appreciate if you'd uh make sure that your cell phones are is introduce our mayor for a day um a while back we worked with some of the schools and and still would do this you know they do a little bit of a fundraiser for their different eight or they uh ptas or or those situations PTO and anything we can do to to let young people get a little bit more involved in government we're gonna and today we have Bennett Fenton with steuart Elementary that their family want we can clap for him let's give him a clap six years old six going into what grade so he's six years old getting ready to start first grade in a couple weeks are you excited yes all right good got family out there so we'd like to to welcome Bennett and obviously we're going to go through a a filled meeting today which we had probably about six seven weeks off which was a good break for everybody but you know I know the staff was working hard through the whole thing and kept going the whole time so um we appreciate that but at this time we'll ask Pastor Sam rer with West Braden Baptist Church to come up and give us our invocation and our pledge thank you for this opportunity to pray Heavenly Father you tell us in your word that we should pray for our governing authorities you also tell us that if we want wisdom we should ask for it so God on behalf of this great city the city that I know that everyone in this room loves Lord I ask for your wisdom for the city council that through this wisdom you will bless our community Community I thank you for this opportunity to be a part of today I also ask for your blessings upon our mayor for the day we thank you for him as well lord it's in Jesus's name I pray amen amen thank you and we ask your mayor for the day to lead us in the pledge so put your hand over your heart iedge alance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you may be seated we're going to call the meeting to order hit it hard twice all right great job all right and and and when we look out here today and obviously having our here for the day um it's good to see everybody out there smiling looking at um at Bennett and what we're going through so uh you know some of the things that we think are important every day in what we do and and obviously every issue to you is important as well is to this whole Council and staff at the city so thank you for that and we will get started Madame clerk the first item on the agenda is 4A it is a public hearing for resolution 2457 a resolution of the city of brenon Florida relating to the issuance by Orange County Health Facilities authority of its revenue bonds for the benefit of Presbyterian retirement communities Inc and certain other corporations affiliated with it pursuant to an existing interlocal agreement with the city of Bradenton and other public bodies granting host approval pursuant to the Internal Revenue code and providing for an eff date okay do we have staff that's going to present on this Mr Perry mayor thank you uh Mr Rudell and myself had had some discussions yesterday with the uh the applicants on this this is a pretty much an issue that allows Westminster to issue bonds under a uh state law basically where the in the Partnerships with various cities Westminster of course is out of I believe Orange County heny City the connection to the Orange County Health Facilities Authority in the resolution itself um what it is is for the refinancing refunding and the like of capital projects I think it's important to Clearly say this is not to fund any expansion of uh the Westminster project that is here in Bradington and representatives from Westminster Mr Dy and I believe other representatives are here to explain further their application okay so I think something important you said Mr Perry there's been no no agreements or things that went through this Council yet to approve any future projects this is a process that starts that gets to see they would see if they get their funding then if they come to the city council with the project then it would be vetted at that time and decided if it would go forward or Not by city council yes sir and this funding is not related to that project is related to other projects and uh we have we do this periodically when they go to the market to basically recapitalize the money they put out over years to do Capital Improvements at the entirety of their their their facilities throughout the state uh of Florida within the purview of the Orange County health facility Authority um it's important to to note that there has been um application sought for uh different zoning a text Amendment and a comp Amendment comp plan Amendment as well but that has been removed and it is completely unrelated to this issue okay so um we would ask the app since that's the staff report we'd ask the applicant to come forward if they prefer to and give sign of an update and then we have we'll open the public hearing and you may also want to hear from Mr rudisell Mr Mayor the only thing I was going to add was just to make it clear this is not an obligation of the city the city is essentially a a sponsor here um for this so there there's no debt that's being incurred by the city with this negatively or positively correct good morning please state your name and address for the record good morning this is Steve D am the attorney for Westminster uh thank you for having us first on your agenda appreciate that um with me is Hank Keith who's the CFO for Westminster uh he can uh do a short explanation of what these tea hearings are all about thank you Steve good morning everyone I am the Chief Financial Officer I've been with the organization for 32 years I've been this Council once or twice during that time so uh part of this is to refinance our 2014 bonds uh you might ask why would you refinance Bonds in a market that's interest rates have been going up uh basically we're taking out 20 and 30y year bonds and and financing them at 10e rates so that'll save our residents about $10 million we're also refinancing our Lakeland Community bonds at the same time uh that will save them about $3 million going forward and during this time we're also going to borrow additional $50 million for that uh $8 million will be spent here in Bren for sewer Stacks a lovely topic um at the Shores Building the 11 story and 13 sets of stacks it's about $8 million to replace that and some other minor improvements but any there is no money being used for any new development in Bren at Point Pleasant or the maner now whatsoever the rest of the funds will be used probably in St John's County and Orange County uh for for a cultural enhancement uh Learning Center for our residents and new units in St John's County to an existing campus is where the bulk of those funds will be spent we do maintain our a minus rating uh we started here in Brandon I don't know if you knew that back in 1953 so we're 70y old company and yes we have 70y old buildings still up and running so it requires a lot of sewer Stacks I take any questions you might have and we just had a great celebration of your anniversary and it was very uh enlightening to kind of hear the history and what you did and then also what you did to help your organization did to help the trailer park or mobile home park I don't want to say it wrong today but manufactured manufactured homes that um was able to owners were able to buy it which was the largest mobile home park in the world by the Kanas owned and so that helped them be able to purchase it from the kuas which put a lot more money into the number one Kanas club in the world right here in Bradenton to give back to the children in the community so it was it was definitely an honor to be at that and and hear those great stories so well thank you for appreciate you guys for being here all right so um any questions by the council nothing okay pretty straightforward all right um thank you thank you so Mr rudisell it' be time now to go to the public hearing yes Mr okay thank you um benett you want to hit that for me at this time we'll open the public hearing and I do have uh a couple of cards but then after that we'll open it up to anyone else so the first one will be Donna Mathias good morning please state your name and city of residence Donna Matias Bradon Florida good morning I'm glad to be able to speak to you today I appreciate westminster's clarification of uh this 2457 because that is one reason I am here to speak to you I felt like the language in 2C was a little vague and I did give you information surrounding what they are proposing in the future because I do think that is important for you to know what is happening um section four of this resolution um indicates that um um there is no issues with our infrastructure this states that there will be no impact to the services the city provides you should know that currently Point Pleasant residents have sustained multiple cases in which the sewage has backed up into homes and the first floor of condos when work is being done in the First Avenue West 16th Street West area this past December and January the road was torn up and worked on and work was done to the sewage when that happens the odor is unbearable we can even smell it at our swimming pool in our condo complex for the residents and according to my neighbors it backs up into their homes the road has been torn up and opened a multip on multiple occasions over the past couple of years due to sewage issues from where I live I can see the 15th Street pumping station being pumped out or worked on frequently sewage that seeps into the Manatee River because our pumping stations can't handle what they are currently getting much less the impact of more Construction in addition to the sewage the wear and tear on our residential Road leading to Point Pleasant will increase dramatically we already get large tractor trailers and have to maneuver the road to get to Westminster at River Oaks we see vehicles with trailers who drive through our parking lot so they can get a straight shot down 16th Avenue so 16th Street so they don't have to maneuver that challenging turn um section four doesn't take into into account the real Financial impact to the residents who live in Point Pleasant and the financial impact it will have on City resources but signing off on this resolution you are stating that there currently are no issues with infrastructure in The Point Pleasant neighborhood I've got to know you over the past couple of years and I honestly don't know how you can in good conscience sign off on this with that however I will state after hearing what Westminister said and based strictly that this is not for the proposed um expansions that they are doing um I of course prepared this based on what I knew at the time so um but I do think it's important for you to know that we do have these issues in Point Pleasant they do need to be addressed and it's been going on way too long thank you thank you next we have I believe Henry Keith is it Henry Keith I just spoke okay that's oh that was you not a separate thing all right so um is there any other public that wishes to speak any other public that wishes to speak any other public that wishes to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing thank you um any council members yes vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor Mr Perry um we discussed section four when we had our meeting and I know that the city is doing its due diligence by having a capacity study done for projects that we are looking at doing has Westminster done a capacity study at this time I mean do they have one to bring forward Westminster in point microphone Westminster in Point Pleasant has not conducted a conditioning capacity study but this is not an expansion and so it's existing uh uh residential units number of occupants and and ultimately same capacity uh if they were adding another building they would need additional capacity and the like and so I don't think it's necessary for this particular project of basically uh shore shore stacks on on their building um as we move forward as Miss Maas has pointed out I think it's important to recognize that LT Station 8 which of course is on the manate River on 15th Street has been a problem it needs to be relocated for multitude of reasons we made significant investments into interim improvements including uh expansion and and remodel uh of the deep deep wet well is what it's called the bottom of it the valves the pumps and other components of it however it's called list Station 8 because it's the eighth oldest list station in in the city of Bradenton out of 64 lift stations and ultimately we estimate the cost to relocate that um and it's on our our Capital plan to do um to be in about a six to7 million range um we will the good news is once it is relocated the capacity for that sorage um sanitary soar and Forest Main and the collection system related to it will be increased significantly um right now there's a a host of problems with both the collection system because it is one of the older parts of town it's one of the low-lying parts of town and it's subject to a lot of inii infiltration and inflow uh what particularly during rainy seasons and so we have to kind of Patchwork it and have done that for quite some times it is aged infrastructure it does need to be repaired there will need to be a capacity and condition uh study when there's an application for uh further development at that area if and when yes anyone else Council MC Kramer thank you uh I had the same question uh that Mrs Barnaby did and I think we discussed that at our meeting um my guess is and this is for the Westminster folks what you're looking to do to replace their right now with the sewer Stacks is going to be a more efficient process for hopefully whatever we have coming through that system right now uh as for what's down the road that's a different vote but for this it is in uh May mayor council Kramer I think it's important for the community and I appreciate their concerns about the infrastructure we're very concerned about it as well um it's very expensive obviously as I said you know $6 to 8 million for the list station itself but water Distribution Systems them themselves has been um a problem down there because they're older pipes some of them are clay pipes and the like and it's fairly sizable uh area of linear fee to replace if Westminster was to apply for expansion and Redevelopment of the area uh it would be reasonable after the condition and capacity study to say we need additional capacity the condition needs to be upgraded we need to have you contribute to doing that and we often do that with developers and so one way to get their problem fixed is to get the money for it and one way to get the money for it is to consider the overall upgrade to the general area all the way to list Station 8 and and relocating it and the the adjacencies of the collection system and and manholes and a host of other things that go with it thank you yes as a resident Point Pleasant I share Miss Matias and a lot of residents concerns with uh anything there involving the pipes on First Avenue and so thank you all right uh just to to make some comments on my part and and obviously I'm in here more daytoday talking with Mr Perry and talking about our 64 lift stations that we deal with on a constant basis it's one of the things that that's important to remember and and I know I've talked with Dave tomasco to Sarasota Bay about a lot of the different options that we have with what what's happening in our bays and our rivers and and what's going on and and um you know the II which is very important that we're working on in lining the the pipes and making them better but it's also about when you do have some development come in let the development help update and upgrade some of our systems which is very important that we work with them and help them do that and you know we we all never get exactly what we want in anything but if we can work through the process and I know we talk about it quite often Mr Perry about getting the lift stations off the river and we don't know what the reason that they thought those were the best places when they did it a lot of years ago but obviously we know today that wasn't the best place to put those and and we know from the past that was not maybe um had a good plan we talk about plans every day and processes going forward how we set us up to succeed and the biggest thing we know is a lift station that cost six to7 million today we were banking on four years ago maybe it cost two to three million so you know some of those things and some of the monies that we've went out to try to do some of that has now basically cut in half what we can do with uh some of our revolving loans and things that we've been planning and and one of the things that Mr Perry and I talk about quite often and and with Mr Williams is face it and fix it and even though it's something that we didn't maybe create as much we are going to face it and fix it and that's very important and if we have development out there that's willing to help us face it and fix it we're going to see if it's worth is the juice worth the squeeze so I think that's important to remember today is a little bit different than maybe what you thought and you know and I know some things were up on the earlier agenda but some of the other things that might end up helping in the future will will be good for neighborhood but again we have to see that first we have to say it so um chair we'll entertain a motion at this time I'll make a motion okay motion to approve resolution 24- 57 and is there a second second Miss Coachman okay all right we've had discussion any further by the council hearing none we'll start the vote and W two yes three yes four yes five yes one yes carries unanimously thank you and thank you for everybody coming that's concerned in that um Madame clerk the next item on the agenda is 6a it's a presentation from Dr David tomasco for a state of the bay welcome Dr Tasco and we appreciate you coming and and always giving uh kind of the updates and where we are and again this is a very important issue not only for the whole city in particular one area that's that's very important to keep an eye on yes um yes and thank you uh Mr Mayor members of the council for the record my name is Dave tamasco I'm the director of the Sarasota Bay a program resident of paletto um so um I'm going to go through this present last time I was here we talked about pomola Bay and horses and bacteria uh this time uh the request was for a broader presentation about the bay as a whole so that's what we're going to do uh but if you have any specific questions please feel free to ask them so uh I don't ever start off with water chemistry uh we will uh but uh we first off talk about why a healthy Bay is important it's important to our quality of life here this is a water Centric economy if you would and this is what maybe not what you do for uh weekends but it's what a lot of your constituents do which is go out to the Bay throw out an anchor stand around in a waste deep water catch fish people don't want to have the smelly algae wrapping around themselves their kids they want to be able to see their feet so that is uh important to our quality of life healthy Bay is also important to our economy there's at least 20,000 jobs that are associated with Bay related activities from commercial fishing Village at Cortez there's not many of them left in Florida recreational fishing guides the waiters and waitresses and bartenders and restaurant owners the people that rent you out jet skis the folks who take you out Paras sailing uh folks who work in bait shops uh 20,000 jobs so also a property value uplift we estimated in 2017 that proximity to the Bay added about $3 billion to your tax roll so your ability to pay for police and fire and Public Schools is a function of people wanting to pay more to live on the water and we know that that goes down if you're around polluted water with fish kills and red tide in fact we know that red Tides which humans don't cause but we cause to be worse can depress property values during a red tide event 20 to 30% up to mile Inland so I don't know how many of you are realtors but I know Jane who's on my board is one how easy is it to sell a house during a red tide of so not easy and remember we've had red tide events have lasted more than a year 2017 into 2019 um so it's also important uh that we have a lot of habitats that depend upon good water quality so the picture on the right is mangr mangr do an awful lot of good things for us help protect shorelines place for birds place for oysters to attach they help uh to actually improve water quality by being a place for attachment for oysters on the left hand side is seagrass meows and you see that school of fish above it and not by chance alone seagrass Meadows an acre of seagrass houses about 40,000 fish that's the state of Florida's uh estimate and it offsets the carbon emissions from an an acre will offset the carbon emissions of a typical car so seagrass meows do a lot of good stuff for us but they will disappear if the water quality doesn't uh stay uh adequate uh there's also other reasons Manti it's our state mammal and we've lost 20 to 30% of the Statewide man population over the last four years mostly from starvation Indian River Lagoon because they've lost 90 95% of their seagrass meows because of uh water quality problems so that's the cutest picture in the world but those manties are being bottle-fed because their M starve to death in the Indian River Lagoon that's why they're being bottle fed by Volunteers in Orlando so uh to track how we're doing this Bay we have a report card we go above and beyond what we're required to do by the state of Florida or the feds and we actually include measurements of nitrogen and chlorophyll chlorophyll is a measure of how much algae is in the water if you want your lawn to look green add nitrogen to your lawn if you want your Bay to look green add nitrogen but we don't so we want to keep nitrogen and the amount of algae in the bay under control we also measure seagrass Meadows they're mapped every two years by the Water Management District and then we use volunteers who trained by ourselves to measure the amount of algae that's floating around under the bottom of the bay if you remember the lingo type algae from a couple of years ago after Pony Point how bad it smelled we quantify that at hundreds of spots every year in Sarasota Bay using volunteers and then we come up with a scoreboard and report card and the Bluer and and green colors the cooler colors mean healthy conditions yellow is caution red is like stop stop what you're doing something's going wrong so we compare Bay segments not against each other because palas Sola Bay is not supposed to look like the regular part of Sarasota Bay and little sarasa Bay is not supposed to look like Blackburn Bay but we compare each Bay segment against what it was like doing what we call a reference period which was 2006 to 2012 so let's look at what the scores look like so cooler colors represent healthier conditions so 2006 2012 this was a healthier Bay we had less nitrogen we had less algae in the water we had less macro algae we had a 28% increase in cigarett coverage we're not trying to get Sarasota Bay to be like what it was in the 1800s or the 1950s we don't know what it was like we don't have data but we know it was a healthy system back then and then the next seven years we call the degraded period which actually is mostly in the lower part of the bay and we'll talk about the reasons why it shifts into yellow and actually our worst years were 2018 2019 remember that's when we had a onee long red tide uh that was uh really dramatic in the upper part of the bay but it was only about a year it wasn't a continued uh problem but in lower part of the bay we had seven years of bad water quality we'll talk about why that happened but in the more recent years we've actually been seeing uh uh trends of improvement so we've been telling people about you know this is actually uh kind of three periods if you would uh healthy unhealthy and then it looks like recovering uh water quality across our systems and we think the main reason why is baywide our nitrogen loads were 20% higher during that degraded period of time mostly because of Wastewater so face it and fix it that's the reason why we're actually seeing the recovery is because that is happening because our Wastewater infrastructure is the number one reason why why we had that degraded condition for those seven years aging infrastructure for the collection Everyone likes to talk about waste water treatment plants and they're really important but how that waste water gets to the plant is a big issue because you can overload a wastewater treatment plant with too much inii and that's what's happening across across our region so um we compared nitrogen loads and we basically said we need a 20% reduction uh our model told us that's 12 tons can we come up with 12 tons of nitrogen load reduction projects and actually those are two categories we can act upon that we have actually acted upon and so one of the reasons why we think this recovery is kicked in is because we've actually acted upon the big nutrient loading sources and achieved that so we think that we're on our way to get back to that healthier condition that we had just about 10 15 years ago so uh some recent good news uh we just showed you our interpretation of the bay getting better now we're going to show you what the state of Florida said um no part of the open Waters at Sarasota Bay are in violation of their numeric nutrient criteria that's not the case in Tampa Bay that's not the case in aanti River that's not the case in Lemon Bay or Charlotte Harbor certainly not the case in biscane Bay we have met all our water quality requirements in this Bay and those criteria weren't set in Tallahassee or DC they were set by the estr program 10 years ago and then we failed them and now we don't and so this is the reason why we're no longer considered impaired it's not a bureaucrat who don't want to work this is data so this shows the amount of algae in four different parts of the bay Sarasota Bay Roberts Bay little Saray Blackburn Bay that's a decline of more than 50% there's a lot less algae in the water in Sarasota Bay and that's the reason why we're determined to be improved enough that we're not considered to be impaired for nutrients this is a good thing it's a big deal for us and we're very proud of it that's not because of the drought in 2023 because this data doesn't go into 2023 it ends in 2022 and that was the year we had hurricane Ian so despite the impacts of hurricane Ian we had the best water quality we've had in the last 10 15 years so in all of Southwest Florida Big Stretch there's only 10 water bodies that are delisted for nutrients we have half of them here in Sarasota Bay this isn't a regional phenomenon driven by drought this is local investments in Wastewater and storm water that made this Bay better all right this is the last one this is the most complicated one but I can walk you through this this is basically a third party who looked at our situations and the first thing to note is the bottom scale is year the blue box is the reference period the yellow is that kind of like a degraded period and the purple is what we call the the improving period um we have a lot of different variables that we can measure we measure the organism that gives you Red Tide we measure nutrient concentrations we measure the amount of algae they all have different units milligrams per liter micrograms per liter cell counts per liter but we found a technique that allows us to compare all of those things on one scale by looking at how different it was from the reference period so when those curves go up like they're going up there that means that is uh above and beyond what you'd expect in a reference period and you'll see that multiple Peaks there occurring in that yellow time period this is the third party investigation that found yeah there's a lot of things that went bad during that seven years more nitrogen more inorganic nitrogen more alzen and water and more red tide more red tide because we're making red tide worse by human activities but notice how they start going down all right now the next thing is see those Dash bars that go up the scale on that is on the right hand side and 1 E8 is scientific notation for 100 million gallons these are Wastewater overflows that have occurred in our Watershed there were five overflow events of over a 100 million gallons there were three of them over 200 million gallons we had over a billion gallons of Wastewater treated and untreated but not able to be discharged into the bay that came into the bay anyway because of our aging infrastructure that green line that goes up that's cumulative Wastewater discharges it looks like it ends at the end of the yellow it doesn't have to that's just the percentage of the flows across that entire period but you see it hits 100% so we're still having overflows you guys have had a million gallons of overflows but we had a billion gallons of overflows that occurred in that time period and now we don't and that's the main reason why our water quality is improving is we got that nutrient load under control so this is the reason why our Bay is getting better $25 million spent by the man County to upgrade their nutrient removal technology for their wastewater treatment plant a million dollar on the Hudson B Sarasota County uh stormr retrofit that treats 800 acres uh $250 million being spent by Sarasota County it's by far the largest Capital Improvement project in their history because they were the biggest problem the vast majority of that billion gallons came from that plant bidge and now it doesn't happen anymore uh $3 million for a retrofit of Bobby Jones Golf Course uh which treats over 5,000 Acres of urban stormwater runoff and then we've got a bunch of projects that doing habitat restoration we'll talk about next so we're seeing evidence that the water quality is allowing the bay to recover picture on the left is our colleague from the Water Management District swimming over a be area and all that dark that's around there that's all seagrass and that didn't come back because anyone planted it it came back on its own when the water quality got better cuz pollutant loads came under control picture on the right is our colleagues from FWC who are holding three anyone know what those are fish ju damn this a juvenile gag grouper if you like to eat grouper or you like to buy grouper in a restaurant you catch them offshore in a Gulf of Mexico but they are their early life history stages are in places like Sarasota Bay so we're creating habitat for things that people like to eat and that's an important part of this recovery but as good news as we have we don't want it to slip away so we're trying to make sure that doesn't happen by taking into account future complications we're going to continue to grow our infrastructure is aging we have to keep on top of that but also we are in the early stages of a changing climate it just is and there are evidence around it we're not going to talk about fancy models or reports we're going to show you data this is the trend of air temperature at Sarasota uh that goes back 120 years each of those boxes is the monthly average temperature compared against the average temperature for the years 1900 to the year 2000 so the prior centuries average temperature and if your month is exactly the average it's a clear box if it's blue that means it's cooler if it's yellow moving to Brown it means it's warmer and what we're seeing is it's just warmer we used to average two to three freezing temperatures per year in Sarasota how many freezing temperatures have you had in the last decade you know people remember putting sheets out on your vegetation doesn't happen that much anymore it is just not getting as cold anymore and that is the reason for the expansion that we're seeing in sea level so sea level the average temp the average rate of sea level rise is about an inch a decade probably for the last 5,000 years the last 20 years is 3 in a decade so it's not several feet but it's about 6 in of last 20 years if that keeps up at the next 30 Years that means in the year 2050 the average sea level will be what today's high tide is and high tide will be 9 in stacked on top of that and what that causes is the sort of problem that you've been aware of and working on such as at Riverview Boulevard so this is Riverview Boulevard at 22nd Street I know a lot of you guys know this this isn't rainfall this is Blue Sky flooding this is high tide with a full moon or a new moon and this is happening not just in uh braon but it's also happening in uh longbo Key Village it's happening in gulport it's happening in Shore Acres a big time in Sarah in Tampa Bay area um warm air and warm water those are fuel uh if you've ever heard in tropical St and hurricanes called a heat engine what it means is it's like any engine you take one form of energy turn into another they're taking the thermal energy of warm moist air warm water and they turn into mechanical energy but it doesn't drive your car down the road it creates wind and waves and we are seeing an increase in the intensification and an increase in the most damaging forms of storms uh that's occurring over the last couple of decades the reason why we care about that in a bay is look what storms and hurricanes due to our Bay's water quality this is in uh Blackburn Bay after Hurricane e came through this water did not smell good it was full of dead fish it was full of bacteria for about a month but it was only a month and because a cleaner