to be very knowledgeable with one specific company but not with the other four or five we seem to be fighting for one specific company and not the other okay no that's actually what seems the opposite actually okay um this is vice mayor I actually have I have some question please um Chief the other two you know my position has always been you know to to um you know minimize the variety of softwares that and and and things that our employees need to learn and and all that and one of the things you know we have the vi is in our city and they run our red light cameras um do the other two that were viable piggybacks do either one of those have a red light program um in place the the only one that I know that has um red light cameras in place is Ultimate but we didn't we didn't have a contract that we were able to um piggyback off of and I I do know that they provided additional contracts for us and we have procurement looking at them um but I just want to reiterate is that I did an analysis on all five of the vendors not just one vendor and I have pretty much uh pretty good work and knowledge of all the programs like I said all the programs are are quite similar the difference is is some company use lar some comp use radar um but the most of the most of them are providing the same scope of work um it just comes down to you know what makes sense for our city and I am a big fan of convergence and I think it's important that um we don't have multiple systems and multiple logs on I've been trying that since I became the police chief of trying to reduce uh the redundancies in in logins and systems and try to get things that are working together and um you know part of that is you know and all of the vendors do have that is they all integrate with our license plate readers which is really great and they all integrate for the most part with our realtime crime Center and all of them do um and those are all benefits but but every one of them basically does um the one that that the only come like because of our relationship with v we do have the back office software in place and right is it is it is it a huge thing no I mean at the end of the day it's training a new system and getting a different set of log on and the the the staff will they'll they'll figure it out and we'll be fine you operating in two different systems but when you have an opportunity to you know like like I said you have the continued business relationship of 13 years and you have the backend software when everything else is essentially the same you know with the same scope of work and and the same basically the same Technologies um with with the variances of late lar and radar um everything else is is is fairly the same in the contracts and when you look at the presentation you'll see that I do the analysis and there's probably I would say I put in at least 15 data points uh on each of the of the vendors even the ones that are are not able to be competitive did just to be fair and to review the contract and you'll see that they offer the same product you know end of the day what's the best for the city what's the best for our community and what's the best for you know our our employees and and that's why that's why I had made the recom recommendation um but I I firmly believe that uh I do want to push this program forward we're in the the second we have we we're in school for what 10 weeks now and uh you know my concern is is this is gonna be up and running it's school's going to be over so um that's it basically we we we we basically have very similar products and I'm sure they all do a great job um just comes down to you know what's the best for our city well and chief that's kind of my you know my you know one of I know that there's been this conversation of ver sweeten sweeten their deal but I think even without them making any such moves because of the because of the infrastructure that's already established in our city and because the contracts were all the piggybacks were all virtually the same um and the other two companies don't offer a red light camera so we can't see a long-term use of that company because why have multiple softwares why have multiple companies providing infrastructure that then we have to coordinate and and make sure it it connects and it works with our system and I mean I my understanding was that we're not looking at we're not looking at at three you know one is completely like off they're all virtually similar piggybacks um and that even without the Sweeten deal which I you know Vieira would have been a better option because of what they've provided the city in the past and so you so I mean my our job is to get this up and running and to get this done and to make it make the most sense for the residents and for our city and so you know I'm I'm going to look at the packet I'm going to look at the backup and but I mean at the end of the day this is a company that has been established in our city the software is established in our city and in our program and we're we're basically plugging and playing um cameras in as you know as quickly as they can get them them set up and so um you know I I I understand the concerns of of others but I I feel like we're not doing anything illegal um and we're not doing anything wrong um and I think at the end of the day the job is to get these cameras up as quick as possible so um mayor this is hello yes go ahead go ahead okay I just wanted to say uh uh my my position on this is to go