e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and I PL of Alle gracious father we're so grateful to be here on this evening we that you bless our meeting today and help us to make the proper decision that are for the best interest of our community bless each and everyone that is here this evening thank you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all let the record show that um commissioner Andrews is um out um is absent and also Mr Thompson is absent so we have um our three Commissioners here um with that this meeting is called to order and um we're going to go ahead and have Mr Andrew you ready uh thank you madam chairman uh if you'd like we just go well we go ahead we'll start with number two old business okay uh I'd like the board to consider approval of Corrections to the minutes from the pro uh the previous meeting which is the board of adjustment meeting held on Thursday April 18th 2024 uh we'd like to ask for public comments we need to make a motion and a vote please are there any public comments yesman we you vote then okay all right uh so that we have approval for the um meeting held on April the 184 make motion to approve motion by commissioner Dy and second by commissioner ready any questions discussion all in favor to sign I I I it's three oh thank you ma'am all right uh item agenda item number three this is new business uh the first item is V variance 24-02 this is an application by Joel Islam to request a variance be Grant as provided for in section 4.7 re residential estate section 4.7.6 minimum yard setbacks from a required lot from required 10 fet at requested 5 ft along the Northerly line of the property described as follows this is lot 16 Indian Beach unit number six as per plat there of recording plat book 2 Pages 42 and 43 of the public records of braford County Florida and being braford County parcel number 061 9-- 000000 I do have uh a letter from the neighbor to the north this property that has no problems with this request uh so again we' like to ask for public comments we need to make a motion for a vote and ask for a vote please ma'am are there any public comments regarding this okay hearing none our hearing now do I have a a motion for approval I make a motion to approve uh V 24-02 application by Joel Islam second a motion by commission rean second by commissioner dority um let the record show that Mr Thompson is present now and we'll be voting sry okay um okay uh any further discussion or questions all in favor to sign I I any opposed it's 40K thank you madam chairman the next item is V variance 24-3 this is an application by 3398 Lakehouse LLC Gary owenby to request a variant speed Grant is provided for in section 4.7 re residential estate section 4.7.6 minimum yard setbacks from a required 30 feet to a requested 10 feet along the Eastern line of the property described as follows this is Lot 27 block a cipher speech subdivision as per plat there are record in plat book two page 79 of the public records of braford County Florida and being braford County parcel number 060 60- a-27 the there is no one to uh offer letter to our letter to no complaints because this Bard is 21b so this is basically he just wants us to have a 30ft setback from County roow 21b he'd like to request a 10-ft set back from County Road 21b and again we need ask for public comments make a motion for a vote and a vote all right any public comments at this time I hearing none I'll ask for motion for approval mam chair I'll make a motion to approve item v2403 the application by Mr Gary yes sir than motion by commissioner Dorthy second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion or questions all in favor by the sign I I any oppos none um 40 thank you madam chairman next item will be this will be V variance 24-4 and this is an application by the brafford County Board of County Commissioners to request a variance be granted as provided for in section 4.9 rsf mh1 residential single family/ mobile home 1 Section 4.9.6 minimum yard setbacks for mayor required 15 ft to request 5T along the Northerly line of property described as follows this is part of the Northwest quarter of section 25 Township 8 South Range 22 East lying east of Southeast 8th Avenue which is speedville Road Bradford County Florida and being braford County partial number 0 63-- z301 this is the extension of the living quarters at the uh Annex on speedville road we kind of got we need a little more room room to uh to get the sleeping quter in so that's what this is about again public comments a motion for vote no vote please any public comments on this application hearing none I'll ask for a motion for approval I make a motion to approve item b404 application by County Board County Commissioners motion by commissioner D is a second to the motion second second by commissioner reading any questions discussion all in favor sign I I any oppose 4 thank you madam chairman uh the next item is SE special exception 24-02 this is an application uh by Mr Chris Barber to request a special exception be granted is provided for in section 4.5a agricultural section 4.5.5 agricultural D2 uh number 25 of the braford County Land Development regulations to allow for a guest house with separate utility meter from primary structure to be located on property described as follows this is part of the Southwest quarter the Southwest quarter of section 14 Township 6 South Range 22 east of braford County Florida being Bradford County parcel number 02136 d-00 701 and this is basically to allow this gentleman uh to put like a tiny home on his piece of property for to accommodate his sister and again uh we all all these I have proof of publication signs have been posted uh again we need to ask for public comments uh motion for a vote and a vote okay we have public yeah yes' if you can come forward to the podium and just let us know who you are and um and just speak directly into the mic if you would thank you hi I'm Katrina Owens kittner I live right north of that property have since 91 um the sign was put up it came down with the rain it was only up for one day even before I came I took a picture of it on the ground to know where to come because if you look at that sign now nobody can knew where to come okay because the rest of us neighbors we want to know is this going to be a rental or