##VIDEO ID:81fKuqBbAOw## I tried to get out I was afraid it was going to be a little too much a little morei no you good [Music] hi how's I know congratulations oh my God you know what you do last she went to [Music] week and a almost Bing yeah and she got a little too close to me I was in front and her FR and it was well it was one of these things no she said it's not your fault it right one of those things where Roos enough you're like you can't get bounce back and I heard it she was [Music] like right into the Cur [Music] right well I you know Monday after we got back don't mess with that too much please might that I don't remember that but that's fun [Music] take what you get get to the dinner table first [Music] [Music] so you can ride around you can keep it your our garage [Music] aliance flag the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the coast store and the new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing that there is an inperson Quorum Mr Noble here Mr gubitosi here M Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here good evening everybody uh Welcome to our 20th meeting of the year and down kind of coming down to the end of the year here um my commercial Ann to start uh we'll continue to emphasize that we should welcome dist agreement and that it helps us think through things of different perspectives our voices should be constructive ones ask everybody that gauge their tone going forward own neighbors certainly want to make Civility and decency and underpinning of all discussions uh we have tonight a couple of um a workshop and presentation we have um one actually two U adoptions on the same thing and the number of resolutions so let's just get right into it and we'll start with our discussion over Beach badge pricing for 2025 got a short four slide presentation that will hopefully come up thank you Could you um get those to the size of thank you okay page two thank you page one just thanks to Sean here and Michelle for together next slide please okay step down because I have trouble seeing what's in front of me piece of paper no less this um so this this starts off with a comparison of beach badge pricing uh 2024 we have Allen Hurst Avon Belmar Us in yellow Bradley Beach deal Black mquan Ocean Grove seagar and Spring Lake uh the First Column is an average of weekly or um I'm sorry weekday and weekend pricing last year we were kind of on the top of that at $13 um you look at the bottom down below we did actually get 25 2025 prices for Ocean Grove and actually they are going to um $13 s $13 um on daes in 2025 and $100 on their um seasonals and 52 on their um Juniors and seniors if you look at senior badges um we're pretty competitive on the senior side and on the junior side uh last year we were at $85 but if you look at the other towns around this Avon was $100 deal 150 lock 110 um seagard 115 Spring Light 110 so we were kind of on the bottom end of that um one issue that uh at $85 on the season side and 37 on this junior and uh senior side uh one bit of feedback we got back from the people who sell these badges um it was somewhat problematic having a number like 37 to just go through the change process you know physically giving people change and stuff and they ask just you can do anything to get us through more round numbers so that's just a bit of input next slide next slide so this is a comparative it's pretty uh it's a lot of information but you kind of look at this pre-co and postco preco the fouryear average uh on seasonals was about a little over 540,000 and week was almost a million we broke all records with Co and that was a combination of a price increase and just volume and then we slowly started actually volume started coming down last year uh I'm sorry 2023 we sold about 95,000 badges in 2024 98,000 the interesting thing about that was our actual Seasons came down uh almost 10% and our dailies went up about 6% because we took a dollar on daily Badges and we sold 84,000 of them that was 84,000 kind of right to the bottom line um so for the second time in N9 years we exceeded $2 million in badge Revenue which is certainly promising now clearly last year was an outstanding year for uh weather um one of the key interesting things was juneth um last year it was almost like a Fourth of July holiday I see the chief nodding because uh the activity was off the charts um on the beach and in town uh and we actually that started our whole drive on on B next slide please oh wait I'm sorry wait minute one second could you go back the other make sure I got the points there so season unit season unit sales are down 2024 weather was very favorable and um with the increase in price we see the two so I okay um so a lot of this information is redundant it's really just dollars um all I did here was to say if we considered a $90 season and a $40 senior U senior and uh junior and assume that there's some erosion in volume um we hit about 2 mil1 2,60 versus a 231 for um 2025 again that's just based on an estimate ofum we remain the same we be about $2 million um if we see that continue kind of drop in volume and I U I'll make a point on that and I'll just cover these points below I think one of the things we've seen postco is we've seen a a slow movement towards people taking other kinds of vacations um and not just zooming on the beach like they did during Co which that was kind of option back in 2021 20202 um so a couple things to consider um or any recomend recommendation one is I don't think we should um really touch our daily price uh I think 13 is a good number for the next couple of years uh our operating cost salaries continue to rise with statutory hourly increases uh we are beginning to pay the cost of M O Park uh outall projects and we have potential partial cost for vol house you could have person cost yet next slide I think this might be the last slide yes it is so um just the last slide this is this came right out of the budget um discussions really the point I wanted to make here was that um the bottom line on this is the fund balance analysis from 22 to 24 in 2022 we're at about 920 $919,000 that's come down about 25% over the years to about 63,000 which is still um almost 28% of our operating and revenue cost so it's still you know fairly healthy but it has been a number that's going to come down over the last um couple years but still a pretty healthy number so I guess the first point is are there any questions by the Council on this uh Mr Mayor one quick question do we have any sense for other revenues and especially are they likely toat with these numbers or increase over time I don't have those contracts we concessions are usually uh a couple of years um well you could proba usually two years and do we know there it's not think 3% increases yeah in terms of the dollars if you're talking about they're not they're not know the total budgets 2.6 million or so for the beach and we've got you know 2 million or so in Beach badge sales so I'm trying to figure out where's the other 600,000 concessions parking meters um nothing likely to help us cover some of the shortfalls on the surface is my question no I don't see anything at this point you know I think the dollar in as I said earlier the dollar increase in 2024 got us $84,000 just pure Revenue um so it was pretty that was that was a good thing uh otherwise we' seen more erosion um the big thing with the beach as we all know is if we have a bad season in context of weather uh that's why we've always been conservative when we do the budget I think the budget this year is still a850 I'm sorry million nbe for bad Revenue we've never taken it up to the last couple years what we've hit we just said you know as soon as we do that it'll jinx us and we'll end up with you know how much lower number and we have seen the unit volue come down on on the seasons um but um interestingly even with the price increase we saw our da go up 11% but yeah I point point to a bad weekend I mean we just didn't have I mean I think we had a couple of days that was it so we were very fortunate in that my one other comment was just playing with the numbers I thought the numbers you served up Mr Mayor were pretty reasonable starting point and maybe that's where we end up um but bumping the badges to 90 for the seasonal you know for the regular and 40 for the uh seniors uh just just have some fun with the seniors I know a year ago I voted for a two or three doll increase in the senior badge to get us up to I guess two us to get us up to 37 uh and then uh council president and no council woman Mahone both voted no that we shouldn't have increased the senior's badges so um the quick map is the thing I'd like us to at least consider is the quick math is if we were to bring the seniors down instead of up it looked to me like it's a swing of about if we run down to 35 back to where they were rather than up to the 40 uh the idea to your point trying to keep it still relatively rounded $5 bill easy in two singles um I think we'd lose 20 grand of the 60 that you were projecting with increase so was just Matthew gave us I just I just adjusted it for going down um so we'd still have a 40,000 increase least toss that out for the council's consideration could we consider getting the seniors back to where we were last year still have a 40,000 increase did we sell less senior badges last year the increase if you lower the price maybe we'll sell more Badges and that might help no we sold uh we sold more last year you did 2023 we people are getting older I guess uh we sold 38.97 in 2023 and we sold 3944 in 2024 so the regular seasons went from 11239 to 9966 so that was that was the biggest drop this the season but again we picked it up in juniors uh Juniors were down same thing people get old juniors are gr up Juniors went from 58 396 100 and uh disabled just stay about flat 50 so that's kind of ta I think what we've seen most of our badge pricing is uh U is much more than the revenue generated by bades is much more tied to the weather as mayor said um it's it's pretty elastic in terms of demand so for example when we do bump badges a dollar usually we get a very similar volume you know a lot a lot of our history used to be what's everybody else doing and as the mayor pointed out