##VIDEO ID:Fuik6jFNwks## e e e e e love you for of time to come e do you e I'm off tomorrow and Friday something comes up just have fun enjoy okay enjoy hi mayor bye May e e e oh hi you doing on my seat dude been a long time since you sat there am I don't get mad it's not I don't think it is now these are the uniforms pictures filtering in here so you're looking good as well well I'm going to call Medi be standing I didn't huh at least I know that's a good thing you do how many family yep yeah right right back of my chair St guys ha no no I'm looking for a piece of paper good for hold the hot my oh yeah still no sounds good of the United States of America and the for stands Nation indiv with liberty and justice for all I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice as required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the co-star and the new co-star on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burough office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the in-person meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing there is an inperson quum MR Noble here Mr gubitosi here M Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here okay good evening everybody uh welcome we've got uh a number of Bradley be's finest here so uh we can welcome you all here tonight uh I'd always start with my emphasizing a couple of points here uh we often disagree uh that helps us think through problems from a different perspective our voices should be constructive we all want to brighter Bradley Beach and ask you join us in this journey I'll ask everybody to gauge their tone we all neighbors uh let's make Civility and decency underpinning of our discussions tonight so we have a big night tonight uh we have a uh swearing in of one of our officers uh also uh this is our last scheduled meeting of the year although we we may have to have another to C cover out some minor pieces not minor but a few pieces of business um we do have resolution to uh a resolution to continue a path on 319 Lorraine which is good uh additionally we have some key projects that we've received funding from a County State Federal perspective that we want to move forward to the next steps on uh we have a lot of resolutions 20 plus uh resolutions to address so we have a busy night but so we will get to it uh we'll start with uh presentations and bids and an oath the oath of office for police officer Daniel Crow uh Chief Arnold and his leadership team have completed the search process for uh last officer on the force to fill out the force completely we're now we'll now be fully staffed uh and we're fortunate um to land on a current member of the team uh we will now have have a full complement which is always desirable uh minimizes overtime and um kind of stress on the system uh I'll let uh the chief articulate a few points before we proceed Chief do you like to make a couple points good evening everyone first and foremost I'd like to thank the mayor and the council for making this happen and continue to help move us forward on behalf of the Bradley Beach police department and all its members I would like to congratulate Daniel Crow on becoming our newest full-time police officer a little bit about Dan Dan grew up in Tom's River he went to high school at Toms River North where he played football then he went on to Delaware Valley University where he earned his bachelor's degree and he was a four-year Letterman in football um Daniel came to us in 2022 as a class one officer then became a class two officer this past year and obviously he was selected our as our newest police officer right now uh on a personal note Dan I'd like to say tonight is a night you'll remember for the rest of your life you may not realize it right now but this is probably one of the greatest moments in your law enforcement career a moment all people trying to strive become a police officer look forward to so take it from me this career goes by very fast so take it all in enjoy the night enjoy your family your friends celebrating it I wish you all the luck in the world but it does go by quick so just enjoy every moment of congratulations than you want to hold the Bible myad great orated I'm stand over here that works okay so ready okay state of New Jersey County of M just repeat after me I Dan and pro I Dan and pro do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of United States that will support the Constitution of the United States and the constit constitution of the state of New Jersey and constitution of state of New Jersey that I will that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of a police probationary officer of a police probationary officer for the bur of Bradley Beach for the bur of Bradley Beach according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God all right we get a couple pictures that's okay just stand up for for picture oh I love that thank you Police Department ready perfect thank you thank you my turn it's his U I just want to thank everyone for coming thank the mayor Fox the counsil for this opportunity this isn't a regular job you have to put somebody in this position who you have believe has a lot of responsibility a lot of Integrity so thankful for that thankful for chief Arnold Captain brownie the entire Administration and really everyone in the department just after parttime since I've been here as a class one you've all helped me get to this position it's been a goal of mine for a long time I like to thank my father my friends in the back coming you've all pushed me towards my goals and never told me that I wasn't going to achieve something and I'm thankful for that so thank you all for coming do you want me to box to take it with me now everybody leave or should we should release you're all welcome to say for the meeting if you like but yeah we have a couple proclamations that we're going to do right now that are not on the agenda so it's a little surprise bonus for you all so um without further ado to introduce Erica okay hello so I have a couple of proclamations here and Sam also GNA play Santa Claus apologize forgot my Al hat tonight so Kristen this is for you myself and mayor counil okay so this is a proclamation recognizing coun woman CH Mahoney whereas Christ Mahoney has Faithfully served with fellow citizens as councilwoman from October 11th to 2023 to present and whereas Miss Mahoney has performed her own of her own valtion many Endeavors to benefit her community and has been active volunteer on boards and committees dedicated to the betterment of life for the residents of the burough whereas Miss Mahoney has also given willingly and she has contributed selflessly to the community for many of her fellow citizens whereas Miss Mahoney will retire from her position as councilwoman on December the 31st of 2024 now therefore be a resolve of the mayor and councel and employees of the bur of Bradley Beach we wish to extend our appreciation for Miss Mahoney's services and to the Bur and wish her well in all her future I just want to say as Council representative represent mayor and Council hope um Kristen has been a wonderful colleague most of you may remember that we kind of pulled her into duty she she go through a broad process I don't think he gave it a lot of thought necessarily coming into at least until asked you um and I could not have asked for a better Council college she cares about Bradley Beach she cares about every resident in this town and she worked unbelievably hard and very passionately to make Bradley Beach better so Kristen thank you very much it's it's been an honor and a pleasure and uh you know if I could keep doing it I would but I have to be myself and my dog but but thank you and I hope to stay in service in some way shape or form if you will have me so thank youne oh that is just lovely that is thank you that thank you all thank you yes okay um we have one more Proclamation yes excuse me D here okay so we have a problem for our mayor Larry foxy I come to okay Proclamation recognizing mayor Larry Fox whereas mayor Larry fox has served the burrow of Bradley Beach for four years mayor fox has given generously of his time and effort as the mayor with diligence and Effectiveness has made the constructive contribution to his associates and to the community where is mayor fox has also served his served in his capacity as mayor on boards and committees dedicated to the betterment of life for the residents of the burrow mayor fox has performed his duties as mayor with character dignity and he will be missed both professionally and as a friend as a friend whereas his service to the burough has been given willingly and he has contributed immeasurably to the success of community Endeavor Endeavors for many of his fellow citizens whereas mayor Larry Fox will retire from his position as mayor on December 31st of 2024 now therefore be it resolved the council burough employees and volunteers of the burough of fredley beach wish to ex extend their appreciation for mayor Fox for his contributions and service to his community presenting to you from the council and behalf of the council myself we wish you the best of Lu and the best of help to you and your family and we do have one more surprise for you um well may I wasn't getting my eyebrows done you know I didn't put it together works for the county state yeah I'm here on beh of the state oh here of Senator woman Peter Paul who represent you in the new yers state legislature with a resolution a joint resolution from the three of them um and before I read it I just want to acknowledge uh mayor Fox's um dedication to this community a couple of years ago we went through redistrict day and the mayor actually uh testified as to all the needs of Bradley to ensure that they were getting the best representation possible um and also making sure that the state was acknowledging you know that Bradley isn't just a short town but it is so much more and to make sure that the needs are met in the most effective way um so this is a joint resolution by Senator goal and assembly woman downin and Peter Paul whereas The Honorable Larry Fox a highly esteemed member of his Garden State Community is being recognized as he concludes an exemplary T tenure as mayor of the bur Bradley Beach on December 31st 2024 whereas the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey are pleased to commend Larry Fox and note his immeasurable contributions in the furtherance of a robust and prosperous for all retired from the distinguished position of Johnson and Johnson Larry fox has called Bradley Beach home for more than 17 years and has served with energy and commitment as his mayor since 2021 by repeatedly applying his knowledge and experience to the benefit of his fellow residence Larry fox has earned the abiding respect and admiration of all who've known his many accomplishments through his inspiring and effective governance Larry fox has exhibited and uncommon measure of public spiritedness and in doing so has established the standard of Excellence toward which others might strive the strength and prosperity of state of New Jersey depend in great measure upon industrious citizens exempli exemplified by Larry FX who utilize their unique skills and talents to enhance our cities towns and Burrows and improve the quality of life for our neighbors it's altogether fitting and right for the members of the legislature to cause their deliberations to acknowledge Larry Fox as an individual of remarkable character and outstanding fortitude fortitude be it resolved by the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey this leg hereby Larry Fox paying tribute to the Sterling record of public service and extends his sincere best wishes for happiness of all the days of his life this is a duly authenticated copy of a resolution signed by the Senate President and the speaker and a texted to by the assembly cour um transmed to The Honorable L I'll be because I know you've me so long sometimes uh I'd like to thank everybody I'd like to thank you all it's very nice uh was unexpected and very nice um you you finish kind of phases of things and you you reflect sometime after and try to put perspective on things I can just say my main uh thanks here is to the people that work here uh every day with police Public Works Recreation uh uh professionals they they just help move the town forward and it is about how do we provide service and how do we make progress and I think we've done some of that and not with that attack we be a have again but um I think we've made some good strides and I think we're Cho to continue on that path particularly working with h County state federal resources that can help us move forward so I very much appreciate um the recognition again very uh surprise and uh thank you all nice right here done this before I was G come for you next eight years got it I got it here we go changing my profession for tonight okay back to business here uh first we have the um we don't have any workshops tonight so we have uh the approval of minutes I'll make a motion to approve the November 7th 2024 Council business meeting minutes we have a second second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor bux yes uh also make a motion to approve the November 7th 2024 executive session meeting minutes do I have a second to that second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor F yes uh we now have public comments or questions pertaining to the 121 agenda uh those agenda items only uh 5 minute limit single instance are there any questions on the agenda yes I Avenue BR Beach I have some questions regarding your bills list um I noticed on the very first cover page uh there is a an entry for US Bank for $32,400 is that the generic bank is that a bank or can anybody please explain this deposit it's not it's not a deposits actually these are expenditures these are either manual checks or wires it was a deposit there wasn't it I don't think so because if you add the 600880 the five or six numbers here they come up to a million eight says here's manual checks and wires US Bank $320 meaning it's it's check that we sent out not to us I apologize okay that's fine okay thank you for the clarification um on page one i noed c um they're getting bills where they submitted bills for 20123 to um 2024 I think it was from I'm sorry I noticed was built from February 20 uh 23 to uh November of 24 and I'm just surprised that we've being build for 2023 and this calendar year well there's a couple things on that one one is we actually if there are if we know that we've going to spend money if we spent money in 23 but Haven haven't physically paid it we actually hold that money um in our budget we we call it a uh and the term is thank you was it again incumbrance incumbrance thank you I don't know why that terms so so we hold that money in a reserve so we we knew that we were going to spend that money we probably knew we were going to spend that money this year okay and and I can add that that resolution is on the agenda for tonight that's probably has something to do with it while while it's finally okay and I think it's important for the taxpayers to know that according to my calculations that uh C had um has build us for $1 47,2 21 for the year for their services um page four mnet mnet singles for bags this it was for $1,372 I was appalled as the shipping charge $239.95 I don't know about you but if I was charged that much for shipping I would have find another way of getting the merchandise that sounds outrageous I think they're they're heavy it's like they're like books it's I know it's plastic bags but there's thousands of thousand I mean I hope this is for like 10,000 bags or it's probably years worth uh yeah I just I just found that startling that's all okay I'll move on um Prim Point contract and time clocks and then I noticed that they have a um they their bill for this month was 9,794 31 and I'm just curious do we use any of their data for um budgeting or um I well Prime points are uh payroll I'm sorry it's our payroll yes so we use it for all those things okay uh one other thing is T on page nine TNN TN M Associates uh they and it's described as Marine Avenue demo special project uh could anybody please explain to me what the set special project is well the special project is the demolition pit specification for demolish in the building so there's a big there's a document I don't know if it's 20 or 30 pages it's a big document um that we wanted to ensure we had every bit of the appropriate regulatory stuff testing stuff into the bid document so uh we asked them to assist us in developing that um did you just uh just refresh my mind my memory how much does a b have to be uh what's the limit wait I me RA how what is the amount of money that a bid has to be before it gets Council approval uh $4,000 okay so this was $50 sh okay uh I noticed that Edmonds has 12,2 Edmond's um bill for the month was $1,522 111 and I'm just is that also do we use that in our budget and our audits that's the lifeblood that's our whole financial system okay all right and I noticed on page 19 Mr Bernstein uh received two payments this month uh one for $3,540 and the other one was $2,550 $2,550 and the description was employment Council Oprah Council and UFCW 152 and I my calculations show that the total from Mr Bernstein for the 2024 year was 53,723 thank you thank you any other question Jess I for Central Avenue this is in response to um the resolutions on the agenda 186 to 190 and my reason for why I would ask the council not to um vote in favor of them passing um serving the G rley Beach specifically May Larry with by no of for lane on behalf of myself and the residents at r that wish to enjoin me as the lead plaintiff in a class LA to I'll explain the events giving rise to the potential claim I'm serving the bur of Bradley Beach and mayor Larry Fox personally with dis notice for claim on behalf of myself and every taxpayer and or homeowner in the burrow of Bradley Beach who was farmed injured and disenfranchised by the intentional actions and inactions of Mayor Larry fox in his want in violation of but not limited to 40a Poland 5-4 the New Jersey revised statutes as as well as New Jersey administrative codes njac 50 colon 30-6 50-31 d6.1 and 50 30- 8.2 under the local Finance board and Deputy Department of Community Affairs rules for governing um annual audit this claim arises from my allegation that there has been gross mismanagement and embezzlement of tax dollars by the current Burrows Administration also known as the Box Administration this misconduct has caused significant financial and personal harm to me personally and other residents and homeowners I allege that the borrow of Bradley Beach has engaged in the mismanagement and embezzlement of taxpayer funds causing harm to the shareholders stakeholders the homeowners this includes but is not limited to improper allocation of resources unauthorized expenditures and other potential fraudulent activities such actions have directly an directly resulted in financial losses and a decline in public services and infrastructure maintenance the incidence of Miss Al the bur of Bradley Beach County of MTH state of New Jersey as of Wednesday December 11th has not provided the public with the complete 2023 audit as is required by state law therefore the buau of Bradley e under the leadership of Mayor Larry Fox and his administration are in direct violation of section 40a col 4-5 of the New Jersey statutes this section mandates that the governing body of every local unit must cause an actual annual audit of its fols accounts and financial transactions to be made and completed within six months after the close of its fiscal year the audit must be made available to the public in the burough of Bradley Beach New Jersey the requirements for corrective action plans are governed by the New Jersey administrative code njac 5 colon 30-6 according to these regulations each audit finding must be addressed with a cap within 30 60 days of the audit report being filed the cap must include a reference number assigned by the auditor the audit findings and the contact person responsible for the corrective action the plan corrective action and the anticipated completion data combining caps from different audit years is not allowed as each cap is meant to address specific findings from the corresponding what a year skipping a cap for one year and combining it with the next year's cap would not compl with these regulations njac 5 30-6 pertains to the local Finance board's requirements