e e yeah you know back when I out St together I like [Music] signature look like 10 year olds out the red lights on [Music] star oh no well she didn't tell me to what's up Jawa did you have fun yeah didn't oh I'm sorry yeah [Music] 33 that's for first text me got a call got a call um's gonna be about 10 minutes give good evening everybody evening guess we're doing oh yeah he we got 630 please I wish to announce that 4 8 hour notice as required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the co-star and the new co-star on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and actually can and will be taken Mr Noble here Mr gubitosi here Mr Weber here miss Mahoney here mayor Fox here good evening everybody and welcome to our 14th meeting of the year uh we're going to go out of order a little bit here and do the presentations and bids there seems to be an objection back there to that um the recognition we'd like to do with the presentation is really around our lifeguards uh a number of our lifeguards uh the safety and security of our residents and visitors is the most important responsibility we have as leaders in this municipality uh to Sundays ago a young man was pulled from the ocean on nor Avenue and immediately the guards from both norc Avenue and Kent beaches snapped into action these six leaders took the training they received recently in CPR and Sav the life the respondent was brought to the hospital came off the respirator the following Monday and was released on Tuesday uh you're all very much a credit to our community and we have a proclamation we're going to read so if you could come up here please stand and be have 1 2 3 okay um this is a proclamation recognized in the Bradley Beach light whereas it has come to the attention of the governing body that the Bradley Beach lifeguards exibited exemplary conduct and outstanding life-saving efforts in emergency involving a each C that occurred last week and whereas if it had not been for theed skill response of these lifeguards and responding emergency medical Crews a life may have been lost and whereas the heroism and bravery demonstrated by the lifeguards is representative of skill and bravery of all LIF guards Poli and first a m on and off duty at the scene of an emergency that day and now therefore be it resolved the mayor and Council of B Bradley Beach recognizes and praises the following lifeguards for their meritorious performance and liaving actions undertaking Rescue by Mr Frank yellow on Sunday July 1424 Jake needin Joseph po Isabella sanui Ellen kth that's right fix that William Patrick shamic and Jason G congratulations again thank you all I'm sure we have parents and friend in the audience here uh we should all be very proud of these folks and the few folks that W here uh we couldn't make it tonight but um we very much appreciate the work you all have done to get these folks performing ready to perform so again thank you all thank you yeah y all don't need to be feel compelled why don't you go celebrate and have a good time okay the next item on the agenda hopefully we'll be able to get through it quicker than 45 minutes is the executive session um we had to put that in the front because we do have our attorney the affordable housing attorney uh joining us so I'll make a motion to um go into executive session resolution 20247 to discuss delation personnel and contractual second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes I would go hang got me start up my sister-in-law had sweet I mean my sister he was con [Music] no of want C take the wife hope they're coming over [Music] Chang to l [Music] [Music] open day I last l really got great we're happy where we're at right now r can you imagine side oh great okay so you can't do that have okay the title here [Music] I was always every than much SE re for believe AF watch min [Music] new m [Music] but she simar it's me incredbly early [Music] [Music] we all hi I work this morning was don't [Music] [Music] I mean maybe long ler mediator yeah volleball so yeah a hitter well that's we sign that is my you not know that's [Music] we had lost I got prot I know it's [Music] first of all by absolutely [Music] s another that's so just kind of we start slow [Music] and then your okay I to sh every for very place yeah well no I don't want to yeah I have some point week weeks I was called Almost kind of always got a feel yeah we Miss year we didn't watching they like watching and EX [Music] so save you some money [Music] one day one day all parks but only after like now it's go anywhere you want yeah B you know everyone want to stay on the mon sky price really [Music] has okay we start back up thanks for your um patience fairly close to time thank you okay uh next item is approval of minutes uh July 10th 2024 Council bu minutes make a motion to pass July 10th I'm sorry okay what were we on sorry uh the minutes I seconded thank you uh Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh approval of July 10th executive session minutes make a motion to approve July 10 minutes for second discuss second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahony yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh okay there are no ordinance introductions there is an ordin uh one adoption an ordinance amending chapter five administration of the bur's revised General provide public comments and questions during the council meetings uh we I want to make a motion to open the there's an adoption here yeah yeah you have to do open help first okay we're going out order though yeah he public comments for the comment on the agenda number n on the agenda oh I'm sorry yeah I so sorry my apologies I thought yes I'm sorry public comments on the agenda any any couple comments on the agenda yes 63 Avenue resolution uh 204-8606 audit was due July 1st there is no 2023 audit been presented I don't know what foundational documents are being used to create this alleged budget but you can't do it without these documents so I do want to say that and I I would hope that um you will listen I appreciate the fact that the placement of the general election ball will be done for changing the form of government um I I would I be a component of that um I would like to uh congratulate uh Norm goldar for being the new Emergency Management coordinator as I wasn't really impressed with Le who was the previous Emergency Management coordinator so I think we're really taking a step up so thank you very much folks thank you yes 302 Avenue um I agree with TJ that I'm hoping that you were not going to vote on the budget orre to introduce the budget when it doesn't make sense given the circumstances unless things have changed since last week um as it relates to the budget last meeting you said it was the first time we were talking to the mayor I'm speaking so if you can look I can hear everything you're saying yeah wasting time but at our last meeting you said it was the first time you were hearing about the 222,000 budget Gap from the reporting Ts that Council received and had questioned months ago I am being careful to correctly quote the amount since I misspoke the amount at the last meeting when I asked by the coun was never provided with an answer as to why such a large discrepancy it's now been two weeks have you been able to provide counsel with the answer to their question and if not can you please do so now I am sure that the I'm sure that the public that you serve is very interested to know the answer and Council can you please provide an example no matter how complicated of another question that has been asked but that you have not been provided a response to regarding the budget why have we not held the CFO accountable for answering questions about the budget for our elected officials he is our employee and our council is elected to represent all of the people of this town and not just behold them to the mayor that's you Mr Mayor if the CFO is not