last year everybody else was at 11 or 122 we went to 13 we still had a very good summer people aren't likely to for that $1 say I'm going to Asbury or B so um so I think we're more to the extent we'd be at risk it's not that we're turning people off from coming if we bump something a couple bucks uh seasonal badges uh I think we're more at risk for just having bad weather but in terms but Mike comment earlier about the seniors you know uh in hindsight if I had my vote to do over a year ago I probably would not have voted for the increase so I want to redeem myself at least by bringing up a $2 cut on the seniors yeah my only point on the seniors is um again the comparatives um at's 55 barers 80 M's 30 they're low Ocean Grove went to 52 from 50 to 52 seag 70 and SP L 80 so we're clearly very competitive around the only the one that's the aberration on that chart ismore which I think it's just volume they're the lowest on Seasons at 70 last year lowest on seniors at 30 but their juniors are higher but they're the only ones that are kind of out of that range everybody else we were at the low end all those ranges see two seven eight towns right to the public for few minutes yes Don Greenberg th Parkplace at um did we have a surplus last year in the beach badge I i' got L I'm sorry no we eroded Surplus a little bit or do we you mean like a net Surplus know our Surplus went down and and how much is our Surplus uh 66 it's projected to be 66,000 okay and we spent more last year than we took in um a little bit but you know these are projections the number seven commitment say oh the number seven commit yeah because you know technically you're not supposed to charge more than it cost to run the beach yeah supposed to actually for a Sur budget our revenue and expense should equal so yeah they they should be equal so so if we have a $600,000 surplus maybe we shouldn't be raising the rates we're allowed to have a surplus I know where you're going with this I know you do we have to also consider you know it could rain every weekend this coming summer true and then we sell no beach Badges and instead of having the people in this room and people at the beach pay for all those operations it's nice to have that prev that's fair yeah on on a positive note we're one of the few towns that actually follows the rules on parking where parking Revenue goes into the beach most towns don't that's a kud to us yeah most towns don't take the par we do Belmar does and only because they were sued um but you're supposed to any Beach Revenue parking is supposed to go all right thank you me 302 4th Avenue did said the same thing last year um The Daily badges I guess I understand why you want to increase those but for the season badges for mostly residents by the season Badges and we've had substantial increases in our taxes it's a nice way to alleviate the um stress that we have from a financial perspective the win for Council I would say if you don't increase the seasonal badges um because people are feeling the pain with everything from their taxes and inflation if there's a way to manage that cost without raising our cost without raising season badges I think it would go a long way with the residents Thom J 6ue I just had a question about the discount of $20 that only applies to the seasonal badge it has yes and that's it so really that's a net $70 purchase for a resident here or anyone actually if we went to $90 yes okay okay great and um that cost the discounts last year cost us about 85,000 okay and in the context of you know when we do the math we discounted 5,000 do we have any data on U where the badges were purchased like was it a high number of Bradley badges or was it just across the board all over New Jersey we don't keep that dat but should we have that they Community pass yes that's good point we should look at that we should see how we St up I feel like it's a good question should be data should be out there and then what's the last for the discount just so the public knows last I don't know the exact date last here it says um December 2nd through December 31st is the holiday and then you go into January 2nd through the January 31st I think was that $10 off then $10 off oh so oh so it's a slide scale okay yeah great thank you very much sure and I don't know what December 31st is a holiday is it not yes so December 30 you should say de yeah I will change that because last year we had somebody come in and complain that we weren here yeah so you guys are closed all day that day the 31st no uh you know what we might have been last year depending on what day that fell on yes this year it's Tuesday it says till 4 P.M so I don't know yes [Music] you um the method of collection could we address that um it says cash or check is there any way we could use credit cards so we can keep less cash on hand inside the booths for people I think we use Community pass right now not talking about the daily bges I know you're not no no no Community pass we use to purches are you talking about daily badges yes because we don't we have we should have count of how many or RLS are given out and at the end of the day that count is rectified just to match the amount of money in the drawer I don't know if that's done I have 10 I start so we need to keep an account of that so your money ever gets lost or missing I'm not saying anything bad I'm just saying that money is a deterrent sometimes to people so if we used credit card or check maybe not credit card for we them pre-season but at least a check how about app a lot of people I don't even have Apple pay but I try to get Apple pay but when people use Community T don't they get to the end of the process they pay their money they have something that shows they paid and people in town that don't use Community pass that's that's the way you would pay by credit card so I'm just saying so that's achieving what you're talking about less cash in the booths they just go you pass you think our visitors Community if they want a daily badge they can get them ahead of yeah I mean that's the whole right yeah I mean I'm Pro credit card I think every year we talk about this don't know why we don't credit card a lot of places now are cashless I know but you still have a credit card I'm just saying if we have one system to use credit cards I don't know why need another but I would think that people wouldn't know how to use it the language barri sometimes do have a credit card though my mom has a credit card but she doesn't have a a smartphone so someone like that that's what I'm just saying yeah I'll check with the other BRS it's a really good suggestion thank you very much yeah just the other question of um cash the we have a beach manager he's not actually going be here to do a presentation these applications teacher conference yeah um but he reconciles cash Day by so there is a I think you need reconcile it with the amount that we started with that's what he does and who does it with him he's the beach manager no who does it with you need two people to reconcile something you don't me just one I'm a nurse I counted at end of every shift with a new nurse coming on narcotics it was a great system and if there was one thing missing it was a big deal so there is a way to reconcile everything but it should be done with two people y anybody else I she us oh sorry right next can you hear me yes can I can you hear me yes go ahead okay my question is does does does Community pass have a fee and how much does it cost the Barrow yes it has a fee I'm not sure what that number is you can get you that well in past you you don't know from past years how much did how much they charge at us it's a small percentage I'm not sure what the number is but the numbers are big whatever the percentage is I think it would be good for the public to know how much that's costing us we'll get that number for you I don't know what that number is yes R 5506 third avue um we may be overthinking this a little bit the year that Lobster Fest went by the wayside there was a lot of chatter about how much it increased each ad Revenue so I did my homework I looked the year before and the year before the weekend we had Lobster Fest it was very cool 550s overcast it was raining 3 weeks later it was 95° and the beach badge revenue on that 95 degree day crushed Lobster Fest and I went back a couple other years and plain fact is the biggest impact on beach badge Revenue 90° it's that simple we could raise the badges we could lower the badges it doesn't matter that much we're kind of constating a little too much here a dollar increase maybe and just be done with it is that a pro global warming comment kid John had six feet of snow in Colorado today I'm going there so only I like do we want to close this close but um we're going to have a resolution we have a resolution Cho 940 right I you said 94 40 for the uh 90 90 for the um adult right yeah I mean so I just would like to comment on what a few folks mentioned in the audience uh Mr Bell I agree with you 100% I'm sure you shared that analysis with me a number of years ago because it's stuff um weather Sun 90 de drives volume of at the beach uh unless you have Co then there's a second Factor but otherwise good weather um and uh Mia you mentioned uh a concern about if we don't need to raise the prices you know don't try not to do it but make things make things as affordable as we can um what I would say is when you guys hear us talking we say well this will raise revenue 60,000 we do have incoming cost um the the the outlow pipe and some other things that are significant 100,000 a year or so added to our beach costs because we borrowed money over 20 30 years and we're paying back gradually um but everyone should know we're basically making these price assumptions tied to this year's volume and this year's volume was a pretty sunny year so Mr Greenberg when you said you know hey maybe we shouldn't be raising money at all raising prices at all I was looking at it as a we're probably being conservative we could be in the hole with with the numbers that we're talking about even though we're saying it's a 4 $60,000 increase if we have an off year summer wise weatherwise we actually could not be raising uh our Revenue 60 Grand we could be losing