e e e e e e e down take your your seat okay too you're dead ladies and gentlemen our bord County Board of county commissioner meeting is now called to order we'll have an indication and I'll pledge of if you would stand Heavenly Father we thank you dear Lord for your grace and mercy thank you for your love father we thank you for each and everyone who has come here tonight um we thank you for all of Community people and all of our board members father as we uh approach our agenda Lord help us to look and address all of the issues in the fashion in which is which would be pleasing to you and in the best interest of our community um and I thank you dear Lord for looking over our community and blessing our country blessing our state and blessing our city and blessing this County we thank you and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name Amen to un States Amer and the stands Nation indis liberty and justice for all we have made some adjustments to the agenda items uh relating to zoning um have been removed um and postponed until a later date and at this time we will have our public comments and then the um life saving presentations will happen thereafter we'll have Miss Carol Mosley Carol Mosley 10121 Southwest 104th Avenue in Graham uh good evening Commissioners uh I've been doing a lot of thinking about consultants and consultings in general the consultant we hired from oec on the mining issue has the same educational degree as me a bachelor's in Environmental Studies I could have been your consultant in fact I was just not paid did you know you don't have to have a license to be a consultant you can be a sole proprietor you can consult on any expertise you think you have there's no set of credentials required you just have to be able to convince the client that you are the person for the job but I would never make money as a consultant because they make their big bucks on big projects the more complex the more billable hours I like Simplicity and I'm not interested in dragging things out had I been the mining consultant I would not have advised spending a fortune trying to push through a project that was never viable I would have been out of business from the beginning because I would have advised that the families in the test project get fixed be that the failures in the test project get fixed before moving forward since the Florida Institute for research on phosphate said more testing was needed I would have advised they get those details in order before moving forward by the way fipper is not a for-profit entity they are not beholden to specific businesses they are Consultants with a different Mission than profit they're beholden to the results of their research chw has been absorbed into nv5 Global uh and um unlike a nonprofit the corporation is beholden to its shareholders it doesn't mean that they don't want to do a good job of course they do they have to to please the customer in order to make shareholders money with the regional planning Council nonprofit Consultants they're beholden to the regional benefit of its members groups and counties like fipper they will not tell you whatever you want to hear they have research and Consulting advice to share and then you the counties are the decision makers as to what you adopt or amend and whatever you decide they will advise on its consistency with laws Etc you pay a reasonable flat fee and you can call in them anytime you need planning advice they're not Engineers not environmental scientists not economists they accumulate the regional data about planning so is devise on plans regarding Environmental Protection Economic Development and legal consistency since they don't rely on any businesses to make their money only counties and cities there's no concern for conflicts of interest as there in is with the for-profit corporation suggesting the very rules they and their clients follow the clients of the planning Council are only the counties they serve they seem to be there seems to be some disappointment that the planning Council didn't come up with a compromised language for you to use in riding the comp plan on mining but they don't they don't tell you what you want to hear they give you their best advice based on Research then you after performing due diligence need to decide if what they advise is too LAX or too strict they will explain the reasons why why they advise what they do and how the decisions made by one County affects another in the region but your job is to consider the details and decide once you make decisions they'll scrutinize them for consistency but they will respect and work with your final decisions the choice of planning Council or CHD is not either or it's both for different purposes thank you Miss Miss mle um next we have um Robert Rogers and Dana Fletcher if she so choose to come with them and if you would just raise the mic up a little raise it up so I'm going to have to speak quickly so listen close hello my name is Robert Rogers I am a homeowner and a life long resident here in Bradford also I am a recovered opioid addict and attending college to be a drug counselor and a certified addiction specialist which from my history as far as I'm concerned I already am God granted me a second opportunity in life and I feel that this is my call in to the point Florida has recently been blessed with roughly $3.2 billion sour stampa times and according to the Florida opioid allocation Statewide respons agreement which you agreed to and I got my info from Graford is set to receive 3.9 roughly 3.9% of that which is to be distributed over the next 10 to 18 years which comes to about $125 million and from what I understand from speaking to commissioner Dy the oversight of this money was given to David weeks who is Lieutenant at the braford fire and Rescue not taking anything away from them they have probably saved thousands of lives from this epidemic and I would like to commend them on their service and that of all First Responders but David has no real history in solving addiction issu and his position gives him special interest on how the money is spent we recently got our first payment of millions of dollars then we got a new fire truck was that used from the opioid epidemic fund I don't know but I know addicts