##VIDEO ID:7pizgUbijfI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ladies and gentlemen it's now now 6:30 um bord County Board of county commissioner meeting is now called to order if you would stand with me as we do an invocation and pledge Heavenly Father we thank you today once again for your grace and your mercy and your love for each and every one of us today Heavenly Father we thank all each and everyone that is here today we ask that you bless our board help us dear Lord as we go about the County's business help us to use wisdom help us to uh be civil towards one another to listen to one another and have a productive meeting we play your pray your blessings upon everyone that is here and Grant them traveling grace back home and we thank you thear Lord for protecting our County and our state and bless your name in Jesus name we pray amen amen the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stands Nation indivisible and Ladies and Gentlemen please note that there was an adjustment to our agenda so the item pertaining to the RV Resort in the keyone area was removed from the uh agenda um at their the business's request um um at this time we're going to have um a presentation is that still on okay so we're going to hold off an agenda item two on the presentation from um our representative Chuck Brandon and then we'll now U move on to our um public hearings um with the zoning and I'm going to turn it over to zoning good afternoon Madam chairman yes these the ordinance we are about I'm about to read to you are the resolutions that the Planning and Zoning Board passed in the previous meeting um so uh this is agenda item e and this is s24 828a Miss Liz Liz lith Hernandez this is a land use ch for braford County partial number 01727 -007 from residential to commercial an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres pursuant to an application S2 2408 28a providing for changing the land use classification from residential low density to commercial providing for conflict and pro and providing for an effective date variability providing for conflict and providing an sorry just an effective date so I'd like to ask for public comments a motion and a vote okay at this time we're having the public comments hearing and seeing none any questions comments from the board if not I'll ask for a motion for approval as the um partial number was read by commiss Mr Andrews make a motion as read accepted okay the motion by commissioner Thompson is there second to the motion second second by commissioner dhy any further discussion questions if not all by the sign of i i i any oppose 5 thank you mad Madam chairman sorry representative Brandon is here so if we could get back to item one we'll get that out of the okay thank you and that was approved 550 okay we welcome our representative Chuck Brandon he has a special presentation want to do for us and just come on you're welcome I don't know whose glasses these are I don't want to mess them I don't want to mess them up I'll be leaning on them and broke them sir thank you well good good evening good evening I uh always call this uh Christmas and September but with with the storms this year I'm running late it's going have to be Christmas and in October so we'll call it uh no trick or treats here uh more treats and tricks because it's a little more money than we brought you last year so that's a good thing I guess um I was looking back I was trying to remember as I was walking in uh it looked like we had about uh oh two right at $3 million last year we had the the bypass money uh to extend extend the drinking water systems out to uh to help with that 3012 million and I'm talking about everything for Stark and and Bradford County and Brooker and everybody when I when I'm talking uh City Walk project close to was close to half a million for the city a new fire rescue engine for the county last year about 450 and a dump truck right at $100,000 for lottery but this year um we about doubled that I think uh we had a pretty good run we did have one veto of a project we had some money uh in the budget for the uh the Brad Arc and the the governor vetoed that that was one of the few that we had uh vetoed this year uh I've got three roommates in Tallahasse and almost all their projects got veto and they were aggravating me about uh what what was a trick and I guess it's just living right and and keeping your head down and doing a good job I don't I don't have a have an answer for them but uh this year what we did get and uh it'll total up to 4,438 46 was a uh$ 56,0 96 fire station over in Brooker uh for the sheriff 1 million uh$ 250,000 $1 and A4 million for the state law enforcement radio system uh radio equipment and upgrade to keep you on that system uh which can times can be an expensive system I I know when we we started back with ours years ago in Baker County it's expensive to get into it and expensive to keep it up but when they when they make uh improvements you have to do that sometimes you have to buy new radios and walkie-talkies and all that stuff so anytime we can help with that that's a good thing we got another fire vehicle here at 475,000 and then uh um on top of that Brooker fire station a new fire vehicle there at 6625 uh about $550,000 for a portable well water well system uh project replacement re abilitation for Hampton and then another $500,000 each year uh continuing on that water project for the Stark bypass Economic Development and then uh $50,000 for Bobby Shephard Memorial Park and then another a little over $50,000 for for Hampton City Park so if I did my math right all that does come out to 4, 43,800 46 of course uh I only claim half credit Senator Bradley is the other half of this team and if she don't uh uh get it on her side we don't get it and if I don't get it on my side we don't get it so we have to work together and we always uh do that and uh coordinate together um I if I'm fortunate enough to be reelected in a couple of weeks or three weeks whatever it is um it'll be my last term so uh but it should be my best term because I'm a senior uh it's kind of like High School freshman sophomore junior senior now I'll be a senior and of course you you hope as you go through the process that you have a little more influence and uh I hope to be in in that position it looks like it'll probably be that way uh Senator Bradley's will go well well beyond me so y'all always have her and what an asset she is to uh to the district into Bradford County uh most pressing question people have asked me in the last week or two well how's the Hurricanes going to affect us well I don't know the answer to that obviously there's an effect there um you know they they always have a hit on the state but at times in a year or two sometimes uh the state really gets sort of a when we start building back and get back on track sometimes it may take a year or two but uh sort of a a boost there when we when we get to rebuilding all that construction and stuff start so we know we don't know how to read it yet it's early uh but we'll uh keep our fingers crossed that it won't affect us too bad I would hope that my senior year uh my senior two years didn't get knocked out by by these storms but gosh they've been coming uh by the dozens it seems like uh we've been fortunate here in North Florida uh places like Bradford Union and Baker have been very fortunate uh considering some of the other places that we've visited and seen uh in the last few weeks and y'all know what I'm talking about so but anyway uh unless y'all have a question we'll take a picture and we'll get out of y'all's way yes but just a comment to thank you for your leadership and for helping Raa County in so many ways and we're great ful to uh to our state that this time around that we'll get some extra help with de debris removal that the state is helping us with that and also uh our citizens are eligible for some of the FEMA reimbursement so we're appreciative of that and all of the uh Appropriations that you've been uh able to assist us with gather well like I say if we can we almost double last year and we didn't have a bad year last year we had a pretty good year last year so uh maybe we'll stay on that Trend and and continue to be able to do that um we'll just see what the future holds for us uh the legislature will really right after the election you know we're one of the few offices that pretty much we're it that night uh if you can imagine that election uh probably don't get results in when you're running four five six seven counties like some