Wednesday May 22nd 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall Chambers this time I'd like to call Pastor Andy Hoffman with bethl church forward to say the prayer and we'll do the invocation after the prayer yes sir welcome please stand will you pray with me Father God thank you for today for this day that we can have another day to breathe and to enjoy life God just thank you for who you are thank you for your Holiness and your righteousness and your Justice God thank you for being a good and loving and caring God God we know right now that you sit on the throne and so God we just give you all the glory that you are rightly du God this morning as we begin this meeting I pray that you would give us wisdom wiom and Clarity of thought God these leaders who lead the city of Bradington so diligently God I pray that you would give them favor I pray that you would have your hand of Grace over them God I pray that as businesses discussed God I pray that you uh would just be evident in the discussions God give this room a spirit of calm God calm our hearts calm our minds for the things that will be said and discussed God thank you for these leaders who give of their their time and and their their energy God to to make this city run and so Lord we just want to honor them today as the scriptures say honor our leaders pray for our leaders and so God this morning I pray for these members of this Council that they would lead well that they would lead rightly and that they would lead justly so God we give this meeting over to you Lord we love you so much it's in Jesus holy and precious name we pray amen amen join all veterans in the audience to for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Pastor and we appreciate those words this time we'll call the meeting to order Madam clerk good morning good morning our first item on the AG agenda is a proclamation which I'll read on behalf of the mayor Code Enforcement Officers Appreciation Week whereas Code Enforcement Officers provide for the safety Health and Welfare of the citizens in this community Through the enforcement of building zoning housing animal control fire safety environmental and other codes and ordinances code enforcement officers are often not credited for the jobs that they do in saving lives and improving neighborhoods every day assisted by support and program staff they attempt to provide quality customer service to the public for the betterment of the community and whereas too many times their efforts go unnoticed even after Code Compliance has been accomplished due to their efforts and expertise whereas code enforcement officers are dedicated well-trained and highly responsible individuals who take their job seriously and are proud of their department and the local government within which they serve now therefore be it resolved that I Gene Brown as mayor of the city of Bradington Florida do hereby proclaim the week of June 3rd through the 7th 2024 as Code Enforcement Officers appreciation week and urge all citizens to express appreciation for the dedication and outstanding service provided by The Code Enforcement Officers sign Jee Brown mayor thank you and who do we have coming forward all of our code enforcement officers yes please and their fearless leader uh mayor and Council uh thank you for uh your support thank you for the proclamation uh Mr Perry has uh tasked us to up our game in the last year or one and a half I think we're still in the process of doing that we have upped our game uh thank you and um have a nice day so is there some new um recognitions that some of us have gotten lately Nisha y I think um we have so many I know Nisha has gotten her uh officer safety Craig has uh fundamentals officer safety and administrative aspects Doc in the got uh all four which is we have so many uh fundamentals office safety administrative aspects and legal aspects Mike had all of them we are we are uh you know we are uh one certification short of having all everybody have all of them and that's Greg who goes next month to uh legal aspects well I think that shows the importance of what you guys are doing as well as his Council supporting you know to get the training and so when we go out because it's a tough job and it's it's not always fun to go out and tell somebody something's wrong or something's not working and and one of the things that I'm proud of that your department does is it's not about punishment it's about compliance and we give the opportunity for our citizens to come into compliance but if they don't then you have to go through the process so thank you for what you all do and we also now are basically seven days a week where we're working on the weekends and and different things to try to make sure that that that we're protecting the health safety of all of our citizens so um does anybody else have anything or oh well thank you very much weapon is a pen y yeah that's the weapon we have so let's get a picture why don't you guys come stand up here and we'll stand behind you so we can get all the than that sorry oops sorry this is thank you we're gonna [Applause] try thank you no go back to [Laughter] work Madam clerk our next Proclamation is Public Works week May 19th through the 25th 2024 whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure systems facilities and services that are V of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and well-being of the residents businesses and visitors of the city of Bradenton and whereas these infra excuse me infrastructure systems facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees who are responsible for operating rebuilding improving and protecting our City's Transportation drinking water Wastewater and Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and facility facilities essential for the daily lives of our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and business owners to gain knowledge and of and to maintain a progressive interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs in the city of Bradenton and whereas the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated Personnel whose staff Public Works departments is materially influenced by The People's attitude towards the understanding of the importance of the work they perform and whereas the year 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association now therefore be it resolved that I Jee Brown as mayor of the city of Bradon Florida to hereby Proclaim May 19th through the 25th 2024 as Public Works week and urge all citizens to join with the American public works Association to pay tribute to our Public Works employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our health safety and quality of life Jean Brown mayor thank you and before I call anybody up from Public Works I'd like to call up Ed and Susan flowers they'd like to make a statement before Public Works comes up and talks and celebrates Good morning morning uh Ed said he hadn't had enough coffee oh okay I'll Stand good morning we're Ed and Susan flowers uh 2518 9th Avenue West um good morning mayor city council employees and guests um how appropriate that this is Public Works week I'd like to say thanks to all of them but a special thanks to the road crew who was working on 26th Street and 8th Avenue West a few weeks ago my mother lives with us and although mom doesn't like to walk and has never been a Flight Risk her dementia continues to progress sadly that afternoon she wandered away from the house without ID or enough memory to say where she lives someone from the crew working at 26th Street West in 8th Avenue West was kind enough to call and get her some help uh I'm not sure if they were city workers or city contractors and I think we've determined that they were workers but either way Ed and I are deeply grateful for their assistance uh sheriff's deputy returned her home to Ed who had no idea she'd left thankfully she had an envelope from a Christmas card in her purse which had our address on it so many times these Crews only hear complaints and I wanted to pass on a thank you so if that crew is here today I've some brownies for them thank you thank you very much we appreciate you saying that yes thank you all right who's going to start the exception of this the colonel I don't everybody kind of stand up and come gather behind him to be the whole room shy let's do it this is a wide shot we'll get one come on up come on up in the well here it's called The Well we don't bite yeah not too far as the folks are coming up I just wanted to say thank you we appreciate and and of course you doing the words that were just spoken are indicative of of you know the kind of uh unassuming characteristics that uh you finding all of these folks who are coming up here right now come on up guys wow that's awesome keep dirting the Bri party hello how are you dep all right we'll let the colonel now Brian you know they're not if we could have a little bit of quiet for a moment we'll let the colonel kind of say a few words and and I know everybody's interested in getting to know the Colonel and and the direction that we're going in our our city here in public works so Colonel you're up yes indeed thank you mayor this Proclamation uh is is accepted uh with a with a with Greatful Hearts the recognition uh that is due the men and women that you stand that you see standing before you uh is something that comes uh from from unsung heroes these are folks who show up every day and do the kinds of things that make this city successful we provide the foundation of all of the activities uh that that you know from from sunup to Sunrise all the activities that go with with making a healthy uh resilient and Vibrant Community and I know the the the city and the proclamation from the mayor uh is is a thank you uh for that and and as the new guy on the team here I also wanted to stand before you all and say thanks for for a warm welcome um Lance you have something yeah just real quick uh you know my short time at public works I've had the opportunity to work with a lot of these individuals and I can tell you that we have the best of the best I would put this group up against the county any other state public works you want if they want to bring it on Bring It On cuz we got the best but I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you because there's a lot of times that we do work that people don't ever see and you know they flush their toilets they drink their water they drive on the roads I mean everything they play in the Parks everything that we do you guys do every day and you handle it and you don't ask you don't ask a lot of questions you just know that you're here to work and that is the the honor to be able to work with every single one of you it truly is at the highest level so um the other thing is I want to say and I know the police chief is a little competitive um but I believe this is the largest turnout we've had for a proclamation so congratulations but but at the end I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart I know from Mr Perry's heart as well uh we brought on a great some great leaders um and we just expect to continue to to rise above what we've been doing so thank you and I can't say enough thank you thank you Mr Williams uh any council members want to say a quick word Miss Coachman yeah yeah I know we all um and and this is kind of collective too and also in in terms of uh we just uh recognize code enforcement and and we have several departments and we have hundreds of employees and not to take favorites or anything I'm not saying that but this is our largest and you are the true ambassadors of this city and and not that we all don't put something in it but you guys really are the ones that run the city and we just appreciate you uh I personally appreciate you and I'm sure everyone else up here and everyone in this entire city they may not say it but you're are very much appreciated and thank you for every day that you put in towards this friendly City you make this friendly City Mrs Moore I I want to just Echo uh Mr Williams comments um you the work that you do literally touches every aspect of people's lives in such a tangible way um I it it I don't think it can be expressed enough how crucial your part in the the management of the city is really um and I just would Echo the flower sentiment I also have several uh from heartwarming to oh thank God you are helping me right now moments with Public Works throughout the years and and I I mean we appreciate it as just a citizen um from Sweet Moments with my youngest daughter when the crew was out working in front of my house to my dog having an accident at the farmers market um those little things are just uh it really makes or breaks your day so thank you guys so much thank you Mr Kramer thank you um yeah last meeting I mentioned some constituents reached out thanking me for stuff getting done in their driveway and I said don't thank me thank these folks because that's you are the ones out there doing the work and we really appreciate it you don't hear it every day you trust me you hear probably a lot more negative than you do positive but we are behind you all and we support you thank you very much M Coker yeah I I just wanted to reiterate the appreciation because we I know you're dealing with people at Sometimes some pretty stressful situations and they may not always be at their best and you seem to do a great job diffusing it and making um a bad situation good for them and we really appreciate it because we we hear a lot of it but you guys are doing the work so thank you vice mayor Barnaby thank you yeah okay all right seeing as I'm sports car abled I'll stand up so I can see people I've often said that our citizens may never need to call the police department they may never need the fire department they may not need to get a building permit but every one of them sees every one of you you are the face of the city to the vast majority of our citizens and you do us proud thank you all right and Mr Perry did you want to say something no just to Echo what has already been said there 266 employees and 19 different divisions BAS basically and you know when you see Chris out on a on on a excavator digging out a sore line that broke on 14th Street on a Friday afternoon at 4:00 um and his crew you know the rest of the crew in there shoveling out sorage to get that street back restored and in order the things these folks do on in each of these divisions and if you ever go to the water plant or solid waste as many of you have at different times you see how important the pride the hard work the effort the determination they put in and you're right they are the face of the city and they're almost a thankless to a certain extent pH so I think us expressing our appreciation to them the new leadership team is great um what we're trying to do with infrastructure rebuilding and we have a great team a great team of of folks that work that that manage that handle Administration across the board it's a really complicated function asence uh he went down there and put on the the boots and you know got on the ground and learned a lot about it and it's just it touches everybody it's such a close personal level in so many ways and you know you can be wear tie and be upstairs and stuff that's nothing compared to what these guys do and they do it day after day in difficult conditions so my heart and appreciation and thanks go out to them on behalf of you and all of us upstairs yeah thank you and and I just want to say a couple things that that I know I see a lot of you out and a lot of times it's not 8 to5 this is not an 8 to5 job it's a 247 job when something breaks and and you're there and some of you I've known personally for a long time before I was in even in the mayor seat or the Council seat but you know thank you for what you do I know we've got a lot of new people coming on and I hope that shows the leadership that that is up here that is really working to to not only financially make things better but also job-wise make things better and there's something on the agenda today that we'll be talking about that will will put us into the next generation of what our Public Works will be and go forward but I just want to read something I got a card in the mail from a u a lady that I've known for a long time and her husband who passed away a while back but but she said s sent this card to me and it was just something that kind of hit home and it said uh if it can't be done with honor and integrity don't do it and you know we are always doing things with honor and integrity and some times things don't always go the way we think but they go because we're doing it right with honor and integrity and that was something that Rodney Potter said that um Mrs Potter had sent to me just as a nice note thanking me for what we're doing and in the city and and uh obviously if you've been around this town for any time and know of Wicks leads ProBuild whatever Mr Potter ran that orig yeah it's all the different names of the in the in construction industry and and building material materials but worked there for 66 years and at one point was an owner but but those are things that you look back on and and I know Rodney with the crew that's here today would be very very proud of our city and and to continue to go forward so thank you thank you and I said it to code enforcement now we need you to get back to work so don't complain so let's get a good picture here thank you and yes Colonel I could just mentioned uh lunch tomorrow there's to to say a little more thanks so hope hopefully you all will yes we're all planning on coming I'm baking I'm baking you got to bake a lot so just squeeze in as tight as possible and everybody come on [Music] yeah as much as you can okay hold the pose he's got to do the panoramic thing I think yep yep so everybody's look forward don't talk don't move thank you yes and Colonel Lee Colonel I know that Miss Flowers has brownies back there for your crew that assisted them thanks guys good seeing you thanks for coming over thanks for the great work thank you jents appreciate it hey man how you doing good yeah good thanks you guys appreciate it yep am thank you I'll take care of it that want no oh don't you don't have to wow and that's not even all Randy oh we're in the same color as they exit Madame clerk we're going to uh move forward with fire recognition but we did have the fire department stay outside so we didn't exceed the limits correct of fire code violation day did not have my makeup forever Memorial start keeping it in the in the car I have it in the car you look fabulous it is what it is it's meting I got the count it's pretty good now okay so we're still we're under the limit so I stopped at 100 yeah all right yeah Madam clerk item 4A on the agenda is fire department employee recognition they're all still filing come on file in guys we can get in maybe get some to come around the back in the middle yeah y y'all come on in if they're not all in yet they want to stay away from you I guess come on up we're not going to buite it come on up we we don't want any of that we don't want to that to burning buildings this is too calm fig out yes there's not picture time yet but y'all y'all just crowd around this way facing the the the council that'd be great welcome Chief gear uh thank you uh Tim gear fire chief uh we're here today to uh uh we brought everybody with us as many would uh come today and uh we do have backup in the city right now so we'll make this we'll make this brief so before the tones go off so today we're here today to uh recognize David foxall and his 30-year career with the city of Braden is uh Braden fire department is coming to a close uh whether we like it or not or he likes it or not um we it's time that we have to kick them out of here so um we have an award board from the man County Fire Chiefs Association that we're going to uh read and present uh to him and then he'd like to say a few words and then I would like to follow up with that okay before I present this award I want to I just want to thank Dave personally um 19 years ago I got hired and and this guy is someone that I knew right away that I wanted to emulate he's been a mentor to me to many others uh throughout my career he's given me a kick in the butt when I needed it um he's been a shoulder for me to cry on when I needed it and he's been supportive of me and um he's a true friend and I love him heart thank you so much we are honored to present battalion chief Dave Foxhall with the man County Fire Chiefs Association career service award Dave joined the city of brington fire department on June 9th 1994 and will be retiring on June 30th 2024 over his remarkable 30-year career he has excelled As A Firefighter driver engineer Lieutenant captain and for the past 12 years battalion chief as battalion chief Dave has commanded some of the most significant incidents the city in the city's history as an Incident Commander he demonstrates exemplary leadership with an ability to manage Emergency Operations while maintaining a steadfast commitment to the safety of his team Beyond his primary duties as battalion chief Dave has served as the program administrator for the Bron firefighters retirement system the Department's inventory manager and a member of the firefighter assistant support team he has also contributed significantly as a member of the Department's executive committee ISO Review Committee and accreditation team Dave consistently strives for excellence seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth and fostering improvements within his crew and the organization throughout his career DAV has prioritized the wellbeing of his fellow firefighters EMB embodying a style of servant leadership that has profoundly influenced the next generation of officers and firefighters as he approaches retirement the impact of his contributions will resonate for years to come we're extremely grateful for Dave's unwavering commitment dedication and invaluable contributions to our organization the community and the Bren fir s congratulations Dave thank you thank you thank you I appreciate [Applause] it so I want to thank the city for taking a chance on me 30 years ago I did everything I could to make good on it um but no matter how hard I try I'll never be able to repay what I was given um I don't want to spend too much time talking about me uh you know like like the chief said my time has come um I'm grateful to God for this [Music] experience I didn't know what I was getting into and I I you know sometimes you get a bless in life that you don't do anything to necessarily earn and I that that's what happened to me here you know I'd never really even been to Braden in when I got hired and now I've grown to love this community um what I really want to talk about just for one minute is these guys and how much I love them it's such a you know I've been here Bill Clinton was the president when I got hired that just shows how old I am and you know it's been a while I've seen a lot and I've been around six Fire Chiefs and countless administrations it has never been better than it is now it's the best it's ever been these guys are smarter more professional more committed they're just awesome and I I Tri tribute that to not only the fire chief and the assistant chief just being great at hiring but the the city leadership you know Mr Perry and you know somebody good things are happening you know we have fire stations that are coming online that we talked about when I got here um new equipment that we really need um you know just so many so many great things I mean chief Cid's got a whiteboard in his office it's like just packed full of stuff I mean I make fun of him about it it's full steam ahead and and that's just goes to show like everybody it's a tour to force right now it really is with with what you guys are doing the support Mr Perry um and these guys men and women when I say guys I mean both um and I'm I'm just my only regret is that I won't get to be a part of it because had I known I probably would have made a maybe I would have made a different choice but the good news is is there's guys smarter than me and probably better than me that are coming up and they'll do great so thank you so much God bless I appreciate this opportunity thank you anyone want to say something [Applause] M Mr Kramer Fox I appreciate everything you were for me out there on the street I knew if you were on the scene we didn't have any questions with how you all be doing stuff not that we ever did anytime but you were professional you were honest and uh I always knew you had our back and I really appreciate it thanks for your friendship too I feel the the same you were my go-to guy BPD than yeah and I'll just say a couple words I know that you know we don't have a lot of interaction with things but a lot of times we get the the text or the emails from you about what's going on and and it was always great to to know that we had somebody on the scene that was taking care of life and safety issues and and you had a great crew behind you but you know it takes a great leader to make sure that's happening so we appreciate it from that standpoint so Miss Barnaby vice mayor Barnaby to your family thank you for sharing him with us because I know he missed a lot of things that you would have liked to have had him there but he was here and he was serving the citizens we have a lot of history we do we do and you were always the person that had the information got it to us quickly if you didn't know something and this is important if you didn't know something you said I don't have that yet but I'll get it to you and as an elected official that's very important thank you you for the gift of your time Mr Perry I just want to say thank you to Balian Chief foxell um they could write a book in leadership about you frankly um what you've done for our department for the professionalism for the the the professional development um you're probably one of the most well-respected people in the area certainly within Bradenton but I know it goes far beyond that um we sleep better at night because of what you've done for the city what you've done for the department and all of the the people on the department it there's certain things I don't have to worry about and when I came here I learned quick from a lot of folks that I've been talking to that you were the go-to guy and that I didn't need to worry about Bradington fire department my job is just to support it and to try to help you guys get what you need and we've always talked about that from a higher level of governance um we're very proud of you personally of of all the men and women at the department and what you've done and uh when you go home you should be very proud of that I think yes thank you so much Dave thank you and don't be a stranger yeah Chief gear right so um um I'll just close by saying I can't say enough good