and welcome to the Braden city council meeting Wednesday January 24th 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at this time as we always do we'll have Pastor Troy Masterson come up and do the prayer with Bible bapt apst church and then we'll do our pledge thank you welcome thank you let's pray dear heavly father Lord we're thankful for this opportunity to gather and do the business of the city I pray Lord that you would be with each U City leader here pray that you would bless them in their homes Lord pray that you'd give them great wisdom from you I pray that this meeting would be done decently in an order I pray that all these things would further the goals of the city and city leaders and that we would see great growth and prosperity in this region thank you for this time lord pray that it would be used for your honor and glory in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen would join us in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and we'll call the meeting to order Madame Clerk we have a presentation this morning from Stant on the city of Bradenton Vision update yes we have uh Matt Lewis and Diane Chadwick here from stantech to make a presentation on the status uh of the visioning process and this is one of the things that today being the business meeting is going to be a little probably shorter than what if we decide to have a workshop where we can actually expand on questions and things of that nature in the future but this was just to kind of give a little bit of an update good morning everyone my name is Matt Lewis I'm the project manager for the City of brington Vision a little bit louder you better there y thank you all right um and with me is Diane Chadwick our principal in charge on this this particular project and um I'm going to try to keep this short so that you can uh um get to the business you have to do at your business meeting here today so this is a map of brenon as it is right now in terms of how old your structures are what we want to look on on this is the yellow on this uh on this prodct the yellow is basically where your cras are and it's also where your oldest buildings are everything in the yellow is over 60 years old now just think about as we move into the future as we evolve our comprehensive plan as we evolve our way of looking at the city a lot more of this is going to turn yellow and so the question we're going to be looking at through this first part of the visioning process is what is our agreed upon understanding of how we approach the built environment as more properties get older as more commercial property starts to be able to redevelop and Revitalize what direction do we take that property in um I believe I've talked to all of you about the process we are in phase one of this orientation which is basically concluding with this city council meeting at which point we will convene a steering committee and have the steering committee of business owners and nonprofits kind of help us take this out into the public for the Outreach process the Outreach process will have several meetings um with the community and the important thing to remember about the Outreach process is it's not necessarily those first meetings where we're going to get the best participation from the community what we'll know from those first meetings is who's participated and who hasn't participated and then we can bounce back and get full coverage by doing makeup meetings at the back end of it that's going to be the fun part where we go to them and then a lot of analysis is going to happen like you do with a survey of a community and finally we'll take it to you for final look steps and and next steps in a Playbook we have a steering committee the steering committee's responsibility is basically to make sure that whatever we come up with whatever approach we take is something that the city can deliver on it's the truth this thing the last thing you want to do is go through a visioning process and be in a position where uh we can actually do that you want to have a vision that you can achieve now we've had a good number of business stakeholders identified by both um council members as well as the steering committee I believe we've got a good coverage of the development industry development Finance as well as the the business interests along various Main Street districts and um and and the merchants associations the village of the arts artist Guild and we've also got another artist guild member that's been recommended since we put together this this PowerPoint um but I'd like for you you don't have to I'm going to put you on the spot right here um you've got an idea of who we're putting in this you've got this now um and these are people that are active in the community that will help us develop this Vision they'll help us understand where we're taking it and things like that if there's anyone you see think of that can come on this feel free reach out to me reach out to the city staff any member of the project team you have our contact information and just let us know nonprofit stakeholders again these are people that invest in you know the built environment in the community on a regular basis um we've got education foundations community foundations um realiz braon obviously churches um and historical societies and this we've also got recommendations for a couple more um educational groups um one is recess education U which is more of a homeschooling group no recess education is more of a um education and Quality Group and exodus Resource Center which is a homeschooling group so we'll be reaching out to them to include them in the stakeholders group as well then finally the survey questions I'm not going to go through and belabor each of these survey questions you're familiar with what they are but they cover three things how we use the city that's how we understand how we move from place to place and what places people go to and where they don't go um then likes and concerns what are our hopes and dreams for the city what are we we thinking is going to be a big issue moving forward and finally population coverage I mentioned earlier that at the back end of this we'll go out to the community and get cover those areas we didn't cover these questions are going to be the ones that tell us when we miss somebody so there's a lot of these but they're you see them in every survey and that's why they have them in there um getting to the Outreach this is like a uh a neighborhood map of the city of brington and this map is something we can cross reference with demographic information we see that we missed a whole bunch of people in the high income earners bracket we know generally where they're located and we could do targeted outreached notes geographies same thing applies for other languages spoken same thing applies for different uh racial ethnic demographics or um household types we can Target into neighborhoods where we're missing um respondents for our survey um we already have the list of active neighborhood associations here's a smattering of them that is used by the police department to do their regular neighborhood talks and um I want to touch a little bit on our focus groups um this is something that happens as part of the back end of the Outreach phase that we're about to enter and really helps us understand the analysis phase that will enter after we finish Outreach and what this will do is if you have difficult issues that come up during the Outreach phase that we have to make recommendations on we put together experts from our firm as well as the city and the community the stakeholders groups to really tackle these things and make meaningful recommendations on them rather than us saying think about this someday so and then finally that analysis all of it goes into a Playbook that will bring you at the end of this with the results of the survey so you know what your citizens are thinking as well as of recommendations for what you should be doing what the order of magnitude of those things are and whether or not one needs to come before another and I hope I got that in under 10 minutes for you yeah thank you so like I said it I think it was important to get a little bit of an update and and kind of go where we're at what we're doing but also thought it was important that you know when we can get a deep dive at a at a workshop in the near future you know coming out where we can really have some discussion about you know who and if there is some more people to put on the list and and kind of that situation so excellent all right thank you all right Madame clerk citizen comment is next all right yes agreed it now as as always citizen comment will be accepted during the citizen comment portion of the meeting of any non-agenda item agenda items future agenda items or topic of relevance to the city comments will be accepted on the public hearing at the appropriate time um so at this time I'll call up Wy green III um citizen comment and please state your name and address for the record you have three minutes good morning green 2015 25th Avenue West brington Florida uh I wanted to get an update on a uh project we had brought before Council before