to go yes okay I see we have a quum I'd like to call the meeting to order please let me turn the contration turn your mic on you guys um like to call the meeting order please are there any additions deletions corrections to the agenda well I'd like to add a couple of things to the agenda um under 4 B let's add discussion about talking about more places that we want to add to the local register and under item C forc I would like to add a discussion about the Bernard Thomas mural that was removed from the Women's Club if there are no objections are there any objections to those additions no very good thank you Ronda see no objections is there a motion regarding the amended agenda she you can be the second very good Sor thank you okay next up is the approval of the minutes any additions deletions questions to the minutes none appr minutes very good there a second any objections motion passes okay moving right along to Communications and announcements we have a presentation tonight I guess you're the star yes yes we do we have um Callie Armstead um she's the art culture center manager she's here to present by project Kelly hello Kelly welcome thank you welcome to the city too I understand yes thank you very much I'm here on behalf of prig Clark the Arts and Cultural Center Director who out this evening oh no so I'm presenting on his behalf the unity project is a city collaboration with the heart of Boon community and wedding Arts to create a series of events and activities between uary and April Unity is the theme honoring our past and celebrating our future um with different again events and activities and public art displays it will culminate with a Unity Festival on April 27th here at centenal Park the unity par the unity project Partners include part of Boon neighborhood association part of Boon Community the mill Foundation the Florida Division of arts and culture Department of State South Arts City ofon Beach Arts public city Bo Beach Public arts and the project total budget is 164,000 some of the unity events include a Night of Joy which was completed on January 27th it was at St John's Missionary Baptist Church due to inclement weather was supposed to be outside to the church um it was from 3 to 8:00 p.m. it was a very well attended event with um different singers and praise dancers um so they had a wonderful time the next event is going to be on February 18th soul food Sunday again at St John's Missionary Baptist Church on February 20th here at City commission Chambers they're going to three ordinances ordinance 37 47 and 136 on February 24th there will be a March in ordinance burning the March will begin here at City Hall and they will march to Sarah Sims where there will be an ordinance burning a community meal and a block party with DJs on March ask you okay sorry no problem on March 16th there is going to be a meet and greet with mural artist that will be displaying their artwork at two different locations here in the city as well as an exhibition at the Arts and Cultural Center between March and April there will be a series various Community workshops ideally for youth at the cultural center as well as in the schools we'll have the visual artists go to the schools and we'll have like a a lunch and learn for the kids at the cultural center we'll have box mches for them and they'll meet and with the visual artists and they'll have different art exhibitions in April on April 27th will be the unity Festival again that will be a CommunityWide event with various food vendors performance artists Children's Village and um just a wonderful event for the entire community in may we will have a Haitian Heritage exhibit at the Arts and Cultural Center along with other activities in regards to the call to artists it was created to um for two muralist to be part of the unity project a call of artist went out in August of 2022 it was closed on December 8th and there were five finalists out of 50 submissions again the theme was Unity the five finalists chosen wor ior Nara I'm not going to mispronounce her last name let just say Nisa D Tiffany Craig mcginness and Eduardo M and the two finalists that were chosen at the art Advisory board meeting last Thursday on February 8th was Craig mcginness and Eduardo Metta art Advisory Board will they interview those two candidates during that time and the twoe list will each receive a $5,000 honorarium plus a sement for their supplies March 14th they will return to the art Advisory board meeting with their final product after they've had Community dialogue during the community meetings at Sarah SS which happens every other Tuesday the two site locations the corner business wall and Federal Highway and M and Sarah Park the Southside racket racket ball wall so each artist has been chosen and provided which site location they will create their M so in addition to the muralist they will also they've been offered the opportunity to curate an exhibition across the street at the Arts and Cultural Center um they will meet with the city staff to discuss the mural creation timeline the location the agreement and the logistics they will install their artwork the week actually this week and next week and it will be on display February 20th through April 30th they will also attend the unity project meeting scheduled as I mentioned earlier every other Tuesday s because this is a collaboration community and the visual artist so we want to have a dialogue so that the community can express their input as to what as to what they would like those Ms to actually represent again on the theme of unity so they will attend the meetings on February 13th and 27 for the community input and we have the other dat as well if they're able it will attend the art exhibition reception on March 16th at the Von Beach Arts and Cultural C from 3 to 5 where again their artwork will be on the wall but they also will reveal the mural pieces that will be at the two side locations they will attend the unity Festival on April 27th at Centennial parking cultural center and at a later date we will reveal the commission for Bo piece and then lastly we have of the historic marker we at this point in time we don't have nailed down the exact locations of where we're going to put the markers we're still getting