of us have to do uh you probably don't get results in at 9ine or 10:00 and technically you're at at midnight so uh a lot of lot of places like Sheriff they get to wait in January but we don't we don't have have that luxury so we we're uh tag you're it that night so uh what a what a unusual way that is to operate but that's that's the way the state is so within a week or two after the election we'll reconvene in Tallahassee and of course there'll be a new Senate President a new house speaker and new leadership teams coming in so a whole new makeup uh for the legislature and uh new faces and exciting things but lots of things to deal with as we uh as we move forward in Florida would come up [Music] fall top of you than and we appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to make that presentation to us thank you Chase for bringing you all right all right thank you so very much and uh thank you all for having us all right thank you and we're going to continue on um Miss Andrews is going to come back and we will proceed on with our um our hearing yes ma'am thank you madam chairman this is the zoning companion the previous ordinance I read I'll read it by title this is Z2 24-8 elizth Hernandez a zoning chains for Bradford County partial number 01727 0- z007 from residential from rural residential RR to commercial intensive CI this is an ordinance of Bradford County Florida amending the official zoning Atlas relating to the rezoning of less than 10 contiguous acres of land pursuant to an application z248 providing for changing the zoning district from rural residential RR to commercial intensive CI providing cability providing for conflict and providing an effective date varability providing for uh and an effective providing for an effective date sorry y'all copy and paste some the stuff anyway we need to ask for public comments a motion and a vote please ma'am at this time are there any public comments seeing and hearing none um any discussion from the board comments not i' ask for motion for approval motion to approve z248 okay motion by commissioner Dy is there second to the motion second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion questions not all in favor by the sign I I I 5 thank you madam chairman the next is agenda item F again this is to consider approval of s 24913 a from Hassan bubacar land use change for braford County parcel number 01 965-1001 in ordinance of braford County Florida amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan relating to an amendment of 50 or less acres pursuant to an application S2 24913 a providing for changing the land use classification from agricultural two up to one dwelling uh up to one dwelling per five acres uh to commercial providing cability providing for conflict and providing for an effective dat and again I need to ask for public comments a motion and a vote please ma'am any public comments at this time all right hearing and seeing none do I have a motion from the board for approval yes I'll make a motion to approve Z2 no no no sir s24 s24 9138 I apologize glasses did you need them I can barely see it okay I think I might have said the wrong number S2 49138 yes okay yes as read by Mr Andrews okay right a motion by commissioner dhy um for this for approval of s240 9138 corre um is there a second to the motion second by commissioner rck uh any further discussion questions if not all in five all by the sign I I I any oppos none uh 5 thank you madam chairman the last last item I have this is your agenda item C and this is uh Z2 24-9 Hassan bubacar this is a zoning change for Bradford County parcel number 0965 D z- Z100 from agricultural D2 ag-2 to commercial intensive CI uh action is presented an ordinance of braford County Florida amending the official zoning Atlas relating to the rezoning of less than 10 con acres of land pursuant to an application Z2 24-9 providing for changing the zoning district from agricultural 2 A2 to commercial intensive CI providing cability providing for conflict conflict and providing for an effective date and once again I need to ask for public comments a motion and a vote please ma'am are there any public comments seeing none I'll ask for a motion for approval for z 24-9 um parcel number 0965 -0- Z10 from agriculture um to commercial I make a motion a motion by commissioner reic so second to the motion second second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion questions not all in favor by the sign I 5 thank you madam chairman that's all I have for the evening thank you Mr Andre thank yes sir okay at this time we're going to move on to our uh public comments and we're fortunate this evening to have in our midst uh one of our fellow um Commissioners from alacha County Ken Cornell welcome to rap County thank you madam chair it's a pleasure to be here I just uh in making my rounds around central Florida as some of you know uh I'm my name is Ken Cornell I'm with elal County and I'm running for fax second vice president uh that's a position that is a real fiveyear commitment um I've been involved in fact for 10 years and I'm a strong proponent of home rule and local Authority and I really believe that Central Florida and specifically Bradford County should have a voice in that state organization um I know M Dy has a leadership position which I share on one of the subcommittees I'm chair of the urban and um Community Affairs committee and so I'm here to ask for your vote and to tell you that I'd love to work with you uh in leadership of fact and thank you for having me tonight and thank you for being here and for those who are in the audience may or may not know that the Florida Association of counties which our county is a a part of okay thank you thank you question and uh next we have uh for public comments Miss strong Miss wand strong from ly good evening good evening my name is viand strong post office box 530 ly Florida yet again I am always here because of um my mom's ditch um we like to give out accolades to people that do their job and I ask again can we get people to do their job all I want is for people to clean out ditches um we've had some storms the ditches need to be cleaned consistently um also um couple days ago a 18wheeler almost hit three kids in front of my house they ran straight through the school bus arms School Bus arms uh the stop sign school bus is blowing the truck behind it is blowing the car cars are blowing the traffic on 225 is out of control city of ldi is not doing anything I hate to say it Sheriff I'm not seeing a whole lot of Sheriff's Department they're out patrolling state troopers nobody seems to care that that the traffic is excessive on 225 there's a lot of traffic somebody has to do something before a kid gets killed now it it's just ridiculous um I've talked to the transportation department they said that even if uh the cameras on the buses are showing that a car is going through the the arms the stop they can't do anything unless an officer sees it something has to be done before a kid gets killed also um we got to do something we we have we have to do something I mean we have to do something about the spending in this County we have to do something about the spending before this county is broke we have to do something we've got to Curel some of this spending at some point somebody had has to take initiative and curtail some of the spending somebody has to take accountability and say people have to be accountable for what is spent in their departments somebody has to thank you Miss strong strong okay those are all of the comment cards that I had um next on the uh agenda is the approval of the consent agenda and I have a motion for approval of the consent agenda motion to approve okay motion by commissioner re second second by commissioner Dy any further discussion questions if not all in this favor by the sign I I um 5 okay okay um next we'll have our um this is braford Soil and Water Conservation District presentation thank you okay and if you can as best you can speak into that mic so up I'll try my best to project um so thank you for having me here today today um I'm very happy to present to you we're very thankful for your support for the Bradford Soil and Water Conservation District and I wanted to do a recap kind of of what we've been doing with our budget money from the county as well as um what we're looking at going forward which may be a little bit different so uh we do have five supervisors in office um and we do have some new requirements that all Special Districts are going to be required to