money so me personally as I'm looking at I I thought this was a reasonable approach because we're not going to have better weather I don't think than we had this year and the chances are will be less and maybe a lot less so um I don't think we're being aggressive because we do we do all focus on our I do share responsibility manage the revenue in that utility um I just want to bring the council back one more time to whether or not we should shave 20 grand off our revenue for the seniors I and if I'm alone on that that's fine but is anyone else interested in considering that you're saying make it i' consider that i' consider that and then raise 90 ackowledge that we have the $20 holiday time for everyone you know people to get their badges which doesn't apply to the senior seniors are right yeah I think everybody over 65 going have to refuse themselves for the that was aot you'll get there was a great idea so right now we have two people on 35 I'll go for 35 okay 35 okay that's nice okay let's move to the next thing which is presentation on best practices this is a requirement um Michelle if you get the streaming cooking here um our burrow administrator will take us through the best practices it was submitted um a week or so ago this is just a high Lev summary of the of the U presentation yeah thank you very much um so the uh best practices inventory um we can go to the next slide so thank you so the best practice inventory is distributed every year from division of local government services and um it goes throughout to all municipalities throughout this state and it obtains Vital Information about the status of municipal government practices in New Jersey uh the 2024 inventory assesses each municipality's confined with various laws and evaluates the implementation of fiscal and operational best practices the inventory answers uh provide taxpayers with an additional means of evaluating um the B's performance and the inventory also identifies area with the municipalities may require further technical assistance uh this year's inventory um had a possible 46.5 points and the burrow scored 38.5 which does give us a full funding for our final state aid um payments next slide please so each year the VPI features different topics the topics for 2024 included ethics Personnel budget Financial Administration capital projects trans transparency procurement cyber security lead remediation shared services special Improvement districts affordable housing Redevelopment utilities and the environment next slide please so how the be thei score so there this year and again it changes every year this year there was a total of 52 questions amongst the three scoring categories um the division introduced 11 new scored questions this year and um it's broken down into the following topics four competencies which um had 41 questions best practices which has 11 questions and the unscored survey which is 17 questions the unscored survey questions are really there to help DCA get gauge how towns are doing with different initiatives uh for example the unscored survey questions this year highly focused on affordable housing it focused on um blood remediation uh broadband internet services and special Improvement districts uh next slide for you so mer just mer compy address yeah hey this is Larry um Qui quick question on that the 17 questions is that kind of a lead indicator of what's coming in questions future years or categorizations exactly exactly so for example um with affordable housing they just kind of want to know how bols are doing on that front how far aren't they are in process with Le GRE mediation that's a fairly new legislation um that was introduced I believe in late 2022 or mid 2022 so they're dis assessing um basically what it does is it lets ECA know when municipalities are struggling to comply with something and then that's when they can offer techn um technical assistance they can offer Grant programs so it's really just their way to gauge to see how they can be more helpful to municipalities okay thank no problem uh core comp competence use addresses the statutory and Regulatory Compliance obligations uh they're worth one point each and best practices involves fiscal and operational practices um that are benefit to the municipality and those are worth half a point each uh next slide please so how did we do that's always the main question right so of 41 available points and core competencies the bur received 35 points and in the best practices um which was a total of 5.5 points the Burrows scored 3.5 um so of the total of 46.5 available points we got 38.5 next slide please so where can we do better um some of these we know and they're actually repeats from last year for example Financial deadlines uh once again the borrow deadlines to introduce the budget and adopt the budget and also for this the middle of the AFS additionally just like last year where we got DED um the Bur has not installed a public electric vehicle charging station um nor do we have a hybrid or alternative fuel purchasing policy for new vehicles some um the other uh three things we took uh one transparency uh it is now state law that municipalities must change their um payto playay laws to match the states in this case the bur of Bradley beaches ours is stricter than the states so we do need to um fix that through governing body action so we now meet the states uh Personnel uh chapter 78 health benefits for employees this means uh basically it it applies to retirees of the burrow where um in 2011 Governor Christie signed a legislation um requiring that retirees pay 1.5% of their um retirement benefits uh the burough has not been collecting those funds um that is going to be remediated before the end of the year we already have the letters and mail who uh prepared to go out to the folks who are not currently contributing and then the last one um this was a little Thor in my side the burrow of auor bonds for the tax collector municipal judge and Court Administrator are at the standard schedule as um recommended however they recommend that we do a stricter schedule a more stringent schedule and so we got B the point from not having a stricter schedule then is required next slide please so what did we do well these are categories will be stored a perfect 100% capital projects cyber security ethics procurement and shared services next slide please oh great so um a copy of the Burrows BPI in this presentation will be um found on our website tomorrow by going to the brle beach nj.gov report page and the last slide is just many so thank you everyone thanks M so we've submitted this and it's been accepted by state corre okay good great any questions Meredith the 385 how how does how does that score uh 385 out of 465 how does that compare to last year comparable do we improve it's a little apples and oranges cuz like I said the amount of questions and the points you can score every year change so um I would say it's comparable because uh last year we had the the same four dings and the two Financial deadlines and green practices categories um and then the two other things we got like I said one is because we haven't changed our pay to-play ordinance which is stricter than the the states to match the states and the other one is we are meeting the charity bonds at the schedule you know required by DCA they just want us to goter so thank you everyone thank you thank you okay we'll move on to the next item which is minutes um approval of minutes for the October 23rd 2024 Council business meeting minutes have a second to Second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes m m yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes approval minut for October 202 October 23rd 2024 executive session motion to approve second mrov yes Mr guzi yes M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor yes uh okay we'll move to the next item which is uh public comments or questions pertaining to the 79 agenda 5 minute limit single in to speak on this any questions on the agenda yes we didn't ask for public comments on the um best practices I had one I would like in put in the computer if possible not in landcape Buton portrack so you could read it you're scrolling back and forth on your computer you can't get it on the screen I don't know why it was put in there that way maybe it was a mistake could be put in in portrait instead of landscape you're reading your computer like this no it's got it it it goes in the just said it's going to go up tomorrow so right I don't know I mean it's very difficult to read it because you have to literally move your P back and forth because you're reading you reading it just not on the website yet no the last year one thank you very much anybody else yes Thomas J Co 62 Third Avenue I have some questions on the bills list uh on page one you have antonus onelli and caner legal counsil services for $1,350 it says that it's a special litigation expense do we know what that is do not okay um page seven uh we have uh Jord and suer PC uh conflict Council for 10,9 I was wondering what that was uh that was um a internal Personnel related investigation oh okay great thank you very much yes um be Kepler 504 Central Avenue um this will P under the perview of the best practices um that was just spoken about under the ethics and also under um just like last time um the executive session regarding um the litigation this is another litigation you're being served Larry Fox and the B of Bradley Beach with notice of cour cing I'm serving the burrow of Bradley Beach and mayor Larry Fox with this notice of cour on behalf of myself and every voter in the borrow of Bradley Beach who was harmed injured and disenfranchised by the intentional actions and inactions of Mayor Larry Fox and his wants in violation of 52 us code 20511 this claim arises from the purposeful dissemination of false information by mayor Larry Fox with regard to the referendum question on the general election ballot for November 5th the video in question was posted on Facebook under the public government page belonging to and run by mayor Larry Fox titled Larry Fox Bradley Beach mayor dated October 3rd as of November 7th this page has 580 followers the 2 minute and 12 second video starts with a greeting