don't need to be sprayed with a fire hose part of the agreement was that the lock cone would be made to the public the lock con is cheap but when I called the health clinic about a week ago the the lady at the front desk who answers the phone said we don't have any we don't do that I propose even though I think I can do even though I I can do nothing but vote I propose there be oversight committee not of people who has special interest where the money goes but of volunteers who have been affected by this epidemic by losing their most loved ones or professionals who want to help if we work together on this we could take our small percentage and not only make a difference but set the standard of what solving this epidemic looks like please it's not too late to put us on a better Road also the Bradford Public has a right to know about this money and help thank you for your time I would appreciate any responses thank you Mr rogin next we have Miss strong Miss B strong my name is B strong post office box 530 L lah Florida I'm sitting here today and I do agree with this young man that there does need to be uh n the drug available um they have vending machines in other counties um that are uh putham County does have vending machines that are available um and they have been available for a long time um but that's not what I'm up here for what I'm up here for is I have met with the owners of three new businesses in L and we have a new owner in the motel the motel owner hypothetically could raise that motel and a Hilton Marriott whatever could come in they could build a five story Hotel um put it in there and I've said this to the city of lahi and Bradford County nor the city of lahi would get anything for it because guess what we have no impact fees I don't know why I keep having to say this to our County leaders our city leaders and everybody keeps looking at me like I'm crazy it's because we're losing money we have have no fees and I've looked at other counties we can call them whatever we want to call them but we're looking we don't have any room taxes we don't have any room fees we don't have any room we don't have any impact fees they could come in and put a 300 room hotel in Ludi and we would get nothing because we have no fees that owner could raise that hotel and build a hotel there right now and we will get nothing for it and what are we going to do are we going to sit here and keep twilling our thumbs are we going to keep putting this on the citizens we need to do something and stop kicking this can down the road we got to have something I'm tired of paying these fees I pay $240 a year for trash I don't generate that kind of fee by myself in my house but I'm tired of paying it we need to do something I love the fire guys but you're going to put a fee on me we need to put fees on these people that are coming to our County thank you Mr and next we have um de triler Dean trailer 22801 Northwest 41st Avenue Laing and I'm here to talk about rep repa no not repaving but the paving of Northwest 41st Avenue I had a conversation had a meeting with Dale Hayes two weeks ago we looked at the situation he agreed that there's a problem but it's too late I was told it's too late because do and I believe it's Water Management District has already signed off on the paperwork you can't go back and Undo It problem is uh first I own the property of joining this one particular curve and Ken he knows what I'm talking I I have discussed it with Kenny uh uh Jason dodes I I discussed it with the county back in January in the meeting the uh I've discussed it with do Thomas when he was a county commissioner and it's always we're going to get to it but there's a problem because the Road right away needs to be shifted in order to accommodate it the adjoining neighbors agree that they'll you know make concessions and move that right away to make that that curve safer right now it's a dir Road uh it's got a 60° angled curve that going back into gra County history a little bit sometime after 1918 that that road was modified it used to run directly through my property it was a 45° curve now we know 100 years ago cars didn't have the capability to do 50 m an hour and so but when you start to when you pave the road it has been a problem for years and once it's PID is going to be into perpetuity it'll it'll always be there um I'm I'm going to ask that before you move forward re readdress that curve uh I've done all that I know to do I've made phone calls to the county and have gotten no response except Kenny Thon uh I can't do it by myself I've talked to the project engineer please thank you Mr TR and um we can have the manager to um speak with you further thank you I heard that and you own that land on the inside of the curve correct on the outside outside well wait a minute no you want it on the side well yes both Sid I don't see no problem uh okay thank you all right thank you um at this time we'll ask um shff Smith it's always a pleasure get to come before yall especially on such an occasion such as this that we have uh three deputies that uh were submitted again and recognized which is a very rare percentage and here it seems like in the last few years we've had seven I only Department of Corrections people recognized by the American police Hall of Fame for their acts of Bravery heroism and tonight's for a life saving award and I'm goingon to read it briefly I've got them here in attendance with their families I thank you madam chairman for allowing us to move ahead of the agenda here on December 7th 2023 Deputy Wyatt khill Deputy Trenton Lovel and detective James Hall responded to a residence in reference to an unresponsive 66-year old male the subject was not breathing did not have a pulse and was cold to the touch the three deputies rotated performing CPR for approximately 15 minutes and a pulse was obtained Bradford County fire rescue Personnel then provided Medical Aid to further stabilize the patient due to the actions of all involved the patient survived this medical emergency that was submitted in a longer form that's a summary but it uh on behalf of the American police Hall of Fame it said is their pleasure to inform that you each individual officer has been awarded the life-saving award of the national awards program