thing is that it it is we have them and it's being worked on okay hi how are you good or we'll be in the paper shortly some okay yes okay okay just War you yeah no no that's okay just make sure you back me up thank you for can I ask a question I'm I'm going to be reading something that I prepared on the record okay and I don't want it I want to know how to best handle it so it's not going to be counted against my time my five minutes so when I come up to speak if I hand it to you yeah timer goes off give it to me and then this way I can put it in the minutes what I'm saying is is that the the process of me handing out because I have a copy for you for um for Greg and each of the council including the mayor so I don't want my timer to start when will the timer start when I start doing that handing out process no start with you when I start to yeah I do that for everybody okay I just didn't know what no that's all right this is all new to me I try to I try four minutes to get to the microphone yeah no no no I do that some people four minutes to get to the microphone that's why I do that for everybody I wait till they actually get to the microphone start speaking then I press start on the time okay okay I just didn't know how that worked thanks you're welcome I try to be fair no I know I know you always do how's Quinn doing um she's doing good yeah she's she's uh getting really big her say her mom my wife um had a doctor's I my office is in a building where there's two lawyers like there's two Suites on the second floor and the first floor in the basement is an is the owner of the building and they they have like a Family Orthodontics practice oh wow there's like a son the daughter and the father three of the doctor and so he's the landlord and my wife goes to him for um she had like a deisal thing so she goes there for her checkups and so I'm upstairs so the kids are the boys are at school now um so she me and Quinn got to hang out my office goodness look at her yeah she's so cute oh and I should tell you that the most rave reviews I get um that we get are the socks you bought people love all those socks good cuz they're all sparkly and quirky and all those sorts of cool stuff on them do that girls have to do that yes to that headbands a girl she hates she like headbands no she can't stand some some babies don't like those at all so oh she's getting big she is getting big wow she's like almost 13 or 14 PBS now how are her older brothers enjoying her um they're doing great when they're not like nearly smothering her to death with love that's good good good yeah she's good little girl she's a pup is she oh better than a pooper yeah I guess she's sleeping through the night or yeah she'll go to bed at like 10 o' and wake up like five W that's good it's awesome par that's great the other three all hours of the day and night I know wife and I hated each other we were both miserable and this baby knows that we we just we need our rest we're older now she might need her rest too well she sleeps and gross man that's all she does she eats sleeps and gross and she's the happiest little baby she's all she comes to all every basketball baseball soccer backpack baby that's great get side up with his foota League it's like his crappy jib and like uh I don't know where it is somewhere in Woodbridge parland something like that it's like freezing cold in there so we to bundle her up for the game yeah abolutely but she's a trooper she does it up may hey get the word on mer she's probably Yes she'll be zooming in yeah she's strch cor yeah yeah Conta I think I'll do it reading and seeing that's not good no and it hurts yeah well she got meds that apparently have really helped a lot a lubricant and a steroid so she in better shape than yesterday but hopefully better hold on do that thing with the chairs might work better make sure you got mail over to me send it out tomorrow that open stuff okay good yeah I sent everything yeah I saw that yeah hello how are you great well how's it going good how are you good thanks good evening there good evening W2 form I bet looks like I got a W2 form I haven't had one of those in since I worked at McDonald's col it's been a long time a lot of places like make it download the things electronically now yeah which I'm not thrilled about but I like having a piece of paper for that so I do too I just I feel a little more secure with that thank you girlor this what it's really good travel bag as long as you remember to take yes the same thing yeah you had a really fun senior meeting play oh really it's came on SCH was amazing [Music] see I I just want to thank youting thank you fun Jean was like why have we never done anything like this before it was Mr hiber that's they walk okay I think it's GNA be a really quick meeting you want to do contemplating com right so for to the reason I say that is ocean kind of sets a plus again if we can keep it short and sweet yeah just kind of gets that kind of set the tone I don't know what to say we didn't have a Tre and it well but that's okay because I'm I mean I'm gonna be minute thinky along like there was a lot of engine I'll take care of no I'll make I'll make the announcement record when you okay so okay thanks oh right oh okay good I'll do what I I'll mention something I get more taxes I think I know that's okay kind of set a posi and just kind of you know he just said he went to Ocean and they did ited so as long Asing meeting CH that would make much sense yeah very lucky in stand don't they know [Music] I think so yeah I'm doing Larry and I said hey how are you guys that's us under the blue Gaz that's EV silver RS oh RS beautiful a picture of the tree last month you know Sunrise think so I just think she just like that smile black hair yeah yeah used to be atat but she said she'll zoom in oh yes yeah she'll be zooming in not yet I can see from here I'm keeping an eye I contact just bad is really one thing I still got is good isation I see sorry by Co okay weon start stand Nation indivisible liy andice for all I wish to announce that 48 hour notice and required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the coastar and the new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the in-person meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing that there is an in-person quarum MR Noble here Mr gubitosi here Miss Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here okay welcome everybody to our third meeting of the year and we're still into January um Meredith Demarco is here but she's on the zoom she had a little bit of a mishap with uh her eye and uh she's kinding to heal up but um hopefully uh she'll be able to completely participate tonight um so um we um in early 23 we tried to start the council meetings um talking about um the fact that we should welcome disagreements helps us think through differences and perspectives um we should be constructive also we agreed to be on a a journey of brighter Bradley Beach as it relates to how we operate as a um as a council and in these meetings so uh we're going to try to renew that um and I ask everybody to try to gauge their tone going forward we're all neighbors and uh let's try to 24 have a good year relative to meetings um also um we we communicate we're going to take some new approaches to the meetings process in 2024 this is really kind of a latter meeting of the month uh deemed our business meeting um in February February 14th we'll have a um a a workshop SL departmental readout meeting so um it'll be a combination of uh Workshop item item or items and um uh one or two Department reports so we're going to try to get people um a little bit more familiar with some of our key departments uh so we'll we'll be having uh Public Works the police Recreation Etc come in and just provide us a little bit insight as to what's um what's going on so uh in addition uh we are going to take a shot at trying to tighten up our clock management um but also ensure that everybody's thir um so we're going to try to work towards that in the coming weeks to optimize the process um so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna actually call an audible here for those who watching the NFL and I'll make a motion to move um item uh item item item item 13 uh to item five on the agenda which is Mayor and counc reports do I have a second to do that I don't I'll say second Mr Noble we'll give it a shot yes Mr gubitosi I'm also not quite sure why the change but I'm I'm like to miss denova willing to try something new yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh so uh I can I can go first um and then I'll ask the council we go um first I want to thank Public Works and the other Public Safety departments for all their work in the recent storms um we hadn't had many storms um in the last few years but uh we we really hit a cold snap some snow and I thought everybody did a great job um keeping us safe and and working through um the elements of the storm uh I'd also like to thank mayor as well in this campaign they had first in a series of Wellness zooms on January 11th we have three more to go I want to thank the bbca for their work with the fire and first aid the January Jam which they raised some funds for those entities and they're trying to work with those two volunteer groups to really optimize the contribution and fundraising process so I think they were successful in raising uh I think around $6,000 and my understanding was it was a very uh good event I couldn't make it but I heard it was great uh and then my last point is please check the website um for the library and Recreation upcoming of activities we got a lot going on in January and February so with that I'll turn it to council president denot thank you good to see everybody here tonight thanks for being here I appreciate it um but I also like to say I I attended the Bradley Beach tourism meeting on January 23rd 10: a.m. and the few things we discussed was the Shamrock hunt that is um scheduled for March once again with lots of prizes and uh they're going to be advertising in the mamath county guide book this year and that was about it it was a quick meeting as well and um there wasn't a board of ed meeting but I do want to let people know to mark their calendar the Bradley Beach Elementary School PTA is doing the gift auction that they did last year it's a luncheon it's going to be held at St uh Teresa of kataa also Al known as the Ascension Church formerly known as it's a Sunday April 14th it's like a luncheon you can bring your own wine it was a really good time last year and there are also seeking donations at this time if you have gift baskets if you have baskets gift cards Amazon gift cards u money donations basket supplies such as like the filler or the cellophane that you want to get rid of please bring it to 3112 Avenue also known as the home of Mar englestad his daughter Kelsey um has a couple kids in the school there so um again that's April 14th it's a Sunday it's a great time speaking of a great time the senior club today hosted the Bradley Beach Elementary School third grade came in and they put on this winter assembly of a couple people that were at the meeting it was the cutus they walked from the school over to the Firehouse they put on a few songs and they did a little poetry it was great and uh we really enjoyed it and I just want to give a shout out to the superintendent Mr heidleberg just such a wonderful job at that school between the Board of Ed and the teachers the staff and they they work so hard I just see better and better and Mr lpra of course is the music teacher who does a wonderful job and the senior Club it's welcome to anybody 55 and over they meet every uh fourth Wednesday of the of the month at the firehouse hopefully soon at the bazu center again and it's a great group and everyone again is welcome 55 plus thank you very much that completes my report for today thank you council president councilman a very quick report tonight for uh serving as the leas on to our Police Department um detective Lieutenant Cherry Browning reported that in the past month we had a local subject arrested for a simple assault and fortunately that sounds like a very good must for us and very good news for Raley Beach burrow um so thank you detective Lieutenant um also uh most of us on the governing body were able to attend the bbbc U Five-Year Plan uh presented by miss Gavin I see miss Gavin in the audience and uh her leadership uh and I just wanted to briefly comment that it was it was a great event um she had a number of visiting dignitaries and and everyone who spoke basically uh mentioned how impressed they were at the at the sheer volume of support uh M Gavin and the bbbc has generated that compared to other similar organizations in other municipalities organizations that in the case of Tom Arnon and B goal they have actually participated in they said our bbbc uh engage Civic engagement dwarfs anything they've seen elsewhere so it was it was a really nice event and uh I just wanted I didn't know you'd be here but I want to tip my hat thank you um and then again the mayor kind of flipped the timing of this uh so I was planning to comment on this at the end of the meeting but you will see on the agenda that we're going to uh put forward a resolution uh to share a $15,000 cost with Avon regarding preliminary repairs that need to get done to U silin Lake there's leakage uh the lake itself is leaking more than it should be because uh we have some rotting Timber they used to provide a Spillway but with the rotting of the Timber the spillways become a little bit more of a waterfall apparently um and you'll hear a little bit more about that later but we'll be uh presumably we'll be uh voting on a $5,000 expenditure we'll be splitting that 5050 with u with Avon so 7500 each and that concludes my report thank you councilwoman mom thank you mayor um Dr yeah um I wanted to thank uh police fire our dispatchers uh oh out for the great response during the uh what really was really pretty snow on the ground because there wasn't many there wasn't much on the street so it was really again it was kind of a non-event so thank you all those departments for your very hard work I attended the Janu January 18th land Bo land use board meeting I want to say congratulations to Dennis mayor and Bill shook for being elected chair and vice chair respectively to the land news board we will also welcome Mary Pat Reen and Sim seith as alternate members for the year I look forward to working with them to preserve the single family character of Bradley Beach while providing adequate light air and open space for neighboring properties I hope to continue to establish and push for appropriate density restrictions and green spaces which will benefit the burrow and encourage a variety of homeowners in different stages of their lives to call Bradley Beach home and that is all that I have great thank you uh councilman we thanks Mr Mayor um I want to comment on the January Jam which was a great event by the bbbc first time out great attendance and I think it's only going to get better so you can get there get your dancing shoes and get over to the Firehouse as it happens again next year the bands were great they got they were they donated their time and they rais some money for fireing first day which was great um same thing about the bbca event at the school that was also a great event and uh yeah the elected leaders talked about how engaged I mean the auditorium was like pretty full so that was a very engaged um audience for our business Community Alliance um yes we had snow and we haven't had that in a few years so I think it was a it was a great test to see how many people remembered to shove their sidewalks um I just remind people because every single student that goes to our school walks to school there are no buses uh I think there was a great number well there was a number of people that did not shovel so I may be checking in with the administrator and code to find out if any uh notice of violations were issued because they definitely bunch of people didn't shovel U we got to get back in that habit um I'm again the liais on to Fire and first aid and I have a written report here which I will read was first a being first um for the period ending