##VIDEO ID:1y-KbHYwZbQ## e sounds night I hear myself say that yeah 40 I said what I say yeah okay we're going to flip five and six yeah I saw it that that's a good idea I don't just going to be ton people here for that anyway but there's no sense I don't know about these teal people um I did let her know last time that we were going to do it on this agenda so she knows who is the person shoot let me go you know what I think her Ling is Martin but let me just go double check that Michelle Collins uh yes good evening I'm okay en who e e e e e e e e e e e Mike hello how are you hey how are you good good what is this man what is this comedy name Apollo that was funny what Showtime that was a good show some good talent on there and go in see what cat just Dragged In in my mind are how are you I know yeah because Tony might come and bar what Tony might come he's s way back to PA and um Barbara is at therapy so I said I'll sit in the back and try and save you I know think but iions how are you good I just yeah you know intentionally un fa administrative yeah that's what [Music] oh yeah hard going on are you [Music] [Music] yuming it's to work well take it how are can I put it okay something good good actually the oh thank you thank you oh recycle thank you thank you ER did give me something I was supposed to recycle no I was like I don't remember having one of those you do yours virtual on the uh right no I go to I get mine out of my mailx oh okay sometimes I do it virtual it depends yeah it's [Music] look yeah I oh yeah [Music] going oh this is what I think got Erica yeah 31 I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the co-star and the new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burough office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken provided that there is an inperson qu Mr Noble here Mr gbos here miss Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here uh Welcome to our 16th meeting of the year uh I will continue to emphasize that we are uh going to have disagreements we welcome disagreements but our voices should be constructive we want to write Bradley Beach and ask you to join us in that Journey ask everyone to gauge their tone moving forward we are all neighbors uh civility decency should be underpinning of our discussions um before we start the formal program I'd be remiss if I was did not acknowledge that today is the anniversary of the attacks on our democracy in New York Pennsylvania and Washington DC after 23 years the pain and grief remains uh this bookmark of change has been with us for an extensive period of time uh this morning um we uh there was a uh annual meeting at now Mitchell at the Highlands uh that our County and state officials led by uh commissioner Tom arnone has had he an annual service and recognizes the 147 residents from our County that perished in on 911 so uh what I'd like to do right now is just ask for a moment of silence a memory of those people okay we have a uh than we have a proclamation we be doing a little later today um going to make a motion to flip uh the workshop portion of the agenda and presentations in bids number five and six so that the uh Beach folks the TR teal folks uh um and then there's a few other that the congregation U can do their presentations and uh we can then proceed to the um 39 R Workshop so I'll make a motion to just move those two flip those two agenda items second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh so um we'll start with a presentation of our beach operations and I think we have somebody who's going to represent that um the um the other Beach manager uh Sean heer unfortunately has a um back to school night he's a administrator of school so um we'll cover him at the next meeting and you know we'll cover that then but I want to introduce Mike Rosenberg who uh for those who don't know Mike put that into there because that's the only way Zoom is going to be able to share it with zoom can I unplug that plug this you're GNA disconnect the zoom okay um do you have a what do you have a file I just I have a uh slide SL PowerPoint yes about the have UPS drive you just put it in there I mean I can still speak I just Michelle oh she does oh there's Michelle oh okay never mind got it thank you Michelle Michelle's in the back but she can hear us so be careful thank you Michelle so um Mike all you'd have to do is say next and she'll hear you she's down he okay you want to start you can did you hit the right one mik hold on sry so was a good summer it was a good summer um so I grew up here we go my father was the number two with Dick Johnson since 1992 I grew up on the beach my father's captain in the Kad uh since before I was born so I definitely have a direct relationship to the beach I've been a life C since I was 16 believe 1998 it was definitely an honor to get to take over the beach um so basically being under Mr Johnson there was very few things that I wanted to change for my first year uh the one thing that I did feel very strongly about and it was definitely a change for everyone was the flag system uh anybody went down to the beach you would notice that there was no ropes this year we had the swimming Flags which were Checker flags and uh next the advantages to it were that drip currents are unpredictable and I remember as a beach captain on report that many times that right in the middle of our bathing grounds there was just rip currents that were dangerous to the public and it comes to a point where there's nowhere to put them to stay safe and what the flags did was it allows us to just move around the rip Cur um it definitely on the cave out actually we did it multiple times this summer and it definitely kept people more safe sorry no problem I'll also say that one of the other issues that with the ropes that was a safety concern uh when the ties got higher both the elderly and small children would get caught under the ropes uh we we would call it a rope o but it was definitely something that we had to be on our toes and many many times run down and free the person which they usually get caught on their neck and it return bad so Mike we had also had a situation last year where a lot of fishing line was hooked up on a rope and ab RI somebody up it's not a good scene at all the ropes themselves were razor sharp but yes the we get fish line all the time on them and uh it just it seemed like the right choice uh a guard who has been there along with my father I want to say since about 1967 actually at the end of the summer said he came around so that made me feel good um but definitely something that we want to keep going moving forward next please so as far as our budget goes um we don't necessarily need the same monetary amount every year uh what we did notice was we do have some needs for some upgrades on equipment our paddle boards are used many times especially on those col days with a West WI where you get a little kid that will just go out to see and have trouble getting back in uh we utilize them many times and there's a need to get some but that's something that say we buy a couple next year we don't necessarily need them the year after that um our storage was also an issue as you can see in this picture um The Sheds shouldn't really be sharing equipment and the uh quads there's really about a foot of space to get that in there and you know it can lead to some accidents that you want to avoid um I already had start speaking to Public Works and Meredith about I know we have restrictions but trying to get bigger sheds on the beach to just store the equipment there and then frees up the space through the quads um and again the ores and kayak all that those are more equipment that could be done one time and not necessarily every year next please so one thing that I do want to look into um so in our headquarters we had a lot of trophies uh for anybody that's been around here for many years we used to be we used to Pride on our tournament team and I think there is a direct correlation between having a good tournament team and having darks um I am lucky enough to still compete in that and we had our manisan tournament in August and we came in third place that was actually for what we have been putting out there that was a very good showing by our part and you could just see the younger kids just being hungry and wanting to get out and train and it just kind of is a chain reaction and just gets everybody just wanting to be a better lifeguard and that definitely starts with phys phal Fitness and using the equipment so that's something that I want to look into possibly having training opportunities after hours because one thing that happens you know you want to do have a tournament practice weekends are usually the best time to have all the guards but the conditions or just something usually gets us where we can't do that uh I think it's better to maybe bring the guards in before or after hours every once in a while to get that going that we don't have to have the distractions next please so I definitely was proven wrong with the next part I when I was looking at the ways that we could save in the budget I thought that the mom of County lifegard Academy was something that we didn't necessarily need to do I was so wrong with this first off these guys and Tim Harman from Seager deserves all the credit in the world uh this Academy trained our guards so well with CPR first aid just on the job training they had boats going like can you go to the next one I'm sorry two down well you saw from the pictures I mean they they were doing drills where they would swim out the boats they had all the resources back one more that's next one back one back one please there you go I mean right here they're learning how to excavate somebody that gets caught when they're digging holes which we all know has been a problem um you know they're doing their drills and everything we one of the hardest jobs that or one of the hardest parts to this job is that the majority of our staff is between the ages of 16 and 22 um anybody that knows a teenager that's a lot of responsibility for being in charge of lives and the biggest problem throughout the years was convincing these kids that they're that this is that big of a responsibility I mean you have adults sometimes that don't get it so we're talking 16 17 year old kids on you can to the next slide please on July 14th this right here made it all worthwhile on nework AB Beach we had a an individual that went into the water we did not know that they had recently been in the hospital and the gentleman just basically took a couple strokes and went l a one of our guards that went to this Academy who was 16 years old was right on it she said she just knew for some reason to watch this gentleman uh her and two other rookies another 16-year-old and another 17-year-old along with with one of our other guards brought her brought the person in and performed CPR for about 5 minutes when I spoke to them after they basically said that that training just all just they knew exactly what to do I know personally when I was a 16-year-old rookie if I was put in that situation I was not as prepared as they were and I think that this was definitely worth the money and I mean I I owe so much to Tim Harmon for that I mean it's just a we were honored at this award ceremony for the Never Off Duty and I mean these guards it's just you can go through a whole career and never have to do that so it was very nice to have uh last slide please and I just want to end with oh I'm sorry I have one more two more sorry two more so uh one other part of my budget I'm sorry uh can you click on the link this is called The Watchtower recording form or platform basically for us laa we have to report Michelle can you just click on that on that link there you have to report basically all incidents um click click on the green please well I'll just I'll just explain but basically this gives a comprehensive report that we need not only for usla but uh if you guys want to see where uh it gives us the data on where our our busiest beaches are um the captains go on afterwards and they report incidents and everything I mean we can report every time we have to call the police um any kind of major medical where we transfer uh the care to an ambulance or anything and then they can come back another time and request that information we have it available we can print out reports from them so this platform which is $2,500 is definitely worth it for the advantages it brings Mike how long have we been using that for a long time or so I actually got this for free in August to try out they give us a free trial um it took about a week to get the guards to start implementing it fully so this was incomplete but I urge you if you have I know that you have it just to take a look but it gives a great so you want to use it next I would like to yes okay next please and obviously and this was again where our guards were honored for that rescue but I just wanted to just take a moment because one thing that I was lucky to learn was the collaboration of everyone I mean the town officials the police I mean it was great to know that they had our back because obviously there's times that we we need compliance and we won't get it unless we tell them well if we have to call the police down so it's was great to have Chief Arnold on with our backs um Public Works the gate guards and the other Chiefs it was just the collaboration among everyone just made the summer go a lot smoother that's all I got thank thank you Council any questions or com so the guy on July 14th he had a heart attack so I believe he went into cardiac arrest um he had a PR condition uh was released from the hospital I believe the day before uh he was brought to Jersey Shore he was put on the ventilator he did leave alive he left like I think the next Tuesday I think it was right like a couple days later yes no it's extraordinary oh absolutely the success on CPR is the single digit sometimes so that definitely any other questions or comments I just want to say thank you and usually I do a standing ovation when you guys all leave but I had a wedding that weekend no problem so um Bravo I I'll email every yeah thank you so if they missed me I was out so but thank you again you guys are great work thank you yeah so a great again a great Beach season um the change in leaders ship was was pretty um transparent it it you know we went from one to the other and I think um Bob was a little bit of a support person during I use him as a a little bit supervisor yeah um you know if you look at our lifeguards and then our other seasonal support team they just do a great job the the badge Checkers every Everybody um as you said DPW police everybody um we uh the good news relative to this season which was good weather an attractive Beach and I think good service by everybody is that uh we were able to exceed our revenue for the year um so I don't want to get get you too excited because uh I I can see the I could see the wheels turning I could use this this this this um but um our seasonal badges we sell a little over 14,000 of those we were about at 98% of our projection what we sold uh but we exceeded our daily badge by almost uh 12% I'm talking about units um which is significant because we were worried about kind of the erosion of that over the last few years but it seems like I co it went here it started coming down and it seems like people are now coming back to the beach after I guess just travels a little bit of a pain in the ne when look at airports I think everybody's traveled out and they're back at the beach so we had budgeted about we had budgeted A milon 850 in badge sale uh and we actually went over 2 million this year we were 2, 32,000 so uh that's a that's a surplus of about 184 so that's going to help us with uh that outfall pipe that we had to fund um from the cave but also as Surplus so we can invest and do some other things so uh that's just some more good news I'm going to cover that with when Sean next week but I thought you might want to hear it too right the public so thank you great job okay our second um announcement or Proclamation is I'm assuming that yes you are a I could I could tell by the T-shirt uh so uh we have a a proclamation and um for those who haven't been around town um you can see that we've got just a few of those teal kind of stickers so uh do you want to talk first and then I'll just read the proclamation or yeah fine great maybe introduce yourself yeah hi everybody my name is Michelle Collin um I've been a resident for here for the last couple years we have an annual on hardl but ever since I was a kid my parents had a house in Delmar short house I've been coming down here since high school um my kids are now in college but we did Z camp at and have a new beach with them for years this is our beach we just