e e e e e City C council meeting in council chambers this is Wednesday May 8th 2024 at this time I would like to ask Pastor Don Serano with the Kingdom Life Christian Church as well as chaplain for the Brad and police department to come forward with our invocation that will be followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman Josh Kramer good morning everyone just a quick comment before we pray um this is my one of my favorite days to do the invocation the affections of my heart uh burn for our local and National police officers to my beloved police family here in Bradington and all who wear the Gallant Shield of service and protection from our chief to our senior Command Staff seasoned veterans to young officers filled with promise and to every support dep Department member you are loved you're needed you are honored and we celebrate you today we thank the heavenly father for each one of you you are heroes you are Divine agents of the almighty to Aid and sustain order on the Earth would you bow your heads father of Heaven and Earth I lift up our Valiant Law Enforcement Officers before you now I ask that you and all of Heaven would take notice and honor this prayer for these who have vowed and dedicated their lives to Serve and Protect your children on the earth who you so dearly love and cherish I pray that your Mighty hand and outstretched arm would go before them in the Battle of Justice anointing them as your ambassadors of divine order so to foil the Deeds of those who plot evil I Ask of You Holy Spirit to envelop each of them with the Peace of Christ that transcends understanding guiding them with the wisdom of Solomon as they guard the citizens of our nation grant them the courage and the strength of King David to defeat the goliaths of wrongdoing and impart upon them the loving kindness of David the shepherd to serve with compassion and a gentle hand Discerning when to be a lion and when to be a lamb may they serve with the heart of a king and lead with the heart of a servant as they continue to be deployed on their Noble assignments I declare Isaiah 54:17 over them all that no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which Rises against you in judgment shall be condemned for this is the herit of the Servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me says the Lord I pray oh God that you would dispatch and assign Waring angels of great might and power to protect them and keep them from harm so I declare over them all long strong blessed prosperous and fruitful life I pray that you would Grant an overwhelming peace to their loved ones reminding every father wife husband son and daughter that you the creator of the universe has them all in your Mighty hands it is in the name of Jesus the Christ Our Lord and King I pray this all amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good morning you may be seated we will call our meeting to order Mrs Melton the proclamations yes the first Proclamation this morning is police week and Peace Officers Memorial Day and councilman Kramer will be reading it on behalf of the mayor thank you Proclamation by virtue of the authority vested me as mayor of the city of Bron I do hereby issue this Proclamation honoring Police Week May 12th through 18th 2024 and Peace Officers Memorial Day May 15 2024 whereas Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which it falls as police week and whereas the members of Florida law enforcement agencies play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of our citizens and whereas it is essential that all Florida Citizens know and understand the problems duties and responsibilities of their police department and that members of our Police Department recognize their unwavering commitment to Serve the People by safeguarding life and property by protecting them against violence or disorder and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression or intimidation and whereas it is appropriate to Comm commemorate police officers past and present who have dedicated their service to their communities and demonstrated utmost courage in preserving the rights and security of all citizens and whereas on May 15th we honor all peace officers who through their courageous Deeds have lost their lives or have become disabled in the performance of Duty now therefore be resolved that mayor Jee Brown as mayor of the city of Bradon Florida does hereby Proclaim May 15th 2024 as peace officers Memorial Day and May 12th through 18th 2024 as police week and encourage all citizens to participate in activities honoring our police and peace officers signed mayor Jean Brown I know that the chief is with us as well as several other members of our department everyone please come down all officers staff just brought a few people down just a few while they're coming down uh just a few words um we the members of the brington police department um doesn't matter whether we wear a badge or uh our civilian members we all make up an important and critical um part of this agency you'll note The Thin Blue Line that many of us have across our badge let us not forget what that Thin Blue Line Stands for it is what separates order from chaos and it's members of the police department that ensure that separation stays strong it's a very sad time right now in law enforcement as you all know um just last week uh a very tragic event four officers lost at one time in the line of duty that's um the most officers killed since the Dallas event several years ago U but let that serve as a reminder that each and every day these folks go out and they put their lives on the line and they Risk Everything to ensure the safety of of this community um we are the brainon police department we are very proud to be members of this community and um we know that we have your support not all police agencies can say that but we know that this community and this Council all of our elected officials and all of our other City members appreciate what we do and and we the same for you so thank you hang on just a moment um council members would you like to make a comment Miss Moore sure um thank you I just would like to reiterate that I am appreciative of your service um I appreciate the inclusion of not just those that wear the badge but also the support um anything that I can do to continue to have you all work is such a an amazing cohesive body I am happy to be a part of it a small part so thank you Mrs Coachman thank you I'll first off say ditto and secondly I truly appreciate each and every one of you I have the opportunity fortunately or unfortunately to see you at work a lot and I know all that's behind you as well you know um can't thank you enough so proud to be uh of the city of rington and be among you um okay I'm not going to cry just appreciate you every day Miss Coker yes just to just to reiterate and to tell you that how much I love this city and I know a big part of that is thanks to you keeping us safe and I have witnessed you