doing his job when dealing with Public Service servants why do we continue to waste our money on paying for his he or salary and I ask the same question as it relates to budget money regarding the third party Union negotiator that we hired that has held our Union employees hostage on their contract I don't know how much time I have if I have to repeat the questions I'll go back I'm waiting for an answer on the especially the $222,000 it's been two weeks yes brought that to your you said it the first time but she had said first time I heard that number I'm sorry um but uh yes I responded in writing to um small I guess he responded in writing but the answer there was a respon the answer you guys have the answer because we elected you to do the job and you can't do the job if you don't have the information there was a response in writing it did not answer the question so we same place as we were two weeks ago two weeks before that two weeks before that we all have estimated tax gifts that are due on August one but I have to pay unless I want to have a 15% depend crazy right do you guys have any other examples I mean we're all here today bigger group today like Kristen was great last week I don't care how complicated is you can speak in terms that are over my head but we need example we need to understand instead of everybody other people out there saying oh just agree to the budget I saw uh back and forth on social media about that this week saying you guys were being children you need to step up to the plate and show that you're not deing children and that you have legitimate questions that really should be answered before any vote is cast you don't just vote to vote otherwise what's your purpose here I'm not sure if the mayor understands their a purpose there will be more discussion uh when we get to that uh resolution so that may that may help answer your question just to point out what is going on because we're all sitting here dumb pounded with bills in our hands any resolution on the CFO meeting with you talking to you acknowledging you participating in our town meetings he works for us I see one council member shaking her head no no no it's embarrassing for everyone here because he's our employee he's not doing his job when I worked at a company if somebody didn't do their job week after week after week month after month after month they didn't have job job anymore he is under the direction of the mayor so why does the mayor continue to have him paid for not doing his job geez must be similar to the police chief where it's just give these people money and they they're delinquent in their jobs or their duties or their um credentials whatever mean this is ridiculous shy out of her job you don't have show up am I in five minutes yet because I'm I have no answers to my questions this this is supposed to be comments on theenda not legitimate question public interested not one person this room that does not want to hear the answers yes fancy Meadow Ocean Park Condominium regarding the billis we have the same problems it's kind of hard to default on our bills you need to step up the plate and chain the procedures for purchasing but it's not just that now I've noticed the pass Bill lists have not showed a fee for our payroll company process or whatever so that makes me think yay do we finally have somebody doing it inh house again because that would be the prudent move or are we just hiding that expense I can't help but Wonder on page one there's an attorney bill for $10.6 th000 I don't even know what that person does I've dissected this bill list more than usual on page two we twice purchased Bagels from Bagel time I am d bounded as to why we could not make a purchase of bagels from our Municipal business and I'm not one who supports the municipal businesses but supposedly our um leader and I put that in quotes does so I can only say this comes down to what Miss Mull mentioned regarding employees and their capabilities and what happens when you're not credential and you don't go through normal hiring positions and all of that which is systemic in my opinion of every Department then we have bills from CME and in June their representative was here from 615 till 10:50 he participated in an executive session from 6 40 to 655 and then the public part of the meeting from 8:20 to 9:15 um I resent paying someone to be here for all those hours when they were not involved and whether it's an hourly wage or built into their fee for the ridiculous projects that we're getting ridiculous information on it disturbs me we've now paid Mr veren Ste Fromm another $65,000 I'm still waiting for an answer from the winter and when is his ceiling cut off and what has he done for us I did not notice that epw got a contact and is that not the labor law PJ we've got F Bank where we store our files and yet every open request says to me we have no files I got one just last week they told me that we have no information what do we put in file Bank I can't even begin to imagine and do they is that the eism we don't have it but you didn't ask if bi has it do I need to go down that road because I would kind of think our support Personnel is an extension of us and that would be part of the wi but conveniently we never have any information we spent over $900 for cleaning at Staples not cleaning supplies cleaning I would tend to think they look for new supplies that's on P 18 don't look at me like I'm a wacka dooodle because it's there um you know I would think our cleaning supplies would be brought at the same place the DPW buys their cleaning supplies um I think we have cleaners that actually do these things so again I didn't know staes were cleaners and then web Alliance get rid of them stop it would be better to have no website than this website it I am tired of inaccurate information which will come in my next five minutes but you keep the point being and then all our contracts copy of respones listen has anyone analyzed any of this because we seem to have simplified it with Mr Brown and it's looks to me to be a little much like are we paying for contracts and maybe ended or some some sort of things like that that needs to be reviewed and I would think with our volume of employees some conceivable need to sheet on all those things just um but if it's not your money I guess they don't care bottom line is legislate purchase orders none of this $4,000 but no you cannot buy bagel from out of town unless you don't have a bagel shot spend our money wisely and you don't have money to spend that's the other thing how much of this wasal um and what are all these other attorney feeds now we've got two fair housing attorneys listed on the list I'm speechless which is unique for me um and I've seen eyeballs that are also saying no for her either thank you yes McGuire Sly AB I'd also like to ask uh the council to continue voting down the budget um I would like to know about Mr Marco and the CFO we need these answers does she not work here anymore a family issue today she did not and um as far as Mr Gs are we continuing to employ him here without any resolve with the budget information RCF okay and you're going to continue allowing that if he's not wanting to meet with the council I'm here I'm asking the question they're out of order would you just yeah you are um are you going to continue employing him being that he will not meet with our Council Mr G our CFO so are you going to continue employing you can't answer that question you can't no I get asking whether whether going continue employing a no disrespect to you we we just can't how about are you going to allow him to finally talk to the council are you going to make him talk to the council are you going to make him talk to the council are you going to make him talk to the council Mr Gs would be happy to speak with the council at the budget here what budget hearing the adoption after we introduce the budget okay so that's