about some Street development can you can you speak up just a little bit for us yes sir thank you uh in the 2500 block of 25th Avenue West uh we had several potholes and I had had been assured from the Public Work Director in the last year budget that we would be seeing some new things going on in that area and I before he left and I even came to the budget meeting and he reassured me again now he's gone and now I'm trying to get a status on where we're at and I haven't been able to get any information uh some of the council people did respond but for as me getting a timeline in this particular area it's been going on uh probably 3 to 10 years for this get done and nothing has been done as of yet uh I talked to you about it and you reassured me as well so it's not like people don't know about it it's just when we going to get it done and I thought sure this would be the year and when I checked uh in December I got a letter back before um the director retired saying well now we got some other things going on so it seems like it's getting pushed back again also I wanted to talk about uh some equipment uh the city are bringing the need for landscaping ground some stump grinders I know we're Outsourcing because of employee shortages but uh hopefully we'll be able to get some stump grounders me and some of my neighbors had some trees cut down and it's been over 6 months and they're still not stump grounded up yet or replanted the palm trees so I was just wondering had that came into the budget as well and uh again we appreciate uh the mayor and some of the council people when they do uh check into it but I was just wondering if you can get a better job when you check with your department heads or whoever and then they respond back to you that maybe you can respond back to the citizens with the uh update on what actually is going to take place or if anything and uh again it's not like you've been neglecting you some of the counsil just sometime things get dropped and we don't hear back from them and like some of the other people don't came up before and you've been aware of it it's been a year and you didn't know that you know nothing was done so hoping that this won't happen again and we'll get better communication I know most of the council people are for the whole city and rather they have different projects for their District but still we're just hoping some things can get done and we don't have some of the things that been in the past where 20y old P pitches come up where they trying to get one thing done for something else and uh we thank you all for your time and your efforts all right thank you um I don't have any other cards so um I guess if we could just have Mr Wy and Mr uh Jones get together out there and get the addresses and we we will definitely follow up on no no need for comment just you can talk with him go talk with him now yeah but go Dean if you don't mind jumping out and talking with him now just writing down the addresses and that if you can get that yeah yeah all right so we'll definitely write everything down and we'll get it followed up on any other comments All Right Moving Forward Madame clerk the next item is the consent agenda items a through n and if I can just reiterate that item C uh 6C the resolution was changed and it was forwarded to council yesterday welcome uh chair will entertain a motion I'll make a motion um to approve the consent agenda but I would like to remove item C for discussion okay all right is there a second second may I um move or ask to amend to move M as well that would be his the in local agreement with man County yes all right so is that Miss Coker you want to make the motion and remove M oh yes as well and second okay with it and request of Mrs more okay so we have a motion for removing C and M by Miss Coker and Miss Barnaby for Mrs more all right so um is there any other discussion before we proceed hearing none we'll start the vote in ward two yes three yes four yes five yes and one yes so carries five to zero um consent agenda removing C and M so we'll start with C since it's first Mrs Coker uh yeah I just um I I haven't got enough information and I'm curious as to why we are taking something for making a decision on something that really has not been brought to CRA yet um I've never had a presentation on this I I mean we barely discussed it I feel like it was not really discussed it was brought up and I expressed some concerns but I just feel like things are being brought here before we never voted on this in count in the CRA that I aware of did we so um item C is a resolution that's required by the state of Florida in Florida statute 163 part 3 if you're going to pleas state your name I'm sorry yes sir sorry Jeff Burton executive director Braden CRA it is a requirement that if you're going to amend um the U the boundary areas of a CRA that you have to have a resolution stating as such and finding for slum and blight Andor the lack of affordable housing this is that resolution um the staff did not asked to have this one property the Braden and Woman's Club placed in it was a request of the board and um so we were just following through this is an additional item the reason why it's coming forward is because before you can approve your CRA plan for that area this resolution has to be approved by the governing board so this is a resolution um determining that that parcel of property meets the requirements of the statute so that it could be added into the downtown uh community redevelopment area um it was discussed at the C board meeting uh a formal vote was not taken and one was not requested by the board and um that's why it's on today's agenda so if the city council is not prepared to address the resolution then it can be postponed until the Siri board can meet but it was staff's um interpretation that the board was ready to vote on it and that's why it's on your agenda today and Mr Burton a quick question if this does pass by the city council that doesn't mean that the CRA board then has to fund anything specific without getting request and also approving it so nothing will have to be approved it's just adding in that area yeah the the the reason for the area was obvious this is the Braden and Women's Club and um accessibility to in particular historic preservation grants but those grants if approved by the CRA board tomorrow would require an application process and depending on the board's determination may may come back to the board for C board CRA board yeah but not city council and that then would be voted on by them this does not give any money out or anything like that so people understand that it's more of just a procedural thing to get to the next step it is yes all right thank you any other questions I I I just didn't really feel like I had enough information to say that that should be designated as a blighted area um and the reasoning be behind you know it's not being put into the CRA that's immediately adjacent to it it's being I just uh I I don't feel like I've had enough information as to why it should be done and I that's all uh just for the record the statute doesn't require that there be a con continu contiguous nature between between the properties uh and it's not just slum and blight uh the statute's very clear that the the the definition for community redevelopment includes and primarily is slum and blight but there's a lot after that statement and followed by ores or the lack of afford able housing or economic depression in a coastal Resort and tourist area uh there are I think four or five different elements to what's determined not just slum and blight but slum and blight is the primary concern all right any other questions Mr Mayor I make a motion that we approve resolution 2419 um item C item C all right is there a second is it 2419 or 2409 I'm sorry 2409 I apologize yeah with us so second second by Mr Kramer any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward three yes four yes five yes one yes two no all right carries four to one thank you thank you Mrs Moore um I I had mentioned to um Mr rudicil a couple of things and he did respond to them um they were that I wondered if we should add to article six that we prate the amounts to be paid on the services if we terminate in the 60-day window and in article 8 should we make that Appropriations language Mutual I don't know what the timing is of this agreement and and Mr rudil did let me know that he had reviewed it and that he felt we were efficiently covered with the 90-day termination all right this is in in regards to item M this um City Administration inter local agreement with Manatee County and I thought Mr Perry it'd be better uh Miss Moore has some questions on it of course question I thought well the I mean Mr rudus will answered the legal questions but I didn't know if the timing was such that if we could make these asks to revise the agreement in this manner or if we really feel like there's local government agreement that there's no I don't know if the county has approved it yet or where we're at but I just thought there were a couple of things that might that sure we we we can take it off the calendar and you can dig down and drill