##VIDEO ID:BXF8ToTN4aw## and we have four members here which establishes a quum I would like to call the meeting to order please on the agenda approval are there any additions deletions corrections to the agenda okay I have some I would like to move up under new business 6A let's move her up under Communications and announcements let a little bit early okay and under Communications and announcements I'd like to add an opportunity for introductions for our two new members to introduce themselves to us and under old business I would like to add an update on the cultural center sign an update on the Andrews house and up and the Bernard Thomas mural are you good so far Katherine okay and under 6B I would like to add a discussion on the August 6th commission meeting and that's all I have is there a motion regarding the amended agenda motion to approve the amended agenda is there a second yes the lights on there you go second okay very good thank you all in favor any opposed motion carries okay next up is the approval of the minutes any additions delions corrections to the minutes no seeing none is there a motion regarding the minutes motion to approve Maye May 1 May 1 very good minutes Catherine I compliment you is there our a second on the motion to approve the minutes second thank you all in favor very good any oppos motion carries okay under Communications and announcements let's have an introduction of our two new members would you like to tell us about yourselves yeah uh I'm Valentina Bia I work at the city of West Beach at the planner and I am currently helping preservation staff since they staff so that's kind of how came about like his preservation okay is still there no that's good to know I'm excited to be here okay very good welcome anybody got any questions for them okay all right moving right along that's that's you Kelly you're up I'm sorry staff does have some updates under Communications we'd like to add oh my so there are two items that I'd like to update the board on um the first of which is actually one that you brought up the cultural arts sign um as you know you guys did hear an item before you or if you don't know I'm sorry um there was an item here to add a wall sign onto the culture art building which is right across the street that way um and the feedback from the board was that you would suggest a different method um that the the sign wasn't consistent with the style of the building and I wanted to update you all that they did take that advice they are not going to do a wall sign and they are replacing it with a freestanding Monument sign um that change does remove it from the board from requiring Board review so that we'll be moving forward um as advised by this board the next item I wanted to update you on which was part of the last agenda where there were six previous nominations from this board uh to recommend designation those items were brought to the commission um as a recommendation from this board um the board requested the commission I'm sorry requested that we do not move forward with those designations but in turn reach out to the private entities um and give them more information about designation uh and if they wanted to choose to do a privately initiated designation then they they would be able to do so um so staff did move forward and we did reach out to the owners and provided a letter and information on designation um to date we have not heard back from the six Property Owners yet that's all I have okay I would like to uh clarify a little bit though on the directions that were given to staff as far as what to bring the City commission the motion had been to add the little Le Park and the wart Cemetery to the local register those are the only two items that were to be brought to the city commission for permission to work move forward with the churches were indeed you were directed to reach out to the churches to see engage their interest in being put on our local register and the Andrew's house the report for the Andrew house is already written so the only thing that's stopping that is the owner of the property at the moment so I just wanted to correct for the record that you were only directed to bring two things to the commission we're happy to review the minutes however any of the recommendations from this board it is within the the city commission's purview to review um so since we had uh several items that were in discussion of the board we thought it appropriate to get some feedback um and and we did and while the city is interested in designation I think the overall tone of the commission was that they would want these designations to be privately initiated instead of Border City initiated so staff's moving forward with that recommendation right now well considering the city is the private owner of the little leag park and the cemetery and the commission are the ones who make that decision to designate or not and they told us they don't wish to move forward at this time I see and the dollar amount that you brought forward to the commission is $177,300 yes ma'am was to cover what that was solely for the report so we did get a quote from um The Entity that we typically use Warren Adams um he gave us a quote for each one of the items to do the designation reports and the research uh and and that is what we presented to them so that was the accumulation that was all of them and we did we do have a breakdown of each of the items that he provided us I would like to see that in minut we're happy to send that to you all right are there any questions anyone will we see the sign that they chose for the cultural