for annual audits of local units such as municipalities and counties in New Jersey during the October 23rd 2024 council meeting mayor Fox was asked by Resident taxpayer Mr Cohen where is the 2022 bad audit correction action plan to which mayor Fox replied I think he's going to combine that with 2023 Mr Cohen then asked did you think or do you think or do you know mayor fox answers yes he's going to do that Mr Co then says he's going to well they're two separate documents okay um well when will he receive the 2023 audit that was due on July 1st 2024 we were told by you it would be in the October time frame well we're kind of in the October time frame now how are we doing mayor Fox responds it's in process I know the last time we spoke to Mr alawa the auditor he had 90 pages of it done it's in process I don't know exactly his deliver date I can find that out Mr Cohen replies but it's not the October time frame we were previously told mayor Fox responds well today is October 23rd Mr Cohen retorts so the next eight days you got this covered mayor Fox answerers oh I'll have to check with Mr Ola to which Mr Cohen says okay great now we stand here on December 11th 2024 where is our audit there it's in process still yes it's not done is it done and you're withholding it like you do other things um it completed question is it no you need to answer that question I said it was in process that's answer the question is it done or you in possession in process it's in process so it's not done that would be in process yeah and why is it not done what what is holding it up it's if you're 6 months late is it that you don't want to face the public you want to slip out the back door let me tell you these these council members got a lot of class because I I threw up here in my mouth a little bit well you got like this Proclamation because it's a joke just like you you are a joke you did not deserve that any other questions yes question Lauren Eggbert for and a half Brinley Avenue um questions and comments on the agenda yes um what I'm looking at here um on the agenda and I apologize not actually read the resolutions this time around so um speaking a little off the cost but I'm looking at at several several awards for projects with CME engineers and for projects that have come up that have been discussed um it was certainly my hope that decisions on these projects would be made after we had the 2023 audit and when we have a new mayor and councel there's been a lot of doubts brought up by residents in terms of what's been needed in terms of some of the charg is and um I also when I see and I'm sure they're a very fine company but I see CME CME CME CME CME and it just doesn't well CME is our burrow engineer they are assigned to we we appoint them we appointed them for three year this is their second of three years so all projects that kind of call them the general projects that are engineering related or need an engineering component a lot for instance a lot of these grants require engineering specific engineering inputs so yeah you're going to see CME because they are a burough engineer we could have something in a lake like cers they they're working on the flum forest uh you could have a couple of other engineering types but they are our general Engineers they are assign we appoint them and we have a budget for them and we utilize them and they do a very effective job these projects would have been appropriate for competitive B biding at all ultimately they will be um when the when the work is being done around construction uh the other elements they will be upcome for bit Yeah but no nothing in terms of proposals perspectives no none of that should be open to well typically they're not comp I probably should have I probably should have um before the meeting mentioned that uh we do have here we have Ben Matt lacken cme's president Greg I always screw up your last name Greg bless bless you thank you um so you know they've worked for us now for two years and I think done a very effective job for us so uh that's why you see CME on the bill list I mean that's appropriate thank you mayor thank you mayor and again I am I would be more comfortable if major projects happen after the audits if we knew um what our finances looked like with more certainty and also um as I said there's been a great deal of questioning um just a lack of confidence and when I share some of that lack of confidence um because of important matters in this town that I felt were not aired out with the kind of public notice and and the real detail of examination practical solutions that I would have liked so anything I I would feel much more comfortable with major construction Community expense those kind of decisions happening in January we're almost there um thank you uh was there somebody else y friendly yeah um for anyone who values R Beach history this is a sad time the president of the Historical Society Paul nampan has been asking for 5 years to be included in talks about the future of the church for the most part despite being promised to seat at the table he's been pretty much ignored at this point we've accepted that in the near future this historical gem will be greased 14 months ago mayor Fox you asked the Historical Society if you could attend one of our meetings I was there you asked us if we'd like any artifacts from the church Paul named many items and once again asked to be part of any discussions moving forward at this point he has still not been contacted even though neighbors of the church have seen items being removed I certainly hope these items as well as others in the church are not sold to anyone before Paul the other members of the historical society and residents are given a chance to either take them for our historical archives or purchase them for our homes if we can't have the church least you can do is preserve as much as possibly on the inside thank you any other questions yeah Tomy 612 Third Avenue um I had a question about the uh the transfers I'm a little puzzl about how your bookkeeping works here um resolution 2024-25 um you're transferring uh 45,000 from Appropriations to other categories and the categories I find a little bit odd one of them is uh social security for 20,000 which would indicate to me that you didn't budget Social Security properly uh when the budget was done iard the mayor's budget done but also what I'm really concerned about is that we were told during the budget process that um we had money set aside for the Union contract for DPW and dispatchers but the money was hidden and we didn't know where it was so my concern who doesn't know where it was that's what you told us no no who doesn't know where it is you didn't tell us you said it's in the budget we're not going to tell you for negotiation okay we don't know where it is like anything else with you we don't have just okay no no I'm gonna continue please please do and I'd like to know this 45,000 is part of the money for the union no it's not it's not so where is the money for the union it's in different line items in the budget which so you over appropriated other line items to hide the money from the union is that what you're telling me it's reserved in a couple of spots yes but we don't know where it is you're not going to tell us okay um the council doesn't know either pardon the council doesn't know where it is either wow that's right you just legislate you don't do any Administration I get that um and then on this contract for resolution 20241 190 uh to to do the sewer pump station um you know the grant is $50,000 um and this is $69,000 proposal so why don't we just tell CME we'd like the proposal to be 49,500 in case we go over why are we spending 19,000 more we're we're not going to spend any more than the 50 oh you're not that correct thing also I find the number for design phase services to be ridiculously high um we had an architect from the town designed it and put it on Facebook I don't understand why we're spending 36,000 uh sorry 30 36,200 to do that it it's way too high for that phase so I would definitely question that it's a 900t building um the uh the last question I had was about you setting the schedule for the year um at the end of the schedule uh we're going to go according to this schedule 40 days without a meeting we got a lot of work to do here in 2025 I don't think you can go 40 days without a meeting so between November 6th and December 16th is 40 days um I don't see any reason why you don't schedule a second November meeting on November 18th uh in between so that would be my recommendation because I don't I don't really think that's proper but I do want to thank you for the Tuesday meetings uh it's much easier to fit the schedule so I can make sure I'm thank you say anybody else yes Paul PA the champion 11 half L Avenue uh obviously my comments are about 2024 d216 and I urge the council not to authorize the resolution and Theos that the Articles from 319 rain why um because this resolution comes as a bit of a surprise to say the least um not only did we have discussions a year ago about certain items that the Historical Society wish to retain for its Collections and for the people at Bradley Beach to remember the rich history of this building um we had further discussions in September of this year when I was informed that one of the sand glass windows was being uh removed and I called you up on sep um you explained to me at that time that it was one of the windows that was promised to the camp meeting Association the with PE Stokes window and I asked you at that time who was going to be in charge of the U fate of all the historical items that we had listed um I think originally there was something like 44 and I know that I called through up this year and added the re one which was the Cornerstone of the public building M um anyway at that time I asked you who was in charge and you said you didn't know and I asked you if you would please keep me in the loop I I didn't know yes that's exactly you said that it would either be the um five presidents uh oh the ultimate recipient yeah we were working on that the person that asked who was going to be in charge of the of uh of of monitoring this whole process and you said it would either be them or some firm in Philadelphia right and I asked you to inform me when that decision was made so that I could have some input on that because basically I don't think we have a a really complete knowledge of that list um I see in this resolution that there are prices given um this is something that should have been discussed in public or at least with the council or with me as remember the hisorical society and none of the items that I mentioned to you over a year ago are on this list and this is very worrisome I think that uh we have to clarify the situation and I I I urge the council not to authorize this list for the distribution of any of the items it's my understanding is some of the items have already been removed no the only item that's been removed is the Ocean Grove piece that's not what I heard heard well just I'm telling you what is I well you you may not be correct mayor Fox because there have been Witnesses who've seen objects being taken out of the church over the last week and a half um I urge you if there have been any items removed that they' be returned retained champon there are no items out of the church except for the Ocean Grove piece all those items are there so I the the people who have been speaking to me are liars I I don't know who you're speaking to but I'm telling you that that's the case uh anyway um whatever the case be it's important that this town not lose these rich historical artifacts these assets of the Town um it's also important that there be a discussion as to a lot of the items that were not indicated originally in year over ago that might be um items that uh residents of this town wish to purchase besides the Cornerstone what do you give me an example of what you're talking about what am I talking about I said besides the Cornerstone know I heard yeah we we listed quite a few things over a year ago just give me an example yeah sure the three stained glass went us behind the altar between the Altar and the clothing room um a straight Pew um located in the uh the side uh Sanctuary Chapel whever it is the U there's a book case in the in the basement uh there was a table there there was a long list of items that I thought we were going to have further discussions on over the last year and of course this this never happened um and also I mean you're completely ignoring a huge number of important valuable items in that building that may not be of historical value but they're certainly of architectural Savage out and I would think that somebody should be really cataloging that and indicating to the town um how they will process that may you've always told us that you believe in in a proper process you said that the beginning of your comment that this resolution was a step forward in the path on three 19 the Reign I I don't see it as a step forward I see it as as something which is going to just further complicate things because it is not taking into account uh the proper disposition of the artifacts and valuable architectural assets of that building thank you questions yes um greenl 414 month Avenue um I appreciate that things are moving forward with 319 L however um looking at resolution 20 24216 um I have a number of questions about the process um so looking at this resolution the third paragraph down whereas Rose okano Meyer presented her appraisal findings regarding the artifacts um and this is referenced at a council meeting held on September 13 2023 um I recall a general discussion um about the artifacts but not specific items and specific values at that time well what we said at that meeting was um there were approximately 40 to 44 items uh we had an inventory of those we had pictures of those uh she had itemized those the approximate value that I stated in that meeting was less than $20,000 that's what I said in the meeting the actual number because there were a couple items that were still outstanding from a coration perspective from her was I want to say it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 to $1 13,000 but she was still awaiting one or two other quotations um so that's where we were uh she did a fairly comprehensive review of those items we didn't since that time you mean at that time before that meeting she went through the inventory those we didn't give her those 40 items she went through the church and if you recall I don't know if you were at that meeting or not but her credentials uh between uh Harvard NYU a couple other places around art history and U architectural stuff were pretty impeccable right no I I was at that meeting it was a lengthy discussion I remember we were kind of talking more top level about the artifacts we weren't speaking specifically and I think the objective of that meeting the objective of this past year and the objective of this resolution is the objective was we don't want to go through a demolition of this building and not retain those artifacts by and large we've been able to find a home for those artifacts I think we couldn't have found a better home for those artifacts a public museum that's being renovated as we speak the Church of the presidents they will fit out all the staining glass the pews which I think there will be some leftover pews that we can uh dispose of within Town um and New York so Bradley Beach will get full credit for for that at that Museum opening uh that renovation is is taking place right now so I think the process that Rose went through she did talk to a number of houses you know and online options Etc she also worked closely with the Church of the presidents which when she came back with a final recommendation and said we believe this is the best way to go I I think it is because yeah I have no no issue in terms of the Church of the seven presidents um because I think it's a very you know um important historic um uh Museum um so just I'm I'm really just talking about process and not where this is going but just looking at this resolution um it the following paragraph that this individual um Rose o Conor uh solicited no fewer than six qualified buyers or recipients and identified qualified buyers as listed below the only um the only two liftings are the museum in Long Branch and um anti shop those are the ones that are going to actually take those just there hasn't been real transparency about the um the six uh potential buyers provide that I mean I mean the resolution references it so I'm just and then further um the qpa had uh referen um um that the estimated uh fair value of the art artifacts that's below the bid threshold thereby not requiring a public auction so what is the bid threshold for for this I don't know what I don't know what the details of that number are I don't yeah I mean I'm just wondering why this that's why we r on to tell them well again I I think you talk about process here you have a a church with artifacts in it it took us months to get to somebody who we believed really could deliver in a church that it's not a church that you just got to walk through and walk around and you know it's it's it's it's not a good shape so I empathize with your point of process but I don't know if we could have had a much better process than say we we relied on somebody a professional with credentials we came in last September stated what we were the intent she went off got that done and got us a good result right well if I can just if I can get a moment or two back um so yes I I understand that and I don't really know what the value of these artifacts are or what the street value is well that's in the resolution well I see I see all of the items listed it's very it's very close to what she originally estimated and we're actually we did a little bit better well I mean it appears that we did better when you look through this list um it look it appears very formulated um and I'm I'm just you know how did we come up to those those dollar figures um relative to the appraised value um you know I I just I just feel that the process was kind of lacking in specificity um cataloged items should be better reference instead of stained glass large wall length um you know all of these items really should be very specifically cataloged well they were cataloged and we have pictures and a c four page catalog of those items Mr shamin could you right so I guess so well he's talking in my ear but but and he's saying what I wanted to ask which was why this wasn't um a real bid process where residents the public would have an opportunity at some of these if you look at some of the prices of some of these items some of them are flea market prices honestly when you look at um I mean if you just break it down the uh um the uh the pews 30 pews for $1,000 right if yeah well I think Miss OK Conor she didn't say it at the meeting she she she said it a few times over a thousand churches have closed in the last year in the US so the market price for a lot of this these items like organs you basically donate them and give them away and that's that was what was done with oron I understand that and how Red Barn Antiques is having items donated given to them where does Red Barn Antiques factor into this it's not something that's local it's not a local shop yeah it was it was a half a dozen items that they acquired a couple of um kind of thrown kind of chairs I mean I guess my biggest question is why was this not a more open process well it it was in the context of Rose o Conor going out to her network of people that procured the stuff that that's what it was yeah I mean I think that a more formal um like B process should have taken place um these are the Public's artifacts um and I appreciate that they're going to the seven president church I think a a very worthy location um but are we getting the most money for this is a question well according to the expert yes right that's what the expert but we also really close the opportunity we close the opportunity to the public and we certainly it appears by this resolution we're we're not even salvaging anything for the historical society which then it would stay in Bradley's hands so y okay thank you yes we have two on the board just Ocean Park Association um I really didn't intend to speak on the agenda items you know we know the bill is a mess we know this is a mess we know that is a mess um but listening to what people said about the church and its contents and having