down on the items that you want corrected what what was it specifically though for my edification I I think one of the things was for example on the termination you know we have in there that there's an annual amount that would be due from the city to cover the expenses of the employee but if there's early termination there there aren't provisions in there related to how the how the cost would be split on that termination for example so I think we like more specificity regarding a prata I think that's pment of that that was my suggestion right one of the benefits to this and I think it it's it's so the public understands it is this is about the causeway and what's going to happen is instead of us and with our Public Works we were spending a lot more money to try to get garbage out there to fix things up we're going to do with the county has part of the causeway so why don't we let them maintain all of the causeway to a better standard than we're maintaining it right now and and truthfulness and so I think that you know this is something that in reality is going to cost us less money for our citizens um when you look at it and be at a better state where they will now instead of sweeping their little corner they got a quarter of it they're going to be able to do it with the bigger staff and all of that so correct we went just for the uh purposes of the of council we actually asked Mr Cho to do a a cost accounting of what he expends for the uh the sanitation functions that are performed out there and you can see on and it's kind of nonuniform our canisters are on the south side of the causeway and the County's canisters are on the uh are on the North side uh we send a crew out there twice a week I think the county does it once a week uh and and if you go looking at it both the uniformity and the cost um as it relates to Manpower the equipment having to go out there and the cost associated with that the fuel and the like it it's it's a no-brainer to me frankly um the compensation to the county is equal to equivalent to one FTE full-time employee uh Mr Keys and uh and and and Ross uh with with landscape and grounds handles the um the the Landscaping of the area out there and that involves basically trimming and some beach um some beach improvements and things like that the ballards that get constantly knocked down and have to be replaced and the like and so he has cost out of his section and division that are associated with that as well and uh so ultimately at the end of the day we thought it was very uh efficient from a variety of different perspectives to have the county and as you pointed out they are already maintain um all of the the uh North Side most of it most of it yeah yeah and and and they also provideed us with a video of the improvements that they wanted to make out there to really really do a facelift to the area make it look a lot nicer um some rope chain uh bards ballards that rope chains I call them but they have the big rope in between to kind of prevent people from going to places where they shouldn't and and those kinds of things um signage and improv consistency of garbage cans it won't be the big green ugly garbage cans they have the that goes out to the beach and sweeps the the machine which we don't have so you know it's going to be a lot of things Miss Coker did you have some comments to that uh main thing I was going to say they have the sand rake which we don't have and is it possible that we could make the change about the prata from here because I'd like to get this started sooner rather than later yeah is that just a a a one maybe we can give it to the with approval with that you know talking with the county and a you see if there's a way to is that the only thing because I'd rather do it once and and be done with it to the satisfaction that's what I'm saying make that right you know the the county has not approved it as of yet um and and but we do have support we have support from the administration and uh generally speaking the uh the smaller government would sign first in my opinion and the larger government is accepting the responsibility would sound secondly if you want to look at procedurally um signatory processes m i defer to counselor and Mr rudel Right I oh well I was just going to say that I don't I'm not adverse to the action of the county helping with the um and the cost savings benefit on our end I think that's great it was just those specific those two items on the contract and where we were in time if we could ask for those those little changes if we're you know if the horse is out of the gate then I think that the benefit is worth it but if we have the ability to ask for a couple of little revisions there's two the first one is um about PR rating if we terminate early the payment and um the Appropriations they you know their obligations are contingent on Appropriations and I thought that maybe that should be mutual I don't have object an objection to either one of the suggested revisions I mean if if the council wants to approve it subject to those changes we could certainly make them and and send them over that would obviously be subject to the review and approval of the county and the county attorney's office just just one further point I mean when you talk about subject to Appropriations there's we don't specifically put an Express Covenant legally in um in our interlocal government agreements whether it's this interlocal government agreement or another any other interlocal government agreement I've yet to see it at least generally speaking when you do inter local government agreements where I've done them in the past there sometimes there'll be a covenant expressly in there the Covenant the Covenant is to do two things one to budget and to appropriate and think about that they have to put it in their budget and they have to appropriate it's kind of getting in the details it it's almost to me expressed that if you do an interlocal government agreement you're making a commitment to budget and appropriate for that year for that year and everything is subject to Appropriations under State I think um local government laws annual appropriation but we can do those two provisos it's not a problem at all and uh you can vote on it today you can send it back and we can wait till the county does their deal I don't know if they can get it on their next agenda or what their timing is right now I think uh if you want it sooner rather than later and particularly where we're at into Snowbird season out there and coming into the summer and some of the Improvement spring break all spring break and everything else to go be nice to kind of get them moving yep okay I'll move to uh approve it subject to Mr rudisel making those two revisions I'll second I think he's clear about what I was I am getting it I'll second it all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes carries five to zero and mayor with the chair's permission if Mr Williams could assume position come back he started pitching and Y you'd like him to finish the game he's pitch playing softball not baseball right yeah yeah all right Madam clerk at this time I'll administer the oath so anyone wishing to address city council during the following public hearings will please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the factual statements and representations once you're about to present to this board will be truthful and accurate thank you the next item is item 7A ordinance 4027 second reading and public hearing an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida providing for an amendment to the city of Bradenton land use Atlas changing zoning from R2 medium density residential to PDP plan development project for the properties located at 12127 Street East and 2906 11th Avenue East partial ID numbers are 13870 0050 and 13872 00007 more particularly described herein approving a PDP site plan for 66 semidetached residential units sub excuse me subject to stipulations as conditions of approval providing for applicability providing for severability and providing for an effective date good morning good morning um city council mayor this is uh Jamie shinder wolf with the planning department and I have been sworn Mr Mayor yes ma'am I apologize Jamie I was just going to say these two items are for the same project if you wanted to open them together in the same public hearing you could do that never read the second one okay thank you yes sir item 7B is a final order approving preliminary Subdivision plat su. 23. 