things about uh Dave and uh the history at a department um I came on in 96 you know shortly after you and uh what everybody's comment sums up Dave and just a mentor a leader and um you know somebody that I could bounce ideas off of or if I ever had a problem I could could call him in a pinch and get some good advice and and that's why he's a member of our executive team and why he is a battalion chief and come so far I think Dave was capable of doing whatever he wanted to do including being fire chief if he had so deemed at the time uh but I appreciate his decisions uh the the history what he's done for all of us and um what he'll continue to do he's not going to go away and uh we we need his help on un certain things that he'll stay involved in and uh just because that's that's his nature um it is funny to to look at the department overall and realize that probably a third a third of our folks now weren't even born yet when you started so you know if you want to start aging folks it's it's it's scary when you start looking some of us been around a while and it really is unheard of uh for anyone to stay 30 years anymore and most most are wanting to get out around 20 to 25 they've had enough and Dave did the full pull um so so we'll miss you man thank you we with you guys while in here [Applause] a few on this side every not next one more that's awesome wait dou wait that's why we got along you have a [Applause] reded thank you thank you and I said it to the other two groups when you guys weren't in the room you really need to get back to work just in case I'm ready thank you Madame clerk the next item on the agenda is citizen comments all right at this time citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting of any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda item or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearings at the appropriate time um at this time I have no cards so and there's no citizen comment so we'll move forward Madame clerk item six is the consent agenda and staff is requesting approval of items a through L chair will entertain a motion I move to accept the approve the consent agenda item a through L all right is there a second second Miss Coachman all right we've had a motion by Miss Moore and a second by Miss Coachman for a through L is there any other comment hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero Madame clerk at this time I'll administer the oath so anyone wishing to speak to city council during the following public hearings will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual statements and representations which you are about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you item 7A is resolution 2420 this is the continuation of the public hearing morning morning Greg Delong assistant director of planning and Community Development and I have been sworn in um this case has been tabled or continued um from March 13th April 10th and April 24th this is for the requested um indoor amusement Center to be located at 412 uh 12th Street West um at the last meeting there was some questions about agent authorization forms and whether they were complete or not those have been completed since the last meeting and have been resubmitted to staff they were part of your packet um for this meeting in addition um staff did have a discussion with the applicant about the conditions that were proposed we did request a stipulation number 10 be added um we did have a little bit of discussion at the last meeting about this stipulation being referred to or referen to maybe some weather issues or you know another Health pandemic or anything else but in conversations with City attorney um we kind of cleaned up that language to um proposed that if the business does shutter for more than 20 days that they would need to come back before city council for reapprovals by the applicant the applicant is here today um the applicant has agreed to those there was a letter in your packet that stated that so if you have any additional questions for me I'm happy to answer them otherwise I am can turn it over to the applicant any questions by to Mr dong right out of the box all right all right thank you the applicant want to come up and please state your name and address for the record uh Edgardo panta 1237 rivercap Street brington Florida and talk a little closer to the microphon sure all right did you have any further comment you wanted to say before uh no all right is there any questions from any council members M vice mayor barab yes I have to say that I am really not comfortable with stipulation number nine which gives you you operating hours um from 6:00 a.m. until 2: a.m. I'm really not comfortable with that I would be much more comfortable if it was 8:00 a. until 10: p.m. and if I make a motion to approve it that's going to be the stipulation that I make with that I feel like we would lose quite a bit of business if we did that so I I can't agree to that I'm sorry then I can't vote for it okay any other questions of the applicant I'll just miss Miss Moore is the um I understand the 6 am I mean wanting to be open at 6: am because of the type of coffees and whatnot but do you feel like you need the 2: a.m. well for one when wouldn't want my hands tied uh two the 2: a.m. you know as we know downtown brington people are out there at bars drinking and I feel like they want food I mean I know they want food they're all asking for food at you know 12:1 in the morning um if anything I think it helps people get out of the bars and eat and then go home versus continue drinking to two in the morning and causing the fights that you guys are um worried about Mr Perry pull your microphone I'm a little bit troubled by that logic because over the course of the last couple months I've seen some of the after hours activity of congregating people that have in some of in some of those videos appear to be rather rambunctious at 2 a.m. perhaps even impaired and intoxicated it's a public safety and Community safety issue for the city I'm not saying that the idea of giving someone that's been drinking for an extended period of Time food is a bad idea I'm saying that giving them a place to hang out till 3 or 4 a.m. and have to deal with the police while after they've been drinking in large crowds is a big problem right that's where we're closing at two know yeah but two's pretty late too you know whether it's two or three or whatever it might be I don't know how familiar you are with this problem that we're trying to address but um I think that this permit going to 2 a.m. would further ex exasperate and aggravate a potential problem that we're trying to cure um I understand why it would be a good Market to sell your product to and increase your sales and revenue during that time and I think it probably would be but the tradeoff and balance is do we want public and Community safety I think generally speaking what I've as as an administrator been told is that that uh we don't want a downtown that is a late late night alcohol induced uh potential just you know problematic area and and and that's what we're struggling with we appreciate your business acement and coming in and making an investment in the community but I think you have to appreciate what it is we're trying to guard against well I think also one of the things that you've seen on the news every night for the last several days is events that are happening in Hillsboro County happening in in pinelis happening in Sarasota and it's related to the after hours the later hours incidences um and some are a little bit later than two obviously but but people getting shot and killed uh fights at you know places where there's not as much alcohol maybe as much just a big crowd and I think that's something we're addressing you know through some other ordinances and things so I know this is is something that you know has been pushed kicked the can down the road several times but you know I just we when you have to have 10 plus stipulations on something when does it come to the point when maybe it just doesn't fit and I hate to say that but I just think that you know and and even it I think we could probably add another 10 stipulations if we really looked hard at something and then that handti you too so I guess I'm trying to my struggle is to understand is if we're all closing at two if everybody in the block is closing at two then how am I making it any worse it's well you know there's ordinances that are coming up that's going to change that too so um so there's some things out there now that we're working on that will come up in in soon meetings so um that are going to come to this Council to try to address some of the those issues because you know we've had you can look on Facebook and see what's been happening and we're you know I for one am not going to continue to sit here and I don't want to be that mayor that's sitting up here when something bad happens right because we didn't address it so miss Barnaby well I go back to like the very first time we started talking about this and it was supposed to be a familyfriendly place and you were going to sell some pinball machines as well and now we've got a stipulation that you know if you're 21 and older okay you can come you know you can be there after eight if you're under 21 you can't be there after eight um it just seems like every time we turn around there's we're getting differing information it makes me very uncomfortable I'm trying to make you comfortable that's why these Ty it ain't happening um we we know that we have issues that we're we are looking at addressing um again I go back to this came in as a a familyfriendly you know family thing and I don't know many families that stay out until 2 a.m. unless they've stayed at Disney until you know the fireworks and then they're stuck in the traffic and they can't get back um I'm just I am not comfortable with this I'm sorry but I and I've tried to get there it ain't happening Miss Coachman thank you um you're proposing that being open till two you know people are going to want food I'm not certain of the capacity you have to serve a large number of people like what we've been having on the weekends um I agree that's therefore I don't think I'm causing any more of an issue more of a crowd well you may not be causing but are you helping as well that's also the question I mean it'll be more grab in grab your bite and leave because we don't have the seating capacity for that many people um oh that that doesn't seem to be working right now so it's just something that we're looking at thank you Mr Kramer uh to Echo what council one Coachman said you you said well if everything is open till 2 how am I making any worse it is a question of how you're making it better because that's why you're coming forth with a special use I I don't want to tell you how to run a business that's not my job I disagree with councilwoman Barnaby regarding the hours I think midnight isn't unreasonable I don't think that's going to ruin a business model for you I think if it is more the familyfriendly atmosphere you're looking for it alleviates a couple things for us one it's not going to have the after hours crowd hanging out trying to get food leaving a bar at 1:30 and then coming to you to get food but still hanging around and still technically getting drunk for another hour and a half the last sip they have of alcohol they're still getting drunk for an hour and a half people don't realize that um so I think I'm comfortable with all the stipulations I would say my compromise would be 10 I'm sorry midnight Midnight closure yes ma'am Miss Moore um I um I I am also I like the way councilman Kramer put the making it better um I also want to support businesses opening in downtown um I'm happy that we are moving forward with some changes in the future um the thing that I'm not not totally comfortable with is denying this before we make those changes um so I I um that is my struggle I think the points are valid and the concern is 100% valid but I don't know that I feel we have the authority at this point to deny it but um my o my other suggestion would be maybe if legal or um Mr dong could speak to how number seven could have some teeth to it is there some measure uh of effort or result in the in the way of sep Ted and working with the police department to minimize potential problems yeah I I kind of agree with you to certain points but when you say denying it or what this is a special use so it's different than what our rules are now because that's why they have a special use and have to go through it so yes in a special use you have the stipulations you go through it if they accept it fine if they don't then you know if we approve the those but but I think that even with the other changes that we're looking at that will come back to this Council to approve or deny you know the special use is there for that specific reason because um you know we want to make sure that other things aren't going to happen and we've seen that happening outside of those rules so M I don't know if there's any was that any questions to Mr rudisell or oh just yeah to Mr to how do we gauge whether or not we violated number seven yeah I think number seven is really more aspirational they're going to they're going to get the seped review but I mean there's nothing being required of them in terms of implementing any sep head improvements or anything like that down there right there's like a door and a window I mean that's don't put stuff in the window that's your SE dead bam sorry so that wouldn't be okay all right if there's no other questions we'll um go to the public hearing yes okay thank you all right at this time we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve resolution 24-20 with the stipulations listed except the change on item nine to close between hours of midnight and 6:00 a.m. Kramer motion um do we Mr Mayor we in order to consider that motion we will need the applicant to come up and and advise if they're in agreement with that stipulation otherwise um the council will have to take action on the recommended stipulations that they have agreed to okay do you want to come forward the applicant so the CH the only change right now is it would be closed from or be open from 6:00 a. to midnight and you'd be closed from Midnight to 6 a and do you accept that stipulation uh uh yes accepted okay okay all right thank you so it would be the motion is to approve with the 10 stipulations but changing number nine to be open from 6:00 a.m to 12: midnight second uh I need to if I need a second if there's a second then we can have discussion second second by Miss Coachman all right discussion further discussion Mr Kramer so to go a bit more into what I'm thinking you talk about problems not problems if people are going to come and be at your bar if they leave at midnight there's other places to go and and so therefore your bar is no longer one of those potential after hours problems so it's alleviating that concern for me plus the I mean the business model we've heard from both you and Mr Taylor seems like it is familyfriendly up until 8 and then the crowd changes a little bit at 8 but then if they're gone by midnight I'm not having those downtown concerns I think we've seen in recent weeks okay any other comments all right we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two no three yes four yes five yes carries four to one thank you moving forward Madame cler the next item on the agenda is a public hearing for resolution 24 428 a resolution of the city of Bradenton Florida granting special use permit number Su 24894 to permit a Distillery or Brewery for property located at 108 4th Avenue West Bradon Florida the parcel ID number is 3291 4004 in the T6 Urban core transect zoning District providing for severability and providing for an effective date let me open up the correct PowerPoint here sorry about that good morning Greg Delong assistant director planning Community Development and again I have been sworn um as Miss Melton stated uh this request is to uh permit on-site distilling and Brewing um for property located at 10008 4th Avenue West um this is the future loation of good liquid Brewing so there you go um here is a location map of where this property is located um city hall is just to the north of it on the other side of the parking garage here is the zoning map uh this property is Zone T6 with a T5 to the west and the future land use of this area is the urban core which is our highest density and most intense uh zoning District in our future landies uh portion of our comprehensive plan as mentioned the applicant is requesting to do some on-site distilling and Brewing um this is just to produce small batches of craft beer and Spirits um our form-based code does not list this use type within it so under Section 4.7.3 if a use is not clearly identified in the form based code they can request a special use um to come forward um with their uh proposed use type um as mentioned the business model is to or the business model for this uh good liquid is to provide modern food and craft beer and spirit offerings and with this approval it will allow for them to get their CMB brewing and DD distilling uh state licenses um for those of us who are um not really familiar with bottle types I just put an example of what type of bottles that they will be distilling um this is a 50 a 50 lit still is on site um so it will be the equivalent of 750 ml bottles and those are examples of different types of bottles that you probably quite often if you uh go to a bar or a brewery anywhere um the Brewing capacity uh for the beers will be at a 7 or 45 gallon uh Brew system um when the original plans came into us for the building permits they were showing a still room on the site but they were not showing any type of distilling or Brewing at that time um they did come back to us later on and we were like we need to catch this really quick before you try to open and start doing those types of uses on site so that's why they came through with the um uh special use request uh we did run this through our building department and fire departments just to make sure that the uh type of um use that they're doing here with a small batch Brewing and Distilling um would be safe within that building as you know that building is um being constructed underneath a parking garage um so which you'll see later on in some of the photos I have it's kind of tucked in there if you don't drive down third and fourth and and look you probably may not see it but it is there um so they did recommend approval with some stipulations which are listed um in the staff report and in this presentation and the applicant did agree to those stipulations um as mentioned the this is just a reference um to the restaurant thing so good uh liquid is a restaurant so they you did not see that before um it's just because of the capacity that the food uh sales exceeds the alcohol sales for the use that is expect expected um but I did mention how the Brewing and Distilling components um were not listed in our form based code therefore that section 4.7.3 um is required to come through for special use for the planning and Community Development director um I apologize this is a little difficult based on the plans we've got but this is kind of a floor plan of good liquid and right behind this is the bar area which is right here circled in red I just enlarged it a little bit there was a 61 square foot still room shown behind it so that is where the um Brewing and Distilling will be occurring on site here are some photos um taken um and this is from Third Street looking to the South and you can kind of see underneath the parking garage the yellow construction panels of the walls that are being installed um here is another photo this used to be a drive-thru in here um to get through over to Fourth Street and also enter the garage but there will be Ballers installed here so don't be alarmed if it looks like a car can just turn in here and drive um towards the uh building there will be like I mentioned Ballers installed to prohibit that from happening here are just some more photos and I do apologize for the next presentation you're going to be seeing a lot of the same photos um here's some of the construction going on here's a west elevation and this is the uh looking North from the south elevation of um from Fourth Street or Fourth Avenue West I apologize um there are standards listed in our form based code under Section 3.3.1 that or sorry in the land use regulations and are 3.3.1 um they are um to be met it does appear that this uh use type is meeting these requirements um they review criteria under 3.3.2 again um responses were listed in the staff report which is in your packet so I'll just kind of briefly go through these and some more review criteria under 3o 3.2.5 and again these appear to have been met by the applicant um as part of their submitt again responses were in the staff report and the applicant did um respond um to each one of these criteria with their submitt uh so staff did make a recommendation for this case um which was approval of resolution 24-28 or case s [Music] 24.08.2011 upgraded to meet fire ratings um that proper ventilation be installed and that um we added this six uh stipulation or condition on here that any expansion or increase in production um would have to come back again um for a review again for you guys plus it allow staff and Fire and Building to take another look at the at the building plans to make sure that they're not exceeding anything that's unnecessary for the prop um Planning Commission did meet back on April 17th and did recommend approval with those same stipulation or stipulations and their vote was 5-0 and you have any questions for me the applicant is here today questions for Mr dong Mrs Coker uh yeah I I don't know if this needs to be talked about with the next item or with this but the parking so the parking is going to be in their garage there at that building and is that going to be open to the public I that'll be a question for them I mean we do have the public parking garage across the street for you know on the back of our property here um parking is met the T6 stipulations for parking is pretty minimal because of the urban core it is encouraged that people utilize the on street parking and also our existing parking public parking facilities okay so there's really no stipulation on the number of parking required for those types of uses okay because it can be met through the public parking that is available in the downtown area Mr ker did you have something or no not on this one okay I M more um so are we this is not the special use both of the resolutions this one and the next one and I know I can't really talk about the next one yet but it looks to me like we're creating something it's not like the lounge designation that already kind of exists that we're correct this is a use that's not listed in our form based code so that section 4.7.3 of our form based code say if there's a list a use that is not listed for the PCD director they may request a special use instead of putting that decision on the PCD director so it goes to a public hearing process and that's what they're they they decided to go through to allow for this distilling and Brewing any other questions Mr Perry pull your microphone I guess conspicuous by its absence is any restrictions on hours of operation for alcohol sales in light of the prior um application correct this case started a while back so we did not put any stipulations on at that time um the state liquor license we were just depending on that to take care of their hours of operation but if that is a stipulation that wants to be added that can definitely be added at the um approval or the agreement of the applicant okay and as relates to the parking issue this building has a parking garage right above it right so why wouldn't the planning department probably require that the patrons of the capacity of this facility utilize that parking garage opposed to the city's free parking garage I guess that could now and in the future yeah yeah I mean it's I don't know the best way of answering this um you know with the public parking garage I don't know where patrons are going I mean they could park there spend the day downtown visiting things and end up at good liquid so I don't know how to that we could actually control where they're initially going to say that they have to park in this specific parking garage when they could be spending their entire day downtown possibly at the farmers market and then end their day at a meal at good liquid with well I know in a lot of other urban areas I go into uh that when you go to a certain restaurant or or business they punch your ticket and you get out of the parking garage with with that um I see parking as an issue in the future not not presently now not during these hours and and it's just I'm I'm kind of troubled why you guys didn't look at that oh Mr per I'm going to disagree with you on on that part because when you go down Main Street every restaurant and bar on Main Street doesn't have a parking lot and so when you really think about it they're utilizing the public parking around that and if you go to any of them you know they may have a parallel to in front of their place but you know we have a parking garage at City Hall Parking Garage we have a county parking garage and we have a Judicial parking garage and obviously viously something we're working on very aggressively right now with the county is they have to rebuild their parking garage and adding several hundred spaces to utilize when we're not using it you know and so I think that's something that how would you penalize one when nobody else has parking either on Main Street I think I'm I'm looking more to the Future and and ideas about about parking capacity and some of the discussions with folks that run major businesses the art center Janine I had conversations with and I think we all know that that look at downtown capacity that and even onto Third Avenue into Avenue of the Arts that if it builds out parking is going to become a premium well but that's and I just think that that should be considered that's the only point I'm making I don't disagree with you as far as the equities go right the the that's everything and when I was the only council person at the time that's up here that was on building this parking garage and that's why we decided to take the flat parking and I was very supportive of it because we wanted to bring more businesses down but the businesses couldn't get here because they couldn't meet virtually any parking and I don't know if you go to any City that any business has parking other than the parking garages so you know and we're still we're still growing and I agree with you and you said free and I know Mr Callahan's in the audience and that parking garage was never intended to be free