love Bradley Beach we're hoping to eventually get the house here to be permanent residents as both of our kids are now in college one's and one is abroad and Y so anyway I'm an almost 10year Survivor of high grade serious ovarian cancer I was diagnosed at h39 which isn't typical um it's usually diagnosed after age 60 um this disease is rare and underfunded around 21,000 women will be diagnosed per year and around 13,000 will pass away it's a deadly disease has a high recurrence rate um and it's pretty much diagnosed late stage there's really no early stage ovarian cancer because there's no early screening test by the time you have symptoms a lot of the times it's beyond stage one or two um they've found that it actually begins in the poopum tubes and this is part of the reason why it's so hard to uh get an early diagnosis or had early straining test um and when it goes into the pH Tu it then sprinkles onto the ovate and by then it's open to your whole abdominal cavity so that the disease just spreads very quickly um there's a new recommendation I like to just educate everybody because ovarian cancer is known as the ugly step sister to breast cancer so the more you know um a new recommendation is if you're having uh like a a surgery that involves like your pelvic area or abdominal area you can have an opportunistic self inject you can request that where they the surgeon will take take out your fian tubes if you're done having children prevent ovarian cancer from ever um happening um there are some symptoms some of the common ones include bloating early satiety where you get full quickly when you're eating pelvic abdominal pain and and urinar changes but there could be no symptoms and a lot of these symptoms are very common so people get passed off to different doctors and this diagnosed for Monday months sometimes years it's important to be your own additive and about 10 to 15% of cases there's a genetic link a mutation either brocca or Lynch syndrome I didn't have any mutations I've been tested um but it's important to know your family history if you have a relatives who are with early stage with early breast cancer early age breast cancer so like before the age of 50 or any type any age of aarian cancer if that's in your history you should look into potential profit testing um and it should be noted that if could also be test from your father as well as your mother people think sometimes your father you know they don't think that your father can be carrying the vacation that could be pass to you but if there's history on your father's side that put something um I want to thank the mayor for supporting this initiative um I've been par participating in a collidoscope of Pop ovarian cancer walk for eight years um we hold it in Bradley Beach now it used to be an Avon that's a separate organization from turn the town steeld but we're all finding the same mission to just raise awareness and raise fun raise money and funds to hopefully get an early ring test um our walk this year I'm on the board of is SE 28 at 9:00 a.m. grad on boardwalk and turn the town steel was uh developed by survivors of aarian cancer about 20 years ago who wanted to raise awareness nationally for the disease and we put up till ribbons for the month of September it's roam to almost like every state participating so if you see till rib usually thr a very header in September after a month um lastly I just want to honor my cousin Christine she passed away the end of July from this disease ironically it's not related to mine we have different sub types and it's a different type of boian caner that she has we both had no mutations but it just shows how deadly this could be and how it's so a lot of misinformation about about what it is a lot of people think you have a PS you go to the doctor and you're all clear PS nerves don't getar anything they detect cervical cancer so be your own advocate you have any unusual symptoms get checked don't stop until you get an answer because a lot of times you're it's known as medical gas lighting for women they're just hold women problems or met no that's it great no great apprciate okay Proclamation turn to town teal 2024 whereas September has been designated as National ovarian cancer awareness month and whereas turn Town teal is a national campaign to create awareness of ovarian cancer and during the month of September volunteers tie teal ribbons throughout towns and let me tell you they tied them in town they're all over my daughter okay whereas turn the town Town's teal was an inspiration of Gale deal of chatt New Jersey and goes forward in goes forward in her name and her honor and whereas aarian cancer is called a silent disease because symptoms are often subtle and orade and often mimic other disorders and whereas ovarian cancer is the fifth meaning cause of cancer death woman each year 20,000 women are diagnosed disease 10,000 Di and whereas if detect in an early stage fiveyear survival rate for obedian cancer tendy as high as 90 95% however there is no screening awareness of symptoms remains imperative and early detection awareness imperative whereas the bur of Bradley Beach will participate in turning the town steel campaign with RS adorning part Main Street and Ward walk for month of September now therefore being resolved the governing body and B browny Beach Street here by support turn to town teals a return the town teal awareness campaign and Proclaim September andan caner awareness dated today september4 and you said September 28th Mr yes on board walk in the morning great ready to come yeah okay thank you you much thank you comment I asked to make this comment by one the residents um for those who um knew Julia Rand uh she was the chair of our Arts commission since it was originated uh she was diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer and she remained in remission for six and a half years until its return this past November uh Julia elected not to go three through treatment at that time jul was about 84 at the time when she passed uh her doctor day over six months uh she stayed with us for seven um certainly I recommend that um maybe at our next council meeting we join this Proclamation and just recognize Julia again work she's done because she was a key part of our community against somebody who had to deal with this for over seven years so just mention that okay thank you very much icture you thank you see 28 yeah that's a walking okay our next we have uh congregation agad aim does anybody hear from the congregation I don't think so I think they're um I think they're partied out from their celebration on Sunday uh but I will I'll read this Proclamation um second y uh whereas the year 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of agad aim uh synagogue in the burough Bradley Beach and whereas in the late 1800s a group of Jewish men gathered together to pray the five men called themselves the sons of Abraham and met in various homes on September 23rd 1923 they signed the papers to incorporate as congregation aadim on the same day they purchased a house on the corner of Maven Beach Avenues 7-Eleven Beach Avenue and whereas in 1924 the congregation purchased a square lot on the corner of the cave in central Avenues and in 1927 they celebrated the completion of a new synagogue in its presid location through the expansion and Renovations the building eventually included a community center Auditorium offices a library and as you see it today and whereas synagog attracted uh many Jewish summer residents that came to Bradley beach every year from nework New York Long Island and assuring them that they had a place to worship all summer many of them are now our all year residents the synagogue plays an important part in the lives of both social religious gatherings whereas over the years the congregation has served the community with events in the park uh that welcomed the entire community formed a team to face the police department in basketball called the Jews versus blues and invited the governing body to various social events now therefore be it resolved by the governing body of burough Bradley Beach to urge the community to join in recognition and appreciation for the members pass and president of the congregation a aim for their commitment and generous contributions to the entire community so we wish them the best um to go forward um I guess um they they did have their uh 100 celebration last Sunday uh the place was packed and they they had a a really good celebration and um it was a a great um get together uh they are trying to fund some Improv ments uh in their Auditorium and then ultimately in their uh um bestle that's probably not the correct term in in Hebrew but um uh they've been great Partners in our community I've always said they're the community within our community uh they do great things for us and we certainly value um having them as our community members and for those who don't know it um uh Rabbi kelman who's been here I want to say for let see um I don't have it in front of me but I think six or seven years now um Rabbi has been U he's moving to Israel uh we certainly want to thank him for his leadership and rabie AR VCH is now the seventh Rabbi since 1940 and he'll be taking over I don't know if Rabbi kelman has left yet but um he's his son's going to attend high school in Israel and uh he's moving back so we wish him the best okay the last is uh something I touched on earlier which is um a proclamation on the remembrance of um September 11 whereas September 11th 2001 was etched into America's memory with 19 terrorists with 19 when 19 terrorists attacked us with barbarity unequal in our history and whereas while we continue to recover from the loss of innocent lives the spirit of the United States of America has been revitalized giving us giving way to expression of patriotism and whereas we as a community wish to honor the heroic service actions and sacrifices of First Responders law enforcement Personnel state and local officials volunteers and countless others who aided in the innocent victims of those attack risking and often sacrificing their own lives and whereas from the tragedy of September 11th emerged a stronger Nation renewed by a spirit of national pride and true love of country and whereas we honor and cherish the memory of thousands of innocent victims that were lost and we extend our thoughts and prayers to the victims families and honor the heroic men and women who risked and sacrificed their lives so others might survive and now therefore be a resolved on behalf of the governing body of the burough of Bradley Beach to hereby Proclaim Wednesday September 11th 2024 as September 11th Remembrance Day in the bur of Bradley Beach and urge our citizens to set aside September 11 as a day to mourn reflect and rededicate ourselves to end terrorism and honor the victims of September 11th by reaffirming our reaffirming our commitment to sustaining our newbound patriotism Proclaim this day 11 September 2024 okay I think that completes section six of our agenda so we'll now move to section back to section five um and Michelle if you could um go to that presentation okay um this should be very quick I'm just going to really get us through the presentation portion of this Fair quick and U then we can move towards hopefully it's an action um second slide please I think you all have a copy of this I'll talk to you here um so I'm G to just take this very quickly back to 2022 when um post referendum we had a meeting in December and we we looked at three options op in the property raise the site and subdivide for sale and redevelop or have a Redevelopment plan we centered it on option one and two was the majority of the discussion and we settled in on option two initially which was raise the site subdivide for sale next slide please we went through a number of steps like uh an appraisal a net valuation survey uh dealt with the uh and continue to deal with the um artifacts with the ocean bro Camp meting Association and a working with us on that and then we um so that's basically what we did in early 223 next slide please host ail uh we went through a process of an RFP for demo we did a lot of reviewing on that we did a lot of discussion we did a lot of tabling um on then October 25th um the council chose to ship to option one which I go back to option one was really auction the site as it next slide so from that time we um the the Shi from the original plan for demo demo sell option to site auction um we embarked on that uh we did run into and council president um the noble mentioned this earlier today that um I didn't mention anything about affordable housing in this first quar because really from about mid January to probably the April May time frame we were confronted with some affordable housing issues that tied into the sale of the site or the if we were going to use a portion of this site for affordable housing obligations but we'll pass that now and in June um we developed the final bid package we distributed to the public and noticed it uh in the public venues um on July 25th um we did a had a bid an auction at 2m on July 25th and uh we had we had approximately six uh people pick up packages but no bids came in on the property so the next slide which is very busy and that's the reason I made um copies for people is we went out and saw feedback what happened why didn't more people B what's the what was the issue and we um we went out to about six or seven different entities we went to an online uh real estate uh company that a resident from town um is a member of this company and just plug us into the person who does online auctioning uh we went to a couple of uh realy real estate agencies we went to a couple of developers um and we got we got a mixed um set of inputs but the couple of things that did come through were makeing it as simple as you can um some thought that a lot of them thought the demo clear the site get preapproval of of a major subdivision um and make it easy uh on bids was the the way to go forward um you know there wasn't 100% consensus by all these folks but that seemed to be kind of an overriding deal that this is this is complicated uh one of the Realtors said I'm sorry one of the developers said given your your start price given what it takes us to build a place there's not enough margin in it for us in our company to to bit on it so it was interesting um it was interesting input so um my recommendation and we need that this is POR the Workshop is to go back to option two which was to uh and reissue the demo RFP the demo RFP we did last uh May June it really wasn't anything wrong with the Dem RP we got three reputable um engineering organizations to bid on it we met with all of them we felt like we had a good approach uh they could manage it for us um as I said here Council to inba back and I met with those companies personally um we also want to set up this pre-approval of major subdivision with land use board and complete that prior to bidding the property in whichever State we bid it um this will broaden the pool of biders uh interested and if we do have a clean site uh a lot of the feedback was you really have this opportunity to sell one two three four you don't have to sell a block of four for three and half million dollars you might get a different full of people coming in on this so um do you go next slide next slide so again this has been a multi-year deal uh we acquired this in 2020 we did the analysis in 2021 2022 uh the resident spoke um 2023 we took a a set of actions not to I would have liked uh and here we are so uh we've got two resolutions to talk about tonight one is to approve uh the RFP for demo and second is um Smith Landings board pre-approval of a major subdivision I've spoken to the land use board and they are meeting next week um I'm not sure we can get everything done before then but right now they've got a pretty open Agenda so there's a I know people are meeting on this to see if we can achieve this between now on that so uh I will now be C let others provide their inut y okay so I mean just so everyone appreciates where the council stands at the moment um apparently you know the mayor and and uh and his team have done some work and I appreciate it um we are just seeing now the results from the survey of the various professionals so um would have been nice to have a little you know Advanced information before coming to you today and offering our opinions on on these results um what I will say we've consistantly since the May mention the October 25th meeting of 2023 the council members myself included the council president Den Noble in particular have stressed the need for and repeatedly requested um the council to present and request of the L use board um a review and ultimately approval of the the subdivision and the deed restrictions I mean it