4843 final order of the city of final order of the city council for the city of Bradon approving a preliminary Subdivision plat number SP 23484 3 for a Subdivision plat in a plan development project zoning district for a plus or minus 12.19 acre parcel located at 121 27th Street East and 2906 11th Avenue East brington FL Florida and more particularly described herein providing for findings of fact providing for conclusions of law providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you all right great um so the first um this this one needs to go first this rezoning um for the plat to make sense and meet code so um what they are requesting as stated is a rezone from R2 to plan development project this is the subject site the subject parcel um and here you have the zoning and the future land use as it stands today um the important thing to note here with the future land use of res medium um the maximum density would be 10 dwelling units per acre and the proposed density uh for this project is only 5.4 dwelling units per acre so they're still within their density allowance um on this this property so plan development project zoning is an alternative to our conventional zoning districts R1 R2 Etc and areas Guided by the land use regulations this allows for some flexibility but projects are still subject to some standards that we will get into and the important thing here is that they're seeking to um build semi- detached dwellings so that's a one family dwelling attached to one other one family dwelling by a common vertical wall but each dwelling is located on a separate lot so commonly known as a villa um and we on our use table we don't actually allow these in any districts other than plan development and so that's what's triggered this rezoning before you today so here you can see the plan as they've proposed it and if you know we zoom in on the lot you can see that 1 2 3 and four are all on separate Lots the plat that they currently have for this um this land looks pretty much the same except units one and two are on one lot unit three and four are on one lot so that's what the difference really is today for the project on the left you can see our standards for conventional zoning districts and then on the right what they're proposing for this PDP um they've stated that the maximum height will be 35 ft um and there is a note regarding the maximum impervious surface ratio which will be 70% that matches the R3 standard um and they are adjacent to an R3 zoned property so that's fairly consistent with the area around them so just to point out a few of those additional PDP standards um when we look at open space and Recreation Area this is a figure that was provided by the applicant showing that they are providing um sign like recreation area that meets our code um you can see around the pond there there are providing a bike rack they're providing some benches and a compacted pedestrian path um so people can take a walk take a jog um they are exceeding the code requirement of a Halfacre Recreation space with that area there and as far as open space goes they exceed the code requirement of 25% total as far as uh the parking goes they do have a requirement to have parking over at that Recreation space um visitor parking is required to be located there at a ratio of one space per 10 dwelling units they're required to have six and they are showing seven spaces right there regarding buffers they they have requested to reduce their overall um buffer from 25 ft as the code States down to 20 which is allowed per code if you all pass that stipulation um but you can see that in addition to the 20ft buffer um the blue dotted area as I've highlighted are a 20 or a 6ot excuse me PVC fence and then there is enhanced Landscaping on that red longer dash line um to the far left and then regarding accessory structures um they are providing some setbacks for accessory structures here they it's okay they have stated that accessory buildings and structures will meet section 5.1 of the code and the fences will be PVC and that is written on the plans themselves um because of the small lot sizes uh you may wish to discuss what kind of accessory structures they see possibly even going on these Lots um but they have provided that it will follow what the current land use regulations say so finally staff um recommends approval Planning Commission met on December 20th and also recommended approval with the the stipulation regarding the reduction in the buffer area and we're happy to take any questions and should I stop here Scott or do I go into the plat we should wait right let them vote on this and then no I think you can you can go into the plat all right so I do also have a presentation for the plat and I will go quick because it's pretty much the same idea um so regarding the plat you'll see zip through here so here's the plat um just showing the the lots are all platted there individual um units on each lot uh they are they do have the recreation area platted as a track um their drainage is to meet Swift Mud standards they have three proposed local streets that will be constructed to City standards there are easements included uh to accommodate public util ities as we discussed the private Recreation Area Sewer and Water will be provided by the city we do have a school capacity report that states that that uh the capacity is adequate there and overall provided that the rezoning to PDP is approved by city council um staff recommends approval of this plat this is a preliminary plat um final plat will ultimately come before you as a consent item once you know they get to that point in the process all right questions vice mayor Barnaby thank you Mr Mayor um molf can you talk about the accessory structures and what might be allowed as well as my question also is because they share a common wall and they're like right next door to each other if the two individuals or families agreed to could they share an accessory structure and could that make it larger uh I mean so the accessory structures in our code you know are I can't list them all but sheds detach garages talking about like a shed you know things like that um I am going to look at Robin but I I would say that would be you know we'd be putting a structure over a lot line and we wouldn't usually allow that okay unless unless they provided for that in their PDP I mean and they could uh potentially uh provide for reduced setbacks or some kind of shared configuration they could provide that in the PDP if they wanted to they could come back for an amendment uh to do that but typically no um if you got a platted lot you your rules apply to that individual platted lot so thank you but what you're saying Miss barname is they couldn't bust a hole in the wall and have one big structure no what I'm saying is because I'm I'm thinking if you have let's say we have two families that end up in the same Villa and they have small children and small children come with encumbrances such as a lot of toys a lot of uh you know tricycles and bicycles and that sort of thing so if they if they thought about it would they be able to get a larger shed to put these things in that that was my question right for outside for outside I'm not talking about come you know I'm we're not getting into Sister Wives and all that stuff either on either or right all right any other questions and we do have the applicant here as well so so um does the applicant want to come up do a presentation and then questions and then we'll go to public comment on both and then we'll vote separately on each one by being BR this one [Music] y just get out of there I clicked out of it do you want to try to open it [Music] again you want mine up is that helpful yeah that could help okay I don't know you can pick a slide all right pick a slide me slide um good morning Mr Mayor uh Council Kyle Grimes I'm attorney with the law firm of Grimes galvano uh here at 1023 braon uh man Avenue West in Bron I have been SW uh I'm here today on behalf of the applicant Jordan Creek at braon East LLC um Jamie did a great job of of walking through this project we've been working with her very closely through this process so we appreciate that um as she indicated we are uh requesting a rezone to PDP with a site plan for 33 semi detached buildings for a total of 66 units um I think Jamie went through a lot of it but I just wanted to give a little additional background on on why we're here today before I have our planner Miss Linda St come up and walk through a couple more specifics and then we'll be happy to answer any questions um you may recognize this property we we as indicated were here back in um March of 2022 where we received a preliminary plat approval for 33 lots for 33 uh two family dwellings which is a villa on a single lot um since that time our client kind of shift gears and what they're looking to do with this property and move away from from more rental product base which is typically what you have when you have two units on a single lot you're you're kind of stuck in that that area of renting and and really wanting to get to a fe simple ownership where they can sell off each individual unit with a corresponding lot um without having to go through the the long difficult process of the condominium aspect it's just something that's uh got gotten more more and difficult over the years and and these semi- detached units as your code calls them are something that have really gained a lot of popularity over over the past few years uh we see them a lot throughout the county you actually do have this product type in the city of Bron with the Amberly development uh just east of the Braden River um that one I did just look at the uh aerial and this is going to be very similar product type to that they I don't even think they had any accessory structures in the in the backyard but you do