of the American police Hall of Fame our staff members join me in commending you for your Valor and service your professionalism and an emergency situation displays your dedication to serve the public your selfless act saved a human life and your actions should be recognized the diligence and bravery you exhibited sets an admirable standard for all to follow again please accept our congratulations on your nomination and award the staff of the American police Hall of Fame wishes wishes you continued success in your future I am blessed humbled and honored to be able to work with these gentlemen each and every day so if I can get y'all to come forward detective Hall Trent LEL okay they get a nice PL the audience see com the American police Hall of Fame black they get they got a nice plaque also with that they get the uniform app as the award American Poli I want to thank without yall not each and every day proud new daddy his wife just gave birth last week new baby boy I am truly blessed thank congratulations thank you all and thank you and your families for coming and God bless you for the good work that you do and as we regroup here um we're going to ask for approval for the uh consent agenda and um everybody make a motion motion by commissioner ready second second by Comm commissioner Thompson are there any discussions questions by the board I'll give them a chance hearing none all in favor to sign I I any oppos with 5 o and then we're moving to item six this is an agreement between the LA County Board of County Commissioners and the BR County Board of County Commissioners regarding the reimburse reimbursement um disallowed costs um and um Mr Commando you want to say anything regarding that following an audit uh this was an agreement that's just going to reimburse some disl costs that were related [Music] to have the agreement in front of me so for the fiscal years that are listed on your agenda there were some Grant costs that weren't around allowed and this is the agreement with with us and El County to reimburse those costs any um any questions from the board regarding it this is something that was um previously approved by the board in past years but it was never um gone into effect in terms of the county paying its portion everybody good all right all in favor by the sign I I'm sorry we need to ask for motion for approval and motion by commissioner Andrew second by by commissioner Reddit okay any further discussion questions all in favor by the sign I I I any oppos by and then item seven is the quote for replacement of the star radio towers um and uh I'll ask for um a motion for approval and this is for the top top light to meet the FAA um regulations I make a motion to approve I'm sorry madam chair there's there's three quotes in your packet and we need you need to approve the quote and also Matt Ziggler from our it department is here to answer any questions you might have Okay um um we're just approving each one individually is that correct yes sir yeah okay this first one is U Lum Ser that's 23845 you want to speak to that one yes ma'am thank you for this opportunity to speak before you this evening the reason that I am recommending this solution besides the other two is I found out through doing some research that the current top light solution which is no longer functioning is not complying with the FAA 78 rule which is a rule that requires two top lights on the top of a structure with any obstruction um there is an antenna on top of the tower which is over 78 inch in diameter which would require us to have two lights up there the current solution has a power system that is no longer serviceable due to the age of it so by calling around to find companies with possible solutions this one would provide the solution to comply with the faa's regulations and would also ensure any outages would be reported to the FAA within 30 minutes of the outage occurring which is also the requirement by the FAA if we do not comply with the two light solution through this company or another and do not report to the FAA within 30 minutes of the outage we can Cur find in the amount of thousands of dollars so this solution that I'm presenting this evening would ensure that we do not incur any fines and if there is any issues with the light during the time of this agreement they would come out repair it or replace any of the equipment with no additional cost continue with my motion then I make a motion to approve the item for Lumen serve at $ 23,8 45 to meet be in compliance with FAA regulations okay motion by commissioner D is there second this motion second second by commissioner R I do if I may yes commission Andrew question the other two can you tell us what I mean because of the cost just what the difference would be they won't provide the same service or it would be a one-time installation and they were only providing a one lamp solution so our Tower receives lightning strikes quite frequently due to the height of it if it was to be struck by lightning and that light was rendered inoperable they would charge us a similar amount to come out and fix it thank you and the other one wouldn't corre right yes sir okay you got second we have a motion and the second and I guess I have a further question so the third one is is that the same that one time the this would also have a service agreement during a five-year contract that would provide the monitoring so that this recent example I can provide you is I was called at 4:00 a.m. when it was discovered the light was no longer operable and I had to call the FAA then to report the issue well we have low flying aircraft around here due to our proximity to military bases and So to avoid a potential accident they had to be notified right away so with this monthly agreement they would be monitoring it and able to alert the FAA as soon as there was an outage that occurred if the light became inoperable they would come out repair and replace any equipment for the cost of that monthly Fe for the 5year term Madam chair so basically the McDonald power service is doing essentially the same as far as alerting FAA and also coming out they're not going to do that it would be a onetime installation no monitoring okay that was my question if that was the same okay okay not the