the point are you going to allow Mr G to speak to the council before a budget adoption meeting so they can get their questions answered I as I've said before I'm not the one precluding Mr guards from meeting with the councel that's my point are you going to make him sit with the council and do his job as his boss are you going to make him do his job Mr watch is doing his job and you shouldn't really comment on an employee not doing your job you're the one that is telling me Mr Garts does not want to meet with the council and they are not getting questions answered which in turn means the residents are not getting our questions answered so guess what my taxes pay Mr Gs are you employing Mr guards and not letting him do his job or is Mr guards not wanting to do his job which is it are you blocking Mr guards from the coun or is Mr gartz not wanting to meet with the council I have not blocked Mr gartz from meeting with the council okay so he's not meeting with the Council on his own terms and you're still employing him even though he's not doing his job is that right I'm not gonna comment on it I'm sorry this is week after week mayor like what is going to change tell me what's going to change change I hope we have an introduced budget time do you have answers for them do you have answers for them did you did you answer their questions not respond did you answer them we believe we answered the questions and then we get penalized being bullies when we sit up here and deal with this crap this is like total prep that you feed us every two weeks it's Insanity um I add something else feeds both down the budget I okay if there's no other questions we'll move to number 10 hopefully we're correct on that um ordinance there are no introductions we'll open ordinance 20 48 make a motion to open the adoption here second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes any comments or questions on adoption of 20248 yes Chan 612 Third Avenue I would like to thank the council for putting forth ordinance 2023 that shade to really give the residents the chance to answer questions uh to have questions answered because this this whole use of comments mayor angstead never even did this he would answer questions the council would answer questions um so thank you for codifying it in the ordinance to let everyone in this room know that they can ask questions and anwers should be expected we should have a ba that's here not missing two meetings in a row and um we should have CFOs here that can ask ask questions answer questions from the council but also in a public form for the public I want to thank you for standing out and getting this ordinance done and I would hope that you would approve it toight thank you thank you okay no other questions I'll move to close the adoption hearing and um make a motion to vote on 2024 all right Mr Noble um I also would i' like to thank the Council on this uh we do serve the public that's our job and we should be taking comments and questions I welcome questions from anybody and everybody and to see some people get the answer of be careful or opr it versus other people who get detailed emails and answers with numbers it's not fair it's about being equal to everyone everyone should be equally treated and respected because we serve you it is my greatest honor to serve the the residents of Bradley Beach and I want to thank you for all being here and I vote Yes I welcome your comments and your questions Mr GUI I also have a quick comment to make um handful of people out there Zoom may not fully appreciate what chapter 5-9 is it's our rules of procedure how we can people please silence their their phones please we the governing body operate this particular section of chapter 5 is focused on what's included in our agenda for every meeting we have we follow the same agenda outline um we made a few very small changes to the ordinance uh in this area of the council rules of procedure and as it stands today the ordinance allows public comment and ious points on the agenda as you did moments ago in the interest of shortening meeting times mayor Fox wanted to eliminate public comments I'm sorry public questions from meetings and uh only allow public comments the rest of this Council believes that we serve the public we must continue to invite comments and questions in order to support transparency and the Public's right to know um this is the reason we are amending chapter 5-9 de seed I vote Yes Miss Mahone um mayor Fox refers to this meeting as a um burrow business meeting um and I agree it is a business meeting but the business sorry the business of the burrow is the business of the people and that includes your comments and your questions and getting those questions answers all answered also involves having the right people at the table at the right time this table that table and out in the audience I wholeheartedly uh say yes to this and um I also welcome your comments and your questions and look forward to this place and space as a venue to get those questions answered here yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo uh I'm going to vote no um uh on the comment I guess um and and for the reasons that I've stated in the prior two meetings about the length of time of the meetings it is a business meeting number one and number two uh people can ask questions um during our business hours and we're happy to answer that um everybody up here the five people that sit up here serve the public uh I think we all try to be transparent and um I I would continue to say that we're going to operate that way so thank you okay let's move to the next agend agenda item there's no Communications go to resolutions uh first the consent agenda there are four AG items on the consent agenda uh just for me one second uh the first is the bill list for uh July 24th 2024 um 2024 158 2024 1559 is the approval of the appointment of for probationary firefighter ariela s Minsky uh 2024 160 is approval of the on premises 5050 cash R raffle license for Bradley Beach Elementary PTA for Friday September 13 2024 from 6: to 8 and 2024 161 approval of an off premise merchandise raffle license for the bradle food pantry for September 7 to 2024 I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda I mean I'm sorry the U yeah consent agenda I'm sorry second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes fa yes uh individual re resolutions uh 2024 86 introduction 2024 budget uh to be read by title only make a motion to approve 2024 86 second mrble nothing has changed since our last meeting so therefore my vote doesn't change it either so it is a no Mr well that's true nothing has changed since the last meeting but except for one thing and I want to mention that to the public tonight uh the last meeting that we held I explained to the public again how the mayor simply presents his budget for introduction at every council meeting he's now done this for four consecutive months he does this each time without allowing the council access to our department heads or to the CFO I explained uh to the public that the mayor has a team that responds and I'll put quotation marks around the word responds responds to our budget questions but doesn't answer quotation marks outward questions tonight I want people to know that I formally reported the Burrow's budget impass to the New Jersey State Department of Community Affairs the DCA and to the New Jersey State Office of the comp controller I did so in a five-page letter to these agencies last Friday and I copied mayor Fox and my Council colleagues in my letter I describe many of the same concerns that I share twice a month with you our public I highlighted the last two years of financial mismanagement that has led to a $1.6 million drain on our Surplus I shared examples of the bureau's financial ineptitude that were highlighted in our recent 2022 audit I communicated that our 2022 annual financial statement