##VIDEO ID:Cgu7UW0ytOU## 8 am in City Hall Chambers at this time we'll do as always our invocation and our pledge we'll call up pastor Jason depoy from uh Bayside Community Church thank you please stand well good morning and thank you on behalf of our lead pastors Randy and Amy bazette from Bayside we're honored to be here and we thank you for the invitation to open up today's session in prayer let us pray Heavenly Father we thank you for the opportunity to come to you and open today's counsel seeking your counsel according to your word in first Timothy we up to you the mayor the vice mayor each council member First Responders and every person leading in positions of authority here in the city of brington we ask for your wisdom you said in your word in James chapter 1 that if we require wisdom we should ask of you and you will not hold back but pour out your wisdom liberally would you open our eyes of our understanding to show our civil servants how to lead our city so that your will can be accomplished in our community give each of them wise and Discerning Hearts to skillfully govern the people of our city help them to solve problems Implement what's right and good to bring order stability prosperity for our land Lord we pray for Unity in our city we come against and tear down all strongholds that lead to strife and division so the people of our city can lead a quiet Peaceable and productive life father we lift up to you those that are struggling with poverty addiction violence homelessness may your presence be with them to comfort them and set them free from whatever is holding them back from the light that you have ordained for them and then give our leaders strategies on how to reach these individuals and provide solutions to free them from their traumatic cycle finally we lift up the Next Generation Lord guard our children and protect them from all evil and perversion may they draw close to you and be taught and raised in a manner that would generate an intelligent humble powerful and godly generation of leaders for our tomorrow may your blessing be increased and rest on these leaders our city and our neighbors may we be a community that recognizes Jesus as Lord and receive all the good things youve prepared for each of us in Jesus name amen amen and at this time I'd like to ask Colonel Lee to come forward and lead us in our pledge I pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Colonel thank you Pastor have a great day all right at this time we'll call the meeting to order Madame clerk the first item on the agenda is a proclamation that I'll read on behalf of of the mayor it's Manatee County Habitat for Humanity 30th anniversary celebration year August 20124 through August 2025 whereas manate County Habitat for Humanity has been a Cornerstone in the community providing affordable homeownership opportunities for lowincome families since its founding in August 1994 and whereas Manatee County Habitat for Humanity through Partnerships with homeowners volunteers and donors not only builds houses but builds homes relationships and neighborhoods where families in our local communities are offered a better life where children are safe where property values increase and crime is reduced and where dreams of homeownership can be can become a reality and whereas manate County habitat for humanities affordable home ownership program features 0% 30-year mortgages Sustainable Building practices and comprehensive homeowner education and whereas since its founding in Manatee County H I'm sorry since its founding Manatee County Habitat for Humanity has built 155 homes and currently has over 70 future home sites Acquired and is committed to building a minimum of 10 homes annually to serve more families in need and whereas Manatee County Habitat for Humanity has set an ambitious fundraising goal of $3 million in 30 months and seeks community support through donations and volunteer efforts to build 30 homes in 30 months now therefore be it resolved that I Jee Brown as mayor of the city of Bradington Florida do hereby Proclaim August 2024 through August 2025 as manate County Habitat for Humanity 30th anniversary celebration year and encourage all citizens to recognize and support this vital organ organization's efforts thank you and who do we have coming forward yep go up to the podium come up with her anybody that's with her come on just right on talk introduce who you are obviously on the microphone there I'm em good but no I just want to thank everyone on the city council and I know you're pretty much the C board as well for all that you have done for us over so many years and the many ways you support us in our mission we are super excited uh this year we look to put at least 16 families in houses which is huge these are families that would never be able to buy a house and through us they're able to achieve that American dream of home ownership and build family wealth it leads to frankly pulling a lot of families completely out of that toy so thank you for all you do for us we look forward to working with you in the future I heard you have a challenge for us though what we talked about yet no what we talked about yesterday okay what what are you challenging this Council and administrative staff will I challeng you to work with us to get more property C in our hands affordably we did just sell the dollar house after all moved in there with his but we challenge you to help us acquire more property in the city of brington especially in the CRA so that we can make it more beautiful uh make it safer for others by improving the quality of those neighborhoods all right and also the other challenge we'll put is we want to try to get the next time there's that Saturday or whatever day we can all go out and swing a hammer so that's uh I would love to see all of and we would make hug yeah Marian makes some good Snicker doodle brownies and cookies and all of that I've done it before I don't think my paint job was yeah I I learned that you don't give someone with OCD the cocking job is that you that was me okay that that was me and and you know I know in the construction industry the saying is heck we'll [ __ ] it well I wanted it perfect so I yeah I didn't it was perfect I didn't get a lot done but it was perfect let's get a quick picture and uh they have to try to fix the mic at the podium so let's all why don't you guys come up here and uh then we'll stand behind you Proclamation just hold it open can see hold it up high microphone ended I went high thank you all right all right than so do you think we can fix it or do we need to take a complete recess take a second take a recess Mr Mayor they're requesting a recess okay well let's just take about uh two or three minute recess and we can hope they get it done so we'll be recessed for a few minutes thank e golf cart's even exciting now thank you call the meeting back to order Madame clerk item 4A is a leom VOD Mobility study okay come forward Mo staff and Consulting team yes good morning uh thank you for having us here today we appreciate your support on our effort here at the N for the record my name is Ryan Brown I'm the director and planning manager for the Sarasota manate no with me today as our Consulting team here from Benish and I'll let them guide you through our slides we really do appreciate your time and letting us come back and present to you our final project uh this will come back to our board as you all know in in September for for final approval so with that I'll turn it over to Robert and they'll guide you through some of these slides all right thank you good morning good morning all right uh thank you Ryan uh for the record Robert Mod's project manager with Benish um here to tell you a little bit about our project since the last time we were here which I believe was uh back in March um I'll go through a little bit of our project background public engagement process go through that pretty quickly since you all are pretty familiar with that uh let you know what we found in our needs assessment and then some projects that we identified to address those needs uh as well as how we went ahead and prioritized those and then tell you a little bit about uh some of our recommended funding and next steps so a little on the project background this came from the uh 2045 uh lrtp which looked at um kind of economic uh engines within the area uh baseball being one of those within the um two County area so our study looked at uh the current transportation system needs uh looking at how can we improve those from a complete streets uh standpoint um looking at how can we make these roads a little bit safer to uh use and then uh you know of course accessibility is a big one um and looking at what we can do to enhance accessibility within the area so a little bit about our public engagement it was kind of a two-tier process one that was more public focused one that was more practitioner focus on the public side we looked at a uh online survey where um the city and mo advertised that uh MCAT also provided some little cards on vehicles so that folks riding MCAT could uh learn about the survey and then um Some Mo staff actually went out and solicited some responses at the public market um in person we also did a walking audit with uh some members of the public where we actually walk around the study area get to know the study area um so that you can see uh you know maybe a different perspective than just driving it uh we also had two public workshops popup style one at Motorworks brewing and one at Bradenton Public Market um on the practitioner side we had a stakeholder working group that helped guide the entire process all the decision-making that sort of thing had really great participation from a a variety of City departments on that which we're really thankful for as well as MCAT ft um so special thank thanks to everybody who participated uh we did a walking audit with that group as well to kind of get that perspective and then um of course we've been to city council twice now um and we will uh wrap up by presenting to Mo committees and the mo board next month so a little about what we found um it's a super changing uh built environment it's rapidly changing you know partway through our process we uh learned about City Park which is uh you know transformational in this area um a ton of brand new uh kind of mid-rise residential development those sorts of things so really rapidly changing but at the same time you have constrained right of way really narrow R of way so roadway expansion isn't going to happen so you kind of got to work within what you've got um those roads range from really great lighting to completely um you know non-existent lighting so lighting drainage was another big issue um and then of course just general maintenance needs on those streets we also looked at some safety Trends found that those were tended to be concentrated along uh 14th Tamiami um sidewalks that kind of end sometimes they don't quite exist uh maybe not wellmaintained not a lot of opportunities to cross those big north south streets um in a safe way especially if you're on foot and uh no bike facilities at all so those kind of needs that we identified um informed our projects in prioritization uh you'll see that we have a much broader report so this is a really high level view but we um put projects into five broad categories um when they uh kind of overlap we do reference those to make sure that uh you know we're being as efficient as possible you can refer back um those categories were uh Corridor complete streets projects those are things like the uh Ninth Street improvements that I'll talk to you about in a couple slides uh Crossing improvements so opportunities when can we add new Safeways to cross these big North South Streets uh bicycle and pedestrian facilities so what can we do about uh fixing sidewalk gaps introducing uh safe places to ride a bike uh public real improvements those are opportunities for uh things like streetscape uh Transit stops where can we introduce new public art especially in the village of the Arts and then safety maintenance and operations those are your uh kind of day-to-day improvements so Ada striping those sorts of things um our considerations on those tended to be uh towards the scope of work how long would it take to construct these improvements and how complex are the improvements so prioritization this is uh each project was then had prioritization factors applied to it that were weighted based off of feedback that we um received from the stakeholder working group um as well as those factors themselves uh they included from left to right there the highest to the lowest weight uh safety multimodal benefit um accessibility resilience uh so storm resilience funding implementability um ease of implementation really planning um how constructible they were and how they would benefit um the economy and tourism so uh this is a decision making tool not necessarily if something is number one that doesn't mean you have to do that first it's just a way to help prioritize um what your next steps look like and those were applied to all projects so going through a couple of the signature projects these were things that we talked about um at our last meeting with you all um and they've been since refined um really they're the same basic project which are on uh 14th and T or Tammy Amy as well um our wider sidewalks uh um wider travel Lanes has really narrow travel Lanes now um more frequent Crossings a uh Lane is kind of um repurposed into a turn lane which allows the road to function much much better than it does today um without stopping in the middle of that lane to make any kind of left turn um it also has some opportunities for some new traffic signals and mid block Crossings as well as um some potential roundabout since that was a big ask of uh staff um so the next steps with that would be um initiate the conversation early with fot um perform a uh really robust traffic study um as well as performing some of that early public Outreach and then reviewing those right of-way needs especially as they pertain to uh potential roundabouts um and uh then from a funding standpoint we think that this is a really strong candidate for Federal grant funding especially the um SS Fray program um and then there's of course some potential State funding as well to kind of build up those local dollars with match dollars Ninth Street um again a similar project but kind of different um circumstances this one has been refined since the last time we spoke to you it's also got those wide sidewalks um narrower traffic Lanes in or travel Lanes in this case uh lots of frequent Crossing safe places to cross the street is somebody on foot especially since there's so many pedestrian generators on this Corridor um some landscape meetings to beautify the area uh new traffic signals like I mentioned and some potential roundabouts um as well uh this is something that really um is not a lane elimination so the traffic study doesn't need to be quite as robust but certainly for roundabouts um getting that traffic study to make sure that those work from a uh flow standpoint especially as those relate to any changes that might happen on Tamiami 14th um and then of course revealing those rideway needs I know the city owns quite a bit of the land around where our roundabouts are proposed so what are ways that we can work within that um to make sure that we can fit these roundabouts for uh you know an appropriate design vehicle uh funding certainly Federal grant eligibility and then there's some uh potential State funding this also partially runs through your CRA uh another was a opportunity to include kind of a uh bike Boulevard there are no um bike facilities within the study area so this is uh what we call a bike Boulevard um low stress Network it's kind of marked by uh pavement art kind of nodding to the Village of the Arts opportunities for more of the public art um more engaging situation out there uh some way finding there's some potential for green storm water you can see in the diagram in the upper right that parking area could be uh an an opportunity to put uh greenstorm water storage underneath those uh on street parking spaces and then there's some opportunities to include some bulb outs here and there to include more public art within that Village of the Arts um next steps on that would really be that public engagement working with uh folks to develop wayf finding we've in that situation we see that as a really great opportunity to Brand This add more public art um look at those green storm water opportunities as well if this were um it could be a very simple project of just uh painting and pavment markings or it could be a opportunity to try to improve some drainage in this area in kind of a forward-thinking way um and then of course with anything with public art making sure that those folks are being engaged and that this is something that um Everybody in the community feels that they can be a part of uh this is a really great candidate for CRA funding um it's a fairly lowcost project and the CRA is really really interested in using um the uh clean water State revolving Loan Fund uh which allows for green storm water improvements so definitely something that CRA staff is uh really really excited about so a little on funding and next steps uh really our uh full project includes project sheets those have a um you know a reference back to the 18 potential funding programs at a um state and federal and local level that we looked at um there are uh you know recurring Grant opportun or recurring funding opportunities grant opportunities loan opportunities each one applied to each project that we feel um would qualify under that program um and then each one is uh you know includes a you know a level of complexity in the project the level of public engagement that we expect to be required to get that project constructed and then they're also kind of um you know grouped into different implementation categories so next steps really um Beyond this being adopted at the no board level um for you all is with those short and Midterm projects a lot of those are really shovel ready their maintenance that kind of thing really great um budgeting tool um maybe not for this fisc upcoming fiscal year but um within um you know coming fiscal years so identifying those immediate funding sources um and beginning that design and procurement process on the long-term projects those you know the first two signature projects it's really initiating that stakeholder coordination really really early talking to fot Property Owners the public um MCAT where it impacts their uh you know their routes as well initiating that really robust traffic study um especially for 14th Tamiami Trail and um identifying those project development needs those kind of next steps of who are we going to have to do our survey that sort of thing and then of course um identifying uh kind of your funding opportunities what do we have locally that can tell you what your match looks like and that can like or that can start to uh line you up to um Federal grant opportunities based off of your local dollars to kind of really start multiplying what you've got available locally so um I know you had asked for a brief presentation so that is uh the conclusion of my brief presentation but I'd be happy to um answer any questions that you all might have any questions yes ma'am vice mayor good morning thank you so much for this I would like to request that we have this information brought to our CRA advisory boards for them to be brought up to speed on what has been done in the past what's being done now and what the future could look like absolutely we can we can plan on doing that and we'd be happy to share all this information with them as well okay thank you Mr Perry good presentation Mr Modi and and we appreciate your work and and Mo's work on this I've waited with baited breath for about two years when Kim clayback told me you guys were doing the baseball study and then City Park popped into Mike I'm sorry and and and other issues I I guess my question is you talked about you know you're going to take it to the mo board can you tell me a little bit of the process as far as when it goes to the board how the mo can help us both the CRA and the city master plan these types of improvements to to roadways and to streetscapes and lighting which are critical to the success of the City Park area Village of the Arts and Tamiami um I'm kind of a a brick sticks pipe guy I like building things but the planning gets a little tough and and there's usually on the finance side a multitude of different things that have to happen first before you can be eligible for supplemental funding from either the state through direct Appropriations grants uh do federal government I don't know if Neer applies categorical exclusions and so as I start to look at this I go oh seven or eight years and and and I get it you know good things come to those who wait that's what I always always told and and there's truth to it but as I look at the city park um project we're looking at I'd like to have that coming out of the ground in two to three years I've got to do all the underground work there and put building pads for what we want to vertically uh place there but talking with Mr Burton he wants to be a year to a year and a half behind us to try to do streetscape and and and area improvements to transportation and lighting and sidewalks and all that and it's a beautiful vision and it would do immensely great things for the Redevelopment of that area across the board how do I bring all that together yeah absolutely and that's a you know it is a complex uh question and and I think there are multiple ways that we can go about doing that in our study as Robert mentioned there are scaled you know levels of complexity that are built into these types of projects right lighting streetscaping some of these other improvements we've identified as short-term improvements things that we can go out and do operationally either with funding that we've identified the state as well the state has a is a short-term budget some of these longer term projects say like 9th and 14th yeah those are we're going to require substantial traffic study right to maintain throughput and things like that these are significant roadways in moving cars as well we can't forget about that however we we fully agree that there needs to be