Community input we do have a couple of locations but as of right now the um Greater St Mark and church is one location that has been suggested and we have two other possible one to two other possible Carolyn seler or Barton Cemetery it won't be all three it'll be just two so a total of three markers is what we're looking to do but again we're going to get your community that concludes my Craig's presentation for this evening there any questions that I can's got one well I was curious about the ordinances yes could you please expand on that yes ordinance 37 of 1924 uh instituted segregation so that's going to be resented ordinance 47 of 1924 widen the segregation areas that's going to be resented and in ordinance 136 of 1933 established the Sundown law and that is going to be resented as well they Haven they have been on the all these years crazy so it's like 100 years that it's been on the boat so 1924 to 2024 which is why the unity project was sort of bur so a sense of unity bringing the community together for us through a series of activities you have a question no I just want to congratulate you on your on your efforts it's exciting because we had a very similar situation in Lake where I don't know if any of you know but we the African-American Community was called the quarters was referred to as the quarters and the area the Wingfield Street had a wall that went all the way down that separated the African-American Community from the uh Caucasian community and in the 50s and 60s it was seen as a division in the community has separated the community and then when I was elected in the 9s along with was the first africanamerican City Commissioner we Alo we just celebrated 30 years of the MLK celebration there and we created the wall we called it the wall of unity we set up being a division and we were going to tear it down we decided to do a mural on there of africanamerican leaders in the community and quotes and speeches along the wall and it really has brought the community together so I app the city and the partnership that's being formed um they I'm very surprised they're still on the books but you know it just gets overlooked they're not enforced obviously and not utilized um but one of the things that we did and I think you should look at it too is your platting the city platting what we found after we removed these we didn't have those ordinances in place but we did find was in the city uh original platting was the area designated on the City original plat as the Negro and we felt that was offensive to have to look back at that now I know history is history but sometimes we make mistakes in history and you hope that good people will correct those as time goes on so we remove that and filed um with you know it's really you know more semantics then but it's really sends a very strong message to your community and in fact I really believe that work in the early 90s with that unity and this is I was speaking with some of the African-American leaders here is we don't have a Martin Luther King uh Monument or any type of most large cities in the county have one and we raised 260,000 and and did ball the granite ball with just speeches on it we need to do the same thing here we need to create and also help with pride and the perfect place is that new uh downtown heart of Boon area start to create their you know that section of Town's own identity and Community again that's very important so congratulations on I apologize for R well I'm certain you'd be welcome to attend the community input meetings about the artist I want it really should be the commun ideas well actually I'm going to jump in here because um you're probably in front of the historic resources board because of your idea of doing historic markers of the list that you have on um your paper only the Barton ceter would be eligible for a historic marker we would be thrilled to add any other locations that would be eligible to be put on our historic local register like the churches the churches are probably eligible but neither The Sims nor the Hester are old enough they need to be 50 years I you're welcome to put a marker talking about the location but you you really should not designate them historic unless they're on our the city's local register but we'd love to add some if anybody would like to apply to have their churches put on our local register you know welcome we'd love you to be on the local register the other thing that you should probably be aware of and I know of this because I dealt with the PO marker you know the one that's in the on the corner the southwest corner there MLK and CEST it takes months to get these things over and they're not cheap, yeah we should even though I don't think they're requesting to be designated I believe they're just want historic markers it doesn't necessarily mean that they're asking for a designation because they want to able to Identify the property so you know even though it's they're not I don't think are you here actually asking that is correct we Craig pulled this up just as a sample of a historic marker we do know that Greater St Paul Amy church is and again we were getting Community input as the other locations that they felt should have some kind of historic significance but not necessarily A designation so that is correct but again Community input mhm so that is correct well um I'm going to disagree with you Tom because I think if they want to call them historic markers they need to be on our local register I don't know what does everybody else think I you can call you can have Mar but it's yeah I mean the Barton certainly is eligible because it's already on our local register okay we'd be thrilled to have the other churches come on in Greater St Paul that's over I think they're both enough okay so I'll let Craig know because again these some of these locations except B that came that was input from the community from community meeting so that's why so no research had been done in regards to history etc etc so I know you just put on the list as possible but um we do know that Greater St Mark and we'll look at the cemetery and see if there's any other location of historic significance can welcome you to it's not painful it really isn't is it J painful for you maybe okay um anybody