January 24th the squad responded to 12 Day calls and 12 Night Calls isn't that nice when people like they just evened it out nice symmetry day nice they very nice uper total 24 calls 14 were for medical 10 were for fire calls the squad conducted one drill for the safety and education of the membership uh there were no outof Town Mutual Aid requests and the squad requested no Mutual aid from from other towns um for this operational period they fulfilled 100% of their assignments uh and for the fire department for the same period January 24th the the department responded to 10 requests uh the department conducted two trainings and drills for the safety and education of their members there were no out of town Mutual Aid requests and they requested no Mutual Aid uh for this operational period and the fire department fulfilled 100% of their assignments for this period um they are still looking for volunteers for both squads um they offer of course free training for qualified individuals anyone wishing to volunteer for fire department or the first aid Squad applications can be found on the Burrow's website and they want you to know that a cooperation exists between fire and first aid it allows them to keep answering our citizens needs for medical care and fire protection 247365 at no cost for the burrow um that's that and most importantly I want to say that the girls basketball team at the elementary school has not had a a winning season since anybody can remember but this year they are their division champs which is like 10 schools or eight 10 schools yes the record is so good that the playoff game is going to be at home and that's going to be tomorrow at the school I think it's tomorrow what time 3:45 sticking to the normal time I hope it doesn't change because it's a playoff game but should be at 3:45 and uh tell you what I I'll announce it if it's otherwise how that that's my report thank you if it's a 3:45 you could saer up to the auditorium they're going to be doing rehearsals for driving Mr ay but you'll get driven out of the room probably by Julia okay but that's uh that's starting that rehearsals tomorrow uh okay great um uh there are no workshops at this meeting uh no presentations and bids and we'll move towards approval Li Ms I'll make a motion to approve January 10th Council reorganization minutes second um okay and before we move forward with the roll call I will make change that uh or the correction that you informed me about with the um Consulting pod resolution and councilman Weber yeah what you pointed out the other night as well okay great okay thank you all right um Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes m yes Mr Weber yes mayor FL yes uh okay public comments pertaining to 12424 uh agenda uh five minute limit single instance um we're going to try to keep this within 15 to 20 minutes um if it really runs long we'll probably ask you to submit something relative to email but we're going to do something different we're going to ask people to uh come up to the Rost room um I think we're going to change it up a little bit and actually cue people rather than have them stand on the line so if whoever wants to come up come up and if you are wanting to comment on the agenda you have those two seats there they're going to be you're going to be in the queue so be on deck yeah come on up you're on that's right yeah no no no you want to be the r no don't sit first and then R rush to to change so which one no no no no no this is the time we're we're supposed to be saving timers okay is 1124 Avenue uh questions about the bill list uh there were two manual checks that I'm asking U for some information one was to the middle sex mun municipality jip and uh it was for $60,000 one $10 $ 6,110 and my question is is this part of our settlement or do we have two more checks that we have to pay for $60,000 and $ 6,110 May if you want to get that I I think it's I think it's just instol on question yeah so the agreement is three payments of 60,000 10010 for the settlement I'm sorry for January 15th of 24 mid 24 2526 so it's a total of $180,000 correct okay and that includes the assessment for both the burrow and the first a squad they were also members during the time period okay and now the mun the mammoth municipality ch um is this a full annual payment of $270,000 22 7,588 yes that's the annual that's the annual okay on page five of the bill list Canvas Shop of Adon and it's where the pay station covers the this bill also was posted on December 1st fill list on page five and that posting had a code of H this time it it was posted for the same amount of money with a code of R please explain the difference between H and R on the bill list it's the furthest column column to the right unless mer yes I do so this was explained at a previous council meeting um the way the bills list is done when you see an H that in indicates held meaning that the funds have been encumbered but haven't been expended yet either we haven't received a signed purchase order back from the vendor we are missing a receipt or a quote or just basically something along the purchasing um guidelines hasn't been completed so it's held meaning that the funds are encumbered but they're not being paid yet when you see the r that means received and everything is good and we can um move forward with it thank you page seven of Colliers engineer and design for 11,346 192 6,18 8125 a that amount was for two services for emergency repair at silen Lake through December 19th through the December 31st what repair was done to Silver Lake for 6,181 ties into what councilman goosi covered the um the that they're starting to work on the call the flu I I always it's called the sleep or something but a flu yeah okay thank you uh page 11 government management advisor for $26,000 and it was um the bill was for August and September and my question is why are we paying Mr faren back now not per his per his request is uh is this the last of our payments for to Mr faren back or is he still working for the Barrow nope the this is the final um installment of his invoices he's not volunteering anymore he does still volunteer and does he volunteer at the uh burrow office when needed okay can I ask why is it necessary for him to continue VI volunteering when we already have a DA with a full-time salary I am a big believer in volunteerism this is not new to anybody who knows me and I do believe that we have um many great resources in town and any time time we can um call upon those resources it only makes us a stronger better burrow to have different opinions and different expertises coming up to the plate but as a volunteer does he still have access to burrow Hall and confidential information about the residents not confidential information about residents but yes to burrow Hall and this is has all been um vetted through our insurance carrier and there's absolutely nothing improper about it well if he volunteers and he's in the Barrow what do he doing there various things sometimes it's uh it just depends on what we need help with that day and what we think he can help us with pleas one I'm sorry no that's time I'm sorry that's time five minutes all right I'll ask uh yes yes McGuire six Bley a um I'm gonna before I get to my point I'm gonna piggyback on that just real quick with um is Mr faruck still negotiating dpw's contract that is one of the projects he's currently helping with he started the negotiations he worked very hard on them and as a resident of the town he has a vested interest to make sure the burrow has the best possible contract and again um this is somebody who has been working intimately on this as an employee of the burrow and it is professional courtesy to um you know uh let him see that through okay so when if we go back to our last ba hiring when Kim Humphrey was hired did we keep on in Old ba to do contract negotiations and to finish job if you want to make I can't speak to what Arrangements were made between prior Bas okay um all right so I'll get to my point I wanted to highlight um the point I made at the last meeting so this is relative to theend about Lea yes it's about the tourism liaison and I made a comment about this last meeting because um as well as a lot of residents you know a lot of residents stood up here asking why Mr Fox you appointed yourself as tourism liaison and a lot of residents suggested not to do so because it was a risk a lot of council members suggested and asked and you were very adamant that it was the decision you made to put yourself on as tourism liaison and I noticed on the agenda Mr Bernstein advised who I think is the labor attorney I don't know what else he does but advised to I guess put James Den Noble back on as tourism liaison so I just wanted to highlight that to me that was proof like time and time again we're asking for you to work with us we're asking for you to work with the council a lot of times online you know people like me are called bullies um people are constantly saying the council works against the mayor what happened at the last meeting was proof that Resident after resident comes up here asks you not to do something for the sake of protecting the burrow from a a liability risk the council asks the same thing and you just say no no no I made my decision that's it so I need to highlight that because that is the proof that you don't listen to anything we asked of you thank you for your opinion on done well I'd like to I'd like to make a comment that then you're gonna cut me off in that beat so I'm gonna finish first well up I'm gonna make a comment then Mr Bernstein advises and I don't know how we pay him I don't know if he's on a salary I don't know what but as a mayor you couldn't make that best decision for the burrow to protect us and we needed an attorney to change that answer to protect the bur so if we pay him a special fee which I don't know if we do or not but that's time that comes out of our tax dollar because you couldn't make that decision for the sake of protecting this burrow on your own and you had to be advised otherwise and are you going to fire him now like you tried Mr Cannon because he went against what you wanted it's it's you know time and time again we're up here I keep saying it's not too late to try to work with people but you do this over and over and at the last meeting you made this very unilateral decision councilman Weber asked you and you turned on and said I made my decision that's it yes I'm done I'm not sure I made that tenor that I the video so you could watch it over and over again but you are very adamant very adamant okay regardless of the tone I do I translated it no not done until my be so I continue to to reference you as a dictator and that's why because we're not allowed to get fed up without being called bullies you know this is the job of the people to come up here to voice our concerns to voice our opinions to ask to work with you and it's not an option for us we don't get that option so at what point do we get to draw the line and say you don't want to work with us mayor you lie to us you don't give us answers you're not transparent thank you um by the fact that I talked to Mr Bernstein after that meeting uh and he said take a conservative approach would say that I did listen to people and I wanted to make sure we um took the conservative approach um I still believe that we have work to do with the ordinance and some things with uh tourism and uh we'll continue to do that thank you uh yes Beth Kepler 504 Central here Town um I have a very brief question quick um for Meredith in regard to the bills list um there's a $350 charge for C emergency camera repair I'd like to know um which camera where and bu what were the circumstances sure and I can follow up um with or actually um if if Mr Captain Arnold is in the room he should be able to help too but my understanding is that there was an issue with the um basically the screen that allows the uh police department to be able to look at every individual camera okay so it's it was a police department CA correct okay that's all I need to know thank you thank you yes Condominiums and I'm going to put it on the record right here now that I do not work for the town never have probably never will and um know I volunteer so I no best in interest or anything I wish others would make that statement since he failed to legislate that issue regarding the billis no I've said this before and I'm going to make sure I'm very clear page 19 prime point 4.7k if the Provident is paying for your payroll why are we paying this bill we should not it's all I don't even want to know why I'm just going to put it this way Provident you claim is paying for payroll and then we shouldn't have this still let's go to I think it's page 18 I don't know we've now bought a DOD Rango for $45,000 I didn't hear about it ever and I not skipped the meeting um I can't even begin to imagine what department that goes to but my brain does go certain places um in addition regarding the um page 11 that um the other person spoke of there's 30 $3,250 miscellaneous a lot of miscellaneous isn't it time and time again and in case you're not aware that's my money um you have on page 15 kjf 12923 to 11824 and then 11724 to 11824 57 okay kind of the dates overlap kind of wonder about this um I can go on and on on pages three and four we bought clothing same boots same sh shirts same sweatshirts different prices um we got M's down there $245 again that's a lot of miscellaneous um all I can say is and I Begg before I can't wait until one 125 to have this group of wonderful people going a different direction you need to take a stand out stop approving these bills approve the list if you want to with exception it's done all the time but until people can really rationalize these prices and you think that it's in your best interest could you live here or explain to us why again we're needing another car we didn't hear about it just miraculously appears while you're looking at things with different dates while you're proving miscellaneous all I know is you know I go to the grocery store there's no like place that says miscellaneous everything is a price and the fact that you how much I keep saying a lot of the bills were local 152 I'm going to guess that's Public Works how much are we spending on attorneys to get them their contracts that you went and praised me I say well if I were them I wouldn't have shown up and taken care of this SM I don't blame them it's not funny it's not fair we don't pay their interest rates on mean credit cards or anything else retroactive does not help and you should be ashamed of yourselves because you've not given them a contract because I cannot imagine that the attorneys are negotiating in the best interest of the burrow and the employees and I'm not getting beat look at that yeah I was say go ahead can I I yield my minutes to miss met there's one comment I want to make president I don't know if you had the same one but regarding the Dodge Durango uh we a number of us have we followed up to understand that better and uh and I'm sure uh Captain Arnold can explain it best but but our understanding is the vast majority of that4 some, payment 36,000 or so um actually came out of a a fund that is privately funded a trust fund probably funded for our K9 I saw that I saw that K9 and then the remainder and again maybe it was $8,000 or so came from the the existing police budget budget that's right yeah but I find it very hard to believe that we're spending $36,000 yes Jim 12 my question was just answered I was asking about the B and stff so saving some time okay thank thank you always good to see you jff Tom 623 Avenue um I had a question about the appointments to the land use board um this is the second posting for U land use board members and uh how would the mistake be made at the last meeting where they were given an extra year those two people uh that happen there uh because the state statute in our current ordinance was written in 2021 are not in congruence well the state statute is pretty standard I mean I looked at it for one minute and knew it was incorrect well we you typically follow our local ordinance and our local ordinance that was written in 2021 is not stated that way so we're going to correct the local ordinance