have setback requirements we did not uh ask to allow shared ones I I don't think it's a horrible idea and and certainly if that's something down the line that they wanted to do we could come back for for an amendment to that PD and add that uh I don't think that's a horrible idea if they you know sharing space but typically you're talking about you know a little shed that meets setbacks for you know your lawnmower things like that um but anyway so so back to the matter of hand so um you know we wanted to go through and and do this platting process so we can have these individual Lots uh but as as Jamie mentioned although you have a code definition for it uh semi detached units that that term is not found anywhere else in the code and although we have R2 zoning here which is is the purpose is for two family dwelling units there was some ambiguity on whether that includes semidetached so as staff's position that we we bring this forward as a rezone uh so we could be real specific on allowing those and making sure we designate our our setbacks and our zero lot line for the the shared wall area uh so that's what we did and um you know by and large this is the same project that we came before you back in in 2022 with the preliminary plat um with a couple minor exceptions one we're we're dividing it into uh 66 Lots instead of 33 but keeping the exact same unit count 66 units um and because this is PDP we are adding some buffering uh we're specifically designating some Recreation open space uh all things that are not required under the R2 zoning so it kind of adds a little additional uh preservation of those open space and buffering going this route um from the uh on our slides which I couldn't have open on the previously approved preliminary plat we did have one additional access out to 27th that was actually something that was removed previous L when we were going through the last sip process under the previous plat uh at the request of Mante County they just had some some issues with some uh roadway separation there so that's something we worked out with the county as well as your uh you know fire department and and emergency staff so um those are really the the only big significant changes that we see from from what we uh have approved under the previous preliminary plat and of course we have the plat before you today as well just to to codify the this uh this proposed development um so I you know I we do have our plan and Line St here who could walk through a lot more of the specifics but I think Jamie really covered pretty much everything and uh if you'd like we could just open for questions or we can provide additional detail if you should need some so I'm just going to make a statement I like home ownership a lot better than rental properties because homeowners seem to take care of their Pro their properties more than than rental properties as we know so uh that's just I'm glad that's transitioning um any other questions by the council I'd like to also pick back on that um I also um Advocate more for home ownership um one thing it it's it creates stability as opposed to a lot of rental uh situations where people come and go and there's just no investment whatsoever um my question is and and this is so standard for these types of projects projects that parking like on street parking and and when one particular family has a birthday party or whatever parking is such a craziness I but I know that's standard that you really don't yeah we for that we stayed with your uh standard requirements um we do have sufficient parking we feel for each individual unit as well as the additional parking for in the Rack open space area uh it's something we looked into to trying to not provide that too much on street parking just cuz it can you know block up you don't provide it but they do it understand and often in these these developments they do end up with a HOA and stuff that has regulation authority over that as well yeah it's just those birthday parties I understand only once a year and and on the the homeowner comment we also feel that's a little more uh compatible with the adjacent area that are all you know for sale units so standard I know any other questions yes ma'am Miss Moore are the three proposed local streets they're going to be city streets or they're going to be private they're not going to be private streets we have those designated as Public public streets and U particularly the the one you see there on the south that's one that your fire department really wanted to see put in place and connect to the development to the east that gives you a little additional uh East West movement there all right thank you so we go to the public hearing no other questions all right at this time I'm going to open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak on both um ordinance 4027 and ordinance where is it there it's a excuse me Mr Mayor It's the final order approving preliminary Subdivision plat su. 23. 4843 okay all right so both both public hearings on both items public hearing is open anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing is there any further staff comments Mr Perry just briefly just wait till you get up to the podium sure raw Perry City administrator for the city of Bradon um I wanted to comment a little bit on applicants uh uh comments on this situation and and in a positive positive way this particular development I think is um a private development that is something of a model for dealing with the the commercial side of affordable housing because what it does is it allows ownership of um of of fee ownership outside condomini isation and compliance with a very cumbersome State regulation that is required for condom minion and this type of ownership allows lenders to lend on these projects at a price point that takes advantage of a of of of a density and land value use that make sense because the price points on these are going to come in um where they're much more affordable than some of the things we see in the city additionally as relates to commercial Redevelopment of residential property Bradington is a city that might have a couple of of clusters of good siiz assemblages that can do this to bring about density Within our codes and at the same time meet the requirements of U of storm water of of dedicated roadways that are meeting City standards with other types of use requirements because there's still are setbacks and as to as to councelor Barnaby's question they could go in a landowner could go in for a variance and try to get a setback for something like that that was proposed and the like but you still want those buffer zones between the lots to a certain extent lastly um the semidetached issue that Kyle just kind of vaguely talked about is very ambiguous in our code and I think we do want to get some clarification and we work with the applicant and kudos to Robin and Greg to try to get the applicant and us to be able to get this development where we could recommend approval Jamie did a great job and I hope to see more of these is the point thank you all right chair will entertain a motion do we need two motions or one we need two we'll do the first one and then the second one so we're just on um a on seven so chair entertain a motion okay I I'll make a motion uh to approve ordinance 4027 is there a second second Miss Coachman all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in W five yes one yes two yes three yes and four yes all right carries five to zero and then uh chair want entertain a motion on Item B Mr Mayor yes ma'am Miss Coachman move to approve of the final order for case Su 23. 4843 all right is there a second second Miss Barnaby all right vice mayor Barnaby all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward one yes two yes three yes four yes five yes thank you very much Mr Mary if I could I do want to thank our staff and the applicant for the fact that they are looking at continuing a street grid of some type nothing frustrates me more than when I'm out in East County and nothing is interconnected so if you want to go anywhere you have to go to State Road 64 or you have to go to moccasin wallow or you have you know it's it's nothing's interconnected and that is I think one of the strengths that we have in the city is the fact that we have a connected Street grid and I know that sometimes people give you push back on it but I think it's wonderful and I really appreciate you doing it thank you all right appreciate it thank you all right Madame clerk item 7c is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4024 an ordinance of the city of Bradenton Florida vacating a portion of a 15ft alley as shown on lot five Block C Graham subdivision according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in plat book one page 1887 of the public records of Manatee County Florida and more particularly described herein being generally located south of 8th Avenue East and West of 12th Street East providing for recordation in the official records providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and conflict and providing for an effective date good morning good morning Greg dong assistant director of planning of