do your job and you seem to really care about the citizens and care about keeping everybody safe and um it's thanks to you I don't think that we can put in words how much you mean to this community so thank you for continuing to show up every day and to serve to the best of your ability it is truly appreciated and now we'd like to get a picture so if we could get everyone up here and ladies if we can get over up here and we'll stand behind come on you guys on the side don't try to hide yeah come on no no goodl looking ones up front please we need a drone photo for [Laughter] this I was thinking that no high heel for me Captain I think I have a pocket you have a pocket [Laughter] yeah You' got to squat down stench we just lost our [Applause] and you all stay safe out there thank you we're GNA get there we're going to take just a moment to allow those that wish to leave the meeting safe travels out Mrs Melton our next Proclamation is Salvation Army week which I'll read on behalf of the mayor whereas the Salvation Army has been serving the people of Manatee County for 100 years physically emotionally and spiritually and whereas the Salvation Army is present wherever need is greatest especially during times of Crisis where vulnerable citizens are more at risk of becoming homeless hungry addicted or spiritually tired and whereas the Salvation Army invites the citizens of Bradenton to love Beyond and help our organization continue to provide lifechanging Aid by creating and supporting programs to meet the needs of the community and whereas it is fitting and proper on Salvation Army week to recognize the tremendous impact of philanthropy volunteerism and community service in the city of Bradenton and whereas Salvation Army week is an opportunity to encourage citizens to serve others with their resources and time during difficult periods many of us are experiencing now therefore be it OLV that I Gene Brown as mayor of the city of Bradenton Florida do hereby Proclaim May 13th through 19th 2024 as Salvation Army week in Bradenton and urge all citizens to join together to give back to the community and any way that is personally meaningful sign Jean Brown mayor I know we have someone here to accept the proclamation please come forward and introduce yourselves good morning ladies and Gent gentlemen my name is Tom Richmond and I along with my wife Jenny are the commanding officers for the Salvation Army with me I also have Julie showers and Miss Kelly French um we represent just a small fraction of well the employees and volunteers of the Salvation Army here in Manatee County in Bradenton we have been here and right here up the street uh hundred years ago on June the 23rd of 1923 the Salvation Army along with about seven volunteers came to this beautiful city and started the work of the Salvation Army with one really one focus and that was others to serve those within this community to the best of our ability those 100 years have taught us many many things and one of the things that they've taught us is is that the love and the sense of family that this community has is probably greater than any other city that you will come in and contact with in the State of Florida and dare I say in many the places that I've been I'm very happy to be here I'm getting ready to celebrate one year of being in this city and working and I can tell you I have fallen in love with the people of this beautiful city I'm thankful for the work that you've allowed us and you've come and partnered with us over these years to do I had a challenge coin that uh we had made up for the the 100y year anniversary and unfortunately this morning I did not bring enough with me because I have been out of town running around for the past couple of days trying to get a tooth fixed and um I stand here this morning with you to say I've got a little bit of pain but more importantly I have a lot of love in my heart and I say to you thank you so much thank you to the mayor to city council to the people of this community who continue to come alongside us countless hours countless abilities tools treasures and all the other things that they bring but on the back of that coin it says this doing the most good which has kind of been a moniker of the Salvation Army for the last several years I didn't like it at first when I first saw it but I fell in love with it as I ke started moving forward because it basically says this we're doing the most good on the bottom of the coin because of friends like you please continue to remember who we are and more importantly remember who's we are we pray for you daily we thank God for you daily and we know that as we continue working together in the partnership that we have had these past 100 years unless the Lord comes back we'll continue to do the work that he's called us to do and we're so thankful thankful for this day thank you for giving us the opportunity to stand before you and Kelly do you have something I was going to take a picture oh you're going to take a picture okay well will can we ask you to stand up again and we we'll move up but we'll say again come down and and get a picture with come down you want to stand back there no we'll come down we love you come on we'll go do this God bless you and to those in the room today thank you so much to our men in blue being a retired officer myself I salute you my friends and say please stay safe and know that um we love you and we appreciate all the hard work that you do in this community all right thank you thank you okay thank you I know that many of us are aware of the work of the Salvation Army and have interacted with them over the years and throughout the year I know that U Miss Coker asked to say something so I'll start with Miss Coker yeah I I just wanted to say that I've had multiple opportunities to work especially with Miss French and always willing to go the extra mile roll up the sleaves work alongside and I feel like you walk the walk and talk the talk so thank you councilman Kramer thank you um I think we always think of the Salvation Army at least through most of my career was dealings with 14th Street and a lot of times it was issues that they may have there not necessarily issues on the periphery but issues that were happening inside the building um but it since the the departure of my time with the Department I've come to know that they do a lot more than just handle things at their Center and one is the camp for kids uh I was able to participate in an event a fundraiser for that a couple weeks ago um but that basically funds basically children being able to go to summer camps and um it's really I don't I think we always think about what they do for adults but it's what they do for children too Miss tell us more just like to I'll just express my appreciation and um and note that you bring the compassion to an issue that's really complicated and you put faces to an issue that's really complicated and so that I just would like to express that your