okay great I I look forward to that correction uh on the bills list I had a question about uh page oh I had one question about the Bazi Center money um we were told in the burrow Bradley Beach newsletter on June 23rd that the work would commence on June 26th and now it's 7even months later and we're still working on the building um there was three passes at this the roof repair was a job the remediation of mold was a job and then DPW is uh doing final finishing on it right now um but I mean we built houses quickly than seven months so I just was wondering why this Tak so long but I'll go to the bills list now and I notice on page 10 we have Mr steeds firm and we paid them in November and December for oppra reviews of $1,965 but then in here there were two other line items for Mammoth DL 0028 uh 2583 d23 which is a civil court case uh McGuire versus B Bry Beach those two months Mr Bernstein build $3,588 so he does the Oprah reviews then they get sued and now he defends the oppr review costing us I mean in two months just opra $555 I mean is anybody reviewing his work product because there's no reason this I sued also and settled on this very thing the over raction of documents and it's horrific that there're our documents we are the public we are en to those documents and for some reason Mr Bernstein's firm doesn't have the right template for how to do this job it's very frustrating but um the council should really look into that thank you thank you okay we have two in the oh sorry here and then we have I think two on the board and then we'll go to the next agenda item hi 49 brenley apologies I was not at the last meeting so I understand a bit that this was covered but Le on issue um Mr Mayor question pleas what on Earth were you thinking when you appointed yourself leaon to an office whose director at PL harassment ofation I'd be happy noted hang on hang on let me just fin because I really I don't know what answer you can give me that will make sense but perhaps you surpris me you said that you were advised to take the conservative approach that's not the word I would use uh in my career and I know you worked in the private sector for some time I think I would have been laughed out of any HR office in the country if I got them and said someone has filed a clean against me so I'm going to be the person that now is in charge of communication it it just it wouldn't have been allowed to happen so what you're calling a common sense approach excuse me I would call the only approach nothing else makes sense so i' really like to hear why de right I really want I really want to try to understand your I covered some at the last Mee I'd be happy to cover with you offline I just right now for you answer so uh I'll I'll cover with the offline I'd be happy too but I've got the balance of my five minutes to hear your answer yeah and I'd be happy to cover with the offline M denova you are involved in this since the May can't answer can I get your impressions on how this went down this is for agenda items not if you want to make public comment you want make public com excuse if you want to make public comments at the end of the meeting that's fine if you want to have I offer to you to talk I covered this at the last meeting you weren't here that's I understand that I'd be happy to cover with you and not take up people's time okay thank you so for the record you're not answering the question I asked would I would I said is I would be happy to cover it offline thank you okay uh board please okay we have herb Kenny good evening Mr Kenny Hi how are you can you see me it's um can see you well there you go now I see him okay herb Kenny 216 Brinley a couple questions um first on the bills list Black Rock Enterprises um they're on the list for um $4,250 for Bradley Boulevard sewer improvements for hard costs um is this affiliated with phase one phase two or a new project this is the Bradley Boulevard project which was approved uh via resolution 2023-24 this involved um curb works it involved pitching to avoid pooling on Bradley Beach it involved um aprons uh just general work okay but but I know but what project was this phase one because wasn't this was not this was um part of the Bradley Boulevard improvements so um I mean I'll I can Mr Kenny let me um answer you via email tomorrow because I am of the belief that this was separate than those sewer ones but let me double check that for you well I I really don't well okay so was this project was there an engineer assigned to it and was it also bid it out or was this just correct iak and was in charge the project okay well all your other invoices as you all know because I replied back to you once you sent me all the invoices how vaki and handled all these so why was there something going directly to Black Rock and not going through aak and then so when we have a project manager like this and you'll see this on the upcoming silven lake so it's good to um have this conversation in public um when we hire somebody like that usually they'll put together bid specs and then um handle the bidding process for the subcontractors so when we pay directly to them yeah well a vacum is also the one that went over about 450,000 on phase two so anyway um I just want to be on record of bringing this up um next question is resolution 2024-25 contracts law essentially with the Bazi Center is that on February 22nd um an emergency was declared that action needed it to be taken due to molden roof repairs the roof repair okay just one sec so who who put this emergency in effect mayor Larry Fox Okay so Mr Mayor Fox then gets to designate an emergency so then he's allowed to just go forward with no bidding no C no councel intervention and things like that so this is a quick workaround to put it mildly or no no sir I was about to explain the the history of this project to you in AUST okay so in August of 2023 you're aware that the roof repair work was completed and it was noted that there was mold and moisture inside the building and that led to a moisture microbial investigation by hman Consulting the results of this investigation were dated on September 21st and showed significant levels of mold inside the bazzi Center including on wall boards baseboards ceiling tiles HVAC diffuser um basically everywhere in everywhere so the burrow did solicit three quotes um one being Paul Davis Restoration one Bell for and one rapid recovery um rapid recovery was the most expensive and it came down between Paul Davis and bfor bfor did not include prevailing wage in their quote um they did not feel mold remediation required um prevailing wage that was not my understanding of um law so we sought guidance from the Department of Labor who confirmed on December 15th that the Burrow's opinion was correct and prevailing wage was required um this led to um the bid being um awarded to Paul Davis who was then the lowest bidder okay so is Paul Davis Restoration of Morris In Paya County are they actually kjf in your bill correct they do business as Paul Davis Restoration okay well it may be a good idea to make that clear if you're going to set an ordinance and then have a different name in the bills list it probably would be a good idea just so people could follow it because I was very confused by it okay thank you no further questions think there's one more uh Mary B hi everybody I hope you can hear me um Hello to friends and so work around they did that work on December 18th and it was September a minute Mr Penny you're not muted yeah thank you um anyway a couple of of thoughts um with the Greg farach volunteering Mary can you just State your address for me please I'm so sorry Eric 2184 Avet 2184 you're welcome I apologize oh no don't apologize it's okay I found Greg barach uh as an interm be a to be very super cious super cious happy to spell it harder to spell than minions but I can if anybody needs it uh and mayor I see you looking aside but here's the thing oh I'm stretching well I don't care I don't care um I'm this is my you could be as distracted as all you want to be but Meredith um and I realized I guess you're not on camera because you have an eye issue if that's the case I get it um but in general if you're going to be out it'd be great to be on camera when you're speaking uh the fact that he's still volunteering uh that does disturb me I'm just giving you one resident's opinion uh I do not like the idea that a former intern employee has access to information about the town in general forget residents but the town in general and I do think that it it's bad Optics I'll be honest with you he shouldn't be involved anymore if we have a fully performing ba um and then lastly I would just say you know mayor I know I know some of us come on to you hard and it's not pleasant but you cannot try to cut people off briet McGee was speaking before and you tried to cut her off that's it thank you very much everyone thank you uh I didn't try to cut her off I tried to answer part of her question thank you that's questions um so let's move to uh ordinances we have no introductions or ad options tonight uh Communications there's three memos memo Amendment Amendment to the Arts Council appointment members memo Amendment to the land use appointment members and Council on am MMO uh resolutions we have consent and individual but there are no for consent and we have about five or six uh individuals first is uh 202 441 authorizing emergency contracts with cular engineering and designed to reestablish the flood controls to silen Lake we have a second to 2441 second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi uh this is what what I mentioned to the audience earlier uh 15,000 were splitting evenly with Avon and I vote Yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber I just want to confirm that this is to actually put the thing in not just to design something that then is going to cost us more money am I correct on that my understanding is this is the whole thing okay then I vote Yes mayor Fox yes 2024 42 authorized emergency contract Paul Davis Restoration public of Mars and pay County for bii Center make a motion to St Mr Noble yes Mr gupi yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 202443 authorizing change order number one and supplemental agreement number one for Basi Center mitigation service make a motion to approve 202443 second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh 2024 44 uh Bill list for January 24th 2024 make a motion approv 2024 44 second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor class yes 202 445 extending the date of presentation of the bur's 2024 Municipal budget per the states of New Jersey's current extension of the 2024 Municipal budget deadline make a motion to approve 20244 second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi my only comment here again for the benefit of the public I I did have the opportunity to speak with the mayor and Miss Mark business administrator just expressing my my uh desire to get this data to the council as soon as we can so the agreement that we reached verbally I just want to go on record is saying is to the extent humanly possible um the administration the mayor and our business administrator have said they will try to get this data to the council in advance of this deadline but this February 27th day will serve as our deadline and I vote Yes M Mahoney looking forward to getting those numbers as soon as possible but yeah Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh okay that's it for um uh for resolutions we have no announcements um mayor and Council reports we've already done uh so we move now to public comments uh about the same drill here prepared something that I'd like to read and I'm going to ask be added to the to the record and I've made copies for everybody um this is a letter that's already been sent certified mail to the Department of trener the division of tension and benefits dated January 21st and authored by myself Beth Kepler 504 Central ad than you dear sir Madam in November of 2023 the mmth County prosecutor's office opened an investigation and an internal affairs complaint was filed against Leonard Guida chief of police of the Bradley e Police Department as of Monday January 21st 20124 he remains on administrative paid Le he is scheduled to retire at the end of 2024 as a victim resident and taxpayer of the burrow of Bradley Beach New Jersey I am writing to this pension board to notify you of this situation and to request that this board not make any decision with regard to Chief Guida's retirement Andor pension until after the conclusion of the final determination of the mon County prosecutor's investigation can be reviewed and taken into full consideration by you we the people of Bradley Beach are deeply concerned about the potential possibility that Chief weeda may attempt to preserve his pension from being penalized as a result of the current investigation and submit his resignation and retire prematurely should he be found by the authorities to be in violation of his oath of office as chief of police he could and should be subject to penalties in the way of a decrease to his overall pension benefits and if it is determined by the mam County prosecutor Chief weeda committed a crime with moral turpitude and after behavior that Gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the community a quality of Dishon dishonesty or immorality that is determined by a court to be present in the commission of a criminal offense a crime involving moral turpitude a crime of moral turpitude is a crime that disrespects and antagonizes societal Norms they contradict rules upheld by a polite Society to a point where the crime itself is seen as shocking and disgusting moral turpitude refers to conduct that is immoral dishonest or unjust thus a crime of moral ttitude can range from one involving intentional and knowing harm to the degree of shocking the average person's conscience to one that is considered a moral Bas evil depraved Reckless and vile breaching the decency that each human owes to society to refrain from harming others I believe the chief of police has the highest bar and the greatest expectation to protect all of those he swore an oath to serve that definition is Loosely based on the various crimes involving moral turpitude by governing legal and administrative B bodies and case law at the New Jersey state and federal levels legally the crime of moral turpitude breaks down into categories based on the type of Conduct in victim all such crimes reflect a rupture in its community's common moral Bond and Trust as such an individual facing a conviction for crimes involving moral ttitude risks of a prison sentence and jeopardizes their legal standing in the community their professions and the country as such Chief waa should not be permitted to retire as a way to circumvent accountability for his actions and inactions nor should he be granted the ability to collect his full pension without there being a financial penalty by way of his pension being penalized and decreased by this board should Chief guab in fact submit his request for retirement and to collect his pension I ask to be notified so myself and other resident victims may appear before you to testify to our objections as to why Chief qua should not be granted a 100% of his pension without penalty if there is a moral tpud clause in his contract it should be exercised thank you for your time and careful consideration of this matter and lastly I'd like to close with letting you know may I'm aware of your comment about you having the Jews in your pocket and you don't have this Jew in your pocket um sorry I don't know what you're talking about thank you my name sh 124th Avenue last January I commented on the annual Memorial Day parade and raised questions about how events like this are planned in Bud it and whether there are any whether there is any involvement of of the council a parade is a wonderful feel-good event that is great way for the community to celebrate the start of of Summer of the summer and it's extremely patriotic however I strongly feel events like this should not be contingent on having vendors for the weekend to defay expenses I am mindful of the burden to the I'm mindful of the burden to local residents particularly