center uh so the sign since since it's uh revision to a freestanding sign it no longer meets a requirements to require certificate appropriateness we can bring back an informational item to show you what they come up with um but it no longer requires approval from the board okay I did not understand us to need to approve it further but Craig did offer the opportunity to share we're happy to bring back an informational item to see where they are with that I would appreciate that sure thank you okay now are you have anything else are you finished I'm done thank you thank okay Kelly you're good evening Kelly Armstead arts and culture division director here I'm not sure you have yeah yeah okay okay you click it for me thank you yes okay thank you I he uh this evening to present to you the B Memorial Cemetery entryway feature and um to request a certificate of a proess and for the two new board members I'll just briefly read the information so you'll have the background in regards to this particular design work the city received a grant for an Innovative art project to design an entryway feature for the historic Bart Memorial Park Cemetery two candidates were selected from a call to artist and invited to make a presentation at at the art Advisory board meeting on August 8th 2024 The Selective design winner is BL Armstrong and she will receive a 5,000 honorarium and B actually is a vo Beach resident and she's in rhod Island right now as a art design student next slide thank you BL design consisted of this particular auction with three different caveats option a gate doors swing in while positioned directly on top of the block and pillars option b gate are fixed to two posts behind the blocks and swing into open and option C is a sliding gate um she included symbolism and local iconography including pineapples um poin and Paradise slide just talks about the mechanisms and using that particular option option A whichever one you like to use whether um it's the sliding gate or swinging in ETC so again this is just an an explanation of her thinking in regards the mechanism however when it comes to manufacturing this particular piece the city will um will Outsource it to a vendor and they will actually manufactur so again life just designed just for us next slide for me please and her latest design included an arch um with the height weight and exact dimensions to be determined we want it of course high enough so that whatever may be able to enter because we were told that alongside those two pillars the city was going to put up a gate so the entire park would be surrounded so again this would be just the entry way and created and Arch design again including those elements of design and um included in this Arch again the height and weight will deter will be determined at a later date but this is a design and that is all that I have for you good thank youbody yeah I have one question um is there any proposed vegetation to go around the um GES propose what vegetation hello um the fencing on the side of was L are you going to replace that with the normal fencing that around the other cemeteries CU right now just the chaining and the other ones have the aluminum and black just like that one and there trees growing through do you mean at the Barton Memorial at well what there there's another ceter forgive me I'm not quite sure where it is and they've already installed the black metal fencing around it and that's the same black metal that they want to use at the barain which is why we were instructed to um to give the design artist the idea of using the metal black so that it will be in con the full around uh metal black fence that the city will be installing did you mention any lighting there was no lighting this is just strictly the design for the entry way excuse me Kelly the city thought of anything for possible hurricanes or wind image um you know securing the KE yes when again she's just doing the design but then the city will work with the manufacturer to make sure that it is wind proof hurricane proof um storm proof Etc just as the other gate I believe that they just erected not so long ago so yes sir is it the entire is going to be enclosed in the fence that is the idea yes there's only going to be one opening it it just depends on which one is selected either with the gates opening or just the arch and yes right now it would be just that one opening once the um the gates are around the entire Cemetery that the city will put up it will be one way in one way out just for clarification um if everyone would look to to the overhead map of the site the one that says sight with a big red circle on it KY do you happen to know if they intend to in the entire park not that I know of just the cemetery correct that's all that I know of which but I can double check but from what I was told it was just the cemetery because the park itself is open it goes all the way down the street and they were trying to really um preserve that particular area that was um right there at the ceter how high is it because what I'm thinking is when I go to the I either come in the front or I'm walking on the sidewalk and I go in on the sidewalk so if you had like a with just swinging G someone could come in where the walkway is where just going all way around like that just that's what I wonder if someone could actually have a entrance through the fence not big like that just a regular entrance just at the sidewalk so you're that's a question that we can definitely um take back to the vendor that's going to do the gate maybe at the gate level there can be a way that they can open up