forever and it's been Co hit right when we opened it and it's free now and I think it still should be for a while but you know we've talked about it that how are we going to maintain those parking garages at some point there's going to have to be some discussion about do they stay free for certain times and I've always been about a couple hours free because you want people to come downtown but if people are parking in them for eight hours a day there may have to be some stipulations Miss Moore um I I appreciate the concern about parking but um and I just wanted to throw out there that I it occurs to me that I think it going forward as parking perhaps becomes at a premium that we consider thinking a little bit outside the box and I know one of the things that we've just kind of you know chatted bantered informally about is this notion of um I called it pocket parking but I think you said Park and Ride um so I think we should start getting creative and looking at property out that surrounds the um the downtown core and perhaps utilize the freebie that the CRA is trying to get off so that we take you know tell people to park within On The Fringe and then they can take the freebie and um into the core that's just I thought I would throw that out there as a plug for it's going to be a good problem to have if if if we're that successful it's going to be a good problem to have so if I may speak to that a little bit um when we're looking at these petitions we're looking at parking requirements and the code is clearly written to allow a great amount of latitude in terms of required parking I think what Mr Perry is can they park in that garage and that really speaks to the applicant do they have an agreement where any kind of tenant or Patron uh going to any business in that building can they use that parking garage and I think that's a good point uh just making sure that their employees could park in the parking garage or patrons at the future date say the city say it does become very popular and parking is at a premium will they allow for that parking to occur in their garage and I think that's a question that the the petitioner can ask well I think that as was stated though if I'm coming downtown to any downtown that I go to around the country at times I go to the parking garage then I walk into the one store then I walk into the other store then I go to dinner someplace so you know I I I totally understand what you're saying but I don't want to restrict and all of a sudden people not want to come down here because they got to park at the one spot then after dinner they got to get in their car and drive to the parking garage so they can go to other spots so you know the whole goal is to bring people here and to utilize every opportunity that's out there for to to shop at the retail to go to the ice cream shop to do those things and I mean what we're what we're talking about on this property we're sitting on today hopefully in 3 to four years will be where they'll park and they'll spend five or six hours down here because they can go to an establishment have lunch then go shopping at the the retail stores then go maybe have dinner so I think that's where I'm looking at it from that definitely applies and I think also when you as parking becomes at a premium and Things become more popular you'll see those part private parking areas become valet and and that becomes really popular and we're also seeing now paid parking in several lots that we've never seen before and I thought they would work but you drive by they're empty all the time you know because nobody's going to pay $4 doll an hour right now but in six months a year they may be willing for location location location to pay that M Coker yeah um I mean we're talking about adding a lot of things for downtown for people we're going to have to look at I mean the parking issue we can't just not look at it and I'm very excited for this I I think it's going to be very popular and but I want I want everybody to be successful downtown and if people can't find a parking spot they are not going to then they won't be and you've got a lot of spaces that are leased or already designated for other things so the really open parking is getting a little bit harder and then once they start tearing down the County Garage we're going to have be tight for a little while well that's that's temporary but yeah well I I I just think if we're going to require all businesses to meet every parking requirement in a downtown Urban core then we're not going to get any businesses are going to come here every new business oh I'm talking about in existing location that's I mean there I'm talking about when we're adding a new one right but we want new ones and I think that's why we had have 400 parking places we're going to have 5 to 600 and this is all after hours okay well my question is how many would you normally want for a restaurant would you want a restaurant to have how many spaces do we have still available in the garage because we've designated some of them for other things yeah so restaurants require one per 500 square feet in the FBC code um what I'm hearing is it sounds like we need to do a parking study downtown I think so too and we can do that using our system just based off square footage of our buildings downtown and then get a parking count so it sounds like we have a project that we can Undertake and get that taken care of as growth is occurring downtown yeah because we're going off a little bit of this project so but I think it's a good good plan so um so we'll have the applicant come up and if they want to to talk good morning Margaret tuing with CNN engineering 1023 manity Avenue West and I have been sworn I'm here today with Michael CR which with good liquid and also Ron Allen who is the landlord and managing partner of the Third Avenue Associates LLP and Ron will discuss the parking situation within the garage we have been permitted since uh May of last year to undertake the transformation of the part of the old uh Bank drive-thru into this restaurant and distill and Brewing um we staff did a great presentation and they made it clear one of the things that we are doing we do have in our uh application but it would didn't make it into a stipulation our hours are Monday through Thursday which is 11: to 10: p.m. so we are open for lunch so that will that's a little bit different and you know most of that is dictated by many folks who are already downtown Friday and Saturday is 11:00 a.m. till 11:00 p.m. and Sunday is 11: to 9:00 p.m. um we agree with all of the stipulations that were proposed by um the city so uh if you have any specific questions Michael CR is here to address the distilling portion of it thank you questions Mr Kramer no I'll ask okay all right no questions there okay for Mr Allen for parking good morning Ron Allen 2822 rearview Boulevard Bradon um and I have been sworn uh the parking conversation is quite uh exciting for uh somebody who's been in Bradenton a number of years because we've never had to have that conversation before uh which is a wonderful thing um as far as this specific um project is concerned uh we do have two two floors of public parking in our parking garage currently and that's a function for our tenants in our building and as good liquid opens we'll be another tenant uh that has that luxury of parking in there um the whole purpose of the T6 zoning downtown and for the uh the construction of the parking garage was to allow those public offerings for all the users downtown to attract more folks to come down and and visit those establishments we agree 100% Rob there ought to be an opportunity uh Mr Perry I'm sorry I apologize um that um that at some point in time like most communities we do to a pay uh per hour or pay for per night kind of thing um with the ticket punching if we make that arrangement with the with the city to cover those costs but um I think the combination of those 300 or 400 spaces in the public garage directly across the street from this venue and the two stories of public parking that we have um obviously exceeds the code because the code doesn't really require much of any uh but we think we're going to be good stewards for uh the neighborhood uh going forward with this uh restaurant so that's the parking discussion all right hi Mike CR good look at BR company 3411 Riverwoods Drive Parish any questions no you're good all right app we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair entertain a motion I have a question for Mr okay we memorialize the hours of operation for the last special use permit do we need to do that for this one with the stipulations is there a restriction being proposed on the on the hours I don't she not necessarily she just brought forward hours I just didn't know if we need to memorialize those as one of the stipulations um if there are going to be hours that are different than those that are applied generally then yes they they would need to be included in a stipulation okay but these are yeah I point of order really that's fine mayor just on that issue I don't mean to complicate things I asked that question because I I figured that this was not going to be a late night super late night kind of thing right but what I was concerned about was without a stipulation if it's a vested right for a subsequent Bonafide purchaser or or someone that transfers that the use if they would have the same ability um to say okay well the the prior um the prior establishment was only open till 11: or or 10 or what it might be but we want to stay open till 2 and we're going to change it in it's different kind of place does that use without a specification as far as ours restriction is a tanont to a vested right that would run with the land yes the the special permit is it would run with the land what's being approved is the use in the location subject to the any stipulations that are added then I would ask that maybe perhaps let me we're going to we're going to be working on an ordinance that's going to address all of this so I think we we address it in the ordinance that's coming forward that will not landlock somebody if they meet our requirements in the future so if we put special use on this one then we have to do a special use on anything we approve for different timings in the future in my opinion and I think we let our ordinance that we're working on address that for all the downtown businesses so we're not singling one out yes Miss Moore um Mr rudil would that ordinance that we're working on does that then apply retroactively to any special use permits that we approve before we enact the ordinance well they're not being granted a specific specific hour um provision in this special use so they're going to be subject to whatever the hour's Provisions are generally in the city yes so that's what I mean we're going to have an opportunity to cure some of the things why put a special use on somebody if somebody comes in and wants to then say I want to stay up until midnight because that's what the ordinance says let them you know again I don't like to restrict business and I don't think this board does either to a point if it's meeting the letter of our ordinance and law and Mr vice mayor Barnaby this appears to me more to be a restaurant that has a brewing facility as opposed to an out andout bar or lounge am I understanding it correctly yes ma'am Margaret she's saying again yes it is a restaurant with and they serve only good liquid product all right chair we'll entertain a motion did did we have public comment Mr Mayor yes we did okay sorry back I'll make a motion to approve to approve that was looking for resolution approve resolution 24-28 case su. 24. 0894 with the following conditions one on-site distilling equipment do I have to read read all these as presented as presented okay all right is there second second all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward two yes three yes four yes five yes one yes carries five to zero thank you Madame clerk item 7 C is a public hearing for resolution 2429 a resolution of the city council of the city of Bradenton Florida granting special use permit number su. 24089 5 to permit a sidewalk cafe with alcoholic beverage sales for property located at 10008 4th Avenue West Bradington Florida the parcel ID number is 3291 400004 in the T6 Urban core transect zoning District providing for severability and providing for an effective date Mr dong thank you good morning again this will be the last time you see me um thought you going somewhere we don't know about I am starting vacation tomorrow so there you go I already got that email um this is a thank you Miss mton for introdu or for the introduction on this case but this is a request for a special use to allow for a sidewalk cafe with alcoholic bever sales at the good liquid which you just recently approved um I'm going to kind of go quick through these Maps because a lot of these photos are the same um here's the location map zoning map again T6 Z zoning future land use urban core um as stated the applicant is requesting to um install a sidewalk cafe with alcoholic sales this will be on the Fourth Avenue side of um the property so it' be on the South Side um they are proposing um some tables at the original request was three tables with four seats they did ask for more which was approved um by Planning Commission um they will require or maintain the minimum 5T of traversable space which meets the 88 requirements um within our form based code as you can see a sidewalk hes with less than 20 seats is um a permitted use but um because of the alcoholic sales it does kick it over to a special use worldly indued regulations um here's the definition in our form based code of what a Sidewalk Cafe is um defined as and it basically is a sidewalk a cafe on a sidewalk um adjacent to a use such as a cafe or restaurant the serving um the food and beverage from inside of the adjacent use um here is a a proposed uh site plan showing the um Sidewalk Cafe Fourth Street or Fourth Avenue West is down here on the dark end of this um again apologize for the graphics they're a little um small when we got them so I know we do our best to enlarge them but sometimes they get a little distorted um here are some notes again it get a little distorted I apologize um but with this uh request the applicant is also proposing to extend um curving and sidewalk along Fourth Avenue West this will close out that curve cut that exists there now um they are stating in their application materials that the sidewalk and Curve will match um the existing in color and pattern here are some photos again that you saw previously and I want to thank um zns engineering for helping me out with this um here is a proposed and after kind of photo um the photo here on the right shows the Curbing and this is kind of what it will look like when it's all said done the photo on the left you can still see where the curb cut is the really wide curb cut and that Outdoor Cafe or Sidewalk Cafe will be in this area right here so as you can see here they'll have curbing now along the whole stretch of roadway along there which is great so we do appreciate them um for doing that that will be funded through them um that will not be city funding to put that in but they will need to meet all City requirements for RightWay permits and design standards um here again are some photos I'll go through these quickly um because you saw many of these already before this is the north side from Third Avenue West just a couple photos um here is the South Side this is my rendering of what what it's going to look like it's not as pretty as what zns was able to present us but it kind of shows you where the Sidewalk Cafe um is going to be located and where the curb extension and the sidewalk extensions will be located and here is just another um kind of looking to the east down Fourth Avenue West so you will see how that sidewalk and curb will just be extended and that curb cut will be removed because we do not need patrons trying to turn into a parking garage there so um land use regulations um alcohol and sidewalk cafes it talks about um different criteria here and defines them again it basically States in our land use regulations that any sidewalk cafe whether it's permitted or not if it's permitted in the land use Rags or in the form based code it does need to get special use approval if there is the serving of alcohol and that is pretty much a summary of all of this it also talks a little bit about maintenance of the sidewalk and how it has to be maintained cleanly um they have to have an indemnification agreement with the city um talks about that in there talks about that they need to make sure that they have the proper uh liquor license for serving alcohol on a public sidewalk per the Florida state statutes and also um it also talks about things in there about um that you have to remove your furniture every evening and store it properly that it cannot be left on the public sidewalk um again since this is a special use we refer to section 3.3.1 of the land use regulations talks about just general standards and here's some more of those the review criteria under 3.3.2 some of these are a little more difficult to meet because of the built environment in the downtown talks about buffering and things like that when you have a building that's already there and buildings adjacent to it it's a little difficult to uh sometimes meet all of those so so we do understand that as we're taking applicants through and here are more criteria under 3.3.2 point5 of land use regulations and you know it does appear that all of these were met by the applicant as part of their application so staff's recom recommendation on this one under resolution 24-29 or special use case 24.08.2011 the curb and sidewalk being extended to match in style color and pattern um there was a recommendation and we recently had a similar case um with Oak Stone over here on 12th and these conditions are pretty much identical to what we had for that one um talking about Ballers or planners placed along 4th Avenue West and that they be maintained um by the property owner but that those items need to be approved by our public works department and that is to kind of keep that additional separation from vehicular traffic and pedestrians on the sidewalk um again talks about RightWay permits that they need to obtain those to our public works department uh we talk about again as a reminder that they need to maintain a clear um traversable space of a minimum of 5et at all times um that the furniture needs to be removed at the close of business and properly stored inside um that they need to obtain the proper liquor permits um from the state for serving alcohol on a public sidewalk um and that the property be CLE and that the sidewalk be clean daily and that any type of solution should they use any um be approved by the public works department here at the city um the applicant at the Planning Commission meeting did propose that they would like to add two tables so their tables would go from three to five um and that would also increase their seeding to 20 so that was a stipulation they requested that the Planning Commission Planning Commission agreed to it um Planning Commission did vote 5- Z for all of those stipulations I just ran through and recommended approval to city council vice mayor Barnaby thank you um Mr dong the the ballards that they are going to put in number one Public Works is going to approve them are they going to be permanent ballards or are they going to be the removable ones like we use with uh any events that we have down town you know we didn't get into the details on that with the applicant because we're kind of giving them the option of Ballers or Planters I know when we recently did Oak Stone they did planters for theirs so was an option so if there're if you want permanent or removable that is something we can ask of them to do if it matters to you or not I'm just curious as to what they were we were just giving them options and let them work with public works on it if they've made a choice and they'd like to share it with us okay if you haven't made a choice no pressure just asking sounds like no no pressure I don't know so you'd mentioned something about this is just like what we've done with Oak and stone and some of the stipulations and I know um we've asked that the planning department look at the rest of Main Street to make sure that everybody is up with the current codes that we have so that will be fair to everybody that has is having to go through it and and one things is is removing everything at night off of the sidewalk and making sure the sidewalks staying clean so that will be something that will be addressed in while it's buried in our code we always like to add them as a stipulation as a little double reminder to them so that they when they get these reports that they are not digging through our land use rags to find the requirements that it's in the resolution that they're receiving right all right thank you um questions for the applicant um I have any questions yes um the the ordinance says that we provide the indemnification but the stipulation says that they provide it and I just and I think the ordinance says that it's subject to City attorney approval so I just wanted to make sure that our stipulation I don't I mean it's fine if they provide it for City attorneys to review but do we need to say specifically that we want the City attorney to be able to approve the form of indemnification agreement I think that's provided for in the code already so I mean we have a there's a standard form for this so we'll be applying what we do on all the sidewalk cafes and I just had one more question for Mr dong um did the site plan include like restaurant kitchen items like a hood and how does that because I couldn't see it really well yeah not on this because it was a Sidewalk Cafe request and the other one was just for the distilling those were all reviewed as part of the building permit when it was submitted a year ago um according to M tuing so that that stuff was all reviewed previously and has been approved so they exist everything yeah everything has been approved the only thing that was outstanding at this point was your previous case and they decided to go forward with the sidewalk cafe and that's why we're here today but everything else is good to go thank you you're welcome the applicant any questions for the applicant no questions you got some comments dude very quickly my name is p Justa Gia I'm from zns and here on behalf of the applicant and the applicant would I actually like to speak to stipulation 4 briefly Braun Allen 2822 riview Boulevard West I have been sworn um the one stipulation and Mr dong did a great job of going through all the uh stipulations and and the approvals but I want to make note that under the um the um the sidewalk um improvements that are necessary there they're required by the stipulation to be on us but I wanted the council to be aware we have been talking to the CRA about some assistance dollars to accomplish that fee and I just didn't want to leave this meeting without uh you you understanding that uh we are having those conversations and if we come back to the CRA from some funding I don't want you to think that um that was something that we came up with after the fact we've been having those discussions with Mr Burton and his staff uh already so thank you thank you any questions all right so um at this time we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes ma'am M Coachman motion to approve resolution 24-29 case su. 24895 with the following conditions as stated stated all right is there a second second all right we got a motion by Miss Coachman a second by Mr Kramer any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes carries five to zero Madam Clerk item 7D is the public hearing for resolution 2430 a resolution of the city council of the city of Bradenton Florida granting special use permit number SU 24088764195 500 059 and 32623 00001 805 Manatee Avenue West Bradon Florida parcel ad number 3262 00007 5208 Street West Bradenton Florida partial ID number 32638 00009 8146 Avenue West brington Florida parcel ID number 32635 00005 and 9th Street West Bron Florida parcel ID number 32612 0059 in the T6 Urban core zoning district and more particularly described herein making findings of fact and conclusions of law providing for severability and providing for an effective date hello good morning good morning my name is Monica and I've been sworn in I'm a city planner here with brenon um so to start um I've been working with the applicant Kyle Grimes with Grimes galvano they are here today if you have any questions following this um just to get started this site uh here's the subject parcel it's off um 9th Street West it's actually southeast of where those 920 apartments are going to be located um zoning is T6 and you have a future land use um of urban core pretty pretty much the applicant is representing the property owner uh for one of the Lots there as well as ALS education LLC this is for an accelerated learning for a high school targeted for ages 16 to 21 um the primary reason that a student or a family would choose to enroll in the school is um the need for flexibility to accommodate work child care if they have kids um whether they wanted an interest in accelerated learning Etc um they did note that their they're going to primarily be relying on public transportation um based off DRC meeting um they were provided their ratio for parking which they will meet currently they are looking to do uh have 75 students per session um looking to max out at around 180 students per session they're looking to do a two total of two sessions um the first session is going to be from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and the next one is going to be from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. as mentioned public trans Transportation will be heavily utilized but there will be 18 parking spaces that will be reserved per our form-based code a school is allowed by special use this is their proposed parking plan so this pretty much just shows you visually where they're proposing the use which will be in this building um they're looking to propose it within a few different Suites it was noted in the staff report um in addition they will meet all their parking requirements there is a future proposal for a parking structure down here as you can see um the applicant is planning for the most intense possible use 180 uh students per per session as mentioned um 33 parking spaces are required based off the current uses there and um 69 spaces are currently available I did want to note that the remaining vacant buildings within the compound will ultimately be served by that Future Park parking lot which is uh shown here and um that is looking to provide about 48 plus or minus additional parking