Bay is a more resilient Bay we're going to be hit with more powerful hurricanes sometime maybe this year maybe 10 years from now maybe 20 years from now but the healthier our Bay is the quicker we'll be able to respond to that the more resilient we'll be if we're a healthier Bay uh last bit it's not just about water quality it's also about modifying some of our Landscapes because there's nothing natural about our wed there's not much natural about our Shoreline either so we've been using funds from the bipartisan infrastructure law to work on a number of projects the ones in the yellow are completed the ones in the blue we're working on right now this is uh the first big one that we did but it's not the biggest one that we're doing this is the Florida Institute for saltwater Heritage phase four on Cortez Road as you're going out towards Cortez and this is what it looked like in the past the area with the Australian pines and the upper part in the center those are gone now and that's what it looks like so we've turned this into giant fish habitat restoration project 19 Acres we're treating storm to runoff from a 20 acre RV park located just to the East and we had a big uh ribbon cutting ceremony uh Jane was there as member of our policy board also uh commissioner Kim van austinridge the vice mayor for the city of Sarasota Jane van hman region four administrator and we just had uh Fort Meers high school students plant 2,500 mangroves uh last year for free they came in all the way up from Fort Myers to plant for us GT Bray this is your Park and we're doing two projects here one of them is a storm water Pond uh retrofit that used to be a Wastewater uh collection Pond and the other one is a stream restoration and the stream restoration project I don't know how well this shows up for you but you see that oak tree you see how high the uh the land level is where the oak tree is with the grass that's how high it was all the way down towards where these two channels meet we've reduced that land to create a filter Marsh in that particular area this is about a million doll project and this will treat storm water runoff and create fish habitat and create wildlife habitat before pomola Creek goes into Paloma Bay we've also kickstarted artificial Reef program the first time we've done this in 10 years we've put out 24 artificial Reef modules at six locations throughout the bay uh we've had a lot of TV coverage on it visit our website you can actually see video of the uh artificial Reef deployment and then we're actually one of the big projects we're working on in the city of Sarasota is to take a shoreline this is a rendering what it'll look like to allow water access to uh uh the Waterway um in Martin Luther King Jr park because the residents there want a kayak launch and they want a fishing paer and right now it's just a fenced off uh ditch and we're trying to make it a lot more userfriendly for people um we also work with a public a public gathering so this is the bayfest look at that beautiful water on the right hand side that's what this Bay can look like if we pay attention to it uh we've taken a thousand people and just exposed them to the Bay at this bayfest we also have a a grant program where we disperse $100,000 a year to Neighborhood groups local grummet for doing things like Exotics removal oyster Garden placement things like that we take uh veterans we diagnose PTSD out on kayak trips uh which is really important to me and uh they come back with kayaks full of garbage because they're so Mission oriented and we've also done a lot of uh work with our Title One schools so this is an art project with a marine theme for a tile one school down in Sarasota Booker High School Booker Middle School excuse me and we work with moat we've taken 500 kids focusing on Title One schools out to the Bay people who might not ever become like aware of like things like wildlife and shorelines and pollution everything that we want the next generation of marine scientists to be as broad as possible from every background possible and uh we also fund uh a group called The Reef Rovers who have actually collected tons of garbage from the bottom of Sarasota Bay fishing gear ghost traps all that sort of stuff uh we work with a group called the oyster boys we actually have a uh there's a clothing store in Siesta Key that donates 1% of their profits to us we turn 100% of that over to the oyster boys and they will actually hang vertical oyster Gardens underneath your docks these vertical oyster Gardens are made by uh school kids and also a residents at a Memory Care Facility down in uh in Sarasota Bay's watershed so we have people with Alzheimer's we have little kids making these things and we have these people deploying them so that we have more filter feeders in the bay to maintain its water quality because really at the end of the day which fature do you want picture on the left is Sarasota Bay picture on the right is Indian River Lagoon how'd you like to sell a house there how'd you like to live there um and that's not what we want so we're going to have to work harder than we have to deal with the issues that we have but we're pretty confident we can do it because we've done so much so far if you want any more information Point your phone at that QR code it'll take you to our management plan or reach out to us uh we're on social media Instagram Facebook LinkedIn um open for any questions you have well just let's address the elephant in the room the horses in pomola Bay so um because again this is this is the overall Bay we saw on that chart how pomas Sola Bay was and it's important for us I think up here and as we go through it to see what's happening and you know information is King and inaccurate information travels faster than the truth information so um you know you and I had a long conversation with some articles in the paper that the different uh media that may not have been you know totally false or totally true so can you go over a little bit what's going on in there well that's a surprise now um yeah Hol Bay as a whole is a a healthy cstem but it's not pristine uh horses cause physical damage to the grass beds anyone with a phone can see that but if you want to see more damage physical damage to Grass bed go look at the area north of uh uh Robinson preserve where boats take shortcuts from anti River into Sarasota Bay there's a lot more scarring there than anything the horses do but they do cause physical damage they just do the bay as a whole however is got more seagrass than it had 30 years ago so uh in a nutrient standpoint the Bay is uh not that adversely impacted uh bacteria there are higher levels of bacteria consistently on the north side of The Cosby on the south side of the causeway the north side of the causeway is sampled by uh Sun Coast water Keepers using good techniques with a great lab uh South Side is sampled by do the elevated levels of bacteria on the North side uh we don't really know where they come from because feal indicator bacteria there's three of them en coxy eoli and fform bacteria none of them are specific to humans or mammals or even animals you can get Anor coxide bacteria from decomposing vegetation you can get uh fform bacteria from grass clippings you can get E coli from decomposing bacteria but it could also come from horses so there are tests that have been done that have had hits for horses that have also not had hits for horses so sometimes there's a say that again please okay so I I think that there's been at least three times people looked for our hor is contributing some of the bacteria and I think twice the answer was we can't find it once the answer was we did find it the question is how much of it because there's also been hits for humans so human DNA found in some of the feal material so where's that coming from we don't know one of the big questions is if you want to make a change that actually will be uh noticeable how big of the contribution is coming from the horses are they 1% are they 10% are they 50 % if the horses had a hit but they're only 1% of the bacteria you can get rid of the horses it's your call and if that doesn't change the bacteria then you've gotten rid of the horses but you haven't changed your bacteria problem so what might make sense is to do a more diagnostic more quantitative study to figure out are they a contribution that's commensurate with a proposed removal and that has not been done yet but does that also go for a removal of the boat the the jet skis the swimming the dogs the mowing of the Yards that are along there that I talked to a gentleman that that said that it's all the hores fault but he owns two boats and a jet skis on a dock there and I said when you mow your yard do you blow your debris your grass clippings oh yeah I blow them right into the water because then I don't have to rake them and it's like well that could be part of the issue too you know so I mean and then we know we know one of the major issues on that side is when dot proposed that uh roadway there there was supposed to be a bridge at one end and a bridge at the other end so there's circulation there's no circulation which is a an issue there at some points I would guess yeah the the mainland coast of Sarasota Bay always has more bacteria than um the other side so think about those grass Peds you got like uh thousands of Acres of sea grass and think about your lawn right you have to go and mow your lawn like what once a week in the summertime because the grass is growing well so does the grass underwater and it grows at a rate of about 3% a day in the summertime so all of that seagrass biomass that you see out there thousands of Acres that's completely replaced every month and those blades float up and they go where the currents take them and the predominant wind that we have in the summertime is a seab breeze so it's blowing up against the mainland Shoreline I can take you to places that have very high bacteria where there's no horses at all but there's a lot of decomposing seagrass so we don't really know where it's coming from there are ways to figure it out but they haven't been done yet and if you guys want to pursue that we're happy to if you don't it's your call so one of my questions was when we talked early on about possibly doing some studies we had asked did we have a 10-year base on that side to know whether this is actually the same as it's been for 10 years or better or worse no idea it hasn't been sampled as uh as the southide sampled as yeah it has not been sampled as long as the Southside we know the north side over the same time period as a Southside exceeds a bathing Beach standard much more frequently than the Southside the bathing Beach standard is um really supposed to be used for bathing beaches so a bathing Beach standard is not really the appropriate category for a boat ramp um but most places that are exceeding the bathing Beach standard would also exceed the class three standard as well and what would you think as a timing would be a good study period of an area that you know again you can go back 10 years and you say good or bad what is a good time period for that I I'd say like you know uh depends if you want to find out if something's a problem and if it's a problem 10% of the time or 90% time might not be that important so what I would suggest the most important thing is just to sample more than once uh whether you sample four times in a month I've done studies when I was in a private sector for uh Captiva Island where we sampled uh only twice but we found the same thing when we sampled twice which is lots of bacteria but never a hit for humans because we thought that bacteria was from decomposing macroalgae so I would say something to be kicked around we have a technical advisory committee we could present something to them if it's your desire but you know something that would allow you to predict what might be the change with specific management actions would be kind of appropriate what I'm saying is would a a six month a 2year a fiveyear study be kind of depends on what you find so if I study this one time and I find 90% of the backer from horses why am I going to keep studying it but if I find 0% or 1% from horses I may want to verify that but did you not say there was two studies done that they found zero and one they found some I think that yeah but they the what I have seen and it it wasn't quantitative it wasn't like you know excuse me it wasn't a percent basis so in other words I had a hit for humans I had a hit for horses but it didn't say how much of the bacteria is from humans how much is from horses how much is from grass clippings how much is from dogs how much is from seagulls right so one of the things that's important to to me and I hope it's to the council too is we need an independent study done that's going to show us you know really what's going on and again we may not totally get it because what you've just said but you know it's got to be because we know that any study can be done to get the answer you want if you if you want it you can write a survey and do item one two and three and how you word one and two and three is going to show either positivity or negatively for those so I just think that I want the I just want the facts so then we can make a decision so this doesn't just keep the same thing over and over and over again you know to make the decision and move forward I that's kind of our job you know I don't really I I don't really care for or against horses I'm not really I'm more of a motorcycle person but don't ride it in the bay but the reality well but the reality is it doesn't matter you know I don't care uh uh and I can't care how it turns out but what we can do is we can work with you to find like a a a unbiased way to figure out um are horses a large contributing factor or are they just something that's detectable once out of three times at 1% we just don't know yet and we'd be happy to work with you to figure that out vice mayor Barnaby Mr or Dr tomasco could you and I I know this is not a fair question I love it um could you give us an idea how much something like that might cost just give me a Range I mean are we talking $100,000 are we talking a million are we talking $55,000 or are we talking $50,000 um probably uh somewhere in the range of I would say 10 to 40 uh depends on how you structure it but when I've done this in the private sector we made it like a part of a regular monitoring program and we added this one last thing there's a lab that does great work on this um they've actually all got phds they're like really well published and they've been able to do work I've worked on I've worked with them and we've been able to pick up the impacts of individual homeless encampments in the Miami River and uh we've been able to pick up um you know um things like grass clippings as the source of bacteria U so I would say somewhere in the range of probably 10 to 40 you could probably do enough sampling at enough locations to make it worthwhile and that was going to be my point to you is location you know because you could go four corners yeah and get different probably yeah what probably make sense is a site uh you know two sites on the north side of the C cway one on the east one on the west they're both on the north side of the causeway but one of them is where the horses are one of them is where they don't take horses then two sites on the south side of the causeway one where the beach is and then one on the other side and if you did four sites sampled it a couple of times did a quantitative assessment of how much of the bter from horse is you'd have a pretty strong you know uh study to make a determination about what to do about it and is that something that Sarasota Bay would be yeah we've got money set aside to help you out in that on that and then if we needed to go further than we would help yeah do it do it phase depending upon what you find councilwoman Coker yeah hi hey good morning thank you you and I have had many many discussions on this issue and my position all along has been that we need to follow the facts and uh I have complete confidence and respect in the Estuary program to give us that and until we got the one that indicated there could be horse uh issue I I think at this time it might benefit us to go ahead and make sure and quantitate it um so that we're making decisions based on the facts um also had human hit too so well no exactly I mean if if I'm understanding the the test would not just be testing for horse you're just going to test and tell us how much of what's in wear yeah you can uh you can burn up a lot of money chasing down individual things so like I could do a specific test for uh seals I don't need do that but I think the big things would be here's the total bacteria how much of this do we think is coming from um uh horses how much is from humans and then the rest of it is from other sources and those other sources can be decomposing seaweed it can be grass clippings it could be German Shepherds uh or it could be you know uh birds that poop uh one great way to increase the amount of feal Califor bacter on the beach is start feeding uh seagulls and uh but you don't want to do that but yeah we can we can make it as simple as possible to answer the management relevant uh question U and that'll keep your cost down but if I could continue as I understand it you have some money set aside that could assist us but it will require us to we don't have enough carry that out but we could we'd be happy to uh uh shape the study and uh share it with our technical advisory committee and uh we can cost it out for you uh contribute some to it we can shape the study run it by our technical advisory committee and then we can hire the folks to actually do it so why don't we do this why don't we ask them to kind of come up with the plan get through your board and then come back to us so then we can approve the next step whether it's you know the no no matter what dollar amount we'd have to decide you know with once that is I think that'd be the best Direction Mr Perry you have any comments on that is that and we'll come back even if you can get it to us by next meeting yeah whatever do it this week if Dr tomasco could maybe copy me in on it and I can distribute it to council prior to the meeting yeah that' be great sure can uh deal with any procurement or other issues otherwise and the techniques work really well I've had a hit for humans in the cokah hatche river which made no sense to me whatsoever that's in Naples and it turns out there was a little homeless encampment of like just two people a title system and we could pick that up we've been able to pick up individual short circuited septic tanks so there's good techniques for finding out what's what's the cause of the bacteria can I ask quick is that done DNA analysis of the bacteria itself um it's basically looking for specific Gene sequences so there are genes that you have that horses don't have um the biggest hardest thing to differentiate is you and dogs because we share so much uh DNA because well what dogs do and then what we do with dogs so a dog is like meeting other dogs and then it comes and licks you so uh it's hard to differentiate humans versus dogs but it's fairly easy to differentiate horses from humans sorry that's kind of gross but it's true all right any other questions or thank you very much's do thank you very much appreciate it thank you thank oh Dr tasa I do have one other question you had mentioned something about red tide yes early on before that um my dad obviously was born here in 1947 and he said in the 50s and 60s I believe it was there was about a 10 plus period 10year period where red tide was pretty present the whole time 1947 was one of the longest lasting red Tides we also had 100 Ines of rain right in South Florida so um we just had a paper if you go visit our website it's out there and uh we just got a paper accepted in Florida scientists and we looked at the relationship between red tide duration and nitrogen loads coming out of uh the CL hatchee River and 77% of the variability and how long a red tide lasts in Southwest Florida is explained by the nitrogen load from the clu hatchee River 30 days before the red tide starts and the first 30 days so we've always had red Tides we're just making them worse and it's not really the water is that polluted it's just there's so much water because we're draining everything from Orlando down to the lake the lake is 5 to 7t lower than it used to be in 1800s so we can't store it can't send it to the South it's got too much phosphorus so it goes out to the east goes out to the west and it makes our red Tides worse make more intense larger area and longer so we didn't create them but we make them worse but in the 50s when that was there for 10 years uh I'm not sure we don't have really good data back then but we do know that they were uh the longest lasting one that I've seen uh referenced is the 47 uh red tide and that was probably associated with the fact that we had 100 in of rain that hit South Florida that was like a record for that area he lived on Bren Beach and still has the house that's where he grew up and he said it was bad when he yeah people were actually blaming uh the Navy uh for and ordinance disposal for the red tide it was so bad in the late 40s at least okay thank you sorry to call you back no worries all right um moving forward at this time we're going to move on to Citizen comment and as we always do citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda item or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearings at the appropriate time and as we've always said it you know over the last several years is you know when you talk you have three minutes when your three minutes is up we'll move to the next person there will be no comments um from the council during the citizen comment till it is completely over and any um comments or remarks from the audience during citizen comment will not be accepted and you'll be has to leave the room um I do want to say sir I'm sorry can we say goodbye to Bennett oh he's leaving all right thank you bye Bennet thank you I was reading and didn't even see she grabing good so um one of the things I do want to say is on first readings there is no citizen comment first readings are for the reading of it and setting the date of the next one so if uh anybody body is here that wants to speak to a specific item on a first reading that'll be done at the second reading in public comment so um right Mr rudisel I mean if if they want to make comment under public comment they could still under citizen comment right yes under citizen comment but it won't be open up for a public hearing for those items time so if they wanted to say something but I think one of the important things as we've always said through anything is get all the facts and you know I think we even saw that earlier on that sometimes you read one thing and it's it's another and you kind of want to understand it more so appreciate that all right at this time the first citizen comment I have is ingred mcclelen please come forward state your name and your city of residence and you'll have three minutes I'm ingred mcclelen I live in h Palomas Sola Florida manity county um I'm here representing the as Vice chairperson of the Palomas cic Highway Corridor management entity and you have my letter and attachments that um the scenic highway was designated in 2004 by the floor Department of Transportation to build on the corridor management plan to make sure that it's implemented accurately monitored and updated the designation letter that we receiv received to be that sen highand the committee uh I gave you a copy it was addressed to then councilman Jean Gallow who was the first chairman of the committee and if you know palas solic highway is Manatee Avenue from 75th Street to manate public beach then it goes south on Anam Maria Island East Bay Drive to brington beach Scenic Highway uh on the consent agenda we observe that there is an item to beautify the landscape of two medians on Paro Island uh if approved we may lose many mature native life Oaks six sable palms nine which are considered significant in the city's land use Rec ations so the uh committee opposes this as we did in our meeting in June and we respectfully request that it be tabled until our next meeting August 14th for three reasons the braon tree land preservation board agreed that the tree existing tree should stay uh the County's tree Advisory Board said the same thing and um you have their minutes and we went before County Commission and this board and the commission said to work with staff who's on the committee to come to a compromise um the second reason is uh we said in our June meeting we would do a public survey it was recommended by floor Department transportation you have the results thus far they're all due June July 29th you can see all the neighborhoods that you have gone to uh so far we've received 83 but we have like just 90 in Flamingo K they're doing it door by door and uh with the results thus far you can see on the the bar graph that the majority have picked option one the second most popular option two and option three is what the county wants to do is remove everything that's there and replace it with various Palms shrubs and sod uh which require more maintenance of irrigation mowing edging pesticides and herbicides and the third reason is the inter local agreement is not correct it says that the medians are on part of palmola Causeway which they're not they're on Paro Island they're not part of palasa Causeway and it did not include the proposed landscape plan that all of us have but this is the proposed landscape plan that we've seen for a year now the scenic highway committee and it says right on there existing plant material will be removed but you weren't provided that information in your interlocal agreement thank you very much next we have Wy green good morning please state your name and city of residence for the record good morning Wy green 2015 25th Avenue West uh I had some concerns concerning uh Public Works uh potholes uh applied for a pothole to be repaired over 10 days ago and still not being repaired this is something over three or 4 feet wide and maybe uh at least a foot deep and part of the problem is we don't have a one p truck I don't know how since 2010 we down the one p truck in the city Steed growing but however maybe with our new Administration and new Public Works director and assistant we can get this resolved uh also in my area it has been brought before Council and Council was an agreement that we were going to uh do something about this area and they say that we won't pave it because we're going to do some infrastructure well this is going on the second year now this is the 2500 block of uh 25th Avenue Drive West and uh nothing has been proposed nothing has came up I'm even hearing that even with the palm trees that they toore down in front of my house which is about four or five blocks away oh we can't rep place the palm tree cuz we're going to tab the whole Road well I can't see that so why are we gaslighting this situation we should be uh letting the residents know the true issue if we're going to do it we need to do it and let us see some progress in this particular area uh also solid waste let the city of Bron for once start being the head person leading out with the wage uh starting salaries and also let us try to remote promote within uh we keep going on the outside to get superintendent and the guys that are left have to keep training these at least get them assistant uh superintendent position it was in the budget at one time so you can put it back in there and we won't have to keep being a training ground and these guys are upset and they have to deal with these new Personnel coming in but yet still they're not qualified for the job and uh we thank you guys for letting the city know with this water situation but let us not you know blaming on the new Personnel that is there that over those departments let us see how we can get this problem fixed because we know we got a lot of old pipes and other things that causing these problems and I agree with the mayor and the councel for getting that information out and keeping the update so my phone cell phone home phone been blowing up so I give your hats off for that but let us keep some of these other problems and uh like that in that area I'm hoping that the council will see through and on the budget the Year this year it will come in and I'll see it and know about these repairs in that horseshoe area of the 2500 block of 25th Avenue of West thank you moving forward we have Terry is it mcav mamy mam Camy okay please state your name and in your city of residence uh Terry mcam Bradenton uh I'm a certified Arborist and I also sit on the um as a technical advisor for the pal Sola uh Scenic Highway and I've personally looked at those six Live Oaks and the and and the sable palms in that median area out there and uh that this county is proposing to rip all up and replant um the Live Oaks are in perfect health the sable palms are in good health um it's been told to me that there was some questions on will these trees the Live Oaks especially as they get larger will they compromise the road and um we see that in many of these new neighborhoods obviously but where they're putting these trees where they're right next to sidewalks driveways and also these neighborhood roads aren't built the same as a as a major road you know our state road uh with all the compaction those routs uh in those medians are never going to get out into that roadway certainly not get all the way across the road to the um sidewalks so um it's our contention that these all these trees were paid for by taxpayer money the trees are healthy they require basically no maintenance no watering um what the county wants to do is just going to create a whole bunch of more work for personnel now I I know the county has talked about taking over the maintenance of this but it's still within the city's area and we're talking about fertilization runoff we were just talking a lot about that and uh right now these these trees are perfectly healthy not posing any threat and uh and now they're so established they require nothing so when you guys are proposing what to do with that interlocal agreement out there just keep in mind that right now it's really not costing you anything and it's it looks natural it goes along with the rest of the scenic highway so thank you all right um we have Mercedes Pages Mr Mayor yes Miss pages and Miss Smith requested their citizen comment to be pulled okay all right and then I have one other one that was with Thomas do you want to pull it too okay for that part of it all right so that's all of the citizen comment Carmen Hansen I don't have a card oh sorry it got stuck with the other one okay Carmen Hansen thank you it was stuck with teres please state your name and city of residence and Carman Hansen Mya City your honorable May and city council we're going to have a little science lesson real quick what type of was is HSE manure Hors manure is a solid waste excluded from Federal Regulations because it neither contains significant amount of listed hazardous components nor exhibits hazardous properties against against human Horseman or is excluded from Federal Regulation as it does not pose a health risk eoli is a bacteria normally found in the manure of all animals including horses and is very common in the environment there are many different strains of eoli and only a few strains will actually make humans sick fortunately there are no strains of Ealy specifically from horses that have ever been known to cause illness in people or other species of animals nor have strains of EOL life from humans been found to cause horses illness generally speaking horses guts do not contain the 120 viruses that constitute concerns which are made up of human human dog and cat feces this is carnivore versus omnivore most viruses with zuntic potentials including animals infecting humans are not found in horse waste healthy horses do not carry sea param or Gardia these are the components in ecolite that actually make humans sick a study by Dr Atwell at UC Davis tar explains that EOL strains that exist in one species generally cannot cross reference to another species man's primary concern for equal eoli in human Origins is when it's found in food and drinking water that is because eoli itself doesn't cause illness it's the other germs that accompany it while eoli is found in a number of species including humans it can cause intestinal disease under certain conditions those of equin origin have not been found to do so horses should not be singled out as likely sources of human disease on the contrary among domestic animals the hor is perhaps the least likely to play such a role Dr atwin conducted further research study on 250 horses in San Francisco Bay he determined that there was no levels of Guardia or salmonella in H's guts and manure showed no strains of eoli that can make humans sick I as a horse owner did not know know that water samples are showing DNA and of course there's going to be horse DNA but we need to remember horse eoli does not transfer to human so the bacteria that they are finding cannot be transferred to human health I'm so proud to see that pomas Sola Bay is healthier than it ever was thank you so much for your time thank you all right I don't think I have any more stuck together so at this time time I'll um ask the council if they have any comments or questions um from anyone staff wise um the only thing that I would say maybe is um and I don't know if he's left already but maybe brandy or Irv can get with