##VIDEO ID:_fh_8YFnx-4## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e com cards please give that to me I hear sweet one in the bag I'm going to be asking as we do our invocation and our Pledge of Allegiance I'm going to be asking you to continue is standing as we honor um a very important man and I will share a little bit of information about him once we call it to order it is now 6:30 our meeting is now called to order Brea County Board of county commissioner meeting September 17 2024 we all stand for pledge of allegion uh our invocation first of all um as we before we do that invocation let me share that in our moment of silent I want to recognize the retired Colonel Frank cosas cus um Colonel um cosas served 32 years in the US Air Force retiring at the rank of Colonel he received his aerona aeronautical rating class 63 and was the first all jet program in the Air Force he flew tactical refueling tankers um trainer Jets uh jet fighters before receiving Wings the level of command he he was assigned to um the there were he received 13 Air Force and National Guards Awards um he was the first commander of the 200 in second com cat combat excuse me engineering squadron called the Red Horse was located at Camp Blanding and when he retired he had worked as a strategic planner for the Department of military Affairs in Florida he also served as the past president of and and the chairman of the board of Camp Blanding Museum and the historic Association he was a life member of the military office Association of the American Legion and and also the American Legion uh Florida National Guards foundations he was a civil engineer Association and the National Guards Association um he gave his life for our country he passed away um just this past week and we honor him um in a moment of silence after this indication Heavenly Father we thank you for the blessing of serving you and we thank you dear Lord for the opportunity and the privilege to be of Serv to our community we ask dear Lord that you bless each and everyone that is here with us today the Lord and we ask that you hold the um Mr con and his family this was Mr con's stepfather who passed away we honor um Colonel Co Dr um for his service to our country dear Lord we ask that you look over our our community and protect our schools dear Lord from any hurt harm or danger um protect all of our loved ones those who are in and running for political office keep everyone safe dear Lord and help us to show more love for one another let us go in peace and have peace with one another then Lord we ask that you bless this board that we carry out the business in the manner which is pleasing in your sight ask blessing upon each and everyone that's here in Jesus name we pray amen of the United States of America so if we would just remain standing for just a a little bit in honor of this great man thank you amen okay at this time um Chief Carter is going to come uh with our fire rescue Awards and accommodations let's good more welcome good evening Madame chair board I'd like to take a quick moment to share with you an emergency response during Hurricane Debbie for the quick actions of bystanders and our fire rescue Personnel provided a glimmer of hope even in the face of tragedy on August 5th 2024 raer County fire rescue was dispatched to a scene involving a vehicle that was submerged in water with a person trapped in side upon arrival bystanders were already in a in the in the water attempting to rescue the patient their her heroic efforts succeeded in bringing the patient to the surface where one of our firefighters rushed into the water to help swim the patient to shore once on Shore our engine Personnel assisted by a former Bradford County Firefighter EMT began CPR and other life-saving measures while the patient tragically succumbed to their injuries later at the hospital it's essential to recognize that because of these combined efforts the patient's heart was restarted at the scene patient was alive upon arrival at the hospital providing them with the best chance of survival possible this incident underscores the dedication of our community and our fire rescue Personnel while we are deeply saddened by the loss of life the actions of these individuals ensured that the patient had every chance of survival possible the actions of these heroic bystanders serve as a testament to the power of community and the strength of ordinary citizens and extraordinary circumstances Additionally the teamwork displayed by our fire rescue team was remarkable to watch I would like to recognize the following individuals for their exemplary actions please come forward as your name's called Stander Clint Ripley bystander Aaron Cruz who is the former Bradford County Firefighter EMT that I spoke of bystander Jonathan sweat firefighter EMT John th firefighter EMT Joe hos firefighter firefighter EMT Dakota Drummond paramedic McKenzie Peterson and firefighter EMT Jensen Stewart the plaque that I have for the bystanders here who on August 5th in recognition of the extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by all the bystanders who on August 5th 2024 without hesitation risk their own life own safety to assist in the rescue of someone trapped in a submerged vehicle your actions serve as a testament to the power of community and the strength of ordinary citizens in extraordinary circumstances on behalf of Bradford County Fire Rescue and the citizens we serve we express our deepest gratitude for your herois heroism if we could recogn recognize all these individuals for their courage that was displayed on that