you can go back to minutes after minutes I've said it repeatedly um there have an email of course respondence in fact I believe council president Den Noble has a brief summary she can share with everyone but first and for as recently as a month or so ago I actually challeng when we just two months ago when we were going to sell the property at auction uh I even then was saying why aren't we subdividing and de restricting first um I also and I'm trying to keep an open mind on this but I also felt very strongly I told by contractors you the burough of Bradley Beach are crazy to do the demolition yourself now keeping it open mind I'm sure that in fact council president denov has educated me a little bit just over the past few days of um inquiries she's made of other municipalities that have in fact taken on demolition projects on their own um we we the burough have a a a spotty track record of manage working through Engineers to manage projects uh Bazi Center roof uh uh the phase two of our sewers I think phase two of our sewers we had over runs of something like $800,000 I'm just in general and exceptions are possible but I am a believer that you you Outsource these types of projects it I think it's potentially high risk to the burough one from a cost standpoint cost management um of this kind of demolition activity on especially a structure of this size um my personal preference would be to say hey everybody bid on this and whoever can do this job most coste effectively should give us the best price because that maximizes their profit possibly over overly simplistic I haven't had a chance to question these Realtors about or these you know these firms um about reasons for um you know why they thought it was uh disadvantageous for them to do the demolition but the obvious reaction I have is well if they don't want to do it because they're afraid of managing costs then it seems a little counterintuitive for me representing you to say okay we'll give us that risk give us that cost so so as the mayor mentioned back in October of 2023 I was very uh adamant very clear listed my reasons why I thought we really should uh not do the demolition ourselves now clearly um when July came and went and we had no bids legitimate questions why I do appreciate that the mayor has followed up with experts to give us some feedback uh as I said I'm going to keep an open mind on this but um personally I think the Lots from everything I've seen seen as a resident in town everything I've seen uh in talking to Realtors um it's these lots are if they are clean if they if we do the demolition um and if we do the subdivision and if we do the uh the deed restriction restrictions on average they're going to be worth close to a million dollars a piece could be a little less could be a little more but it wouldn't surprise me if we get proceeds close to $4 million after we incur the cost of demolition I I want to say this up front my whole plan was to kind of Outsource this I thought it was the best interest of the public I still think it it could be but clearly it didn't work on the first pass but if we were to go forward with the Demolition I'm just letting everybody know right now my inclination would be to say okay if we can do this and we can do this effectively and we can protect our residents and manage our own cost protecting our residents is important because if we're managing this project through an engineer um you know there's environmental challenges that you face and I want to make sure we nail those super clean so our residents are not adversely impacted um but if we go forward with this um I think I'm also inclined then to sell these crispine New Lots with no building on them uh through more traditional real estate channels I I think we could probably gain more selling direct to the public I think individuals are well positioned to pay the million dollars or more for a lot uh conforming lot in the middle of brenley Avenue um I think if we were selling at that point in a public auction to uh developers the likelihood is they're going to look for bidding against them one another they're going to look for something closer to a wholesale price so they can maximize profitability so don't be surprised me alone speaking but if we go forward with uh the burrow demolishing this property and if I understand how we would do that and how it's safe for our residents and how we can insulate ourselves from the cost then I'm very likely to sit here and tell you I don't want to sell it to developers now now I want to sell these individual Lots maximize the profit per lot that's my that's my reaction so clarify two things number one when you say we would sell those lots are you saying that we would just put those up for a price and have an auction similar what we did for the U the last auction no I I I I the auction makes a lot of sense to me if we were selling the Lots subdivided and de restricted but selling them in their entirety to a developer right but now if we go through the effort of demolishing the building and subdividing indeed restricting these Lots now we have four crime pieces of real estate in the center of Bradley Beach and we've seen we've seen houses purchased for over a million dollars and have the houses raised right but I'm maybe I'm not being clear my question I'm trying to get what's the mechanism you to sell those four plots I would think I haven't explored this because we're just getting information now but I would think something closer to assigning it to a realtor and S through MLS yeah okay got you okay that's I'm sorry you whether it's one lot four lot you have to sell them by option okay seriously can we sell them but open to the public not just to developers oh the last one was open to the public as well yeah there aren't too many folks the exact same way we did it last time is the exactly where we have to sell that those properties when we tell them we don't have to do an auction with very few other exceptions with like giving it to another municipality is if it's a unimproved property that is non-conforming so like your classic abandoned right of way we can divide between the two property owners and make the offer and a PR okay to be auction so in this case because it's four Lots you could have uh John Smith and Mary Smith right bid a million dollars on one lot and that's it versus this whole 3.5 million deal correct started yes okay yes so before I talk about demo council president you want to talk about demo a little bit yeah I just wanted to add to one more clarity on that I know that's it'll be open to the public afterward okay I just want to add to that as a licensed realer I wasn't aware of this option and I believe that we need to really advertise it uh it has to be out there in the newspapers or some some way we have to get the word out that these lots are available I will say yes whatever out said I agree with him as well before that and that I did speak with the ba and the mayor in Spring Lake I also spoke with the ba and the mayor of Avon and what they did rather than hire an engineer do we know how much the engineer would cost to manage this uh we had three bids and I think the bid that we were going to accept was 47,000 and that was that was an end to end they managed the bid for demolition they managed the environmental they managed the whole thing well they had um both done this very similar with a church and another building their their Burrows and they actually had their business administrator handle it and um they said the process was fairly simple I know we have some asbest and Lead situations but they said you could have higher Envirotech and then after that they used um let's see Spring Lake used it used the uh Maza and then Avon used Lurch and um they even recommended going to Mama County and maybe get a price from them for shared services so they said that the process is relatively simple and even the VA of Spring Lake said you know that he he's estimated $50,000 which is pretty correct should would be better off in the taxpayers pockets rather than our engineers and this is something that a VA could handle so I would suggest that we try that roof before we start spending any more money on this location so thank you clear have order please um so when you say Mammoth County we're saying that Mammoth county has a demolition group yeah I did um speak with the public works director there John and he's yes it's who takes it it's a disposal job right Maus has a disposal you have to have someplace to take take the building when you're done with it so Ms county has a landfill and I assume they use them to dispose a a debris yeah that's what they said they just just give um they'll give us a checklist and an estimate of what it would cost so I thought that would be worth visiting as well so we would put a bid out for demo Yeah by and also a shared service request to the county of Mammoth well again the question with Mammoth is is that just for disposal of the um debris or is that to physically knock down the building I'm not aware that they have that that's what we have to you know inquire with them I don't know if you had done that yet if you had the VA I wasn't aware that they had I know they have disposal services but they don't um I'm not sure that they have when I yeah when I spoke with John it sounded like they did both um is nth on the line did she contact anybody we know no not not for not for the demo piece no okay so I think that's where we should start rather than spending another dime you know with an engineer and a lot of times you know they give you a price to start with and sometimes that goes up too so I think this is something that we should visit and both um Avon and spring L said they would assist us with any questions or any help that we might need and I think it would save us a lot of money but the risk profile goes up somewhat someone would you agree or disagree um I think it's worth the RK we spent enough money on this already um so Council are you in alignment with that is it worth the risk well I've only because council president Den Noble brought me up to speed earlier today on her conversations with the other municipalities the me and I'll ask I'll turn this back to the council president but I left those discussions with a pretty clear understanding understanding that Spring Lake and Avon both suggested there really wasn't a risk so Mr may I know you just asked if there was and perhaps some slight risks exist but at least what two what the Professionals in those two towns told us told council president is that they uh you know they said why would you spend 50 thou that was the number we were estimating $50,000 on an engineer there are apparently Services effectively I don't know them I can't qu you know qualify them but apparently there are Services where very uh strong professionals can be hired more on an hourly rate uh $250 an hour to to work with the construction company that's that's HED but the point that they made to council president was um you hire a professional entity that does the demolition they are going to manage it uh minimizing any risk any no no different than if we were to um to you know pursue selling it to an independent entity and then that independent entity manage the the demolition so that's where I'm I'm being asked to flip my position and I've been told that the risk is the same which is nil uh having mean council president is that fair or that is fair what are the what are the facilities that Avon and Spring Lake manag one was a church one was a building is that what you're asking yeah yeah okay well I'm thinking in the context of the size of that building the age of the building the church was very similar I believe it was a four lot subdivision as well excuse me but you you call him anytime no no I know in that church um that church I think it was can't remember what it was I kind of I can visualize the church it was a brown um oh Shake Church um and it was a fairly small church and the teed up to Art 319 um the thing that concerns me about 319 lra is it is back in the middle of a neighborhood it is an extremely big church that's been around for almost 100 years um the intent of having an engineering company was to mitigate risk and and ensure that we had no issues for those residents in the area now if we do a bid just by a demo company are demo companies Adept at that I'm sure that they are I'm talking to North End builders in belmare who I think originally were teed up to take that property from a realtor in 2019 um they said they could make some recommendations on demo also on demo companies so if um if you all are willing to assume that risk uh I don't a problem in in pursuing that but I I'll let Council woman mom talk before um I don't I don't understand I guess what it is that tme or the other engineering firms that we would potentially use the uh expertise they would have above and beyond a demolition firm that does this regularly yeah I I think it just it was another another we can share the RFP with you but the RFP laid out specifically what their responsibilities were going to be um was responsib was it overlapping to a demo company sure um but again we were trying to mitigate risk and not uh have any issues uh relative to that neighborhood or residence I I understand it I you know we are shifting in order to to move this process along um we're doing that demoing the church is kind of like buying a put for this town doing what it's like buying a put there could be unlimited uh downside to this you don't know how much this is going to cost us so we're changing our view to move this along um but I do think that a demo company I think there's going to be a lot of over overlap between an engineering firm and a demo company and I think that a uh demo company I think if we do some research that we could we could pocket that $50,000 that we that we need since we're making this we're making this um C change so to speak to move this along um then we subdivide the properties and um they're up for grabs for anyone who would like to purchase them whether it be a a developer or um you John Joe Chun I wanted to make another comment but are you I am I done um I'm really I'm troubled by the fact that uh the mayor has introduced this element of risk are you willing to take on more risk less risk um we just received these descriptions tonight as we were sitting here of what experts believe I came to this meeting 100% confident I was going to vote Yes for one of the resolutions on on the agenda that's the resolution that says Council approves moving forward with subdivision deep restrictions and by the way we've been asking for this since last October it's almost one year and almost month what's the I'm not understanding what we're trying to do is move the process forward speaking sir can I finish sure absolutely my concern is we're being put on the spot and and you're being you're framing this decision in my opinion very improperly if there's risk I want to understand what that risk is I'm not going to sit here and say I'm voting yes or no and I'm willing to take on that some risk my understanding from Council president Den Noble is there shouldn't be risk but I haven't had a chance to talk to these experts I don't know I I have a list that I got hand tonight what the experts say they're not talking about risk in here they're talking about lower your bid price you know deed restrict subdivide and back to what I was saying we've been asking for almost a year for 11 months to deed restrict and subdivide the mayor's calendar didn't say anything about that all the requests we've made but now we're now finally being asked to vote on De restricting and subdividing and I guarantee you I'm going to vote Yes when we get to that tonight but the second piece of this that we're being asked to vote on tonight hire an engineer we're just we're just beginning to explore this we explored it a little while back I felt we I didn't necessarily think we needed the engineer but I did think we needed somebody else to do the demolition now I said earlier and I'll say it again I'm going to keep an open mind I will consider exploring our own de demolition or I you know in in doing that hiring a demolition company but I'm not ready to vote tonight um to support hiring an engineer and that doesn't mean I won't consider doing it next week or you know next meeting if I find out there's somehow some risk to the residence I'm not going to put the Residence at additional risk and that is what I'm reacting to right now I don't like the way this is Being Framed if I if I am comfortable that there's no additional risk to the residents and that's what other municipalities are telling us that these that these demolition companies can do this and you don't need an engineer I'm good with that but I need to hear it from experts from the