those who live on the first two blocks for the noise traffic parking littering landscape damage and a carnival atmosphere for the weekend that and that and that projects a departure from The View that Bradley Beach is a quiet clean family oriented sure Community Additionally the events bear little relationship to the visitors to our beach which is obious which is obviously a function of the weather further it provides little if any benefit to the businesses on of Main Street yes 312 Wiley Avenue first I'd like to make people aware that our Police Department did a lot of fundraising for that car and they worked really hard to raise money they were selling T-shirts and they had a u I think it was down seide Heights they had a an organized Fair there so they got they got some they actually app for some grant money too P9 vehicle so I glad that they got it I agree y also I would like to say that they did a great job cleaning up the snow um I had no problems and I think the county actually oversold this year it was like three inches on rim it was disgusting but it held down the ice was great um I'd like to really ask the police department to kind of monitor the traffic speeding on brle especially it's horrible and we have a bicyclist that every day goes the wrong way down Madison and a Truck almost hit him the other day because he's going the wrong way and they were making a turn so just be aware of that mayor I'd like to comment and I'd like to say you really hurt my feelings when you yelled at me quite loudly at a a council meeting about mold and now we have the mold remediation I'd like a little apology if you don't give it to me that's fine because I'm a bigger person than that but I do remember how horrible it was and actually the police kind of gestured themselves in the chair at the same time which is kind of threatening to me but you know I am threaten S I guess but um I forgive you thank you okay thank you Nan met Ocean Park Condominiums I would like to just sort of throw it out here that um the same Clear loud slow speech that you use when you reprimand me should be utilized when you're reading the agenda I am tired of not hearing hearing mumbling and every two seconds looking at the clock if you don't have the time to be here please leave and we can do the meetings without you secondly I really don't know where to begin with any of this but again I can't wait we cannot delay till January 1st 2025 to go in a different direction we need to fix things now so let's look at the resolutions will we learned I think that they're only good for one year so I would again suggest then review them when they expire and see if you want to turn it into an ordinance or renew it or dispose of them because there was a resolution 2021 to adopt the purchasing manual so it's expired and the reason I wanted to see the manual is that I asked I made a statement about a purchase and the mayor indicated he authorized it and I didn't know the one one person could authorize purchases regardless of the amount so I wanted to educate myself with the manual to see where that was included I did not locate it so I guess we have no purchasing manual and that applies to also the no iding um resolution which really is ridiculous and maybe if we fix that because it could be under like an energy sort of thing we could get into the waste of electricity and other natural resources which I've also brought up M and speaking of that let's go back to recycle gate it's my recollection that after a certain person was hung out to drive and we were never given all of the information that then an ordinance exists now so that wouldn't happen so that the council would decide of changing Services last meeting Mr Weber announced a change in services I did not hear a vote and more importantly just like recycle gate it's in the calendar how do these things happen and I'm seeing faces going oh wacky lady um I'm talking about the no film pickup I just for the clarity I asked for that I didn't announce it I asked the question and okay so we so in other words the second thing in February I'm putting my bucket out the answer I got right here no film pi answer I got seemed to indicate that it that it was going away but I'm saying I didn't I wasn't announcing it I was asking it somebody right and I don't care to vot I mean whatever we're taking up my five minutes that's okay um but I thought it took a vote is my point here and as Mr Canon says I like the law I like to follow the law so why and more importantly we don't learn from the past we make the same bigger and worse mistakes but how does it appear on the calendar that's how you got into trouble with recycle gate already and let's not even get into the calendar other than may I say with all of the most devout um Orthodox Jewish holidays and not so many of you know the counterparts are really not there for The Devout Catholic holidays it is mind bogling to be that the most religious day of the year for Jewish people is not on the calendar so where is the you see people borrow hologram really where is accountability where is work at that I'm so sick of paying for services and they're just not up to standards we just go down and down and down and then we get to the newsletters where we're always bluring the line in this town I'm going to say it again the food pantry and the bbbc are not part of the municipal government period and to have 50% of the 1122 newsletter devoted to them is offensive and then to have statements and the 128 newsletter to a different entity in town but no Source if you're going to say that somebody says something I'd like to see a source um I think that's kind of Journalism 101 but I don't know because we all know on the math words not the but let's not even get into the grammar and the calendar I see John we getting annoyed with me um thank you because I'm still my no for 126 thank you'll be back R mire 61 friendly app um I hate to go back and forth mayor I just want to make a point I would love for you to to answer my questions but you don't give us our time back so if you eat up at my five minutes with an answer I don't get to get that back when it beats I mean that's happened repeatedly so that is why I don't want an answer right here but I do want to answer on the rfps for the church um that you mentioned last time when someone asked what was the update on the lurine church you mentioned there's rfps I emailed you asking what that was about you said you would get back to me in the recent in the near future so just wondering if we have any answers on what those rfps are for and can you at least generalize like what are they for so I can help Claire oh go ahead mayor okay you're the one I was gonna say um just to clarify with the statement so the rfps would be drafted by the engineering firm those have not been drafted yet um the way the advice um the financial advisors recommended to draft them is in a way where we allow the bidder to bid as if um they're doing the demolition or as if they would like the burrow to do the demolition so we can get those comparables and see what would be best for the burrow right now um we are as trying to ascertain the correct legal way of how to go about this meaning we will have to go in front of the L use board for a subdivide so in which process which order should we be doing this um so I do hope to have um that question resolved shortly and then um you know the governing body has been considering the deed restrictions that they would place before uh the land use board and then we can um from there give the specs to the engineering firm who can then design the rfps in accordance with the governing B's wishes for the site and then also um giving that option to the developer as to which way they would like to bid on the land okay so is I know like there was never like this major vote but it seemed like the Happy refreshing consensus was that you know the residents were saying we don't want to spend another dime on it so part of that happy meeting about the church was to sell it so was the RFP to see if demoing it and selling it as a land is better Pro is more profitable than no with the deed restriction like no the rfps will be written with the deed instrctions that are dictated by the governing body and then those rfps are to sell the land flat out it is just about how to sell the land is it some developers prefer to do their own Demolition and will bid on it um with them doing their own de uh demolition some developers prefer to have a clean slate so it's going to give that option as well that way the burrow and the governing body can look to see what to what the best price is okay perfect thank you um and I just wanted to add one another thing I um I just wanted to agree with the um newsletters if we could really refrain from private entities like it I just feel like there's such an overlap whether it's the C the the food pantry the bbbc like if we're going to do this I'll give you some innate living news to put out in our newsletters too you know it's a Main Street business that I am a part of and I would love to share information so I feel like if you're doing one you got to do it for all so if we can refrain from that please because obviously I don't expect that to be done so I'm not offering I'm not asking for that but it's only fair thank you thank you uh Thomas J Coan 612 Third Avenue uh this is the first time we're hearing about these rfps okay I mean you guys presented before the council that there would be a preliminary subdivision done because this is a major subdivision the building would be left there the there would be an open auction forget about R pece who are the developers you're calling I mean we we don't even know who you're talking to make it an open public auctioning here's you're going to take the building down this is the deed restricted four Lots we're done biders come in here and they bid I bid two million I bid three million boom it's all done in public no RFB done behind closed doors no no that's over this this is outrageous now that we hear about we thought we were getting somewhere and then the way that would work is for a major subdivision you're then required to do final approval when when that person demolishes the the building then they go to the landage board again and they get a final approval so it's really simple we just wasted another three months now we have an RFP um has the council had any inputs in what the RFP is gonna say okay wow mayor I I gotta ask you some questions about um who determines that Chief waita is on paid administrative who makes that determination a Personnel matter I'm not going to go into a Personnel matter right now okay well this is an administrative matter okay no it's a personel matter investig police officer is on unpaid leads now has has his carvon taken away or he driving the T I'm really not gonna comment on no no this these are important administrative questions that should be yes or no answers sir um has his burrow issued firearm and taken away I mean you got to start protecting us okay that's what needs to start to happen you have to start protecting the residents of the town now you your comment before about clock management it's not about about clock management it's about overall management that's the problem we have here it's overall management could make this thing run very very but um now that our acting ba mentioned you know volunteers I just want to point out that I applied for the shade tree and was denied I was applied twice for the land use board and was denied I offered to be on an affordable housing committee nobody called me I offered to be on the 319 L committee nobody called me and I would be happy to help with the Union negotiations for the DPW I'm happy to sit next to Mr fernback and it wouldn't take 365 days to get it done thanks so much thank you uh we have um Mr Mr or Mrs jent Tempo uh Mrs jent Tempo Paula Paula can you hear me she can't the next one come back who's I can't see who's next Shannon Shannon's next yeah when we when we go to her and then okay Shana hi can you hear me I can hear you hi shaa green BL janov 414 MTH Avenue um thank you bit for asking the question uh regarding 319 Lorrain it was on my my list of questions um so um uh at the last council meeting the mayor when asked about um 319 Lorraine indicated that there was an RFP out I looked on the website there was no RFP out so I'm I'm I guess concerned that was a bit of misinformation jumping the gun maybe I misstated it but we are developing have order please um we are developing that um I if I if you heard that or I said that that was if that was not correct I apologize but I think um I I thought I said we were developing that because we were in the process of doing that okay and yeah my concern was that that was really all the information that you had provided so it really wasn't substantive in terms of the vision and the plan for disposition of this property um this uh the church 319 Lorraine was purchased in two 2019 so this now is going into the sixth year of the burrow owning this property it wasi prior to covid that the burrow purchased the property from the camp meeting um in Ocean Grove um and um I am wondering what the timeline is for this at this point this has now been a long time and what what is I I I imagine that there is a sense of timing and a sense of completion for this what is the vision for the timeline to get all of this taken care of that's what we're currently trying to work out um the um timeline of our um you know uh the appearance before the land use board the RFP development which have not been developed yet there's no RFP yet just to be very clear with everybody and then moving on so um these are all the kind of questions I'm still currently um trying to get answers to so I can present a timeline to the governing body so when can we anticipate a timeline I mean there's a fire that's burning underneath this issue and I think it's a concern for everyone in the community regardless of how they may have voted on the referendum good and when I can provide that information I will okay that's very a very vague answer um this is something that is a priority right now given our fiscal situation that we handle this property I was hoping that this was going to all be resolved in 20123 and it's clearly not and there isn't even an RFP uh how how much on the top of the list is this as a priority for the burrow to manage this process and get it resolved it's a high priority okay so that means we should anticipate uh hearing about the status and uh progress shortly Miss janf I'm not saying switching from what I said before when I'm able to provide a timeline I will but I I I am very uncomfortable committing to something at a public for of which I just do not have enough information to answer okay so the mayor is saying it's a high priority so I imagine there's going to be a push to try and move this forward to the best of your ability is that right I I think that the community is um is eagerly awaiting for a resolution of this property this is very important this is an important issue yes it is yeah so with if with the mayor saying that this is a high priority and the business administrator kind of holding back holding the reins back I'm hearing a little bit of uh of of two you know disconnected uh responses here they're not disconnected I'm sorry we're aligned okay I'll keep an eye on it thank you thank you okay Paula Mr and Mrs jent Tempo are you there okay we we'll email I R 610 Bley Avenue um I had a question as far as um I know a couple of people I know it's uncomfortable to talk about about Chief guita but I just want to get some information on it um I read an article recently in Briel that an officer was arrested because of doing something wrong and I read the chief's response on there there it's in the paper and it's talking about what he did and if there was a crime convict uh committed and and he's not about guilty or not but why aren't we being as open as Belle is why are being so secretive about is it because he's the sheep or why any Personnel manner in investigation is supposed to be confidential until the results are are complete and they're not so Belle is breaking the law I didn't say Belle's I don't know I I didn't read the article you read but if