same okay so it also Lum the Lumen serve is that the so as far as if the light goes out and just say we would have to notify them is that something that I know that they would come out and service it but do they have to are they require to be here within that that time frame to not have sorry they would contact FAA directly for us within the time required and then they would dispatch out to fix it I I don't have specifics on what the turnaround time for that is just for the board clarification then Lumen service is what you were speaking of in terms of the fiveyear and that they would um do the proper notification within the time of manner that meets the F FAA the other two you're saying is a one time and not do what is needed correct Madam turn okay thank you because my question's on the third one meaning the McDonald would what would they do so one time correct okay so I'm clear let me ask just one more question Comm Andrews asked you a question if if we go with them then what is the annual they're constantly monitor monitoring it right yes ma'am so what would the annual fee be for that that's the 23 be the 23,000 or is that the installation and the monitoring together $184 per month for the 5ye term if we decide to not continue that service then it's a $1 transfer fee and then the maintenance and monitoring after that point in time would be our responsibility thank you any other question so we have the motion in a second on the floor um if no more um questions or discussion all in favor sign I any oppose by V thank you moving on to item eight the braford Sol and Water Conservation District presentation um that's Dr steel even evening got a PowerPoint is this a point for okay than uh so go to the next slide one of the important things that we have to consider when in evaluating the the impacts of the plants in uh uh Lake Samson and their impacts on flows is the uh tremendous surface area flow that ends up having to go through the culverts at the County Road 225 in Samson City and uh this map shows uh the area that uh drains in uh right here is where the culverts are located on County Road T25 and there's a canal that runs from Lake Samson down to that water control structure uh this map I put together with it shows the rough area that gets uh water surface water flows into Lake s and it starts all the way up here uh this is 225 South of lahi this is the kamor mining that has not been reclaimed at this point this water all comes down and is treated here at the commor facility and then is discharged into alligator alligator Creek uh the whole area here of the mining activity also discharges at Alligator Creek Alligator Creek runs here through uh City Stark down to Lake R city of Stark here is extremely important because it has so much impervious surfaces so much uh streets pavement uh U parking lots rooftops so there's when we have a major rain event a lot of water comes off of this area very quickly again that ends up then in Lake R and then there's a canal that connects Lake ra with Lake s in addition we have a drainage system here it's called the pat Creek drainage system it also carries water to Lake RL uh in this area the water goes into Lake Crosby but then comes out of Crosby into Samson and um more often or not during major rain events because there's more water coming into Lake Samson and can get out it actually flows back backward into Lake Crosby and you have flooding around Lake Crosby at the same time you have flooding around St this area here drains into Viper run which is right here bat ramp is that's where that water enters this whole area in here it drains in through a whole series of small uh ditches and canals one of those canals actually goes through the property that where Cathy and I live and so I've been monitoring that for years to get an understanding of how these small systems bring water into Lake F and then it has to leave again through the uh water control structure are and the uh three box coverts that are under uh County Road 225 next one uh this slide is a little hard to see in the projection but fact it's so hard to see we'll just go on the next slide um so uh the Bradford St water conservation District's concern is the aquatic plants that are slowing the flow out of Lake Samson into the Samson canal and if you go to the next slide this is uh ston canal is right down here so this is Lake Samson this is the Lake Edge vegetation and you can see in uh August of 2017 there was uh a pretty clear path all the way down from the lake to the canal if you go to the next slide this is what it looks like a few days ago and we have this massive growth of Cattail here there's still a path to the water but it has to so in here makes a curve and then goes on down and if we go to the next slide got the two side by side and you can begin to see how this amount of vegetation is going to significantly impact the amount of water that can flow out of Lake samp if we go to the next slide this just shows some of the plants that are growing there you have cattails this is an invasive uh grass called torpedo grass batter dock here next stop next slide this shows the maiden pain Maiden pain is a native grass that goes around Lakes but you can see how dense it is at the water surface so that water really cannot move very quickly uh through that kind of vegetation and then finally the next slide this shows another area uh more cattails more of the invasive grass torpedo grass this plant here is called the Bia and it's it's present there in a uh significant amount so if we can go to the next Slide the solution that we put forward the Bradford Sol and water conservation put forward several years ago in the form of a river Grant application to swaner River was to remove uh this vegetation and allow free flow water from the lake down to uh the canal and what I'm proposing this time or what we're proposing this time is that we we try to remove at least a quarter acre of plants through this area and if funding is available to expand that to a half acre or 3/4 of an acre there's a significant advantage in in that uh in terms of long-term retaining this area clear of vegetation we did the river proposal I think we had uh estimates of the cost being somewhere between 50 uh to $70,000 for uh approximately