[Music] in oh yeah there is oh I know you part of the was a monage at good one of sum un yeah she does thank you how you doing nobody had any meeting [Music] used to be when he was in ad used to be with yeah United States of America repu for it stands one nation God indid liy and jce for all I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice as required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the asber park press the co-star and the new co-star on December the 20th on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed to the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing there is an inperson uh Quorum Mr Noble here Mr gubitosi here M Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here okay good good evening everybody um I I'll do our our commercial announcement to start and then we'll get going here uh I try to emphasize as at every meeting that although we welome disagreement because it helps us think things from a different perspective our voice should be constructive and the Brier Bradley Beach and ask just to join us in that Journey ask everybody to gauge their tone going forward excuse me um we are all neighbors um M DeMarco excused tonight she's ill hopefully there's a bug going around hopefully that's not CAU up to her but hopefully she'll be back in IM tomorrow uh Welcome to our fifth meeting of the year we continue to celebrate women's History Month with a little March Madness uh congratulations to one of our summer residents Chris da Chris is the um associate head coach of University of Conneticut They just won the Big E tournament on Monday and headed to the NCA tournament division one Chris has been a associate head coach at newon for some 35 years as a director's grad and she's had a house here for a condo here on Ocean par for some years now also want to congratulate another um woman leader in the sports world that's M Barber she's the NYU women's basketball coach uh her team's playing in the division three final 4 tomorrow night uh in Columbus Ohio her team is 29 and0 and is the favorite to win to the tournament they haven't gotten to the final four since 2007 so it's a big deal it's her fourth or fifth year so we wish those um women leader success um in the coming weeks U tonight uh we will as previously communicated be trying uh some new approaches to our meeting process uh this is our first uh official Department readout of an important team our our Public Works team I see a number of Public Works uh team in the building so that's great so if we have a detailed question we can point to those folks over there um uh in addition we have one of our key commissions the state Tre commission that's going to provide an update uh we'll continue uh we'll continue everybody we'll continue to ask everybody to help us with clock management another kind of March term and we all ask you to uh work with us in the coming weeks and months on that so uh with that we've got um no workshops for tonight we do have two presentations the first as I said is the Department of Public Works um this will be the first in the series I believe next month we're having Recreation followed by police I'm not sure but I know we've got a lineup I know bajio kabon who's been our public work supervisor for how many years b a lot a lot of years well supervisor for about six years six years supervisor yeah but a lot of years in total yeah I'm gonna get to that please don't mess up my as I said there's a number of uh these key guys in the uh room and we uh really appreciate what they do so I would't take any any more your fund G yeah so we got two screens so you can just um I would we got some handsome guys oh yeah hey uh we need to get that everybody um you're introduce Andrew too right yeah so Andrew and I have got over this adum the last three or four days and somehow we're still petrified to do so we're going to do the best we can this is not our strong Su we'll do the best we can um for those of you who do not know me I'm public works I just completed my 28 year on March 1st and i' like to thank the residents of this community government for to raise my family and you guys have been very respectful to me throughout the years I like to feel like I've been that back um so thank you very much I'd like to thank my Public Work employees my men and women in my department my assistant supervisor Patrick Allen who's been with me for he's been here 27 years I couldn't do without him um I have Dana my office manager without her Andrew myself and Patrick would be lost that's a fact um and I want to thank everybody else you know from my sanitation department you know to my custodial employees to my street department employees I just want to say thank you because without them you know we would not look as good as we do absolutely um my name is Andrew NES I'm the sanitation Foreman for public works I've been in this position for six years now uh pretty much after G took over um you know it's uh I'm on my 17th year now for the burrow and honestly I love my job I love the town it's a privilege to work in this to every day and you know I look forward to many many more years just just a quick little side and we're not going to take up too much time just a little quick side note when I took over we kind of had the sanitation thrust upon us and um I went into Andrew I said Andrew I think this guy will be perfect for you um make us look it was a very simple conversation I said consistency is the most important treat the residents with respect and I think he's absolutely done that with his employees that work so hard for him that makes everybody PowerPoint presentation I'm 53 this is the first one I'm doing you're up again so I would like to start with our project and capabilities uh we'll start with the common abis Center we had um issues there um which created some uh mold issues and we work hand inand with the remediation company um when they completed their work there was sheetrock obviously that had to be removed ceiling tiles that were removed throughout the entire building um molding taken off flooring taken off windows that had to be reset um we had to rewrap all the HVAC so that the building is comfortable for everyone that works there for the seniors that go there all my friends and uh you know basically the the men and women did an amazing job for that um Silver Lake we take care of I have some notes so Silver Lake you know we did a partial retaining wall a few years back um we also install the sprinkler system for The Lawns and we do a seasonal planting every year uh to try to make that look as good as we possibly can um Fletcher Lake bridge with the assistance of Neptune Public Works um we reconstructed the entire Bridge it's a little hairy at times we had to work out of a boat no almost fing a few times but we got it done and uh it absolutely came out amazing and I can't thank the the men and women enough for for their for their work on that uh the recreation center that about 3 years ago about years three years ago from start we had a major uh water leak that uh destroyed a lot of it and uh we rebilt it and uh it was a long time com yeah it was a long time need some more so that was that was basically complete gut y complete gut uh the Main Street uh we take care of the favers in front of our our you know own buildings Rec Center we take care of the curs do some RS uh the beach front we we've installed new stairs sidewalks we did the pads as you can see here to make it a little easier for people to get to the showers and to get to the m mats and we try to do we can in that aspect um Parkplace Avenue sewer and asphalting project is going on currently we're assisting the contractor uh and Engineers anything that we can do to make that job easier we do um Lake feris Park that that's going on currently um again work side by side with that and just to try to make it get done as quickly as possible so everyone who wants to enjoy that Park will have the opportunity to do so um capabilities so we have uh we do a lot of our own electrical work in house um we do our own hbac we have a plumber not a LIC PL we have plumbers that know as much as licensed plumbers U we had a mechanic on staff who's actually our longest current 10 year employee Maris dram been 29 years one year more than I have um he's still a go-to guy and I appreciate him every single day um carpentry we have a carpenter on staff uh Masons unfortunately I've been doing that for way too long my body showing the wear and fair on that um sewer maintenance so that lines run properly um and again project management we can you know go to that as far as the Park Place avenue project and ter Pro and customer service is always first and foremost on what we do and we I mean we have a lot of talented guys that are interchangeable with a lot of these you know these these talents you know guys that are you know landscapers plumbers little know they know a little bit at everything so you know we're uh we're pretty lucky to have um this is some departmental responsibilities um I'm going to leave trash and recycling to the end I'm going let Andrew say a few things on that that we want um Building Maintenance obviously we have a bunch of buildings in town that we we make sure we maintain and and you know make it safe for all the residents of the community um and for the employees um snow removal it doesn't snow anymore so I know we should put rain take that offly uh leveling of the L we are prominent in in um Fletcher Lake and Sil Sil Lake as far as when storms are coming I discussed it with the oan um and we go over you know when we should lower it how much we should lower it we don't base it on how many inches of rain we're getting it depends on how high the water table is so there's a lot of factors that go into that that you know we really take into count um but that's very important obviously we saw when we had that storm September 29th it was 10 in of rain on add in to not have that Lake over FL at that point um sidewalks we construct sidewalks throughout town we do our seasonal planting uh obviously we have the Lea and brush pickup we just started brush Actually March was our first pickup there's a little white so there's two next month there's two next month remember special we we help and assist any of the committees or you know any organizations that that have events we we work side by side with them to do the best we can to make it as successful as possible we uh so also we we do do a lot of work with the insurance company that the burrow um has and we make sure that we meet all social standards and all of our equipment um and you know make sure the men and women of our department and for the residents of of the community that's absolutely first and foremost um and we also work with the engineers anything on this p uh I mean trash and recycling we know I've said a little bit before about it I don't need to get into we're out there five days a week you know these guys sitting out here they work their asses off excuse my language um but they you know they're out there in every of weather rain snow heat and uh honestly yeah like you said before they make us look good I just want to thank you guys Michelle okay so by the way I have to thank Michelle for putting this together she 100% was instrumental in doing this when they said they wanted to do a PowerPoint like what that and uh and Michelle help us out so thank you Michelle uh Municipal collaboration so I I have to be completely honest I've been here again 28 years I have to keep repeating that but I've never had a better relationship with these Burrows as if we have today it's it's it's unbelievable we work side by side with Belmar we just assisted them at their St Patrick's state parade we've done that every year now for I don't want to say I could be wrong but it's been quite a while um when they had a a sand issue on the beach front you know D doesn't have the luxies we have on our beach come with with bulkheading and and our big Dunes their sand goes right up to the boardwalk they had sand all over their board so we assisted them on that they do all the mechanical work on the jet back which is our sewer maintenance truck they do all the mechanical work on that so we work side by side listen it's they right next to us there isn't anything we don't do for each other uh Neptune big big you know big company there they do tremendous amount for us they uh videotaped a lot of our sewer lines which has helped us and saved us a ton of money I'm sorry have my back but um they have assisted us for years with the video truck and that cost an extreme amount of money they've done it for you know since we did a share service with them um Asbury Park Neptune City the same it's basically we work side by side yeah they're all all the way same with us excellent excellent relationship and and we strive for that all the time because a lot of things nepe have we don't have a lot of things bmar needs we we provide it goes both way us okay so um this is depart Public Work Public Works Capital request I don't know if everybody can see that um mayor council you guys can see that um it's basically is self-explanatory I'm asked to put together a capital request and and what I do is I try to to provide the burrow with what I believe needs to get done you know to provide safety for the residents and for you know any vehicles that on the road if there's a that's repair I make sure that I let them know some of this equipment that's here you know it's stuff that we need as a supervisor you know it's something that you have to understand that every vehicle has a life expectancy and we need to make sure that we let them know it's it's a 10year cycle it may be on its 12th year but we try to keep the vehicles in the best shap can to not you know give another burden to the to the residents of this community for you know to be able to have to buy this world so we try to I'm not big on spending money I'm just not but sometimes you do need things so this is part of our Capital request anybody wants any of you have any questions on that I know was yeah the only one um this replac s bulkhead one of the conversations we're having now with um the uh the team with that on is do we go with the natural Shoreline on the East part of s so that's a project that's on going that that would that would eliminate that right now I think the phasing and I I don't think I had a chance to this the phasing looks like we would do maybe the first third of s on our side leave the bul the bulkhead that we already have that we done and let's just see how it goes there seems to be pretty good align on that so we could probably avoid that cost I think I think there was another question G just a quick question the footnote the the Porsche Porsche just curious I think you drove a a 10 to 12 year old uh truck your first five years of supervisor sometimes to sometimes to a fall and really you know you have to it's you have to tread lightly if you let something if you keep something too long you lose the value the trading value and sometimes it's counterproductive so we try to keep up on that the best we can but we also don't want to burden the residents with with purchases that we don't need as well can we possibly ask a question while they're here or do we have to wait till you have to wait so this is the budget I gotta be completely honest I'm going to do a couple of notes that that Merith had given me yeah I can TCT him with if you I'm Prett so before the mayor speaks about this I'm G A that left me a note so um read she's just talking point the budget tonight DPW had approximately 100,000 in savings um and it was split almost 5050 20232 2023 and it was uh it was uh split almost 5050 between salary and wages and and other expenditures um the 50,000 savings and salary wage was we we we lost a very valuable uh employee and uh we did not replace it we wanted to see um how much we could do with some part-time employees and it it worked out it's it's been a a bit of a strain but but it's worked um and uh the 50,000 other expenses was just basically tightening our belt doing more um projects in house yeah I mean that so the budget I can just cover to you guys because I think me is going to cover it's about a million eight um annually um salary and wage over a million million one of that so this is a very Fe intense although the percentage of um other expenses here is higher than other departments because of the equipment and supplies and all that stuff um the the 24 temporary budget um we're going to this is we we a lot between 25 and 30% um that we can spend F this until until we finalize our budgets and get those approved um but you know it's a good budget picture from yall that you did tighten your belts last year 've very head count conscious and uh um so it's about a million one um expenditure on um on people and uh about $600,000 all the things you guys buy and maintenance all that so that's that's pretty much the budget score and we'll see more about that when we get the 24 budget coun question are you finished with the present I yes we are finished okay so I I don't have a question for you but I did and especially since the audience can't ask questions at this point I just want to comment on one or two other things um most of you probably know stories like this but I just want to make sure that you know I get a chance to speak up for our DPW crew um G you didn't mention uh the way you guys basically stepped up a couple years ago help us create am forest and uh what most people don't probably don't know is U Maritime forest was basically lot of weeds and a and a parking lot and the parking lot was actually creating some uh sustainability concerns for our environmentalists because it was you know it was cement or whatever it was you know black do black dot um black on top of black and you