work is is not unnoticed and appreciated I know also firsthand from the work you do and you said a word in its heart that's the Salvation Army and you are the salvation for quite a many people and I've seen women with children you know from our school actually where I work that needed you and you were there so thank you what can I say but the entire Council appreciates the work that you do on a daily basis and we hope that you you are able to continue many many many more help many many more people uh unless God calls us all home thank you uh Miss Melton we do not no sorry somebody's jumping the gun I have one more Proclamation city of Bren Office of the mayor Proclamation by the virtue of the authority vested in me as May of the city of Bradon I do hereby issue this Proclamation honoring professional Municipal clerks week May 5th through the 11th 2024 whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world it is the oldest office held among public servants and whereas they provide the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and agencies of government at all levels and whereas professional Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all and whereas they serve as the information center on functions of local government and community and whereas professional Municipal clerks continue to strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the the office of the professional municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state provincial County and international professional organizations and where it whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk now therefore be it resolved that I mayor Jee Brown is mayor of the city of Bron Florida to hereby Proclaim May May 5th through the 11th 2024 as professional Municipal Clerk's week and further extend to our professional municipal clerk Tamara Melton we extend appreciation to Tamara Melton for the vital Services she performs and her exemplary dedication to the citizens of Bradenton and it is signed by the mayor we're all going to come down there Lance come up yeah I know thank you ch [Music] Mrs Melton thank you all for that that was very nice and surprising um we do not have any presentations scheduled for today okay so we are now at the portion of our meeting known as citizen comment citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda item agenda item future agenda item or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on public hearings at the appropriate time and if you wish to make a public comment we will bring you forward you will state your name and address for the record I only have one card comment card filled out and that is from Bill Sanders please come forward before you leave congratulations to Salvation I wish that you'd got the 14 more slots over there housing for women yes uh Bill Sanders 252 Riverside Drive um I'm here today because I have a kind of a follow-up system that reminds me of things that I feel or the citizens feel that are undone or need answers to and this was a fraud of a electronic transfer I believe about two years ago and nobody was able to speak about it because it allegedly under investigation so um I'd like to know where that is there's certainly been more than enough time to have a final conclusion of that it was approximately 50 52,000 so we didn't know how it occurred and who received the money and did anybody get punished or is the system still broken so I would like to have an answer to that and perhaps the written uh police report that uh was allegedly done at that time so we have a issue sometimes of not commenting on uh investigations here in the city and later to find out that all that's been over with for a while while you're asking about it now because we never knew what the result was to begin with so that MO is is is getting kind of rusty and second item um uh I heard you say that we had uh the administration Administration CRA and planning all under one guy which was not appropriate and of course I obviously agree with that because it's like having a president secretary of state and attorney general all in one office all controlled by one person that it's kind of dangerous so there was uh a period of time that we wrote out about $840,000 in checks and we don't know really where if it came from the CRA or if it came from the city because the same individual was wearing multiple hats and so when I was vice chair of the CRA and on the council uh we could never find out if the checks were written uh what invoices they were to pay and uh I didn't personally get involved because I was excluded by Mr Perry from asking people about it uh so uh I'd like to know uh what invoices will tie back to these checks of 840,000 and I'd like to for you guys to stop the additional $135,000 that you've got budgeted for to start that program again thank you for comments next on our agenda is the consent agenda prior to the consent agenda prior to us bringing it up um I believe there's a couple of issues that we wanted to discuss completely and um Mr Perry and Mr Williams I understand that you will be talking about the midyear budget adjustment I would like to have more information brought forward to at that yes ma'am uh first off under item c um which is the the budget adjustments which are midyear I think it's important to understand a little bit about what this lengthy list of budget adjustments are and by virtue of being called mid year there just that within the middle of a fiscal year uh we make adjustments to our budget in the private sector typically corporations that are publicly held would hold quarterly meetings and look at where they are at a point in time um as a Rel their budget and and and make evaluations and adjustments therein we basically do the same thing but we do it at the six-month period and sometimes we do it um uh on an individualized basis but what we're attempting to do is reconcile things that we didn't know with Precision um originally when we when we when we initiated our budget an example of that is the first item that's on the list which is um what our interest earnings would be we've been in a fluctuating interest market and we obviously have reserves that we put into Investments and so it's a plus up of I believe $327,000 um over and above what we thought we would earn on our money because we're in a good return uh there's a variety of different issues within the budget that's just one example of unpredictability that becomes a little bit more predictability in the short term uh on an actualized basis but then there's projects that come up that have to be funded too uh an example of that is the Masco lighting for the um the leom park that we agreed to do and under the lease are obligated to do and at the time we didn't know what the uh exact cost would be but since we've done that um we've been able to finalize the cost there are things that have come up operationally um with our water treatment our Wastewater Plant that at the time we