somebody was arrested in Belle that's that's a very different situation we're not talking about criminal you're arrested you're arrested I don't know how it's a different situation you broke a law it's breaking the law so I don't nobody nobody's nobody said anybody broke the law in this investigation so I think you're you're overstepping that comment if you're if you're insinuating that the chief broke the law I think you're again someone's on administrative believe for doing something it's got to be something bong um I can't comment on a personal why why not why do they allow to do that in real not here why can't we talk about what's going on why is it so sec I can't speak real but I don't think that's a very good practice to be honest with you but but transparency like not knowing anything what's going on that something happened this is what happened this is what's going on it's being invested I I don't know what happened in I actually have no idea the context of real but well I'll tell you and B A Gentleman used station um the computer and he used it for his own purposes to look up people's information or something like that and there was a l he got arrested and something's going for he's not guilty we don't know that but something can happen why aren't we given that same information if he did something wrong in our t well if I give you one I don't mean to cut that I give you one distinction it's one those issues is that the person was likely adicted or has public charges that are matter of public record that would not be the case here so so none of this is you're asking the difference between the two that's because I know why this is on I don't know what information in the newspaper but I I would if that's the case I would imagine it matches whatever the public charges are in that circumstance I'm sure that you know so a possibility we may never know what happened with our team if it's not public VOR saying or not you could never know that's that's very possible oh my God okay um and the other thing is can I address just real ke so you can retire as a police officer investigation so she was worried about retirement or but the the regulations require that you cannot retire as a police officer if you have an open investigations any time so that's a lot of concern that was brought up earlier okay um and there's no one else on administrative leave the police officers right there's nothing else that happened right there's just that that he's the only one right that's a simp I ask you question is there which we can't answer that no that if no one else is on a Ministry leave I'm not I can tell you I'm not aware of anyone else but okay we can't talk about that okay that's fine thank you very much okay thank you okay um that I'll make a motion toour oh I'm sorry this like first time I've thank you Nancy cost 619 Avenue this is like my first time in a meeting and I am horrified I am so embarrassed we live in this wonderful town and all these people I know everybody has their issues but it's really sad really thank you I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I --------- I just want to thank youting it was lovely thank you I thought the was fun Jean was like why have we never done anything like this a that's a nice it was Mr H that superintend he was fabulous l [Music] first of all contemplating kind we can keep it [Music] just I don't have much to say we didn't have a p Tre and it was no well that's proba being silly and I forgot in there but you know what I mean there was a lot of Engineers I'll take no I'm Goode I'll make I'll make the announcement record when you all okay that's by most resolution okay good best just I'll mention something and I don't know went as how are you [Music] very you get to do that thank you Terry [Music] Beau took picture of last month you know sunrise I but she said she'll zoom in oh yes yeah she'll be zooming in not yet I see here keep an eye it's one thing I still got as good [Music] I my she she okay we're start United States of America stands na indivisible liy and justice for all I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice as required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury par press the coast store and a new coaster on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing that there is an inperson quarum MR Noble here Mr guozi here M Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here okay welcome everybody to our third meeting of the year and still into January um Meredith Demarco is here but she's on the zoom she had a little bit of a mishap with her eye and hopefully tonight so um we um in early 23 we tried to start the council meetings um talking about um the fact that we should welcome disagreements helps us think through differences and perspectives um you should be constructive also we agreed to be on a a joury a brighter Bry Beach as it relates to how we operate as a as a council in in these meetings so uh we're going to try to renew that um and I ask everybody to try to gauge their tone going forward with all neighbors and uh let's try to 24 have a good year relative to meetings um also uh we we communicate we're going to take some new approaches to the meeting process in 2024 this is really kind of a latter meeting of the month uh deemed our business meeting um in February February 14th we'll have a um a workshop departmental readout meeting so um there'll be a combination of uh Workshop item or items and um uh one or two Department reports so we're going to try to get people um a little bit more familiar with some of our key departments uh so we we'll be having the public works the police Recreation Etc then and just provide us a little bit insight as to what's uh what's going on so uh in addition uh we are going to take a shot of trying to tighten up our clock management um but also ensure that everybody's heard um so we're going to try to work towards that in the coming weeks to optimize the process um so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to actually call an audible here for those who have watching the NFL and I'll make a motion to move um item item item item item 13 uh to item five on the agenda which is Mayor and Council reports do I have a second to do that I don't I'll say second uh Mr Noble we'll give it a shot yes Mr Ki I'm also not quite sure why the change but I'm I'm like M will to try something new yes M yeah Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh so uh I can I can go first um I'll ask the council to go um first I want to thank Public Works and the other Public Safety departments for all their work in the recent storms um we hadn't had many storms um in the last few years but uh we really had a cold snap some snow and I thought everybody did a great job um keeping us safe and and working through uh the elements of the storm uh I'd also like to thank mayor as well in this campaign they had first in a series of wellnesss on January 11th we have three more to go I want to thank the bbca for their work with the fire and first aid with the January Jam which they raised some funds for those entities and trying to work with those two volunteer groups to really optimize the contribution and fundraising process so I think they were successful in raising uh I think around $6,000 my understanding was it was a very uh good event I couldn't make it but I it was great uh and then my last point is to please check the website um for the library and Recreation upcoming activities we got a lot going on in January February so with that I'll turn it to council president Den thank you good to see everybody here tonight thanks for being here I appreciate it um but I also like to say I I attended the Bradley Beach tourism meeting on January 23rd 10: a.m. and few things we discussed was the Shamrock hunt that is um scheduled for March once again with lots of prizes and uh they're going to be advertising in the mam County guide book this year and that was about it it was a quick meeting as well and um there was a board of ed meeting but I do want to let people know to mark their calendar the gradley Beach Elementary School PTA is doing the gift auction that they did last year the luncheon it's going to be held at St um Teresa of Kolkata also known as the Ascension Church formerly known as it's a Sunday April 14th it's like a luncheon you can bring your own wine it was a really good time last year and they are also seeking donations at this time if you have gift baskets if you have baskets gift cards Amazon gift cards uh money donations basket supplies such as like the filler or the cellophane that you want to get rid of please bring it to 3112 Avenue also known as the home of Gary anglea his daughter Kelsey um has a couple kids in the school there so um again that's April 14th it's a Sunday it's a great time speaking of a great time the senior club today hosted the Bradley Beach Elementary School third grade came in and they put on this winter assembly of a couple people that were at the meeting it was the cutest they walked from the school over to the Firehouse they put on a few songs and they did a little poetry it was great and uh we really enjoyed it and I just want to give a shout out to the superintendent Mr heidleberg did such a wonderful job at that school between the Board of Ed and the teachers the staff and they they work so hard I to see are better and Mr lpra of course is the music teacher who does a wonderful job and the senior Club it's welcome to anybody 55 and over they meet every uh fourth Wednesday of the of the month at the firehouse hopefully soon at the Basu Center again and it's a great group and everyone again is welcome 55 plus thank you very much that completes my report for today thank you council president councilwoman a very quick report tonight for uh serving as the the as Police Department um detective Lieutenant Cherry Browning reported that in the past month we had a local subject arrested for a simple assault and fortunately that sounds like a very good month for us and very good news for Bradley Beach burough uh so thank you detective Lieutenant um also uh most of us on the governing body were able to attend the bbbc U 5-year plan uh presented by Miss G I see Miss Gather in the audience and U her leadership U and I just wanted to briefly comment that it was it was a great event um she had a number of visiting dignitaries and and everyone who spoke basically uh mentioned how impressed they were at the at the sheer volume of support uh M Gavin and the bbca has generated that compared to other similar organizations in other municipalities organizations that in the case of Tom AR they have actually participated in they said our bbca uh engage Civic engagement dwars anything they've seen elsewhere so it was it was a really nice event and I just wanted I didn't know you'd be here but I want to tip my hat to you thank you uh and then again the mayor kind of flipped the timing of this U so I was planning to comment on this at the end of the meeting but you will see on the agenda that we're going to uh put forward a resolution uh to share $115,000 cost with Avon regarding preliminary repairs that need to get done for U Sil Lake there's leakage it uh the lake itself is leaking more than it should be because uh we have some rotting Timber that used to provide a Spillway but with the rotting of the Timber the spillway has become a little bit more of a waterfall apparently um and you'll hear a little bit more about that later but we'll be uh presumably we'll be uh voting on a $155,000 expenditure we'll be splitting that 5050 with u with thaton so 7500 each and that concludes thank you counil thank you um yeah um I wanted to thank uh police fire our dispatchers uh oh yeah for the great response during the uh what really really was really pretty snow on the ground because there wasn't many there wasn't much on the street so it was really again it was kind of a non event so thank you all those departments for your very hard work I attended the Janu January 18th L Bo L use board meeting I want to say congratulations to Dennis mayor and Bill shook for being elected chair and vice chair respectively to The Landing for we will also welcome Mary Pat Reen and Tim seith as alternate members for the year I look forward to working with them to preserve the single family character of Bradley Beach while providing adequate light air and open space for neighboring properties I hope we continue to establish and push for appropriate density restrictions and green spaces which will benefit the burrow and encourage a variety of homeowners in different stages of their lives to call bradle beach home and that is all that I great thank you uh Council thanks Mr Mayor um I want to comment on the January Jam which was a great event by the bbca first time out great attendance and I think it's only going to get better so you didn't get pair get your dancing shoes and get over to the Firehouse if this happens again next year the bands were great they got they were they donated their time and raised some money for fireing first day which was great um same thing about the bbca event at the school that was also a great event and uh yeah the elected leaders talked about how engaged I mean the auditorium was pretty full so that was a very engaged um audience for our business Community Alliance um yes we had snow and we haven't had that in a few years so I think it was a it was a great test to see how many people remember to shovel their sidewalks um I just remind people because every single student that goes to our school walks this school there are no buses uh I think there's a great there was a number of people that did not shovel so I may in with the administrator and code to find out if any uh notice of violations were issued because definitely a bunch of people didn't shovel U we got to get back in that habit um I'm again the leaz on safire and first aid and I have a written report here which I will read was the first day of being first um for the period ending January 24th the squad responded to 12 Day calls and 12 Night Calls isn't that nice when people like they just Beed it out nice seem day and nice they very nice toal 24 calls 14 were for medical 10 were for fire calls the squad conducted one drill for the safety and education of the membership uh there were no out of town Mutual Aid requests and the squad requested no Mutual aid from from other towns um for this operational period they fulfilled 100% of their assignments uh and for the fire department for the same Peri January 24th the department responded to 10 requests uh the department conducted two trainings and drills for the safety and education of their members there were no out of town Mutual Aid requests and they requested no Mutual Aid uh for this operational period and the fire department fulfilled 100% of their assignments for this period um they are still looking for volunteers for both squads um they offer of course free training for qualified individuals anyone wishing to volunteer for a fire department or the first aid Squad applications can be found on the B website and they want you to know that a cooperation exists between fire and first a it allows them to keep answering our citizens needs for medical care and fire protection 247365 at no cost for the bur um that's that and most importantly I want to say that the girls basketball team at the elementary school has not had a a winning season since anybody can remember but this year they are their division champs which is like 10 schools 10 yes and the record is so good that the playoff game is going to be at home and that's going to be tomorrow at this school I think it's tomorrow what time 3:45 if they're sticking to the normal time I doesn't change because it's a playoff game but should be a 345 and uh tell you I'll announce it if it's otherwise how's that that's my report thank you it's at 3:45 you could saer up to the auditorium we're going to be doing rehearsals for you get driven out of the room that's rehearsals tomorrow uh okay great um uh there are no workshops at this meeting uh no presentations and bids and we'll move towards approval of minutes I'll make a motion approve uh January 10th coun reorganization minutes second um okay and before we move forward