something done in terms of the streetscaping that would complement your city park effort so we've tried to go about ways of identifying short medium and long terms you can have an idea that short term being in that two to threee time range you know four to six in the in the medium you know seven and beyond for a long-term type Improvement so hopefully through this study and we can we can certainly walk you through specific projects right I think of the of the of the projects that we've identified there are ways that we can initiate those with funding source specifically identified for those things so when it goes to the no board it will then work its way through our priority list right this was a study that we adopted back in in 2019 through our through our 2045 lrtp it kind of ingratiated itself into our funding process so now we're simply taking the projects that we've identified and then making them eligible so City staff would then be able to come and apply to us for those projects we would then work with you all closely to identify the funding source that then would apply so it is complex in nature however ever we we think we've done a pretty good job identifying those short all the way up to long-term type improvements so we can come up with a strategy that mirrors your efforts at city park that's a great explanation when will we next discuss with you how to put together the proper complement of CRA City uh Public Works other folks uh with you and and and Consultants or whoever it may be absolutely and I think the first step too we can certainly reach out to the CRA present it present that board and make it clear what they are we we have talked with kenon throughout the process and they've shown great interest in helping support financially through this they've got dollars that are there that are available to do this type of work uh in the fall starting this fall we're doing our our annual call for projects that will be the first opportunity for City staff to bring some of these projects back and apply for them uh and ongoing we're in the process of updating our long range plan where then we will work with you all and City staff to say out of these which are the most important and we will work to make them in our plan we call Cost fees or something that we can think we can financially accomplish using the cost Revenue that what we've been provided the state has provided to us and in provide you a reasonable timeline you know in fiveyear time bands as we do it um on when we think that these projects can be funded thank you Ryan all right thank you I've got uh councilwoman more then Coker then Coachman um part of your um community outreach when you get to that phase will that involve I think we I spoke with Dr Burton about side sidewalks and um at least my desire to try to shade them because that area is very Sun exposed and if we're trying to encourage people to walk back and forth from the park and Voda I don't see how that's going to be something people are actually going to do if we don't deal with that but I know it's tight so how does that how does something on the on the outside of your Focus Tie in yeah so I think I don't know Robert if you want to anything on that front but we can certainly work I think that one of the things we talked about and that came up at OT works that we're really going to have to do some public private Partnerships because as you said early we're not going to be able to acquire much land but if we work with the businesses to beautify their business that will put some of those trees and really work together as a a public private partnership P3 and go from there I think that's the the best way to do it and that is exactly where I was going especially um along ninth um you know uh we uh looked really hard at what could we do with including um Street trees that also meet the standards of uh you know the setback from the edge of pavement um and having a tree that frankly could grow to be healthy and has the root Zone um frankly it's uh you can have a sidewalk or you can have a tree so what we're finding though is that um on the back of the sidewalk on private property there are lots of shade trees already and so um that's kind of what um May Brown was referencing is uh working with these private uh Property Owners to you know perhaps get an easement or is it a beautifying Grant or what have you lots of different ways to get um shade trees constructed on that private property so they do still provide that benefit because the back of the sidewalk is the property line so you are naturally close the really great benefit is that the CRA is um partly within this uh study area um especially along nine so that's an opportunity to um you know that I mean that having a Siri is it's an invaluable source of funding for uh the nuts and bolts what's happening underground and also beautifying I mean um all of these improvements would help uh you know kind of help uh achieve that CRA goal of uh eliminating slum and blight uh and you've got a really great CRA director who is really open-minded and Forward Thinking in crafting those CRA plans to allow um for um you know what uh types of activities can be funded under the CRA so certainly working with private property owners in the sense of shade um in the sense of really all of these projects or you've got the CRA boundary to work with absolutely a really really great way to start getting this um much more quickly implemented thank you Council woman yes I have two questions and they're kind of um first off with the um underground storage of the water does it go back down into is that just a way to store it and then it goes back down into the aquafer or so I'm not a geologist um one thing that um it's uh soil is a big consideration of that some of it is uh temporary storage that it can percolate back into the um you know into the aquifer and then some of it so you know um as you get to it would accommodate a certain rainfall event and then once you exceed that then it begins to go back into the city's storm water drain system um these can also be tied back into the storm water drain system um I couldn't speak to the level of complexity and uh cost that would be appropriate in this situation because it really is dependent upon elevation upon soil type and all kinds of other things so um I wouldn't want to speak to what it could do or what it should do but absolutely it can be uh temporary storage for uh percolation underground and it can also tie back into the system once you uh kind of exceed a limit so there's lots of different uh really really cool ways to implement greenstorm water infrastructure um and uh we uh you know within our scope weren't going out and or going out and doing soil tests for example so we wanted to leave it open as a possibility and identify an um you know a potential funding source for that as well okay and then um I'm a huge proponent of roundabouts I think keeps the traffic moving the only time I see an issue is when you have a lot of pedestrian and they're at 17th and um 9th is heavily pedestrian so how do you keep the traffic moving during those heavy pedestrian times times absolutely so um that is one element of this is that what we were looking at was um what is a probable design vehicle so that could be a box truck it could be a great big semi right um and then what we did was we designed a roundabout that at a very high level conceptual level could accommodate that design vehicle within an appropriate footprint you don't want to put the world's largest roundabout there because of course there's going to be a lot of RightWay you need um and so what we've got is the uh minimum footprint needed for what design uh vehicle we think was appropriate for this location from a pedestrian standpoint um that would need to be worked out in the design process um it there are opportunities to kind of limit that um but you know for special events for example you could have somebody directing and allowing uh Crossing now and stopping now so that would become an operational issue I think especially as it pertains to large special events events um you know High attendance games any kind of events that are happening in the future at an expanded city park but at a high level um that was not something that we reviewed but there are all there are uh you know options and opportunities to manage that once it's constructed and um those can be you know contemplated during the full design okay thank you councilman Coachman yes thank you um if I'm understanding the box that you had it seems like it's involving two of our C it's the tamami trail and the central CRA it your project is label leom VOD there's a part of that box that is called the single T area and I know it's not one of the major you know arteries that you're focused on but as our city administrator asked you know if you could give us some suggestions on how can we mitigate you know certain areas outside of that which would be very important to our city park um project and that's that single ter area so because it's not part of the you know your title I just want to emphasize and the CRA is quite accustomed to me emphasizing that that single ter area exists and we really need some you know some expertise right absolutely no um so we just wanted a catchy name for the plan um we looked at everything within that um within that box which you know obviously extends Beyond um village of the Arts uh in those Northeast and Below 17 so um certainly ways that we looked at outside of kind of these core two uh corridors that we looked at city park and the core of Village of the Arts um absolutely uh Ada accessibility drainage sidewalks and lighting um those are the items that we found to be um the the highest need in areas outside of kind of our core of where um you know Village of the Arts has loot mostly roads have sidewalks uh it has the um you know the kind of custom lighting scheme the corridors have great lighting pretty good sidewalk coverage but those were the areas that we found certainly lighting um and those sorts of things and uh you know based off of our kind of meeting with Jeff Burton is that um the uh you know the ability to fund recommendations like that are things that the CRA is already capable of doing and so it would be um going through the process within the CRA uh board advisory boards making sure that this is an appropriate or what that group feels is an appropriate use of funding to move those forward yeah and I would also just I would also just add that when we were doing and setting the the boundaries of the limits of this study we did take into account a number of going fdot projects City projects that would impact this directly right as we know there's several downtown brington operational improvements the Department's looking at evaluating we're looking at the construction of the new doto bridge the bton paletto connector PDN that that the noo is is working with the Department to fund um we did take into consideration the impacts of of all surrounding projects within this this physical area just where we had the budget to be able to go and provide specific countermeasures so as mentioned and Robert stated we did look at the the grander scheme of of this south southern part of of brington in general and how our study and the implementation things that we decided to come up with would impact the ongoing efforts that were already out there yeah and I also think councilwoman Coachman the um Master planning for City Park plays into a lot of that because it does touch when you say leom it's a broader thing than this leom field it goes farther to the East and North when you look at that so that was had a great meeting the other day for the 13 14 people in the room that's continuing that master plan for City Park area well and I I guess I really kind of stand that for the public because leom they may be thinking just leom and it if it does encompass single Terry that's all good with me all right thank you very much appreciate your time thank you all right at this time we'll move on to Citizen comment citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda items or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearings at the appropriate time so I have no citizen comment cards at this time so we'll move forward to consent agenda chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes ma'am I'd like to move for approval of the consent agenda items a through Q with the correction to item K with the scrier eror it should be 17th Avenue not 17th Street yes ma'am all right any other discussion here do I have a second second all right any other discussion hearing none we'll start the vote to approve in w three yes four yes five yes one yes and two yes okay approved consent agenda approv 5 to zero all right um at this time I'm going to move the agenda around a little bit um for a second reading and we're going to go to F to start out for the ordinance for the public hearing um so Madame clerk if you'll read F I believe is the right one ordinance 4047 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending chapter 6 related to alcoholic beverages amending section 6-1 to add definitions amending section 6 -2 to prohibit alcoholic beverages from being sold consumed served or permitted to be served or consumed in any establishment between the hours of 12: a.m. and 7:30 a.m. providing for exemptions providing for any establishment licensed under the state bever beverage laws that desires to remain open for the purpose of sale service or consumption between the hours of 12: a.m. and 2:30 A.M to apply for an after midnight permit adding Provisions for the application requirements and fee providing for regulations related to the after midnight permit providing for conditions to be imposed on the after midnight permit providing for suspension and revocation of the after midnight permit providing for the appointment of a hearing officer to rule on suspension and revocation after midnight permits providing for enforcement amending chapter six to add new section 6-7 establishing evidence of prosecution of violations providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay so we have staff coming forward and I'm just going to say a couple things to start out that there was quite a bit of propaganda that went out about fees and different things going out which you know none of the fees have been set and I will have a comment to this Council to ask for some some other options on fees as we go forward um especially for the beginning of grandfathering in and that but we wanted to present some of the situations that have happened downtown and kind of go through some things to to get the facts out there because as we know propaganda spreads like wildfire and at one point I heard there was going to be $1,800 yearly fee to get this and that's just is not true so Chief thank you mayor um at the council's discretion uh we do have some video that we'd like to play just to set the stage we can play it as long as you need it's about five minutes um or we can provide some talking points in advance I know that Mr Driscoll has a hearing he has to leave at 9:45 but whenever you guys want to stop us I'll just have Captain the and um detective ciglia started out Captain the good thank you we have three examples of of cases that have um been highlighted in the downtown uh District the first is uh dating back September of 2023 uh shooting call in the street and this is going to be video from our city surveillance cameras than you uh what you'll see is a fight ensuing and then a you see the victim fall down he was shot uh over to your right hand side is our police officers responding they were within 30 to 40 feet when this shooting occurred and on the upper cameras there's no sound correct on the body cameras you'll hear sound where are we I'm I'm I'm a little disoriented I'm sorry 3 block of 12th Street West facing north is this the most recent event no that event will not be shown okay yeah unfortunately that event is still under active investigation this was in September uh recovered a firearm subject was charged with attempted murder uh this is uh body cam footage from a brawl that took place on 12th Street West I will apologize in advance for any language you may hear [Applause] got got got I got [Applause] that 214 get the [ __ ] started I apologize I was trying to pause it uh what's significant about this case is this encompassed our entire police force from the city that evening to get this crowd under control uh while that was to include our crime reduction team that was in the middle of all of this uh while that was happening the following calls were held a harassment call a domestic battery a suspicious person with three suspects going through vehicles and abandoned 911 call another domestic battery a suspicious circumstance with two individuals trying to break into a residence another fight not in the downtown district and an assist for the fire department they had a structure fire going at the same time and we always go and assist them with the blocking of streets and things like that we could not respond to those because our entire police department was in the downtown jurisdiction at the time of this call and then this is another fight where one of our officers is actually struck during the during the arrest get [Applause] back we going to jail [Music] you want to go to jail too uh if you will bear with me for one second I'd like to pull up uh the downtown footage from the brawl we not the one we just witnessed but the one prior to that this what is this apologize just to show you the crowds we were dealing with uh that evening hundreds of people and it goes from Third Avenue all the way to Fourth Avenue our officers are running between fights that evening and what time was that approximately this this would have been around the same time it started about 2:15 212 215 and we wrapped it up around that's just a replay of the same video all right thank you I think uh um do you have any comments you'd like to make you've been done doing a lot down there um and trying to work with the business owners and and how this all came about is the several business owners on Main Street came to me I know came to you and were asking us can we work to do something so this is us doing something to try to make it a safer Place doing something and this is when I came out of retirement came back downtown I was a little bit beside myself on how much um nighttime how bad it's gotten downtown to I talked to business owners and they were all like there's one specific part that I don't want to say names that closes at midnight now because they were didn't want to deal with the problems downtown um and you know my heart goes out to have business owner because you know we all know the bars make most of our money is between say 11 and 2 o'clock in the morning um this is a definite need for the city um what you're doing is you're protecting your citizens you're also protecting your police officers um so I'm all for dis ordinance and I think it would definitely help out um the officers and to Citizens and and and we did the first reading on a Wednesday two weeks ago or maybe three weeks ago I think it was but um the next night we had an incident happen that we can't discuss publicly because it's still under investigation I mean we we we can discuss certain parts of it it was it was a shooting in a bar downtown and and we've had out you know we had bar owners that reached out and said said this couldn't have come at a worst time that incident was not related to a bar downtown an angry individual picked a fight with somebody he went into a bar and he shot someone that's not the bar's fault you know there are going to be circumstances where this would not that would not affect this ordinance whatsoever we're looking to help with controlling the crowds controlling the weapon controlling if we had three dead people it affects the city of braon and if we had an officer walk around the corner at the wrong time exct and got shot um you know and I mean and I know this most people know this answer but are are guns allowed in alcohol bar establishments they're not Florida State Statute prohibits even concealed weapons carriers from having a bar inside or having a weapon inside of a bar it's actually a felony so you can't do it period the end Mr Perry just have a couple quick adjunct I get by the microphone please I just got to have a couple quick adun questions I know that you guys have put down enforcement teams down there and that there I get the reports in the morning uh often and I see a lot of weapons basically being confiscated that appear to be in plain sight people leaving them in their cars uh officers are doing what they're supposed to do and and and and checking the surrounds and they'll find individual weapons they'll be glass pipes to show some sort of intoxicant drugs or whatever probably not a good recipe for people that are in bars dur consuming alcohol at 2:00 wouldn't you agree agree to include drunk driving you can add that as well right a significant amount from downtown yeah you feel that the that the Late Late crowd tends to have probably more ancillary types of criminal activity associated with it whether it's weapons or violence or things like that then I don't know a dinnertime crowd he says yes I I would say I would lean back and and review the statistics on that but yes and what other I know that the pier closes at 11 I think and they go bricks closes early uh Oakstone too they close oh okay I believe around 10 or 10 o'cl yeah but I know some of them have said if in the past they stayed open later correct and they would but they've closed early because and again the the public has come to us yes and the image that we've got now is something that we don't want to close anybody and lose anybody anything at all but we want to have some rules and regulations where if you're doing the right things nothing changes yeah there's nothing in place now you know we're looking for something that gives us the ability to go back and correct some of these problems we want a vibrant safe downtown I think every one of us in this room wants a vibrant and safe downtown a flourishing downtown a you know financially safe downtown we want it I I saw councilwoman Coachman then Barnaby and then Coker okay thank you I think also there's a concern that while so much of a presence a law enforcement presence is needed downtown you listed