[Music] they call to pasta [Music] not [Music] one begin High sat here for a little while [Music] [Music] [Music] it's going to put this way not going the biggest impact going to be around we'll update you well good evening [Music] two we [Music] now I know where I had my got next year [Music] one yeah I there was a few wordss but they're all F okay sorry it was after the fact of nothing against sh really about Che flag the United States of America for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all I wish to announced that the 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act is emailed to the Asbury Park the co-star and the new co-star on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the in the burrow office and that a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zoom portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken providing that there is a inperson quar Mr Noble here Mr gubitosi here Miss Mahoney excus Mr Weber here mayor Fox here okay good night good night evening good night wrap it up here um good evening everybody um Welcome to our 11 meeting of the year uh we've got a fairly long agenda to go through uh we will start the meeting within executive session I hope to beat the time um it's on make a motion to to that executive session second Mr Noble yes Mr guzi yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes we going to try to be as expeditious as we possible h yeah all right that's why I brought this Friday says 40 minutes that's all they get what's in the lot of projects but my try figure lot of [Music] yeah we just talking with [Music] we not knock down that's all build Ware were all so buil [Music] which one this those people were there I that a big game I know you watch see a lot of people like he [Music] yeah you know watching the job some of the know [Music] char hey I [Music] there anyway [Music] Dan mon [Music] [Music] it's very probably [Music] you I know know [Music] I was so impressed I don't French 97 very depressing I wanted to I so [Music] feel you believe nothing that cck [Music] apprciate see me there [Music] have everything down to boy supposed to call I'm 40 minute EX session2 that's what they told the first thing they do don't [Music] 40 minutes right long [Music] we get this right very everything [Music] I I don't t say [Music] [Music] live [Music] yeah the first two [Music] weeks minutes minutes was so H got there [Music] pretty cool [Music] [Music] that's they f [Music] know unfortunately so that's why wor 45 minutes 45 minutes okay get realiz [Music] know [Music] look that's why that's why you zoom walk in and out nice the heart is great yeah you're right you're right always right my yeaha [Music] [Music] and now he you know [Music] [Music] some but meid got TR still good they tried reaching today I'm not do wait still wai [Music] [Music] May [Music] [Music] [Music] 15 minutes was doing [Music] [Music] so [Music] much [Music] you bu [Music] Eng [Applause] C [Applause] [Applause] [Music] every Sunday always something [Music] [Music] [Music] she's I like for [Music] wow [Music] [Music] like [Music] May another one [Music] is for [Music] t his [Music] 1 hour would be ni [Music] he [Music] time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] see actually [Music] [Applause] [Music] make [Music] right oh thank you yes thank you again thanks see you later thanks good to see you that [Music] [Music] yes start minute J I mean we could switch it I problem want okay uh thanks everybody we'll squ back up we're going to um move something on the agenda sorry apologies for this taking so long the executive session but we did have to get some things align a little bit better I think it'll divid going forward uh but we we are going to switch we're going to make a motion to switch our proclamations up to before the workshop so make ation to prior to agenda item six Mr Noble yes Mr kzi yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes you have's that you have one do let me do the um let me um first do a um a proclamation on just second here U so that's one of our three proclamations to cover here in a minute but um burrow Bradley Beach juneth Proclamation whereas juneth also known as emancipation day is the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of enslavement in America and whereas juneth is a day of reflection a day of renewal Pride fulfilled day it is a moment in time taking to appreciate the progress and contributions made by African-Americans in this society and whereas juneth is inclusive of all Races ethnicities and nationalities recognized by Americans everywhere as a symbolic milestone in our journey towards a more perfect union and whereas it is a day where we take one step closer together to better utilize the energy wasted on racism juneth is a day that we pray for peace and liberty for all celebration of Freedom now therefore resolved by the mayor and Council of the bur of Bradley Beach to hereby Proclaim Wednesday June 19th as juneth in the burough Bradley Beach and encourage all citizens young and old to pay tribute to the journey embrace the past as well as the future that Unity respect and appreciation breaks so that is our Proclamation uh for juneth appreciate everybody embracing that okay um now have a couple other proclamations first is if I should go age or beauty here service let's go uh low to high service for those who don't know this gentleman these uh Rosenberg I'll just read the proclamation and then have anybody who wants to come up and take a couple pictures with Bob do so okay recogniz recognizing retirement of Robert Rosenberg whereas Robert Rosenberg has retired as assistant chief lifeguard under uh after 54 years of dedicated service to the burrow of Bradley Beach and whereas Mr Rosenberg has provided invaluable service to the community of Bradley Beach and has been an important resource and friend and whereas Mr rosenberg's interest and Devotion to the community has had a valuable effect on the efficiency and morale of his co-workers and the residents he served and we wish to extend our sincere appreciation for his performance of Duty and whereas Mr Rosenberg is being awarded this recognition as a testimonial of loyal and