do um this when require requires us to do an annual report like a lot of uh local governments have to do and we have to come up with our goals objectives and performance measures those were actually due October 1st so those have been turned in um but because this is a kind of first pass at this process for the Bradford Soil and Water Conservation board um I really want to kind of go through what we have been working on and use this as a chance to check in with our County Commission with other local governments with our law enforcement and Emergency Management Economic Development all those kind of factors that kind of play into what we do and where our programs could be most effective to get that input from the community um so right now we've been working on flooding and storm water um Mr still has done a great job with monitoring water levels in the county we provide technical assistance if we get calls about um flooding concerns invasive species best management practices for soil and water or um a lot of the things I get from especially citizens are just you know who do I go to I heard there's this you know cost share money I can get for a hoop house so we try to connect those resources within the community um we've been doing uh water quality testing um and a lot of those best management practices we've recently in the last year really kind of stepped up our efforts to reach the local land owners so in February we had our first of what we want to be an annual event where we got the USDA the Department of Environmental Protection um egg and Forestry fish and wildlife and a couple of our conservation um groups out to have residents be able to talk to them hear presentations for them and see kind of firsthand what could be involved for their properties um we've also started a tour series um we did one in the spring and then we've kind of taken the summer off and we'll be starting up some more of those and these are a chance for our land owners to learn kind of landowner to landowner about practices and implementation so the first one we did was on a 3,000 acre Timber property um that has conservation easements that actually help them to manage that property and we had a couple of land owners that came on that tour that have signed their properties up for conservation easements now as well um next slide um we listen to a lot of Citizen concerns um much like your flooding concern we have folks come to our meetings and tell us about what they're witnessing on Lake Samson or uh Alligator Creek or any of our waterways here um we've been doing some more community outreach with some of our partner organizations like IUS so we did an Arbor Day tree giveaway with them and we are looking for some more uh opportunities to do some invasive species education with uh luk Carlo from IUS he's been doing a really good job trying to start a program with that um youth education we have a few interactive exhibits that we've had in public spaces and at public events and we uh had the science bus we were a partial sponsor of that um Mr still and another of our uh committee members Oak Sun Burke came out and actually did a little Hands-On demonstration um so we've been trying to kind of grow that reach in the community next slide and I'm I'm not going to read these slides exactly because you guys have a copy so um if I gloss over anything and you would like more information please just let me know um so last year um we donated about 2500 hours of our time and so if you look at the value of valer time um this is about $774,000 worth of volunteering that's given to the community um that are we're doing with our $5,000 uh we have some amazing people on our team we have some really good uh projects that are going to be moving forward and um because we're not paid elected officials that really is kind of what we can do for the community in terms of uh structuring our time in those areas next slide um so this was our last budget um and we've been doing quite a bit with our Fair youth support we're looking for ways now that we have to have these goals objectives and performance measures to continue that but with working with the kids a little bit more so that we have some learning um that's involved with that um Environmental Education youth programs the water level and quality monitoring programs I talked about before invasive plant monitoring and control um so there's a few spots at least uh where Mr still has been going out and monitoring those invasive species keeping us informed about what's going on in the community and then some where he's actually employing some management techniques to to get rid of those species um and then some of it was kind of our operating expenses supplies repairs travel next slide there's an error on this slide I apologize I forgot to change the dates to 2425 um but and this is not an approved budget for our board this is initial with what we're working on for that new plan of works so this will be discussed with our board and with the input of all of our Community Partners and local governments on what projects we want to work on um so we'd like to keep that Youth Fair support um kind of up what we're doing for uh youth education and public education um oh wait I'm sorry this may not be the right one let me double check yes I apologize this is our actual um expenses for 2023 24 um and the one I wanted to mention here the lake Samson aquatic removal um I really thank you guys for being open to that project and for looking at a new way that we can try to address these problems without incurring all of the expense I'm a big proponent on I don't want to hear the complaint I want to hear the solution um so we are going to try to come to these problems with solutions that cost less that are easier to maintain going forward um and I just think that's a a sound way to go for local government programs next slide and I will have to send you what our proposed budget is because I I'm sorry that slide appears to have dropped out on me I'm sorry um it will be similar um but for the next year at least six months what I'd like to do is develop a matrix of what our commissioners are interested in what our local governments are interested what all the possible partners are interested in um our forestry and FWC folks are working on some good programs there's lots of grant money out there that we could jointly apply for to make these programs more robust um so developing a matrix that kind of identifies key concerns will help us to prioritize those projects moving forward um we're going to be looking at um kind of those needs and opportunities um with those folks and the support mechanism so I'm not just going to say let's do this great flood control program it's you know going to be here are some funding ideas here are some ideas about how we can get design resources things like that um and um by July I hope to have that restructured so that we can use some of that budget money for these newly developed programs next slide um so for youth support I still really want to explore program opportunities we have schools that um we could be doing more in um and my background personally um I'm a landscape architect by trade um so I have a lot of experience with storm water with public participation planning and with exhibit design and so these are some of the exhibits we've used in the past um upper right is one that's very easy for kids to walk up to there's sand there's water they play um but you can fold some lessons into that on erosion on building solidly on water flow things like that um bottom one is an aquafer model I built I used to work for IAS extension in Clay County um as the Horticulture agent and so we built this aquafer model to demonstrate how water moves through the system as well as how pollution can move through that system um that model's 12 years old now so it's getting a little tired I'd like to build a new one um but again these are things that you know if if our partners and that Matrix kind of says this is a great idea to do this is where our money should be going that's the direction we want to move in next slide okay so finding that funding to expand our projects whether it be through District uh Water Management District grants um Federal grants local sources of money cost shares finding volunteer assistance programs um there's a lot of things for flood concerns and especially invasive species where we could have volunteer days and volunteer programs um and then board member training opportunities because some of our board I'm not sure if you're