almost it sound like 10 or more serious calls that had to be put on hold required response and and I the chief and I have watched the videos are offic is running priority from the farthest districts of the city east and west to get to downtown to assist with that problem so yes then we're putting the rest of the city on the rest of the cities to deal with with one issue and and noteworthy and we didn't put it in here I don't want to try to make this an emotional issue but even the night that the deputy was shot M um the reason we had to ask for assistance and uh getting out to that original call is our folks were were tied up downtown dealing with some stuff so and the one thing I just want to add um you know as a chief I I say that some Chiefs kind of reverse that order but I say all the time my number one job as a chief of police is to take care of my officers because if I take good care of them they will take good care of our community they will do what we all want them to do um to protect and serve and and safe guard that situation that you saw in the video is not me taking good care of them I I have officers out there In Harm's Way they were outgunned outnumbered um that was a that was a dangerous situation and we we look just across the bridge um yesterday pal meow officer involved in a shooting uh knock on wood uh we've been we've been very lucky by the grace of God that we haven't experienced that in many many many years it's it's a catastrophic situation waiting to happen if we don't get our our arms around this and and that's why we stand here today not to try to impact you emotionally but um you know objectively it's it's it's a situation that we don't want it to get worse we want it to get better we all want the same thing so Council or vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor I believe out in the county the county requires bars to close at 2 a.m. is that correct Tony saying yes I well the vast majority of them I will say because there may be one or two hither and ywn that don't but there's I think there's a couple that okay well my question is is if most of the drinking establishments in the county close at 2 o'clock why would we want to stay open until 2:30 to encourage people to come come down here because this is the only place they can get their drink on I I mean that's that's a great question I I I don't know I have the answer to that I would say the majority no no no I I I think the a large portion of the bars downtown do their last call 145 is usually and and they're usually moving people to pay their tabs and be out the door between two and 230 CU a lot of our issues in the parking lots in the street occur right after closing it's when everybody gets flushed into the streets and and we're dealing with the problems the ones the instances we just showed you were not inside of bars they were out in the streets again if if people have been out in the county em bibing and the that area is shut down and they know that in the city of Bradon they can keep drinking until 2:30 according to our ordinance corre that the bars can stay open um I I think that is feeding part of this issue I think they leave one area of town and come down here and I would agree I I I'm going to be hard pressed to support something that allows them to stay open until 2:30 thank you councilman CER yeah um we know nothing happens quickly in um government and this to me is something I've felt for quite a while that we needed to be addressing somehow I'm a little concerned that what we are um proposing is somewhat of an administrative Quagmire that you know isn't going to be enough of a of a change I I want I think we need to speak loudly and clearly this is not braon we don't want to ever see this again and I think I agree wholeheartedly with Miss Barney 2:30 it it's too late if it were up to me I'd say let's send a loud message and last call I'd say midnight but I mean I want to support the businesses but um I just I I'm I think that we've tried to be supportive of businesses and maybe let things go a little bit too long I mean when you have the the big raid on all these people having illegal gambling machines in there and and you've got twerk nights and things like that going on downtown that is not the vision that we have had when we've been investing quite a bit in our downtown to make it a place for everybody and when you talk to people that are planning you you know their weddings and they want to stay in the hotels downtown they don't feel comfortable and they'll go somewhere else so I I would like to see us tighten this up now I obviously understand there could be unintended con consequences um so I think anything we do should have some kind of a a review maybe after a year but I want to send a loud message and I I mean I would just say cut rather than this special permit I'd rather see us just cut the hours but um I want something done and I I want it done now so a m thank you for the presentation I really just want to reserve the right to let the public speak and talk more after that no there it's a public hearing I know but I I want to talk after after that okay yeah we'll have that chance councilwoman Moore um I um I want to just make absolutely clear that I agree with what you all have said um we've invested a lot in downtown and um and we've invested a lot in the officers I think to date and I'm really excited with the state of the department and All That You Know Chief and Captain have done to you know bolster it up and and make it a strong unit um I don't like what is happening downtown I don't like that people don't feel safe um and I agree that something needs to be done that all of that said when I read the specifics of the ordinance and this is maybe more towards um uh Mr Driscoll I the second half that deals with revocation or suspension um completely no problem whatsoever uh it is very clear it's enumerated there's a opportunity for a hearing officer to review any decision that's made my only issue is with the first half of the ordinance um I I would suggest without you know having been an expert in the Drafting and I know you work very hard on it um so I would certainly you know welcome any comments I just don't think it is advisable for us to have one person that determines the criteria for specific establishments I I would suggest my suggestion is that we make it a committee of sorts call it whatever you want but law enforcement obviously Chief is very appropriate to be one of the people City administrator maybe someone from the planning department to R round it out um and I just use as an example the uh the use of a metal detector while that might be from a law enforcement perspective a very useful tool maybe the planning department would object to the way that looks as well you know there's I think that there's different considerations and I also think it just protects us from a favoritism uh you know any kind of I I think it's just checks and balances accountability to me it's it makes more sense to have two or three people responsible for the decision that uh that business a has to do this and business B has to do that um the criteria is a little general so if you compare the criteria that currently as written the chief would look at to determine what that business that's applying excuse me needs that's more General than the enumerated reasons for revocation or suspension and I'm okay with that if it was not just one human being that was making that determination um to uh vice mayor Barnaby's point I also agree that we should match the county because it's just an encouragement to have people continue or even just you know show up here at 1:15 130 because they know they're going to get that extra time um not an expert in that at all but it just that just makes sense to me um so this is not I'm not saying I'm not supporting it at all I just I had specific concerns about specific parts of the um the first half as written um morning Council um as far as the the first half um I understand your your point and the that it's just the the general ordinance and then we the city and the police department would have to come up with a policy and procedure to implement the ordinance and as an example uh Orlando who this is very much mirrored from has a 133-page policy and procedure on this which defines uh the criteria for when uh the establishment would need extra Duty Officers or security when they would need um a metal detector which could just be a wand everybody thinks a metal detector is The Big Unit like we have but they they they could utilize a wand as well the key is that they're checking for weapons before they come in if they're required to so and and perhaps that policy and procedure part uh could be done with a committee as opposed to an individual I mean it no no offense to the chief but it won't be the chief coming up with the policy of procedure she would just be approving it once we the police department come up came up with that but we we could certainly include others in that as well if that's the desire of counsel my my thought is I know other I I was aware I meant to mention that as well thank you for bringing that up that other cities do it so we're not Reinventing the wheel and and I think the action is very appropriate um I don't know how that would work you know because the ordinance States really the chief has the you know she or the chief I should say because it's not you know it's not person specific um determines the criteria and then there's really like no further review from that moment so then would we you know what procedurally happens at this point that we've adopted this ordinance without the policy behind it yeah and I don't I'm gonna talk first if that's all right Miss okay um I don't disagree from the standpoint of you know you hate to have one individual being the the the king maker or queen maker when you're doing it but um when you look at the logistics they do have the magistrate review you know if it if it comes down to seems like it's out of the normal um I do totally agree that we don't want to have all these big metal detectors you know where people have to walk through because then as many people have said oh what's wrong and I'm going to give you the story that and I might have already said this once before but um when all this stuff started happening we really started putting a lot larger Force downtown it was probably about 950 and my wife and I were coming down Main Street and we were going north and we were at 4th Avenue and there was a couple there with three children and I'm guessing at ages 12 n and seven looked like those kids were there and they looked like they were coming back I would have had guest from o' bricks from dinner and they probably were in a baseball tournament because the one young 12-year-old looked like he was a baseball player and she's like wow look at all the police officers what's wrong down here and you know I wanted to stop and go out and talk to them but I didn't because I imagined they were staying at Spring Hill Suites for a baseball summer tournament and that's not the image we want either because that also shuts down our downtown more and more so um you know I I do think there's a couple things that that we've talked about in saying okay how can you make it a little bit more and I'll tell you right now the city council being the judge and jury came up and I am opposed to that because that gets so political that it it it totally changes things and we want this to be non-political and and you're talking about you know there was a lot of other video that we look through that we could have shown that you know wasn't what you know people public record if it comes to the point but it's it's not stuff you want to see our city looking like and we're lucky that we don't have three dead people at a bar from two weeks ago you know it could have easily have been and Mr Perry says all the time were the luckiest City when he was in Albuquerque people didn't miss and we could have that so I know there's some and that's the policy they'll come up with like I said about price that's a policy I'm GNA ask the city council to obviously grandfather everybody in now they still have to do the permitting part of it but with no fee and this isn't a yearly fee this is a one-time fee but we're going to wave that ask the council to wave that fee in this ordinance um or as we go forward with the policy as well as give everybody that timeline whenever it starts you have 30 days to do it you don't have 6 months to do it but you'll have a time frame to get your permit in and do it because again this is not about money this is about me and all of us standing up there and saying we have a dead officer because of a fight started that in one of the videos that I looked at uh there was officers trying to get people under control and they were grabbing at their guns they were grabbing at their body and what if they had got that gun what would they have done with it and that's not the shock value that I'm trying to do I'm just trying to say we've got to start somewhere and can we make it better I agree with you yeah there may be a policy and and nobody wants the chief you know in a place to say oh there are be a dictator so yeah I don't have a problem with doing something in Chief and and if I can just respond you know the goal of this ordinance is is exactly that not to put me in this huge position of of power but I I think what we're trying to avoid is a bureaucracy that could surround this and and make it a a pretty clear cut and I think it could be a pretty clear cut if you read closely through the ordinance you see very specific criteria that allows involvement by the police department and when it says the chief it really is the police department it's not me acting in a silo it's me acting in concert with um the rest to my staff and understanding the laws that that govern what we want to do and and what our objectives are as well we are looking at this from a community policing criteria with First Steps being meeting with the the bar owners establishing um seped uh visits what sep that is um community policing through environmental design visits um or I'm sorry crime prevention through environmental design and and really getting in front of this and figuring out what we can do to to make make this a better place I know that there was a concern that we would be looking back 12 months or 24 months it's it's our position that everybody starts fresh everybody starts new it starts after we've met with every owner what can we do to help I know that the CRA is interested in providing cameras if folks want to increase their security and their lighting um we're all working on this together and when we talk about hearing officers and Mr dris and I spent quite a bit of time yesterday discussing that what we don't want to see happen is things getting kicked down the road for 30 days and 60 days and six months and appeals and all that if if you all trust me to lead this organization and you have for nine years then uh trust that that we as a as an entity will carry this out as you all dictate with the terms of the ordinance and and we'll do it the right way and if we need to tweak it then we'll come back and and tweak it but we really want this to be a collaborative process we have a lot of bar owners behind us I don't know what they're going to say but um this is not going to be something I don't feel that's going to be negatively impactful if people simply do what they should do regardless to make our downtown area safer Miss Moore I was just going to um remark that I I saw you have answered my question I think because the hearing officer does not review the criteria to determine the uh the grant of the um permit there is no I mean as written there's no review the police chief determines and that's it they either do it or they don't do it and then they get it or they don't get it it is only the suspension or the revocation that the hearing officer goes before them um and and also just to respond to that just a tiny bit um and Chief and I have talked about this I I trust her to to make you know solid and and unbiased determinations but it's not always going to be her and so anytime we're doing something like this my concern is always well what's going to happen in the future maybe it is that we just put in a sunset to protect ourselves from the potential of you know who knows what relationships will be like uh you know 15 years from now we just heard at the fire the wonderful fire station dedication yesterday that you know 60 years ago I think it was or 40 years ago City Council wouldn't give the fire department a shower in their in their fire department and so we just don't you know I don't know who's going to be here who are going to be the players I don't know Miss Coker well the only thing I will say is that I think that we're doing this for Public Safety and so I mean we have to trust our law enforcement and as she said it's really the whole department and if you know I I just don't think we want to inject other interests into I want this to be purely a decision based on public safety and I have full faith in if we don't that's that speaks even louder but we need to have full faith in our BPD that that's what comes first all right we're going to move to the public hearing so then we can then we'll have a debate after we get a motion um at this time uh with the second reading we're going to open it the public hearing um you can come forward and you'll have three minutes please state your name in your city of residents so anyone open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak please come forward and state your name and you have three minutes hello everyone James Miller yall know me as cork owner my wife and daughter of cork garbar I just want you to know that we as business owners want to Safe downtown just as much as you all do we just don't want to have we've had meetings up to four or five years ago with City officials asking that we do something because we saw this was going to happen we did not want an eor City and that was our exact terminology and here we are today going down that path which we want to with you stop uh we have operated as our bar for 17 years without having these type of issues or problems and I probably shouldn't say this but this this reaction from you all is due to one new bar owner who came down and brought this element in which we all disagreed with and we've talked about it two three years ago is this ordinance for just after 12 permit because those rules and violations can be misc conscrew or conscrew or between anything happens between 8 9 10 11 before 12 I don't know if that's clarified in there and I'm hoping y'all have mentioned it I'd like to see this sun down after 12 months where we bring it back up and discuss and see how successful it's been and invite us back that's the only thing I really have is I had wished that you had all brought in some of us business owners to help develop s ordinance and then you'd had everybody supporting you and we support you don't don't get me wrong and we love the chief of police thank you anyone else wishing to speak anyone else please come forward please state your name and your city of residence good morning everyone my name is Larry Connor I live in Ellington uh I am a current downtown business owner and a uh a ret retired bartender of downtown for over 10 years where I worked at night times both weekdays and weekends uh just wanted to provide some information to you uh the city of brington a few years ago a study had come out that showed that that brenon uh among small cities across the entire country had one of the top 10 most vibrant night lives okay a really appealing Quality quality for our city and um you know with any city that has a dynamic night life and is upand cominging you can expect that there are going to be issues I mean that's it's going to happen and you know I have to say that uh in my te more than a decade I've been very happy with the bpd's responsiveness and resolution to issues that I had to deal with I mean it really reallyree it it was a good experience for me and um we've all gone and we've gone through these periods of time so brington is not like some terrible really dangerous place okay we do have periods of times where we have issues like we're seeing right now and uh we we you know as as an employee bartenders employees downtown the business owners we maintained or tried to maintain a good communicative relationship with the police department and commitments have been made whether they were formal or informal that more patrols foot patrols would be around and and increased presence from the police which by the way an increased presence from police to me the only people that it keeps away are the troublemakers okay people that that that want to be safe and in a safe environment they don't mind having the police around um but because Bradington isn't such a terrible place over time the issues fade and then these increased patrols and things of that would go away or they would end earlier in the night until of course some problems would pop up again um now the idea of of this permit to allow bars to stay open after 12 I I believe that that it would be helpful I I I believe that this could be a good thing um however it doesn't fix the problem uh a few years ago uh there was a problem bar old the old main P tree you all remember it used to be the oldest bar in town uh had been considered a nuance and was required to close early and unfortunately for the bar across the street which is just open Patty wag Pub instead of that resolving the issue that was old main that problem those problems flowed over primarily into Patty wagon Pub as well as other bars around downtown but primarily there and they went through a lot of things to try and mitigate that even to the extent of hiring off-duty officers to provide security but even that wasn't enough right it caused there were still problems there and so my point in bringing this up is that I don't believe that the the permitting is thank thank you comprehensive solution I just wanted all right we're looking um anyone else ask if you would continue the ordinance so that small business owners could be sir part proc anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak please state your name and your city of residence you have three minutes thank you hey my name is Joseph Bennett I'm the owner and oper I'm