##VIDEO ID:cObyd8eG2Uw## e e e good morning everyone and welcome to the brain in city council meeting as we always do we'll start out with our invocation and pledge and at this time is father Mike Brady with Christ Episcopal Church here yes he is yes there he is thank you thought I saw you we come up and we'll say the prayer and and if everyone please stand and then we'll join all veterans in the audience to do the pledge let's take a moment and place ourselves in the presence of God almighty God of Grace and God of Glory in your word you've given us a vision of that Holy City to which all nations of the world bring their Glory behold and visit we pray the cities of the Earth but especially the city of Bradenton renew the ties of mutual regard which form our Civic life send us honest and able leaders enable us to eliminate poverty Prejudice and oppression so that peace may prevail with righteousness and Justice with order and that men and women women from different cultures with differing talents may find the Fulfillment of their Humanity with one another send down upon us those who hold office in this city give them the spirit of wisdom charity and Justice that with steadfast purpose they might Faithfully serve in their offices to promote the well-being of all people we ask this through the Blessed name of Jesus Christ your son our Lord amen amen amen thank you join us in the pledge I pledge algian to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good morning and thank you Father Brady we'll call this meeting to order Madame clerk we do not have any proclamations this morning item 4A is the Florida Contraband forfeiture grant program Awards Chief bavans thank you good morning everybody good morning um this is one of my favorite times uh when we can basically give money away to organizations that are incredibly deserving um just to give you all some background on this to date uh I began this program in 2017 and you're the ones who actually approved the expenditures to date Council has approved $120,000 to be given to organizations within our community now I'll tell you it's a forfeiture seizure program but we don't always stick within the rules the rules specify that you have to give up to 25% on average we Crest 40% we think it's s important that we share those proceeds from the bad guys with the people who are the good guys and so again this is a great program um just to give you a little bit more history this is our seventh annual um the proceeds must be utilized to improve neighborhood safety promote crime prevention drug prevention drug education drug treatment services or school resource officer programs we are today awarding 16,500 to 11 organizations this is the most organizations who apply it was a difficult year I had to unfortunately say no to a few um just to support our account so we can support some other organizations um later in the year but uh I'm sure that no matter what we give it it helps a lot so I know we have a full agenda I'm going to keep it going pretty quickly um we're just going to bring them up I'm going to let them say a few words I'll take a picture with him and at the very end we'd like to get a group picture with with everybody here so if you guys receive money stick around please so the first person is going to be uh Michael Wood development director of outcomes and grants for Boys and Girls Club of man County there you go I'll see the Florida don san oh my God so if it weren't for Michael it would probably be really hard to access these funds because he does an extraordinary job of trying to really cut to the chase on what the impact is of boys and girls club and I would tell you that a picture is worth a thousand words and then some in that when we see our police officers and our mayor come out to the club and they're having fun with the kids and they're rewarding them for improving their academics and working really hard during the year it goes so far beyond what their school day is right it's building those relationships in the community it's having them feel like they have a sense of accomplishment and purpose and they're are Future Leaders so thank you for investing in them and we really appreciate this partnership absolutely thank you [Applause] absolutely don't go anywhere okay next we we have uh Patricia Johnson Secretary treasur braon Gladiators football I'm gonna talk about how wonderful she is later by the way so good morning my name is Patricia Johnson and I serve on the board of directors of the Bron and Gladiators on behalf of the Gladiators I would like to thank you so much for this wonderful Grant helps us do what we need to do the Gladiators have had a long-standing relationship with enforcement one of our original Founders Eddie Starling served with the Manatee County Sheriff's Office for over 25 years prior to his PL his passing we celebrate and continue his legacy with our ongoing relationships with law enforcement the gladiator's mission is to promote education to teach important life lessons to Foster strong character development and to achieve academic Excellence through Sports I'd like to take a moment to just touch on the life lessons portion of that we sometimes have a situation where people discount the value of sports they do not realize the following we are nurturing and building student athletes students are expected to maintain their grades in order to participate in our programs they're expected to balance education with these extracurricular activities as adults we refer to that as work life balance right that's something that we're all striving for we're teaching time management and punctuality we're teaching responsibility and accountability we are instructing our students how to participate in the ultimate group project that's what I like to refer it to their project team is comprised of 11 students that all have a specific portion of the assignment they're responsible for they come from different walks of life that come from different backgrounds and nationalities and they have to learn and understand that we do not make it if we don't work together we are not successful if we don't not do not work together amen so that is the ultimate life lesson that as a member of this community and a hiring manager in Bradon we would like to see our people work together for a common great goal and so with that in mind thank you so much for this thank you you go stay there there okay okay okay uh next uh something a little bit near and dear to me um the brington police department Explorer Program and um well I'm sure he's going to introduce some this is not all of our advisers but some of them that could make it here uh this is obviously in addition to their normal duties this is their volunteer work and I'll tell you we've had an Explorer program for many many years and uh the numbers that we have now the the caliber of folks that I'm seeing in there uh it's never been more robust and it's because of these folks here thank you Chief uh on behalf of manager all the Explorer advisers and our 15 explorers that we have currently and reaching out to more I would like to say thank you to you all and to Chief uh we know that we are a program that are near and dear to her heart uh this is a program uh for students age 14 to 19 years old uh they pay no dues to to be able to be in this program even though that we equip them with uniforms and equipment and that's on on the chief's uh Direction she didn't want them to have to pay to be in this program the only thing she would direct us to do is have them pay it forward and so they bring food items non perishable food items to donate every month so that we can pay it forward the the dues but this this program is a it is it is one of the most robust programs that we've ever seen as the um as an advisor since the time that I've been serving and uh the money will go to pay for the uniforms it'll pay for the equipment pray for the training opportunities pray for leadership development and it will pay for um Team Building opport unities in the program they've received the same type of training that um our officers receive when they go to the academy and that's our our goal is to not only develop the Future Leaders of the city but develop the Future Leaders of this agency thank you thank you [Applause] thank you thank you um uh making an impact Victoria good morning morning morning to our esteemed Council and chief Bon thank you so much for this opportunity and this grant making an impact you have our information in front of you and I'm sure you are familiar with our organization we are a local all volunteer nonprofit dedicated to helping residents find basic need services in Sarasota and Manatee County our mission is to empower people with information and insight to help those who need help find organizations that actually provide it we have three resource guides a basic needs resource guide a disaster resource guide which will be used quite a bit in the near future and our newest guide is a Prescription Savings resource guide it's used by most health and human service agencies almost all of our law enforcement agencies and Faith institutions I am proud to say at this time we have over 7,000 printed guides in circulation and people can view our Guides Online in over 20 different languages this grant that we are getting today has been requested actually uh by the Manatee County Housing Authority a few years ago we actually gave free guides to Residents uh at one of the manatee Housing Authority facilities and we got a call and request could we get more guides and we're in all volunteer organization we didn't have the money I said well let me let me look into that and so I am proud to say that this grant will go actually to the Manatee County Housing Authority facility uh it will be used to address and tackle poverty the issues related to Poverty hopefully then making our neighborhoods more safe and prevent crime today I have with me Cindy Kaine who is a service coordinator excuse me is a service coordinator at manate County Housing Authority Miss Kane will share with you just a few uh words with why they wanted these resource guides hello I'm Cindy I'm a Ross coordinator which is a resident an opportunity and self-sufficiency program coordinator I work with our two public housing um uh communities at Lake Terrace and and pine Village and they have when they have had access to this guide they love it we are thrilled to get this grant we are thrilled to be able to provide these guides free to our people um they use it for a myriad um uses they're they are the lowest of the low income Among Us and they just are looking for ways to provide for their families for their own self-sufficiency many of our residents are older and they're just trying to continue to remain living independently on their own I've had clients who have gone to the book and found that they could get um Blood Services to come in and help them so they don't they can't get out in their car they can't get out to the doctor they can't get to the place that draws blood and they're able to have that come in um from food insecurity to uh addiction issues to um all manner of things related to Ed tion and helping families to to just get a leg up this book is great and it's so cross referenced it's wonderful thank you for your time thank [Applause] you uh Christa post manate children services good morning everyone hopefully you got okay here we go short short people problems sports car a oh thank you I like that um my name is Christa poost and I'm the development coordinator of manate children services and here with me today I have C Martins she is our Clinical Director um she oversees our treatment program for um children which I'll explain in a moment but manate children services is a Child Advocacy Center um that started in 1977 our founder actually was a social worker herself and um she was having to take children back to her office in the middle of the night um who had been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect um because there was no shelter for them so she saw this obviously as a big problem and had the vision to start our community's first emergency shelter um since then we have expanded to offer not only the the shelter that's still standing but long-term group homes um advocacy and intervention after child abuse allegations um we have our our treatment program to help victims heal and um offer therapeutic interventions um so that they they can help overcome some of what they've endured and our prevention program