know it was being used for uh either our own DPW equipment and maybe some of the lifeguards were parking there whatever but um and I was brand new on the council so four years ago and came to G and I said is there anything we could I had the environmentalists including council person Weber uh telling me hey you know but it'd be great if we could get rid of that that parking lot and G didn't blink I asked him if we could do it and he said uh done you know we'll get it done we had to work you had to coordinate a little with uh Dicky Johnson and others but number one we owe you all that that of gratitude plus all the restoration work that was done and now the ongoing maintenance you guys kind of created a beautiful thing for the burrow but you created more work for yourselves and as far as I know you didn't hire any more bodies to get that done so we hire a fox that's it leg so I wanted to qu that particular accomplishment out and and another thing that I think we're all very proud of is that we were able to name it after former mayor Julie sh beautiful I don't know if you guys have seen that sign lately we can't never get a different sign like that sign is amazing hasn't changed what I own holding up grain in the weather the other thing that I I I think we as Council have a unique perspective on regarding you guys and that is our Engineers over my four years on Council have told me repeatedly you guys you the town of Bradley Beach doesn't appreciate what you have or you don't appreciate enough because they they tell me and they tell most of us U other towns their gpw they don't have the skills you went through a skill inventory carpentry cement work Plumbing electrical the things our DPW guys can tackle and take on that others don't other towns can't uhu saves us an incredible amount of money and the interesting part to me is as I mentioned it's our Engineers who keep telling us that so I'm I'm very well aware of it because of but I just want to make sure everybody understands you go beyond the other things you've already U shared with us as the public and then finally we haven't done this yet but uh I just want to make sure the the DPW folks in the audience can you all just take this stand so we can all of you thank you all very much and G for first PowerPoint presentation great job's one one thing I want to um I want to just talk to for a second that's s Lake and it also ties into the Ocean Park and Cave you talk about capability project management um that's a really good example of um you know you all didn't do the alall pipe on the cave and Ocean Park but we were intimately involved in really helped with the project yeah and U the other is on the silven lake you know we're dealing with the shortterm issue but the longer term issue that we're going to be into next year um I know you guys are going to be very involved in that um it's it's not as difficult in the context of people and you know the summertime that spot but uh and it wasn't as dangerous as the Ocean Park C but you all be very involved in that too probably probably be next so we appreciate that very much great job thank you all right we move to oh I'm sorry yeah thank you uh Biagio Andrew everybody that's there great job and thanks very much and I appreciate it I just have a couple of quick questions while I have the chance uh you mentioned leveling of the lakes and I just want to confirm this this so even though we share the lakes with other towns am I right that it is Bradley Beach's job to lower the Lakes as needed is that right or does Neptune ever come over and lower flexure or does Adon ever come over and lower silver Neptune Neptune does a tremendous amount for us it's something that we took on and we monitor um so yes we do do it um but if I need it uh Dave MMO who's the supervisor for their public works department said Dave listen I have nobody available can you get over there he be there in a second but currently we are monitoring yes on both sides okay so they have the ability but it sounds like it's usually us correct and the same for Al calls me sorry is the supervisor of Public Works he calls me says b you handle the lake today I say yes and if he were to handle it he'll say B we'll take care of it we have a like I said earlier a very good work relationship okay and just it I bring it up in the context to the cletcher lake commission they've been getting a lot of questions about lowering the lakes and some people unsatisfied uh they're on the Ocean Grove side but they've been getting flooded and I mean I know we've had some events that there's nothing that we could have done you know this last September um but there's been some events since then and and people uh feel like there could be more lowering of the lake and I'm just I'm just just a messenger here you don't have to answer me on it I'm just saying that's why I brought it up um cuz they're getting it at the flx commission I have one other not really question I want to respond to that real quick sure so the lake it's not as easy as we're going to see rain there's 2 in of rain we're going to go there and lower the lake 2 in it's not as easy as that we have a lot of variables that we need to deal with there's wildlife in there there's fishes in there there's turtles if we lower the lake For an upcoming storm and it doesn't rain there's a lot of other things we would have to deal with it's just not as easy as seeing rain or coordinator calling me up S it's going to rain it's it's a real Balancing Act and that also to mention you have to play the tides if you're going to go there and they say us say listen uh we need you to lower the lake if the Tide is High I don't care what we do you can lower the lake it's a major balance in act it's not as easy as that saying hey we're upset get L the lake it just doesn't work that way unfortunately oh no I fully appreciate that so thanks um and then one other thing is a comment um the shade tree commission they are obligated to um have it's really the town to maintain a certain number of cus continuing education units um and you know they're volunteers and they do that but um it's it would be helpful if one or two people uh in DPW could take a tree maybe it's a tree trimming course or just some basic course that's offered by the D because that helps us out when they ask us about cus there's only five people on the commission I but we we have Commissioners I mean you know five volunteers taking courses sometimes we have uh the liaison taking courses but they're asking about the whole town and the state asks us to assess so if there's any way that the staff can take the course every once in a while it helps us for the year for the the cus that we need to maintain our accreditation with the state so um if nobody's taking it in a while please please consider that and pick who you want to learn more about trees uh and it just helps the shade tree Commission in the whole town sure thank you okay great job guys thank you appreciate [Applause] it if you guys want to start bailing out that's okay uh our next um so we're trying to tag team this between um our direct departments and also the key commissions and uh boards uh so tonight we we have asked the shry commission to talk about 2023 and I think GL are you know that you have anything up for the uh yeah I do have a okay Michelle it's our Clicker okay well unlike uh DPW I I did not spend the last few weeks trying to pull this thing together I did about 15 minutes make look I've doing I've been doing these things all my life so um just go full screen go thank you so uh uh Bradley Beach sh tree commission uh what do we do why do we exist uh we are the advocate for the trees canopy here in town um our our goal is to keep maintain and grow the canopy throughout the town um and taking as much benefit from uh the presence of trees as we can shade or retention and Disposal and so forth and the beauty as well um so uh so that's really kind of what we do um so was asked to talk about the 2023 accomplishments we'll get into that but I'll give you a little bit background so we can I forgot to for those people don't know me I'm L Bagwell um I've um uh and uh from a commission standpoint uh it takes a village I'm not alone I'm very honored to work with some very dedicated people who are members of the shakry commission um and including three of the four uh council members that we have have been our Liaisons over time and uh the the uh m I have uh on the commission uh they're very dedicated and volunteers volunteers so you know they're they doing this they're doing this you know for our town um we're not not getting rewards for it except for the rewards of our own food Tre point so um so it does think a lot of folks here all very active very dedicated um what are some of the things that we do we do have a shade tree commission uh shade tree ordinance that's been in place for a number of years um and uh we uh we are looking to enforce it and to grow it and uh to ensure that everybody is following the um the outline of the of the ordinance itself um we we are responsible for the planting strips that are all over town as well as uh as well as public areas as far as tree plantings we also help the residents with the uh tree plantings and removals from private property um and uh uh and so in order to do that uh we're there as as advocates and as advocates and a source of information as well we do have um a a web page on the B website where we we keep some very important reference information reference materials for the residents so that they can help determine um things like um what what types of trees will do much better here in Bradley Beach than would um what said Mar uh we have high salt count in the air in the air as well as high wind so not every tree um thrives in in areas like that so we do help to advise residents on the right type of trees to to select um we hold events um to um to uh inform the public about what we do we want to get them engaged we like to we like to see them being engaged and helping us the town so moving on in the history um there was a shap tree commission here in Bradley Beach prior to about 2012 it disbanded at that time and reformed back in 2020 I've actually been u a a member of the reform chap commission since 2020 um and uh happy to be doing it and uh we uh what we did when we regrouped um we we kind of started from scratch we built a lot of programs we we came up with different programs to help to um again engage the public in what we're doing and to to help us achieve our goals uh we do receive a budget from the town uh it's uh it's about 10,000 per year but we are also also self-funded um and and you know one of is have um but uh um we do have uh we receive fees from the applications that we that we have we also receive uh funding from uh the hometry program that we have I think is very important it's been very well received throughout the town um and uh we also have um assessments that are u in line this is this is not just something that Bradley Beach does we are in line with uh the state regulations on free removabl um and and applying assessments where where we can and should when trees are being removed and not rep um during uh between the time of 2020 and 20123 we we've been successful in planting about 150 trees so far um however we have to keep in mind that in addition to the trees that we're planting we're also approving removal trees so the progress that we're making is not as Speedy as we'd like um our net trees uh every year is much smaller than the actual we every year we plant probably between 50 and 70 trees and the net result is US 20 trees that we have um in 2021 we earned the status of Tree City USA which is uh which is National recognition of a town which is dedicated to uh preservation of trees and the uh and again being the advocate for our program within the town uh we we were successful also in obtaining a $155,000 grant so that we could do a tree inventory what's the importance of that well we want to say that we're improving the town that we're making progress to our goals how do we do that you have to have a starting point the inventory gave us just that um we we have an exact inventory of all the trees in town on public properties and plet not private property um and so we are keeping track of our progress um in uh in expanding the planting of trees in public public spaces and and private spes um and um uh we also uh we also as a Shad Tre commission we do participate in the regional Shad Tre uh commission uh meetings that take place in mquan it has Adon Belmore Asbury Neptune many of the many of the sh communities and that we share our programs uh they share theirs with us and it helps us to refine our own programs and to think other things good move forward in 2023 applications we reviewed was 42 um we uh we planted 76 trees between the two we we typically have two um planting events every year one in the spring and one in the fall uh and uh with that we planted trees we removed 37 um one one of the things I think is very important again we volunteer uh commission and we uh we elicited the help of about 40 volunteers for those spring planting events some people come out every event uh some are only out for one whatever they can make we're happy to see you um and uh so but it but it is that's the way we get things done one of the programs that we started last year was uh older than Bradley Beach kind of along the theme of the 13 year anniversary for Bradley Beach so um we had Nick coret is uh you know was the was the head head of that uh program and we've uh We've identified a number of trees in in Bradley Beach that based on formula that we use to measure the age of the trees itself we can see it the trees were the the or not we kind of determine that the tree um and we've got plaques for those trees that we that we are in the process of placing on those trees giving uh some of the residents recognition they all seem to be pretty excited about it when they when they find out hey I got an old tree and you it's a it's a got a badge of honor for them and uh again it's about the community engagement and and we think that that's helpful um other events that we participate in we do an event which is in April this year is in April 26th it's at the U Second Avenue Park come join us we'll be we'll be dedicating um a tree to the Bley Beach Elementary School uh senior class uh and uh and and we also have the proclamation for the mayor comes and and does a speech for us um some of the things the the other events that we participate in Earth Day um and uh also news events we we've engaged the co-star and the poster um with interesting articles things that we're doing we have a tree of the month um that we've uh that we've been doing now for quite a while and again it's creating a lot of Buzz creating a lot of excitement with the residents um you know just being very proud of of of what we're do we're doing for our count um uh for those of you who haven't seen it uh this is a um this is The Medallion that we use in our anomy tree program uh we uh you know folks will typically um get them in memory of someone uh someone or something and so forth but we attach it to the low branches uh of the tree and it's meant to to last for for quite a while the program has been very well well received word of mouth is um is expanding the program we get we get anywhere between five and 10 trees per year um as honoring trees um and uh and again U um just we do have a this is a revenue source for us as well to uh to help plant even more trees in town we can advance um uh one one Army tree was over over on Second Avenue was wased in um in honor of the Holocaust victims and um a dedication ceremony was held very well received and and you know again got some recognition Town go okay 2024 uh we'll do the um as I mentioned we have the annual ARB Day celebration will do on April 26th uh with the uh Elementary School tree dedication Earth Day participation and again that's uh community outreach and engagement that's what we're trying to do spring plant spring and fall planting events uh tree of the month the uh Regional shade tree um the commission the participation Bally um and uh this year we're focused on uh updating the uh shade tree ordinance um to be uh better aligned with the State ordinances uh that are uh that do help to manage the the shry activities um and also uh one of the other things that we're looking to do is um when we first re-engaged back in 2020 uh we got a lot of comments from Resident say have sh commission have sh commission and so therefore um but but uh since that time we've done a number of mailings um hopefully all residents here SE those mailings um where uh we we send out some information try to engage with our wish wishing tree program and our army tree uh programs uh and um we've done that through the SCH bill and the tax bill mailings that happen at the beginning of the year this year we missed it because you guys were too efficient you got it out you got it out before ahead of time um so but we won't be justed let s again um but the other what to do is we're sharpening up the the ordinance because now people do know about the ordinance and like I said there it's it will help us to uh strengthen the use of the ordinance and the um uh and also um make sure that you know if if people choose not to replace trees that they'll have they'll be paying into uh into the fund with assessment so they can plant trees elsewhere throughout the bur uh just as a um from a statistic standpoint um the for an urban area such as ours uh the canopy cover uh Target for us is about 39 to 40% and and that's 40% of the Town covered of the count from the from the trees right now we're about 14% we've got a long way to go and again the net result of the trees that we plant if we're only getting a net of 