Mr Green about the pothole and find out about that and uh oh she already did so that's already done um and I think moving forward we'll just Mr Kramer I was going to say that uh Mr Green called me and later that morning I was driving through the neighborhood with Mr or Colonel and uh Miss Brandy to uh address those issues so they got to see it firsthand right thank you all right hearing no other we'll move forward Madam clerk staff is requesting approval of the consent agenda items a to AC with the exception of item k so item K and why are we saying the exception of item K it'll be brought forward to you hopefully at the next meeting okay so we're pulling item K yes sir off the agenda right that's what I thought pull till Future Okay chair we entertain a motion I have a I have a question yes um I know we got an update from Miss Melton uh regarding change of the order is that changed in granicus as well yes yes okay everything's item yes okay I move to approve consent agenda 8 a through M and 80 through W and 8 y through 8 a okay so we're basically approve with K being pulled by the staff yes and then n and X being pulled for further discussion yes okay is there a second I'll second that all right any further discussion we'll start to vote in Ward three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes okay carries five to zero Miss Moore for n yes for n um I pulled that because generally speaking and and Dr tomas's presentations are always helpful water quality aside it's my observation that the causeway could use help generally speaking um there's I I think that there's issues with parking with you know just some less than desirable from a safety perspective with the pulling up and uh people crossing the road not to mention that the businesses that operate out there are they're operating but they're not by by only accepting payment outside of the actual physicality of the causeway they're not paying the um statutory business tax that everyone else who operates a business within City Limits has to pay um so I generally think that the causeway needs attention uh Mr Perry and I have talked about it a little bit and I'm just raising it as an issue for everyone's consideration that we may want to evaluate whether or not we re-evaluate whether businesses should be operating out there on a permit style basis or whether or not we want to deal with undertaking some studies of some kind to deal with whether we want to switch out how people Park you know between the trailers and the and just cars pulling in to you know use the business's services so that's one issue I think it relates to this uh interlocal agreement to to beautify the median there because I think it's just a little snippet of something that's a larger problem for the causeway so the beautification is one thing that to me is a part of a bigger picture that we should be looking at specifically speaking to the beautification um I agree that we have citizen boards between our tree board and the the scenic highway board that are already advising us on this I my what the feedback I'm hearing is a resounding don't do it keep the trees I also agree that we um should be looking more towards tree canopies and native plants um just going forward Citywide not even just on the on the causeway so in my opinion this doesn't get us anything fiscally it doesn't get us anything not fiscally um and so I don't see why we would pursue it at this time any other yes M CER yeah um I think beauty is in the high Eye of the Beholder and so that could be part of the back and forth on this but having uh met with the county on this a little bit I I think that we're continuing what we already have started and I think that it has been overwhelmingly I've heard nothing but good about the new medians and how how great it looks I agree I want to see tree canopies too but I want them to be in appropriate places um and if um I'm I've been told that that there's an issue with having um some of those trees that close to the road um I don't really like the look of those sable palms I don't like some of the so-called natural vegetation and um I I think that um so while some people think that's beautiful and that's great um I think that um I've been gotten nothing but positive feedback over the new medians that have already been done and I don't anticipate what they're planning on doing to be any differently so one of the things though that with what your comments were just I think it's two separate issues you know so the the uh Beach area for the causeway is a totally separate issue and some of those are State statutes I believe with the how they they can't come up and take cash at the site but they can take cash I mean they can do it online and so that was one of the things and I I'd have to get Mr Perry on that to find out taxes I think they probably still pay taxes online but they're different means of how they go so I I think that's a separate issue and we have addressed some of that in Code Enforcement we now have a weekend code enforcement that does it but safety is always key you know we want to make sure everybody's safe and I know when things happen and people drive by it more like you're doing now you see different things so you know and I drive by it a lot just to check it to make sure and and uh traffic is an issue not because of maybe that as much but because it goes from four lanes to two lanes and our beaches are very popular so I think that can be still addressed um the other is the interlocal agreement we've been doing um you know I believe our citizens ask for a standard and opinion is a lot of different ways things look but a standard is clean and neat and not weed grown um one of the things that that I did find out and when I met with Miss mlen and that is when a lot of developments are and we found this out going through a lot of things when a lot of developments are built the HOAs agreed to do things and the HOA in that area agreed to maintain and water that if I'm not mistaken and they had a sprinkler system with it and everything well as ho OAS age out and generationally change the next people say well why do I want to pay for that but you know and when in reality they had an agreement so you know and we know dot actually has a lot of agreements with those roads because they're their roads but they don't maintain them to a standard that we have so I believe that the reason that we've done a lot of the interlocal agreements with the county they have the staff to do that we do not you heard a gentleman talk about today paying you know our people you're going to hear from the police department about paying some of our people that are getting you know taken away you know so for us to create a department for that would would not be cost efficient so let's let the county do it so I believe you know is there ways to maybe work with them and say hey can you leave some of these trees I would be that I'd be willing to to work on that but as councilwoman Coker said you know I think Manatee Avenue looks pretty good from the parts that they've done and you know some of the safer issues I mean if you drove on 51st street you were hitting those uh black olive trees trucks were smashing them every day and trimming them wouldn't have looked right either and they did transplant them so there's some things that they might transplant to save and that's very important that you know I work with them on that because you can look at my businesses and we've got a mixture of all of the natural trees as well as some of the newer style self- shedding because un L you can trim the better off you are so that's just my opinion and I feel that you know it's not about taking away a native tree or something of that nature but it's about improving the quality and the maintenance free if as much as you can say which we've heard that today so I'd be willing to you know even I would hope we'd improve this today and then you know I will work with them to say hey what can we leave if it's possible without damaging things and What needs to maybe if it can transplant something and put it in a place but tree canopies in my opinion we saw it I don't know how many of you are here many years ago in Manatee Avenue when they took out all the 100y old oak trees down the middle of Manatee Avenue because they had to change the road system they couldn't do it and that I mean Miss Coachman you probably remember that that was a catastrophe in this community and because they had to take them out you know but plant the trees in the right spot and then let them grow where you get the canopy in that way so that's just my opinion so just may I one just yes one I did hear negative feedback I think specifically from members of the tree board so that is also my perspective and I just think from a environmental science standpoint um I mean I just think it has to be a Focus right and and I agree and I would also like to you know say and I said it early and I don't know if you got the point when I was saying it but you can make a survey any way you want and the survey with the three questions has been slated towards number one with the Positive terminology number two is a little negative number three is very negative so if we were going to do a survey I'd want to do a survey that was non opinionate it from a group and then let the public see it you know so that's something that I mean again we can get any answer we want when we put something on Facebook or you know you slate the question to and we're seeing a lot of that right now I mean my phone blows up every day and it's funny how I'll get one negative ad from somebody and then 30 seconds later I'll get it from their opponent you know it's like how do they know when people are going vice mayor barnab thank you Mr Mayor um I think we can agree on several things one is if the causeway was not there and we were going to design a transportation system that was also going to be a recreational opportunity it would not be designed that way it was designed strictly for transportation it was not designed to be truly if a a functioning Beach visited by hundreds and thousands of people and having grown up here I've seen a lot of changes over the causeway I mean over the years with the causeway I do agree with you it really chaps hide when I see people using what I consider all of our property as as residents of the state when you're talking about businesses that are operating on the sides of roadway without any authorization and but I have been told that there's not a lot that we can do about that because that's under the state control and I know that there's been some different uh correspondents back and forth but I can't believe that they would really turn all of that over to us and let us be as someone once said the decider of what happens out there with that kind of activity um when we started doing tree canopy things and when we became Tree City USA uh members we have a wonderful canopy here and I do want to protect it however I am concerned about having live oak trees down middles of of the roads particularly on evacuation routes and I know that in the past when we've had situations with weather a lot of rain high wind events we do get those trees coming down and it impedes our emergency response and while a palm tree and I know it's not technically a tree it's a member of the grass family that can be moved with a couple of cuts of a chainsaw and a chain in the front of somebody's vehicle but these live OES that can become very big cannot be moved that quickly so I have to weigh long-term benefits evacuation zones many of those things but I completely agree with you it really rankles me when I see people conducting business out there and um just coming from someone who did a little bit with the causeway about 1999 those of you might remember and had a banner put up calling me an extremist Nazi Republican rhymes with which um I I just think that again it's a it I know people want to use it for recreation it's a transportation system the state will not change the speed limit out there even though we have asked them to repeatedly and it's it's going to be it's going to be a problem for many many years until we can get somebody to pay attention up in Tallahassee I think just my opinion Mr gramer thank you sir um the parking stuff I'm not even to talk about sorry um but the beautification group that M melen represents C High Way CME um they're meeting in August 14th yes I agree with you that the the survey they put out is slanted but that's the way it is but at the same time if we agree maybe that we are open to some type of compromise that maybe they could bring an option back to us of something to be done that maybe involve some compromise for that median I'd be willing to wait until after that August 14th meeting to approve this thank youer yeah um this this uh interlocal agreement is about more than just you know that that median there I hate to see us hold this up I thought this was going to go through for several months ago so I hate to hold it up I'm I'm fine with uh I I don't know does this tie us into a specific plan there or is this is just this is just the agreement to let the county handle this yeah and I believe that I can if you'll give me the direction to work with keeping as as much of the current situation that's there and tie it with it for them to come up with a plan that we can bring back for that specific area but but we can you know go with the agreement forward and then figure out you know say hey we like these trees or is they or they may want to give us a reason that one tree is already starting to damage an area and maybe could be transplanted because I've already talked with them and said you know I think if we can keep some of that and tie in the rest of it and so that's already in the process even if we approve this 100% it was still conversation okay may I m m coach I I'm inclined to agree with councilman Kramer um I don't see what would be the problem if we would readdress this in the next meeting I think it would actually be two meetings I mean two meetings sorry I'm not rushing because I don't want to go back to school yet but at the same time with what the mayor brought up if we're able to approve with authorization for the mayor to negotiate with the county and perhaps the board um I'd be open to that too because I do see Miss coker's point of moving things along may I just to respond to that I um I mean this agreement it does take it out of our hands so we we can ask the mayor to negotiate but ultimately the decision is no longer ours once we sure uh enter into this agreement I I just say that because I would ALS I don't I don't think that this is a massive Rush of a situation and I would rather that we definitively able to share that this is what the plan is this is what was negotiated so that you know citizens that really feel strongly about it had comfort that they knew what was ultimately going to be you know either planted or or maintained or whatever yeah none of it takes it out of our hands forever it's there's a buyout in it right away or there's a a clawback and also because we would I would never want to give it up out of our hands 100% but you know again we can keep kicking the can down the road on a lot of things that we've we've done with this but it's just a matter matter and again we it's a perspective of the eyes of who's looking at it but I I've already reached out and said I'd like to keep the oak trees and you know so and again we are going to be we're still going to have a big say in what happens there it's just the agreement for them to maintain it and we're going to have to we're going to be part of our monies sometimes you know we paid for some of the trees we can through the tree board but we don't uh have to maintain it then so and yeah I'm sorry and and if a tree is removed it will be oh yeah they transplanted they transplanted if it's healthy oh no we've I've already they're they're willing to transplant any tree that's do if it's healthy that's not true so we're not going to we're not going to debate in the audience here so um and then we if anybody reaches out I've they've already agreed if a tree is removed they will transplant it because and again there's a 50 to 60% chance of survival they trans we made them transplant the um black olives and I think they had six of 10 survived Mr Perry do you remember hearing a number I know what the exact number was but it was five out of nine or six of 10 something like that and they're at GT BR the majority of them transplanted uh at an expense to the county you know and a total expense that if they've already done the research on transplanting if they took all the oak trees out it would be $40,000 but I said' I don't want all the oak trees out so I've already told him that let's let's come up with a plan and then we can say we'll bring the plan back but you know NE uh put this forward on the thoughts that we'll bring the plan back before anything's done but I think it's important to move this forward for the whole process so any other discussion I just point out mayor that also um you know we're in the process of the into local government agreement for Causeway itself not for the prco median this is more specific too and and and one of the reasons why is because of the taxing on our our Grounds Maintenance folks we have had more and more projects coming online for beautification I hope most people would agree that we've made Investments um as it relates to those beautifications in Partnership both with the county um as well as private entities Village Green and and even out east and the like and uh we are trying to spread ourselves pretty thin and and that was the impetus for this in large part I'd also point out that as far as treat canopy goes this stretch um between the pomola causeway into preo Island and to the drawbridge is where I live as well and I can't imagine a more a larger natural environment than Neil preserve Paro preserve and Robinson preserve basically that is along that area um it is a transportation Corridor anyone that that's been out there during Snowbird season or on the weekends you could count the cars you can see the traffic bumper to bumper and the like and there are traffic safety reasons there's maintenance reasons and uh a whole host of other types of factors that should be considered um into why we want to move into the inter local government agreement and and the state as well uh it's interesting when you look at that you know the the the mix out in preo island of count City and Cove K I don't even think Cove K is in the city I think that's actually on side that on the North side yeah yeah it's on it's on right and um I think Harbor aisle is and and I think maybe poo Bay not sure about that one but but there's a handful of of multifam types of residential units out there um along with uh some some housing some some separate residentials single story housing uh but the reality is is that it's a transportation cor that that was pointed out with some residents that was afterthoughts I mean it wasn't part of the original Bradington from what I understand and I I know that a lot of it was built in the last 10 15 20 years years the chair will entertain a motion Mr yes ma'am sorry M go ahead okay I'll make a motion to approve the interlocal agreement in manate County with man County regarding beautification of the palom Sola Pao Bay medians friendly Amendment with with the instructions with stipulation that will the mayor will enter negotiations sure and then I'll second that okay all right and we've had discussion we'll start the vote inward four no five yes one yes two yes three yes carries four to one thank you is more on X yes I just I don't have any objection to X but because it's a little bit different than the last time that we discuss this project I thought it might be a good idea to just in the interest of transparency let you know folks know where we're at with it and what we're looking like um it is you know properly budgeted I I don't think that there's an issue this was just me thinking that you know we're going from 30 and 30 to 34 and 30 and it is what it is Mr Perry P the microphone [Music] please I think the gross maximum pricing um that's proposed before Council we have EVD it uh basically uh value engineering to try to cut it down to as low as we can it was to be actually the GMP approval on last month's agenda as I remember but we wanted one last shot to try to reduce some of the cost associated with it um it's a public safety facility that uh will serve the you know a rather a rather sizable Police Department with a very significant police program uh now and into the future it it's necessary it's not cheap um we there's a balance between doing things uh uh excessive and doing them necessary and and I think this strikes a balance within it it's not a Taj Mahal but it does have um the programmatic fun functionality to meet the the needs of the police department um there's a host of of different needs it's not just office space for police but there's you know crime Labs involved for CSI there is evidence storage that has to be taken place there and a host of other types of specialty type functions that go into a police department it's not an office building and so to that extent it's going to cost more than than an office building um its location itself presents challenges although it's a great location centrally located um to serve the police department's needs for a variety of tactical as well as strategic reasons um it it's also next to where an old gas plant used to be and so we have to do a lot of underground utility and improvements and relocations and things like that and so at the end of the day um I I I think it's a significant investment by the council it shows a commitment to Public Safety uh we all realize that Public Safety and and safety in general is probably one of the most Paramount importance to council and Visa V our community it sets us up for the next 50 years as far as the financing goes on it um you we we have funds to contribute we did a debt issuance that I'll speak about later and uh to that extent you know we're we believe the GMP is is at a point where um the semar the the construction min manager at risk has has done all they can to get it down as low as it can be uh are there some issues with the architecture and engineering that I have yeah there are but they're probably for a separate conversation and I think one of the most important things to look at is you know in the past when we built a police station we didn't build a police station we built an office building and it was important that we set this building up to be for the future and I think that part of it's been very well done and I think that you know obviously we all want it 30 for 30 and but the economy that we're in and the cost of things and I will say that the semar did a great job at really word smithing it and going through and you know has also said that there's some things that we might be able to still work through in the process um we do see with our pck where some some things happened that and I don't want to bring up the negative but it wasn't one of the local people and it became difficult and you had to make a a vote last meeting you know on that so you know I think this is something that is setting all of us up that the next Council that will be deciding on a new police station and I don't want to be negative but I don't believe anybody in this room will be alive so um unless you're 100 well maybe Miss Barnaby since she early 1900s but but I'm saying if if any of us are alive when they're having to build a new police station in 50 years or you know less than it would be but no I just I say that because I just want to thank Mr Perry I want to thank you know all the people involved in it that have really gone down and uh I can mention all the names out there I know Mr Williams Chief bevans um Scott anybody else that was involved has worked hard yeah he's standing up so but anybody out there that's worked through it I mean Scott's probably done the most with some of the things over the time in the police department of it but but everybody that's been and and believe me the the pennies have been crunched and you know again some of the it's some of the economy I mean if we were building a pump station five years ago it was $2 million today it's six to S million and it's it's unbelievable but that is your personal political beliefs on what you do so um any other questions or comments Mrs Moore I move to approve consent agenda item 8X second all right we've had uh a motion by Mrs Moore to approve second by councilwoman Coachman we've had discussion we'll start the vote and award five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries 5 to zero thank you we are going to take a it is 1012 if everybody could be back um at 10:20 and we'll take about an8 minute break first the first of many at this time I'll administer the oath anyone wishing to address city council during the following public hearings will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual statements and representations which you are about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you like that item 9A is resolution 24-42 and this is a public hearing a resolution of the city council of the the city of Brenton granting special use permit number suu 24.1 1851 to allow the expansion of an existing special use for a school in the t4r general Urban restricted zoning district for the property located at 1011 21st Street East the parcel ID number is 1359 40059 Bradenton Florida and more particularly described here in making findings of fact and conclusions of law providing for severability providing for an effective date thank you good morning everybody my name is Monica fredel I'm a city planner here with Bradenton and I have been sworn in um as mentioned this is a special use Amendment um this request is to allow for the existing expansion of a classroom space um with the proposed 8 8 unit modular um which will be about 8,000 square ft connected to the exist Just For Girls facility uh following my presentation will be the authorized agent her her name is teras she will be able to ask any um following questions should you guys have any this is the location map here you'll see this uh the parcel is uh east of 21st Street East and just slightly south of Martin Luther King Avenue East the zoning is General Urban restricted and then the future land use is residential medium density so the request uh as mentioned is for the 8un modular classroom it will be connected to the existing primary structure via a Breezeway um and it is to allow additional classroom space for the visible men Academy which will be a tenant in addition this will also provide additional classroom space for the existing uh just for girls for the Elementary School portion of their uh classrooms as mentioned this is a special use Amendment um here you'll see that a school is permitted as a special use for the site um in the agenda application materials you will see the approval history this school was first approved in the 1980s so it has been there for quite some time and it does serve the surrounding neighborhood this is the specific trigger from our land use regulations which is why this had to come to city council today um as you'll see 2.2.4 point1 b um due to due to the size of the um anticipated modular classroom that is the reason that this is before you today for that 20% increase here is the uh proposed site plan um when you guys do reviews today I do want to note that the conceptual site plan um is subject to change dependent on the site Improvement plan here are some photos just orientating you guys um on the right you'll see that I have where I was standing when the picture was taken just so you can kind of get a general sense of uh where this image is here's the Northeast side this is bordering 21st Street Court East as you can see right here and then here's that northeast side and then here's the West Side facing Northeast and then you'll see on the location map this is where approximately where I was standing when taking that um the general special use standards are uh responded to in the application materials you can see the applicant responses there um this is additional review criteria from our land use regulations which have been responded to in the application materials um the Planning Commission did meet in June and this was approved uh 5 to0 um overall you are encour to look at all application materials in regards to the comprehensive plan the land use regulations and the form form based code regulations um when making a decision uh do you have any additional questions I can answer for you if not I will go ahead and bring the applicant up any questions all right work for the applicant welcome good morning Council my name is Tera Saul and I have been sworn and just as a followup to Monica's presentation we appreciate U Monica and Greg's assistance throughout this process as we've been pursuing the special use Amendment and as she mentioned I just wanted to briefly go through again the history of the special use that's existing on the property it was first approved in 1984 um for just for girls and then it was there was an amendment approval that was issued in 2006 by council at that time for a similar size building that was 8,000 square ft for an expansion of their existing campus what we are currently requesting is as was mentioned is a modular unit that's approximately 8,000 square fet in size that will house eight classrooms uh seven of which will be dedicated to student education K through five for Visible men Academy and the would be a teacher area that is required for um by the Department of Health and um the state regulations for the school to operate as its own entity from Just For Girls is that the teachers have a designated space within that facility so that would be what that eighth classroom is for and um then from there um some of the things that aren't changing with this is the utilities already exist to the project site so we will not be changing those the parking infrastructure is sufficient uh between the Staffing levels at Just For Girls and the Staffing levels at um visible men Academy so combining is not going to create an enormous additional load on the property as it sits right now one of the other benefits is that the security infrastructure will be upgraded and updated uh the fencing will be improved and currently there's not vehicle restrictions during operations of hours so there will be a manually operated gate that will be in installed both on the inbound and the outbound driveways and I will look at a picture in a second um and sorry wrong button there will need to be an increase in the storm water facilities that are existing but as we saw in the earlier presentation uh we're doing a great job in the city of Bron and in this area of managing storm water well to make sure we're maintaining the health of our BAS so I think everyone will be appreciative of that as we increase the coverage but we will still be well um below the city standard for a commercial area of the coverage and we will be at 38% with this addition and some of the benefits that of granting this amendment request is that by bringing visible men Academy to the Just For Girls campus we're providing a place for the entire family to be serviced K through 5 and that's really the the biggest benefit to this and that's been the biggest struggle I think for both institutions is that the brother has to go to a different campus than the sister and that's very cumbersome and hard on many families where transportation is an issue or any of those factors and this will allow an alleviate a lot of that pressure and allow it to be a more whole family approach to the um Elementary education for the students that are attending either campus currently 19% of the students that are enrolled at visible men Academy are um residents of the Perry Park neighborhood which is where this project sits so they would be closer to home and again the security improvements will be addressed in in uh with a part of this amendment and I um and the site Improvement plan going forward just a brief site overview you've seen this in Monica's presentation this is the campus as it sits now this is some of the existing facilities that will be shared uh between the two schools and then this is where the proposed improvements are going to be taking place you can see dimensionally where the modular unit will be sitting is at the edge of the parking lot and that again is to maintain the best access and limit the amount of impervious coverage that has to be added there will be a sidewalk that will be um connected to both the parking lot and the building with a Breezeway that overhangs between the two to create it being one campus and then the security gate locations are shown and then across the entire property a 6-ft fence will be improved there is an existing chain link fence but uh there has been damage to it throughout the years and just in general for school safety we do need to upgrade it and so in conclusion um the special use amendment has been recommended for approval by city of Bron staff we did receive unanimous approval from Planning Commission on June 19th of this year and uh this will also provide a more comprehensive Elementary education to the residents of Perry Park and any of the other students that will be serviced by the transportation that was mentioned earlier in the presentation and with that I want to thank you guys for I lost the keyboard I want to thank you for everything if you have any questions the applicant none so I have one yes just one little question it's uh it looks like there's a