##VIDEO ID:4VpzepH8Fhw## seniors enrolled at the University of Florida's health education and behavior program essentially this is seniors in their last year of the course um and they'll be getting they'll be looking to get some real world contact hours um it's a 40h hour a week internship and our our goal is to use them to identify Community Health needs and from there they'll do a final project um so I think this will be good for our organization and theirs um some of the focus areas are uh the patient advocacy Community Health needs the public health education and then coordinating some of those relationships with our partner agencies um we have been approved for it so hopefully in the next couple weeks we'll look at getting some interns going all right some ideas moving forward um with that money that was given to Meridian they have hired somebody for a position here in Bradford we've been in close contact with them and these are some of the ways that we're looking at at uh working with them so one of our primary uh Target goals is to create what I'm calling the braford County overdose Response Team essentially it's composed of somebody from our community param medicine program um a counselor from Meridian and then also a licensed um mental health counselor essentially that team will respond within uh 12 hours of an initial overdose and then they'll follow up a number of days later um we're also looking to supplement their mat program once they do get it into place what we're really going to be focusing on is adding that mobile component to it um most of their program it sounds like just from initial conversations will take place at their facility there in Stark um but as you guys know there are a number of patients that may have difficulty with Transportation needs and and things like that and then you're just going to start seeing more of a joint effort between the two of getting that public education out there we're going to start putting some of their information and pamphlets into our Naran kits that we're handing out so I don't think I've shown you guys kind of like the finished product yet this is that old bookmobile that we had renovated with some of those funds essentially we're turning this into I'm calling it kind of like a mobile Health Clinic if you will this is where we're going to be able to to help do those mat Services counseling services and things like that um we're just getting a few more lights installed and then that that'll be ready to go live and we'll be able to start using it hopefully within the next week or two all right and just some recent highlights and some of the things that we're looking towards in the future um through the Bradford prevention Coalition we received another 200 units of the detera drug destruction system that's going to go towards our medication intake program that we're currently doing as well as a future event that we're planning on drug takeback day um we'll be partnering with the the prevention Coalition and then we're going to get with the sheriff to get some of um his guys included as well essentially that's the national day that the DEA is deemed as the the drug intake so we'll be looking at um setting up an event and getting that information out there and then this is just one of the um recent Partnerships that we've established with Gainsville fire rescues mat program so long story short there was a a patient here in Bradford County that required mat Services however he was having difficulty um getting an appointment with Meridian because they were two weeks out so you know there was that two we time frame of where he needed some help so we coordinated with Christa a from gfrs team and we actually met them at the county line um to get him those mat Services until he could get into his appointment um yeah that's just one of the the many examples of how the Partnerships between the counties are starting to come together and really work in the patient's favor okay and that that's all I got I know it's kind of brief today um if you guys have any questions I'd be happy to answer them and then I also I didn't have time to print it out I have a plan for that uh team that I'll email you guys I just a comment just to thank you uh for your efforts and um and partnering you partnering with Meridian and and bringing some Direct Services here and they're also looking forward to the work that they're going to also do in in the jail so it's just it's good I'm happy about that and it'll U bring more resources and help to braa County yes Ma I appreciate it Madam shair tenant weeks on the distribution boxes yes you had the one at Meridian which you kind of makes sense I'm not listen I'm not at all U you know just saying that the other two the one at ARC are those there strategically for the areas that they're in for instance the like the the answers one you know it seems like it's right you know kind of in a central location for you know a large area is that yes sir so the one at the arc is actually one of the Hampton Community hubs okay yes sir okay so we are looking at strategically you know where are higher areas where you know there may be increased drug use and things like that um so the answers Clinic you know obviously has a lot of foot traffic but yes sir thank you and I think your intent was to try to get them in all of the hubs right so in like in ly and one in yes Central STW yes thank you all right thank you guys thank you and Madam shair board I just wanted to to comment on uh and commend Lieutenant weeks on his uh efforts I mean his what he's done with this program has been has been pretty remarkable um and the Partnerships that he's built is really what are starting to stand out with with many different Community organiz organizations in different uh counties and cities as well and so very proud of the work that he's done and this program is something that that I'm very proud of and I hope that