demolition companies and right now I this is this is hitting me tonight okay so I need time okay well let me we're talking about history let's reframe um when we did the RFP for Engineering Services to do that we had three reviews with three engineer ing companies I didn't bring those rfps with me it was um tnm CME and RB companies we've all dealt uh tnm said specifically they were demoing two churches in Camden at the time uh and after those reviews uh I know there's a mixed view of that but the view I had was and Mr fback had was that tnm was a preferred engineering company because of their experience and because of the familiarity with the church if we believe and uh that um we can go straight to a bidding process for demo companies and believe that that's a viable approach I I don't have a problem with that my framing of the risk is that there's always going to be risk in anything you do if we get a good demo bid out there and we can certainly talk to Avon and Spring Lake about their demo bid packages and look at what they are uh do I think we're assuming a tremendous amount of risk no um what I saw the engineering companies doing for us was to just further mitigate that that might be an assumption that I'm making that's an incorrect assumption so I don't have a problem with this resolution 2024 170 of authorizing us to develop a bid package for demolition I have no problem with that at all um because I think at the end of the day when we get those packages in we'll be able to assess we feel pretty good about this and we move on and we can assess is there any additional risk to our residents which right now we're not able to assess well I'm not sure you're going to get that from I mean you can ask those questions of the demo companies but I'm sure they're going to have answers to those questions actually yeah the ba Avon KY is her name she's going to pull the file to share with us and she even said do not hire an engineer when we remove buildings only to build buildings okay so she will share that file and I think that'll be extremely helpful for us so yeah I I'd be interested in seeing that file too because I think Carrie I think that was Tim Gallagher on that demo and was um she had U mentioned that Greg farbach did stuff by and looked at the file in December but um we can just take some fresh eyes on that good thing so is there our is there an appetite to alter this 2024 170 into developing a bid package for for a demo company and altering this resolution I think we'd have to do that the next meeting because we'd have to have the notice for the public correct Greg is that a material or immaterial change to this resolution that's all no uh well that would be with to an ordinance it's on the agenda you can act on it it's a resolution we told everyone we're talking about it's not an ordinance it's a resolution yeah it's an resol it's not yeah it's a resolution yeah ordin it's not too much of a change I think that's for ordin we were gonna the issue with not having it on there if we're is for 319 the rate right you change topics on me it's noticed to the public that notice said authorizing an engineer firm to provide professional environmental and Engineering Services bidding assistance and construction Administration services for demolition of structures located in 319 Line Avenue we'd like to do is but what we'd like to do is the other one too what we'd like to do is change that from authorizing and hiring demo company absolutely do that the issue is making sure the public knows we're going to talk about this issue tonight before you like walk something on at the 11th Hour okay great I don't think it was a secret that we were talking about this issue there's two resolutions on there so you guys cannot move forward in the way that you discussed and see F wonderful great thank you okay um we align on that and we'll take public comments coms okay public comments yes we'll do 10 minutes public comments got first great uh Dr Tom 610 brle Avenue um one of my patients is a demo guy he owns one of the largest ones in New Jersey um he demoed Asbury Parks um before they built the big ocean thing so they have a huge insurance policy they like a $10 million insurance policy so I can put you in contact with him he's great guy um he's in Florida right now but he their company's awesome so if he needs a good demo company great thanks there you wonderful yes the champ 11 um we were very careful previously to include preservation of certain value lastet I hope that we're going to do that under this new demolition plan absolutely absolutely I've been reading there's been no menion of that I yeah no I can I can I can take that question Paul we um I've been meeting with rose o Conor she's got three viable very viable um tracks for the artifacts and actually um she's has one person tracking to take some other artifacts that we didn't identify initially as having value so which is great so lots yeah yeah so uh that's tracking and we're going to make sure that that happens um is the organ still going to be salvaged yes uh I can probably release this information that I don't see why not um we've been working with the church of seven presidents their organ was destroyed because of the you know the shape of that building and they're very interested so that would be a great home for you I ask because obviously I consider demolition on a complete tragedy and a loss of Irreplaceable asset but at the very least I it would be criminal to to lose those things that don't need to be lost y yeah no no absolutely agree yeah yes 184 U my question was just that if you are going to be able to demo it and do the subdividing for lot similar and you said we did have to um auction it off again can we do similar to that and set a minimum price per lot so if we assume and I think it's very to say that yes every lot is I you have easily minimum a million dollars because you're right everybody is tearing down we know several tearing down from 15 to 18 just turn it down themselves and then put in another one fo $2 million home in place so it makes sense for sure all right thank you yes Penny 216 Brinley what is there any Assurance on um somebody BS a lot what can be put on that lot is it going to be restricted to shle family it's an all zone right I know it is but can somebody buy the lot and go to the land use Bo and get 12 variances well we're going to go to the land use board for preapproval of four conforming LS that's what I want and if you so you when is that going to be done should that be done before yeah no we're in the process doing we're in the process of doing that right now okay okay all right yes n see met par Condominiums I'm assuming this is just a workshop portion I want to thank council president Noble for as always doing our research because when I saw this all I could think about was why would we pay an engineer to destroy something they are totally correct to use them to build and then I thought about our professions supposed professions BR benefit of it out I believe we still have a qpa under contract we've been acting ba we've got a volunteer ba we have a code Department we have a public works department and we have our and it just makes sense to me that if you go out there and say we want to demolish take into account as Fest as may may not be there in it's appropriate removal how much is the disposal removal of the debris how much is the disposal of the debris and please be nice not only to the artifacts but to the animals that live there I can't imagine that we would spend in excess of $50,000 it just as always not being pred with our money so thank you we are not the we are not inventing the wheel here so thank you so much from your efforts and um what relationships are about with you out Town you're welcome it's my pleasure yes conf just for this Workshop it's not for all hi um Beth ke by went for Central Avenue um I just have a quick question what is to stop somebody from buying two of the lots and then going back to the V to the L use board and asking for variances to combine them to maybe make it so they can build like a condo or something will the deed restrictions um preemptively stop that from happening so that it will have to stay even if somebody were to buy the two lots they can only buy they can only build two family homes and not go back and get any kind of variances yes that's that's the plan exent question that on the record yes it's an excellent question and that's why we wanted to do the subdivision pre-approval so we could protect the neighbors and the residents of Bradley Beach so it will be four lots and it'll be deeded as four lots and not to be combined single family homes yes thank you excellent question okay no other questions yeah yes Thom J Third Avenue uh I'm just kind of surprised that I'm not on this feedback page um I paid the money to get the package no one called me for my opinion I don't know why I'm a licensed realtor built houses and done subdivisions this but yet no one called me but they called these other books so I I don't know what that what that's about but I'll be happy to share my feedback right now um because the reason I picked up the package I presented it to a number of people uh the reason was no one was interested is because of the time value of money if you did the subdivision like we talked about in October of 2021 then it would have been clearcut a demolition permit could have been taken the next day building could have been taken down and then the developer could then go to the land use sport for a 10minute final subdivision meeting because the preliminary subdivision which you are now going to do I hope um is contingent upon the building me okay so uh that being said the other problem was was the additional cost involved and and I'm I'm going to make a recommendation tonight I know maybe my feedback is not but um the land I would request that you do another resolution to have CME engineering do the grading plan the grading plan should be required for the subdivision there are substantial topography differentials on the property and if we're really going to protect the residents around there we need to make sure that the grades all work and those grades should be confirmed in the subdivision and that would be reflected going forward so there is a substantial retaining wall there but it doesn't match on the Madison side so the grade could be adjusted there and again we're here to mitigate uh potential conflicts and we don't want a conflict so I would recommend that you do that and have that prepared before you go to the land use board for the subdivision uh but I would I would compliment you on going to the land use board for the preliminary major site plan um it's a shame it didn't happen last nov I still can't figure that out but that's my feedback and uh hopefully you would have a marketable product uh with the approval save the time value money of the 3.5 3.8 whatever the bid is they can get to it right away thank you very much thank you we have two people okay Zoom oh I'm sorry this is Mia Mullen can I go oh sorry it's my fault sorry Manet Burlington um just real quick it it's been almost two years since the residents overwhelmingly voted to sell the church and I'm looking at this and right now we're we're all the way back to the beginning where we started I just ask that the mayor and Council actually work together and just agree on a course of action and approve it as quickly as possible thank you thank you yes hi Bri McGuire 6 Bley a um I just want to remind everybody no one voted to sell the church the referendum was on $10 million to sell to not even to sell the church $10 million to spend on the church so I want to remind everybody of that I also would like to remind everyone that in the beginning of this year when we had a business administrator who attended we were discussing rfps that the mayor and the VA kept mentioning about this property no one knew what they were talking about and we questioned we came up here and questioned time after time what rfps are you talking about what rfps are you talking about we'll get you that information we'll get you that information came back up what RFP do we have any information nope we don't have the information 14 weeks ago which was before summer there was a lot of talk on social media I actually commented and said could Mega Fox be also stalling to try to hold this for the campaign season again I hope not we need to come back together it was the biggest poison he threw into the community I wrote that 14 weeks ago that is exactly where we are we're in campaign season we have a candidate who just came up and mentioned that we had a referendum for selling the church that never existed that wasn't even something that existed so I needed that on public record that is not accurate we need the facts straight we could have had this subdivided last year it was held for poisoning this election once again thank you okay uh Zoom Mia yeah hi okay go ahead hi M all in 302 4th Avenue I may be ahead of um ourselves but when we get the sale say it's $4 million does that go into the budget for the year that it's sold or is this something that's spread out over time I'm just curious like we're all excited about finally selling this thing of course we're going to have a cost for selling it the demolition things that have been discussed tonight but whatever we net at the end hopefully it's in excess of $3 million does that go into the budget for that year I don't know why the mayor looks so confused by my question I'm just you know a curious resident no when what confused me was the $3 million number that you mentioned we we have about $2 million sunk into this site so if we do sell this site for for four we still have to fund a demo so um you know whatever whatever that comes out to be um it's not going to be $3 million okay and I might not know all the back on what the expense but to to your question about what happens to the funds the funds would be put um in a bance and and we probably apply it to the capital Improvement um funds uh going forward that just might be my lack of knowledge on accounting but whatever we make profitable profit out of the sale um I guess in simplest terms the answer is that it doesn't necessarily go right into the budget for that year that specific year where it would few things I just you know because I think that's what residents think they're like oh we're going to sell this and you know it's going to help our taxes but is it going to help for just the one year or is it spread over time it won't help us for one year and it is spread over time yes okay an excellent question actually Mia and I did ask that of the ba of Spring Lake and he said that they used the money and they dedicated it to improvements throughout the burough so he suggested we do the same and the mayor just said the same idea as well so we're it's not like you can replenish our our depleting uh uh Surplus that we have that we had you know the $2 million which is now down to you know less than a million dollars over the last couple of years that's been supplementing our tax increases it's not like you can put the money back into that um into our Surplus it would be used for improvements you can but again we have to make that determination yeah whenever we net the money out okay just wondering how we're going to dig out of the hole that we're in if this helps or not I don't I guess I can't get overly excited except in the long run we do get the tax revenue which hopefully helps in that respect okay thank you thank you next question else I think else all right we'll we'll vote on those resolutions we get the individual resolutions um and hopefully by then we'll have ex pleas so we'll close the um public comments and we will move to approving the minutes uh I'll make a motion to approve minutes of August 28th second Mr no oh yeah thank you Council um Mr gzi yes yes mayor Fox yes okay I'm just waiting for trying to answer slow okay thank you Barbara Kenny for that reminder saying what are you saying with John yeah get back to work here so how about the weather everybody it was lovely today it was definitely a 9 hey while while we're waiting I I revised the resolution for the moving forward so you guys want actually while we're waiting for oh yeah sure did you want to make a motion to move up yeah okay that's my goodidea so resolution let start with resolution 20247 we need John no you could do my exercise without John no we should have public comment though should on agenda items oh yeah yeah you're right that too that all right we'll wait for John Let's approve those minutes yeah let's approve those okay that yeah we get that done where did he go he go across the street to have a bear makes me feel because it's the lawyer that he really there he might be in the other room he's coming welcome