the gate in order to enter that way as well you know I mean whereas this is just the arch way to sort of give a presence of entering location correct Ian that's what I would suggest you know another Drive the vehicle walk in order to do some repairs or you know take vegetation down because you know it's right there by the interstate yes so I just never know I just there those Square pedestals that they show in the photo are they there they're there okay yes but they don't lead into the cemetery the cemetery is over here they they do they're right there at the sidewalk to the cemetery right right as you see there in the picture we another question if we'd be able to um paint those two blocks black to sort of match the Middle Gate I are those pedestals I I don't think so somebody said that there were raised like a freeze around it of some sort when we spoke with the architect he didn't think so but we of course wanted our D and do our research and we just wanted to make as you know as part of beautification as possible so we thought the black to match the gate itself would be most ideal and of course I know it has the writing on there I think it says it says I could clarify Memorial Park no it says Bart Memorial Park so we of course will paint that black white talk whatever the considered historic um and any changes to those would require uh the sports approval they are historic the sidewalk goes alongside the cemetery and then heads South so I just wonder the it's pictured over that sidewalk but the sidewalk is not part of the cemetery it's like adjacent to right it's it's like almost from from this picture is right it's adjacent to that that leads into the cemetery but that side I believe it goes all the way around where the uh tree ends yes that's where the that's where the that's where correct so that's why I thinking have a just a walk in where you can walk in the walkway like you said right along right along all way to the front right and see if it's just an arch you can you know I like the arch idea personally but the fence itself that's a different story that would be City and another vendor correct so it would be probably to the right side of the walkway I would imagine that would make much sense than having it you know across the sidewalk because you know I don't know it just is in the wrong place unless of course they're going to eventually turn the whole thing into a cemetery in which case that would be appropriate because that entire parcel is under discussion I believe so unless they make just a portion oh there's a good picture there's a very good picture of thatw so the fencing is going to go on the pedest or now I can also I can also clarify that on either side of those pedestals there are existing um Graves so that flat piece of is actually a grave and there's one on the other side flanking the other pedestal seriously I'm not sure we included that in our ground penetrating radar study that we did and so the arch would just go on top of those two okay now when it comes to the fence it's a different story it's not even us that's that would be another discussion yeah for the arch if they're going on the pedestals um if that fence was sorry ever to be removed would that cause any damage to the pedestals um again that would be the manufactur but we would definitely make sure that it's not we just want it to be aesthetically pleasing as folks come to the memorial so nothing to deter pedest I I like the arch idea I wonder if the wording Barton Memorial Cemetery Memorial could fit across the top Victor would there be a bone contention with the neighborhood the people who are you know have family buried there to have it called Barton Cemetery because I think the community called it something else uh it's it's it had a name but it wasn't an official name black know what name it was an Indian name when it was would it would it be acceptable and appropriate to I designate it with the words Barton yes Memorial yes because Mrs is the main one that was cleaning it up for years okay and the two blocks they actually save Barton Memorial Park oh cool so the the two green blocks there that's what the front of it says and B has a lot of children it was kind of Ro back then a lot of were drowning and they got buried as know just for everyone's um information we did have um Florida Atlantic came up with ground penetrating radar and they went over the whole thing and we were surprised to find out um they they came to the conclusion that people that the families were burying their family members on in the same gra on top of each yes that's very common amongst African Aman Families my family in turn same thing I'd also point out that the two pedestals um they were approved historically as just to be concrete we can't find any approvals for them to be painted the way they are right now the can go behind the pedestals not in the pedestals so in in term once you work with a manufacturer that may be possible but considering that there are existing Graves nearby and the fence would require some sort of foundation it may be complicated or maybe in the front Corners right there may be a creative way to do that um if the goal is to not disturb the the pedestals themselves I think that's a good idea so the pedestals are preserved they can't be painted or touched up or they can be it would just require board approval to do so and okay so they can be painted if the board approves that there a certificate of appropri is that is that a separate approval that we need to ask for or it it would be okay the light or or what does everyone think about your preference for