you all are as well yes thank you very much thank you okay all right um moving on to our Clerk's report we have nothing this go ahead Ben did I miss oh no I did want to do a demonstration I don't know if that was would be now or if we to wait let's hold off until the county manager report bar CL I didn't have anything I just uh I hope that we can go ahead and get a calendar set maybe maybe we could do these budget hearings after the morning meetings yeah yeah that way we get the business out of the way and then have the 30 minutes or hour two hours whatever we need to talk about so that's just a suggestion a suggest I was thinking about I mention to um Amanda asked well maybe we could start um planning to do a workshop starting in January like for example starting with the our Sheriff Department then do our um fire rescue then do Public Works um so that we begin the series of having them and then some some of the the areas that are small can be kind of combined together but looking at our larger ones and getting started early this time so that um we'll will'll be in better shape we're usually well uh well aware of the constitutionals capital Improvement projects I mean they usually are good about communicating that but more needed centralize in on uh I think the board departments mhm as far as their CIP needs and uh we really need to work on CIP because uh if we ever get back to having uh an excess Revenue then we can decide what we're going to do with this and we have you know spress projects right so Madam chair I do have a question now do you do you want to include the constitutionals or not well when I was thinking I was thinking generally about in preparation for our budget for the for the year um and that we had start started late I guess I say late for this year not having done it continually but the capital Improvement plan is one thing but our general overall budget Workshop review is a little different um so to answer your question do we want to include the constitutionals and the capital Improvement plans it it involved them as well but not their detail budget so to speak okay so yes okay there to to clarify that constitutionals they're usually not into anything building buying big expensive equipment it's usually some kind of software they need for $50,000 $100,000 whereas countywide we have Courthouse needs road department needs all department needs we have a lot of physical plant needs that may be impacted if this AC went out in this to structure to building would have to have resources to do that um but certainly that would impact their ability to work as well but I hear what you're saying in terms of the expense why would we have them here anyway I mean it's we this Mantra of one team one Mission I mean I think we all need to be rowing in the same direction I think everybody should be here I agree I was just saying you know like Courthouse right now we have some serious Ada situations in my office is still unsecured where all the criminals come in to pay Their fines and fees and all that stuff right and it I have to listen out pretty hard because it gets loud back there sometimes and The Bays do a good job running back there too M excuse me go ahead that was all okay that was all all right there's that's pretty pressing to me I mean it's still the only Department in the county that somebody just walk in and I don't know they might be able to go on the road department shoot somebody but it's important and so we do need to get started on that suggestion let's get started um the first of the year any other thoughts okay no and I agree with the clerk too as far as having the meetings before or after meetings that we have um and keeping them on those days so that they're not spread out and we don't have uh you know I I mean selfishly I'll just say you know once I come back to town from work then you know I'm here uh and I know that's an obligation that I have but if we can keep it to where it's you know in line with the meetings and that would be very helpful thank you that was that was the one of the concerns with scheduling and we all Mark these days off we know what they're going to be every every month so it's just easier to schedule that way and we certainly agree with that as well good thank you if we could go ahead and and schedule them and get them scheduled so that each one of us know when we're going to be meeting about that and we can make make sure that we're here okay um so between our um our manager and assistant we we can look at the schedule um and then we'll come up with some proposed dates and run that by the Commissioners thank you try to start in January yes there's a board concur that we would try to start that in January okay all right thank you anything else U Mr G that's all okay all right our Sheriff wake up I just want to come before yall and say thank you thank you for all the Departments uh the staff that work together U Emergency Management really stepped up they're mapping everything so hopefully in the next meeting he'll be able to show you he's been showing me it's pretty neat um in regards to it also we're preparing a uh in our community if at at mosle Tire Russ mcallum set up a trailer to take donations the cleaning supplies non- perishables going to Steen Hatchy Taylor County area I've been on the phone with Sheriff uh pageant over there this morning and Sheriff Cook she's the mission head for that mission requesting more help because they've had so much looting now they're coming in by boats so we're preparing a team we did have a team ready but when the other storms were out there brewing in the P we didn't know right then we just kind of held ours to make sure we took care of our community first now that that seems that threat has has deteriorated some we're going to send over to Taylor County in the next few days and relieve them if you haven't seen it hopefully only by uh cameras and pictures and through