dedicated service now therefore be it resolved the mayor and Council of Bradley Beach extend their appre appreciation and gratitude to Robert Rosenberg for his many years of service dated 12 June 2024 want me can you do it the coun we'll make it leg right yeah be totally free you go the beach he did get the beach bag he thank you thanks again Bob I think we're going to give you this a nice folder thing okay our next so I just talked about 54 years um got one the top at 55 years uh before I read the proclamation I I just want to make just one comment or maybe one or two comments about the work that these folks do and the people on the beach the work that they do safety is the most important thing um as a municipality we strive for we do it with our police we do it with our first aid with our fire and for fourth months out of the year three or four months out of the year we do it on the beach um the last few years have been real challenges I don't know if it's the global warming or what it is but we we've had a lot of um real challenging days I know there was one weekend last year that we had like 26 stes or something it was uh just remarkable uh I don't think I've been told that we've on during our hours of when we are in business officially with life cards we've ever lost anybody in the years I is that correct maybe not close okay well I won't bring that up then um but you know the record of this group has just been outstanding and it's due to the leadership of these two guys but I will now talk to uh our second recipient the 55y year guy uh whereas like maybe people think you're 55 okay recogn recognize the retirement of Richard Johnson whereas Richard Johnson has retired as Chief lifeguard after 55 years of dedicated service to the burough of Bradley Beach and whereas the citizens of Bradley Beach have been most fortunate to have had a person of his capability and dedication and whereas Mr Johnson's interest in Devotion to the community has had a valuable effect on the efficiency and morale of his co-workers and the residents he sered and we wish to extend our sincere appreciation for his performance of that Duty whereas Mr Johnson will be Mis booked professionally as a friend and we extend our very best wishes to Mr Johnson and his family for his many years of happiness in the future now therefore be it resolved the mayor and Council of the burough of Bradley Beach extend their appreciation and gratitude to Richard Johnson for his many years of service okay okay great thank you very much congratulations thank you very no speech thank you appreciate thank you just wants to enjoy his summmer goe I uh I thank God for the um opportunity and the privilege of serving the people at Brad Beach on the beach uh it's been quite an experience um I'd like to thank a few people particularly my wife and my kids they put up a lot of me and a lot of things missing barbecues and uh Missing events and so on I'd like to thank Bob Rosenberg he's been a great inspiration ation he's been a great assistant chief probably the best in the state for everything he does I'd like to thank um the various Mayors Council people um business administrators that I've worked with over the years they've always been so cooperative and it's been a pleasure working with them and most of all I suppose I want to thank the lifeguards thousands of lifeguards that I've had the opport opportunity to work with um I watch him grow up from 16-year-old to become doctors lawyers or whatever else teachers uh it's been quite a privilege for me to U experience this so thank you very much for those who don't know um one of those folks that they trained through those years is now our new headlight card um gentleman by the name of Mike Rosenberg Mike will be uh Mike's already taking the H doing great job keeping it in so [Music] app okay I'm trying to russle Pap to give the opportunity to sneak out of here if you want to sneak out go celebrate I got to walk the Dos you got we have some seats open now if you like to take a seat get comfortable we have some seats now if you guys want down okay okay thank you all uh the next item on the agenda is a workshop um we budgeted about 10 minutes for amend to chapter 5 Section 59 C this relates to our um agenda um and really kind of the actions occur in a council meeting um I think there's a couple of suggestions relative to this I don't know who wants to start off I mean I can um I guess for for years as far as as far back as I've been the council meetings um the council has operated with fairly open policy towards encouraging dialogue with our residents um and and so we have accepted questions in general and in the including with this existing Council we've accepted questions from the uh residents we have typically limited all of you to a 5 minute time interval um but but our ordinances do very clearly State comments our ordinances do not State comments and questions and as we collectively struggle to um manage the timing of our meetings uh they do on many occasions run fairly lengthy um one of the the thoughts was to um basically eliminate the opportunity for our residents to ask questions during our Council the alternative to that would be that any given resident could F out an O form uh make that request formally in writing uh you could stop by the burrow offices during the hours of operation ask the questions then um at least some of us on the council thought that might be a disservice to our residents because um 15 of you may have the same question you see something on an agenda you have a question about construction on a on a sewer on your Street um and each of you 15 might have to individually submit your questions or come into the office whatever and I I think most importantly um at least a handful of the council members were concerned that that this would lead to just a chilling effect on our residents in terms of your ability to interact with the council ask questions that you feel are important about the management of your government so because we recognize that the uh ordinance is not encouraging questions um the very simple changes that that we' like to Workshop tonight are really just adding the words and questions in a handful of spots