spaces this is showing you what the adjacent owners look like we have some agent authorization forms that we received um they are also looking to have shared use of a shared dumpster on site which they have got an approval from the landlord as well just something to note here's some images here's Manatee Avenue West this photo right here on the left was taken from where this x is shown on the map here's the southeast Corner this is where this photo was taken on the left um this is where that red X is is where I was just showing where the parking is there is parking access on all sides of the uh parcel which is good to know here's the entrance um I was communicating with the applicant yesterday they did note that primary entrance for the students will be on that Southeast corner right here where my mouse is additional access points just showing you uh these are the general standards that appear to be met um you can see you you'll see these in the staff report here's the review criteria you'll see both staff and applicant responses to these questions this was uh approve the recommendation it was approved by Planning Commission um 51 here are the stipulations um I did want to note that I did also speak to the applicant yesterday and they did want we did make a quick change to the resolution um which you will see on this slide here um they're targeting High School age students between 16 and 21 but they do want to also include middle-age school children um just because some want to Middle School yeah cuz some want to do accelerated learning but um for any questions I'll have the applicate come up and um answer those um but other she looked at me when she said that that's why we all did um but other than that um as mentioned I know the location is important just because we do have um uses that are going to be coming up um so that Southeast Corner as mentioned is going to be where that primary entrance is and there are sidewalks that serve along the lot providing for safety do you have any questions question questions Miss Coker yeah are the are the students allowed to drive to school they are able however the applicant did mention that the most relied on Transportation will be public transportation um so yes I have a question yes ma'am um well on that note um he's heavily relying on but chances are these high schoolers if they have access to a vehicle they're going to want to drive their vehicle whether he's relying on I'm just saying that is a great point to make that um that if you're talking about 180 students per session it's G anyway um my question was I heard you mentioned that you um are considering Middle School aged students as well so does that mean you're going to go younger than the 16 to 21 so the I'll let them speak on it but the I'll read you guys the email just for public um record our client has one request which we can make on the floor tomorrow if necessary to change stipulation B to read the private quote the private school shall be limited to enrollment of students Middle School age or older unquote while the school is predominantly High School age students they do occasionally get students in need of the program enrolled early so it would be covered to it would be used to cover those situations and that age what are they considering Middle School age that could be 12 I'll have that respond that okay thank you sorry I'll wait Miss Moore and then vice mayor Barnaby um I know that this was a last minute change but a middle-aged school I agree with uh councilwoman coach Coachman is um going to be kids as young as 12 and then I think that that raises the issues of potentially being dropped off there so how are we configuring like a drop off line and that kind of thing that that area is so heavily trafficked um I was already reluctant to have even 16-year-olds getting off a bus and walking along that area I know there are sidewalks but it's just such a point of heavy congestion that I would have concerns about safety and whatnot MH and now if you're throwing if you're throwing a car rider line in that I can just tell you from personal experience that's going to make an already congested area like woo yeah okay so we can ask those questions to the appli all right anything else for Monica yes yes ma' could you please go back to the site plan yes or or what shows the building and that sort of thing um and show me where I'm sorry I wanted the the real pictures oh Absolut can you can you show me where they're going to be entering the building yes right here is going to be the ah the primary entrance um for the school right there okay um one of the concerns that I had when I initially looked at at this is that according to the code that we have you cannot sell or serve alcohol within 300 fet of the front door of the school and just in case the question came up it is 428 ft not as the Birds flies or the crow flies but for example um if when the 920 building is completed and I know that there's supposed to be some sort of retail or something underneath there um that's going to be something that again 428 ft is well past the 300 foot Mark but it is something for us to consider uh with what might happen across the street to the West which right now is I think a it's it's a Bank building that has a Suburban design which I tried to encourage them not to do the sub Suburban design when they did it um but if that were to change um how they may need to look at that if the school is still in existence there if they were looking at redeveloping it um for example if a grocery store went there MH that might sell beer and wine MH they might have to do some interesting machinations to make sure that they're not within the 300 foot Mark but that I I don't want to set the city up for future problems and I remember sitting here with the um when we were trying to do some of the things on Old Main Street as far as as beer and liquor licenses that sort of things with restaurants and measuring from different churches and different churches property and that's why we had to get very specific as to basically the front door of of an establishment that would be a place of worship or School absolutely okay so we can let the applicant app answer a lot of those questions yeah I mean it it shows you know I asked to have them measure it and I'm I'm very happy to see that it is does not fall within that 300 foot Mark and and again I think we can look at a lot of things and for how many years was the sand pile sat because we always said what if this happens or what if that happens and you know I mean whether you approve or deny something like this it's obviously still something in front of us that can can keep moving forward so absolutely all right so any other questions for Monica hearing none we'll go to the applicant and I think Mr Grimes you've heard a lot of the questions so you might be able just to answer room before they even have to get asked uh yeah I have M thank you welcome no that's not wrong one I probably told you the wrong one I'm sure that was my fault it was over there I got it I'll get it oh yeah there it is thank you uh good morning Mayor Brown uh Council Kyle Grimes attorney with the L uh law firm of Grimes galvano and I have been sworn uh 1023 Mante Avenue West um I I'm going to go into a few things but just to touch some of those up front um with regards to the alcohol sales we that did come up during uh the last public hearing since that time uh we look through the floor statutes as well as your code uh and generally we find that it's it's for those uh esta ments not meeting the 51% rule meaning 51% or more of their sales are strictly from alcohol and those that uh do meet that rule and most of their revenue is is over and above uh that 51% from things other than alcohol they can be within that boundary um we did talk to Mr Allen about uh you know potential future establishments going under that that um multif Family building and they're looking at doing restaurants so we did make sure to speak with him on that I I I had not heard anything I just didn't want to set either party up for difficulties absolutely and there is a another provision in the statute that local municipalities can make a a exception to it for health safety General Welfare those things but um and I'm certainly happy to hear from your City attorney if he uh has anything else to say on it um the parking I I'll get to just a second as I get to that slide in my uh presentation here um with me to so I'm here on behalf of ALS education LLC uh with me today I have uh Cody Smith the director of facilities and development Bill lir the regional director for ALS so he works more with uh the principles of the schools and and helping with that dat to-day operations uh my law partner Bill galvano who's been working with ALS over the past year uh to acquire the the needed approvals from the Mante County School Board which were uh obtained back in February of this year um alss has been in operation for over 30 years and currently manages 23 schools uh across Florida Georgia and North Carolina and again I know it's been stressed today by Monica and great presentation Monica has been nice working with her throughout this um it's it's not your standard School these These are um School charter schools that work with the the school district with local public schools so they're not by any means in direct competition they're they're looking to identify those students who have fallen behind there's you know various reasons and I'm gonna have Mr lir come up here in a minute and give you a little uh background on those but maybe it's it's students that have to work to support their famili so they can't go to that typical all day school or they do have a child to take care of or younger siblings and so it offers a little flexibility for those types of students and for those that have have fallen behind it's it's a smaller environment it's more specialized learning to to get them back on track and their numbers are very impressive for what they've been able to obtain with these students and uh bill will speak to that more in a moment so um again the site uh is there at the southeast corner of of 9th Street mte Avenue you may recognize it as the old Katon building so it'll utilize the the front area of that there are some existing offices in the back that that will remain um the uh our client will be the tenant the the land owner owns that parcel the one to the east the one to the to the southeast uh basically other than the uh the one owned by my law partner back here so we were able to to work with him on getting COC cross access for parking uh and cross access for to get into the site um as as far as a few of the land use things I I know uh Monica hit on it we are in the urban core future land use category which has a a very broad range of uses um residential non residential and educational uh the current zoning which is T6 Urban core uh it it is the highest density that you have in the area um it with a broad range of uses um education or public and private uh schools are do require a special use program uh there are some other uses like uh U Advanced courses uh that could be there by wri but we're we're having to come in for this special use permit um when when Bill brought this client into us and he said he was helping them with the school board and wanted to come with me and talk a little bit about the land use side of things one of my first questions was okay why why this site what what's what's important about this site and it wasn't just that it had a building that that kind of met their specifications which of course was was great but it really was the geographical location itself because the the way this school works is that it draws students from all over the county so having that central location is very important and having those uh nice thare roadways to to get them there is great and as Monica mentioned they do rely heavily on public transportation and they they've been seeing this model over their 23 schools across Florida uh Georgia and North Carolina that most of their students do utilize that public transportation in similar size schools in uh across Florida they their student drivers are from 10 to 20 per session and that's been pretty standard across all their schools and it's what they they expect so this area which has a great uh number of public transportation stops bus stops with uh pedestrian walkways and crosswalks is fantastic and really good for their their school's business model um that being said we do have several spaces available in this site uh to I know parking's been something of a discussion today um right now there are 69 spaces that exist currently uh 33 would be required with this uh school and the existing uses uh we are getting cross access easements across the parcel lines because it's all under uh essentially one one landlord um and we we've talked with that landlord that for that vacant building kind of on the northeast side uh for any future uh use he may want to put in there he is uh working on doing a parking lot on the southide to add additional parking as well uh so that will need to be met at that time um so with with that the most of the work here on this site will be internal remodeling uh they may do a little cleanup around the the outside but it it is primarily internal remodeling to to get the classrooms and some office space um again this is uh not not a typical public school they don't have a lunchroom facility or cooks or anything like that any food that's brought in is B brown paper bag type type lunches uh but again because it's half day most of them are are coming in they're getting their schoolwork done and then they're leave and they they'll go to lunch or go to work or whatever they need to have uh so with that I uh like to bring up Mr lir just to give you a little bit more about ALS good morning please St name and address for the record good morning Bill lir 817 manate West Bradington so as Kyle said I'm a regional director with accelerated learning Solutions but prior to that I was also a principal at one of our schools in Cape Coral Florida actually um he gave a little overview um of our model and I I heard some of the questions especially to middle school students um but I'll just explain so first and foremost we come we partner with the Local School uh public public schools in the area it's a true partnership we work closely with Administration counselors social workers we serve a population that are average about two years behind graduation cohort um so we specialize in that they come to us with uh low levels in reading and math the middle schoolers we're serving are overage middle schoolers we're talking 16 years old sitting in a seventh or eighth grade classroom they are on the verge of dropping out as we know the research says if they're not reading at grade level at third grade the the percentage of dropping out of school increases so we try to work closely with the public schools to identify these students and they are referred to us by them because of the relationships we buil then we we educate them a little differently you've already heard we offer a flexible schedule that's because a lot of the students that that come to us have to work they either are independent they have to help the family at home so we work around their work schedule so flexible schedule is something that appeases to our students and then you you know you have students for whatever reason they each have a story when they come into US they've somehow fallen through the cracks in a larger setting that that happens they come to us it's a smaller more intimate setting because they're behind in grade level and in reading and math level we're able to concentrate one-on-one support small group learning and we're not scheduled by a bell um you know there's a student that comes to my mind that I just want to share with you she came to us she graduated last year okay but she came to us she was two years behind cohort this is a school in Fort Meyers okay she was a student that was she had a Meek personality great kid her attendance was good she tried but because of the large setting she you know go Bell to Bell she didn't understand the content and she was afraid to ask questions because she was afraid that her peers would think that she wasn't on par so therefore she wasn't earning credits and she dug herself that hole she came to us and because of the smaller setting and the more one-on-one attention she was she became she blossomed okay while she didn't graduate on time she didn't give up we didn't give up on her and she graduated and you know I I always tell the schools that we work with our success is your success like it's just we work hand inand um and I'm really excited about this opportunity to not only assist the public schools but to serve the students of Manatee County and I thank you for having me today appreciate questions Miss Coachman yes I have questions I have a questions um ratio of staff to students 25 to one certification they're all certified for we have the four core educations except science math we have an ESC certification on staff as well how many because to start are the majority of these students are going to be exceptional Ed right so as the enrollment bills and if there's obviously we got to follow the statute and then we would add staff to that yes and you're for profit so some of the district Services wouldn't be available to you right um we do Contract Services contract yeah MH and this is it from the picture it looks like it's a computer based yes so we offer the hybrid setting so all their classes is on an educational platform called edmentum and then we do offer that small group interventions with teacher support okay think of something we can come back to you yeah come yeah come back this will definitely help with the district's Dropout ratio or Bill Gano same address as Kyle Grimes oh it's actually yeah I have been sworn actually not for profit the company's not not not for profit and I just want to make two points this is that this this is a partnership with the school district and the student base is voluntary nobody's sending them there and then the other thing I'd like to underscore is these are good kids this isn't like a a side facility where you're gonna have troublemakers these are not where your be behav kids these are kids who are trying to make it and they're told by the school district here's an option and they take that option okay okay Miss Coker so quick question so that means then you would not accept a student that's got some behavior issues but they also are struggling to that's not true no yes but they would have but but we're not doing the discipline side of it but if there there were somebody who had um maybe had a history of of discipline in the district but then has wanted to come into this program they would get properly vetted and as long as they were not making a disturbance with the other students would be uh able to complete the program so you won't be relieving my school much then we're about giving second chances to students too so like Mr galano said we would meet with the yeah some of them they just need that smaller setting well I'm just to say something real quick one of the things I was impressed with and because I heard about it a long time ago before it's been coming up but um that it's giving opportunity and you know we know there's 12 13 14 year olds in middle school but when kids are driving to middle school because they can't progress that's not a good thing in the middle school setting but when they're the opport to see here that hey I'm 16 so I have a choice here that I stay in middle school or maybe fail out because I have to be in school this gives me an opportunity to get to a place that I can do from 7 to 12 or 12:30 to 5:30 and succeed we're giving them value to succeed not just saying you go to Horizons and because you're a bad kid or your fail out and it gives kids the next generation an a carrot to succeed then it's up to them or one of the things you said to me really think of something is and and and I saw this when I was gone last week um and a lot of young people on the streets it's a bigger city but they were on the streets and looked strung out it's going to maybe give that 16 17 year old that opportunity to say I'm five years behind I can't read this school gives me the opportunity to succeed and I won't be a homeless I won't be on drugs I won't be going to the crime and anytime you can give that I hope you have 180 kids there and we got a problem because that means 180 kids are succeeding or getting the opportunity to succeed so you know even hearing more stuff today is is why I think the opportunity you know and and and life location location location determines a lot of things but the opportunity for our kids and to get a chance to succeed instead of dropping out and never being anything and I think we're doing that with another project we're working on over at city park but we're starting a little younger so I think you know there's opportunity I'm GNA go to miss Coker and then back to miss Coachman okay um it was said that I think you've spent a year doing an approval process through the school board I'm assum what or yes that's correct and I worked with the school board and and received approval to operate within the county I have that's this is outside of my wheelhouse did when they looked at that did they look at the site and the facility and this is appropriate for Learning and what you need for schools and all that absolutely okay it was a series of meetings uh with staff with the school board members one of the things that that was very important and I would encourage it you don't have toite but they visited other facilities they went tol they went to Hillsboro County and so ultimately it had to go based on a staff recommendation me like this before the school board and they unanimously approved it oh great well sounds awesome Miss Coachman then Miss Moore I know you meet all the C you know the certifications and accreditations I know that I'm I'm just concerned because there is a need and I was really excited when I saw this because we do have a Horizons and there are a lot of students that are sent to Horizons that aren't necessarily appropriate so a school such as this would be perfect for them it's just I'm concerned because they may not even look like they're great candidates at first you know that's my concern they're going to still be some students but I I applaud you for bringing this because we definitely need it we need something in between what we call a sable which is more dealing with the the uh uh emotional and and psychological serious concerns and then we have the Horizon that is more of the behavioral uh and so this is kind of in between so this is definitely a great opportunity for the district um um wish you well relationship's good and that's why we meet with the administration counselors and identify the right student I I have a couple of them wish I could s more um I don't doubt at all the importance of the work um so I want to make that absolutely clear that I think that I I I believe uh councilwoman Coachman when she sees firsthand that the need is there and I think to your point that is why we're so excited about City Park um my only concern is this location um so I guess I would wonder if if there were Alternatives that the school board was entertaining because my analysis is that it's so heavily trafficed there's no way you're going to avoid kids being dropped off to some extent um I know we want to encourage multimodal uh uh Transportation but I don't think we're there yet um so I think we have issues with with number one in the land use regulations and then I I also on the um on the coattails of vice mayor I also think we we have issues with number seven because the whole area of downtown is trying to be redeveloped I mean that that's one of our you know stated uniform goals I think we all agree that we're trying to revitalize and bring things to downtown I think we're hamstringing ourselves a little bit by permitting a school to be there um it makes more sense to me to put a school like this somewhere in the vicinity of city park where we're going to be already catering to that and also is a little less um just not smack in the middle of downtown um so those are my concerns I I think the work sounds fabulous but I would just like to hear if there were alternative sites discussed and in my opinion downtown's not the place Mr Mar yeah we've looked at at lots of sites and this and the board for this school is made up of local citizens local residents I should say and and I can tell you I've seen the model I've been to several I'm I'm an adjacent property owner take my lawyer hat off I I want this to be next door to my property I'm excited about it so I I could understand those are reasonable questions but when you really see the model if you go through it's you're like wow this is almost like a small library and then with regard to the alcohol we that came up and and your attorney spoke about it a little bit at Planning Commission we went and took a hard look at it bottom line is this if you're planning another bar not restaurant not Publix but a bar within 300 ft of this then you're going to have to work it out otherwise we're fine so I mean it's it's sort of ironic last three applicants asked to serve alcohol we're asking Ser kids yeah thank you Mr galano um Miss Moore I agree with you on and that's why I said location at some points but you know there isn't a location down by city park yet maybe in the future if if we do come up with that location and it would serve a way better you know I don't think the schools what would be against improving your quality of of service in the future you know and I mean that's something that that you look at um and I just I you know we can look at what ifs what ifs what ifs we do something we never do it and I I bring up the sand pile we've been talking about the sand pile A Lot in some of our administrative meetings about things and about how long something took to get done and I think little bites of the Apple are getting there if there was a better location right now I would say it but every day a kid's falling behind and that's something that you've heard from me from day one up on this Administration is how are we going to help the children and not the children that are excelling you know like most of our children we know but at the ones that aren't because that that's that's more our future than anything Miss Coachman yes location okay if we're if we're looking at this location is there a possibility maybe of a um kind of a collaboration between the district and this the your site with the Schoolboard building being just a little smidgen down the road if there could be somewhat of a maybe parents drop their kids off there and there's a little smaller shuttle type setup for the children to be