been involved in demolition sales I had a lot of profit on it I don't understand why we can't just put the pews in here um I would be keeping something for the town some sort of History so um to me that's just like a really simple solution that um should be entertained we own them um you know we have new worst trucks including the $78,000 police truck transport from here de as far as I'm concern thank you thank you yes please help rley I'm also concerned about this resolution 2024 216 um I hope you voted down but anyway it's very insulting to the Historical Society in this town to be overlooked like that it's sad um also I was looking at our website we used to have videos of the church up there the 3D panoramic view it's gone I can't find it anymore is it taken down if you can't find it it may have been taken down that's two years old up because we need to see exactly what's in there I was concerned was there any antique lighting which is an old structure it might have had antique Lighting in there and it does have architectural value for a lot of the moldings inside but as far far is donating to redborne I mean they should have contacted the Historical Society just give them the option to say yes or no and I think the Pres um the residents of this town should have been given the option to buy things if we wanted to I mean I don't know if anybody would buy a large St glass window but somebody might want to buy one of those small green ones and as far as things being removed they are already being removed I've walked past there and windows are now boarded up what's behind those boards then on the side not in the front the front was done in the summer the boards there have been no they were not there about a month ago let me answer your question go ahead the stain glass has been taken off of the wall but it's in the building I'm telling you it is well you didn't know anything was removed before removed it was removed well taken yes that well removed removed from the building versus taken down and being prepared to leave the building or two different things yes things workers in that building doing work we have yes absolutely all right so I would like to see the book of all the artifacts and the pictures can I do that tomorrow uh yeah we have that yeah we have that because I think it should have been open to the public to view because maybe somebody would want to purchase something and maybe they would pay more then nothing you're donated you know I think it was really wrong to do it that way I don't know what the process is for public auctions but I think maybe this should have gone today thank you very much thank you yes I I'm sorry you you you're up you've already come up I can't ask sorry somebody's on the board yes uh don Greenberg Don hi Don Greenberg 302 Park Place um i' like to Echo some of the other people who have spoken about the uh artifacts I think it's unconscionable that the historical society was left out of this final conversation um and I urge the council to table this until Mr n shapin and the Historical Society can go through and see if there's anything that they'd like to keep um I'd also like to urge the council to table all the CME resolutions until we get our 2023 audit um because you know if we don't know how much money we have to spend then why are we spending it um and in addition the last resolution for the building on the beach I mean $36,000 to design a few bathrooms you could build four bathrooms for that so I urge the council to table those resolutions until we have our 2023 audit and the new Administration uh takes charge and the same with the Line Avenue res resolution for the artifacts thank you thank you and Debbie Hawkins Miss hackins okay maybe she muted herself again did she did have hand up that's the cursor we change that 202 please okay there's no other questions we'll go to the next agenda item which is ordinances there are no ordinances so we will not have any ordinances um second second uh there are no ordinances uh move Communications there no Communications resolutions uh we have a number of items on the consent agenda I'll go through those quickly 2024 202 Bill list for December 11 2024 2024 203 approval of the Shore Athletic Club to conduct her annual polar bear race on Sunday December 28 2024 Pastor only 2024 204 appointment of police captain Terry brownie effective October 2nd 2024 20242 five appointment of police Lieutenant Josephine solaro effective October 24th 2024 2024 206 appointment of Sergeant Kevin Gail effective October 24th 2024 2024 207 appointment of probationary officer Daniel Pro effective November 22nd 2024 2024 208 authorizing the appointment of special class to Law Enforcement Officers attending the 59th class economic time in January make a motion to include the conscent agenda Mr Noble yes Mr gbesi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor thoughts yes okay um individual resolutions we'll start with 2024 209 authorizing transfer Appropriations in the fiscal 2024 budget make a motion to approve 2024 209 question yes uh I had asked the ba a question about the transfer 177,000 burrow administrator salaries and wages I asked if this was for the administrator or the administration she didn't get back to me till later today she said Administration she didn't she didn't clarify what she she she answered all my questions at once and said you know all of these Appropriations are for you know things that were in the budget that weren't appropriated is that for the administra or for the administration Administration it's so be Adra okay thank you any other questions okay motion to approve 2024 209 second second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi my only comment is um as I voted for the 2024 budget without having a lot of information because we were just unable to receive information similarly I don't really have a background on these these changes I was working with u councilwoman Mahoney to hopefully get answers and they came too late for us to even fully understand the nature of them that said end of the year we need to keep um need to keep the the lights on and we need to vote in support of this particular resolution so I will vote Yes and Miss Mahoney uh I won't be here next year for hoping for more um transparency in the budget I mean approving a budget where there are numbers headed in to pay for salaries and wages for a potential uh contract negotiation means that all numbers in a budget can be somewhat suspect in the interest of moving things along I ass going to approve this I say yes Council move yes pass yes 2024 210 approval of council business meeting dates for 2025 have a comment on that yep um just for the record I did ask uh our clerk if we can remove the words tentative if necessary in August meeting and I just wanted uh the rest of the world to know that we're going to strike those words we still may choose not to V two meetings in in August but um we'll make that decision when we get closer to the date do I have second second and we can always add more meetings as well um okay Mr Noble yesi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber I am so happy we're moving a meeting back to Tuesday and it's great to have been consulted on the meeting so vote Yes uh mayor Fox yes 2024 211 approval of 2025 scat agreement with the county make a motion to approve 2024 211 second Mr Noble yes Mr gesi yes Mr Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 22 authorizing execution of the contract with Starfire Corporation for 2025 fireworks display make a motion to approve 2024 212 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 2113 authorizing oneyear lease extension for the I have a question just what am I reading wrong it says Friday July 5th with a rain date of Sunday July 6 that that can't beat can it yeah I go gra right here we'll take that right now probably is cat hard up here is the Monday Sunday we go um so it should be Saturday July 5th okay with a rain date of Sunday July 7 well do we Mee it on Saturday or we're not yeah no it is it is for the day after Okay so this should say Saturday y does it say that in the resolution no the the resolution says Friday July 5th okay say Saturday sorry what what you said it should say Saturday July 5th with ar rang Saturday date of Sunday July 6 Saturday not Friday it's Friday do we want to do on Friday the 4th let me ask no no no it is the fifth you're right sorry no with Rockne was the um Friday versus Saturday it is it's not on the 4th because the fourth the price goes up to the yeah yeah we always do ours the day after or the day before okay okay 2024 23 authorizing one year lease extension for 220 25 Surf Camp oh uh Mr Noble yes Mr gboi my quick comment is that I hear nothing but wonderful things about this surf camp uh residents uh regularly tell me how great it is and they have their kids or their grandkids participate and and this organization has reached out to the Council on one or two occasions in the past telling us how wonderful they think Bradley Beach is and you know what a wonderful partnership we have so I enthusiastically vote Yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes24 214 authorizing one year lease extension agreement for 2025 W wal clins motion to approve 2024 214 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 216 authorizing dis V I'm sorry 2024 25 establishing an annual fee for the third year of the bur's concession license agreement with the passion group DBA Coastal ATM LLC for ATM machines for the prop make a motion to approve 2024 215 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 216 authorizing disposition of burrow property located at 319 luran Avenue make a to approve 2024 26 comments pleas um well we've heard a lot of the comments made by residents already this evening um I have many concerns about this particular resolution to remove artifacts from 319 L rain the church um and in particular the council has really been kept largely in the dark on this there has been a uh uh just a spurt of activity over past couple of weeks uh that you know we none of us saw this coming but um but just for the record I I need to I need to make sure that it's captured in our minutes and for those here tonight or uh listening via Zoom you you can hear a little bit of what the council has gone through uh number one there's been no collaboration with the Council on this as we were entering the Thanksgiving weekend actually Wednesday evening November 27th 3:39 p.m. the mayor notified the council that we and this is a quote we have had success in getting all artifacts salvaged and the actual removal will occur over the coming weeks if you get questions on activity at the site removal will be going on intermittently between now and year end and I'll advise when we are complete with that activity wow so he let us know the mayor let us know as we're leaving for Thanksgiving weekend activities that the site was going to have artifacts removed what also summarized in that note that we well I'll continue Mr Mayor fine I'll catch you at the end then thank you um on May on Monday December 2nd which was the Monday immediately following the Thanksgiving weekend uh our Municipal attorney notified mayor Fox of a state statute governing the sale or disposition of our assets which typically requires open bidding and a resolution by the governing body also that same day on Monday immediately following Thanksgiving weekend I sent an email to Mayor Fox attempting to make him aware that the removal of burough property without Council approval could result in the mayor himself being first being held personally liable for the value of the assets removed the Historic Society then reached out to me and other council members to State their objections to this to their disposal of artifacts that they believe should be preserved for the Bradley Beach Historical Museum they believe commitments made to them by the mayor are now being ignored the nature of the inventory value and pricing list does not appear to reflect competitive bidding required by statutes and therefore may not reflect the most beneficial pricing of of the value of the assets for the Burrows taxpayers finally on December 4th one week ago I asked the mayor number one to describe the disposition destination of artifacts already removed and to explain how the removal of artifacts already begun is legal by what standard and three to reference any prior resolutions approved by the council in this regard as we are asked to vote on this resolution tonight my questions have still not been answered the taxpayers of Bradley Beach deserve much greater transparency regarding the disposition of burrow assets and this Council deserves to um play a more active role in determining what the best process is for selling these assets as required by our resolution for these reasons I believe we should table this resolution until the entire council is given a chance to assure that the disposition of these assets is in the best interest of Bradley Beach and our taxpayers I'm not making that motion yet that is I'm offering that as a comment but that's what I believe we should be doing tonight and I would say I guess my comments relative to this are that we had last September an expert commit spent a good amount of time inventorying the items gave us a value an approximate value she updated that over a period of weeks she then painstakingly went to a number of auction houses she talked to people in the county uh and came up with this determination I met with her I want to say it was 3 weeks ago maybe four weeks ago uh when she had a final agreement with the Church of the presidents to say that they would actually like to acquire the assets so this isn't something that we've been holding back for months and months and months this has been a process for month and months and months that M OK Conor has gone through she priced the stuff the items pretty reasonably um she has said to us and I will talk to Mr after this I don't think the Church of the presidents will use all the pews um because there are a number of pews in that church isn't it it's about a third of the size of our church um the other item the bookcase in the basement that's that's right now sitting there it's not going anywhere uh because nobody's expressed an interest in it so those were two of the three items that Mr nampan mentioned uh the other was um staying L behind the altar that'd be a conversation I have to have with um Rose to see if that's um doable which I think it is because she said there would be flexibility I think um we have come across a a really great opportunity to think about the orgon the pews and the uh stained glass of this church being put into a museum in Long Branch for the the Church of the presidents I think is a just a great opportunity uh I I don't know you know going through step by step by step with rose o Conor I didn't do that um I didn't think it was necessary because she's the expert she was out there going after these people I can tell you I spent a tremendous amount of time in early 2023 trying to find somebody to take this on uh and I I really believe when you talk about I understand residents have an emotional tie to this and I empathize with that but at the same time if you think about an auction process in that church it would be quite honorous and who would who would be responsible for that um I think we can identify items if the Historical Society wants but then the other question for the historical society is where are we putting that stuff that's okay no I'm not finished I thought you were so I think I understand the emotion of the moment but the other thing that we should be cognizant of is I would I would hate to miss this opportunity if the church's president is expecting and my instructions to them is look we have demolition bids out um they're going to come in at the end of the year the new Council and mayor may decide to demo in January so you need to work to get this done so they have worked on the stained glass they've taken stained glass down and it's in the building ready to be transported the man doing it that's an art and it's something that he specialized and knows how to do uh it's not an easy task so he's been working on that probably for the last two weeks since we met whatever it was three weeks ago so I think the right steps are being taken the update I gave you all before Thanksgiving was around the artifacts around the land use results and around the bid um specification to try to make sure everybody was on track with here's the three big things going on relative to 319 the ring that was the purpose of that and to say it was a surprise it was wasn't something I was springing on it but it was when I got to be able to update and say Here's Where We Are I just want to make everybody aware so that was my intent if it was taken another way that's unfortunate well there's been a as you just described Mr Mayor a fairly lengthy process that's been undertaken by you know folks who you've directed uh Council was not aware um there is a statute that says for disposing of any assets I mean if you were talking about selling a police car you'd need to get council's approval usually when people know they need council's approval they inform the council they say hey we're at this stage we're at that stage this sound good we're we're on track we're on track okay we're complete Council I'm ready for your approval none of that happened so I I'm not saying the disposition that you are now presenting to us isn't in fact the best disposition I'm simply saying none of us know enough about it to to sit at least I'll say for myself to sit here tonight and vote in favor of this without having any understanding of what's transpired other than an email or two from you if we dispose of a police car a truck we bring it up we bring a resolution forward we approve the resolution we have a resolution on the table today to to transact this the details of the transaction are in the resolution again I I I don't know what your expectation is that I mean if it's sitting down with rose o Conor I mean um this is somebody who I think has worked very diligently to get a result I don't know what we're going to gain from that um I'm concerned with the result in the context of if the Church of the presidents felt like this was on hold or there was a problem with it I'd hate like Heck if they said you know what we don't need to we'll just look elsewhere I'm not saying they would do that but um this is an opportunity that I would really hate to miss because when I think about the beauty of those artifacts and getting placed into a museum of that stature in Mammoth County uh that they are paying us for I would hate to miss that opportunity and around the context of quotes and dollars I can only say she's the expert anytime I talk to her she knows what she's talking about um and her point about a thousand churches closing and and a lot of surplus out there it's a reality so uh I think she's worked diligently to get a great result for us um so that's my comments I I have a question what was actually um the contract of sale what was actually promised to the camp meeting Association was it one stained glass or was it more it was anything they wanted okay and do we have anything in writing saying that they're getting what they wanted the the C we have a contract with the camp meeting Association when they transferred the ownership of the building to us in that contract it says we reserve the right if the building is disposed of a demolition to retain any artifacts that we choose and what have they chosen they chose a pane of glass about the size of that um uh board up there and it has the name of Elrod Stokes who is the founder of the camp meeting Association what they plan to do with that frame or that piece of stained glass is put it in their internal site with a with a light behind it so my expectation of them was they were going to come in and ask for 15 items they as for one do we have that in writing and is it is this there's a contract yeah there's a is there a contract saying that this is all we want we took what we want and we don't want anything they they just communicated to us okay I would suggest we get that in writing so we can we can retroactively write it up but they're basically done they're they they're done with us okay and you have to have something in writing to say that they're done with us in addition you say the building might be torn down in January and uh it went in front of the landuse board on December 19th takes 