did our budget we did not know that there would be additional costs for program programs and equipment and uh they have to be dealt with and so that's really what the midyear adjustment is about is taking a variety of these and when you consider these adjustments some of them are fairly sizable but you're talking about $180 million budget between the Consolidated uh proprietary funds uh business activities and government activities that we do Enterprises basically um so so we we try to clean those up I've had the opportunity during my meetings with each and every Council to go over these these budget adjustments one by one and ask are there any in particular that we can discuss and there was one in particular the council Moore had asked me to discuss and miss clayback here to discuss it which deals with a lift station that actually is on the east side and I think has come before Council before and I said that's probably a pretty good idea to bring that one forward and and specifically address what we are doing with that lift station how we're doing it the benefit will be because we seem to have someone that comes up and sometimes um not correctly characterized perhaps or otherwise um put both sides of the the the the story out on that particular list station so it might be good to have the person that's in charge of that project address Council if that's possible miss clayback good morning everybody good morning Kim clayback with public works and utilities infrastructure engineer the lift station project that Mr Perry mentioned is on the east side it's north of Manatee Avenue and it involves two different lift stations lift station three which currently serves Braden River Lakes or a or um I'm sorry um Braden Castle a portion of Braden Castle not all of it and that's it um it's on a large parcel that the city already owns off of 2 Avenue East at the very far east end before you get to the ditch lift station 13 is on Riverside Drive just east of 24th Street and is about 5T from the seaw wall and traditionally and historically our older lift stations which lift station 13 is were built by the river back in the 30s at this point it was an old septic system that discharged directly to the river that was plugged up in the ' 50s but they built the lift station there it's the lowest point everything flows there easily we identified that it was way too close to the river many many years ago and several years ago when resiliency grants became available through D we applied for the grant and it is to demolish lift station 13 take it away completely we don't need to be that close to the river with raw sewage and up upsize Lift Station 3 to accommodate all of the flow that comes out of lift station 13 area and we will have to redirect sanitary seore as part of that process several years ago it was estimated to be about a 6 million project and with the costs Rising the way they are I'm sure when we get to the construction portion of the project it'll go up a little bit but we did receive a grant from d like I said several years ago we submitted on a resiliency Grant to them and they are supplying approximately $3 million towards the construction of the project we currently are in the first phase of that right now with what's called a basis of design review report it's an engineering report that sizes all of the mechanics that go into the new lift station and I'm probably getting we in the weeds here more than you want to know um but we are we are sizing the lift station the force Main and working on where we're rerouting all of the um sanitary store services that are associated with that the building of the list station and the demolishing of the list station are the really really easy parts of this job the difficult part is that for every lift station uh for every lateral service for sanitary that we change currently those lines are in people's backyards we have to move we're going to be moving them to the street so we are going to actually be doing some Plumbing work on private property and as we go through this process all of those residents are going to have to agree to let us build on their property to connect the services but we're taking them out of the backyards putting them in the street so they're accessible people won't have sanitary problems in their backyard and we can access them so we are building a portion of a new collection system as well to direct everything to the new lift station area lift station three the the parcel that's out there is fairly sizable we'll be building the whole new lift station and putting that in service prior to demolishing either one of the old lift stations construction for the whole project will take about 2 years um hopefully everything will be online in 18 months and we'll spend the last six months demolishing and doing some some um deficiency list items but we are in the design process now it'll take us 9 to 12 months to complete design and then we'll move into the bid for construction so it has been a problem as everybody knows River you and that particular area floods tremendously and when you start flooding the roads and you start flooding a lift station there are health risks associated with that and it's been identified as our number one risk from a lift station perspective in the city and that's why we applied for the resiliency grant for that area first Miss clayback if I could I I think you said Riverview I think you meant Riverside Riverside thank you because we do have what we do have two projects going we have on ongoing project in my ward in Riverview Boulevard so I I understand Miss Moore um thank you uh for coming in and I love it when you get in the weeds even if I can't stay with you the entire time um but I appreciate you taking the time because for the benefit of the rest of the council I was reviewing the budget adjustment items and I recognized that there were uh that this included this project and so of course I got very excited and wanted to pull it so that we could express my excitement and after meeting with Mr Perry and Mr Williams it became clear that maybe that was me jumping the gun a little bit and it would be better if Miss clayback who obviously has the actual knowledge of what needs to be done from an engineering standpoint and the timing that that will take um in case my enthusiasm resulted in citizens thinking that there was going to be you know shovels in the ground tomorrow so just plugging along um and uh I appreciate the update though so that we could really get accurate information out absolutely and so all of you know each ward has its challenges Mrs Moore W ward has um the most lift stations in the city in Ward 4 we have more lift stations there by about three times as many as the next Ward so she has a lot of mechanical issues that will be associated with her Ward Mr Kramer has water main replacement in his Ward and Paving primarily so each ward has it challenges lift stations happens to be the challenge in W 4 from a