good morning everyone and welcome to the Braden and city council meeting Wednesday April 10th 2024 at 8:30 a.m. here in our city council chambers at this time we'll ask Pastor Don stano with Kingdom Life Church to come forward give us our invocation and then we'll do the pledge everyone please stand good morning morning you bow your heads please number 624 the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace Lord this morning I just declare this over and pray for impartation on our our city leaders every Department leader every citizen of the friendly city of Bradington so we just bless this meeting we bless the efforts we bless the work we bless the workers and we bless bless everyone that is here and those that are coming I pray for this beautiful city that your kingdom would come and your will would be done in Bradington as it is in heaven in Jesus name amen amen please join us in the pledge pledge of Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Pastor Don and thank you for all you do as our chaplain for our Braden and police department that we'll call the meeting to order Madame clerk yes this morning we have three proclamations that I'll read on behalf of the mayor the first one is National Arbor Day April 26 2024 whereas in 1872 Jay Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees this holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska and whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world and whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious top soil by wind and water cut Heating and Cooling costs moderate the temperature clean the air produce Ox oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife and whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper wood for our homes fuel for our F fires and countless other wood products and whereas trees in our city increase property values enhance the economic Vitality of business areas and Beauty beautify our community and whereas trees wherever they are planted are a source of joy and spiritual renewal now therefore be it resolved that iene brown is mayor of the city of Bradington Florida do hereby Proclaim April 26 2024 as National Arbor Day and urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our City's urban forestry program by planting trees by planting trees we help to promote the well-being of present and future generations and enhance our community sign Jean Brown mayor thank you and do we have anyone here today to accept the award um hi Council thank you very much uh we don't have any representatives from Tre board here today we did reach out to them um but on their behalf um thank you for this I do want to point out a few things uh we were declared a Tre City USA for the 28th year so that's exciting um and then also there are two events coming up in honor of Earth Day we have April 20th and these are run by the tree board April 20th from 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m at Trinity United Methodist there will be a tree giveaway and then on April 26th from 2: p.m. to 6 p.m. at Palma solo botanical gardens thank you thank you and I know one of the if you look around in in different neighborhoods HOAs get a lot of the trees and several years ago I helped really do about 200 plants and trees and you can really see the fruits of those labor back then so it does really make a difference and our tree board is is gearing back up to where it used to be before a few years ago when things happened so we appreciate all they do thank you Madame clerk the next Proclamation is National Public Safety telecommunications week April 14th through the 20th 2024 whereas emergencies can occur at any time that require police fire or Emergency Medical Services and whereas when an emergency occurs The Prompt response of police officers and firefighters is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property and whereas safety the safety of our police officers and firefighters is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the city of Bradenton emergency Communication Center and whereas Public Safety telecommunicators are the first and most critical contact our citizens have with emergency services and whereas they are a vital link for our police officers and firefighters by monitoring their activities By Radio providing them information and ensuring their safety and whereas Public Safety telecommunicators of the Bron Police Department have contributed substantially to the apprehension of criminals Su excuse me suppression of fires and treatment of patients each dispatcher continually exhibits compassion understanding and professionalism during the performance of their job now therefore be it resolved that iene brown as mayor of the city of Bradon Florida do hereby Proclaim April 14th through the 20th 2024 as National Public Safety telecommunications week in Bradenton in honor of the men and women whose diligence and professionalism keep our city and citizens safe sign Jee Brown mayor thank you and who do we have coming forward today we know bunch of folks just a few well as they come on down here um thank you very much uh and on behalf of the dispatchers and and she summed it up um these are the lifeline for our folks out there on the street um now police officers uh but you know during this year as well the firefighters we can't do our job out there if they're not picking up the phones and answering the the emergency calls that are coming in and sting our folks monitoring our folks and and making sure everybody out there is is safe and sound I have the manager of our Dispatch Center here Brad say a few words welcome Brad uh thank you very much for your continued support it does mean a lot it can be a very thankless job throughout the day dealing with uh just the routine stuff that comes through and then the emergency things that are unexpected but thank you very much for your support any comments thank you I would also uh encourage you all we're going to be making it a point uh next week to get out to it's a little difficult more difficult now to to visit our our folks at the dispatch centers but we're all going to be making a point to get out there to their building um the public safety um facility and so if any of yall um have ever not gone out there and you want the opportunity to go and and see what's happening out there and see the job they're doing please let me know and I'll make sure that you you can get out there and uh get a firsthand view of the dedication of these folks Chief councilman Kramer uh it's always nice to see Brad out in the light of day um thank you Brad and to your entire staff for everything you've done this year every year uh like everyone says you are the heartbeat of what happens it's like the US mail it doesn't stop the information coming to you all that you have to pass out quickly professionally accurately is never ends and uh you all do it at a great level and we certainly appreciate that and I know I just want to thank you because obviously the last couple years we've had some adjustments moving from this building to the public safety building and you know a lot of times change is hard but when you look towards the future you know that change we felt needed to be made for the the betterment of the long-term success of our city and our community so um thank thank you for for going through that and I know it's been a challenge at times but we appreciate you know the opportunity to to continue to make it better so thank you for that all right picture you everybody want to kind of come up here and we'll kind of stand up here so we can so many people I am not standing behind CH here oh yeah or Brian the neither one yeah Brian you're have to go on your knees or sto and then put on a chair thank you than [Applause] you get work get Madam clerk the final Proclamation this morning is sunos remake learning days April 20th through May 4th 2024 whereas the Sun Coast campaign for grade level reading is a 4 count effort in Charlotte doto Manatee and sarasa counties to help children from birth through third grade especially those from asset limited families succeed in life by ensuring they read on grade level and whereas the Patterson Foundation works with people businesses nonprofits government and the media to catalyze efforts toward shared aspirations and whereas sunos remake learning days is a 15-day Festival that celebrates the many learning opportunities in a community this celebration highlights Innovative experiences opportunities for Youth and participants of all ages to develop their sense of creativity perseverance and curiosity and whereas a variety of organizations such as schools museums libraries after school organizations and more open their doors to welcome families to host Hands-On relevant and engaging educational experiences for youth of all ages and their families caregivers and Educators these events are free for all ages and whereas engaging children parents and families in a wide variety variety of learning activities outside of classroom hours and school buildings is a powerful way the community can create a learning ecosystem now therefore be it resolved that IE Brown as mayor of the city of Bradington Florida to hereby Proclaim April 20th through May 4th 2024 as Sun Coast remake learning days in Bradenton and encourage all citizens to participate in the manyi festival activities sign Jean Brown mayor welcome good morning my name is Beth Judah I'm the director of the Sunco campaign for grade level reading with the Patterson Foundation we are so thrilled at the growth of Suncoast remake learning days we started in 2022 with 150 events over four counties in 10 days last year we had 204 events over 10 days in four counties the this year we have 304 events happening all of them free open to the public throughout our 4 count region it's really an opportunity for us to celebrate that learning happens everywhere and we are thrilled with the more than 277 businesses and organizations that are partnering with us to make this a reality for our community thank you and I think it's important there's a lot of volunteers that go into it during the time time when what happens during those that week and reading and over those weeks and I just it's a it's a if you haven't been involved get involved from the standpoint of volunteering and mentoring because it is rewarding it's very rewarding and important for parents caregivers and the children to learn together and become lifelong Learners yes ma'am yes great job and and what we'd like to do is we'll come around this time to get a picture oh my goodness thank you by yourself so thank you to [Applause] Madam clerk there are not any presentations scheduled this morning all right and at this time on our agenda we're at citizen comments so C citizen comments will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda items agenda items future agenda items are topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearings at the appropriate time and I'm just going to make one further statement before we we go to the one card that we have that um we had some information on our Facebook with some things going out and there was some um comments in there that Tiffany answered very appropriately going through it that said that uh if you're not a city resident you can't speak and that's not a rule or anything that was out there I think she was misunderstood but actually made a statement that oh well if I live in the county I can't talk anybody can talk during citizen comment you just have the rules of the three minutes and you know when we're in citizen comment it's about what we talked about otherwise if it's during a public hearing it's talking then so we have never you know stopped anybody from talking that wants to come in to talk you just have to fill out a card bring it up here and it doesn't matter if you're City County State out of state resident you can still talk so I just want to make that clear so thank you um so I only have one card and it's Carolyn Fairbank you come forward you have three minutes and please state your name and your city of residence good morning my name is Carolyn Fairbank and I live at the Riverwalk 606 thir Avenue River song I'm sorry 606 Third Avenue West I'm going to get right to the point first I want to thank you for this comment section I'm not writing this discussion in Pros but I have bulleted my remarks and um I have a copy for everyone along with a list of 24 people who have stood behind me on this on this initiative I want to bring up for your attention a number of ever growing cons concerns regarding Riverwalk and the many issues that residents have and are experiencing using that venue just to be quite clear this is not just Carolyn Fairbank bringing up this matter to your attention but I'm attaching as I said my notes and a list of 24 people who have signed concerned citizens who represent River Dance River Song paletto and Parish some of these folks are here today one gentleman in our in Riverwalk was accosted by four men on scooters one of whom smacked him on the back of his head dislodging his glasses and nearly knocking him over there's an apparent surge of teenagers not only during the day excuse me but roaming Riverwalk at night and causing loud destruction sometimes between 2 and 3:00 a.m. the police were called a long time a while ago a number of us including myself have nearly been run over by speeding bikes electric bikes scooters and electric scooters and skateboards which give absolutely no warning as they come up behind you no audible sound or bells are used we've even seen two motorcycles tied to a tree near the fairy Landing will those be next who is most affected older people with canes and Walkers wheelchairs parents with small kids who run everywhere especially down by the splash pad dog walkers and even a blind woman who has her service dog with her you have to have your head on a swivel and still you can be startled in an instant when they come up beside you there will be many more heads in beds as our mayor likes to say indeed there will be plenty of those and Riverwalk will undoubtedly become an even busier venue um and it's not a matter of if someone is seriously injured it's a matter of when uh I don't usually like bringing up an issue without some kind of s suggestion for a resolution but this is a difficult situation I believe that Tampa's Riverwalk is pedestrian and regular bikes only I also saw a piece on ABC News that both Fort Meers and Santa Bel have adopted this as well I that's what I saw I have a discuss I had a discussion with our mayor about what is considered quality of life and the mayor suggested to me that it's a subjective and I do agree with that to a point but I do believe that on everyone's list would be Safety and Security there are no signs on Riverwalk advising the public to use it at their own risk I stopped by the front desk this front desk last Friday morning and asked if I could ask a question of our City attorney a woman came down to speak to me and asked what I wanted I said tried to explain that I was in thank you we time is up so okay I'm representing 24 people can I notot finish two paragraphs no the time is up we stick to the three minutes or individuals there's no group there but if you want to give that and we'll read it um to to it I have no other public comment this time um card so I will kind of talk and and have you you know obviously if you want to get with Chief bevon and talk and there's some things that are going on and we're looking at different options with with the type of with type of vehicles obviously we don't have scooters anymore that we engaged but private scooters there's some laws I know Mr rudisel you've brought it up before about on sidewalks and different things that we can regulate but we will I think we need to look into that again because I do see some of those ebikes that are going very fast so I don't know if we can put like a speed limit and another thing I think our it um Department told me the other day that all of the cameras but one are working so we do have eyes in the sky up there and I think that's something our chief can probably get into on Riverwalk so so Mrs Fairbank if you want to talk with the chief and and get some of that information that may help as well so thank you um seeing no other comments we'll move forward Madame clerk item six is the consent agenda staff is requesting approval of items a through n chair will entertain a motion Miss Barnaby Mr Mayor I'd like to uh move for approval of the consent agenda with the removal of item I for discussion okay there's a motion by Miss Barnaby I'll second to approve moving item I and a second by Miss Coker is there any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward two yes three yes four yes five yes and one yes carries five to zero all right Miss Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor item I deals with the fdot agreement for Southern Parkway West streetcape and I know that there was a public meeting held on this prior to when I came back on the council so that's been at least five six years ago and I think it's important that we have another public meeting just to remind everyone in the neighborhood what we are talking about with the streetcape and how it's going to affect them there's also a school on uh Southern Parkway I think we need to engage the administration at that school to make sure that they know what's happening and what's kind of coming their way um I am just bringing this up for informational purposes and a request that we do get another public information meeting set up in the last I don't know was it six years ago seven years um people have moved into the neighborhood they may not be aware of it people have passed away um I just I think that's a long time and I know that we have these long um I I know that fot requires that you have a public meeting I think it's been a long time since we had it and I just want to make sure that everybody sees what we're talking about and is understanding the process so um I guess Mr Perry if if you could get with public works and if we could set that meeting up I would truly appreciate it and at this point in time I will move for approval of resolution 2433 the F do agreement with Southern Parkway West streetcape so we'll get a second then we'll have further discussion correct second second by Mr krer and discussion Miss Coker yeah um I I'm concerned um I I did not see anything in here that really gave me a drawing of what exactly they're doing and I drive that a lot and I know there's a lot of on street parking there and I think that could be affected here I know I've gotten feedback from the people in Village Green that they've just added the bike Lanes to and everything and um I just think that we need to make sure that everybody knows exactly what dot is recommending so thank you Miss Barnaby and I know that does encompass W two and three parts of both so it's important and when I was W council person we went through it and one of the things was and we look at what dot does they do great things for our state local municipalities and that but unfortunately things take so long to get to certain areas that some things change or information and people change so I think it's important that we do do reach out um and as we've talked about it's going to be very important though if we do want to make our city more bike Walker friendly that we do start in pockets of areas and unfortunately it does sometimes do a little angst as we saw in 33rd Street Court with the it looks like it's a bike path to nowhere but ultimately if you never start you can never continue and finish so that's something that just education I think helps people understand but all right yes sir Mr Pier just briefly um I I agree with councelor Barnaby and and probably the majority of the council as it relates to the community outreach that's necessary um but I think it's important to understand a little bit about how um dot works and this has been a five-year um ask if you look at uh uh the back portion of the package I believe it's page 84 it it involves Federal tlu which is is Federal Highway money that comes under safety and multimodal transportation and the like out of the million dollar $914,000 basically is attributable to that that flows through the the from the Fed to the state for distribution it's a 5year plan to try to access those funds and the like they require a public meeting five years ago I don't know where I was or what was going on and I'm sure people that were at that meeting probably don't have a great memory of of what was discussed as well so I think it is important to reach back to the community to advise them where we're at on the project currently it's at about 60% design so there is some subject to to to finalization of that the project itself will ultimately have to come back before Council for approval of the contracts that are related to um both design uh full engineering and and ultimately construction so there'll be ample opportunity to do that what we don't want to have is these types of situations like we had 33rd Court where um there was some discussions early on and then when it became time to build the construction and construct the project um the the neighborhood reached out with a great deal of concerns at that point in time because it's pretty late in the game so you have my word and and I was hoping Miss clayback would be here I'd uh I think she's had something else come up cuz she had told me she was planning on on being here that we will have a wellth thought out community outreach program have meetings in the community get with a school um there and as you know Southern Parkway has a multitude of both transportation and pedestrian safety issues as well as storm water this is a multifaceted project that deals with sidewalks it deals with sto storm water it deals with Transportation it deals with multimodal transp ation it deals with medians it's it's a kind of a big project but this is approving the the agreement with do not to say that it can't further be improved from the 60% design to the ultimate approval of the contract for construction so we will work um in Earnest with the community with that neighborhood with the associated uh groups along there whether it's education and the school district or or Community ass iations HOAs and the like try to make sure we do the Outreach on it and also on Southern Parkway we have the ask into the state right now to put the roundabout by the school which will make a huge difference in some of their transportation and speed and and all of that safety huge safety so bad pedest pedestrian and school safety issues down by Prime so that's already something we've done in asking the state that's in the just waiting for the signature on it not the together we won't mention that word but all right thank you so we have a motion in a second to approve item I let's start the vote in w three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes carries 5 to zero Madam clerk at this time I'll administer the oath anyone wishing to speak during the following public hearings will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual state ments and representations which you are about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you thank you item 7A is the continuation of public hearing for resolution 2420 a resolution of the city council of the city of Bradon Florida granting special use permit number su. 24.02 23 to permit an indoor amusement Center at and lounge at 412 12th Street West Bradenton Florida the parcel ID is 331 93004 and the T5 transex zoning district and more particularly described herein making findings of fact and conclusions of law providing for severability and providing for an effective date and this is quaji judicial so just to make sure that anybody on the council if you've had any contact or any concerns or that you'd want to State now would be the time believe anybody has all right thank you not sure what the blue dot or