backbody smiling you feel like you went really far away know excent that you went far away so you shot so we're admiring that Helman Weber you're the last one I need approval of minutes approval of minutes right in front of me I'll say yes okay thank you okay public comments and questions pertaining to 911 agenda items only five minutes limit thank you any questions on agenda yesler Central Avenue I'm providing um this some one of each Beth or yeah there's two pages oh Goa okay thank you you want me to start today I stand before you this far's legislative body to disc a critical matter that is fundamental to the prosperity and Harmony of our Beloved Community the enforcement of borrow codes and ordinances these regulations are not merely bureaucratic they are the Bedrock of fairness and equity in our society mayor Fox's tenure included his proposal to limit public speaking time at meetings he supported the state gutting the decade old o law by attempting to pass a proclamation in support of Bill 2930 and when elected in 2021 one of his first sorry rewarding Cod could I ask you a question does this 4549 it's at the top of the paper but it's on the agenda resolution 172 with regard to code 4549 mayor Fox's tenure included is proposal to limit seeking a time of meeting to supported the state guting the decade old Over Law by attempting to pass a proclamation and support a bill 2930 and when elected in 2021 one of its first proposed ordinances 20214 amended our burrow code 4549 aimed to limit political signs which was in violation of the US Constitution's First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression all of these limit the transparency and the accountability we demand from our government current mayoral candidate and chairman of the planning board appointed by mayor Larry Fox is on record in the land use board meeting minutes stated July 22nd 2021 as follows chairman William shook makes a motion to move ordinance 2114 to council finding it is consistent with the master plan of the burrow of Bradley Beach it's also notable importance to this discussion Mr shook as a private resident spoke vifly at Council meetings in support of the aforementioned positions held and actions taken by mayor Fox our borrow laws are designed to ensure that every resident regardless of their background or circumstances enjoys the same rights and protection they are the rules that govern our shared spaces or safety or quality of life when we enforce these ordinances we are upholding the principle that everyone is equal under the law this is a Cornerstone of our democracy and a testament to our commitment to Justice consider the impact of these regulations on our daily lives zoning laws prevent chaos of unchecked development ensuring that our town remains safe and livable building codes guarantee our homes and public buildings are constructed to standards that protect us from Farm health and safety regulations ensure our food water and environment is clean and safe by enforcing these codes we protect the most vulnerable Among Us and create a community where everyone can Thrive moreover the enforcement of ordinance forces Fosters a sense of trust and cooperation among residents when people see that laws are applied fairly and consistently they are more likely to respect them and feel that a sense of belonging and responsibility towards their Community this mutual respect is the glue that holds us together allowing us to work collectively towards common goals the equal and consistent enforcement of borrow ordinances and codes is not just a legal necessity it's a moral imperative it's about ensuring our community remains a place where fairness and Equity are not just ideals but realities let us all commit to supporting and upholding these regulations for in doing so we honor the principles of justice and equality that Define us as a community allowing unfor unenforceable burrow ordinances and codes to remain on our books especially when they conflict with State and or federal laws poses several significant risks legal confusion and uncertainty litigation risks erosion of trust administrative burden economic impact inconsistent enforcement it is crucial to our B to to review and uphold our ordinances and codes to ensure that they are enforceable and in harmony with state and federal Wass this proactive approach will help maintain legal Clarity public trust and stable environment for residents and businesses alike it's imperative our local laws and legitimately are legitimately legally sound enforceable and not in conflict with state or federal laws which supersede them ensuring this will help maintain the Integrity of our governance and will serve to protect the rights and responsibilities of our community members in conclusion I asking councilman ALU bosi current mayoral candidate if you are elected mayor of this will you commit to a thorough review of our borrow ordinances and codes I believe a comprehensive review will not only serve to enhance the effectiveness of our local government but also rebuild trust help this community begin to heal from the past four years and instill transparency for the residents of Bradley Beach thank you for considering this important matter and I look forward to your response and hope to see positive changes in our community if you are elected our americ thank you thank you um just two a question handing for Council okay and I I have a comment relative to your I'm not interested in your comment well you're gonna have to be interested in because we're g to hear it um the first thing is the Oprah law that you talk to I'm not the one who um put the Oprah when you were absent you put forth aor yes you wanted to support you were not here that night and the council rewrote and rewrote our own I didn't put that on the agenda so I just put it on the record I did not put that on the agenda I did not put that on the agenda number one number two the political signs um comments that you're making that sign ordinance was led by councilman Weber in 2021 not myself but you as mayor are in charge of the codes and I if you review what I cited was the meeting dated July 22nd 2021 you were involved in the ordinance and once it was open to parsing and language was allowed to be tweaked there was an opportunity for that to be addressed and if there's a if there's you are the highest but you're implying that I aimed at tar I'm saying it directly it didn't happen so I'm just saying okay well I'll post to support position thank you I'm still waiting to hear what Mr answer my question it's not so miss keper number one I applaud your your passion and thank you for your comments um uh I I read ahead so I could kind of see where you're going and I saw that you were gonna ask me this question and I had a second or two to propose an answer sorry to put you on that's okay uh my answer is I'm not going to use this dayus to do any sort of campaign promises that's just not appropriate not fair to other folks who are campaigning uh I can say that we as a council and I'm sure in the councils in the future we're all committed to reviewing our ordinances and making sure that they are current um I know they're not far from perfect um and I know there's a lot of work to be done but again I as a part of this Council in general I think we're all going to keep working to make our ordinances better that's all I can really tell you at this point that's what I need to and I thank you thank you not um yes Jake 12 Third Avenue I'm here to comment on uh resolution 20241 72 uh this relates to a property that I am um knower of 401 Main Street um I'm I'm here because I'm I'm a rule follower and I just you're a what follower I'm sorry Ru a rule follower yeah that's unusual in the stay and age um I am and uh I'm I'm distressed by the fact that the code office uh sto by the the business where Andrea Perez and Hansel batist are the owners of hatchville 4 and on a busy morning they were told that they had to remove their sandwich Board sign and no warning no nothing um I got a phone call TJ why why do we have to take the sign out and I read the ordinance and quite frankly I couldn't figure it out but it does say that you know there has to be a zoning approval so that morning I I went and took pictures of every other Sandwich Board sign which apparently didn't get the same one now I attend every meeting and clearly they didn't get resolutions either so my question mayor is why was I singled out they don't know oh okay well I'm gonna give you the list of the code officer I'll do some of his work for him uh there's pictures included included um when the ordinance was written um you know we assume that if the if the sign met the requirements then it could be there if it didn't meet the requirements then the code officer would come um I hate to burden these other 11 businesses with having to come in here take time with the park take time with the zoning officer submit their I mean I do it all the time so for me it's not but um I I like consistency in the ordinance and I appreciate you to consider the or the resolution tonight and approve mine and then look forward to the other 11 U but I just don't like being singled out but it does seem to happen here a lot thank you excuse me Mr calling yes are you saying the impetus for this resolution is because the code officer came to you no no the code officer came to the business in the morning while they were operating told them they had to remove their Sandwich Board sign that it was not legal under the ordinance he didn't leave a warning notice didn't leave a card didn't leave anything they called me and off they were upset that there were res there were people in the restaurant at the time and it was uncomfortable for them and I told them well I told him to put the sign up and I'd be happy to pay any fines um that's what I told him at that point in time fortunately I was home I walked the street I took all the pictures which are in front of Mr Canon right now with the detailed list uh of all the other apparent violators which were not singled out um so that's the impetus for me I submitted my letter for this resolution um that afternoon that Wednesday afternoon and I was told by the uh the technical director of The Code office that the zoning officer would be in on Thursday to review it so I I was very proactive in ter so so you requested this resolution I requested this based on what I was told so okay I was told and so here I am thank you thank you very much thank you so so Mr Canon a question for you from a legal standpoint is Mr Quan correct that this is a requirement like do all the other owners that use these Sandwich Board signs have to come forward with resolution with with additional approvals I mean the ordinance says that um each store front of Main Street is and tell to one sign directly in front of the business advertis it within 10 ft of the front entrance to the business uh side can't be more than 24 in wide or 40 in tall and it's got to leave a 4 foot wide pathway at all times if you follow those restrictions then you you're supposed to be able to just the intention that to be pass it is just be able to put it out not have to have everyone With Every Sandwich Works on it there's another section that we this request came in under there now now I understand why I actually know why although one thing it wasn't clear to me from the picture that was attached was whether it was been 10 ft to the front door or not because I it wasn't possible to scale so I didn't really know when I wrote it up but it was 10 maybe was 10t more than 10t I really know but in any event um if you want to put it like the back in time sign Cafe like the third section is really written for that sign because it's a Main Street business but it's not fronting on the sidewalk like everybody else um and it says that you can put it on public property or therough Affair if there is no reasonable location available directly in front of the business um and then it says it has to be located within 15 ft from the front entrance to the business uh but the council has waved those kind of Provisions once it gets to that point so the idea was um you know I I don't know you know it's in 10t but that's within 10 feet of the front of the business or the door then it really doesn't it's not we're not supposed to have the resolution but at the same time if we don't put it on the agenda like we talked about earlier then we couldn't give you your resolution tonight so it's on there so I'm open you know Eric and I prepare everything so I'm open to you know what the council thinks about it's your ordinance at the end of the day my understanding when I wrote it at that time was that it was if it was in front of the store you could just put it out you know and there's other Provisions in here too that you have to take care of it it can't fall down you got to maintain it things like that but that's applicable to whether it's a Sandwich Board sign or your big lit sign in front of your business too that's generally app to everybody um but you get talk about it's your what was the what was the problem that the code enforcement officer had with the sign that it was just out there or did he say it was not 10 ft within the building is the code enforcement officer not know uh the ordinance oh they're not I was just wondering if there's a citation written the ordinance is from 2021 and now it's 2024 and I get a violation I just didn't know if there was like a citation WR saying it wasn't within 10 ft and then I say well if Mr con the business agrees to move within 10 feet then if we don't want to do this we can he'll just say we'll move it where it needs to be I just you know I don't know it's ining location so I mean I'm just trying to understand before we vote on this it just feels like we had it was conforming location yes sir um Mr Canon the way you read that you know the mayor did reference that Mr um councilman Weber led the charge on some of of the zoning uh changes to signs but I was a part of that as well I recall a lengthy dialogue about you know positioning these these sandwich boards and you are correct my memory is the same that that final section was really designated for folks like back in time Cafe which as far as I know they're the only ones but to the extent somebody else couldn't position their sign properly we were giving them this opportunity to get approval by the council that's my Rec my like if you took a string from the door that's 10 ft long then everyone could do whatever they wanted within their little area but what we didn't want to have was a competition for the best s Sandwich Board signed spot all over the sidewalk and have them moving around like chess pieces every day so that was the idea behind it so it was in that Arc then we really want to try on to bust people's chops and play English I'm just afraid that if we vote favorably on this you know vote in favor of Mr coan's request we're kind of then putting in place a and I'm sure this was Mr CL intent we're kind of putting in a requirement then that every other store owner is going to have to come to us with their Sandwich Board request if I if I can sorry let let me jump in here I sent an email telling everybody our code enforcement or zoning person is misinterpreting the ordinance the only part that applies to coming into here is like Greg said somebody like the Back In Time Cafe that cannot visit put it in front of their business that's the only time and I asked that this get removed from the agenda and it wasn't so now we spent 20 minutes talking about this sign and when we get to there I'm going to make a motion to table this and so maybe we can stop talking about save everybody some time because this is a big Wast of time John withdraw well we're not there yet so I just so you guys know it's still on there because no one talked like I didn't talk to you about this so you made a request in writing to us so you know we put it on there so you guys could consider thank you know if we don't if we don't he my resolution and he waits two more weeks so that was the that's Cat 22 we but the mayor and the administrator got an email and they could have seen the logic and taking it off the agenda and talk to code enforcement exactly I'm not allowed to talk to cfor instruct I'm just following rules thank you thank any other questions yes Nancy Meadow Ocean Park Condominiums um I know Mr Pon will agree that I like Mr Cen and I like rules told me that so it kind of confuses me that um there is a recently hired employees memo and regarding one of the people on that memo that's supposedly a part-time employee doesn't list the amount of hours and here is 911 I think we all know what date it is today and I am well aware that that person was working here at least on July 9th 2024 if not prior so to me we doing a little catchup