the gates seem like too much mechanical F to figure out and I can see neighborhood kids swinging on them so the arch the AR I think the arch is more inviting whe behind them or off to the side and goes over the what do you think about asking to have Barton Memorial across the top of it to further identify it or it's not necessary because the pedestals say bar cetan what do you think that would be across the top yeah with name across the top agree name would you want the exact name B Memorial parkal Park is the whole thing I'm just saying that's was on the on the pedestals did you want to replicate that or you just wanted to say Bart Memorial what do you think may just I don't know what do you think all two same Memorial and park ceter it looks it looks like the existing pedestals do you read and Memorial par if that if that helps the conversation I wonder how many words can fit across the top of the arch if it pleases the board I can take it back to the designer and ask her to include the name b Memorial Park as well as B Memorial so you can see the difference between the two in De side would you would like is also going so the pedestals need to be the the base of the arch the the legs need to be inside or on the outside I think the preference is to have it on the outside to not damage so not to touch the two pedest at all so right on the outside I think that's the safer when you name definely it's very pretty sound isn't it pretty I like it as long as it's tall enough to allow you know like six' six people under absolutely that's why I we left the height weight and exact Dimension to be determined once we get it the manufactur so we can decide you can let us know how high you would like for it to be 9 you I don't know so it seems we have consensus that we like the arch with wording of identifying the cemetery and our preference would be to put it uh somewhere on the outside edge of the pedestals consensus Sor repeat do it again okay um I was just saying that that it appears we have consensus for preference for the arch and having it not destroy or damage the pedestals and include the identify identifying boing across the top of the pedest is that just to clarify I'm sorry what I apologize just to clarify would the preference be for the arch to go on the outside furthest edges so you could see the entire Arch or is the preference to hide the Poes behind the pedestal well as you pointed out there is the grave side we can give them both both options and see I don't know exactly where the graveyard is or how um how wide a foundation would have to be so aesthetically I'd like to know what the preference is and we can we can have the designer give us two options and it'll end up on on the manufacturing side which is the most possible I mean if if he shot for that front corner there on the on the ex you know the exterior corners of the thing be the front of the p maybe far enough away from that grave site I don't know I look into it yeah I think it would depend where the gra because I'm I'm not sure are you positive that's a grave site right there I'm not positive that was I believe we found research that says that that shows it is okay we will double check and and confirm and and get Kelly the information okay um I think I'm going to ask for a motion is there a motion regarding the CE I had a question okay is there anything on the other pedestal it's like one staff can clarify good evening my name is John St I'm planner 2 um just to let you know um on the other side there is an um a artistic freeze of a plantation um that is considered one of the only reasons why these pedestals are considered historical is because it's um a good um representation of um forgive me for forgetting the name of the type of art but folk art um so it's AR um artistic freeze of folk art and a freeze is actually a three-dimensional um image what's on the the P still to our right instead of the words yes okay you just have design it's a relief relief so it's not a painting would be flat this is like a relief so it's a three-dimensional painting no it's that's why it's it's raised the design is raised you can't see it in the photo yeah yeah it's very hard to see on the photos but um is listed with ordinance that appr this to be a historical site the two column side were actually shown as an exhibit of historic okay any more questions no okay uh so anybody willing to make a motion regarding uh what we've just discussed to another consensus a motion to approve the COA on the gate for the memorial I'm sorry forgive me the arway Victor thank you you second do you get that okay if you could please clarify the changes you would like to be H gate such as the lettering okay mtion approve the COA including the lettering and cut the arch to be determined excuse me Bart Memorial Park or Bart Memorial is that the only clarification or do we need clarification and to revise the gate to not uh not to touch the existing pedestals but to be moved the outside corners or behind in the least impactful way uh for the existing groups okay get down second okay are we good are we good I we approve what Amanda just said as she added the rest of it to the parameters are you good Kelly does this make sense yes so the archway to either the outer corners to the ground either in front or behind or beside or beside okay okay good that's very pretty I like it thank you I you thank you for your time I said I believe Mr is still alive really okay we have some Cemetery or ceremony when it comes so that we can invite the family any good ide you in charge okay let's see what's up next okay the August 6 commission