aware but um changing the law a few years ago says that everyone running for a Soil and Water Board office has to be a farmer or retired from being a farmer um involved in agriculture in some way and because we're now within the districts it's very difficult in some districts to find somebody who has that agricultural background and still has the time to devote to the community in a position like this um so finding the folks that do come in and want to serve finding training opportunities so that they could do that better I think is something pretty critical next slide ah okay I did have it in there it just got moved down okay so um so for water and flooding um I've put in 250 for the feasibility study to develop that Matrix I'm not sure we will need any of that budget um I try to to get sponsors for things so like that dinner that we put on there was no cost to our taxpayers that was sponsored um and then that leaves uh 12250 about quarter of our budget there for the actual programs themselves um owner operator education this is that dinner and those tours I mentioned earlier um so those like I said we've been getting sponsors to pay for food and other things to make it more attractive to come in um we'll actually we're looking at an early November date to do a little film screening as a family fly event it would be on the o to Corridor which is the big conservation Corridor being planned and we want to do it as ice cream and popcorn bring the kids out we'll have an activity for them something fun like that but again you know getting these sponsorships um the youth support and education um we've kept that budget money in there I already have talked to some folks who might be interested in sponsoring some of those educational exhibits once we figure out what those could be uh the invasive species program um Mr still will be keeping that going and then some operating expenses and I believe if you had the notes for the slideshow those would be in there um and I think that might be our last slide here um so I just wanted to say you know I think Soil and Water Board where we can help is just kind of we have you know natural cultural and economic factors that go into soil and water issues um and the more that we look at those things holistically and try to find solutions that address as many of those points as possible I think the better of a path we could have moving forward thank you thank you for your presentation and we do appreciate um the service that you all render and they did an excellent job with the science uh program the RJ they brought the science bus over that the children um learn from and you and working and trying to work with the our 4 and IAS program I just wonder if you in in in future um partnering with IAS the University of Florida iac's program because they have some really Innovative programs there that may be of help to you guys and also looking at uh locally what can be done with some of the ponds that we have like on Highway 100 West and the one in front of the library maybe those kinds of project you can do with the with the children or with the youth um to see if there's some uh Reclamation uh reuse maybe working with the Army Corp Engineers whatever and partner with the city to see if that those water areas could be used for recreational there there's some really interesting work being done out there that could be a great way to do it I know UF has got some interesting programs where they've been planting Retention Ponds to help with water quality um there's all kinds of things like that I can also leverage a little bit so I'm also um with the American Society of Landscape Architects our Florida Chapter I'm the director at large for Education and Research that's kind of a big title um but that kind of puts on my radar a lot of the interesting projects and uh research that's being done in and around the state um so things on living shorelines and other things that ifas is working on are really a great fit thank you so much thank you than for the board all right thank you um and next we're going to have our um Clerk's report okay all right from our Sheriff only got a few things I wanted to brag about the storms but I'm going to wait and let uh Captain Whit do that but I did want to announce a few things you missed a wonderful day today at the senior center they had our Senior Expo went out well thank you Paul for for coming setting out and had a great time with the vendors good turnout I think was all said and done we had a meal there for them and some of the ladies wanted to take one home to a friend or their s so we served about two meals by our cook Team Raymond Rhoden and Jason Smith they prepared and it they they hit the they nailed it uh for taking care of our senior citizens so it was a great time they didn't let me play Bingo but uh that's my one of my my funnest games but but it was a great day cool this morning but turned out to be a nice day Paul was out there weathering it but it is a lot of information helpful and a lot of our local U Community businesses stood you know stood out there for the seniors and and tell them what they could do for them and and helpful so that that went real well U today when we got back from all that chaos going on uh we had our uh what they call our annual I call it Uninvited but it's called the UN unannounced jail inspection and when they left there they actually gave out a preliminary with that major McKinley she was helped serve she was you know we had our jail people cook team everything going on as you know work squads getting everything done and prepared around the health department makes your mode and all that kind of stuff but they had we wound up with lots of compliments on the staff and the cleanliness of the jail policy and paperwork was very organized through our nurses nursing staff and the way we move inmates was very docu they they liked how well it was documented and and and done and accessible they could not believe how accessible everybody was so kudos to her and her staff even in amongst of the business that we had today that's the unannounced you know kind of deal that went real well so I'm proud of them but she did want me to present something to you and I've got one for the county manager but I'm going to get him one I'm going to give this to Mark cuz it might be something he can use she doesn't like to brag on herself but when asked to put something together together she did it and if you'll open that I'm not going to read every bit of it but it says current and in progress programs a lot of people don't know they think you just put them in jail and they're there till somebody releases them or they bond out or they go to Department of Corrections and so a lot of this quietly the Alcohol Anonymous the substance abused she gives you the dates times the you know from uh Mr Harden Brook from Meridian the face it group every third Thursday mental health counseling gives the dates there Mr Fox she documents who's doing it how what being done she wanted you to know cuz people stop you on the street you are Commissioners and people ask and you need you know there hey my son's in jail hey my daughter's in jail you're accessible I think all of our commissioners don't like other counties but yall are accessible and your phone rings and this is something you'll have there our ministry services our voluntary Ministry groups tells you when they meet chat with the chaplain veteran services uh Career Source to dable Veterans there are veterans that are incarcerated in our jail so that's their and then it goes on it's just amazing how many programs are there women's art and creative writing women's growth through gardening if you go back to one of the sections we have they have a whole gardening program back there they do some neat stuff U it getes a kills time for them and it gives them time to reflect and think and I I think that's a great program health insurance through Health Credit Care currently when I checked today I think we only had two that that didn't have health insurance the rest of them recovered matter of fact Colonel Smith today said you call Sheriff so and so you wanted more information on that a bigger neighboring County than us was was asking how did y'all do that it's amazing she gets inundated all the time now with this new we found just a new way of doing it it's saved us thousands already and she's going to get some cost there that commissioner Andrew has asked for she's she's excited getting that together it's a hit and miss you get that one inmate that doesn't