on that day thank you so much you may be seated thank you all right let's give them one more round of applause thank and we were actually dispatched to a suspicious vehicle was the initial page that we that we went to and so it was during the hurricane and there were quite a bit of confusion going on with with uh with all the calls that were being handled at the time and so when I arrived on scene and I saw CPR being done on on the patient and people in the water I was quite confused as to what uh what had actually transpired and so um again quickly we realized how incredible their efforts were and what they did that day so um it was it was I believe Clint was the first one there driving by and just happened to see tail light sticking out of the water and jumped in with a shackle out of his truck and was able to bust the sunroof and get the gentleman out of the out of the vehicle so uh again just a tremendous tremendous effort and uh great job by everyone involved all right and on another another note and this is uh quite the evening to be able to to highlight the Partnerships that we have with the community and with our other responders as well but I'd like to take a moment to share an extraordinary event that highlights the spirit of our community in the professionalism of BR County fire rescue as well as Stark fire rescue on August 26th 2024 one of our citizen suffered a life-threatening cardiac emergency while waiting for her grandchildren at the bus stop a bystander an everyday hero who also happens to be a registered nurse recognized that the patient was pulseless and not breathing and initiate ated CPR providing the critical early intervention that ultimately saved this patient's life the success of the event did not rest on one set of hands alone when our fire rescue crews arrived they displayed Flawless teamwork and executed their duties with skill speed and precision the teamwork displayed by county and City fire rescue was nothing short of outstanding it was a textbook demonstration of the level of dedication and expertise that we work hard to maintain in Bradford County what makes this event especially personal personal for me is that the patient and her family are like an extension of my own family I grew up in church with Miss Sharon and her children and in our young adult years her son Andy and I were roommates when I arrived on the scene and realized who it was this one hit home I witnessed firsthand how the quick actions of a bystander and the impecable response of our team made all the difference as the fire chief I'm proud to lead such a capable and compassionate group of professionals and I extend my deepest gratitude to both the bystander and our fire rescue crews for their extraordinary work this incident underscores the value of Public Safety and Community Partnership and I wanted to share this positive outcome as a reminder of the impact we can have when we work together we're so honored to have Miss Sharon and her family here with us tonight and up until tonight I did not realize that uh her grandkids also need quite a bit of recognition because uh her granddaughter Ariana and Jordan also um Ariana actually was the one who called 911 and also uh was the one who waved Miss Jenny over to let her know that there was something going on with uh with Miss Sharon and so I do want to recognize uh some more people on this for this call as well and so again please come forward as your name is called and so our bystander is Miss Jennifer reading paramedic McKenzie Peterson firefighter EMT Jensen Stewart EMT trainee Clint Collins supervisors Ashley Ru and Jason hery and Stark fire rescue Ashley Moore and Kelly Outlaw and then I would like the grandkids and Miss Kimber reading also to come forward if you would so Ariana Jordan and Kimber if you'd take a step forward with us as well we don't have plaques for you yet but we're going to get those made so so again just uh wanted to give a token of our appreciation here especially to Miss Jenny um in recognition of the extraordinary courage and selflessness displayed by Jennifer reading who on August 26th 2024 without hesitation initiated CPR on a patient suffering from Cardiac Arrest prior to the arrival of Emergency Services your efforts not only gave the patient a second chance at life but also serve as a powerful reminder of how critical bystander intervention can be you made a difference when it mattered most on behalf of Bradford County fire rescue in the citizens we serve we express our deepest gratitude for your heroism thank you all so much and I miss Sharon I did want to provide you with the opportunity to speak if if you'd like to thanks to the to the uh children and to Jenny I have the opportunity to be here today um they haven't told you any details but the Extreme Measures they went to to bring me back to life to be saved is extraordinary um I can't tell you how valuable it is to have a community where people really work together and we have so many resources that people don't even recognize how significant it is and one thing that that I am going to try to promote whether it's in school or in the community in some way is to teach children I was fortunate that my grandchildren reacted in a smart way as young as they are you know my granddaughter's in fifth grade and my grandson's in second grade so you know that they had the the strength you know and the smart about him to get the right kind of help and thank God that he put Jenny at the bus stop that day she's not there every day and um and they reacted in a in a great way and I think that some type of some