you know delivered to you as opposed to because it would kind of eliminate some of that drop off because of those middle school students and you know they live in the CRA they can take a freebie yeah the timing they got to be we did talk to CRA about that and wanted to continue those discussions he uh told me hey maybe we'll get him a Tesla ride to to school I think another thing we got to look at is the hours our traffic doesn't start till after 7 o'clock they're going to be dropped off before 7 and they're going to be gone during the middle of the day you know which the traffic isn't as bad and then the 5:30 will be a little bit of an issue but but the other two times you know it's when it's less thank you Mr Mayor and to that point uh it's it's very few students that get dropped off by parents it's it's predominantly public transportation then you're looking at that 10 to 20 student drivers per session um we've looked at this this area about you know other uses that'd be permitted by right that we feel be a lot more traffic intensive uh we we think this will will have minimal effect in the in the area um but certainly you know always open to look at options and I also think that just made me think of this right now and I know we look at the map where the public transportation is right now I think there's opportunity if something is going to improve our public transportation our micromobility and all of the other things I believe the county would work with us to put a bus stop right there if it's because we're move we're going to when we do City Park they've already agreed to put three stops in the morning there and three stops at the community center at at night will be transporting Young people out to Manatee Technical College so I think there's opportunity to make that safer and and I know I would vow to work with the county uh MCAT to do that absolutely if this thing is that successful then we want to make it that Su yeah yes ma'am vice mayor Barnaby um I think what might happen with this is you may be so successful and you have more than 100 80 students that want to come and that might encourage you to have another location or move to another location I can remember when we had conversations about downtown in 1998 where they talked about wouldn't it be neat if we had a high school in downtown that was one of the ideas that was floated so haven't knowing that that the entrance for you all is in a safe location it's not I mean I can remember coming out of that one door at Katon oh yeah and you were right there on the corner and even as an adult I found it a little hairy at times and I I was concern about forgive me particularly teenage boys whose frontal loes aren't necess really cooked all the way at that point in time um a a little bit of I'm sorry what be on teenage okay well I I was concerned about operating on manate Avenue or having entrances and you know kids leaving all at the same time and you know the the playing and the jostling that goes on but if you're going to have them coming into the southern entryway that makes me a a lot more comfortable yeah um and Mr Mayor I I I walk that corner every morning because I park right just south of this and so yeah they they're certainly going to be uh they have a main entrance and they want them all to come in that same area so they can check everybody in and and things like that so it'll be internal to that parking lot man krer the only question I have is it sounds a great idea I'm in favor but the uh other facility you have are they in urban environments like this primarily or can you speak to that o yeah we have uh school I mean Tampa right downtown Tampa um Miami Dade we have we have you know seminal Heights right in Tampa is on a busy intersection very similar to manate I mean that when I think of that location I think of you know of where we are where we want to be so okay great thanks Miss Mo um again good work I I don't want to be misunderstood as saying I don't support the school I just don't think that it makes sense to put it in this location and I I can think of uh at least two other sites in W 4 that I think it would be appropriate that there's a bus stop right outside of uh you know off of mancy Avenue um I just what I'm struggling with is this location um any you know other another location that had access to bus stops that was not in the middle of downtown that we are targeting as you know to revitalize we're we're trying to and I'm not saying that it has to be alcohol driven I'm not saying that we you know I I agree that we're trying to move away from all the bars but I just think that it's shortsighted to put something in that could potentially hinder what neighboring properties that we desire to be developed can do um I'll also just note that this is a special use which means that it's not just for the school so that when they are amazingly successful and relocate we no longer have control as to what type of educational facility could potentially go into this site is my understanding of the special use well it is limited to a school and it is limited based on the stipulations that are in the staff report so yes um a second is there isn't there a timeline though if the school closes for a certain amount of time then they use their lose their special use or can we add that stipulation if it they move and it closes after 30 days it no longer can be that use right I mean there are Provisions in the code that address when a special use permit expires um but yes I mean this this approval is for on a second so it's for a private school in this location um the stipulation right now is limited to high school and that is based on you know the traffic circulation um concerns and so those would be the limitations if if another private school wanted to go in there can we say that if they clo if they close or move that it goes with them it ends with no we can't make decisions based on who the owner are it it has to be based on the use and the location and all the criteria that are in your in your code so and the owner is not one of them may I yes um also to the point that I meant to mention this because of our you know the the thing I'm struggling with is we have these goals for downtown and we're we're I appreciate the sentiment that something's better than nothing but I don't always agree with that sentiment I think that we should be more thoughtful in how we are going to develop uh this area and that's actually the Crux of the problem is that Miami Dade and Tampa don't have the same concerns that we're facing which is revitalizing um activating these spaces um and so I think our considerations are a little bit different than those of those bigger um municipalities that are already pretty established in their downtowns so the area where seminal Heights is exactly doing that same thing right now and oh it's in s Heights oh okay I'm sorry I thought you said downtown Tampa oh okay all right we've got to go to the public hearing at some point so any other questions no all right hearing none we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we close the public hearing the chair will entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve resolution 24-30 with the stated conditions okay is there a second second okay seconded by Miss Coachman we have a motion by Miss Coker seconded by Miss Coachman any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward four no Ward five yes Ward one yes ward two yes Ward three yes carries four to one thank you mam clerk item 7e is the second rating of public hearing for ordinance 4039 however the applicant requested a continuance to a date not certain and the item was advertised okay so for a public hearing so we should open the public hearing yes just just if anybody wants to speak if anyone would like to speak on this we open the public hearing she need to read you need to read it all into the record no because it's not a second reading all right so if anybody in the audience wishes to speak on this item we'll open a public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing and uh we we do need a motion to continue Mr may be a motion to continue the item to no date certain and be read vertis okay so they have not given us a date certain or we need to pick one we don't have a date yet so that's what the most would be to no date certain no date certain I corre hear the no part so so moved all right we have a motion by Mr Kramer and a second by Miss Barnaby hearing no discussion we'll start the vote in Ward five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero item 7f is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4043 an ordinance of the city of of Bradenton Florida relating to enforcement of school zone speed limits creating a new section 50- 82 authorizing the placement and installation of speed detection systems on roadways maintained as school zones providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay um any staff comment or going through okay have attorney Driscoll and Captain the you state your names and for the record morning Council Paul drco with Police Department uh Brian the PD we're here to answer any questions all right this is something I maybe just it kind of came up in the State Legislative that they had done this maybe give just a yes mayor uh House Bill 657 was passed in 2023 by the state legislature which allowed for counties and municipalities to uh Institute the speed zone enforcement um part of that process is an ordinance has to be passed by Council um allowing that and also uh we did the evaluation of that there's nine schools in the ordinances in the ordinance to determine that uh that there's a safety risk there which I think the numbers have shown that and I think when you look at most of our especially our elementary schools they're on major thorough fars so any protection that we can give and getting things done is is very important so any questions yes Miss Moore um that was actually the nature of my question because when I first heard about it I um I thought immediately of Manatee Avenue uh where manate Elementary is but specifically does it I don't think that that's actually technically a school zone so does it have have to actually be it's a school zone manate L right but but Manatee Avenue I don't think it is I think it it's always 35 it's not it doesn't ever drop because of school so I guess I'm just a little bit wondering the effectiveness when it's going to be probably more like the residential areas in the back and I guess my concern is that it's camera right it's automatic and I know that there's going to be a reviewer but I feel like we're losing some of that um uh discretion that your officers have when they're pulling someone over you know my concern is that they're coming off of major thoroughfares and while I agreed it's not safe um I don't I don't know that it's uh intentional that people are inadvertently violating the uh speed limit in some of these areas it's just a concern I have because we're losing discretion because it's not officers being able to kind of gauge um and then just my other second question was my understanding was that it was going to be set to 11 miles over the stated the posted speed limit but I didn't actually see that in the resolution so is that like a policy that's going to happen or do you have do you have the statute what what the ordinance does is allows us to implement the program then we have to follow the statute and the statute only allows us to issue citations for anything 10 miles an hour above the posted speed limit at the time which is significantly reduced um when the children are going to school and leaving school versus during school um but the 10 m hour still applies even during the school session and to put it in perspective an officer can issue a citation anything five miles an hour above 5 miles an hour for speeding whereas this raises it to 10 and the other um part of it is the citation the violation is only $100 versus it's pretty significant cap thers can probably say what the dollar amount is but it's pretty significant for a regular speeding ticket so and also there is on Manatee Avenue there's blinking lights yes and it is a school zone they may not go down as much in speed okay but it does you are restricted by reduce the speed however it does alert during school Z it is a school zone okay I thought it was not a designated right but it's a lower speed to begin with there it is 247 that's going way back to probably 2004 five six somewhere in that range we were able to convince the state legisl or Department transportation to lower that speed because of man Mr Kramer uh that's not the case out at uh Jess P Miller on Manatee it's 40 40 mph there it becomes 45 just past just west of that but then it's 40 mph it turns to 40 Eastbound at about 44th Street somewhere mid block there but that's another area that's we did dangerous we did apply with fdot for that school as well and the proximity of uh Manatee Elementary being almost directly on Manatee Avenue versus Jessie P being offset further back was the the reason they decided not to change that we have two crossing guards on Manatee Avenue and um my daughter saw one get hit from somebody going very fast yes and thank God our crossing guard was only a broken leg so and continue not to put the G before the horse because eventually we're this is just the ordinance M it's not talking about the process necessarily that's correct um but that said the process based on the previous red light cameras we had does allow the officer an officer or several officers I used to be one Captain the was one yeah a lot of fun uh it's not just a snapshot of hey there's a car and the computer system's telling us It sped it is actually video of it so you get to see actions before and after so if someone is zipping through or accelerating you can actually sort of tell that plus the fact that it's a buffer of 5 mil an hour over what an officer would be stopping someone for out there I think is really beneficial all right I have Miss Coker and Captain the if when you speak if you can speak a little louder into the microphone yes sir that wasn't much [Laughter] better yeah I um I normally am not in favor of a red light camera but um I when it comes to children I think we we can't be too careful and I think it's going to make people even if they don't lower the speed in those school zones they're still going to be more cognizant worried oh am I going to get an A IC ticket so I I just think it'll help with awareness um I'm assuming they have to have a sign that'll say photo enforced yes Council uh it it has to be certain signage specified in the statute that has to be posted which is not there now um and just for a little bit of research that we did the state of Georgia has been doing this for about two years now and what they've noticed in the data is that after the first month it was is greater than a 50% reduction in violators and it just continued to downtrend so as as people learn they comply and hope we're hoping for the same results here that's probably one of the most calls I get in areas of people speeding you know and then when you do a a uh put the camera out there or you have an officer go out there 90% of the people are the people that live on the street so it's the people that are speeding are the ones that live around there I just don't feel like there's too much that we can do to increase awareness around the schools and to protect our kids and um the only people that are going to be complaining are going to be the ones that really need it m barab Vice May Barn thank you Mr Mayor um one of the things I found interesting was that uh several years ago there were complaints about people speeding around Manatee High School and so we did run radar in the first person that was going 25 miles over the speed limit was a teacher trying to get there on time uh so what the miror says does have some validity I know if I'm remembering correctly captain the's that um you don't it doesn't reg it's a speed camera and it doesn't register unless you are going how much over the speed limit the the citation begins at 11 over so at 11 miles hour it will actually generate a citation and I also remember I saw a a graphic one time and I actually made copies of it and passed it out at Riverview in 26th Street of where if a pedestrian was walking and was hit by a car going 25 miles an hour they had a far greater chance of surviving than if it was hit by a car going 36 to 40 miles an hour absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely sorry if I may uh to go back to councilman Mo or councilwoman's Mo's uh question regarding uh discretion we we would love to put a police officer in every school zone before and after school every single day we don't have the Personnel or the time to do that and then the first car they stop takes that officer out and the 50 that go after continue on this is a force multiplier for us and again I go back to the you said it best all of you agree the the safety of children is Paramount that is the most important priority in our community so we see it as a force multiplier that takes the police officer out of the equation and puts them back on the streets you know preventing and enforcing crime so that's councilwoman Coachman I I kind of just wanted to add to the idea of taking away officer discretion a person may feel like they have a good reason for speeding but when they hit the child it's not going to matter right you know so I mean I understand what you're saying but at the same time if you're speeding you're speeding and the danger is still there regardless and and this doesn't remove the ticket's not the final there is an appeals process the person can elect to do it doesn't end with the citation being mailed they can have go before the hearing and and have a hearing and argue their case and discretion can come into play at that point too may I Miss Moore um really for it wasn't necessarily that I think you know get out I feel like it today I'm sounding very hard on the children um but um really what I was thinking specifically was discretion for diversionary programs so I don't know if this takes that off the table but what I was thinking when I said that was not so much the person that you know the teacher that's going to be late to school but more the person that maybe has a iffy mailing address and now doesn't know that they have a $100 citation and then their license is revoked and now they've got that to deal with so I'm just concerned about like the snowball effort for some people or the effect I'm sorry um that was what I mean what I meant by discretion was you know to some extent is there you know is there a way is there a path for officer involvement at some point so that we don't potentially you know unintended consequences uh create a situation where we're kind of making life you know something's wrong on your driver's license with your address there's other issues probably to deal with that kind of it actually gives you 30 days by law to change your mailing address when you move so all right so any other questions on this uh just to comment I mean none of us wants to create something like that but it's not worth I mean it's worth it to keep our kids safe all right so yeah and there's no points with this program not a point versus a police officer when they you get a a uniform traffic citation there as points involved does it revert if that's unpaid does it refert to a citation uh I believe at 30 days it then uh it moves into the uniform traffic citation okay which would have points that would have points correct thank you for clarifying like you didn't already know that well I just want it on the record all right so um this is a a public hearing so I don't know if there's anybody else to speak about this Mr Perry um we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing the chair will entertain a motion let me get back to it hold on a second move to approve ordinance 4043 all right approval by Mr Kramer second by Miss Coachman any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two yes three yes four I'm GNA say no all right five yes carries four to one thank you all right Madame cler it excuse me item G is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4045 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton establishing a local provider participation fund authorizing imposition of annual non-ad valorum specialist assessments to be levied collected and enforced against real property owned or leased by private for-profit and not for-profit hospitals to fund the non-federal share of Medicaid and Medicaid Managed Care payments benefiting hospitals providing Health Care Services to Medicaid Indigent and uninsured members of the city of brenon community specifying the procedure for adapting the excuse me adopting the annual non-ad vorum special assessments to be deposited into the local provider participation fund specifying authorized uses for the fund Pro proceeds and providing an effective date Mr Perry mayor councel uh appreciate the opportunity we were approach basically as a city um by by uh hospitals in the area that were interested in trying to solve a problem that deals with Medicaid uh reimbursement Medicaid is is a program a federal program uh that has reimbursement rates um to providers that that uh provide medical services and uh there's a gap sometimes it it's an uncaptured amount uh this it's kind of a complicated type of situation I'm going to let some other folks uh explain it but we when we were approached about it we considered um different types of solutions that are used in in different jurisdictions in different states to close this Gap so that we can have have a robust Health Care system that effectively administers um Health Care within that uh that population that is Medicaid eligible and so what we had to do was look at how um the program would work and that is a system called a local provider um it's a local provider agreement basically um that is a non it becomes a special assessment that's a non-ad Borum assessment and so what we had to do after I got with um Mr rudisell was really take a deep a deep legal dive on it so Mr row is here uh Christopher row who specializes uh in in types of local government special assessments and we really needed to do a deep dive and and and take a a really close look at this um as a program and so so I have some folks here that can explain uh the program itself the reasons why how it operates uh what it does and Mr R can address the legal EAS of that um with you he made himself available and several counselors actually met individually with uh with attorney row and uh he's familiar with with how these local provider Agreements are done both here um in the State of Florida as well as as well as you know Nationwide and some cases and the like and Mr Tom McDougle from manity Memorial is here talk a little bit about how it impacts the healthc care providers and Colleen um is a consultant that works and has previously worked in medical assistance Division I think for the State of Florida in different types of capacities for these types of uh these types of programs and other programs that deal with reimbursement payment for uh Healthcare Services so with that I think I might start with Colleen to start with absolutely hello everyone thank you for your time today um just in a nutshell your name and thank you Colleen Ernst 2001 East 2 Avenue Unit 2 in Tampa Florida 33605 so not too too far away uh in Florida as in many states Across the Nation hospitals are tasked with with serving a population that includes many individuals who are economically disadvantaged these individuals may be citizens who qualify for Medicaid they may be Indigent and uninsured when hospitals serve this population they're not receiving commercial insurance reimbursement they're receiving either some reimbursement through Medicaid where individuals qualify for Medicaid or in some circumstances they're receiving nothing in reimbursement for the individuals that are coming to their doors seeking care in Florida there are a few programs that are available to help hospitals get something for serving this needy population one is the Medicaid Program but in Florida we're a fiscally conservative State we pride oursel on not having a state income tax we pride oursel on working with limited resources to manage the budget and handle priorities like infrastructure Ure and education as well as healthare so the state historically has only allotted so much money to allow for hospitals to receive about 60 cents on the dollar for reimbursement for Medicaid and for charity care costs it's about 1% for most providers for many providers across the state there are programs that are available where hospitals can unlock additional resources available from the federal government now these are are dollars that Floridians have already paid in federal taxes and we we know too well you're not getting a refund check if the federal government already has that money if it's not being used to come back to Florida that money is used for similar programs that other states like California and New York have managed to stand up to help their hospitals so Florida played catchup in this situation and created programs starting in 2021 that allowed the state to break bring those dollars back without adding a new tax burden onto individual citizens or non-hospital businesses the program was designed to include special assessments levied by local governments imposed on non-public hospitals only now special assessments are a great tool because they're designed to send a bill only to those who will receive some type of benefit from that service done by the local government and here by collecting the dollars in a special assessment those dollars qualify for federal matching funds those are the dollars that unlock those Federal resources otherwise left on the table or going to other states those assessment dollars bring those federal dollars in and help serve two specific purposes here in Bradenton we're looking at programs that would help get hospitals a little bit more for their charity care again it's it's not a huge huge uh it's certainly not a a very generous um amount but it is enough to get the more than the 1% that they're getting for charity care and in Medicaid that's where we're we're going to see a big difference instead of getting 60 cents on the dollar in reimbursement again that's on dollar of cost not build charges pure cost instead of getting 60 cents on the dollar the hospitals are able to get about 80 cents on the dollar so really what this does is it offsets the losses for that type of allowing hospitals to continue and sustain and grow that mission um so we're here before you 21 other jurisdictions in Florida have been doing these assessments collecting these since 2021 or 2022 in some circumstances we have several additional jurisdictions