sorry Sarasota is where I live um I'm the owner operator of poor decisions craft tales bambooz and uh Market coming here pretty shortly um I'm here today to request the city continue continue the ordinance for 447 to a future meeting so that the city and the small business bar owners can meet to discuss permitting requirements process some of the costs you've already talked about after the for the after midnight permit I know I will be directly affected as well as other bar owners I understand the perceived increase in crime and violence occurring after midnight is particular concern for the city to be clear I am also concerned about that I'm not here to oppose the city doing a midnight permit I'm simply asking the city to fully develop the process that the small business owner must follow to receive the after midnight permit and to confirm all of the financial requirements I'm concerned that this ordinance does not provide the process to apply for and receive the afteron midnight permit how how long the process will take and how much this will cost small business owners the ordin states that it will take effect after the second reading does that mean the alcohol beverage license is immediately affected can the city provide a small grace period for implementing this I have staff who rely on income from alcohol beverage sales after midnight which is primarily where most of their money is made without knowing how quickly I can apply for and receive the after midnight permit I can't tell them how long it will take them to make the same income that they've been currently making I'm particularly concerned with the lack of cost estimated surrounding the additional security measures that may be required for the full discernment of the chief of police I understand that it's a thing and I support them actually it's the city business impact estimate it simply States the cost are on a case-by casee Bas case caseby casee business and cannot be Quantified at this point the business impact statement states that the ordinance will affect 10 to 15 establishments the city I asked the city any of these establishments about how this will affect their business how will this financially impact them again I'm not opposing the concept of the after midnight permit I'm just concerned that this is being rushed through without fully vetting the process and cost of small business owners therefore I respectfully request the city delay the adoption of the ordinance until the meeting with business owners like myself so that we can have some certainty on the next step timing and cost thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak please state your name and your city of residence thank you welcome um good morning my name is Nicole McKinnis I'm a land use and property rights attorney at Sterns Weaver Miller in Tampa um I also reside in Tampa um here at today representing poor decisions CFT tales and bambo Boozer um in connection with ordinance 4047 um I fully understand why the city is implementing this measure and I understand that this is um the direction that you're taking um not here to oppose the concept of this permit um but rather here to you know ask that you please fully develop this process so that all these small business owners know exactly what they will be required to do to apply for and receive this permit and specifically what I mean to that effect is the ordinance is set to take effect as soon as second reading is over um is this something that the small business owners can apply for the permit tomorrow has the form been developed do we know what staff will be implementing this do we know how long it will take for us to get a decision do we know how long it will take for the chief of police and her Department to come up with the policy and procedure guide for the criteria to determine the weapon system detect the ID scanners um the additional law enforcement who may be present do we know all of those things that small businesses will be directly affected tomorrow um so I'm really here today to ask that the city consider and adopt those processes prior to implementing this because it will dramatically affect these business owners um as John Joe mentioned the the business impact statements this was required as part of 2023 bill um by Flor statutes to require this business impact statement um and it's because local governments have been adopting ordinances on very ious other matters that were adversely affecting small business owners um in the small business um owner in that bill they said that local governments need this business impact statement so they can fully assess the direct compliance cost with an ordinance your ordinance does not contain these direct compliance costs it says they'll be assessed on a caseby casee basis and then that they will um be they're not able to quantify but those costs are this is not consistent with Florida law and there is an attorney's fees provision for um for local governments that are sued and ultimately um if a court rules against them on the ordinance that there's an attorney's fee provision um also just have some concerns with with the ordinance and the way that this may adversely be affecting bar owners because again the process has not been developed um there's things in there like if there's any code violations that the the bars cannot have the after Midnight's permit as you know many of these bars are in Old buildings um so does that mean that if they're legally conforming or non-conforming that they still um would be subject to scrutiny on this after midnight permit uh parking is required I'm not sure why parking would be relevant to this type of application um again I know the mayor has brought up the fees but what are the application fees are there fees for the chief of police to be reviewing items are there fees for the metal detection systems for having Off Duty Officers what kind of fees are we looking at for this type of process um is there a limit on these fees that how much can be imposed on these bar owners what kinds of conditions can be imposed on the bar owners when will a hearing officer be hired by the city to administer these applications um you know these bar owners they do have a right to continue operating their bar they have been operating they have rights to do this we're just asking that proc anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing Mr Perry mayor I've been inspired by Mr Bennett and attorney Miller I think she raises good points to the extent of uh this this extended hours privilege is what a local preference privilege uh raises a great deal of issues and I think that Mr Bennett inspired me from his interest in in the cost to the city and when I look at the cost the one thing that wasn't talked about is the cost of all that police presence that's downtown constantly and the overtime and the equipment and the like and I also think about the cost of the image to the city because always thought metal detector should be at the end of a prison or an airport not a place where you go in with a family to have a nice time I look at the cost as it relates to police officer safety when I see video like that and and the Jeopardy and and fear I have and the cost that Chief beon talked about I think you have gone over backwards bent over backwards to accommodate the better part of four to five bars and I think the taxpayers are paying for it I think the city's investments in downtown are paying for it and I think that when we look at the analysis that was put To Us by Mr Bennett and his attorney why would we want to get into litigation the easiest thing for you to do is to say it ends at midnight that's what the state law says thank you councilman councilman CH K thank you um miss mcginness Mr ril Miss mcginness brought up a point about us not being in compliance this ordinance potentially not being in compliance with Florida law are you able to opine on that well sure is a number of issues um I think to her point the ordinance does not um it does not address this period when um when the owners would be required to come in and get a permit I think everybody understands that there would be a grace period involved in that but doesn't specifically lay that out excuse me right we can add a grandfather period we could we could add a period of time to which they would need to come in and apply for the permit if they were currently operating things like that could be could be added to the ordinance if we if we wanted to clarify that um in terms of the business impact estimate it is an estimate um that is a new statute uh so again that's going to to be um something that is up for interpretation um but I mean I think her her position is that the city C didn't do enough to try to estimate those costs I you know I I think what we did is compliant with the statute but um but there could be arguments both ways thank you yeah I I mean I think as Mr Perry said there might be some legitimate um things that need to be worked out and I'm really more in favor of just let's go ahead and set something now um I I could I'd be comfortable with um alcohol sales until 1 o'clock and then keep the you can keep your restaurant or your establishment open but you can't be serving any alcohol and it allows time for people to eat and maybe sober up stay open till 2 but stop alcohol sales at 1:00 and then we can work through the rest if they want to you know go through an administrative special permit but I I I feel like right now we've got to do um something and and that's my that's my opinion i' I'd like to see us do that instead M thank you Mr Mayor we are being asked to do something we've been asked by other business owners we've been asked by C citizens that recognize that what they are seeing in their downtown is not what they want to see so we're being asked to do something and at times like this it kind of makes me feel like I get turned into the Hall Monitor because certain businesses aren't being responsible I don't like being put in this position but I ask for this job I love serving people and when people ask me about the job and they'll say what's what's the worst part of it like if you have to raise taxes or or you know if you have to tell somebody they can't build something and I not for me the worst part of this job is if I have to go to a funeral for a police officer a firefighter one of our Public Works employees any employee that we have at the city because I know how hard these people work and how they wouldn't do this job if they didn't love this community but when we lose a public safety employee because of someone's irresponsibility and poor choices that's when I don't like my job we're being asked to have people be responsible with their business I don't think we should have to do that I think if you have a business you should be proud to operate it and you should be proud that you're in the city of Bradenton yeah it's my hometown yeah I'm probably going to be buried here but we need business owners that have civic pride and want to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do not because some little old lady sits up here and tells you now you can't have drink after admit that and I find it very frustrating that we get put in this position because of irresponsible behavior on the Act of a few so the chair will entertain a motion and see if we get a second and then we'll go into further discussion well I move to table this until our next city council meeting and so that we can address the policy Mo you're not recognized at this time sorry um Miss Barnaby had the floor Mr Mayor I would like to make a motion to pass ordinance 4047 with the understanding that there will be a grace period of up to 35 days and I'm also going to request that we change the time limit to 2 a.m. I'll second that all right and can we put in that uh there would be no fee for the the permit at the beginning so it would basically be net neutral for any existing for existing businesses right at this time I will accept that friendly Amendment if the second or will second okay discussion Miss Moore um I was intending to ask Mr rudisel whether or not if we tabled it to the next meeting we had any um you whether that was permitted as far as notice and time with the hearing ings and whatnot but before you ask that I mean before you answer that question I will also just say that it might be a good idea to include some reference to a policy to be developed in that interim that addresses some concerns regarding costs any cost for the future right whether and also whether we want to have any review by any staff including City administrator or planning as far as Urban Design or um um or planning factors you know given that we're making a determination about what has to be required and whether or not you would like to consider including a sunset provision Mr Mayor yes ma'am um I I think our job as as the policy makers is to pass the ordinance and then to get with the police department they're going to be the ones that are going to have the a procedures they're going to be the ones that are going to have to bring all of that and I think that if you have a problem when they bring It Forward that's when we need to address it personally that's just my opinion Mr Kramer I was going to say much the same the city doesn't get in the habit of setting we set policy we set ordinance we don't set department policies Department set those policies um the chief and her staff everyone's putting this on the chief the chief is the just like it when we go on State of Emergency the sheriff is the law enforcement executive for the county the police chief whoever that police chief is is the public safety no offens of fire but in this situation is the public safety person we're going to look to to handle this matter a committee of one is not a committee of just the chief it's a committee of the chief staff who's going to put together she's not going to be the one sitting there reviewing everything by herself she's going to review it with staff trust me I know um it's going to be done that way because it's a consensus um Captain the is also one of the people who's been out there and has been on that street Sergeant cerniglia has been on that street I have been on that street and had to call for all officers to come be down there because you're back to back with your partner officer because the crowd's coming in on you to see it happening just downtown there's a lot of focus on it just being downtown right now this is a city-wide issue we haven't had just shootings downtown we had shootings out east uh which then if you have an downtown issue you had this issue down where somebody breaks into a nursing home for goodness sakes uh you've got then you're fighting a two fronted war in the meantime a deputy gets shot because he's got to come help us because we're dealing with a crowd the no offense is a crowd that doesn't care about the law that issue happened at 2:15 the video 212 to 215 and and Captain th said it was 3:15 330 before the crowd was gone what's the crowd got to do but stand around and gawk and start more fights and keep arguing they need to get the hell out that's all I got to say for now Council cooker yeah I I just um I'd like to somehow address okay 35 days um but if even if we don't have that permit process nailed down in 30 days can we have some change I I I just don't want to see this drag out and um we've seen this with other ordinances that required permits and stuff that it takes a long time to implement it and so I want and I want to see us effect change now um and that's just my big concern but I'm just going to start talking here that's what we're doing we're voting on this to make that change happen now but you're saying that your grandfather in so there's not really any change if every single thing will remain the same until that permit is issued within the 35 days you got to give so what happens at 35 days if they don't have a permit they're closed at midnight yeah okay even if we're not ready no we're going to be ready okay this ordinance will go into effect when we pass it there will be a 35-day grace period as I understand right I just want to make sure even if we're not ready I want it to go into effect if I may um what I would suggest and help me out here um I think once the ordinate ordinance passes today I think that the terms in so far as the criminal violations that would be associated with a greater look at the police department should start right um so if if there's a sexual battery happens a homicide I think it those criminal um requirements associated with it should begin today but back to my point we want to see this as a successful event when we push this out it is Citywide we we want to work with our business owners we want to educate we want to do seped studies we want to get all that out of the way when that permit gets issued 35 days is a bit aggressive when we're talking about Citywide to get all that we will work very hard but I don't know that that necessarily matters as long as you trust that that we will do our education period we will personally meet with every bar within the city we'll take a a quick look that says um you're going to get this permit here we haven't even um come up it's actually the city administrator and the police department who determines the permitting process and how they're going to go through that with with planning what I would ask is you you allow those criminal sanctions to start today and as of today those could be looked at when the permitting begins um so it's not really a grace period but then it gives everybody time if we want to say hey um you know let's get some cameras and whatnot and you have 15 days to apply and here's the process I I think we do want to have a procedure procedure but nobody's going to be closed at midnight AB absolutely not and I I want to make sure that um cork understands these are violations at not just after midnight this is 247 if if violations that are listed and enumerated in the ordinance happen that's 20 that's whenever they're open so if there's disorderly conduct if there's arrest if there's continued over over yeah y right correct over and and over and over we're going to work hard to achieve a successful outcome our goal is to work with our business owners let them make money let us not have to be out there all the time dealing with issues or problems and I think if we do this the right way way we can accomplish this this is the right way start it today but give the police department a chance during the next 30 to 60 days to develop a good process that everybody feels good about an education period work with our officers and and we can make it happen so when when are you going to have in effect that no bars are open after 2 am well today right as long as you vot I don't know that's what I'm questioning well if I could Mr Mayor I I do have a couple questions and and I want to get to that issue as well so I think in terms of the grace period I think what probably makes the most sense is to have a period of time within which they have to apply for the permit um because they don't really have control over what happens after that it's on the city to go through the process of doing it so period of time to which existing owners would have to make application while still staying open till 2 a. yes now I'm a little bit concerned about making the 2 am switch today because the ordinance was not noticed for that type of change we noticed it as an after midnight permit you know between the hours of midnight and 2:30 we haven't noticed it as limiting um limiting all alcohol sales to 2 a.m. so if we want to make that change I would suggest that we continue the meeting Ren notice it for that change um and I know you're not going to like that but you know I think that would be the most prudent course if we're going to if we're going to cut the hours back how long does that have to be noticed um we could we could get that notice in and bring it back to the next meeting can we do it sooner uh we can certainly look at that and see check those time frames see what we could do if you wanted to and would that Chief give opportunity to have everything ready if we waited two weeks I'm got a large staff will'll work hard but again we have to work with the city as well to I think what we're trying to do is come up with some tools basically and provide PD enough time to look at the uh the Contours of of the permit and and as Mr rudol pointed out currently existing there's a 230 provision and and that wasn't noticed and so if we can get it back to the next meeting what it would effectively do is at that point you could implement it and then the time deadline becomes 2 am. once it's implement it but that doesn't mean that that's going to give enough time to PD to basically take each and every application and authorize it for the extension I I would think that's what they have to look at and I think the way it's written is one of the things the PD could say is if you have a bad first off you're on the shot clock that once it passes then the chief and chief staff can take every incident thereafter and look at it I think that's the point she was trying to make as a predicate for why things have to be modified basically and I think the modification could include even shutting hours down potentially a recommendation to less than 2:00 in there for officer safety or other community safety things so it's a good tool and it could be modified if it isn't included in the current ordinance to include that which we may want to do but I think we have to provide the chief enough time to process those applications and I don't know how you feel about it but I would imagine something slightly more than 30 days 60 days probably but everything would still be in order at the next meeting if it passes it and it would also give the bar owners some opportunity to change their operational practices if required to basically modify it um and to talk with staff from the the Police Department as well and this is maybe not to you all but to the folks sitting behind me we've we've taken a look at all of our calls for service over the past 12 months in relation to the ordinance and I will tell you on its surface the events thus far there is not one bar owner who would be suspended for sales after midnight currently um maybe that can put some Folks At Ease we've we've looked at all the calls for service I I think there's this perception that we're picking out a few bars