by mayor fox saying hello fellow Bradley Beach residents mayor Larry Fox here someone showed me some Facebook misinformation on the upcoming referendum on the ballot on November 5th I'll now try to clear this up he States if you ask me I support the charter commission I do not there were lawn signs around town advertising voters to vote no on the referendum question which were paid for by Larry Fox for mayor yet Larry Fox voted in the affirmative for the passage of the charter commission formation to be placed as a referendum question on the general election ballot on November 5th the council body voted unanimously 5 to0 in favor of doing so on referendum 2024 163 on July 24th 2024 as of November 5th uh 2024 at 9:00 p.m. 1 hour after polls closed there had been a total of 542 views of his video communicating the aforementioned incorrect information about the proposed referendum then at the burrow council meeting on October 23rd 2024 during Council report councilman John Weber read on the record 2023 New Jersey revised statute title 40 municipalities and counties later during the same council meeting um Rett Kaplan asked mayor Fox do you disput any of the information council member just presented regarding a charter study commission to which mayor Fox replied I'm not going to dispute anything councilman Weber said Mr Kaplan asked for a retraction and mayor fox says asked if if he agrees that there were discrepancies and mayor Fox responds um I think there might be a difference in it yeah when when asked if he would issue an apology mayor foxy said I'll take an under advisement 8 days later on October 31st 2024 mayor Fox issued a special newsletter via email to his subscribers Under The Heading of the buau of Bradley Beach and the referendum yet another version of Mr Fox's interpretation of the facts mayor Fox was informed that the information he stated in his October 3rd 2024 video was inaccurate yet to this date that video Still Remains up and is visible any voting resident who is not subscribed to his maril newsletter would have had no way of knowing the information he continued to leave on his government Facebook maril page was inaccurate and they have voted accordingly based on the misinformation he was putting out purposely with the intention of dissuading residents from voting in support of the referendum or being confused and misled by his inaccurate information mayor Larry Fox used his title position power resources and platform as mayor of burrow of Bradley Beach to put his finger on the s muddy the water intentionally putting out misinformation disinformation to confuse and disenfranchise the voters of this burrow he wanted a specific outcome and he was clearly willing to do anything to procure his desired results at the disregard of the will and the voice of the people he score an oath This falls under laws that prohibit election misinformation and voter intimidation federal and state laws protect the Integrity of the election process and ensure that voters can make informed decisions without being misled the specific federal law that prohibits the elected officials from knowingly disseminating false information about an election is 52 us code 20511 this law is part of the national voter registration Act of 1998 and makes it a crime to intentionally provide false information with the intent to interfere with the election process that concludes my speak thank you you're wel any other questions yes Don Greenberg 302 Park Place um on the benefits collections for the retirees said that's going to be my resolve is that going to be collected in a rear as well for all the time they didn't collect do not think so how come if the money was owed to us we just didn't collect it aren't we still owed it I'll ask a question I don't answer we typically as a practice don't do that okay and question on the pay to play ours is stricter is it the state law that we have to downgrade it yes all right thank you ocean par condominium um I say this every year regarding 20241 194 please do not approve it if I don't know what it does last year's newsletter said it was dpw's favorite event it is not that was a lie what this does is pollutes the atmosphere Mr environment make sure I not Little Miss environment um but does and especially this year where we have no idea if we're actually going to get real wi the thought of having any sort of fire that we would deliberately create to me is really asinine and it's disrespectful and I'm so glad I don't live down there in case you do say yes to it and I realize you wanted everyone to think you fun loving people but really and along with that um I would say that we should table till next year 2024 189 and 2024 1990 no idea what our finances are we have a budget for next year um I just can't even imagine spending more money any else yes 3024 Avenue a little disappointed coming to the meeting tonight and not seeing that our mayor is congratulating our mayor elect Mr alosi and our councilwoman elect sh Green Block so I will do it myself because we just had a big election day which is why we're going to cover those things but that's part of the agenda just a way to open the meeting I thought to congratulate um anyway so I'm hoping it's okay that I can comment on what is written for the ex session certain police officers versus bar Bradley Beach I think that's okay so a friend of mine passed something on to me and um it's from a online media Source called tap into I'm not familiar with it but I'm sure this article is in many of the other local papers I wanted to just say because of the due to the as a result of the election Mr duosi is not necessarily the pancia for Bradley Beach's Financial w in addition to the challenge of having to replenish our our diminished Surplus he's now challenged with what could be millions of dollars to our taxpayers as a result of the case between the officers and borrow Bradley Beach I was going to prepare a better statement but sorted to highlight and I said you know what I'll just read some highlights from this article um it was published on October 28th um written by a Matt Dy and he explains that there are Bradley Beach police officers that are pursuing a lawsuit the potential Fallout could cost Bradley Beach taxpayers millions of dollars in Damages fees and penalties with substantial evidence suggesting systematic negligence at the highest levels of borrow leadership the attorney her name is Gina lzo if I can pronounce it better in the main she did send a letter to the Burrows attorney on October 15th outling accusations against read former Chief of Police and the B's executive officials highlight it I'm skipping actually what all the problems were more concerned is the financial aspect of it which is we're happy we're going to have a new mayor um we congratulate him but I wanted it for public record and especially because his wife is here tonight also because again he cannot be the pancia for what what awaits us should the officers proceed with civil lawsuit and the borrow loses in court the total damage and costs could amount to Millions the article continues the lawyer cautions that if the burrow loses in court residents may be left responsible for both G's retiring package and any damages awarded to the plaintiffs fox's handling of the situation could expose Bradley Beach to punitive damages could result in one of the most costly settlements or judgments in recent burrow history so everything else in the past may not even matter as we're now faced with this challenge it's sad under the current system the vulner ACT grants substantial executive power of the mayor including responsibilities over Department operations critics argue that Fox's actions demonstrate the need for structural changes to prevent similar abuses of power in the future this is why the referendum was so important we need to make sure that nothing like this can happen in the future um while the officers have yet to officially file a lawsuit the letter signals clear intent to do so should Bradley Beach fail to negotiate a settlement so regardless we're going to have to pay for something as a result of what's happened in this town which was the responsibility of our strong armed mayor um model leading back to um mayor Fox for taxpayers the stakes are high they may face millions in Damages if the officer's claims are substantiated raising um the imperative for comprehensive reform so in the end the taxpayers are still left holding the bag for the current and soon to be pass mayor's grave shortcomings so I just wanted this to be for public record because we are going to have a new mayor and he's not going to be the Panacea to um lower our taxes if anything they could continue to go up because we still have to not only deal with this these lawsuits which could be millions of dollars but also to replenish of Minish Surplus just wanted it to be on record and I'll probably come up and say this again come January to remind the public thank you thank you anybody else if not we'll move to the next agenda have one person on Zoom that's okay Mar no the other hand is saying that's Mar hello this is 902 Ocean Avenue at Bradley Beach and I wanted to um I express my concerns about the 20241 19 resolution where we are authorizing a uh Professional Services for c for the uh development of the vacant building the pump house at 54 Ocean Avenue and my concerns are two um first of all the I I don't know what the grant award States I don't know what the uh what compliance we have to have to uh uh meet the requir ments of the grant award but my concern is that the wording on the application for that Grant award was not an authorized wording by the burough Council the authorized wording for the application Grant said that it would be for only rehabbing the existing building but the application itself said that we would be planning for a museum and a an additional bathroom so we were looking in our application grant for expanding the footprint of the building rather than uh complying with the resolution of the council that said we would be rehabbing the existing building only so my concern is when we got this grant for $50,000 for planning are we uh if at any risk for non-compliance by not having uh a consistent uh uh application