with the recommendation of chief chief the Julio uh he's the expert he's done the research he's looked at all five he's given us his recommendation uh he's been good with this in the past uh even our legal has taken a look at it um and we need to get this up and running so for my position uh enough has been said um I understand the concern of the others but I I trust the evaluation and and the decision of the chief on this particular item and uh I'm I'm ready to move ahead with it uh I I don't need to repeat everything that's been said about the companies and you know utilizing the city of Tampa's contract uh I'm all for it so that's my position I agree all right we'll uh we'll move forward then and if there's any further discussion we can look at it on a commission night um okay last item this is item brought forth by commissioner hay it's item 10c discussion regarding super majority voting versus simple majority voting um during the commission meeting this was brought up towards the end we didn't get consensus from the commission um we still added it during the workshop just because I know the mayor had uh mention that we could discuss this item during a workshop there's a draft um this commissioner Hayes uh um discussion item I'll and I guess we can begin with you commissioner hey uh no uh I just I kept repeating uh discuss discussion on it uh I have no names attached I have nothing no uh trying to go out to anybody I just want to have the discussion on a uh lowlevel basis to look at the pros and cons um and so I just wanted to have that discussion on on uh on Tuesday anyone else want to chime in yeah I'll say um you know I think uh you know this is part of our government I don't see why we should have a discussion changing this um I'm not I'm not interested in changing you know this we didn't change the signature Authority we've been doing the same thing for years and years and years um obviously you know this is very surface level so I'm not exactly sure what commissioner Haye is is uh pointing towards but um you know if it is indeed changing a super majority vote to a simple majority vote from four to three I'm not in favor of of even entertaining that and uh I think I think even engaging in this conversation will uh Le lead to instability in the city and um you know really scare off yeah I think the business Community as well um you know the city is is doing great and uh you know I think we need to keep status quo and move forward uh commissioner Kelly or vice mayor yeah I mean that I kind of similar to commissioner turkin you know I my thoughts have always been that if if there was an issue or a matter that required a super majority there's reason for that and that you know I we've seen in in other municipalities where they don't have that super majority that there's a lot of um dysfunction and instability and um just with getting um emails and feedback that I've gotten I see and some uh you know some conversations that I've had there's some um insecurity on why we would um even consider changing something that has been a law for um for as long as it has and so I'm really not um I really don't want I don't have any interest in in changing this or and having this conversation any further commissioner Cruz so I would say I mean if we want to have a conversation there's nothing wrong with wanting to have a conversation I I think we need more like details as to what is being questioned or required um and you know depending on what that conversation is go from there mayor uh thank you Dan um well as I mentioned in the previous meeting I was hoping to have that discussion here uh so we can get some clarity in what this is about and I don't know commissioner hey if that's something you're comfortable with with having that now so we can make an assessment whether or not it needs to move forward uh but I just wanted to throw that back at you and see if you want to discuss that now or if not then I'll give some additional comments no I do not wish to discuss it now um there again there's no names attached here I will have the discussion on Tuesday night just for Clarity so I I hear you're saying no names forget the names are we talking about super majority to simple majority for the positions or titles of city manager and City attorney if that's a part of the discussion yes okay so this is but I told I told you from the beginning uh turkin that this is a discussion that I wanted to have now if you don't want to have that discussion fine we're just we're just looking on consensus guys I think it's it's back to the mayor I know we got commissioner Cruz and commissioner Haye seems like they're fine going forward the discussion commissioner Kelly and commissioner or vice mayor Kelly and commissioner turkin seem like they're against it so I guess uh it's pretty much on you mayor uh thank you again um I'm sorry go ahead commissioner were you about to say something uh yes I I I I think in this case uh I think commissioner Cruz uh said it well let me just put it this way I think would be better at this stage of of the the uh uh the situation to have the discussion because I'm getting phone calls and I'm getting uh people asking me questions and I repeat what I said at the last meeting it's just a discussion okay if we would vote now to not have that discussion I think it would down the road bring more harm than good I I disagree I have uh received a lot of phone calls a lot of emails and there is a sense of panic within