um and there's there's some close ones there there's some people that would certainly be on our radar and and we would say look you're you're getting close you need to change a few Pro practices and procedures and here's what we're going to suggest because the next time here's what's going to happen but currently as it stands with a review there is not one bar who would be denied a permit every single bar would be getting a permit right now so so I'm going to ask the question then Chief um do we have and maybe Captain the would have to answer this have we had um bars selling to underage or minorities minors sure we not minorities minors what' I say lots of minorities minors um uh yes we we've we've been running a few operations that have uh sh that that's common place in every city we we strive to have we had have we had drug buys downtown sure in bars have bartenders been selling drugs out of bars sure so I I I am now for looking at this in a different way and maybe adding to this ordinance so you know and some things that if that's happening so if that happens with this ordinance right now are we able to do anymore it it depends on how often how many times this ordinance is isn't the The Cure All save all um it it gives us some solid Things based on some criminal activity but it's looking more at repeated criminal activity right not onetime events but I think there is as we heard of a previous bar that it took a long time to take care of it that was there and is there a way to strengthen this ordinance to stop that if it continues to happen because we knew at one time a bouncer was selling at a bar um drugs and was arrested and spent time in jail for that and it took how long for that to happen I I think that this ORD but would the bar have been closed down if the bouncer that they actually hired is selling drugs to you know he's the one that's the the fox guarding the hen house um so there may be some things that this might be a little bit of a uh a good delay now because I think we need to look at that and add some of those things to it Mr rudisel Mr Mayor I was just going to note as an option the council could adopt the ordinance today with some of the changes of we talked about the the grace period and the fee waiver anything else that the council wants to put in there today and then we could bring back another ordinance right behind it for two o'cl for two o'clock okay and if we have if we want to add and anything else that we decide good all right Mr Mayor yes ma'am on the advice of councel I want to make sure I get this correct that I would like to amend my initial motion to go back to the 2:30 time period but I'm doing it with the understanding that we are going to look at a two o'l or bringing back another right A A 2 am closing time as well as looking at other options absolutely yes ma'am and just to clarify because you had indicated a 35-day grade race period now we're talking about an time frame to make an application do would you keep that at 35 days to make the application and maybe this is a question for staff as to when they think they can I would like to see something done I'm with Miss Coker MH I said I I originally had 45 days I wasn't sure I'd get support on that so I knocked it back to 35 days but hearing what the chief has said chief what is that 60 days is it 60 days is that what you would be more comfortable with now to be clear I think that 60 days is for the PD to process those applications is that somebody step forward please because yeah I I'd like to remind the council this this is Citywide so it's not just the the seven bars downtown this affects a lot so it's a lot of leg work on our end especially with the sep head studies and some of the suggestions because it this ordinance is a blanket ordinance for the entire city and and you talk about alcohol sales to Miners and narcotic sales we we target Citywide not just downtown but we're talking about making application not that the permit is issued but I believe that there's many businesses that aren't even aware this is happening outside of downtown so we want to make sure we do our due diligence to get that information out so they're aware that this is so Captain are you more comfortable with 60 days I am yes ma'am do I hear 50 60 and just for clarification 60 days to be issued by the police department or 60 days to be uh put in through the applicants we need to have Clarity on that well foremost and correct me if I'm wrong that the permit is not issued by us it's in conjunction with City Administration and I was going to make that Point as well that we you know we may need the administration to weigh in on when they think they can have an application available if we adopt this people won't be able to go in tomorrow and fill out an application so um that part of the question I I think our our goal would be to to touch every business uh make make it clear what the ordinances what we would like to see um and give them the opportunity to apply for the permit within 60 days you know by that time we'll say hey you have a 15-day turnaround on this if that 15-day turnaround goes beyond it's still going to be they'll be educated they'll know that they have to comply within 15 days and that all will happen within the next 60 days Mr krer I'm good with that so yes but I just want to are because there's two parts to the 230 there's consumption on premises which I think is what we're really saying to clock too but there's also consumption off premises so like a convenience store that's two that was that one was to remain 230 as well do we want them both to be two or I'm okay with the other ones being 230 because for the most part they're going to be taking it home at this point in time the maker of the motion is going with legal counsil saying 230 would I think addressing in it too is when we bring that back and then that's when we have that discussion okay we have a motion in a second I think we've got it clarified Mr well and just to make sure I'm clear so what we will include [Music] is a provision that um which won't be codified but provides a 60-day grace period for um establishments to make application um and then we're also adding a provision that would wave the fees for the existing establishments in that time period not forever if they don't get it done in a time period Well they have to do it in the time period anyway so yes understood else all right okay we've had discussion the motion is made we'll start the vote in W four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes carries five to zero thank you we're going to take a recess until 10:30 thank you e e e e item 7A is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4040 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida vacating a portion of a ploted 40ft wide right of way as shown on theat of Adams Annex to Braden Town subdivision recorded in book one page 158 of the Public Public Records of Manatee County Florida and more particularly described herein being generally located south of Manatee Avenue West East of Third Street West North of 8th Avenue Drive West and West of Second Street West providing for recordation in the official records providing for severability and providing for ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date and can we read all of these together because virtually if you want to read them all and open them up for the same public hearing I don't have an objection to that we just take separate motions when we get to them all right Madam clerk Item B is ordinance 4041 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida vacating a portion of a platted 60t wide right away as shown on the plat of Rosa's subdivision recorded in book one page 142 of the public records of Manatee County Florida and more particularly described herein being generally located south of Manatee Avenue West East of Second Street West North of 8th Avenue Drive West and West of First Street providing for recordation in the official records providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date thank you ordinance 4042 an ordinance of the city of Bradington Florida vacating a portion of a ploted 15 foot wide alley as shown on the plat of Rosa's subdivision recorded in book one page 142 of the public records of Manatee County Florida and more particularly described here in being generally located south of Manatee Avenue West East of Third Street West North of 8th Avenue Drive West and West of Second Street West providing for recordation and the official records Prov providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date thank you and then can you do 20 4 40 46 sorry about that ordinance 4046 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida vacating an 8 foot wide portion of 8th Avenue West South Street as shown on the plat of Black Bear Park Subdivision recorded in book one page 283 of the public records of man County Florida and more particularly described herein being generally located south of Manatee Avenue West East of Third Street West North of 8th Avenue Drive West and West of Second Street West providing for recordation and the official records providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date okay Mr dong can you give us the explanation all right thank you I'm doing that Greg dong assistant director planning Community Development um um thank you for allowing us to combine all four of these cases together as they are for one overall project will be which will be the new police headquarters building um here's just a location map defining where each one of these proposed vacations are located of RightWay or easement you can see there's the four of them listed on the map here is a zoning map this area is completely Zone T5 which is in our form based code area um the applicant which is the city um this planning staff has approved the plans for the form based code and for for the um new police headquarters so that's good news so this thing can start moving forward future land use is UCB again showing where all the rideways and easement are located uh the first case is ordinance 4040 um again this is a 7053 Street West it is a little bit over uh 7600 square feet this vacation area or 0.18 Acres um is currently a vacant lot as mentioned it is to vacate a 40ft rideway um this again as mentioned is for the police headquarters it is as I've mentioned already is a vacant lot and utility companies have already signed off on the proposed request here is a survey of the um area on the left hand left I didn't talk this morning sorry left hand side of your screen and the uh site plan on the right hand side and here is a photo of the uh site as it is today the next case is ordinance 4041 this is at 707 Second Street West this area is a little bit larger at a approximately 19,000 square feet or 044 Acres uh this currently has the Bradington Public Works water system facility on it um it this is a 60ft rideway that is cutting through the property at 707 Second Street West here is the survey map on the left showing the uh survey of the property and on the right hand side you can see uh the area being vacated as it goes through one of the uh water tanks here is the existing conditions um from a photo looking to the east the next case is ordinance 4042 and this is a 704 Second Street West uh this is approximately 251 feet or 007 Acres again this has the uh Public Works facility and water system facility on it um this is a 15t wide uh RightWay or alley that is on the property here on the Le hand side again is a survey right hand side shows the are to be vacated and here are some photos from that property it is pretty much where the driveway is behind the gate and the last case is ordinance 4046 and this is at 800 second straet West um this is an unimproved Street unlike the other cases ahead um that we heard um this is approximately 700 or 927 square feet or 02 Acres um it is currently as I mentioned an unapproved street with no curb gut or storm system um it consists of sand and rock surface right now um looking at the request it does not appear that it's going to negatively impact traffic patterns on the subject Road network over there and all utility companies have also signed off on this one here on the leth hand side is a survey of the area right hand side shows a better areial of that and here are some photos of that subject area as you can see it's an unproved street that is being used and there is the area to be vacated and looking at the land use regulations we look at section 2.2.7 um it does appear everything is is met um letters were submitted by all utility companies stating they have no utilities in the subject portions of right away to be vacated and it also does comply with objective 1.5 of the comprehensive plan um considering this area is already buil upon or they're unused right away um they it appears that does meet the uh comp plan on being able to be vacated um plan or city council is encouraged to evaluate the requests based on the provided application materials as well as staff input the applicant and the public and based on its decision on section 2.2.7 of the land use regulations Planning Commission did meet on May 15th about these four subject cases and did vote um by a vote of 60 for each one of the cases to recommend approval to city council and that is all I've got any questions all right and we'll open the public hearing for all four anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing and as Mr rudisell said we'll take a motion on ordinance 4040 first Mr May yes ma'am motion to approve ordinance 4040 all right second second by miss barnby any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero moving on to motion 44 chair will entertain a motion motion 40411 I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 4041 second second all right have Miss Coker and then miss Coachman any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes approved five to zero moving on to 4042 Mr Mayor yes ma'am move to approve ordinance 4042 second we got a motion by Miss barnby a second by Miss Coachman any further discussion hearing none start the vote and W two yes three yes four yes five yes one yes carries five to zero and then ordinance 4046 Mr Mayor I'd like to propose that we approve ordinance 4046 by Mr Kramer yes second spoker any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes approved five to zero Madame clerk item 7e is the second raing and public hearing for ordinance 4048 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida vacating a ploted 20 foot alley as shown on the resubdivision of lots 1 2 3 four five and six Turner's plat of Braden toown recorded in plat book one page 184 of the public records of manate County Florida and more particularly described herein generally located north of 3rd Avenue West East of 12th Street West and West of 10th Street West providing for recordation in the official records providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date Mr back again Greg Delong is assistant director planning Community Development starting to feel like I'm the RightWay guy all of a sudden um again this is for a Redevelopment opportunity this is for the city Hill um police complex here at 101 12th Street West um this vacation is a little bit over 6,000 square feet or 0 1389 Acres um this is a 20ft r or wide alley that it currently exists um it does cut through the parking lot starts over by the trash receptical area runs South through the parking garage and ends at Third Avenue West um in this same application all utility companies have signed off on the proposed request and as I mentioned this is to vacate the property to clean it up um for future Redevelopment opportunities here is the location map showing where the um current Alleyway is located as you can see it does dissect through the parking garage that is south of City Hall and here is a zoning map we are Zone T6 here and we are in the urban core fut l in use designation here is just a boundary survey kind of showing where the alleyway is located as I as I mentioned it cuts through the parking lot running from where the trash receptacles are South to Third Avenue West and here's just a sketch and legal description uh here are some photos looking at the um existing conditions I don't know if the intent when they built the parking garage was for the alley to cut through it but there is a a entry way for the hotel there and it heads towards Mr Perry and miss Miss Coachman's uh parking spot on the North so they are in the alleyway um again we look at section 2.2.7 of the land use regulations um appears everything is met including all letters being submitted by utility companies and also we look at section or objective 1.5 of the comprehensive plan uh for rideway preservation in the city and based on the fact we have a parking garage on this current um Alleyway and a parking lot it appears that the alleyway is in right away not needed so um again city council is encouraged to evaluate their requests on all the information provided by staff the public and um under section 2.2.7 of the land use regulations and Planning Commission did meet on July 17th to discuss this and voted 5 to approve uh a recommend approval of ordinance 4048 and that is all I've got all right any questions hearing none we'll go to the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion move to approve ordinance 4048 all right any further second all right any further discussion I just want to say this because I don't usually get to say anything like this I wasn't here when the parking garage was built neither was councilwoman Moore councilwoman Coachman councilwoman Coker or councilman Kramer can you no council people were there can can you please tell us why they didn't do this when they built the garage Mr Perry Mr Perry wasn't here either bring no further discussion for actually asked that question of David kronite who's our surveyor microphone I'm sorry and and Mr kronite actually kind of had the same the same question I don't know why it wasn't vacated back then um we're looking forward not backward inquiring minds wanted to know that's all as you know half that parcel was underwater when it was originally platted and the bridge of course was considerably to the west of where it's currently located start to vote in Word four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes G's five to zero mam clerk item 7g is the second reading of public hearing for ordinance 4 49 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending Chapter 70 article 3 section 70- 86 of the city's code of ordinances to add definitions amending Chapter 70 article 3 section 70- 92 of the city's code of ordinances to add new sections 70- 92d 70- 92e 70- 92F 70- 92g 70- 92a and 70- 92i requiring private laterals and private Wastewater collection and transmission systems to be maintained by the property owner and good working order requiring private lateral and private Wastewater collection and transmission inspections upon certain occurrences providing inspection requirements requiring the property owner to replace or rehabilitate defective private laterals require Hing sorry the owner or operator of a private Wastewater collection and transmission system to repair or rehabilitate such systems to Abate excessive inflow and infiltration providing for enforcement of mechanisms providing for codification Prov providing for repal of ordinances and conflict providing for separability and providing for an effective date okay whose staff can speak to this may I can probably take that yeah either me or Rob proba and maybe Scott can fill in the blanks a little bit from the policy background um when we entered into the consent decree there was a provision that the city would uh would visit and draft a private lateral ordinance um one of the reasons why is that it deals with inflow and infiltration very timely in light of last couple weeks storm uh event and the overwhelming inflow and infiltration of our Wastewater collection system that ultimately leads to our wastewater treatment plant um what this does is it basically takes that portion that comes from our our collection system itself that are typically in the street that move through a series of list stations to master list stations and then are forced maned to the collection plant um typically without rainwater and saturation we operate at about 7 million gallons per per day between six and seven when you have a storm like we have the inii comes from a multitude of different sources it comes from private laterals that we're discussing today which are pipes basically would go again from our collection system um in the roadway up to the main drain of a residence or commercial structure and and and then there's of course the our collection system which is the transmission collection and the list stations and the manholes just to give some numbers to that from a normal day of 7 million a day basically we experience 27 million at the peak of the storm um the vast majority of that comes in through the inii process that excess and it comes through a variety of different sources that I've just kind of delated in the consent decree it requires that we remediate those things we do them in different ways we do them through our own collection system through a pipelining program that you're probably familiar with we've talked about it for several of the last three years um right now we we under the under the decree we have a a target of 320,000 linear feet of pipe that needs to be lined and that that infrastructure of the city consists of clay pipes that are very corrosive um cast iron and really in the more newer areas of the city if you go out to Tidewater and some other places that's when the code required PVC and they did away with those corrosives and so those pipes are in better um better shape for sure and so now we have to tackle this uh which is the the provisions that deal with the private laterals of particular importance in this pie piece of legislation is going to be section 7092 subsection e that deal deals with private lateral inspections and really what it says is within 30 days of the following occurrence of any of the following things that the private lateral has to be inspected and if necessary repaired so all of that depends basically on a building permit a building permit application for the Improvement of property that meets any of the following conditions and they going to be conditions that deal with with work that