have the health insurance cancer something it can be costly but on a day-to-day basis it has already saved us thousands of dollars for transporting and having inmates had one with a possible heart attack they go you're talking 10 $15,000 and no cost us so that's that's a big plus and it explains it there the digital book Library career source partnership with Career Source trying to find some of them that have short sentences when they get out of jail trying to find placement for them we don't want them coming back we don't want to leave the light on for them and we want to turn it off where they don't never come back second opportunity uh tablet-based re-entry Meridian Partnerships Animal Services training maintenance training vehicle detailing training their car wash some of these people they get out because of their records that may be all but it just shows a proper way how to use those as instruments for you go down there and pay for your car to be detailed at some shop and it you know leave swirl marks in the in the hood of your car so little things that we have there the women's grow through gardening she gives the lesson plan there for it the digital library she explains that for you their certificate uh tracking and second opportunity these are different certificates that they can earn why they're in jail have you seen that she started posting she gets their permission and most of them are proud of it and they don't mind their picture it shows their family and people that cares about them that they're trying to do better I was shocked at that I said these people don't want their picture taken what do we you know no no and you go out there they want to prove to some whoever their loved ones are that they're connected to prove to them that they're doing something I wish that was an eye opener for me in July 536 certificates earned in August 495 certificates so they're doing something with their time while they're there they are learning something Career Source inmate scene she listed the inmates that were seen miscellaneous inmate needs and request she showed you just what you see that we get on the computer in those jail cells they have access and they can submit whatever their concern or need may be and she she shows what that is and how it was handled so you can see that inmates request and how we're handling those needs so she wanted you to see that in live so it's documented there as it comes in the religious meals it shows how we break that down U the different meal types uh that's all in there the educational services that are there and our Bradford County resources she's got a whole list of this that the inmates have access to they're actually getting it better than our citizens on the street it's getting uh basically she spoon feeds it to them so they can't come out and say they don't know what resources are out here within our County she wants them we do not want them coming back that's the whole thing uh from True Vine Ministry and the food pantry uh just just to name one start Church of guide by faith meal serve no food giveaway you know they they tell what each one of these individual organizations do and she breaks it down for them and they get this information Bradford County from emergency funds housing resources from Catholic Charities um to the souls backer Village Swan River Economic Council it when I read through this I was shocked at some of the things I I just didn't know and I talk to people every day that are right here in our community the veteran services probation and parole we want you to meet those deadlines where to go how you need to see them uh how to get Social Security Cards the Bradford County Clerk of Courts and DMV all those things is in there uh how the clerk of court does operation Greenlight to help you some people that seems like the traffic drivway license suspended because they've never had the funds to to get their driver's license back and working women and men have to have a driver's license let's face it so a lot of people didn't know about the green light program so the clerk's office um with Denny Thompson and Rachel they they work to help these people get it reinstated and work to pay the fines back so you can dig yourself out of that hole from that DUI that wreck the drivew I suspended the careless driving those type things um and it shows you some of the people there that have done it she gives she she's not just telling you she's proving it to you she's giving you the list of names and people she's she's and she was if y'all don't know her she's one of the most amazing employees one of the longest serving employees of the sheriff's office but she doesn't like to get in front of people now she runs a tough jail and uh she's phenomenal but she is not good and I said I'll do it and so here I am she could have done it much better than me I'm sure but she wanted to make sure this was in y'all's hands uh rental items uh all these different things is in this book so when people ask you or call you and say well what is what they doing my son's in jail my daughter's in jail uh they're getting out you can look through here and see well why they're in jail won't you make sure they're seeing the you know the tri the AA program won't you make sure they get in the the detailing or won you get into maintenance or get some of these programs that are there they offer all these different programs while they're sitting there waiting they should be doing something not just sitting there I mean it's look at the number of certificates we have tablets they can work on there while they're sitting there and they're getting these programs unbelievable so when they go to get a job they've got their cook certificate or they've got whatever it may be we want them to have a you know a living wage job it's what it's all about as it you know read to the animals they they do that some people pets let me tell y'all something I've learned one thing I can have somebody die in that jail I may not get a phone call but when it comes to people in their pets if something happens in that animal shelter I'll get a call from Peta Paul's the Mad Widow Women's Club and everything else about them animals when it gets cold people are dropping off blankets they might not drop off blankets for the homeless but they're going to drop off blankets and food and everything else for those animals so that's serious and and these I'll be honest with you sometimes I think my dog's the only one that'll listen to me Chris won't listen to me anymore I can't walk across the hall to my commission he a Gordon going home but uh but no but you can sit there and the dog will listen and sometimes these inmates as you know and Miss Andrews has been award it it's a neat it's it's another Channel not for me maybe but for others it is so that's that's a great thing but she wanted to make sure that y'all had this for her Commissioners to understand all the programs and what's going on I know sometimes they unless something bad happens they they don't get anything and this is just another way she wanted y'all to know what they were doing and Mr corn I promise you I'm gonna get you one but I'm gonna give this one to Mark I think he he might find some um Food For Thought in here or something he can write out of that she's proud of it I'm proud of her for doing it and now I'm going to turn this over to Brad Captain Brad Whit update you on our storm process Madam chair Madam chair Madam chair if I if I can say please express to her our gratitude for what she's done and especially for saving the county and anything that she does she always I mean this book for an example I mean she does such a wonderful job and so just please let her know how much we appreciate her and everything she does she's probably watching right now she's not going to get in front of a camera she's probably watching so uh I know how she does or she'll be watching it those kind of things and and that means a lot it does to her she's she goes quietly about her business runs a a most sheriffs can't go to sleep at night because of the jail as we know You' seen another tragedy over in a neighboring County I've never had to do that in my 16 years I've been blessed yes you are and you have a diamond right there so I do and also I want to say something with Chuck Brandon with that $1.2 million he was shocked back there while AG G told him I said it wasn't just for long for long enforcement we also split that with our fire department he said y'all do that I can't get Baker County to do that I said we all