really nice tree canop be on there are you going to have to take out any trees to do this we have done an updated survey with the the trees the priority is to limit any sort of tree removal we will go through that process with site Improvement we did have a pre-application meeting with staff um regarding the site Improvement plan but but again our priority is to maintain um as much of the existing vegetation as possible and that's why it's been cited where it's been we have to meet setback requirements um but we are trying to make sure that we are not taking any trees more than we have to so any other questions is that what I got thank you very much thank you all right um hearing no further questions we'll go to the public hearing we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak we close the public hearing and um any further staff comments questions chair will entertain a motion I move to approve approve resolution 2442 case Su 24-1 1851 second second by Miss Coachman we have a motion by Miss Moore to approve and a second by Miss Coachman any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes carries five to zero thank you very much Madam clerk item 9A is a public hearing for resolution 2443 a resolution of the city council of the city of Bradon granting special use permit number s. 24.1 783 to operate a medical clinic in the t40 general Urban open and T5 urban center zoning districts for property located at 914 and 918 14th Street West 920 14th Street Court West also identified as parcel ID number is 4377 00007 43765 00007 4375 3159 Bradenton Florida and more particularly described herein making findings of fact and conclusions of law providing for severability and providing for an effective date and who do we have for staff today well it's not Jamie shinder wolf I will tell you that right now um I am Greg dong the assistant director of planning Community Development and I have been sworn in um Miss shinder wolf is under the weather so I'm going to step in and do my best uh to cover this case for her today um as mentioned this is a request for a medical clinic at 914 19 9181 14th Street West and also 9201 14th Street Court West here is just some basic case information with the applicant information parcel IDs um this is in the T5 urban center zoning district and also the t40 which is General Urban open and it has a future land use of Urban Village and the request as mentioned is a special use for medical clinic here is a location maps showing the location of the properties this is on 14th Street 14th Street Court West and it is just south of 9th Street or 9th Avenue West or Martin Luther King here is the future land use which is the Urban Village and here is the uh existing zoning in the area as you can see it does have split zoning with the T5 and the t40 as mentioned they are planning to convert the applicant is planning to convert um a 7500 foot office building into a medical clinic it currently has 25 parking spaces that are paved in the rear there's also an overflow uh lot um for overflow parking or a vacant lot that for overflow parking on the west side of 14th Street Fort West um the subject property is within the form based code area um under ordinance 4 408 um there was a change in the form based code that made all medical clinics um special uses with that change it does require Planning Commission review and city council approval uh the future land use as I mentioned is Urban Village the Urban Village future land use does not prohibit this type of use in the future land used categories this is the definition page out of a form based code I highlighted the definition for a medical clinic so if you want to take a quick brief look at that it is pretty catchall for all types of medical clinics including dental pediatric all other health uh care patients administrative clerical operations pretty much everything so it's like I said it's a catchall for U medical clinics so we are not separating specific types out and that is under form BAS code 12.1 letter H Roman numeral 6 here is a proposed site plan or the existing site plan I guess I should should say um as it's a built property um shows the parking lots on the west side of the building the building is here uh here is 14th Street West and as I mentioned parking is to the west of the building and back here are the vacant Parcels where there's some overflow parking that can occur here's just current conditions showing elevations of the building there are no proposed changes that we are aware of at this time for the exterior of the building maybe some signage should this be approved but that'll have to meet our form based code regulations for signage here is the west side of the building where the uh 25 space parking lot is located and here is the vacant parcel to the west of 14th Street Court West um see there is a truck park there these are the general um stand standards in our code under Section 3.1 or 3.3.1 and I apologize being a little clumsy today but trying to do someone else's presentation is a little awkward for me um it does appear that these um standards are met generally met under 3.3.1 then you go under 3.3.2 of the uh form based code there are additional criteria under there um it does here that most of these are generally met with the exception of 3.3.2 point1 um talking about the neighboring and surrounding environment while this use is a medical use a lot of the uh Redevelopment that has been occurring in this area has been in the nature of residential both market rate and Workforce housing and affordable housing and there has been some commercial development we have um the Met is one which is 199 unit apartment building we have the 14th Street Apartments which are directly across the street from this which is a 40 unit um under review right now we have additional um Apartments planned at 1506 14th Street West which is a 21 unit and 1328 15th Street West West which is a 27 unit um and also within the close vicinity of this has been uh T Verna Tuscana which is the new restaurant coming in to uh the city of brenon so review criteria these are to be considered for reasons for approval or denial of the request for special use um it does appear that they are met with the exception of letter I and I will get to that one and that really talks about the general capaity and appropriateness with adjacent properties and other property in the district with special consideration given to the proposed hours of operation while there are uses north and south of this that do operate 24 hours you have the 7-Eleven and you have an ambulatory use um in that area um as I mentioned previously there is a lot of Redevelopment going on in this area that has a focus on residential and Commercial um in light of that we have about let me see here in my notes just under just over $15.5 million in investment in this area in just residential and Commercial since 2021 so basically in the last two years with those mentioned users with the apartments and uh TNA Tuscana um in the vicinity of this property on the West Side there's a lot of residential too so it is very limited commercial in this area or medical uses in this area so that is a concern that we pointed out with letter I so it does appear that that that item may not be met um it is consistent though with the comprehensive plan under the UV zoning district for future land use it does state that this type of use is permissible in the zoning District so that is something to just consider as city council does evaluate this so city council is encouraged to to evaluate this request based on the provided application materials as well as input from staff the applicant and the public and based their their uh decision on the criteria found in section 3.3.2 point5 of the land use regulations uh Planning Commission did meet on June 19th 20124 and recommended approval of this resolution 2443 or special use case 24.1 783 with the following stipulations below and that does talk about um an opaque fence being installed on the periphery of the Overflow parking which is on the west side of 14th Street Court West to Shield uh the residential uses from the glare of headlights um there was also a stipulation on lighting improvements shall be installed for increased security and that the patients shall not be queuing outside of the building uh Planning Commission as I mentioned did meet um they did vote with a vote of four to one in favor of this request with those stipulations and that is what I have for you today any questions for greig yes ma'am Mr will the applicant be talking about what type of medical facility this is yes okay questions before we get to the applicant Mr rudisel um I know we're going to have some of the city staff talk um the Departments is this the time they would talk or would yes if if we have City other City staff making making comments on this it should be done now during the staff presentation yes and I do want to make note I apologize um prior of my presentation I did hand out an email we received at 11:30 last night from a resident in that area and business owner who was in opposition to this request thank you you're welcome so other City staff that is going to come forward good morning Sergeant pil with the BR the police department good morning council members Mr Mayor uh the police department just had a few concerns and we wanted to share those concerns so you could make more informed decision um the existing criminal activity in the area of the proposed location of this type of treatment facility is a concern we did a four block radius check um for last year stats and we had 98 crime reports reported just in that little area um we also received numerous crime reports and complaints from the existing owner um through email and phone conversations uh they reported crimes such as drug use drug cells loitering trespassing and unlawful lodging and littering in the area and our officers are addressing those issues especially the CRA officers that serve that area they're working diligently to try to address those issues at this current time Sergeant yes sir you said the owner who do you mean as the owner uh Mr or of the No No I apologize of the actual property Z architect okay sorry thank I apologize the existing drug activity is also a concern of ours of the 98 criminal reports 39 were drug rated um concerned for the recovery patients in regard to that drug activity uh according to studies patients in recovery should sever ties or avoid those who use drugs and to protect their sobriety and we got that off of which is sourced by Advanced recovery systems um also the presence of an elementary School four blocks from the proposed site um the school zones will be active during the center's proposed operational times uh and then potential risk to values of properties uh certain studies indicate that property values may decrease due to the presence of treatment centers um and then the pre-existence of a treatment center already not too far from this area 12 blocks away at 21100 block of 14th Street West so those are our concerns so we present that to you today do you have any questions any questions all right thank you any other staff Jeff Burton uh C executive director I've been sworn um I want to talk to you about the economics of this in the city's um planning report there's an item g i item G says uh it's under 3.3.2 point5 which uh he did bring up item I also but G says the effect on the value of the surrounding properties that you shall not hinder the development and I'll add or Redevelopment because it's in a CRA of the nearby vacant Properties or adversely affect their economic values and as we all know working for the government hindering economic values hinders the tax base so that has a really uh bad effect on both city government and the CRA I'm going to be talking re briefly about a Baltimore study that was done um a study by the national um Bureau of economic research and also a study that was the lorro study and then I'm going to refer to Florida statute 163 part three which is the CRA law in the State of Florida so the the first study the Baltimore study uh which may or may not be brought up it was brought up in the Planning Commission meeting that study and I'll read directly from it the fur hold and under her co-authors obtained data on violent crimes defined as homicide manslaughter rape aggressive assault and robbery from the Baltimore City Police Department the reason I bring this up is because it was used as a a source as to uh its validity for economic development when in fact it's a study on crime not on economic development though there is a direct relationship between the level of crime and values of property this study if brought up really doesn't validate uh Economic Development and I will have all these studies sent to the city clerk for distribution if anybody wants to read them uh the National Bureau of economic research did a study and in this study quote there is surprisingly little empirical evidence investigating the effects of this type of facility to the best of our knowledge only one study explores this question in a real estate study by L Ro at all in 2014 they applied a three-stage lease squares uh to uh property sales uh data in in Central Virginia and at the end of this the results of the L Ro study suggest Mr Burton can you kind of stay closer to the microphone because you kind of lose you a little bit suggest a substantial negative effect of this type of use on property values um and then when in in reading this I went and found the L Ro study uh which is called and not not in my backyard the effects of substance abuse treatment centers on property values and this was taken from the Journal of sustainable real estate which is a um academic Journal of repute and in the abstract in the end uh quote we estimate the impact of substance abuse treatment centers on nearby home prices and liquidity for measured uh by time on Market we find that the neighborhood Treatment Center is associated with an 8% reduction in nearby home prices and this and that this discount is magnified for treatment centers that specifically treat opiate addictions as much as 177% so this is purely an economic presentation that I'm giving you that there are studies out there though not a lot according to the research that say that this type of facility will have an economic effect on the properties the development and the Redevelopment of properties around it um at the Planning Commission since there isn't a lot of research on this and these one was in Virginia one's in Baltimore none are in Florida if you're really interested in knowing and looking at item G on the planning report you know a study could always be done to identify is there an economic impact is it negative is it positive according to these studies it's uh negative and I told you I would bring up Florida statute 163 part 3 163 part three is uh the the the CRA law and under Give me 16334 the definition of blight number 10 real property value vales decreasing in the area over time guess what that's a condition of blight so according to these studies this use causes a decrease in property values from 7 to 14% And if you do this you may be causing blight in a CRA which by the way that's our mission is to reduce and remove blight so think about that with your with your your decision and um I just wanted to bring that to your attention thank you yes sir Mr Perry pull the microphone please Jeff if you could just help the room understand your your your education and your training and experience to provide this type of testimony uh education I have a bachelor's in economics from the University of South Florida a M's in public administration and my PhD is on sustainable Redevelopment which includes looking at the State of Florida as a case study and how different uses how uh brownfields how stigmatization plays a role in sustainable Redevelopment I will tell you in the case of what I learned with this that it may not be crime okay that that one Baltimore study says that but what the other studies talk about is the perception of a stigma it's like a Brownfield site it's when I read it that's exactly what I thought about out there's this perception of negativity it may it may not be but there's a perception and as much as I hate to admit that qualitative analysis is a viable topic because I love the quantitative that you mentioned earlier opinion does matter in real estate price you know location location location and if there is a stigmatization of an area and I will remind you also as the the C board just recently updated CRA plans and changed the name of this area from the 14th Street CRA to the tamy trail because of a stigmatization that mindset can affect property values that's that's what these studies tell me um my experience is 15 years in one city a smaller city cross the river another three years in a very one of the top four cities in in the state of Florida aamp and then coming here to Bradon also uh all kinds of other real estate work but those are those those of the Redevelopment exper experiences that I've had and I've looked at so I just wanted to bring up itmg specifically I'm not here to talk about the social benefits I'm not here to talk about crime you don't want to talk to me about crime I'm not an expert in that talk to the police department but I will talk to you about the economics and when I saw item G I knew that that was something that had to be discussed and in researching the topic there isn't a lot on it but what there is is is is pretty credible and pretty informative so hopefully it'll help you with your decision making and um any questions for Mr just briefly have one further call based on your training knowledge experience and professional opinion the research you conducted do you believe that the uh the locating a drug treatment center in this what appears to be a housing Corridor of a future devel current and future development would have a dimentive value based on the research that I've seen yeah I do other questions all right thank you um any other staff I don't think so uh the applicant please come forward hello for the record my name is Bob Gau and um I have been swor with president of Gau and Associates I got to find my presentation here um handing out um packages to you and apologize Mr Mayor I didn't make an EXT enough copy so I will give you my copy but I've got to have it for the presentation um I'm joined here today the property owners here uh Jerry's always here Bill Block's here also um realtor representing Jerry's older uh Mike Osborne and and Jim Miller from Operation Par here and I will tell you that um my presentation of the Planning Commission was pretty short because quite frankly if you go through the staff report what you figure out real fast the staff report basically says we comply with all the criteria to approve a special use for medical clinic on this property we comply we comply with your comprehensive plan and we comply with your zoning code and your special use criteria but then the police department got spoke against US during public comment and then the CRA director got up and spoke against US during the um public comment and I realized that this presentation probably going to be a little more robust so anyway the owner is Jerry and Ronda Zer and if I can figure out how to do this all right property as he pointed out it's actually like three sort of three Parcels uh Jerry and Ronda purchased the first portion of it in 1979 they completed the purchase of it all in 1988 uh it's uh bisected by I think Mr Gau you're not being picked up by the microphone very well could you adjust it down and maybe speak a little more robustly with your robust I got to stay back where I can work this Mouse um at any rate um so they purchased the rest of the property in 1988 it's been professional offices it's actually had medical offices and quite frankly up until you changed the did the ordinance late last year we wouldn't be here asking for anything because it was on a permitted use as you guys have already seen the city of Bren and neither in the form based code or in the zoning code differentiates types of medical clinics okay um let's see if I can do this right apologize all right yeah if you don't mind of let's see if we get to the slideshow perfect and then you just can use these arrows right here Perfect all right so it's in the t40 and the T5 um it's got two different zoning categories and um and it's split and as uh you can see there's picture of the back of the property it's in the Urban Village the Urban Village specifically identifies medical um offices as a permitted use as an allowable use it's not it's not only not prohibited it's actually identified as one of the uses for this area these are just some pictures this is actually a picture of the vacant lot this is a a picture actually of the portion of the neighbor's fence that is missing you can kind of see into their yard uh this is just another picture that bacon lot area you can see there's more fence it's actually not my client's fence it's actually the neighbor's fence it's falling down uh as was already mentioned we've agreed that a 6ot opaque fence makes a lot of sense here that'll be our fence we'll be able to keep it maintained the way we want to this is just a picture on the North side separating us from the uh 7-Eleven as you can see is pretty heavily screened with the existing vegetation here is a picture of the ambulance facility that is right next door to us on the south side now again when we talk about a adjacent uses of you know this is our adjacent use on the South Side 24/7 Ambulance Service there's our adjacent use on the North side that would be the 7-Eleven where I think it's uh crime Central for for that area um so that's sort of the jent and here's the law enforcement van sitting across the street um that I guess the police department has parked across there to help deter crime and I don't know if it's helping or not but I took a picture of it anyway and this is sort of a picture of the front of the building uh it's actually sort of two buildings although the offices sort of go back and forth between them U right on 14th Street Taman Trail and actually if you look you'll notice one of the issues I think we identified 20 years ago as one of your problems on 14th Street and that's a big old overhead power line that's going to sty development along 14th Street until you get that issue addressed that's just an an observation so we're asking for a medical clinic a special a medical clinic so what does that mean it it's a physician's office it could be a dentist's office it could be a dermatologist office it could be a pediatrician could be Urgent Care Coastal Orthopedics could locate here with that special use psychiatrist office or substance use disorder um treatment facility could be one of those options too could be one of the options anywhere in the city of brenen where you have a medical office because your code doesn't differentiate one from the other and actually uh to to differentiate and be against the substance use disordered that's actually an ADA designated issue so you start to get into whole issues with the Ada as Hernando County found out when they tried to to say no to one um the review criteria findings of facts I'm not going to belor this staff has already said we meet this the one that um you know talked about was the impact on surrounding properties and I get that the city of Bradington is trying to really reinvigorate 14th Street uh the 7-Eleven as far as I'm aware isn't going anywhere in the city hasn't been able to acquire it um the reality is that um you know they are making progress there but I don't think that this is going to cause problem and I don't think that anybody can say a medical clinic in this location is going to be a problem not objectively now the staff the Planning Commission they did recommend stipulations put that six foot fence we agree with that we're not a objecting to that improve the lighting par the parking lot is lit but as we all know lighting crime doesn't like well-lit places you know that's one of the places where you can spend money as a c or as a community to help dealing with crime if you go into lower income neighborhoods generally speaking if you go in them at night you'll find that they're not well lit and if you want to really deal with crime one of the things that you would do is add lighting well we're definitely proposing to add lighting to this parking lot and patients not allowed to queue outside the building this is just a picture of the alleyway behind the 7-Eleven and if any Of You' have ever driven by there during the day you know that's where people tend to Quee bottom line this is a medical clinic patients come in they stay in the building and get their treatment and then they go out and they leave so normally I would just say the staff report confirms the request complies with all the requirements the Planning Commission voted 4 to one recommending approval and that was after the police department spoke and after the CRA director spoke okay so it would seem like reasonable people looked at this situation knowing full well what we're proposing and thought this is probably the right thing to do I was just joking with somebody earlier about the fact that on another project I learned more about septic tanks than I ever thought I wanted to know this is one where I've learned more about substance of use disordered treatment facilities than I ever thought I wanted to know so I'm going to start talking a little bit about that MIT versus facts now we've handed out packages to all of you substance abuse treatment facilities increase crime well that actually hasn't really been documented um now um if you look at some point I think you may have seen the crime stats for this area we we obtained a copy of these from um Chief bevon what this doesn't include is the crime stats for the other two the other two locations where there actually are um opo treatment facilties now it's not because they didn't reach out to the Sheriff's Office like I did and get that information because she told ER Alicia man M told me that she'd just provided information to the city about those two locations a month or so earlier and I said well can I have it and the answer was well there's nothing there I did both of those locations and there's no crime at either of those two substance to use disorder treatment facilities I said well the city staff crime stats include a bigger area so can you do a she says the further you go from it the more crime you're going to find that's just common sense I said well give me it looks like maybe a 300t radius and so in your package you'll see the crime stats for within a 300t radius of those other two substance used to sorted treatment facilities and what you'll see is the crime in those areas is not as high as the crime where there is not one so to say that they create crime is to ignore the fact that in those loow the locations the crime is lower and if any of you driven by any of those locations you probably know that the one that used to be at qu that's at the quanas hall which has only been there a couple of years I'm not even sure how it showed up in that report that showed up earlier on this agenda as a reason for homelessness but regardless you probably notice that the quanas hall area is better now than it was three or four years ago you don't see the people loitering around out there well because these facilities do not allow you to loiter out there they'll cut off your treatment so that's one thing and then um we reduce property values and Mr Burton has talked to you about reducing property values and in that package you'll also see something that shows you the floor to mean down there by the operation power down by 63rd 64th is the mean property values in that area against the State of Florida property values and if you look at that you're going to see that the property values have averaged above the State of Florida now that's just you know we can't we can't say every place in in the country does it as good as Operation Par but what we are saying is where Operation Par is happening that's not the case that that's the facts that's Mante County specific that's a specific location and it does not reflect a reduction in property value so that is a fact that's not off of some other report that's a fact and if you look at some of the other studies and I've got several here let me just pull them real quick um one of the reports that Mr Burton sign I think is this one is not in my backyard that's about a residential treatment facility this isn't going to be a residential treatment this is an outpatient this is where people come they get the treatment they leave they go to work the purpose of the treatment is so that people with substance abuse issues can function and get past the the cravings and the urges that come with the opioid addiction so this is a treatment facility for people being able to go to work it's not a residential treatment facility substance abuse this is a sub substance abuse disordered treatment centers and property values this is by the National Bureau of economic research and I'll leave this with the clerk as well basically they looked at the problems and they said basically for the most part these are located in lower economic areas and the areas that the issues that are really the big problem um are things like the liquor stores and the corner retail stores those like the 7-Eleven those create problems and again I'll leave these here for you guys so then we're part of the problem on 14th Street you know the substance abuse treatment facilities are part of the problem honestly the only one I'm even aware of 14th Street U within a little over a mile from here is the one that opened one or two years ago I don't know how it gets blamed for the crime that's been going on in this area for over a decade I mean I was in in that building for five years and I fully concur law enforcement did what they could I also can tell you that I came to my office and found human feces sitting on the sidewalk 3 feet from my front door I can tell you I found drug parelia over there the problem exists it exists in a big way and nothing that's been done has really changed that including as evidenced by the uh crime statistics that the Bron police department has provided you but this area also hasn't never had a substance to use uh disordered treatment facility and that this is this request will derail City's efforts so I provide it to you and again we can't we can't compete with Nationwide studies that look at variables and if you ever really read them they say could might potentially might there's nothing that says yes this definitely was a cause and effect and any the St neither the ones I'm putting to you or the one Mr Burton mentioned either so that's not going to give you definite now I'm going to have to put my cheaters cuz I'm actually going to read something you have these so far neighbors say no problem with operation Park Clinic in Spring Hill okay two and a half years ago Jeff Phillips stood before the Hernando County Commission and urged the board to as he put it simply do the right thing three months later Sheriff's Office data and observations for Neighbors indicate the problem that Phillips and his fellow opponents feared have yet to materialize it seems that maybe a mountain was made out of a molehill now that's that's an operation Parkland that's the one in Hernando County which ended up going to court to try and stop it and found out that the Ada Trump's um public opinion and dispatch directory show sheriff's deputies have been to the clinic seven times between opening day and last Friday I think this was about two years after it opened four of those calls were routine Security checks initiated by the patrol Deputy another was for an apparent false burglary alarm two were for prisoner transports because the clinic offer services to pregnant inmates that was the criminal activity at that location you look at Parkland it keeps its foul again A year later residents say their fears have not been warranted these are the people that live next to the park Clinic there's a letter from the landlord where a park clinics that they're the landlord in Port Charlotte they've been an asset to the community you know they've never had any issues with them I can go on and on but I don't think I need to because again this special use request is for medical Clinic that's what the request is the staff report confirms that we comply with all the requirements and even the talk about well you know we've got some more residential coming in there a medical clinic is a perfectly normal use to have in a residential area you have two of them down the street from your house councilwoman Barnaby and probably it helps especially if you have somebody get hurt um so I mean I don't think it's reasonable to assume a medical clinic is a bad thing when you've got res presal area and as far as the hours operation you have a 247 convenience store on one side of it and a um 247 Ament service on the other side you got 14th Street Tammy Ami Trail on the third side and we're going to we've got a vacant lot that we're going to have a 6ot opaque fence barring any view from the PE from the resids there that you just saw they dilapidated fences um and if you're going to have this facility and you probably have to be willing to have it somewhere do you want it where you have problem and it's sort Central because it's not just people in that area that go to this Clinic it's people on the island that will drive to it there'll be people from Sarasota that will drive to it because there will be people that will be going to work that will go to get their treatment