else questions comments no thank you very much thank you very much lovely to meet you as well thank you Lu we might you might see me at one of these Community meetings may I just um throw this out there um so I'm involved in the Jo Beach preservation and you might want to call Michelle hland the planner there and ask her where they purchased theirs because I don't think they're $7,000 repeat that for sorry the historic planner in Del Beach her name is Michelle Poland h o y l n d and um I'm also on the Del Beach preservation Trust and we've agreed to replace one that got knocked down in a traffic accident and it wasn't $7,000 2500 so you might want to give her a call and see where she's buying thank you I appreciate that information I'm sure that's cor yeah it kind of depends on what they want to put on it like the quinci mar we had front and back that's why that one was so expensive because we put photographs on the back of it so if you're just doing words on the front it definitely less should be less expensive right now was just words on the front of course weaing and all that yes we have five districts and each and they each have markers okay two markers for each two markers for each district at the beginning and end so okay I'm just that's all thank you thank you thank Craig for I hope you don't catch what he has thank you all right moving right along let's see so the community the black community decides to come back and and apply to be put on the local register there that's something to consider their places there are definitely more than just two more places in that community that could be added to the local register um I don't know if anybody else have any thoughts on what could be added I wouldn't mind adding the um Little League field truthfully because little league has been playing at that field since 1957 so that's PR near 70 years that it's been a little leak field we've designated light Poes and cemeteries and other things anybody have any thoughts on that particular location or another location I think that if it's 1957 we deserve some kind of Noti so can you hear me so I would I would be in favor of desting as a histor at least looking into it yes absolutely come back once it becomes designated they can't change so that could be a problem they they Redevelopment or they're in the process of doing that now that's all getting redone the whole thing there was an article about it well actually it's not the whole thing only part of it well they're doing bases fields and put concession bathroom but it's still going to be a oh right I'm not saying I wasn't saying you couldn't change the field and keep it a field and upgrade it I was just saying that they couldn't tear it down and put a bunch of condos there or something yeah or a cemetery and you know in in addition to that we've talked about this before um our own Cemetery next to the ball field is got you know very very old graves in it they go back to the early bamian immigrants here to help build the city I would like to see those protected um and we talked about the bridge as well over the inter Coastal so I think these are um not homes but they're important landmarks in our city that I think we could be proud of and and we want to make sure that uh their historic value is Rec I don't know about the bridge I know it's a Historic Landmark but they since they changed it and put the fancy design you know the outline out cuts of the fish we can we can look into it we can ask about that too yeah Okay so we've got three things there we got the little leak Fields we've got the wbr cemetery which that was all one parcel that's why we're the really the bar if I may I really wasn't prepared to um suggest properties tonight to be designated but in light of you adding the item and we think of it we really should consider we really should consider doing the survey again that we've talked about before engaging the um part-time volunteer even though we're not getting anywhere with that we can you know maybe we could find some support with a consultant like West Blackman or F mner that can come in and do something Audrey Norman um that can come in and work on the survey because as I drive through Forest Park there are some very interesting historic homes in the 20s and 30s that should be considered but without having a program and money money being key and a program that you could offer them with some type of Leverage to incze them to it then you know [Music] it's City yes we do have well I know that um again I'm not trying to compare Del but I want to give you my information um there's a $75,000 africanamerican Heritage grant that is being designated to whoever got their application in in April and they do it every year so you know to that would allow to buy the markers it would and you you know you just have to have your gr writer go in and look for it it's from the state interior from the FL I actually do you know who Sandra Watson is sorry can't me you on the spot Sandra Watson she was she was here at the Arts board meeting on Thursday I forwarded to her the link to the U the grant that's up now it ends the your window is closing the window it's the end of this month the window's closed but now's the time to write it oh no next one I think there's a $5,000 Grant out there right now from the state historic preservation office I've we do in the Roosevelt School in West Palm Beach um grants for black churches yeah it's sacred sacred something or another but I sent the link to um to it to Sandra so we'll see how often she reads her emails and I don't like beating the drone over and over again but this is why we need a historic planner fulltime to find these grants apply for them because we don't ever get them for historic preservation in this city because we don't apply for them and it's too much for the staff in the city I think to take that on and we need a historic planner and this has been our number one priority for I don't know how many years now and I want to keep putting it on the record every time we have a meeting it has to happen because we are unique in poage County the State of Florida and not having one especially in a city of this size I would agree I agree and the reason I even brought up about the grants was because of what