public works perspective just briefly I mean we're talking about aged infrastructure and and interesting that back in the day you could discharge septic right into the river 1970s Clean Water Act and and thereafter prohibited that across the country and uh Now 50 years after that we're we're paying the piper and and uh building projects to eliminate those sins of the past quite frankly um the laws the environment the building codes were a lot different back then you know you're talking about virtually almost 100 years ago probably and uh it's a very expensive and uh tedious and and legally challenging environment to put these kinds of projects together where you're going into people's backyards and you're doing other things my hat goes off and and we're trying to do a lot better job with long range planning and public Outreach y thank you very much thank you thank you Mr Perry is there anything else you would like to add I don't believe so not on the consent agenda just wanted to cover item three uh I'm sorry C okay well we're at the uh consent agenda and chair will entertain a motion move to approve consent agenda second I have a motion by councilman Kramer a second by councilwoman Coker any further discussion we'll start the vote in W one Yes W two votes yes w three Yes W four and W five yes thank you very much Miss Milton item 7A is the first reading for ordinance 4039 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida provid W in for an amendment to the city of Bron land use Atlas changing zoning from UV Urban Village to R4 mobile home for approximately 9.6 acres of land generally located east of 16 16th Street West South of 21st Avenue West north of 26th Avenue West West of 14th Street West and more particularly described herein providing for findings of fact of fact providing for replicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date and the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4039 is scheduled for May 22nd all righty that was the first reading we will move on we have a first reading for ordinance 4034 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending part one charter and related laws subpart B related laws Article 4 police officers Retirement System of the code of ordinances of the city of Bradenton Florida amending section six benefit amount and eligibility amending Section 8 disability providing for severability of Provisions providing for codification repeal repealing all ordinances and conflict here with and providing an effective date and the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4034 is scheduled also for May 22nd thank you moving on item 7c is the first reading for ordinance 4043 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida relating to enforcement of school zone speed limits creating a new section 50- 82 authorizing the placement and installation of speed detection systems on roadways maintained as school zones providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date and the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4043 is also scheduled for May 22nd thank you moving right on item 7D is the first reading of ordinance 4045 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton establishing a local provider participation fund authorizing imposition of annual non-ad valorum special assessments to be levied collected and enforced against real property owned or leased by private for-profit and not for-profit hospitals to fund the the non-federal share of Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care payments benefiting hospitals providing Health Care Services to Medicaid Indigent and uninsured members of the city of Bradon Community specifying the procedure for adopting the annual non-ad valorum special assessments to be deposited into the local provider participation fund specifying authorized uses for the fund proceeds and providing an effective date and a second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4045 is also scheduled for May 22nd it looks like we're going to be busy on May 22nd um I also understand that we will have a presentation on ordinance 4045 at that at the second reading and public hearing we do and Madame Vice May if I could say we have a special councel engaged on that special assessment Council and so they will be here at that May 22nd meeting to answer questions but if any of you would like like to have a one-on-one in advance we can certainly set that up as well thank you Mr rudil moving on we do have an item under new business that was emailed to you all yesterday and I believe Mr Perry or Mr Williams will be speaking on it mayor Mr Williams will basically give a short presentation and there's a request for uh for action on this item it's a reimbursement agreement design and construction of uh Wireless modifications to our our tanks um with some of our our carriers that are on there Telecom carriers but Mr Williams can give you the details thank you U Lance Williams Chief Operating Officer for the morning um yeah we work tireless tirelessly and when I say we I mean uh it's uh Corey foron and Marissa Powers I'm going to first give them Kudos because it wasn't easy r Ling in three Telecom communication companies to agree to what we were trying to do to get the reimbursement for the um improvements that they wanted to the water tower during our maintenance process so um the reason it's it's being presented today is is just that the timing with those three companies um we were able to get it get them together get them to agree with even the smallest amount of language um vetted it obviously with our attorney with Marissa and Scott and the uh um bring it before Council to get approval so our our reason to uh present it today is we have a deposit date of May 17th so we had to get it approved today because our next council meeting is until isn't until after that date so um so the attached reimbursement agreement um is for design and construction of the wireless modifications to our elevated water tower number three um it's between the city and the three carriers um that have the lease agreements with the the three carriers that have lease agreements with the telecommunication equipment on the tower um which is Verizon AT&T and T-Mobile the carriers have requested a balcony and handrail improvements that are occurring at the same time that the city is doing the required maintenance and repairs to the tank the carriers have agreed to be responsible for re reimbursing the city the cost associated with mapping and structural analysis engineering design and construction and installation of the improvements as as well as for staff time required to implement the construction and installation so the total cost of the agreement is $1,281 and that'll be divided between the three carriers to be reimbursed to the city so the motion that I have today is a motion to approve the reimbursement agreements for design and construction of Wireless modifications to the city of Bron's