preparing to take part this year uh we're very excited to be here in Bradenton we do have Representatives uh from the hospitals we've we've worked closely with UHS who has two hospitals here here and with HCA who has a hospital as well within the city limits they've participated in other jurisdictions they've seen the benefits of this program and that's why we're here before you today so you might have just answered the question that I was going to ask is why are you here at the city and not in front of the county absolutely uh so in in any circumstance um any jurisdiction that has the special assessment Authority is able to to do this here in the city I think the the part partnership and support of the city for its hospitals was something that stood out now certainly the hospitals do have have the chance to kind of decide which which government Authority they'd like to partner with but it was very much I think a sign in recognition of the support that the city has had and of course the hospitals do also ensure that there is an administrative fee built into the assessment so that this won't cost the city any additional out-of-pocket General Revenue those expenses are reimbursed up to $150,000 annually from the assessment so again no tax burden on anyone else no assessment on anyone else only the hospitals that funding is available for the city and it's because both hospitals that we're working with are in the city correct that's correct that's the main main answer that thinking and it had to be a collaboration with Blake and manatee which you know I like collaborations and uh which isn't always the case around the rest of the state with other hospitals sometimes in the same network so absolutely it was important and I think they saw the need of the the amount of money that this is going to help maybe you know our hospitals stay afloat and other programs are going to be possibly available in the future absolutely I just wanted to point out that uh this this is enabling legislation actually what will have to happen is a resolution annually before Council to look at how the program is running uh the administrative cost associated with it and and other program type details uh that is a big thing and as it was pointed out um our two hospitals are Blake and and manate Memorial and and manate handles a lot of Medicaid patients significantly more than Blake and we've seen different types of uh Services affected by some of the the kind of overburden thing of of certain Hospital and we think that is existent to in the area um and and we've got to be mindful of that and legislatively in the state and as well as executive branch there is support for this as well throughout the state so yes vice mayor Barnaby I just have a couple of questions and I'm not sure who would be the appropriate person to answer them um I understand that there was a presentation recently in front of the county and that manate Memorial is not going to be participating as much with the good County program can you speak to that as to perhaps CEO yeah I'm Tom mcdou I'm sworn in um do you need my address also okay um to answer your question that is unrelated to this discussion um traditionally we've had an agreement with the county for Indigent care and we do not have an agreement this year and that's what that discussion was about was trying to resolve that but this is this is unrelated to that this is Medicaid related have you stopped doing certain services that you used to do there's been some changes but that's typical for all hospitals um and only for elective care not emergency care we continue to provide all the Emergency Care um and just for me personally um do we have an a working Maternity Ward anywhere in Manatee County now delivering babies yes yes ma'am um we have a Maternity Ward at our hospital we deliver about 160 babies a month what are your plans with that no anticipated changes well I'm very happy to hear that because I'd heard that we were not going to be delivering babies in Manatee County you know I've heard that as well and it's categorically false I don't know where it's coming from um that has never come out of my mouth yeah we've been delivering babies for over 70 years well as a as a uh as one of those babies oh yes I was born at manate Memorial I Believe Miss Coachman was born at manate Memorial um and as a former nationally certified aspo prepared childbirth educator I'm very happy to hear that we're going to continue to have babies born in man ASO means the American society for psychoprophylactic and aetric okay never mind um also to that this applies to residential hospitals we see certain like urgent care emergency rooms that are don't have those components the it does not apply to those and if you just want to clarify I have question okay let me just say one one comment to miss Barnaby's question or comment the first part of it is i' had heard some other things also but I had heard that our county is trying to do some things to lessen the cost with other providers so it's not the emergency room as the standard non-emergency provider which we know when somebody walks in an emergency room it needs to be an emergency not that I have a a a toe hurt and now all of a sudden it takes hours at the hospital where they could probably get and you know I've even heard some teleah health and also some from other services providers that would be able to streamline some of the cost where it's not an emergency but if that's your if you have no other means and you just you're an Indigent you walk in and say I have an earache that could go to a normal doctor then that's different but emergency wise you have to treat them if they walk in the door and we're trying to in manate County streamline that so true emergencies are handled at the emergency room which would make a true emergency quicker if you didn't have all the other so I think that's where the countyy is trying to to work out some different deals and but one of the things my biggest question was when Mr McDougall and we met earlier was that um how are we going to streamline but we also are not going to turn anybody away no matter what and that's that's very important and that's also what I had with Steve Young at Blake because you know when we had an incident it seemed like you know there was the hospital turning people away oh well we can't do it and manate was overburdened on something that was going on so you know we got to all work together and that's why I was glad with this collaboration Mr Perry did you have something else just I want to clarify that issue M Coker heard that off at the hospital baby a smile everybody's yeah and if I can add one thing that's really neat to me is when there's twins born we play it twice first time I heard it I thought wow that was close together and they told me it was the twins but miss Coker yeah um when I first looked at this I was um just not sure about it at all but I wanted to thank Mr roow for meeting with me and going through a lot of it and answering a lot of my questions and I hope that anybody um that has a problem with it would look into it and ask questions I think You' you'd see the the um see why I'm in favor of it anyhow but I did want you to clarify because you were saying that this was going to cover charity and um Medicare and then he's saying that they're not um that they're not doing Indigent care for the county I mean how does that all reconcile the there are different ways that the hospitals uh are eligible for for the different types of programs so the Medicaid Program is is really the central Focus that's the directed payment program uh but there are several different programs available for hospitals that are providing these types of care to the Indigent uh directed payment program has historically been the one that's been supported by these local assessments it kind of paints a broader picture of areas of need that hospitals are facing as they cater to this population um one point I did want to make commissioner Barnaby you mentioned labor and delivery one thing that we see Statewide Medicaid is is one of the highest uh providers of reimbursement for births there's a staggering statistic I've seen that in recent years half of all births in Florida have been Medicaid births so you can imagine costly procedures only getting 60 cents on the dollar where hospitals don't have the ability to access resources like this very difficult tradeoffs are are often made this program I think is one of the ways to help narrow that reimbursement Gap and allow hospitals to sustain facing that Financial landscape Mrs Moore um I just want to be clear because unfortunately I did not have an opportunity to meet Mr with Mr row so and it's bear as Bones the hospital is paying the special assessment into a fund that we manage the city and that the exist of the fund is what makes the hospital eligible like what who so it sounds like you're just putting money aside and that makes you eligible for extra dollars the fund then is paid back to the hospitals so that's a great question um and it's it's kind of Medicaid and in general Indigent care Finance 101 uh the way it operates is that the federal government commits to providing up to a certain sum based on state need States unlock that sum by putting up a state dollar so a state dollar qualifies for federal match the rate of federal match starts at 1: one in states that have an income an average income that is far below the national average the federal government actually gives more than one to one um in Florida it's slightly above one: one you know we do have a a pretty heavily tourist hourly worker economy um but for every dollar the state puts up there's a dollar of match and it's it's allocated for certain programs uh but that's how the state unlocks that dollar and traditionally the non-public hospitals their dollars are private dollars they don't become State dollars unless there is some type of Legally enforcable mandatory tax or assessment or something that makes their dollars into State dollars those State dollars are then committed to the specific purpose of being the State dollars for these programs so the city will collect from the hospitals the state uh health healthare agency the Medicaid agency calls for the funds from the city at that point they qualify for the match and then the funds are dispersed uh either directly through the agency or through the Managed Care organizations or health plans which generally do all the Medicaid reimbursement in the first place so the the dollars follow the patient it follows the volume in the need and it helps to take that Gap from the 60 cents on the dollar to the 80 cents in reimbursement for historic utilization okay so we take the we take the money that that we collect we send it to the state Mike microphone oh I'm [Laughter] sorry so I think as explained we will basically the hospitals agreeing to tax itself when they send the bill in they'll have this assessment on it that will basically uh when it's paid uh come to the city who will operate as a pass through sending it to the state and hence the state will qualify for the for the under reimbursed amount from 80 from 60 to 80% and that that's kind of how the the flow through of the the funding goes somewhat correct the only thing I I would be cautious you know it is important they become State dollars because it is a city imposed mandatory legal obligation so of equal Rank and dignity of any other you know Bill that they would face from the city um but that does serve the purpose of of making those dollarss into the State dollars it does also need to be broad-based you need to have multiple payers so not every city in Florida has the ability to to be a jurisdiction that does this and it has to be uniform which doesn't mean every hospital is paying the same dollar figure but a uniform percentage of revenues so for smaller facilities a smaller amount uh for larger facilities with larger revenues a larger amount but that broad-based nature that uniformity is what makes it qualify and this is something that also like Mr Perry said that it's year to year so after if it doesn't work or we don't we think something's changed and and I do know that um representative Bill galvano actually when he was a State Rep did this resolution for the state so you know that was again the research was done to find out that we're trying to do things that will benefit our citizens with better care long term because you know I mean we know that if somebody keeps losing losing losing stuff's G then there might be less um dingl Lings for the babies you know Ringling your mind goes to oh my good how about how about a a lullab lullaby charm and Mr R is in the back Mr Rudell myself and Mr R have had multiple multiple uh conversations and and uh Zoom meetings to work through the legal issues of this to basically make sure that uh the legislation and uh the the technical aspects of the language uh protects the city as well as other um types of liability and and and consideration reviews all right so we've got to go to the public hearing may I ask yeah one more question yet um do you have any is there any data that says whether or not those previous jurisdictions that you mentioned do they how does it work out do they ultimately I think the concern that have is just uh doing something that just recoups dollars for a private Enterprise versus maybe an expansion of services or the retention of services so also great questions um so I mentioned that these uh the jurisdiction started these Assessments in 2021 uh every time this has come before a public Vote or has come to a meeting it's passed we've never had an unsuccessful vote we've never had a situation where hospitals have fallen short on payment so for each year that this program has happened 15 jurisdictions in 2021 21 jurisdictions in 22 and 23 in all circumstan every hospital has made their payment and they keep coming back and I think that's a testament to the success of this program and we do see um cities counties asking you're receiving these funds you know tell us about the services and so we see wonderful conversations happening uh between members of city councils or uh Commissioners at the county level talking to hospitals often leading up to that annual vote that sets the rate saying talk to us about what this means to you why this is important what difference this has made for you in the last year and and those have been some of my favorite conversations to be part of and It ultimately is our money we've already paid that we just want to get back right so all right at this point we'll open up the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing the chair will entertain a motion move to approve move to approve ordinance 4045 all right second second all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward two yes three yes four yes five yes one yes carries five to zero thank you madam clerk item 7h is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4034 an ordinance of the city of Brenton Florida amending part one charter and related laws subp Part B related laws Article 4 police officers retirement system of the code of ordinances of the city of Bradenton Florida amending section six benefit amount and eligibility amending Section 8 disability providing for severability of Provisions providing for codification repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith and providing an effective date anybody was speaking on this part or or know we letter from attorney Christensen the impact there was an impact statement attached it's all in the information Mr Perry you have any comments on that just it's going through just briefly what this does is raises and it's in the the cover memo um the cont contribution rate to from Two and a Half to 3% um on an annualized basis for the retirement program it has been uh actuar studied and certified to be um of of virtually no significant consequences on the solvency of the pension fund itself all right any questions all right we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak all right we'll close the public hearing chair W rain a motion move to approve ordinance 4034 second all right second it by Miss Barnaby all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes approved 5 to zero all right at this moment let's take a five minute recess Madam clerk item 8A is uh under City Administration Surplus property bid 2104 12th Avenue West Bron Florida I guess he's still in the restroom we can't do it mister all right yeah yeah yes Cory some of us are getting older by the minute I'm going to not say a word you such you walked right into that one that's okay so the item that we have before sorry please I was going to up beat you to it let me start over Corey foron policy planning procedure and real estate administrator so the matter that we have before you this morning is is a surplus property bid that we received we advertised a notice of property for sale and invitation to offer proposals for purchase of real property on 10 Parcels within which the city had you threw me all off guard which the city had declared as Surplus the notice was advertised on demand star in the Bron heral and on the city's website the deadline for submissions of bids was May 6th the attached bid with a proposed purchase price of 1625 was received within the required time frame the subject premises was acquired by the City by settlement in an inverse condemnation action in December of9 the total cost of the settlement was approximately 390,000 the city obtained an appraisal on the property which valued it at $280,000 so acceptance of this bid would result in a net loss to the city in excess of $227,500 based on that we are recommending that instead of accepting this bid you instruct us to engage a real estate sellers broker to explore active market and sales efforts to dispose of the property at a price more consistent with the appraised value subject to city council approval and to reject the current an offer of 1625 Mr Perry you have any comments on it think Miss foron did a great job of of highlighting the situation um the appraisal came in at at 280 which I thought was a little bit low um probably most console is familiar with the property it's on we's creek creek at at 12th um 12th Avenue and uh it was initially obtained because when they did the dredge um they kind of they they interfered um with the with with the water line there and kind of took some property so it was a condemnation type action that was bought the water uh fund purchased it for 300 I think I think it was 360,000 and there was legal fees involved too and uh the the money would be returned to the water fund uh I was going to ask doesn't come into General right and and this bid at 1625 just seemed to be way too low on on actual market value of a fairly decent piece of property um the house is boarded up right now unoccupied has been forever um City Public Works takes care of the maintenance on it and uh it's concrete block it looks like it's been probably um there was a renovation done at some point in time looking at it but I don't haven't examined that much but it it it's you know absolutely in need of significant repair but this bid just seems way too low so in the in the property even though we took some of it because of where's Creek it's still a big piece of property it's I believe 055 Acres it's almost a little bit over a half acre might even be bigger it has a great backyard that's right up against the creek so what we're looking for today is that right Cory on size yeah I'm looking we're looking for a motion to accept the recommendation of to not right to reject the bid and and to allow us to get a realtor to put it on the MLS and see and see what uh you know the market has in store for the right kind of buyer for that property so moved well okay so moved is there a second for discussion second for discussion well I would like to clarify that um I it needs to be um a residential realtor who's who has done a lot in that area not just any so I'd like to clarify that that somehow and uh yes definitely get it onto the MLS I mean that just only helps you um the free market I agree with your second thank you and your second is there okay so we have a motion and a second is there any other questions or discussion hearing none we'll start the vote and W four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes carries five to zero and Miss foron just one moment and mayor I wanted to bring one more thing to the attention um that came up during the Surplus one when we when we did the Surplus uh notice to the public we asked for um uh cash offers um and as well as I think earnest money deposits and the like we received this hybrid type offer I don't remember the exact address on one of the properties and it was like well I like a 99-year lease and uh and and we'll build an affordable housing but no real specificity we deemed it unresponsive and so we sent a letter telling the individual that we deemed it unresponsive and he said just take it to council and we said we deem it unresponsive so I'm just letting you know about that property um and there were several several items in the notice that were requirements and it was like you there was no purchase price there was no deposit there was no um Financial wear with all it just lacked several of the things that were required under the notice well obviously we want to if we Surplus and we want to sell property we want to get it sold but we don't also want to to give it away if if there's cost involved and and others so we want to make sure we're doing the right thing good being good stewards of what we have and we also notified the the person that bid that he's welcome to come back with a responsive bid at any time right okay perfect all right moving forward Mr Perry thank you thank you m Forton great job thank you I'm here to present on item 8B which is the uh resolution 2446 Capital Improvement not ad vorum revenue and refunding bonds uh as many of you know um we have put together a capital development plan IT addresses core Public Safety types of projects as a priority among many other priorities but but but probably at the Forefront um Mr Williams and I have taken the lead on that project from the administration perspective to try to look at the possibility of uh of a police station and uh also a fire an additional fire station along with uh our our Public Safety Operation Center forward operating platform and those are in in dire need of of a city that that's changing the way it is I've spoken with several counselors um of course one of the counselors um councelor MC Kramer had interesting insight to say we outgrew this police station before we even moved in and uh explained to me what that meant in a lot of aspects of of of of that type of uh thought at any rate um what we ended up doing was going through multiple sites that we could possibly uh build on and came up with uh the 301 uh Sixth Avenue site right next to the water tower uh we engaged Architects and Engineers to look at that potential project and ultimately we're in the process of bringing you a GMP um a gross maximum price for that project uh in the very near future probably at the next June meeting in addition to that we've done pretty much the same with uh with Fire Station 2 out on the east side uh to ensure that our uh our rescue response and and Fire Protection Services will meet the needs of of of the city uh there's a whole host of benefits from both these facilities and I believe that generally speaking the public is very supportive of Public Safety and police and fire and they recognize the need for those of course there has to be funding and that's what we're here to talk about today the city is very very well reserved and and and and Julie s Marie has been our financial advisor for quite some time uh previously with RBC Royal Bank of Canada and now with PFC is it yep yep yeah and uh and but she has been with the city uh doing the work um with my my predecessor Mr Callahan and many of the projects that we've done in the past um we approached Julie and and asked her to take a look at our finances and and give us some suggestions um with the expertise of how to finance and uh pay for these projects basically and we looked at what our reserves are which are tremendously healthy and unrestricted reserves in excess of $50 million and looked at the cost of funding today interest rates uh how best to put together the possibility of Leverage being lending um in order to pay for these projects because the projects are designated for use well into the future and not just generations of today or yesterday should pay for them but ultimately across the spectrum of their useful life which would be probably 20 30 40 years um I'm going to ask ask Mr Williams come come up and and Julie has a PowerPoint presentation on what we're proposing the short version of that is to basically um go to market on a new issuance of $35 million um in in in debt issuance bonds they're uh non- Geo bonds uh which are General General obligation bonds they're and so they're basically based on other revenues other than other than advore that's what that means and um we have we have fairly minimal debt for a city of our size on on the books currently we think that the issuance in today's market because it has a variety of different what are called coupon rates and and and certain maturities and the like will generate about $39 million in source of in source of funds for the issuance of 35 because some of them will pay a premium and that's just the way the bond markets work it's kind of Technical and Julie's probably better it's explaining that to you all um with that that 39 what we would do is basically repay CRA bonds that are on the books till 2034 at a higher interest rate now than what we would borrow money at so there would be um amateurz savings significant amateurz savings by repaying those bonds it would also bring about what's called level debt by wrapping it so we have more predictability and things like that um ultimately we will use a portion a major portion of of that money to pay for the police station which will be north of $30 million when we get the GMP we're expecting um one of the reasons why is when I first submitted the GDP plan to you was I said I think we're looking at somewhere between $8 and20 million well construction inflation has gone up probably about 30% since then to start with secondly program program needs also have an additional need for a structured parking garage and evidence storage facility and the like and that facility is probably somewhere on the order of about the six s million of the of the total aggregate price of you know 30 uh million and and then we also have um a factor in there uh regarding the cost of additional square footage currently I think we're using probably about 29,000 Square ft just shy of 30,000 square ft this facility will be built at about 5 