30 days to read the resolution and then 45 after 45 days after that you have the official per Perfection of the subdivision so you really can't do anything into the building until February 15th or after that well you first have to have the building I'm sorry no you can demo the building I don't believe you can do that until you officially perfect the subdivision that went in front of the Lamb board well I don't think the subdivision has anything to do with the demo the subdivision has to do with the purchase of the property by developers or whoever purchased the property users but you have to perfect it you have to first of all have it read as a resolution then you have 45 days of an appeal period so I would say I would think you wouldn't tear down the building during that time until you have it perfected and that no one has appealed it that's a decision you all can make in February right but I'm saying I don't believe the building would be torn down in January as you has suggested well I I said well when I infer it I know if I said it's going to come down I doubt it will come down in January I think the bids are due on December 20th which will that'll be open next Friday and from that point there has to be a dis was a successful bidder a discussion with the successful bidder uh and the right dat chose so that has to occur and that would also go have to go in front of the council which we don't have a meeting until sometime in January the the bid the bid well I'm going to suggest we have a meeting on December 30th to approve that because that'll be 10 days after to the uh bids come in next Friday which I've already suggested to you I understand that but I don't I don't feel that it's a a Time Essence because like I said the building's not going to get torn down till after it's perfected so why rush it because we have a once the bid bids are open the clock starts ticking on a 60-day uh validity of the bid and so we have 60 days okay thank you any other comments okay I'll make a motion to approve 2024 26 we I have a second second Mr Noble no Mr guos nope M Mahone uh I just want to say we don't want credit for giving the you know selling the artifacts to the Church of the seven presidents we want the opportunity to give the artifacts to the people to whom they belong currently which is the residents of Bradley Beach I say no Mr Weber he can't vote sure hurt me that I couldn't vote Yes I'm just taking a page Spain Erica and I like answering for myself thank you um May mayor Fox just trying to give you some help there councilman um I vote Yes and I I view this as extremely unfortunate um I don't think um you know that anything's been done incorrectly here uh the idea of U this not moving forward to me is extremely egregious in that um we have a unique opportunity to sequence this correctly get it done and now we're going to be into a whole other conversation um and it's certainly going to put a question mark with the church at the president as well is this why should we do anything right now um I think it's I think it's um extremely sad okay I think for the record someone should reach out to the Church of presidents and say the council felt blindsided the council was not kept informed they are still very interested in getting whatever artifacts they can to the church to preserve these historic artifacts but the council needs to understand what it is we're giving away what is it we'd like to keep and what is it what price we're selling the artifacts for that we want to sell that's in the resolution and we don't understand it because it was just given to us a set of numbers a set of values and a set of prices and oh what a surprise every price paid is slightly above the value set any public auction which is required by Statute would have all kinds of results they would have an assessed value and a bid well below other bids twice as much this document mayor that you provided to us is is is very too consistent honestly for anyone to believe this was a competitive bid process so I would like to see a competitive bid process I would like to have opportunities to salvage all of these artifacts for posterity working very closely with the Church of the presidents this is not a vote against the presidents this is a vote against the council having to accept something that's been constructed without having any knowledge of what how it was done so let that be part of the record Church of the presidents we'd still have to work with them I will contact them tomorrow and have a discussion with them hopefully they'll be a meable but and we can all all you say people can't go in the building you understand that you can do an online auction as well like sou has it all the time we can have other opinions as Miss OK Conor stated that she's very familiar with that and again the nature of these particular items she went the path that she thought was the best path of acquiring a good buyer and a good home for these things which again I um I think was achieved okay uh 2024 217 bid award for the improvements to 5th Avenue 2023 Municipal Aid project make a motion to approve 2024 2117 second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes LX yes Point 24186 authorizing the award ofos for professional Engineering Services for land survey services with CME for recreation 28 chapter 159 skip it 2 oh I'm sorry sorry sorry uh little sentence there 159 got it um I'm sorry uh 2024 218 chapter 159 resolution make a motion for 2020 428 thank you second you're welcome Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 186 authorizing award proposal for professional Engineering Services and land surveying services to CM Associates for recreation center improvements previously table on 117 2024 comments yes I'd like to actually make a number of comments related to the proposals we're going to bid on we're go that that have been proposed to us that we're going to vote on U by CME because I took notes as many different residents made comments tonight asking the council to table these asking the council to um wait until an audit was completed so we have a better understanding of our finances um and and and just for the record I'd like everybody to know this has been a fairly very I would say protracted process um Cy our M Municipal Engineers um provided proposals some of these date back to I think April and May to give you a sense and um and we scrutinized these to a pretty good degree to the point that uh our engineer Mr mlac uh revised the number of them and and you know edited them accordingly so um so so just so everyone knows a lot of review has gone into this a lot of discussion um the notion about um completing a 2023 audit keep in mind when we get the results of the 202 2023 audit we still have 2024 Financial results that we don't have in front of us so knowing how close we were how not close we were in 2023 isn't all that relevant to us because there's a whole another year that has passed so what probably more important is that we keep the burrow progressing to the extent it makes sense um if if any given one of these projects don't make sense we should not approve them but to the extent these Mak sense for the buau that they help us secure grant funding that that has been uh you know awarded to the buau um that is important I think to all of the council certainly to myself and considering whether or not to move forward um it's some residents just asked us to delay to 25 just so we um you know just so maybe the the new Council in place at that point could work and oh and there were concerns raised about the magnitude of the dollars of some of these proposals um most of these proposals are actually uh I think reasonable dollars um they they range typically from 30,000 to $50,000 they represent uh an initial you know uh component of a much broader process uh it's doing a survey here or doing some preliminary evaluation there uh so so most of these you'll hear and see we're we're going to vote on our 30 to $50,000 type Scopes um that might be uh the pr out extension for example um that that is roughly 44.2 million or so uh Grant and maybe another 1.5 million or so burrow cost so could be a fine or6 million project we're voting on a project uh that kind of kicks that study off that might be $30,000 so I just want everyone to know we're not voting tonight on the five or $6 million project we're voting on kicking office a study and um and it was it was noted that we we should at least be considering competitive bids on some of these and I think the mayor responded to that I just want to Echo again um while we may not be competitively bidding these particular proposals these are again initial start off proposals we will be in a position if we decide to do so to do competitive bids on any or all of the larger projects that would follow this work so uh I just want to give everyone an overall sense of what we're talking about and and we can talk about the specific projects in a moment but overall um Ci's done a lot of work just putting this stuff together and we've really we've also tabled these proposals I think three meetings in a row uh and Mr Malak has revised a number of them at at my personal request to make them more um you know closer to what the council's looking at so again just so you know um A lot's got in behind this and I think whichever way we vote project by project uh I I think we'll the burrow will still be in in very good shape and I don't think we're putting anyone at risk I'm sorry I wanted to make that comment for all of the next six or so um votes that we need to make y thank you motion to uh 2024 186 this is the recreation center yes Recreation I already read it yeah second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi I'm saying for the record that uh we've already had um emphasis added in our original um documentation for this uh that we must work on our pickle ball court resurfacing I've had I don't play pickle ball but I've had many residents reach out to me and demand that we pay a lot of good attention to this and we will and with that I go yes Mr um Miss Mahoney thank you for your comments mayor elect gubitosi um regarding the next uh uh resolutions and I vote Yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 187 authorizing the award of proposal for professional Engineering Services CME for Main Street improvements phase one previously table 11724 second for 2024 1887 do we have discussion yeah okay so uh th this particular proposal um again I appreciate the efforts in fact I've probably driven our engineer Mr Malik a little crazy um challenging him to pull this together in a way that I I think makes um pra greater Clarity for the for the council at this juncture and and again Ben I see you sitting there no reflection on your efforts you've you've done everything you can but I don't think uh we should consider approving this tonight I I I'd like to think we would' be better served if we table this because I think we need to have a better definition of scope i' I've shared a lot of that with you already uh I think we're I think we're close but just for the resident knowledge there was a committee in fact uh the mayor and Mr Weber and our business administrator were all on that committee so good work has already been done but the rest of the council still has BR questions about more details of the scope driving the cost um the the need and the way rating of the street is done things like that were not covered by the committee uh perhaps moving utilities underground were not covered by the committee no we we covered that okay well it wasn't shared with us well we what we said was in this million four that wasn't practical and we said let's prioritize and phase it hoping that we get the second phase of funding this year coming come February uh and we would address those in later fa that later phases and we're not doing anything to the street which would deal with underground uh utilities so that was addressed um I guess my question is the detail design work is what is up that's what we've done maybe Ben you can explain that some more but I'm not sure I understand what more this this committee laid it out we laid out the approximate dollars and it's not that's not the end game it's just this is the way it looks now now let's go into a design phase it it's roughly I'm going to round for the benefit of the AUD it's roughly $200,000 mayor roughly how much of that $200 ,000 is tied to this analysis for grading of the streets uh I don't think any because the grade Ben you can come on down B this a lot of this deals with the sidewalks and the street light in general gring of the sidewalk yeah so the the cost for our proposal is for the design preparation of plans bid specifications coordination with do uh and they because this this project is is um has Federal funding uh the Federal Highway Authority um preparation of plans does require require detailed grading of the sidewalks uh handicap ramps to make sure they're ADA Compliant um and and you know once we start touching the sidewalks because this is Fally funded the project needs to be ADA Compliant um so there is a lot of of detailed work um that goes into it and it's it you know it just it's not a a a a simple drawing to put together uh particularly with the level of uh scrutiny and review that it's going to receive from the state uh and from the Federal Highway Authority because not only is it Fally funded but uh Main Street is a a State Highway 71 right right and um the and you and I have discussed this for the benefit of the rest of the folks listening um I'm not as convinced without understanding that you know I would like your deliverable your work product that is that we spend $190,000 on I would like it to provide an overview of implications for moving the utilities underground I know at this point that's not part of the proposal I know the mayor just said we can do all this other work and not impact the sewers and so forth um I don't know how the mayor knows that I don't know how you know that I don't know how any of us know that without talking to to the utility companies um there may be opportunities that where they say um hey before you put street lights in we should be talking about tearing up this sidewalk and putting in um underground utilities I don't know but I think that should be a very preliminary phase of your analysis as you come back to the council and you say this is the best way to lay this out over a three or five year plan uh would you disagree it it's I I don't disagree um I think it's a basically a policy decision of the council um how you want to proceed with with you know attacking Main Street um that if if the uh moving utilities underground is a a top priority uh then that's that's one of the first things that we'll do we we have to set up meetings with uh jcpnl who owns mostly the utility polls and discuss that with them Logistics of doing that and what's required what what they what work they have to do uh in order to facilitate that what's the approximate cost per block is it not like a million bucks the the cost that we've been quoted from JCP is a million dollars right is that before or after we tear up the street I I don't have that that answer I've asked JC ganell for you know more of a breakdown of what what the how that cost is uh and they they have said that and I think I've I've told you this before they've said that it it will cost them about 15 to $225,000 to uh go through that exercise to estimated it um so if if the burrow wants to do that they would have to payel to to do that and um as you know to this point uh there has not been a check CP anal they have not done that exercise yeah I'm I'm simply saying everyone tells me it's a million dollars to block we just confirmed it again no one can tell me whether that means after we tear up the street or before we tear up the street so it's a significant variable that I think should get priced into the equation but this Main Street Grant is for a million4 what we tried to optimize in this million four is a safety issue and an ongoing kind of wear and tear issue which is the pay we able to address that the uniformity of the lights we were able to address that the uniformity of the disposal garbage uh I understand this for some reason is a kind of a pet view of yours to under put the utilities underground but if we do it would be expense of everything else um and that's what's disconcerting the other point is um on this Grant and on the prominade grant we got these grants last February March we are getting calls as to are you going to utilize these or not so um we need to start moving on these things um these have been held up by the budget um for months six months and here we are at the end of the year uh try to take the next baby step which is design uh we're not spending a million for we're not spending 5 million for we're not spending U you know in order to mess money we're trying to take the next step so uh I hope we don't put ourselves at risk of losing this stuff because I I feel like we're getting to that point uh I got a I got a call from um on the prominade uh last week saying they really want to get a clear answer this week are we moving forward on this or not so yeah it's just like so many other things in the bur and I don't mean this Administration I mean historically we have paved streets and then three years later TN them up to to replace sewers um I I don't want us to until you tell us we can do it I don't want us to start personally doing anything until you've added that one extra variable to the equation you I've talked about this and I I know I'm not putting you on the spot um but but now I will for one second um adding well we just ran out of time on basically but adding that element to your evaluation if we table this vote this evening how much does that throw us off are we talking about can you make a presentation early in in 2025 with the with a revised scope so what revise scope what Revis scope are you talking the Revis scope I'm asking him to include you know that would would give us a sense for moving utilities underground where would that fit into a fiveyear plan so you know the to have the the initial meeting with with jcpnl um I can inor that into our current scope um I I couldn't tell you exactly what would be required of us until we actually have that meeting because a lot of like I said a lot of the work is to be done by Jason pel it's their infrastructure their their utility polls they would have to do their own design and um they would be most likely be the ones constructing it um right so it I I couldn't tell you exactly right now what it would how it would impact this this proposal but for the purposes of just having that initial meeting and and discussion it doesn't impact us just to be clear it does not it does not impact uh our cost that that's in the proposal front here I personally I think we I I don't think what I'm expecting extra from CME I don't think it's a lot of of your time you know could be in your world 10,000 of fees or something but I don't think it's a lot but I think it's very important that we have a clear vision of what we want to do with Main Street before we start you know changing the lamp post so all I'm at all I'm suggesting is that we would all be better served brother Beach would be better served if we give you a little more time to help us you know totally prepare a a strategic vision for Main Street but but you you did we sent a report out to the council probably month and a half two months ago saying specifically what was in that design it yes a report was sent out uh that detailed the discussions that we had as in the committee and the out to discuss main yes and our 70% of the lights facing up or facing down for example right uh they're facing exactly uh and that is that is far that is you know putting putting some new pavement on the on the street before we rip up the sewers I'd like to understand before we address those points a much broader issue once you say well we can do all those things and still be able to move the the utilities under or there's no way you can move the utilties underground either way then we can move forward with putting the lights facing up or facing down that that's how I'm viewing this in addition I there's a few polls I know they're supposed to lean but they're so unattractive so maybe they can address that if we can't put them underground we have to have a better look we can't have these crooked poles that look like it's going to fall in the street we just need more time I think and and I