elevated water tower number three as presented and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have Miss Coker I'll make the motion Oh I thought you had a question I'm sorry no okay Miss Coker I'll make a motion to approve the reimbursement agreements for design and construction of Wireless modifications to the city of Bron's elevated water tank number three as presented I'll second I have a motion by councilwoman Coker a second by councilwoman Gonzalez Moore any further discussion we will begin the vote in w three yes Ward four Yes W five yes Ward one Yes W two votes yes it carries unanimously thank you thank you nothing further from the administration well and and just let me say anytime that you can get Verizon AT&T and T-Mobile even on the same phone call mighty mighty job ladies thank you so much our our um block Walter's attorney had a lot to do with it Marissa who's here as well and uh and it was not easy I would walk by Mr williamss office and hear some of the conversations and see some of the frustration your point is well taken I was glad I had very little to do with it all right I I don't believe we have any unfinished business no ma'am clerk okay all right Council reports so we will start the council reports in Ward 4 okay um I actually was trying I don't really have a whole lot to report um I have been uh I'll just again Express appreciation for everyone kind of plating me and letting me let uh or ask Miss clayback to give an update on those infrastructure improvements um that's been my focus I think you guys already know because I've been talking about it quite a bit but uh improving the infrastructure in that whole area is um obviously been a a focus of mine and obtaining the funding is um a complicated uh you know process that staff walks through daily and um I just appreciate their efforts in that regard and trying to get funding and get things moving along as the fastest you can knowing that they're all in a Rel they're all going to involve you know construction and and citizen you know affect citizens in their daily lives near their homes um but I am excited to again have their efforts and see things moving forward um I leave tomorrow to go to the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council uh resiliency Summit um I will bring back any information of course on any kind of new technologies or funding opportunities and I believe that's it I don't think I have any anything else to report I'm sure I'll remember as soon as it's not my turn anymore they'll just let me know not like I've ever missed something in my report so okay um kind of the same things um for war five um some of the infrastructure things the needs as Miss Kack said each ward has its needs um but I have been getting positive feedback from residents about the sidewalks that are being um placed and and um on the east side and they're real happy about that makes them feel like they can see something happening to to better the area you know we'll just continue to uh make all attempts to increase the quality of life in those areas that need it the most um I don't have a whole lot to say as well uh War five is alive as always and oh happy Mother's Day to all the people that take on that role absolutely W one yes uh first I want to um thank from the bottom of my heart the doto Historical Society the parade was I believe a huge success it just celebrates what I love about braon the the um all that they I know it's a lot of work behind the scenes and I want to thank them for that it's a great it's just makes me it fills my bucket about our city and how much I love it here and I also I I I mean we definitely have to say thank you to law enforcement and to our public works department the fire department um unless you're involved with it you you have no idea the work that goes on and I think it was a huge success and I think uh I just wanted to give everybody a shout out for for that I also uh since our last meeting um I left that and went to the uh ribbon cutting for the new Kanas playground out at Tom Bennett Park and it just it's wonderful if you haven't had an opportunity to go it's it's just I love that our city now this we have Lewis Park that was done with the rotary and we now have two wonderful playgrounds here where where all children can play without barriers and uh I feel like I've heard from most that we have a really firm commitment and a resolve to do more in the in the community and and it just makes me even prouder um and lastly Faith and family night Friday night um at the Marauders game the gates will open at 5:30 they're going to have uh games for the kids I've heard of dunk Booth I'm not in that thankfully um but uh the game starts at 6:30 the tickets are um $15 and you get a Marauders cap and a Pepsi drink ticket voucher um so it's a great way to spend Friday night safe and and not too much money and uh it's a lot of fun if you haven't made it to a Marauders game this is a great family night so uh I hope to see y'all there thank you we'll see me there oh good uh Cramer thank you ma'am um so I got a email the other day from one of our I don't think he's even a constituent but his facilities in the city and he mentioned something that a project had been going on for a while and it finally got done and he thanked me for getting it done I didn't get it done I passed information on to our city staff who are the ones who get these things done people call us all the time and say I want things done I calling City Hall to complain all that does is lets us let our staff know hey these people have an issue if you could please address it or communicate with them a lot of times all they want is just communication but I'm not the one out there who's grading a driveway that's City staff city workers who are out there hopefully not in too much heat doing it but I want to thank all them I think we do that all the time but I want to thank them all again for what they do um espec especially with police week coming up next week um I also want to wish my mom Karen Kramer a happy birthday last Wednesday was her birthday 80th birthday and uh we were able to have a nice family event in Maryland for so I love you mom vice mayor you do it to me every time that's the plan I did um remember one little thing please please go right ahead make her cry yes I'm not going to make her cry but I am gonna um you just reminded me of something else that I wanted to mention since the last meeting speaking of Staff um I one of the things that we did do was tour the river Isles neighborhood with their city government liaison um to do kind of a spot check on problematic sidewalks and whatnot they're part of the plan that we have for the Citywide sidewalk replacement project um so we were just looking at areas that might be potential we might need to put a bandid on for the time being um but Mr Williams and um Mr uh Cho and um haran I believe is his last name Mr heran um who is in charge of sidewalks in public works all came