meeting Amanda kind of touch down um I was at that meeting had an opportunity to watch the video am presented to the city commission the list of six things that we've really been hoping to get on the local register two of which really could move forward if um the city commission would approve so I'm not giving up on getting those two two locations approved on our local register would difficult for the city to to get the reports written for those things the L far report I could write myself so you know if we're looking at spending $5,000 on reports for those two things I think that's very extravagant and unnecessary the churches um a Reach Out effort needs to be made to these churches to make understand that we purposely wrote the ordinance in our program the parameters of our program are not as stringent or tight as the national register Str strict strict replace every stick and put it lovingly back rules are because we wanted to encourage people to want to participate so our program focuses on the exterior of buildings so unless the churches were thinking of doing a big addition or changing out the stained glass or something that would affect the exterior of their buildings um I would like very much for them to understand that we do not dabble in the interior of their buildings and I think that we need some kind of an Outreach to make people have a better understanding whether we do a better job of getting the information on our City website explaining the parameters of the program that it's not as painful as they fear that we purposely made it a welcoming kind of thing that we would like very much for people with historic things to come forward but I think that that's going to have to be an out Outreach kind of mission and if we have to direct staff to help with that mission then I am all for it because um I've been trying to do it all alone for many many years and I don't seem to be getting anywhere so I would like to know what everybody's opinion is on helping with the Outreach effort anybody good good because I will put you to work I a question what what was the hold up was the they just didn't V that'll be the first question well maybe you'd like to ask Amanda because Amanda was the one that presented it to them and they were all um they seemed almost antagonistic towards historic preservation because we are a nuisance we're in the way we we stop development with our 90day demolition delay that was not adequately explained to the commission why we have the power to delay that and the reason we have a 90-day demolition delay clause in our ordinance is so that our historic preservation planner could document an historic building before it's demolished and that was not made clear to the City commissioners and they were quite Disturbed to find out that we would be able to I guess potentially maliciously delay demolition somewhere so there needs to be a lot of a lot better understanding of what our program entails and it needs to be explained to people that that's why an ordinance like that is there you know if we have an an historic preservation planner that could go out and document the interior of historic buildings before they're demolished that's what we would need a person to do and I don't know we just need to better explain our program and it needs to be better explained and understood that you know we're not here to stop the bright shiny a million apartments that some people are determined to give us so anyways I'm I got two I'll I'll I don't know Amanda if you'd like to say anything to address the things that I've said but I was quite perturbed with the reaction that the Commissioners had yeah I I can say um I I would encourage you all to listen to the item um I think that um the chair woman is right and and some of the attitudes of historic preservations were kind of on display at that meeting um I I will say I do believe that um the issues that we were dealing with at that meeting were more along the lines at from the idea that the board can recommend designation and not necessarily opposed to the designation of the direction staff was given wasn't uh in my opinion antihistorical about now doing more Outreach doing a little bit more education and not uh and not saying that we are designating and going out and doing these reports about the cooperation of the owner and I think a lot of what we heard was really uh highlighting that specifically so what I can do is a starting point also is we did write a letter um outlining the process uh to be designated and some of the benefits of designation I will share that with the board as a whole I will send a link to the meeting invite you can see the presentation this is actually the presentation that was given it was pretty bare boned we were really looking for information from the commission it showed that the the locations of all of the six of the um the locations that have been discussed as a board here we talked about the designation process and we asked if they were in alignment with moving forward primarily because these are unbudgeted items um and to have funded some of these studies uh we would have had to have done budget transfers in order to fund it um so ultimately we know that the city commission does have the power to approve or disapprove the designation and we thought this would be a nice way to bring it to their attention up front um get them to support the designations from now support the budget transfers that we would have to move forward with and ultimately support or not support uh the actual designation and like I said the the direction we got is due Outreach let's