20 to 30 trees per year it's going to take us a little while um and so if anybody else wants to to get more trees in it by all means can I ask a question on that that point is there any consideration because we're short first block or two generally we don't have a lot of trees on these first couple blocks is there any consideration for that or it's just kind of straight up I've never asked that question but it's a great question we can ask we do have the bill Brest um he probably would I know third block back you got a lot more success first first two blocks very difficult to find the right species that will thrive in that um I would be remiss if and and I'm sorry that I I followed you instead I appreciated you because um we couldn't do this without de so thank you the whole big help to uh each one of our planting events they they help us get organized and uh and do all the plantings um can't say enough about the Bradley Beach sh Tre volunteers the commission members uh they they are dedicated people very knowledgeable as well um and uh so we're we're much luckier than some other towns that that just have people who are interested in help the pl we have we have actually skilled um resources on our um the uh Bradley Beach B assistants uh you know they they know who they are c um and Meredith you know all helping us make sure that we we process everything correctly um our bur leaon Jane John and in the past out uh and uh and again all of our volunteers just was can't than you any questions one or two um Tree City we've continued to be a tree city right yes we have so once we've got that designation just maintain it that's correct yeah but there's there are there is criteria that we need to meet each year one of the things that we talked about was the cus the John brought up before um and we also have to have a minimum budget per resident um as well as you know certain activities qualify uh quick question some of the statistics you shared regarding the the net growth in trees that you plant 70 but you lose but we remove 35 I know that through your process of reviewing applications for people who want to remove trees you typically have them replace trees they remove I'm Wonder are you counting the replacement trees as ads or you know those that's that's the that's the net those are those Replacements those are those are um nothing nothing gain but it's the it's the net from those that the net okay so so net you lost say that one like and you know going to the Ordinance one of the things that we hope to be able to fix in the ordinances um there's a lot of construction going on in this town uh people coming in clearing the entire line um and we know that there's a program in Spring Lake where does that down in Spring Lake uh the homeowner actually uh puts money into a fund they calculate the value of the trees and it's not the assessments that we that we give which is $500,000 I mean they're talking the homeowner May wind up needing to put uh 10 to $20,000 into the um in the fund so that once the construction is done they they assist the homeowners in choosing trees so to something similar to um make sure that you know those people that are clearing the lots and and unfortunately the difference the big difference between us in um Spring Lake is a little bit more property down there for the average lot here people are expanding to 60% of the lot as as um uh as covered and leaving very little room for trees so so we have to look for sources out elsewh I just want to again I know others may have questions but just while I'm speaking I want to call out number one you for the wonderful job you've done just leading the commission for the past year or two it's been at least a year year and um uh I know I see Nick sitting in Nick would you mind just doing a quick stand up just so we can appla you guys well shlat a former volunteer who was responsible almost single members and uh and helped us really get started just again these these things just didn't happen a lot of hard work to pull this program together and and I recall Sean in particular you basically drafted that uh that whatever application for the $1,000 tree inventory single-handedly as I recall yes and I'd be remiss without also mentioning Dr heer Who first started as chair when when this whole commission was reinvigorated so I between his leadership and now yours you guys have all these things you've been talking about uh the uh the tree of the month and I know Miss council president no has been very involved in that but such creativity that you guys have brought to this uh tree of the month and you know the coordination with newspapers and the the trees over the Bradley Beach it's just fascinating to watch the progress you've made in work that so thank you thank you I I'll like that as well you guys are amazing a for this town to have trees being planted again a lot of trees we were losing very quickly and I also like to thank Public Works while they're here because they un the trees they dig the holes they put the uh the mulch around they bring the water bags they water so thank you guys we couldn't do it without you and thank you again Larry for a great presentation and a Great Commission thank you good you guys pleasure Larry sorry Larry um the 130y old tree I thought that was that was wonderful when the pla came in just two quick questions if you found a tree that wasn't quite 130 years old like say it was 128 did you kind of Mark that within two years that would be 130y old tree and then that would get some kind of plaque oh or maybe Nick okay no all right and is 130y old tree protected so it was really interesting when you said to me people in FA lck to build can you cut down 130 tree great great question um the only way that it can be prevented is for the tree to um is for us to apply for Heritage status for a tree that's that's that old and we haven't done that as yet for anything but but that is a way to do it but um there's nothing to prevent someone from saying this would make a great porch instead of a tra all right thank you very much appreciate it thanks L okay we'll move for the next agenda item uh approval minutes um we have the February 2824 Council business meeting minutes uh a second to Second Mr Noble yes Mr yes M money yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh 2020 uh 28 2024 executive session Mee executive session minutes I'm sorry U make a motion to approve the February 2024 executive session second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh March 3rd 2024 special meeting minutes make motion to approve second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes Mr Money yes Mr Weber yes but I don't think uh Miss money can vote because she wasn't there oh that's right I cannot because I was not there you have to abstain Iain thank you uh mayor obain uh March 3rd 2024 executive session minutes second Mr Noble yes Mr gesi yes M Mahoney same Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay uh good oh I'm sorry I thought I said I'm jumping ahead sorry obain um we'll now move to agenda item 8 public comments per pertaining to the 313 agenda item only 5 minutes at the clock please just line up in the front please there we ready so uh don Greenberg 302 Park Place at uh I was listening to the public works um presentation and it brought to mind something with the summer coming um have we thought about doing something about the gas Lea blowers uh one gas leaf blower running for an hour put out as much pollution as a car driving 1100 miles and not to mention noise pollution um so I was one and there are alternatives you know you can get electric leaf blowers okay uh no air pollution and much less noise pollution and there are these things really oldfashioned cold brooms that we can also use now it may take a little longer uh with a broom and you may pay a little more in labor cost but the cost of the planet can't be calculated so I was wondering if we have looked into that and if we haven't why why don't we uh we have looked at sporadically different um DPW pieces of equipment to go electric with I'm not sure if that's one of those I can find out yeah so I mean if that be something that would a uh help our sustainability profile in the town and B I know people you know at least online I've seen are always complaining uh I don't look close enough to the beach to hear it but you know those things start going off at what 78 in the morning um on the beach the electric ones aren't as quiet as you think they are yeah I own ones so yeah I know how quiet they are they're much quieter than the gas ones you know the gas ones I think are somewhere around 90 DB or more the electric ones were much quieter around 50 so um and even if it's not the noise pollution mayor 1,00 miles of driving a car for 1 hour of a gas flower okay so you guys can look at that that would be great thank you thanks any other agenda questions yes I noticed in the DPW um oh sorry Wai thank wel um I noticed one of the bullet points um for for the uh various projectss they going to do in the upcoming years um had stated the um reallocation of the DPW site for $5.4 million um and I noticed I remember seeing you quoted in the paper not that long ago that you were looking to sell various assets for properties in the town um so my question is with that I'm assuming that's what you're targeting um is that something that will be decided between the entire Council um will there be a discussion about what that property should be used for or actually one of my questions on was that I wanted to know is what is really the benefit of wanting to condense that or reallocate it so I know we talked about it going to the middle um so that was one question and then additionally with the boardwalk money coming in from the silven lake Grant um again you were quoted saying that silven Lake Grant the I mean the boardwalk the boardwalk money Brant for Sven Lake that it's not for S Lake no it's for the storm water for the but you also stated um I believe also in another article that um my turn um that that would require additional Bond monies so my question is you know what kind of money are we looking at you know it's great to to advertisers that hey we won this award but it's not going to be enough and we're looking at possibly x.x million to also bond to you know put it in and just you know be more transparent about what it's going to really take to do these projects question yeah I don't think it's a question of transparency we need to estimate what that is uh and I don't know what that estimate is would I say it's double it the 4.3 wouldn't surprise me it's probably $8 million U the question becomes as a community do we want to bond $4 million over the next 30 Years to protect our um south end of our town I think the answer to that my answer would be yes not because I live on the South B of town I live at the 600 block so it's not uh affecting me but that's something that was in our B access plan should be in our master plan but apparently there was a resolution a few years ago that didn't get in there um so it will be more money but we we don't have that estimate and then I guess like said if you could speak to the other point of the DPW you know what really yeah what's the ROI on us wanting to condense it or what do we really need to get out of that so the first thing we did was we said at and I said this the first day on the job was we're we're 75 M square town and we've got two DPW sites doesn't make sense why are we using that kind of real estate um so we do we have done a study and that five I don't know if the number's going to be five it's going to be before if we consolidate everything for the North End um that's all we've done um if we do do that then that other site is open what do we use it for do we sell it do we use it for parking do we use it for another function we don't have those answers yet but that would be the that's what we do but I think it's two years out on the capital plan okay we do have a plan and also the same thing too is that if you're looking to perhaps gain you know money or or sell an asset you know yes it's natural to think we want to go and bring it to the north end but is North End worth more money to us if there's something we're going to actually gain it and just condensing the lot back over to the no we would not want to do that there it's just way too small that lot we we can't even park in that lot right now the employees Park in B parking lot right do we have any and yet and and is anything being still considered with the greenhouse I mean I know we've done surveys and people have asked about perfect place for a dog park something that everybody seems to want in this town are we still entertaining that that's that yeah that's a question we okay and a time frame of when we may try to make a decision on that instead of keep huging it down the line I would like to see sooner than later um we've established that the greenhouse is defun it doesn't work anymore so I think that's an ideal spot to be considered in addition I'd like to say with the DPW Yard I'd love to see the open space Green Acres maybe parking or enlarging the ball field and you can get some money from that as well and as far as spending 5 million I think we should visit the Butler Building type of building we can put offices and facilities in there and um it's pretty large and it's very economical and I don't think we need to build like we had a presentation of a couple buildings that look more like a country club to me right that uh are very expensive they're very pretty right but they're a lot of money so absolutely these are just things I have in my head no thank you my pleasure anybody on the board yes uh Thomas Jan 6123 AV I had a question about the uh the bids for the concessions are those just pad sites they're not the trailers anymore I mean it's not specific in the resolution they're not trailers if it's trailers it's the vendor bring them okay they're bringing their own we have no liability so in that case doesn't mean it's it's leased for the entire year like they can stay open for a Thanksgiving dinner they wanted because we're not touching the trail I don't know the answer that the leases expire each year on October 15th okay so that's Beed on October 15th okay great um but that was your question I amended all leases basically to not be trailer leases anymore to be site leases for the Season site leases for the season and and were there any specifications for the the visual look of these uh the concession have agreed as approved by The Bu so they have to basically come and tell us what they for pad sites the numbers are very good I want to thank you for that can and on these uh two ordinances uh 224-1 and 20242 um there was no workshop for these I'm just kind of puzzled I thought we're the status is we do a workshop and then we do an introduction but these were never workshops you'll have to ask you'll have to ask counc there model ordinances for D mandates so there's really I mean the the counc can do whatever they like there's not lots of Workshop but storm water is that's what's required the C okay and both of these have to be reviewed by the langage board U because they are technically land use believe so if they do it says at the last page of the I know the 4501 does they they I mean on the storm water management plan I I think we should really contact the DP and and make them aware that silen Lake and is is merely a retention Basin and it should be handled that way I mean we're catching all the water from Route 18 Route 35 Route 71 and it doesn't function as a lake it's basically a retention Basin and I just wish we could hold the do and and the uh the D the same standard as as they're going to hold people to a building um it's really it's really not right correct adaptive use for that late but thank you very much yes good evening the 312 Bley Avenue I wanted to talk about 24- 69 and why we have to hire another Consulting lawyer firm for negotiations with 152 you're asking the wrong person well you should be going to negotiations you should know what's going on um I have to say let me just finish this that with this wonderful presentation that be gave us about all the work they've done and the respect that all of us have for them they deserve a contract and if you look at the bullet point EXC me EXC on excuse me on the bullet point it shows salaries and wages for 23 how could they be they still haven't gotten the contract you forecast you can't then how can you forecast you're like cutting off you're throwing the baby without the bath water you have to know what your contract is going to say you can't just predict and you're going to get it that's why they call it a forec so I have to ask did they go to uh are they in an impass I I really can't say right now because it's the talks are confidential confidential right M excuse me m I just wanted to give you an answer to your first question which you were asking about um 2024 69 and why why there was reference to an attorney um Council has expressed concern based upon the feedback we received from local 159 about2 sorry local 152 about the U about the behavior of one of the attorneys representing us I agree with that I understand that and that's what but 69 is now we have issues with spending money frivolously not for that reason but in other reasons in our town and because negotiations have been dragged on for so long we have to resort to that which is sad sorry it's a sad State of Affairs and these young men and women deserve a contract I I absolutely well then you should go to negotiations more yes um be Kepler 504 Central Avenue here in County um to follow up on Mr cen's comment in regard to the lake um I'm aware of a of a comment that you yourself made May in regard to fishing in the lake and that you said that you would never