once a day or once a week or once a month that they need to come and get a treatment so that they can continue to be a productive member of society and if you got the choice if you want to zero in that this is oper this is a um opioid substance to use treatment facility who do you want to be running it do you want it to be somebody you've never heard of or do you want to be run by somebody where you can already see their track record is they do a good job so I'm open for questions um questions and thank you for letting me go a little along public comment or I do have a couple that you had brought up Mr gauze um you bring up that the Planning Commission voted 4 to1 to approve it um recommend approval yeah recommend approval one of the interesting comments by one of the board members that voted yes was that they wouldn't allow this in Lakewood Ranch and they wouldn't allow it in holes Beach so let's put it in Bradenton that was disappointing to me and I think that would be disappointing to you as well as that comment because it wouldn't be allowed in other areas but let's put it in Bradenton so that just you know kind of was interesting comment I appreciate that observation yeah and as you know uh like you I grew up in man County I grew up in Bren and I live in paleta now um I I've told many people that one of the things that Braden and quite frankly paleta benefit from right now is that they've got Mayors in both cities that grew up and care about their communities I do too I'm not trying to do something that's bad for this community and and again all of us or most of us probably have had deaths in our families from opioid use especially over the last several years so to say that you know that that would be we would be uncaring is very untrue but we also have a lot of other um you know things to think about with what's happening and going on and then we also had a meeting that we met with you and the staff and one of the things that came up was that where you're at now currently in a rental facility down in bashore gardens if I'm not mistaken yes sir that there's several people if I'm not mistaken that come to your facility that have created a homeless Camp there because they can walk and so that was concerning to me as well that now there's people that will walk in but have created a homeless Camp close to where the facility is that's not actually a correct characterization okay well that's what was said if I remember correctly that's the correct character I think what the the statement was is that yes there are people that are in a homeless camp that do come to the facility for treatment just as there are people in homeless camps in the city of brighten that might come and use this facility but to say that the move their homeless Camp to be near the facility would not be in my opinion an accurate statement although I don't think I can prove it or disprove it I don't think anybody can prove or disprove it can I address that statement that uh Mr Miller is Jim Miller and I have been sworn with Operation Par and the CEO currently and uh since that since that meeting I went and had the demographics pulled for all of our patients and we have two homeless patients currently under treatment so um yeah out of 400 out of 400 I think it's 17 or 67 I don't know the current census off hand but uh so just just so you're aware we have two people currently that are homeless within our environment everybody else is is housed and um and and you know again it was just something you brought up to us no I I understand and that's the reason why I want to clarify that I had those demographics pulled because I like to I'm a data guy and and I like to make sure we have the data and so it is just two homeless individuals that are in treatment currently okay thank you that's all I have yes M Coachman um so we're aware that there are functioning treatment centers near this area that you're looking at um and they're doing well that doesn't I think you you mention I think there's there's actually one it's about a little over a mile away about a mile away and it doesn't take people without insurance okay and but it's it's not Crea any additional crime or anything doesn't appear to so if that's working did you do a study to say hey we need another one because that one's not covering you know all that we need covered so we need another one in an area that's already a trouble area I don't I don't understand really why you feel like because the area is already troubled you know why why not I to me if an area is already troubled that would be why not well actually what is the intent is that operation power will relocate their facility to this location and they'll continue to service this location is more Central to their patient load so it makes more logical sense I think it was Mr Burton that said location location location matters well if you have a client base and you can be in the middle of your client base and when I say the middle ruskin's one end of the client base an Island's another end of the client base Liquid Ranch is I think the other end of the client base it might be Arcadia but um and then town in Sarasota but if you can move it to where it's a little easier for people to get to especially those trying to get there and then go to work um you you you you benefited everybody and and so that it's not that you're having a third treatment facility it's that a treatment facility is relocating to a different location where they feel they can better serve their their patients Mr Perry I appreciate everything you said Mr gosson pull the microphon I'm I'm thoughtful to a lot of the points you made but what you're suggesting is you're going to take 460 people that are in drug treatment that are in the county right now and you're going to put them into our Corridor that Mr Burton says is a housing Economic Development Corridor and that the police department says is one of the highest crime areas do you think that's compatible well I'll try and answer that question uh Mr Perry first first of all a large percentage of those patients are already in that area okay and I don't know if you've ever tried to drive through downtown Braden in the morning or the afternoon but pretty much the entire County flows through man city of Bren um two times a day um this isn't going to add to that load it's just going to be this is one of the stops along the way it's it's not going to the uh I provided you another thing provided to you is uh trip generation rates for a medical clinic which we also obtain from um Michael Yates at Palm traffic he does most of the traffic studies in in Manatee County which shows I think 21 a.m. peak hour trips for a medical clinic and I think 28 p.m. peak hour trips it's not very many trips for 7500t building far less than if it was a retail facility I pretty I'm pretty sure um and probably less than what if if it was uh probably less than what that residential structure across the way is going to provide to you so um it's not going to create a traffic issue per se and um you're basically giving people that are trying to work a place to go get a treatment that helps them function I don't I'm going to say it is I don't think it's going to be a traffic issue it's just that you're bringing in 460 people that are not currently in the city with this drug treatment that are now coming into the highest crime area in the area where drugs are accessible to me it would seem like if you had someone that had a gaming addiction and you were giving them treatment you wouldn't want to do it next to a casino the that that you're bringing them you're attracting them into an area well a the people aren't coming there every day and B um you could you know there where do you where do you think is the right place to place a facility an excellent question I'd like to answer it I'm going to let you answer it okay I I think it's coming down here because it's one of the only places that you can move to you go to a place that has as much trouble as and say it it's already there you go to Lakewood Ranch point it out it's not going to go to Lakewood Ranch you go out to Anam Maria Island where they rent houses for what $15,000 a week it's not going to happen there so let's go to downtown Bradon where there's already crime at the 7-Eleven where there's already homelessness at at the at the um Salvation Army and and other locations but there won't be a problem I think that's the problem and I try to relate it to the legal standard of compatibility and economic impact and the dog just doesn't hunt for me I don't vote I'm just making the point yeah M Miss Moore you had something um I have something for the applicant but I also have something for staff so for the back to it yeah okay than um is par a nonprofit or a profit nonprofit nonprofit okay great thank you and also um for staff can you clarify whether granting the special use uh permit goes with par specifically or does it apply to anybody who then sorry I'm like looking at her behind you I apologize um does it you know are we confident it goes with par go with the property it does so and then just to clarify then if we Grant it any other medical use any other medical entity would be permitted to use it correct okay because we do not the the Medical Clinic definition in our code does not speciic specifically break things out it's all-inclusive okay thank you any other questions before we I have one yeah Mr Kramer go ahead if you could answer is it a nonprofit or a not for-profit business it's the same thing I think that's split AES we're we're we're nonprofit 5013 come up to the microphone yeah I think that's splitting hairs we're we're nonprofit 501c3 under the State of Florida Standalone not part of any other large correct Operation Par has been in business 54 years as Operation Par not part of any other Corporation we we run from the West Coast from Citrus all the way down to Lee County operating clinics like this as as a nonprofit okay thank you and just I want to add to that Operation Par has been around since 1970 it was created uh Shirley klei recently passed create helped create it because she had a daughter with substance abuse issues and felt there needed to be something to do that deal with that now she's passed away her daughter is now a doctor she is yeah it worked it helped um and U so that's why they exist that's why they were formed and that's who you're going to have I just wanted Mike to address I think an issue that you had asked um I've been sworn on Mike Osborne I'm the regional Clinical Director of all of the uh medication assisted patient services that's Operation Par Maps um we looked at the data for Bradenton there are 460 patients currently coming there um a phase is when a client patient when they have negative drug screens when they have legitimate proof of income when they have stable housing no legal issues a number of criteria to get a phase which means I come in I can get a medication to take home so pretty big um criteria phase six means I come once a week phase 13 means I come twice a month and phase 27 I come once a month so I wanted to addressed people coming into the clinic currently out of those 460 more than half of those people have either fa phase six or greater so we don't have people of that 460 standing in line or coming in every day by far we do not I just wondered up so you you mentioned something that that's been brought up by previous Council people and others that Bradenton well the majority of Bradenton is not in the city limits of Bradenton so what have you done the breakdown of City Limits and outside the city limits so we have come up to the microphone please again my apologies my first time addressing any anything like this so much I'm sorry um yeah we we have looked at that and and uh I had a I had a heat map that kind of showed in fact I tried to Overlay it over there it just didn't come out super well and it it's about 20% of our population is I think within the city limits as we look at that heat map um currently that means 80% is not inside the city limits that would be accurate right so you know again why isn't it somewhere closer to where those 80% are well because again if you kind of look at the way your city map is broken out it's not just one big giant block you have this blob all over all over Manatee County and we have blobs in all of those areas there's there's that um there there's a section I guess it's right above I don't know what w that is but that white section to the left there there's a number of patients that are in that area you know granted it's not city of Bradon but as Mr Gau pointed out what we're what we're attempting to do is move our Clinic to a um a more Northern location that's closer to the bulk of our patients we're currently in a in a position where we rent we're looking to purchase um and and so for our long long-term Financial viability we think obviously you know purchasing is going to be in our better interest as well for the long-term future of our organization okay thank you Miss Moore um also for staff um uh Mr Gau mentioned that a year ago we would not have we would not uh even be here because there was a change in the ordinance could you speak a little bit to the change and maybe why the history behind it yeah it was and I'm probably going to look to Robin on this one a little bit because she brought that legislation through but it was under ordinance 418 I Look to Robin on not one um yeah we had an ordinance we were looking at a number of different uses and we had one that came in um under as a as a permitted use and we looked at specific criteria just for drug treatment facilities and then we talked to the City attorney and found that we really needed to Encompass all medical facilities and making it a special use just for the purpose that we're here today so that you could discuss them on a case-by Case basis and look at the impacts of those uses on the surrounding area Mr rudisell did you have something you leaned forward so I didn't know no I was just sitting up in the chair well the way the way when she was talking you kind of went like this um I I will have some comments after we get through the question and answer thank you all right any other questions Miss Coker is is it questions or comments questions right now we have comments section M's comments okay all right so your part's done we'll go back to any staff rebuttal before we go to public comment thanks Mr Mayor yes we should do we should allow public comment then do staff and then we'll have staff rebuttal on any of the items that have come forward either with the applicant or with the public and then the applicant will have the opportunity for the final reot okay so at this time we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public comment but we do have the one letter that Greg had put into the public record um in opposition okay is that the right way to say that Mr Russo I think that's fine okay all right all right now um any staff rebuttal before we go back to the client or to the applicant sorry good afternoon um Chief no I can't I I didn't bring my glasses down here um I don't know if it's rebuttal I just just a couple um thoughts on some of the presentations uh I appreciate Dr Burton's presentation um I always find that when people have Dr in front of their name typically their research is um grounded and quality and qualitative uh data um as well I'm a researcher and so we all know I have that Dr in front of my name that we can get studies on either side of an issue I I I think to his point having a true impact study in the city of brington at that location and and and really doing a full analysis of what it could do would probably be the best information you can get I'm confused a little bit about proximity when we were in a meeting about this issue a few weeks ago I recall hearing that a lot of the folks would be coming um from outside that area let's keep in mind to your point Council woman Coachman that the other facility is a mere 12 blocks 12 blocks from here I can walk 12 blocks I don't know about you that's a nice stretch in the morning I'm hearing today that people are in that proximity but in the other meeting I heard that they were far outside so I'm not sure what the the right answer is keep in mind that we have a huge clientele of homeless individuals and our goal in that area is to get them out of that situation we have countless resources through the C officer through our cdbg officer through officers that are assigned to that area to do all they can to try to repopulate some of the folks living at the Salvation Army um the folks who we get a lot of the complaints on 7-Eleven to to get them out of the area what we don't want to do and and not when I say out of the area not just push them out but find them Services reunify them with families find them permanent homing housing this seems to be a a contradiction into what our goal in that area is I do just want you to keep in mind recently this past year we got about $50,000 for a grant um to deal with human trafficking as that area specifically was identified within Manatee County as the highest incident of human trafficking because of that we received additional cameras we received an LPR License Plate Reader for that area it is a corridor where we see um something that we're trying to take care of um not necessarily a rebuttal but just some things to keep in mind 12 blocks there's another facility 12 blocks do we need two facilities within that that you know close proximity that's all thank you Mr Gau thank you as I said at the beginning the big issue here the elephant in the room is trying to deal with the fear and the myths and what I'm trying to do in this very short window is to try and help educate you on the reality you've heard the the studies can be found to show for and against which is why I gave you specific issues about this operation so you could see this the um stuff about this operation and who these people are the um the comment about you know getting the people out of the area you get you've got to get people off the drugs because that's one of your root cause issues you know you look at your studies that was in the report that was in your uh consent agenda you had like 26 overdoses well you know the goal is not to have the overdosis it's hard to move somebody out and get them functioning if you don't get them off of the drugs and that is what the treatment facility is about trying to help people get off the drugs that's part of the problem you're spending money in a lot of places but you know where you're not spending money you're not spending money on opioid treatment to help the people that have got the problem get off the drugs this isn't going to be an attractor for your homeless Salvation Army you know give out food give out clothes that's an attractor for homeless people you give them treatment for a disease to help them get better and counseling to help them get better so that they can function better so that they can find a better place to live or so that they can make more money and contend you have a better life or maybe become a doctor that's help this isn't a place where you come to get a fix okay it's where you come to get fixed it's a it's a physician's office plain and simple but again the the challenge is getting you and in quite frankly law enforcement past the fear of what it could be and get everybody to understand the reality of what it is what we're asking again we're asking for a medical clinic youall don't differentiate that's been that's been documented in this meeting but I'm also saying give this group a chance they're not talking about coming here and rent where they're going to come and then leave and you make get someone else they're talking about coming and buying and Miss Coker and somebody in real estate have you ever known anybody to come buy property and say I'm going to try and make this neighborhood worse I don't know that anybody does that they're coming to buy the property they're coming to provide a service and they're going to make the place better not worse and so it's a little bit of a leap of faith but we've tried to provide you with the the facts to show they're worth you taking that risk thank you thank you uh Mr rudisel yeah I just wanted to touch briefly on the on the Ada issue that was raised so um you know drug um ad addiction is considered to be a a disability and so the city is prohibited from discriminating against this type of use and so that's why this was added medic the medical clinic use was added as a special use and agree with Mr gau's comments the medical clinic use does not differentiate between different types of medical clinics could be lots of different things but the city's approach in reviewing this was to say well that is correct the medical clinic we have to look at them as you know they they're all a medical clinic under the same category but I think the city's approach now is going to be that any application coming forward for a medical clinic has the potential to be a drug treatment facility and that's the way the city is going to look at those types of of applications and that is not discriminatory they're all being all the medical clinics would be looked at the same way but you have to consider that this is one potential type of medical clinic and of course here um they've been transparent that that that's the type of use that they are proposing um in this area which we appreciate um but that is that is the approach that when that was put into the code as a special use and that was the intent that the city is going to say okay we're we're no longer allowed to consider the different types of medical clinic uses and so we're going to have to consider that all of them could potentially be this type of use so what did you just say so we can't deny it or we have my point was that the city is not discriminating against this type of use all the medical clinics any medical clinic application that comes forward is going to go through this special use process and they will all be treated the same way so we're treating it the same way we've got the information and then once the council has some discussion now can make a motion for or against that's correct it's still at the end of the day it's up for the council to determine whether the criteria been met it is the applicant's burden to prove that they meet all of those criteria and so that's the decision that's before the council so miss Coker thank you yeah um we have been making amazing and finally some things feel like they're starting to evolve with our CRA and all that we're investing into that area the rebranding of Tamiami Trail and um the new housing projects that are going on and I feel like um this is not what we have in our vision to go there um I think we're looking for different types of businesses that will service those that are buying and live right in that vicinity and as was mentioned before there is already a treatment facility 12 blocks south of there um I don't think we need to be the epicenter and I don't think we need to take care of um everybody else's so do you want to have them make a motion or uh yeah I I I'll make a motion that we deny the request for special use permit 24783 there a second Mr R so my question is if I remember correct ly making a motion to deny you had to list your your I don't I don't necessarily need I mean I do want to hear some comments from the council about about second and then we'll have okay so we have a motion in a second now miss Barnaby discussion well you are you done Miss C I mean did yeah I just I mean if I need to give my reasons it's because it's going against all of our efforts and substantial efforts that we've been doing for that area looking at this uh with the programs that we've been working on through the CRA the new residential projects that have gone in there that are operational now currently um we also are working with a couple of groups for some future projects along that area most of what we are looking at is either affordable and Workforce housing sprinkled in with a little bit of low income but we're also looking at families as well and I just feel that it is not compatible with what we are trying to do Miss Moore um I my comments include um first a general this is why I would love a workshop about planning and our vision to share our vision uh to be able to have a conversation with the five of us six of us um about how we see you know our little pockets of the city and what our vision for the future for them is so that's just again my let's have a workshop plug um that said though I generally do not I have to agree that I don't think that any medical facility is the appropriate this is not the appropriate Place given what we're you know collectively it sounds like we have a vision for this to be a an affordable SL Workforce slm market rate residential area higher densi what I have kind of envisioned this area to be and we have made a lot of significant investments in working with developers to see that kind of flourish and I agree with councilwoman uh Coker that when I think of the type of businesses the type of commercial activity I would Envision in that area it is more to service what is now going to be a higher density residential area things like you know potentially um I would say a dry cleaner comes to mind but other kind of services that you might think that you might need um because of that I don't think that it is going to I think it would in adversely impact the value that we have actually created we you know does it look like you know is it perfect right now no but I would say just by the dollars we ourselves with our CRA hats have put on I mean have put into it those dollars I think are at risk if we open this up to a medical um facility I think it's appropriate to put more medical facilities where other medical facilities are generally located we we already kind of have that kind of pocket area Brewing we have a hospital within our city limits so I would generally say without having studied it and of course maybe deferring to what the thoughts of uh uh staff were from a planning perspective but to me the kind of commercial I want to see there doesn't involve medical uh facilities period it it's more of a what do how residential areas need uh so that it is more walkable you know multimodal convenient for residents located within a higher density residential area um I also will just point out uh because anytime we have one of these uh you know either request for special permit or rezone I just want to point out that even if this operation is you know reputable on point with their operation you know all of those things there's nothing that says a year from now they don't sell it and someone less desirable comes in to now have the benefit of the property right that we have now given to the applicant so for those reasons I have concerns about putting this facility here Mr Kramer uh yes I think in speaking in hearing what Miss Koker had to say and Mrs Moore um we sort of with the other hats we wear on the CRA board do have that Vision based on the plan for the tamami trail CRA and I don't think that this is uh compatible or appropriate with that plan thank you Coachman I I can just say I concur with a lot that's already been said that this is not conducive to what we're trying to do in that area and I if it's working well somewhere why would you move it and uh we we're trying to come up with things for residents in that area services for that area we're not necessarily looking at bringing something from outside the county or outside City Limits so I'm I'm just not even certain why you would even want to move if it's working well elsewhere all right we've had discussion and and we've had we have a motion to deny um by Miss Coker seconded by Miss Barnaby and we'll start the vote inward two yes three deny yes deny I know it's counterintuitive just we never that's the first one we've done that way so so four yes five yes one yes all right the carries five to zero to deny the application thank you and Mr Mayor we will prepare an order right and we'll bring that back to the city council for approval it won't be a public hearing item um it'll come back before you probably at next meeting we're going to take a quick two-minute Break um and we'll be back that's item 9 C is the Community Development block grant or cdbg 2024 to 25 proposed use of fund and this is a public hearing okay who's going to that good morning good morning mayor city council Mr Perry I'm Nelsa Taylor director of administrative Services before you today is the 2024 25 Community Development block rant uh funding recommendations uh this public hearing is to gather comment regarding the proposed use of the funds uh the city received uh was awarded $451,500 of the Grant and uh public service is capped at 15% of the Grant and uh there is a non Public Service which is uh which receives the remaining balance again this is set forth by Hud um the city advertised the notice of available funds on March 22nd and that was advertised in the heral and also the Getta uh in addition to that we or as a result of uh the ad uh the the notice of available funds we received seven applications which were reviewed by the Review Committee uh we took a look at the high priorities um such as affordable housing addressing homelessness elderly need and also to meet the objectives of helping loow to moderate income uh residents and uh help with blight and homelessness we then advertise for the 30-day public comment on June 12th again in the herald in the Getta and and uh giving the public an opportunity to give input on the recommendations of of the youth to date we've not received any public comment we did give the opportunity to provide comment whether it was in person email phone call and we we've not received any in addition uh uh today's meeting we're requesting Council open and close the public comment and then the request for the annual action plan will go before you on August 14th okay thank you any questions uh go ahead I do Coachman I I had um some discussion with staff because I was concerned not about um the um code blight enforcement officer not saying that there's definitely the purpose of having that I was just concerned about if there was another pot we could take that money out of instead of using it for for cdbg uh funding however I understand that now but I do want to make comment though how we go about informing the public that this is you know this is available to me that's still not sufficient you know but that's I guess for a later date to discuss but I really feel like a lot of times you don't get response because you're not really reaching we're not really reaching the people if that makes sense cuz the Bron Herold I don't think a lot of people okay I should I don't want to say anything ill but a lot of people don't really refer to the brain tarrow I do I you know I read it but that's that was just that's just a comment I wanted to say um but I was concerned about that amount of money and if it could come out of another I would like that better but we do what we have to do yes ma'am Mr Perry if I could just P the microphone I could just touch on that and perhaps Miss Taylor or Miss Skelly I don't know if she's here could uh opine on this generally under the federal programs you have to circulate in newspapers of General circulation and yes sir it's it's probably from the old days because people don't really do that as much and it's a good point Mr the mayor council woman um but perhaps at some point if not today at a later date we can address this to look at H how we express um the solicitation of these funds to the various eligible folks that may be interested in them and then how many uh applications we get because what concerned me is it looks like a smaller number of applications with but which butus isn't supports councilwoman Coachman's Point um and then sometimes we take a large amount of money and put it in one application opposed taking smaller amounts of money and put in five what whatever it may be but I think we really want to talk with Miss scaling about that that's fine understood just just so you know and to clarify and not minimizing anyone's comments uh we were Bound by uh a a limited amount of 67,2 and that needed to be split into five applications and and and and those caps were again set by by Hud by us and that that's Coker yes um with regard to the Meals on Wheels has has anybody Meals on Wheels has a great reputation in the past of just being a wonderful provider here in this community but I think I personally have noticed a big change and I don't know if if any if there's been any look into the quality um I on a person I I engage their services on behalf of my parents and in all honesty the quality of the food that came was appalling and we were paying for it so I don't feel comfortable um giving you know money for a product that's I I wouldn't want to serve that to I would I wouldn't I don't serve it now I canceled I won't serve it to my parents and I don't think we should be paying for something that we wouldn't serve to our own parents so I you know I I didn't know how to approach this and when this came in front of me like this I was um I felt like I have to speak I don't know how we assure the quality of it or look into it but I mean I don't know what I do at this point I think Mar if I could be heard perhaps I spoke with uh with councilwoman about this that uh perhaps a customer survey is is the best route to go and you dealing with the population that's somewhat probably not particularly accustomed to responsiveness and at some point unfortunately uh they they need to eat and and they'll take what's served but I think we're going to need to put