form of Education needs to be provided for children to know how to react and what to do uh in a situation like that um I'm very grateful for all the the First Responders um I know some of you and have watched you grow up and some of you I don't know but you you are angels to me and and anything I can ever do for any of you um I'm not rich but but I do know a lot of rich people oh and I worked a long time in this community and in the um judicial system but I do have a lot of wonderful friends and anything I can ever do for any of you all you have to do is ask and if I can't do it I might know who can so please just know you're in my heart and you're all angels to me I know you don't make a lot of money I worked in the um Jud IAL system and I didn't get paid enough money so I know what that's like but you have to have I admire all of you for having the dedication that you do um and just know that God will will reward you amen um he saved me many times this is my this is my first rodeo um and I hope it's my last Rodeo for a long time but I want you're all special in my heart and I want to commend all of you for for not giving up thank you madam chair that's that's it for me thank you so much for allowing us some time to do that and if if you would just a few minutes we're going to just have everybody step out and uh and I don't want to cause too much of a Ruckus so thank you all for coming and sharing in this important Madam chair may I say something before they leave Friday night at the football game I and some of you were probably there but before the game started there was a gentleman on the very top row who had a heart attack these same people rushed up there and it was a time getting him all the way down but they got him down got him in rescue and then one of our children got knocked completely out on that football field we sat in Terror not knowing but thank God they were there when we think about the jobs that you guys do you're Heroes to all of us when we sit and watch what you do and save our family's lives just know that it means a lot to us and it doesn't go unrecognized and it doesn't I mean to say thank you seems so meaningless but it's the only thing we can do so thank you from me and my family for what you do and the commitment that you have because it's a tough job but thank you so much and thank you from all of us and it's so good to when they you're training the children what to do in case of an emergency that's important thank you okay now we're going to continue on at this time we'll have a public comments and Miss vandr um as presented the card talk about clearing a room my name is via strong post office box 530 ly um I come to these meetings um all the time and um most of the time I feel like what I say goes in one ear and out the other um and you know you guys I feel like most of the time don't listen but um I'm a taxpayer and I in my mind I'm important um you guys are the uh you represent the tax paays in the state in this County I look at the agenda I look at how much you're spending this county is spending I take a look at it I I look at this payment register I listen to what our budget is I look over it I have an accounting degree and and I look at the people that we've hired I I I look at at at you guys and I think okay so at some point you guys have looked at these these numbers and you've hired people you know our County Manager our accountants and our bookkeepers and what have you uh our department heads and what what have you someone has to be accountable for what we're spending I should not as a citizen have to say look over what we're spending and make a change I should not have to look at it and see that someone has to be accountable for what we're spending I should I should not have to do that that's what we as the citizens vote you guys into to do that's what you have brought in people that you pay to do somebody has to be accountable at some point we have to we're not playing with Monopoly money here these are our tax dollars somebody has to be accountable at some point we cannot keep spending this money like we're spending at some point somebody has to stop and say enough is enough our dollars are going out the window we're spending too much money and at you you have to cut it off at some point and we're looking to you to say enough is enough if I can see it in in our numbers you should be able to see it in our numbers and enough is enough if I see it you guys should see it thank you M strong did I miss anyone comment card thank you okay next on uh the agenda is the approval of the consent agenda um Mr Kan if you if you would um if you could just speak to um I guess that's K and K andl just if you can just give a just brief little summary with those two items just for clarification for the board you don't mind yes ma'am just good do you want to know specifically what the project is because it's in your it's in your pack yes if you could just you know in a couple of sent just explain what that project is about sure okay and this and the next one after that just so that we know those general areas and location so uh do we even know where the what the road is or is it not a par is it a particular Road County Road County Road right this is the okay so this is the trail the Paca to Lake Butler trail from Hampton to 227 it's just it's an agreement to uh provide for the preparation execution and finalization for the the agreement with the state of Florida Department of Transportation shall transmit whether by physical or electronic means any necessary copies of set agreement in this resolution to the