got to communicate together it's you know we're all in this together it is truly one team one Mission and he said I said I wish the rest of them would do that so we were able with that one two we've put in for another Appropriations to try to get ones for all the the those are Portables but the next ones will be for installs to keep us upgraded with the system so we're fighting hard thank you thank you and we do thank you and this is not only a great resource for the services offer to the jail but just in general all of the services that our citizens the residents can be um accessible to work on we're put that in our program to put out on our app and stuff so people need know all that thank you madam chair I just wanted to Echo a few comments with respect to Captain McKinley and how wonderful she is to our office as well um and our Criminal Division her historical knowledge of the county and operations she has been such an asset to us when we have questions on how we should process judgment and sentence paperwork or what we need to get to the jail and she's always been so patient and she works with us as well um she's just amazing and everything that you've indicated over here anything that you want done in his office if you need something handled correctly and thoroughly he knows to put Captain McKinley on it because she's going to take it and she's going to do it right and um I I hope she is listen because she's a rock star she is she probably tells me no more than my wife be honest with you and but she goes about a unique way I can always tell when she comes and sets them off said and she'll give me that look and I said what' I do she goes we're not going to do that or this is how it's done she has that unique way and perspective so I will pass it on thank you thank you Captain wh well good evening Commissioners this uh this has seemed to become a routine thing this year I was looking at my notes while I was waiting and um I think for the first time since 2004 this is the most uh disasters that we've managed concurrently so we're looking at one from August September and October now so just a few updates on the process of that wanted to let you know about a few things filled any questions you might have uh but we're GNA talk a little bit about um hurricanes Debbie Helen and Milton tonight uh so announcement since the last time I was here uh we have at least some form of fashion of FEA assistance available on all three storms now um so hurricane Debbie going back to August Bradford County was um awarded Public Assistance eligibility um for categories a through G so Public Funding uh that that comes back to the government is available for seven categories that's debris removal emergency protective measures roads and bridges water control facilities public buildings public utility Park wrecks and other facilities so we were declared eligible for all categories of Public Assistance on that mainly due to two um items that was the the power line infrastructure that was down around the county um as well is dirt roads that were washed out that was our main two um price drivers there so we'll work real closely uh with Public Works we've been Gathering up that information to make sure we get um you the the most total claim that we can out of that and of course you'll see that before it goes off to FEMA that I get brought to but did want to let you know that uh we we do have the potential for some reimbursement there so we'll be working uh again I work with public works I've been working uh Heather and Jennifer over there to death they probably uh dread seeing my email and my my phone number now um but they're getting me a lot of documentation there and of course um our utility companies are are working on that as well to recoup their cost uh in addition then we had hurricane Helen that came through in September so we were also all categories of public assistant on that as well as we were declared for individual assistance uh so we found we took about 44 reports if I remember 40 44 reports total of um incidents around the county we found about 20 verifiable homes with damage uh we conducted individual damage assessments on those we had the state and FEMA take the second look at that they actually bumped some of that up said no these are actually a little worse damage and um with that we were able to get to the threshold for individual assistance there um so we've put stuff out on our social media as well uh as through our Sheriff's app um but through November 27th that is the deadline residents can apply for um individual assistance for uh hurricane Helen damages by visiting www.disasterassistance.gov uh they can call the FEMA 1 1800 number or they can download the FEMA app again if you um look back through the Sheriff's Office app notifications as well as Sheriff's Office and Emergency Management social media that information is on there uh I look today the last update from the state was current as of the 13th and as of that time I believe it was around $65,000 had been awarded to Bradford County residents uh helping recover from Helen uh that again that's that's a number off top of my head and that was a little bit dated they that was the last update they had but um there is money moving into the county to to help out the residents from Hurricane Helen if you remember that was a largely wind event and I would say probably the biggest wind event we've seen in quite some time uh which resulted in in a lot of that damage we saw there so again we had full categories of public assistance on that and just like with um with Debbie we'll work with our County entities to help uh tabulate those costs and get that claim done again you you'll see some figures coming forward as we we work through that over the coming months the last one was Hurricane Milton that recently moved through um we saw substantially less impacts in that than we did in the others uh and as of right now we are declared for just category B which is our Mercy protective measures um as well as uh or just category B I'm sorry we have in these events taken advantage of the fdot uh ability for them to pick up our debris so they are they were beginning actually work was planned to start on that the week that Milton came through Milton delayed them there but uh what I'm gathering you will start to see trucks picking up that debris this week next week going going forward so they'll be taking care of that that was a great program I told you about that right after Helen but the great thing about that program is the state takes on that expense the state takes on that work and that allows our Public Works folks to get back out there handling the other uh issues and needs that arise around Bradford County so it really lets us uh maximize our capabilities to get out and get everything back in order so the last thing I want to leave you with I know it's been a very busy hurricane season uh I do remind you we still got about a month and a half left we are still monitoring those Tropics very very heavily you know we continue to push the message you know be prepared uh we want to make sure our residents are keeping that in mind that we we do still have a month and a half to go in in hurricane season so uh just to continue to be prepared there um and you know to make sure they're keeping disaster kits stock make sure they have their supplies they need and so forth uh I I leave you with this I I again as I always say I know I'm probably a broken record after these events I I am very appreciative of our County of our County leadership um Miss Spooner is part of our policy group I think I probably have worked you to death this hurricane season but thank you for being there and uh your input on that our fired Department our public works all of our law enforcement officers uh the utility workers and you know the the one that I always forget and and and uh they never complain they never say anything to me when I get back to the office is my staff Michael and Noah who kind of are are my unsung heroes they they run around behind the scenes all the things that I talk with you about and the things we need to get done and the paperwork that's got to get put in and all that they they largely do that um I really appreciate their efforts and as well as our property appra Us's office who hits the ground running helping us with the damage assessments after these storms uh as those come in Via our our system or or they get out there riding and finding them um it's really just a team effort we often say one team one Mission emergency