the news media they are devastated there's a lot of people who've lost everything people think just because you live over there you might have something most those people don't they're they're a rural County like us smaller than us by B basically by population and uh so they've reached out we're going to be sending a team with everything we can send but if you if you want to pitch in we've put some message boards now Mosley TI cleaning supplies mops bleach those kind of things if you want to pitch in and we're put that on our social media if you got the share sap you should have got that alert uh this morning to do our part to help them because they'd be doing the same for us but I'm going to turn it over Emergency Management director he's got some real neat things they've been doing but thanks to all the Departments we really handle Bradford County well proud thank Sheriff can I just mention also not just Taylor County but obviously Dixie County too um I know they they tend to get a lot less attention I'm not sure why but uh they're more R than the rest of them oh fact they're devastated they're Dixie I've been on the horn with all the sheriffs from there they knew we usually have a little team ready Brian Lamb um over there is ready but they you know the big counties were able to send in that first but then relief comes and right now the Looting is kicking in and people getting upset they can't get to their house to see what the what is left and it's you they're setting up road blocks and those kind of things but it's giving relief after 5 six seven days so we held ours we was going to go on First Response Sheriff Butler uh when I talked to his wife she's over with some of the state coordinat because I ain't seen my husband in 5 days I couldn't tell you she called and reached out because he couldn't as commissioner baly said they're they're they're smaller than anybody in going they they don't get a lot of attention but they've been devastated so we'll be there for that area y thank you sheriff and good morning commission just on that note [Music] um all those counties in the big Benin uh you know I can name them off I know I'd miss a few but Dix C LEF um gilchris Levy uh Taylor their emergency managers have been through three of these in two years they are they are beat down they're wore down we we have a Statewide call we talk twice a day every day during these events and and they are they're beat down plea please keep them in in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this this trying time over there um to Echo the sheriff and to probably sound like a broken record how I kick off off most briefs after we've had one of these events I want to express my appreciation to the board as well as all of our departments um we we truly are a team of teams uh and what I mean by that you know we have a fire department we have a public works department um we we have law enforcement we have these different entities property appraisers office tax collector off all of them though come together each with their individual Mission but when it all comes together uh under the realm of the EOC and emergency manager it's what makes this thing happen we couldn't do what we do in the EOC without those departments um so I'm I'm especially thankful for them but but for the men and women who are actually out there you know we're in the EOC it's warm we got coffee we got donuts we got all that stuff but there there are men and women out there cold hot tired wet over it ready to go home um who who spend a lot of hours out out there cleaning things up so when you see them like I always tell you that that's who you you know just tell them thank you they do a lot we're really appreciative for all of our team members um this storm is a little bit different not not a rain maker we're completely different than we were you know a month ago when when we talked uh big wind event and what wind does is wind makes it hard to find things you know when it's a rain maker we go look around waterways everything's kind of condensed to those areas so we spent about eight or nine hours out on Saturday I talked to some of you if I haven't talked to you yet I I'll be reaching out to you about your areas but basically working from west to east across the county based on the fact that the West end of our County was closer to uh the heavier bands um doing windshield assessments looking for residents with with damage getting out talking to them getting it documented uh so we we you know while we were spared a lot of the the devastating impacts of the counties to our West we did have um some homes affected by this so we're going through that there's a process uh to finding out that information to get the right information um and the individual side of disasters has a lot of factors that go in were they insured were they not insured how much of a loss was it um so we're working with our our property appraisers office who does helps us with damage assessments they were out for a while yesterday uh me and my team were out for a while yesterday we were out on on Saturday taking a look you know we had to wait for those roads to get cleared and open uh but we'll continue that largely through this week I've been talking to the state da about what we're seeing and letting them know um that although yes we know your resources are focused over there on these heavily hit areas don't forget about us and we are going to be reaching out to you here in the next week or so to let you know the extent of our impacts and see what kind of assistance may be there for our folks not anything guaranteed yet I'm not going to uh you know I don't want to put a um put a false uh idea about that out there yet we got a long ways to go but we're going to keep digging every day we're going to be out in the field find finding that data uh like the sheriff was saying we've got a new system we do that with going over the pen and