State of Florida Department of Transportation so this is just putting into place the legislation that's required to move forward with the construction of the trail okay and this Trail is in the Hampton area um that runs parallel to um County Road 18 is that correct Mr ready the trail so that people in general kind of know where that location is um and a knowledge that's the trail that runs parallel to um kind this is this is the one this is the one that that they're fixing to start it's going to pick up right there in Hampton by the railroad tracks it's going to go around there's going to be a a bike overpass built over 301 and um and then it's going to go from there uh it comes out goes across uh what is that 221 from from um from start and this is this is just to extend the trail the biggest part of this project and um I was in a meeting with uh Mr corn and him and uh we do have pictures of the uh overpass that's going to be built over 301 um actually I was waiting on uh dot they were going to been talking with um um uh Barney Bennett and he was going to come and do a presentation to the board once they they're trying to finalize it out the project has got to be complete before 2026 so they're really hustling right now but that's what it is they'll pick up right there in Hampton where the um like I said where the railroad tracks are go around and where the old sawmill used to be that's where it's going across 301 and um it it's a nice project very nice project I wanted to give the public some idea because you know maybe we as a board may but just to give the public idea of this project this would help to complete that and then make safe passage across 301 so that people are not biking and looking out for the cost but they will be able to physically go over that by and if you want in the next me I don't have it where we could put it up on a PowerPoint but next meeting I could give you the pictures and everything of uh of what they're planning like I said uh Barney bid from dot was going to come and do a presentation once they got it totally finalized out um as for for the uh for the next one L that's um at the Bobby Shepherd Memorial Park right there in Hampton all 325 um they're going to make that turn that into a trail head because they've got uh actually some nice playground equipment there there's a ball field there and they have a restroom facilities already there and what this is for is to pave that parking lot that's right there uh we've been trying to get this done for quite a while now uh Mary Lou from the city of Hampton has been really working hard on this project and um we finally got the funding to do it and that's that's what that one is okay thank you for clarifying that for me was just important to kind of let the public know a little bit about it and you know where where it is and and its purpose but thank you CL I will I will call uh Mr Barney Bennett and uh and see if he's ready for that presentation and if not I can at least get you the the pictures and stuff of the drawings well thank you and that did that helped okay thank you um all right um then I look for um a motion for approval of the consent agenda I make a motion to approve the consent agenda okay motion by commissioner ready second by commissioner Thompson any further discussion or questions if not all the in favor by the sign I will miss Andrews Mr Thompson hi oh Mr r i myself oh thank you consent agenda is approved and if I may ask because I wasn't aware that um until right now um have they did they change the design that we sent in before of the overpass do you know Mr R it's it's the same design same exact same exact thing yes okay all right thank you all right approval for the fmit and Def fact Insurance Mr Scott Roberts is here with us this evening share and be available to ask and answer any questions that the board might have okay um yes uh one thing I want to bring before y'all U some good news ratewise y'all only had like a five or 6% increase the other thing is which in this day and time is UN of but what changes were made is they re-evaluated some of the property so that any other increase was due to the property increase but as you know property is an issue in Florida and one option I'd like to bring back to you bring to yall is yall currently have a uh 5% named storm deductible in other words it has to be a named storm for it to be 5% that is pretty typical in the industry own or not high or not low some most are going higher and what I want to bring to y'all and I I would make a recommendation upon y'all's approval is I have worked out a 7.5% deductible for Nam storm and also a 10% deductible uh I know that you know given a catastrophe happening a storm coming through and taking out some of these buildings I I know it's not ideal but y'all will get some federal help on that so you're not going to get it the next day might have to wait a little bit on the money so I feel like in the long run y'all would still be coming out pretty good that's why youall were able to get by with some of these higher deductibles by going to a 10% deductible instead of a 5% you'll save about $75,000 so now your regular deductible is only $2,500 uh changing that won't make a big big deal but the wind deductible that's that's the problem in Florida when the wind blows so I you know it's up to y'all how much risk I know I visited with the county manager and Miss Rachel the deputy clerk uh I shared this with them and I can't speak for all of them but I think the county manager like the idea of a 10% too and that would be my recommendation too the 10% uh God forbid