I think an acre of plant removal and we go to the next slide it's possible to actually calculate how much impact uh all of the flow restrictions uh between the lake and uh County Road 225 are contributing and there are actually three different uh elements that respect flow there's the plants that are the that I've just talking about but there's also trees across the canal and there's also some sediment deposits in the canal so uh it would be good to try to do maintenance on all of those but the big thing is to get the plants out uh initially because getting the plants out could increase the flow to the point that some of the FED sediments will be pushed further Downstream um one of the things that's we have to take into account is that the amount of water that can flow through a box culbert is determined by the height of the water and one of the interesting things is that we have uh 20 River Water Management District data on the level of the lake lake Samson and the level at uh County Road 225 and if we look at those that gives us an indication of how much uh loss there is and being able to move water through uh the three box pul we also have a table that was part of the original applications for the installation of the current Gates that gives us uh the exact uh numbers or exact number for the amount of flow reduction that we would get and uh so that we can actually come up with some estimates of what the benefits are and if we can go to the next slide this just throws the table that this is the flow through the culbert and how it changes with the different elevations and different water levels in the next slide so if we take all this information that we have we know that the level of Blake Samson was approximately one to 1.6 ft higher than it is at County Road 225 than 2023 in 2024 and this difference in level would indicate that the flow reductions that's occurring is somewhere between a quarter of an inch and a half an inch a day this seems like a really small amount but the key is that if you can get that extra half an inch a day over a period of 10 days we now have 5 in and to work efficiently what we have to be able to do is keep the level down and we uh that half an inch a day becomes incre increasingly important in keeping the the water level down before a major event and also a long time before a major event so anytime we go into hurricane season we've got a low level so that there's more storage in in the Three Lakes and I think the key with the five inches is that if that's the five inches that ends up going into someone's house then that becomes pretty significant and for the county the the 5 Ines is also significant in terms of road maintenance uh in the past the county has assumed the cost of repairing the private road on the south end of Lake Samson well if it's if you have 5 in on that road of flood water uh people tend to drive through 5 Ines of water you drive through 5 Ines of water on a road like that you destroy it very quickly and so there's significant cost for not trying to keep out uh this small amount of what what might seem to be a small amount of water and so the Bradford s water conservation District would urge you to see if you can not find in your budget this year the probably somewhere between 50 and $75,000 to do the uh aquatic plant removal before we get into the major part of the hurricane season which is September October and uh rord gr water conservation districts appreciates the opportunity to and the time that you've invited us to make this presentation and I'm open to any questions okay but Dr steel from 2017 to now well I know not recently but up until this point has the aquatic plants been removed any of them no no and unfortunately uh Swan River did not fund the river Grant so they were not uh yeah they were not removed during that per okay M Thompson had question U Mr steel when you say that what is the elevation how high then Crosby lake is in Samson do you know the accurate elevation of that the Crosby is slightly higher no it's it's quite a bit higher and uh the the the elevation of the water that's what I'm talking about yeah it's it no it's there a small amount higher FL and water actually flows both directions depending on how much water is in Samson so you saying the water flows back into crossby out of Samson there are periods when the water is higher in Samson than and it is in Crosby yes yeah yeah and actually that's one of the things we monitor is the flow the uh through that Canal it comes in right there at the old slab and you can actually go there and watch which direction the water is flowing and so we go there and monitor that question Andrews Mr seal has this ever been has there ever been an agency that came out and cleaned away the the plants before years ago uh yeah not since I've been here uh I moved here in uh 96 and I apologize for not knowing but what agency would that be know but it's been years do you know what it would be Mr pH take care of sometimes uh it used to be the uh Fish and Wildlife Commission Crews would come in and remove trees that had fallen across the the Samson Canal they stopped doing that because they said it was a dead end Canal I don't know uh so we lost that ability to remove the trees uh fish and wildlife also sprays invasive plants and of course some of the the plants that are causing the problem here are invasive so they get sprayed periodically but actual fullscale uh plant removal has not been done since we've been here in 96 I know that um there's a lot of laws about what plants can be removed what can't be removed um s Don have asked him about removing trees and even if the tree is in the the river or the lake um if it's not completely dead now this is what he told me that we can't we can't remove it so I guess my question is and the river the the river Grant was a grant that was we we put in for it and we just did not receive it right yes 20 did not fund it yes okay so perhaps um our County Manager can um maybe confer with Swan and and look to see if there are other grants that we could possibly apply for to to mitigate the the problem so you're saying the invasive plant this aquatic plants are impeding the water level and therefore can cause potential flooding if we don't remove some yes ma'am