paper days uh it's an app that we have now it Maps it out it shows where we've been it uh put makes charts it makes all kind of cool stuff uh that helps us in doing that makes us more efficient we can roll that data right up to the state so again we're doing that on a daily basis right now um as far as debris uh we took a different approach to things this time um and I want to commend our public works department and our fire rescue and law enforcement who are out there uh dealing with debris so the very first thing we want to do um that we did we accomplished early early on Friday was uh what we call First push our cut and toss operations and what cut and toss is is we want to get roadways open uh the biggest delay in that is always the debris that has power lines in it so that has to be made safe by the power companies which sometimes takes a little while um so our Public Works our fire rescue our law enforcement they go out they get it cut they get it out of the road uh in a safe location to where the roads are passable again so other than a few you know little ones that wound up kind of down back roads uh that had power lines in them that took a while for power companies to get to that was largely completed by a great effort by that team early uh afternoon last on Friday um so today you will probably see crews out on the state roads uh State crews out actually getting those state roads the stuff picked up off the sides and get starting to get that debris hauled out of here and then within the next week or so you'll see that begin on the county roads something really good that has happened in the last year and again this is Forward Thinking of our state leadership that has made this happen State Emergency Management and their efforts to help out the fiscally constrained counties is now if you're fiscally constrained you can put in a mission and request the state to come in and take the debris off your County Roads the good thing for us is that lowers the cost that we're spending in getting this done and that allows our County Public Works staff to be able to um get back to doing all the other things that you know we we want them doing so after speaking with uh Director D and uh Mr corn County manager's office you know we decided that would be a very good thing for Bradford uh we went ahead and made that request uh been talking with them and you will likely see them in the county later this week or early next week um so the benefit there is again um no cost to the county and and we're going to get our our County Work Crews back uh back working on on their daily operations um but again any major issues you know director do and I talk daily any major issues that we need to get involved in and and make sure it's not causing a problem of course we're we're here and ready to do that um you know just want to kind of wrap up with uh the reminder I know it's uh today's October we start hearing those kind of months we start uh feeling a little bit better about hurricane season we are still in the peak of hurricane season there's a lot going on out there if you're watching the tropics I just encourage our County to continue to stay prepared um continue to keep their disaster Supply kits ready uh continue to watch for those official notifications we certainly are not out yet um for you know more development throughout this month and next typically about November we start to see it fall off and of course hurricane season ends at the at the end of the month but uh just wanted to to come give you a a brief update on that any questions comments concerns that you know you you were hearing about um be happy to answer it or address those and again we'll continue working I'll have some some more information for you at your next meeting Captain I just wanted to Echo your sentiments about the partnership of everybody working together and I witnessed that firsthand from all of everybody from your department from fire rescue from our County manager from our Public Works and all of the outside partners that we didn't really physically see that were part of that even the Red Cross people when I thought about that these are people who are giving up their time and maybe their own personal properties may have been dous but they're here helping helping us and the partnership of all of the community people working together from people from the board to just ordinary people in the community just pulling together they helping their neighbors um it's just tremendous and I I'm just so proud of of Rapid County and all the partners working together but I also wanted to mention that um Miss Tammy steel had also sent out a message that if you were an elderly person with uh need for post storm cleanup that they could contact their office and that telephone number was area code 386 32 312 2247 as she mentioned uh for people who were elderly and needed help so that some additional information but again just thank my thankfulness to everybody for coming together yes maam Madam chair if I may I just want to add to Captain wit's comments about the uh State coming in and doing the cleanup on the roadside I spoke with uh Senator Bradley yesterday not not this Senator Bradley but the the other one and she had she had called to check on us and and uh I think by the state doing that offering that service up to us and us being able to take advantage of it is absolutely huge for us for the fiscally constrained counties so I would just encourage you to um you know send Senator Bradley and the other legislators uh a text or a note and and thank them for making that available to us because what that would have meant would it would have meant Jason and his team going out there and doing the bulk of the work and having to delay or set aside other functions like Mowing and everything else that he does so this was a this was a huge win for for the physically constrained counties and thank you and and some of the