think we'd be better served as long as it doesn't CME I think we'd be better served uh tabling this to our next meeting I think we're in a Red Zone from a funding perspective with the state federal government is that true Mr M I don't know the details of that I I don't get the calls from Main Street and the prominade I have not heard anything on Sil Lake the promade we were told that we have a deadline that Main Street I thought we had we got reest we got a request from pong's office probably two weeks ago saying what's up with this we you know because the question are asking two is we put in for $5 million for second phase that we want to get awarded this February I mean if I'm sitting in that chair saying well I haven't done anything with this what should we do with 5 million um and we haven't responded to them yet we were waiting on this meeting to say we moved forward um in designed we're on traic just a reflection of the council needing more input that we've received today and again with your best efforts yeah I don't agree with that at all I think we have have committee we gave a report we've had this on the docket since May I've been asking about underground utility yeah but you've been asking councilman but the issue with yeah for years but the issue is which I I just don't understand why this isn't processing is everybody we talk to says underground utilities are an ex extreme expense very expensive to do our question is around tradeoffs do we want to invest all our money in underground utilities and leave the look of Main Street as it is or do we want to improve the look of Main Street and continue to look for funding to compl all those spaces that's the question at hand I think right now underground utilities you know if if you're Building Development in the midwest you can start that way when you're already there it's real tough to change is my understanding don't correct me if I'm wrong I that's my understanding as as well I I can't tell you what percentage of that million dollars a block is uh associated with the restoration work versus the actual infrastructure I'm I I'd be pretty confidently saying it's more than 50% uh is the infrastructure um probably much higher than that but I I can't tell you for sure so um I can certainly set up a meeting with uh our jcpnl government liaison who happens to live in Bradley Beach uh so that'll be easy to do uh and we can go from there yeah I understand too just another point on jcpnl jcpnl we put out I think earlier this year they they're embarking on a$2 billion infrastructure improvement process around relay stations and improving the consistent and the capability that's where they're focused right now I I'm not sure we're going to we're going to get a lot of play from them on looking at an underground utility process right now uh they're pretty F and well jcp's got their own backlog of stuff that they're working on trying to get a light bulb changed on the prominade is challenge in and of itself by them because they were they own that okay any more discussion thanks man so make a motion to approve 2024 187 uh Mr Noble no Mr GOI uh like the our Council to guide me for a second here Greg if you could um if if we you know I think the alternative that I was expecting to pursue would be tabling but the mayor's made a motion and we've got one no vote um if we continue to no vote can I then separately make a motion to table this or I just need to reintroduce it at the particular resolution you're voting on right now would be would be defeated right um and and then you can make a motion as the rest you like sorry you could make the motion as to the rest of them if that was your pleasure we bring it sorry I didn't hear what you said say it one more time yes yes if he could move to table them all if you've already voted on this one if it's I think just this particular one you're talking about just the motion right now M midle of roll call right you voted up or down that's your choices at this moment as to this resolution and if we vote it down can I introduce a motion to consider this at our next meeting yeah yes it's just a resolution you can reverse that decision at a future meeting or not okay we don't need another motion to say that we can do it at the next meeting we can just make a resolution and do it at next sorry yeah exactly what describ bring it back just the resolutions just want to make sure it wasn't like dead forever I could reintroduce it I will vote no Mahone no Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 188 authorizing the award of proposed for professional Engineering Services for land surveying Services CME for S and Lake improvements make a motion to approve 2024 188 second Mr Noble yes Mr KU yes Mr Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 189 authorizing the award of profession sorry again authorizing the award of proposed for professional Engineering Services with CNU Associates for the pr extension phase one previously table 117 2024 make a motion to approve 2024 18 189 second Mr Noble yes Mr kubos yes Mr Weber yes Miss Mahoney right yes may yes 20241 190 authorized new work proposal for professional architectural services and Engineering service for CMU associate for development of the existing vac and building located at 54 Ocean Avenue previously table 117 24 yes okay uh discussion on this particular this is the sewer pump station for everybody you know they're bacon building at um 54 ocean and um I just want to make sure in this resolution two things one I don't think and I don't think we should be considering phase two I think the mayor himself said earlier tonight um we should be focusing on phase one because we have grant funding totally $50,000 and we and these components total 50,000 um so so I think we should suggest eliminating phase to from our vote and secondly um the council's been pretty clear that we don't want this building to uh and and any recommendations that come design recommendations that come from CMA we don't want those recommendations to um be in conflict with Kaa requirements doesn't do us much good if Mr mtac presents a design that doesn't work with kaffra so we want Design Elements to comply with Ka and we want to make sure that we stay within the footprint of the building I think we've all been saying that for a number of meetings uh I would suggest two edits to this document one is strike the phase two that I don't think we should approve that now and two perhaps under phase one the uh the the design phase Services if we could say cfra compliant design phase Services just so I think that cleanly says you're going to stay in the footprint and uh and you're going to be CER comping can we add within the footprint CER compliant design phase services within building footprint um those would be my two recommendations to for edits right does that we need a motion to amend resolution 20241 190 to indicate that the suggestion should be cap for compliant in the footprint of the building and that um only for phase one as list in this resolution okay I'll make a motion that uh we amend this resolution to insert wording that says CAA compliant design phase services that are within the footprint of the building and we also added it to remove the phase two component of this current resolution second Mr Noble yes Mr yes Miss Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes somebody please send me that L okay um that's it for resolution no we need to I'm sorry we still need to vote on the amended oh yeah I'm sorry uh make so make a mo wait where are we here well we just voted to amend it now we need to vote oh vote on the resolution itself okay gotcha who made the second okay thank you Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes Miss Mone yes Mr Weber yes mayor yes uh okay we'll move on to announcements there are none mayor and Council reports um second sorry okay uh I can start um certainly the holiday season is full SW in full swing we began as we do each year with good works um last Frid or two Fridays ago on November 22nd some 80 volunteers from the Bradley food pantry distributed 600 Thanksgiving dinners on a windy chilly Ocean Avenue but uh mission was accomplished their next big event is this uh is actually next Friday December 20th uh which is their Christmas distribution uh that's going to come out that's going to happen at their new site uh they working Logistics on that right now uh please support this important event uh next the annual uh Thanksgiving bonfire went off without a hitch a few hundred residents sprayed the cold and visitors joined us it was a great evening uh now on to Sunday of Thanksgiving week the merry Market at direct Center was a big success um then our annual tree lighting took place from 4 to 6 police held the toy Drive Neptune High School Scarlet sound Acappella choir performed at the Bandstand we had some hot chocolate and cotton candy horse trolling carriage rides around the park and then the tree lighting of our residents seven-year-old Remy from theave Avenue hit the button and the lights on the tree went on and then a Christmas miracle we had a no Squall um courtesy of Jr frim who raved uh a cherry picker above the site for some two hours in nothing but a hoodie so uh anytime if you see Jr around thank him um Santa then made his appearance and to the Delight of the children uh I'll cover some other events in a bit but um just let people know additionally that there will be a manora lighting on December 25th at 5:00 at Riley Park um and I'll put some more information out on that shortly they're working out some of the details on that right now um and just to mention um the temple uh on um Tuesday I can't what day was it I can't remember Thanksgiving yeah it was it was Thursday Thursday was the last it was it was just I'm losing sight of they held a Thanksgiving meal for our First Responders and um elected officials uh at their renovated um dining area it was great event and they they're they're just a very thankful group and uh we very much appreciate that Community within our community uh Library tomorrow Thursday December 18th at 6m the holiday concert with uh Florian Shan Jazz combo uh come ring continue to ring in the season with winter favorites set to their combo uh it's free family program but registration is required Recreation um on the 14th which I think is Friday we have the rec Center's Grinch grams um there's more on the website about that and on the 15th there's Breakfast with Santa direct Center more information on the website uh mayor's Wellness campaign um three municipalities that achieved Gold Award in 2023 healthy Town award designation were asked to present at the league of municipalities meeting in November in addition to Bradley Beach Bergen Bergenfield burrow and Montgomery Township presented their respective stories to attaining Excellence with and a healthy Town designation wanted to thank Barb Johnston and Liz Hernandez publicly who kind of developed the presentation and worked with me to uh convey what we have been doing in the last few years uh I won't go through uh too much on 319 line except to say that the bid package for demolition is for prospective biders uh is out it's uh we'll get bids in next week we have had perspective biders tour of the facilities uh and we have I think some more scheduled um between now and Friday Friday we anticipate a successful bidder on the 20th um on that um so to 2024 is almost in the books we've had some ups and downs but uh I think we came out ahead um it all starts with the collective efforts of our Municipal Employees our professionals and our volunteers we can't thank them enough um I I'm going to go I'm just going to go through very quickly kind of a little bit of a time capsule of the year we we kind of started the year with a support to our Jewish community on the October 7th atrocity um we started a zooming for wellness process the police department certainly had some issues in the jfb but we followed with the new police chief followed by his succession promotions that culminated tonight with a a complete force uh our pantry move uh the Bradley Pantry uh they held $7,000 fundraise to help accommodate that fundraiser uh we had significant success with grants Main Street the prominate sewer Sil and Lake Recreation we had some budget struggles that they finally got resolved um 319 line I think we've gone from the end of the beginning to the beginning the end I guess we'll see uh infrastructure Lake Terrace Park we finished those enhancements sewers Parkplace Ocean Park and Fifth Avenue we had a January Jam for our First Responders the bbca ran that driving this Dy was a big hit uh but we lost Julia Rand this year that was her last performance um and I I'd recommend the Council next year uh Chang the name of the Arts Council to the Julia Rand Arts Council I think that would be a fitting tribute to her uh we had some hoops recognition for the elementary school girls uh we got gold designation for the mayor's Wellness campaign we continued with a lot of two Beach sweeps that were very successful we had five new additions to silven Lake five swans um that continue to thrive we passed the Lifeguard leadership torch and we had a big save of a visitor on North Avenue beach we had a great summer we exceeded $2 million in badge sales our seniors celebrated their 30th Anniversary we had a great juneth celebration at the library we expanded our summer shuttles July 4th the 63rd army unit came in and did a great job uh the usfc contract we're still working on it we're trying geast management Improvement significant Improvement there um it cost us a few more dollars but we think we finally got to a draw or maybe even a win with the geese uh we had a great night out on the national L out cinem Cinema Labs has been slow um and I I can't say anything but that at this point they still say they have a plan but we see uh uh aadim our Temple had their 100th Year celebration uh we passed a referendum to assess the form of government we withdrew from the affordable housing community obligation um so these are about 30 highlights that I just kind of got down that we often think we don't get things done or things are slow we do get things done um and uh I certainly appreciate everybody who's made those things happen so I will now turn it over to council president thank you mayor I'm the lay on for the shade tree uh commission so they had a meeting on December 4th they um had four applications they were moving eight trees um at the locations of 307 4th Avenue 200 Fletcher Lake Avenue 415 Parkplace Avenue and 400 Evergreen Avenue the good news is they're going to have six Replacements plus one a $1,000 fee on the set for one that's not being replaced their account is currently $1,900 tourism the Mary Market was held on December 1st and had lots of holiday Shoppers and that visited the vendors thanks to the local musician Ronnie Brant for filling the rec center with holiday tunes and thank you to the volunteers CJ and S as well as Rosemary Boney for working in the cafe and thanks to Adela Hall and rafaa Shireen for keeping the kids craft station going uh the tree lighting had its largest audience with live music from peace plus one horse and carriage rides a wonderful performance by Neptune High School's Scarlet sound thank you Amy hall for that and snow and special thanks to girl uh Girl Scout Troop 54 for handing out cookies and cocoa as well as Jordan barrar for making the cotton candy um Amy Hall uh stated that Bradley Beach is not just destination it's a community committed to crafting Unforgettable experiences for all and we invite families and for us alike to join us in celebrating the ongoing vibrancy of our small town special thanks to the tourism commission Amy Hall also Michelle Willie DPW the police department the fire department the first aid and everyone else behind the scenes that made it such a special event and such a huge success and next is the Jazz Festival stay tuned February 7th and 8 mark your calendar it'll be held in the historic Bradley Beach Elementary School theater tickets are free but you must reserve them as seating is limited visit the burough website for more details with the school the Bradley Beach Elementary School has named the teacher of the year Mrs Laurel Dean and education service provider of the year and Mrs Ana angelone both have had outstanding contributions to the scho school Community bless you John we next we are proud of the strong partnership we have with the Bradley Beach Police Department last week they held an evening training session at the school to enhance emergency preparedness their ongoing collaboration ensures the safety of our students and staff and we're grateful for their dedication and we also want to thank everyone who contributed to the holiday giving drive and supported the local food pantry making a meaningful difference for the many of our families and lastly oh they are also named as sustainable Jersey school of recognition that reflects our commitment to sustainability and our strong connection to our community and Dr heidleberg and the staff uh wish the council and the residents a happy and healthy holiday season and I want to also add the Bradley Beach Historical Society has a new curated exhibit in the Bazi Center I had the honor of putting the ribbon for them on December 7th I believe it was on Sunday at 2 o'clock we also had many speakers come in that were multi-generational families here and all different heritages it was really really interesting and I want to thank them for all their work they're all volunteers and their work is very important and it's very appreciated and that completes my report thank you so you Council G toi thank you Mr Mayor um once again I thank Captain Terry Browning who provides me my my regular police reports and he did provide a pretty active one for us to close out 2024 uh since the last meeting we've had the following activity an area man was arrested for possession of controlled dangerous substance cocaine possession of a drug paraphernalia crack pipe and hindering apprehension he also had an active contemp of Court warrant and was in the company of another local ay man who had a separate contempor Court warrant police encountered a subject acting strange on the train tracks and he was subsequently arrested for providing police with false information and public nuisance police made three arrests three separate arrests on three separate occasions for subjects driving while intoxicated a total of six individuals were also arrested for active contempt of court warrants during the last reporting period and then uh he wishes me a happy holiday um I speaking of that I would like to uh note that this probably does represent the the last council meeting of the year for this Council uh thank you and the audience here and on Zoom for for attending today um but for most of our residents this will also be my last chance this year to State my gratitude for this community that consistently challenges every one of these council members to do to serve Bradley Beach and and to make this a wonderful place to live I want to wish everyone wonderful and healthy holidays over the weeks ahead let's all enjoy our families and our friends and let's return in 2025 energized to work together to make a wonderful Bradley Beach even better happy holidays okay counil woman Mahone thanks hi everybody and thanks for coming to our last council meeting of 2024 I also went to the tree lighting and the bonfire and uh I brought some friends with me and we had a great time and the snow was amazing I thought it was a great addition because I got some really amazing photos the environmental commission met on December 2nd and during that meeting hosted in conjunction with the Bureau of Bradley Beach OEM Joe maruchi of tracks 57 News gave an outlook on the winter weather for Bradley Beach I'll let you know what he said December should be cold the first half of the month with little snow snow it was it was cold it it was cold um but we should see a warmer second half of December if the polar vortex does not show up in January we won't have cold air and probably won't have much cold weather we could get days in the 50s and 60s in January the first half of February is our best chance of snow and expect mild temperatures for March as well so it doesn't look like it could to be too bad thank you for to Joe marui for his program the land use board met on November 21st the board approved a variance for ribbon driveway on Mammoth Avenue it was brought to the board's