management but you know it couldn't be any more true we can't do it without everyone coming together we always look back we do after actions we find things we want to do better on and our goal is to every single time come back and do it better uh for our citizens for Community each and every time so with that any any questions that you have I'm happy to answer and if not uh you'll definitely be hearing more from me on this hurricane season as we move forward with processing these claims and uh getting getting back to recovered not a a question but just a comment just to thank you for your leadership and all of the teams that work together during these three storms and how you kept our board informed uh and the course coordination of services um and their quick responses to areas even after the storm and trying to do what I guess you guys call it a cut and toss getting the debris off of the off the road so that people could go through and one of those examples was I think it was 46th place where the big tree just had the whole roadblock within minutes you guys were out there taking care of it and um taking care of all of the areas of braic County so just wanted to say um kudos to all of the the partners who work together yes ma'am thank you if I may Madam chair yes I just want to Echo that and say thank you um for running a well I mean just a a great um organization that you have and I'd like to thank Mr corn and everyone for keeping us informed and um with the text message and everything it just everything operated the way it should and good leadership brings that about and so I thank you I thank your staff and and all of ours for doing a very well a very good job in handling this hurricane it's been rough and I hope that we can say goodbye for the year but um it's good it's good to know that you guys are are there when we need you so thank you very much yes ma'am thank you you know it's it's a great team really yes um commissioner dordan I just I I have a question for everyone but then I have a comment for you guys uh by a show of hands who all has the sheriff's app in here if you don't have the app you need to put that on your phone because it's very informative and when all these events are going on whether it's storm related whether it's weather related whether it's crime related you're getting an instant I mean I see it on there before I see it on Facebook so if you don't have it it's nothing to download you know updates what's going on at the fire and rescue whenever they're responding so anyway uh do yourselves a favor and download that out uh the comment I just want to thank yall and thank the sheriff's office for reaching out and assisting other agencies I think that's huge during a time that you know they need their people that need they some of them homes are damaged themselves and they need to get home so when y'all are there helping out in those communities that's huge for them so again just want to thank you all for that and I just want to recognize that so thank you and commission thank you for bringing up Sheriff Sapp I that reminded me of of something I wanted to let everybody know of during Hurricane Milton we we shifted our public messaging a little bit with the sheriff's app and tried to every day about that five o'l timestamp get out uh we called it a public information report it was something new we developed but it it was a one-pager here's what you like here's the Hot Topics um and we got good feedback on that our goal is to try to make that a staple of our public information aspect of the EOC going forward uh it will go out through there it automatically posts them to the social media when we do that um so we got good feedback there the only thing we think we want to improve with that is actually trying to get some um information about the next day on there as well but also trying to keep it as concise and easily readable as possible so I'm glad you mentioned that uh because that is something we're going to use that app to really highlight let our alert Bradford our everbridge be the emergency alert and let that be where we're pushing that daily information from so uh you know preh hurricane season I did a lot of talks on on the two different ones and I always got asked if I have one do I need the other and yes that's definitely why we want people on that app because that's where we can put a lot of our situational information um so I'm glad glad you brought that up thank you and and for promoting that for us because we definitely plan to use that even more intensively going forward and maybe in the future you guys could merge with Corn's Corner because uh he's got his own little you know stuff that he puts out to all of us and and it's very informative too so thank you Mr corn for doing that but but thank you'all appreciate you thank you and also kudos to the municipalities in like the city of star their um work Crews working together with our work Crews and getting a lot of the debris U moved as quickly as they can and just to the citizens sometimes when it didn't feel like your things were getting done enough of fast enough they were doing the best that they could expeditiously to get it all moved and to make it safe for the people yes ma'am and just thank you very much it was very well organized and run and all the information you kept sending us I I really do appreciate it uh the day after the storm running around all I had to do is pick a phone call you guys were everywhere and and the electric people were really working with us too to get those lines to make sure they were clear so that yall could cut and push but I just thank you very much yes sir thank youall all right thank you okay and I think we are now down to our um County manager's report yes ma'am thank you madam chair a couple of things that we need to go over tonight uh first being holiday schedule for this coming year um if you can turn to it in your packet we could take a look at it for a couple of minutes and then uh on what we want to do and then that way we can bring the final product back to you at next month's meeting for approve final approval so if you look on the left side of the sheet you see the 11 holidays that are provided for in the Personnel policy um the other options that you have are of course juneth which is Thursday June the 19th you need to be aware that if you elect to declare that as a holiday that we'll need to move the board meeting because that is a regularly scheduled board meeting that night the other consideration would be the day after Christmas which is a Friday uh if you choose to declare that as a holiday then uh our people would have the the 4day weekend and I don't expect that very many people would come to work on that Friday anyway so that's something you all should consider those are uh those are the options that you have um this kind of gay you know I'm Advocate to keep the juneth holiday um even if we had to move the day uh of our meeting uh is a significant holiday we were able to have last year for the F for time but I do know too that often times when after Christmas um people tend to take that day off if it happen to fall on a Friday they'll take that day off but um I would like for the juneth holiday just be considered as well right and you don't you don't necessarily have to choose one or the other yeah you could you could you could do both if that's what you what you choose to do yeah we can do both do we need a motion well no we just need consensus a consensus yes so the consensus is that we will declare juneth and December 26 as holidays awesome very good thank you now we need to take a look at the uh 25 meeting dates um so if you look at March 18th is highlighted because of there's a conference right so we right right so we we can either reschedule that or cancel it the March 18th and we um because that's our R okay that's our rural counties week I gotta so um Amanda just corrected me the the dates that you see highlighted are the recommended dates that we need to change that in other words the meetings will occur on these dates these suggested dates yes and I appreciate Amanda doing that that gives us um a good working calendar so we if we could chip that we could still make our meeting and still make our conference or I mean the rule County's days for like March March um the week of March 18th and then of course we have the legislative conference um in September so those dates will work would they work for the rest of with you all and we have the um conference in um November as well so those change dates will