fish in the lake in parts of the lake right and I'd like to know um I see people regularly fishing in the lake with children and I don't I see signs for everything don't feed the Ducks pick up the poop you know signs for everything but I don't see any signs um letting people know that there's been a litany I me I know you report um indicating what kind of toxins and chemicals and such that have been found and dredged in the lake that have made it unsafe and yet I don't see any signs or any kind of warning letting people know that are not from town who may not be aware of the situation and have access to the report that you have that um perhaps that should be something that should be considered in in in regard to the fact that yes it's a lake but as Mr Cohen said it is a retention fund and the fact that in particular speaking to the night of September 29th when you went on and I still have the video when you and the time in which you went on News 12 and commented in regard to the fact that it was not possible that particular weekend to drain the lake because you had said that it was a high tide issue however I also have been up here previously and cited specific news reports which I still have screenshots of indicating that as early as that Monday and Tuesday of the week that there were in fact warnings of people saying that there was going to be significant rain coming and in the past having lived here for since my family has lived here since 1955 there were possibilities prior to the high tide that you were referencing to have potentially drained that Lake and mitigated the damage and you indicated assisted on the record and I also have um recorded the shots of the video in which you said that and misrepresented that you had in fact drained and indicated that the dra the lake should be drained when in fact that is not true so I just want to make that on the record and I have documentation of everything that I'm saying and can back it up so I don't want anybody here to misunderstand or misinterpret the facts that you did Mis you did misinformed the public at this meeting and contradicted your own words and statements that you made to news2 on the news on the evening of or the afternoon of September 29th okay thank you for your opinion it's not my opinion it's a fact thank you for your yes Ocean Park Condominiums as the Grinch and Penny Piner in town as well as person who believes in being fair and treating everyone the same which we have a big problem with understatement you speak mic um so you repeat I'm the Grinch and the Penny Pincher and um I believe in treating everyone fairly which we have a problem with I do not understand how you can even consider giving free beach badges to S Rose P May um interrupt you no it's my commentary but I want to tell you that we they've been donated already we're removing that all well that's a big problem okay personal like private donor well you know then then we don't even need to you know get into it but they're not in town and then you're going to open a whole can of wors so okay we'll move on from that if you're saying a private donator then it should have been removed from here um which should have happened at the beginning of the meeting um but I would like to um reiterate the problems with 2024 69 the fact that we can spend more money on lawyers because someone has been negligent in negotiations while pontificates what a wonderful job DPW does and that they show up here tonight not getting paid is just disgusting because all that we've spent in attorneys would just give them the rise and the fact that we have to hire them hiring an attorney to to go over our attorneys is probably the reason we didn't want that firm to begin with who also has not responded to my letter to them regarding why we've never sought reimbursements so once again here we are wasting money in my opinion and again Do not sit here and say what a wonderful job these guys do oh I will put you money where your mouth is they're here on their own time not getting paid and yet you can't give them a contract for over 15 months shame on you question [Music] yesus a question on 202462 and 202 2464 the tour you bre ride and the Alzheimer Association walk um I know um on 202 2463 it says this is a past walk through only for those two events are DPW and police um being compensated for any um assistance that is needed yes so for 2024 63 that is a pass through only they do not need um DPW or police assistant so they still were required to pay the application fee and um they wrote a letter on their letter head asking for the $2,500 deposit fee to be waved because it that wouldn't be necessary because they didn't need either Department okay and I'm sorry what was your question on the other one so 202462 and 20246 um4 yes both of those would pay both fees because they're they're going to require both assistance okay and we are not then going to reimburse them back their no that that that's not a reable thing okay good perfect and my last question is the OEM appointment menu does OEM do they receive stiens do they get paid to be on OEM very what what is it though so it's um I I have to get you I'll get you the number but it's very much and also how do people get nominated to be on OEM because it seems like we keep putting the same old same old people onto these boards or commissions and they're also receiving stiens as well um as I said the stens are very it doesn't matter it's still a paid position they're receiving tax funds from Bradley yes they they apply they volunteer and then they appointment okay so and and how was was there any notification that there was going to be an oem opening for this particular yeah this particular it's an acting position we haven't U we're not it's not going to be per at this moment in time it's not permanently filled into assess some other things okay but then you will be communicating this then on a regular basis what is going on with o so that it's not a back door deals with you know certain people in town especially since people are getting stens to be on this so these are in effect PE positions yes okay thank you very I thought it was like person doing theme and stuff was getting PA a little bit just the thank you there's no more uh agenda questions second mayor if I may explain something about that one resolution why we didn't remove it once the agenda is set we're not supposed to really change the agenda on the website so the proper protocol will be to withdraw that resolution um which is what we're going to do with the bench donation I just wanted to make sure that that was understood thank you okay agenda item nine ordinances we have two the ordinance uh first one is 224-1 an ordinance amending article terminology article all street parking driving and loading requirements of chapter 450 Zoning for the BS RIS General ordinances to require and he a word to say mayor uh yes any discuss on this I have a quick question why is it 20241 was this written in January that's our first ordinance that we're passing this year is it yeah I can't believe it yeah I'm like thiss like I I thought we had more already no not not yet and then the ones next is four that's actually two and I did I did correct that oh okay okay great all right all right I can't put Corrections on the agenda just all right thank you okay any other questions okay motion to approve you got it okay Mr your seconding yes thank you Mr Noble yes mrzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh 2023 I'm sorry 202 24-2 an ordinance amending chapter 396 stor M management the B's revised General ordinances to adopt new regulations consistent with the amendments to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection storm water management rules or any questions comments not move to for a second on motion second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes may Fox yes okay um Communications um there's communication appointment memo we acting we in person until we get ourselves reorganized there that a communication um we'll move to resolutions we've got nine resolutions on the consent agenda I'll try to uh some of them are a little bit redundant but I'll just um read through them very quickly we have um 2024 58 the award of a bid for volleyball concession license 2024 59 the award of bid for sur Camp concession license 20246 Award of bid for Bley Avenue concession license 22461 Award of bid for nework Avenue concession license 202462 approval of the bbbc conductor toward the Bradley Beach F race wide on Saturday April 20th from3 to1 2024 63 approval place by the SE conduct 5K walk for Saturday October 12th 9 to 11 uh to pass through as CL said 2024 64 approval of the AL Association conduct annual walk on Saturday October 7th I think that's 2024 not 2023 from 6 to 1:30 um so that's a correction U I did that already okay thank you uh approval of appointment for probationary firefighter Kevin SAR you Kev uh an approval for uh BB bbpa to conduct all premes throughout for Sunday September 8 2024 from 9 to 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. I'll make a motion yes um I just had a quick question I think it's probably for our cler before we vote um Erica the three um events 62 63 64 the 63 the Mary's place is clearly indicating it's a fast walk through the other two do require burrow resources Y and in both instances are are people putting down at the closet they certainly are 2500 yep perfect thank you you're welcome second uh Mr Den Noble yes Mr yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay uh there's only there's three individual resolutions 2467 uh the approval for the United Fire and truck company to apply for a coin toss license permit and to have a coin cost for Thursday July 4th through Saturday July 6 at the intersection of Main motion to7 second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh make a motion to table 202468 not table I'm sorry um withraw thank you uh 202468 authorizing to ad second tow second Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes yes uh 22469 authorizing to special counsel Jordan and sus PC to condu investigation cfcw I would like to move that motion that resolution second wa I'm sorry Council what did you I don't know if I heard what you you I make a motion approve I said I'd like to move that resolution move it correct are you saying second you're not I'm sorry you're not coming in real clear you're saying you want to move it I didn't think that you were making a motion on that resolution you simply read it I thought you weren't making the motion I would make the motion got it second didn't come through that way Noble yes Mr gboi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox uh no um announcements there are none we'll go to U mayor and Council reports why don't we start with councilman Weber sure thing and just give me a second to get my fire and first aid reports there two different places um so for the first aid for the operational period ending march 13 2024 the the squad responded to five day calls and Five Night Calls for a total of 10 calls eight were for medical two were fire calls the squad conducted one drill for the safety and education of membership there were no out of town Mutual Aid requests and the squad responded to no Mutual Aid assistance for this operational period and they they fulfilled 100% of their assignments for that period I have a fire report that just went some we go fire um for the month ending February 29th 2024 the fire department responded to three day calls and two Night Calls for a total of five calls as well uh three were for fire alarm activations one was for wires down and one was a carbon monoxide alarm activation the department conducted one training for our annual bloodborne pathogen right to know training there were no Mutual Aid requests and this department also fulfilled 100% of their assignments um both departments are still looking for volunteers they do offer training to qualified individuals anyone wishing to do so should contact uh through the buau should inquire through the bureau's website so that is firing first aid um lecture Lake committee meets tomorrow night um so I have a report for them the shade tree I will just mention I think has been mentioned but we're having a planting on uh the May 4th we are going to need volunteers so please contact me if you want to be a volunteer I'll let Jane talk about the rest of that stuff uh I would like to congratulate the probationary firefighter Kevin sawar tonight for um for that and the rest of my Council report is going to consist of um questions for the mayor and I I think it goes without saying that you know some of the most extraordinary things to happen in this town in a very very long time have happened in the last few months this is the first meeting that we're having since getting the report from the mammoth County prosecutor's office and uh obviously that was just a shocking shocking report I want to remind everybody that we thought we were getting a report about incident that happened in November that we thought well we that we all saw the um the body can footage for but we got a report that had a lot more than that it had nine different instances and and we all read it so people should know the details um my question for the mayor is Mr Mayor did you actually read that report I I'll cover that in um the executive session okay so the reason I ask that is because I do not understand any any way how any person could read that report and just think it's okay to to to let the subject of that report just retire just no questions asked just we're going to let you retire I don't know how that is possible um so I think you know this council's still looking for answers and um the people of Bradley Beach are probably still looking for answers I'm sure people have questions about why we had an emergency meeting but I hope it is clear uh that you know the clock was being run out on us and once we realized that and had the report in hand we did what we had to do um so that is the extent of my report thank you Council uh the environmental commission did not meet in March our next meeting will be April 1st and land use board will meet meet on March 22nd um um with regard to the uh report uh that came out from the mcpo uh I was shocked um I'm disappointed that it was held from us for so long I did ask the mayor immediately when I found out that um the chief was going to be put on administrative lead U when we would find out what was going on and um it was held from us till the very last minute and um I was saddened and astounded by what I've read in that report um when it comes to the budget um we were told we would get it in time for this meeting and we still don't have it I got up here in October was hoping I would have some idea of a budget very early and um it Tes would take me a Lear about Municipal budget because I come from the depd to not have anything at this point it's just these two things are so disturbing to me um because these are big issues so um that's that's my report thank you council president I'm sorry no sorry you okay yep okay um the tourism did not have a meeting but they are rocking around the burrow and there sham rocks hidden throughout and if you find one bring it to a business and you win a prize the shade tree had a meeting March 6th they had one application 2014th Avenue they removed Seven Trees and they're going to replace them Seven Trees so that is very good news they're working on the ordinance modifications as Larry Bagwell I mentioned earlier and uh the spring planting is scheduled for May 4th at 9:00 a.m. and their account currently has $1 16,27 74 the there was no um brownley Beach Board of Ed meeting but just some updates they had coffee talk with uh the parents a little parent workshop and they just they talked about self-esteem friendship skills for and an academic success for the children they also celebrated read Across America they had Camp read some more they camped out they fished they sat by the fire and they read books by the fire all inside the gymnasium it wasn't real fire or real fish but they really read real books um they also had uh some special guests read to the students including assembly woman donlin Bard ofed member April Davis and also the Bradley Beach police department and also the eighth graders read to the preschoolers great job done by everybody and that completes my report thank you thank you council person thank you um excuse as I've um I made a practice of doing over the last few years so I'm going to do again tonight read prepared statements because it's very important that the statements I made are documented for posterity you never know when you may need to draw on them at a later date um first off I think some you know some a very positive topic that I'd like to share with everyone and that is our police report uh detective Lieutenant brownie who's on vacation this week reported that our K9 officers were deployed to assist with sweeps and security measures for both Asbury Park and uh Belmar City St Patrick's State parades I want to say personally that this is an amazing unit that our police department has built from scratch largely with private funding Bradley Beach residents should be very proud of what our police department has accomplished and by the way these are all my words I finished the lieutenant detective Lieutenant browny speech but our residents should be very proud of what our police department has accomplished and for the recognition and respect that our neighboring municipalities hold for this unit our plan our council plan is to hold a uh a brief Workshop possibly in May in which our officers can share the story and the successes of our K9 unit with the public uh Captain Arnold had mentioned that at least once so at least twice now so it's fair warning hopefully in