which is an ongoing effort out in the community to um ideally prevent child abuse from happening in the first place um so I will turn it over to Celeste to share what your funding is doing for us thank thank you I want to say very much thank you for the funds um they are going to pay for um testing tools with our emergency shelter and with our group homes those children come out of homes where DCF has removed them and many of them come with us or come to us with drug addiction and drug problems um these funds will help us to be able to test to be able to identify um children that need intervention we need to teach prevention so that we can reduce the risk of drug and alcohol within our our children that we have housed within our three group homes and our emergency shelter and so we're very thankful for them because it will pinpoint areas that we need to Target in on our children in order to um reduce that risk and to also um reduce the the use of drugs and alcohol so thank you so very much thank you [Applause] where am I here uh Dr Green Man County GRS Club just for girls and up next after them is going to be the new Manatee Broncos morning everyone morning morning as she said my name is din green and I am the program administrator for just for girls um J for girls has been serving manate County for the last 55 years with its sole purpose of helping girls reach their full potential so I wanted to take a moment this morning to thank you for your support Chief and um the city of city of brington as we believe that achievement begins with access this grant helps us provide um scholarships for those girls that are deserving um whose families are struggling not necessarily um what we consider always at or below the federal poverty guideline but as we know Alice families are those families that are still struggling as well um the demographics for our our families are household of five one single mother four kids $22,000 is the annual income so we do know that that's a challenge but we do believe that them having access to our programs that are rooted in academics behavior and character is the key to their achievement so we won't let finances or struggles be their reason that they don't access our services and we're able to do that with your help and this continued support of this board so thank you so much [Applause] coaches come on down good morning uh we're with the new manity Broncos um I'm new to the group I've been here for two years just to give you a little background about our league um coach we've been involved here with youth football and cheer leaders since 2016 um I'm mission is to uh serve and Empower our young boys and girls in this community to be great student athletes but the thing I wanted to touch on is the thing that resonates with me I'm not from this community I just give you a little bit of background I moved there from Nashville my son got to play at IMG and uh I fell in love with these volunteers because of servitude they serve these children these boys and girls and their parents for free and their effort is Relentless and I just fell in love with it and so I'm proud to be a part of them proud to be a part of this community I thank you guys for your support your support will um help build our um what we call our mission statement for our kids which is dream evolve become These funds will be used to Foster dreams as we'll be taking uh for the second time we'll be taking 60 kids with us to the University of M Miami to uh explore the football program you know there's no ifs or ANS or buts about it football is a destination for our young men and for our young ladies now since they can get scholarships in flag football all over the country so we use the platform of football to encourage our student athletes to dream to evolve and to become the citizens that we need them to be here in city of Bradington so we thank you guys I wanted to introduce want these guys introduce themselves to you as well since they are from here hey I'm jovon Carter I'm the vice president of new manity Broncos I'm enrio Johnson I'm the athletic director for the new manity [Applause] Broncos and coaches just so you know if if you get tired of driving South there's a couple of us up here that have contacts a little bit to the north right you can let us know about that and the other thing is is you've got three former cheerleaders sitting up here just so you know and if you really need help we can get you to the University of Florida so already wearing the colors uh next we have Christy Haley PACE Center for girls and and just a that was pretty good the football stuff um uh you know these guys get frustrated with the brington police department year after year after year because every year they reach out and they say hey let's have our kids play your officers and I they can't even finish the sentence I'm like absolutely not absolutely not you will beat us we will get injured uh this is no competition um so we we love seeing them here after good morning morning for yall UF fans gigum we did beat you sorry um okay so I'm Christy Haley with PACE Center for Girls this is Katy Reeves she's our community engagement manager first of all we are so thankful for all of you as you know Pace helps girl we're school who helps girls who are strugging struggling academically they come to us for free and we help them overcome those obstacles to success but as you all know that's expensive and a lot of the extras we can't afford without grants from people like I'm not going to say mayor bevon this year Chief beon I promoted you last year I do believe um we are using most of this funding for our Red Ribbon Week which does help us prevent um drug and alcohol usage we're going with a theme this year of I believe in me so our first day is I believe in myself me every girl's going to get a sweatshirt that says I believe in me and big bold print on the back so as they are walking down the the Halls they are going to see every girl there really encouraging each other helping each other understand that this is important and making sure that they're all staying drug free we're moving on to I believe in community I believe in my team and I believe in my future so every day we'll have a different theme we'll have leaders coming in we'll have panel discussions from former Pace girls who were drug addicted and who overcame and found their own success so I'm super excited about that this also promotes our growth and change program Katie has some of our full little envel packets you want to pack pass those out so they can just share them and see them um those all help for our goal setting it's not just about the academics our girls have to set goals work with our counselors and move forward so thank you so much for this we truly appreciate it thank you I appreciate next up we have Erica Keller uh James Robinson from Rogers Garden Elementary School so I'm missio I'm the school counselor and unfortunately our um student support um specialist um Erica Keller could not be here today and our Guardian who's our other co-sponsor also cannot be here today so our apologies but I am here and thank you so much um for this generous Grant um we are so deeply honored and excited to continue the mission of sa promise club which is to create a safer inclusive community for our students and of course the beautiful city of brington this support will enable us to continue our empowering our students to take an active role in preventing bullying and promoting kindness within our school Community um with our this money we're going to be able to reach um more students offer more resources to our students um with the critical practices of preventing bullying self harm and school violence we firmly believe that when students lead the way and change happens from inside out this grant will allow us to amplify those voices ensure that everyone on our school campus feels safe valued and heard so thank you for sharing our mission we appreciate it and we appre appreciate every everyone for this [Applause] opportunity next we have Jessica a uh with Special Olympics good morning good morning uh Special Olympics um a little bit of background about them um we have 75 5,000 athletes in the State of Florida and uh we offer yearr round Sports training and competition uh very critical Health screenings and athlete leadership programs um all of our program programming is absolutely free from uniforms Transportation equipment um all of that um Special Olympics starts as young as two years of age and it is within our school system and um throughout our community uh here in Bradon our surrounding area we have nearly 1,000 special Olympic athletes that train and compete in 17 um uh different sports um currently our athletes are training in powerlifting gymnastics uh flag football softball and pickle ball um this grant will really help support um our athletes in our area and we just want to thank you to the the Bradenton uh police department for this support of Special Olympics um we are really grateful for this Grant and support so thank you very [Applause] much and last but certainly not least um Shante Josie with United commun at 13th Avenue Dream Center good morning I am Kean Josie I'm the executive assistant and the business and development manager at United community centers which is 13th AV Dream Center and the manity Mustangs um our organization has been around since 1937 we are a Grassroots organization um and our motto is that we build dreams and change lives and the money that we are receiving through this grant is going to help us um we partner with Centerstone and they will help us to teach our children about drug prevention um these days all that's going on in in the community we all we all know what's going on we have to keep our kids um Vig dilligent on drug prevention and crime prevention so we keep them focused on um what they need to be focused on at 13th Community Center sorry I didn't write my speech down great um but we are very passionate about keeping our children focused um out of trouble off the streets off of drugs so that we can build those dreams and change those lives and that they can um do the same thing going forward so we thank you again for this GR [Music] um yall are a fantastic Council and you do great things in the community I come to every council meeting I would argue that your generosity with these organizations is one of the best things you guys do as an elected body it it really doesn't get any better than that you've heard the stories you've seen what impact it is um um within these organizations it's a wonderful thing uh two things uh Elba my assistant couldn't couldn't do it without her this is her project her program she looks forward to it all year Keeps Us on track um so thank you Elba uh and while I'm talking about them and if you all have any comments I'm going to bring down my entire staff because at the end of the day it's these folks out on the street um doing their job uh arresting bad guys taking away their their proceeds from illegal activities that is funding these programs um it's it's not always easy that means you guys have to start walking this way um uh I I remain their biggest fan these are the heroes out there I stay usually warm and dry in my office um since I got grounded a couple years ago um but uh these These are the real heroes out there doing doing the heavy lifting and so all right Council any comments all right I'm just go ahead thank you um thank you chief for always putting this together I know the work that goes into it at Ela wherever you're hiding over there uh I know the work that goes into it thank you all so much um the messages though I gotta put my cheaters on the messages from the different organizations work together uh dream evolve become I believe all that is stuff that really is so empowering to our youth and it's really impressive to have a community together really moving forward on this project thank you councilman Kramer councilwoman Coker yeah I just I'm extremely impressed by the the breadth of um people that you brought together and a touched with I mean they obviously are the touch point to a lot of the youth and hopefully Future Leaders and that's not easy I'm from my job putting my kuanana hat on when we're looking to to staff to get the to the kids that for the key leader program so I'd love for them to stay tuned and watch out for that program coming because it'd be great for all these kids um so it's very impressive that you pulled it all together and thank you and thank you to all