misrepresented our cash on hand as of 12312 we we the burrow identifi to the DCA that we had cash on hand of $7.2 million the audit delivered a number of months later confirmed that the cash on hand was actually $4 million we we confirmed to the DCA 7.2 million when we in fact had four million you know that's not a rounding error how could our 20123 finance department provides such grossly inaccurate reporting to the state DCA and finally I shared concerns that our finance department recently raised related to our 2023 Financial records with all of this clear evidence of financial mismanagement how can this Council not ask questions about the accuracy and appropriateness of the current budget I closed my letter to these state agencies by asking can any and I capitalize the word any can any agency or authority within the state of New Jersey please encourage mayor Larry Fox to honor his commitment I'm sorry to honor his fiduciary responsibility to our citizens that was my question and I say to all of you figuratively and literally this whole situation does not add up and I vote no Miss Mahoney if you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got let's say you make $100,000 a year you have various bills to pay and certain variable expenditures like gifts ding out groceries and even gas career card you need to put a budget together every year wouldn't the first place you start be to find out how much you spent the previous year simply put your Appropriations for the year for which you are trying to budget would be based on your expenditures for the previous year that would be your starting point from where your adjustments would be would be made it wouldn't matter how much you appropriated for the year before it would only matter how much you had actually spent the year before last week I explained how the three funds that comprise our budget did not sum to the 2024 admin recomended budget of 16, 55,0 47,00 $417,000 I'm going to not use sents because just gets too complicated yesterday late afternoon this Council was given a new budget and the three numbers for the current Beach and Sewer funds all changed yet they don't add up to the 16, 55,57 recommended budget for 2024 the number was $100,000 closer but it was still off by $100,000 according to our finance team in 2022 our expenditures were 14 m714 63 our 2022 audit shows that our actual audited expenditures were 16, 166,167 million difference $1.5 million there are huge discrepancies with what our Edmond systems reports we spent and what we actually did spend to create our 2024 budget we are not using actual 2023 expenditures we are using what we appropriated for 2023 15 million 84,836 to we still do not have the detail behind the numbers for 2024 what we receiv are explanations why it's not in important that the numbers we have don't add up we still don't have any Revenue numbers for any year in any balance balanced budget expected revenues should equal expected expenditures we are on our third step of revised budget numbers none of which include concerns from this Council EG the cost of the DPW I shouldn't say DPW the DPW dispatchers clerical contract the loss of two DPW workers and the impact that that might have on Services going forward we still have no access or communication with the CFO that we hired and it's becoming increasingly evident that our system Edmonds that feeds our expenditures Appropriations and revenues is broken we've depleted our Surplus over the past two years and it's in the offing this year to deplete it further by 600,000 to pay regularly occurring costs associated with running the burrow mayor fox has stated that he is confident in the state form do document and that it is a validated worksheet received from the state the form itself may be a validated worksheet however I cannot speak to the numbers within that document any form is only as good as the numbers inputed mayor fox has referenced to summaries in this form and this Council has repeatedly asked for detail underlying those numbers we have not received those or the numbers we have received do not match those summaries as indicated by my example during the meeting on July 10th 2024 additionally after claiming his confidence in the document most of the numbers changed yesterday I will not vot on this I will not vote on this budget my answer is no Mr wether uh a couple years ago we changed the auditor unfortunately that we had and one of the reasons that was given that the old auditor at the time was not good is that I'm not saying this is true but there's a claim that they put out a public document and numbers didn't add up based on what my co my colleagues are saying here there's a lot of numbers that don't add up but unfortunately there's nobody to change so I would just simply vote that mayor Fox yes okay next agenda item um is 162 thank you 202462 um before I go to 202462 U I want to go back to 2024 159 is ariela here okay I saw Ron I just didn't know if she was here okay I was just going to congratulate her if she was here um4 162 appointing Norman go far as Bradley Beach Emergency Management coordinator make motion to approve 2024 162 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mone yes Mr Weber I have to keep a speech uh because I save stuff and I Sav a DVD recording of a Council debate or something like that I think from from 2008 or seven it was a long time ago and um people should know that Norman sat up here he was on the council for a long time but in reviewing that old Council debate I got reminded before he sat up here he had these skills that we are hiring him for now he's done this job in other towns and I vote yes and thank you Norman and well he fo yeah I would Echo that Norm got a very impressive resume captain of police in Jackson Captain right uh retired also military and done a great job for us in OEM as first deputy and I'm sure he'll continue to do so we met uh last week and talked I think uh Chief and Norm are gonna continue to meet and ensure any cor you know any improvements we can make make so we're very happy about that thank you very much thank you congratulations again uh 2024 163 authorized replacement upon November 5th 2024 election ballot question of asking voters whether or not they wish to establish a charter commission to study it to possibly recommend changes to B make motion to make a motion for 2024 163 sorry M uh Mr Noble I'm saying yes very few towns still have this form of government and I think we are really really ready for a change so I vote Yes Mr uh I I'll come out from a slightly different angle not NE not necessarily disagreeing with the council president but I think what's really important is that we the burough Council by by approving this are putting the power in the hands of the people to decide whether or not I personally agree with this form of government is irrelevant as a resident I'll be voting just like the rest of you uh to determine whether or not this is the right form of government for Bradley Beach and with that I vote Yes M money good point Thank you something certainly something we should examine so yes Mr Weber yes mayor thoughts I'll about yes um the so now we'll move to um mayor and Council reports uh I can start it off uh we continue to be clicking pretty well um for the summer months since Memorial Day and through July 4th and Beyond uh we've seen enormous success ESS at our two ends of town our book ends that being the beach front and Main Street my understanding on Main Street side is that business is up on a number of our businesses and uh Main Street is busy so that's good um we we certainly know that the beachfront has been very very busy um thanks to all our Municipal Employees our business owners and our volunteers that have made this success possible uh this Saturday we we're going to continue with Riley Park uh Concert Series so we have the Moroccan sheep herder tomorrow night we have um Sam Ferman in the