attention that ribbon driveways have been deemed unacceptable in the burough depending on the interpretation of our ordinances and the suggestion was made to the board that they include in a report to the council to revisit or 450-4800 Zer after the recusal of Mayor Fox Mr Marco and myself the initial and final application for the subdivision of 317-1 19 lorine Avenue also known as the church prop the applicant which was the burough also sought and was granted waivers for the following with the following documents and checklist size and location of all existing and proposed structures and length measurements of perimeter building and walls dimensioned size and location of all existing structures within 200 fet of the site boundaries and a grading and utility plan residents within 200 ft of the property boundary showed up to express concerns regarding the lack of a graded plan and the potential impact of storm water runoff the board will meet again on December 21st I want to wish all of our residents and employees a fabulous holiday season and a happy New Year this will be my last council meeting it has been an eye openening pleasure working for all of you and the rest of the bre residents of Bradley Beach these past 14 months I leave this position with my only regret being that I am unable to continue serving Bradley Beach in this capacity I'm excited about the future of Bradley Beach the capable minds and hardworking hands who will be doing an incredible amount of work in 2025 and Beyond I look forward to an increasing sense of community fairness Especial for especially for our local 152 transparency fiscal responsibility trust inclusive decision-making and respect for residents in 2025 there's an African proverb which with some of you I'm sure are familiar if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together I'm excited to see how far Bradley Beach can go how much better we can be together thank you thank you councel think got the first dat Squad so for the and then few other things so for the period ending today the squad responded to 25 day calls and 16 Night Calls for 41 calls calls 25 were for medical 16 were for fire calls the squad provided medical OverWatch for the Bradley Beach annual bonfire and Santa in the park tree lighting which I should just say you know when we go to these things and we're having fun and do you know our volunteers are there making sure that God forbid if something happens like they're ready so they're basically working when we're all having fun at every single one of these events anyway uh Squad requested one mutual aid from Neptune Ems for this operational period uh that meant that they fulfilled 98% of their assignments for this operational period as always they're looking for volunteers there's free training for qualified people anyone who wants to volunteer with the first aid Squad uh you can find the applications on the Bros website they're accepting applications for their Cadet Program for Young People 16 to 18 years of old years of age uh if they're interested in serving the community and for fire fire report is landscape for some reason I don't understand why but um so for the month that ended November 30th fire department responded to 10 day calls three Night Calls for a total of 13 calls one was for fire nine were for alarm activations three were carbon monoxide alarm activations the department conducted one training for hydrant operations the department also conducted a standby operation at the Bon car on the beach there were no Mutual Aid requests for the fire department uh they're happy to report that one new fire firefighter uh application pending and the department fulfilled 100% of their assignments for this period uh the same is first aid they're always looking for volunteers for they offer free training for qualified individuals anyone wishing to volunteer can find application on the B website uh let's see now regular comments I was at the fre lighting the free lighting of course was great um I want to congratulate the members of the charter study commission who I guess basically got sworn into office and had their first meeting I think something like that so uh they have some work to do and um we all know what that's about so fler Lake commission uh I will kind of say what the mayor said the residents are really happy about the geese removal that happened I guess through late summer early fall the commission got great feedback about and phrase and the town got great feedback and phrase regarding this East removal uh that East removal plan cost $5,000 and we split it evenly with Neptune uh the town wasn't in a position to pay it when before we had the budget passed so the FL Rel commission went ahead and paid it uh they want to reup with this geese control company and the contractor would like to execute a contract for 2025 as soon as possible now something else about the lake commissions people should just know the town pays $3,000 they give them $33,000 basically as a stien to each L commission just for them to operate money doesn't come with any strings attached it's it's just owed to the each commission each calendar year um on a bills list back in October we approved a check for $2,550 to the flet commission so obviously the amount was wrong um the check was returned and a letter was submitted by the Fletcher commission saying that Fletcher commission believes they are owed the $2,500 they paid the contractor for the geese removal of the summer and they they're also owed the $3,000 stien for the year of 2024 hopefully we can get this settled before the end of the year and then they can work on paying the goose guy for 2025 as well um Christen you won us over with your commitment to transparency and I think you should still be able to film a debate on your phone and you probably think the same thing too um but turns out there's a lot more to you uh made you a great candidate for Council your attention to detail in financial documents and your willingness to go over and over and over uh all the budget documents um that made you a real asset up here um I've enjoyed sitting next to you and passing the occasional joke and hoping the public didn't uh notice or hear um so I just want to thank you for your friendship and I'm happy that you're not going anywhere and that I will see you around town so you got it all right and Mr Mayor I want to recognize how hard you have worked as the mayor of this town uh there are several infrastructure projects that will likely happen that you have put into motion from happen here tonight uh in particular I'd like to thank you for hearing me out on the need for the southern third of our beachfront to get better protected by bulkhead uh when you heard that you got it and you acted and as a result we have a big Grant coming to the town for that and if that project ends up being built we will have you will have had a hand in it so um thank you for that I wish you the best in the rest of your retirement and I wish wish the best for your family and I hope everyone stays happy and healthy and thank you and that's my report thank you Council okay uh we are now at the comments portion yeah to um um I think the public will reflect on his version of the events of the last year a little differently as predictable he leaves um which is part of the course um I titled this farewell Fox as we bid farewell to you Larry Fox it's imperative to reflect on your tenure which will be forever remembered as the darkest chapter in the history of Bradley Beach mayor Fox's administ rtion has been marred by Scandal corruption mismanagement and a blatant disregard for the well-being of our community one of the most egregious actions under mayor Fox's leadership was his cover up of the ex-chief of police Leonard Gua mayor Fox's mismanagement of public tax money resulted in multiple material misstatements in the 2022 audit a clear indication of his inability to handle the Burrows finances responsibly others like myself still believe it was a crim it was criminal in nature and in Rico activity and a criminal Network actively operating within our burrow government adding insult to injury the 2023 audit and both the 22 and 23 corrective action plans remain past due leaving residents in the dark about the true state of our finances mayor Fox's tenure has been characterized by a pattern of enriching his cronies and political friends at the expense of the taxpayers without our permission or consent he used taxpayer and residents money to sue our duly elected officials in a desperate attempt to hold on to power and cover up his criminal activities from being exposed his behavior towards residents who dared to call out his illegal activities have been nothing short but graceful he's been rude nasty insulting and dismissive even going so far as to threaten those who spoke out against him under mayor Fox's Administration burrow ordinances have been weaponized and selectively enforced against residents creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation meanwhile he personally and blatantly violated burrow ordinances without repercussions his actions and inactions have left our burrow vulnerable to multiple Justified lawsuits further draining our already depleted resources he allowed our police officers to be obscenely abused without taking any action to protect them and for two years he failed to negotiate a fair contract for burrow Employees leaving them in a state of financial uncertainty and personal frustration mayor Fox's division of leadership has created a rift in our community never before seen in our lifetimes his Reckless financial decisions have depleted our reserves to the point of near bankruptcy and insolvency he has been he has increased our taxes to a record high of 21% placing an undue burden on the residents of Bradley Beach as we look to the future we are thrilled to see mayor fox go his departure marks the end of an era of corruption mismanagement and division now we can be heal under the mayorship of a true leader who possesses Integrity honesty and has the best interests of the residents at hard it is time for Bradley Beach to move forward and rebuild the trust and the unity that mayor of fox so frivolously and carelessly destroyed let us never forget how we got here ex- Mayor Gary englad endorsed Larry Fox who was elected despite never having attended a single council meeting before holding the office of Mayor mayor Fox will not and his legacy will serve as a stark reminder of the importance of accountable and transparent leadership let us Embrace this opportunity to restore the community and work together towards a brighter future and with that I want to thank all of them each and one of each including Council and Erica for enduring the last four years and you conducted yourself with class and professionalism in the face of some very very comtable situation none of it should have ever been placed in and I want to thank councilwoman Mahoney personally for everything that she's done in the last year and being thrown into a situation that I don't think anyone of us would have wanted to be in and I really look forward to the next year and I will never ever and I personally hold my myself responsible for my part and not participating or paying attention up until until July of 2023 but after the last year and a half I learned a lot I'm going to start volunteering I'm going to start becoming more involved and I encourage everybody to do the same and I will never ever not pay attention to what goes on in my community after together and with that I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and all of your families I wish you happiness and health in the coming year and thank you for your hard work thank you thank you and Merry Christmas and we look forward to working with you next year as well yes Mr Coan um Thomas J Coan 62 if you could indulge me for just a second oh no council president um I'd like to uh prepare something which was hand improperly um Council woman would you please sit up here for the B meeting comment there where they should they should be made um just another Injustice uh fixed here in Bradley Beach um the uh I I would like to address the subdivision which was done at the church I attended the meeting um I've attended I'm not exaggerating a thousand planning and zoning board meetings I was very disappointed in the fact that the town would apply to the their own land use board and submit in incomplete documents and ask for waivers waivers are variances their relief from the checklist items which protect the people of the burrow to have five people noticed within 200 feet all asked for a zoning plan and they're denied the zoning plan it was the most embarrassing thing so I would I would request that the burough Bley Beach being the counil reapply in January to the land use board for a bifurcated application including a grading plan to protect the people you have a a 1 half acre parcel you can properly grade the last time it was braided was 100 years ago make sure it operates properly for the residents who live here there do the preliminary approval as should have been done in the beginning once the building is torn down then the town would come back for the final approval I I just like things to be done properly the application was not presented well they also snuck in keeping the parsonage well there was no testimony that the parsonage didn't need variances to remain there no testimony oh we're just drawing lot lines no that's not what you're doing so um I would request that in 2025 in January um you would do that um you know the res the residents have an emotional attachment to the items that are in the church but you know what the residents also have an emotional attachment to the statute of the state of New Jersey which protect their items so I would appreciate it if that process was followed properly and you know mayor Fox is is not here but you know um mayor gubitosi I mayor gubitosi I just for four years I've heard I think I think I look forward to a mayor who says I know I know that's that's the kind of Mayor I'm looking for so I'm sure you'll be able to have the answers and um the uh you know we've had a unique opportunity in November um and it was really fortunate for our residents to have elected councilman OSI and I really look forward to 2025 and all the residents who attend all the meetings we really appreciate all your support coming out for the town and we appreciate everything you do Council thank you thank you oh actually Council woman well oh well I think I'm not supposed to speak when I'm up here so I'm I'm still left thank you PJ um I thought I would hear a little bit of clarity of um 2024 217 um for the awards improvements of Fifth Avenue and it's a 2023 Municipal Aid project can anyone share some clarity as to what exactly that is and was that money that was appropriated in 2023 and is being transferred into 2024 I know uh Council woman Mahoney did ask the I did oh yeah do you have any idea why this has 20233 it does say additionally Mr mlac will be available tonight for questions so T sure uh this is a 2023 NJ Municipal aid grant that has and we're izing it now uh we also have a 2024 Grant and congratulations 2025 grant for just announced this past week we received another one uh so we'll be doing some additional work uh coming did we not do this until now because of the budget delay that's part of it that was part of it uh the there was so a little bit of back and forth with the the design and then it had to go through a a do review process that was kind of like the from what used to but it it's been done and and we're to the point where it's now been awarded by the council which is good and so we'll we'll move it forward into construction can you tell us what construction will take place can you share that with us uh it's most likely going to be in the uh early spring it it'll start and uh Paving will be probably March April so it's Paving yesing fth Avenue we're Paving Fifth Avenue Paving fth Avenue thank you great thank you so the paving of Fifth Avenue is $360,000 oh yeah yeah that's how much it is to and we have the9 it's the I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut um it's the paving of of the two the I'm trying to get get my blocks correct uh 400 500 block of Fifth Avenue as well as lining the sil from Main Street to madis this this is the sewer it's I don't know the the details of the budget that's that's beyond my favorite related to the me yeah this is so this like what counts was talking about so we're not behing the road and then tearing it up a year later to do anything to the to the sewers and what was the amount no no no but I mean that we got a grant from the state for 19 so this is yeah Ben did you say swer lining yeah I was when did we agree to line sewers then what is that sewer line I mean are we still gonna have to tear up the 120 year old sewers at some point so the lining process is is I mean exactly what it sounds like you you line the interior of the sewer man uh and it it's basically with a an inflatable tube that cures once you react with the a an agent and it hardens in place and that becomes the new uh sewer man uh and that we we reviewed the sewers they are a candidate for this process not every sewer m in town is a candidate uh for example the the one we just did on Parkplace Avenue uh was was not a candidate there were uh collapses and and uh offset joints in that that name that would not allow us to line that one so that one was replaced this one was a candidate for this process so so it's it was done this way I thought that's only good for 20 like 25 years mining uh that's probably pretty accurate I wasn't aware that we were doing s lining but I think can continue that discussion next year thank you question um I believe that the borrow owns a manora in the past years it's been put out in Riley Park yeah um I wish mayor Fox was here because I'm just wondering why it's not out maybe we can ask Pat do you know anything about the manora I don't okay um Mike Big Mike is do you do you guys have do you know where it is yes we have can we get it out maybe than later yes is very late this year Hanukkah well it's the same day as Christmas same day as Christmas Christmas decorations December 25th I don't think they were saying light it just put it out right exactly um at the Keem will be lighting it on December 25th yeah but I would like to have it on display so if you guys could work on that that'd be wonderful thank you and I also just want to commend Kristen Mahoney for serving Council for a year um invaluable and I'm sorry that mayor Fox is not here because um I would just like to thank him for his service for the past four years thank you I'll give him the message okay thank you okay ray good evening I just have a just remind us your name address sorry R 604 Bradley Bard I have a couple comments about the uh the Main Street improvements I think the decision we made tonight was the right decision um you wouldn't renovate a house and then decide that you need to repair the foundation and there's nothing more important for Aesthetics on a street than buried underground distribution that's what you call it buried underground distribution the cost quoted tonight I feel is very high1 to3 million a mile is more typical utility companies also love buried underground distribution because it's easier to maintain and it eliminates tree trimming and it provides more reliable service so they they do like it um deciding not to do that first basically means you'll never do it because basically we what it means is that everything you do after it will just get disrupted and you just have to redo it so this is and if just even think about it driving down any Street the ugliest thing you see are the utility poles you're not going to see the cavers and the lights you really see the openness of the of the street it's where you start the project it's and again if it's decided not to do it that's fine but you can you're never going to go back and do it to give a shot listen thank you Miss Linda ducky 32 rley Avenue I just want to go back to what TJ was saying about the subdivision conveniently on their survey PL the person was going to REM made but in this bid package it's going to be demolished I did say it was probably a mistake and that mean and they had no idea but obviously I don't know what's going on so what are we doing I think you said about the vid with the de demolition that it's both buildings so it's all it's all buildings right so the land survey I mean the