Community Development and I have been sworn in thank you to miss Melton for reading that long introduction um this is a rightaway vacation um the applicant is Yolanda Hart this it's adjacent to property at 11:30 East Avenue East there's the parcel ID number this vacation is approximately 107 or 709 Square ft um it is in our t4r zoning District um has a fusure land use of res medium um it is currently an unapproved alley and um again the purpose is to vacate that Alleyway um as mentioned is about 79t area it's 15t portion on the western portion the Eastern portion was previously vacated by City Council in 2022 August of 2022 to be exact with ordinance number 3099 if approved the requested portion of the rway will transfer to the owner at 11:30 East Avenue or e8th Avenue East um the applicant is requesting this vacation in order to extend their parcel complete the vacation of the rideway and to be able to install a fence to establish a boundary between the applicant's property and the property to the east here is a location map of the property and the area in red is the area to be vacated here is a zoning map again the area in red is the area to be vacated and a future land use map and again the r area in red is to be vacated here is a survey map as you can see the Eastern portion has been vacated previously uh the area in red is the area to be vacated it just runs the length of the property at 11:30 8th Avenue East here are some photos showing the existing conditions over there um the area that was previously vacated has already become a driveway parking area for um new construction that has occurred and here is looking south from 8th Avenue East at the remaining portion of the unapproved alley there are sections of the land use Rags that need to be met um specifically 2.2.7 um when we do a vacation request and bring it before Planning Commission and city council um and the applicants are also required to submit letters from utility companies stating that there are no utilities in the subject portions to be vacated and the did do that and all public utility companies did sign off on the requested vacation uh staff does recommend approval of case RV 23.4 299 with no stipulations and Planning Commission met on December 20th of 2023 which seems like ages ago now um and uh they did recommend approval with a vote of 60 the applicant or the property owner is here if you have any specific questions about the uh application for them but I'm here for any other questions I have a question can you go back to the photo of the property right there okay it looks like there's utilities right there it looks like a guywire in the front in the front and for the utilities yeah you're talking about the yellow thing coming down I I just I mean yeah it's but so you're saying that there's no utilties need for utilities there you going back towards the trees I just had to ask cuz I I read that it looks confusing when you look at the photo too yeah everybody's okay I just don't want something after the fact to when they want sounds like they want to put up a fence just to have some private area inside where they where they can put up a fence and the utility companies as mentioned did sign off stating that there are no utilities in that area Mr Kramer yep but the fence isn't going to come out to the street no they will meet code requirements for the fence okay all right any other questions and this is a public hearing so does the applicant want to say anything before the public hearing okay all right well we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak close the public hearing and chair will entertain a motion I move I move to approve ordinance 4024 all right is there a second second Miss Coachman all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote and ward two yes three yes four yes five yes and one yes all right approve 5 to zero thank you very much Madame clerk item 7D is the second raing and public hearing for ordinance 429 an ordinance of the city of brenon Florida approving and adopting the amended Redevelopment plan for the central community redevelopment area finding the amended community redevelopment plan for the Central Community community redevelopment area to be consistent with the city of bradon's comprehensive plan finding notice of the amended Redevelopment plan for the central community redevelopment area to be in compliance with the notice of provisions of chapter 163 Florida statute providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances in conflict and resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date one time Scott do we have to do them all separately all right uh Mr Mayor Jeff Burton TR director I've been sworn at um this is a this is a um requirement of Florida statute 163 to adopt an updated CRA plan the next three ordinances will be the same we'll take each one of them individually if you have any questions I'll be happy to ask or answer them does the city council of the city of Bradenton have any questions for Mr Burton hearing none um I guess we'll go to the public hearing we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion and Mr Mayor I just wanted to add for the record this was these are the amended plans that were recommended by the CRA board they were then noticed to the taxing authorities um and so that I'm assuming we've had no objections or responses from from the taxing authorities and now it's coming for final hearing and we had a public hearing at our last meeting about this if I'm not mistaken we had a first reading first reading and we opened it to the public we did and we had no comments at that time either correct correct on all three of them right so all right so um pleasure of the city council Mr Mayor yes ma'am M Coachman move to approve ordinance 4029 did that what my glasses all right is second by Miss Barnaby all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in w three yes four yes five yes one yes two yes carries five to zero all right so um Madam clerk next is the second reading and public hearing for ordinance 4030 and ordinance of the city of Bron Florida renaming the Bron community redevelopment area to the downtown community redevelopment area expanding the boundaries of the downtown community redevelopment area approving and adopting the amended Redevelopment plan for the downtown community redevelopment area finding the amended community redevelopment plan for the downtown community redevelopment area to be consistent with the city of bradenton's comprehensive plan finding the notice of the amended Redevelopment plan for the downtown community redevelopment area to be in compliance with the notice of provision of chapter 163 Florida Statutes providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinances and resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date right Mr Mar je Burton SI director I've been sworn in uh same comments as the previous ordinance okay so Mr rudisel the only thing additional that I would add Mr Mayers this is the uh this is the ordinance that would expand the boundaries of the renamed uh downtown community redevelopment area all right so um any questions from the Braden City Council Members hearing none we'll open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor move to approve ordinance 4030 all right is there a second second Miss Barnaby all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote in Ward four yes five yes one yes two yes three yes carries five to zero Madame clerk next is the second raing and public hearing for ordinance 4031 an ordinance of the city of Bradon Florida renaming the 14th Street community redevelopment area to the tamami trail community redevelopment area approving an adopting the amended Redevelopment plan for the tamami trail community redevelopment area finding the amended community redevelopment plan for the Tamiami Trail community redevelopment area to be consistent with the city of bradenton's comprehensive plan finding notice of the amended Redevelopment plan for the tamam trail community redevelopment area to be in compliance with the notice of provisions of chapter 163 Florida Statutes providing for severability providing for repeal of ordinance and resolutions in conflict and providing for an effective date Mr Burton Mr chairman Jeff Burton CRA director just one comment on all three of these that I did not mention that you should be aware of all three C plans now extend the CR timeline to September 30th 2040 that is the end date of all the cras you currently have in the city of Braden but just so you know that that's written into the plans and required by state other than that same comments as before any questions or I just make one comment to that point there that I think it was was a good idea by our CRA to do all three at the same time because if we had two that sun set it out and one that was by itself it would have been difficult to manage it because the funding and all the other ways that you share might have been so I think I think that by our CRA board is is a very good progress ress forward while extending it a few more years to try to to do some good things with that will go along with several projects that