would alter expand components of the building collection system that flow into the private lateral and the City Source system where the volume would be substantially increased the reason why I'm taking some details to to to explain that to you is that minor things that don't increase volume like just changing out a shower some minor pipe improvements maybe a single vanity to a double vanity maybe even adding a bathroom but having the same number of bedrooms would not substantially increase the volume that's necessary so it wouldn't trigger this that's all going to be dependent on the building Department's determination um there's other Provisions in there that uh would require work that involves any a repair altercation or Improvement to the private lateral itself that you'll inspect it to make sure it's working if it's over 70 uh square feet as far as new space to to the structure if it's an open and obvious condition if we see it bubbling out or out and or a neighbor sees it and they Co call call building uh the planning department Building Safety or or code or whoever those are the things that would trigger an inspection and if necessary a repair the reason why we tried to limit it to that is that although we have to CL clean up our ey and ey problems within the private land ownership of homeowners and and Commercial uh land owners we don't want to be overly onerous on them meaning that you know everybody needs to inspect it within a period of time and if repaired uh is necessary then to repair it the initial bill that was submitted to us was from the water Keepers themselves and it was a great deal more onerous when a home was sold it had to be basically inspected and thereafter basically repaired if necessary other types of any sort of Plumbing Improvement at all would have to require us to inspect the private lateral we experienced this with backflow preventers many years ago that it's part of the process that has go through the building permit that sometimes we have to check to make sure that the backflow preventer is in place and operating and so we think this is a good compromise the language of the consent decree itself is fairly vague and we were able to um try to basically strike a balance that would improve inii through private laterals and at the same time not impose an overly burdensome or owner is cost and and uh responsibility on the land owners again when you look at Bradon as a built out city um the more modern areas probably do not have these types of problems the older areas once where it's substantial we do the pipelining on our own Pipes making significant Investments we need our our residents to do the same that's the short version questions Mr Perry Mr R well if that's a short version uh yeah I'd hate to see the long one no the only thing I would add is it also includes private Wastewater collection systems we have some of those in the city as well so it's not just the private laterals where you might have from like a single family home um also includes those facilities that might have their own um more substantial collection system could be an apartment complex or a you know different type of facility um but otherwise yes I think Mr Perry covered it unless there are any questions for me well I think I don't know if we have anybody here going to talk today when we get to public hearing but I think a lot of us and people even in the public might want to say what does that mean well I bought a house in 1988 on 32nd Street that was built in the 40s the plumbing had been completely replaced in the house and within a couple of years we were having sewage back up in our house well the lateral from The Edge where they replaced it with all PVC to the sidewalk where it hooked into the City Line the sidewalk always had a dip in it so what happened was finally from my property to the City Line had finally collapsed it was Clay pipe well we didn't know what was going on we thought something was wrong with the city but it actually was mine and I had to replace that from that was about 25 30 feet it wasn't a long way but from where they had stopped and went never had another issue and we put out a flush out and all that so those are the things that you know ultimately home owners are going to have issues anyway if it's collapsing and letting the water just go right in you know there literally was one area under the sidewalk where there was this big of a hole going to the city line with nothing there other than just the cavity in the ground so the pipes had just corroded and gone away um and then never had another sidewalk issue because it fixed it because it was just always seeping so I mean it's not something that that and I like the way we're we're getting it done on a major project something you're going to do you're GNA have to check it but just because you're selling your house or doing those things it's not always or replacing a small item um where and when you get the back flows anytime you did anything you had to put a back flow in which sometimes made it cost prohibited to do what you were doing any other questions before I go to public hearing just in addition to Mr ell's comments um there's we have 65 list STS within the city and we have four major um lift stations that that that move the much higher volumes there's 32 private list stations at these apartment complexes Condominiums and other things they're responsible for the maintenance of those themselves that's the distinction with a private a private liist station but ultimately the flow comes into our system do we have any jurisdiction of checking the flow when we had a storm like this that we know it's normally X number of flow on an average daily basis now it's more than tripled or or gone up at the private list stations um I think we have authority to do that yes because it comes into our system I'm pretty sure we do right because that could show where there was a lot of excess storm water getting in it too right and I would imagine it probably did in some of the older ones you know where I'm at we we have a private system it's newer but with that kind of flow it still could have contributed contributed all right um we'll open up the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion to approve ordinance 4049 move to approve ordinance 4049 second all right thank you all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward five yes one yes two yes three yes four carries five to zero thank you Madame clerk item 8A is water treatment plant emergency repair expenditure who's going to talk about that t you want to take it Mr Williams been handling this thing pretty closely you don't you don't talk as long as I do so he doesn't think he gets paid by the word doesn't have a law degree I am a man of few words so um last year Well actually earlier this year um it was discovered that we had some emergency um piping that needed to be done and repairs that needed to be done or water treatment plant um had we not done it it would have impacted the entire city so uh Mr Perry myself Miss claybeck um we all we met with Woodruff and Sons um had reviewed what needed to repaired what repairs were done in the past um looking at futuristic uh repairs to say what can we do today to make sure that we don't have to worry about this again in the future uh the biggest impact was an a chemical injection Point um so what we did was we we replaced the piping moved the chemical injection point so we don't have to deal with this problem again um essentially it was causing a buildup of um of I don't know I don't know how to describe it like a calcium buildup is the best way to describe it um and and and essentially causing turbidity in the in the pipe and had we not fixed it it would have closed off the pipe eventually and that that pipe is the main water source the water treatment PL can you put this on the Elmo so that the audience can see the magnitude of what you're talking about please thank you I can put it up I have it that's what she's getting ready to put up yeah okay I believe this was also included in a budget transfer request that we did this was on this yeah so first of all a disclaimer on the picture um this was actually a picture of the last time they did the repair uh which was in 2017 uh time frame so um what you're looking at is instead of making the proper adjustments unfortunately back then we did a quick fix got the Lineback and operating and um had no problems until recent so we got the what we did again we sat down and and holistically looked at what can we do now to prevent having to do this again in the future um we had an initial estimate I want to say it was around 800,000 I believe they came in just under 700,000 get it fixed but the good news is the main water supply line is repaired um it's fixed we've moved the chemical injection point so again we don't have to deal with this issue in the future and um that problem has been solved so what are you asking for today so today we're asking for really it's just a it was more of an informational emergency purchase um that we're bringing back to council um to let you know that back in March we had this discussion they just finished the project recently um and we're uh just letting you know that that the project is complete and it was it was procured under an emergency basis um and that's about it so questions anything else siry signicant photograph y all right Mr Perry unfinished business I think we have to pass we have to there's a motion motion is there a motion attached to it yes M so at this point in time I will move for approval of the expenditure related to the emergency repair on the main water line for the city of Bradenton second I don't think it's necessary but I think it was included in the cover page Mr Perry yeah I'm just taking a look at the the cover page um I I I actually didn't think it was necessary but I will certainly take one let's let's do that that's that's good yep all right so we have a motion to approve moving forward with the public works and utilities explanation that Mr Lance just Williams did so um by Miss Barnaby and seconded by Mr Kramer any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes approved 5 to zero thank you City Administration Mr Perry item 9A is resolution 2464 to approve the 2425 cdbg annual action plan all right discussion mayor Miss Taylor and uh and microphone I'm Sorry Miss Taylor and Miss scaling and her staff are here talk about this uh annual proposal that we put before you okay good morning good morning mayor city council U Mr Perry Mr rudisel Nilsa Taylor administrative Services director um before you is the uh 20242 Community Development block rant annual action plan the city complied with all requirements as set forth by Hud that included advertising citizen input public comment and hearing ing all comments were heard and addressed and in addressing comments we saw an opportunity to demonstrate how ctbg subrecipients leverage funds in the community Amy Towery vice president of development and Kathy bidding senior director of compliance and Reporting from Meals on Wheels plot of manate there a cdbg recipient subrecipient sorry has a quick presentation for us following the presentation Miss skelding will provide an overview of the annual action plan thank you excuse me good morning good morning thank you for having us here today we are uh excited to tell you about about Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee and the many programs that we offer to benefit Manatee County residents you should have a packet in front of you uh that uh includes a trifold brochure many people think of Meals on Wheels they think of our hom delivered meal program uh that is the program where we would deliver meals to the homes of homebound seniors and disabled residents in Manatee County but we are indeed Meals on Wheels Plus of Manatee and that plus means that we have additional programs in addition to home delivered meals the trifold brochure uh illustrates the four programs in addition to H delivered meals we also operate the food bank of Manatee which is the only Food Bank based in our community and the largest hunger relief organization in Manatee County we operate Daybreak Adult Day Center which is a senior daycare center located in Lakewood Ranch we're the only licensed and federally funded Adult Day Center in our community and we operate five friendship dining Center locations which are for seniors who are mobile able to get out who are really would be home alone all day if it weren't for these programs that bring people together for friendship and companionship so I've also included in the packet our impact report uh for 2023 we provided nearly 278,000 meals through our hom delivered meal program over 3.4 million pounds of food through the food bank of Manatee and uh Volunteers in our community including uh you Mr Mayor thank you for your support committed uh 24,000 volunteer hours last year uh we're happy to answer any questions that you may have about Meals on Wheels or our impact in the community but really we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the support that you've given us through the cdbg grant uh we provide uh hom delivered meals with that Grant in packs of five and seven to homebound seniors any questions Council Mr Perry there just briefly I think microphone I'm sorry I think it's a fairly modest contribution we make through the Grant in the order of about $20,000 and just want to say thank you so much for uh providing these services and and uh they're very meaningful particularly for the city that doesn't operate social service programs like the county does and the state and the like so it means a lot to us and uh I know that um Council councilwoman Coker had had some discussions I think and they were very positive from what we discussed so um I want you to know that we we are you know very appreciative and also that uh we keep an eye on things and and uh all of our our sub Grant recipients we appreciate them keep giving us information thank you we appreciate the opportunity all right we appreciate what you do and uh I know that it's been growing and and being the Plus Part really makes a difference so thank you for what you do thank you thank you good morning thank you Amy and Kathy um appreciate hearing more um about the programs for Meals on Wheels Plus I am Pam scouting and I'm the Housing and Community Development manager and um I just wanted to give a brief overview I know some of this has already been presented of the um the Community Development block rant our annual action plan is what we've been working on and that goes to HUD tomorrow so I just wanted to go over our entitlement was $451,500 of the Grant Public Service cap is 15% which does not leave us a lot of funding as you can see further down it's public services 67,000 72770 which is left to with that cap of 15% is what's left to help um the service organizations and then the remainder is non-public service and I just wanted to the next slide kind of shows this in a pie makes it a little more visual um of what we give in the public service with a 15% um and then in the green part of the pie is what's left for non-public public and that's 293 49370 um public service projects which are the 67,000 those are 501 c3s that render Services directly to the public and then we have the nonpublic service um it's a cdbg national objective focusing on infrastructure which includes the funds that we've um recommended for um Habitat for Humanity and they're going to be constructing homes and they're also going to be um doing rehab work on some of the existing homes and then what they want to do the purpose is to actually make those for sale to create more um home ownership opportunities for city of Bradington residents um we also have the Bradon Police Department receiving funds and that meets the requirements it's blight and slum code enforcement so they're going to be monitoring in the community the dilapitated and abandoned properties which as we know add to the blight and slum and also to Crime homelessness Etc um so then we get to the advertising requirements and HUD does have quite a few of those but we want to make sure the public has an opportunity for input um so and also that those subrecipients that are interested in applying know about about the availability of funding um have the deadlines and the application in plenty of time to complete the application and we also asked for citizen input so we have we had two this year um events and they were held at the library um we also allow citizens a 30-day comment period so they can make comments on the projects that we're looking at supporting and any comments that they may have about the programs or if they think we should be putting funds toward a different um purpose um then we had the public hearing which was on the 24th with giving also community members a chance to come up um at the city council meeting and express any concerns or any suggestions they have to the annual action plan um so today I just wanted to kind of go over that see if there are any questions and then ask if we can have a a motion to approve the annual action plan so that it can be submitted to HUD questions I just Mo yes did I need to did we find that form okay Mo will not be voting so I think and Mr Russel can guide me I think we have filed the requisite form and I have to tell you all that I am not able to vote and have to abstain because I'm serving on the right I'm serving on the board of step-ups on Coast who is a proposed recipient does she make any money from that board thought that you didn't get paid for doing those volunteer jobs oh that's true no that I mean that's typically accurate for in terms of the voting conflicts at the local level but she because she serves as a board member it is a it is a different analysis so no she can't vote we're going to file the appropriate uh memo with with HUD and uh we'll go from there all right I just have one question I ask it on behalf of a couple City counselors what do we do as far as notification for the public as far as availability of some of these construction and Rehab funds because a lot of times some of the counselors says that's an awful lot of money for one project and we better off spreading it wide and your your response often is we only have so many applications which begs the questions what do we do as far as Outreach to notify the public that there is funding Avail opportunities available right we actually when we have the citizen input we talk about the projects that we are can you talk more into the microphone oh of course um at the citizen input um events we talk about what the different recommendations are and then at those the individuals that are in attendance we kind of go over what the grants are going to be or the subrecipients are going to be receiving funds for and talk about that there is going to be you know like they' mentioned the the dollar land purchase and what habitat's going to be doing with their project and that they're now really focusing on affordable housing and getting residents so we talk about it at that and then we also when individuals when we announce the citizen input the 30-day comment period we also talk them through what the different funds are being recommended for and what the uses are going to be so we do that as well are there any active um marketing as it relates to I don't know at the 26 Street Dream Center or at the at the the Pirates games or whatever where you could basically get to larger swats of the public that might say well let me read this quick brochure and maybe I could take advantage of it I think that's a great idea would love to do that M Coachman the events that you are holding or you're attending how is the public notified of those events we actually do an advertisement in two papers like Gita and the Bron heral and maybe maybe we should look at some right other ways if there other ways I did talk with HUD it came up I think at the last meeting about digital advertising they they will allow that to be a supplemental advertising but it will not replace the advertising in the paper no and I wouldn't I wouldn't say to for it to replace but be an addition to right so that's something we look into as well and I was aware of that so we are going to look into different Avenues our Communications Department who sits behind you runs our website and they also run three of the largest social media channels being Facebook and Instagram and things like that and they do a really good job and have expanded on capacity that's probably a good resource too yeah because we used to have a saying in government that if you wanted to put something where no one would see it put it in the legal notice section of the newspaper yeah and and newspapers today are you know there not the circulation isn't what they used to be but you're right HUD and a lot of other folks use them as the official requirement for public notice of the like would you like to introduce Karen your assistant I would love to introduce Karen this is Karen Schwartz and she is the Housing and Community Development specialist who we are very happy to have on board and she's been a a great help and catching up and getting the word out and and working with citizens on their applications for ship yep I've had a couple conversations with Karen and I've been very impressed that her passion and interest in keeping things uh going in a positive direction and you're supporting you and nson and everybody we really appreciate her thank you very much any other questions and um comments different things one thing that I will just say is um and not getting too too deep into the woods but we're glad that that everybody that can have opportunity to have some health issues are here with us and uh we appreciate what you do and uh glad things hopefully are going in a positive direction compared to what they could have gone thank you I appreciate that very much may I I add something to I agree what the mayor said but also I just want to say of course I haven't been up here very long uh but I've been here long enough to see that your department is really working thank you you I've seen a lot of movement and um I'm sure there's more to come so your hard work is not going unnoticed wonderful thank you I appreciate that and with Karen and I as a team we've been able to accomplish more so I'm really happy to be helping more citizens and looking for more grants and being able to have