the blue line is on here but it's not my signature I think Tamara can clear it I'm Greg Delong the assistant director planning Community Development um we had this case heard back on March 13th there was some concerns and questions that came up from Council at that meeting um I did meet with the business owners um we they did submit a letter to you um if you want me to go through the full presentation I I can um I have it ready but what staff is recommending at this point is these seven stipulations that are in front of you um it is basically to place a time limit on um an age limit of 21 and over after 8:00 p.m. daily with signage in the front door depicting the regulation that alcohol sales be limited to beer and wine only with no liquor sales that Games Shall be limited to pinball and video games with no simulated gaming machines that there'd be no interior access to enjoining properties that there is that the front window will not be covered um with means that would block views into the establishment that any signage and advertising shall cover no more than onethird of the total window area and that the applicants work with the CRA on some seped funding and also with the police department on principles for safety strategies so these are some recommendations we I met with the like I said with the applicants and the business owners to discuss they are in agreement with this they are here today if you want a confirmation from them but this is our proposal for the recommendation of approval as you do recall Planning Commission did recommend 60 at their meeting um without stipulations and staff also back um at Planning Commission did recommend Su or recommend approval without stipulations also so these would be new stipulations added to the case and I think there was also a letter distributed to everybody that was with information so um whether it answered all questions or not that kind of was a little bit subjective on my part when I read through it you know it answered some but but is the concerns um vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor um I still have a concern or question and I know that it's that they're working towards this but when we talk about our hours of operation uh being afternoon until late till late that's not a specific time and I would feel more comfortable having a specific time understand and that's something we you can have that discussion with the applicant their liquor license will also control their hours of operation so that would be a stipulate that would be controlled by that also but if you want to have that additional stipulation you can have that discussion with the applicant I I would like to have that discuss any other questions before we bring the applicant up for Mr dong yes ma'am was there any magic to the 21 I because it's minors so technically would should we be stipulating that it's under the age of 18 or SP hairs discussion you can have with them we heard you know you don't want minors in there I know it's 18 but 21 and under they got to get out anyways with the liquor license or they can't be served alcohol we establish yeah okay any other questions we'll bring the applicant up all right all right good morning just please state your name and address for the record uh Edgar panoa 1237 riverscape Street raidon Florida thank you all right Miss bar good morning um I would just like to narrow that scope down a little bit because late is kind of like art it's in the eye of the beholder well what we mean by late is uh I believe alcohol sales stop at 2 2:30 whatever it is for the city of brington um we were you know there was discussion maybe we might stay open an extra hour to just capture some extra hungry folks on the Block so until 3:00 a.m. yes but it's it's you know it's not mandatory but yes like three would probably be the the latest at any night well you but you're looking at someone whose grandmother raised her to believe nothing good happens after midnight so agreed um but keep in mind we're only selling uh beer and wine as far as the alcohol goes um we mostly um we're banking on there most of our sales will be from food um and that's really what we at that time of night that's the focus is food not alcohol there's plenty of block there plenty plenty of bars on that block that serve everything um that's you know that's for them we just want to uh serve food at that time after the bars Clos because anybody that's partying downtown knows that I am not comfortable with you being open after the bar is closed okay we already have enough issues in our downtown area with individuals that choose to be irresponsible what time does the bars um have to close it 2 o' two 2 am that's fine we'll do two if that's what that's what it takes what Mr ker um point of order though it is actually generally they do last call it to the alcohol sales stop at 2:30 okay um the concern I have and I think it's echoing what m barnab is concerned about uh um for years the only after hours food option was a basically hamburger hot dog stand that was outside of what is now bambooz that attracted everyone who was hungry who was coming out of bars intoxicated who wasn't intoxicated but every everyone coming to one as a magnet to one spot whether at that point you would be able to sell alcohol anyway because it would be after hours draws a different different Dynamic that I don't know that was successful which is why that person is no longer down there selling food it became dangerous there were the police department could tell you exactly details if we had them but I promise you there were more than enough incidents including me getting assaulted um in those late hours um so I would not be in favor of after hours either after alcohol sales either okay that's fine I have no problem with that um is that 2: or 2:30 just to be clear that'll be after after last call which is traditionally 2:00 okay and I know that I I don't want it at the same time I don't want to cut into your business model or anything like that I'm just saying that if day one everybody realizes that and that crowd on certain nights decides hey we've got a place we can eat right here as opposed to going off somewhere else that's it's going to be a magnet and it could be a magnet for trouble as we've seen in the past understood Mr Perry May a little bit on behalf of Economic Development and Community safety and and downtown Corridor pull your microphone um I appreciate Mr Pino's letter and trying to work with the city and and I think most of the city council wants to promote Economic Development give people a bear shake to try whatever business model they have within reason but I don't know how familiar you are with the problems we have in the downtown corridor particularly on Main Street with where where what's left open is about three to four bars after 10 o'clock at night and we have an influx of people that come from different parts of Manatee County and perhaps elsewhere um whether it be Whitfield to the South and enko um uh Palmetto whatever it is because they have rules over there and there aren't things to do so the late night drinking crowd from what I understand kind of congregates and goes downtown talking with the police a lot there's a lot of activity which is is police related in the surrounding areas where people go out to their cars there's a parking lot they park on the street and they might consume alcohol and maybe even deal a little bit of dope out there um things get Rowdy and we don't want that downtown and and you know I'm not saying that nothing good happens after Jeopardy but I'm pretty sure but I'm pretty sure nothing good happens after midnight and and and so I I can't imagine you know if if it's to capture the hungry Drinker that that's not going to attract a certain element and already exasperate an already existing problem that's that's where I'm coming from well a couple of the things obviously we've tried to do for economic development is bring different type of businesses downtown but the model that you know we have stated up here is that we want more restaurant type bars that will not attract the crowd we've got restaurants that would probably with the restaurant closing stay open a little later maybe with the their bar part of the restaurant but that's not the the crowd they're drawing and so they're closing early and we've got people coming down to look at opening others that don't want that you know don't want to be here because of that and we're trying to turn it more to a restaurant type situation where it's not then attracting some and we're Al looking at closing that parking lot it's a city parking lot and it's become a a magnet through the police department so that parking lot's going to be closed at night at a certain time so you know we want people we just don't want the element that is an eore City type I get it situation and we don't want any trouble either obviously that causes a strain on us so if if 2 a.m. works for you guys that works for us we'll down with the rest of the block vice mayor Barnaby yes I just have a question for either Mr dong or Mr ril because this is a special exception special use permit the hours that we state that he can or whatever is there can be open does that like run from now on if if we if we put stipulations in here that have specific hours of operations yes that would run with the land with the approval the special use yes yes yeah that's that's the other concern I have is it's once the council chooses to take action however they choose to do it it's pretty much forever and ever amen and and there is some where if they close and for so long they lose part of that I believe if they're a time or if if they are not in compliance with the with the stipulations then obviously it could be could be removed can we put a stipulation on it that it runs with this owner this business or it just goes with the property forever um it's difficult to to put stipulated on a on a particular owner just based on the criteria that you're applying um so no I wouldn't I wouldn't recommend doing that Miss Coker yeah I I'm uh I guess I'm a little what do you are there I guess I'm not following what concerns you would have with it just staying with the property um it's not based on the owner it's just are you talking about the hours of operation or I'm talking about if we put stipulations on here that they can stay open until 2 a.m. and then for whatever reason perhaps perhaps they make a great deal of money and they decide to move on and somebody else comes in and then we have another bar until 2 a.m. well am I wrong if it's a special use permit if somebody changes the use it's going to have to change anyway well they would still be subject to all these stipulations right right so you've got the limitation on the beer and wine only if they wanted to serve liquor they they'd have to come back in and and amend their their special permit um so yes all all the stipulations that are proposed would apply to a future owner as well but what if they stop selling pinball or having pinball in video games and it just becomes a hangout does that if they don't have the pinball in video games does that change the special use um the special use use is for the um for the amusement uh facility so if if they weren't using that at that point they might be considered either a restaurant or a lounge depending on uh depending on the type of use so that would be something that could be reviewed in the future if that were to happen but if they leave go ahead Miss Moore um I was just going to clarify I think that they are are applying for lounge so I think yes I think it's both but um Mr Russell or Miss singer or Mr dong I'm sorry um my understanding is that when we're looking at special use permit requests if they meet the criteria there's not a lot of wiggle room to deny it so I appreciate the conversation regarding the stipulations um I just wanted to point out that to the extent that we're already cooperating and having stipulations that that address some of our concerns I don't want to overstep and then and then lose that Spirit of cooperation a Chief look like the chief has I agree with that Mrs Moore but also we could add more stipulations that would help some of the council people feel better because the number of phone calls I get about the bars on Main Street is is what's concerning to me that's it's growing and that we need to really figure out I know I heard years ago and I wasn't here but wasn't on the counsil or that but sometimes you have to start a city with the bars to get kind of some of that energy going but you know we've stayed all along and and you know we're getting a restaurant now on main street called Jax that's moving into to next to the old badass and badass is supposedly coming in and one of the important things to me when I talked to that gentleman too years ago was that we don't want just a bar downtown we want food and um I drove over to his restaurant last night in paletto because we were looking for something like that and it would have been so nice to be able to walk down to something like that you know downtown so I mean it's a little bit off subject but but it's again we want more of that and that's what we're hearing from the residents so I think that you know some of this is just kind of you know and maybe some of the angst is from some of the things that have happened in the past not against you I feel like that's what it is but but it was in that building and it was illegally done with the cover on the window so we just want to make sure something doesn't turn into that and it's because I'm for this I mean I think that this is a great idea because it's not the old pinball machines that you'd go to the mall and you'd drop your kids off and then you'd walk the mall and you felt safe they were in there playing it's more of a entertainment type thing and and I think it's it's something that could you know enhance our downtown along with other things coming but not just somebody that's at a bar drunk at 1:30 a.m. walking into your place playing and then the issue becomes yours so I think that's something so I do think our chief wants to have a comment so maybe let her comment and and see and then we can before we go to public hearing really really just a question um I'm I'm seeing the stipulation but uh I I would like to know what the enforcement mechanis mechanism is for number one if they violate one of the terms of the stipulation uh who's going to act on that it's going to probably be the police so I I guess I want to have some clarity and maybe that's a later discussion but then regarding the arm or regarding the um uh having the 21 and over only after 8:00 uh can we require in conjunction with that armband because I I don't want us to have to keep going in checking for miners I want to know that everybody in there has been arm banned we have somebody at the front door if you don't have somebody at the front door there there's not going to be compliance so are we going to have require them to be at the front door checking identifications I think you have to have that if you're going to require one and then I just don't understand if we do go by and they are violating every one of these what's what what is the police department's recourse would be my question I just want some may a couple questions of chief chief it seems to me that the crowd change is around 10:00 maybe a little bit even earlier down there um 2 o'clock's pretty late in the morning um 21 you can be down there they got the Cava thing that's 247 I think or that kind of thing I don't know what types of people go out at 2: in the morning I really don't maybe I'm just aged out or something but um you used to yeah yeah I used to too wheel 30 years ago no um I I guess from the enforcement perspective it would seem to me that we would end up having to do something with code enforcement and and police and maybe the fire department you know whoever else and we have to take those resources to basically pull something back you know you have a problem it develops and you go okay we got to deal with this problem and you assemble the right disciplines to do that takes takes tax money to do that and the like and and I don't know about your Staffing downtown but I know that we're pretty thin and um do you think that would put an additional onus on you I mean I think that's why you're up here and you're concerned well I'm concerned about and your staff number one I I don't want us to have to be standing there and continually going in you know checking for when I say mine or somebody who can't drink that's going to be the issue is are they out there drinking um and are they out there driving um so I I think that's a great stipulation I just want I want some teeth to it and we want to be able to walk by at 2 am and see that somebody's there checking IDs and that people in there have armbands and if we walk in there and there's somebody without an armband um what are the sanctions to that you know I get what you're saying about at 2 a.m. if or 15:5 yeah or 55 or or 12:55 or maybe 11:55 um I'm not so sure that's good to have downtown I agree with the mayor because I've seen these kinds of arcades we went to one I think it was in Pittsburgh that was a great little place to go that had different types of amusement activities and had food service in there and the people you saw in there were uh lunch crowd businesses where 10 or 15 people would go there and play ski ball or what whatever it was and I think that that can do it now I know you guys are pinball more than anything and I think six pinball machines how much of an amusement Center is that yeah yeah keep in mind we're not the ones that ask for for the special use okay well I think you have to have iterate the bus this is our rules well you know let's say there's bars on the Block they have three four pinball machines they have a uh they have darts they have pool tables why isn't that a business you know why isn't that an amusement Center where our unit is very small we're just going to you know a few pinball machines in there a couple art uh videoing machines and it's not like we're opening up a Chuck E jees would you be would you be opposed to having a restriction of I don't know 10 o00 or 11:00 opposed to 2: a.m. because this is the world of difference to me in between those time per I'm sorry it's almost going to the the business is that what you feel okay just asking your opinion no and I appreciate that question Mr Perry but you know again he's trying to come up with a business model that can work be good stewards of the neighborhood the street and make some money you know I mean that's it's about you know business development and and trying that but that is true um unfortunately we've seen the the consequences of the bar only after 10:00 because what Mr Perry and I saw and and I went back after like 78 o00 to see how it was operating and it was still the the young professional coming down there playing those games and that and that's so when I heard about this I was excited that that's what it was but it seems like to me it's just turning into a bar with just some pinball machines even though you're not serving alcohol liquor uh but you're serving beer and wine so you know I mean again I think it's something that you know is an opportunity for some entertainment for others but most others that have again the general public does not want to go down there after 10 o'clock and they keep telling me that and they said until we change that we're just going to be a bar and we're going to have more police activity after that because that's what's happening that's the reality you know and and again we don't want to be that City that gets those national news because that one thing happened so unfortunately I think this Council and administration is going to ask the tough questions because you know once we as as Miss Barnaby said once we approve it it's there and some approvement were probably done I look back on my Council days and in particular one or two I would not have approved knowing what what I know now and again it's not to slow our city it's to make our city better for everyone so I I just it's what it is so other comments questions Miss Coachman I just want to say um I hope you don't feel like we're beating up on you no not at all but I think you also hear what we're saying is I I know you're saying well you already have this so what's the problem well that is the problem there's some things that we already have that we don't want to continue so not that we're beating up on you don't feel um I don't feel like we would add to the current problem you know we're only serving beer and wine we're not going to be the cheapest on the Block we can't compete with these big bars so I think all of your problems are still going to be at the bars not you know at the little spot with some pinball machines and sering beer and wine I think we probably thought that too back in the day when we started this you know we probably thought also it's not going to be that big of a deal um but but it does sound like you will end up being the magnet you know once everyone else is full and if it becomes an issue then obviously we don't want to be working you know we don't want it to be a hassle for us also so if if that did happen we would end up closing early but we just to want to be locked in and I don't blame you for that but the only problem is once we give the special use our hands are tied then you know it's not there Miss Moore I think had a question I was gonna ask a question if you don't mind reminding me Mr dong about food and whether there is food tied to the special use and required at certain hours or at all I think that the food component is probably important right the lounge portion comes into play because of the alcohol sales if it was a restaurant only that is permitted in downtown so the the lounge is related to the alcohol and indoor amusement centers are listed as a special use in our um form base Cod so Miss Moore you don't mind jumping in then why do these other bars are allowed to have pinball machines and pool tables and that is that something that is they are not allowed to have right now with what they're doing they're primarily a bar they should have came through I would have to go back and research as a lounge so if they did a lounge they could have a pool table or a pinball machine because I mean you don't normally go to any type of bar that doesn't have a pool table or something yeah here comes Rober so and as we know we are researching our other Cafe licenses and different things to make sure that some businesses did not just pop up open up and then do things things that were incorrect so old Main Street is being evaluated now through our planning department because we want to make sure everybody is meeting the correct stipulations that they should have and if they aren't they're going to have an opportunity to get it and if they don't want to get it then they're not going to have the opportunity to leave things on the sidewalk and then there's rules that they're not abiding by even if they do have it so those things are being addressed uh I just wanted to say um Robin singer planning community development director uh this came to our attention through a building permit process and when you look at the floor plan the majority of the space is occupied by pinball machines uh as opposed to a bar that may have a pinball machine tucked in the corner that's the majority of the space the other thing that's appears on the plan is essentially a bar configuration um there doesn't appear to be a kitchen tables and chairs that sort of thing that you would normally associate with a restaurant so when we had conversation with them and and I think there's partnership in involved in this business and and you it's different talking to different people so I believe the gentleman who presented to you last time uh really is representing the pinball interest the the gaming interest uh in this proposition and then