something come through and take out the courthouse and the jail that's your that's your biggest ones uh but that happens we're all kind of in trouble including my office across the road so we're all in trouble with that so I see a lot more of the municipalities go into the higher deductible I don't think you're outstretching anything that's strange or anything by going to it so that would be my recommendation and get the savings what is the will of the board and then question for Mr Robert I mean we we've dealt with them a long time yeah they've never steered us wrong so thank you all right you need us any questions yes I I agree I agree with what you're saying all right then I'll ask for a motion I make the motion okay and so Roberts yeah okay okay so the motion would be for the fmit and the thank insurance rate and which um Mr Robert has indicated with option three option three 10% correct all right and that is Mr Thompson's motion is there a second to the motion second second my commissioner Ric any further questions on discussion it actually saves US money SC yep oh yeah by go well off off your renewal it gets you 75,000 70 at 74,000 less by going to a higher deductible okay you'll have a higher deductible and that's why you you Sav some yeah okay of renewal any other questions we have a motion and a second on the floor all in favor by the sign I any oppose it's 40 thank you if I can I don't get to address all y'all at one time if I can tell do a little commercial I appreciate the the confidence y'all put in us across the street there we're right here in this County uh my agency uh goes back 60 years messing with the municipalities this is not something new to us uh I've been messing with it since I got for the last 35 years so we bring a lot of experience to the table I don't get to say that too often not bragging that's just the way it is we we I've spent all my career in Insurance messing with municipalities and insurance so we're glad to bring that to you and I appreciate the confidence that y'all put in us doing that thank you we thank you Mr okay thank you all right thank you Mr Robert and next on the agenda we will hear from my our clerk Mr Thompson I just want to thank uh take time to thank Dana for the tremendous job she did this year uh putting a budget together uh we got a little early start kind of foror of this year so that helped a lot but uh we might not be able to get as early as start next year with these budget hearings budget meetings discussions we will that's it all right thank you Mr Thompson uh anything further miss lolik or Miss Rhoden thank you all right um our Sheriff isn't here but do we have any report um that you know of no ma'am okay thank you and um then we'll have the manager outc County Manager report thank you madam chair I just wanted to say thank you to the board each of you individually and collectively for being uh your thoughts and your prayers and your understanding over this past week and and a half it's um it's been a difficult time for for us but uh want to thank you too for the beautiful flower flower arrangement that uh that you sent to the celebration of life yesterday and um uh it really meant a lot to the to the cous and cornay families and uh just wanted to let you all know how how much we appreciated it okay that's all I have Madam chair thank you and we appreciate you and our thoughts and prayers uh with your family I know that you'll have the burial on tomorrow so we'll continue to lift you all up than all right um next we have our our our attorney is ints so there's not a report coming from him and now the Commissioners um commissioner Andre um just thank you all for being here tonight um thank you B for doing doing that tonight um your staff is awesome and they really deserved it so I uh touches my heart so thank you for doing that and that's all I have M thank you um commissioner Thompson yeah I want to thank y'all Mr Ben but I want to thank uh the clerk Denny and his staff y' did a heck of a job I mean I know it's been you ain't you got more hair than me but I know you lost something over this it just turned wi instead of coming out but I appre appreciate the job y'all done thank you commissioner R yes um again I I I thank you all thanks clerk's office Rachel Dana clerk thank you so much and all the meetings and everything and um and uh explaining everything the way you do I really do appreciate that um and and Ben that was what an awesome meeting tonight um that was something else I would I would love to have talked with the other the uh the people especially the the the ones that stopped and dove in and get the guy out of out of the vehicle I mean that's that's pretty impressive so so thank you thank you for all you do and I thank everyone for being here tonight and um good meeting thank you okay my turn um I I want to uh again to acknowledge our finance department along with our kind of manager's office and all the Departments who work together to put together the budget um also to acknowledge the uh Power rescue and uh everybody working as a team and that's what's all about the team effort and the commitment from all um Community involvement and the training that is provided to our employees but also families training their children uh to know what to do in cases of emergency and everybody work together for for this and that is very very good um also want to um to acknowledge I received um our request from um a little coach I call him a little coach um Conor nent he is the coach for rapis academic team for this year and and for next the 2425 school year so he was