the May time frame if uh your resources are available I'd love to share that story with the public um a couple more challenging messages I I just want to make sure we communicate to the one is um we're still waiting for the 2022 audit to be completed uh as I stated last meeting on February 28th the preliminary feedback from our auditor is that our 2022 Financial records were a mess that was basically a quote as of our status meeting on January 21st where I was included with the auditor um the the auditor was still trying to make sense of our financial records that he could not reconcile and he was still creating adjusting entries he is acutely aware of the extremely late timing of his completion of this audit and he is doing everything in his power to deliver a final report for now we must continue to wait as we approach a 15mon wait since the end of 2022 um I'm going to Echo some comments that m just made regarding the timing of our budget as I stated in our last meeting I am once again very disappointed at the timing of the budget delivery this year the resolution we passed on January 24th almost two months ago allowed a one Monon delay for this Administration to complete the transmission of the budget to the council originally we had agreed on January 27th and we moved that timing out 1 month to February 27 entering tonight's meeting March 13th the budget has still not been shared with the council for our review this is not the way to run a government this this is at least the third consecutive year in which the first budget Workshop is late and to date the council has not had a chance to review the budget yes this year we have a new CFO and in no way do my comments reflect on our new CFO he has a great resume and a track record of delivering results given the concerns that our auditor has raised about 2022 audit data I am actually very grateful to our CFO for all that he has accomplished in his 2 and a half months stay with us however this very late timing again reflects poorly on this Administration ladies and Gentlemen please do not be surprised if the budget adoption process runs late into this calendar year again as it has for the past few years once a preliminary budget is delivered to this Council we will need time to analyze the budget to ask questions about the budget to receive answers about the budget and to suggest Alternatives adoption again could take a while want to comment on our fallen heroes trust I'm excited to confirm that since our last meeting the burough has officially launched our fundraising site in partnership with our Bradley Beach Historical Society our thanks go to Mr Paul nin the chair of the historical society and Miss Jane MTA a Historic Society member who I understand has done a lot of the heavy lifting um she's been working to get their site which is already up and running but to get our our function for uh contributions running if you haven't seen the Facebook postings please try to find them on the Bradley Beach Community or preserving Bradley Beach those two Facebook sites if all else fails please contact me directly at my burrow address and I can help get you connected we hope to be able to purchase Memorial banners and a new monument for Riley Park um with donations we receive I believe I can speak for this entire Council and for virtually every resident in Bradley Beach when I say that our Bradley Beach heroes must not be forgotten a quick note I need to make regarding the special session held on Sunday March 3rd many residents have asked why the session was held and some have questioned the legality of the session mayor Fox himself was quoted in the coaster newspaper stating that the meeting was illegal because it did not satisfy State Statute requirements to provide 48 hour notice to the public very simply stated and for the record I want people to know that this Council the burrow attorney the burrow clerk scheduled this meeting following all requirements under our ordinances for emergency meetings if you wish to better understand these requirements please review burrow code section 5-8 d as in dog the date of this emergency meeting was very important as it represented a fleeting opportunity for this Council to recommend employee disciplinary action which we are authorized to do under our burrow ordinances and under State statutes those are my prepared statements I I have a an additional statement to make that is not prepared but uh regard the negotiations on local 152 and and to some degree one of the resolutions um we just pass and that is these negotiations that have been taking place for 15 months and have apparently made very little progress ultimately please keep this in mind I've had this conversation with the administration already ultimately whatever is agreed upon needs to be approved by this Council despite the fact that this Council ultimately is the approver or not of whatever is negotiated um despite that fact this council is having very little input into the negotiation process very little um I would say virtually none we get very periodic updates uh the updates are generally just telling us that impasses have been reached I personally have had conversations with members of our negotiating team strongly raising concerns at least about one issue of importance to me that uh that I have just been ignored upon my recommendations and uh I just want to make sure that everyone understands the council is every bit as frustrated as most of our residents when they hear these discussions the mayor and the administration is making all of the decisions as to what is being negotiated we have raised questions we have gotten no answers we have heard we have heard feedback in public from local 152 that some of our Representatives might be handling these negotiations in an improper unprofessional manner I don't know if that's true but the reason we have asked the mayor to intervene he has chosen not to and therefore the council had no choice but to request an investigation to determine the professionalism of the council's representatives in these negotiations they are our Representatives but at times I'm not sure they are actually talking for us that concludes my comments thank you uh I have just a couple quick comments uh first is um on the mayor's Wellness campaign Tomorrow there's a um a second zooming uh session zooming for wellness uh at 6 pm. uh the spotlight will be on Al the adopter of WellPoint she's an acupuncturist and Stress Management expert she's going to discuss the principles of acupuncture and uh provide a presentation um on elements of that you can get on the website and sign up for that it's our second um for a into a zoom meeting uh I do want to mention that almost three years ago we started the mayor's Wellness committee uh last year for 2022 we submitted an application and this was actually named uh a healthy town to watch which is kind of a silver status um we submitted that application again and hopefully we'll hear about what that looks like for next week but I want to really give a shout out to the 16 person steering committee uh who's really committed a lot of effort to our committee and uh and to our residents uh to really increase and improve our health uh across our our community so I wanted to just uh let them know I'm thankful and grateful and um hopefully uh we'll see uh hopefully we'll do as well as we did last year that application um I want to talk a minute about Community Project funding um I was very glad and I know we got um some people criticizing the meeting that we had in February on when the focus was on Main Street and um the bbca came in with a survey um that also talked about Main Street we had our engineering and we come in uh with refreshed plans and some some comments on trying to move this forward so clearly we have to get a plan to uh together and and start that moving and we're going to meet with the engineer Friday to to look at steps to do that uh but we now have a reason to do that uh reason is that um a compelling reason I'm sorry uh we worked with Senator Booker and congressman palone and the respective staffs on two funding projects one was for silven Lake improvements and the other was for Main Street uh the Main Street application uh followed the planning work that has been previously done and we continue to try to refine uh improvements like pavers uh street lights tree Wells benches and other uh configurations uh we continue to look at well I'm happy to report that last Friday um there was a budget vote in Washington and on page 216 of that 306 page document Bradley Beach has been awarded 1,416 279 so um congratulations to that team uh on this funding Grant so this should help us get a jump start on whatever plans we have for Main Street so there's more to follow on that um but I will say this this is U uh very positive and on the funding side we've had some really good U results in the last six months uh between the unused asset Grant the board work preservation Grant the county grants that we've gotten that we're working on the parks right now we'll be working on the recreation center we'll be working on we are working on Lake Terrace uh We've exceeded um $6 million in assistance um from uh for our community to improve it uh I've used the term the bookends of Bradley Beach the bookend of the beach and Main Street so our beach is you know clearly our Priceless asset we're responsible for it and we try to maintain and improve it um I think the grants that we've got there and the continued work we do are going to continue to do that for us and serve us well I view our main street is kind of our 401k if we invest in it uh over time we're going to receive uh great returns for the community so I'm really excited about this particular uh uh news and uh it's it's very preliminary right now but uh I did confirm with Congressman pom's office that um this in fact will happen we just now going to work through some of the logistics um so uh on that point of um the um investigation that was just uh conducted I do have a um a document and statement that I'll put into the record and I I'll Supply it to the councel uh it's it's fairly long so I don't want to drag out drag it out it'll be in the record uh and that's my report so uh with that we will go to the next item which is can you read it pleas interested can you please read it we'd like toar it be in minutes and it'll be it'll be cor what is the question can he put a statement in if he doesn't read it or does he have to read it for the stat to go in the minute technically it's up to the council I want to do that previously you've let people submit written submission from the audience don't this is I mean it's up to the council to approve the minutes when they published so I'd like to make a motion to have him read it please I I'll I'll pull back the'll get um okay public comments please yes um regarding the OEM and the fact that there is a small ston for them perhaps we could look at the idea of actually um Staffing it with appropriate people like why not you know put on an EMT put on a firefighter who those are both volunteer positions they can get a small Cy um obviously have a police member on there and perhaps even a DPW I mean that is who really encompasses the officea Emergency Management rather than friends and the old boy just a thought might be really efficient person to do that to have those four members as our o I think there's two police that's fine yeah but why not now knowing that there's a stien why not also in one it's reward an em and a we're not sure there is as I and if there's not that's fine but again even no second why does our OEM not actually be staffed by probably the most capable folks doing it that's that's just my comment not a question thank you anyone um regarding the budget yes it's it's a farce um obviously we don't have the 2022 do we know when the 2023 is going to be worked on as well can we and I don't like to use the word assume assume the new CFL will be also working on the 2023 no the a okay will that be starting anytime soon start in April okay and obviously the 2024 budget um we're already working you must obviously know what you want to spend or what not has any of that information been shared with the council no no yes you say yes you say no Capital forecast forecasting Zone high with this much money or I'm talking detail the budget has not been shared nothing has been shared C beond shared the you can fight later it's my time thank you um PL it simply and you know I'm sorry the last thing you just said don't worry about given all the Troublesome information that a surface about Chief quo and abuse not only in his pow as his chief but also of others why are you so reticent in not declaring or or I should say declaring that he will not have any type of a future role in any other department of this town whether it's a paid role whether it's a volunteer role um any role at all we don't want him you may but it's done nothing but cause Havoc for everybody in this town um we need to move on past it um it's unfortunate but when people make wrong decisions circumstances happen and they have to you know deal with those circumstances so I would hope that you seriously listen to what seems to be everybody's desire that there is no position for chiefa in this town in any Essence moving forward just as a point of matter um and also as a result of this what are you doing as our mayor to prevent any such occurrence or abuse of that happening within any of our departments would it be safe to say that these departments as I've always understood it is that they report to the ba so isn't the understanding that it would be the responsibility of our current ba and our past B to be handling this and to be keeping this all in check those are my statements thank you Kepler 504 Central Avenue here in Bradley um I am not even going to give the mayor the Dignity of addressing him because we shouldn't even be addressing him and acknowledging him as a mayor he's proven he's unfit and incapable and that he is a criminal a couple of weeks ago on February 14th meeting he actually threatened me when I accused him of emling our money and that he was a criminal and we needed enough for last year I've been saying that we need to have the Attorney General involved um just by this is not even about the chief anymore that animal is gone now we need to address this criminal that sits here reporting to be our mayor and I implore and demand that this Council as our legislative body take The Smoking Gun that is a report that they with that this accomplice and running the criminal Network in this town withheld for 45 days an attempt to run out the clock and hide it and broke the law this isn't just an accusation there is an ordinance that he was required to provide it and share it with you and this isn't the first ordinance he's broken and he's withheld it with the attempt to cover up another Criminal the ex-chief an and so now I'd like to read for those people who want to continue to defend the indefensible from the prosecutor's report in their words it should be noted that when detective Sergeant wasburn called Chief WEA to advise him that he was the target of an internal investigation and advise him to the need to serve him with an official notice Chief WEA yelled at Sergeant wasburn over the phone and became combative about accepting his notice Mammoth County prosecutor's office Chief detectives John mccaden contacted Chief WEA to discuss with him the need to conduct himself appropriately when detectives formally served him with his administrative notice and he was ultimately served without incident furthermore in the report on can I can I have your attention as long as you're allowed to be sitting up there and pretending to be the mayor no I'd like your attention I'd like you like order and you like tone I want your attention because this is Criminal what you're doing pay attention okay now it says pursuant to to uh here it is oh yeah please be advised this office's finding untruthfulness implicates attorney general directive 29-6 the directive establishing County policies to comply with Brady versus Maryland and Giglio versus United States and its disclosure requirements as well as the public posting of Provisions IAP 911.2 at this point this Council I implore you it's overdue that the Attorney General be involved and a criminal investigation be conducted there is a criminal Network going on Larry Fox threatened me at the February 14th meeting for which I will be serving a notice of tour very soon because I have I have sent in a Oprah foer request for your oath of office and for your shity bond do you have a shity bond a personal shity bond this is comments no I'm asking you a question do you have a shity bond this section is for oh you answer other people's questions when it's convenient but you don't like to answer them when they're inconvenient and you tell other people that they're breaking laws you accused the the Council of holding a meeting that you felt was unlawful how about you breaking the law and withholding a report that they were entitled to have for 45 days an attempt to run out the clock to protect your co- criminal I hope you like wearing orange sir I hope you look good in it I hope it's your favorite color cuz you're going to be wearing a lot of it you're a criminal and the fact that you have the goal and the nerve to sit here and come back here after the circus that you've created and pretend and carry on as business as usual this is not business as usual this is a business you're running you're affecting my bottom line I have an investment in this home in this town and which is my home and you don't know and the and the circus that you're calling the 22 budget that's it's hot mess that's what criminals do when they don't want the criminality to be uncovered because