with the roll call I will make change that uh or the correction that you informed me about with the um Consulting pod resolution and councilman Weber yeah what you pointed out the other night as well okay okay thank you um Mr Noble yes Mr guzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh okay couple comments pertaining to 12424 uh agenda uh 5 minute limits in the instance um we're going to try to keep this within 15 to 20 minutes um if it really runs long we'll probably ask you to submit something relative to email but we're going to do something different we're going to ask people to uh come up to the rostrom um I think we're going to change it off a little bit and actually cue people rather than have them stand wide so if whoever wants to come up come up and if you are wanting to comment on the agenda you have those two seats there they're going to be you're going to be in the quebe so you'll be on deck yeah come on you're on that's right no don't sit first I have to be resourceful to change okay which one no you're first you're I had to this is the time we're supposed to be saving time I apologize okay I mean 1124 Avenue uh questions about the bill list uh there were two manual checks that I'm asking uh for uh some uh information one was to the middle sex mun municipality GIF and uh it was for $60,000 $110 $ 6,110 and my question is is this part of our settlement or do we have two more checks that we have to pay for $60,000 and 6, $10 M you want to get that I think it's so the agreement is three payments of 6,110 for the settlement I'm sorry for January 15th of 24 24 25 26 so so it's a toal of $180,000 correct okay and that includes the assessment for both the and the firstate squad they were also members during the time okay and now the mun the mammoth municipality gift um is this a full annual payment of $270,000 2$ 27,5 188 yes that's the annual that's that's annual okay on page five of the bill list Canvas Shop of Adon and it's for the pay station covers the this bill also was posted on December 1st Bill list on page five and that posting had a code of H this time it was posted for the same amount of money with a code of R please explain the difference between H and R on the bill list it's the furthest column column to the right unless Mar do answer that yes I do so this was explained at a previous council meeting um the way the bills list is done when you see an AG that in indicates held meaning that the funds have been encumbered but haven't been expended yet either we haven't received a signed purchase order back from the vendor we are missing a receipt or a quote or just basically something along the purchasing um guidelin hasn't been completed so it's held meaning that the funds are encumbered but they're not being paid yet when you see the r that means received and everything is good and we can move forward with that thank you page seven of colar engineer and designs for $1,346 192 $ 6,181 25 cents of that amount was for two services for emergency repair at silin Lake through December 19th through the December 31st what repair was done to for $ 6,181 it ties into what council MOSI covered the um the that they're starting to work on the call the flu I always it's called a s or something it's a flu yeah okay okay thank you uh page 11 government management advisors for $26,000 and it was um the bill was for August and September and my question is why are we paying Mr faren back now and not per his per his request okay is uh is this the last of our payments for to Mr farach or is he still working for the Barrow NOP this is the final um installment of his invoices and he's not volunteering anymore he does still volunteer and does he volunteer at the uh Barrow office when need okay can I ask why is it necessary for him to continue V volunteering when we already have a VA with a full-time salary I am a big believer in volunteerism this is not new to anybody who knows me and I do believe that we have um many great resources in town and anytime time we can um call upon those resources it only makes us a stronger better burrow to have different opinions and different expertises coming up to the but as a volunteer does he still have access to burrow PA and confidential information about the residents not confidential information about residents but yes to burrow Hall and this has all been um vetted through our insurance carrier and there's absolutely nothing improper about it well if he volunteers and he's in the Barrow what is he doing there various things sometimes it's uh it just depends on what we need help with that day think he can help us please one I'm sorry no that's time I'm sorry that's time minutes all right I'll ask uh yes McGuire 6 Bley a um I'm gonna before I get to my point I'm going to piggyback on that just real quick with um is Mr farx still negotiating dpw's contract that is one of the projects he's currently helping with he started the negotiations he worked very hard on them and as a resident of the town he has a vested interest to make sure the burrow has the best possible contract and again um this is somebody who has been working intimately on this as an employee of the burrow and it is professional courtesy to um you know uh let him see that through okay so if we go back to our last ba hiring when Kim Humphrey was hired did we keep on an old ba to do contract negotiations and to finish jobs or did if you want to make a com I can't I can't speak to what Arrangements were made between prior vas okay um all right so I'll get to my point I wanted to highlight um the point I made at the last meeting so this is Rel yes it is it's about Lea yes it's about the tourism liaison and I made a comment about this last meeting because um as well as a lot of residents you know a lot of residents stood up here asking why Mr Fox you appointed yourself as tourism liaison and a lot of residents suggested not to do so because it was a risk a lot of council members suggested and asked and you were very adamant that it was the decision you made to put yourself on as tourism liaison and I noticed on the agenda Mr Bernstein advised who I think is the labor attorney I don't know what else he does but advised to I guess put James Den Noble back on as tours and liais on so I just wanted to highlight that to me that was proof like time and time again we're asking for you to work with us we're asking for you to work with the council a lot of times online you know people like me are called bullies um people are constantly saying the council works against the mayor what happened at the last meeting was proof that Resident after resident comes up here asks you not to do something for the sake of protecting the burrow from a a liability risk the council asks the same thing and you just say no no no I made my decision that's it so I need to highlight that because that is the proof that you don't listen to anything we ask of you than thank you for your opinion I'm not doneil make comment that but I'm not done and then you're going to cut me off in that beat so I'm going to finish first so then Mr Bernstein advises and I don't know how we pay him I don't know if he's on a salary I don't know what but as a mayor you couldn't make that best decision for the burrow to protect us and we needed an attorney to change that answer to protect the burrow so if we pay him a special fee which I don't know if we do or not but that's time that comes out of our tax dollars because you couldn't make that decision for the sake of protecting this burrow on your own and you had to be advised otherwise and are you going to fire him now like you tried Mr Cannon because he went against what you wanted it's it's you know time and time again we're up here I keep saying it's not too late to try to work with people but you do this over and over and at the last meeting you made this very unilateral decision councilman Weber asked you and you turned around and said I made my decision that's it yes I'm done I'm not sure I made that well I posted the video so you could watch it over and over again but you were very adamant very adamant regardless of the tone I do I translated it no I'm not done till my be so I continue to to reference you as a dictator and that's why because we're not allowed to get up without being called bullies you know this is the job of the people to come up here to voice our concerns to voice our opinions to ask to work with you and it's not an option for us we don't get that option so at what point do we get to draw the line and say you don't want to work with us mayor you lie to us you don't give us answers you're not transparent thank you um by the fact that I told talked to Mr Bernstein after that meeting uh and he said take a conservative approach would say that I did listen to people and I wanted to make sure we um to make took the conservative approach um I still believe that we have work to do with the ordinance and some things with uh tourism and uh we'll continue to do that thank you uh yes this lady was first Beth Kepler final four Central here in town Ry um I have a very brief question quick um for Meredith in regard to the bills list um there's a $350 charge for C emergency camera repair I'd like to know um which camera where and why what were the circumstances don't wor and I can follow up um or actually um if if Mr Captain Arnold is in the room he should be able to help too but my understanding is that there was an issue is with the um basically the screen that allows the uh police department to be able to look at every individual camera okay so it's it was a police department camera correct okay that's all I need to know thank you thank you yes oce parums and I'm going to put it on the record right here now that I do not work through the town never have probably never and um nor do I volunteer so I have no biases vested interest or anything I wish others would make that statement since you failed to legislate that issue regarding the bill is no I've said this before and I'm going to make sure I'm very clear page 19 prime Point 4.7 C if the Provident is paying for your payroll why are we paying this bill we should not so I don't even want to know why I'm just going to put it this way Provident you claim is paying for payroll and then we shouldn't have this bill let's go to I think it's page 18 I don't know what page we've now bought a Dodge Durango for $45,000 I didn't hear about it ever and I not skipped a meeting um I can't even begin to imagine what department that goes to but my brain does go certain places um in addition regarding the um page 11 that um the other person spoke of there's 3 $3,250 a miscellaneous it's a lot of miscellaneous isn't it I time and time again and in case you're not aware that's my money um you have on page 15 kjf 121 1923 to 11824 and then 11724 to 1824 57 okay kind of the dates overlap kind of wonder about this um I can go on and on on page four we bought clothing same boots same Sho shirts same sweatshirts different prices um you got Motors down there $245 again that's a lot of miscellaneous um all I can say is and I begged before I can't wait until one25 to have this group of wonderful people go in a different direction you need to take a stand now stop approving these bills approve the list if you want to with exception it's done all the time but until people can really rationalize these prices and you think that it's in your best interest because you live here or explain to us why again we're needing another car we didn't hear about it just miraculously appears why you're looking at things with different dates while you're proving miscellaneous all I know is you know I go to the grocery store there's no like it's miscellaneous everything is a price and the fact that you how much I keep saying a lot of the bills were local 152 I'm going to guess that's Public Works how much are we spending on attorneys to get them their contracts but you went and praise me I say well if I were them I wouldn't have shown up and taken care of this s i don't blame them it's not funny it's not fair we don't pay their interest rates on their credit cards or anything else retroactive does not help you should be ashamed of yourselves that she's not given them a contract because I cannot imagine that the attorneys are negotiating in the best interest of the burrow and the employees and I'm not getting beat look at that yeah go ahead can I can I yield my minutes to m v there's one comment I want to make uh council president I don't know if you had to say but regarding the Dodge duranga uh we a number of us I believe followed up to understand that better and uh and I'm sure uh Captain Arnold can explain it best but but our understanding is the vast majority of that 4 some, 36,000 or so um actually came out of a a fund that is privately funded it came out of a trust fund privately funded for our K9 I saw that I saw that a k9 and then the remainder and again maybe it was $8,000 or so came from the the existing police budget budget that's right but I find it very hard to believe that we're spending 36 for dog to have a car Tim's 1124 Avenue my question just the answer I was asking about the vehicle and so saving some time always good to see you Joe what are you uh compation 6 Third Avenue um I had a question about the appointments to the land use board um this is the second posting for uh land use members and uh how would the mistake be made at the last meeting where they were given an extra year those two people uh how did that happen mayor uh because the state statute and our current ordinance was written in 2021 are not inrs uh well the state statute is pretty standard I mean I looked at it for one minute and knew it was incorrect well we typically follow our local ordinance and our local ordinance that was written in 2021 does not stated that way so we're going to correct the local ordinance okay great I I look forward to that correction uh on the bills list I had a question about uh page oh I had one question about the viazi center money um we were told in the burrow Bradley Beach newsletter on June 23rd that the work would commence on June 26th and now it's s months later and we're still working on the building um there was three passes of this the roof repair was a job the remediation of mold was a job DPW is do final finish um but I mean we built houses quicker than S months so I just was wondering why this take so long but I'll go to the bills list now and I notice on page 10 we have Mr Bernstein's firm and we paid them in November and December for oppra reviews of $1,965 but then in here there were two other line items for Mammoth DL 0028 uh 2583 d23 which is uh a civil court case of Maguire versus B Ry Beach those two months Mr Bernstein bill $3,588 so he does the Oprah reviews then they get sued and now he defends the Oprah review costing us I mean in two months just Oprah is $555 I mean is anybody reviewing his work product because there's no reason this I sued also and settled on this very thing the over raction of documents and it's horrific that they're our documents we are the public we are entitled to those documents and for some reason Mr Bernstein's firm doesn't have the right template for how to do this job it's very frustrating but um the council should really look into that thank you thank you okay we have two on the uh we have on the 49 brenley apologies I was not at the last meeting so I'm just going to bit that this was covered but I'm Le on issue um Mr Mayor question for you what on Earth were you thinking when you appointed yourself leaon to an office whose director had filed a ination you just noted hang on hang on let me just miss because I really I don't know what answer you can give me that will make sense but perhaps you surprise me you said that you were advised to take the conservative approach that's not the word I would use uh in my career and I know you worked in the private sector for some time I think I would have been laughed out of any HR office in the country if I doubted and had said someone has filed a against me so I'm going to be the person that now is in charge of communication with them it it just it wouldn't have been allowed to happen so what you're calling a common sense approach excuse me I would call the only approach nothing