good season on the beach um I spoke to our fire department leadership on the topic of the remembrance of the Brinley Avenue Brinley in fire 1980 that took place in in 1980 um this Friday after a brief discussion in the fire hall which would just be among the fire volunteers members of company will lay a wreath in Riley park at the memorial site um in remembrance of the event uh they're going to try to do that right around Sunset which is just about 8:15 on Friday it'll be a short uh remembrance um they are planning uh a bigger event next year uh at 25th anniversary um on a a bit brighter note on the um Fire Company they're hosting their annual 5K race on August 17 so I just ask anybody who'd like to participate or know somebody who could participate this is one of their big events and fundraisers um for the company so we ask you to try to if you can't participate certainly uh you can contribute um the 2024 National Night Out is scheduled for uh Tuesday August 6th each year our police host a great event that brings out the entire community in a unifying fun night that promotes police Community Partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhood safer and more um caring places to live uh once again Sergeant Josephine solaro will um be in the lead it starts at 6 PM I think it's between second and third Avenue promonade and uh the last three years I I gotta believe we've had five to 600 people minimally and it's a it's a great event I don't know if Chief if you want to comment on it at all or no it's on our Facebook page uh like the mayor said August 6 6 o'clock uh we'll see us up on the prominate do lot of table set up uh people giving out helpful information safety tips so on so forth you know a lot of things for the kids uh it's a good night out it's always a good night out everybody's welcome to come free food as well free food that's right gotta get Mr duk um the um and this is a national event uh I I read somewhere yesterday that's actually going to more of a global event yes other countries are starting to pick up on this so it's it's just great so again great event and hope everybody can come out and be supportive uh mayor's Wellness uh campaign has a walk on Sunday invite you to come to that um it's kind of building a little bit on the zooming for wellness that we did in the spring uh the topic by um Dr Janette Stern is mindfulness and you uh so uh all Bradley Beach residents neighbors family are invited uh I think this is pretty much out there the the packages for the sale of 317 319 Lorraine are out the notices are in process the auction is set for tomorrow uh we continue to focus on community improvements um and we'll continue to do that uh around Main Street unused asset grants prominade Improvement silven Lake and Lake Terrace Park uh in terms of recreation please check website um for recreation upcoming activities one activity on there that I I think is being um uh publicized right now is uh the back to school uh backpack uh um program that they're going to embark on i' ask you to look at their U Facebook page and certainly contribute to that on the library side uh there continues to be summer reading for 2024 also on their website ESL classes um on Saturdays uh weekly programs Monday Thursday and most Fridays uh Tomorrow there's um a concert called The Sounds of Summer uh so it's a it's it's by a piano and vocalist um that will take you through kind of Summer songs and um July 30th I know it's advertised there's a scavenger hunt that uh has been pretty successful in the last few years those are my comments I'll go to councilman where thanks Mr Mayor um since he and his family are hanging in here I'm gonna congratulate nor goar again uh we're going to be hearing from you that's why you're hanging out uh they're all all gone but I want to congratulate the lifeguards again and um also congrats to elinsky and I will say that if elinsky was here she would undoubtedly be the youngest person in this room I just want to say stepping up as a firefighter and she's already volteer on our first a so a great example I have no idea why she decided to do these things but nonetheless um great I've heard of be doing that at such a young age um speaking of first aid the first aid report I read that and I have two other things for the period ending today the squad responded to 14 day calls and 13 Night Calls for 27 calls 24 were for medical five were for fire calls there were three water water rescue requests from the answers team to motor vehicle crashes uh Squad certifi recertified seven members in CPR AED for the professional Rescuers congratulations okay the squad requested no Mutual Aid assistance for this period and they fulfilled 100% of their assignments obviously they're still looking for volunteers uh they offer free training to qualify individuals applications on the ver website and they're tting applications for Cadet program for people 16 to 18 who are interested in serving this community uh I will talk about some other stuff um if anyone has been to the beach this summer they have probably noticed that there are no ropes in the ocean anymore uh I this is the decision of our head lifeguard I think it's a good decision um because for and you've noticed there's also signs that say there's new Flags so swim in between the flags for a lot of other beaches if people visit other beaches this is what they encounter they encounter swim in between the flags and the flags are movable you know if there's a rip current over here or the guards it's dangerous they want the area to be smaller they can make it smaller with flags they can make it bigger if it's common safe um so I think it's a good change and I know not everybody likes change or understands change so I'm just mentioning it um but that is the the reason for those changes um something that we changed a long time ago is that we said your trash cans you have to put out your trash and trash cans you can't put out Loose bags and you have to have lids on those cans and not everybody has gotten a memo so I think it's worth reiterating here uh we did at one time have a say a moderate problem with seagulls and squirrels and stuff going in cans and making a big mess so just put that stuff in can and uh put a lid on it and we'll have a nice cleaner town uh speaking of a cleaner town there is no Rush pickup in July or August tell your neighbors um this is the time of the year we have the most visitors we need that street parking we cannot stand to have a giant pile of sticks in the middle of the road where somebody can park their car um so just remind your neighbor of that they can bring it down to the yard to the DPW Yard on the North part of Main Street and then um talk about Fletcher Lake commission you know a while ago they decided to engage the same company that was engaged by Sil Lake commission to deal with the geese problem silen Lake folks raved about this company they got rid of all the geese this was fantastic everybody was really happy um so F Lake they were you know probably one of the last lakes around here to do this uh but as other towns dealt with their geese and then as silin Lake dealt with their geese they probably all ended up in Fletcher Lake and um that was a real problem I mean geese droppings are it's essentially like Bing fertilizer into the lake and it's really bad for the health of the lake uh it can cause conditions that can make fish you cause fish to die so you know might be nice to see some geese on the lake and stuff but uh for the water and for birds and things that depend on fish that are in the water and for the fish themselves it's actually really bad um so they're taking care of that yes the geese temporarily relocated to the beach uh not a concern but our Lake's going to be healthier once the GES you know control and keep population away so I've got letters of thanks and congratulations from a lot of people that are glad that we finally got