something in place that monitors the quality assurance of the product that we're paying for through our our our community block grant money you showed me photographs and I was appalled as well M and um I know that in a lot of places this is done by folks that may have senior affairs departments in my prior jurisdiction that's the way it was done we did quality assurance work to ensure that we as as a city in the senior affairs Department were purchasing the food and then delivering it in a timely manner and the like and uh we had pretty good success with it in this case from what I understand it's done by um a food pantry so to speak that prepares the Mals and and then they I guess subcontract the distribution of it amongst volunteers and other folks I can only go by what I've delivered meals over the last several years and the people are always so thankful when we're receiving them they you know so I don't know I mean I haven't had a personal experience like you but I would say that did you look at the food that you were delivering it's all prepackaged so we can't you know exactly but what I'm saying is and I'm going to say if we're going to do a job let's do it right that's all I'm going to say so so if it's a survey I don't know what it is I'm happy to share pictures with anybody but I I just uh I they have such a great reputation from before but I think things may have changed over there and before we just keep thinking we're doing a good job I think it needs to be looked at so and I don't know how to handle it yes ma'am perhaps could we ask staff to get with their Administration and share these concerns that we have heard and ask them to get back with us because if if I I think I could and I'm not trying to put words in Miss coker's mouth but I think if this request comes forward next year and there hasn't been a change I'm not sure she's going to support it understood yeah and we're not approving at this meeting anyway right right right so it's to gather comment from the public and also from you all we can still change at this point if we need to and again she might probably have company fair enough so we need to go to public comment now public hearing all right Mr Mayor if I could just ask for clarification so we're not asking the council to approve these allocations that are proposed at this time no that will go uh uh the action plan will go before you August 14th it it's just the public comment the opening and closing of it it's necessary under the grant Mr Mayor Mr rudol yeah mayor yes um I I I don't think it's legally necessary for me to say this at this meeting but because we're having this discussion I feel compelled to let you all know that I have GNA have to recuse myself because I currently serve on the board of stepup Sun Coast and they are one of the applicants so I just I'm letting you all know that that would be why I'm not participating even though today we're not taking action but I just want to let you all know which board are you on Step Up step Sun Co one of the applicants but she can recuse herself from that vote but vote on everything house no she's going to recuse herself from the vote on the proposed grant funding comes forward the whole thing or just step up Sun Coast I think it's all going to be in one one okay if it's one total package then yeah okay so we'll go to the public hearing at this time anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing and so it'll be on August 14th we'll have the information information come back yes thank you thank you Madame clerk items nine d e f and g are being moved to the August 14th city council meeting so d e f and g will go to August yes sir may let me just add there Mr Mayor they weren't advertised so and that's why they're being moved to August and so that's why we don't also need to open it up for public hearing at this time it wasn't actually advertised as a public hearing but it was not the city's fault they were present it mayor Mr mayor council Barb they were presented to the Bradon Herald in a timely manner and I just think that it was on that end is what I'm told they just didn't get them in publication I think the heral now publishes a lot less than they did before maybe perhaps twice week I don't know if it had something to do with that or not yeah so I know that the state statute I believe has changed that we can go to different Publications now is that what we need to start looking at uh possibly Mr Mayor there is an online uh option now for the city to look at so um that is what's that all right so we'll we'll administratively address that Mr Perry and continue to go forward on that so uh moving on Madam clerk item 99h is the first reading for ordinance 4047 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida amending chapter 6 related to alcoholic beverages amending section 6.1 or 6-1 to add definitions amending section 6-2 to prohibit alcoholic beverages from being sold consumed or served or permitted or served sorry or permitted to be served or consumed in any establishment between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. providing for exemptions providing for any establishment licensed under the state beverage laws that desire to remain open for the purpose of sale service or consumption between the hours of 12: a.m. and 2:30 a.m. to apply for an after midnight permit adding Provisions for the application requirements and fee providing for regulation s related to the after midnight permit providing for conditions to be imposed on the after midnight permit providing for suspension and revocation a of the after midnight permit providing for the appointment of hearing officer to rule on suspension and revocation of after midnight permits providing for enforcement amending chapter 6 to add a new section 6-7 establishing evidence of prosecution of violations providing for codification providing for severability and providing for an effective date so the second reading will be on August 14th 14th yes sir item 9 I is the first reading for ordinance 4048 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida vacating a ploted 20ft alley as shown on the re subdivision of lots 1 2 3 4 5 and six Turner plat of Braden Town recording in plat book one page 184 of the public records of Manatee County Florida and more particularly described herein generally located north of Third Avenue West East of 12th Street West and West of 10th Street West providing for recordation in the official records providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances in conflict and providing for an effective date and the second reading will be a 14th in public hearing yes thank you item 9j is the first reading of ordinance 4049 an ordinance of the city of Bron Florida amending Chapter 70 article 3 section 70- 86 of the city's code of ordinances to add definitions amending Chapter 70 article 3 section 70- 92 of the city's code of ordinances to add new section 70- 92 d 70- 92e 70- 92F 70- 92g 70- 92h and 70- 92i requiring private laterals and private Wastewater collection and transmission systems to be maintained by the property owner and good workking order requiring private lateral and private Wastewater collection and transmission system inspections upon certain occurrences providing inspection requirements requiring the property owner to place or rehabilitate defective private laterals requiring sorry requiring the owner or operator of a private Wastewater collection and transmission system to repair or rehabilitate such systems to Abate excessive inflow and infiltration providing for enforcement of mechanisms providing for codification providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you and second reading August 14th in public hearing yes sir all right thank you and at this time we're going to take a lunch break until 1:00 we'll be um in recess till 1 o' thank you madam clerk item 10A is the Caddy's half marathon all right who will be speaking on that behalf and why Miss Thomas why are you here on the different situation I have to bring you Caddy's half marathon because it's going to require an fdot Bridge closure and they no longer will accept anything that has went under consent Aima for approval so this is why you have this individually to look at today run 941 is a sponsor they are applying for the bridge closure permit the event going to be held on March 23rd 2025 um it starts at caddies it's going to run along the river walk it's going to go over the bridge over the palet up here they'll double back and take the same route back it's not going to require any road closures on our side of it because they're going to run on the Riverwalk but it will require a lane closure on the bridge but they are applying for that and that is why we have to do it as an individual item so it would have been the same thing as normal on gone through the events committee everything's exactly the same that is correct it is it has already that's correct required a new little yeah the event Review Committee has already reviewed it they are recommending approval um they do have um some extra Duty Officers as stipulations and we will require obviously the fdot finalized permit chair will entertain a motion I'm I'll make a motion to approve the the Caddy's half marathon application all right second second friendly Amendment did we uh did we include quite well discussion oh sorry I'm sorry yep discussion um there were just stipulations that staff suggested so I wasn't sure if the motion act that did you say as stipulated as stipulated I I'll friendly it yes frame it that way the secondary agrees yep all right all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote and award three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes approve five to zero thank you very much moving forward item 10B as a memorandum of understanding with keep manate beautiful okay who will be talking to that Mr Perry or briefly mayor um in in the agenda package is theou itself um it runs from this year 2024 basically through 2029 um effective today's date it sets for forth both the purpose and scope as well as the obligations uh I'm sure many of the members of council are familiar with a lot of the programs that they do about adopter Road um um distribution of brochures Flyers neighborhood presentations school presentations marking of storm drains and other uh activities that they engage in regarding um trying to improve the uh you know the litter prevention the recycling and beautification throughout city of Bradington and this is just a continuation of the past and it has it is it is there is nothing material that's changed in it chair we entertain a motion to approve theou with ke Manatee beautiful move Miss Coachman is there second second Miss Barnaby any further discussion hearing none we'll start to vote inward four yes what five yes one yes two yes three yes thank you all right next Mr Perry we're going to pull item C which was the health insurance renewal um we're at we we received recent information um from our broker of record and that information is is fairly significant and so what we're going to try to do is continue uh some very prompt discussions with the broker of record and perhaps obtain additional information from um some of the folks that had already talked to the insurance committee and and and really probably reschedule another Insurance committee meeting in a short period of time next week uh and then ultimately it may require a special meeting before Council it will require a special meeting and we'll probably plan on that either Wednesday or Thursday so we'll know more today and tomorrow and we'll set the insurance committee meeting probably for Tuesday and then we'll let everyone know timing within plenty of time of the the special meeting yes sir single item all right moving forward who's going to come forward I think Mr giddens I believe this is a matter that's being proposed by the police department and former Captain Jeremy giddens is here to present by the Bradon Police Department welcome good afternoon mayor council uh this agenda item is to confirm a vendor to administrator to administer the city's uh school speed enforcement program um other agencies have P piggybacked off of a contract from Georgia that's about four or five years old this uh proposal or contract is a piggyback off of the city of plantations RFP that was held in U March and April this year uh if approved uh the vendor will provide equipment necessary for enforcement of the speed zone at the nine schools that were identified C the ordinance I would just point out that um any violations identified would run through the police department for confirmation issuance and we're not debating the um original part of approv this we're just approving the vend this is approval of the vendor on a piggy back through the city Plantation Florida statute requires it be heard under new business new business why it's on your agenda chair we entertain a motion in a second then we'll get discussion motion to approve agreement pb2 24-25 e Edward J John with red speed LLC second second Miss Barnaby all right discussion it's also miss Coachman I think oh I heard the left ear gets better Miss Miss Moore um does it do we in the event in the random event that um the ordinance some you know we basically decide to do something go a different way um within the five-year term I believe it was a 5-year term um do we have some recourse there are we on the hook financially for anything I would refer to legal but I do believe there's a SE severability clause in it termination provision Mr Zell mayor yes I'm just trying to pull it up yes sir yeah I believe there is I don't have sorry um if if we decide to get out or if they decide to get out or if the state statute changes right or or even if the ordinance changes if we just say hey it's not working out well that would be us deciding rightow any other questions why Mr Rudell is confirming that I yes ma'am I I just wonder is there anything that at at a certain point once we get into this that we see that we can assess are we having the desired effect uh yeah there's a report that's required to be brought before you each year in that we have to go through the statistics uh Mone is collected how they're distributed um citations issued how many were um uh proceeded to through a hearing or UTC so all that information collected annually we have to comply with that for State Statute Mr rudel Mr Mayor yes and section 6A there is a 30-day termination for convenience so oh great thank you all right we've had discussion we'll start the vote inward five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries 5 to zero thank you moving to unfinished business City Administration Mr Perry mayor council during the break I I left you all with a copy of a proposed letter that I'd like to send to sheriff Wells um directed towards the Police Athletic League and the matter basically concerns um city park the letter highlights some of the activities we've engaged in thus far on behalf of the city with Direction and authorization from the city council it basically lays out um the concept of city park its location between 13th and 17th Avenue adjacent to 9th Street to the West and ultimately Bradon Village to the east it also formally explains the programmatic purpose is to advance Sports tourism along the park uh with facilities and complexes uh surface parking lots and the like and then it also speaks directly east of Rogers G Garden bulock Elementary School on 13th Avenue that we would be constructing a building pad envelope area that would accommodate an approximately 50,000 squ foot multi-use up to twostory building that could accommodate a gymnas asium as well as a large multi-use Sports Field South of the school as you may remember I was before Council for authorization to engage applied sciences in order to develop um U storm water engineering and master plan Ser Master planning Services the the idea was is to basically try to master plan how building massing design development in early stages would be put into that overall site as it relates to City Park of course you're familiar with Lecom now the practice field that's associated with it as well as existing conditions of of the Public Works facility we would need to add a new field and really what we would contemplate is doing this in two phases one is the the horizontal development of the surface area and underground because we have a lot of storm water in that area hence the requirement for storm water engineering um we have a 300 day W window in order to complete that through 100% design at the same time what we're going to be doing simultaneously engaging uh vertical construction Engineers to lay out our city park and and also to um look at the adjacencies there too through the master Planning Development um we we want to do that and then at the same time thereafter um go to a semar so what we're trying to do is basically put this in place where we are we are moving simultaneously and what I'm trying to express to to sheriff wells in this case is that we have a commitment we' received a great deal of of external funding for this project both from the federal government through representative Buchanan's office Congressman Buchanan um the county uh through their TDC tax uh tourist development tax as well as the state and other entities we've been talking to the school district and the like um the project is multifaceted because you know in this letter it talks about the ability to offer athletic child and adult education career development services Family Support programs uh to surrounding undeserved communities and that it's a reare and potentially gamechanging opportunity and we hope to do this through a leverage partnership with some of those those entities that I talked to about as well as the private sector and I'd like Sheriff Wells to know where we're at as a director of pal in order that he can start his Capital campaign to try to raise money for the building itself and whatever else is necessary really the two primary developers in this is probably the the city of Bradington and and pal um as the primary initial developers of it along again with the funding partners that I've previously listed and this basically lays that all out in a letter the signatories to the letter are mayor and myself we didn't want to get out ahead of our skis there's already been a lot of authorizations for some of the pieace work that needs to be done we've talked about it a lot but I wanted to kind of put you all um on on give you the information about where we're at and where we're going well as As We Know with any type of funding for not for-profits and different things it gives them opportunity to start raising the funds pal believes that they can raise the funds through their board but they need to say you know when they go to their's funding their to try to get it why and what and this obviously is one of those things that will say that here's where we are with our infrastructure that's going on with the storm water it's going to improve the storm water over there so much which we obviously approved last meeting for the applied science but um we just thought it was a good way for them to go to their funders and say you know cuz to build a building is probably going to be somewhere around $25 million or so and you they've already got two and a half from the county towards it that was given to us through arpa money and then Vern Buchanan has put in three million for them so you know it's pretty much started how now that can they go to the private world and see if they can raise the other money State also huh well the state put for money for us to do the infrastructure yeah so the two and a half was specifically for the pal building that we got through arpa money from the city to help right that could offset some of our underground expenses you know that we do towards it right we we would think that it would because some of that pad is it's it's they're going to be their facility and the field as well and so but it's going to improve the the underground over there so much that will make where you know not that there's a lot of flooding there but it's going to improve it it'll actually help with Village of the Arts it's going to help with a lot of things as it flows better there there's a lot of a lot of um connection boxes and the like from Village of the Arts and and other areas that go into I think it's a 72inch outfall uh conveyance I should say all the way to the outfall at the river so the reality is is a lot of that area underground um storm drain runs through that parcel I'd also point out and as mentioned in the letter that the the community redevelopment agency is going to be presenting you with development plans for this the surrounding area and Economic Opportunity related to that um and they would they would kind of Trail this project by a year a year or two just generally speaking what we've talked about in the last couple meetings and it's a very exciting opportunity for redevelop I mean for for a host of other beneficial uses for the city it's multiac with not only for the general area of leom to City Park to changing generationally children's lives that aren't even born yet and changing a neighborhood that hopefully will see some value and growth while then also working with the Braden housing authority to now come up with plans which all of this helps that whole area and to change the the Dynamics of somebody said earlier 12 blocks is not a long way to walk but in our city it is why are we going to give them that momentum so miss Coachman I I sometimes it's hard for me to talk about this because this is going to make a huge difference to an area that in the past was a respectful place and it had people of all economic levels but mainly black because of that was where everyone lived then and to see it deteriorate over the years and seemed like it was no hope well now there is there's a vision and I'm I feel strongly that this will be realized and it will make a significant difference not only for the city of brington but for the the single ter area and and and I believe it will make Rogers Garden School the school it deserves to be and it hasn't been that since day won it hasn't and there was so much hope for that school um because it was it was a it made national news because it was a green school and so much was put into it and um it's just not had the opportunity to perform as well as it it should and could there I think there's been a lot of historical challeng challenges in that general area culturally historically economically and the like and absence something like this I don't think there's any one group that can afford to do a whole lot there um and and this is where everybody helps out a little bit and it's a generational project and it's transformational project so if we are successful and there seems to be a lot of Goodwill going towards it with commitment to funding um it it could really change the the face of that area and ultimately the ire you of the city in that nth Street Corridor and surrounds Corridor that makes a difference and one of the things that that we're going to talk about next is the generational change that this property will do because this property is going to have a significant increase in ADV valorum tax to the school district and one of the things that that we're working with them is to say this property will not bring a lot of cost to the school district District so the cost to the school district because there won't be kids living on this type of of development so we at one point said I mean I think the first number came in that it could be $9 million if it was the highest economic impact of the development but we're thinking probably around five or six and I've talked with the school district about how do we keep that money or a majority of that money in our CRA and our Title One schools we have three Title One schools schools Manel Rogers and Ballard if we can keep the majority of that money to give those schools a chance to step up because of we know that if anybody at a school at Jesse P Miller needs something the parents buy it for the teacher these teachers are struggling to even buy General supplies and it's a goal of mine to make sure that those schools have something from what we're doing in this community and Rogers obviously could be the first one to realize that that and when when Sergeant cousins passed away one of our officers I you obviously dealt a lot with his wife and Amy has been the only teacher that's been there the whole time that's been there and we need to keep those teachers staying at the schools and that's what all three principles that I meet with regularly talk about and I know the school district some of the staff is like oh don't say no I'm GNA say it because we are going to fight to make these schools in the city of Braden not the worst schools but the best school schols and take them out of the title one and you know money doesn't always do it only but it helps and and early three and four year old education and that's what this starts right here three and four year old preschool education so um Mr Perry do we need a motion just kind of move forward with this letter yeah motion for approval for Mrs Coachman move to approve oh goodness where are we to approve um it's not in there it's not no okay move to proove yeah the the letter of authorization to sheriff Wells that this is the plan going forward okay all right Miss Coachman is second M Coker all right did I was was it Barnaby or Barnaby okay it's it's okay it's not a problem yeah I thought I heard that all right um any further discussion start the vote inward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes thank you carries 5 to zero Mr Perry mayor on to the next matter um here we are talking about change again and specifically the M development agreement and purchase agreement between the city Bron and Vias Bron LLC um I will cover a little bit of the historical background but before I get to that I want to just let Council know that we have principles from lnl here with Mr Zoro um and DC um Ron Allen we have Mark musin who is our attorney and I believe there's several perhaps few other folks that uh that are related to this project but as you all know back in 2022 um I was authorized to cons put out a notice of considered disposition in August of 22 this response deadline we had three people that were interested by March of 23 um there was a selection of lnl and an authorization to begin negotiations with lnl as the master developer we had talked about a lot of key issues at the time we talked about um uses and and particularly mixed use as it relates to um a hotel as it relates to a condo Tower as it relates to uh multif Family Apartments as it relates to Green Space and parking um and commercial use of food beverage entertainment and this isn't an entitlement project if this was an entitlement project then the ownership group would buy the property become the owner and they would be entitled basically with vested rights to do whatever the land use code and the zoning and the other regulations allow them to do if they wanted to do all apartments they could do all apartments if it was permissible they want to do all Hotel they could do all that we set terms for the Mixed use that we wanted and we had a very good relationship with coming to A conceptual understanding of that but then the devil becomes in the details when you have to do the transactional documents and I spoke about it back then and said you know we'll work through it there was uh issues regarding architectural design for the the the look and feel of Bradenton and lnl to their credit came up with a proposal initially and it was kind of a wavy building on one part and it wasn't particularly embraced and they went back to the drawing board and they met with all the counselors over several periods and and they provided some renderings of what their concept was for the facades and the exterior architectural standards for the building and and some streetscapes and and other uh features and that was embraced uh generally speaking from a concept and so we proceeded from there after we had approval by Council that this was something that we wanted to do that it looked like something that would be compatible with the area and that it looked like something with you know the the future would would would behold um it's interesting that that you know we stantech did out did our visioning and and Matt went around and he's been talking about the visioning and he said you know Bron's 100 100 plus years old 25 years old basically and uh anything that's 125 years old he said needs to be a little bit redone save some of the past but look forward to the future it's a long period of time and to that extent you know when you when you look at some of the the architecture and the history of what was down there back in those days it's beautiful it was absolutely beautiful you know something out of a Norman Rockwell picture almost it really it really is but we're in the year 2024 now and uh the the city's considerably different the world's considerably different when you think about it and we want to keep up with th those differences I've always said that downtown I think is a is a crown jewel as it relates to Economic Development opportunities most of the data has flushed that out um about half the people that come to downtown aren't from here they visit it they spend money they enjoy themselves they go back and talk about how great Bradington is and um we have a lot of other great neighborhoods that Matt also said within the visioning should be preserved with historical precept and I think we have to continue that but in moving forward with this mixed use project it's really a again a transformational project I don't like to overuse that word but it it's transformational to the extent of it showcases um the show piece of the city of Bradington and we've been able to put together a master development and a purchase agreement if Mr musin would come up from Gilchrist neighbors who I was authorized to engage from Tallahassee the law firm that has experience in these types of development agreements and uh perhaps he can walk you through um the details and questions you might have he has I think said that he's been involved in many many transactions and development agreements but perhaps none that have taken as as much energy and effort and back and forth as this one in in in a way and and both our team and the L&L team have been very diligent and reasonable to strike a balance we're asking a development team to put faith and trust in this governance as well as governance that may be to come and the community as well for 400 million plus investment potentially and uh you know we're asking them to that we're putting out trust in them to do it right and within those General parameters of a handshake deal lawyers have to reduce things to writing and that's what's here before you today and so what we've done is try to put within this document certain standards that we talked about all along as well as timelines that will ensure that this project is built and developed over a period of time and that it doesn't stand as maybe potentially prior historic um transaction in the city where it's just open-ended and you know it develops as as it develops and the like so really what this contemplates is a two-year period to close within that period of closing there's several things the city has to do we have to basically do an assessment of off-site infrastructure as we went out to the community and talked to a lot of people they said well what what's going to happen on the roadways you know what are we doing regarding water or soore storm water and everything else and so we are doing a condition and capacity study right now to determine how much capacity we have according to the prior Public Works director because there was significant work done on Main Street as well as 10th in recent times he thinks that there's probably adequate capacity but we need basically engineering confirmation to that effect it also has something it has a lot to do with certain laws that provide for charging for that that the use of that infrastructure for dedicated project you know there's obviously impact fees but then there's also this thing called offsite infrastructure mitigation and cost and so that engineering study will provide us an an engineers's estimate of those costs and the developer wants to know rightfully so if we develop and we have to pay some of that how much is it because it all goes into whether it's a viable project for them we have to do survey work on the survey itself one of the things that was passed um because of that was on the land use agenda this this this morning was vacating an alley there was an alley that was on the original plat that kind of goes through here there's also a plat that shows when this was originally platted I think it was half in the Manatee River and it was an infill project and so we have some survey work to do and a host of other things so that two-year period to close we hope we can accelerate that a little bit and and get to a point where all the diligence is is checked off of what we have to do what what the developer has to do there is a list of exhibits on here as far as deliverables of what has to be done um more configuration and specificity as to the Green Space itself um the architectural standards the Ingress the egress all the things that you folks were rightfully concerned with um and then it goes into certain rights of ownership when they when they transfer um how they transfer residual rights of the city and the like after the the the two-year closing period they would take ownership of