more of an impact well you're you're a dynamic duo is that is that a motion M that's a motion yes to approve resolution 2464 yes all right do we have a second second all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in ward two yes three yes four abstaining abstain yeah you're right abstain five yes one yes carries four to zero with the proper paperwork Mr Rudell will help Mrs Moore get done thank you very much thank you you all right anything else Mr Perry you want to talk about uh if you'd like I can give you update on the Storm now or yeah why don't we do the storm update first before we go to council reports okay I could probably give I don't know an hour presentation but we don't have that much time and I don't really think that that's that microphone still broke there I was saying that so we don't want an hour presentation okay get it yep you know everyone knows that we had a 100-year event it's actually the third 100-year event um since 2017 and it defined basically as 12 in more rain in the in the area it uh it overtook a lot of our systems as it relates to um utility infrastructure and we anticipated that it would you talked about private laterals inflow infiltration uh major lift station failures um plant plant problems and the like and and really it was it was Tampa Bay wide um there sent me an article that was in the Tampa Bay Times Sunday and it looked at the totality of pelis and Hillsboro and manate and Sarasota and I don't think anybody was really immune to this this event we don't build infrastructure for these events as Mr tomasco said he provided a nice uh update I think around August 6th or 7th about what Sarasota Bay Estuary was doing and the way he spelled it out was really interesting to the extent he says you know we look at these storms we try to provide storm water infrastructure and and Wastewater infrastructure and we do it on a 100-year basis and he said but but really we only have about 50 years of valuable linear data that we can look at to do any sort of calculations of what what's in exceedance what isn't you know averages volumes flows things like that and ultimately they will go out to um areas that that are always um in a high Jeopardy um of their Estuary and they will do water quality testing but it takes a few days they usually test for two things feal bacteria load things that can make you sick and nutrient loads things that can make the ocean environment sick seagrass and the like and we don't want in any way you know to contribute to that and we do everything we can and my hat goes off to the folks at Public Works of course fire and police and and even planning and everybody in the Emergency Management part um of the city that that handled this storm and the previous storms and we'll be building the palk you know opening that up soon but the reality is is that we still got got a high climb is the best way to put it with what we have to do for Aged infrastructure and it and it's nobody's real fault that you can blame um but we need to make up for some lost time I think that's a fair statement to make the good news is that typically the funding for that comes from two sources the first major source is internally against a rate and we are in financially pretty good shape to be able to continue to do that as you all know we currently have about $8 million um uh on a line of credit we haven't used it all but on approved lending at preferred interest rates from the state revolving fund what the two projects that are undergoing right now um are basically actually three it's the clarifier um which should increase our ability at the wastewater treatment plant um but you know again the wastewater treatment plant it it it's paper rated at nine originally when it was built it was built at 6 MGD million gallons per day and then we did some improvements to the headworks I want to say seven eight nine years ago and we didn't do improvements to the filters um they get an engineer to do a paper rewrite on the permit and it goes up to nine but really when you look at it the filters are part of the problem in that that that phase of um of treating the water and each one of those filters is up to $10 million and there's four of them frankly so you're talking about big money improvements um there are other things that oxidation uh uh processing and things like that that will help us significantly and we're putting together and have put together a plan to to execute that but my point with it is that we are going to have to take a serious serious look and hard commitment at over the next 5 to six years about what we have to do to bring our utility up we cannot fix in 20 weeks in 20 months in 20 days of a storm what has taken probably 40 50 years basically and and a lot of it's the city growth you know interesting thing is Lift Station 14 is one of our our major list stations and it's on we's Creek down there on 17th Avenue around 27th I think and um we had pretty major failure over there and that that being a major lift station there are four pumps in that that lift station each one with a separate wet well that moves millions of gallons of water from the west side of Bradon I'm going to try to put this on here it might even illustrate a little bit I F that all on you can see4 and this this down here it goes to the the water treatment plant and the like and so it really this area down here is all going to be Southwest Bradenton down by Walmart and that area these orange ones are the private list stations we talked about earlier and then you're going to there's also Village Green and and areas also that that are uh on the West Side that's some older infrastructure but those four pumps that they're very high capacity volume pumps the water that's in there basically a storm water from Walmart takes 6 days to reach our plant think of that that's how long it takes under normal pressure conditions that that was overburdened with Station 14 we lost one pump the other pump was having problems we had had meetings after this and we say why are we losing these pumps and things like that and really a lot of it has to do with electronic surges that even though you have a pump in there the electricity at 480 volts which is huge high voltage that these pumps have to run on it's it's dirty electricity by FPL it's not fpl's fault it's just the technology and so you've got to regulate that because what we're trying to do is run veritable speed pumps that aren't going to run at maximum capacity all the time and burn out quickly and do other things and so now we're dealing with electrical engineering I don't think that that 10 years ago 20 years ago the Mayors the city administrators the Public Works director knew about what they call wave harmonics which is the quality of the electricity that comes in and how you can regulate it and and and make it cleaner so it doesn't defeat and compromise your electronic processors as well as the end component you know motor is basically an impella with a bunch of wires in it but elect electrical currents that go in there are pretty important and how they're controlled that's a long version but these that's the depth of what we have to rebuild after a meeting I had some electrical uh engineers in there you know obviously our civil engineers our Public Works senior executive staff um the top electricians out of that we have we have 16 electricians and our top electrician Chris I mean he's he's worked on some major Industrial Products uh he knows his his his electrical systems and phases and all that Tech technical stuff and they're like we have to fortify this because it's subject to so much interference where it can fail like it failed during that storm and we really weren't looking you know we were doing some of that stuff but we got to look closer at that so it's collection it's transmission it's it it's treatment it's the like the other thing is that's interesting when you look at our wastewater treatment plant we don't have a retention Pond nearby when you look at Manatee counties particularly the 65th Street uh treatment plant that's down by um Cortez Road in between 53rd and Cortez on on 66th um Street what do you see next to the golf course big old Lake and retention area right well they can basically bypass their system when it gets overloaded and put some of that water there we can't we we have to basically send it through a bypass pipe to an outfall that goes into the river we didn't design the plant you know the current Administration either at the department or otherwise but we've got to look at what we're doing with this we we're looking at Future um uh Aquifer recharge type things to be able to put it into the aquifer but it's got to be treated to EP you know to a certain standard anyway and then you look at the communications we've had some problems with that during the storm I stand up and certainly know that uh my responsibility uh takes some has to take some responsibility for that my position and the like and you live and learn I think you know if it happened tomorrow we'd be better at it and and all and I think that's true at the department as well um we did a pretty decent job we thought of getting you guys information kudos to the communications team they try to keep you updated with a lot of uh valuable information for sure and you know we did the best we could can we always have to do better that's just the bottom line we will know the a lot more about volumes and water quality and improvements probably in the months to come and Mr Williams and myself and Colonel Lee and Brandy and and and everyone else really will put a great deal of emphasis over the next the next month the next year the next five years on trying to do what we can I don't it's hard to fix again I'll close with what I said in 20 days 20 months what took 40 50 years to kind of put in place and that's where we're at but we're still going to take the the mentality of face it and fix it face it and fix it face it and fix we trying to do that's very important that that's what we've done with this Council what we've done since I've come in and again you some of the things we don't control some things we do to work forward to control and that's important to continue that message um and I do think that we need to do a better job at messaging when you know there was a comment on our fire station yesterday from an individual that on the Facebook part of it that says why aren't we having a groundbreaking at our water treatment plan well we could have had a huge groundbreaking at our water treatment plan because we had that but that's not something that right we were spreading out but maybe we need to do that yeah we need to answer to that because we've got a $30 million project going on right now that is out there and we will will be getting that information out plus the 48 million or 47 I thought it was but 48 that were still working plus the lining that we've done to try to stop the inii plus all the other things and some of it we were doing before and and some of it we're doing more aggressively now because of water Keepers but nobody is bearing their head in the sand and saying we're not going to do anything we're going to face it and fix it questions from the council I had one more question yes ma'am yeah you had said um normally it's I think if I understood it right normally it's 6 million gallons per day that go through six to seven we can handle nine but do you know what actually went through at this point we think 27 million yeah yeah but that was in a short time with a lot of I know I just think it kind of speaks to the that's not what the total B yeah right that wasn't we're trying to calculate that it's very complex and we're using different modeling to try to figure that out because we we don't want to report one thing and then find out it was something else later oh okay and also one of the things that I think people have to understand when they say that number there's some misinformation out there about raw sewage that was incorrect information I just think it's the volume that you're having to deal with um that's all I'm you know but if we didn't have the storm it still would have been six million right exactly right ex yeah exactly and so the difference between 6 and 27 is basically 21 you know and and that's and that that's when you're talking about total amounts of rainfall yeah over over the city it's it's in the I think billions and over the county it's probably in the trillions uh Mr tomasco did a little statistical thing on our 27 million yep and when he went down he talked about Sarasota and because I was on the phone with him for about two hours Saturday thank you for doing that and uh and just to get information because we want to get the right information out and he said if you look at the volume of what you do what's happening the excess even with that 27 million we're still under 1% of what happened in that time period so again we're never going to make light of anything right but you've also got to look at the volume that came through if we normally do six and there was 27 million kind of says 21 million of it was probably I and I yeah yeah different types of storm water yeah I'll tell you one thing I don't think people go to the bathroom four times as much when a storm or wash their clothes four times as much or take four times as many showers however once it does commingle after it could reaches the head works that's another matter as far as calculations so I've got Mr Kramer Miss Coachman and M Moore yeah um I did all those four things by the way I did all those to obsess yeah uh when I was driving around CU I you know couldn't take the cop out of me so when I came to the meetings and heard the reports and then the mayor and I drove around drove around with some City staff uh I would like to compliment the public works department I know they're dealing with everything with that but I really think that I know there were roads that flooded I know there were areas that flooded but a lot of the other areas didn't there were no blockages of drains there were no everything was clear and open and that's not been the case in years past I'll just put it out there it it really was was impressive to see um so I think that I mean I know we got a ton of rain but those pipes were flowing fast because of the there was more coming into it just on those situations right the tie the tie tables too you were in you were in the emergency response you saw the tie taes and they were unique tide tables where even the low tide was a high tide so to speak but even that I mean I I was live on the river I walk down to Curry Park and it never the the issues in the roadways were not from anything in our area I know in your area is different but in our area it was not from anything coming over the seaw walls it was just from falling rain and even that in areas that generally keep a lot of Falling Rain On The Ground were draining fantastic so thank you again to that M Coachman yeah that was something I wanted to mention also that some of the areas that that typically flood you know quite seriously um it seemed like things were flowing um well um compared to in the past um I wanted to ask if I remembered something because I'm learning a lot about this now isn't there a time when there's a peak that we can handle 17 million so even though that 27 was still even over that and that's not something we can handle for a very extended period right yeah the peak rating for the plant it's non-sustainable but apparently Engineers provide a peak rating and it is 17 million gallons uh per day but again I don't think our plant could sustain at that level yeah yeah that's I think that assumes like if the the biology of the bugs eating the bugs at the perfect balance and the filter grits are all perfectly um configured and operating and the blankets are all moving mov in the right direction and a whole host of other Dynamics dynamics that and it stops raining and it stops R our flow coming through yeah right I think we've all learned a lot more about Wastewater than we ever thought we would uh when we decided to work for the city more um I was going to mention the storm that was going to be my word comment so I'm now I'm using all my word comments um I I want did want to I think it's important to mention that yes the communication was was exactly uh what I was asking for so the text updates were fabulous uh i l the level of detail you know even if it wasn't something I was touching with my hands it definitely uh you know it makes me calmer alleviates my concerns when I see that level of detail so I appreciate that very much and I would like to see us continue that um to your point and your point about what we're doing we are doing a lot with the the projects you know the bonded money is really almost all accounted for and the projects I I know will improve our situation but um Mr Perry has a you know legal siiz chart that's like six pages long um and so I I want to note as a 100% positive that from top to bottom staff works so hard I mean such a hardworking operation um but I I would be frustrated honestly if I was any of you from top to bottom because you're basically working with with you know aged uh stuff that is it's just it's it it needs to be fixed and while we have started this and I and I'm excited about that um I would like us I think it is our fault honestly I will take responsibility for this because I think as as the the policy makers we have to ask staff please focus on those uh you know those not fun smelly ugly you know projects that are going to be crucial really to help you in public works work smarter instead of so hard and um and really push that needle so that we're not always you know having to put staff in that situation um and so that's my thought is I would like to see it I believe that is what I just heard you say is that you have a list you want to see us encourage you guys to do more in-depth capital projects in this realm and I just wanted to note that that is my goal as well that this is my priority whatever we have to do to get uh to let staff run with this and and do more projects and really you know get it to where it needs to be bring it up to date um I that would be something I would encourage us to do and I and I don't disagree with you on that Miss but there's things that um when I got on the council in 2013 I said let's pave all the roads and that was 115 miles of roads and Mr mclen said first off we would bottleneck our city and there's not enough contractors out there to do it there's not enough you know and you just so you've got to come up with a plan and I think that's what they're coming it's what I've stressed since I got here four years ago on in this job because because as a council person you don't see as much of the day-to-day and everything that's going on but as the mayor you're in it and you're talking about it and that's what we've been talking about since day one and then when Mr Perry's got here three years ago you know the bandwidth wasn't there in the staff we're getting that bandwidth we're starting to see what we need to do we've got 65 pump stations and we've got 65 different pumps because you always like to have a backup but you can't have 65 backups so you know and I'm saying that factiously a little bit but you know we want to find out if that pump didn't work you know and I mean we can highlight a lot of employees that that three or four five days and you know our job was easy sitting back and watching from the but when you go out at 10 o'clock at night you see an individual that you know is stressed because he can't get it and it's like what do you need I think we'll be okay no if we get two more vacuum trucks can they help you and we had two more vacuum trucks in two hours that were helping him but they're stepping up those individuals and then I think they forced that individual to go home and get at least two hours sleep because he cared that much St 7:45 the next morning so and that was at almost midnight when I saw him and it was like no tell us what you need what what and we've got such great employees that they're trying to make the rubber bands work and but you know we can't fix it you can't say Okay build a new plant in a week something that took 40 years to get to that maybe should have been done that that's what we're doing and I mean it's not going to be any excuses and we've got the financial part of it you know this board is is five to zero supportive of that other councils in the past have not been you know and so you know where it's like hey let's face it and fix it but fixing it may take 10 years right unfortunately even if we even if we said here's a billion dollars fix it it's still going to take the process and unfortunately that's just we can't there's no the the the equipment isn't out there the staff isn't out there even if we hired everybody yeah you know hired companies you know to say one thing about the staff is they're great to be in a foxhole with they really are they'll just walk over Kohl's to serve the public and get things working and they stay on Mission but they're also really smart when you're in a board meeting with them they're very impressive as far as the expertise they know these guys know what we need and ladies they they know what we need to do and it's our job to try to find a way to organize all that fund it and then as you pointed out process it over time the plan the improvements of the plant themselves are a pretty good example of that P and Kent I think the original study was done right before I got here so 2020 thereabouts I remember as soon as I got here it was completed that said this is what we it's an evaluation of your system and this is what the highest priority recommendations are and then what we had to do is put it out to a contractor um it came in at 16 million they had funded 8 million at the time we said oh no the these bids are way too high we put it out a second time so there went about another six months and all the lowest bid was 16 million and so then we had to go through the process and that you know goes through the process for another 6 months and then we give them a notice to proceed and they've been building now for probably the last year plus thereabouts and there's four years I mean really yeah so and that that was even done before the water keeper stuff it was well done well before the water see the city wasn't not looking at the future but some of the things you didn't anticipate