and if we then decide as I believe the council would like to do is to stick with its original uh uh resolution which was to look only at rehabbing the building if we do that and we've accepted this $50,000 Grant are we at risk for any kind of non-compliance with the terms that that Grant gave us so I think that's a legal question of compliance that uh we need to be sure that we're not going to be uh Set uh with a fine or having to give some of the dollars back because our uh we are not complying with the terms of the grant as it was awarded so that a non-compliance issue is my first concern concern with accepting that Grant the second thing is that we got a grant for $50,000 for planning yet we are proposing to pay CME $64,500 um we don't have $64,500 if we have a $50,000 Grant we should be sticking the uh the requirements for the that planning within that $50,000 Grant so that we're not asking the taxpayers to pick up additional funds uh in addition the planning itself if it's just for rehabing the existing building is a much smaller plan than that was which was proposed by CME at the last meeting which was a three times the size of the existing building and if we uh cut down to just rehabing the exist building we should be able to do that within $50,000 and ensure that CME understands that it has to be within the $50,000 and no additional bonds or taxpayer money will be allocated to CME for that planning um the planning Grant itself is I mean what CME proposed is unsure is uncertain about what they're actually proposing in the planning process and a couple of things things are uncertain in there but the most uh the biggest concern I have is with whether they are going to ensure in that planning process that we meet the the CFA requirements for whatever building uh we we do in that in that process so that I don't see in their planning process anything about what they're going to do to ensure Capital compliance on the part of the bureau because that can be expensive if if that is a part of the $50,000 Grant it should be specified what they're going to be doing and ensuring that we meet Capital requirements okay thank you um like to make a point on that phase one is $50,000 phase two is the permitting and bid documents which would be if we made a decision to go we have at that point um we we will the planning Grant but that's not a if we put a plan together that does not mean we're going to proceed with the plan um the plan in the concept phase service phase and the design phase would be getting uh input from the council and from the public um but I think I think we're in alignment on how to proceed that we are into one building number one two we understand the capital requirements and um we've already got from the Historical Society so I think we're in pretty good this just one thing Mr Mayor uh miss stman the numbers you quoted suggest to me that you might not have seen the most recent there's a revised proposal the council's received uh it breaks the work into two parts as the mayor mentioned a phase one which caps out of 50,000 that excludes um permit services and bid do dip and uh and they also C changed the language at council's request to take out any references to the Historic Society Museum um I believe expansion as well that as I think you know there's uh when that one diagram was presented to the council a number of us reacted suspiciously I think I personally said that doesn't comply with kaer if you're expanding South so a lot of the concerns you're raising some of them we've already at least addressed publicly and others you might not be aware have been addressed actually in the CME proposal itself uh Erica that proposal was that put on the website The Proposal no the resolution yes but you're not supposed to put proposals on the website that's that's not a best practice okay I thought if somebody wants it I I can give it to them that's not a problem but generally we do not post that kind of stuff on the website and I asked only because I asked the same question last meeting and great can said we could post proposal on we not supposed to do that okay I was listening to our attorney I I understand that but M would you like a copy of that most recent proposal and why you address some of your concerns yes i' definitely like to to to see that most recent proposal and I don't know about this phase one and phase two is the $50,000 Grant only for a phase one and is there an additional grant for a phase two so very quickly for everyone's benefit I'm sure most most of our residents might not be aware of these recent updates um but phase one the the CME added a $500 charge for the uh coordination with the burrow and preliminary project review and that was done to make sure that CME didn't go off and start to create you know variations that they thought might be of interest to us we said before you do any work at all you need to get the council's input uh and for that input session there's a $500 charge then there survey and Bas map phase Services 5,800 concept phase Services 7,500 and design phase services 36,200 that being the largest part design you add those four pieces up it's $50,000 even uh when a coincidence ties exactly to the grant funding um so we are in a position to authorize that without without committing any burrow resources beond the grant funding phase two if we decided to move forward and if we did we'd probably have to look for additional funding but phase two would be uh permit phase Services 14 14,300 and preparation of bid documents 4,800 that totals another 19,1 so the number you mentioned earlier I don't have it in front of me but I know it was I don't know it was in the mid-60s I thought you said and we're really at a combined 69 would that come out of the beach fund since we're service at the beach if if we paid for it yes but maybe we're not paying for maybe it be granding or okay there any other does that help thank you okay great miss bman I will email that to you okay thank you you're welcome okay I don't see any other questions so let's move to the next agenda item which is ordinances we have no introductions we have two adoptions tonight um second uh first is uh B ordinance 22410 it's B ordinance provided for General Capital Improvements in appropriate 6,00,000 therefore authorizing of8 to finance portion of cost thereof authorized in and by the B of New Jersey um this is an adoption so I'll make a motion to uh open the adoption here and ask for comments by the council first and then open the adoption here so let's first get Council comments and then I have a question actually once this is approved before there's any expenditures would then have to go in front of the council first for approval yes there's two two areall stage Gates that we have to take place yes good uh Mr Mayor just confirming what I think U our CFO told us last meeting the U the actual U funding up to 75% of the grant funding might be made available to us before we even had to borrow to to complete conditional cost so is that a correct understanding did you say that again quite understand so for example the prominade is roughly a $4 million gr 4 million um and what I believe Mr Garts told us was that once we approve the bonding the bonding is as necessary to you to cover our expenses the bur's expenses now Mr Gara believe said 75% of the grant funding could be made available to the burrow uh to you know to cover our early costs in any project at some point obviously we we would have the bond to cover the remaining costs but a lot of the up upfront payments would be made by the uh by the grant funding I believe that's what I heard him say too yes I believe that's correct yes is he here is he on zo oh he's he's on Zoom I didn't realize that Mr G I didn't see did I say that correctly incorrectly 75% is normally taken care of after you award a contract can you hear me yes yes okay so if once a contract is awarded for any of the projects normally 75% is given to you up front each each Grant is specific on what they would do sometimes they'll Advance money if that's what you request but 75% of most contracts are awarded up front and one thing you pointed out to us in the last meeting was that if we if we voted no on any of these we'd have to redo the um the bonding or the resolution so my question is there is uh the Main Street project that I have I I raised some questions today uh with CME um but if if we were to move to table that so we would ultimately approve it but table it until some additional questions were answered would that negatively impact Us in terms of the bonding resolution that we're looking at tonight you couldn't table a specific aspect of the ordinance you take the whole ordinance or you take n the ordinance I was saying not not the when you say the ordinance the what the resolution that we're talking about for bonding no the ordin itself is up for discussion right now I'm not mistaken okay but the ordinance okay so we we have the resolutions that we would want to T possibly want to table and table only to perhaps approve you know at a following meeting so the question is does that impact the ordinance adoption or can we if we adopt this Ordinance do we have to approve all of the C projects tion now I believe we're going to have to table them anyway because the is going to have to be adopted and then the 20day stole would have to go into effect then we can uh we redo the resolution on is that is that correct Mr G we have am I correct on that Ricky yes by law that's correct Erica thank you okay thank you for informing the council so okay so all of the upcoming the questions we residents should know we've asked numerous questions on these very ious um projects of CME they've been very responsive giving us a lot of answers uh we were at least I was do the impression I think other were too that we were going to have to vote on uh the U the actual uh resolutions tonight apparently we will not we'll be tbling all the resolutions so that makes it I think a lot easier because we needed at least I I'll speak for myself I needed more time on Main Street because there are some significant issues that still had not yet been address the last meeting we got um we made the request for getting uh minutes of meetings or whatever