what because it's right next door to Sure yes ma'am yep and I don't want my taxes to go up or anything else I like it agriculture where I can have a horse in the back chickens or whatever for my kids and my grandson I mean that's why I moved here from upstate New York absolutely yes ma'am so I don't know what the special exception includes it's just for him to uh his sister there'll be another small dwelling at the back of that parcel okay for his sister living it's not is that be rented out or or no ma'am according to the and stuff right no ma'am according to the applicant this is to accommodate his sister okay because that that that's what I wanted to double check yes ma'am thank for I can understand for relative I do understand but I just didn't they haven't told us anything and normally that's the only reason we accommodate something like this is for a relative or a child or you know something ofong basically it has to be some type of sibling to prevent such as this from happening okay rental income things like that yeah yeah that's what we wanted because I talked to the other neighbors that were going to try to make it but some of them are still at work sure yes ma'am okay um Dr steel if you you had a comment on this if you can come to the cting hul still 14167 Southwest 1 Avenue uh that town man reminded me of a situation I'm currently in with the Florida Coalition for peace and Justice and the use of a special youth use permit for some buildings that they constructed there and they are using that property as an Airbnb type property uh that was never included in the the letter that allowed them to uh build on that location of the two houses so I guess what the question is what within the regulations prevents uh this person from somewhere down the line the the sister goes off and works somewhere it becomes vacant they use it as an Airbnb we currently have nothing in our regulations that uh pertains to Airbnb the only thing we have is close to that would be bed and breakfast but an Airbnb is not a bed and breakfast that's the only thing we currently only we have nothing in regards to Airbnb rentals in our land devilment regulations at this time yeah so I guess my suggestion is that given the the market for Airbnb may be the time to begin looking at that and how determining how you begin regulating thank you any other comments um hearing none other we'll ask for a motion um Yes Man please yes a uh we've had public comments we need to make a motion for a vote and a vote please ma'am make a motion se24 motion by commissioner D and second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion or questions all in favor of a sign I I any oppose for thank you madam chairman is there any other public comments for the board of adjustment tonight Dr still Bale 14167 Southwest 101st Avenue I'm um back again to uh talk about camores and uh I guess I want to preface what I'm saying by uh I've kind of seen what can happen when uh you have situations like we have it mes where things are not quite uh going as planned and I feel it very important to speak out and try to uh get resolution to some of these issues and primarily just to protect the property and the safety of Bradford County residents this also uh addresses my passion for trying to uh reduce flooding on Lake Samson and in the city of star but I I emailed you uh a a document that was prepared by The Bradford Sol Water Conservation District uh related to a number of questions arising from the kamo's operation and a number of these uh questions are related to the very recent Google Earth images they were made in uh probably early this year 2024 so they do they give a a very clear picture of what's going on at outside and on uh January 31st there was a a spill or release of materials from the kamor site and that release was fairly limited because it was they were kores was pumping water into into a site there was a breach water was running out they simply had to cut the pumps off and then the water stopped coming out if that breach uh were the result of a major storm a hurricane then the amount of water and the potential damage Downstream would be much more sign significant and what the Google Earth images show is that kamor has removed what's called a perimeter burn the burm uh was designed to hold everything in the mind area I think it's very important to look to make sure that toor is following the uh the plan that they presented to Bradford County in terms of how they were going to mine that property when they got their special permit for mining I guess I would urge you and the county to go in and do an inspection to make sure that all the the regulations all the designs that they said they were going to do are being followed and I think it the other thing is that your permit was approved very early in the process and so the methods that they're currently using are not exactly the same as are included in that in that permit so it could well that it's time to seek a revision of the special permit mining if you do that you could correct some other issues that I've raised in the past in terms of the the appeal that I fil filed in 19 or 2019 with the the board of adjustments and I think it's time uh to take action to protect the citizens so the major people that would impacted by a major discharge from the facility would be the people along 100 Southeast 100 County Road Southeast 100a also known as GP Ro boot uh and there there's another issue uh not only is there flood waters there's some it's Unknown about the radium content of the water that's being discharged and how that would impact clean up if there wasn't flood and finally one one really important thing the Google Earth images are so clear I believe uh it would be possible for the county to verify that uh fores has filed the correct information for the tangible personable property uh that's on that site and there's a considerable amount of activity on that site I have no way of knowing whether it's is part of their tangible personal property thank you thank you okay any other public comments right oh sorry uh yes M chairman that's it that's all I have all right um that will conclude our meeting for the board of adjustments and we'll call the meeting to a close and in about 20 um 13 minutes we'll we starting our next meeting good evening to everyone