the organizations for what you're doing all right I'll finish up with that part of it um and again what councilman Kramer said about obviously bringing people together and that's the theme you heard throughout all of the 11 organizations and it's all about children what I know we do up here every day is thinking about the future and what we're going to make the generational things better because I'll use my boys and girls club little saying 25% of our uh nation is children but they're 100% of our future and if we don't put that into it every day then we're not doing a good job at at Life as we get older and I just think that uh you know every little bit counts you know and it really matters and if we can take it from the bad guys and give it to the good guys then we'll do that all day long so we just appreciate what you do and we appreciate what everyone in the community does to make our community better so thank you and now we want to get a picture I think don't we or you want someone staff yeah try to go in the back and all the recipients come stand up here I'll all kind of you see thank you all very much for coming out and we look forward to your Grant submissions next [Applause] year just one final comment before everybody leaves Jo please stay safe and heed all the warnings of what's coming we don't want to take this uh tropical storm hurricane lightly so please uh all of our officers stay safe as well as our community take care of everybody thank you thank you give them one second to thank you thank you thank you sir appreciate you yep we'll take care of thank you Chief gear we pushing off what we had talked about the other right okay all right Madame clerk I believe citizen comment yep all right at this time we'll have citizen comments citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting on any non-agenda item agenda item future agenda item or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on on public hearings at the appropriate time and at the public hearing you do not need a comment card but for citizen comment we do ask for a comment card and we will stay on topic for um the city of Bradenton it's very important so I only have one and you have three minutes if you come forward say your name and your city of residence Pat Simmons good morning good morning my name my name is Pat Simmons I live at 1833 60th Avenue West in Bron thank you very much for allowing me to talk with you as you may hear I have a voice voice disorder it's neurological I can't fix it so it's thrown me into being an advocate for people with disabilities I listen to all the awards today and only one out of all of them had anything to do with people with disabilities I watch the par Olympics there were Harvard grads there were parents that were former vets I mean vets from the wars and they play games that I've never even heard of before like goall and um sing volleyball and there was a guy my hero that had that called him the armless Archer that he could hold the bow with his foot and pop the string with his mouth and human w s gold medal so it got me to thinking that there's so much more we can do in the city for people with disabilities because it's l every I always say that the Lord and the world is your oyer as long as you can hear and walk and see and talk but thee one of those goes away you get we get the sh um everybody is one accident one injury one illness one misfire one stroke away from a disability and yet there's no service is no programs no leure activities for us so just want to introduce myself and like know I'm here at your disposal you want to know what a person with a disability wants or needs ask usk the best to ask yes yes ma'am thank you don't have any other cards so um any comments and I just think I'll make comment I think that most of the award the awards that were given out today are applied for so you know I know sometimes we can do a better job at maybe reaching out too so that will be something I know our chief will look into and getting with the Special Olympics obviously is very important over the years years and years ago in high school and early on you know I did a lot with the Special Olympics and I know all of us have and but it's more important to to go roundabout and do what you can in all ways so but no that's a great comments and I think that's something to look into yes sir if I can just say thank you so much for coming down you're tremendous Advocate you really are and impactful um we actually do uh what we can um as it relates to a lot of the Public Works projects for ADA compliance and and other uh issues that deal with with dis disabled um challenges and the like um I I wish we could do more I think everybody does and uh when you see an advocate come down and talk about it it it pulls at your heartstrings effectively and meaningfully and uh we'll always be mindful of that and and we'll we won't forget it and we'll try to incorporate it as we operate local government at least from the administration's perspective to to council thank you Mr Mayor yes ma'am I will say you know because I've been dealing with this on a personal level um I do think sometimes that a lot of those Services uh especially like Day Care type things are out east and a lot of services seem to have moved to the Lakewood Ranch and um I would like to see us start putting a little bit of um just calling out out to bring some of the things back to here um I recently um went toward with Meals on Wheels and that used to be um they would have the lunch you know where every it allowed for people to come together they did crafts it was a very social event and now all of not one of those takes place in the city of brain toel now I know I've spoken to them and they're trying to find some something Lo something in the city limits but um I do think we kind of need to beat the drum and thank you um I I know that was probably not easy for you to do that and thank you for doing it and speaking very loudly for some people that can't speak for themselves so thank you thank you yes uh councilwoman Coachman Coachman I just wanted to just kind of add to what councilwoman Coker just alluded to um that could definitely be something we could put in mind when we're working on city park and bringing that community resource to the city so um thank you so much and and one of the ultimate projects with city park is Miracle field so that is something that is you know as we go down the road you know the organizations with Miracle field are very well connected and going to be part of it as as well with the other parts of the the park so yes ma'am Miss Mo well I wanted to thank you too for your bravery in speaking here today and for uh bringing it to our attention um it is personal to me as well because of who my family Dynamic when I was growing up but I to co um Miss coker's point I have been talking to people about things that we would you know how the general conversation of what do we want to see downtown how do we what do we want to encourage to bring downtown and I did just have a conversation with a neighbor who was suggesting uh more communitybased uh type of activities and to your point about things being out east I think it's just something that maybe we can consider when we're trying to think about type of um you know not I commercial for a lack of better word at the moment but type of facilities or whatnot that we want to see as a part of a kind of a you know hybrid of different things to offer in our downtown vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor um thank you for coming down as as we all recognize it's it's difficult to get up and speak in public because it just is even for people that do it a lot I still get very nervous I understand I understand um um did want to remind uh the community that uh the city of Bradington did work with the rotary organization and that Lewis Park which is located off of Manatee Avenue at uh First Avenue around 32nd to 30th Street has an all accessible playground and it is set up for anyone regardless of their age to be able to come and enjoy the the park the nature as well as the recreational activities the the the equip playground equipment that is set there it's it's for everyone it's for children of all ages let me put it to you that way so I want to again just thank the Rotary Club for being the uh the spark that kind of got that going with us and I know that uh at at that groundbreaking once it was all open and everything uh I looked at the mirror and I said uh now we got a few more Parks we got to get this to so that that is in the plans yes and that that's very important to to reiterate as as you're going to see as we go in this meeting we don't sell ourselves well enough at times as a city because when that c project came through kind of a accidental onp purpose way to us and we brought it to the council it took a little longer but we were going to spend $70,000 at that Park we ended up spending over a million with the rotary donation and the City these portions to make it and I actually was there um Monday night again with my granddaughter and you know the last time I was there before that there was a lady that actually drove down from Tampa and she comes about once every week or two with her 26y old that um hasn't smiled in many years it always gets me because knowing that we did something to help that family and her know that she has an opportunity to see her child smile because of his disability and what he does and uh so the little things you remind us which is great and that's important but you know we can always do more so thank you um moving on Madame clerk item six is the consent agenda I move to adopt or approve the consent agenda items a through W except for FNG G except for item 6f and 6G 6f and G yes and I would like to pull item six okay is that acceptable to yes your motion all right ker do you need a second dad Kramers was the second he must to pull um a you said right k k k King okay all right we have a motion to approve consent agenda by councilwoman Moore pulling f and g and K by councilwoman Kramer with the second is there any other discussion we don't is there a second oh yeah there a second I'm sorry yep so we'll start the vote in W five yes one yes two yes three yes and four yes okay councilman Mo uh regarding the beach shop I just was going to suggest that we modify the motion slightly because the lease assumption is not an assignment is not yet finalized that we include what we're approving is also approved by Council because we haven't seen the actual you know the actual assumption itself so I just wanted to make sure that the motion included moving moving I move to approve the lease assignment and assumption as approved by Council and then to be executed by mayor I don't understand yeah I'm confused the document is not finalized yet so normally when we have something like this I feel like the motion is to approve it and then we have we have confirmation that Council has reviewed it but because it's not finalized yet I would just like to make sure that Council for the City reviews the assignment and assumption yeah I I didn't realize I mean we that document as far as I know is finalized some time ago so I don't know I think it's just not in the packet as far as I know morning mayor and Council for policy planning procedure and real estate administrator the only reason it has not been executed by the other people is because the buyer does not want to buy unless he knows the count is going to approve it oh I see so that is the only thing okay so Council you guys already okay just a motion to approve that yep all right we have a motion by Miss Moore to approve f is there a second second all right and then uh we'll start the vote and we can we have discussion yeah yeah go ahead um and this might be for Mr budel are we setting a precedence here by allowing them to just basically sublet it or just let them assume the lease I I just know we were very deliberate about selecting the people that we leased to and what was going to be there um I did have a discussion with Miss foron and felt like she had reviewed all that and that we were not going to be changing what was going to be there but I I I'm a little uncomfortable with just assuming these leases like this um and plus I would like to reiterate that the hours of oper operation especially during events and things like that um we've been kind of a little leasy on that and um so anyhow that I just want to know what we're if we're setting any precedence here yeah these are going to be on