might have been conducted for the Main Street uh committee and we did just get those minutes a few days ago maybe a week ago which is great but they were not complete there were other questions we had and and I was at least leaning towards not moving forward on that project till we had answers but now that makes it easy if we are going to table everything does this put I know that one of the projects has to be approved by 1224 the the uh the proma the does this put any of that in Jeopardy not this it's the next one so the next meeting okay no no no the next ordinance the next oh the next ordinance okay yes it would I know there was discussions with the state as as late as today on that they're starting to tap their foot a little bit with this but you said we're not approving any of the resolution no I mean would the uh with the ordinance the they want to know if the oh the bond the bond I got okay the bond they will be okay and then we can start approval all okay any other questions if not I'll make a motion to open the adoption hearing for 202 2024 uh Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes Ricky have a com now I'm good I was Y at my dogs any questions okay there's no questions so I'll move to adopt 202 20 2410 close the adoption sorry both those things second Mr Noble yes Mr kosi yes M money yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes okay uh Bond ordinance 20241 Bond ordinance providing for Beach Capital Improvements and appropriations of 5,215 therefore and authorizing issu of $845,000 of bonds and to finance portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the bur of Bradley Beach in the county of New Jersey start with any Council comments any Council comments start with M question I think I got I think I got my my answer so if we as long as we approve the bonding then we can move ahead with the project we'll meet the deadline for starting the project according to the state for the for the for the any other questions not we'll I'll make a motion to open the adoption hearing for 20241 second Mr Noble yes Mr guzi yes Mr honey yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes any questions as to 2024 yes uh Thomas J Coan 612 3rd Avenue um I just wanted to clarify that if there's overruns where this fond is utilized uh in this Construction of the promade uh that those that will be paid for out of the beach fund and not out of the general fund because it's okay so taxpayers are not really paying things correct great thank you taxpayers who use the beach yes no questions on boards okay I will then move to close the adoption hearing and approve 2024 second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor yes okay thank you we'll move now to Communications Communications on police promotions uh of um Sergeant Sergeant G lieen solaro I think those are the two on there communic yes and I'll make a comment as to when that official swearing is in my comments okay um consent move through resolutions we have two items on consent agenda the bill list of 7 2024 and 20244 appr annual bonfire for November 29 2024 so for the annual bonfire um I've noticed that the this say F ear 4th Avenue beach that is an erosion Hot Spot it's like the wor it's the narrowest beach we have to have um it is too late for this year we don't have PW folks here U but I would and I believe that you know bulldozing sand moving and all that activity it just makes the sand looser and it just washes away or blows away easier I would consider moving this around if it's too late for this year I hope we will consider moving it like evergreen or somewhere in the North End uh in future Years cuz I actually think having the bonfire there contributes to being of erosion i' have to talk to both public work and about all the understand IDE that's a good point we can follow do we plan to have the bonfire if we don't get rain right now uh we are not as part of the designated one of the designated towns that um are restricted as of two days ago so I think it's something we got to just continue to Monitor and look at you're saying we are restricted town we are not and restricted meaning what there are some towns that have very tight restriction under around we're not one of those towns and our key criteria for those for the for people who aren't tuned into this is OEM and um primarily o and the police monitor very closely the weather forecasts particularly the wind forecast um and I think two years ago or three years ago we actually canceled because there was a East Wind and it was over 15 miles hour and we just said from the safety perspective we're not going to do this and we didn't reschedule because that time year rescheduling anything is a royal challenge so U you know that's the way will proceed this year and I think the new variable is the the lack of precipitation but you know we have a number of needs prior to this so on page eight gas a bunch of places obviously but 317 L is one of them and I don't ever remember see this on other Bill L unless I missed it and read all theill l but my point is that the gas has been capped off there I watched the guys come and cap the gas off at the house that's on the church Property Service why are we getting service charge just okay um just jumped out of me there thanks question okay I'll make a motion then to approve the consent agenda a second um Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes Mr yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay individual resolutions second um 2024 19 oh sorry 2024 195 establishing the 2025 seasonal Fe could you read this one Erica you put light out right yes I can I'm gonna ask the U the clerk to just read it to make sure we okay let's see whereas the mayor and councel have recommended the following sale dates and prices for 2025 seasonal Beach badges be it res that the costs for the 2025 season Beach badges are as follows adult $90 senior citizen 65 and over $35 Junior 13 14 and 15 years $35 now therefore be it resolved the adult seasonal badges will be sold at at a Holiday fee of $70 if purchased between December the 2nd through December 30th of 2024 before 400 p.m. in addition the adult season badges will also be sold at a pre-season fee of $80 from January the 2nd of 2025 through January 31st of 2025 5 before 400 p.m. all other categories of season badges will be sold at the regular price be it further resolved that certified copies of said resolution will be forwarded to the CFO the beach manager and the burough administrator do I have a second Eric a question are the dates good because somebody you asked earlier about the yes I yeah I just said December uh 2nd To December 30th last year yeah and I'm going to change that we didn't change it last year we ran into a problem with the resident yeah yeah they came why they W selling Beach villes second okay Mr Noble yes Mr yes M money yes Mr Weber yes may yes 224 196 authorizing Municipal clerk's office to advertise for request for proposals professional appointments for calendar year 2025 make a motion to approve 24 second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 197 authorizing shared service agreement with the township of Neptune for salt storage facility make a motion to approve 2024 197 second Mr Noble yes Mr I guess my only question uh this is a a Conant that we've done yes that's been since 2009 okay thank you m Mahoney yes Mr yes may yes 2024 198 approval a submit an award extension request for La 2023 ma for bur 5th adding Improvement 13 to the New Jersey Department of Transportation make a motion to approve 24 198 second Mr Noble yes Mr guozi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 199 chapter 159 resolution requesting approval to amend 2024 Municipal budget by inserting items of Revenue and appropriation accordance with nj4 4-7 motion to approve 2024 199 second Mr NOA yes Mr for the record I don't know if the Public's tracking this but it looks like Mr M could you confirm we're adding $7,800 in grant funding that we didn't include in the original budget setting up I yes that's correct so the good news is everybody we're getting another $7,800 for a recycling tonnage Grant and a New Jersey body armor Grant uh totaling 7,844 uh that's good news small money but every every little bit else I vote yes thank you m money yes Mr Weber yes mayor yes um2 186 187 1888 189 19 we're going to make a motion did you do 200 sorry did you do 200 resolution 200 refunding refundings have oh need recent resolution that I put up up there I put it in your that's okay here authorizing is refunding bonds for Bradley Beach interestes details so this is the I I have no idea what's happening so we did the ordinance last meeting the introduction adoption the refunding of bonds whole re calibrating the bonds this is a resolution to support that [Music] sorry sorry my 2007 session motion to approve second thank you uh Mr Noble yes Mr yes okay uh M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay again uh 2024 1867 188 189 190 um I know uh people might be rolling their eyes and wonder why we're leaving this on the agenda I've asked to leave it on the agenda even though we're tabling it to just keep this in front of us these are important projects and people want to refer to the kind of projects that were met the bondin these are the um 8,500 or so um of bond awards that we've got from the county state federal level and our next meeting will hopefully be work these resolutions to get so I'll make a motion to table one make a motion to table 2024 186 187 188 189 and 19 19 Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes okay nextend item is uh there are no announcements so mayor and Council reports uh let's start with uh council president all righty then so the shade tree had a meeting last night November 6th and they had four applications 315 Second Avenue remove one tree plant one tree 63th Avenue remove one tree plant one tree 628 Newark Avenue remove two trees plant two trees and 313 second remove one tree and it is dead and um let's see they have currently $1,600 in their bank account for kind of revising their ordinance just up oh there's a new member um Noel Weinberg is now a regular member and Tom Gavin has stepped down from the commission now let's see what else do we