asking if there are any um of our commissioners or people in the community that would be sponsors for their brafford academic team some of the things they're they're interested and need help with is purchase of um practice questions for the students uniforms uh state competition fees fun team outings and end of year uh budget when they have their Banquets um they also um look for various sponsorships so if anyone is interested you can contact uh Coach Connor nent at braford high school or coach moniker uh or Kelly at the uh school and also to acknowledge that bref uh High School is having their homecoming uh which would be next weekend on next Friday um as often as we can participate and show our support for the various community events um like the academic team and the high school their football games um Brooker is having a fall festival that's coming up in the next week I believe it's the 26th and also Hampton is having their Fall Festival on the 28th so when we can show um support for the various Community um events um it makes everything work well for for the community um I just wanted to share that and that um and to thank Miss uh Shephard um and we'll have that I think on our next agenda but and the application for Grants sometimes there are grants and funds out there just for them asking so we try to apply for as many and sometimes those deadlines come about very quickly and this one in particular was coming about very quickly for this week so we will do a retroactive um support for that and this will have uh the opportunity for the county to explore some uh Economic Development um Ventures for our community and so um also the RJ um concerns citizens um with the help from the City they have a tiny to playground and so they're looking to do um sponsorship for the fencing and signage and they will be having an um I guess a groundbreaking scene to uh showcase the little tiny top Park that they have and with that uh Madam Madam chair I got one more thing I need to bring up please so last week the governor issued a press release um concerning uh monies that were being provided to rural counties and since that has come out we've been getting some questions about um you know what that was what it was for is that additional money is it money that's already been allotted so I had Amanda I asked Amanda to reach out to um Amanda dicks in in Lake City at fdot to to get a final answer and she responded back with this email and it's all in your inbox by the way it was it all you got it out just before five I think this afternoon but in any event I'm going to read Amanda's response that way there'll be there won't be any more Fusion Miss dick says I am told that the governor was highlighting the current year project funds for the scrap and scop programs there is no additional funding coming down the tube that we are aware of Bradford County was cited as receiving 4.25 million which is the amount of funding your agency received for County Road 237 from the lwell county line to County Road 18 sorry for any confusion this cost okay so there's there's the answer okay thank you for that answer because when I heard it on the news last we I'm said well we have no money right but thank you for clarifying that for us yes ma'am okay all right any may I ask yes now funding for 235 we already have correct yes ma'am okay all right thank you if nothing more um from anyone this meeting is ajour thank you all you --------- ##VIDEO ID:6IRoB5ITPwY## we're going to start our our meeting shortly in about two minutes um so if anyone has hadn't had an opportunity to turn your phone to vibrate or um put it on silent for us and um this evening um um commissioner dhy won't be here with us um two man come backed up so it takes the something seem like some of the lights are not on see might be my bad eyes but seem like the back lights are not on it seem like some of the lights weren't on no is that all okay thank you thank you good evening again um it is now 5:30 and this evening we are calling our public a hearing to to order for the adoption of our fiscal year 20242 final millage rate and final budget the meeting is now called to order that we would stand have our pledge alleg our ucation of pledge of allegion Heavenly Father we thank you for your blessing thank you dear Lord for loving us thank you Lord for just the privilege of being able to serve you and to be of service to our community we ask that you bless each and every one of our commissioners that are here bless m m Da and his absent and just bless everyone who's come out here U dear Lord and help us to work together to for the betterment of our community and um we thank you for the peace and love bless your name in Jesus name amen amen at this time we will um call our finance director of Miss la for the presentation of our final millage rate for the FIS year 2024 to 25 okay good afternoon board good night the 10 ms needed to fund the budget is greater than the rolled back rate of 95178 by a margin of 5.66 3% 10 mills is expected Ed to generate adalum tax revenue of approximately 4,453 35 this is an increase from the prior year prior fiscal year of 1,134 314 due to an increase in property values at this time I hear any public comments uh from anyone okay thank you here none I'll ask um for um for there any comments from the commission regarding the the final millage okay and and let the record show that um I didn't mention that commissioner um d. here so the four of us are here all right um if not I'll ask uh for the um Finance director will do the presentation of the resolution a resolution of the Bradford