a case-by Case basis I think ultimately the city council has a discretion this is a scenario where the um the asse who's coming in is going to continue what will be a very similar type of beach oriented shop use and that was something that we looked at when we were preparing the assignment documents to make sure that that type of use would continue but no I think this is something that um could be looked at on a caseby Case basis and are we doing any type of background check on I mean like like in real estate a lot of times you have like an approval for you know credit you know well I mean criminal history that kind of stuff I answer that piece of it but what I will say is under the um under the assignment Provisions the assign or is remaining liable under the lease so they're not off the hook um they we still have a personal guarantee from them okay any other comment on that yeah I just wanted to clarify and I I thought that this would be something that would come to council each time anyway right so we could have that well previously we had had a management company that was doing it and they took care of the credit history and the background checks and all that and I don't believe I don't believe that's being done now I don't think we did very extensive background checks I I I don't remember that being part of the process um as far as obtaining financials and things like that I don't think we did it in the past and as it was pointed out I think one of the best things you have is a personal guarantee um so if the LLC goes kapoot bankrupt then you go after the person's house I mean your recourse you always look at recourse and so on the lease term itself recourse is fairly solid as a personal guarantee um you know one of the things is and and to your point regarding hours and and and and things like that is that it's been challenging um I think and and and I've talked with a lot of the shop owners as I'm sure most of us have at one point or another and and some do better than others um and and some stay open longer than others and we have been a little bit uh lack in enforcement of the strict hours of operation requirements that it contained in the lease but we've done that intentionally um I I I I you know I don't run small retail businesses and I don't think I ever have but I know that to a certain extent the ownership of those those institutions are bought in they're there most of the time um the owners themselves and then they have obviously employees and the like and they're doing everything they can in my opinion to keep their head above water and so I'm going to try to make sure I don't pull them below it and I think that's I was going to go a little bit on that um and I was very strong with the hours about making sure we're there from this time to that time but I also realized that when you look back on it we've got to make them successful give them a chance to succeed and I think with some of our future Endeavors as the downtown grows a little bit those shops will become more successful we know of a restaurant that was over in the um Sun Trust building at the time which was Jimmy John's I think Jimmy John's would be successful now but he hung on for five years and he didn't make it you know there um now I think he's wishing he would have stayed a little longer because there's enough more activity but within two three four years it's even going to be better so we want to give them that carrot to succeed without dictating some of it so Miss Moore I Echo your sentiments and we talked about that as well in our um in our one-on-one because I do think that that is what would happen outside of the context of government is that the landlord would have vetted the potential new tenant I think that this speaks though to the bigger issue which is that we have to figure out what we want to really how are we going what are the what are the chess pieces of down town that make it successful why are they still struggling um I'll just say again maybe we can have a workshop where we just talk about our thoughts and dreams and goals for downtown and what we'd like to see there so that we can move to the next step of asking staff to help us actually incentivize and bring that type of you know all different variety diversity of type of establishments um and Community spaces so I think we're finding ourselves in that rock and hard place because we really haven't kind of done that yet we're we're moving at I know we have a lot going on I'm not this is not a criticism as much as it is just on the list of things to do well I think in in I'll agree and disagree with you respectfully that we have this little thing called the CRA that is doing a great job at starting some of that on our Main Street and has been doing it for years with some of the the environment and now the CRA is doing a great job at with I think 16 different grants and you know maybe some of it's to the people that are already there but without that next project which we've already got in the process there isn't that big step and even though some of the things that we may not be doing and I'm we're planning on a workshop as far as but you know we also didn't plan on um whatever that first hurricane we had Debbie a few weeks or tropical storm and then this coming up every time you turn around but but that's the timing of the year so we know that I'm not making excuses but I think there is some of it that we'll be able to start processing and also planning so y yes um I I agree with you the CRA should definitely be part of the conversation and the EDC as well I think that we should be having you know really robust conversations with both of those entities to try to figure out what we want to do and how to do it no Mr Perry and just briefly on this expanded conversation you generally speaking three types of people go to downtown people that live in downtown people that work in downtown and people that visit downtown that's all it's not more complicated than that and really when you see the housing development that is going on as it relates to currently um at 920 and and over on 9th and and the met even and and some of those things those are going to be people that increase density and live downtown heads and beds what do we have across the street a Hotel people that visit downtown and what do we have for work we're trying to expand the economic Vitality we have government offices that's not uncommon in my prior jurisdictions about 5:30 everybody left downtown because there was a lot of government offices there were some hotels in the like so I think we are trying to hit those on all fronts and I think our our C has been effective in doing that but it's going to take time it's going to take thoughtfulness and I agree with a lot of what what what you said as far as trying to be intentional about it but I think we have before I came currently and moving into the future and hopefully it you know it will become um a fairly activated area I know we have some fairly ambitious plans for some of the property including ours all right so we have a motion in a second to approve F start to vote inward one yes two yes three yes four yes and five this is more for G okay I um I was able to talk to um Mr Perry about the change order and what you know how we came to need it and so really just for the interest of the public understanding what we're doing I thought maybe he or someone in involved in the project could speak to what is happening and what it's doing even if it is just meat and potato kind of thank thank you mayor thank you councelor um we did have the opportunity to speak and I actually took that opportunity which was fairly early in my meetings with Council to explain to the other counselors as well um this was a situation where there is a fire line for water basically and um an hydrant that is really right where the drive pad for the visitors buses will be coming in next to the visitors clubhouse that that we're doing and usually relocating a fire hydrant it's fairly easy you just basically turn a valve on one side of the water supply turn a valve on the other shut off the pressurization and relocate your utility this was a little bit of a problem to the extent of that the valves had not been turned and exercised and they felt that if they did go in there and turn the valve it could cause a larger problem and so what we're having to do is to basically put an additional valve in and uh then we can relocate our utility so that's the nature of of it it was not anticipated when we initially cost an an estimated the project and hence it's a change order related there too is that fairly correct Mr Williams yep thank you another question so motion to approve motion to approve second second all gramer all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote inward two yes three yes four yes five yes yes one yes approved five to zero Mr Kramer um for item k k uh I had a chance to talk with Mr Perry about it during our meeting and uh I was waiting to hear back from you on this topic I had questions regarding the timing of um retirees and when they would be eligible for the the basically that 2012 to 2024 date I I didn't think that was going to apply in the way it's spelled out sure and and perhaps Mr Williams can approach the podium to provide some clarification and we may have to amend that uh what you pointed out to me was I don't necessarily think what we were tending to do because it cut out a certain class of employees okay and and if you'd like to expound on that it might be helpful for m Williams to understand it so under the eligibility on pay and I apologize let me I'm I'm sorry let me apologize um that I wasn't able to get with this I've been doing some other things you've been busy I get it I get it um under the eligibility uh portion on page two of the actual plan okay um it was my understanding from conversations that uh basically anybody who was currently on the plan and was stepping aside would be eligible for that that that going forward this typ correct whereas in the the first bullet point it says that they' be uh able to get anything and keep the stip in for a city plan whereas then in the next under general for the next the first bullet point on the next category it says under any health insurance plan and I thought that's how it was supposed to be for really anybody who was stepping out we we're giving all the all the retirees a chance who are currently on the city plan to opt out and potentially one day opt back in and I thought part of that incentive was going to be we're letting you opt out and here's that $300 stien which now you've bifurcated and only allowed to certain retirees actually future retirees right yeah yeah the intent was anybody that's actively on the the city's Insurance um if they decided to get off it would would keep the would would keep the statement um and Mr councelor kraman has pointed out that there's just a conflict in the language about that that was my understanding of the intent as well and we talk about why we want to incentivize that and the benefit to the city uh insurance program solvy so if we could pass this with the caveat that we make those consistent and provide the stipend um we can correct the error as a matter of policy if that would be sufficient yeah I would I would just like to memorialize that language as we approve if that's possible that and that's we talked about it where this and just for the general public that doesn't know we've had several meetings and it's been a couple of years we've been talking about how do we allow individuals that especially in some of our early retirement areas of age-wise that if they get another job it's actually maybe cheaper for them to go to another policy which then would save our plan money but they're afraid to leave it because once they had left it they can never come back but if we give an individual that's got another job and he's got 20 years of service he could be on that for 20 years then hop back in but for 20 years we've saved that money so ultimately it is a benefit to the ex retired employee and a benefit to the city it's a paperwork nightmare at times but it's still going to be a plan that will help both that's correct and and in addition to that I think what council framer's point was is that we provide a styen basically and we charge the we charge the retiree for their insurance and they pay basically 100% is it 100% or 75 FP for the retiree for the retiree no we pay 25% yeah we pay 25 they P but they may get the stip in that offsets some