else makes sense so I'd really like to hear why you decided right I really want to I really want to try to understand your opion and why you did what you did I covered some that the last me I'd be happy to cover with you fly SP time right now be an answer so uh I'll I'll cover with your point I'd be happy to but I've got the balance of my five minutes to hear your answer yeah and I'd be happy to cover with you m denov you are involved in this since the mayor can't answer can I get your impressions on how this went down this is for agenda items not you want to make public comments at the end of the meeting that's fine if you want to have I offer you I covered this at the last meeting you weren't here I understand that I'd be happy to cover with you and not take a time okay thank you so for the record you're not answering the question I asked you five minutes of time what I said is I would be happy to cover thank you okay board please okay we have her Kenny good evening Mr Kenny Hi how are you can you see me y I can see you well I can't there you go now I see them okay ver peny 216 Brinley a couple questions um first on the bills list Black Rock Enterprises um they're on the list for um $4,250 for Bradley Boulevard sewer improvements for hard costs um is this affiliated with phase one phase two or a new project this is the Bradley Boulevard project which was approved uh via resolution 2023 -1 140 this involved um curb works it involved pitching to avoid pooling on Bradley Beach it involved um aprons uh just general work okay but but I know but what project was this phase one because wasn't this was not this was um part of the Bradley Boulevard Improvement so um I mean I'll I can Mr Kenny let me um answer you via email tomorrow because I am of the believe that this was separate than those sewer ones but let me double check that for you I I really don't well okay so we was this project was there an engineer assigned to it and was it also bided out or was this just correct Ian was in charge of the project okay well all your other invoices as you will know because I replied back to you once you sent me all the invoices aak and handled all these so why was there something going directly to Black Rock and not going through a baky in then so when we have a project manager like this when you'll see this on the upcoming silven lake so it's good to um have this conversation in public um when we hire somebody like that usually they'll put together bid specs and then um handle the bidding process for the subcontractors so when we pay directly to them yeah well AUM is also the one that went over about 450,000 on Phase 2 so anyway um I just want to be on record bringing this up um next question is resolution 202442 the Bazi C Center um mold remediation um it's labeled as an emergency contract what does that mean so this um does have to do with um local public contract law essentially with the Bazi Center is that on February 22nd um an emergency was declared that action needed to be taken due to mold and roof repairs the roof repair wa wait okay just one second so who who put this emergency in effect mayor Larry Fox Okay so Mr Mayor Fox then gets to designate an emergency so then he's allowed to just go forward with no bidding no C no councel intervention and things like that so this is a quick workaround to put it mildly or no no sir I was about to explain the the history of this project to you in August of okay so in August of 2023 you're aware that the roof repair work was completed and was noted that there was mold and moisture inside the building and that led to a moisture microbal investigation by Hillman Consulting the results of this investigation were dated on September 21st and showed significant levels of mold inside the Bazi Center including on wall boards baseboards ceiling tiles hbac diffuser um basically everywhere and everywhere so the burrow did solicit three quotes um one being Paul Davis Restoration one ffor and one rapid recovery um rapid recovery was the most expensive and it came down between Paul Davis and fellfor F for did not include prevailing wage in their quote um they did not feel mold remediation required um for prevailing wage that was not my understanding of um law so we stopped guidance from the Department of Labor who confirmed on December 15th that the Burrow's opinion was correct and prevailing wage was required um this led to um the bid being um awarded to Paul Davis who was then the lowest bidder okay so is Paul Davis Restoration of Morris In Paya County are they actually kjf in your building correct they do business as Paul Davis Restoration okay well it may be a good idea to make that clear if you're going to set an ordinance and then have a different name in the bills list it probably would be a good idea just so people could follow it because I was very confused by it okay thank you no further questions thank you one more uh Mary B hi everybody I hope you can hear me hello to friends work they did that work on December Mr Penny you're not muted yeah thank you um anyway a couple of of thoughts um with the Greg far Mary can you just State your address for me please I'm so sorry that's okay 218 okay you're welcome I apologize no no don't apologize it's okay I found Greg barach uh as an intern ba to be very super cious super cious happy to spell it part spelled the minions but I can if anybody needs it uh and mayor I see you looking aside but here's the thing no I'm stretching I don't care I don't care um I'm this is my you could be as distracted as all you wanted to be but Meredith um and I realized I guess you're not a but I issue if that's the case I get it um but in general if you're going to be out it'd be great to be on camera when you're speaking uh the fact that he's still volunteering uh that does disturb me I'm just giving you one resident's opinion uh I do not like the idea that a former intern employee has access to information about the town in general forget residents but the town in general and I do think that it it's bad Optics I'll be honest with you he shouldn't be involved anymore if we have a fully performing VA um and then lastly I would just say you know mayor I know I know some of us come on to you hard and it's not pleasant but you cannot try to cut people off for you was speaking before and you tried to cut it off that's it thank you very much everyone thank you uh I didn't try to cut her off I tried to answer part of the question thank you I for questions um so let's move to uh ordinances we have no introductions or adoptions tonight uh Publications there's three mem M Amendment Amendment to the ARs Council appointment members mem Amendment to the appointment members and Council no uh resolutions we have consent and individual that there are no for consent and we have about five or six uh individuals first is uh 2024 41 authorizing emergency contract with C engineering and designed to reestablish the flood controls to Sil Lake that a second to 20441 Second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi uh this is what what I mentioned to the audience earlier uh 15,000 were splitting evenly with Avon and I know yes M Mahoney yes Mr Le I just want to confirm that this is to actually put the thing in not just to design something that then is going to cost us more money I correct on that my understanding is this is the whole okay and I go yes may yes 202442 authorized emergency contract Paul Davis Restoration public of make motion to ask for second2 Mr Noble yes Mr GOI yes M Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 202443 authorizing change order number one and supplemental agreement number one for theer mitigation service make motion to approve second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh 2024 44 uh Bill list for January 2424 motion to approve 2024 second Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 20244 extending the DAT of presentation of the B's 2024 Municipal budget for the state of New Jersey's current extension of the 2024 Municipal budget deadline make a motion to approve 20244 second m Noble yes Mr goosi my only comment here again for the benefit of the public I I did have the opportunity to speak with the mayor and Miss markow business administrator just expressing my my uh desire to get this data to the council as soon as we can so the agreement that we reached verbally I just want to go on record saying is to the extent humanly possible U the administration the mayor and our business administrator have said they will will try to get this data to the council in advance of this deadline but this February 27th dat will serve as our deadline and I vote Yes Miss Mone looking forward to getting those numbers as soon as possible but yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh okay that's it for uh uh resolutions we have no announcements uh mayor and Council reports we've already done uh so we move now to public comments uh have the same drill here the and I made copies for everybody actually um this is a letter that's already been sent certified mail to the Department of Treasury the division of pension and benefits dated January 21st and authored by myself be kep 504 Central Dear Sir Madam in November of 2023 the mammoth County prosecutor's office opened an inves and an internal affairs complaint was filed against Leonard guas chief of police of the Bradley Beach Police Department as of Monday January 21st 2024 he remains on administrative paid leave he is scheduled to retire at the end of 2024 as a victim resident and taxpayer of the burrow of Bradley Beach New Jersey I am writing to this pension board to notify you of this situation and to request that this board not make any decision with regard to Chief we's retirement Andor pension until after the conclusion of the final determination of the Mona County prosecutor's investigation can be reviewed and taken into full consideration by you we the people of Bradley Beach are deeply concerned about the potential possibility that Chief leita may attempt to preserve his pension from being penalized as a result of the current investigation and submit his resignation and retire prematurely should he be found by the authorities to be in violation of his oath of office as chief of police he could and should be subject to penalties in the way of a decrease to his overall pension benefits and if it is determined by the obom County prosecutor Chief weida committed a crime with moral turpitude an act or a behavior that Gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the community a quality of Dishon dishonesty or immorality that is determined by a court to be present in the commission of a criminal offense a crime involving moral tpr a crime of moral is a crime that disrespects and antagonizes societal Norms they contradict rules upheld by a polite Society to a point where the crime itself is seen as shocking and disgusting moral turpitude refers to conduct that is immoral dishonest or unjust thus a crime of moral ttitude can range from one involving intentional and knowing harm to the degree of shocking the average person's conscience to one that is considered a moral base evil depraved Reckless and vile breaching the decency that each human owes to society to refrain from harming others I believe the chief of police has the highest bar and the greatest expectation to protect all of those he swore an oath to serve that definition is Loosely based on the various crimes involving moral turpitude by governing legal and administrative B bodies and case law at the New Jersey state and federal levels legally the crime of moral turpitude breaks down into categories based on the type of Conduct in victim all such crimes reflect a rupture in a community's common moral Bond and Trust as such an individual facing a conviction for crimes involving moral ttitude risks a prison sentence and jeopardizes their legal standing in the community their professions and the country as such Chief waa should not be permitted to retire as a way to circumvent accountability for his actions and inactions nor should he be granted the ability to collect his full pension without there being a financial penalty by way of his pension being penalized and decreased by this board should chief gued of in fact submit his request for retirement and to collect his pension I ask to be notified so myself and other resident victims may appear before you to testify to our objections as to why Chief Guida should not be granted 100% of his pension without penalty if there is a moral turpitude clause in his contract it should be exercised thank thank you for your time and careful consideration of this matter and lastly I'd like to close with letting you know mayor I'm aware of your comment about you having the Jews in your pocket and you don't have this Jew in your pocket I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about thank you sh 124th Avenue last January I commented on the annual Memorial Day parade and raised questions about how events like this are planned and budgeted and whether there are any whether there is any involvement of of the council a parade is a wonderful feel-good event that is a great way for the community to celebrate the start of of Summer of the summer and it's extremely patriotic however I strongly feel events like this should not be contingent on having vendors for the weekend to defay expenses I am mindful of the burden to the I'm mindful of the burden to local residents particularly those who live on the first two blocks for the noise traffic parking littering landscape damage and a carnival atmosphere for the weekend that and that and that projects a departure from the view that Bradley Beach is a quiet clean family oriented Shore Community Additionally the events bear little relationship to the visitors to our beach which is OB which is obviously a function of the weather further it provides little if any benefit to the businesses on of Main Street than yes to duck a 312 friendley Avenue first I'd like to make people aware that our Police Department did a lot of fundraising for that car and they worked really hard to raise money they were selling T-shirts and they had a um I think it was down Seaside Heights they had a an organized Fair there so and the dog the dog car was a mess they needed a new K9 vehicle so I glad that they got also I would like to say that they did a great job cleaning up the snow um I had no problems and I think the county actually oversold it this year it was like three in umly it was disgusting but it held down the ice was great um I'd like to really ask the police department to kind of monitor the traffic speeding on Ry especially it's horrible and we have a bicyclist that every day goes the wrong way down Madison and a Truck almost hit him the other day because going the wrong way and they were making a turn so just be aware of that and mayor I'd like to comment and I'd like to say you really hurt my feelings when you yelled at me quite loudly at a a council meeting about mold and now we had the mold remediation I'd like a little apology if you don't give it to me that's fine because I'm a bigger person than that but I do remember how horrible it was and actually the police kind of gestured themselves in the chair at the same time which was kind of threatening to me but you know I am threaten easy I guess but um I forgive you thank you okay thank you n see met Ocean Park Condominiums I would like to just sort of throw it out here that um the same Clear loud slow speech that you use when you recomand me should be utilized when you're reading the agenda I am tired of not hearing hearing mumbling and every two seconds looking at the clock if you don't have the time to be here please leave and we can do the meetings Without You secondly I really don't know where to begin with any of this but again I can't wait we cannot delay till January 1st 2025 to go in a different direction we need to fix things now so let's look at the resolutions where we learned I think that they're only good for one year so I would again suggest then review them when they expire to see if you want to turn it into an ordinance or renew it or dispose of them because there was a resolution 2021 to adopt a purchasing manual so it's expired and the reason I wanted