calls I got from people was are they going to come back and get the debris I said yes they're trying to move it out so you can get through but they will come back and pick it up U this week so thank you yes yeah and you know with that the the idea behind the this process of doing a cut and toss and then coming back and doing the the full cleanup is to get those roads back up ultimately in a wind event what we want to do uh when you have a bunch of trees down and you know a bunch of trees are going to come down is make sure that Monday morning school buses can run parents and and folks can get to work you know we want to get community back to normal as quick as possible and having roadways open is a is a major part of that so um it's it's not the prettiest for a couple weeks while while we get the full clean up done but it it is much more effective than getting those roadways back open and allowing our resources to start coming in and Community start getting back to to normal absolutely thank you thank you thank you so much it was it was awesome to be able to to call and get a hold of somebody and all the updates I I really do appreciate it and everybody did work together great because I I tell you it was lot of lot of trees down so thank you so much absolutely thank youall thank you all right thank you um now we'll have our can manag report thank you madam chair uh I'd like to start out with Chief Carter he has a demonstration of some new devices that uh the fire department has acquired um these devices were 100% Grant funded uh no no cost to the county and uh Chief Carter had written that Grant and was successful and and uh procuring the this new equipment so Chief if you want to tell us about it that would be great absolutely short thing and uh very excited to get this new equipment what I'm what I'm talking about here is this white backpack looking device down here um these are called Lucas devices they're automated CPR devices and so we wrote a grant for the Florida workforce Grant is what it was called it was uh each one of those devices right there is about $25,000 um and so we ended up getting about $200,000 worth of equipment at no cost to Bradford County and these things are hugely um helpful and and we had you know presentation last last meeting with uh you know a lady who whose life was saved and uh that was partially due to this this equipment right here uh we use this equipment on her and so um Wanted just to demonstrate kind of the difference of what CPR used to look like for us uh ver versus what it looks like now so I brought my uh awesome team here if they would go ahead and step forward and we'll uh give you a quick demonstration and obviously typically this would be done on the floor uh but we're going to leave the the uh our visitor here we're going to leave him on the table here just so everyone can can see if we can do it kind of the side so the the public can see as well um so while he's first what the standard CPR looks like um this is very physically exhausting for our providers um at the Max uh we will normally want you to do this for 2 minutes in a row um if you've never done CPR for 2 minutes in a row it is very exhausting um you got some people in the back confirming that um so this device is a huge thing for just our um how well we're able to perform on you know cardiac arrests um unfortunately uh we just got these but like we said we we have seen the success with them very very quickly um it helps with transport um obviously you can probably imagine trying to do CPR in the back of a moving ambulance isn't very effective even if we are trying our best um so that's a huge thing with these devices that um help this is is we're able to transport a lot safer now we don't have to have someone standing up doing kind of um you know half effort compressions if that makes sense uh so I'm sure Joel's getting tired over there so we'll give him a break so that that's kind of what he would normally be doing for quite a long time and we'd switch out providers um every 2 minutes like we said uh but this thing like I said it's we uh we kind of joke that we're going to give it firefighter of the year because it's such a valuable tool to us so um you can see how they're placing it right now um during the compressions uh we would still be doing manual compressions at this time uh for this device to be placed properly so there is a backboard that the uh top device needs to strap into um there is a little placement sign on that backboard that tells you exactly where it needs to be placed uh that suction cup will then be brought down to the chest itself and then we get it set and just turn it on and start going um pretty pretty cool uh a lot more effective than humans uh unfortunately we are you know a little faulty when it comes to what energy we have um and then there's a couple other uh features to this like the head strap that really Mak sure it stays in place um the cool thing about this device is you do not have to be laying down for this device to be working you can actually be seated up in a chair um I'm not sure if you guys are aware we have a little mobile chair we call it a stair chair on our rescue um they actually use this very frequently in like a latcho county at the football games so God forbid someone were to need that at a football game they can be in a chair just having this device doing CPR as they're being brought down a you know a staircase which is very useful um and then like I said this thing doesn't get get tired it has a for has a 45 minute battery um unplugged it works plugged in as well too um but like I said this is a huge thing just because unfortunately sometimes we have very limited resources that can get out to certain parts of the county um all three of our engines have these as well as the four Frontline rescues um and then my truck the Battalion one Supervisor has it as well um so pretty much everyone that needs