you know darn well that councilman gubitosi has the skill to look at the documents because of his background in money management and accounting and to point out very easily all the irregularities of your criminality and that's why he's being sued you think we're stupid we're paying really close attention to you mayor Fox and you're the one who ought to be careful about how you are conducting yourself in this town because what you're doing is Criminal and you're making it much worse for yourself thank you yeah you're welcome that's your opinion yeah uh yes than sorry effect K 49 Bley Avenue I too like council member toi have a prepared statement I do not relish public speaking I think I write better than speak I'm here of course to discuss the guita situation better sit now the g a crisis which is what it has become Mr Fox because of your underhanded and dishonest manipulation of the entire Affair I had at first planned here to review a l of the issues with your behavior on this but my 5 minutes doesn't allow not even close I was going to ask questions like even after the report came out how could you continue praising the former Chief in multiple media interviews statements through your newsletter without acknowledging any of the 28 violations slated against him and I certainly wanted an explanation of why as mayor and as the face of our community to people literally around the world who read this story you have not offered publicly a single word of regret or apology for the former Chief's victims not a single word for the officer who was public publicly berid in the presence of his wife and two small children not a word about the ex-chief telling the officer maybe your kids need to see their dad yell back not a word till the officer pulled into a conference room literally pushed around in his chair and bered for an hour in the presence of other officers one of whom called it the longest hour of my life and worst of all not a single word from you to or about the Man simply walking down the street on his way to work before his constitutional rights were violated by the ex-chief I can't see exactly why you behave this way but I can sure as hell say what it looks like you acted first and foremost not as mayor Bradley Beach striving for what's best for the talent's residents you instead made a priority of running cover for the ex-chief if we see it from that perspective everything you did and didn't do suddenly makes perfect sense you sided with him not us for what reasons we don't know yet not yet anyway does he have some incriminating information showing you are much more deeply involved in this than we know I don't know it's worth noting though all of these incidents happened under your watch or what was supposed to be your watch anyway Burl Hall is not a very big place and to think you had heard nothing of all this this seems a stretch but the idea you may have been aware and did nothing but covered it up that's much more on brand all this said I do see a way out so I am being constructive as you ask people at the beginning of the me first we need more investigation into what I just mentioned as well as action to review the formal deal you struck with the ex-chief on that point I commend Mr Canon and the members of the Town Council who called and attended an emergency meeting last week to beting addressing that issue before it was too late secondly Mr Fox you should resign and you should do it soon whatever your specific role here it's clear to everyone maybe even yourself if you're honest about it that politically speaking you're not going to recover from this even some of those who supported you previously aren't with you honestly remember Mr Fox Bradley Beach is a small town people talk and they're talking now the election is still eight months away why drag this out your relationship with the town is irretrievably broken by a line from the report that was used to describe the chief the reality is the faster you go away the faster the story goes away we'll all be able to move on and that's in everyone's interest including ironically Mr Fox even yours thank you thank youth like many residents and council members um we all concerned about our financial situation we haven't had the audit in 2022 the taxpayers have had the highest Municipal tax increase M County and still we have had no B budget workshop for this year's um for this year's budget um I think it's important for me to bring up a financial a situation about the Memorial Day Festival um this is financially now I'm talking the parade cost the town $9,001 13,810 the net was $475 to however that does not include the cost of overtime for public works and the police so therefore one could conclude that that event cost the taxpayers money once again this this event is scheduled for this year my question what is was the tourism director Amy Hall and the tourism liaison councilwoman Jane jble present at the meetings who is on the committee and does this event need Council approval like the tour to Bradley Beach bik Ride Mary's place by the seaw wall and Alzheimer association annual walk and I learned tonight these organizations had to put up $25,000 to participate well my other question is did this committee put up $25,000 why if these group groups had to have Council approval for their event why didn't this Memorial Day Festival have Council approval another question Michelle Wy is spending time on this event does she receive a stien for this for her time and is the burrow paying a fee of capture point to register vendors and parade participants I would like to have my question we'll get those answers for you we noted those and get those I me asking you the one you asked of me yes please I was not at the meetings as a Were you invited no do you know why touris tourism has not been involved in the wait a second well then they were not involved in it then what is it for what is the goal and objective of the Memorial Day Parade it's a celebration in Brad the beach for what well that for what I I am not against the parade I am favor of the parade but I am objecting to the way this is handled it's a process we are we are talking about Main Street all the time and look what your you're doing you're competing directly with Main Street this was not a profitable event and what didn't receive Council approval Why didn't it receive Council approval we'll list all your questions and get get that back well I would like for the council to know all the answers to as well thank you next go for it Greenberg 302 Parkplace a um I do have a question about the budget process uh counc G toi would want to answer you say you passed a resolution to extend the time for you to get the first iteration of the budget process and that came and went I I think that happened twice is that correct January 24th council meeting we the deadline was the 27th and we extended it from January 27th to February 27th so is there any sort of penalty if that is not made we're still within the state but so a resolution was passed the resolution was violated what's the point of passing a resolution if nobody pays attention to it that's a question for Mr Canon I guess it's a great question did I stump the band I mean so is there any penalty if a if an administrative person such as the mayor or the you know the the accounting staff don't meet the criteria of the resolution and it comes and goes practical matter no should there be I mean if you pass a resolution to enforce something what's the point of it if there's no penalty if it's not followed I mean there's State guidelines that the budget has to be introduced aded by certain time right and and what's the date on that what's the introduction date by state guidelines March March March okay so so will that budget be introduced by the end of March it'll be there'll be a workshop on March 27th an introduction on April 10th and then we need to make a DEC so wait so but it has Mr Canon just said the end of March right has to be introduced I think it has to be presented by the end of March oh presented okay just three steps presented this program is presented introduced adoped got yeah forgive me I'm not the CFO but you do everything right I TR okay so the problem with that those three steps is if there are any questions at all we get into back a lot of back and forth and and while the administration typically introduces very late they then put a lot of pressure on the council hey we got we got deadlines you guys got to approve it well we ask questions we don't always get satisfactory answers time drags on last year the council either for one reason or another we either voted no to adoption or we aaed meetings uh motions to adopt because we didn't have those answers and it the whole process rolled into June and July and and we had vendors we had merchants in town telling council members that we the council were being blamed for rather Beach not paying their bills because we were voting no on on the budget sub it's a very sensitive subject to me personally for 3 years running we can every year we go through this process and then we're promised that the next year we're going to start in October we'll get you something by January 31st three years running it has not happened and we are always told the state ex expands the deadline it doesn't matter the state expands the deadline because the state is late getting us dat it could be pension dat or whatever all the other line matters in the budget that have been worked through with our department heads and everyone else that data is available and decisions are being made and I imagine even right now there's a preliminary budget that's been drafted missing a couple of lines nothing is being shared with this Council except the capital Improvement plan which is a portion of the budget and by the way it's not a recommendation it was a plan asking us for our input it wasn't this is what we propose so why is it so if there's some preliminary budget work going on in the background why not share that the council Mr Mayor why not get there for you that well so we are weighing um we we started the um audit last year hopefully late for any number of reasons um the auditor is working with the CFO right now to finalize some ending balances starting balances that's pretty much done um we will have the audit report I believe on the 27th we will also have the budget intro because uh the CFO will complete one of the things you have to complete before the budget is an AFS he's 95% complet the AFS he just needs to that stand for annual financial statement and once he has that 'll have that ready to go so so that'll be presented on the 27th to the council and will they be expected to vote on that then no no just it's a workshop all right thank you mayor my name is anthonyo um I live on Lake Terrace 2000 uh I I'm not here to make a complaint I'm here just to make a bit of a quick presentation so um for the last 14 years I've written thousands of Articles and blogs on New Jersey real estate and so having lived through the Great Recession and a couple other downturns I've been tracking some of the the numbers and so I've been putting them together my background is w as you can see from the cap U New York Stock Exchange is back then uh I was there the great you know the great crash and IBM at the time but let me just read some numbers read them out to you and you know everybody's talking numbers and everybody's so angry but I know together our town can prosper okay and I want our town to lead the way in New Jersey I have a vision for bradle lead the way the average tax bill in mon county is $1,590 Asberry Park they pay on average $8,000 on By the Sea 11,000 Delmar $825 NEP 8399 and Bradley Beach is now at 916 the increase is is 7.9% the concern that I have is that as we come out of and I wrote this over here as I would like to see that the town would Rise Up from the economic ashes of the pandemic and commit the the community to few of these suggestions first one pass and ordinance that limits the constraints real estate tax increases to be no more than the percentages of uh inflation has that that have been registered by the US Census Bureau so if the Euros Census Bureau tells us that inflation is 3.5 and we do know that that's a lie but we want to we want to endorce their Al at least to our benefit and so this is not a complaint but I'm just saying you can't go higher than 3.5 or whatever the the inflation is so that's number one number two I would suggest that we put together a stewardship commission within the next 45 days of individuals whose skill set and knowledge base can tighten this town spending and actually produce a reduction in taxes lastly and this you know is for everyone expedite the sale of the church on Lorraine Avenue which funds shall be held in a special uh environmental uh account for when the weather events occur we have the wiggle room to spend more money now that money is not going to into you know just a general checking account we can put it in a savings account and for the years that we don't have a s we haven't had a made a storm since 2012 maybe we won't get another one for another 10 years we'll be add making 5.25% on a million and a half bucks so my point is I you know I personal relationships with some of you you know I only want the best for our town and I just this is a word of exhortation and encouragement I'm not here to scream I'm not to tell anybody that they're wrong I'm saying I know that we can be better thank you thank you thank you yes Ed be 205 ever green Avenue Mr Fox on January 18th you received a report from the prosecutor's office raining up to 28 infractions by previous chief of police some some were infractions against committed against citizens and some against his own officers you waited for a period of time to make the report public then you decideed to let the chief retire and still collect his pension again we're not discussing two or three instances of possible Mison but many more I realize this is a a a time where I'm supposed to just give my comments but I do have a question for you and I hope you can answer so my question mayor Fox as a citizen of our town who has to pay for the decisions that you make or don't make can you explain why you made this decision to allow him to retire and collect his pension without a more formal review by the town which I assume includes the council and and the attorney and members who have a lot of experience to be sitting up there with is that something you can answer for uh yeah I can actually share this document with you that would answer most of those questions um the um the short answer to your question if you look at the minutes of the uh February 28th meeting were here that night was oh you were okay so I read through exactly uh the process what happened what was done uh we worked with the we took the lead of the count the prosecutor's office they did the investigation they made the recommendations they had the meetings with all parties the the the comment of letting the chief retire we we I think the prosecutor said that we said we can't dictate when somebody retires or doesn't retire uh they retire uh we can't say you're not going to retire um so um I understand your frustration um it's and it is a troubling report uh I can just tell you that I know that I work very closely with the prosecutor's office they provided me the direction I have that all in writing uh they documented to make up through February 28th the day we the last Council on confidentiality on um how to how to basically handle this investigation the report is a piece of the investigation it's not the end of the investigation I hear what you say but I'm still amazed that the elected body up here was not consulted and they knew the frustration of the town and I realize that you maybe with Mr Baro decided to allow him to retire but we don't allow we didn't allow him to retire okay not but with his pension that's not our decision you pension is a state agency that assesses um what pension payouts are we have nothing to do with but there's certain bylaws that what employe in the town what we did was I supplied that report on February I forget what the date was I think it was 14th or 15th to the pension committee and said as a Prelude to potential a potential retirement you should see this was on the direction of the prosecutor they told me to do that but there are certain bylaws that the person that the chief of police must follow in order to collect his pension and I suspect one of those 28 infractions that were committed would have stopped him from at least until a more legal review of the circumstances took place the prosecutor's office did the report did the investigation the first question I asked when I met with them on November 10th was are there any criminal activities here the answer was there are not these are all administra so these were when he hits an employee that's not a criminal offense I'm sorry when he hits an employee that's not a criminal offense there's no that was not there's nobody hitting anybody in the report he slammed the chair into somebody's La that's hitting I that was in the report the report was interpreted and read out by the prosecutor they did the investigation I have to say this Mr Fox and I I have a lot of respect for all you people up there okay every one of you Mr goosi at the last meeting that I was at brought up the vote of no confidence and I can't believe I'm standing here in front of the the people of this town and I'm about to say this Mr Mayor I'm lacking confidence in you right now okay thank you thank you good evening great calano I live at 64 Boulevard uh there's been a lot of comments about the report and I have a little bit of a difference spin um I worked over 4 years at a company where if you didn't do your job right or certain people didn't do your