which you know for somebody likes rules in order says we have a systemic problem in how we run things um looking for you I really don't care about the science but again with order I need to touch space because we weren't allowed to speak in the 45 minutes of proclamations and I'm going to judge causes now my that's personal but I will judge the protocols so I come to these meetings I do sometimes go ladies slash and I do sometimes space out probably more often than I use the facilities but I never remember us authorizing to turn the towns toal so I want to know why and how and who thinks it was appropriate without permission or who gave the permission that we never discuss to tie these ribs around him because here's the first in my Recollections that we're bringing it up and those ribbings have been up for at least 11 days if not longer so again this just underscores for me the lack of rules and protocol and the chaos that is ramped in our town thank you thank you okay there's no other questions on agenda we'll move to the next item which is ordinances sorry um there are no ordinances for introduction or adoption Communications on two recent hires um those it's agenda there are no I have a question on the high Y so um these hires um was the the money for these hires were they added to the budget or how how is that being how is that being done there were some Replacements and there including the budget but I thought the DPW people that we lost we weren't planning on replacing we have not replaced all of them but we've lost a couple of people so we have done some Replacements but I thought that the money that we were saving on DPW we were going to saved by attrition and now we're hiring somebody back saying that we had more attrition than we had budgeted when we yeah okay and the other um in the admit system that's budgeted for as well it doesn't change the bud yeah we should have actually done one in June everybody that was my oversight so that's why I Cur on there just to throw it out there Eric I don't think that would have changed the the budget because the budget was developed oh yeah as far as the budget okay not okay uh individual resolutions um uh we have an amended 2024 170 I ask um Mr Canon to read that amended resolution s close to the Senate all right so this is a resolution authorizing the bur administrator qualified purchasing agent to advertise for bids for the Demolition and disposal of all structures located upon 319 the Avenue whereas the bur Bradley Beach onv property together with currently bacon structures thereon located at 39 mil Avenue block 41 one where as the mayor and Council find to be the best interest of the B to demolish all structures upon the property and auction the vacant lands and monetize set public prop property for the benefit of taxpayers of the burrow now therefore be resolve that the mayor and councel b r Beach hereby authorizing direct the B administrator qualifi purchasing agent who advertise for bids for the Demolition and disposal of all structures upon the property in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations you have further resolve the certified copy shall be sent to the B administrator qpa CFO and bur engineer okay I'll make a motion to approve uh 2024 170 as written by Mr K second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr L St mayor Fox yes Point 24171 authorizing filling of a develop a development application for a major subdivision the recording of B restriction as the bur owned property located at 39 make motion to approve 2024 171 second Mr noo I just like to give a brief statement before I vote on this so people know the history of how this got to be on the agenda this evening on October 25th 2023 at the council meeting the entire Council agreed to move forward to get a preliminary approval for the subdivision from the land use board on October 29th 2023 after that meeting Dennis mayor the land Ed chairperson sent an email stating auction in off the whole parcel without the town EST establishing a subdivision first may open an outcome that doesn't meet the best or better results of the Town October 31st I wrote an email to the mayor requesting a plat to be prepared by CME and an application for a preliminary major subdivision plan to be approved by the L use board March 12th 2024 VA administrator DeMarco sent an email to burrow attorney Canon stating councilman gubitosi requested that the governing body should approve a subdivision plan and have it processed before the L use board prior to the sale March 19 I wrote to the mayor we clearly have a disconnect as I requested an appraisal update the um the four lot subdivision was to be presented to to the land use board for preliminary approval and a deed restriction to that effect will be filed the land use board application for preliminary site plan approval should be submitted immediately we presented this in October of 2023 without this format the Bradley Beach residents and neighbors have no zoning protections April 2nd I wrote the mayor stating that the appraisal of 2,718 $100 needs to be updated in addition comparable sales need to be from 2023 and 2024 not 2020 and 2021 also the proposed subdivision shall be filed with the Bradley Beach land use board for preliminary approval on September 5th this last week I requested the burough attorney to prepare the resolution add this to the agenda for a vote by the council there were also other exchanges like these in writing and in verbal in which the administration was repeatedly asked by the council to expedite this application process to the land use boort unfortunately it was not done before the public auction this past July and we had no bidders we were selling a promise and not a product the promise would require a three and a half month process of going through land use approval for the bidder once we acquire the land use board approvals we will be selling a finished product and work can begin immediately I'm approving this resolution tonight as it will protect our residents and neighbors I just wish we could have done this last November and I'm voting yes thank you Mr gubitosi yes yes Miss Mahoney thank you for articulating articulating that President uh council president Noble yes Mr Leber mayor Fox uh yes but I'll make a comment too um that number one you made a request to council president to update the survey or the um appraises which we did do yes um and there's enough stall and delay here to go around um if I look at when we approved moving forward with the demo clean plan in December of 2022 we proceeded to get those steps done and then from about April May through that October time frame there was kind of radio silence and nothing happen um and there was a lot of work that was done to get to that point so um I think there's enough um issues with this whole project to go around so I I take a little bit of exception to your point but I will V yes okay um we now go to there are no announcements oh I'm uh I'm sorry granting uh I think there's a mo there's going to be a motion to withdraw 2024 172 is somebody make that motion yeah I'd like to make a motion to withdraw 2024 172 second thank you Mr Noble yes Mr gboi I just like to add that after we vote on this that someone informed code enforcement about this the policing of this particular ordinance and I would vote Yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yeah I'm gonna make a statement I would like our code enforcement zoning whomever um I I can't imagine taking an action like this and not and not occurring to that person that all the other signs around town have not gone through this process so I hope they can see the error in their ways I hope it was a simple misreading of the uh of our ordinance but I hope that that person whoever it was um apologizes to the business owners and I will vote Yes mayor Fox yes I can follow up one second okay uh okay we'll move to um mayor and Council comments I can start um I already mentioned this before but I'll I'll just highlight it once again I'll just cover the head lines um we did um exceed our revenue for um Beach sales it's a function of weather it's a function of our the desirability of our beach and it's a function of the people that work at our beaches and I I applaud all of them for that um this is only the second time I think that we exceeded $2 million the first uh was the co year so uh I think we're back on a a positive uptick so that's great to see and we continue to show that Bradley Beach is one of the best values destinations in MMO County beaches and our Municipal Employees vendors business owners and volunteers have made that success um on the um rant front I have some uh very good news and um we're going to do a press release on this tomorrow but uh actually I think it might be out today but um this has to do with the silen lake outfall pipe that uh we've been working on with in conjunction with Avon for the last year and a half uh the barl Bradley Beach and the bur of Avon were thrilled to announce the launch of a critical infrastructure project aimed at enhancing to safety and resilience of our shorelines the silven lake Flume repair and replacement project supported by the generous State a from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection will address our urgent needs and repair and reconstruct this Flume at silen Lake the vital way shared by both communities um for those who aren't aware uh we had a partial failure and continue to have a partial failure of that FL underneath the dunes and U it's a significant project uh the cost could be as high as $4 million uh the original view was that we would share that uh D we we started working with last year um they were not really um warm to um coming north they were in the South part of the state doing a tremendous amount of projects down there with doing replenishment and some other projects um but we were able to secure if the estimated cost is $4 million which it's somewhere between three and $4 million they're going to fund 75% of the cost uh the remaining 25% of the cost would be shared equally by the burough Bradley Beach and AV them by the Sea um so that really this partnership exemplifies a strong commitment both Burrows have had to protecting and preserving a coastal environment for current and future Generations so we anticipated our portion of the out of pocket spend on this would be between a million 7 and two million um and now that maximum will be about a half million dollars or less so um with that collaboration um and and it's a big thanks to tnm engineering who are the burough engineers and Avon who took the lead on this because Avon took the lead with us on this project um we're going to um really save anywhere from a million two to a million5 um that we could have had to have expended so it's really good news and um we'll add this to our grant docket and um you know continue to seek funding uh to help with these kind of projects uh the uh aath aim 100th anniversary we we had the um uh Proclamation on that a little while ago that the sh is planning Renovations and continued growth um I mentioned rabbi is leaving uh many thanks for his leadership uh we very much appreciate it um couple other quick things mayor's well inness campaign we have a a walk scheduled on the 20th we'll get that out in the newsletter and on social media it's going to be evening walk so that should be interesting um the Bradley food pantry uh ribbon cutting was held last Thursday at their new site in Neptune City um that is um a a temporary site uh they have one-year lease uh but the uh ribbon cutting was attended by a number of people um when you tour the facility it's they done a superlative job in restoring food security to a number of people so we take our hats off to them and appreciate our Neptune City Partners um who were at the event and are supporting us fully uh last Saturday we had a local summer uh event um was great and um we we continue to um try to grow that over the next couple of years um let's see what else uh I think that is all for my comments uh so I will turn it over to council president SP great so on September 4th the shade tree had their meeting and I attended that and they had two applications one was on two main street they're removing 12 Trees but the good news is the replacing with 14 trees also on 3033 Avenue again they're going to remove one tree good news is they're going to replace it with four trees they also had some ordinance modifications they went over their fiveyear plan they are having their fall planting event September 28th if anyone would like to volunteer to help plant some trees and if you'd like a free tree or sponsor a tree please visit the website or let me know uh their budget is currently 882 the Bradley Beach tourism had a meeting I attended on Tuesday September 10th they went over the summer review big success this weekend from 2: to 800 PM Viva Bradley Beach this is going to be amazing they have two bands they have a salsa demo they also have um a dance lesson at 3:00 and after that they have 30 minutes social dance time DJJ will be there five food vendors will be there and they're also going to have the Mexican dance troop from the Bradley Beach Elementary School will perform they rented a dance floor and they're going to have crafts for the children so it should be a lot of fun again 2 to eight this Saturday in Riley Park they also are going to be doing a summer survey they also discuss their upcoming events in the fall they had the Bradley Boo the Mary Market the tree liting will be December 1st and uh they're talking about doing a jazz festival in February and their current balance is $68,000 now the board ofed did not have a meeting but I did want to mention I got a text from the superintendent and he sent this to Chief Arnold as well if if you can't really see it but it's the police in front of the school and along with tree of the month and he sent this to me with a little message that said Bradley Beach Elementary School Bradley Beach police department and the shade tree commission working together thanks to the Community Support to make sure we had a great opening day so Kudos everyone around and uh good luck to the students this year and that concludes my report thank you Council thank you I'd like to lead with the um the police report from detective Lieutenant Browning thank you sir as I am thead the ason to the police department and um the police arrested a juvenile from Asbury Park and Lincoln to seven motor vehicle burglaries and thefts in Bradley Beach the juvenile is also the suspect in several similar burglaries and thefts that occurred in Avon Ocean Grove and aspbury Park the investigation is still ongoing and several other accomplices have been identified with charges pending with the juvenile court system an Asbury Park man was arrested for a theft that occurred at the Bradley Beach library after police identified him utilizing the new law enforcement notification and sharing program which has been provided free to all New Jersey police agencies this system enables police to network with surrounding agencies in a modern and real-time way and enables any officer on the system to provide real-time feedback on crime alerts another Asbury Park man was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance cocaine after police responded to a suspicious person call the man was additionally charged with possessing open alcohol and had an active contempt of court warrant yet another Asbury Park Resident was charged with theft of a bicycle and was linked to a previous bicycle theft that occurred last month finally an officer from our K9 unit was deployed to edent toown to assist in the in the uh track of a burglary suspect and police arrested one more individual on an act of contempt of court warrant so detective Lieutenant seems like you were quite busy you and the the rest of the department uh after I had no report to give at our last meeting he more than made up for this meeting so thank you um I also just want to congratulate U the the congregation at akud um for reaching their 100y year anniversary and wishing them another 100 Years of peace that Prosperity uh I do want to comment briefly uh the mayor did a wonderful job describing uh remembrances for 911 as as as we all most of us if not all of us remember that day um many families lost loved ones in the horrible attacks that occurred during 911 still many others including heroic First Responders have lost their lives since many suffering excruciating disabilities and poisoning from their work to rescue victims and in the cleanup aftermath I'd like to offer this quote in remembrance of these tragic events and the quote is we will remember every rescuer who died in honor we will remember every family that lives in grief we will remember I also want to thank mayor Fox because I