sorry yes ma'am we can do that okay okay but I think the the the thing that concerns The Soil and Water Conservation District is that more than likely the the time element involved in getting that money is going to put it uh any corrective action after the current hurricane season and we may be lucky uh but you know they're predicting this is a going to be an active yeah and um and I'm sure that Mr con could could explore if there are any other Alternatives or resources that could assist us with the removal of of some um keeping in mind with the rules and regulations of the Water Management District we appreciate you bringing this to our attention and the need to do do some intervention um some proactive intervention before flooding comes anybody else question thank you um now we have our CL report on no okay thank you and um Sheriff SMI thank you and I can manager yes thank you Madame chairman yes uh first of all you on your uh in on the table in front of you you see a a sheet that says Bradford County Fire assessment frequ frequently asked questions uh don't know if you've had a chance to look at it but we asked our uh fire department to put this together so we can make it available to the public as a matter of fact there's a stack of them up here on the conference table in the front of the room that anyone is welcome to uh to take it is not on the website yet but it will be as a matter of fact um the next item is regarding the the new County website so this uh this page will be prominently displayed on the on the new website so I just wanted to bring that to everyone's attention um the next item is the uh is the new County website we met with Nathan earlier this week and uh took a look at it and made a few adjustments and now what would you say Nathan we're probably 98 99% complete so it could conceivably be turned on um tomorrow or anytime this weekend but Nathan did you wanna did you want to go through it a little bit or do you want do you want me to do it okay and Nathan excuse me come on up but I just Madam chair I have a question for Mr corn and and this may apply to uh as well um with the website and with this information for the fire assessment or the frequently asked questions for the fire assessment um I did mention earlier that someone had asked the question about the um opioid abatement funds and so you know I'd like to see you know that information displayed on there as well but where there'll be somewhere on there where that folks will be able to say submit a question about any County business so that we can give information out to anyone that's looking for that information so to be readily available to the public can you speak into that mic we can uh do a uh feedback form and the um questions where F can submit um their their comment okay so just initially if we could I would like to request that we do put the information on there about the opioid abatement and as far as the amount of funds the schedule of funding and then also you know where that funding is currently going yes sir we'll absolutely do that we can do that thank you [Music] so if you if you take a look up there this is the the landing page and we selected a few pictures to scroll through um that we thought were representative of of Bradford County how many on there Nathan five five yeah and we'll be rotating these out periodically maybe quarterly or semiannually each department has its own page contact information director's name and so forth Athan is there something under business and development did you open those up I mean just getting a quick GL you different part you know go me so the these are all the entities that we have listed that you can click on and it'll take you to uh it'll take you to the various websites got a question question can we put on there something for Grants so you know like even tonight we you know we voted in receiving some grant money matching money can we put something on there where they can just type in Grants and see the different grants like a list of active grants yes and see what they're for what they're being used for what the county match is if there is a county match if there isn't a county match um something simple that we could that you type in Grants and they come up and then they could find the one they're looking for I guess the chief Deputy clerk doesn't have any issues with that is that would that be okay no of course not okay and and then also um like on uh like something under Fire and Rescue to show um you know where the different monies are going uh to um how many calls they're running per month or per quarter whatever but just different information like that so the public can have it right there at their finger if they want to see hey how many calls do they have they run this month they could punch it in and uh and get the calls Chief do you already have something like that on the fire department website or no okay good so then we'll put a link on our page to their page and that way they'll have it and they'll have it okay I'm just saying the more information we can get on there for people to go to that way uh when they're having discussions in the public they can just go right on that web page and they can get a clear answer and since every department has their own spot I mean the other departments could do as well I mean just a monthly update um so that they can go on and and um and look and see what's going on in those departments okay any other questions or comments um just uh in general would it include what our County budget is not yeah yes ma' it's the budget's on the current website okay I'm saying whe it be with the new one okay okay any other questions um on the new website okay all right very good then uh moving on um M strong when in her in her comments she reminded me that I should give you an update on the uh impact fee the processes with the impact fee we talked to the Consultants at stantech earlier this week and uh they're they're working on that as well as the fire assessment but they don't we're not going to get any information or have any kind of presentation about that until we're done with the fire assessment um Andre they don't have it or they're just not wanting to because I thought they were working on both parts they are they're working