job right people Di and that certainly could be the case with the police department and I kind of think it's kind of fascinating that we didn't lose one or more lives because the the the culture of the department had to be toxic so my take on this is how could this happen now at my company we do a lot of things and um the employees have to go when they see or hear something that isn't right we call them speak up resources you would be able to go to your manager if you didn't want to go to your manager you could go to the chief legal counsel if you didn't want to go to the chief legal councel you could anonymously call an external Corporation and re remain anonymous so with all of the problems the duration of the problems I can't wrap my head around why nobody in the police department didn't do anything and so the only reason I can come up with is they had nowhere to go where there was trust so while everybody is focusing on pension and this and that I'm focused on what are we going to do to fix the problem in that department and other departments so that it never happens again right so we need to have a way that when people go to work there everybody wants to get up in the morning they want to go to work they everybody I'm sure there's nobody that gets up and says I want to do a bad job today right they normally get up and say I want to do good right but some sometimes they're prevented from doing good because of the environment that they're in or some of the people that they're working with so the town could do something and they can create you know whatever you want to call it speak up resources come up with your own name so that people have a way to bypass the person that's their boss to bypass the person I I could I could observe a behavior of two co-workers in call and that's certainly been done many times so that's really what's needed because I'm not really sure that the police department is fixed because one person was is no longer there the toxic environment the culture right and I used to have a saying right culture each change for breakfast so you have the culture just because you made a change that doesn't mean You' really changed anything because the culture of the police department that same behavior that might be going on with the officers that are there right now and to a new person they might have to come in and say okay I have to deal with this because this is the culture but no they should have a way to go and call and that that department I don't know I don't know a single person that works there I know nothing about it but it could happen and it shouldn't happen because when people go to work they need to uh feel like they can do a good job thank you thank you for listening thank you to L 312 friendly this is not about I've been talking about this is about the occupancy of the bii center um Miss Le got a phone call that it was 70 plus so was that for sitting was it for standing or was it for sitting at a table because there's three different occupancies and I'd like to know the answer to that and I don't know who to get it from because nobody seems to know who would I go to code I don't know where she got that information well somebody from the coding office Boulder I'm not sure who but she told me it was 70 plus so that would be everything for standing because the room is about the size of this so I don't think we can fit you know so I'm pretty sure that the tables and chairs there would probably be half and that would be 35 so it's not accurate accurate in size for them so the other thing I have to say is all right we we have no budget but yet we're spending money so we have all these music festivals listed for the summer does anybody have tally on how much they're all going to Quest I'm sure tourism does maybe well it does come out of the tourism trust right which is funded by CEOs and not tax dollar money comes by we're all spending our money in town and we're spending money for the DPW and the police department right right so I'm just asking how much is it costing so you're asking like how much does it cost for the police and yeah because we don't seem to know that the Public Works being present yeah that's a good question and also on the concessions on the boardwalk or on the prominade rather how is that work when you get a bid do you start it like like $20,000 and then you work your way up people bid on it how does it work that's what it works so how come the two are so different sorry the two price the two bids are so different that the $10,000 difference between them the real estate they bid SE the best real estate is cheaper than the least location location locational right had to come in with minimum they are Bid separately so yeah they're B do they know where the bid starts John MRT yes the yeah Mr you wrote the bid so do you want to handle that yeah there's a starting bid so what was the starting bid I told them what they I could tell you what you nework and Brinley yes uh I'm know to wrote the bids I essentially took the prior r from 2023 mhm added whatever the normal increase was that had been occurring in the prior lease and then rounded to the nearest thousand year number so I don't know why one you know whatever they were paying I don't know one was higher than the other that's what they were paying all along so did they both have the same opening B no because actually I would think Brinley would be the Hot Topic where you would want to go that truck was always busy and the North End didn't have anything thing and they had a terrible food truck I think it was the year before so they their business didn't do well so and the one that we have now is like is it an ice cream Boer cuz I looked them up seem to be like ice cream uh I believe it's people that 10 freeze out in so have food it's just going to be ice cream no I'm not complaining about that no I love ice cream but I the Avenue the opening bid was 20 per year and for newk Avenue the bid was the opening bid was $25,000 per year and that reflects basically the difference between the two bids so how many the prior leases did you have multiple bids no no so why would you bid higher why would they bid higher you don't know who you're you don't know who you're bidding against so not we do I've never played this game before yeah we trick them into giving us more money thank you very much all right and I would just like to comment on Lake Terrace Park it looks like it's progressing and thank you very much for doing that please please please can you put the swings at the right like there so adults can get on them without breaking their backs and CH little children get on them also because the ones on Ocean are very high and it's very difficult to get on them unless you're very T but fo now thank you [Music] you uh Willi Beach I just uh want to recognize a Bradley Beach resident uh lifelong residence who's probably saved many lives out in the ocean and that's uh B announces with so that's all I want to mention thanks I was kind of holding that till we got it squ away but thank you Bill probably same for Dicky Johnson probably the same for Dicky Johnson uh didn't announce it yet but I know in Facebook we're now oce park um so many people said some wonderful things here this evening and I would either like to add to them or not um minimum occupancy of this room is 48 people as for the sign including tables and chairs we have 52 seats oh my surprised um I am surprised and shocked that you all are shocked with the report from the prosecutor's office um none of this were secrets to many of us it's just been a really long time coming so how do you fix it as I've said before the reporting of the police chief needs to be to the VA return to that position and the new top position needs to come from without from outside of Bry Beach and yes I would like to um Endor the fact that Mr Green should never have any position in this town municipality again paid or volunteered and speaking of paid as I've said for how many years and to um confirm what M natalus was asking yes there are people in this room that get stiens there are people in this room that are paid employees the people on Zoom can't see them some of us in the audience don't know them you had people in public works they're not a group they're individuals and at the beginning of every Meeting those people need to be identified past and present but you know you ignore me and I'll just continue to bring it up um while you can share certain things in triplicate is your letter regarding Mr guita on the website right after each other let I remember the order Shamrock letter oh sorry Easter egg letter it's all green letter M prade and then it repeats itself and then it repeats itself once was more than enough for me but again we pay people who have no consequences to do a job correctly website says uh all this stuff about no film pickup it says that our schedule has changed for December 2024 and January 2025 I do not see where this ran through this counil and was voted on and you put that in there at the recycle gate so again to somebody else's point what happens when we don't meet our resolutions we have no accountability for anything I beg plead maybe you'd like to take on the wonderful job you do for tourism and its budget and stuff to do the same thing for the rep departments God bless you it should not be a free agency we spend and spend and spend the person's never there when I go there um I don't get it um when Co was over and the meetings were turn here this ties into Murphy's statement of this week that said we were ill prepared I came back with how are we prepared for the next one where's our PPE where are our mask what about all the laptops are we charging them are we making sure that they're working what is happened to them never got an answer but I'm going to guess Bradley Beach is not prepared I'm I'm going to also say that we had a resolution to give a part-time person at no expense last year it was quoted in this meeting to be have added duties including that of assisting tax collection now we're advertising for a full-time for that position so we've jumped to spending more parttime full-time doesn't make sense to me and for all those people that were speaking about the mayor Miss SW said in court on March in the mayor versus the council that he would be done at the end of the year yes uh Thomas Jake Coan 612 Third Avenue you know I'm really happy that the Public Works did their presentation I want to thank them but those numbers up there were the first numbers that I saw for the budget and I was not impressed with the number that had been expended in 11 weeks and the numbers that were the balance for the next 41 weeks I'd like to see that again because that did not look good to me and again that's the first budget a temporary budget that's only a small portion the a lot no you've allotted it and you've used a ton of it in 11 weeks and now it because it's only 20 it's only it's a small portion of the year 11 weeks oh okay the number was big for 11 weeks that's my point mayor and I do want to wish you luck with the mayor's wellness program and um and you know being named a healthy town to watch this year but I don't want to break it to you but you may not get it because too many people are watching so you may not receive it this year um maybe we'll do better um well yeah if everybody's watching I mean we need more media we need more people to watch us um I I do want to say what what stuns me most is in this whole thing is you're stalling in an action on on the chief Le I mean you assumed that you were the administrative Authority without checking with the balance of the council you're not the administrative Authority and you're going to be the administrative authority over someone who raised money for your campaign and campaigned for you I mean it it really bogles my mind the way you don't share information with your colleagues and take everything over and make people Sue because you you just Commander everything it's it's really quite amazing to me um the 43 days blows my mind when I read that report on the 43rd day and you assumed there wasn't going to be a council meeting over the weekend so we're in good shape but you know what you us underestimate your colleagues unfortunately I didn't release that report the prosecutor's office did January 18 January 18 no theut released the report to the okay no no sir actually I was in my house and I was told the report came to the council but I couldn't read it I had to wait for the public and then I waited two and a half hours until it came out for the public the council received it the same day that yeah from the prosecutor's office yeah they' been asking you office from the VIS from the VIS from from the prosecutor's office to the businesses no no you have the document and so did Mr DeMarco and so did Mr Bernstein and You released it to the council the same afternoon that the we did not release a report to the council corre the prosecutor released a report to us 3 minutes later we we released it to the coun no no you've had the you admitted you had did not have a redacted report why did they get a redacted report when they're the administrative Authority it was the it was the uh direction of the prosecutor I did not do the redaction the pr I understand I understand that sir but you had the benefit of an unredacted report and you didn't share that unredacted report that you had for the 43 days with your Council who is the full administrative Authority okay so I I I'd love to see the memo backup on this but you know we don't have the 2022 audit there's no trust from you anywhere and I do want to ask you I mean how many acts of contrition do you have to say after every meeting because you don't tell the truth at all it's amazing to me just amazing so when are we expecting the audit I want to make sure I can be there that day March 27th March 20 and will that be the the full presentation where we can question the auditor they'll be here or are you just going to give it after I'm not sure put out not sure you're not sure if he's going to be here I mean even Gary I'm not sure I'm not sure what are you sure about I mean I don't know how this runs you can't give a solid number you can't give a solid date you can't give a solid time and you Commander everything it's incredible there is no trust and and it's not going to get any better and I I do agree with the people said it's really time to resign because you're giving us nothing thank you sir um no other questions we will no real questions I just have a couple comments oh you're welcome I was here two weeks ago and I mentioned how um he just give me name oh I'm sorry Henry MOS 2093 I made a comment that I think all the property owners should pay their fair share I'm talking about commercial versus and I kept I know there is a difference between commercial and residential if you want me to tell you what it is I talked with the assessor he told me what it is I had to leave unfortunately I never directed anything towards Mr thas C I don't know why he got up and he said I don't know the facts I don't think it was right I never said a word to him I never said anything about what his and the thing is it was wrong and all I said is the commercial properties need to pay their fair share for instance dorsy their taxes are now $1,078 they went down last year $634 went down Del pones $ 12,852 they went down $639 here's here's the math quiz that's the bakery that's the coffee shop and the restaurants on the side the attack assessor couldn't figure it out for me okay okay so I said how is it calculated it's calculated by how much rent is to be achieved off the property I go well I don't think that's fair I don't think that's right so I got off the phone I well I talked to them for about 45 minutes about this is five months ago I go off the phone I call up two other towns where I own properties one in Delmore on Fourth Avenue and I said how do you calculate I don't have a problem I'm paying 15 or 20,000 there I he says well commercial is a little different we now do a land assessment just like you do on residential and then we do the income approach like we do in Bradley we didn't do a land [Music] assessment about 3 weeks later two weeks later I had a call I I never asked him to call me back he called me back he said we're changing the way we do it it's not right we're going to do a land assessment and then an income approach I said well that makes sense makes sense to me look at uh uh UA their taxes went down $750 I don't think anybody's residential's property taxes went down but biscuit that they all went down 300 the assessment on commercial property is probably like I don't know the assessment not the taxes the assessment is probably 100,000 not 100,000 probably 10 million too low across all the properties I said to him what is the what is the property it's a is it in the middle of the pro in the middle main center of town is that worth more no it's all work the same that's that's ridiculous how about Corner properties are they worth more oh it's we do it all the same I I told them that's wrong too because you know why because all the good properties around the corner look at the bakery look at the bank look at the real estate look at uh yeah look at what what is his the real estate over there um Patrick Parker this went down $400 doesn't make sense it's wrong and I and don't wait for it to come out don't wait for them to come out with the thing because I'm surprised no one said anything about you didn't have any commercial property owners come up here and say I don't understand that my property values went down my my property taxes went down I think mine went up well I a couple properties one went one went up 1,300 one went up about 500 it's not fair they need to pay their fair share and I don't need to be bullied