##VIDEO ID:sYV2mKYQwE8## does it have to be CL okay we' call meting order are there any additions deletions corrections to the agenda any of you guys you guys got anything you want me to speak right no there's nothing okay is there a motion regarding the agenda motion to approve the agenda thank you there second and all in favor any oppos as regards to the minutes have you had an opportunity to read the minutes are there any additions cors to minutes no excellent job Catherine is there a motion regarding the minutes say the words motion to approve the minute of October 14 second thank you all in favor of approving the minutes Communications and announcements you got anything J yes we do so we do we we have a couple we have a couple um about mural uh Bas mural um which is the um John is is sh so we we today this afternoon we heard from the cultural director um cig CL reach to City manager's office and we were told that the confederated uh flag can be covered with something else and then bring back to the woman's clock I resp I responded to the email like what's the process like what's the procedure what is you know we know it's publica Works team can do something but we we have still have to go through the motions and the procedure to relocations now in terms of the covering the flag I I don't think the staff can be involved with that matter so this one something that you know um we need to reach out to to the um mural owner or feel free to reach out to mural owner the board can do and ask if who can um cover that one over okay already handled okay the the daughter of the artist uh will be so excited to have it returned to the Woman's Club we've already she's got a picture of her father the artist okay that would go right over the corner of it and cover it okay and I might be able to convince the Historical Society to U buy one of those plaques that say you know this mural blah blah blah you know that explains the the Genesis of the mural and pres the a little bit about the artist and such okay I'm going I'm going to have to strong AR them they don't have to spend their money okay so once the flag is covered um contact us meanwhile we will try to find a way to relocate this back to the wom's club obviously I have to speak with the art cultural director as well as the Public Works a director about these procedures okay cool I was there Friday before in the Woman's Club you I was looking at the wall to see if there were you know like screw holes how how was it attached to the wall previously and there's no evidence of screw balls but there's two like almost like cheap plastic closet hooks seriously the the thing there must be things on the back of the the mural that it just possibly possi I it's a mystery to me what's on the back of the miror but I was surprised because I would seriously have expected to find holes or patches where the holes were and there's no evidence of it it just goes onto the wall so it should should not be as challenging as or halfway as challenging as I thought it would be thank you very much J no no problem um and also we have updates about the Bell um this is a currently atur um this is a uh what was the oh try to think about the church um we received the email from the one of our um city staff who knew about this where the Bell is he actually she actually um sent us the email the CH it is actually located a church and that's the image you can see um gosh I wrote it down and then I have to find it but I'm going to get back with you where it is right now but right now it's the church is using the bound okay yes we I we have been under the mistaken information that the Bell that I dripped over at Public Works was the cimo Bell H but the Bell that I tripped over is apparently the one from the paret on the children Museum there was a B in the the tower on the children's museum and at one time there was a like a pedestal thing in front of the school House museum that the Bell sat upon so it's still a precious thing not quite as precious as the COO Bell but I have a question on that I recall it wasn't too long ago that the B sat in front of the tr's museum where did that come from do we know or was it was it indeed a bell from the Bell fre of the school yeah that's what Janet said she said it it's it was it's a replica of some other Bell maybe the Liberty Bell I'm not certain I hate to say anything else because it's all misinformation until we get you know sorry why are we I'm surprised the did school didn't put it in storage or well the kind of s it was I mean it was in front of in front of the garage even though it was you know in the weather outside which is kind of disappointing but at least we you some sol the mystery the real the real cimbo Bell is at the church that's what Janet said I think it's little church on is it 12th Avenue um actually I we downloaded the emails that we received from the city south but I cannot open it at this from this computer cuz that email has information is where the is yeah I I think that's the little old church on top but we can find out that's excellent thank you thank you also for that J what other goodies have you got for us sure um I can sent you the images of the um Bell and this pictures and the location to the board members okay that' be super did you have any more information for us um no uh you did do it though thank you sure oh we have other information but it's going to be under um item number five okay very all right very good moving on to item five in your agenda you have a photograph of the proposed um modifications that the artist did um can we do you see itob in the back okay you want somebody want to start with what do you think about it looks good love it I wish the letter in thiser I like it are we okay with them is is it on the um pedal stools or is it going behind the pedal stols I thought the pedal stols were the location to be determined the yeah I think they understand that it needs to go on the outside perimeter of those but what do you think is the are the letter the be larger I wonder this what do you guys think a little bit uh I like the general design um probably could be bigger if they left off the word Cemetery you if they just put Barton Memorial Park because this point it is a I'm so see we already know it's a cemetery mhm I can this the letters are already