with these 100e storms and I don't know how we could have you know and that's the thing Miss Coker yeah I I was going to say I think it was almost practically day one for when Mr Perry started I remember I mean I think the numbers were kind of closer to a billion dollars of focusing on that infrastructure that you know I think probably before it was more like if it ain't broke don't fix it and now we've gone to more of a let's start anticipating let's let's know what the life cycle is on things and if and when we fix it let's fix it right and so I I think it's been loud and clear but if it hasn't you know we are focused on um um you know bringing our infrastructure into state-ofthe-art we are and and again we got smart people and we will get there I think we will get there and don't feel alone because Sarasota that seems to be you know a lot of people say Well they're wealthy and they tax Bas they look what happened down there and and they have just as many problems as we have when you talku some doubters when you brought that that first brought that proposal forward there were not everyone was well you know on board but I think we've got a good yeah mayor good group mayor's approach face it fix it that's that's what we need all need to be on board because that's what these folks were doing and we're not going to blame any Council people that were here from around 2000 2012 at all Miss Barnaby was going to say allow me to quote Mr Gallow who would sit up here and and when we would have to do the tough thing as far as changing some rates or facing some of these things he would look at those complaining and say it seems to me like you got a really good deal for a really long time and you should be thankful for that so just a thought the's the best thing about today is tomorrow so let's leave it with that all right thank you Mr Perry and I would like to call up Mr dong at this moment for a quick little update on on a couple things sure well our news is a little bit better than what you just listen to um the PCD staff does go out and do Post storm assessment um we use a system called crisis track um this year I'm proud to say we only had three staff members get motion sickness in the cars driving around last year we had four after idalia but we go out after the storm and the roads are cleared and um drive around and look for damage this isn't just a Fallen Tree in a yard we're looking for structural damage damage accessor structures such as fences sheds carports and things like that um this year after the storm we only identified 15 properties which is I think some of them may have actually been damaged last year for midalia because I had one I took a picture of I'm like this looks familiar to me um but we had 10 staff members come in we had five teams each team had about 20 districts to go through we spent about six and a half hours on the Monday after the storm out um going through and we just found some minor damage the most extensive damage we did find we did have a multif family development that did have some water infiltration into it that about 15 units did get damaged um our uh plans examiner and I met thema at about 6 o'clock last Thursday evening over there and went through the building with the manager we got some photos so hopefully FEMA can get in there and help them out um other than that we just saw some missing siding off of buildings some trees into a carport um we did have a tree leaning into the front porch of a house but the house was not structurally damaged so that was good news but all in all we did come across pretty well in the end that damage was from a roof leak yeah on those 15 units actually some of it we think was coming in around the windows too Windows yeah it wasn't from flood coming up no and they did have a door that was a jar that did not help on one of the floors so yeah I mean one of the things that we saw with the flooding that we haven't heard of any major flooding in houses in the city of Bradenton correct right which we had Destro stre and and I was impressed at driving around especially in some areas that we would have flooding in the past what some of the drainage we've done over the last several years did mitigate that but also we know what our Tides bring in at times some of our areas that we're doing different drainage things from coming over the top is working to a point now there's some still stresses that we're working through that to fix but um you didn't really see you saw it about the same as others and um one of them I drove on the street two or three times and made Mr Perry nervous one time but it was never up to my truck and my truck's not a high water truck but it was never up to and then we got on a spot where where we were sitting was completely dry so you know I mean the water was all around us but but we in the past you'd see it a lot higher and and I and I personally want to thank the the leadership here this was my first storm in this role um and I'm speaking also on behalf of Tamara Tor who is our uh Deputy building official her she was awesome to work with through this whole process she's been managing the crisis track for our Building Division and it was just it was a learning experience for both of us um hope we don't have to go through another one this year but it was a good it was a good one to start with for both of us so I do appreciate everyone's guidance and Leadership and helping tamaron and I through the process of going through this well thanks for that update I just think again from my standpoint um thank you to everyone that that spent the time the effort and you know we we got a lot of good pictures but no stickers on our high water vehicle that the chief could talk about from the fire department because we were close as unit and went down in an area you want to come up Chief and tell about it but it was something that we we had at some of the last storms said we need a high water vehicle and we got it yeah so the the timing was amazing how that worked out with that vehicle I mean the paint was still literally drying on on the thing so uh what we did is we acquired this vehicle from forestry like we have in the past uh so we're able to get it get it to the point of paint over at the port and then uh with the storm coming we were able to get it staged here in the city get Cho and his his group to go through it and get it ready and then from over working at the EOC you know all of a sudden with the amount of water that hit you know they they muster up all the high water Assets in the county and we just happen to have ours as the closest ready to go so that vehicle was instrumental in probably I don't know 150 at least evacuations you know including you know people pets you know down in southern manatees area and then as soon as the water was rising out east we dispatched it out there along with our our crew that was uh the Swift water crew with the uh our rescue boat and whatnot so they were working right away and and uh it was a busy busy day for sure yeah and that's that's one of those when you said it was painted out at the Port we were able to work with the sheriff's office and get it out there at a well reduced rate to get it painted as well as we get all of that stuff for you know well reduced but we needed that we have some high vehicles but we didn't have that truly high water vehicle that we were able to get through Poli and fire to yeah so all right all right any questions thank you Chief just you know we're in the process of debris cleanup right now we contractors in U colon Le just sent me a couple of photographs want to let you all know mostly vegetative type clean up construction debr things like that all right before we get to council reports is there any other department heads that have anything since we've talked the most Chief I just want to get good note although now I'm not ending um we have a mechanism at the agency for co-workers to acknowledge other co-workers and had I not received this I probably wouldn't have known this occurred um kind of speaks to what I was saying earlier about how our folks take care of people as you're aware we have an elder abuse unit they're really kind of supposed to be doing presentations and dealing with elder abuse crimes um this was a recognition from Brenda lovit she found out about it um on today's date I was made aware of an act of kindness by detective krla detective Ward and officer mcneel detective Kula worked in Elder fraud case for an 88-year-old woman who cares for her disabled 56-year-old daughter lost her life savings to someone promising her he would to work around her house he got into her bank account he took all of her money the work never was completed obviously and her savings was were gone her yard was in terrible shape overgrown grass weeds to the point where you couldn't tell where pavers were front door everything um those three officers out of the kindness of their heart took it upon themselves to go to her home clean up her yard weed eating mowing on their own time and using their own personal equipment uh that's just amazing to me and and we see those things every day but it it doesn't make it any less impactful so obviously I'll be putting them into to the the city's recognition program but right there I mean I got folks out there using their own equipment um just to help a member of our community it just speaks to the High Caliber um employees that I have just wanted to share that with you may than you Chief yes may I share something also um to I'm so glad that you mentioned that because I forgot that um I I'm also serving as a board member of a an organization called the Manatee Florida Association for women lawyers and they're to do an elder abuse panel um and I mentioned that uh BBT now has this unit and I I was tasked actually with trying to connect them and ask see if they would like to speak uh as part of the panel would love to um I am very happy to hear that but what I thought was interesting was the another board member emailed me yesterday to tell me what a coincidence she just went to the bank just went to the bank by herself I mean you know p on a personal matter and the teller asked her if she wanted one of the BPD Elder and vulnerable adult Fraud Unit booklets so BPD is going around to the banks and leaving materials and whatnot so the presence is definitely recognizable and impress and I thought I was very impressed and I was actually a little proud so we we are really making a difference in this community I know the mayor has been very involved he's been coming out to some of our presentations we tapped into some funds we had $5,000 to to prepare those booklets um we've been hitting Banks and I'll tell you the feedback that I'm getting on a weekly basis just last week a teller who had just received our training um the the grandfather grandson scam dad or Grandpa I'm in jail please send bail money she was able to stop it and call us and just just really an incredible job they're doing but these are the you know the side notes right they're they're they're becoming part of their families as they're doing that so thank you thank you great job yes Miss singer hello hello I want to introduce um our new building official Scott Williams um you want to stand up he's coming to us from Manatee County previously with Holmes Beach and extensive experience beyond that um and he's sitting in the same spot next to the lobby conference room that Pat was in so if you want to stop by and say hello and uh ask him questions he got to start immediately after the storm unfortunately it interrupted his onboarding um but uh yeah we're glad to have him here good thank you welcome aboard thank you y appreciate it yep all right um anything else from the staff where we kind of finish up with light Council reports light oh we'll start in word three thank you sir I get to be the first one to say welcome back to school all the kids I know Miss Coachman and I uh especially for us uh but yeah it's good to have kids back in school it's nice to see people back on the roads things are getting back to normal you know which is good um but please be careful uh we have requisitioned I think everything we need for the school zone cameras but they're not operational here yet I have seen some signs in some spots in the county and I think I heard the mayor say they've taken Special Steps to get those up and running quickly it'll be over the first half of the school but yeah and I have some residents in my ward who already called and said hey can you put them in this spot and that spot because there's everybody thinks the main roads are the ones but then if your ways or your Apple map says go the back way people don't just peruse every way down those roads they speed down those roads and so um it needs to be safe everywhere so um again with uh I guess it was still tropical storm Debbie as it came by and then hurricane um thank you again to all the staff uh was able to sit in the city's EOC meetings here over at the police department and uh it was just impressive to have everybody on board especially some really new people on board uh Tiffany was pretty much an Allstar getting the message out to everybody and uh colon Lee thank you and your staff again for what you did um tamaron and Lance were the ones who uh went around the city with me and uh Lance really wanted to sit in the back of the bronos so uh we we got a shoehorn and put them in so uh but no it was uh it's just good to have everybody collaborating it's a really fun environment here with the city and especially to have uh good people to have your back it's very important so very happy to report on that other than that everybody have a great uh next couple weeks all right thank you this more I I did use up most of my time but I will also just mention that I'm going to the Florida League of cities conference um uh I wish I mean I don't know it'd be great if I wasn't I would love your company I guess the best way to put it um but um so that's happening kids are going back to school including mine which is always Bittersweet I say and uh we had a couple of lift station uh issues I think I mean but that's you know kind of the way that is until we can you know get to that six-page list and that's pretty much it I I Echo the sentiment that we have great good working group right now and it um makes me hopeful that we'll really be able to get to it check them off thank you m Coachman okay I also throughout the meeting have said some of the things that I was planning to say on Council um comments uh yes yes it's back to school yay no seriously it is great to have the kids back because without them we really have nothing to do so it's it's great um but but also to just add and I I'm going to try not to spend too much time saying this because I get teary for some reason I'm at that age I don't know what's going on but um we really do in all departments have some awesome people working for this friendly City I think now maybe we should add the friendly and dedicated City because that's what we see throughout each crisis that that we incur um and and we need to listen to you we need to listen to our employees tell us what they need and as a council we should try our best to make those needs fulfilled but um it's great to be back and moving forward forward yeah face it and fix it well you're live and five right hey War five say it how do we know is still alive Miss CER oh miss Coker okay um of course yeah we a lots um thank you all again I don't think you can ever uh give too much appreciation because the staff and the leadership and what you did through the storm and and Tiffany special shout out it was very I kept felt so much more informed this time and I really appreciated that um and uh all the kids back in school so we have to be mindful when we're driving um but um Friday night is Special Needs night at the Marauders game and there's even going to be a really special thing going on there's going to be a dunk tank and our mayor's going to be in there we've got a couple of uh Council I mean uh County Commission candidates that are going to be in the dunk tank that I'm sure a lot of people will want to would love to uh dunk yeah so I would encourage everyone to go to the Marauders game on uh Friday night thank you nice Mary Barnaby I gave up dunk tinks years ago um I was very happy yesterday for the groundbreaking at our fire station and I want to thank everyone for that I think it was very well done and I appreciated all of the thought and effort that went into it I want to thank also the Public Works group and all the employees for their dedication and hard work during the storm on my side of town we've had issues in the past with what we call the looky lose that that want to come and and drive down review Boulevard when it's under 2 feet of water which drives the water further up in the neighborhoods and further into people's houses and this time we did not have that and I think it's because of your proactive approach to getting the big barricades out there and saying that the street was closed and I I really appreciated that because I did not get the phone calls this time that I've gotten in the past um when the mayor was talking about having to repair uh pipes at his house um when we purchased a house um on 21st Street that has only had three owners and it was originally built by Mr Lewis of Lewis Lumber Company and in the early 2000s we had to replace the pipe that went from the house to the street because in 1948 they used something called Orangeburg pipe which is basically wood and compressed paper and it lasts for about 50 years it it does a pretty good job for about 50 years but I'm thinking that we're going to have a lot of that kind of thing happening in my neck of the woods because of the age of the houses and and how they were constructed and when they were constructed so that was a lot of fun because at our house the trench had to be hand dug they could not bring any equipment in to do it so um the only other thing I would like to add is um my family's deepest sympathy to the family of coach Steven olssen also known as pigeon he was a phenomenal coach a good man and a not half bad driver that teacher and he will be missed thank you um just to Echo kind of a lot of things yesterday was fun seeing you know even though the fire department's under construction now and hopefully by July of next year-ish will be somebody will be that first person to slide down the pole everybody wants that that's the big thing at the fire station is a pole I'm thinking Mr Gallow but uh you know I told him that last night because it was a great tribute and and obviously things that have been done but but but looking back at the last week and a half two weeks um and it it does start at the top with Mr Perry um one of the things that that we tasked Mr Perry coming in three years ago was really to see how we need to step up at a time of the year when we have these hurricanes and different storms where the city brenon you know worked well still works well with our EOC and Manatee County but some of the stuff is on us we're the biggest municipality and I I felt it was important why we didn't do those things as much as we could we're still can only have one EOC but how do we help not only ourselves when we're back to our back to uh Storm's not over but things are happening but how we help during it and you know we we will be with our pach kind of that first um line of defense for the islands at times and different things when storms are going on so it's about the collaboration and what we do together to work together and that's something that I think you've seen immensely over the last several years more than we had seen it in years back and just looking at it my wife found online a picture picture probably on something in the 80s at some point where the city council and the Manatee County was meeting and it looked like more of a positive meeting and then there was some things over the years wasn't as positive but right now things you know couldn't be going better working together collaborating we're going to disagree on some things at times but how do we get it to that next level and that next level is is everyone sitting in this room not up on this dis from the staff level and all of our workers in the city of Bradon because as Mr Perry just said we have some great people some very well intentioned people and people that are willing to to run through a wall for us if we need to but we're trying to give them every opportunity to tell us what they need and to fix and again it's going to get tired of face it and fix it in the '90s they would have built that third Bridge you guys are going to hear me say that third Bridge not because it's disrespecting people that didn't do it but they didn't do it we're going to do it and it's going to change hopefully 30 years from now the people sitting up here that they'll be able to say look we still got issues but there's things that are better because of the group that's here not only up here but out in those seats that you know because I don't know other than maybe one person um and a couple of reporters everybody else's staff in here two people I guess but thank you for what you do I know there's some of us that some of you that sit in the room a little longer than others you know Tamara you were there the whole time and I appreciate that because keeping things working and Tiffany and few others but um obviously our lead people are out on the streets doing things and finding things out and learning things but and I'm going to forget somebody I know both Chief uh gear and candada were at the EOC and we appreciate that because I feel that we need to be doing our stuff while you guys are protecting us at the eocc or in the past you'd had more people there from the city but you guys take that on for us so we can still be boots on the ground a little bit more um but every department is very important to be in their methods um where they are so it was there I mean you could just go down the list but and and then of course planning came out when they needed and code enforcement and all of that so we can go on and on but thank you and it's just a matter of saying hey we're here we're going to face it and fix it and we're going to try to get things going so nothing else Mr rudisel do you have anything else for the good of the order I don't have anything all right I just want to make sure so all right we'll be [Music] adjourned for