there are others who are looking at it from a business perspective that may involve you know and really more insisting that there be beer and wine sales now the cut off for a lounge is if your food sales uh do they outweigh your your receipts from uh beer and wine and so we were being cautious with them just because again what we're seeing on the floor plan appears to be a bar not a restaurant um that they probably are going to exceed you know their their potentially um alcoholic beverage sales would exceed food sales we don't know that for a fact and they they could you know withdraw that part of it if they absolutely believe that 50% or more is going to be uh exclusively in food sales um but we just thought it's better to be cautious rather than trip on that and have to close that part of it um because you didn't get the approval for the lounge portion of it but I say by floor plan this appeared to us to be an indoor amusement Center uh more so than a restaurant all right so I have a question maybe for you or Mr rudisel we approve this as is today and all of the sudden 6 months from now pinball machines go away are they still now it's just a bar is that well but but again it depends how much food you're serving and you know but but now we've just created another bar that is something that I don't think that this town wants and is that then they can just still operate that way yeah I mean there's nothing in the document now that would require them to maintain the amusement component no so they'd still be subject to all the stipulations but you're you're right they would still have the approval for the lounge am I am I not remembering didn't this first come to us pitched as a familyfriendly business I'm not really hearing feeling that anymore right conern all right come up to the m come up to the microphone if you don't thank you we're focusing on nighttime here um during the day obviously it's it's not really necessarily geared to family friendly well during the day it is it's um it just seems to be the Focus right now it's about the nighttime drunks unfortunately that's what we've seen and and it's turned in you know and and I know that uh there's been several bars around the county that they have code enforcement enclosed and and where are they coming so I mean we're not trying to to hurt your business or go through that but it's it's a part of how we manage to make sure you're successful without having to to be that and that's that's why we're talking about it otherwise I think this Council probably would have voted last time to just say no and we didn't want to do that so um May May yes ma'am question yes it's more is may we have a stipulation that ties the two special use special uses together can we stipulate that a stipulation is for the lounge that we remain that we have a special use for an amusement facility and that the well I guess we don't need the so that's the stipulation I would suggest if that's permissible um yeah we could we could do that as a stipulation we'd have to work on the language a little bit but I think we could come up with something that would accomplish that if that was something that Council wanted to do and the applicant was in agreement Mr Mayor if I know we need to have the public hearing but would it be possible at this time to take a brief recess and ask Mr ril to work on that language that might make I know that would make me feel a little more comfortable I'm still having an issue with staying open until the time when everybody comes pouring out into the street and I would not support you being open after the bars close right so we if we said that 2:00 then we all have to leave at the same time so there's nobody pouring into our location still still working on that slow yes to maybe rather than a fast no were you you weren't here at the last meeting were you no I no so he didn't hear that so yeah um but again we're talking about it because we're trying to find a way to to make it happen so I appreciate that um is it appropriate to take a recess before the public hearing or should we have the public hearing Council can take a recess whenever we would like all right so let's take but is that something that I know I'm putting you on the spot M and I apologize for that I didn't think about this before until we all started having these discussions so again I apologize for that but you went to the University of Florida law school I think you ought to be able to come up with something right what what are you saying he needs an extra 15 minutes no I was not saying that at all I was just complimenting his education we we can we can certainly come up with some language for a stipulation like that and in five minutes 10 minutes yeah okay uh Miss Coker before we recess yeah I I I would just like to say i' appreciate you doing that because I think it'd be good to come to a conclusion on this today rather than table it that's what I'm trying to yeah I'd like to see us get this decided today all right so we'll take a a 10-minute recess and come back at 9:42 the responses we heard earlier and the comments heard um I did not type this up but it's handwritten um we'll get it cleaned up um later on but these are the stipulations that they have agreed to um so we added some stipulations on wristbands after 8m um under item one we did add the square footage of the area um primarily encompassing a majority of the property remaining in indoor amusement Center um so they can have that and then under number nine um that they close at 2: amm and that they're allowed to open at 6:00 a.m. because they do have a plan to serve breakfast and kabas and coffees in the morning so they would like to be able to reopen at 6:00 a.m. um I run this by the two business owners and they are in agreement with these nine stipulations Mr Barnaby any questions okay so it's not my handwriting I and I I I want to express my appreciation to you all I know I I kind of threw this out there but no Hill for a climber I knew that you all could could get it put together um you know sometimes sitting up here it's like being a mom for 57,000 people it's the only thing I can really compare it to um and it seems like every time I turn around it reminds me of what I was dealing with my kids and they would ask to do something or they would say that you know and I always had you know we always had to have a plan and the plan keeps changing and the hours keep changing and it is giving me just a very uncomfortable feeling so um I know that that we Contin this and I know that we're going to need to do a public hearing um but I still have some grave concerns and I just want to express that Miss ker yeah um I have to say when this initially came before our last meeting I had a lot of concerns and it was really portrayed as a family um establishment and now it seems like it's completely changed um back to what could have been what I was concerned about to begin with but um I mean I'm I want to I want people to be successful down there and so I'm still listening but I'm I don't know that I'm quite there yet Mr Kramer and respectfully I sort of disagree with you um I think it's both I think Chuck-E-Cheese isn't open till midnight but if it was there's a good chance that crowd might change a little bit if there weren't a bunch of kids there my point is that if it's going to be open till 8 for families that's sort of what we expect it and if it's going to be a bar that's going to want to try to make any type of money downtown it's going to have to be open after that and that's what it becomes really after eight is a bar for adults so we do have to go to the public hearing so why don't we do that and uh um I just a procedural question Mr Mayor uh Mr udil again because I and I'm I'm sorry Mr dong I know standing up there is so much fun um I still need more information if I wanted to make a motion to table this to be able to give staff and the applicant time to try to get information together to make our decision one that we can be a little more comfortable with what would the appropriate time to be to do when when would that be done um well we need to open the public hearing and see if there are any members of the public here that that want to provide comment on this and then at that time um the council could consider motion to continue again if we have a a time date in place certain and that would be the motion we would want to confirm with the applicant that they did not have an objection to the continuance and and that's where that a slow yes or maybe or a fast no comes into mind just throwing that out there all right at this time we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak I'm John Paul Taylor uh half owner of this place um we have two owners uh Eddie was the other owner I'm one I'm the pinball guy that spoke last time um the reason there ours are there is because we want to try to pay for rent you know we you know they they said 8:00 I said why don't we do six because we do want to do breakfast we we he's different than me so uh we want our we want to have the ability to make rant so we don't know I mean a year from now we might be open 6:00 in the morning till 8:00 p.m. you know so that's why it's confusing we're trying to bring something different you know try and do some food uh place to hang out play Pinball and all that stuff so that's why the hours are up in the air we don't know a year from now we might be open in the morning till the evening we might be open later because that's where that's where the beer money is you know um most of our drinks are going to be we have a cappuccino machine we have energy drinks we have tea we have kombucha that's where I believe we're going to do be very successful uh we've just been told it would be a risk not to have beer on that street so we don't know a year from now we might not have beer there at all that'd be okay with me doesn't matter so we do want to have um that available ailable to be you know whatever our hours are so I'm not going to be there at 2 in the morning I'm going to be there in the morning I'll probably leave at 5: I'm getting too old to be hanging out at 2: in the morning so I understand the concern so I just wanted to clarify because that seems to be what the situation is is the hours so we don't know the hours I mean I we are going to be open um in the morning and then we're going to be open late we're going to try it out if it doesn't work we don't want that late night element that we all know about I don't want it so that's all I can say is that I mean that seems to be what's getting stuck here is the hours so I mean I wish we had solid hours but I want to make money I want to be able to pay rent I want to be able to sell pinball machines and you know that kind of stuff so all right thank you thank any other public comment just by coincidence I happen to have state agents here with uh alcohol beverage and tobacco and so if anybody had any questions for them um they are in the back of the room they could they could answer that I'm not an expert on that but um he's certainly informing me on some of the requirements having signs posted um you can't have anybody under 21 sitting at the bar potentially every pinball machine will have to have a separate license through the state and so um I guess my message is we are um starting to take a very um concerted effort to crack down on all things um illegal when it comes to our bars and um serving alcohol our machines um throughout the the city and uh you know rest assured that we're going to be monitoring everything in every business um very closely so which is why they're here I don't know if anybody has any questions but I don't want to put them on the spot either but um they're here all right thank you we ask them if they have all right Mr Perry well we're in public comment so let me get through that any other public comment any other public comment don't Mr rudil if it closes the public hearing we have to read vertise everything again correct well we can reopen but I'd just leave it open and we leave the public hearing open okay so at this point if we go to is any Council have any further questions of anyone or concerns or options Mr Perry microphone thank you mayor I think John Paul Taylor one of the co-owners said it best we don't know we don't know and and the lawyer in me says that once you provide the permissive special use they have it and and the city's chance to regulate it has come and gone I think we all want something downtown that'll be successful and we appreciate business people that put their Capital at risk and take a chance to do an Endeavor and an undertaking and we want them to be successful and we'll try to keep them safe keep the area safe and make them successful I think in order to do that we need a little bit more time to sit down it's probably going to be a give and take situation like Mr Taylor said we may close at eight in the future and the like and and that uncertainty is there and and maybe that would help us with one problem at the same time he said something about we got to pay rent and as councelor Kramer pointed out that's part of having a bar crowd uh to a certain extent and and I think that there's a certain tolerance that we're is that the council in my opinion is okay with they understand that that's a at a certain point in time it becomes kind of an adult entertainment area and the like and and that we're willing to give some concessions in that and not say absolutely not or anything like that but we do need more time to probably get with um the the owners and and uh to try to see if we can come to a compromise where we know more because right now we don't know Mr Mayor again like I said it's sometimes I feel like I'm mom to the community up here but I need to have a good understanding of the hours of your operation and exactly how you're going to be doing this because we've heard so many iterations of well well we could do this or we could do that or we could do the other thing but a special use permit is not just something that when you drive by City Hall we throw it in your window this it's a very serious matter for the city so at this time I would like to make a motion that we continue this public hearing until our next council meeting on April the 24th we have a motion to continue till the 24th I'll second it are we permitted to have discussion just one second let me get this yeah it's not I didn't table it I just made a motion to continue it okay so discussion Miss Moore um did did when when uh staff was discussing it with the applicant I am going to assume that there's that the exploration of having a kitchen in an older building was possibly discussed or considered and we didn't is there is that prohibitive cost have room if they had a kitchen Would we not be having this discussion because then they would operate under the cafe and we would not be worried about it um honestly I don't know I mean I think yeah having having a kitchen I don't know that they have space to have a kitchen in there and and turn this into a full but that's up to them I mean they have the opportunity to you know guarantee that they're not going to exceed sales and and do some other things but you know we can talk to them about that further about what they can do to maybe take away the lounge designation entirely and and further limit hours so that it's more indoor amusement and less again I'm I'm trying to come up with I either a slow yes or or you know I I'm trying to avoid the fast no I'm I'm TR you know I'm trying to get the information I need to feel comfortable mayor may I yes ma um what I'm uh what I'm struggling with is um that it seems to me that really it's going to be hard to police any type of establishment um to Mr Kramer's point I think many types of establishments in my opinion there's no uh conflict between having having a facility that during the daytime is like a brewery that has cornhole for your children but then after a certain hour I would not have my children there um so to me that's not a conflict of use and so I guess the question is at what point are we you know is this the appropriate vehicle for saying that we don't want a lot of bars there or should we actually be on a more General matter you know in with planning and the process they're going through saying that that's the that we're going to limit that in some other legal way um where I'm at right now is it it appears to me that the applicant has endeavored to alleviate our concerns and I I feel somewhat prepared to go ahead and decide today I appreciate that not you know that you want more information and and I think that's fine but I also feel like the applicant has worked with staff fairly diligent is my diligently is my understanding and I don't know how much more we can ask of them from a business standpoint that will make it work I mean until we make some decisions about how what we want downtown to look like in a general matter most facilities are going to be you know bright and light in the daytime and they're going to be like lounges in the evening one of the things though with the decision wise this is a special use so if we do come up with a decis decision later on that's different than this special use then we're still stuck with the special use so we're trying to get to some of those um policies that will benefit them as being successful because again I don't think this would have been a lot easier two weeks ago just to vote and say no if you're saying it's and it's over with but we're trying to come up with that where we don't want to say no to make it successful but we've been through that we have a 20e plus history of bars now that have come in and said some things and then turned around and did the opposite and for whatever reason we can't stop it other than we police it and the policing is becoming harder and harder and more dangerous after those times and you know I mean it's the information's out there but I don't think you know most of the residents feel like they have to be off our street by 10 o'clock the ones that you know and we don't want that we don't want that feeling sure miss Coker yeah um I uh I want to be at yes but I am struggling a little bit um but I feel like big picture I think this is what councilwoman Moore was alluding to is I think we've we all kind of feel that there might be an issue down there and maybe we need to be looking at a bigger thing to uh work with the problem um but like you said it's special use and then it then we're stuck with it um so I I I'm still perplexed a little bit and that's as much as I wanted to get to an answer today I feel like uh I'm not there yet all right so we have a motion on the board to continue till April 24th um Mr Mayor yes sir I was just going to say we need to bring the applicant up make sure they're in agreement with that before we take a take a vote on it take a vote all right sir if you'd like to come forward think your options are to agree to this or not agree to it and if you don't agree to it then the motion would be taken motion could be made to either approve or deny and then whatever happens with that that's the final word right so I guess we agree you agree to to wait to to come back on the 24th and see what others can be hopefully to get your slow yes as Miss Barnaby would say agreed okay all right thank you and and also just to clarify it's at 8:30 in these Chambers 8:30 a.m. on on April 24th and the City Hall Chambers here thank you thank you all right so we've had discussion we have a motion to continue till April 24th 2024 at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall Chambers here by Miss Barnaby seconded by Miss Coker start the vote in Ward four yes five yes one yes two yes three no uh carries four to one thank you all right Madame clerk thank you the next item is item 7B the second rating and public hearing for ordinance 4025 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida providing for an amendment to the city of brenon land use Atlas changing zoning from t4r General Urban restricted to t40 General Urban open for properties located at 910 Riverside Drive East 111 10th Street East 111 or I'm sorry 10008 Riverside Drive East 1010 Riverside Drive East and 1020 Riverside Drive East the parcel ID numbers are 321 93 00005 321 05359 32105 00309 32124 000000 and 321 0549 providing for applicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date can we read them both you want to do both we can that's up to the council but yes we certainly read both yes okay it's just reading them we'll talk about them separately okay the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 402 six an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida providing for an amendment to the city of Bradenton land use Atlas changing zoning from t40 General Urban open to T5 urban center for properties located at 214 9th Street East 208 9th Street East 112 9th Street East 110 9th Street East 108 9th Street East 46 9th Street East 304 9th Street East and 402 9th Street East the parcel ID numbers are 31347 00008 31348 00006 313 49004 3135 00002 31351 000000 excuse me I lost my place imagine 3137 900001 1 31362 007 and 31375 00009 removing properties located at 214 9th Street East 208 9th Street East 112 9th Street East 1 1 9th Street East 108 9th Street East 406 9th Street East 304 9th Street East 301 9th Street East 2011 9th Street East 8253 Avenue East 108 8 Street East 106 8 Street East 807 3rd Avenue East and 402 9th Street East parcel ID numbers are 31347 00008 31348 00006 3134 9004 3135 00002 31 35100 00 3137 900001 31362 007 32185 001 32178 006 31358 00005 313 92004 31430 009 31375 009 and 31388 002 from the Antiques overlay District providing for applicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date well done thank you thank you and I don't believe you missed a zero [Laughter] so um good morning city council this is Jamie shindol representing the planning department and I have been sworn um what you have that Greg is passing out uh thank you Greg um those are some citizen comments we received prior to Planning Commission they didn't make it in your city council packet um so that's why we're passing them out right now did you get this one think I got two of is there I just to make sure I got two think I got two of the same oh no no it's different it is different yeah the the case number is different all right okay so it's different all right starts out the same but different okay perfect thank you continue all right um so as stated I am Jamie shind wolf with planning department and I have been sworn and I am here to present the staff recommendations for these cases today so the first case before you is lu2 34560 a request for zoning Atlas and Amendment from t4r to T4 this map shows the subject Parcels for this request and here you can see the zoning and the future land use in this area as it stands today the future land use is Urban Village which is defined as an area that is anticipated to develop with the character lifestyle friendliness of a village based on the concepts of new urbanism permitted uses encourage development of a district with a distinct sense of place and a walkable environment that supports and enhances a budding neighborhood areas desired uses include small lot single family multiple family row houses mid-rise housing types professional and medical offices restaurants retail stores Etc this request as stated is to rezone from General Urban restricted to General Urban open on these properties these photos were taken of the surrounding area the neighborhood consists primarily of single family homes with some vacant Lots there are a couple duplexes in the area Glazer Gates Park is south of this rezoning request and the Eastern portion of the Riverwalk is nearby Shore View Apartments are adjacent to this request and the preserv IT Riverwalk Apartments are within a block this chart that may be difficult to read but was also in the staff report um shows shows the differences between the T4 t4r allowances and the t4o allowances the T4 