of that right so what we end up with is two costs one is paying the stien itself as well as paying for the individual to be on insurance both administratively for the claims having that member on there we pay $47 a month per member to to Florida Blue to administer the program we also pay a portion for excess coverage and we pay the largest section for their claims experience because we're self-insured so why would we want that employee basically who we going to have to the stien to anyway to go to a secondary insurance whether it's through a new employer or a senior care uh program if it's if it's Medicare or the like because then we take them off our claims experience role and that's the biggest cost of the insurance and this doesn't incentivize that and I agree with cul on that um so we want it we want it to and I think it was meant to be in there it just got written exactly because that's all we talked about in the meeting so good catch on that because the second half talks about but and and that stiping is not something we're given that's something they've earned in their number of years of service through their contracts and different with that so it's not we're saying here's money to get off we're saying this is what you've earned so you get to keep that and that helps you offset anything else if you go on another policy because I really think that that's something that kudos to the insurance committee as well as the staff and even though it is like I said a little bit of a paperwork nightmare ultimately we're memorializing it because when that person comes back in 20 years and they say oh no you don't get that we won't be here so we want to make sure it's easily understood and we want people to utilize it it's mutually beneficient oh yeah as well as the insured retiring member yeah and there was if if everybody remembers There Was You Know questions about dates and retirees so we're trying to clean all that up so when we're all gone and retired enjoying life we're on the other end of that the people after us don't have to go through that same well because we'll be the ones collecting at that point no right exactly well I'll be collecting again at that point um so here's the other point of that this reads as I read it that it's letting anybody who retired 2012 to 2024 now retroactively in to give them that $300 back would that is that so if if you're actively on the insurance right now and you you're getting a we're talking as of like October one October one or September whatever today's date is because that's the difference that's where people who opted out thinking that this was going to be that they were going to get that $300 that's why a good number I believe opted out I so may I clarify what we're doing are you are you suggesting that we just need to change but before September 25 it was supposed to be current enroles who were currently enrolled and we're going to opt out for 2425 and Beyond we're going to get that stien correct to help incentivize that yeah so I I think maybe maybe the confusion correct me if I'm wrong but the confusion if this if they've already decided to opt out the date they made that decision isn't what the effective date is the effective date is October that's it that's the beginning of the insurance period that the other date is the Open Enrollment and and processing period right I I get that but that's because you have to do it early you have to do it during the Open Enrollment right um that's a little I that's not how it was explained and how people were being told about it I think they were thinking hey as a retiree having this first time ever option of opting out it was going to be with this sorry I lost it with this stip and potentially coming to them that's that's how anybody who any I would dare say if you pulled and there were significant number of retirees who were came to these meetings if you pulled them they would think that it was as I'm explaining that as we're saying the same thing opting out doesn't begin until October 1st so even if they decided to do it a week ago that's not thetive date they're good they're good yeah they're just they're just saying October one official meeting is my new plan this is my official meeting we're all saying they're good correct right but they're it's already what they're getting right as a retiree because some of them get more than $300 sure now if you were if you were off of our insurance already and you you've been off of it for two years you don't get to come back that's why I want to make sure that wasn't somehow going to sneak back in because that's you know yeah I think as any City plan it's it's giving this option for any City plan correct so I just want to make sure there's not some retiree who's going to come challenge that and say hey that caveat you've got in there says that anybody who's retired in a 2012 to 2024 can now come in and say I want that $300 sement that weren't getting it before that weren't getting it because they opted out I want to make sure that somebody doesn't think they can opt back in what you are right now right if they opted out they opted out they opted out but if they just now opted out well they're not opting out till technically October correct right I'm saying 30 prior year opt out yeah and we can we can specify the language or we can change some of the language to be a little more specific okay um yeah the intent if if they're in the enrollment period and they decide to make the change October one has their effective date which is what we tried to refer to in the policy but and they would get the sipon okay that that is the intent of it of the policy y then I would approve it with that intent and that language modification forthcoming do we need we have a motion by Mr Kramer as stated Mr rudel yeah I just want to make sure that excuse me that everybody understands the intent and the and the caveats that councilman Kramer raised and that are being approved with with the resolution and my further understanding is that a corrected version or an updated version of the policy would then come back to the council is that the expectation for ratification I was hoping that that that wasn't going to be necessary that we can make the correction and under as stated you know under the Proviso that was pointed out and discussed and obviously if it is not sufficient it could come back to the council for correction further but we do have time of the essence situation is is our problem because we're going into a new insurance recess to hammer that language out May well again um if if everyone understands what the intent is I think it's fine to adopt it today with the caveats that were discussed But ultimately it sounds like correct me if I'm wrong you still want to see that language come back to confirm that it I want to make sure whatever policy is printed and distributed going forward has that language in it of course right and that's why but I am okay with accepting it now with those caveats brought forth right that that was my suggestion that we could go ahead and approve it today with the caveats but that then it would come back to get stuck on another consen to just to ratify that the language was consistent I think that'd be fine if that's okay Mr Williams May yes ma'am well and well can we get a second first second okay so second and then now under discussion I mean a lot of my decision I I mean this is coming from our insurance committee correct and while you are a representative I mean y'all have hashed all this out it's hard for me to come in now and start making the difference I mean is it okay that In fairness we aren't taking it back to that committee because this is coming from the committee what was discussed in committee and what is printed are not matching up I I agree they were they were it was supposed to be as I the concerns I brought up that Mr Perry was present for also recalls the mayor as well and Mr Williams all all agree that what's printed wasn't isn't quite accurate and needs to be modified to what the and I don't think it wasal changed in the document it was just the way it was read to make sure that because nobody was losing anything that they had now if they opted out for the moment because they may opt out for a year five years 10 years forever but they're still going to get their supplement whether it's $100 $300 or some are getting $ four and $500 depending on contract negotiation and that's not how that just that wasn't clearly specified in this right which is what we need to change even though that was the intent they're going to get that corrected right I'm Miss Moore um I'm hesitant to adopt something that is not what the committee's understanding was and I think my preference would be to go ahead and let Mr Kramer and Mr rudil and Mr Williams revise their motion to specify what is problem is is then we have to have a special meeting before October 1 no I mean today oh you mean just WR right now friendly Amendment to the motion please explain what you would like to change I think she what she's asking is that the motion would include specifics about what is being modified in the policy Mr Williams can you read that as what it would State and I don't think it necessarily needs to be the final language but in terms is corre what is the what is the intent that's being we've already said that we know what the we talked about it for 10 minutes uh so I think that's the that's the question is what exactly is if I yeah yeah okay um so if you can refer to page too again that their eligibility the first bullet point the last three words that read any City plan I believe should read any health insurance plan which is the same as it is down in the next general category right the the only problem is that first section was was what was in the policy before I think the confusion lies in the actual title of it if you will where it's it talks about on or after October 1 2012 but before October 1 2024 I think it's the before October 1 24 that's the confusing part well may I um because that when that policy was written it was just the city plan right right so the the additional language which was the second half is everybody that is retiring on or after October one um that they they get the the Staten um if they're current I think it's if they're currently on the city plan so I think there's more than just changing one or two words so if we're going to change the policy now before we you know during the council meeting we're gonna no so then let me ask this because then I do have some concerns or some understanding of what we talked about so you're saying between 2012 and 2024 that any retiree that opted out doesn't get to opt back in to get the $300 to opt back out right so that's understandable and that's the way it was Prior right because they've already opted out you're saying any retirees after October 1 2024 will be able to opt out keep the stien keep the stien but the ones that are still even even retirees or future retirees right but if if they did something in 2012 and opted out and aren't getting a stien they don't get to add the stien back come back right the only ones who were as we were discussing it would have been the ones that are leaving right leaving in 23 24 for 2 they still get if they're on it and they're getting the stien they continue to get the stien they just don't pay to the city of Braden they pay to their new employer or they get their new employers insurance I think that's what I understood right and that's why we put it the the second half that's why we changed it to any health insurance plan whereas before it was specific when you got the stien prior to us making any changes it was only applicable to the city plan right because once you were off the city plan you no longer got the statement and so with the health insurance committee and everybody getting together to decide hey this is something we want to continue regardless of what what insurance plan you have but that's only effective October one so again if I during enrollment open enrollment if I decided October one I'm changing I'm I'm eligible for that continued statement but if I changed it two years ago right I can't come back and right that's one of the things that's the way I read it so I don't know if we're trying to overw Smith it to confuse it or if people because we know even some of the things that happened during the insurance committee people overthought it and they were thinking this was happening but we don't want to have to hire lawyers to fight it out back and forth