the parcel and then have two years basically to begin development of a phase of the parcel it's broken into three phases being the the um M the multif family the condo residential condo and the hotel and also things that would require them to do as soon as they start one of the phases with parking the Green Space to ensure that they don't try to push that off to the end and the like I'm going to kind of turn it over to Mr mus now to provide further uh detail on some of these things but the the agreement is before you in the form of a master development and the purchase agreement I'm going to let Mark try to give a little bit of a an overview and then we'll stand with for questions and I think you may want to ask the developer questions who's here to answer those questions as well as a matter of format all right thank you thank you hi I'm Mark mus with neighbors gin and Nickerson so you can tell Rob is a Rec in lawyer because he gave the the overview I was going to give there's not a lot more for me to say really uh but but the um I mean as Rob indicated you have you know there's the master development agreement and purchase agreement which is sort of a purchase and sale agreement that's to get you to the closing and as indicated there's certain things that the developer has to do certain things you as the city has to do they have certain deposit requirements are required to pay if they walk away and you know without cause then you keep the deposit uh if there's certain things that you don't uh satisfy then they walk away and they get the deposit back um the heavier negotiation on this has sort of been on the development agreement which is after they take title and then there's the restrictions on what are they going to do and when are they going to do it by and as Rob indicated this has been negotiated as sort of a phase approach and and you know and from their standpoint they said well you know this is three four years down the road the market could change you know we don't know what'll work best when we've got to get funding we've got to get lenders and so so the the phasing that you know which phase goes first is sort of up to them but there restrictions if they don't start Phase One by X date then city has the option to take the property back um uh and then if they start a phase and they don't finish it there's a requirement that they put money up to basically U you know compensate the city if we have to tear the thing down uh and so so you know that's that's sort of the gist of the two agreement ments and you know rather than go into more detail at this point if if you guys have questions I'm happy to answer them question from what more um I I appreciate the that the negotiation was uh tedious I knew it must have been because I wanted to like tell ask Mr Perry start it page five and he was like no we are not doing that what are your main points um so so I have two main points that I just want to clarify uh the first one is regarding the green space so in both agreements uh there are you know numbers tied to the non-residential and the residential requirements and then the developer has a 5% uh leeway area there but the green space is the only one that is devoid of a number and it's in more general terms so are we assuming that 5% of zero is zero are we feeling confident in the commitment to the green space and the uh bakara and the Riverwalk improvements because I feel like that was the area that was the most um General well I think that Visa the Green Space we refer to the conceptual plan that's part of the uh of the agreement and rather than you know sort of a little bit hard to describe well you know the Green Space you know it's not like 16 units or 160 units it's you know sort of as spelled out in the plan so I think that's the way we looked at it so there's really no you know plus or minus I mean this is you know there's a description here and that's what we're counting on unless they come back to you and say hey we need to alter that for some reason and that includes the Riverwalk improvements because in the conceptual pen those are not actually depicted I presumably from space yeah and that I'm not sure Rob that the on the Riverwalk improvements um there would have to be a great get to the microphone that it's it's difficult to to kind of put the cart before the horse as it talks of the Riverwalk improvements we want this to blend into the Riverwalk and be seamless I think all of us kind of conceptually think oh that be be really cool because we have a beautiful Riverwalk but how that's done we don't know um at this point we will know further as The Architects start to do their architecture design Road configuration as far as them saying can we use the RightWay this way can we make it a oneway roundabout whatever it might be and so it it's kind of premature to determine exactly what would be required for improvements to bring the Riverwalk to the front of this and seamlessly connect the two and ultimately you know that will be something something that we'll have to further negotiate if there's cost in there I want to make sure people understand that we're not closing bakara no right no no I think I think it's if you said this is going to tie into the Riverwalk right some people will think that it's going to close bakara and no it's not closing bakara but it's the beautification along the front and right now we have parking diagonally that way maybe we turn it horizontally maybe we do something maybe it's so all of that is you part of the overall developers design and the oak tree obviously is a huge part that's staying yes you know and and building around that so you know that and and making it like a park-like setting per se while still having who knows it may be all outdoor seating you know in a Park area for restaurants yeah I would imagine that that by the the oak tree and kind of where it currently is the front to to the old Auditorium that it'll be contained in that area and it's it's being proposed as Talent Park which I think is very cool God Rest her soul Barbara Elliot I want to honor her and and her and I my last conversation was about that and you know is is that's what the oak tree is and we can't we looked everywhere to find Talent Park and could not find anything other than in judge Smith's book it talks about a little bit of Mr talent but it doesn't talk about a park right but we're going to honor that as as we've talked about with her and adjacent to that area you I think you're going to have a lot of you know commercial space for outdoor dining and you know under the shade trees that kind of thing and I I think that that type of configuration and how it seamlessly Blends and interconnects with the Riverwalk is going to be a piece of masterful Genius by some architect landscape architect that will have to do it but how it's done a little early yeah I just want to reaffirm our commitment to it um and then the second issue was about um off-site mitigation um so I understand that we're not requiring acquisition for offsite mitigation but are we feeling confident that we're going to have the mitigation like dealt with because I think that is also to Citizens that is a huge concern the impact that a large development will have on the basic infrastructure I want to make sure that we're reassuring people that yes that will be you know taken care of and that will not you know frankly come at a primarily City expense right well this was heavily negotiated uh so so the the act the limitation on acquisition is just on two things on storm water and on transportation and so the developer point was well gee if you're telling us you know we've got to four lane the you know what xroad out here I mean that blows the whole deal so we're you know we're not doing that and so so but the remainder of any off-site mitigation you know if if we have to if there's a sewer lift station that has to be done and there has to be land acquired I mean that would be part of the part of The Proposal I mean the developer has a right to walk away as Rob indicated that if those costs as a whole or too high or more than they can can manage then then they can they can say no but part of what the city is supposed to do is all right we're going to give you the universe of what this is going to be uh and then we're going to give you a cost a little bit later you can come in when you acquire the property and if you want to pay it all up up front then you're done if you don't pay it within a certain period of time then when you come to develop you know a number of years down the road excuse me the city's going to have the right to say okay well sorry you know we're we're X years down the road we're going to you know this is we're we're looking at you know this a new because things have changed in 10 years or whatever so that's a long answer to your question but that's how it's set up okay I just want to make sure that it's not something that we're going to assume you know that we're assuming the primary cost so whether they have the option of paying it up front or at you know down the road and gamble with What expenses look like I'm okay with that but well correct I mean they're going to be on the hook you know assuming they go forward once they get the universe and the cost they'll be unhook for part of that any questions yeah I just wanted to make a comment I just want to say uh thank you to the negotiating team I I can tell this was a Monumental task and uh I just want to thank you for all your efforts I think this is going to be a wonderful project for our downtown and for our citizens and um so I want to thank you I appreciate you saying that there's one person would think for keeping this train on track she sitting there in a flowery dress her name is Corey foron and Mark has commented several times about how many followup she's had to do to keep this on track she the task master no and I know it was something we were hoping to have back in April but because of logistics and the importance of it you know it just kept going down and and uh the recovering attorney might have slowed it down a little bit at times but it was it was at the part of to make sure that it's down the road and and I've got a a quiz question for Mr zoral do you know what the sandp means now you do that was something that I brought up numerous times in the meetings and I was in a few of them but not a lot but but the sand pile was very important to me to make sure that we weren't going down that same Road 203 years down the road so and he finally said well what is this sand pile you talk about and then he did some research and and from that standpoint um I'm gonna go ahead and allow at this time because I know this is this is so important and and uh we did have one card even though we don't have public comment on this going to allow um Donna Maas to come up and if she wants to to have some comments um did you did you want to say anything before Jim or okay all right so Donna you come up and you'll have three minutes actually okay good that Donna Maas Bradenton um I just want to make a couple of comments and I have crossed out a whole lot of things because y'all answered a lot of my questions I do have a concern with the parking and Claus 2G since Spring Hill Suites and the Oak and stone have come to Bradenton parking is a real challenge I live down here I don't have to deal with that but when you walk downtown and see the challenges that people have I can only imagine what this is going to do I know that Mr Perry spoke to a utilities study engineering study was there a traffic study done that was discussed at one of the meetings and i' I've never saw a traffic study um the other thing is I'm going to finish on a positive note how about that I got a copy of the agreement I printed it out and looked it over and I will have to say the conceptual drawings look very nice thank you thank you appreciate your time um I'll just go to kind of parking um we have a 34 empty parking garage almost 247 and my wife's tired of every time we come downtown not every time but a lot of times driving through the parking garage because I want to know if people are utilizing it and it is most times even at our busiest times not utiliz so what do we have to do to go and get people to to utilize it properly um or make them understand a little bit more that there is there so I agree with you on that part of it that people don't always look um but we have the the spaces it's about getting the people to understand where they are um the traffic study I think will come with the project as you go forward you know a lot of times those things happen but the parking garage and I thought one of the things I read in all of it and I thought some people could take some confusion on it about the parking garage well obviously the parking garage and and again I was in on the meeting so I heard it the parking garage that they're going to built isn't going to be able to be seen it's going to be internal to the structure so you're going to have apartments on each side on the east and west side you're going to have the two towers and the parking will be internal to it so you know and and we've asked for additional parking for the retail part of it so they will not be taking any of our parking because that was important and I I know I saw Mr Callahan here earlier I don't know if he's still here but um when we went through that process to put that parking garage in we Purp purposely made it where if this property was ever sold it would be sold separately and not part of the project so we're adding parking not taking away from existing parking and that was very important to me when we did that parking garage years ago sure um so Mr Perry I just point out that the the it contemplates I believe 700 parking spaces yeah for the facility itself I don't think it's any surprise that parking is becoming a little bit more of a demand downtown yet our our structured parking is often vacant but I do notice that Baptist Church a bunch of other private land owners now have up there $4 an hour parking right if you go to St Petersburg if you go to Channelside most places in Tampa you go to Bradenton Beach at 1632 an hour on Bridge Street yeah I think Lance paid about $80 she told me seriously for being down there for parking in Bradington Beach but um you I guess you got you got to be careful of your own success because those are things that unfortunately have economic prices tags but at the same time um I think that where we're at right now and of course the county looking at their expansion of their parking facility as well um will accommodate uh you know the the the necessary parking for downtown and of course this surrounding area too you know again if you go down to town to St Pete you might have to park park a couple blocks away if you want a good rate if you want to pay a bunch and get valet you're probably looking at what 20 bucks an hour you know that kind of thing but that's the way the world is yep all right thank you um questions yes um do would we like Council to also explain um because it looks like we have our land use development approval contingency tied to the public use spaces so would it be beneficial for him to explain how that works perhaps and I'm sorry tell me the question again do you want to just explain a little bit about how the land use development approval contingency is going to work because the public use we have to agree with the developer uh for how many what the minimum number of spaces available to support the public uses were going to be tied to that contingency so right do we get to a point where we can agree on that and something happens well yeah I mean you know again this is the you know part of the process between now and the closing date right so so there's got to be certain agreements on a number of things including a replat uh there's got to be some some you know some approvals of sort of their stacking plan for for the development and then also the you know the Green Space right what exactly you know we've got the conceptual drawing here what is it going to be can we hone it down a little bit further but that's that's the way that'll work and recognize that once this once you approve this there will be restrictions on the property recorded in the land use record so they have no ability to you know well we decid we're going to do office space instead well no can't do that they got to come back to you for approval excuse me in order to do something other than the hotel the condos and the apartments chair will entertain a motion Mr Kramer thank you motion to authorize City administrator to execute the master development and purchase agreement and continue with the process of the sale of the city center site as set forth therein second all right I heard Miss Coker first okay all right we've had discussion anything else hearing none yes ma'am I I would like to say something perfect um because you brought up the sand pile and my mother was in labor with me when the afternoon Braden Herold came out with the idea that they were going to dredge up the river bottom and set up what was supposed to be a wonderful development and we now know how long that took to even have anything considered on it in 1996 97 was when the then Mayor Bill ever said that he wanted a new city hall and he didn't want to purchase property and uh he was going to take over the auditorium space and have a uh City Hall fire station and police station all on one parcel and it was really interesting because we had a meeting that over a thousand people showed up because they did not agree with that choice they never said don't build a new new city hall they just said we don't want it on our Waterfront and because of the what I what I think because of the way that that choice and decision was handled was how there were at least four Council seats changed and then also the mayor this Administration has gone out had public meetings met with people set them up at different periods of different times in different locations to try to get people to come together to talk about this which again did not happen the last time and I I did not want this building here at all and then the other thing that really irritated me is when I finally got to walk into the building where my office would set up I was looking at the city of paletto and I said why aren our offices on that side so we can look at our city but it was too late to change anything at that point so I do feel that this project is going to it will change our downtown and change is scary and you've heard me say before the only thing that likes change is a wet baby however I think it's going to help our city in ways that we can't even see yet and that's why I'm going to support it can I just make com then oh well um towards that um I think that we you know Florida we all know is experiencing growth and the growth is going to continue to happen the the key is that we plan and we management manage it and I think that this is a this project is going to help us uh create a place where people can live and work and play and hopefully um it'll be sustainable for our fam's quality of life and um you know will help uh help their financial future as well so that's why I'm in favor of this all good all right and just my final comments are that you know we have been going through this for several years it was talked about years before that but when was the right timing obviously an economy hit that that might have changed a few things over those timings but when you look overall at the transparency that since I've been mayor since this Council has been here since our Administration since our previous administration started it a little bit going forward and what we've done to work with the developer to come up with the best plan that is Bradenton not you know somewhere else I won't mention any names for because those cities deserve what they get you know and they like that style but what we are in Bradenton is what we're going to do to generationally change for our children and our CH one of the things I said um to our new Bradon Herald reporter that's still learning you know and still going about what the sand pile is and all of that is that we want this to be those children say hey there's something I can do down there other than going to a bar only it's a downtown that is vibrant but also for all ages to be there and be able to find a parking place and be able to walk somewhere so we don't have to find a parking place and that's one thing that I think this will do and I just want to again thank Mr Perry everyone down the road Corey anybody that sat in any of the meetings as well as um and and we've been gone so out of the way to find attorneys and things that weren't those Hometown people that were going to be claimed to cook the books we found an attorney out of Miami to tell us parts of things found an attorney out of Tallahassee and you know I don't know if there was any good ones in Gainesville but you know since we found the other two yeah so doubtful get a little bit there there's one good one sitting right over oh yeah no but but just to to make it where you know this is something that has been a long time coming and as as councilwoman or vice mayor Barnaby says maybe since 1996 but it couldn't change for a while it couldn't and the things that we're setting up aren't going to have to change for a while and that's what we want to do as a city and that's you know transparency is important and that's what it's been and the timing of everything is important important because we could have waited 5 months to bring this up it was important to me to bring it up as soon as it was ready so and I'll own that part of it so thank you to everyone that's been involved and uh we'll start the vote in W two yes three finally yes four yes five yes and one yes approved five to zero thank you very much Mr Perry Council thank you May un unfinished business item number c I wanted to talk a little bit about capital projects funding update um I believe it was last Tuesday uh actually not yesterday but the the Tuesday before it we went we uh had Raymond James underwriter basically go to market with um our bond package and we were very successful in in bond issuance and raised basically um we issued about 30$ 35.5 million do in par debt um and that will that will generate about 39 million out of that 39 million what we will do is pay off CRA debt existing it that refunding will save the city about $411,000 on a present value basis and then we will take the remaining funds and distribute it for our police station and our fire station that we're doing um we believe that the debt load and service related to it is is absorbable without any significant uh change the TIC on it which is total interest cost uh comes in with all the fees and everything else at about 4.4% 4.38% um overall and that should be closing the end of this month within a couple of days we will get a wire transfer um the terms of that debt are staggered it's a WRA what's called a WRA deal and again the terms are staggered some of them go out only four or five years some some of the bonds go out till 2050 and so it's structured for that reason basically as other debt comes off the books higher debt goes on associated with this the the debt load itself and so we did that in that R manner in order to keep a balanced steady um Debt Service load so I just want to give you an update on that um we did quite well the bonds were well accepted the credit rating on them all all was a double A and um it was a good issuance we I think we pick a good good underwriter uh uh Mr mus was actually our bond Council disclosure Council on that deal Mr rudisell was City City attorney will be issuing a final opinion on the kind of legal lease of the of the whole deal but I thought it was important to bring that to your attention and I believe I advised you in writing of that last week when it happened any questions I I just want to say thank you to Mr Perry as well as Lance and the group that really worked on it and it was important as we've got uh got our rating because that helped us with the percentage rate um it was very interesting sitting through we had three companies come in and you know Raymond James was the the one that ended up winning it out with the the standpoint of what they were going to be able to do I was very impressed with our staff to go through and try to figure out how to pay off some higher interest rates that were from years before most of us were here um and uh in a way that no but it was was it was something impressive to see how we were you know most times you just go let's borrow this and not look at the past we were able to not only from a business standpoint lessen and save money but we were able to work in where it's going to be able to be really manage properly for the citizens and the taxpayer that we're not going to have to to you know mortgage and worry about um the future of of taxes right you know and that's important while giving the quality of the service right and some may say well why did you borrow that money to do these significant Capital Improvements I mean the Capital Improvements are Public Safety related right they fire police um Emergency Management that type of thing and and we could have tapped our reserves our reserves are quite healthy but frankly it's cheaper to borrow the money and earn the interest on a reserve and I got to be careful about saying that because there's certain Arbitrage rules but we want to keep that Reserve to continue to use it where necessary because it's really a very strong um succession uh Indemnity in case there is some sort of problem into the future and so it made sense to do that and and it's going to be Blended we're going to use some of those reserves for these projects but by and large the majority of the projects will be paid with uh non-ad uh Bond issuance that we did so it makes sense and also if you look at the future as far as how the current debt load from the city uh is paid off over time in the out years into the 2030s even the late 2020s Bond debt will come off the books and we will have more free cash so so there's a lot of different ratios to look at as it relates to the financing package but it was overwhelmingly wise to do it this way in my opinion well it also sets us up as the B stuff rolls off we're able to keep continue the growth of our city and that's what we want to do and once you know we're going to have a couple of year you know before this building that this property comes on the tax roles once that happens we're going to have a lot more availability of of funds through our CRA and different ways to do things right you know but it's setting it up in the moment to get to that next step and in combination with CRA I mean I can't tell you how hand and glove CRA is important to the future of this City's development plans and you got a great guy that that can really Shepherd us and and stward us in the right direction to you use the city as as as the city but the C as that additional Redevelopment tool for expanding Revenue opportunities well I think you bring up that I think one of the opportunities with that once the CRA board did what they did to bring it to 20 240 and kind of round everything out so you could have a plan and then approved by this Council and I think the the public sees that in a better way now and they understand it so they're seeing that hey wow we're going to be able to do this over the next several years rolling into to before 2040 and really really see a city that has done a great job previously but we'll get the wow factor as we go forward that's something that I am very impressed with with everything in our staff as well as the community and and the community seeing it I think thank you very much Mr thank you sir all the staff of course all right anything other projects I don't think so coun counc give a quick pck just two second P sure sure well we have a grand opening on on September September 6 for the public safety operations center uh awesome facility we've been out there yeah yeah you know our team um both from public works and and and uh Johnn Tod's done a great job with that as the project manager for the city Lance has been all on top of it and a whole of other people but at first you know when we looked at this project and said well $4 million to rebuild that facility when you go through that facility you'll see where $4 million plus went I mean it is rated now at a category 4 um uh rating for hurricanes and what they had to do was go every 24 Ines and carve up that concrete block put rebar into the footing uh all the way up tie the footing to the top plate and then fill in it all with concrete to meet those standard it's and of course a roofing structure too it is a tank the roofing system the HVAC systems I can walk you up into the plume when you go up usually when you go into an Attica of a house it's very hot right Florida the Sunshine everything when you go in that plume because it's insulated so well basically there's about a four four degree ambient air temperature difference and that has a lot to do with Energy Efficiency because you're not using all that hot area cooling that like in this building the plume's terrible from what Don Bruner tells me and things like that uh it just inside the mechanics of the building are phenomenal um the exterior looks great it's going to be an awesome asset NE next to our Fire Station 3 um it's going to have the the lit signage out front the city of braon police department logo um friendly City logo backlit fire department uh Fire's been awesome on it Scott McDonald from PD has been awesome on the design the programmatic development and you can see us stepping up our game you know you all have been to a training that we've done and I hope you can notice that we have really really stood on our own two feet as it relates to emergency preparedness and this is an asset that quite honestly for the $4 million probably would have cost us the better part of 18 or 20 to build had we not remodeled yeah and so we we're happy about it I think you're going to love what we have planned for the grand opening it's a dedication it it's it's you know another great asset that you all have put your your hard work and and confidence out on the line and everything and uh you know it's a it's a tribute to everybody and and certainly you all for the leadership you've provided and authorizing myself my team and everyone else to engage in that project and it also you know you talk about how it looks there but that is the entrance to GT Bray Park indeed and there's you know a a rebranding and grand opening GT par Park on Friday that the County's done so it ties into all of that where you know we're working in collaboration you know in a way that just makes that Park look good which we will be able to utilize if we have a storm in a way that we have to be there so it's just a a good collaboration as always and I just wanted to get a little bit out on that because the Public's driving by and they're seeing some things and they don't understand it so if they do watch this they'll get a little bit more about it yes sir thank you Mr Perry thank you sir that's all I have under item 11 I believe Miss Melton will announce item 12 Council reports and I will come to the podium and give a quick update at that point on some of the outes we've had both in water and storm sore all right so Council reports Miss Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor uh I just wanted to um make notice of the fact in our consent agenda we are talking about the multi-use path sidewalks and bike Lanes on Southern Parkway from 26th Street Street to 43rd Street and I know that there were neighborhood meetings held way before when when we thought we were going to have the money and before covid and all of that I would like to request that we have another neighborhood meeting at PR Elementary because whatever construction is done there it's going to affect the neighborhood it's going to affect the Elementary School uh that's also a a back way for people that are coming out of St Joseph's Catholic School can come down through there so we might want to notice St Joseph's school as well and then there's another private school whose name is escaping me right at this moment but I will get it to you um I just think it's going to be important that we have a good public meeting there to explain exactly what we're doing and why we're doing it because I can pretty much guarantee that there's been a great deal of overturn in the neighborhood people moving in people moving out new students at PR that might not have even been born the first time we had that neighborhood meeting there so public works thank you so much are you thinking Braden and Christian School no I'm thinking it's no it's it's on down closer to um Cortez Road right there by where Mike Carter built that one little MSA used to be yeah I think that might be it School of Science oh yeah the Arts yeah it's a through eight right but but I again there are many times that people will come out of there and go back and go to hit Southern Park way to get someplace rather than going out on Cortez Road right so I think we ought to notice them thank you thank you oh hello sir hello sir um it's nice to be home got a little extended visit to the West which again if we like if there's when we talk about the insurance committee if if there's ever a need for us to like reach out to a retiree who lives somewhere on the Oregon coast I volunteer to go out and hand deliver whatever is needed uh if I ever escape again it's probably going to be there um thank you when I got back I took a tour of my ward our Ward Ward three uh with Colonel Lee and Brandy um point out some spots