approved by the art board so this images just to send it to us to share with the board I believe this is already approved by the art board so we just approving the location no we we approve the locations we approve the arch this is just informational FY to give to provide updates to the yeah we we approve the the last meting I think I just think it's very Prett I just wish the lettering were larger that would be my only you guys okay everybody okay we have consensus J yeah see I'm sure they like because so many words all right thank you for the update and now we're six new business you got any new business J um no no okay which item did you want to tell us other that's next comments by board members where is your we don't really have any other updates um other than this m thought you had upates for us all right well then new business we don't really have any new business at the moment other than I would still like to pursue getting the little field on the local register at the very least yeah that would be since we are motion that's something that we're going to I'm going to continue to work on because I was very surprised to discover that the putting the cemetery on the local register was going to involve enous amount of money he wanted PR $8,000 to just do basically one6 of the cemetery and some of that research has already been done in past years that doesn't matter we need to be paid to stand and read every gravestone and locate it on you know some kind of a grid that's what the $8,000 entails so have to wait until another time because that's cheaper you know 6times $8,000 what is that 48,000 to to do the cemetery that's terrible um but the little field should be more reasonably priced there's not that much to what it is but I would like to add that um I don't know J were you aware of the list of the six things that we were in the backup in our agenda for the last meeting yes and um we sent you um follow um all the documents that you requested from the last meeting um we send you follow of emails with the all those attachments Okay the reason I bring it up is that none of the dates on those six items are correct no we we need to corrected list of those six items because the Little League field I know for a fact is at the very least 1957 yeah versus 1970 whatever are you can I can I get a more clearification dates on the letter that we sent to the property owners are you or are you talking about the dates on the actual um I'm not sure what dates that you're referring well you sent us a list of the six things that we had discussed okay the Lily field the cemetery the Andrews house and the three churches six things six things that Amanda presented to the city Commission on August 6 yes so are you talking about the P property website information about the construction date of the property no those are not the correct just because yeah so you're talking about the dates on the actual letter that we send issue to the property owner no here I took a picture of it I don't know you can't see my phone I'm sure look six things with dates underneath it that's all it is on the list construction and you've got the little field is you might not have gotten that make it bigger so read it says 1975 that is not true the Borton Beach Memorial Park the cemetery Janet has it as 1903 what we can do is go and and do a little bit of more historical Um Papa and not those numbers were most like I believe from Papa um however um that would probably be the last construction date of something constructed on site um we will look for or the date of U I guess found when it was founded or we found for 4th of July 1957 The Opening Ceremonies for the Little League Park wanas was cooking and you know was a big Shan yes now that you bring that up it does make sense and on sta will'll do our best to find the that might be the year that they possibly I don't think so because now the concession stand would built in 75 pretty sure the concession stand was built earlier than that might have been the date that the bathrooms were built it was dates that def fence surrounding the property and some utility and staff is open to any suggestions on finding the correct dates as well if you want to send us we'll compile that and you've got St John Miss missionaries 199 St John's is 1909 Greater St Paul you've got 91 also St Paul's is 1900 we can do some research as well the Methodist Church 1905 and you guys have it at 1945 in the Andrews house it is 1907 and for some reason You' got 1930 so yeah this it could have been the when it was remodeled to or restored I think it was well that would have been even more recent than that because the bought the house and remodeled it was in the mid90s wasn't it it was 96 but the funny thing is that you know you can't trust papa for what what the real dates are yeah those are usually estimates really for last time somebody buil something yeah thiss about or per maybe somebody but we will definitely need to correct those things yes staff is definitely open to um learning from you guys as the professional historians um how to understand exactly when these things were founded dig deeper yeah yeah okay good thank you um comments by board members anybody have any comments let's hear from B tell us why you're here well Jim got me involved you speak around Jim got me involved I do the history colle I've been doing it since 2014 of course I found all dirty laundry we're supposed to just give F thing we're supposed to have 248 acres and we own nothing but a couple club houses they sold off all the property from under real trust fact right now we don't own our golf course and we don't own our first Clubhouse which is our offices they under re and I found out that Poli were all done illegally they turned over the corporation to us in 71 in January in February they gave away all the land to another Builder which they should have given Corporation to the Builder and then eventually gave to us when it was done the name and responsibilities of paying bills that sounds like a mess it is well it is a mess right now we're suing to get Qui a title for the golf course and the the person's name that's on the de he didn't even know he owned it at least he never had in his will or his wife's will oh go and you know it's just a mess we've been we just paid $40,000 to a