could happen in the city that could bring tens of millions of dollars into the CRA that will help some of what we talked about earlier with stantech and some of those things that the city's doing in planning that is is good management so I appreciate that and I appreciate our administrative staff really working to make things better you know longterm when I would assume that most of us in that part of it probably wouldn't be sitting in these seats again now if you went back to the previous councils they were here for for tens of years so um we all want to be here but I think that it comes down to we're setting up the future pretty well and that's the important part that I've always thought and I feel that that's the way this Council wants to do to set things up to to proceed so thank you uh if no no further comments then we'll go to the public hearing open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak anyone wishing to speak hearing none we'll close the public hearing chair will entertain a motion Mr Mayor move to approve ordinance 4031 thank you Mr Kramer um is there a second I'll second it all right Mrs Moore thank you all right any further discussion hearing none we'll start the vote and award five yes one yes two yes three yes four yes carries five to zero thank you Mr B Burton and thank you to all your staff and everything for doing what they do sir all right um Madam clerk we do not have anything on the agenda under new business or unfinished business all right um Council reports we'll start in ward two well um we got a lot of business done today that was good uh y'all may not realize that I'm not the only one getting older these days our CRA director had a birthday last week so happy birthday Dr Jeff Burton and thank you for all that you do and I think that's all I have all right thank you Mr krer thank you sir um I had the pleasure on Friday night and I wasn't sure why I signed up to do one on Friday night but uh of being a ticket taker at the fair um great turnout uh hadn't gotten quite as chilly as it did Saturday but it was a lot of people there so it was a really fun fun time was able to do that uh with Braden kuas so I was very happy to attend um my condolences to uh the family of James Wilkinson his mother Carol passed away um yesterday yesterday in Tallahassee uh after pre-illness so uh thoughts and prayers with them and that's all I have thank you Miss Moore um I had just a couple of um thoughts or questions that I've shared with staff but I would like to share with you all um the first one was and actually I think it and this is a little one um but maybe somebody knows the answer other than I haven't figured it out yet um but it goes it speaks to your word what we are doing with the old Fire Station 2 property and actually I should back up and say the first thing I was going to mention is I had a lovely conversation with Mr Perry about um a conversation I had with Miss Kim clayback about our the status of our vulnerability assessment project and it is her opinion that if we could give them some thoughts on our long-term goals or visions for air pocket areas of the city um that we could include them in the vulnerab ility assessment and then that helps us Fast Track uh getting dollars for projects um and so we talked a little bit about having a workshop to talk about that and I think it's a great idea so I would love for us to be able to make that happen um that said though if we're thinking about doing some goal planning for the city be you know as a step towards uh strategic planning that is in W five technically um it it's it it borders for um and so I just thought that would be also a good topic whenever we are able to kind of get a workshop going to see what kind of possibility we want to uh do with that um and that's pretty much it I just I want to encourage us to be able to get a a workshop going to be able to accomplish that because my understanding from Miss clayback is that we should get thoughts to her about what to include in the vulnerability assessment by the summer June that's pretty much it thank you m Coachman sounds good sounds good um um just a quick statement and it's something that I've said many times uh how I feel the need for some of the older neighborhoods to in some way form an association when we were listening to the presentation from stanic um um it just goes to show that those pockets of the city aren't even listed in that area in in those um stakeholders and and nonprofits and what have you that we were looking at and it's simply because it hasn't really unified as it used to be so I wish there was a way for us to be able to guide um those pocket areas of developing a little small Association so that we could hear from them as easy as it is to talk to some of the subdivisions homeowner uh homeowners associations um and I know of a few people that are trying to form them but I think they need a little guidance and if there was any way we could be a part of that that would be great and it would help in us really reaching everyone uh other than that I I'll get off that soap box but um I'm just happy to announce I have a new grandbaby um so now Ria Riley and Michelle have a cousin lovely she was just born this morning earning 7B 5 o oh my gosh yay [Laughter] congratulations thank you thank you Miss Coker yeah okay uh first I I'd like to say thank you to all for supporting the interlocal agreement for the causeway I think it's going to be a game changer out there really excited about what their plans are and I also want to comment that um you know that that it's that working together with the county that I think the medians are starting to really look good really snarling up the traffic right now but um I think I think it's I think our it's making a big difference and creating that sense of place and and just saying hey we care about our community and just a much more pleasant drive up Manatee Avenue which is a lot of it's up uh closer to where I'm at so I see it daily um I also wanted to um thank the convention and visitors bureau went and uh did the tour of the new hotel and I'm excited that is going to be a big game Cher for this area and I think you're going to see it bring a lot of uh a lot of uh visitors and I think it's going to help with our water taxi you know and just bring people down and introduce them to the city of brington and so um it was it was nice to have an opportunity to look there and I'm excited for the future that's it thank you I appreciate it um kind of hit on the Water Taxi while brought that up that was a good thing um it did run a couple weekends ago and then the weather last weekend kind of didn't cooperate and uh it's going to be back on this weekend and they're looking forward to a good weekend um at times you know it's it's some people look at the glass half empty when we were on it when there was 20 people and 24 people on the route in and out you know that glass is half full and especially for the first day in a a really cold weather day um they're really working now and and even talking about the convention center and hearing all of that um information the other day at the TDC meeting that talking about how that really could change the dyamics of how people get back and forth to Palmetto and we always talk about traffic but if we can take one two three 10 15 20 cars off the road and get people back and forth they're going to want to be here more so that it's something that you know yeah it starts a little slow but then it builds up and it's going good and there is no ADV valorum taxes being paid that was one of the things things that that came out that oh well we're wasting our tax dollars it's all through the TDC and the County transportation system MCAT so um you know it's none of the city taxpayers money which is important to remember you know from that um Public Works information wise is good I know that uh you know we've had with Jim retiring back then and I know Mr Perry and and Mr Williams are working on some opportunity to improve the whole Public Works structure which is very important because you know when you talk about some of the things when we were a smaller City and you could have the structure at what it was it really wasn't working as efficiently as what we're asking now with many projects going forward and I think that was important and uh working with Mr Perry through the the mayor's office and that and to talk about some of the things you brought up Mrs Moore and Mrs Coachman about some logistical things that might give us a process which we didn't have before is in the process so that's important and engaging opportunity for some of our staff to utilize their benefits of their um profession and their Direction instead of having them like a shotgun having 40 things to do and it's just hard to do so that's that's going through a process that is going to change and will be coming back to the council soon I believe on that part of it um I want to agree with the medians on Manatee Avenue you know there was some by our tree board that had some questions about some of the trees and that it was very important to remind everybody that um in the early 2000s there was some medians done