3,000 square ft and so it has both room for today and some expansion room for tomorrow as well as the site itself have an additional possibility for um some assemblage of buildings and the like so we're trying to you know plan for today look towards tomorrow do in a fiscally um meaningful way we'll take the vast majority of those proceeds pay for off police station we'll use some cash and some of those proceeds for the fire station itself which is estimated at about 8 million in total cost and what we will have is a poock for um Emergency Operations we will have two new fire stations this large 15,000 foot fire station will be our largest that's out on the east side with a particularly growing service area up towards the 75 Corridor and otherwise and it'll give us a police station that's modernized with technology that uh provides uh us the best crime fighting Police Operations training um uh response times and the like so that's what the product is that we would be looking at buying with the all of this issuance of money with that I think I I'm G to turn it over to Julie to give her presentation yeah and I think Miss St Marie can go into some of this when she's up talking about timing you know and that was part of the biggest thing that we've been looking at in all the meetings we've had over the last six to nine months of when is the right time and they came up with to today is the right time not the next meeting or July meeting or that because everything in any type of investment or borrowing is timing so I'd like to make sure we stress that and we have loaded your presentation and CA will bring it up oh excellent and how will Julie go from slide to slide in the drawer in the drawer lift it up perfect it yes okay thanks okay thank you good morning I'm Julie Santa Maria with public financial management y please bring it close to thank you or talk a little louder okay I can talk loud uh thank you Mr Perry uh as he explained we're looking to issue bonds to provide 35 million in new funds for projects and 4.1 million to refinance the CR Series 2011 bonds for Debt Service savings brenon continues to have a very strong financial position and is rated among the highest rating categories the revenue Trends are very strong and the reserve levels are viewed very favorably by the rating agencies as well city has had a low outstanding debt and has used cash to finance projects over the years and due to the long average life of this project it is very prudent to finance uh certain longer facilities over an extended period of time to share the cost over future residents and right now the city has about 26 million in general governmental debt and about 14 million in utilities type debt so total of 40 million did you want to say nope okay doing great all right and this is just a summary of Where the city's ratings are in terms of investment grade categories which are ratings that are Triple B and higher which is typical for most governmental entities as you can see they are extremely strong and as part of this process that middle group of ratings and you see the highlighted or the circled aa1 is the rating that Moody's affirmed for the city's outstanding non-ad valorum debt and assigned for the series 2024 bonds I I just want to interject at this point that um we put assembled a finance team that included Mr Williams as the lead myself um uh Miss sta Marie as as the uh financial advisor and Raymond James as the underwriter we took a very deep dive look on the city's finances both their long-term debt Bond you know obligations debt service requirements coverage ratios a host of other types of things that Bond uh rating gencies Moody's would be looking at we ultimately put that into a package had meetings with the bond rating agency mood Moody's and answered questions from them Heidi did a great job of answering specific questions and Linda and the like and they were very very complimentary of our financial position and condition uh perhaps as you know the highest scale of any local government this side and they made some comments about it and I'm going to turn it back over to Jil to talk about that sure sure some of the strengths that they highlighted were the city's solid financial position supported by strong budget management and the steady source of non-ad valorum revenues some of the challenges that they highlighted were uh below average wealth and income levels which are improving as the city's economic development continues and somewhat elevated pension liabilities which is quite the case for most Florida government cities at least this table shows how the city's ratings have continually improved over time and it's just an excellent Trend to highlight uh to show that you're certainly moving in the the right direction I think we moved up to the able A1 in 2022 from a previous the able A2 rating in 2019 yes and that was on existing debt and the I believe the garage that they did at that time mhm mhm this table highlights the city's outstanding debt and again there's about 21 million in general governmental 4 a. half million in CRA and the 2011 which has outstanding interest rates from 4.25 to 5.125% is the opportunity to refinance for Debt Service savings which we'll be taking advantage of and we would be proceeding with what's called a reimbursement agreement with the CRA which of course you all members of so this debt at least the portion of that 4.1 million will be paid back The Debt Service by um the C paying us instead of the bond holders basically just so that you know it helps us meet the overall service obligations of the debt and I think also some of the people that don't know everything when you're looking at some of these figures and some of these debt that's outstanding some of it is passed through from other entities tdt and different things absolutely it's not all debt on the city Only it's being actually paid through other sources right particularly baseball debt if you look at leom um and and even some pirate City that I think was State supported in the past but it's just ultimately um I think it's 400,000 a year we get might be 410,000 from the TDC that is committed to paying that debt off that's right and that's that first uh issue there the 2012 for M field Le field the debt we're going to pay for the CRA is actually related to Riverwalk one I believe back in 2012 wasn't a 2012 issuance 2011 2011 thank you yep so this provides the detail on the existing annual Debt Service and it shows how it declines over time as your existing debt is paid paid down and we're structuring the new debt to fill in some of that uh further outstanding maturities so that it minimizes the impact on cash flow on your existing or your and your future Reven residents and So based on current market conditions the all-inclusive cost is approximately 4.36% and that's subject to change until we price the savings from refinancing the 2011 bonds are approximately $440,000 and that equates to about 40,000 a year it's not a huge dollar amount but as a percent of bonds refunded it's over 10% and the gfoa recommends a minimum of 3 to 5% to make a refunding economical feasible and this just shows this uh Gold Line shows the new debt uh we'll have interest only for the first few years until the existing debt steps down and then out to 2038 is when that debt kind of levels off this just provides the detail for that slide I know it's difficult to read but just for your backup and to highlight current market conditions on the left shows the tax exempt yield curve where the rates are right now for the debt that we'll be issuing and the gold bars show the range over the past 10 years rates have been extremely low over the past 10 years and then Rose recently as we all know and the dark blue line shows where we are right now so it's more towards the middle of that range not at the highest level but again when you look at 4.36% for 30-year debt historically that's very very good the on the right shows where the taxable interest rates are and highlights that the opportunity you have and you need to maintain those strong reserves but those can be invested at a higher rate than where you're borrowing on a tax exempt and but they're important to keep for hurricanes and other potential needs that that's one of the policy decisions that we wanted to recommend was we like the idea of basically keeping a very high level of Reserve that will provide us a certain degree of liquidity so if there's economic downturn or different types of forces economic forces we could always draw on that liquidity to whether the storm so to speak if there actually is a storm a catastrophic a storm an event such as a hurricane we still have that significant amount of money um to address that U and then lastly I think as Miss St maray pointed out um we it's attractive to uh to borrow at a rate and still maintain that liquidity and things like that and we do earn significant interest on on on that I don't want to get into anything further right there's IRS implications there's a word I won't use but but we've looked at the legality of that right well and one of the things I think that's important for the public to know is we're not um spending for today not worrying about the future we're setting up to succeed for when none of the six of us are up here for that next Council to be able to look back and say wow what they did was good now we can do this so it's not about just you know borrowing in the moment it's about doing it to set it up long term and and I know we can only do oneye budgets but I still am a proponent of what's what's the one year three year five year 10 year so that's looking out to make it better for that next Council and mayor that's sitting up here has to do something and I think if you don't do that you experience what we're experiencing in the public works world to a certain ex extent with infrastructure needs which is you haven't met today's and tomorrow's anticipated needs and so you now have to meet them this year or you know in the short term it cost you more to do it there's a higher demand because you haven't spread it out and and so we're trying to plan for today and tomorrow as you pointed out and that that's the most important thing I think we keep looking forward is how we're planning and all of this does as we're talking about this specific part of things with capital right now we are still working through the capital of all the other infrastructure with this in mind so it's not just saying okay we're going to do this and then oh no what are we going to do with that right it's been a great plan that we're coming up with and I think that needs to be said I agree with because sometimes the propaganda that gets out there says they're short-sighted we are not being shortsighted we're being long-term oriented and handed the deck of cards that we were handed that we're going to we're not going backwards we're looking at the glass is half full while still improving on all aspects of the financial part of our city the first slide that was shown to you showed 25.6 I think million in general uh government debt that is what we're talking about these are basically quality of life of course they're Public Safety but they're also quality of life type projects the other bottom of that was $16 million in outstanding debt I think it was 16 in business activity so what is the city's business activities four Enterprises three primarily which is water sore and solid waste the interesting thing about our business activities is then our Afra from last year our financial statements it showed basically 2022 of generating revenue on the order of I believe it was $41 million and then in 23 recent Acura it showed our business activities increasing to 45 million so in one year if you go from 41 to 45 that's 8% roughly it's a little bit higher than that your business is are doing good your Revenue side looks good and you're right it has to be a balance between these quality of life things that we have to do to run our operations but also the utility services generally and infrastructure that we provide so that our water when we turn it on works and our drains work and we don't have roads that have busted up stuff that and pump stations that we have been working on for years to improve it gets complicated all those guys that came in from Public Works they're the ones that fix it I we saw in here but I'm gonna ask Mr Kramer one quick question since we're talking about this and what we have to spend um you made a statement earlier that when the day we moved into this current one it was basically outdated I don't know how much we were we we'd already outgrown it by outgrown it and that was moving from a shoe box right yeah our um and it was built more of a a business office not a police station absolutely this police station is being built for now shortterm in the future and longterm for our residents and I mean do you see that as a being with your experience I haven't seen enough of the plans to say that but I would certainly hope that anyone doing that on the police department side and certainly anybody in the city right and I know uh wman can probably contribute to that with his long-term experience in the police forces and being around it um I believe if they don't it's a failure on the city's part I'll just put that out there now and and that's a good thing that's why I'm asking it because I know we are and at The Angst of Mr Williams and Mr Perry at times that you know we got to cut cut cut um and not to to to they're looking at the financial part of it and the police department is looking at what can we make sure we don't outgrow it either right away or very shortly but you also don't want to overbuild but you want to set it up to succeed and I know there's been a lot of conversations and I've only been in on a few that you know what's right or wrong but you've got the Police pulling at this side you got the financial pulling at this side and I think we're coming somewhere very good in the middle and you know taking personalities out of it at times that when you look back everybody can go and have a drink together later absolutely great back to sure so the uh the uh requested action is to adopt the bond resolution this details the security and all of the legal and financial Co covenants for the bonds it also delegates authority to the mayor and City administrator to award the bonds approve the terms if certain parameters are met and finalize the the transaction and our proposed timing is to price in June and that's subject to change depending on market conditions and then we would finalize the bond documents after pricing and close in early July questions Miss Moore slated project completion is December of 2025 I believe just so you know project start date closer to the microphone I'm sorry state project completion is uh is uh December of 202 five construction uh approval and start date would probably be we have some preliminary groundwork to do and some other things but I believe in uh in uh the fall of 2024 in about two or three months and and one thing to say and I know you know we're kind of going around things but but part of the uh the um guaranteed maximum price is some of the early items that we want to long-term items we want to purchase so we don't run into like other buildings being delayed and so that's part of all of this Swit GE generators all that stuff that's long lead time items that are T that used to be able to ready on the Shelf because since covid have taken now 18 months to get or different things and we don't want this project to be slowed up yes Miss Moore um thank you I just wanted to make sure I understood I I mean I'm I'm 100% in favor of the projects and moving them along and also borrowing money that ultimately is at a great rate and also potentially helps us uh earn more money I guess you could say increase our our fiscal health I just want to make sure I understand though so we um what revenues are we pledging for this one and it's interest only for 30 years and then what happens uh okay so uh the revenues pledged are non-ad valorum it's a covenant to budget and appropriate from Legally available non-ad vorum revenues which essentially means all General governmental revenues except for prop property taxes because in the State of Florida you're not allowed to pledge those unless you have a referendum so you're flexible to use any legally available revenues to pay for the bonds but that's the security it's very common it's sort of like a a general governmental catch all except for property taxes we don't have any debt that's G we don't have any current debt that's go bonds that's right yeah all that debt is non-ad valorum bonds that's and and you say well what's there other than ADV valorum there's a variety of different sources that we generate revenue from other than just our business operations and utilities and the like and uh that's how we pay what we currently have and that's how we'll pay this and we believe the coverage ratios that's what you typically look at is well how much could you generate and how much coverage does does that produce and the coverage ratios on this issuance is very very healthy yes what are they exactly do you remember are they one no there would be much higher than that um typically for this type of debt the coverage is extremely high because you're you need those expenses to or you need those revenues to pay your general governmental expenses so coverage is typically more uh theoretical for a covenant to budget in appropriate and I think a another way to look at it is so right now with the interest only would only be through 2033 32 so you're adding a additional payment of 1.6 million over your existing debt payments and then that's when the principle would kick in based on the current structure and we may we may change this depending on investor demand and market conditions at the time of sale but then right now in this example it would be principal starting in 33 through the final maturity of 54 any other questions any further comment Mr Perry no no sir St Marine all right Mr Williams anything okay all right so basically the chair will entertain a motion motion to approve resolution 2446 authorizing the issuance of capital Improvement non Ador revenue and refunding bonds series 2024 for amount not to exceed 42 million second all right second any further discussion all right hearing none we will start the vote in Ward five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero thank you s thank you Mr Williams thank you Mr Perry I know that's been a lot of work going into it and making sure that everything is set up long-term for the future not just short-sided to get something done so unfinished business Mr Perry uh I wanted to talk about item 9A which is the agreement for purchase and sale between Tropicana and the City of Bradon what this agreement is is basically a purchase and sales agreement to authorize the payment of $5,250 th000 for two tracks of land totaling approximately I believe it's going to be 3 1 32 Acres 32 acres and some change right they're uh currently used for trailer storage and have been for quite some time on 9th Street um uh 9th Street or right there East N Street East 301 yep in 301 right behind the right next to the Red Barn basically um what that that property will ultimately want we want to use it for is to relocate our public works department basically that will allow us to look look at the city park project and really um redevelop that area of the city um currently Public Works has as you well know a fairly robust uh operation on about 10 acres out out on 9th Street um West and 13th Avenue and of course on 17th we have our Solid Waste we would consider both uh we consolidate I should say both um operations general public works as well as solid waste um they're at that location um at Tropicana we are looking at opportunities to partner with our our friends at manate County uh for the possibility of shared services where we realize economies of scale one example of that is a facility maintenance type of uh facility where we service you know the garages The Bays the lifts the equipment and uh that's where we service a lot of our equip both light and heavy duty equipment um over there and and I think if we do that together we can probably both save a little bit of money both on the construction of some of the infrastructure but also on the overall operations it becomes more efficient well we we um send a lot of stuff out fire trucks different things and if we have an economy of scale in some of those Services we'll be able to do it inhouse get them fixed quicker and also more efficiently in the financial part of things if if again that's a that's the next step obviously an opportunity in discussions we're having right that could come back to this board the purchase and sales agreement contemplates I believe it's a 120 day diligence period Cory is that correct yep um for us to do our D our diligence and so we're going to have to do um environmental ones and perhaps environmentals twos some Geotech because we all find out what's underground from 100 years ago sometimes we don't know about we don't anticipate particular problems out there because it really was never used for heavy industrial use that that we believe um and we've got to do surveys and and uh some other work in that regard it of course is subject to approval from Council the final transaction itself but this is request is to go ahead with the the the pns the purchase and sales agreement basically it's a great site um there's not many other sites of that nature around um we have Parcels on both sides of of 9th Street East the parcel that is on the southern side of it so to speak is fairly narrow but it might be good for different uses um we have to do bulk storage um and a whole host of other types of things and so we look at the acquisition as again an opportunity to uh to move into the future as we had discussed in the last item ultimately the funding will come from a variety of different sources um that are mostly Enterprise funds that have very very healthy um balances right now um and reserves um we will DIY it up between the solid waste um sanitation fund that's proposed in the in the write up um and and also from the water and sewer fund and then also complement it with approximately a million dollars of of General reserves I believe for Public Works itself that is non-utility non-enterprise funded and so we think that's the cleanest way to do it and I believe there is also an access along the railroad tracks from the property along the Red Barn to First Street yes sir there is so you know we when you think about access for our garbage trucks they don't have to go out or any trucks won't have to go out onto 301 or through they'll be able to access along so it's it's a it was kind of one of those sites you look look look for years and I know Mr Callahan was looking and when some things were being talked about but um timing in life is everything and this for Tropicana they wanted to sell it to us not yeah not any other entity because they didn't want just the public entity there and there may be some other opportunities to look at I'm going to put it out there for some other opportunities for some Workforce housing on the property for some of our employees and others absolutely some pretty cool ideas we've been talking about you know because it's big enough to do that so you think about it if we had a Workforce housing there with some of our employees could use and not have to get in the car and they could be right at work so and I just want to also point out that we had the property appraised um and the appraisal came in for the one parcel which was 28 acres and some change appraised at 4.9 million but we thought well while we're there we might as well look at both parcels and we thought obtaining the second one for an additional um $350,000 for four acres was pretty reasonable Miss Barnaby Mr per you may not have uh the exact information on this but I want to get this out into the community uh when we look at our current situation over at Public Works we have the Public Works Annex that I think was a WPA project originally constructed and we currently cannot use the second floor um I'm not sure exactly when the smaller building that was constructed for the Solid Waste Department was constructed but by looking at it and look at looking at the type of materials that were used I'm guessing it was late 50s early 60s I bring this up because I I've seen comments about why why are they looking at moving you know they've got what they need I don't think we do and I think we've got a lot of inefficiencies that are going on I think that uh having a a new building designed for things like Fiber Optic Cables as as well as other things that you need in a modern building these days trying to retrofit that into an old building is as we have found here not a lot of fun to do the Crowley building is like a a visit to the Past it's a beautiful historic build it's not historic but it's a beautiful older building but when you go into the men's laboratory they have like a John that they don't even make anymore from Men's Laboratories you're leaning by that's how old it is and you're standing like this right yeah are collapsing I can't speak to the men's labatory I would hope not nope nope nope there's some opportunity to do some good things with maybe a collaborative with paleta to help save their building as we move forward I think there was a sister facility the Armory over in palow they had the same brick and it was kind of a rare type of brick that was used and some of the Timbers yeah yeah all options this is not just let's go spend money somewhere no I think you saw those folks come in this morning they're pretty hard working they we owe it to them to give them the tools they need and uh I think it starts you know with the facilities and uh and infrastructure questions more um uh I was going to suggest that we if we can Mr will tweak the the extension language a tiny bit and I can let you speak to that but um the second suggestion that I was going to make was that we asked staff to come back before the expiration of the inspection period because that would be basically before money was going hard to let us know so that we can have a an update and potentially a a role in the decision- making process to analyze the due diligence and then say whether or not we should automatically happen yeah that happens it has to come back before council with all the due diligence so we'll have yeah we'll have the environmental reports and and the survey that shows different easements that are on the property there's a railroad track there and different types of things you guys might have concern with for sure but uh but that all has to come back to you anyway this isn't the final approval but but I do have to point out that this language was approved by the board at Tropicana and