by someone that I didn't say anything to I'm not going to stand for it and I'm not the person to be bullied thank you thank you okay there's nobody else who will a motion to second a motion to ex session it on my phone got here fo how's it going I [Music] fig you it's just let have on already I I've already a flip flop for love it than you [Music] she's yeah I Dr [Music] cookies I should be clear about that [Music] human his neck is about 27 in nicey yeah the big star football when I was there um Justin play the NFL play the NFL play the NFL I'll be afternoon what's up Jess I could people laugh toxic gentlemen good name be a good name for a rock toxic gentlemen that's true that's a good name that's a good name yeah that that's what happened right when you got I like your different tape on that's that's perfect perfect en has the only time I came to meeting was7 to do they the main because Mains but the people were renting didn't want streets and stuff because they were your rent's going to go up right like your rents kind go up but your volume is going to go up you know how this works and so that's the only time I really came and interacted when they because I said I'll pay the money I want I want favors I want to get it done but uh you know and then when we moved here full time you know um I went to yeah it was a totally illegal event for like six years they didn't pay any taxes they lied on ABC wait they were nonpr organization nonpr us they sold the file the file ta and they lies no no no because the third question and and I did this is how I got this all through opras and now they're trying to do away with OAS so like me you know can't figure out the truth seriously you if you're active in politics you would to look at the new Over Law they're trying to pass it was just voted out of committee in the house with Senate he Monday yeah they're trying to conduct theu the whole thing so you can't so what happened is when I did my OAS call your they gave me so do it I call my I guess what I got I got oh my God I don't have to do any work so the third question on the license for a special ABC permit for beer and wine at a function for nonprofit is are you current with your tax and then I called the uh called CA they hadn't filed there and I called the IRS in Washington they like we have no no records for six years of fing tax but I'm the I out and was on but you know and the vendors wanted to kill me because what happened was I filed it right when they approved it and then they kept kicking can down the road you know I was spend it cost me five grand I mean I do this for f you know I did it to make a point but it got to within a month of of the the event they're going to try to go over let's go for summary judgment we went for summary judgment and I made the agreement the judge Jud so they roted without one of the council members who was in conflict and I said absolutely be to do that one of the council members wife was the head of the local Business Association and he voted you can't vot wife's the president of the chamber and you're voting for he he was about just like so then when they revoted I presented all the information I got the vote was 22s didn't you do your research's I heard international news it was it was in The Daily Mail in the UK UK got picked up from uh the New York Post New York Post people me just shot all a friend of mine Dallas saw Florida but but it's just been constant I me I've spent a lot of money on lawyers I've won open cases where they had to be my lawyer and I I won that open public cases um but there's no Fe shiting so I had to eat that so another you know yeah just for fun I just see the town I see and you know what right nobody apologizes that's the thing nobody goes hey except my friends friends this Council the other Council they don't even waste of time anyway you shouldn't be here I am aister voter here I am a registered voter here I mean said I'm here April oh sometimes he'll come for we come on weekends you know but we fulltime for like November but and you know my wife my wife says me when I said listen I want toister I want to register she go breaking uping AP we're living apart no she's registered in Princeton because she wants to keep her hand in Princeton politics and I'm registered here because I my hand yeah like you're big and and it's allat it's all Republic eled there in Middle Town for years yeah 31 years yeah a long time is it better for the commute no I I I'm retired no we you there oh I was taking the train into new so was you know youw in got married and he moved down here and uh went Mid Town stayed there and then you know my house was too big I really couldn't take property I got tired of it yeah it's tired right I got tired where did you grow up in County B you to high school SCH went to B yeah my father went to um Monclair okay and when I was a little kid he would say that this isn't football here I'm going to take you over see mon nle I me I was like years old all these games this from we used nle fo game that was like yeah I mean it's a different like that was like you know you know it's a different kind of everybody I grew up built in Northeast Philly and Northeast High School Central High School was the big Thanksgiving day I was actually on JV uh I was actually I was in end on bomb squats right we had a couple guys who got hurt and they stuck me in on the game against Central at offensive guard now I was this tall and 170 wait against Central High School in Philadelphia Philadelphia oh my God I was 62 170 and I need a guard greber and I was no I did I did okay he was cuz I my height I was able to use leverage against weight and you know we had it was I mean we we were both BRS at the end of the game but we shook hands and it was a fun game but man last time I ever wanted to play interior line and was just I was I was the guy didn't step back fast enough but and and on the bomb squads was fun uh it's good football in Philly too yeah I remember this Weir ofac so when you're on the bomb squads right you have to stay in your lane right that is the Mantra oh yeah stay in your lane so we're in this practice and the guy broke away and I tackled like an open FI perfect open field tackle probably the best tackle I ever made in my life was in practice session and Coach yelled at me for leaving my l oh my God I told you to stay your give me two laps around the school it's brutal T more lebody L uh in Northeast High School there's college player we like most of the people that are active I got to tell you we're not getting a big turnout because everybody's in Florida you know people I'm coming up for that Florida waiting two going the executive s there an ex session normally they don't do business after executive session there's two resolutions resolutions on afterward and this is my public service so the story behind this is that unti contct l I don't want my and then all of a sudden all a sudden they got there you know then then they spent the money six months later they got their and then now they went to this the owl the owl which is actually pretty cool I do like it the St the only thing is you can't see everybody at the table so when you're on Zo can you see the audience yes you can yeah depends on who's speaking if someone speaking here the will pick it up and you can see the hey man's it you look for look for me I saw him do it seconds yeah yeah sounds should stay for Police business I'm sorry first name nice meet you right see you around see [Music] okay e for for e e for e e e steps little story first one could get one for like said you get he Calles call right makes a call couple days calls on the train well my mom my mom's side yeah I don't know I mean I could you know so but I was right so I right right he's feel G St didn't moer and then and then later my point was lost he lost over 50 lb so if he took the surgery when he weigh 230 would have been start so but I had a prev pratic so every once in a while like every 6 Months 8 months I would get a little blood right I was literally I didn't think of it either so you knowy BL so it's clear up right so I leave I was col my y cardiologist said where it's at should go this better where it goes I came home came down here had the pH in coup not went over to Jersey sh the emergency room they flushed it out came back down here two hours later so Drive tocon uh they admit me they on what's called continuous bladder of irrigation big 3000 CC bags hang and they they and said he saw a couple areed the prostate you know do certain things on blood do surgery Sur no no so they that and it helped okay but then I still had a little blood and then they did a second procedure called a prostatic arterial enolization so that's when they basically go in and put great stuff into the artery that Fe the prostate you know sping um they couldn't get all the way in they only get like one level above because they said you know to sely to Sly my torture is fast torture but you seen the help I was pain clear right they took the uh they took the EM they took the the ladder bags out right uh everything was coming out clear L out Friday morning I was beinging clear um but it's kind of a temporary solution still have a little Ting every once in a while I got wait I got it get on the Las but wait Yeahs but I got get my shoulder that's shorter window time after about after about June the surgery becom harder because the longer you wait I did a full te the longer you wait the further the travel away so we happend so came so he came he's doing like right you know I'll do my deck I'll do my driveway I'll do my neighbor's house on the either side while he's doing mine so he finishes mine I'm walking up the front steps to get my wallet P like big barels you know and I you know my steps come out like that a little bit my any I I heard it that but I heard it so now yeah if I can it's be once I do this in June that's six weeks in a sling and then and then SE yeah sep and on top of all that maran's got her knee replacement schedule for May 15 April 15 my brother yesterday is it amazing it's like well I it's not even in a hospital they surgery CER the same day yeah yeah we had to buy one of those yeah so he stand up the same stair get up there well that's what we have in that's here but they told Mar you'll be up and walking the same day 16s myot do your oh they're did you have the little Halo coming out the metal Halo one of those those little Halos that wereing out of her foot a couple weeks right now my pain is just tend pain I'm my balance is actually impr because I used to I used to never use the tub always be on the outside this yourt so this is your yeah it's like was scking way over here out that's usually oh yeah I just J that was it you didn't go up to no was that was fast enough that was slow yeah a right Crush be oh yeah no no no John what's this thing we got to write it down are you serious I didn't know how he long went to Villanova yeah you went to vova because you think Villanova you don't think major football school exactly how long I thought you were just like saying the guy was giving a right just we like oh John how we long we going R this how we W so can you imagine you never played football and the first time you play it's how we W St I can't wait like I people that know him they go I know John always go so iory all time people never I'm run unbel SE gy G Johson G he's on the1 really research all right gu a video um it's uh yeah yeah we got we got yeah we got's his name yeah he just did TR I'm kind of one he wasn't really yeah you're he's good and I see him in Tom's River I I represent some properties down there so um yeah he's uh you know I mean we're actually we're given concrete back yeah cuz we were a little over okay and now we're good that's the way it's supposed to work that's the The Balancing Act yeah the only thing that that we have um it's like weird I I talk about this told CU they have the garage they say like ft from the main building yeah but is it a deck on or is it a reg no it's a reg but it's not attached just an interpretation oh it's not attached so then so so it's almost like it's next to an accessory structure we'll see what isord that's okay I haven't se anything on that well it was lock room talk yeah we're having you know what um it's talking I would imagine cuz he walked down the just know he can do a lot more damage in the next 10 months I know yes so where's Maran having her surgery um it's a doctor from ro ro Institute Out of Philly oh going she's going Philly no no no he that's where their headquartered this is one of their satellite offices she's going Sur Center iny tell you though after I went through get a CT first I passed for surgery with my EKG my EKG show nothing I'm sitting there stress the the symptoms only manifested under stress and not you know I can do an endurance workout on when I was hum yeah I said I don't know my my bir father's genetics I mean my grandfather and my mother side of mar but he smoke cigars all his life ate Foods all his life yeah it's amazing though what they can do just think about you know years ago my grandfa was so actually could have done something else without cracking my chest they said that if they couldn't get the scent in right there's this other artery that you use right and re rout it and it's it's it's surgery but they don't crack your chest yeah isn't that wild I can't believe yeah and and I said what about the area that others he goes well you it's it your body will have to revascularize that area I it hard it was just yeah they take it out of this area here and cuz I had um a 70% blockage of a branch of the LA right and I said you going to s that as well it's too small I said well what happened to the next Bo of 100% he goes it's such a small one I there beage he goes no it's such a small area and again your body will revascularize wow that's amazing yeah like you know for the Aries Le yeah because you're not stress you're right guess CH yeah so but I may down the road I may need a couple other stats for a couple other they're like they said they were 50% but just just just just my grandfather I his health history he had hard issues but like I said he's the one that didn't he going really I got a Carri you know it's like it's like carrying sound prob yeah oh yeah I got an epen and there's some nro here somewhere that's the EP I had a reaction to what we thought was shellfish and then I had a reaction what they call a shelfish allergy but I I tested negative and um they never figure out what it was so they just got me the F for the hell of it yeah they gave me some to but yeah I were joking FY I had in right I met Mar when I was 40 so by the end of this past two weeks the joke was that more women have seen my penis than in the entire 40 years before I met maryan the past two weeks you know all they want to come check make sure there's no infection it wasal we were laughing about it like we started joking put nurse came in or a new nurse's aid and they wanted to like you know what they call Foley maintenance right they K white wipes off we okay so we got to get your first name your last name your position here we got to put it in the spreadsheet that's sense humor it's so stressful so um after the the pro after procedure no before the first procedure I was in there and I went to try to go bathroom right it's a little constipated and this happens a lot they say veg Vargas when you bear down like blood pressure dropped and I felt I said I'm going to pass back I told him I a going to pass out get light I can feel going to pass out right and and when I came to I'm sitting on the floor so I started out on the toilet I'm sitting on the floor and I'm moving up to the the hospital to the doctor does the rounds and you know he's asking how I feeling all and he said that was the second time I woke up and he said the first time you woke up you're like cracking jokes so I said yeah I said you know what this is the first time I ever cast down the and then I I said without alcohol I said was my I mean you know just get so to be in the hospital and have procedures in and out and like you know at home I was sitting there I was saying that guy now I got day meds night meds I was feeling party last night sense of humor good time in there Tex great L it just feels the kicker is so I took off my watch and my wedding ring before I left and I HD it somewhere I somewhere in house I find it yeah you your phone oh my um so what do you want me to look up up so think you're building right that's crazy unmute me there I you hear me yes make a motion to return to I make a motion that we return to the regular meeting what are you saying second second uh Mr Noble yes Mr kosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox absent okay um okay we turning to the agenda uh we have resolution 20247 I make a motion to withdraw that resolution which was authorizing the retention of a special hearing officer in connection with an employee disciplinary matter is there a second second Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox absent and for resolution 2024 72 I make a motion to approve that resolution authorizing the bur's conflict attorney rown Coughlin and Mello to represent the burough in connection with an employee disciplinary matter second M uh Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mahone yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox absent all right oh go ahead I was going to adjourn okay I'd like to make motion to adjourn this meeting all in favor hi hi thanks everybody you John is that hotel art go back to party Hotel thanks for the public for hanging around the public it's we got two public yeah I I hear we were very very entertaining I missed the night out with my this was the first night where people actually went out and did something fun and I'm like a