and you know with do and keep manate beautiful and our tree board that was very important well the major trees that were on those had really outgrown the medians if you looked at them they were getting hit by trucks and really to the point of damaging the tree so um working with a interlocal that this city council did a while back with the county those trees were transplanted um they were um the black olive Shady ladies were actually transplanted moved and transplanted so you know they didn't just go away um some of the ground Shrubbery was just outgrown itself so now the county is finishing up the County's done it all over Manatee County in different uh zones and that but but now it's on Manatee Avenue and that's another interlocal agreement that I think is very important because the county is going to maintain those now instead of do doing it which we know do is all of the state and they don't have the capability of doing that part so that's going well and I think that'll be done even though with the traffic I have got some comments about that but timing is everything and it's just a matter of that'll be done very soon um let see what else oh you know and then two two things last um there was a little confusion last week on the agenda Mr Perry had an administrative update about City Hall property um it was basically just an administrative update to tell us where they were with the company that we picked last April to say that uh you know here's where we are here's the update and we're still working through the uh negotiations of an of a a update so it really wasn't anything different than what we did last April just an update I know there was some headlines and some Medias that really weren't what it was but we just want to make sure the public understands that nothing has changed from last April it was just an update on the development agreement and it's going to come back in March hopefully with that part of it so um it's just kind of clarifying the record that when people put stuff out in the social media and in the media if it's wrong it's wrong you know so that's that's important and then the biggest thing that's coming up um as soon as you got a rata you know the Ninth Annual Riata is is coming um kind of changing it up a little bit this year on Friday night at Rossy Park there's going to be a concert Clydesdales are planning on being down there which you know really a a great thing to come into town and and promote um and then also the Drone show which you know I've only seen pictures and a little bit of the Drone show last year because last uh Saturday night in the rata last year it didn't get to go off because of the wind but they're actually going to do it Friday night now and for both sides of the river and it's going to be very interesting and exciting to see that and then also Saturday will be the rata and then Saturday night will be the Pirates Fest so it's going to be a a pack full weekend of yata rata and getting our Pirates kicked off for spring training so um I just want to thank all of the staff thank for Mr Williams you know he has spoke a lot today for sitting in for Mr Perry for the early part of it so um got to say a lot and we appreciate what you're doing and I think we are progressing obviously having stantech come in today for that next step that next level of what we're doing having obviously the traffic study that's going on and then also um thank Mr Perry especially for his leadership and what he's doing to really you know take huge bites of the apple with you know and really working towards making it things better for our city for long term and that's again one of my goals as this seat is how we set us up for the future so when we're not here some of the things that we look back on and say wow you know because nobody's going to remember our names they're just going to remember if there's traffic or not or if things are done and if we can make those well they'll remember yours Miss barnab Vice man so anyway now you got and and having fun you know I mean it's again we've got to have fun with what you're doing and you also got to get stuff done so that's important so thank you to everybody and now move to to any department heads anything specific seeing none Mr Williams since I had a chance to talk a lot in this meeting I'm GNA go ahead and say some so just to kind of piggyback off of what the mayor talked about um with making some improvements not only in public works but kind of Citywide so two words that you're going to hear a lot come out of the administrative office is succession and redundancy so what we're trying to do is set up a plan for all of our departments to be able to run consistently organ with a plan and then kind of regardless of who's in the seat um so what we we in the past we've always kind of hoped for the best if somebody retired or quit or won the lottery or what have you so we're kind of we're trying to take some of that hope out of the you know out of the equation so um obviously uh you know resources will be needed for that and you know we'll be very diligent on how we allocate those resources but um that is something that we worked we're working diligently currently with public works but we will be doing that across the board for all departments um the last thing I want to do is kind of recognize our folks um some of our superintendents section managers um assistant directors in public works they've really stepped up to the plate we've gotten a lot of positive feedback um on some of the changes that we're we're talking about we've included them in the discussions so it is a team effort and I just wanted to say thank you from myself and Mr Perry um that they they really they're putting their own skin in the game they're very vested in in making sure that we make very positive improvements so it's a great Department as we have many many great personnels in all of our departments but we've we spent a lot of time with our Public Works staff currently and uh I just wanted to say thank you okay now I'm done thank you um anything else yes sir Mr Jones Dean Jones assistant director acting director I just want to say that we're working with the manatee board uh for an art project that you'll see going up the mayor's kind of driven the project for us to do you'll be seeing banners going up uh in some different areas uh once the LPGA is done you'll start seeing these banners up and down the corridor and 12th Avenue also a Riverwalk and and um also Riverside Drive East these banners were done or the artwork was done by children uh within minatee County and then those that artwork was selected go up on the banners so it's a f it's a great project uh we're also doing VOD we have over 170 banners to go into that area so when you start seeing this funky artwork going up you know it's just us being able to uh connect with our children in the county and drive that project towards the city and so there a lot of Pride involved with that uh one other thing is that um we've picked up three positions in our engineering department so with the losses of Jim MCL and Susan hawkley Tim hawkley we're starting to replenish these guys are uh two are interns and one is the new inspector I'm very excited about the interns because it's New Blood new ideas and the ability to uh as Mr Williams alluded to to drive our business to drive the city into new places and we're very proud to have that uh in our city and thank you very much much and have a great day all right thank you and just to to articulate on the with the school district they did a program obviously and we talked about it before a little bit but where the kids were able to do art in all levels and they're going to be able to see their art up on the on those banners and especially in Village ofthe Arts where most of the Banners are dilapitated or gone so you know and again Village of the Arts the Arts and the kids and and all of that and that kind of used to be taken care of by realiz Bradenton at times and with some changes the way things happened in the past you know that wasn't being done as as efficiently and so um when the school district came to us it was like wow they're going to buy the banners and we'll get them up and those things will you're going to see a lot of people downtown walking and taking a picture of their student with the banners and all of that and it's about reading and and art and all of that and anytime we can help a child get better you know and have a award that's that's great so those are going to go up and then Dean had brought up about the LPGA obviously that's going on right now and it'll start on Thursday tomorrow officially so Braden's getting a lot of press out of that and when it goes on peacock and I think NBC on the weekend everything they're going to say is Bradenton Bradon Bradenton and as Elliott says if you get one impression from the the TDC and all of that through the tourist development if they come here once once 74% of them are going to come back and and maybe even buy a home or a visit so and that's what we want more people to uh really know how good Bradenton is and and how we can be positive so thank you if there's nothing else we'll be a jerk that