that is a corporate I don't want to say bureaucracy but it's it's not easy to just change things and this was and and let's put it this way tropicana's first price was a lot more than this and we went back to them and said no and they then they wanted to take out the one side and we said no we want both sides for the lower price and so their board approved it me and Matt Murray Matt Murray is their Chief Financial Officer and and we started with the mayor and then Matt and I worked together real closely and it uh it was a slog at times and he was very very reasonable I thought and and uh we tried to make sure that the purchase and sales reflected that um there was a lot of different things that they we initially proposed and they they uh we were able to work through let's say you know whether it was Cash whether it was going to be payment over time whether it was the whole property or just the single parcel the inspection period itself things like that and you know Matt has a corporate board he has to answer to too when they've approved it Mr rudisel yeah and um and Will Robinson was the one who worked on this in our office and uh and will and I did talk um about uh section 6.2 talks about the the option for the city to extend um that inspection period by an additional 60 days and so um what we had talked about with councilwoman Moore is adding some language there to clarify that that deposit continues to be uh that it does not go hard at that point that it continues to be uh returnable to the purchaser if the contract is terminated during that extended um inspection period so um we do have some language that we can add to that section and I did talk to will about the concern about going back to Tropicana he he thinks it'll be okay if we just write it in and and have you initial it at execution so all right okay nothing further any other questions the only other question I had was um I'm assuming down here in the purchasers costs where it says the issuing the title commitment and policy and I just um the the title's missing out of that uh B4 see the cost of obtaining and issuing the commitment and policy that's for title right yes and we just recently went through this where we were the seller and we paid the title now we're the buyer and we're paying the title I realize it gets negotiated but um I I Manatee County historically was the seller paying title now I wasn't part of all your negotiations but I'm just talking about that I I wasn't part of the negotiations either so I can't I can't speak to that so I don't but but you're right I mean title is something that can be negotiated between the parties so I uh I got them down pretty far yeah from where they were at and so I didn't want to get in the Weeds on on on something like that you very well may be right and I think generally speaking that that's is the way it works you know and and everything but at that point it was like I didn't think I think it was invisible pay we wanted both sides of the road we wanted that extra space for storage so I think it was important and when you're talking about close to seven figures coming down sometimes you have to compromise a little bit on yeah oh I do it all the time I'm just bet you do I hope we go in and you know at least starting on the seller side all right so chair we entertain a motion motion to approve the agreement of purchase and sale between Tropicana Manufacturing Company Inc and the City of Bradenton with the additional language that was discussed in the meeting for the 60 days okay all right is there a second second any other discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes carries five to zero thank you thank you mayor all right any other finish you want to go over Mr I believe that Mr Williams has a a matter to bring up that we have to address can't really read that but sorry about that I think we can enlarge it yeah so um Lance Williams Chief Operating Officer um so what this is is this is a this is a change order um approval for our poock um I'm going to ask for the approval of a 127 $127,900 5.50 um but that doesn't necessarily mean that we're going to use all of that the reason I'm asking for it up front is we're still kind of negotiating some things with the contractor um there were some items that came up that are necessary for this for this public safety Operation Center to be a public safety Operation Center um and so these are these are specific items that we know that need to be addressed and handled and um approved to move forward but you'll see at the on line the section B um there's some question on the contingency whether the contingency is by the uh construction manager or if it's something that the city could use um for the operation so um I'm going to I'm just going to go ahead and ask for the entire amount of 12795 but we'll come back and and present uh you know kind of where we landed after we talked further with the contractor um we're doing all of this kind of this way so this project doesn't stop obviously in a couple weeks we'll we'll be in hurricane season and this was dedicated to a hurricane or any kind of event um that the city would have to respond to and so we wanted to make sure that the the construction didn't stop and so between the city and the contract we agreed that we will continue going and that we'll we'll settle out everything kind of at the end of which then we we'll come back to council with as well so we we would be seeking um a motion to approve authorization for $17,900 5.50 uh in additional um change order items to the pck questions I um Miss Moore thank you um so we it's our position that some of this should be coming out of the contingency yeah we've we've been kind of speaking with the contractor our legal folks our procurement people um about the contingency itself I mean not typically contingency is for cost overruns right um however there's language in the contract that abreg hates that to a certain extent at least arguably and and that's what the they're telling us the the the the contractor um it all being said there's certain things that came up the fire sprinkler system redesign well there there was fire protection in the building but when they went in there to basically modify um to the design uh extension of the fire system they realized that the PVC pipe was was brittle in some cases and you could pressure test it and if it holds it go oh great really the contractor the fire protection contractor is only responsible for what was what was there to what he put in beyond that but we didn't want to be in that situation where we had to go in after the fact and replace it all the way back to the the um supply lines and the like and so this was an upgrade that it was required typically we would hit that within contingency but they're arguing that it's a little bit different and so we need the flexibility to do that on a we we'll resolve it hopefully we won't have to use it I'd imagine we'll use some of it and and and we'll close the project out fairly common um if you look at it as a $3.8 $3.9 million project and you say you know you're getting more than what was initial designed and and it's going to cost you 127,000 your variance is fairly minimal on the overall cost of the project it's not like the $4 million project turned into a $6 million project or anything like that and so you know that we need a little flexibility well you yeah no I'm gonna say it and I just you know we've met with with the uh contractor Tandem and you know a lot of people criticize us for some things that we do around this town at times and pick local developers and he's local from Sarasota well there's some and they're trying to be very politically correct in it but I'm very disappointed in Tandem and I'm just going to say it because of what's going on and what we're doing and I don't know if that's politically correct or not but we have been holding their feet to the fire Mr Williams is doing a great job we do not want to spend $127,000 more dollars but I also don't want this project going dark so we need to keep it moving and and put on Mr Williams and Mr Perry to make sure that it's as minimum as possible that's a maximum price and it we're we're running like a home you know like it was your own home and you're saying hey you said this you said that and there was some things and like with those pipes that's you get into an old home and you think it's working now of a sudden you don't want to be six months later well the pipes are leaking from there back and then it's an issue so that's simple but I think you know you can you can bet that this is being looked at and it's not like a typical government job where oh it's a change order it's a change order and I'm confident on that Miss Coker yeah are these um is this change order are these are the exact costs or are they doubling them or do they have a markup for change orders yeah they have a they have a little bit of a markup um just like they would you know any any contractor willing change words but these are the exact costs with that markup included so it's not they're not going to change unless they go down I mean you know and I'll give you an example of that fire protection system we have had our fire contractor go out there that does our buildings and say is that a reasonable price um Fire Marshall went out there as well both Fire Chiefs yeah both it wasn't just us talking about the contract we had a whole group of people out there well I guess my question okay so like we didn't know up front that we were going to have bathroom and kitchen counters or we needed to add hot water actually the kitchen counters are interesting because it deals with the capacity of the kitchen and we we didn't know at the time time regarding I think it was refrigerator sizes that we were going to need more counter and stuff like that and so so that you know was kind of a a change in the field I guess is best way to put it um there there's other things the dog kennel storage um you know we knew that we were going to have a police presence out there which is fairly significant they're going to have the Traffic Unit out there and um a large evidence storage things like homicide cases that have to be stored for a long time um it provides them that that type of programming capacity and then the the kennel storage for our kin's you know there was additional information some of it's on us I mean it's common that that in a construction project you're going find things out when you're building that you have to change or you want to change and that's what's a lot of this is um the issue is really more what should be within the contingency really and and what should be a true change order but we again as May pointed out we don't want the project going dark and and I don't think it will don't get me wrong but but I think this basically will give us the flexibility to finish up and it is expected to be finished um in Fairly short order probably a couple months um early August early August yeah um one of the things that's very important is the structural Integrity of a of an emergency Operation Center so so in order to hit um wind speed and uplift they had to get into the walls their conqu um block walls and the engineering guys say that so you can't have more than 24 in that in a concrete block wall that isn't reinforced with filled concrete and rebar in it that's drilled into the foundation of the facility Well when they initially did their um penetrating radar test they thought these channels were going to be compliant as it turns out it wouldn't give us the the Cat 4 type capacity that we wanted there unless we did these reinfor improvements and so we argue with them well you should have known that and back and forth and but we're we're dealing with that issue too um you know I like I say I don't build them I just fly them and and I didn't build that building you know and so I don't know what the as builts look like because I don't think they were I mean it was built by the Red Cross initially Miss Moore um I and I'm not putting this on you all I I appreciate that um that you're doing the best you can to deal with them um I I am finding myself a little irritated as well because that's why yes you can't anticipate everything but that's why you have a contingency and so this ni it feels like I'm being nickel and dimed not only that but I can't even have the benefit of having these negotiations in private I have to stand here and say that I don't want the project to go dark and so I I feel like I just want to put out a call to people that we engage with that um I think this is unacceptable I think that you should honor the contingency and that we shouldn't be face with this decision of whether to give up on a project that is about to be completed in August or being you know forced to agree to something because we're so close to the finish line so I just think it should be known out there that even though we want the project to remain viable and not stall I think people that we work with and engage with should know that it's not going to be an automatic I guess you get this I share your frustration and I really do and and I think quite honestly at your level as a policy maker an elected official I I I I I definitely share your frustration but being careful of of of of how you say things and what you say uh you meet with a lot of other local officials these people do a lot of government work um sometimes I share my experiences with some people we work with with other people that do the same kind of work I do and when word gets around about that kind of thing usually uh um you know at that point it's they have to make business decisions and this is something that up to this point I'm not particularly comfortable with the way it was done and how these things are being addressed and who the project manager is and a host of other things those are truths that I believe I can talk to other people when they say what was your experience and and we've had moving on because we can keep going down this path because we've had that meeting and I was in on that meeting and I believe that if there would have been other relationships we wouldn't be talking about this right now so we've got to remember that going forward you know so unfortunately we get criticized for a lot of things that we wouldn't be having the discussion right now if we were in a different light so so all right I will say I need a motion did we have the motion and we're in this no I don't no we didn't get a motion on that one it was the other one so I need a motion to approve up to the 12 7,95 50 read it yeah read the not to exceed but hopefully to under exceed so is there a motion put my councilwoman Coachman second by Coker yeah all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in W two [Music] great yes three yes four yes yes five yes one yes carries five to zero everybody said it no um anything else Mr Williams on this F A don't ask no I'm uh I'm good I can tell you one one thing I think you guys all know me by now I'm pretty stingy with the city's money so it's it's been a battle and it'll continue to be a battle until I feel that we're in a good place so and I've been there and I've had the help of Mr Perry Mr Rudell and John tody who's our project manager so we're we're and mayor and mayor exactly so we're we're cring them together so but all right Council reports it's number five today to start out oh ah well lots of things are going on in war five um the one thing I will say is that love Park is on its way um has all the old stuff is down and we're just moving forward um War is alive thank you word one yeah um I just want to wish everybody a happy and safe Memorial weekend um but I hope while we're all enjoying the weekend with our family that we have a deliberate effort to remember that our freedom was not free and that it was paid for with the lives of many so please celebrate and be be grateful vice mayor I'd like to remind everyone that school is quickly coming to an end and so you're going to see more kids probably out on motorcycles and scooters and bicycles and all sorts of things so let's just keep an eye out congratulations to all of the classes in the city of Bron for the class of 2024 those young graduates and how proud their parents must be and uh just to remember continue to make them proud and to uh Echo the sentiments that um my esteemed colleague in Ward one just said yes it is Memorial day but there's there is a reason that we have it on the calendar and it's not just to have sales thank you Mr Mr gmer thank you or barbecues uh I was going to end with that but since you all talked about it um in Israel they pause and show on TV all a scroll of all the Fallen Soldiers and actually Terror victims every year and it's a somber remembrance and I wish that we sort of had something to that degree I think it's uh a lot of times we celebrate a little bit more than we should for things like that um I would like to also congratulate all graduates um it's an exciting time out at St Stevens right now um I actually got to speak to the fourth grade classes yesterday yester about my uh service on city council and I'd like to thank uh Miss sunser Miss S Mrs W wer tough name and um actually Little James who was like a little mini mayor with all these little questions uh I should bring him up here as mayor for the day just because he was uh he's I told him get older and take my seat please uh because he had all kinds of little questions but um it was interesting to tell him about what what we do and it was about you know revenue and compromise and you know recognizing employees all the different things we get to do as council members it was little microcosm before we did it today so it was very nice very proud day thank you Miss bar yes uh when councilman Kramer said this it reminded me there is something that can be done um on Memorial Day that Monday at 3 p.m. your local time there are literally thousands of people that will participate by either playing taps or playing Taps on their phone um coming together to remember oh thank you 3 o' 3 o'clock thank you for that no matter where you are Miss Moore um I too wanted to say thank you um to um not only our our our service people but also their families because they had to deal with the sacrifice um I wanted to say really super quickly that I went to the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council uh Summit and um actually the best part I thought was the awards ceremony at which Manatee County did receive an award for their work on their um not going to get the name right but it's the I want to say doodo I'm spacing out on the project they just completed to say there's like turtle habitats I am not doing this Justice I should have written it down but in any event seeing um all of the board recipients I think that we have many projects going on that we I think we would we could put our name in for some of our things as well um so just saying that and then also I was going to say thank you to Mr Perry for helping me organize the city tour for the mannasota league of cities um councilwoman Koker went um a couple I guess a year or so ago and now it's going to be our turn to showcase our wonderful City and I'm excited about that um I did take some of your feedback from your attendance uh to try to incorporate it and I just wanted to let you all know I'm sure that staff is going to be reaching out but um this is not to pressure you but it's just an invitation so to the extent that you would like to present on the tour or be involved on it or attend it or any part of it um I just wanted you to know that from the horse's mouth that I am appreciative of any time you guys would like to give but you don't I'm not trying to pressure you to do it but you're more than welcome to participate will it be noticed yeah what's that we would need we would need to have it noticed oh yes that is true um looking okay M yes MH yes uh the dates that were suggested to me were September October and I was thinking of Friday just for people seem to be able to better you know maybe leave the other job or whatever Friday seem easier um yeah so if there's something you know of course Lewis Park comes to mind pck uh was a great addition um so so if there's something that you want to highlight and showcase I think that would be fantastic so um and then the last thing I was just going to suggest while we were you know every time that we have these heavy agendas that include a lot of land use I always think about doing something more comprehensive and so I know we have ordinances you know I know I know that planning is working on that but I'm wondering if we want to have a workshop or something to maybe go over the visioning and also to have that conversation of what do we want to see where so that we don't because I feel like we're kind of Reinventing that wheel every time a specific person comes to us and then I always start going down the hill of worrying about you know to your point about time opening and that sort of thing I'd rather that we were just a little more consistent so I think that um if we want to get in on the conversation with each other planning I was just going to throw out there I know it's summer but maybe another Workshop yes we've have been looking Mr per and I have been looking at workshop dates for and also some maybe special meeting dates but obviously we set up our calendar to have the June 12th meeting and then July meeting where people could take a break in between so especially um people with kids and time and stuff so that's want just want to be a or none of it what's a break I know I said stuff yeah stuff so anyway now that's that's I got my res I have my plane reservations um so anyway um going through that yeah just obviously there's a lot of Memorial Day events on Monday at different places and we have ours downtown right by on the Riverwalk area that'll be at nine o' and I'm I'm very fortunate to be able to be introducing our keynote speaker and mayor Shirley groover Bryant which as we all know mayor Bryant is retiring you know not rerunning and and so you know anytime I can celebrate her for what she's done for for not only City of Palmetto over all the years but also Manatee County and being involved a great great lady and going to be greatly missed in the part of Engagement but she's not going anywhere in the community so I'm I'm proud to be able to do that when they asked me I said heck yeah and um just remembering all the people I have an uncle on that wall from Vietnam that you know does get emotional when you get there but you know just thanking everything that everybody's done for what they've done and and those of us that that would have served but we fortunate of not to have to at that time because there was nothing going on when I was there but I first thing I did when I turned 18 was signed up for the selective service because you had to but I wanted to and then nothing ever happened went to college but but just celebrate that day for those that that gave the ultimate sacrifice while we're doing it and then just to thank all of our staff we had some great things code enforcement in today Public Works and obviously a great retirement you know from the fire Department after 30 years and and and he made it me proud to be where the sit I'm sitting in and sitting with the colleagues and all the administration we have here with what he said that in his 30 years the things are going better than they've ever gone that he's seen and and you take out the politics part of it and you look at just the administrative part of it the city part of it the day-to-day operations that's what it's about you know it shouldn't be about what bickering we're having up here which which hasn't been here the last couple years I mean we can agree to disagree at times but you still do what's good of the whole and that wasn't done always in the past it was good of a one and and now that's gone so I just appreciate huh you're welcome you think perfect everybody no but just thank you to everybody and I know in in a lot of departments especially planning right now there's a lot going on um you're being tasked with a lot but you know that's why you get paid the big bucks and I think I think you like you I think you like challenges sometimes um but when we can make a challenge better you know and I know uh deputy chief is here today filling in for Melanie Chief bevon which is having her father's final committal service today so keep everybody in her prayers um our prayers for her and so we appreciate you being here and uh I know we're meeting later today task you with a lot of information and there was more that came out yesterday last night in Hillsboro County I don't know if you can pull that up before our 4:00 meeting but um was a big thing on the news last night in Hillsboro County so we want we want to keep our city safe and it's going to be important to keep managing that way and we don't want it to be a police force we want or a police state we want it to be a normal place so thank you any department heads mayor if I could just point out um as we talk about graduations we have a uh an assistant chief in the back from a fire department Brian Ken who is a new Master's level in management uh from the University of Florida graduate so good for you Brian oh and I was fortunate enough just to say this since University of Florida came up was fortunate enough had to bring it up to be walking in an airport and look at my wife and say you know who that is behind us and she looks goes oh hi Mr TBO how are you oh my go um and I found out something that is great for Manatee County 1995 one of our great football players Tommy Frasier was at Nebraska playing Florida in the 95 National Championship and Tommy Frasier was a one-man Wrecking Crew against the Gators that year that beat the Gators in the national championship well I mentioned to Mr TBO that I was from Bradenton Manatee city of Bradenton and did mention you know so he'd remember you know the mayor of Bradington all done all the stuff with the football stadium and he said I was 8 years old and I cried a lot at that game and he said number 15 he said the reason he wore number 15 is because he wanted to be just like Tommy Frasier so you don't know the impact of what we have on children with what we do and you know I just thought that was cool that Tim TBO one of the best probably ambassadors for not only sports but also just in religion and everything else in his whole life you know with some of the things you're seeing on TV now you don't want to be associated with him but but to say that he followed somebody from our town in the you know and Tommy Frasier is a great guy and a great Ambassador for what has happened in his life but that was just pretty darn cool that he wore number 15 because of Tommy Frasier in an experience so if there's nothing else from any department heads anybody all right we'll be adjourned thank you