around to that and then I just want to let everybody know that uh you know I did send a message to the mayor offering myself and my services to meet with the administration and the local 152 Union uh if any meetings like that were going to happen uh I'm still available for such meetings time you know depending on when they are um just want everybody to know I made that offer and I was not picking up on it and that is my report thank you Council councilwoman um cman Weber I want to say thank you for that information about the ropes because people had contacted me and said what happened to the ropes should I'm sorry I wanted to make one comment about the ropes um for people that don't know um last year we had a I want to say wasn't super serious but a fairly serious ious um uh cut that somebody got because of the ropes fishing wine got tied up and ropes and hooks got tied up rip somebody's leg I think they needed stitches and it was not a pleasant thing so uh that was that happened last summer and it was was a very unfortunate situation and I was going to mention one more reason that's good to know too for the rip TI because a couple people had said to me that older people use the ropes to get in and out of the ocean so this is good to know that one it could be dangerous and two it's good to move the ropes based on the ties so now I can get back to people so thank you for information information is so important okay um what have I got not much okay the land use board met on July 18th use in bulk variances for 516 Parkplace AB were approved another application for use and bul variances for 215 Burnley app were approved and another application for bulk variances for 314 third app were approved I too offered to meet um and help along the negotiations for local 152 and heard nothing back I'd like to make a motion for a vote of no confidence for Bradley Beach mayor Larry Fox can I get a second Mr Noble yes Mr if not no other reason solely focused on the the impossible to understand budget impacts we've dealt with for four months I vote Yes Miss Mone based on the budget the DPW negotiations our lack of communication I vote Yes Mr Weber yes may mayor fo uh I'll vote no thank you that's my report thank you counc toi okay uh I am the police liaison I want to thank detective Lieutenant Browning as usual for very thorough report which I will now read a little of it let me warn you in advance will be redundant because I'm also going to talk about August 6 uh but in a span of a few days our Police Department had two car burglaries on Ocean Avenue very similar in nature this past weekend Sergeant Josephine solaro was closely monitoring ing the area and noticed a suspicious subject that matched surveillance video from the crimes upon making contact with him he provided a false name and then fled on foot Sergeant Solara was able to chase him down as he ran through a nearby backyard and with the assistance of patrolman Edwin Hernandez apprehended him the subject was arrested and linked to both incidents ultimately being charged with two counts of burglary two counts of theft and one count of resisting arrest a subject was arrested for driving well intoxicated after striking a parked car and another local man was arrested on a contempt of court warrant uh and and I I do just want to add another plug uh for National Night Out so if you didn't get it the last time please jot down the date and time but uh Chief Arnold and the police department are looking forward to the annual Night Out event which will be held on Tuesday August 6 excuse me August 6th on the prominade between 3rd and fifth Avenues from 6:00 p.m. to 8 PM I have another paragraph detective Lieutenant I'm going to skip the rest of it because I want to make sure everybody knows August 6 6 day between third and fifth Avenues please be there the event is free for all residents the I'm the Thea for S Lake commission and the sil Lake commission met last Wednesday July 17th the focus continues to be on improve proving the overall health of the lake guest speakers included the engineering team responsible for much of the living Shoreline development on the Avon side of the lake the name of that engineering firm is Matrix they discuss potential funding sources for future restoration work with the ultimate goal continuing to be how to best dredge uh the very shallow silin Lake next month on August 21st the commission will meet again and the environmental experts will attend who have been developed in plans for dredging and for the funding of the dredging of the lake um I also want to welcome uh ariela Minsky uh as our newest member for probationary firefighter for Bradley Beach Fire Department uh Ron I did recognize the last name and it's also very excited to see it so thank you and of course your daughter I also want to make a quick comment about our uh new uh Emergency Management coordinator uh congratulations number one to Norman uh as it most people if not everyone now knows uh Norman has been a former council member and newly appointed buroughs Emergency Management coordinator but with your lengthy track record Norman of uh experience we appreciate the skills and knowledge that you bring to this position thank you for your continued service to our community and then finally I'm going to keep saying this every week every meeting I should say but regarding local 152 there's still nothing constructive that anyone could say about the lack of progress made by our Administration in finding a fair contract solution for this organization our employees in this Union have gone without a contract and a pay increase for a year and a half the union is now openly challenging the mayor's reporting of this situation last week each council member separately requested the mayor to allow any one of us a seat at the table as was previously encouraged by former mayor angelstad this broken process makes no sense again I ask mayor Fox please allow any one of us sitting here next to you to join the bargaining process that concludes my report thank you councilman council president thank you Mr Mayor the Bradley Beach Elementary School bard of Ed held a special meeting last week and approved an adjusted budget for the 2024 2025 school year last year we saw a 2% tax decrease unfortunately Bradley Beach Elementary School has faced a loss of 4 49,83664 per. for residents this translates to an average tax increase of $10.95 per month it should be not noted that the tax the total allowable tax levy increase for the Bradley Beach School District was not fully utilized demonstrating their commitment to fiscal responsibility for our community with responsible budgets with high audit ratings and providing needed services for the children of R Beach tourism same we have here there was no meeting for the shade tree so I don't have a report for them the tourism Commission held a meeting on July 17th to review the Summer's events promotions and success the commission discussed the upcoming events including baiva Bradley Beach scheduled for September 14th 2024 the tourism director Amy Hall had secures has secured two bands multiple vendors and is looking forward to a Sala performance with lessons in the park and tomorrow the songwriters on Newark Avenue Beach continue at 700m DJ J Returns on Friday night and on Saturday in the Park the performance will be the Moroccan Chief FS it should be a great time that concert is from 5:00 to 7M and as always the commission urges both residents and visitors to visit our small businesses in town by bringing a picnic to the event shopping before grabbing dinner and drinks after the show um as of this morning there was $81,000 in the tourism Trust and that completes my report thank you very much thank you okay uh we'll go to public comments are there any public comments yes for your avue I had in my notes tonight that I was gonna ask some clarification on those lawsuits that have been brought up by