to see the manual is that I asked to I made a statement about a purchase and the mayor indicated he authorized it and I didn't know that one person could authorize purchases regardless of the amount so I wanted to educate myself with the manual to see where that was included I did not locate it so I guess we have no purchasing manual and that applies to alsoo the no iding um resolution which really is ridiculous and maybe if we fix that because it could be under like an energy sort of thing we could get into the waste of electricity and other natural resources which I've also brought up and speaking of that let's go back to recycle gate it's my recollection that after a certain person was hung out to dry we were never given all of the information that then an ordinance EX exists now so that wouldn't happen so that the council would decide to change in services last meeting Mr Weber announced a change in services I did not hear a vote and more importantly just like recycle gate it's in the calendar how do these things happen and I'm seeing faces going little wacky lady um I'm talking about the no film pickup I just I asked for that I didn't I asked the question okay so we so in other words the second thing in February I'm putting my bucket out the answer I got it says right here no film pick up the answer I got seemed to indicate that it that it was going away but I'm saying I didn't I wasn't announcing it I was asking it right and and I don't care if it go I mean whatever we're taking up my five minutes but that's okay um but I thought it took a is my point here and as Mr Canon says I like the law I like to follow the law so why and more importantly we don't learn from the past we make the same if not bigger and worse mistakes but how does it appear on the calendar that's how you got into trouble with recycle gate already and let's not even get into the calendar other than may I say with all of the most devout um Orthodox Jewish holidays and not so many of you know the counterparts are really not there for The Devout Catholic holidays it is mindboggling to me that the most religious day of the year for Jewish people is not on the calendar so where is the you see people borrow Hol gr really where is accountability where is work at I'm so sick of paying for services and they're just not up to standard we just go so down and down and down and then we get to the newsletters where we're always bluring the line in this town I'm going to say it again the food pantry and the bbbc are not part of the municipal government period and to have 50% of the 1122 newsletter devoted to them is offensive and then to have statements and the 128 newsletter to a different in town but no Source if you going to say that somebody says something I'd like to see a source um I think that's kind of Journalism 101 but I don't know because we all know I'm the math person not the English person but let's not even get into the grammar in the calendar I see John W getting annoyed with me um that's fine because I'm still my notes for 126 thank you next I seeu 610 friendly um I hate to go back and forth mayor I just want to make a point I would love for you to answer my questions but you don't give us our time back so if you eat up at my five minutes with an answer I don't get to get that back when it beats I mean that's happened repeatedly so that is why I don't want an answer right here but I do want to answer on the rfps for the church um that you mentioned last time when someone asked what was the update on the lurine church you mentioned there's rfps I emailed you asking what that was about you said you would get back to me in the recent in the near future so just wondering if we have any answers on what those rfps are for and can you at least generalize like what are they for so yeah I can help Claire go ahead mayor okay you're the one writing um just to clarify with the statement so the rfps would be drafted by the engineering firm those have not been drafted yet um the way the advisor um the financial advisors recommended to draft them is in a way where we allow the bidder to bid as if um they're doing the demolition or as if they would like the burrow to do the demolition so we can get those comparables and see what would be bets for the burrow right now um we are as trying to ascertain the correct legal way of how to go about this meaning we will have to go in front of the land use board for a subdivide so in which process in which order should we be doing this um so I do hope to have um that question resolved shortly and then um you know the governing body has been considering the deed restrictions that they would place before uh the land use board and then we can um from there give the sex to the engineering firm who can then design the rfps in accordance with the governing body's wishes for the site and then also um giving that option to the developer as to which way they would like to bid on the land okay so is I know like there was never like this major vote but the it seemed like the Happy refreshing consensus was that you know the residents were saying we don't want to spend another dime on it so part of that happy meeting about the church was to sell it so is the RFP to see if demoing it and selling it as a land is better Pro is more profitable than selling it as with the deed restriction like no the rfps will be written with the deed instrctions that are dictated by the governing body and then those those RTS are to sell the land flat out it is just about how to sell the land is it some developers prefer to do their own Demolition and we'll bid on it um with them doing their own de uh demolition some developers prefer to have a clean slate so it's going to give that option as well that way the burrow and the governing body can look to see what to what the best price is okay perfect thank you um and I just wanted to add one of um I just wanted to agree with the um newsletters if we could really refrain from private entities like it I just feel like there's such an overlap whether it's the cinema the the food pantry the bbbc like if we're going to do this I'll give you some innate living news to put out in our newsletters too you know it's a Main Street business that I am a part of and I would love to share information so I feel like if you're doing one you got to do it for all so if we can refrain from that please because obviously I don't expect that to be done so I'm not offering I'm not asking for that but it's only fair thank you thank you uh Thomas J Coan 612 Third Avenue uh this is the first time we're hearing about these rfps okay I mean you guys presented before the council that there would be a preliminary subdivision done because this is a major subdivision the building would be left there the there would be an open auction forget about rfps who are the developers you're calling I mean we we don't even know who you're talking to make it an open public auction here's you're going to take the building down this is the deed restricted four Lots we're done biders come in here and they bid I bid 2 million I bid 3 million boom it's all done in public no RFP done behind closed doors no no that's over this is this is outrageous now that we hear about it we thought we were getting somewhere and then the way that would work is for a major subdivision you're then required to do final approval when when that person demolishes the building then they go to the land use board again and they get a final approval so it's really simple we just wasted another three months now we have an RFP um has the council had any inputs in what the RP is going to say okay oh wow uh mayor I I got to ask you some questions about um who determines that Chief Guida is on paid administrative Le who makes that determination it's a Personnel matter I'm not going to go into a Personnel matter right now okay well this is Administrative matter okay it's a person has an investigation going on and the police officer is on unpaid Le now has has his car been taken away or is he driving the town really not going to comment on no no this these are important administrative questions that should be yes or no answers sir um has his burrow issued firearm been taken away I mean you got to start protecting us okay that's what needs to start to happen you have to start protecting the residents of the town now you your comment before about clock management it's not about clock management it's about overall management that's the problem we have here it's overall management could make this thing run very very SL but um now that our acting ba mentioned you know volunteers I just want to point out that I applied for the shade tree and was denied I was applied twice for the land use board and was denied I offered be on an affordable housing committee nobody called me I offered to be on the 319 Ling committee nobody called me and I would be happy to help with the Union negotiations for the DPW I'd happy to sit next to Mr fernback and it wouldn't take 365 days to get it done thanks so much thank you uh we have um Mr Mr or Mrs J Tempo uh Mrs J tempo Paula Paula can you hear me I can't see Shon shon's next one yeah okay shanon hi can you hear me I can hear you hi sha green J 414 M Avenue um thank you Bri for asking the question uh regarding 319 the rain it was on my my list of questions um so um uh at the last council meeting the mayor when asked about um 319 rain indicated that there was an RFP out I looked on the website there was no RFP out so I'm I'm I guess concerned that was a bit of misinformation dring a gun maybe I misstated it but we are developing have order please um we are developing that um I if I if you heard that or I said that that wasn't that was not correct I apologize but I think um I I thought I said we were developing that because we were in the process of doing that okay and yeah my concern was that that was really all the information that you had provided so it really wasn't substantive in terms of the vision and the plan for disposition of this property um this uh the church 39 the rain was purchased in two 2019 so this now is going into the sixth year of the borrow oing this property it wasi prior to covid that the burrow purchased the property from the camp meeting um in Ocean growth um and um I am wondering what the timeline is for this at this point this has now been a long time and what what is I I I imagine that there is a sense of timing and a sense of complet for this what is the vision for the timeline to get all of this taken care of it's our hope to that's what we're currently trying to work out um the um timeline of our um you know uh the appearance before the land use board the RFP development which have not been developed yet there's no RFP yet just to be very clear with everybody and then moving on so um these are all the kind of questions I'm still currently um trying to get answers to so I can Pres present a timeline to the governing body so when can we anticipate a timeline I mean there's a fire that's burning underneath this issue and I think it's a concern for everyone in the community regardless of how they may have voted on the referendum understood and when I can provide that information I well okay that's very a very vague answer um this is something that is a priority right now given our fiscal situation that we handle this property I was hoping that this was going to all be resolved in 2023 and it's clearly not and there isn't even an RFP uh how how much on the top of the list is this as a priority for the burrow to manage this process and get it resolved it's a high priority okay so that means we should anticipate uh hearings about the status and uh progress shortly Miss janf I'm not saying switching from what I said before when I'm able to provide a timeline I will but I I I I'm very uncomfortable committing to something at a public forum of which I just do not have enough information to answer okay so the mayor is saying it's a high priority so I imagine there going to be a push to try and move this forward to the best of your ability is that right I I think that the community is um is eagerly awaiting for a resolution of this property this is very important this is an important issue yes it is so yeah so with with the mayor saying that this is a high priority and the business administrator kind of holding back holding the reins back on hearing a little bit of uh of of two you know disconnected uh responses no they're not disconnected responses I'm sorry they're not I'll we l we're lined okay I'll keep an eye on it thank you thank you Paula Mr and Mrs jent Tempo are you there okay Dr Tom 610 um I had a question as far as um I know a couple of people I know it's uncomfortable to talk about Chief leer but I just want to get some information on it um I read an article recently in Belle that an officer was arrested because of doing something wrong and I've read the chief's response on there there it's in the paper and it's talking about what he did and if there was a crime convict uh committed and he's not found guilty or not but why aren't we being as open as Belle is and why are we being so secretive about it is it because he's the chief or like why any Personnel manner of Investigation is supposed to be confidential to the results for comple so Belle is breaking the law I didn't say B's I don't know I I didn't read the article read but if somebody was arrested in Belle that's that's a very different situation we're not talking about when you're arrested you're arrested I don't know how it's a different situation if you broke a law it's breaking a law so I don't nobody nobody said anybody broke the law in this investigation so I think you're you're overstepping that comment you're insinuating that the chief vote the law I think you're someone's on administrative Bel for doing something something wrong I can't comment a person why why not why do they allow to do that in real not here why can't we talked about what's going on why is it so secret I can't speak to but I don't think that's very practice to hon but but transparency like not knowing anything was going on that something happened this is what happened this is what's going on it's being investigated I I don't know what happened I have no idea the context of but well I'll tell you in Bri a gentleman used station um the computer and he used it for his own purposes to look on people's information or something like that and there was a bus he got arrested and something's going forward from there he's not guilty we don't know that but something happened why aren't we given that same information if he did something wrong in our town give one distinction between those issues is that person was blly indicted or has public charges that are about public record that would not be the case here so so none of this is you're ask the difference between the two that's that's what I'd like to know cuz I why this is on I don't know what information in the newspaper but I would if that's the case I would imagine it matches whatever theile charges are in that circumstance I'm should so there's a possibility we may never know what happened with our chief if it's not public record is that saying or not saying you could never know very possible oh my God okay um and the other thing is I just real so you can retire as police investigation I was here for any of that so she was worried about retiring the the regulations require that you can notot retire as a police officer if you have an open investigation any so that's L concern part earlier okay um and is there there's no one else on administrative leave our police officers right there's nothing else that happen right there just that that he's the only one right that's a simp I ask a question is there which we can't answer that no that if no one else is on a Ministry leave I'm not I can tell you I'm not anyone else know okay we can't talk about okay that's fine thank you very much okay thank you okay um toor this is like first time thank you Nancy cost 619 Avenue this is like my first time at a meeting and I am hor I am so embarrassed we live in this wonderful town and all these people I know everybody has their issues but it's really sad really thank you make a motion to all in favor [Music] oh oh yeah [Music] can I [Music] see I'm