lawy be a memo and said okay $100 for that I'll we read $500 we said so you you you told me boon or Palm Beach Leadville I mean yes it was supposed to be all one at one time it was supposed to be 5,000 houses but when they Ocean Drive which is used to be ocean they moved Ocean Avenue out of the community eventually and eventually Bo Beach Boulevard became Main Road Builder agreed to give ocean a to the town which was supposed to connect all way to down here through they said no no the town didn't like it they said this is our Main Street and they said well sorry we're going to be put the bridge on W Beach Boulevard and on 15th which eventually became wght Road and when they did w Road they decided to do W Road they gave us back Ocean Avenue so it's all broken up inside of and Ocean Avenue became Ocean Drive which is internal Street theity their streets that's another thing city doesn't own any streets inside of HOAs so but they think they own the street but that's another battle sounds like another mess it is another mess what happened is when they turned 15th into W Road they separated the two communities they made pal beachville and lville it was originally supposed to be 5,000 homes between Pointon Beach H which was 804 and Road 23rd so pal Beach is the northern yes and we have two Lakes one lake is still we have property still under the original Builder's name that's another part so it's just a mess the whole thing is a mess but you know what happens is every year we change our board so each new board most board members I'm sorry to say just get on the that I happened to get on and I when I was on I Rel somebody and you only get a oneyear ter but all of a sudden they were fighting for the hotel and I found some pictures of where we had hering going parking for our golf course and of course I brought the city engineer down there he no no anything that with the sidewalk the city own so that got me started getting me interested kep researching researching well Le has been a very important piece of lot of people on the board very important piece institutional knowledge is very important in fact Jerry Taylor lives in community now oh okay and we had Summers Lake which was the mayor of Point Beach too I guess the electrical or something I all willing to share that's why I belong to the historical but I never really got into it okay but it was Jim that said you this oneach Lake top of a lake right and our golf course was called sand beach and there a history of the Indians Trav very good if you have anything that you'd like to the city library you know has an archist and they have a scanner that you be willing to let them scan into the city ions I mean you can keep your physical papers and just have them scan them if you wish or you can hand your papers over whatever you want to do I got but I got on discs and everything else Jim told me your garage is full that was but now I since I got back on the board I got convin to have an office inside confence so my files are there because I'm 83 so I don't know how much more time I have so I wanted it to be there interested okay well thank you thank you for joining us this is Brad Jackson I almost called you tonight to find out if we were having a meeting I started to call you then all of a sudden okay you haven't met are you a new member to I figured that by your name PL all right so moving on S other comments by board members I have a couple of comments uh everybody should be aware that the next Historical Society program free program is November 25th the speaker is Rick kby k i lby y and the topic is Florida's Healing Waters and um January 11th is going to be the high women art show another free program in the gym at the old high school the cultural center and um actual High women artists those that are still alive come and bring their art for sale so and also I wanted to share with you that Janet de n um is going to do a presentation at the library on January the 6 and her presentation is going to be the history of South wake District um well it'll be included in the next minutes that come up Catherine does an excellent job with the minutes okay so anybody else have comments to sh anything to share and we have nobody here so when's the date of our next meeting J I know this is our fourth meeting this year so we've yes met our CLG requirements um we if we have items that that obviously it's going to be January but if it's not um we're we are targeting February targeting February yeah okay if we have any items to present it's going to be January if it's not targeting in February I'll see if I can um I have a little updates about the bell I was able to pull it out in my email finally it was working um it's called a I'm not sure I'm pronouncing properly but it's located at 214 Martin Luther King J Boulevard the church name is a saint um cber epop M you're close Okay that's the church that okay so no that's not where we where I thought it was it's over on I've been to that church I didn't know the Bell was there okay is that an email that you can share with all of us um sure I came for this B location with the address yes okay thank you all right well I guess we've conducted all of our business for tonight if there are no objections we will stand up J seeing no objections we stand you R out here yeah see you next year don't forget to do you want all those dates again Bob I'm SL it down I know that's fine January 6 is the presentation at the library that's free also January 11th is the highway men artist show are they both it's going to be in a city library the high women show is in the gym I'll never stop calling at the gym I'm sorry you mean the culture center our culture center the the uh the old high school okay the gym and the old high school same thing so January 6th and then 11th mhm uh the high women show I believe is from 11 until 3 and most of those artists come down from um Fort Pierce they're north of us a bit I don't know does is everybody aware of what high women artist Bob do you know what high women artist I heard of them I'm not okay and um the program the Historical Society program is November 25th if you pay your dues 25 bucks before then you'll get invited to the program for free because we do them by Zoom okay all right thank you okay run away than you thank you thank you J thank you