one here has one so um even if you can't get a rescue there the engines have this and we can pretty much do everything that the hospital can do in the back of the truck or on the ground so um this is a very very useful device for us and makes it so we don't need you know five people on a cardiac arrest we can really start to run it with two three people with this device so um this is a a huge help for our our our agency that that's tremendous uh and so happy to see that um having had to administer um CPR to someone it it's a very exhausting um and to have that it makes me think about the kids on the F football field or in sports events or just sure any emergency you and that and that machine ain't sweating like he was fixing it's not yeah exactly that's the biggest thing is is fatigue from uh the providers like I said we're we're human we only have so much effort and most people don't go to the gym and practice CPR right uh it's not something you usually practice unless you're training on it um so I know one of our big concerns with this device was who can fit in this device right um there is a size limit for it and that was kind of a concern of our crews of it does take some time to make sure that the patient is properly placed in this um and the concern would be that they weren't getting quality CPR while this was being placed um so we came up with a really cheap device kind of a measurement stick um so this is uh just a little piece of plastic it's used for um some Airway stuff so this is what we carry on the truck anyways we carry this plastic um and basically we made this into a measuring stick uh so less than $5 to create this and basically this will help the cruise be able to measure the size of the patient before taking that device out and taking the time to try and place it if that makes sense so we can continue good manual CPR while we're using this device to size them um so basically how this works is the total length of this is the pretty much armpit to armpit chest length you are allowed um so if I place this up we'll use Chief Carter as an example here um so armpit to armpit I know that the device will clip in underneath his armpit so he will fit if that makes sense and then there's three different color tape so there's a little piece of uh gray tape this is what we put towards the floor and basically if you measure in between these two lines here so ch Carter is laying on the floor we place this underneath his armpit all the way down to the floor and I can see that his chest height so where that suction cup would sit um is in between these two colors so I Know Chief Carter is appropriate size and the Lucas device would be able to be used on him uh this is helpful if we have some larger chested patients or Pediatrics we're not really sure what age range this is going to kind of stop at if that makes sense but this device is kind of a quick little measuring tool that we've come up with to be able to um not delay any effective compressions make sure that we're not you know focused on getting that clipped in and we're not doing actual CPR in the meantime this is kind of just like a quick little failsafe measuring device for the cruise to be able to measure real quick and then throw that Lucas device on them so cool any questions about the device no it's wonderful like I said we've had pretty good luck with it so far so hopefully we don't need to keep using it but if we are doing we didn't practice the measuring stick so that would have been real embarrassing if I didn't fit in that but uh we we'd have sent it back too by the way no I uh I I appreciate uh Lieutenant Rule and and Joel and Dakota for for coming and demonstrating that huge tool for us like I said it's it's an incredible resource especially when we're looking at transports uh transport times what this allows us to do is if we have somebody who is actively having a heart attack that's caused them to go into cardiac arrest and we're able to see see that on our on our EKG monitor um we can transport them directly to a cath lab so instead of transporting somebody here to Stark we may transport them to Gainesville while CPR is happening you may say you're going to go you know you're going to transport somebody 30 45 minutes that that doesn't have a heartbeat and the answer is yes because that Cath Lab May save their life right and we don't have that Cath Lab here in town so again we may transport uh while doing CPR and this device allows us to do that and so it's been a huge resource for us already and again we've only had it for a short period of time so it's been a great great resource there uh so yes we are excited to have that on the truck and we've got some some uh more equipment that we will display at the next few meetings just just to show you kind of what we again when we look at our budget we look at wants versus needs and these things are are certainly helpful tools but they're they're not needs right they're not necessities and so those are the things that we go after grants and we look at other ways to fund those wants more so than our needs and so those are the things that again we uh uh we we try and be as as fiscally responsible as possible with our money so um while I while I have the mic I do just want to thank the sheriff and his team uh for and Captain wit for their efforts during the storm it was incredible response and and uh just very very well run through the EOC and so a tremendous job as as per usual from Captain Wht and your team Sheriff so thank youall very much for that yep absolutely so thank you all very much and appreciate time you thank you very much thank you chief all right Madam chair um staying on the Storm related information um I hope that you didn't receive too many texts from me when I tried to put out information after every uh after every one of the meetings we had in the EOC to keep you guys updated I hope that was uh informative for you and