on both of them but we we decided that we would we would get the fire assessment because of the you know the intensity of that done before we took on adopting an impact fee but the work is being done finish um it kind of seems like we may be and I I have had many many discussions in the last few weeks and it kind of looks like we're maybe putting the cart before the horse the impact fees um part of what we have learned is part of that impact fee will go to the fire department correct or we designate I know we designate what areas education the fire department and schools right Sheriff's officers yes ma'am okay um and and I with the number of homes that are being built I agree we're losing a lot of money and I think that um what we're doing with the fire assessment is we're we're we're wanting to create a number but we don't know what could be generated by these impact PS I know that it will not be anywhere what we need I do understand that but at the same time I think that um there's some questions that I have um you and I talked in your office the other day when when I do something um and I do understand that we're trying to to pay for the services that we have I am a strong supporter of the fire department I know we have stood and watched the board praying that another call doesn't come in because we had no units to send out everybody was out on call but at the same time I think that we need to look at other methods maybe that could be used I think that we need to implement the impact fees get what money we can out of that and then see what we can I mean I think every every person up here one of their goals is to lower the property tax I mean everybody is is has has said that's what we would like to do but I think that we need to take a really good look at what we are what we're going to generate using those impact fees and any other method that we can to get the money um before we do this and when we do this assessment and how many other counties is there that doesn't have an assessment three like four seven maybe I think it's little maybe seven I think okay so this is not anything new and and I know that but when we do this I want to be 100% sure that what we're giving them is fair honest and something that we can live with when we do it the information that we got the other day I really upset me I um I don't think it's being done fairly not you that's not what I'm saying but I think that the property appraiser probably needs to come in and work with us on this taking a look at at the property that we're talking about assessing and and making sure that everything that we do is right and it and if Mr Thompson lives the next door to me and I I mean whatever I'm being charged he should be charged um and like I said I was sent another method of doing it where there's a standard amount and then per the value of the property it goes up um I know that I was told well when we we are paying for the service so that's why um everyone would deserve to be pay the whatever amount it would be but if that were the case then we wouldn't have to pay for square footage so I think that and and I'm probably the only one standing out here saying this but I really think that we need to at least go ahead Implement those those impact fees see how much we're going to get find out what how much if we dro the property taxes how much we would lose not back to where it was because I know we can't afford that but take a look at the things that's why we had asked for workshops because when we're doing a budget it's important to do to look at everything and um when we went to Tallahassee I mean um representative Brandon was very honest with us he said I got $14 million this person's getting nine of it do the math and I think that we need to take a really good look let everybody know what it's going to be and then take the budgets and put them in there and do the best we can I know we're not going to have enough but at least I think we need to take a look I'm I I'll hush so let me just say this about the impact fee versus the fire assessment impact fee can only be used for infrastructure Capital Improvement it cannot go towards any sort of operational day-to-day expense that's what your fire assessment for it's essentially two different pots of money I I think for an example if you were building um a new store or a new piece of property in a particular area is how it would impact that particular region or area or if you need to improve the road if you need if it's in um has an impact on the traffic flow in that area so it would be used in that particular area and that's how the impact piece works and the fire assessment you know is just for the whole body um the other thing is there are still um questions that we'll have to ask in terms of uh crunching numbers uh for the assessment before any definitive uh decision is made by that uh I was going to bring this up my my comment but since uh we're here I know that we'll have two opportunities for um public hearings and that would give the citizens an opportunity to ask what questions they may have um before we do our final budget you know it's important that we let the citizens know we're not ramming anything down the throats of our residents without some forethought and looking critically at what is the best solution and and definitely not an assessment before we can do something with with with our millage but there will be opportunities for our citizens to ask their questions and maybe they have some good suggestions um I know that we'll have um the one meeting that will be coming up in July um for our first hearing and then the second one will be a special um meeting in August am I correct okay so at during those times our citizen will give a chance to get their input but with the suggestion um whomever made it about asking some questions on the website there may be some questions that our citizens POS there that you know we can be ready to have some answers for um commissioner thomp say something you know we're five elected officials um who put us there the CTI absolutely I want their input on this more than we I mean they going to have to help us they going to have to show us what they want they put each one of us here and you know we work for them so I want more input out