plot plan was incorrectly represented and the land board represented themselves and not represented what we were saying because we did identify that also because it's four Lots is that considered a large PL plan which does require raing yes and that was not addressed because was that the waiver they were asking for okay why not putting the demolition on the plot right I believe the rfp2 not only they doing the demolition they're going to be doing the grading as well but I haven't seen the RFP I wish I think I looked at it and think it says that but I'm not sure um Ben is here maybe he can help us what are we going to do with this property put you on spot then you should have left why I'm here to answer questions I'm sorry so is be yes before or after um the church comes out the well the church has to be demolished and then there is going to be creating Associated but where people around the area are concerned about drainage because it does smoke to other people's not to mine necessarily but to other people's property in my neighborhood so they're worried that when that whole building comes down and there's a huge Kat in the ground is that be filled right away I can't tell you because well I'll tell you why I say that because uh as as was discussed earlier tonight uh tnm prepared the building demolition specifications that are currently out to B uh I don't know what those look like so this is ultimately uh the rating of the final um buildings that are going to be ConEd that make sense yes wait say it again you're gonna take a look at all this again Janu yes in January we can take a look at everything but we just don't really have access right now to look at anything so the Gees are back enforce okay they're probably migrating there's a different type of geese there's residential geese these don't look like they look like the regular pooper on the groundies well even the ones that migrate have to do that I think point is that there are resident geese that you know reside and that's be dealt with and there's some that are migrating through and they stop and St Lake and they stop and they spend the day or something tomorrow morning they should be gone they been there to know okay we on which L okay I get the legs mixed up still SV South it's easy to remember oh there you go forget that um so Eric I have to ask you ER can you put that video back on the website I I don't do the website just so everybody knows who does that um I I I don't know where that video is and I don't normally post that stuff to the website because the website did change recently how you view it at home we need to take a look at that as well yeah because it was so much easier to manipulate through it now it's kind of hard to find where you're going and that I noticed I went through every thing and I couldn't find that video again because I wanted to look at it just to see what else was in there because I think they're missing with you and thank you everybody for your work and it's going to be a great year and look how nice we're all smiling and laughing at each other and you're going to ask me about the East I thought you ask me to do something about the East like you were really about to get an answer let me tell you zoom Center okay thank you for your work and if I'm on the beach again and think a w is going to take me out please wake me up anytime thanks for being here um ran did I answer your email you did I did okay good ran down is 619 4th Avenue Governor Murphy signed s 34848 66 into law making Co outdoor dining permissions permanent for restaurants and certain alcoholic beverage retailers for the state of New Jersey will the burrow of Bradley Beach have any say regarding whether outdoor dining remains and if so will restaurants had to ad to co there are restaurants that have out dining prior to co how is the new bill different than what already exists and what will Bradley Beach do about the concerns and complaints of residents and fellow business owners I've been impacted by outdoor dining for the past four years expanding restaurants to outdoor dining comes with responsibility to surrounding areas and residents all of these outdoor dining establishments need to be examined by the buau of Bradley Beach and they need to adhere to code and assume responsibility special events need to be handled just select the code chapter 393 States and let outdoor dining be just that outdoor dining I believe a workshop should be held on the matter of outdoor dining including restaurants the mayor council neighboring businesses and the restaurant owners regarding these issues but not living to hours of outdoor operation school nights need to be considered as well as residents with their windows open on spring summer and fall mornings afternoons and evening outdoor live music volume and frequency volume regulation and how many times a season outdoor sports events State same as I just stated Porta poot storage it's unsightly and the weekly maintenance is pretty gnarly and seems unsanitary at a restaurant and public way outdoor restaurant operations code education and conduct ex expectations for employees parking capacity has been increased parking has decreased dumpster enclos enclosure es placement cleanliness and maintenance we all want a beautiful downtown Bradley Beach communication is the foundation of any relationship town code gives us a set of rules to follow and with that we can have clear expectations of our neighbors the result cohesive communities can respons oh please do yeah Brian hang out for a second just um I don't know if it's gonna answer any of your questions but you asked about you know outdoor dining so the before the pandemic the restaurants that had an outdoor dining we had a sidewalk dining or cafe or whatever stipulation they could apply for it they could get approved for it but it went they had to apply for it and if they would go through that every year and our code enforcement or like zoning of Code Enforcement would do it so just that's how that worked and I think what you referenced with the governor he signed something that allows towns to you know if they want to make the outdoor dining permanent they can that doesn't mean that it's like it's not automatic throughout the whole Sate so I believe we've heard from people some people want their their part back and um so I believe for the restaurant that you're talking about like we'll have a discussion about that in 25 as you reest I'm not anti I love all the celebrations I like to eat outdoors myself it just if I have to abide by code everyone else should sense anything else you want to add with that Mr Canon about this so there's a new state law that extended so there were temporary back in 20122 but this is this is a um a mutual area of Regulation between the burrow and the state right the alcoholic be beverage commission has at our jurisdiction and we have jurisdiction at this moment the those temporary permits have all been extended automatically until November 30th of 2025 as they said and the director of the ABC has until May 30th 2025 to because they're these are basically being made permanent at this point they're not no longer temporary no longer year extensions you basically make an application and make your expansion your premises permanent the ABC is going to put out regulations they have until according to the law May May 30th 2025 um at which that that will delineate the scope of the municipal regulation your points to code and everything like that that's already in the original statute that requires a zoning application for these continue now to make them permanent so that's already in there so that will be addressed as a matter of course but in terms of exactly the rest of what you described is going to be addressed we don't actually know sitting here but we will know by May 30th and then the if uh licensing makes an application to make that temporary prior permit permanent as part of their liquor license it will then Renew on July 1st just like all the rest of them co- terminat with the rest of the liquor license this November date will go away and it will everything will go back to July and then regardless of what the special rulings are the special conditions and all the usual parameters of local jurisdiction to deal with lot of the quality of life problems that you were identifying will still exist no matter what and will be applicable and can be applied by this Council or any burrow or any municipality um in during the June July renewal period um in 2025 so that's where we sit right now in terms of like what the rubric is right now it's all in the ABC hands um and as uh before May 30th they're going to issue what's called special ruling do special ruling I'm going do an advisory notice which basically explains to people like me and Erica how to handle this new regulation that they've put in place on a local level because they're ultimately in charge of it so that's the current rubric of the situation um you know in many places there what was temp what was temporary and what people thought was acceptable as a temporary accommodation when now it's this is literally going to be permanent um you know I think that the way people go look at it will be different and I you know we're hoping that that would be taken into account by the ABC's um notice to come but prior to the renewals but if it's not and we still have the same special conditions and all their ordinary liquid license controls over these premises that we do of any other bar or anything else at house so that's that's the rubric that we're sitting in we don't actually know how to deal with this problem at this moment until the state tells us by day all right well I appreciate that thank you no problem at all thank you Miss Mena Nancy meow Ocean Park unini Association you know I come here not planning on saying anything and then everything comes up so um want to point out that in 20 days we'll be firm two years the DBW has not had contract I'm mortified um yes I'd love to see Power Power underground I a power average today where apparently is extensive through Wall Township and Neptune it's not fun to have kids without your phones without no computers um it's not a good thing um I would like to say that we have a pattern and I don't deal well with it in my personal life of waiting till the last minute and then having to make a decision that really isn't the right decision because we're the last minute so that's in reference to all the grants that we were discussing this evening um and they I say it's not free money I pay for those grants my property taxes here my state taxes and my f taxes so I don't want to just take them to take them I want to take them because we know where we're going with them which would help if I knew what you're extending the pr ey with what what is it going to look like when we're putting papers we just putting sand we just building it up Main Street personally I've said this before pick a number four five whatever those are the colors you're allowed to do your facade with when you redo it when you whenever number of signage X number of designs that's a signage put a little elbow grease enforce the codes and you would be surprised what Main Street might look like without all these bazillions of dollars mhm in January I'm so proud of me in January of 2024 in a telephone conversation with the VA um because Miss Dy asked who does the website and Erica stated that she didn't but we didn't learn who I was told by the current ba at that time or the acting ba that each department does their own part of the website I'm not saying that that's true I'm really saying that's what I was told um regarding Paving Fifth Avenue 500 block that's the school that can't be done in Spring you got to find those months in the summer when summer school's not open and there are several blocks of time where that happens environmentally asthma and inhaling all of that let Al the safety of all those Vehicles there and taking away from teacher parking it's not like they have a parking lot but you know why would we plan that um just point of clarification the Historical Society wonderful presentation was on Sunday the 8th this Saturday is the 14th I don't know why that um was given by someone else this Thursday which is tomorrow is the 12th so whatever is going on tomorrow the 18th is it tomorrow the 12th and next week the 18th I don't know and then chist who you were involved prior to this position your contribution with accuracy questions and humor could not be surpassed you don't like humor remember I know I know um and then and I expect this all to continue because you're not going to wilt away so with that that's minut although I will sit down and think what I did say thank you very much any other questions or comments Lauren Lauren for and a half Bley Avenue um just touching upon a few things that have been said today um I would also like to um to thank the um the movement that led to the Main Street decisions being put off until we know about underground utilities and I would also like to point out um with that regard and I'm sure you're all aware that weather is becoming more extreme that it's not just an aesthetic question you know that the more we can go to underground the less likely we are to be without heat for extended periods of time you know um ke like um all of those important things um also you know I had occasion to be walking around town quite a bit in the LA you know in the um early fall and I heard complaints about the condition and The View on Main Street but everything that I heard from residents was a really Code Compliance it was really things that were clean up so you know just that me and I too sh share the idea that just because we have a grant doesn't mean we want to match it and spend it you know I mean in the terms of I'm not educated enough on the whole Main Street plan to know whether it's worth it or it isn't but that is a perspective that I have that we should be choosing very carefully um what the B needs and and how we use money moving forward um I too am concerned about the issue of the um of the 319 and particularly the grading plan um we brought that up at the zoning board meeting and the lovely um man from C I'm sorry I don't know your name um satisfied me very much when he said well that's all going to be taken care of with the Demolition you know the town will certainly see that that it's I mean it's we all know it has retaining walls and its high that'll all be down to street level and I thought that was great and then I went home and I thought wait a second any other applicant would have to make that representation formally in order to get the the permission to do the subdivision and now where do we have recourse and the idea was that it would be in the Demolition and now it's not this engineering firm but TM T tnm G&M who put together the big specifications and we have have no it's not been clarified to me yet that that includes raing that whole lot let alone what that graving is going to look like and how it's going to take place and I frankly am concerned about all the bids I I didn't um over the course of the last three and more years I have not gotten a huge sense of confidence about what H and you know or seen a whole l of transparency when it comes to things like bids plans purchases and I'm wondering does the council have any you see the you you see the specifications but do you have any say in what they are in the final analysis and do you get to see the bids and know on what basis the bid was chosen well we we would participate in the in the choosing of the of the bidder you know the you know the successful bidder but that has been a constant challenge for the council we have not been privy to the development of the specifications they haven't been shared with us before they go out uh residents tonight have raised questions about that application council president Den Noble was really clear in in saying we wanted a demolition of all the buildings um that we wanted grading and yet the application and again uh Mr matlack wasn't aware we had tnm was pulled in we were not aware of that U an attorney we don't know was pulled in and it was all again it was all the process managed by the administration and we found out more or less you know when when the u l use board meeting occurred when all the residents found out when I think Mr M found out um you know exactly what was being requested uh so hate to sound like we're making mistakes but or making excuses but we're we just have not been as informed as as we would like another way to say it is a lot of the people that are responsible for this work that should really be meling together are are separate right so you have an engineer here who helped you do the subdivision plan but then another engineer did the demolition plan and the subdivision appr subdivision has a building stay that's being knocked down by the demolution bit right on the B attorney I haven't seen either so we're right so we're we're we're on December 11th and in three weeks I have had a long discussion with mayor Le gubitosi about trying to make these pieces fit together in a way not just on this project level as you can see how confusing this gets when some I you know just that that tonight you know more people look at it more people catch that the building staying in one and not t the other right and that is something that we have talked explicitly and for frankly hours at this point since election day about how we get a handle on all those little because every little piece that doesn't fit together just costs all the taxpayers money which make it fit together after the fact and so that's something that councilman G toi mayor and I and a lot of the all your council members frankly over perod I've talked about about getting those you guys come here and point out pieces that don't fit together every two weeks all meeting long for by my account for like an hour and a half tonight and that can't happen if you have any trust in anything that can be accomplished up here and that's like just you know to be honest with you we could sit here and not answer your questions all night but like we just be honest with you we don't know I don't I that was news to me sitting at the microphone and on J come January 1 we intend to fit those pieces together efficiently transparently I mean Al could give you probably give you the speech you give me on the phone multiple times but like that's what we intend to do we don't have an answer for you right now we we can sit here the next two hours and I can't tell you how all this fits together the CL doesn't even know who does the website but we're going to find out January 1st and I can promise you on the the first and third Tuesdays now um we're going to make sure all the pieces fit together but that's the best thing we can do tonight I mean I don't mean I don't mean to like I cut you off or whatever but we don't have any answers you're talking about that's really appreciate it one thing I'd like to get some some clarity on first of all I do completely trust that transparency and efficient working and collaboration is going to be the absolute Norm well the alternative is been pretty miserable I think we'd all agree so I'm sorry I think the alternative has been pretty miserable for all of us sitting here every two weeks together so yes that's something that may may and I discussed as well how we like not do this every two weeks that sounds great um but still on that subject okay I'm going to ask this governing body not to let go of that grading issue I me it be great if it could be dealt with on the bid can I um and new construction but also they would be required for the for the new whatever being new is being built there to have a grading plan but your point is well taken and look reviewing the site plan and making sure that it's what we originally talked about here in September is like basically what top three top too I don't know we have a lot of problems but it's up there yeah if I could just go back to that individual property that's exactly what I'm hoping to circum event I have been on zoning board and I have seen what happens depending upon who happens to sit on it who happens to have an application what there are a lot of variables that can come can I ask you a question and I I don't mean to keep cut you off if your wealth of like revealing stuff do people here bar only have the basement to get more space underneath the house and then the house Tower over is that the grading issue that you guys I didn't understand so