allow us to continue having our meetings okay and the one other thing is uh the juneth meeting we our recommendation is to move it to Tuesday June 17th okay all right so we just need consensus to adopt the draft uh holiday schedule is presented consensus to with the change of the yes June 19th meeting yes all right thank you thank you and thank you for your good work and getting that organized for us Amanda all Amanda that's all I have Madam chair no wait no do I have one other thing no that's it thank you ma'am are you sure no I'm sure thank you okay thank you and um Mr K just wanted to um commend you for your leadership during these three storms that we had and and helping and just being present and um it meant a lot because I know that you were dealing with some other things and and you were you were present thanks okay now uh we have our County attorney okay and Madam chair I'm sorry I should have asked the fire chief do you have anything Chief you're good all right thank you okay all right okay um from our commissioners U commissioner Andrew if I can talk in this thing without it scratching but um I really don't have anything other than just thank you for being here um like I said during the storm I think that the everyone pulled together in a magnificent way and um so I'm very proud of everybody proud of what what was accomplished and thank everybody for doing that I know y'all had a rough time uh Chief and uh so just hang in there we pray for you all the time so um thank y'all very much I I have okay commiss uh so got two things one if you would keep Mr Corn's mom in your prayers if yall aren't aware she was admitted to the hospital and uh anyway just keep her in your prayers and speedy recovery and then also I know it was mentioned but you know we never have anybody here uh that represents our power companies but you know our our linemen are truly Heroes for what they do the work they do and and even some of the I know uh Michael Hardy and his crew they're down helping uh hauling telephone polls and things like that you know so just uh Jamie Clemens and his family have gone up and done things there's Frank Sheffield just you know there's I'm GNA forget somebody but there's so many people that have done so many things for people that are just not as fortunate as we are right now and uh it just goes without saying huge thanks to them and and uh any support that anybody can offer in any way uh I would uh certainly I know that they would appreciate it but uh I'm sure the families that are in these areas that are really hurting right now would certainly appreciate it so again and thank you all for being here commission ready I just want to give a real um shout out to our uh fire department and our Sheriff Department um um I the night of the hurricane about 1 in the morning I heard all the sings I think about to Mr Corner Day called me um so I jumped in my vehicle went around there if you've never been up on a scene like that it gives you a totally different perspective of what the firefighters and our Sheriff's Department go through when I pulled up all you now this is 2 o'clock in the morning during the hurricane with the wind blowing I pull up all you can see is what you can see with flashlights or headlights the um I walked around and the first thing I saw was six firefighters leaning up against their backpacks leaning against the truck or whatever and I'm thinking oh my goodness so the first thing I do I'm like are you guys okay you guys okay you know and they were all okay they were just totally exhausted the house was almost burned up but just burning pretty good Mr corn walks up and says you got to see this walk down a little bit further to the car that's running in the driveway with the AC the windows all rolled up you can't see inside so he shines a flashlight in there there's this huge uh like a English bulldog sitting there with its head right on the console just the saddest face you ever seen in your life and you're wondering what is going on and then you know so in your mind you're like where is where's the people you know the sheriff department they're asking questions you know him do you know this do you know that you know they're looking up they're trying to figure out who was in the home if they were home Ben in his man uh pulled this truck out there trying to shoot more water on it the whim was blowing pretty good G and as soon as they get it knocked out it flare back up it's it's just all the uh how do you say it all the emotions all the things that's going through everybody's mind because you're thinking good grief now we find out there's a man a woman and two children that live here are they in the house what what's what's going on and you know I I tell you when you see all that I stayed there for for quite a while unbelievable once our once our firefighters got and we only got six firefighters guys once they got all suited back up and their backpacks and I mean you know that's a lot of equipment I'm watching them trying to drag the hoses around the house you know you just you want to go over there and help them and grab the hose you know but anyway but but you know they're just exhausted then they go back into the fire kicking stuff around trying to find a body you you know now again this is like 3 4 in the morning by now it's you you can't describe it um um I'm might try to I just I have so much more respect for our firefighters and and our police officers because my gosh those those police officers they were right out there right in the middle of it too I mean they were they really searching and uh all I say is just I I tell you what when it comes up time to support our firefighters we need a support I know some people say we got too many or whatever there was six firefighter out there now there was other guys everybody was involved I don't even know how many people was out there but but I'm just telling you it's something to see and especially in the middle of the night but the only thing you can see is where the headlights are shining or where your flashlight is shining it's U uh like I said I I won't forget it but but I told Ben I called him next day I saids Ben how do you get this stuff out of your mind now I left when they started looking for the body I left I said man I'm out here so but somebody had to stay thank goodness as you know by reading the telegraph it was a totally different situation but um which was I could say a lot about that I probably shouldn't but that's pretty sick when you burn your house down you watch firefighters and our Sheriff Department put their lives in danger to save you and uh you're watching in your house anyway I'll be but um anyway thank you Ben thank you Sheriff Forman I appreciate you so and and also to think our County manager is out there on these scenes too I tell you Bradford County is awesome it really is uh people just don't sit around they're out there so whether you know it or not they're out there thanks and thank you and thank you all and I can't say say enough about the team effort from all of the agencies working together Rican is strong one community meeting the needs of many and when I think about the many agencies that have come from out of town left their families and then you guys who had to leave your families to go out and and address the the the areas so it just speaks volume about how our board works together our community works together to do those things that are are needed in braford County so that was one of the impressive things and in the midst of all of that going on the last three months with all of the storms there have been personal issues or family loss somebody has passed on somebody's been ill um and everybody continued to do their job despite whatever they might have been going through um in the midst of this last storm one of our employees has passed on um Mahal um she um just was just buried this this past week so this County these employees uh are just awesome um providing the support needed um and just making the end of her life a pleasure and she had an honorable profession as a housekeeper she did that became her Ministry and that she was able to find Value and her job and to offer something to others that she encountered it's an honorable job because you have to be trustworthy to go into somebody's office among their personal things and so we will miss her tremendously but I want to just acknowledge her and what a tremendous person that she was and to thank all of you I love you guys I love bre County anyhow this meeting is now jour thank you