have the oh tourism the tourism commission has been working with both the recreation department and The Bu of Bradley Beach for special events to create its first indoor outdoor Market the marry Market the market will be held at the recreation center from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. on Sunday December 1st there'll be over 30 vendors refreshments and live music the annual Bradley Beach tree lighting will also be held Sunday December 1st will include hot chocolate cookies live music and the classic rewind band horse and carriage surprise plus a visit from Santa I want to congratulate the board of bed members Felicia s saki Bridget Dean Elizabeth Franks and Katie Sal Duty they are um they've been reelected as Board of bed members they actually ran unopposed but they still held a candidates forum and Tracy Davidson of the Brad Beach Elementary School I mean elementary um Education Foundation I said that right Education Foundation okay she hosted it and it was a wonderful event the um they talked about their ideas their inspiration their PR accomplishments and um I I just want to thank them all for their hard work and I also like to thank the residents I I see quite a few residents here tonight that also attended I know Mar guos you were there U John Weber I saw you there it was a really great event and um it's a wonderful thing that we had this school in our in our buau and these people worked very hard for us and I I just want to say thank you and again congratulations to all of them for being reelected and that completes my report thank you counc Council my first report is uh as the the ason to our Police Department provided to me by Captain Terry Browning um as for activity since our last meeting an area man was arrested for hindering apprehension after he provided police with a false identity to try and conceal the fact he had an active child support warrant a traffic stop revealed the driver to be intoxicated and one of the passengers to be in possession of a controlled dangerous substance cocaine both were arrested and charged accordingly officers from our K9 unit provided security sweep sweeps for the Belmar Fall Festival as well as um a track for missing juvenile out of the juvenile was located in a neighboring town uh don't forget our specialist saring ceremony for uh Captain Brownie and also uh jine solero as Lieutenant Kevin Gail as sergeant it will be held November 13th at 5:30 p.m. I'm sure the mayor will provide more detail um and you know as I read these reports uh periodically uh I'm always struck and I want to make sure others are struck by the fact that our K9 unit is pulled into all so many neighboring U municipalities to help because we've got such a unique uh Force here at Bradley developed by a handful of our own officers so um you know when I read this again tonight about doing a suite for the bmar Fall Festival uh it always strikes me of how how lucky we are and how unique we are to have those resources but U oh my other comment Sil Lake commission there is a meeting to be held here in Bur Hall on November 20th Wednesday 7 p.m. and and uh every meeting with s lake has been very interesting over the past six months U because stuff is really starting to happen in terms of them uh you know their updates and securing funding and uh moving forward with a lot of projects impacting Sil lake so anyone who's available November 20th 7 p.m. Wednesday please feel free to join thank you okay thank you Council thanks um um the environmental commission did not meet on Monday because we had nothing to talk about the land board will meet on November 21st at 6:30 p.m are we gonna have the church on there on the agenda it is on the agenda oh Mar church is on the agenda that's my report thank you okay uh I want to talking about the election and if everybody out there exercise the right to vote they get to thank the PO workers because it's a it's a long day it's a 14-hour day for the PO workers there's like 10 of them probably eight or 10 of them there but it will say it's an even longer day for our clerk Erica and I'd like everybody to join me in a round of applause for Erica didn't win the election you got um let me tell you I was tired it's a very long day so to recognize that um and you know I I want to congratulate the candidates uh it's hard and you know we have more than just regular candidates this year we had a a study commission so it's hard it's hard to put yourself out there like that and it's hard if you're not a candidate but like you like person a and you like person B but then person B says something not so nice or maybe untrue about person a and then it that that's hard on you it's hard on you individual it creates conflict with you and it creates conflict in our community so uh I'd like it'd be great if everybody gives each other some Grace and uh make some gestures to heal those wounds and infractions and uh um and we move forward as a community so um one of those gestures that you can make is maybe even saying sorry to somebody so all right and if you're really into all this political stuff and you want to hear one more speech you can get to hear the president the president of student council of the each elementary school because that person will be speaking at the Veterans Day event and I'm sure the mayor will talk about that event that's on Monday so don't miss that um I want to say the flet commission they meet a week from Thursday they meet right here that's going to be on the 14th at 6m right here in this room I want to read the first day thing and that's not on paper that's over here so first day report for the operational period ending today Squad respond to 10day calls and eight Night Calls for a total of 18 calls 13 were for medical five were fire calls Squad provided medical OverWatch for the Jersey Shore rescue missions 5K walk uh they requested one mutual aid from Avon for this period and the squad fulfilled 99% of their assignments for this operational period I'm going to talk to them about that 1% and I find out what that's all about as always they're still looking for volunteers uh training for qualified individuals anybody that wants to volunteer can find the application on the website and they now have applications for a Cadet program for people 16 to 18 years of age uh and they will take care of training then uh I want to say congratulations to Lieutenant Josephine solaro Sergeant Kevin Dale Captain Terry Browning I will not be at the swearing and ceremony and the rockus Afterparty that is happening I've heard I'm going to be town so I want to thank them here thank them for everything and congratulations and I think that is it thank you coun okay I have a few comments um first um you've heard it from a few people already I'd like to congratulate all the candidates in this year's local elections that's Board of Education it's the charter commission it's the governing uh body positions both mayor and coun winter lose stepping up to a community service like this is a real challenge as um councilman whoever attested uh the strong turnout in this election the sign of our continued Health as a republic but also um you know the strength of our Democratic institutions I I do want to express specifically my gratitude to Erica to the as an election official pole workers and volunteers who overa a free fair safe and secure election uh I you know please what wish me in joining joining the success of our new leaders uh who are now coming up in January and officials at all levels government uh it is a wonderful country we live in um I'm sure there were people that didn't like results from a national down to a local level and that's part of the Democracy we live in uh you then pick yourself up and and you move to um continue to try to improve the Democracy it's uh thatas more perfect union that holds very true in this uh in this setting of our country so uh it's it's always a um a great um situation where we move through a an election and and kind of start a new so congratulations to everybody winner or lose um so I want I do want to mention the Veterans Day event um which is the 11th at 11 11 at 11: um uh there is rain forecasted from midnight to 6:00 a.m. but the sun's going to come out at 9:00 a.m. so the good news is it looks like we might get 35 Ines of rain um that's good news and also the good news would be that it should be sunny that's always a great event um and just encourage everybody to try to attend uh is that 9 o' 11 11 all right 111 at 11 11 yes there's a lot of symbol in the time and the date and so U also mentioned before was a ceremonial formal swearing in for the three new police promotions will take place next Wednesday November 13th at 5:30 at the Bradley Beach Firehouse uh that is for Captain Browning for lieutenant solaro and for sergeant Gale we're looking forward to that U I'm sure the plan is well in place and moving where they along so anybody who attended Chief Arnolds it's uh it's a very um upbeat positive um event um a lot of these folks have worked for years to get these get to these positions you will have law enforcement from all the county we'll have people from prosecutor's office we'll have some elected officials it's a it's a really U cool ceremony and uh encourage people to come I think we pretty much had we had a couple hundred people I think U for your event Chief so encourage everybody to attend that um let's see what else a couple things on um Library U November 14th Wellness book club uh the living green with the heart by Gary Brown um check the website for um for that uh a couple other things for the library they contined really look at the weekly programs they have the Lego Club board games um throughout uh the 12th of November they have the butterflies the 14th of November I mentioned the wellness book club uh Tech help on November 18th for anybody who has issues with ebooks audio books uh they will help you with that family bingo on November 20th sewing demo how to make place mats on November 21st good idea for pretty Thanksgiving and then December 12th holiday concert with the glorian chance Jaz combo all that's on the website so I'd encourage you to look at that we've got probably one of the most active counties active libraries in the