you're saying about the survey so they're doing a survey of the cemetery anding Beach through the city initiative but it's a grant you know you can't afford to do all of that you can't afford to have the experts come in um surveys are they give a lot that's the ones that are the not the EAS yeah and there are there are Consulting groups that do surveys I know them to pay them and they have to you they have people that will do it we're way past due this last one was 1996 so what are we coming up on now 30 years Well there's almost another another designated period period of significance well like Leisure we' talked about that before there some communties we should just look at there's maybe a few alone the inter postal maybe some of them shouldn't be considered but we should look at maybe the architectural features and their contributions to if they have any histor just can well before Warren left we we did have discussions about leisureville and Sterling Village and Colonial club and all those condos down in Federal Highway and it would to get them designated would not necessarily be in recognition of their architecture or their beauty but more along the lines of their contribution to the fabric of the city and the creation of wooden Beach you know how did they help form what Boon Beach uh was becoming IND the king so but the tricky part is that you we need to get 51% of the people who live there to agree that's why they don't have a PR offer some Inc to help them do those it's on am I I'm not aimed correctly oh turn yours on you forgot to turn I so yeah I mean there are different condos and you know HOA type situations that certainly are old enough to be considered to add to the local register and have some local districts but the tricky part is getting 51% of the people to it say you have to have 51% well we wrote it into the orance it's it's different it's similar it's similar along the lines of you know our little fledging District over here the the I think you own a home over there um why it failed the first time around when we were trying to get them to agree to become a historic district we F like one owner I'm just saying I didn't realize that you were letting that owners make decision well it's in the ordinance I don't know what to tell that's I me I was kind of leaning on what Worden was telling us all I assume he deal with correctly I'm sure he actually actually Chapel Hill was going to be 50 years old so there are other communities that are coming of age that have some interesting architectural features of well and as far as urging the City commissioners to get us a fulltime start preservation planner now would be the time to start thinking about what steps we could take as a board because they won't be looking at the budget until early summer and then it like snowballs quickly so whatever urging we want to do whatever path we want to take go now because it starts much earlier than that we need to start thinking about what kind of steps we can take to encourage them whether it's showing up at City commission meetings and speaking in public audience as a board member um is the is the is the budget making process open to the public in any way so then that would be the place to do it right you can't wait that long good information when uh when Barber gave a presentation in November discussion in the commission about Hing historic planner and that was the number one priority that you made in that presentation so we need to follow on that now people on the commission said they were interested in that into next it's never too early to start but sometimes it's too late so give us some thought to you know maybe for the next meeting put that on the agenda discussion how how we want to proceed with concrete steps this year because we've been pushing this off the two years even if we just for you know for conversation sakes maybe we could do a collaboration with the Historic Society in a fundraiser like historic home tour we raised 25 to 50,000 on our first home tour we did in like work I know Del has a very successful one too that raises a substantial amount of money for their nonprofit and then you know maybe we go with hat in hand then offer some you know some money to help facilitate that no I know but you have to sometimes they're not prioritized in their historic well that's Heritage agre the biggest problem it really is education they're just not really it's not something they're they're not around haven't been around I think when you don't have a plan it's less obvious to them day to they're not work with plan in the office down the hallway and I think that creates more more the situation that we're dealing with where it keeps getting pushed down the road because if there was a planner it's like oh yeah look at with all the things they're doing they think it's they don't think it's relevant the urgency is not there when you don't have anybody working on it full time in the city that's right and then they have great ideas and then they move forward but have we sold the city really it has to be sold to them in a way that they have buying and that they see because right now they really it's everything is driven by advon taxes so when they see a new project come to town it takes an empty lot it builds it tax revenue they understand all of that we have to go in and explain to them the value of preserving historic neighborhoods how the improvements can be leveraged and really when they're working so hard to do affordable housing and Workforce housing and really it's right in front of them in the existing neighborhoods if they put the right programs in place you could really turn some of these neighborhoods block by block into some really neat Little Gems and do what they want to do and that's stabilize the housing market and improve the neighborhoods at the same time you know but if you don't have that culture built into this everybody from the staff all the way down then it just not it's not going to happen we saw with the train station all the way to you know other historic properties that are really demolished before I came on the board as you know one of the first motions we was to include at least a review from this board of properties before they're demolish if they fall into you