out spend at least an hour uh poor Mr Williams was on a conference call half of the time I'm trying to chugle the time so I just use that as an illustration of the dedication that we have with City staff in helping us be responsive to Citizens and addressing their concerns so that was another thing that took place in the the past couple of weeks that I just wanted to highlight and you thanking staff reminded me of that um Mr Perry I see you I'm going to do my Council report and then we're going to go to dep department heads if that's that would be perfect thank you um I too enjoyed the doto parade uh it it's one of the things that I think brings this community together and I truly appreciate all of the planning and the details and the hard work that the doto celebration U goes through to provide such a wonderful event for everyone in the community and I'm really sorry that the doto float broke down so I'm sure that won't happen again um the weather was absolutely wonderful I've heard from many in the community that um actually initially we concerned about changing the parade route but felt that it went very well and I know that they had plenty of room to Stage IT prior to the beginning of the parade which had always been a concern with previous years so I think that uh I have not spoken with anyone from doto I know that they will do an after event evaluation but I think we may see that continue that we start going out on the east side of town and heading to the west side of town and I also want to say that that I know that there are individuals that were um they had their spot at the parade route you know they they knew where they were going to go but those of us that were in the parade there was several areas along the parade route that uh did not have anyone so if you found that your regular spot you ended up with about 20 people deep you might want to look around next year and come a little further east because there were several areas uh on my side of Manatee Avenue and w i that had a lot of viewing opportunities that were not um 20 20 people deep so I I just throw that out there uh I also want to express uh my condolences to the family of Colonel Maynard he was known in the community The Scouting Community as red dog Colonel Red Dog Maynard um I'd like to share the words that were were shared by Darlene Thorp her that says it is with great sorrow that we inform you of the passing of the great scouter Red Dog Maynard passed away the morning of April 27th the United States lost a sworn Patriot the United States Army lost an unhesitating member of the Brotherhood of Honor Manatee County lost a dedicated Citizen and the Boy Scouts of America lost an impassioned scouter he did a lot for this community and I want everyone to remember him please also um I think Miss um Coachman said it best happy Mother's Day to all who fill that role and do that job because there are a lot of single dads out there that are mothering there's a lot of aunties and grandmas that are mothering there are a lot of uh just caring people that fulfill the role of mothers to many children and we want to salute them all and then just to finish up I probably should have said something at the beginning of the meeting that that uh Mayor Brown was excused from the meeting but we all want to wish him and his lovely bride Gina happy 35th Anniversary and the mayor had set up to be able to take her on a trip and they were going to be leaving this afternoon but apparently Delta had other plans and changed the flight and there was only one leaving to go where they're going so uh we just want to wish them a very uh wonderful 35th Anniversary and thank them for everything that they do for this community I don't know if you all know how much Gina Brown does cuz pretty much anything that that may Brown is doing Gina is right there and she's usually helping right along whether it is pulling weeds and picking up yard waste or helping pass out things to children or participating in the community so we uh we want to wish them both a wonderful 35th wedding anniversary and now we will go to department head reports uh Mr par thank you m May Mr Williams col Lee Miss candria could come up I'd appreciate it so I want to take this opportunity to formally introduce a few folks to council as you remember last December um Mr mclen left um after in retirement from the city seven years um as the Director of Public Works and another I think with the city we did a national search we had a lot of good candidates and we wanted to make sure we got the right candidate uh Mr Williams myself and and several others in the the senior executive management team did numerous numerous interviews Zoom interviews personal interviews flying people in spent some money spent some time we wanted to make sure we got the right people um I don't think in my 35-year career I felt better quite frankly about the diligence that was exerted to get the candidates that have the right skill set the right background that really want to be here for the right reasons than what we were able to basically put together so you've had the opportunity to miss meet Miss kandria who is serving in the role of of of Deputy um director of public of our Public Works utilities um Department as it relates to uh the head of that department retired Colonel Irvin Lee um served this country honorably in the US Air Force retiring from the Air Force he served the area honorably by a long uh tenure with the city of Tampa as their Public Works director ctor as well as MC mcdel Air Force Base and most recently before returning from space command um Operation Center out in Colorado Springs we are at a uh a precipe I think really that term is we're going to go one way or the other a precipe and we have to go into the future we have to deal with age infrastructure we have to are improve our professional ISM level of services our policies and procedures our technology and what Jen winter who was the head of the Matrix reporting said Implement innovation technology sometimes other thing systems we are not my grandmother's your grandmother's Bradington anymore um it's a complex Department Challenge and I think we we have the two people that can help us along with a whole other group of people that have been been uh doing the hard work over there and are passionate to to really help us um at this time it's a coincidence that we've got the final draft report from Matrix Consulting you made an investment of about $95,000 I believe in a top to bottom review and a lot of what anecdotally people have been telling us within the department a lot of things that Mr Williams and myself have seen and I appreciate Mr Williams taken the leadership what he's done to fill that Gap over there and try to just keep the boat afloat with positive direction navigating it in the right direction is true executive leadership and management um I came back from the do meeting over at Palmetto at 7:15 the other night some of us were there saw