county and they do a great job Recreation um I've mentioned this before I just go through the the tick list of Mat movie Monday chair Yoga Table Tennis Tuesday wck kids dance club every Tuesday homework helpers every Wednesday open recck Thursday and Friday from 3:00 to 7 Maran Friday from 1 to 3 and then I want to just mention uh last weekend last week uh last weekend October 25th maybe it was two weekends ago I'm losing track here uh the ghoulish Gathering um the Jacko Lantern contest at the rec center was a huge hit the walkway was lit up the pumpkins uh there were prizes best looking Jackal Lantern it was a great uh scavenger hunt a dance party and snacks um that was followed by a couple events on Sunday the 27th the trunk Retreat third year in a row uh very exciting a lot activity U candy music face painting um that was followed by the parade uh and also um the day was the Bradley boo event which occurs with trick-or-treating on Main Street uh and a number of the businesses um participate it was a gor this weather has just been uh just crazy the amount of people on the beach uh yesterday and today was just um November 7th was crazy but these events were just the weather was just perfect and um we couldn't ask for a better setting um council president Den Noble mentioned the upcoming holiday season is upon us uh we've got a a special surprise on December 1st that I'll hold in OB bance till then if you come to the event you'll get the Christmas experience or the I'm sorry the holiday experience bad use of words and I think that is my report so with that I will turn it over to can I just say something really quick um so a really good clerk is nothing without her Deputy I would be lost without mine sometimes so can everybody give a round of applause to Michelle who's back there I hope you heard that Michelle next slide Michelle okay um we now move to um believe it is public comments yes com we have any public comments yes sh green Avenue um can you just uh share what the time is for the um police promotions on the 13 5:30 okay thank you um I did not hear any mention of um um a Hanukkah manora lighting taking place this year in past years we've had uh a very nice event usually with I think done in coordination with the local synagogue yes it is and it was quite nice and I'm just I haven't heard anything about that um I'll follow up on that because um as as you probably know we had a transition from um on rabbis and um typically Rabbi kman was pretty um aggressive with his updating on us I just haven't I'll follow up um I'm sure we're going to have that the thing I don't know if we're going to have is the uh the food and the ice sculpter that was his big thing yes which was a challenge for all of us because we had to tote that thing around town when the warm weather got warm so I'm kind of hoping that the new Rabbi isn't so high sculpter Centric so I will I will say that the first night of Hanukkah is on Christmas uh day yes but there are eight nights so it doesn't have to be that yes thanks okay thank you any other comments Thom Jake 63d Avenue mayor I was wondering the state uh New Jersey Transit announced that they had funded over $10 million to redo our train station for handicap accessibility do you in the VA know anything about the status on that um I don't know a current status they did some of that work months ago um for a period of about a week but I'm not add work they have to do we can follow up on that okay and then um in doing some research into that uh I ran across a report from New Jersey do Bureau of research and they list the uh uh list of top 20 Crossings foreclosure in New Jersey and number nine is uh North Jersey coastline Evergreen Avenue Bradley Beach New jerse so are you aware of that could you rewind that to what this is a a November 2022 report uh from the New Jersey DOT Bureau of research and uh I ran across the while I was looking up things for the train station so um I I would hope that we could do a traffic study or let the people at the south end of town know that if you want to go south now you're going to have to drive all the way to Sylvania uh on Main Street to go south what doesn't mean it's definitely if it's on a list it's just on a list it's on the list of uh 20 Crossings for closure so I mean we need a little more information on that's my point um you know uh they list a a lot of them on the North Jersey coastline so it's probably a maintenance issue or a traffic flow issue U but it would mean less horns would be blown so that might be good and uh do we know when the 2023 a will be available it's now November I know we were told October time frame uh I spoke to the auditor they are in the throws of finishing it there were a couple of balances that the auditor and the CFO needed to go through uh his overall comments were um we should have it um we clearly have it this month but that um he was very encouraged by U the work he did with the CFO and tie out to see so can we look forward to that on the December 15th meeting that would be presented I don't know if we present we don't present AIT sure the Auditors have always come in and presented um and then they're open for questions and that's the way we've done it in the past I don't think that is the case I'm not I don't recall Mr coming in presentation ask that question um did it uh Mr wut did it I don't I don't know why Mr oliv wouldn't do it um it's a very important document um do we have any idea about the 2022 corrective action plan when that'll be available as as I think I've said in the past they're going to combine the 22 23 together oh Oh you mean we're going to have two corrective action plans at the same time when we hav't have one corrective action plan for the two years for the two years okay and um I you know I I just would like the uh councilwoman elect U Miss greenl to be uh I would appreciate if she was included at the December 15th meeting and sit with the attorneys and everyone up here and get a package um as a councilman in manisan when I won I was in the building two days later I had business cards I was introduced to the clerks I was introduced to the department heads that I'd be working with I was welcome and I would appreciate if we could begin in that process here in the B rather the beach for the next meeting uh I was allowed to participate in the meetings up until I was sworn in I just was not allowed to vote um I think it's time for inclusiveness in town I appreciate it man thank one thing yes the meeting's on the 11th oh the 11th okay 15th Sunday don't come here on December 15 yeah the 11th if we could do that on the 11th I would hope mayor that that would be possible uh to be incl yes hi um Kenny 26y almost got my address um I just like to congratulate everybody My Own Way um the um five people who were elected to the commission it's uh Tracy Davidson Rett Klan Don greenbergj right and um woman and alosi mayor thank you oce alums I really do believe if I say things enough and enough eventually something gets done so I come out here and thank um Miss green black for her comments regarding Hanukkah because I know I mentioned this before and now here we are in the middle of valy we got nothing going on and here's the thing the borrow pays for certain events and other ones get bounced back to who are the main participants it's fair and I would also quite honestly think it's illegal so that being said while you're working on figuring out the agreement or non-agreement or getting an agreement with Meals on Wheels and all the other things that we seem to be in this functioned out could you consider a holiday policy I'm kind of one of those all or everything because I don't like to judge so um you know again rep that did you say you don't like the judge I don't like the judge I'm not going to choose which holidays are important um that's not my place but I would think that people that spend our money and are legally responsible for us and want us to be inclusive it would be their place to make it the policy so I'd like to request that you do that in a way that would honor all of our diverse Community because if you look at our demographics we're not just all the same but we probably have a lot of the same IDE feeling yes 504 Central Bradley Beach I'd like to um publicly congratulate our new Council woman Miss greenl I'd like to congratulate and thank all the members of the commission and our Board of Ed new members but I'd like to read something particularly for our new mayor elect Mr ladies and gentlemen today We Gather to celebrate a remarkable achievement new chapter in our community's history it is with immense pride and heartfelt joy that I extend my warmest congratulations to our newly elected mayor councilman gubitosi from the very beginning Mr gubitosi has been a beacon of dedication integrity and unwavering commitment to our community his journey from councilman to Mayor is a testament to his tireless efforts his vision for a better future and his deep rooted love for the people he serves throughout his his tenure as councilman Mr gubitosi has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to listen to understand and to act he has been a champion for our schools a defender of our environment and a voice for those who often go unheard his leadership has brought about positive change and his compassion has touched the lives of many as we look to the future we are filled with hope and excitement we know that under Mar gto's guidance our Community will continue to thrive and prosper his vision for a more inclusive vibrant and sustainable Community is one that we all share and we are confident that he will lead us with wisdom courage and Grace to Mayor goosi we say thank you thank you for your dedication your hard work and your unwavering commitment to our community we are proud to stand with you and we look forward to the many great things that lie ahead congratulations alos here to a great and prosperous future for us all thank you okay no other comments so we will make a motion to close this meeting and open the executive uh 2024 Mr Noble yes mrzi yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox thank you mcgu i n what's up going giveways giveaways right after he said that a guy on a bike old guy on a bike