General Urban Zone consists of a mixed use but primarily a residential Urban fabric it may have a wide range of building types and the setbacks are variable there are two subzones t4r which is General Urban restricted and t4o general Urban open T4 is more permissive than t4r in T4 R it's stated that structures should be 1 to 2.5 stories with a potential height after all bonuses of 3.5 stories in t40 structures should be one to three stories with a potential height after all bonuses of six stories when considering a land use Atlas Amendment uh we have to consider these criteria from the code the first is consistency with the comprehensive plan staff finds t40 is consistent with the future land use category of UV and there are many existing areas with t40 zoning and um UV future land use already staff finds the rezoning request is a continuation of t40 zoning that surrounds this property or these Parcels already um staff does not find that this uh will have an impact on adequate public facilities as it is not increasing density or intensity those are governed by excuse me the um the feature land use category which is not changing the rezoning request represents just a small expansion of an existing district and does not introduce any hazardous or noxious potential uses to those surrounding properties that are already Zone t40 and staff finds that this does meet the intent of the land use regulations and the form based code to provide a walkable mixed use downtown core so overall staff recommends approval of this rezoning and Planning Commission voted to recommend approval as well there is a representative from the applicant here today if you would like to hear from them and other than that happy to take any questions any questions from sta uh Council for staff M Coker yeah um this this letter is saying that they're requesting to go to T5 is there somewhere in there that that's requested that's the next request the the next case is the T5 okay Jamie I'd like to go back I think two slides nope NOP that one there so um when you read 3.1.5 point2 yes and um it says the Z the rezoning request is a continuation of the t40 zoning that surrounds these few Parcels so was that something the staff felt to put in these few Parcels so uh just the few so the the ones that are subject to the request that's the few Parcels okay all right so the one two three four five yeah so and again it's consistent with what we've done and I say we not some of us but others of us over the years and I don't um with the Glazer Gates area and some of that and the homeowners have sold already for the most part yeah and so there will be as you can see here a few Parcels will remain um in the T4 are uh around it um but there are some some parcel like to the South you can see there's already one that was was left that way previously at one point it's it's not unprecedented to have those sort of remaining Parcels okay any other questions before we bring the applicant up oh yes ma'am um okay I guess I'm I'm just trying to understand because I do see I am a little concerned that you've got one homeowner that's in the center of this or one or two and what are they going to be able to do with the T T4 o that they can't do with the T4 R that's what this chart is here um well that's a lot of stuff you can't read but I respectfully request in the future we break these into two slides so that they can be a little bigger I know we can I know we have the report in front of us but if I was in the audience looking at that I would be hard pressed I can read the differences if you'd like um it's predominantly um t40 uh allows retail building display Gallery restaurant um kiosk which I'd have to look the definition quite honestly um a Sidewalk Cafe a special use Lounge um secondhand store um there's special use Exhibition Center theater movie theater museums by special use indoor amusement by special use outdoor amusement by special use um outdoor Auditorium by special use Passenger Terminal by special use you'd also need a Transit stop um a playground Sports Stadium by special use surface parking lot oh that's that would be sorry that's either way um there I I do want to point out there is um service some Auto uses but I believe that the future land use category would prohibit those even though they are they're stated in the zoning but they are preempted by the uh comprehensive plan um there's a lot of special uses on there that yes that would never be approved by any Council and I can say that a funeral home or a cemetery I look at that we always talk about that that would never be approved no but there's a lot of stuff on here that's really going a I know you say this is the future land use is Urban Village which is predominantly supposed to be residential but some of that I mean I think it's reasonable for a homeowner that's been there for 30 years to not necessarily want to all of a sudden you know be in the middle of a commercial District the fusure land use category is residential and residential supporting retail commercial it's meant to be a mixed use area oh I thought it the current zoning of ch for R is is meant to be predominantly residential it was an Urban Village it is Urban Village future land use okay which is predominantly residential which residents are you talking about well there's I mean in that one there's you're talking the Shaded ones are the applicants and the ones that aren't shaded can you go back to that picture are probably these people there see at the corner of tentin and Riverside or the other I mean all these ones that aren't shaded I I am assuming that's these people the ones in teal are t4r the ones in pink are already T4 O Okay Urban Village as the future the underlying futur L use category States desired uses include small light lot single family multiple family roow houses midrise housing types professional and medical offices restaurants retail stores Etc okay okay Mr Perry jimie maybe you can explain a little bit about the future land use opposed to the current land use how is that determined so the future land use is um every property has both right so the future land use there can be a variety of zoning districts in one particular future land use the future land use is a more broad categorization and then certain um zoning districts are appropriate in certain future land use districts uh we don't here have a a crosswalk at at I'm just going to use the example of like the county they have in their codes it's like oh if your future land use is this category then these are the zoning districts that would make sense um your future land use uh is also going to dictate your density and your intensity so the Florida area ratio for a commercial use and your you know how many units you can put per acre for residential use and when was the future land use determined and how was determined for the city because it seems to me that if I'm microphone please sorry if I'm on one of these te teal areas and councelor coker's point pull it a little closer if you don't move that microphone I will move it for you there's an expectation about a continued use but you also know that in the future it can change I.E future land use and so how is how is that done through our planning process and our zoning process I think when we did was that when we did the form based code Yeah well yeah the form based code excuse me was 2011 was the initial adoption um I don't know when this comp plan was adopted comp plan Pro well comp planning probably started back in the 80s yeah and so uh when they established I'm not exactly sure when they established the um Urban Village can you go back to the slide that shows the future land you so that we're clear on uh wrong way sorry yeah so just to be clear when we talk about future land use we're talking about comprehensive plan designation they have to comply with the more restrictive of either the zoning or the land use so if the land use in this case is more restrictive than the zoning they have to comply with that so if Urban Village is saying that those are the uses the retail and restaurants and that kind of thing that are allowed and it doesn't list Automotive uses as being appropriate then they would have to restrict with that even if the zoning allowed for that even under special use process you wouldn't be able to do that because your future land use is going to be more restrictive in that case I don't know if that answers the question but that's um so you have that protection uh to say that not all of those uses that are permitted even by special use in the the zoning designation are necessarily going to be able to be there because of the future land use designation under the comprehensive plan yes ma'am uh I I okay now that I'm looking at this like is there was there any reasoning as to why that was carved out I mean it looks like if everything around it was already do I mean do you have any any idea just been at at the time the current owners you know of single family homes were looking at um okay you know maintaining their homes and uh and some of that that you see to the east as part of the shore view um project and and perhaps as part of that project uh there was a broader uh look at what kinds of uses would be allowed okay so and I believe if I'm not mistaken some of that land we actually traded we owned some of it as a city and we traded it to get to this point because that's what the the future development was talking about and you know with our property on um Glazer Gates East and Mineral Springs was all part of some of the land swaps and different things mayor yes ma'am um would you say that Urban Village is more restrictive than t o t wait yeah I think as Jamie indicated that not entirely you want to go ahead wait well so Urban Village is a future land use designation so t4r and t40 are both allowable under I mean they're both throughout the city in that future land use designation I guess I'm trying to get at if we permitted the rezoning to T4 R I'm sorry o um but we you would say that we still would be restricted in use and special uses because of the future land use of Urban Village they would still be subject to what the Urban Village says so if Urban V says Auto oriented uses are not allowed outdoor storage is not allowed then they will not be able to do those things even if that use table under T4 o States they can all right any other questions of jam and Robin or we'll move on to the applicant all right thank you let the applicant have some time good morning mayor and City Council Members my name is Margaret tuing and I'm a senior planner with zns engineering and I have been sworn and also with me today is uh Troy Cy who is with mrw Associates and we're here representing them and we're going to do each case individually okay as Jamie mentioned this property is what is currently owned okay thank you I don't have it in front of me do I um this is the property that is currently owned tuing you're really going to need to use the microphone is this better yes thank you was I not on the microphone before you're fine yeah okay okay so this is the property that is in question the ones that are hash marked and they're in the teal which is the t4r zoning District Mr cypret all or mrw also owns these Parcels that are checked and as Jamie stated they did a staff did a good presentation and most of the area here is Zone t40 our resoning is approximately 1.27 Acres of that property the properties have an underlying future land use designation of Urban Village the TR4 zoning is more restrictive for commercial uses it doesn't allow retail Office Buildings cafes or restaurants and it's more focused on residential and limited commercial we are requesting the t40 zoning it does not increase any density nor the intensity of the site because that is controlled by the future land use category which Miss shindle wolf mentioned the t40 expands the permitted commercial uses to include offices retail galleries restaurants and cafes this request is consistent with the majority of the zonings in the surrounding properties and it is more consistent with the Urban Village future land use which encourages professional and medical offices retail stores restaurants and personal services the applicant intent is to construct a restaurant Cafe and Retail uses on these parcels and Mr cyer is also here if you have any questions for him any questions Mr Cipher all right any else all right the applicant still my name's Carl Callahan 114 uh 25th Street West and I'm here hold the mic up I'm about that Mr way up um representing the applicant and one of the things that the request for this is when the city did the river walk one of the ideas was to try to amenze the Riverwalk and if you look at Urban Village was there a long time ago uh form based code is what had Chang things to be t40 t4r when all those properties were acquired for the very original plan that was down on the Riverwalk I mean we're talking 20 years ago and then when the Riverwalk came into be uh we we did Westside wanted amenities finally we did East Side wanted amenities and that's one of the reasons for this change is to be able to do that most of the single family homes are now gone there are two that would remain I think um in a lot of those areas you can see the compatibility we have restaurants we have retail we have office next to residential virtually all over the city it's all in the way it's done it's all in the way you restrict it or control it that really uh makes all the difference in the world you can have a crazy application and you would say no you can have great applications and say Yes restaurants are are things that we obviously heard today we like restaurants with a bar application not a bar and we like retail we like mixed juice and that's the intent to try to to try to activate and and revital and V Revitalize or make it happen on the Riverwalk East so thanks any other applicant information before we go to the public hearing any questions all right we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak good morning please come forward state your name and city of residents uh yes Dr Paul C Grievous Esquire 106 nth Street East Braden in Florida 3428 and um what the applicants did not mention and what they've told to local media is they have every intention of building a daquiri deck a daquiri deck is not a little shop or restaurant it is a full Liquor Bar that happens to serve some food along with it and perhaps that would be okay in other areas at first blush the area in question looks very similar to 6th Street East where where daar I mean sry Dair where caddi is at the the end of that but the problem I'm putting my risk assessor hat on that was my life before being an attorney the problem is there is only one potential Collision point between pedestrians and motorists and that is the Ingress and egress to that parking lot for caddies on 6th Street um since a picture is worth a thousand words I drove around the neighborhood this morning so you kind of see what you're kind of dealing with in that area okay guess that be the best for you on this this up but um regardless um this is under the best of circumstances this is the point of Ingress for a lot of folks that be coming in on 10 Street is there a way to magnify this I'm sorry oh certainly oh Zoom okay my mistake um so this is the point of Ingress this is on 10th Street East just north of manate Avenue there's a side street to the left that is where um for on the weekends a lot of people go to the uh comic book store there bat City Comic professionals thank you so much ma'am and then going further up this road you'll notice there's parking on one side there was initially parking on both sides but that became too much of a constriction of the road so most of these people that are part on that side of the road actually reside in the apartments across the way so there's plenty of opportunities for collisions interactions if you will between between over served motorists and pedestrians as they're coming across that road sometimes they're difficult to see under the best of circumstances ducking behind cars uh going further up 10th Street there's the park and there's a Crossing area for the park um that's outlined but also further up there's also other parking areas other Crossing areas people are going to in from some of these parking spots there's a lot of opportunities for people under the best of circumstances where you might have a potential for a collision with pedestrians again I'm doing I took these pictures this morning is during the slowest quietest times no people stopping suddenly no looky l no people parked illegally hither tither and yawn this is as good as it gets oh sorry way um this is going further up some of those parking spots and people coming across the the you'll see coming back around that the sidewalk suddenly stops and people pedestrians have to walk on the street hang right sorry about the glare there's apartments to the right this is on Third Avenue coming around 10 Street uh drive a lot of people Park in these spots and go to and from the apartments you have a lot of people coming from the park to the apartments there's a lot of opportunities for potential collisions under the best of circumstances not even somebody who might be over served again coming around the side where you're about to turn onto to 10 Street Drive um there is an excess Point there's an exit s point there are several opportunities up and down these roads for people to get injured there's some areas where there's no sidewalks there will be collisions between over served patrons and pedestrians okay thank you anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak took pictures I took thank you thank you please state your name and uh say of residents and you have three minutes and the staff my name is Lydia Copa mne I live at 102 3rd Avenue East and I agree with this gentleman wholeheartedly he took the small part of where people are parking and if you come down my street on Third Avenue most of the time the right side of the um roadway is full kids running across and um I even brought it to the um the park people uh Park maintenance out there there's no cross rock where the kids have to go to the park number one and then on the far end where they have little Glazer Park um in the corner there um there's no crosswalk to say and I think there need to be a speed limit on that road and and and just like he said and where are these people going to park when they bring all this there can't park on the river listen they coming by boats you know and uh so there's no no place to park and and uh and then I just you know you have another problem mean you got more you have more space for the dogs to run around than the kids to play in that little corner so I'm like I'm just curious why the park was not put in glaa park like it should have been um but in instead of being tucked in the corner and I don't see many people walking because the dogs are running loose most of the time and I even question the maintenance guy about um about the um a fence in the doll Park I ever been to had a fence he said it's not a doll Park I said say so why are these all these dog garbage cans are there for dog you know and they have little slots that pull out the poop and uh so my question is you know I think it's just going to be a it's going to be crazy around there with old added cars coming in uh and the people from the apartment parking where the park people need to park um it's just become a come an issue um so I just you know I'm not for it I'm against it okay thank you thank you have a bless day anyone else wishing to speak please state your name and city of residents good morning my name is Ron Allen 2822 review Boulevard Drive city of brenon and have been sworn um I I want to make two quick points one is I I couldn't agree more with uh I think Mr Callahan's comments about when we originally started the Riverwalk in downtown we were really trying to amenitie it um and we were a little bit H hamstrung because of other activities that were along the Waterfront that we couldn't bring that retail component to the area so now we have downtown which is the Riverwalk and has amenities we have caddies in the middle um Madison and caddies in the middle and then as we go east there were really very few opportunities to amenitie that the Riverwalk um and I think it's really important that people have the ability to be able to walk along the Riverwalk and be able to stop enjoy the Riverwalk for a longer period of time the other thing I will take exception um uh to I think the first uh comment that was made in the public um if you look at the daquiri deck and use that as an a specific example that's a restaurant that serves alcohol that is not a bar that serves alcohol and or serves a little bit of food they have a wonderful menu if you haven't been to there their menu first um restaurant first alcohol as a secondary wonderful uh component to the Riverwalk and I think that sort of brings that amenitized area to the east side of the community and there are a lot of residents in there and wouldn't it be nice to be able to have not only walkability from uh just the riv the Riverwalk itself but all the communities that surround that area I just think it would be a dynamic uh conclusion uh to that River Walk uh expansion that uh was done by you all in a few years ago so those are my two points thank you thank you anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak we'll close the public hearing and um I'm just gonna couple of things that I wrote down um obviously we do not have a dog park and we have a leash law so if somebody is breaking that law obviously we have to to take care of that and you know so I would hope that you would let the police department know um at a time and um we're having an issue over in war two where a gentleman has been trespassed in a park that he's letting a dog run free and if he gets caught again which people are sending me videos he will be trespassed from the park and won't be allowed so Glazer Gates and those Parks both of them on the one side of the road with the uh children's equipment more of it and then the bigger open area for kids can play soccer football we actually put field Turf there that you know we wanted it to be more of a passive Park but where people could utilize it so if if dogs are breaking the law or the owners are breaking the law we need to address that so um and you do put the bags so when people are walking their dogs they'll pick up the dog um poop the crosswalks is something that if we don't have them we should have them so I mean I would hope Mrs Moore would address that at some point and get with the staff and and Mr Perry and get the crosswalks because safety is very important and then um I know the chief just walked out of the room and I know it's been done since day one all of the apartment parking is supposed to be on the apartment property if they're parking on the street we need to address that more aggressively we've been addressing it and chief has been talked with and Captain the um there's a person that just this past week that sent an email that around the corner there that people were parking on Riverwalk um a Riverside Drive East and it's a rento place you know so people are renting their houses out to numerous numbers of people and they don't have enough parking on their property a rental or an air I'm not sure but it's not it's not most of those over there are not homeowner occupied they're doing some things but but we're having issues with the vehicles which we are addressing that in a way but um we actually had to put when it opened because when you live in an apartment complex you have so many parking places well if you're having more cars then you try to park them on the street and we put three-hour parking for the Park area but if we need to address that I'll take care of that with Chief bevon because cars just can't park in Block View and other things that you know don't need to be there and they