get these privately initiated we don't want to be the city that's designating people's properties we want them to come in and apply for it so I think that this tone of doing more Outreach and connecting more with these individual sites that we see as valuable uh I think the commission would support that um greatly well I appreciate you saying that if you anyone were to read page eight of our minutes you would find that that's exactly what the directions were the directions were not to bring the churches in front of the commission which is very premature we want them to voluntarily say yes we would like very much to be on the local register because it's an honor um I want to be clear that this was a discussion item about the nominations we weren't bringing anything to them other than a discussion so this wasn't an item for designation this wasn't an item to approve money this was this is what the historic board is discussing we have the Andrew's house that the city did go out and do the report for we had another two items at the city this Bo was interested in and then we also talked about the churches so this item was labeled and this is the commission item discussion discuss the nominations made by the historic preservation were to consider the designation of six locations so we wanted to catch an overall tone as you guys know and we do not have historic preservation Planner on staff so we are um we are very busy and we want to make sure that the city commission is in line with our thinking so we can proactively meet the goals of the commission and this board so this was a way to kind of streamline the two entities that we are reporting to I would like to remind you that we've been eight years without an historic preservation planner and an expense of $177,300 even as exaggerated as it is was is not that much to ask to be spent on an important program like historic preservation in our eight years I I would be willing to bet that if you were to tally up how much we have asked the city to spend of dollar money to take out of your budget is peanuts compared to what a salary for an historic preservation planner would cost you chair I don't I don't disagree and I hope you understand it's not me disagreeing the budgets and the way we spend money is approved by the city commission so and this is part of the reason why we took this item is because we need to know how the city wants to spend these dollars we do not have a huge budget most of our budget is salaries so we budget and line item every single project that the this department is going to do for the year ahead of time so if there are changes to that they are very impactful to the to the department and and the only we really need is clear direction from the commission on how they want to suspend it and how they're they want to use the funds that we are allocated I would also add to that thought that as you as the department head approach budgeting each year you look forward to anticipating putting some money in there for things that historic preservation might need such as studies or historic signs or anything else that we would like to move forward on and we've been spinning our wheels on for eight years we we can attempt to request the more funds foror preservation in this coming budget appreciate that Amanda all right so that's the comments that I have from the August 6th commission meeting the other added when old business is the cultural center sign you addressed already the Andrews house I'm still very concerned about the Historical Society newsletter has come out and I wrote a piece for the Historical Society newsletter so y'all might be anticipating some emails we'll see if we've got any historic preservation supporters among the Historical Society and as far as the Bernard Thomas mural if you read the minutes from our last meeting in May uh we were promised an update on that Jay said that she was going to speak to staff the city manager and the cultural director and will'll provide an update on the progress of getting the Bernard Thomas mural back in the women's um it's my understanding that is mirror is actually part of art not a part of a historic preservation reviews so um it is really that is need to go through the arts and culture director and their divisions to decide whether how they are going to arrange within this mirror okay I'm not giving up that m is going back into the Woman's Club it was in the Woman's Club when the Woman's Club was National register it was painted by that artist for that location and it needs to go back into the Woman's Club and none of the parties involved the daughter of the artist the church where it's currently located where it was divested to no one's objecting to having it put back into the Woman's Club it's simply the steps of a pickup truck two guys screwdriver and the to the Woman's Club and we'll have it back in where it belongs to S this is I'm not giving up the Bernard Thomas me it's it's on the internet somewhere I don't have it with if we have some clever people on the computer over there they might find we are find for thank you maybe I've forgotten but what was the impetus for the city removing that from the Women's Club they don't know I know because it's a mural it's a stylized mural of the time line of the State of Florida and if you'll notice in the upper right hand corner everyone see what's up in the upper right hand corner that is this flag that the state flag of Florida from 1868 to 1900 38 years that was the state flag and that's the offending character right there and we actually have a solution we have a photograph of the artist