know more than 50 years old there s a cursory review and then I believe it was amended later and staff makes that review but still there's a process for at least a review um but still if if if it's not instilled in that that's the direction the city needs to go for especially special pieces like Women's Club of course churches and key pieces in town but if you don't put protections there you know there's always we don't have done before to go by that's that's really what you try to do with key pieces but be strategic in uh you know about what pieces you do pick to make sure they are key resemblances of what the history you want to be able to portray well of the studies all the studies that done shows that historic preservation is economic driver it does dri I mean just look at Del Beach you know they they work over a billion in you know in Revenue in um valuation when you know we were we were lucky to reach $500,000 you know 500 million scary sometimes dur the 80s and early 90s and how many neighborhoods are in L Beach smaller community 1100 and it doesn't you can have you have and here's another thing look at they don't they have one and look at the Heights and look at the you know it's just got to be so overwhelmingly tall very Focus tall it'll go back you know everything goast I you can't do it everywhere that like we Lake Avenue atlan Avenue has you want little piece of your remebrance of your history piece that's gone you know it's got the arcade down to it I mean that was a type of architecture that was really modeled remodeled so many times but the outside looks just like it but it had a you know it is a historic you can model the inside all you want it's the outside that we're looking at pretty much and nobody wants to put the money into fixing it up so okay everyone has an assignment think of more places and think of things we can do to approach the city commission to convince them that we're a worthy effort all right so let's anybody ask something else about that topic let's move on to yes well I apologize the Magnuson house I was by there the other day the wood frame around the um Windows is rotting and I think I mentioned a couple times you know a very popular thing is demolition by neglect and believe it or not it's you know documented that municipalities are the biggest uh you know fault of that so you know I just I keep seeing it you know sitting there and sitting there like Anderson and then eventually you know my good friend John gsman you know who I love but he and like one of the only things that we bumped heads on was you know the signing off on wanting to demolish and having to go through the board so um well that gentleman that has the contract to put a restaurant in there still has the contract so until City or the CRA decides to do something whether C move forward with the project and force them to do something or to put it back out for RFP or whatever remains to be seen But eyeball since that is aor house that we're it's in our perview do we know the terms of that contract how long does that person have to develop it or it revers back City or contract is vo or what do we know well I it's my understanding that you've gotten a couple of extensions Amanda would you know more about that than I do yes good morning good evening good evening Amanda ran planning and development director um that contract is still viable they have gotten a couple of extensions one just re we're not moving around for okay that's interesting mood lighting we're here still guys we're still here but the one has been just recently I would say probably around November I think they were given um another few months so I'll I'll look at the the latest status of that is there anyone that is responsible for the upkeep in the meantime it is currently still owned by the S so they're the ones that need to fix the framing if there's rting I I made a not I will bring it up to the the executive director of the SI okay anything else all right let's move on to item 4 C uh the Bernard Thomas mural was removed shortly after the CRA took possession of the Women's Club um I became aware of it and I reached out to Andrew Mack at that point upon its removal and pretty much reminded him that that's um an historic artifact precious historic artifact and to please do not lose track of it well in the meantime um it got lost track of and we had a new public art administrator with no historical knowledge of its importance and he put it in the dest pile and a series of comedy of errors as it passed along everybody's hands except mine and it was divested to the church across the street the Methodist Church um by Bernard Thomas's daughter and um I've had conversations with her and I would like very much and I wanted to talk to all of you guys and see what you think about um having it put back into the Women's Club the bone of contention with that mural is well in the first place the mural is he painted it it's on a sheet of plywood 4 by8 and it's supposed to portray the history of the State of Florida and in the upper right hand corner is a Confederate flag which fleu is the state flag of Florida Florida from 1868 to 1900 so it is indeed a piece of Florida's history but it is offensive to um to some people so we're I'm working on getting a temporary black put over that corner the daughter has a an idea that and I put it into her hands what kind of plaque What would like to see put on the flag to cover the offensive flag so and I believe I can convince the Historical Society to pay for that flag since we don't have any money to do anything so I would like to see that mural replaced into the Women's Club and so would Bernard Thomas's daughter and I was interested in hearing what people on this board have to say if you have any thoughts about whether you think it should be could be replaced into the Women's Club and is that an effort you could get behind I'm I'm glad you explained all that because I heard a little bit here and there about it I was wondering why it was taken out and why it's gone and why nobody seems to have been consulted least of all us and it was originally intended to be in the Women's Club by the artist and it was kept there and put there and the daughter wants it back I say let's work on doing it what do we