of this County now than ever on this assessment and we need y'all everybody hey please come to these meetings please give your input we need help on this y'all like it us y'all help us and I believe me I'm everybody in my district I want to here everybody in Bradford County own here I want some input from the citizens that's okay um and Mr con um while we're on your your part um one of the things I'll ask if we can Implement um before the sweltering heat um causes any physical damage if we can look at um I guess PL for some cooling stations as we did last year um one of the things was they could go to the library um when the heat was above a certain amount and they needed to just cool down a a a place to go and cool off and I think the sheriff worked with us last years too um so if we can be planning and thinking about those locations because in recent days it's been some temperatures that it's been unbearable but just if we can do some planning in that regard I was going to bring them up in my comment but since we're yes ma'am I can reach out to the sheriff and he I'll figure out what we need to do and then so if so we can post those on our on our website as well where we at on there again we're at the um manager spot yeah these are his comments and Report do we commission Andrews do we want to go over the I think he just did I was just letting you know I was just letting you know that we had it and they're going to be posted on the website and there's a stack there on the uh conference table that people are welcome to everybody here get one look at it that's all I have Madam chair thank you okay all right um okay commissioner Andrews that you have commissioner Andrews any comments further well kind of want to quote Miss Mosley a little bit because I think it serves well for us that um failures in the test project they need to be fixed before we move forward and get those details in order before moving forward I think that we need to really listen to that because I don't want to fix mistakes after we Implement something I would like to fix the mistakes before we Implement something so that we do it one time and it's done right like like Mr Thompson said we were elected to do the job and and um and I want to do it right and that's all I have to say thank you commissioner Thompson I just want to thank everybody that showed up tonight uh we need help on this I'm dependent on y commission Dy ready yeah um I thank everyone for being here tonight and um Mr Rogers um the gentleman that spoke earlier right behind you is uh David weeks and um maybe y'all can meet up afterwards and um he can explain to you that you program that that he's working on and okay all righty just wanted to make sure all righty and that's it and also just like we talked about before let's just make sure on that web page that we start getting out some really good information so if people have questions they can go right to it and find out facts instead of fiction all right okay um I have a few things I I wanted to take the opportunity not fail to do that to uh thank our law enforcement and our Correctional um committee they did a wonderful um memorial celebration on the 23rd of May at the nor high Baptist Church in fact our uh Sheriff was the speaker and I presented the proclamation for my county and Mrs Andrews also attended that event so thank you all for that and um helping us to remember our fallen um brothers and sisters and also the Memorial Day celebration held at the Veteran Park on the 31st um they also have a ribbon cutting there for the new veterans um park that's is going to be right next door uh to them um but I look forward to the day in which that whole park will be filled with people from my community that remember and recognize our people that have passed who've gave their life for our country it's always a small group so but I hope that will increase because our our veterans and our fallen folk are are important to us um and I just asked Mr um kanate to look at the um cooling stations and uh also I wanted to thank this board um everyone for the uh approval of the juneth celebration that's important to our African-American community and I just thank you from the depths of my heart um I attended a wonderful celebration um yesterday in Gainesville it was it was wonderful um their upcoming events the star spangle Splash coming up on the third and fourth um at the fairgrounds um it's going to be a wonderful event and just remind uh our community the school lunches for our students during the summer they will still be offering at Bradford High School Watson Center and uh Church of God by faith I think through to July um one of the experience I had this summer is knowing that there are a lot of hungry children out there who don't get meal and if it had not been for the lunch programs through all of these different locations some would be gone hungry um and tomorrow the um RJ Camp is going to be receiving a science bus that's coming from Gainesville and thank you Miss mosy for helping to make that possible um we're going to as I mentioned earlier we'll be having uh public hearings um before we our final budget and I guess our first one will be July the 2D and then sometime in August we'll that will be a special SE September the 5th September 5th okay um so get your question suggestions to us and um I want to um say a special thank thank you um to um Miss Andrews and to this board we had our first annual staff appreciation day uh held in June the 6 I there something I've been wanting to do for a year and when Miss Anders brought it up to our board and uh she took help to take the lead and making that happen and our Sheriff um department and um our constitutional officers and all of our board chipped in to make that happen so we look forward to that being an annual event for our employees it's important to let our employees know that we appreciate them all right that it yes Madam chair yes sorry I just wanted to remind everyone if you haven't already done so make sure your financial disposure forms are filed before July 1st okay all right thank you for that reminder anything else for the go the order oh oh miss Phil all right so if we can make that corlection okay all right if nothing after for the order this meeting is now