I I heard through a resident that um the burough has agreed to and is currently flying uh remembrance 911 flag at the beach front uh I believe the flag was raised today and I'm told that um the flag uh the burough plans to fly the flag for five days I guess my my question uh Mr Mayor really is uh would it be possible for us to extend that flying of that flag through the end of this month I I don't know is there a reason we could not do that I really contemplated accepted um we usually fly it for a week that's kind of what we've been doing as as a practice so I well the resident requested to the end of the month yeah uh it's true the resident who purchased the flag for you know I believe for us to fly it um did request longer I mean I don't know if there're any I wasn't aware of any other reasons that would preclude us from flying in and so you know i' I'd like to make a mo of the council to just ask if we can fly that flag through the end of this month just in remembrance of this state you know September 11 2021 2001 um so I'd like to make a motion that we that we keep the flag up through the end of September is there the second second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes Miss Mahoney as someone who is standing under the South Tower when the second plan plane hit yes Mr Weber yes may Fox yes yes um yeah thank you I I um am a the Aon for the S Lake commission and I just want to announce I thought I saw a silv lake commission member here perhaps I'm wrong but anyway I believe there is the next meeting is um next Wednesday September 18th and uh as I mentioned in Prior Council meetings there's a lot going on there um a lot of good stuff I think a lot of planning and organizing around the ultimate drudging of the lake and securing funding to accomplish that drudging and for people who are going to these meetings uh and who have are familiar with the history of the lake it's very exciting because it's been 20 years more or less that people have been talking about dredging and we're securing funding um we've got some really uh Elite experts that are working with the the commission um I don't know what next week's uh meeting holds but the last few meetings have been very exciting uh and they welcome attendance so if anyone else is interested it's 700 p.m. September 18th uh here in girl hallway um I have to comment my final comment for this evening is a comment about local 152 and the the negotiations um it's difficult to explain to our residents how disenfranchised our council is as it regards local 152 negotiations this contract is closing in on two years without resolution the mayor will not allow members of the council to participate in the negotiations as prior Mayors have allowed the council must ultimately approve the negotiated contract and yet the mayor refuses to let the professionals who represent this Council um share any meaningful information with the council we have no understanding of any meaningful information I'm sorry we have no understanding of the current status of the proposals for the union and for the burough on August 21 I personally asked the administration to prep to prepare a brief side by-side summary of the current proposals for the council's review you can probably guess how the mayor responded about a week later nine days later on August 30th the mayor answered the administration will provide information on the proposed contract with the council once negotiations are finalized I feel that any reasonable uh Council participation could help resolve these negotiations given the terrible lack of success by the burough professionals why won't mayor Fox try something new why are we continuing to pay our labor attorney bees that will likely exceed whatever the final cost of a negotiated wage increase might be nothing the mayor is doing here makes sense his dictator-like control coupled with his total ineffectiveness in delivering results makes no sense it is a disservice to the burrow our residents and to our employees thank you thank you councilwoman uh thank you um let's see the environmental the environmental commission met on September 9th the commission continue continue to discuss Bradley Beach's participation in Sustainable New Jersey there will be a beach sweep on October 7th from 9 to 1230 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. um come on out help us clean the beach you can sign up by going to clean ocean action.org and downloading the waiver uh or you can come to the beach sweep at 9:00 a.m. at the Gazebo and we'll have waiver waivers for you or you can reach out to me and I can tell you how to do it the land use board will uh will meet on September 19th I'll tell you later what happens there I didn't know what councilman goosi was going to talk about but I wrote something that I'd like to read um as we move forward with the disposition of the 319 Church line Church property I would be remiss in not mentioning something important to our small B that as yet remains unresolved that is the status of local 15 of the local 152 contract part of the joy of living in our small small burrow is the quick response of our police EMS and fire none of that will be possible without our amazing dispatchers we answer the lines 247 and dispatch our police fire an EMS to issues larger towns wouldn't have the time for burgers on the grill about to catch your house on fire we'll get someone right there ducklings caught in a drain we'll send someone on dispatch having trouble breathing someone will be there in two seconds dog getting attacked discuss will have an officer to help you in your pet additionally we have an amazing DPW who keeps Our Town neat and tidy and works tirelessly and in the most friendly manner they keep this place running and looking meticulous we have a clerical staff who fall under 152 and they too work hard to keep this br running yet for 20 months they have been working without a contract 20 months our updates from the administration regarding the negotiations are vague at best recently after the most recent update not including the one that re we received at 5m this evening councilman gobos asked a question that I too had wondered and even asked about months before could the council be provided with a two column summary of the latest proposal for each side perhap perhaps including the top five or 10 issues and the response from the mayor was the administration will provide information on the proposed contract with the council once negotiations are finalized our update late this afternoon assures us that we are no farther along in the process and this Council does not know why we don't know what the sticking points are we don't know what's being offered we don't know what's being asked for but what I do know is that this transaction will go down on the list of the failures of this Administration finally I live on Lorraine Avenue I voted not to spend $10 million to renovate the church maybe I would have voted to spend $5 million to renovate the church but I would have never voted to demolish that church I just want to make it clear when people keep saying 79 or 78% of the people in this town voted to demolish the church you have to understand the original question that was asked if we could go back and do it all over again maybe we wouldn't be having all of these discussions I'll see you next time and yes please remember September 11th give everybody a little bit longer of a hug time thank you Council thank you Council than Mr Mayor um I'm G to read the first a report for the operational period that ended today the squad responded to eight day calls and six Night Calls eight were for medical six were for fire uh there were two water rescue requests from the answers team and the squad provided medical OverWatch for the Bradley Beach Community Day the squad requested no Mutual assistance for this operational period and they fulfilled 100% of their assignments for this period of course they're still looking for volunteers free training for qualified individuals anyone that wants to do this uh they can find an application on the girl's website and they also have applications for the cadet program that's for young people between 16 and 18 years old if they're interested in serving their Community uh I will add one thing to the shade tree report they are working on a grant that's going to help the town deal with spotted Lantern clly so that is actually good news I think that's going in don't know if they're going to get it uh and then I have a little bit of news that people can use and it involves the anchor tax relief um if you got this tax Reay last year uh you're automatically pre-filed you don't have to do anything but if you have changed your address or your bank account or whatever you have until September 15th 4 days from now to um tell the state that your information changed and what you're going to want to do is go to nj.gov treasury Taxation and or you probably just Google faster to Google NJ anchor tax relief and the r in the anchor in that acronym is for renters renters can get this tax rebate as well you pay property taxes through your rent you're not going to get as much as property owner but if you're a renter you'll get some so um and if you didn't get this at all last year you have until November 30th to apply so some news you can use maybe get some old tax dollars back from the state of New Jersey and I will make one comment about local 152 people have said everything and I just want to thank all the workers for hanging in there all this time we know we're as frustrated as anybody uhop shop stward is here tonight I don't know if we'll be hearing from him but um thank you all for hanging in there and uh hopefully we get through this the end of this soon and that's my report thank you okay we'll open it to public comments um I would like to say first of all that I me to members of the sh Tre commission recently they were knowledgeable kind helpful professional it would be nice if the rest of our commissions departments and Bo and the same type of professionalism secondly I would like to say that for all the people who seem to complain to May or that they don't come to need because they're so long 45 minutes on number six might be a good reason to begin with shaving that I to support local 152 I thought that in August they were supposed to have a trf mission my understanding that didn't occur you be helpful to know why that didn't occur oh it's Sur we're having news in August there was a fact finding meeting I don't think so contract was given for them to accept a decline which they had read but I'm not aware that there was the fact finding Mission you speak after my five minutes or out I was just trying to clarify the point now to be short and you know what I got a list and I got things that go back to August 8th well I just wanted to make sure you were stting accurate speaking accurately oh no there wasn't there with you well you don't have to arue issue that I brought up last week because when you talk about risk here we have risk um I Ed it and it appears we do not have a contract and or agreement with Meals on Wheels um therefore we don't know the start date of it we don't know the end date of it we don't know what we agree to provide and what they agree to do but we paid over close to $200 in a repair and I would say what is our risk what if our equipment falls on them what if the food is I mean I could go on and on and on but the bottom line is we have nothing in runting so it's somebody's job to get something in writing because we are now as a town at risk and again I don't stand here and dispute or judge whatever these services or nonprofits are so somebody is letting something fall through the cracks I was given a phone number and an and a website but again that's not my job um and again I'd like to make it really clear that the Brad the Bradley food pantry is not belong on our website does not belong being discussion here they are not part of bradic beach they do not are not located here so that needs to change as I say all the time along with other things on the website it seem to be Miss missing I mean I've said this three websites ago I don't know why transportation is ever on there like were easy to get to train schedules bus schedules and now the Easy Ride which helps people who are ill get or old get to their doctor's appointment that's not on there I would think there's got to be somebody with all the employees in this town you can get good accurate simple information on that website very frustrating and I would like to also say that regarding an article that Mr Sullivan wrote on August 15th in the co-star and the week before there was a letter to the editor calling him out on his coverage which is really insulting because of anything I find that he gives the most positive coverage um and accuracy to what he's told um let's start with this your success is not replacing an Ocean Park Avenue but what is your success is that you finally recognize it was on Ocean Park Avenue and it was mandatory because it's not we could not have storms um yeah you improve some beach access but there are still four beaches without a ramp pull out the stairs put ramps it's very you know you got a circle well you won't be here spended um I would also like to mention I do that one that's good um so don't go there and say that a young journalist is not treating you fairly when he clearly does all of your quotes accurately from what you say thank you will thank you yes Avenue Council president did you mention Mr Baron's name attending representing us to yes I did and when did he I'm surprised that we I heard his name being mentioned to represent us uh I thought all right I know I can't ask a question I'm just saying okay thank you um is he still on the payroll no he's a volunteer resident and if he was a how long has he been a volunteer I think since he left the position and how many hours a week is he volunteering I don't know but I know he's part of the U 319 Lorraine team I know he's part of the budget team I think the negotiating team for the DPW and is our acting VA also attending these meetings along with him I'm unsure of that can anybody ask answer that question for me Mr [Music] Mayor yes why if we have an acting VA why is it necessary for Mr farat to still being a participate in a participant as a volunteer because Mr farbach brings tremendous value to this community it's pretty insulting talking about a res justult may I just continue um that Mr if he brings so much to this community he there therefore should be a paid employee or he should be in this community being a volunteer and speaking just the way we are no no why not because we have over a 100 Volunteers in this town that don't attend these meetings yeah 100 volunteer spending as much time at important meetings the way he is how do you know how much time Mr fback spend in here it's marginal marginal attending all these meetings all what meetings excuse me you're you're playing riddles with me not playing riddles with you no I think what you're trying to do is infer that we have a valued resident and volunteer who brings 45 years experience of municipal government offers to help with some things and we're chastising for that I'm not chastising I'm just question you're inferring it you're certainly inferring it you're assuming that I am just saying asking if it why is it so necessary for him to be involved in these meetings when we have an acting VA shouldn't she have the qualifications and the authority the acting does have the authority and she does have the experience to do it we have then why is it necessary for him to be there I think I answered the question now you avoided the question I like to just put on the record that I think it's interesting that a VA merth DeMarco has not been at a council meeting since May you can put it on the record but I excuse you from the meetings why why she's a paid employee she's not required to be at this meeting but how come every other VA has been required wer required they weren't required well they were here every week every time Mr faren our volunteer was here all the time why is it different for now your silence is defening thank you yes good evening Lind ducky 3 uh 312 Avenue I noticed on the website that our uh proposed budget is presented and I have you know reviewed it I was wondering if you have given the council permission or access to the CFO yet for uh the questions that they have there's an adoption meeting on September 25th CFO will be there to answer those questions why can't they go beforehand I'm sure that time will take be here till 3 in the morning because I'm sure everybody else is going to have questions also so I don't think it's effective we try to keep the agenda very tight like this one yeah I mean we spent a lot of ways of time also I'd like to I don't think