councilman Kramer coming back to the police department and who did almost hit me coming out the door Lance Williams he's here every night late he's here every morning and and we're on the phone constantly every hand on Deck is aware of what we need to do of of how tough it's going to be and how much effort we're going to have to put towards it but again to to close it out um I can't I I can't recommend these folks highly enough and I'm going to ask Irv Colonel Lee to say a couple words because I think they really want to be here and that makes the world a difference this isn't just a job it's a career move that they want to take on the challenge they want to successfully accomplish the objective and get the ball over the boat the goal line and really take us to the next level so with that Colonel Lee I hope I didn't overdo it but I kind of feel a little it's indeed an honor and a privilege uh to embark on this journey with with you all the ability to uh look into a situation uh and look to the future with not only the backing but the encouragement uh that I have is is just amazing Lance I I my hats off to you I know you both of you you all did a Yan's effort to to keep things going and I I was telling somebody the other day I I have to be careful when I when I go through pelis County uh thinking that we stole Brandy away from there uh to make sure that there won't be any repercussions there but I I I really am uh this this is a I consider this an amazing opportunity and I look forward to the hard work that we have ahead to be able to deliver uh to the citizens of Braden Bradenton the kindness service and the kind of support uh to move the city forward so thank you just point out um Colonel started on May 20th which was of course was a Monday on May uh I think it was 18th him and his lovely wife were down here at the doto parade uh caught up and we had to kind of go go fetch him at the end right yeah and I think he was here late that evening too is what I heard yeah yeah but uh you know we're we're lucky to have him we're really happy about him and and I hope uh I hope you guys get to know him and Brandy and spend a little bit more time over at our our operation over there the one thing um that I think has I'm sorry has has helped blance and I is that you know when you when you take on that kind of interim role you got to jump in with both feet so him and I have been at the bottom of of of basically drained out you know million gallon water treatment uh uh what do they call basins basins and things like that and we've got to know a lot of the folks over there in the operation a lot better than I think anybody would have in our positions um you know sometimes you stay upstairs and you got to pull the levers and make decisions and stuff like that um this has given us the opportunity to go in there and dig some ditches so that's you know always a good thing too Mr krer would you like to no welcome aboard we really appreciate uh the search effort but also I think we all were I speak for everybody we were very impressed in the interview process and to me you and talk with you was very impressive so we're just happy you're here and looking forward to your stewardship of the ship now yes um I just want to say um your pedigree obviously you've got a real commitment to service and uh I think you both are going to be a wonderful addition and will be like family and I'm very I'm much looking forward to uh digging in and working to the challenges that lie ahead so thank you yes welcome aboard and um it sounds like you have the heart to uh take on this journey because it's not going to be smooth sailing just you know just so you know um this this this Council this city staff all departments from top bottom side to side the the goal is to convince the public that we care and that we're here to serve them and do the best we can to improve the quality of their life and that's really the mindset of every employee um so you're you're not going to be alone with that heart to to serve um we just we just keep on letting our citizens know that we're here for them and we're we're very appreciative to have you here with us um I'm excited I um I I liken uh the loss of our our previous Public Works director Mr McCullen um to kind of you know a pain sometimes painful circumstances result in opportunities um and so I think that uh to your point Mr Perry that you and Mr Williams had to get in there and the thick of it is most certainly I think going to be a benefit in your roles going forward and um and I appreciate the diligence in finding replacements for Mr McCullen I know that was a tough job and I think that um I'm really super hopeful that the efforts will have paid off as we kind of Usher the city into this new era um I had the pleasure of having uh uh Miss Cola nandra I'm I'm going to butcher that every single time um Brandy and her husband uh assist us in the parade and so that was a ton of fun um and I'm just really looking forward to getting to know both of you better and hopefully serving alongside of you is the best I can thank you for the opportunity thank you both and thank you for bringing your families to br braon it uh serving serving a community can be very difficult at times because there's a lot of differing expectations however having met with both of you Colonel Lee and Miss I'm going to say it wrong candria candria yes I know colandrea okay I I will everybody together now Paul Andrea um I think you're up to the challenge and I think you both have a strong sense of not only selfworth but a strong sense of humor and I think you need both when you serve the public but I thank you for being willing to take on this task and I look forward to working together with you and Mr [Laughter] Williams um Elric we all recognize how difficult the hours have been and how hard you have been working to help keep the ship upright and it has not gone unnoticed and it is very much appreciated and just to close it out we have a lot of other folks in the city at in our departments that are providing uh uh great leadership and management and so it's not just Public Works it's uh all of our divisions and our Public Safety entities and planning and everything in between our CRA as well I'm just really proud of everybody being able to work together at such a high level I I I really applaud it and I would give it a very high grade and hope to give it even a higher grade so thank you for the opportunity thank you all all right uh any other department heads wishing to come forward at this time anything you want to bring up speak now or forever hold your peace all right well ladies and gentlemen this concludes our meeting I want to thank everyone for coming I want to thank the citizens that were were here um again again you know we did Proclaim it National Police Week uh but I think everyone that knows the job that they do appreciates them every day so with that being said anything else for the good of the order we stand adjourned