have to do to try to get it UND divested or whatever has to happen that's a very good word I would dearly love to Univest it um I've been kind of working on it behind the scenes to see what we need to do the daughter is not does not object she would like for it to be put back to where her father painted it and intended for it to be and is okay with putting the temporary plaque over the uh Confederate flag but now we need to get permission from the city because I believe the custody of the Women's Club is in the city's stands um I think the CRA handed it over is that correct amand yes ma'am so make a motion that we approach the city or have staff approach the city and ask them if or the see whoever the city and ask them if we can reclaim for the Women's Club that mural with the plaque put on it so the reason for its possible removal is now no longer there correct yeah I'm basically oh thank you thank you thank you discuss sure so um microphone oh sorry sorry so I think this is the one that was the place that it was originally placed was it was designed for that spot right is that the one you're referring to the I've heard this through the Historic Society um I mean it only makes sense that that's where it should be but are there other issues maybe the city could have into consideration other than the competive FL or why it should be removed or did another entity remove it during the transfer something we're not aware of do we know if it was the city that wanted it remove and that it was specifically the Confederate flag and then my second point is if uh I I totally respect and um support the covering of the flag I understand it would be um I think it would need to be done a little more tastier than a over for example you know maybe an artist can put the American flag in that same spot in some way over it or with some type of a uh you know um rack that would go on it that can come off without damaging the original piece or just just the thought that U maybe think of just just I would just tell them that you would you know uh it would be covered and then have some consideration of what you want to put maybe it's the city of historic look of an old logo or just we think it through of what could go there that would look like it's always been there and not just a black that was a on there well that's one of the options that's already been explored and it's been explained to me that putting the temporary PL over it does not alter the art whereas trying to amend the portrayal of the Confederate flag would be altering the art and that's considered a a no no so the plest temp the black over the corner would be temporary and it would could potentially be a an etching of the artist face and his um you know his information name date of birth and when he passed away and the name because I'm certain that the mural has a title you know it had to have been something [Music] so we've kind of already explored thaten it painting because I thought at first I thought well that's a simple fix let's just turn it into an American flag and in so Presto you know we've cured it but no we're no that's a big no no to alter oh look you pulled up a picture of it sweet that's actually a good location to put a PL too we're going to put one about the artist in there I mean it would fit you know we could size it to fit right there that's pretty you have American there obvious so you know the idea of just a temporary plao with that flag or put the you know the recognition of who saved it and put it on the historic club and the historic board the city and memor that way we don't need any credit for itog to the artist is fine too oh absolutely I think it makes it more and that's where he he painted it Bernard Thomas painted it to to be there that's what he pted it for so anyways um so it sounds like we have a motion and a second on the floor um if I could case just have some clarification on um what what you would like us staff um to say because I'm more than happy to write an email to managements and and express your wishes um but if the city is the when Who removed it and if it is within the ownership of the church are you um what what exactly do you like me to ask management well from my understanding it's kind of sort of been put into the ownership of the daughter and she has no place to put a a sheet of plywood in her house right so she go that's the church that she attends so she um thought that that would be could be an appropriate place to quit it but it hasn't transferred to library across the street okay so it's still it's still within the ownership of the daughter so yes and she would not object to having it m you know put back to where it needs to be put back to and I understand your confusion of okay what next yeah so I mean just because if this action was taken by the city is the request to see if there is an appetite to have it reestablished in the Women's Club with the addition of a plaque to be donated by the historical society is that the request okay got pretty I don't know if I would use the word appetite I I will I something more like we we we we want this to happen well I would I don't know that I would even make it as respect and and I'll give you the basis of the understanding of our request this the building was put on the national register first years and years ago okay and that painting was in the building at the time that it was put upon the national register so I would say that it's part and parcel of its designation as a national um historic thing so and then we came along and we design it for the local register and so it's doubly registered there's I me ask a procedural question when um I was say the plan board but when the hisor board or an Advisory Board makes a recommendation to the commission does it not get presented to the Commission in a way of a recommendation like a memo to them the board is making this recommendation to the commission and staff either recommends or doesn't recommend do we not do that it would depend on what the item is so if it's if it is an an item um that was brought by staff and we are the city itself is looking for a recommendation yes so if there's something within the prview of the board or the rights that are explicitly within the code um then then yes it moves forward