the city and even more so with our city staff and I think it's our it's our duty as elected officials to calm this now yeah so I I do want to say I've received um information about some Facebook posts and some emails that have gone out uh apparently there's someone there appears to be somebody inside the city telling people that whatever commissioner wanted to do based on the emails and the pictures that I received it's like that he wanted to fire the city manager and and like make the city a sanctuary City that's what I've seen and I've gotten text messages about that um I've you know so that's what I've seen you know out there and that's what's been on Facebook so obviously I don't know if that was commissioner's ha intention to make the city a sanctuary City I don't know if that's what he said at the meeting well commissioner Cruz I I don't think he said anything he didn't say any of that during the meeting right and so I'm I'm a little bit torn because I feel like commissioner Haye should have the opportunity to kind of just clarify his intentions and I was kind of hoping that we'd do that here um but at the same time there's so much of the rumor that's going on that I if I were in his shoes I I can understand why he would want to clear up his name I understand that right if it had happened to you and there's lots of rumors about you I'm sure you want the opportunity to to clear that up uh at the same time I understand what commissioner turkin said also I mean there there is a lot of anxiety and nerves right now from City staff from what I'm being told and that's not that's not my goal either uh that's not my intention um you know I can support a conversation to give commissioner Hayne opportunity to clarify his intentions and and what you know what was said or not said but uh you know I'm a little hesitant on changes because I you know the goal here is not to uh to have our staff scared that is certainly not my goal commissioner hey I I don't know um you know if you just want to clarify here or you know get the clarification now or if you really want to wait until the meeting again I can support that it's just um I don't necessarily want to add more drama if it can be cleared up right now but I understand uh the need to to clarify your name of course absolutely okay so I guess we're we'll we're just uh we'll go ahead with the discussion and we'll leave the uh the item on the agenda then um does anyone have anything nope I just want to make sure um I just want to Echo the uh thing I brought up at the last meeting about the workshop for the mall if uh if that does go under contract making sure that we partner with the uh potential and have a have like a community charettes if we can if they're willing to um Adam do you is that for public consumption who that uh interested purchaser is or is that something that's uh it like I guess when we get a timeline and they're okay with that can we set set a couple of shetes up I'm sure especially the west side of the city is going to be very very interested in what's going what's going to take over that 100 acre parcel yeah yeah yeah so I don't believe it's been marketed for it's it's back out on the market uh currently even though we we anticipate that happening here pretty soon um but but but sure once uh once it does go under contract or or um we will work with the uh the current owner who wants to go through the entitlement process along with the contract purchaser um to uh to get some Community input and uh some some input from the commission as well yeah I tend to remember though Andrew the only or not Andrew Adam the only concern with that is that I know the last um purchaser in the last contract they were under they was very they wanted it to be very private until they knew um that they were going to be able to move forward um and so I'm even though I mean I love the idea um Commissioner turkin of having um shetes or workshops to see and make sure the community is is on board um with what's going you know what would go into the mall um but I know that the the last time they were not because it wasn't a you know public private partnership they weren't really inclined to to making it public and for and and to have those conversations I know I believe we each had private conversations with them but um so I mean I you know Adam that's something we can definitely um obviously discuss with them but and I would love to see if they would have some sort of community involvement but um I I just want to be realistic and and thinking that that may not happen the way we want it to especially if we're not financially and fiscally involved in the process yeah so once uh so once they you know they do go on their contract you know like I said we'll work with we'll work with both parties and uh I'm sure who you know I'm sure who whoever whoever does go under contract with them is going to want to uh you know get the appetite and and the desire and vision of the of the city and including the city commission and members of the public so you know once once we get to that point you know we will you know we will work with them closely and uh and try to aieve you know what I think you guys are requesting sounds good anything else going once going twice all right guys thanks everyone for attending mayor do you have something no I said I'm good thank you okay all right guys have a uh have a good evening thanks everyone uh for attending staff uh Y at the community see you Tuesday