one person who's attended the meetings for the last up with M but I'd rather although that is so important to clarify that with residents I want to make sure why there's these lawsuits costing us money I go back to the budget because it's all tied in everything we do at this meeting everything we do in this town every decision that is made cost money affects our budget so Kristen I applaud you again you came prepared with an example it was very detailed I could not take all those notes but I'm assuming that everything you said resonated with the mayor because he should know the budget if he's voting yes to go forward with the budget so I I would ask if the mayor if you disagree with Kristen in any way you could give clarification on it maybe prove Kristen wrong on what she delivered to the public tonight in our what we thought was in our best interest but if there's something that you can refute as far as what she said we're all yours because we're we don't understand what your side is we only hear the um the council being concerned that they can't get their an the answers to their questions and Kristen laid it out beautifully tonight and I'd ask if you have anything to add or refute on that that could put our minds at ease that maybe there's something good about the budget that you are proposing seems to be a mystery to the council they not doing their jobs yeah the budget that we've submitted it's about a 3.39% increase um it's fairly consistent the last year's spend levels we have some level of lering in there also I think it's a good budget um the state forms that um you provide the tail we can share that once the budget's introduced with the Public Public can study that and um ask any questions that they have I'll go back Christ beautifully in less than a minute was able to lay out the concerns is there anything that you can refute in with what she said I just heard you say oh it's a 3.39% which is consistent with last year how is that when she had all of those questions doesn't know what the spend was to compare it or has said what the spend was I forget all the things you said but what what the spend was doesn't make sense for what's being proposed for this year you're doing it based on um numbers that are appropriated versus what was spent so you just use the word it's based on last year's increase that doesn't make sense to me based on what Kristen said I may not be making sense here but I need you to refute what Kristen said I I submitted some responses to councilwoman and on her questions how if she has her answers if you gave her answers why can you tell us what she said that was wrong nothing else matters that you guys do except the budget the wellness everything costs money that you do cor right all right so Kristen laid out some figures and gave some good examples again tonight that make us all very uneasy in this room and I don't know if your constituents are aware you just say to them oh it's going to be the same as last year I I didn't say that I said it was consistent the items are consistent but it's on what's appropriated versus what was spent that's what I heard person said that's not how you do a budget like for you to ref what person tell me something different you have any concern about what Kristen said that it was misinformation as I said I responded to Kristen and writing in a fairly detailed public doesn't have that and Krist will not that presentation if she had her answers you're resped me let all your numbers changed last night the budget Changed by $245 um pass to pass thank you someone's not doing their job $245 from the last there was just a couple of adjustments to interest that Ricky made yeah yes evening Ron 706 Line Avenue I'm also the uh fire chief of R the Beach Fire Department uh first I want to thank the mayor and Council for welcoming my daughter ariela into the fire service um and uh if you don't mind me asking how old is she she's 18 18 okay and uh thank you for giving her the opportunity to serve to borrow as as I have in the last 20 years uh also want to take a moment to congratulate Norman volar on his appointment uh Norman and I have known each other for about 20 years now as both friends and colleagues have the the utmost respect for Norman uh we've always worked well together and I look forward to uh serving uh alongside you again uh the other uh issue I wanted to bring up is uh at the last borrow meeting uh there was uh mentioned in the public comment of an incident involving one of my firers um the uh that uh that alleged incident was brought to my attention the day after it occurred uh and uh I wanted to assure the mayor and councel I wanted to assure the residents that uh Swift action was taken uh as soon as the uh the matter was point to my attention uh the member was removed uh from Duty pending uh having the adjudication uh of the matter um I know the uh the mayor and Council the residents they they count on us uh for our uh service for our integrity and uh as the fire chief it's it's important to me that uh that the mayor the council and the residents of the borrow uh have confidence and Trust in the work that we do uh so I just wanted to assure uh everyone that uh that action was taken and uh we'll readdress it once the B is is um also I just have one uh request that um that my uh my email firechief bradleyb nj.gov uh be added to the Bal website so that in the future uh going forward if any uh if any Resident has any questions or concerns involving the fire department that uh that they can email me personally and I will respond thank you thank you thank you appreciate it thank you yes o pums I failed to mention before when I was talking about Bagel talk I find it um contradictory I would probably say oxymoron almost mayor's Wellness City would give carbs um just again another thing of how things started the to copier and filter down I would like to personally thank councilwoman Mahoney for showing up I'm well aware you missed my meeting but I'm well aware that you also have personal things going on yet you seem to find time to volunteer for us so thank you very much if I've not given out too much personal information there um interesting that L and wall tax of Hotel I know that com out just paid some tax bills uh I'm concerned about the church bid that was given out to local developers before it went to everyone I find that unfair advantage on July 12th pen newsletters were posted on the website all at once is this good management of a website and communication not to me that's a recordable question I definitely don't want an answer I'm still waiting on open reports answers to email um I don't like electronic signatures I don't know why people can't sign documents um there's signs out front that say employees parking go four when does it begin or when can we par until I mean before like really again I wish Mr Miller here because we knows what we do with signs I don't know if we have walkways promenades and boardwalks but as We R do signs can we get them all say the same thing and be going through consistency and then we have employees it is my understanding what I was approached by an employee this week I don't know was minding my own business but it's my understanding that we spent a lot of money on job descriptions and an employee handbook and I think it would behoove managers which would include cha police and I took these titles from the website which we know is accurate CH police Beach manager and LIF guard Chief to read those items and filter down the information because perhaps then everyone could do their job correctly so um apparently on June 22nd I think that's the date my street was not patrolled because we have no records um I would think that a beach manager that I would not see gate guards blasting music and not using earbuds when beach goers have to use earbuds which was Tastefully added to the sign so I also don't understand why they have to then write all