to for example the designation of of the property the only staff of recommended um changes would then no there are a couple of explicit powers of the board such as recommendations uh for designation for example what happened with the Andrews house so the Andrews house uh this board recommended that it be designated and into the designation um so we took that and we got the uh the report done and that recommendation once approved here would move to the Comm with a recommendation of the board so there are some explicit items in which the board can uh move forward to the commission uh and then there are ones regulated that staff would bring forward that are within the powers of the board also I would add also that if this board had been consulted in the first place before its removal we could have made the recommendation of putting a plaque over that flag the offensive flag and would have been removed in the first place because we would have been a Gass at having it removed from the Women's Club in the first place we only found out about basically by accident so and I wasn't the only one that was a gas some of the other rumors bar were that um there was some consideration for weddings and other events and that some didn't think was an appropriate uh you know for like a wedding but it could be covered of course for but my my is there any you know that's why I was asking is there something else other than the competive flag that should that was taken into consideration I mean SM honest you know this answer I do know the answer and I'm not going to tell you no that was I hate to say it but I believe that that was subterfuge that was the the basis of the removal is the offensive flag in the corner so and in the times that we're living in right now there are you know and there's no explanation on the mural that that was the state of Florida's flag for what how many years 32 years so and without that qualification you know explaining why it's on there you know people would not understand necessarily unless somebody said it was the state flag for you know several decades anyway um so it sounds like uh we have a motion is there any more discussion anybody no okay um I'll in favor of asking Amanda to approach the city to see about BR the miral foot back into the Women's Club is that close yeah and also that she would report back to you whatever yes developments there are yeah that come from us what what what can we do do do you need my pickup truck to go get it will will I I will forward a response to the board once received okay thank you all in favor any oppos very good motion carries unanimously thank you very much under new business do you have any new business do you have anything to tell us about the Andrew's house any progress on that negotiation um I all I know as of this time is that that southern parcel has scheduled a pre-application meeting to review the new project um and we are discussing the use of that parcel in which they would like to relocate it um so slow developments as they're going through their design process we don't have a formal application in yet um as soon as we do I will let this board know okay because they know we're still determined to save it right they do okay anybody else questions for Amanda no all right um we have a category called other does anybody have any other no okay um comments by board members well I wanted to share with everybody in the historical society is sponsoring a walking tour Janet um de knon is doing a walking tour this Saturday um I'm not sure what time what time it's full there's more there's would so um but there's going to be another one in March probably M so just go on the website or if you're M of hisorical society it's always newsl I think it's whh is the website and the other thing that I wanted to share with you all is our next program for the historical society is February 26th and the topic is sunshine what was it sun Sunshine anyways it's about the Beatles which is very exciting because this month is actually the 60th anniversary of The Beatles coming to Florida and we do our programs uh by Zoom so anybody who would like to um watch our Beetle program on on February 26 at 7:00 uh you can email me or and I will send you a zoom invite and it's free our programs are always free March we're going to have a program on the fourth Monday as well that program is going to be um Marjorie stman Douglas and Rachel Carson uh two artists that impacted um the Everglades I believe anyways um any anybody got any good news to share anything no no okay if there are no objections and see no objections we stand the we have announc for the next meeting yeah you forgot to tell us when our next meeting um we are targeting at May 13th May 13th months pretty far away kids well may is historic preservation month um we think that there will be um couple of items will be um place for your um reviews and approvals so we are giving the it's possible it can be in April but it's likely targeting in May so just um to clarify the meetings are scheduled quarterly right now every four months for the regularly scheduled meetings however as items come up we could call special meetings between those meetings is that sufficient meetings to rain our CLG status it is the decision was made based on that they require four meetings so we did four regularly scheduled meetings with special meetings in between can I can I ask too we used to get um lists of the members and when their terms expire and their phone numbers and information I mean just basic stuff but we used to get that regularly so we get to know the other members of the board um what communities they're from and so on so I don't know if they have a template for that list it's probably for all the boards we have it thank you I have extra copies of the paper presentation if anybody would like was all I just Dr things into Power watching fromond you made an excellent that was my 43rd wedding anniversary was very hard for me to try to explain to my wife somebody else would have to fill in you could brought we could have oh yeah she'll really L that we could have been the date she had 20 some years of it she's prob tired we're happy to distribute the digital file as well we do yeah I all right thank you everybody thank you