can't park for more than 3 hours in some of those and that street you know I'm glad he brought that up because you know it's something that you know we're not trying to make it hard for a lot of people but if safety is the concern we need to get that street open because I agree with you they were parked on both sides we created the signs on the one side we will create the signs on the other side so it is certain things need to be addressed that are correct so I appreciate all of that um questions from the council for staff the applicant to readdress applicant has an opportunity to come up if there's no questions comments but not questions necessarily all right so maybe that a couple questions okay okay please state your name and address or name and city of residence for the record hi my name is Troy cypr I live at 5117 sany Co Avenue Sarasota Florida um thank you today for having me in front of y'all and one of the things that was brought up in the discussion is whether the daak deck is a restaurant or if it's a bar our branding is daak deck probably doesn't help me in my name to convey food but I've asked or given to the clerk or to pass out to you guys uh our menu so I get to kill two birds of one stone I get to present to you guys that we are actually a restaurant more than we are a bar we sell more food than we do alcohol call at the same time I get to advertise our menu and I get to advertise the fact that if we were just a straight bar we would not we would not have a a CIA trained Chef now when I say that I don't mean Central Intelligence Agency but I mean Culinary Institute of America his name is Jeremy theer he's worked for IMG he's worked for several chefs that are on Food Network he was also one of the lead chefs at the Super Bowl two years ago and the last day at the Super Bowl that was in Los Angeles when he flew back he became our corporate Chef we have really focused and put an emphasis on our food because that is what makes you sustainable you discussed earlier about the issues that you have with straight up bars that is that does tend to be an issue but when you have more than 51% of your food as your sales you're not a you're not a bar you're a bar with a restaurant and that's the biggest emphasis of what we are when I started looking at this area What attracted me to it was the fact that you guys were developing the Riverwalk I started looking in this area and actually the first area I looked at was where you ended up putting Mineral Springs Park that was over 10 years ago then you all traded the property with a gentleman so that you ended up with the property on Riverside Drive Riverside Drive now has over 400 Apartments just the south of it you also have other other apartment complexes within walking distance and one of the big things that attracted me to this area is you can have a mixed use in it and with a river walk you have a very active Riverwalk you have things that you do down towards the city area with the skate park volleyball courts Madson Madison which we're just like we're just like Madison you don't have anything like that on the east east end and so what I was looking at with my restaurant and potentially other type of commercial activities such as a breakfast place Coffee Shop sunry store those types of things that could be along the boardwalk that create the energy and activities that are positive for an area if you live in the apartment buildings just to the south of us and you have a restaurant place you can walk to you have a coffee shop ice cream store restaurant those are amenities that attract people to your community and attract people to your area and that's what we're looking at trying to provide here for you guys today thank you I think another thing to think about then we'll go to Miss Moore and then miss Barnaby vice mayor Barnaby is we're trying to make our city more walkable and sometimes things that are on our River Walk and can be walkable is important and you know we do have to to weigh a lot of different things um and one of the things that I want to ask ask Miss singer or or or Jamie maybe obviously any business that has to or will build will have to supply their parking so it won't be just a business with a building and then parking wherever you can get it they'll have to come up with a plan to have parking for the number of seats in the restaurant yes so that's something to be address again sometimes in the past we've gone and given some people some opportunities to have parking or or you know where the city helped them with it but in this case they're going to have to do their own parking yeah I mean I'm not aware of any plans for City parking in the proximity that would assist them so here before the singer leaves my question was you know we're just dealing with land use and that sort of thing now whatever project they want to bring back to us can we require that they do a parking study um I mean certainly we can Prevail upon them to do a parking study I mean I guess it depends what it would depend upon what they were putting there and how much that sort of thing but um that's not something that we deal with right now yeah because of what what our actions in front of us are right now what we have toal do anything as part of a reone but if someone is brings a project forward we can talk with them about different other things that they might consider looking at yeah I think um it would be an administrative approval for the most part they're going to have to supply their parking as the mayor said uh they'll probably have to go through a site Improvement plan process uh to develop the property and through that they're going to show us where the parking is located um from what I'm understanding you to say the concern would be overflow parking and how that would impact the adjacent neighborhood uh and certainly that's part of our concern as well uh that we would be looking for a full complement of parking um in close proximity so that they're not uh impacting the neighborhood thank you Miss Moore um I I want to preface my comments with um I don't think it's any secret to you all that or to staff that it is my goal for this area to move towards that Urban Village um it makes absolute sense to me that the east side is the Northeast side is the natural progression as we expand and activate the down what we call the downtown core um I also agree strongly that this area is devoid of amenities and I I want the Riverwalk to have those type of amenities um I want to make absolutely clear though what we're doing what we just previously take or not I'm sorry continued was a special use permit and we do have uh authority to add stipulations to that we do not have that with a rezone we can ask them we can Prevail upon them as Miss singer said but when we rezone they are permitted to do whatever they are permitted to do within that rezone so I just don't want us to make decisions based on assurances and hope and then later be disappointed it is very possible that their complete plan could change for many reasons um that said again like I said though I am I am in support of this area having more amenities um my only my real concern is what Mr Grievous uh um raised which is I I also feel that this is very tight from a not parking whatever their whatever their Zone to do staff will work with them to determine whatever our code says that that project requires what however many parking units or spaces based on unit and project but it is actually the flow of traffic those these streets and I'll raise the same concerns when we get to the next matter are super tight and I don't think that that is on the app necessarily I mean perhaps staff can speak to what we can ask of them when they're eventually going to do any zoned approved project um but I think it it behooves us to do some kind of to commit to you know for us to support this for us to commit as a body to a separate action that looks at this area for safety purposes because 10th Street Riverside uh and Ninth and 10th Street Court East all of this here does have a lot of safety issues it has a lot of very narrow roads a lot of on street parking a lot of curves that are very tight because of the on street parking um I did not realize about the sidewalk crosswalk but I I'm going to investigate that as well with staff so that is kind of where I'm at I want to support the project I want to support this type of project in this area I think that the um it's just the natural progression and it will ultimately despite you know disrupting a couple of parcels I think ultimately it is the natural thing that would benefit this area and then all by extension benefit downtown and then by extension the entire city um but those are my concerns and I I don't know what the next step is to get that Assurance I don't know if maybe Miss clayback can speak to a traffic study of sorts or what let me kind of go through a couple of things and I I think I'm thinking this right Miss claybeck can confirm it a lot of times and when we're going through it now we have you know in our city areas have Speeders that go down certain streets and sometimes the way we make the street slows the traffic down and obviously parking on the street that makes it difficult and some of the things that we have to do what's within the legal limits but some of those streets were built like that because they want people moving slower in a tighter Street sometimes makes a move slower and you know obstacles because obviously we know through our fire department continually will push this not to have speed humps you know and that's something we do but but I think some of the designs are purposely designed to kind of slow traffic down so that would be important to remember um and I do think that you know some of the opportunities are there to improve the streets with some development to improve improve our infrastructure with the developments where you know we know where we're working through a lot of infrastructure stuff underground that can help improve this at the developers cost because they're going to have to do certain things where you know the city will take a lot longer to do it this will help speed that up and I think there's other I really feel that there's other things that will come in there that because old manate is is you know ripe for development at this time and you know some of the things that are out there you know they're waiting for that first step to do the next step and there was even an area that that you know anywhere in Old manate there's no parking you know when you look at oscura when you look at Central Cafe you know so hopefully there's an opportunity for something to be some more parking at somebody else's expense that can help then drive you know opportunity because you like to park somewhere and walk and be a walkable more Community um I think some of these things also you know we love the Riverwalk and we love help supporting the businesses on Manatee Avenue but the ultimate goal of Riverwalk is to be on the river and there's opportunities down the road as some of these things happen to continue it on the river um and there's also and I'm going to say this because it you know we had an opportunity a few years ago that uh really was a good opportunity until someone really did some not right things to kill it but we had an opportunity to get an an East West Corridor there to so you didn't have to get on to Manatee Avenue and I'm confident that that's coming back because if you go from by caddies you have to go to Manatee Avenue turn right turn left so if we can make that where we do have maybe just a a a bike and walking friendly area plus a oneway East so you wouldn't have to get on Manatee Avenue to go east from the hospital I think that's huge and I think that opportunity has is in the process of coming back up for us I am happy to hear that because yes that is I I hate that jog on manate Avenue it's super dangerous I ride my bike and walk that area frequently that's working but you know it's it's an opportunity that that you continue to to help as we know I'm going to say it Miss Coachman government works slow yes I just my my main focus is again really wanting to encourage the you know what I I really that is that's my vision for this area and the Northeast side I think is just it is because of the way that downtown is kind of hemmed in on the west to some extent and the South has leom to me this east side is going to be the natural way that as downtown grows that's just going to be the flow of it um and this area really does need I I think that some you know I think it needs economic drivers so I think the Riverwalk was a great start and now when we start to add some amenities I I and I hear that from people I hear people say why isn't there food on the Riverwalk um but but again to the point I mean it is I just drove it this past weekend and those streets are narrow and that parking is actually happening and because the reason Zone because the thing before us is just a yes or no my concern is you know I want to say yes I very much want to say yes but I I need some assurance that we are actually going to and I I know government moves slow but I I can't suffer this I can't have us go ahead with this project that I want I do want it um without knowing that it's going to take 10 years to make the street safer you know in the interim so I just and I know we can't tack it on you you know I can't put that on them it's a rezone so today I can't say help me make that Corridor safer I don't have the ability to put that uh stipulation on the approval we do control parking on the street and all of that so that will be addressed immediately and I've got our police chief back there and our Mrs cly back that will be able to get that done we have a sign shop and that's something that I've wanted for a long time because I drive that street five times a week because we don't come down Manatee Avenue without turning right at every street down Manatee Avenue from um the river and drive it and see it and see what's happening because it's important that we see and see the people at the park see the people at all of it and talk to people and they want stuff and that's what you know what's happening and that's so it's important you know I mean it's it's what's happening it's what we we can Revitalize old manity which turns into Riverwalk which turns into Main Street which turns into Village of the Arts which turns into to leom Y and all of the projects that we're doing now City Park starts that other you know from that end and how do we engage that this is one of those engagements that you know I believe the public wants you know and there's some angst I you know I feel for certain areas because yeah it's my backyard at times you know people say it's my backyard but growth is inevitable in our city and how do we make it walkable you know how do you if you go to Richard Florida's you know book that talks about walkable neighborhoods well you know anywhere in big cities they would walk from Riverwalk East to leom because it's what a city does in our city we don't have enough amenities in between to make that worthwhile we have one of the best amenities in Riverwalk but there's some gaps in it that you know that's set up so um no I appreciate that Miss Coachman you had something yes thank you um there are other areas in the city right now we also need to put some signs up in terms of parking um I am all for development you know in in progress in the city but my main concern is Public Safety and quality of life of people that'll be living around this so I'm all I'm all for development obviously but I just definitely don't want to lose sight of Public Safety and unfortunately when we're these kinds of votes are in front of us it's that trust fact factor that you've got to trust that down the road you know with the developer in the city we could work out some things um but of course it's not required if if the zoning has changed but I just have that trust Factor um that I usually work on to um look at things like this proper you know situations like this when you you're kind of iffy about it because you know it's going to impact somebody body so you're going to try to minimize that as much as possible just wanted to add that I've been hearing everybody say that but I just had to add thank you Miss Coker yeah um I I I realize we have to look down the road I think we are getting a little bit beyond what our decision here is today and I had heartburn at first about some of this but when you look the plan was for that whole thing to be zoned at the T 40 I don't it's beyond reason to me as to why that would have been carved out like that and I feel like we're almost just making it the way it should be I think all of these are valid concerns that will need to be addressed in future decisions and obviously everyone here knows our concerns for safety Public Safety is first but in terms of um planning I mean the growth is going to happen and what we want to do is plan it so that it happens in a good way and I think this decision today to go will make that more consistent for that whole area and uh so I I you know while I was concerned up front through this whole process I feel a lot better about it any other questions I guess at this point chair will entertain a motion I'll uh I'll make a motion okay hold on let me get back to my thing sorry Mrs Melton can you state the motion it was motion motion to approve ordinance 4025 okay so a motion by Miss Coker is there a second second Mr Kramer we've had a lot of discussion any final discussion may I yes um I just I really want to reiterate that I just would like some reassurance I guess I know I know you can't commit to anything formally but I just can't I I want this to be clear but I just would love some assurance that it's not going to take 10 years to fix it m Moore I think the assurance that that you're going to have is working within this Council and this Administration to make sure that if there's any Street improvements that need to go up to there that we get that done because again if you like you're saying it's not on the applicant but again that's going to be a team effort yes from you know working through things and I agree with you so we can make that happen Okay so all right I'm hearing no further discussion we'll start the vote and W five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero thank you moving on Jamie um hold on oh thank you that was just something the applicant brought up from the last case wanted to make sure it got on the record all right um again Jamie shindle wolf with the planning department and I have been sworn here to present the staff report for this second case Lu 23.4 561 this is a request there are two requests contained um in this this one application the first is for a zoning Atlas Amendment from t40 to T 5 for some parcels and then it's also a request to remove some properties from the antique overlay District so the hashed um Parcels you can see here are the subject of these requests the ones that are outlined in that bold sort of yellow orange are the ones that are proposed to rezone and then the ones that have that cross-hatching are the ones that are proposed to be removed from the Antiques overlay District here you can see the zoning and the future land use for the overall area as it stands today um there is that UV future land use as we just discussed the Urban Village um located to the east of 9th Street and then to the west of 9th Street that's uh got a future land use designation of urban Central business district so so that future land use includes uh the central business district Riverwalk and the West historic district um these sub areas form the downtown of the city and provide a vital place for social cultural and economic interchange is what our comprehensive plan States and as we've already discussed Urban Village um uses that are listed in the uh future land use and the general character of a district with a distinct sense of place and walkable environment supporting and enhancing AB budding neighborhood areas these are the two requests as stated and I will go through them one by one so the first request is to rezone these properties here from t40 General Urban open to T5 um which is our urban center Zone the T4 General Urban Zone consists of a mixed use but primarily residential Urban fabric has two different subzones as we just discussed in this case these are zoned t40 that more open zoning District the T5 Zone uh consists of higher density mixed use buildings that accommodate retail offices row houses and apartments but it is similar in use allowance to t40 and we will get to that in a moment here are some photos of the neighborhood primarily single family homes with some vacant Lots there are a couple duplexes Glazer Gates Park is nearby Eastern portion of the Riverwalk so again sorry it's small um but there are fewer differences this time and I did highlight the things that are different between t40 and T5 a major difference in use allowance is that hotels are permitted in T5 while green houses and veterinary clinics are not uh there are some additional uses that would be allowed by special use in T5 um I'm seeing Auto Sales rental but that's again one of the situations where it's prohibited by the comp plan so it wouldn't it it it actually would not be allowed here in this area um but a Convention Center or a conference center could possibly be allowed but that would be through special use would come before the board um T5 is an appropriate zoning District overall in uh areas that are in the UCB future land use it is the most intense developed area of the city as stated I also want to talk about height for a second um t40 zoning allows for a pre- bonus height of up to three stories with all possible bonuses that you can see here um the tallest a building could be in t40 would be six stories in T5 um the maximum pre- bonus height is five with um 12 stories after all of these bonuses are fulfilled so you can see um they can get two stories if they dedicate 25% of the building square footage for Workforce housing contribute extra to public art they can get a story so that's how that would work theoretically um and the recent Tim limited height incentive bonus that was approved would not be applicable to these T5 if if this does get reson to T5 um properties because this is outside of the boundaries of that ordinance pardon me yeah could you speak to what the live local act would could do whether it's t40 or T5 I'm gonna let Robin speak to the live local act well I mean it doesn't change whether it's t40 or T4 or T5 both are mixed use districts and therefore it would apply equally to either one okay but T well what the live local does is if you have at least 40% affordable housing in your project then you get the maximum I believe it's the maximum height allowed within one mile and the maximum um density allowed within the city so that's regardless that's that's regardless that's yeah that was a gift from the state legislature yeah so we don't that doesn't uh impact this well providing what happens there right okay so again looking at those uh criteria from the land use Atlas district for a an amendment um staff finds T5 is consistent with the future land use category many areas are Zone T5 without future land use um staff finds that it is a continuation of existing T5 zoning and that 9th Street East would divide the area of T5 from the existing t40 um they both allow most of the same use is and we've discussed the height allowances the rezoning doesn't increase allow density or intensity because that still is governed by the future land use um and the rezoning request does not introduce hazardous or noxious uses that may negatively impact surrounding properties staff finds this request meets the intent of the land use regulations and form based code meant to promote a walkable mixed use urban downtown core So based on this criteria staff recommend approval of the rezoning request from t40 to T5 the second portion