over the sign not the daily information but other information doesn't belong there the signs look tacky and it's not necessary and I would tend to think that the Lifeguard Chief would instruct those employes their job along with his is to guard the water and the people in it doesn't extend to other things and there's other department heads also again why did we pay for all of this legal Lees if we don't implement it oh and now that we have somebody new in charge of what um what I'd like to call our cooling center which really is technically a Reception Center we've had three heat waves I saw nothing posted on our website regarding its potential use it would be so refreshing to take some sort of step forward um again I know you for you can only legislate I got a list here do you think the people on Zoom would like to know who's sitting here who's out here this ging I don't think so thank you yes Jake hoan 612 thirdd Avenue mayor uh can you tell me when the 2023 AFS will be available to the public was du March 30th I do not know I know that the CFO is working with the auditor on it right now and they're close to completing it I know that and what we've heard that before what about the 2023 audit that was due July 1st when will we be getting that that won't happen until the August time frame for the August time frame so you're saying that the numbers are consistent um with 2023 but you don't have the base numbers to compare for consistency for for purposes of the budget the the numbers those numbers were provided by the CFO and reviewed by the auditor well I don't know if you looked at the 2022 audit against the 2022 AFS there was a substantial difference in IR regularity we really can't trust that what we have to trust is a real number and a real document that we were due on March 30th um this office really it's ridiculous and now those sheets that you showed those spreadsheets he said after the budget Pro we can look at these spreadsheets well Gary angat shared those forms with us right through the process we got the the spreadsheets 800 line items we could read them people from the public could say oh now I see how my checkbook works I see that but the now to hold them back I mean this is like you know it's like Washington DC Vote for the bill and we'll let you read it later on it's not fair it's not fair to us at all I'm hoping that this can be resolved and I'm waiting for that Outside Agency please DCA please come controll office please somebody it's getting it's getting absurd now thank you thank you yes you just state your name and address my name is Moren bordon and I live in for thir Avenue I'm here tonight to talk about the problems with the foxes in Bradley Beach um we had a problem last year with them and mayor and the police department were very very helpful to us last year I understand you were under contract last year with tin PA to name society just to give you some background within a week they caught four foxes on our in our backyard all of them would very sick with mange I don't know if anybody here um loves animals but it it is not harming the animals that trapping them they do is they take them and they bring them to a clinic and they get them assessed if they are um healthy then they turn around and relocate them if they're sick they give them treatment these four were severely sick last year mange will cause organ um organ U damage and it's very very painful and suff anyway this year we had a problem worse than last year this year we have a back house and one of the people in the back house were walking down the driveway and a fox chased her into a car and circle kept circling the car with went around of it I have four grandchildren that playing in the backyard I also witness next door to me um a a war care gentleman was doing his uh V War care and fox came down our drive went and chased him into his car I went through the whole procedure I know what it is I called Lewis from last year at titin Falls they said we're not under contract anymore I looked into it um on November 8th of last year this this Council changed and they now are in contract with the MTH County spcf we have them this week and I'm just call and give you input please look into it they are not affected at all they don't and I know they I I know when I've spoken to the police chief thank you very much they were he been very helpful but I just want to tell you what's happening they don't open the cages they have two on our property the day the woman came to to witness the she was going through the bushes and a fox jumped right at her it was 12:30 in the afternoon we see them on our property 8 10 12 2:00 all day all night she told us that day we don't leave the cages open at night my husband said to her that's when you're going to catch them she said we Clos them by 8:00 she was there 7 o'clock that and I could Clos the cage the next day she came back my husband said you g she didn't mean Interruption but did she say why did they close the cage she told me the first night that she would have people there 247 that's what uh Tim Falls did they came out in the middle of the night if we fought one in the middle of the night she told they did that on Monday but she said they don't like to leave the cages open at night because they don't want the animals in them to got it got it got it but then Tuesday she told me that they had Trail cans hooked up to these cages and that as soon as I Fox would go into it they would get notified they would get a taex and they would be out here other night so my husband said you're going to leave it open tonight she said yes that is Tuesday by 8:30 that night the cages were still open so we went in our house the next morning at 7:00 noce they've been closed somebody came during the night closed them this morning I got up 7:00 they were closed 8:00 they were closed 9:00 finally at 10:00 I called her and I said to her when are you going to open the cages so we're not going to open them T because it's supposed to rain and I said to her what if it doesn't rain and it didn't rain but she said well we don't like to have them open if it rains so I said will you close them at night you don't open them during the rain you're not going to open it all day today how are you going to catch them the one fox we have we have three to five now that the world is not property one has Mage there's no doubt about it um and she saw that and she knows it I said to her well just come traveling what I out my grandchildren there they're out the one afternoon plane and the tracks came right between the four of them right in the backyard um so today like I said I I I don't know oh and they came eventually um I said do you've got to come here you've got they had the same bait there since Monday I said you have to do it right and I kept saying I thought she was from tent Falls I say Lou tent Falls I think they were angry that I kept saying that I like them better all I'm asking you is please look into it I I I I know they have their own set of rules and and the chief police been very informative with me but it's not effective we're paying them they took cages oh and they took the cages away I was sitting on the porch with a friend of mine and a Gentleman came up in the mom mom of County truck and I said oh thank you for coming back I thought he was checking on and he said have you talked to Scott and I said no and he said I was told to come back and get the cages and I said oh and I went in and Scott had called me and he said please call me he's the manager of the our facility I called him back he wasn't at his desk I left the message and I came out and I said to the and he said I don't know why so but please look into it we are I know the chief and pro administrator why why did we change from what we had last year cheaper yeah okay there's no outside questions I'll move to journ Second all in favor I I pleasure thank you for your service no I'm sorry