it's been my experience in towns where the property values are high that people start playing with the first floor elevation in order to jam more space underneath the house this happened this happened to the point of absurdity in some cases I could bring in Fair Haven as houses and so there is a way to address that through your zoning ordinance that they did in Fair Haven which does not allow you to then have a castle that basically Towers over your neighbor's house because you've effectively raised the the grade from Street level of your property feet in some cases in Fair Haven is a lot more topographical than here so like I'll bring you the houses that are like you be I can't I can't believe that that LA right um so we can address that overall issue I've heard that brought up a number of times I heard it brought up here as part of the subdivision you don't want a bunch of four houses you toing everyone else seems to be and train H also becomes a problem because everything comes off the roof the leaders run down toone El house long story short I'm really familiar with this issue and I would um I can bring the ordinance that they passed in faen we can we can look at it that prevents people from jamming basically a third floor is a basement that's dis far out of the ground and not you know you know any the long story short I am familiar with this issue and we could work on this too in a more comprehensive sense than just this property yes do you know thank you that was a concern that hadn't even occurred to me it's just someone it's just the idea that right now we're what 5T above and then even if they're not trying to build more Wonder there's it's nice to be high and dry unless of course you're raining down water on your neighbors you know you have a great view but you're taller than it just to me any the it doesn't there was a suggestion by this Zing by the land use board um at that last meeting that you residents are going to have to stay very Vigilant and you're going to have to come to every meeting if there's any you know if there's any requests for variances on those properties and I thought with the de restrictions like it was like Varan is no and then they couldn't tell me whether that was true or it wasn't that wasn't true according to them and then it seemed to change it wasn't a super confident building meeting um but I would just like the town to take care of the grading issue on that entire plot and then you know and then going forward you know what other ordinances make the other thing that peaked me was the idea of lining those sewers I know it's already an issue with the north side of town why are we getting lining when other people got new sewers and I would really like you to stay on top of that too before anything actually happens with those sewers and opening it up and doing that and closing it up again and the fact that that came as a surprise I feel like I need to apologize to all of you I I have some feel for the dynamic that has existed and um the game of cleanup that may need to happen um I'm sure I had something um could you please consider allowing us to have dogs on the boardwalk un leash in the winter hours mirroring ocean grow un put that on the back okay thank you I'm sorry to take so long that's okay okay de hi Dain 313 L Avenue sorry Mr Canon but I'm GNA have to say this officially because at the land board they told us to be vigilant and to come to meeting and um essentially I live right next door to this property I'm I am concerned about the grading because of the water runoff the height is actually not as much of a concern because we live next to a towering church for the last 20 years so the height is not necessarily the issue for me it is the fact that we've never had water in our property and I really don't want that but I think it what I would ask of this governing body is that there be one meeting where you bring every professional into the room and hold a public meeting so that we can ask questions that get answered from the issues that Paul raised Mr nanin who was not emotional at all because his responsibility as the president of the historical society is to preserve the history of this town so by asking these questions that is his job just as our job as residents is to make sure that our property is protected but I also am concerned because that building this we've never demolished a building like this no one in this to in this room there have been other buildings in the history of this town where there's they've been demolished I don't think anybody's been responsible for such a a large building that's been there for so many years when that comes down there will be an impact on us as neighbors and I can give you an example when they fix the retaining wall around the church the rodents that lived in that retaining wall had to go somewhere and guess where they went into our homes we had to deal with that issue imagine what it will be like this has been an animal sanctuary it is beautiful to watch the birds and the re and the squirrels play all day it is wonderful but they're going to have to find a new home how will you handle that will the street be closed off will the sidewalks be closed loed because then the kids walking to school will have to find a new route to school so just like when you pay Fifth Avenue and you're going to have to work with the school you're going to have to work with us as neighbors to inform us to make I'm so we're aware of the hazards that we are going to be exposed to because we are going to be exposed to hazards and so for the safety of the residents please do your job of informing us so that we are aware because if we're aware we don't need to be emotional but if you put me at risk I will be emotional and that is not fair to us as residents just we're asking for information but don't make us go to 10 different meetings I don't have the time to go to 10 different meetings if you can do this in one meeting where you put everybody who has the information in the room so our questions can get answered that would be a much more responsible approach so that's all I ask thank you well said yes we have a couple people I see three people hi jul 6' New York Avenue um I'm really concerned hearing about Liners in the stores I live on the North Avenue and I know that this has been brought up before about liners and everybody said no way where all of a sudden did this get approved well we we were under the impression that Grandma for Paving I was not aware I don't until U Miss greenl asked the question and Mr mik answered it I'm I'm very was aw I'm so concerned about this is because first our infrastructure with our sores are just a mess to begin with and we have so many issues there but just to to think that oh okay well we'll just do because we wasted money I mean obviously we have a lot of financial issues that um you know with the departure of Mayor Fox um now that we're all going to be suffering I'm a taxpayer over 10 years here now I'm going to get a liner in my stores we'll be revisiting it oh okay so nothing will be approved and nothing will go two blocks like again future sewer projects I think are going to get a different view the answer your question I think this was a decision of the administration that we weren't necessarily aware of and don't you have to approve that that just get unilaterally passed I think we just did tonight we so we have to visit it okay I just wanted to make sure because that really did I am sure scared every Northend president in this town that they're going to be surprises going on that we that you're not aware of and that we're not aware of so um you guys have your word caught up for you we hope 2025 will be much more inclusive and a lot more transparent and uh we keep you posted on everything we can well and I thank you for what you said Mr Pon about come January 1 we're going to put the pieces together give some perspective we can sit here for a couple hours and talk about stuff that we don't know try and I know we all sound like we just can't this town can't go on like this just can't than oh thank you yes okay well exactly I see Elliot Elliot's iPhone just state your name and address please yes my name is Elliott Isaac 316 Parkplace thank you um good evening I wanted to say you know first of all good evening to Mayor Fox but I see that he has um looks like he's run away so council members thank you uh fell fellow residents Bradley Beach thank you for letting me just speak um I come to you tonight not only as a concerned homeowner but also as someone deeply invested in the well-being and beauty of our beloved town Bradley Beach has been a sanctuary for my family offering the quiet warmth and charm that has drawn generations to its Shores it's with that love and commitment in mind that I share the challenges we are facing regarding bamboo removal uh and seek your understanding and support the issue at hand um in August of this year we received notification that the that the bamboo planted on our property legally planted by the previous homeowner in 2017 excuse me was now in violation of the town's bamboo ordinance enacted in 2020 acting swiftly to comply we arranged for the immediate removal of the bamboo incurring substantial Fe and substantial costs in the process despite our efforts we were informed by Mr Martin Kylie the town inspector that additional more invasive work was required including digging a trench three F feet deep along the entire length of the plant bed um while we complied at every turn the process has become increasingly burdensome and costly exposing gaps in the ordinance and enforcement procedures that are not only impractical but also inequitable moreover our contractor professional bamboo landscapers pbl has suspended work in Bradley Beach New Jersey due to the town's policies and inspection requirements further delaying our ability to restore our property our key concerns number one the ordinance language and enforcement the bamboo ordinance lacks Provisions for grandfathering or leniency for bamboo planted legally before the ordinance took effect no explicit requirement in the ordinance for the three-foot trench now being demanded creating ambiguity and adding unnecessary costs number two is health and safety risks harmful urb Ides like Roundup are not a viable solution for our family given our personal circumstances including family members battling serious illnesses and young children present on the property non-toxic removal methods are essential number three equity and shared responsibility bamboo Roots do not respect property lines despite this only our property received the violation notice even though adjacent properties also containing bamboo remain unaddressed we propose that the cost of the removal be shared among effective Property Owners to ensure fairness and efficacy number four impact on contractors in compliance pbl's decision to suspend work in Bradley Beach highlights the impracticality of current policies When contractors cannot effectively homeowners are set up for failure despite their best intentions our proposed Solutions number one amend the ordinance include Provisions for granting bamboo plan Ed legally before 2020 clarify and streamline requirements to avoid unnecessary financial and physical burdens on homeowners number two simplify the inspection process limit inspections to a single visual check post removal and follow-up inspection one year later to confirm compliance eliminate the unwar unwarranted three-foot trench requirement unless explicitly justified by by bamboo experts provide number three provide financial support introduce the town subsidy for bamboo removal to assist homeowners facing exorbitant costs share removal costs among all effective Property Owners with the town coordinating efforts to ensure collective compliance number four designate approved contractors establish pbl or similar professionals as primary vendors for bamboo removal in Bradley Beach allowing for standardized practices and cost sharing Arrangements path forward our goal is simple to comply with the ordinance restore our proper and move forward without further undue hardship to date we have spent thousands on removal with projected costs in the future far exceeding our budget this is due to delays and additional requirements we ask the council to act act swiftly permit pbl to resume work without the risk of fines or unnecessary delays notify all affected Property Owners to ensure collective financial responsibility and prevent regrowth introduce a the town subsidy for bamboo removal to assist homeowners facing exorbitant costs provide a resolution that allows us to replant and restore our backyard without fear of future legal or financial repercussions time is of the essence as winter approaches frozen ground will will further delay work extending the eyesore in our backyard and preventing replanting efforts until spring this prolonged disruption is neither fair to us as homeowners nor beneficial to the town in closing Bradley Beach is a community that thrives on collabor collaboration and mutual respect by addressing these challenges thoughtfully and equitably can uphold the values that make this town so special I urge you to consider the proposed Solutions and take decisive action to resolve this matter to benefit all parties involved thank you for your time and understanding and I'm hopeful that together we can find a resolution that restores our property and more importantly our faith in the b in the Bradley Beach bureaucracy meant to serve and protect our community I appreciate your your time thank you Elliot thank you Paul mamp okay I just want to address this real quickly do we need to revisit our ordinance for this yes I I think Mr Isaac yeah I think that's pretty good that would be yeah yeah and I I've had numerous conversations and email exchanges with Mr Isaac um and Mr Isaac just to recap you know what you and I have covered the administration directs employees they direct code enforcement they direct U you know uh all the immediate challenges that you're facing with your property being torn up there unfortunately there's something this Council can do until next year when we can change the ordinance and a lot of what you read tonight I 100% agree with I was the author of the existing ordinance that needs a lot of changing so I take some responsibility for that I I I largely plagiarize from other towns so I think we're all learning about invasive invasive species but as as are we this is not not something that I ever intended to learn so much about but I'm happy to work with with the council to be able to either amend the ordinance and definitely help other people to move move past this this is not something that should be such a stumbling block but in terms of the immediatey of your property being torn up and and you know you're dealing with code enforcement in particular that really something that the the mayor and the business administrator should be able to to address with you over the next three weeks beginning January 1 you know you'll have a you'll have a new councel and and a new mayor and we can certainly work with you at that point but I wouldn't wait three weeks if you're able to engage our business administrator and the mayor as you know um mayor like toi I've been emailing it feels like for months now the mayor uh the ba with zero response I I it's it's a little bit hard for me to comprehend how someone is in that position and won't even acknowledge a receipt of of a of a of a of a complaint like that um so when you ask obviously to wait for three weeks I don't have a choice I mean I'm in a position right now where we were willing to do everything to comply spending thousands and thousands of dollars on something that's not going to beautify our property the property was beautiful the way it was it was a simple beautiful property it looks awful now and we can't do anything to make it to to fix it it's it's disheartening Mr Kon am I giving wrong advice here no I try to figure out the issue at this point I be honest with I don't really know anything about it the neighborhood situation is and what have you so I'm hesitant I'm not trying to pooo the gentleman I just don't really have a great answer for him but if there was anyone to work with him it would have to be our Administration correct in the short term yeah yeah yeah I mean overall yeah this Council really can't do anything over the next three weeks that that I'm aware of but perhap you know we could try to reach out and see if we can get some movement it sounds like the gentleman just wants some certainty on how to put his backyard together that he's not going to put it back together and have to rip it up again like can I take am I taking that yeah I don't know if you can hear me or not I had a little trouble hearing you I apologize it sounded like you were really looking for certainty to put your backyard together that if you put it back together no I can't put it I can't put it back together because the the I've been told by the um inspector that it has to be dug up by three three feet along the entire perimeter of my backyard in order to do that there's one company in the tri-state area that that spe specializes in that we were ready to contract we were had our pens out to be able to sign the contract they were already involved in another job in Bradley Beach the inspector delayed them and find them and they said we are not and then I got a letter from the owner of the company saying because of this we are no longer working in Bradley Beach that's why I can't repair the things that that have been that have been destroyed because the the the root system I've been told has to be taken up by by by three feet they're the only people that can do it because they come in with their machines and nobody else is this seems like a function of the way it's being enforced and as Mr gu toi said we don't have control over that right now we got just 20 days and we will have control over that 19 19 whatever um you know I'm definitely sympathetic Mr Isaac and I definitely want to talk to you and I would go Rogue and do that before the administration changes but it to me it sounds like it's has something to do with the way it's being enforced and it's not something we have control over at this second so okay we do have should I know we have to move on but we do need to make ordinance changes I I'm just encouraging you to continue if it's a daily email just continue to request mayor's intervention to I'm happy to do that even if I get no response I'm happy to do that I will you know obviously to see all of you as I have been and I appreciate your your your time and and you know um respect with this issue okay thank you very much thank you okay um oh you're mute the shamin 411 and a half Line Avenue um thank God God we have a change in administration happening now and it's too damn bad that it didn't happen years ago um in the meantime in the remaining weeks I hope that no more harm will be done and I'm specifically concerned of course about the 319 Lorraine Avenue and the way it's being handled um I wanted to clarify one thing um the mayor surprised me again when he was discussing the uh his history of U of how the disposition of the artifacts was being handled he mentioned that um Rose oconor mayor had been the one who um had been working on this um which was very strange um when I had a discussion with him on September 27th which I took extensive notes on which I'd be happy to show everybody he assured me that she was quote no longer involved in any way in the process I had specifically asked him if I could talk to her to clarify exactly what was going on and he said no she's not involved anymore she won't be involved well it turns out that she was and I I just I don't know how you work with an Administration which can't be transparent or consistently honest in their in discourse with you so please let's make sure that nothing else bad happens in the remaining weeks thank you thank you okay good so I think we are done with that and um we have to go into executive session now so I'd like to make a motion that we go into executive session second I wanted to Second it my last second sorry I resend my second for the record here second yes yes Mr gub yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes may Fox absent and if people are leaving I just want to say thank you for being here thank you um we love serving you it's our is our highest honor and please stay tuned for 2025 it's be a really great year we do this quickly