for that so that's what I think the confusion is Mr Perry did you have something else before I go to Miss Moore no sir okay I thought you sir Miss Moore do I understand the nature of the confusion I I think what I'm hearing is perhaps the problem is that the two categories are retiring on October 1 but what I'm hearing from you is that really it is their enrollment date so I it's not that they're you know so you're Mr Kramer is talking about the date of their retirement the language says retirement but really what we're trying to accomplish is when they were enrolled in whatever planned do I understand that correctly the effectiveness dat right the effective day of the health insurance enrollment so if we just corrected you know if you if you instead of saying retiring on maybe you have to say both you know maybe you have to reference the effective date as October one but the retirement date as being not October one would that alleviate the confusion because it sounds like those dates are not the same so Mr Rudell if we took a break yeah that might be a good idea just to say um because again I think we need to do it now we don't need to push this down the road because of the insurance and but we want them to understand it that nobody's losing anything currently it's just how to we can't allow people to come back if they've already left unfortunately right we just need to make sure that that the policy is clear to everyone and I think like I said in the insurance committee and not to offend anybody but sometimes we overthink it in the uh audience and at the insurance committee that that the big bad City's out to get them and we're trying to make it a better policy right or wrong it's just we've tried to make everything that we've done since I've been here better and save us money and save them money but give them opportunity to succeed for the future yes ma'am can I just add one thing this has been Scott has reviewed it it's also been before the pension Council it's also been before Labor Council and they made some of the suggested changes to protect all of the employees that because of some confusion um that it's not I don't know I mean I don't think that it again it's not saying that you're going to lose your stiping it's just saying you can't come back if you already left between 2012 and 2024 if I'm understanding it right no that's right but I'm I'm not going to use I'm going to use an example of retired lieutenant James Wilkinson he retired in 2020 I believe went to the Sheriff's Office hasn't gone on their insurance I think his family's on a different Insurance because his wife Works somewhere else he stayed on the city plan because under the understanding if you give it up you lose it forever he didn't want that to be the case so he has stayed on it now with the understanding of what's coming he is opting out the way this reads he one of a stien right now he is getting the stien because he's on the city plan right yeah but the way this is reading October 1st 2012 but before October 1st 202 for would still get a stien on any City plant that's what that's where I'm coming up the issue and I don't think that that wasn't the intent that was the intent I promise I promise you the Unions would be okay with it not saying that and saying any health insurance plan I have strong confidence in that being the case because it's protecting their retirees and it's giving them a benefit well it was intended for them to keep whatever they already had exactly right for the current opt outs this year right and in the future correct if you retire in three years you still keep your stien whether you stay on the city plan or go to another plan cor but here's the other point there's several members of the committee in the room right now youi one of us Rob's not a Committee Member no I know I know Rob and Lance aren't but we one of us would be able to go discuss this I just want to make sure we both don't go out of the room and talk about it no we won't so so but you can talk with them okay but um I don't know is that just a a onew change there on that sentence I want to make sure we're all in consensus City plan or or any plan but like I said I I want to make sure we're in consensus that it's really that it almost has a the caveat of current opt outs not past opt outs because this opens up a lot of people who recently retired who said I'm not going to join the plan administrators in City Hall for and and I think just the one word change and maybe add a word about current plan or or something along that that line so that you I understand the two things you're trying to do yeah and and I get them and I think we can probably deal with it fairly effectively and quickly all right we'll take a five minute recess can I see the paperwork e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you thank you thank you thank you don't good ey good all right we'll come back out of recess Mr Perry mayor we've had the opportunity to uh meet and confer basically on trying to uh Trying to minimize the ambig ity uh that exist and and I think where we're at is is we agree with councelor Kramer um trying to bring about clarification um of this and what we'd like to do is suggest with councelor Kramer's um permission uh an adoption of the policy as provided and what we will do is subject to a clarification of definition that we will bring before Council at the next council meeting to clarify one specific problem that seems to be uh uh developing with some of the ambiguity of language I'm I'm in agreement with that so you accept that as your motion will the second accept that yes all right thank you any other discussion sir hearing none we'll start the vote inward three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes approved five to zero Madame clerk thank you all this time I'll administer the oath anyone wishing to address city council during the following public hearing will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual statements and representations which you are about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you item 7A is the second reading of public hearing for ordinance 4039 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida providing for an amend Amendment to the city of Bron land use Atlas changing zoning from UV Urban Village to R4 mobile home for approximately 10.93 acres of land generally located east of 16th Street West South of 21st Avenue West north of 26th Avenue West West of 14th Street West and more particularly described herein providing for findings of fact providing for applicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date all right good morning city council um I'm Jamie shindol with the planning department and I have been sworn um this is a request as stated to rezone land from Urban Village to R4 which is mobile home uh this is our subject area it is part of the Tropical Palms community on Tammy Amy Trail here you can see the um zoning right now is UV and the future land use is UV Urban Village as well request as stated and the subject area I did want to point out hold on we're getting there well um there might not be an aerial here but I do want to point out um here you can see tamami Trail there directly on tamami trail there it sort of cuts it's an l-shape right so within that the Nook of that L where it's t40 that is where their uh sort of community center is located and that's important um because that that will not be harmed by this rezoning that that does not create any sort of non-conformity U because that's not part of the rezoning the rezoning is only this area you can see in this L shape um here's some photos of the view across tamami Trail as well as part of the resoning request and this list don't need to read it but you can see that um there's a lot of things that are permitted in Urban Village zoning and not many things that are permitted in Mobile Home zoning um single family dwellings are permitted which falls in line with mobile homes and that's what they're seeking to do the main reason they're coming in is because they have run into some issues with the dimensional requirements in the Urban Village zoning they've had to come in for a number of variances with our Planning Commission uh for things like setbacks and this will make it so they they won't need to put that burden on their residents and we're not totally sure when that UV zoning was put into place we think there were some Redevelopment plans that never materialized and so now they're just remaining as the community that they are today they want to continue that on forward but they want their residents to be able to you know bring in a new home or put up a fence things like that without having so many Hoops to jump through with the city um here is the criteria for the the designations this is also in the staff report which you all have um small lot single family dwellings are a uh listed category within the Urban Village future land use so staff finds that R for does make sense with that future land use no compatibility concern concerns this does not increase the allowed density or intensity um no issues with public interest and we find it consistent with the land use regulations um and Planning Commission did vote unanimously to recommend approval of the rezoning request there's been a large gap between Planning Commission and here because we wanted to make sure they had an accurate legal description of the specific area that they're asking for the rezone and they have done that and that is in the packet as well as in the ordinance and we do have some representation from the park here if you have any questions for them thank you okay um any questions or concerns I know that I think this is mostly just as the mobile homes have gotten older they want to update them and make it easier to put them in with the water lines and everything else that they're not going sight by sight and taking a long time so I think it's really just to really improve the park and with being a homeowner's Park they want to make it easier that's what I know uh yes ma'am go yeah with regard uh because I couldn't see I mean do they have like parcel um size I couldn't tell what size these Parcels are um I ran into this previously with some of the older mobile home parks the the the lot sizes are extremely small and you can't even buy new mobile homes that'll fit on those yeah that that is what's happening they have really small Lots um and I I think they can fit them on there but the setbacks in UV are very big especially for the side setbacks and so they're not being able to fit them on there and meet the UV standards so the R4 I don't unfortunately have it in the presentation but they have a much smaller setback requirement okay and so it shouldn't cause that concern I really don't want to I want to encourage the replacement from the old to the new um and so I hope hope this will help do that but I know that's a challenge and then they'll go to new codes correct they they'll meet the new the new um they have to be at a certain sea level I think now yeah it's a higher than what was right if if they're doing a full replacement then yes okay okay anybody else all right so um we'll go to public comment Public public hearing public hearing yep all right open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair Entertainer motion Mr Kramer thank you sir uh move to approve ordinance 40 39 second all right we have a motion and second um by Miss vice mayor Barnaby any other discussion I think I'm I'm happy we're able to hopefully do this it's something that's been needed for a little while by the park they've asked for for a while and obviously we know that's one of our historic parks in the city of Bradenton that actually started tin can um tourist tourist Park and and really historic so we want to keep that Park and keep it in the the uh generational changes that come with cars to travel trailers to what it is now so um we'll start to vote and award four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes carries 5 to zero thank you next Madam clerk item 7B is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 452 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending chapter 6 alcoholic beverages to modify the hours of sale and consumption of alcohol to reflect that no alcohol may be sold or consumed on premisis after 2 a.m. amending Section 3 of ordinance 4047 to reflect that no alcohol may be sold or consumed on premises after 2 a.m. providing for codification providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances in conflict and providing for an effective date and who's going to speak to this for staff I think we've talked about it quite a bit Mr rudisel yeah I mean I I can speak to it I prepared the ordinance at the direction of city council uh during the uh public hearing uh when the prior um after midnight permit ordinance was being considered um this reflects the the change that was requested to um to move the um the uh Final hours of sale or consumption from 2:30 to 2: a.m. okay um so we'll go to the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion move to approve ordinance 4052 second all I heard Miss Coachman first and I would just like to um start off with comments of there was some concern that I talked with several business owners that talked about possibly moving back 30 minutes might take some time time off of their when you add it over a 12-month period um and then I did do an interview yesterday with one of the news channels and and looking at that I really believe that when people feel safer all the way around more people will come early on when you had I've heard from people that weren't coming after 10 o'clock because they didn't feel safe so in reality if everything is working the way we hope they may actually make more money because more people will be down at a time so you know as we know I look at the glass half full 99.9% of the time so I'm sticking with that and I hope that's the case that it shows that we aren't taking away we're actually giving them opportunity to have more and we'll see how it works out one thing I did tell that you know with any ordinance we can change it with two meetings so if something's not working right we can adjust it um so any other comments um oh yes just I'd still like to see it earlier but I'm I'm glad we're moving in the right direction just got a drum beat my drum and uh this goes into effect today am I reading this correctly September 25th upon assuming the mayor executes it today yes okay okay we're in disaster mode Miss Moore I was gonna ask so thank you for your comments because I had not I had heard from a few establishment owners previously but after our last meeting when we directed attorney rudil to do this I had not heard any other comment so I'm hoping that the establishments are on board and um I'd like to see the flexibility and I think that it just speaks again to like what we want to see down town and I would like to reiterate that we want to support even even the establishments that are serving alcohol um I I don't want to infringe on their ability to earn their income um but I'd like to see them woven into a tapestry that has diversity of establishments so that they all can be successful yes thank you anything else all right hearing none we'll start the vote and W five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes thank you carries five to zero Madam clerk the next item is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4053 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida amending the city of Bradenton code of ordinances section 26-38 to modify Provisions relating to the powers duties and procedures of City officials in a disaster emergency providing for codification providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date any staff to talk to this or I could probably take this one too Mr Mayor this was uh the item we discussed it is the only change here is that it would allow for the city council to authorize the mayor or city administrator to renew a state of uh declared emergency because we do that Weekly correct and it was becoming as people travel and different things um we will still do it but we will still keep the council informed and at meetings if we can do it we will continue to process through that way this is only in an emergency when we don't have that and it's only for an extension mayor not initial declaration yes ma'am um and I this might be for attorney Brussel um the way I read the addition the use of the word made does that mean I'm assuming that then we have discretion depending on the nature of the emergency so if it is impending storm as we've just been going through that would make sense but a different type of unforeseeable disaster we don't have to that's correct we could decide okay yeah it's up to the city council at the time whether they wish to authorize those extensions to be done administratively and and again again as we know on any moment in time things work well city council at any moment in time can change this with two readings to go through things if something interesting happens you start abusing it okay H trouble so chair uh public comment public hearing chair we open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes mayam move to approve ordinance 4053 40 yep thank you is there a second second did I do the right one we have a motion by councilwoman Coachman second by councilwoman Coker any other discussion question yes sir so will approving this today allow us to allow the mayor under resolution 2496 that we're currently under state of emergency to allow him or the city administrator to continue based on projected damage coming to the city so that would be done whenever that resolution would be renewed which I guess would be next Tuesday if there was a meeting at that time time the city council could and we we could draft it into the resolution to say city council authorizes the mayor or administrator to extend it you know for so long as the city is and we can come up with language if if the council wanted to do that yes so what about our Friday from Debbie I don't think so I don't believe it was originally authorized and you know it's retroactive application and the like and so I I think coming up this Friday from Debbie if we were to seek uh an extension of the emergency declaration for Debbie we'd have to do a special meeting in a special meeting or we are not in town and then we can then I can sign it from from that standpoint unavailability y okay all right because I know the County's probably going to go another five weeks on their extensions so they'll do that Thursday from Debbie from what they're saying because they're still having damn issues so I don't know that we will but we'll figure that out over the next day or so but but if we had a special meeting we could incorporate that into the resolution at that time that time yes okay all right so um any other discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in W one yes two yes three four yes five yes thank you carries five to zero moving on Mr Perry mayor we have pulled item a which is the city Administration affordable housing Surplus property bid review um we have some issues regarding public uh notice on that provision and so we'll pull that right now okay all right moving on mayor item number B City administration's brief presentation for water treatment plant updates I I wanted to touch base um with Council and then move to the podium to do so and I believe we have a video as well video to miss I have it if you can just stand by on that M we've been in the process where we're still trying to recover from from Debbie and and the storms that were surrounding that period of time thereafter um as Council knows it was the wetest um highest rainfall in the Sarasota and Bradenton Area ever ever on record was in the area of I believe 47.3 3 in over the June 1st period till August 30th it had never been recorded that high the average for that period of time is about 22 in and so we were quite honestly double uh what the average is we were experiencing uh Flows at our wastewater treatment plant um at Peak levels of 27 million gallons per day and that basically overtook the capacity of the plant the plant is still trying to recover we have Jacob's Engineering cons consult Consultants out there they're trying to help us with that but I think there's a larger story and that is basically that we have looked at these issues well before Debbie and we have been facing them and fixing them you know I've pointed out to council that out of $1 million and arpa funding American Rescue and Recovery Act funding that we received um I believe it was 21 is when we received it uh that o over $9 million has gone to deal with pipelining to minimize inflow and infiltration 65 miles of identified and and and and characterized by the public works department of clay pipes corrosive pipes uh cast iron and the like that unfortunately when you drive down the older parts of the city um you see older houses older buildings older roads older trees everything right it's because we're an older City like many great cities in the country but with older cities what you don't do is look underground to see what kind of pipes they have and if those pipes and and the manholes that are made out of brick actual bricks that have mortar that people had built back in the 1940s and 50s and 60s um if you look at those manholes they've corroded and so when that those billions of gallons of rain delus your community like like they did to us to Sarasota to Tampa to to pretty much everybody in Southwest Florida you have a problem called inflow and infiltration and that thereby you know a plant that typically is handling about 6 million gallons of water a day we that's what we put out through our our water plant itself through the system well it's a Clos loop system everything that comes through a faucet should come back into us through a drain 6al 6 here we had 6al 26 7 because of inflow and infiltration over a prolonged period um those manholes those those those pipelining the the list stations themselves um We have replaced and repaired a lot of them using a variety of different funding sources both utility rate funding um that had been put in place years ago we've borrowed um up to$ 47 million to deal with an additional clarifier which is a very large heavy civil construction project out at the wastewater treatment Reclamation plant um we've done headworks improvements uh we're dealing with probably over $2 million of of of emergency repairs um to things like the screw press and other types of components out of that wastewater treatment plant that's well over 35 years old now and uh and we have faced it and we're can going to continue to face it continue to fix it so I wanted to show a couple videos yeah and before start the videos what when you look at these videos um one of them is a news channel one of them is another one that we made in house we're going to ask and we hope that every council person um accepts that we're going to have you involved in videos too and it may be crucial to some of your areas it may be crucial to some of the plant areas but we're going to try to incorporate those in with it so this is just the start of it now David and Tiffany will get with you to kind of coordinate some ideas on that that so that's that's what's coming we just think that you know as I said earlier we may not sell ourselves well enough just because we're all humble people and we want to do stuff without people knowing but unfortunately we have to let the public know what we're doing on this part of it to know that there hasn't been inactivity in the last several years yeah my I I really am so glad to see us putting some of this stuff together because I think in the absence of the facts a lot of rumor and inuendo is being pushed out there um for whatever reason I don't know but this helps me to be able to respond to people and to have facts and not rumor so thank you yes ma'am we're going to run the videos we can talk a little bit more about what mer uh uh was referring to as far as public awareness um it it's not that we have a public that misunderstands things that people don't know about what Utility Systems are a Wastewater system is no more than a collection system a pump system that relays the water to a plant and it treats and a treatment plant I mean there's three components to it but you do hear things some folks that say things like well um Longboat Key and South Sarasota Bay must be affected by the Wastewater spill entirely different Watershed um different storm water goes into there let alone waste water most people don't even know the difference between the two and the like but let's play the video and I think it highlights a couple of important things the city of Bron's wastewater treatment system usually processes 5 or six million gallons per day the recent heavy rains pushed that up to 27 million gallons which overwhelmed the system and caused partially treated Wastewater to be discharged into the Manatee