of this application is a request to remove these hash Parcels um from the antique overlay District these are mostly located in the uh UCB future land use with those two on the east side of 9th Street East um under the Urban Village future land use so this is a chart that comes out of the form base code it's also found in the Landy regulations but the um this overlay is only found in the form based code area um and it appears that the intent is to limit the properties that are subject to this overlay to the uses that are located in this chart instead of the full use table though the entire um excuse me um there is if you're aware in the form based code a column that states uses um for in addition to this there's another whole column with uses in the um Land Development regulations but the form based code states that the land use regulations aren't to be used for permitted uses within the form based code so this is this is really what we would be looking at for this area the purpose of the the district is to encourage appropriate home occupation and home business uses orent toward or supporting an antique Collectibles theme is what ated um the orange area here outlined in black is the entire extent of the antique overlay District um this was approved by City Council in 2005 the staff analysis wrote that again the the purpose was to create a successful theme-based environment around Antiques and Furniture which nurtures the development of a sound sustainable economic base for revitalization um this is some other excerpt another excerpt from um 2013 the form base code was adopted in 2011 and the antique overlay district and other overlays were not included in 2013 historic districts Village of the Arts overlay and the Antiques overlay District were added to the form base code um and so all of the properties that are under this are already zone t40 or T5 which permit live work units by right the inclusion of the aod uh appears to limit the types of live work units allowed in the area but staff is not aware of any applications that have sought to take advantage of the Privileges afforded by or the theming of that aod um zoning the properties t40 and T5 initially seem to indicate interest for more intensive Redevelopment in the area but the intention of adding the aod back into the form base code is a bit unclear because there's very limited staff evaluation in the reports we're able to find um it may have been meant to scale back the allowances overall again looking at those criteria uh staff finds that removing the overlay doesn't create any inconsistencies with the comprehensive plan uh there are many properties that are outside of the overlay that are t40 and T5 with the same future land use designations um removing it will afford these properties the same development rights as many adjacent parcels um the area in general has a lot of properties that could already develop into any of the t40 or T5 uses and they're not subject to the overlay it would not create unique incompatibilities if this overlays removed from these Parcels overall the character of the area does it has changed um with the introduction of the apartments Riverwalk Etc again this is not increasing density or intensity that's allowed and not introducing hazardous or noxious um uses to the area if the interest of the city is to restrict development in the area removing the overlay will open this area to increase development overall staff finds this consistent with the land use regulations and recommends approval of the removal of these Parcels from the Antiques overlay District um and this is just a summary and points out that Planning Commission also recommended approval of both the rezoning from t40 to T5 and the removal of Parcels from the Antiques overlay District um and I also want to State uh that before the last case you were handed um one of those emails was in regard to this case all right thank you um none of us were on the council or the mayor in ' 05 except for Miss Barnaby yes um so miss Barnaby um going to make a couple of statements that some information I found out from others that and tell me if that's how you remember it but um in ' 05 there was kind of a a neighborhood that was going a certain way with different uh kind of businesses things that were wanting to get in there and that were weren't really what the neighborhood wanted so they they kind of did the overlay District um and that's been almost 20 years and obviously nobody has utilized it but it was basically to stop something else hoping it might Spark something and looking 20 years later we don't think it did so is that kind of what you remember from your time on and I don't and I don't know how you voted either way but I think I voted in favor of it if I remember correctly because um had a many conversations not only with the then planning director Tim pulk but also with members of the community that lived in that area and what I know it got called the Antiques overlay what we were really looking at but because of copyright couldn't use the term the HGTV overlay meaning this is if you remember if you think back in 205 um chip and Joanna gain started you know on TV there was a lot of people attempting to like buy furniture and do the shabby Chic thing and reincorporate plants and that sort of thing back into their environment um Unique Designs of homes and redoing homes and and we wanted to encourage businesses that were going to lend themselves to that kind of of activity and atmosphere a lot of DIY activities do-it-yourself activities that sort of thing um and we were trying to encourage because it was a historical neighborhood in the area we were trying to encourage the Redevelopment of those Craftsman houses and have that kind of um at one point they'd even talked about doing a separate um Public Market Farmers Market over in that area um to kind of again encourage that that HGTV Gardens and do-it-yourself projects and that sort of thing and at that time we thought we'd have you know people beating the door down to try to set up some of those businesses and things because it was it was big and I I wonder if we had named it something other than the Antiques District if it had been a little more um not sure the term I want to use I think when PE when people hear the word antiques they think of their grandmother's U Chester Field and their doilies on things and that sort of things and and just the the true Antique Market has really dropped in value for years and years now the the service Club of Manatee County used to have a 3-day Antique Show and that was their big fundraiser and they because year year after year several years ago it it fell out of Vogue they changed their their fundraising model and went to a single night event kind of thing but yeah there there was I I think what the intent was it's it's laid phow nothing's happened so it didn't work did it that that was that wasn't the main reason I asked that question but the main reason was was that I know there was some other type of businesses that were trying to move into some of that area whether it be a lawn business and store 10 trucks in there trying to stop something to see if something else would work and 20 years later it hasn't worked so there there were major concerns about what was happening in the area and this was an experiment to try to see if it would would take off take off and it didn't so all right um any other questions for Jamie yes Miss Moore um I uh all my all my comments on what my vision is for that area and safety concerns especially this corner is actually worse than the other one um still stand um I regarding the antique District overlay I feel like it's very important it took me many meetings with staff to really fully um grasp this Nuance of the antique District overlay which is that it is not a preservation of the character or the architecture or the style um I think that area is so one of the values of that area is its history and and its feel of being one of the oldest parts of the city um and I was disappointed to learn that the antique District overlay does not in fact preserve anything regarding character of construction or whatnot it literally just lets you live or sell antiques out of your home and of a handful of other miscellaneous businesses I think a daycare is one of them and some other home based businesses that it permits um so that said I um I I unfortunately I agree with that assessment that while I appreciate the intent I don't think that it gets to what we're currently really trying to do which is to some extent preserve the character of the buildings and any future development try to hold them to preservation of character we have to rely on the form based code for that and again assurances and prevailing upon uh development um one of the things though that I want to maybe ask Miss um shinder wolf about is the only thing that concerns me is in this rezone because I do think it is and also I'll just note too that this area has what it has accomplished and part of its character that's so fun is it does have at least three uh secondhand thrift shops that's part of uh the you know the co ition of of business owners that are trying to Brand themselves and really jump start some development in this area so it does have that you know somewhat Tech or antique secondhand uh business you know I think eventually it could be an area where that's kind of where you go for that kind of thing because you can hit a few within walking distance um the only thing that concerns me is the ability to have a special use for automotive um and if you could speak to that with the future business I mean I'm sorry the future um land use yes yeah so they while that is listed on the zoning table the future land use prohibits it so that would not come before you I think they were all special uses anyway but yeah there would not be um Auto oriented uses permitted all right thank you um we'll let the applicant speak thank you good morning Again Margaret Hing and U Miss shindel will did a very good job so I don't have a lot to add about it um I know that we were surprised about the antique overlay district and that it surpassed the zoning so it was kind of a surprise to our client and to us that one took precedent over the other but we did you know as staff requested us to do to apply for our properties at a minimum to be removed from the Antiques overlay and again um this shows the rezoning the rezoning request and in addition my client also owns these properties again checked so he owns more than what is being requested to be rezoned and primarily what they're looking to do in this particular area is to develop it residentially and the T4 the excuse me the T5 zoning gives them additional height um so because the density doesn't change but the higher you go the more units you can get with a Max ma imum of six meeting all um bonus requirements is what you would have with the t40 the T5 allows you a minimum of five stories and 12 stories if you go up uh we don't have specific plans but that is the intent is to do a residential project there and uh let's see we believe that the T5 zoning is more consistent as you can see it certainly is in the surrounding area and that we're eliminating much of those Parcels that are currently zoned um t40 and for the antique sorlet District again it is an area and I'm going to highlight those that my client owns which I think mender wolf also had on her map so those are our properties and we're requesting those to be removed from the aod and if you have any questions my client is here as well as Mr Callahan if you have any questions of them any questions all right Mr Callahan you want this one yeah just okay Carl call Carl Callahan 114 25th Street West uh and part of the question on the Antiques District I was here during that time and uh you got to look at when it happened it happened in association with antiques district with the historic district over there both of them in concert which were falling kind of right after the successes of the village of the Arts and live work the primary focus on the Antiques District was that it was administrative approval right when before it happened you could not do those uses in that area you had a single family home and you could not do it a live work or do that and what it did change was the ability for the executive director of of uh the planning department to approve that use without going through a form process because it was desired to do that that was made it ease for people to do that what you talk about what was there you the air conditioning business was there the automotive businesses were there and those were starting to proliferate and it certainly was an attempt to say hey we not see more of those those aren't in keeping with anything wants to see whether it's antique historic whatever it may be so that was a little bit of what that was when you look at this map here certainly um all of this area is already T5 and and potentially has has 12 stories you're looking at the piece here that runs along that potentially could be that same height but the most likely scenario is when you look at developments in that area they have liner units they have things that are necessary because you're going to have parking a lot of other issues come up also the beauty of this map it shows you the complete ownership with the exception of Mr Grievous's house is in control of this entity going on N so when you want to expand to improve the access on Ninth you have a willing owner who is going to be wanting to help you because it's going to help their businesses as well so you'll have accesses there also and I had been working with Troy for over two years on on this these projects and with this Frontage on third from day one he had expressed an interest in working with the city was very aware of the Riverwalk was very aware of the Third Avenue access issues and how to make those happen and voluntarily put said I want my land to be part of being able to improve Third Avenue because it needs it and he has a a large partial of being being able to do that also when we look at this plan we know that going around doesn't work very well if you look at the ownership interest in this area County applicant applicant so the ability to make your Third Avenue come through like you really want it is there and uh um everybody knows that that's in the best interest of the East Side trying to tie that into second and that's you know people come here when they when the future developer comes they're going to want things well guess what the city's going to want things as well that's how it works and certainly there is the availability to make those improvements that everybody thinks are necessary because of having one continuous ownership on those so yes um certainly I think it it can happen I think when this development happens you will find that the any developer will want to work on those because it's in their own their interest as well to make circulation work to make it look good to make plenty of room for traffic all those things can happen in this area so with the T5 you're going to get kind of what you want gives a little bit of boost in density um the height you already have the height that's comes all the way up to right there already it's not so what it will be in concert with the whole plan how does it work together to make it make it fit with the neighborhood and then uh just because you can't have 12 doesn't mean 12 is feasible doesn't mean 12 is economically feasible doesn't mean any of those things uh as you move forward with a project so I think that it it's a win-win for I think everyone in this particular area in the Antiques District 19 years of nothing happening I think is pretty indicative of of where it stands so so thank you thank you any other comment by the applicant hi thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak again I just wanted to give you a illustration of all the properties that I've either purchased or have under contract currently in this neighborhood I also have these two little properties right here under contract along with and you guys were talking about uses in the neighborhood I also have use this other map you can see the property besides having these two little Lots under contract along with the other properties I also have it's a roofing company and I don't know if you realize but this whole area kind of when you get west of 9th Avenue closer towards and south of Third Avenue but you start to get in more like heavy industrial kind of stuff got roofing company one of the properties I have in a contractor these two properties right here and it's currently occupied by a roofing company so I'm in the process of working and trying to purchase the other houses in the neighborhood so that I basically end up having the whole area for development at the same time I mentioned earlier the Riverwalk was What attracted to me the only drawback to the Riverwalk was the fact that when you got to caddies you have to go all the way up to Manatee Avenue and for me I mean you go up to uh Manatee Avenue and then you come back down 9th Avenue well I own the properties on the west side of the street for the most part except for the first three right off of Manatee Avenue where I have them under contract and then you have Third Avenue for me it's a benefit to shorten it so you don't have to walk all the way up to Manatee Avenue I mean that takes all the benefit of having a river walk when you got to walk on manate Avenue I mean we all like manatees but you don't see them on Manatee Avenue so when I look at this I want to get you guys back to the water as quickly as you can and Third Avenue is a way to do that along with coming down the west side of my properties between me and the marina potentially and get you right back on the water that's assuming you can't get something worked out with the people that own Tarpon point if you do I'll make the connection all the way around on the water that's that's what I want so when you look at this and you look at what car um you see what Carl talked about a few minutes ago go you guys are going to have the opportunity although this is a zoning and taking me out of the antique District don't get me wrong I love antiques my grandmother had an antique store my mom had an antique store heck I make I Forge my own stuff in my garage at home I make necklaces and rings and stuff but this really this area is that's not what this area is and over 18 years nothing got used with it so when I look at it I would like to do Residential development on these parcels and then enable you guys to connect the Riverwalk the way it needs to be done and then give you the circulations with Third Avenue to the other neighborhoods to the east one of my goals and why I'm doing what I'm doing is to make this a better neighborhood it's to improve the quality of the neighborhood continue doing what you guys are doing and that is redevelop your community make it a fun livable environment thank you thank you any other applicant all right hearing none open the public comment this time we'll open the public comment anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak please state your name and your city of residence and you'll have three minutes hi again I am Lydia Copa mik Neil 1023r Avenue East in brington um I'm opposed to this um not opposed to the development and bettering the neighborhood but as far as again it's safety for me being a former law enforcement officer I see it every day in front of my house and to bring and all that traffic more traffic more density um and I was here I think it was I don't remember if it was 2011 or 2014 Miss bonbe was here and um they were talking about density the the the road area they put down the new pipes there's lots of flooding still in the area I've called out the U the the truck to come you know drain it because at the the end of the road the uh water pilot at the end of the road on Third Avenue um then they talking about Third Avenue if I remember correctly Miss bonab maybe you you know but one of the stipulations um as far as the everything that happened around me that they were going to take Third Avenue as he mentioned that was supposed to go all the way through to ninth but they put a well Tropic can already had a pond here then they put another one here and just put a path way sidewalk there so for me to get out of my house you go 10th Street that's on on to manity Avenue because if you try to turn the right on that street you got cars blocking that road too okay and uh and then you bringing all these other people in where they're going to go they may have to go off for 9th or 10th but bringing in that many more people especially with the new development that's already there think it's going to be a problem and like I said my main thing is safety for our children and um and then if uh going back to the other thing if they're going to be drinking those kids run across the street to the park where they have and you mentioned about the um asphal over there not asphal the turf CU that's one little area they have one little play thing for the kids like I said the other all the other stuff is across the street okay that Big Field in front of my house that's where the dogs go do their business some people pick up some don't they used to have people come throw the football you know older the older crowd the uh teenagers and stuff such soccer they don't do that anymore because they're stepping in poop so my my concern like I said is the safety and the density and bringing more in we're already flooding over there uh still with the all the re uh development so I would just say no again all right thank you thank you all right anyone wishing to speak anyone else El please state your name and your city of residence uh Bill Sanders Bron uh I wasn't going to speak but I've heard some things here that I highly questioning um could you bring that map back up of uh the area that we're talking about here um applicant had it uh I want uh this this area I'm obviously very familiar with this because I live right there and I am opposed to uh retail of a bar being in a neighborhood you're talking about children parks there and you're wanting to build a a bar there Mrs Moore you live there you want your children to go down there and and and and run into some drunks or whatever you know is it really I can't I'd like for youe say that out loud the other thing here we talk about this Third Avenue cut through I tried to get the Third Avenue cut through in order to make it so you don't have to go back out to Manatee Avenue and Mr Callahan approached me that he wanted to vacate River View Drive is that still the case yeah it is that's exactly what this is headed this is headed to where River viiew Drive a Ong that street to Mr graves's house would be vacated because he's Carl Gahan came to me and said let's vacate that and so we can bring this up to third so yeah he's negotiating for that right today and that is not the right thing to do that's not keeping a Riverwalk what we're doing is we're going around Cades going up to Third Street making the cut through and then going back down and it you're actually doing the opposite of what the intent should be for that Riverwalk area and I am 100% adamant to this I'm going to do everything I can to fight it thank you anyone else wishing to speak Paul G 106 Street east8 again the city talks about Improvement they talk about they talk about way they talk about you know these improvements and stuff but the city itself is responsible for having having narrowed down what was Broadway down to a 20 foot wide Road this is what the city this wasn't like this and now you're going to have presumably 12 story highrises and then you're G to have residential houses on the other side you have 12 story highrises with if you recall back in November y'all passed an administrative order allowing for with some basically administrative changes being able to get up to 20 stories as of right this is in the that