that the daughter of the artist is willing to provide that could temporarily cover the offending flag so there really is it needs back on the wall it's a very valuable City Historic asset that was discarded was it Women's Club up on the second floor NOP it was first floor as you went into the kitchen part oh yeah no there's there's no murals up on stage okay so I just wanted to let you know I'm not giving up it's getting back in there whether it kills me it'll be on microwave gravestone she tried to get it back into the woman's boot okay so those are the things that I added to the under business where is it at now it's across the street in the church at the Methodist churching against the dining room table won't be there for long if it kills me anyways um under other I don't know that's kind of an odd category comments by board members does anybody have any comments I would like to share with everyone that the historical society's first program is October 28th and we do all of our programs via Zoom if anyone would like to be in sent aom invite please just let me know I'll be happy to forward it to you the first program is going to be uh basically an interview of Jacob rovitz who is our new city not really new anymore I guess the city archivist the November 25th program is Rick Kilby and he's discussing Florida's Healing Waters and on January 11th of 2025 is our is it fourth annual or fifth annual highway men show you all know what the high women artists are the historical society does a free program January the 11th the high women artists will be here with their art for display and for sale so that's all I have anybody else I had a question going back to it was my understanding that all of a sudden everything was taken off and they were distributed to different people but I thought it was all City Art if it's in that building and if murals Orly you know abused if someone else wanted to have it display with the city's approval sounds like they just gave the miral away yes yes did that doesn't sound quite right it's a very long story Victor call me no I don't want to hear that long story but yeah that's not the only one that's not the only thing that's taken off the walls and distributed wherever if you know where it's at you know if you don't don't no I know it's it's a little bit terrifying because we have some valuable pieces of Art that um the city has invested in and hopefully those aren't the ones that have been were those donated or did the city pay them to pay that well some of each some of each the will the ones up in your neighborhood this has been those are artists have been paid to do that okay anybody have anything further to say are you sir you joined us very good okay yes what was the status of um The Bell the Bell from the C yeah any update on that where is it now that's the question of the day um it's in a safe place I'm not sure do you have any idea where the cimbo Bell is I do not okay see strict question um when I found it was sitting outside in front of the Public Works garage that I almost stripped over it I would think something like that this city would want to preserve it maybe somewhere in the children's museum but it's unknown where it is currently well it's it's I don't believe it's sitting outside public works anymore but supposedly it's in the safe place they I thought that they were working on a pedestal for it to put it in the LOB City Hall that's what I that was the last yeah and that's how far we've gotten on that project so can want to help us with that one I I can can you repeat the name what was the name of the belt it was the belu i m oo99 that's where the Timber from the the original I know that the city has been in the process of creating an inventory of um public art and assets that we have um Gail mots was in charge of doing that and that is fairly complete I'm going to take a look CU they were identifying them uh in various storage locations once we lost our last uh planning our last art manager so I'm going to take a look at that list and see if this is on there and I can I can get you an answer yes um if you can do anything to help with the pedestal and the Blass plaque explaining what it is and why it's in why it should be in the lobby instead of outside of Public Works that would be yeah that would be a very nice um just because I I don't know about how big is the Bell about around yeah no it's not gigantic by any enough to trip over I will see what I can do thank you I'd appreciate that okay any more for the business yes yes um I did want to announce that the uh Meek's house is having his grand opening on the 19th Saturday from 9 to 11 uh we' work real hard on this um so we'll have information I guess on the Arts cultural the historical artifacts and we'll have giveaways for the kids books clothes Toys stuff like that and music and more my mom has a 911 because she's not but I'll probably be out there till two but it's official she put it on the flyer 9 to 11 um if do you want to give address 413 Northeast 12 Avenue I'd like a fire for everyone's information uh his family home that is on my local register we did have it put on the local register and it's a um a fine example of a shotgun house is that what they uh they call it a shotgun house CU you open the door and front and back and the wind blows are great there's no walls and the open side that's one thing I know is about you open all those windows it's cool they bu that way on purpose yeah okay did you have anything else are you good no you're good okay all right if there are no objections we stand a Jour seeing no objections we stand a jour