River well those discharges have stopped and City officials say upgrades to the Water Reclamation facility were already underway even before the heavy rains as foxer te came quison reports the mayor says the city is fixing old infrastructure but it doesn't happen overnight at the city of Brenton's Water Reclamation facility millions of dollars in projects are well underway we want people to know that there's been projects going on and in the works for quite a time for mayor Jean Brown It's a top priority and one of the most important things to me is our water quality and what we do into our River last month more than 50 million gallons of partially treated Wastewater poured into the manate river the Department of Environmental Protection sent a warning letter to the city over what happened but the city says it was unavoidable when you have 50 plus inches over a three and a half month period there's a lot of storm water still out there saturating into our old pipes and that's what's overwhelming our system the city of brenon says aging pipes and manholes allowed excess storm water to enter the system $9 million has been spent on lining half of the city's 65 miles of old pipes another 15 million in improvements is plant something that's happened over the last 40 50 60 years you can't fix overnight but you've got to fix it in a time period $50 million have been borrowed to expand the plant's capacity 13 million is being spent on Well Drilling and Technology to stop Wastewater discharges into the Manatee River it's a challenge and we're not the only folks to face that challenge that run a utility in our local government but I think we're one of the fastest to really face the problem and to fix it the city of Bron has a100 million in planned improvements to the plant but it will take time when you look at the totality of all the work that's being done both on the collection side out in the city as well as here on the treatment plant side here um you're hard pressed to say that there has been any sort of inaction in brenon Kimberly que on Fox 13 News Mayor Brown tells us he plans to work with the D in state legislature to speed up the permit process he says some of their projects took years before the D signed off hi I'm mayor Jean Brown we're here at our Wastewater Reclamation facility we're here to talk about our face it and fix it approach as mayor I believe in being upfront with the challenges our city faces the truth is bradenton's infrastructure like many older cities has aged and recent events such as unprecedented rainfall have exposed weaknesses in our sewer and Wastewater systems these issues didn't happen overnight and they won't be solved overnight either but it's crucial we Face them head on that's why we've adopted the face it fix it approach this isn't just about patching things up temporarily it's about a long-term commitment to modernizing our infrastructure so Bradenton can Thrive for generations to come it's an acknowledgement that the problems we Face are real but with smart Investments and strategic actions we can fix them so those just a couple of examples of us trying to improve the public awareness about the issue itself and and as the mayor said be upfront about um where we're at and where we're going and I think anybody that wants to write on this subject or opine journalize whatever opine whether you're an opinion writer or a journalist do the research and you will see that the city has made significant Investments come out to the plant look at the biggest hole in the ground in Bradington as it relates to the largest heavy civil construction project that I've seen in the city um go look at the M the manholes and the connection boxes that are sitting that we're putting in place throughout the city to minimize inii and most importantly look at the voting record of public officials on that arpa that decided to support fixing the problem opposed to those that voted against fixing the problem do your homework and I think when you do you'll see that we are trying to do everything we can to improve the infrastructure and ultimately protect the environment we also have a brochure that Tiffany is working on and done a great job so um I would task everyone here to maybe read through that and see if there's anything that we can improve on that whether it's uh you know some things that that we might uh find but we haven't mass produced them yet because we wanted to give it out to the first part and see if you see anything that we can improve on and we'll go from there and and again one of the things to me is to face it and fix it because again we don't control what's happened in the past from in a lot of ways and we all enjoyed it but now let's get it done and and um everything we talked about today from the beginning when the chief gave out the awards to those 11 groups it's all about the children and the generational um situations that we're going to work to change and as well as improving what we do dayto day and one thing that I do want to say to the public and if if you're listening out there we have a lot of issues we're dealing with whether it's potholes whether it's other things as as simple as through our Public Works and some issues you know we have a great staff throughout all of our Public Works our police our fire our Administration um UB billing every every Department we have and those um individuals are doing a great job to keep their motion going um through this storm we have people taking that extra little step we have people that are doing a little more sweating packing the sandbags and doing that going over and we thank them for that and we thank them for taking that extra we're going to have some outtakes maybe after this storm hopefully it stays and does the least amount as it goes forward but I just want everybody to look back and think about Charlie Charlie was going to hit the Tampa Bay Area um at one point when the directional and it took a hard right and hit the Port Charlotte Charlotte Harbor area and I still have friends down there that after all these years still have issues and they're still processing through things because it takes 20 30 40 years for some of those things to come back but be prudent in listening to what um media talks about what the weather channels talk about what government talks about and we're going to have staff that's going to come after the storm that's going to go do things and you know you you you celebrate little winds and you work on the things that weren't so good and in the city of Bradenton during the the last storm we had we were fortunate we had streets flooded we had backyards flooded we had ponds flooded but I don't believe we had any houses flooded so some of our programs over the years that we've done with our storm water especially in Village ofthe arts and some of those areas worked because four years ago I was getting emails from people in those areas that were saying it's in my garage it's underneath my house it's coming up and this time through Debbie we didn't so let's hope through Helen that we survive and you know the storm surge is going to be probably worse if it happens the way they're saying right now we'll know more at 11: and but just heed the warnings thank you mayor thank you Mr Perry yes with regard I think I'm hearing estimates how much for rainfall that they're anticipating with this upcoming storm I mean obviously nobody's got a question report we received on the 8:00 call was uh I believe it was between 6 and 8 could be as high as up to up to 10 in and the storm surge 3 to five feet in this area right now but can our can our water treatment handle 6 to8 Ines right now as it is it be significantly impacted by it well but I think also the way these storms move fast moving storm so it may not be where we Debbie had sustained for two counties the whole borders this looks like it's going to be and even after Debbie I mean that we received I think it was 8 Ines uh over two two day period it was crazy if anything's a positive when the heavier rains are going to be hitting is when the tides are going to be out if all of that sticks so that's a positive so everybody looks so the faster it can get to the river you know it'll be evacuated it'll be evacuated faster so but but I I want to commend our Public Works and uh colonel and I don't see Brandy did she leave she's probably working she's working she's working so but um yesterday's pach meeting all that with with just everything our staff is doing to make sure all of the drainage is open all of the lift stations that need help in any way are being addressed um some of the tiger dams that we're working on to protect things and really working we have two State missions going where we actually had um tiger dams which are portable dams uh they high density plastic and you fill them up with a fire Hydra and a fire hose and uh basically they're designed to protect against Surge and flooding and so we have one at L Station 14 and we have one up at our water plant to eliminate some overflow where we had salinity from Adelia I think is what it was but those were missions that were requested yesterday through the state program uh that we've never really availed ourselves to in the past and they were loaded out of Orlando late last night they arrived in the early morning they were assembled early this morning and they're being filled right now um if you look at the iaps the incident Action plans that we've have both from our Public Safety entities that have always been good at doing that because that's within their baileywick and you know Jo councilman Kramer has probably done many himself on behalf of brid and fire department but Public Works is doing them now and our other entities and so our level of sophistication our level of of coordination uh as it relates to the plan aspect the execution Operations Logistics resources and the like and ultimately the facility that you so generously and wisely approved the theu the construction of have really added a lot to the city and that is again with when you look at the collaboration and the teamwork through all of our departments police fire public works everywhere is just is is Bar None in a great way so from my standpoint and I'll speak for the Council I know they would all agree that we thank all that's being done from the administrator down and great people a team so across the board uh as a matter of fact may I be excused because I have to go out to the p p for 11 o'clock meeting all right is there any unfinished business nothing further from the any specific Council reports just one that that I noticed on the news last night uh the mayor of of St Petersburg was saying to people after the storm if you don't need to do laundry don't be doing laundry don't be adding more to our Wastewater plants so perhaps that's something that we need to put in our uh news uh releases as well is any additional use of water that you can postpone until well after the storm has gone by would be most appreciated by everybody all right anything else Council other than 501 meeting more I I'll be super quick I just I was already going to note that with the king tide um and recent times and even literally this morning as I drove here to City Hall my street was already flooding um and so I'm hoping that as we face it and fix it we I'm and I'm sure we're going to because uh the colonel and and uh Miss colen Andra are very smart um that we will economies of scale and help the drainage as well as the storm water um treatment issues and the lift stations I just point out really quickly in Debbie three and number two were completely not functioning and people were having sewage backup during Debbie so I'm hoping I think he just left but hopefully know they're all they're all working that's where they're going to work they going I'm sorry sir one more thing if I could because it affects both Miss Mo's Ward and mine after the storm and I don't care how big your truck is please don't come down and drive along review Boulevard because what you do is you drive the water up into people's houses you drive it further into the streets and some of those low-lying areas did previously have water get into people's garages and such it didn't happen during Debbie but it has happened with another storm so you you really don't need to look I promise you you don't need to do it it's not safe it's not good all right anything else 501 it'll be you know normal 501 meeting anything from any other staff hearing none we'll be adjourned thank you run home do some more