didn't become too much um echoing Chief Carter's words about the sheriff and the EOC and Captain Wht what a what an outstanding group we um we we figured out how to do this and that's largely because of Captain wit's dedication and his determination to to make this one of the best eoc's in the state we we we know how to do hurricanes um thank you to Chairman Spooner uh she attended all of the policy group meetings and um the state calls and the county coordination calls during the event and uh thank you ma'am for your your particip it was very helpful having having the chairman there um other than that I just want to thank everyone the Team One Team One mission um like we've been saying it was a it all came together we all performed admirably admirably and uh you know like like I said we we know how to do hurricanes we don't want to do another one but we know we will so when that time comes we'll be ready but thank thank you to everyone that's all I have Madam chair all right thank you very much all right um our attorney Rob Bradley good morning good morning um chairman board um I don't have anything to report today thank you and from our commissioners uh commissioner Andrews yes I just want to Echo what Mr corn said um Sheriff um Captain Whit it's just wonderful having y'all in there and um knowing that things will be done I'd like to thank everyone for what they did but I want to give a special thank you to um to the sheriff and to being and his team we had a tragedy um it wasn't during the storm but we had a 2-year-old that drowned in a pond and um it was the Green family so I asked that y'all continue to pray for them and um it was very hard and I just want to thank God that we got the Appropriations for the fire station in Brooker and um hopefully before too long we'll have a space where we can get to um situations quicker but um thank you all for everything that you did it meant a lot to them and it meant a lot to me so thank you and that's all that okay commissioner Thompson yeah I'd like to echo on what Mr cornay said you know one team United y'all did a super job and two I appreciate you sending all them messages he and if I called somebody I know I agravated Mr Chief Carter uh but you know I got answers that I needed to tell my people you know so I appreciate all y'all pulling together and I thank y'all thank you Mr Thomson Miss dy I kind of feel like the Jim kentor when uh he comes to town you know there's a storm and it seems like whenever I leave town there's a storm so but I just want to say that uh uh Mr corn thank you again for keeping the updates and everything coming in being far away and and you know being concerned about your county and getting those updates is certainly helpful so I appreciate that I want to commend this board on um when we made the decision just like we just did with the property in Brooker but with the Pizza Hut uh you know I know we lowered that uh price there so we could move that and now there's a business there that's hired people that are you know that place has been packed since it opened yesterday and I think they opened this morning for breakfast so uh again that's that's a forward thinking and looking at um you know how we took a piece of property that you we were you know not collecting taxes on to now collecting taxes and and providing employment for a lot of people and also providing just another establishment for people to enjoy so again U I commend the rest of the board and thank thank you all for for thinking in an Economic and Development growth way of the county that we've talked about before that we really need to be you know focused on and trying to do things that are you know going to benefit this County in the long run so thank you thank you Chief Carter and your staff for the presentation there um unfortunately that doesn't look big enough to resuscitate the offense and defensive line of the University of Florida or FSU um or the Jags but um you know again that's a really neat device and uh glad you guys were able to get that through the grant process and uh thank you very much that's all thanks again the same thing I just want to thank everyone and Mr cor G the updates were very helpful and uh I I know I blew your phone up and everyone's in the EOC and especially Jason's um I just thank everyone it was awesome uh getting all those because there was a lot of trees um and some of them were just like like they said Tangled up in wires but but um but too uh for Clay Electric they really helped us out um couple of the lineman's uh crew came down and uh helped us um make sure the the wires were clear on Southeast uh 30th so that we could clear the road so that the people could even get out uh because there for for quite a while uh when was it Friday they couldn't even get out um in or out so um but anyway I think everyone it was um really a a good team effort on everybody's part so thank you okay again I just like to uh again thank everyone again for the partnership and working together um even when I was traveling to church uh on on Sunday there were teams that were gathered at the I guess it's called the celester where they have the fireworks there near just at the edge of ly prepared to continue to go out into the community with all of the efforts and a special thanks um to you Mr car even in in the midst of family lost and had a burial on Wednesday he was still here um and trying to help out in any way possible and all of the groups um um Mr dods and our fire rescue sherff everybody working together and this this board in constant contact with with your communities and what you could do we Brean is strong we're one one body one family and thank you um and with that I'm let us continue to be vigilant if you know of anybody that's in need of help just let let somebody know let your commissioner know let our County manager and others God bless each and every one of you and this me meeting is a journ