County Board of County Commissioners adopting the final leving of adorm taxes for Bradford County for fiscal year commencing on October 1 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 and providing an effective date okay uh I now call for a motion for the adoption of the resolution as presented I'll make a motion to adopt a resolution okay motion by um motion by commissioner Thompson um to to for the um adoption of the resolution as as read second second by commissioner reic are there any further questions or discussions if not at this time call for the vote all by a sign of I I any opposed carried by 4 Mr the total operating final budget including interfund transfers and bond reserves for fiscal year 2024 2025 is 93,9 24,95 on there any public comments regarding this final budget any comments from the Commissioners hearing none Mr LOL if you would present the resolution a resolution of the Bradford County Board of County Commissioners adopting the final budget for Bradford County for fiscal year commencing on October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 providing an effective date Madam chair if you would read the resolution into the I'm sorry madam chair and I I just remember this I will need you to do a roll call vote okay when you go to vote for this resolution and if I can get a roll call vote for the resolution that was just adopted okay all right the resolution that was just adopted um if we would get a roll call from Miss Andrews i m Thompson I commissioner reading I and myself I okay and um if you read into the hearing um the resolution as presented read it the resolution of the bord County Board of County Commission is adopting the final budget for the braic county for the fiscal year commencing on October 1st 2024 and ending on September 30th 2025 providing an effective date that she read okay um at this time I ask uh for motion for the adoption of the resolution as presented I'll make a motion to adopt the resolution as read um motion by commissioner Thompson is a second to the motion I'll second second M commissioner Andrews any further question or discussion hearing none all in favor we're going to do a roll call Miss Andrews I commissioner Thompson I commissioner r i myself I fo thank you okay um no further business um at this time M Spooner yes I just ask that you know I started calling for you know reminding about the budget was coming up last year and if everybody get their department heads and see if there's any thing that they could see just come out of the blue that may have trouble with we might need to work out find another way to finance move from one Department to another I mean you know and then make a list of that we'll start having budget meetings maybe May June something like that next year this coming here and I believe that yes and I believe as we move forward with the various um workshops then if there are concerns that each department can bring it forward to us at an earlier time so I appreciate your suggestion commissioner Thompson and I think we need to do that anyway uh that way if something does pop up then you know then we' have upper hand on it so I know I know we got to yes and I like to commit um commissioner Andrews we also because I mean I would think everybody knows we have problems in some of our departments and some of those problems really need to be addressed I mean need to take a look at at how we can do those things and in those workshops have a real Workshop where we talk about our problems get it out on the open and bring suggestions to the workshop don't just come at with without ideas without recommendations but to have a full-fledged everybody involved workshop and another thing because something very very pending is our um fire assessment we need to start doing workshops on that fire assessment just like we're doing with with the budget we've got to address that and it we can't wait until September and start talking about it um we need to have workshops and that's when we invite the public in that's what we recommended or I guess I recommended it that um but we can't forget about that and just drop it I mean we had department heads here and I mentioned at like seven or eight meetings budgets upon us budget's coming up you know budget's coming up in a few months but nobody expressed any problems we got to do it number one we got to do it um again moving forward um that is something that we will do and get back on track and and and do it and maybe the other thing is looking at um those areas Department with the biggest budget or or have those that may have the most challenging um concerns or issues um some of the smaller departments you know it's pretty clear and others it's it's not so we'll take a look at that and uh get back on track with that but I would like to commend um our finance department and working with our County manager and um getting our budget together here um I don't know some of you might remember but um some years back it was some sometimes difficult to get the Department's budgets you know from constitutionals and others but we've come a long way and having the different departments to work with us and provide that information that we can look at to make some informed decisions so I really appreciate that okay all right if nothing more um okay but right now we're just doing a budget workshop and then we if there comments I need to have it in the you know during the public comments but at this time we're going to conclude our um hearing um um this meeting is now adjourned thank you we're going to have another hour almost so there's