that needed to be uh you know maybe a little TLC with one is where Mr uh green came and talked about the today um but I think we've all done it if we haven't done it yet we're all going to do it um there's a lot of stuff that we for years and years you were talking about some past regimes that didn't want to raise taxes well we're paying the price for that now and it's uh with a lot of infrastructure situations not aside from what we're going to talk about what Mr Perry's going to talk about um that's about it thank you more um I um I'm just going to say a quick I'm excited about what we just did nothing is without risk and I'm in the business of avoiding risk but I am very uh hopeful that we're going to see a real activis act I can't seem to say this word activization of downtown and part of that Workshop that I would love to have regarding planning would be for me to share what I what I naturally see as all of our Wards and how how the flourishing of downtown ultimately you know deeps in different ways into the outskirts of it um so I am I'm hopeful for the future I um in that same regard regarding uh what we just did I'll also just mention that what I'm hoping to see from us then directing staff is something akin to what we did now that we now that we have you know this next step this crucial step in what happens here in this development project I would like to see us have staff present similar to a year or so ago when they gave us that menu of six possible options for the relocation um I'm hoping that the format of our conversation about then the you know the natural next question is where do we go um that we are we see something like that some options presented to us that we can kind of then hone in uh to what something that everyone can get behind um so I'm looking forward to that uh part of that Vision that I have for Ward 4 I've had many conversations with Dr Burton about because he is uh genuinely fun to talk about these things he's got a lot of big ideas and even more importantly fun ideas on how to fund said things particularly if the bulk of your ward is not located in the CRA um so I'm hoping to see us Embrace some kind of creative ways that we can assist projects outside of the CRA uh so all of that to come and I'm looking forward to it um regarding some other couple little W for things I met with actually in one is technically W five but it feels you know East brington um I met with um Sherry with reflections of Manatee and Sarah hand with co-work Station 2 co-work that is technically a Mor five but it's right there adjacent um Sherry would like to present and I'm hoping to get her on a you know um I want to say menu an agenda for the month of August so that she can present a a little bit about um some exciting things some things just to follow up namely the signs that we were talking about putting in the park as well as um there's some Public Works things but I'm I get to have my Tour on Friday and I'm looking forward to it and the park is going to be one of the things that we will obviously tour um some uh because of everyone I'm sure everyone knows that we a lot of our local cultural and art organizations lost a significant portion of their funding when the Governor vetoed their state funding of that and reflections of manate was unfortunately one of those um so I would just like to encourage everyone to support what they do from a you know they really do a try to do a good job of preserving the history of the archaeological findings in that area um they were just awarded the 2024 Florida preservation award uh given by the Florida trust for historic preservation um and they also asked me to follow up on that sister city red Bays um issue so all of that will included in her presentation but that's just a little sneak peek um I mentioned the tour that we're going to have uh I got I'm sure all of us got some and we're going to talk about it next um some feedback from citizens regarding communication and how the water uh uh Sunday yes so I just wanted to you know let you all know I heard about it I'm sure you heard about it and our conversation was very positive because I think all of us agreed that there were some issues and we're going to you know basically what what was the thing you said face it and fix it um so I thought that that was very positive and I look forward to hearing what he has to say and I believe that that's it I I I'll kind of go two things that you said um one is we also lost funding from the governor that we got vetoed some of our roundabouts um Mr Perry and I have talked a little bit and obviously um I talked with Dave Hutchinson of the mo so we're looking at probably as the number one prior priority for us is the roundabout in Ward four to see if we can not make that a seven-year thing through the mo and also um we're meeting with Jimmy Boyd um and the dot to see if there's some other things we can do so that's one thing that I think is on the priority list for us and then as well as donations if you're going to give a donation go to the flaner trust because they'll match it and they'll match up to I think it went to $125 if I'm not mistaken now used to be 100 but if you got five credit cards you can do five different credit cards and they'll match you that's what I did last year um to try to get them some some funding and there's different times that they do it but I think that's year round up to a certain amount so that's great thank you so yeah so go with that so all right Mrs Coachman thank you I'm G to try to be brief as I always um I we were earlier talking about parking and I I wanted to chime in but it wasn't really um in in the realm of what we were talking about but I have gone to the library a couple of times recently and it I I have been told by a citizen that they're concerned about why there's so many Marina spaces and they're empty you know during the day when people are trying to find a spot in the library parking and I was also told that employees from Oakstone are parking in the library parking and I said I don't know if there's some kind of agreement going on but I don't know where where do the open in the parking lot of Library would be the county so that they control that do you know of any Arrangement or okay toen Stone but I but I just wanted to mention it because it was mentioned to me um and then they also was concerned about our parking garage and so many of bpd's cars there but we have a lot of spaces in the parking garage I'm just from here then they won't be in the parking room I'm just being the voice I said that I said they'll have their own parking lot um but um you know I'm being the voice for a citizen um I also had the opportunity to drive around with the colonel and Brandy oh I'm sorry your last name Brandy Miss Brandy um and I I was hoping to show them areas you know just tell them some of the trouble areas and drive around and we were driving around and I had not been in some of those areas in a while and to find out that code enforcement and BPD and Public Works have done some great jobs on some areas that when I was first driving the grid of War five I I thought my stomach was going to turn and it was just so good to see that area in such great shape and then seeing families walking along the sidewalks and so forth it was really it it was a good good ride for me um but it was a great opportunity to to ride around and hear Engineers say things like I'm looking and they go oh we see that slope in that I'm I see a slope but it's just great to know that we've got some real experts uh working for us and working with us um Parks Love Park is still nice and leveled but it will it will just be a matter of time before we start putting something on there and the public is really my neighbors are really excited about it um and some of the other stuff that I was going to talk about we are going to talk about when it comes to talking about communication and the little little FAA we had Sunday thank you Miss Coker yeah um I guess one of the things was the communication I think we all heard about it but I just want to encourage everybody to sign up for code red I think um if you haven't gotten on the website and done it I had at one time somehow I must have falling off but um if you can't get on the website and do it I encourage you to call the city someone will help you um and then uh this this coming Friday is the GT Bray rededication ceremony and um I realized that that's a county park but it is in the city and property pardon it's city property but count they operate the park yes yeah that's kind of what I was saying yeah uh anyhow uh I I think it's a a real treasure especially for w one and kind of ward two and uh I hope everybody will come you can drive by see the pck um and also I would encourage you if you go into the parking lot where the dog park is and look over to the left you'll see that new storm waterer project that Dave Tasco was talking about it's impressive and that is going to have a huge effect because that's kind of the main filtration before it gets to the Bay for a lot of our Wastewater so um I think that's going to be make a huge difference so is there anything else you want to say what's moved from the park in Ward one from next to the pck to somewhere else the recycling B recycling bins just to get that out yeah yeah uh those have been relocated over they're close to the to the workouts that are um where the County's bins are as well and there should be signs directing you yeah there's signs so that was good and people there's still some people think we've eliminated recycling we just adjusted how it was done and and we'll I'm going to ask a do or doctor Colonel Lee and Miss Brandy we'd like a report on that probably at our next meeting and you might have to do some research on what we were doing when we were picking it up and what we're doing now because we know over the years that it's been a couple years now that we have you know we're still Recycling and we're recycling clean recycling not the contaminated so that's important um to continue forward so um I'll let go ahead and get to Mr Perry now um and kind of give us an update on some of the the couple of things that have happened you know with some weather related and other options that are and uh maybe our I think our chief operating officers to come up yeah I think so two it can cause lightning strikes from across the country can zoom in that's now your phone died look quick right you want to try to zoom that a little bit for me sure I got it okay this is a controll panel on uh on River Isles LT station 24 it's a pretty good pretty good lift station you can see a little bit that picture doesn't do it justice but what a a ground strike does basically from a lightning strike and uh that is where the power comes into it from the FPL and it basically then is distributed to the various components of the of the list station and it looks like it got it's been hit by a rocket basically it's all burnt out all the components are burnt out and the like there isn't much you can do about it and I refer to uh our expert engineer who had handled Airway runways and things like that is some of the facilities he managed on behalf of the Department of Defense uh as it relates to certain suppression and different types of activities you can do but we have had as you probably all know a good deal of lightning activity stormm activity over the course of the last month and we have endured several related infrastructure problems and failures related to it this was one of them it led to a 200,000 gallon um uh discharge that had to be bypassed and I'll let Irv go from there talk about this if you'd like Colonel sure unfortunately in a situation like this when excuse me when when we lose power uh and we're we're basically in a situation in where there is we are no longer in control and the uh the sheer volume of uh effluent that that uh came through the wet Wells and then uh uh spilled and and the time you know because of the the issue uh and what you saw there uh there there were other aspects of our control system that were in just as bad a shape so not only did we uh lose control of the station we lost communication so so it was it was continuing to flow and it is a it is the Confluence of a number of of other uh uh pipes that that that come to that lift station and so essentially what we we wound up with us with the amount of time that it was that it was down um that flow continued and that's why we went up with this large volume of uh discharge um here you can see the um we we're working uh again to uh to rectify this and mayor as you mentioned this morning I I the the the thought process for why you would locate the lift state there his historically dilution was the solution and obviously that is not an environmental strategy uh that is likely to to for us to succeed um so and I dare say that before the Summer's over we may find ourselves in this situation again but um the the amount of energy the amount of power in a in a lightning strike is just something we just can't contend with I think we heard something this morning from Dr tomasco I don't think is he a doctor yeah to Moscow um that you know again any spill is too much but when you're talking about in Sarasota not to pick on them but they had billions of gallons you know any spill is too much I'm going to say it but this spill is a small small spill compared to billions of gallons and when something gets struck by lightning there's a process and you know some of our stuff we're having to face it and fix it but we're trying to face it and fix it as quick as we can this is something that pops up and you know you guys got it as quick as you can and limited it to 200,000 gallons so that was one of the things that that we go through and so I commend our staff for getting to that as quick as possible and and and limiting it and one of the things that when we look at you know even we're going to have situations but one of the best parts about it is our bays and rivers are as clean as they've been in a long time so we're not going to try to continue to put it in but when a mishap happens it's not a piny point you know it's a oneoff that we hope we can continue to to eliminate yeah and we we try to contain them I mean here you have the main power processor capacity of a lift station going out generators that are there that probably get fried components of them other types of scatter which is supervisory control dat automated data acquisition all these other components that have to be done and they did a really good job of getting out there and repairing them um and getting it back online unfortunately you know but it takes you have to bypass the system at that point and it's 200,000 gallons but that all being said let's can we move on too last Saturday morning Sunday mornings yeah one thing that I did hear though is that at one point we were having 15 strikes every 15 minutes over the last week at at certain points so I mean 150 you know lightning strikes in every 15 minutes is is devastating and the interesting thing is it might be out on Paro and nothing on the east side of town you know just yeah they localized weather cells I'm sorry that particular storm we were having I don't live very far from the water treatment plant I thought cuz you know when they're tornadoes the lightning is fierce I thought we were heading you know for I thought a tornado was on its way because it hit and I I've probably heard the one that hit the water treatment plant so that was uh that was late into Saturday evening Sunday morning basically and I believe was a mic sorry I believe it was around midnight that we started to get indications of of problems out there and uh the crew out there I think Chuck was on duty he's a licensed a a operator and I think it's latia here yeah she has the yep yep and so they tried to repair what they could repair and it became apparent that there was major major problems from two switches that went up Laticia Smith come on up thank you yep yep um two switches now generally you know you guys have asked me well was it a lightning strike can you make sure well I don't know if FPL will ever say it's definitely a lightning strike but generally speaking if you have a lightning strike in the area and two of these switches go out it's probably a lightning strike um I've talked to Colonel Lee about some of the different protective systems that are on some of the dod runways and things like that and there actually are like electrically engineered suppression systems to deal with that under this theory he told me about but I wasn't very good in science and he'll have to get to that um but but the point is is that with that strike um we try to power up backup generators at that point and the backup generators the batteries failed they were unable to power the the backup generators well the batteries were only five weeks old and they had been tested actually I think two weeks earlier June 24th yeah and everything and they were fine and so we have to wonder did something with that lightning strike cause a circuit interference on on on that part of the system and we may or may never know typically what you would do is Chase the circuitry and see where the the where the circuit is broke basically or how how how additional power load uh caused the failure of it and the like but at any rate it did fail uh they were able so what do you do you go down and you get new batteries but it's a Sunday morning and so they call power ring Ring Power who's our contractor and they were great but they said we'll get you new batteries but but but we got to get them at 8 8: a.m. and Ricky fton who's the plan operator uh responded at 5:00 a.m. Laticia was on all over it and they tried to kind of go through process after process after process to get the water plant back online because there wasn't a penetration with a line break there was just a lack of of a pumping that caused the pressure decrease at the same time from what I understand as people started to notice this and the fire department basically like on the list station by where I live uh they have cell phones that alert there's a low pressure problem and the pump will burn out if you have low pressure so it automatically alerts the fire department Chris melzer who's a fire marshal got involved with Chief gear and his team and they started to deal with it from a fire protection system um and so at any rate at by by by 8: a.m. they got Ring Power they got the batteries and and and they installed them and they got the generators back up and we had pressure so that was the status of it at that point in time but because it's such a large system it takes time to rebuild the pressure through the system and when you have a pressure decrease of a certain magnitude FD fdp requires that you put out a notice to the public and in this case it was a precautionary notice and and uh Tiffany shatak from Communications was ready to go fishing that morning and she got jumped out from the from the dock literally from what I understand went home and started dealing with that with that the public notification and and you guys had a call at: and I apologized my phone was on silence and you know that was a problem but I have great people that work with us that that helped me out and helped us out and you guys did your thing I think one of the problems with the communication was we first put it out on code red and people say precautionary water boil and I didn't have water so the system has to be down must be broke and I'd heard people saying oh yeah there's a a line break there was no line break in the system and the precautionary deal um is required you don't have to boil your water it just says that you're you're cautioned that that you should you might want to consider boiling your water so I got calls from Pirate City Jeff pod Dominic um I got calls from Iha manager said I saw it come in on this code red thing I'm getting calls and everything and can they drink the water can they shower can they brush their teeth and things like that and I said it's precautionary so Tiffany Tiffany and I put together kind of a reiteration of of what PR cautionary is opposed to what mandatory is and let the public know there's really three major channels that we use the mass media the code red system and then our our social media and initially when PD was getting all the calls that night and I think they got 53 calls um they said well it's limited to West braon and then we got that fixed and said no it's systemwide and we tried to get out those messages but there was definitely a communication protocol breakdown there wasn't a Communications effort breakdown to get out the right message and so we are reviewing it both from the perspective of how the how the incident occurred and what we can do to get online quicker and and and become operational and deal with it without any delay and i' submit that by and large it being a Sunday morning the place being closed a few other things contributed a few hours to it now it's it it's a strike and and there's going to be some some delay in getting it operational you can't just you know magic wand it to to getting back to operational and I think we're also looking at from the SOP perspective of an operating procedure as far as getting it out to those three channels now I I I will tell you that I think if we got out to those three channels and even if we went with police cars doing public address announcements over their loudspeakers and said precautionary water you just like we do when there's a mandatory evacuation we we actually do that get have the police go out people are still going to wonder what that means and we do our best to explain it but there's a certain degree of ambiguity and we're going to try to improve that so that's that's a little bit of the background on the situation um we're back operationally we're we're doing an after action review I came in I think it was Monday morning bright and early we these guys were already working on it Monday morning on the operational review regarding uh after action review on what happened and I'm glad we're doing it you know I hate to be in a situation where we close the barn gate after the horse leaves the leaves the the Corral uh but it it needs to be improved the system across the board and ultimately I don't know if there's anything we can do about lightning it's well and batteries that are weeks old right yeah yeah I mean and you don't why don't you have a backup battery well that doesn't serve a purpose have a backup on site because then it would be old right we we found out that 24volt batteries we could have actually gotten them from some of our heavy equipment that was over in the yard on Monday morning when we talking about it but we didn't have a protocol to do that at the time right to try to see if it work but now you know so that's that's kind of the the background on it and I apologize and I know these guys and and ladies apologize they work really hard and uh they deal with eventualities and and unpredictable things like this pretty much every day and un fortunately we just got to keep getting better and better at it no and I I I had talked with um devony from Florida Power and Light she was aware of it they were working on it so you know I mean again they're gonna it's going to take them time and we'd H they'd be up by 11: right got up by two I too so that was pretty good because they knew they're switching equipment their equipment but they had to figure out the same things we had to figure out on a Sunday morning so no I just want to commend everybody and I know face it and fix it and you know some of the situations were out of our control but we did that part of it and now we can improve on if something like that ever happens again vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor just a couple of thoughts I wanted to share one was yes it was a Sunday morning and I don't really know what would have happened if we'd sent out the code red message at 6: a.m. or 3: a.m. or 3:00 a.m that would have been I think we would have gotten a lot more criticism at that point uh I think that in the absence of fact rumor is King and there was a lot of rumors flying throughout next door uh Facebook Instagram whatever um and part of it is people think if they're address says Bradon Florida they're in the city limits and I think it's really important maybe even with this the next um Utility Billing that we send out that we put something in they're saying you are in the city limits if you're getting this bill and you do need to sign up for code red because if they don't sign up for that we can't get it to them otherwise so I think that's crucially important and then just part of that perfect storm Manatee County was replacing a water main that Monday and I think people got it confused because they'd gotten a notification from the manate county public utilities department that they were going to be replacing that and they attributed the problem that we had to the main replacement so again that goes into that rumor mill that was that was turning around but um it's it's just it it was The Perfect Storm no pun intended and again please people I don't know how to how to beg you otherwise find out if you live in the city limits or you don't just because it says Bradenton on your address you probably are out in Manatee County I mean we had people along Manatee Avenue that are serviced by Manatee County that thought they couldn't open because of the issue that we have but they're County customers they're County Water customers but they're in the city limits because of annexation and that and I think one of the things we have to also understand as a council and as a community that there is people that gas light on Facebook we had one part on Facebook book that came from China and it said you know this is what's happening but it was a virus once we figured that out we had it taken down off the police department site because people thought it was us that put it up they clicked on it and it was a virus into your computer and then others just put out propaganda just because they like the gaslighting so miss Coker yeah um I think that um yes I don't know that a red alert at 3:00 in the morning would have been well received but I do feel like us we got to say Cod oh what okay whatever Cod I think that's important because there is some other I think Mante County does something okay ours is C red okay uh but I do feel like we as council do need to get those even if they're in the middle of the night I don't have to respond I don't need to really I'm not into calling plays but I would like I think I need to know because my phone started ringing at 7 and so I I think it a little bit undermines us if we don't know what's going on as quick as possible I'm not so sure by S we even knew exactly what and maybe we should have called and said hey there's a problem well they were still trying to assess it I know all right yeah as soon as you got what was going on and I know I mean the police department and I didn't get notice until you got really what's happening what's going on so and then and it was mentioned that Lance was calling all the council people right then and I think that was probably about 8 8:5 I think I talked to him about 7:30 yeah so I mean that was yeah I likened it to um you know when there's a large structure fire or something um someone from Chief's office just sends a quick text to all of us that just says this happened and I feel like that's efficient I don't need that's normally after everything's under control it's not during the fire sure that is true so that's it's when that things are happening if you know if there's something going on Mr Perry and I get it right away from Chief if it's a emergency but then about you know when the fire is under control here's what's happened and especially if it's your ward you know you want to know because you may want to be Red Cross different things happening if it's depending on the severity I just think that I mean to um councilwoman Ker's Point um people are expecting I mean I woke up at 7:15 and I already had people screenshotting social media and I had no idea what was going on and so even if it had just been that hey there's a there's a problem we're working on it I can at least tell people there's a problem we're working on it so just a suggest noted Mr Williams so so part of the the SOP review that we're doing is is to that so like the folks that we had at the water treatment plant they didn't do anything necessarily wrong right they had the problem they tried to fix it the only thing that we as we're going to ask them to do in the future is to reach out to their superintendent their higher ups ahead of time to say hey here's the problem here's what we're doing we're going to reach back out to you in an hour half hour whatever the case may be at least that gives us the opportunity then opportunity then to reach out to appropriate party to council mayor and so forth to say here's a situation it's a fluid situation we're working on it we'll be back in touch so I think that'll help alleviate kind of what everybody's talking about um not only for operational things but even we know we've talked about for storms or hurricanes or so we're we're looking at it holistically to put that in place um it'll be something that we have to make sure that our our boots on the ground ensure that they start the process you know because again even though I was reaching out to each council member ahead you know as fast as I knew it had been going on for several hours before so I didn't even know um that it was happening so it's just it's a process that we're working through and it's it's kind of changing the culture to let our staff know it's okay to let us know that there's an issue and you're working on we're not asking you to have a have it resolved by you call by the time you contact us or inform us so that that is a process that we're working on so just rest assured that is coming um and that'll come mainly out of this sop directly well and I think if if they would have been working on it and got it fixed by 6:00 we may never have known so you know it would have been but but because of those batteries that didn't allow that to happen can I ask another question um is there a reason why have we had to to extend the boiling notice yeah we had extend it because we have to test and it was required that we test the entire system we did about 2third of the system on Monday from what I understand and we weren't able we actually use contractors to even get out there and test because we needed extra help and so two and there's a 24-hour development period for the samples to get back from the science lab and so that's why we had to extend it so it's not that you're getting back bad samples no we actually got back good samples yeah it's just you the amount okay I think that should be clarified yep so we so there are 60 sites that we have to sample that represent the neighborhood layout and of the 60 sites that were sampled we have a sample person that sampled on Sunday sampled on Monday and we actually got a contract lab to assist in the sampling so 24 hours from the sample time is when the results are released and once we have negative results of the samples then we can have a full lift of the boil water notice of the 60 sites we have one sample that the contract lab dropped so we can resend everything once we get all the sample data back except that one site so just to reiterate the water is safe to drink to piggy back off of what Mr Perry said safe to drink we can drink it precautionary but um there was not a intrusion or anything into our system we just dropped below the pressure necessary to maintain a viable system okay is that good yes sir thank you nothing else all right appreciate it all right any other department heads Chief Bavon sorry come forward at your own bar okay um tomorrow night uh we have the Congressional Awards that's uh something that um Senator yanan does annually we're representative I'm sorry representative banan does annually 5:30 to 7:30 at the uh Performing Arts we have a um several of our officers getting recognized as well as other officers from throughout the region um thank you for approving the PD by the way uh it'll be put to good use in the years to come uh getting ready to release the first six months of this year's crime numbers and I'm very happy to report um crime is down 15% in the city overall so you'll get more on that um you'll see a Facebook post that just came out our new newest K9 Striker who's our explosive ordinance dog um brought To Us by the brainon Blue Foundation with generous donations from the Pirates NC and other entities um is going to be joining us soon he's graduating from his school we still have one in school so we're happy to to bring him on um this Friday as well we have Christmas and July with the Marauders from 6:30 to 8:30 um the they're going to be auctioning off at Jersey the benefit of that goes to or the um anyway braon Blue Foundation benefits that as well they're going to be collecting toys and those toys go towards our fill the truck event and so thanks to the Marauders for taking care of that RNC you all saw the frequent Facebook post our folks all came back safe and sound very long hours not sure that they want to do it again but they'll forget all that in four years and they'll do it again so that was a big success and we uh represent presented very well and um that's it Sarah thank you thank you any questions no questions thank you you can go guess N Carry On anyone else anyone else she was like all right we're GNA take a five minute restroom break and we'll or actually we'll adjourn this meeting we're adjourned and then be back in for