side of the road is actually in the UCB so we could potentially looking at 20 story highrises or at the very least maybe 12 story highrises in this on this narrow stretch of road with limited resources and I know Mayor Brown you've always said you want the developers to pay for the resources and that's great for you know the utilities I mean our sewer system is a joke it's 100 years old it's bandid but regardless that road is still only 20 ft wide and if if you want to KO the Riverwalk in its enti that's a whole other story but otherwise that's the road work you're working with with potentially 12 or perhaps 20 story highrises going further down I believe this is what uh commissioner uh Gonzalez Moore was concerned about this is at Third Avenue as you're heading southbound right there's Third Avenue and then the road does this little turn um Folks up Northeast call this a drunk trap under normal circumstances this is a very dangerous intersection and it was probably done to control traffic speeds but when you put that many units online right next to this this is going to be a safety hazard imagine an ambulance trying to get in and out of this area it's a half a mile from ante Memorial it should be a piece of cake getting getting somebody in and out of there but with this all bets are off without additional traffic it's it's not a gimme you're going to have a considerable public safety hazard if you up also here's Third Avenue um as apparently I was not aware um the petitioner is a acquiring lens Roofing but there are still a number of other businesses that are using this very narrow road it's a one and a half lane bridge going over the creek and it hooks up with seventh there are restaurants on 7th there are other services there's some nonprofits um you know with thrift stores there's a lot of trans there's a lot of traffic on this road cat's blocked off the access to it because they have a dry dock but prior to that that used to be a major thoroughfare as well you put this many units you start putting you know 12 or more story houses online along this narrow road this other one they can promise you they're going to improve the infrastructure but like the discussion yall had regarding the pinball facility once you give somebody a vested right it's vested it's done and then you're crossing your fingers and hoping they keep their word think about what you're going to do to this community think about what you're going to do to Public Safety they can do an awful lot with stick stories there's no reason why you have to approve this and I think it's in the best interest of our community to think about that not just in the mediate area W four but also adjacent areas like w five that will be impact ped as people from W five try to access the Riverwalk coming up through this area with all this congestion it's going to be a nightmare so please reconsider this thank you all right thank you for your comments anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak anyone else wishing to speak on public comment hearing none we'll close the public comment in um the applicant just a couple of things just as a reminder that the bulk of the property is already T5 so adding the small strip is not completely change the complexion of of what's on third already that that that'ss T5 already um and as far as vacating you know words do matter uh when you talk about things yes I talked to to Mr Sanders about that years ago it's not vacation because vacation is not real no no developer wants that land for their use potentially abandoning that from the city's perspective and making that cuz you have 60 ft down there making Riverwalk 60 ft wider than it is making it pedestrian only back in the day when those were single family homes you need to retain Riverside Drive East as an access for those homes if you don't have those homes on the front that don't require the Riverside Drive East access because the one that's owned separately has access off of 10th or 11th whatever it is you have the abilities to make River walks probably 100t across there and make it true a pedestrian experience instead of 20 fet with a sidewalk that's what was talked about that's what was meant not vacating it in favor of property owners it is to abandon it and expand your potential Riverwalk in there so thank you and again I think one of the things that I mentioned you please we'll have another disruption in the audience had time to talk Miss more we talked about that access and I think that uh one of the things to me is is getting the access all the way from downtown to stay on that opportunity and this gives us that better time to do it now obviously like you said you know we talk about some of it's going to have to be done on our part and making it happen and then working with the developer for the land but you know an ultimate goal of mine working with every developer what Happ s on the Caddy's property as well as the other properties to connect it where it's all Riverwalk and some of it may be Boardwalk like we had to do in front of the apartment complex but that ultimately makes that part even better for the Riverwalk as well as getting that East West travel through there and um you know so again there is opportunity I think to readdress some of that without somebody behind us stopping it that happened and you know you you can do whatever you want to do and say what you want to say but you got to tell the truth and we've told the truth the whole time up here so sir go ahead if I hear one more disruption in the audience that person is going to be asked to leave because they've been warned now twice uh thank you for giving me opportunity to come back up real quickly I just wanted to express your density is in your future land use map so the zoning request I'm asking for doesn't increase the density and it's only for a small portion of the properties that have but 9th Avenue what I'm doing is basically within the same future land use District I'm making the zoning consistent across the whole site that I've purchased to this point so that all of it is under one zoning category as opposed to being in two zoning categories I also mentioned earlier and you guys have discussed Third Avenue Third Avenue is too narrow I'll be the first person in the world to admit it and it may be one of the potential areas where you can bring the river walk through and turn it either down to the water when you get to my properties or bring it on over to 9th Avenue depending on what you guys would choose to do but I am willing as a property owner and if I end up with all the properties along Third Avenue I'd be more than happy to work with the city to make this more connected connectivity helps bring people to an area it also helps get people out of the area and so when I look at what I'm what I'm proposing to do it it's consistent with what's to the east of me and it's going to be consistent with what you guys end up doing at catties or Tarpon point the densities over there are higher than mine and what I'm looking at right now with what I'm trying to do you know it it's not a 12-story building I mean the economics of that and you've got people sitting in your audience you could ask about that would make no sense for the size of this this property so what we're looking at is really just creating a consistent zoning across the property yes it may help me with a building envelope a little bit but I'm not looking to go 12 stories I don't think any developer out there would look at doing a 12-story building in this area it doesn't fit doesn't make sense so when you talk about working with you guys one of the reasons why I purchased the property that's on 9th Avenue on the West Side closest to the pond right this this property right here one of the reasons why I purchased that property was to help give the connectivity you guys are discussing so yeah you to zoom out okay so this little property right here the reason one of the reasons why I purchased that was to help you guys with your connectivity I got the opport opportunity to purchase it so I I did it for a benefit for me to work with with you guys but at the same time it gives you the connection that you really need or looking for so thank you any further questions I'd like a clarification okay Miss Bary I'd like a clarification either Miss singer or Miss shender wolf I and I think Miss shender wolf you were the one that said that the decision that we made several months ago to place a density bonus on certain Parcels in downtown that had been phow for some time um I I I thought I heard you say that this that that this property is not included with that that's not part of it correct yeah it's a height a Time limited height incentive bonus and it does not apply to this area thank you Miss Moore um at after I mean Miss shinder wolf just I'm sorry make you sit back down but could you just again clarify the maximum height then just for the purposes of clarity um so maximum height with all of the bonuses fulfilled in T5 um is sorry I want to look at the chart to be sure um is 12 stories if they fulfill all of the bonuses um pre- bonus height is two to five thank you and remind us of what those bonuses are um so in the T5 District if they seek lead if they receive lead certification which is a Green Building certification or equivalent um to lead then they can receive four additional stories if 25% of the building square footage is dedicated as Workforce housing units they can receive two stories if they contribute 75% of the overall construction value um either as a piece of artwork or to our public art fund they can receive one story so a lot of restrictions that we see that people aren't using right and and so yes ma'am thank you uh I just to recap uh where I'm you know my position at this point is my previous comments are pretty much in line with what I'm going to say now uh this I think that this is the future of this area I think that it will benefit not only this area but the city um by extension of helping the downtown Corp and then you know parceling its way out to ultimately benefit the whole city um my main concern as before is just the safety of that corner where ninth meets Riverside because Mr Grievous's comments and pictures are at in my opinion accurate representations of what is currently there um that set you know so my same call to a commitment for us to just make sure that our our decisions going forward are in line with making sure that we address that with relative government speed would be my my request of my council members um and um and and I say you know I stick to that to miss Coachman's point you know there is an element of trust I am aware that this is a yes or no answer and that I have no right to ask the applicant to do anything that said I also believe that um sometimes in a negotiation you have to give a little to get a little and I am willing to trust my council members as well as the applicant to make good on that promise and work with us because outside of this issue before us it is on my list of things to do for us to address what I also consider to be a safety issue that the Riverwalk forces you out if you're a pedestrian or on a bicycle on to manate Avenue on that little jog and it has always been a disappointment to me that we can't figure out another way to have connectivity My Hope with this Third Avenue comment is that we can find a way to not only remove traffic to the extent that we can from that ninth meeting Riverside for the purposes of safety there especially with now a potential uh commercial establishment being there as well as alleviating traffic in that area as well as the safety of again connectivity outside of Manatee Avenue um so that's pretty much where I'm at yeah I'm just gonna can I make a couple comments to what you said as well theyve they've already said it stated it on the public record so we obviously have that as well then we also do you know we may lose some of our rights by voting for this but there may be some incentives and some uh negotiations as you called it that we work together to get things you know roadways that we might work with in helping get them something that's going to get us something so we don't lose all of our negotiating power through this so you know even though we lose that first part of the but we don't lose it all Mr Perry mayor to add to uh councilwoman Gonzalez Moore and your comments I think it's actually an opportunity when you have a Consolidated land owner with this much land because what what we're talking about today is zoning and and that's entitlement to use and certain restrictions but all of this property would likely have to be resubmitted um for approval throughout engineering department um and public works so when we talk about aged infrastructure there will be discussions about what types of infrastructure needs to go there in terms of water supply and distribution in terms of sore improvements uh collection potential lift stations um in terms of storm water additionally when we talk about traffic safety that has to be included in that as well and so if we have the opportunity with a Consolidated land owner that owns a wide Swatch of the land there could be a dedication of that land to public RightWay to widen a road that you couldn't do otherwise um all of that will be submitted into the overall Master planning I'm sure when you have a Consolidated landowner that's looking at something of a planned development so to speak that should be very beneficial to give the city leverage and opportunity to solve some of these problems and to share in the cost have another cost partner in some of this and it will all be subject to the SIP Improvement plan um it it runs the gamut of Emergency Equipment coming in there we heard some comments about how does an ambulance get down there look at the narrowness of the road good point um we right to spec for Street access depending on use and other factors in our sip uh police access same thing obviously the issue that kind of become contentious about a dedication and and as he pointed out the opportunity to widen the the the the the um Riverwalk itself in certain areas so we got a real real I think this glass is half full way more than half full actually empty as it relates to Future development in alignment with policy decisions of future growth that you all want to see a more robust improved uh utilized uh amenitized Riverwalk and I think one of the opportunities when we were building that part of Riverwalk was that we didn't own land outside of our boundaries on that road right away so we had to make a road system that gave enough of a walking area to be safe we had to leave some parking on the sides of the road that didn't do it and we were also concerned about the speed of the traffic which everything you look at through the no now and talking about safety and all of that is the narrowing of neighborhood roads to slow people down but in one way that does then hinder maybe an ambulance or a fire Tru but still meets the standards but doesn't look right um another concern I think that um the nice lady made was about some issues with people getting around flooding storm water and all of that nobody can when they build a new development we know the rules and regulations where they make you build up higher and because of the flood planes and all that but they cannot um what do they call it adver adversar adversar get that out uh her another property they have to do it so a lot of times that that storm water now that might have been going onto your property they've got to figure out how to get it to not flow so those are the win-wins that I think as a community City we see that we're going to get pump stations we're going to get things that are going to be fixed we're going to get it in collaboration so we do not lose our negotiating power on some things because we can say well you're going to have to do this or we can do or we can be partners and do it and as we talked public private Partnerships are very important when you're trying to change a neighborhood and and you know get some 100y old pipes that we've heard about that we had nothing to do with fixing them in the last um years but we're we're going to do it so we've had the the planning department give us theirs we've had the the uh applicant give theirs we've had an open public hearing so at this time the chair will entertain a motion okay I'll uh make a motion to approve ordinance 4026 second second by Mr Kramer we've had plenty of discussion any other hearing none we'll start the vote and Ward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes carries five to zero thank you all right madam clerk the next item on the agenda is the GMP addendum to agreement for sear services with NDC construction for the Leon park facil facility upgrade thank you mayor please the council um items 88 is the upgrade for learm park on the approval of the addendum uh for construction of the ma uh PDL Player Development uh standards for Major League Baseball uh I think I've explained to you all a little bit about um how major league basball has taken over both minor league and of course we do M Major League spring training there uh they've implemented additional standards on facilities uh that require certain things like uh uh uh umpire's direct access to the field and um changing rooms for them women's locker rooms for officials coaches other folks that may fall into that gender category um commissary the weit room what this project is is approximately 3,200 square ft and we will build an additional structure um with NDC as the contractor on this pursu to a continuing Services agreement that is below the CCNA limit um considerably the proposed construction cost for this as a GMP gross maximum pricing is uh $1,810 th000 that includes the fee um for the management of the semar the construction manager at risk NDC as I pointed out this will be along the left field line right on 9th Street itself it'll extend basically from the existing structure uh uh northward and and move into that area you may be familiar with the bus parking area where the players buses come in that needs to be improved as well the approximate cost of 3200 square feet for this is about 500 and uh I think it's about $570 a square foot that's pretty good in today's pricing World particularly for specialty type construction um there's a whole list that's attached to the paperwork associated with the GMP request that outlines um the the the bid prices that were received and the various allocation of cost associated with the construction of this type of facility the Project's gone through the purchasing department carefully and it has been reviewed by conflict Council also this does put one of those phases into then continuing city park because when city park is allowed they will be able to utilize some of this when we have tournaments outside of Major League Baseball when we're having tour bringing in tournaments you know the tournament directors and the different people will be able to use that so it's not just for the pirates only and and Marauders it's going to be also be able to utilize for the city but it's that phase that goes into the next phase of the Third Field right and it kind of goes into play where the pros play uh you know if a tournament was to to occur there um as a a Travel Baseball sports tourism type event which we want to uh encourage and kind of develop um they would have access to these facilities as well and that would be a selling point to get turn a very high selling point and let me just C the final point that I didn't bring up initially was the the source of the funding itself as you are familiar uh we received a $5 million appropriation through the county um that we executed an intergovernmental agreement with and that provided for I believe it was 1.66 Million um per year over a three-year period About 75 to 80% of the funding of this 1.8 million will come from that appropriation um it was agreed to with the county in the in in in the inter local government agreement that the funds could be used for improvements to existing leom as well as city park and and it's over the three years we're within that window um so we will use a Vari a small portion of City money to do this but as I said 75 to 80% maybe 82% would be the County's appropriation funding and that's through the tourist development is through the TDC absolutely yep and the nine and three Pittsburgh Pirates of course just concluded yeah yeah having a good season and uh we're all coming out of spring training and see the economic impact of it and and and the the the quality life improvements and having professional sports in the community and things like that Y and they drew over 94,000 people this spring which was uh I think in the top five six maybe that we've ever drawn and and you think you see the excitement of what's happening around um any questions for Mr Perry Jerry want entertain a motion Mr May yes ma'am Miss Barnaby move for approval of the guaranteed maximum price addendum to the agreement for semar services with NDC construction for leom park facility upgrade is there a second second second by Miss Coachman all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward two yes three yes four yes five yes one yes approved 5 to zero thank you very much I don't have anything else under new business I do want to express my appreciation for all the counselors meeting with me uh as we always do before the council meeting and discussing um action items and and other issues thank you Mr Perry while you're up there real quick um one of the things I I want to bring up I know we're talking about guaranteed maximum price and we're going through some things and we're going to be having some more things coming up as we go forward um we know there's long lead times on items and I hope Mr Allen will listen to this um possibly and others out there but there's long lead time on items that we are finding that are slowing some of our projects because they're getting the construction done but we're waiting for a switch gear that we heard the other day that could be February 28 well we think well February of 28 2025 well no it was February 28 and we cannot be doing that so I I'm going to ask you and I just want the council to hear it since we can't talk publicly about certain things that there may be some projects that we need to look at some of those items that if we want to be able to get a project done how do we get those long lead items ordered in a timely manner as we're going through all the process so I'm not saying that we're asking for anything today but I was very disappointed the other day in the contractor that wasn't NDC but now all of a sudden they're telling us that a project that we thought would be done in two months could be four years in that scenario but or next year and it just doesn't work so I just think we need to really work that yeah we have several major construction projects uh that you're familiar with the the public safety projects themselves fire police um pck that's going on Leon that we talked about other uh other types of activities on the board and in today's supply chain World um things come up particularly with electronic components right now I think a few a year ago it was concrete or so was pretty problematic things like that so the best thing you can do I think working with your contractor or semar whatever um is to and your architect and Engineers is to potentially pre- purchase those one of the problems is is that until there's a overall semar assigned with a GMP there's a reluctancy for you know semar contractor to do that and so in some cases we can pre- purchase those items I think we will be looking at doing that with some of the facilities that we have on the board right now and into the future because it saves Us in two ways it saves us the commodity of time that doesn't delay the project but it also could conceivably save us the sales tax associated with that the upgrades to the Moscow lighting at leom were approximately $800,000 and at 7% you know that represented about $50,000 savings uh and $50,000 out of $800,000 cost is pretty significant I think it's about 12.5% and that would be something that I would be interested to hear don't um and maybe Mr rudisell or maybe you know a contractor in the audience could tell us that if there's products that we do say we order and they're two years out and all of a sudden something changed with that product is there a way that some times that said okay never mind we don't need that or you know we're pretty confident because we know with our fir Tru we ordered it two years out and they didn't require any money up front but the fire trucks going until it's in production you know because a lot of times it's not them starting to build it today it's just getting in the line of production that might not be for six months but we want to get in that line so we're the next one up so there may be ways to say hey we can do this it's not a big monetary thing up front but it's at least getting us in the line so yeah Mr Allen do you have a comment to that and we'll be talking further that purchasing department too if we have to have a modification potentially to accommodate those type of economic things but but because we do not want to get a building done and then have to wait two years because the one last product isn't there absolutely um under the sear and and one of the things Rob pushed us really hard on the police station is two things one is is making sure the design team and the semar are both looking at what those materials are that might be a problem um and see if there's alternatives to that to cut that time down the second is on the police station we just received our um what we'll call an early GMP package from the architect and Engineers that we are pricing right now and we'll be coming back to you while they're finishing the drawings we'll come back to you with that early GMP which includes in the big number the there's a couple things there's elevators um uh switch gear and generators right now are the three probably top Prime things so the architect has designed a package that they've sent out specifically for it at Mr Perry's request for us to do an early GMP package so that we won't be impeded by that time frame as they're finishing the drawing so I just want to give you that quick update thank you than you and I just also pointed out on on this project in Leon we did we did about different phases of value engineering with our contractor I'm sorry on the leom um upgrade project we did we went through about three different uh phases of value engineering to get the price to where uh we thought it should be and I appreciate the team um that that was involved from our semar on this and their willingness to um really put you know pencil to paper and also look at Alternatives um that could be used to increase the value of the taxpayers as well as NE negotiate concessions that basically came out of their own uh margins on it so I do appreciate that all right hearing no other unfinished business we'll go to council reports W two oh thank you uh well just want to say that I will be attending the manatee Chamber of Commerce young professionals award program this Thursday night coming up uh a young lady that I know and am very proud of is is one of the nominees and I look forward to seeing who actually wins that award uh also just what was that it's not me okay okay I it just sounded we had some sort of feedback um just want to announce that the uh Manatee seminal Club will be having its golf tournament on May 17th this year and if you need any information on it let me know please uh Riverview Boulevard Miss claybeck is left but um it's it's the project that just keeps going but I I I think we see the light at the end of the tunnel and we have information that will be going out to the the neighbors along revie Boulevard to let them know what what our next steps are and how close we are to getting finished and then the only other thing I want to bring up is we know that Lewis park has been very successful we know that we have a lot of people in the community coming from far and wide to use the first uh American with disabilities and adaptive playground that exists in the city of Bron and in Manatee County um however we're having some challenges and the challenges are with I'm going to say it this way very well-meaning people who love their dogs a lot but if you are at Lewis Park we follow the manate county rules and regulations with dogs and dogs in public must be unleash Lewis Park is not underline that not a dog park where dog dogs are allowed to roam free they need to be on leash and at no point in time should any dogs be in the enclosed area with the playground equipment I think that's I think I'm pretty clear here so um we are working we will have signs that put that are in place to say that and I'm asking you to be responsible and respectful pet owner and to take good care of your pet and and allow the children to experience the playground without what I've been told happening with large dogs running loose in the enclosed area and frightening the children let's not do that thank you M Bar just to to jump on with the young professionals we will be read reading because this is the 25th year so we have a proclamation I'll be reading that night at that uh event which is exciting because you think about you know our chamber is one of the oldest in the probably the country in what it's done it started at and uh so we know some people that started out as young professionals and now are old professionals Mr Kramer thank you sir I resemble that remark um am I going to that I thought I have me on the okay okay making sure um well speaking of uh young professionals and the organizations they represent um today was a giving challenge that ended at noon I hope everybody was able to get their uh was donations in um I was scrambling to do that myself uh another event coming up on Friday is the PACE Center for Girls Lucky Duck best dressed duck event at ferkins they partner really well with fkins I think the grand prize every year for the lucky duck race is a I think it used to be an actual Jeep or an actual car now it's a lease on a Jeep or a car it's times of times are tough um but uh that's Friday night so looking forward to attend that um and I thank Mr Perry for interrupting my vacation uh thankfully it was near the end of the eclipse but I was sitting in a farm field up in uh Western Ohio up a little Northwest of Chief weisman's neck of the woods up Northwest Dayton um and was there with my wife's family uh as we were in the path of totality for the total eclipse for four minutes I'm sorry 3 minutes 58.6 seconds appreciate the pictures and it was pretty wild I mean I got to say I tried to send everybody a little video of it um I had multiple cameras going I'm not sure they all worked well but I'm still an amateur but it was uh it was just a neat event um one thing from that video I sent you all if you turn it up you'll hear like little kids screaming because they were freaking out about how cool it was but uh did did any of the farm animals respond I'm just uh I heard birds chirping um the cows we there were two steers in the barn a couple of uh goats but no actually Lambs lambs sorry but no nothing uh out of the ordinary thank you all right this more uh I was going to mention the giving challenge too but then when it was pass you and I thought well there goes that good luck hopefully it all worked out um I you may already know this U I imagine that Miss Coker already knows this but I was very pleased at Monday's uh Tampa Bay Regional planning council meeting to learn that the Sarasota Bay estay program has joined has been made a part of the uh Agency on the bay and Coastal management um and I know we had had brief discussion when he was here to present about uh how we wish we were formerly under their Tage and I think this is another step making that closer you know because of the relevancy of our area so I just thought I would share just in case um at that same meeting I got they were there was a discussion regarding Community engagement and feedback and so I just thought I would note uh you know for as we're talking about having public meetings and whatnot um and this also ties into uh ongoing discussions that I've had with Mr Williams um which is this that the importance of um always being aware and mindful of educating the public about how projects work in their timeline for example something that might be in design for a year or so people don't realize that's actually just you know that means it is actually work being worked on but you don't see anything until there's five years later there's going to be you know streets torn up and and construction beginning um to that point um this feedback this person that was talking about Community engagement mentioned that some of the feedback negative feedback that municipalities get is that uh a citizen will attend a public meeting Express their concerns or their opinions and then not see anything happen and not realize that that future project is actually tied back to what took place five years ago so your comment was very on point I thought and that we should be mindful about maybe continually making that part of our process so that we can make sure that people realize that even though you haven't seen anything happen since the meeting where you might have SP you know taken the time to speak or express your opinion that it is being actually incorporated into the grand scheme of plans and whatnot um and so I'm happy along that same vein that the discussions with Mr Williams have been along the line of keeping us in the know about projects and where they're at and their process so that we can remind folks that stuff hasn't been forgotten as they make um requests and comments um and then the final thing and I don't I might be stealing someone's Thunder but I had the pleasure of meeting uh Miss Brandy Co and Andrea we'll get her we'll get her okay great I was just going to say it was delightful to let me uh you know have my usual uh geek Fest about projects and things I'd like to see in the future and especially when it comes to infrastructure in public works so I appreciated that time that's it all right okay Coachman I I kind I want to kind of echo on what you're saying about communicating with the public because they do lose sight if they don't see something happening they visually see it in their front yard or backyard they think nothing's going on and it's super important to keep them informed and keep us informed I was just looking at an email that I received from Miss clayback a while back and it was telling me about the projects going on in war five so I would definitely like to be updated on those kinds of things because I forget too I lose sight so it would be great if we could really like work towards that I've actually seen some uh elected officials that put out newsletters electronic newsletters I've always wanted to start something like that but I'm not as techsavvy and someone wanted to charge me a lot of money a month to do it so it's not been done but all that also brings into mind that there is a postcard going around you know at that Vision Visionary project that we're going on so I just hope that people are aware of it and um it reads we want to hear from you and there's a QR code and all of that good stuff so I hope it's circulating I had a few I put them out uh among uh W five so definitely want to hear from the public the Marauders are at the bat the yay I like that evening games because then I it's a good chance I'll get to it attend them other than that war five is alive thank you m CER yeah um I was going to definitely congratulate the mayor on throwing that strike at the opening night at the Marauders game I mean we've come a long way from the bounce that's just after surgery that's true now I'm out of surgery that shoulder but um I would like to encourage everybody to check their schedule and also we're and I probably want to give uh councilwoman bar Barnaby an opportunity I think there are some special Fridays coming up isn't yours one of the first ones friendly City Friday friendly City Friday oh yes we're we're we're going to be saluting women in sports and when is that coming up that is April you should have warned me ahead of time sorry that's okay I was that's all right I it is April the 19th so that's soon and I know I'm going to be doing um family and family night in May so um just start checking this the calendar and watching out for their schedule also um the music in the park um this Friday is sweet Fleet it's a Fleetwood Mac uh cover band so um I heard them at the rata in the rain they were awesome so I'm anxious to see them that's this Friday on the Riverwalk at 6 o'clock and uh also um on the 24th which is the day of our next meeting the kuas club is going to be cutting the ribbon on their all inclusive playground which some of the pictures I've seen it's just going to be wonderful um and the uh the inspire you know it's going to be inspiring and the Kanas penguin project those uh performers are going to be there giving us a little sneak peek of their performance I think it's going to be a great day it's at 10:00 a.m. our council meeting is that day I don't know if if I'm going to be able to make it but um anyhow I just want to tell everybody uh it's at Tom Bennett Park Park it's going to be a wonderful um Grand Opening so thank you so just kind of echo everybody's comments because it's all in your Wards and different areas but throughout the whole city um I think we're lucky to have the Marauders so some of the stuff that we do obviously at the Ballpark is to continue that great part of it and then obviously flowing into spring training and then tournament baseball as we get the Third Field is is something very good and and um I was lucky enough to throw out the first pitch which was the best one I think I've ever done in that atmosphere but we had somebody that sang the national anthem that I think is unbelievable and then we also had our Color Guard from our Police Department you know present the colors that day so it's always the opening day theme that you know they're celebrating our city with having that and um with with Craig the general manager of the Marauders or zeka which obvious viously is one of the the top Stars aging out of the young Professionals for the chamber and what he's doing but Craig has really tried to mobilize the engagement of the Marauders and and doing the friendly City Friday nights where it's a themed for each council person something that meant something maybe in their life or or history as well as doing the 941 obviously $941 I think you can get a beverage a hot dog and get in the game game so there's a lot of different opportunities to go see some minor league baseball and enjoy something in the town that really doesn't cost you a lot so those are things that that you know just a small portion of it and you know before you go there maybe go to the Village of the Arts have some fun you know walk our Riverwalk or do something but no all those exciting things so at this time though I would like to bring or take a freebie if or take a freebie so um Mr Williams would you you like to come up and introduce somebody to us good afternoon mayor and Council um what who I'd like to introduce to you is uh Brandy colandrea yeah yeah proba been practicing so um Brandy is our new Deputy uh public Works director um so she will work with uh Mr Lee who you uh you know we kind of P introduced earlier um but Brandy brings a wealth of knowledge in business processes um financing um Sops really um will be a great complimentary partner in uh in bringing our Public Works level uh up up a grade and a a couple of steps to to bring us into the new age so I'd like to introduce you to Brandon hello hello good morning or good afternoon now thank you it's a pleasure to be here and I'm looking forward to getting to work thank you thank you she say she does a lot of things well and I checked her out a lot of people said she does but she says I'm not a good public speaker yeah we'll teach you how to be yeah I'm a support service behind the scenes kind of girl right yeah but but Brandy came from pellis County and work with St Petersburg and Career Service employee um going to be a tremendous asset to work under the overall leadership and uh we'll be rolling out some of our realignments that are based on Metric uh The Matrix report and some of the things that we've talked to council about um Laticia Smith is here has done a great job recent addition to us about a year ago in the Utility side but we're going to do some realignments and we're going to really focus on infrastructure we're going to focus on infrastructure planning long-term um Technical Services we're going to the engineering uh the maintenance and and operations of traditional Public Works and the projects we have to do the utility um repair replacement rebuilds that have to be done both from a perspective of uh water um freshwater treatment pable water treatment that we have an obligation to deliver to our to the high quality water at a reasonable cost in a re reliable manner um as well as the whole Wastewater issue that has come up we've got a lot of work to do ahead of us and bry's are going to be really good I think at organizing and advancing that work in a lot of different ways that you all may or may not see ultimately you'll see it through your constituents and your Wards but it's our job to get it done and and I think we're all trying to step up the good employees that have been there for a long time um that that are in the trenches and do the work the management team over there of superintendents and supervisors we got some very talented people and our executive management team um that are section you know that that are going to be basically assistant directors of of utilities of maintenance and operation um P traditional Public Works of engineering of vertical Construction Services the facility piece and the like so you're going to see a lot of a lot of CH not changes but improvements I think and formalization and ultimately that'll lead to much more um uh better control of our assets that that are literally probably in you know over a billion dollars in overall infrastructure and the program itself it's going to be better organized it's going to deliver to you all what we talked about as it relates to reaching out to the community so if we had something five years ago will'll be telling you oh it's starting a year from now and ultimately getting you to do help you do your jobs with the community in the policy development I'm really excited about the team we're putting together and Lance has been doing a great job over there along with a lot of other people I really appreciate it I I I just couldn't tell you what I do without Lance yeah thank you have to find out vice mayor Barnaby don't go don't go uh one of the things that we used to receive and I don't know if it was on a monthly basis or a bi-weekly basis was a report from Public Works where there was the projects were listed and then if there was action taken or if there was um yeah that sort of thing if we could get back to something like that I think it would be very helpful yeah that is one of the one of the things that we're going to focus on Brandy and I are going to focus on is being able to provide a a monthly um or even you know we we'll depr we'll determine that to schedule but a report of overall projects but then ones that are specific to each Council Ward as well um because to to councilwoman's Mor point and we've talked about this as she mentioned uh multiple times there's a lot of work that's done ahead of schedule that people just don't see and so when they think well you know when is this going to happen when is that going to happen every council person will have talking points to be able to say this is the status of the project you'll know what's available in your War but then you'll also have the information for just generally throughout the city so the idea is better communication for between the department and our Council but then also ultimately to all the citizens as well and we'll incorporate our Comm Communications team to have website information and and instead of being reactive with everything we want to be a little more proactive um so we can get that information out so we'll work on that quickly yes Miss Coker well I was to that end at one time and it may not even be feasible but um the county has their website where you can go on and you can pull up any project and know exactly where it's at and there was is there any way to work with them working with that right now counselor with our Communications team uh Tiffany shadik and David Myers have been working on that they've been doing a great job too we're up in that game and we will get that on you know county has I think the big six is type of thing which deals with you know different subjects transportation and the like we we we're pretty close to getting something out on that front I just hate to reinvent the wheel if they've already got which they had a wheel's a little bit different but it's the same you know it's it's a wheel okay and so we'll be kind of doing the same thing and and just so you know not to put any pressure on Brandy but one of our long-term goals is to get our Public Works division uh accredited so and there's a lot of work that goes into that um we're lucky enough with Brandy that she had experience in going from non no accreditation at all to getting a a a division accredited and then in a different world maintaining that accreditation so when we talk talk about up in up in the game of the city and that's one of the things that we're looking for long term um that will really we think not only give our our citizens a little more Comfort but also give our employees a little more pride in what they're doing and they'll understand what their part is to the entire picture and so uh good luck awesome thank you m yeah thank you and I think that's important as we go forward to really try to figure out what logis where we were where we are and what we can be for the future because of communication and you know there's so many different ways to communicate that I think some of them get lost and if you're not in that one communication Circle you think it's not happening in reality it is and and um we had a kind of a breakout meeting yesterday about our events around the city with the the group that's been doing it this year and you know I mentioned to him that some of us feel that we didn't see it as much around but you know we we still having the success of the people showing up so somehow it's getting out there but it's how we combine those Communications to get together because it the communication's out there it's just if if you're not on that specific platform and what is the right platform I mean there's a lot of stuff that's going on in those different type of Arenas that that hurt so um any department heads that have anything specific Miss singer um we're at over 600 responses on the online survey so uh that's due in part to the work that you all have been doing and passing out the postcards we do have them in Spanish now as well so we're going to distribute that to certain centers uh to get the word out to uh the rest of the community and make sure that we maximize that response I think we have about another week to go with the survey so we want to button that upth correct yeah and it did hit the chamber group today it just came out so we think the chamber will get it and it was emailed to all of the manate County School District employees as well right and I mean ultimately the goal was to get at least 800 to have sort of it now if we're over 600 I think getting to the chamber in the school district hopefully will get us to that point all right perfect thank you job Rob all right anything else we'll be adjourned thank you