so I think we're pretty much on time for the night against our I'm glad you're thinking so okay I'd like something else to say um I'd like to thank the people that I think it was uh CI with the geese F fleers whatever those guys doing a great job I haven't seen geese anywhere I don't know what happened to them wherever they went they' stay thank you very much for doing that because the walkways around the lakes are much more habitable for your feet I say you're not stepping in things anymore and the other thing is they did a great job at the beach this year I thought they did a wonderful job the life cards the um removing those ropes was the right thing to do people followed the flags and that was great I really appreciated that uh attention given to us thank you very much thank you yes Titus um I'm really um glad that we do have volunteers that take an active um you know that are very active in the town however Mr Mayor I'm trying to understand the local 152 contract that is um now over 20 months um that is a failure on part of the administration that this contract has not been resolved so my question to you is and I'm not here to lambast anybody or anything but we have to try something new now we just had a discussion about Mr shach is a volunteer person and he's in these high level meetings on some of the most important projects in town the church and local 5012 we have four duly elected um council members and that are representatives of the town of Bradley Beach why are they not being allowed to participate in these critical um uh conversations with local 152 they when they gave a presentation here months ago they had even implored you to let people get involved so my question to you Mr Mayor is why are we not having our duly elected officials and not a volunteer and also I have to say you know our our labor attorney you know 20 months we the tax faers are putting the bills for all this why can't our duly elected officials council members presidents and no Mr goosi M Mahoney and Mr Weber participate in the um bargaining we'll we'll let the process play out and I think we're be successful we're 20 months that is not successful um depends on how you well 20 months is not successful no it's disappointing but we so why wouldn't we try something new so it's not working so why shouldn't we try something sure you're you really say it's not working well it's 20 months um the union has implored to have better talks they have asked for the duly elected council members to participate um I would think um that you would as you said you're disappointed let's get this done why not try something new you know it's not working what's going on let's remove a volunteer and let's put our duly elected officials in there can you please look at me as I'm talking so that is my question is like let's try something new let's put you know um let's all collaborate partner and let's get this done once and for all our DPW our dispatchers and everyone else the local are instrumental to the operations of this work Town absolutely so then why will you why are you standing in the way of progress I'm not standing in the way of progress then can you make a commitment to everybody here right now that you will allow our duly elected officials Mr farach is not an elected official he's a volunteer we have duly elected officials I'm waiting for your answer the answer is no and why is that because we have a negotiating team we're working very diligently with the bargaining unit and we hope to have and how many months is the contract overdo Mr Mayor how many how many months is this question well I would like to hear it from you sir how many months is this contract overdue now so the residence just so everybody knows I'm not badgering the mayor I'm just trying to put something forth new because it's not working so we we have 20 months I do not want to be called a minion or a shill or anything of that nature I am just trying up let's not even go down there um let's please try something new and again I'm asking you why will you not let our duly elected officials participate in this collective bargaining agreement is there an underlying reason why you won't if if you are so and I do believe that you do want to get this done let's try something new why wouldn't we try if something's not working you got to change courses right so let the record show that the mayor refuses to let our duly elected officials not participate in the collective bargaining agreement so our volunteer VA has preced official as we conclude they'll participate in the approval well why wouldn't they be giving information prior to to understand what's going on please anyway thank you yes yeah Beth Kepler 504 Central Avenue in Riley Beach um some of you may know I have a YouTube channel under my name Beth Kepler and um I like to research and I've been connecting some dots and I'd like to share some information with the public um that I uncovered as you all know let's walk down some me down memory lane connect some dots um in September 27th 2023 Mr farbach tried to explain the missing $177,000 invoice of Marin B the social media consultant do you all remember that well that $117,000 uh Missing invoice for social media consultant Marin B was separated out from the approved Bill list the bill was never reintroduced and I've asked before was this bill ever paid and if so when because as we all know we do have a um we changed and had a resolution to lower everything to $4,000 and it has to be approved through the council which is by the way not updated that past and it's not been updated on the current code um on our on the system but um the individual billing for the $177,000 is the daughter of EX keenburg borrow Attorney John O Bennett Kim Humphrey was keur's uh business administrator prior to becoming the burough of Bradley Beach's business administrator and according to Larry Fox at that meeting Kim Humphrey contracted Marin BAC to do $177,000 worth of of Consulting work for the burrow um and of Interest U Marin Bennett's sister Bic sister is uh Megan Bennett um Kelly and she's the burrow of Bradley Beach's Bond attorney and she was discussed in the February 14th 24 borrow meeting and that makes two daughters of John O Bennett keur's ex borrow attorney and Kim Humphrey hired to do work for the burrow of Bradley Beach and resolution 2024 46 was put before the council to pass and it had a discrepancy of $1.87 million Larry Fox didn't know the tax rate for borrowing the money yet he insisted the council had to vote on passing it immediately or the borrow could risk losing out on the opportunity to borrow the funds none of the three individuals who drafted the resolution the acting ba Meritt dearo the CFO Ricky GS or the burrow Bond attorne attorney uh Megan Bennett were present to answer the questions from the council Kim Humphrey and Larry Fox hired Megan Bennett who is the daughter of John O Bennett and let's remember that John O Bennett and Kim Humphrey work together in kebur are you catching my are you following the little dots so as a the increase excuse me I'm speaking I have AAL question I wanted to add to your comments I don't know I to hear anything so John O Bennett's resume is as follows at the practicing license attorney in New Jersey um he was the burrow attorney for kingburg in 2014 former Municipal attorney for col neck Township former Mammoth County Republican chairman served as the Republican state Committee co-president of the New Jersey state senate the acting New Jersey State Governor in 2002 former business administrator and Public Works director of the of Oceanport the bur of Lavette business administrator and the ba qpa and compliance officer for the township of do in moris County um and the business administrator of Woodbridge Township so bond attorneys do get like real estate agents when they write bonds they get Commission on the bonds that they get and get borrowers to commit to so that one point 87 million was probably quite the windfall for Marin Bennett and incidentally coincidentally guess what the $177,000 Bennett Mar Bennett's not Megan Bennett I'm sorry I got the two sisters mixed up Megan Bennett the bond attorney she got a commission for the excess $1.87 million for the bond that you pressured our Council into voting for because we might miss out on that blank check and then guess what what the $177,000 coincidentally equals the amount of money that you Tred to put through payroll which wouldn't have to come out of the bud the budget general fund because you admitted on tape and I have the video where you say that it that Meredith said to put it through I mean um I get them all mixed up Kim Humphrey said to put it through as payroll and that amount of money just equally equals the amount of money that Amy Hall says that she was docked in her lawsuit against you thank you what coincidence you're welcome any other comments yeah th J 6 mayor just distress by your comments tonight about the 319 property you said there's plenty of stall and delay to go around that's your quote do you ever take responsibility ever I think that does take some responsibility sir no no you're spreading that's called spreading plenty to go around so you know it's it's time for you to step up and we've had you know the the Leonard weas recation which you handled poorly never took responsibility we had recycled gate which you handled poorly never took responsibility we have the budget problem which you have totally messed up and never take responsibility so so for you to say that tonight about these counsil people who've been trying to get this subdivision done for a year and now say there's plenty of stall and way to go around it's simply embarrassing does that apply to Mr ferenbach because he's working on 319 line local 152 and the budget are you blaming him for anything how how about our I'm sorry I'm not going to call her the acting ba I'm going to call her the missing ba does the missing ba have any responsib in this it's really horrible um you need to step up and take responsibility um I I do have some good news um the most amazing thing has happened um since Leonard WEA left as police chief it's incredible I walk around town and I ride my bike around town and the police cars go by and they wave to me I can't believe this has never ever happened and now it happens and I want to thank barnold because you know there's a gentleman nature there's a friendly nature to the town once again now that the leard leader machine was done thank you okay no other comments we will sorry it's okay uh Mary's iPad hold on sorry Mary's iPad go ahead it's Mary's iPad speaking to all of you um Mary Backstrom 218 4th Avenue Bradley Beach I'm going to try to keep my comments as concise as possible but there are several things tonight that have been discussed that continue to deeply concern me as a resident first of all and I don't know the details but if we have targeted one business in town for what a sandwich board that seems really Petty and I hope it's not the truth because what does it say about our Administration sending code officers to one business when we all know there are several businesses in town that have sandwich boards outside on their sidewalks as they should be allowed to secondly with the 152 contract I mean just forget Bradley Beach forget the mayor and the council for a second if you thinking about a town of our size we're not very big what do you call good it's 20 months in and we have no contract is that good is that normal I would say know because I've been researching this and I think Julie nutus made a very good point about why not bring the council in because what you're doing is taking far too long this is acceptable third I have this Mr farbach who never seems to go away he was a temporary VA I believe for us paid as he should be now he's not he's a quote volunteer here not a resident of Bradley Beach correct me if I'm wrong but he's part of all these important discussions and yet he is being unpaid and yet nobody has seen the details of the budget for this year so I'm not accusing you or anybody else of anything it just is plain weird and yeah Mr DeMarco you may have given I I don't understand you won't have the CFO because he doesn't want to meet with the council so he doesn't want to meet the council but you have given Meredith DeMarco permission not to attend these meetings which breaks precedence so where does your power lie I mean come on this this just defies any kind of plausibility thank you thank you just to point the people have the details of the budget I think you brought that up before and that's not the case thank you yes hiet McGuire 610 Brinley a um I just wanted to make a comment about the um the budget introduction I was looking here at the Surplus and anticipated for this year we're anticipating another $700,000 to come out of our Surplus which I know you hate saying is a savings account but I'd like to say that to people who don't understand because that's how I understood it when I was learning um that's going to leave our Surplus balance at $614,000 and based on a lot of what I've been trying to understand over the last two years with B the budget we used to have over $2 million regularly sitting in that Surplus and being that we have had such high tax increases on top of using that money out of the Surplus over the last couple years that's leaving us with only $614,000 after the fact this is a huge you're saying no mayor correct so what am I looking at on the website on sheet 39 uh we we anticipate having about a million five Surplus at the end of 2024 in the current F okay so it says right here on the introduction of the budget on the website that you put out after it's introduced Surplus balance December it says proposed use of current fund Surplus in the 2024 budget surplus balance December 31st 1,314 152 and change current Surplus anticipated in 2024 budget 700,000 and then Surplus balance remaining 61452 and change right but what does that me the Surplus is going to be partially replenished by laps reserves by delinquent taxes by current year taxes by miscellaneous revenues and other miscellaneous Revenue not anticipated so our CFO was estimating about a million5 million 466 okay so can you explain what this map me here up from a million 310 in 2023 uh the sewer utilities assuming about a million 7 and the beach is about six okay I don't need those numbers I'm asking though can you tell me what this chart means if it's saying Surplus balance remaining is going to be 64,000 because we're going to use 700 how are you telling me there's going to be over a million when this is telling me 614 I'm I'm just I'm looking at the analysis that the CFO I'm looking at the budget that went up on the web try answer your question well you're not you're going to take more time because you keep talking no no no no no I asked a simple question you're other stuff so this this is to make sense excuse me this is a chart you put on the website for the residents to look at you're making no sense it's three lines of a tiny chart here and you're telling me a number that doesn't exists in this chart okay this goes to show why this Council does not get any answers to the questions they have with the money you could look at me with those evil eyes all you want but honestly mayor it's too over two years of this where we ask questions and you Circle talk with numbers that don't make sense they don't make sense you're reading your analysis and your charts and everything well where where are they where are they you didn't Workshop those during the workshop the budget Workshop yeah we did no you didn't yeah we did okay so you suddenly don't it suddenly doesn't match what you put on the website for us the document that the CFO provided um back then hasn't significantly changed it's the same document okay so if you want to send me an email explaining those charts and how they relate to this little chart that would be great will you be able to do that for me can I expect an email with that information s you the fund balance analysis sure and will you can you show me how it relates to this chart on sheet 39 she's saying sheet 39 sheet 39 in the budget this the proposed use the proposed use of current fund Surplus in 2024 budget it's three lines it's a little chart of three rows if you could send me that and explain to me the relation of what you're looking at and how it matches this I would really appreciate that and really if you give me an honest answer that makes sense to me I'm happy to come back on record and say so I'm just asking for some honesty that's it and also the AFS is not listed yeah the AFS is not listed thank you it going to be listed you said it was available it's I think it's post thank you any other questions no okay we will go to uh motion to go to session second no yes yes M Mone yes Mr we mayor yes you