in the in the existing ordinance that says public comment you public comment around items on the agenda a little bit later in our ordinance it says public comment on anything else not on and we're changing we're at least discussing Workshop the possibility of changing the ordinance to wording to say public comments and questions um so obviously double sword questions do potentially add to the length of a meeting on the other hand uh the potential for cost of completing Oprah processes Oprah forms review by attorneys U the just inconvenience that that might cause our residents in general having to come into the office during hours find the person in the office who know the answer to the questions we just thought overall at least for purposes of this Workshop we thought it would be valuable to discuss the amendment I just mentioned that would actually just allow questions and comments to to both be included well as it relates to questions I mean we have question periods during workshops during ordinance introductions during ordinance adoption hearing um so we do provide the opportunity for questions um as I said uh I think in the May 8th meeting that we had um our Council meetings unfortunately are running uh the by far I don't mean by a little bit um by far the longest in the county the average meeting is about an hour and 20 minutes for about over 40 of the municipalities only even close to us besides us um I think we can do better my big concern is that we're excluding people that can't spend four hours in the meeting um and I think there's a better way um we have a uh agenda comments as part of number nine on our 16p Point agenda and we have public comments at the end of the meeting by Statute really we only have to have one of those two but we've included two uh a year or two ago we increase from 3 to five minutes the time ARS um it doesn't take a lot of math to say if you have seven people we get up twice and talk for five minutes you've added over an hour to the meeting i' have to do the math but you had a bunch of time so I'm concerned with that um I think I think there's ways of answering these questions I think if somebody sends an email in I mean well the reason and the reason we just want to use the OPA format is we want to make sure this funnels and it's complete so it comes in it's registered it goes to the right person for an answer and it gets done within x amount of time which is the statute so that's why we chose to take that tact on that um in terms of a way of addressing this um councel business meetings besides workshops intros and um adoptions are really to take care of the business of the town they are to pay bills they are to uh adopt ordinances that they are to approve resolutions so those primary things it's it's a business meeting um to get those things done um and I think early in the year we had a couple of meetings where we kind of conformed to that I call it compressed um time able to have a couple of meetings that were an hour and a half to under two hours theyve crept back up um this agenda tonight is incorrect I've already told Erica that because I didn't want her to freak out of me uh the start time of this meeting it says 6:30 p.m. which we started within about 5 minutes of that it says anticipated end time 900 p.m. if I add up everything on this agenda this meeting will take 3 hours and 42 minutes and end at at 1012 p.m. um so anything we can do to start running more efficiently effectively I things appr so um my um view of this is one of the things is um I think we should contemplate going from five minutes to three minutes on Comics uh because I think 3 minutes is a long time to make comments 5 minutes is even longer again if you do the math that can some time and provide people that can't be here for 4 hours the opportunity to come so those are my comments and uh I'll just add to that Mr Mayor I actually don't think we're keeping anybody Away by having long meetings um you know when the meeting starts they do not lock that door and everybody is here till the end that's not the way it works you can come and go as you want if you see something and the agenda is you know well laid out with the times approximated times and everything you on the agenda that's later in the meeting you can come later and I know you didn't want this to to happen Mr Mayor but this Council made it so people can stay home and they can be on Zoom so we're not keeping people away from our meetings by having long meetings um I think everybody would like to have meeting shoulder meetings of course um but I happen to think that people you know have a right to get questions answered by the government uh if we can't answer them I mean historically we've always said we don't know we'll get back to you we get back to you I don't think there's anything wrong with people asking questions um it's their government and I think they should be able to ask questions so that's my two cents on that I'll just add to um there that we do serve the residents and I welcome questions people ask me questions in the street and I forward it to you and I know you forward to Chief Arnold and um I I love answering questions and I think it's part of my job to answer questions and I think this is a great place to share and we we have brilliant people and they bring really great points up and I hate to to to temper that in any way because um we learn together and we grow together and we make Brad the best it can be if we answer questions I I don't disagree with that at all we should be answering questions um but I think at the appropriate time and place um I do disagree with councilman weers I have gotten a number of people to say to me I can't come to these meetings because they hours I'm just telling you what you said that that's not an issue it is an issue with people because they come in with that issue so um you know again the problem that I think we're trying to solve here is one of the problems we're trying to solve is how do you get down to a reasonable uh councel meeting we started the year trying to embark on that we've gone off track and and now um you know I think we're we're heading down the same path so that's more two s uh so I think we should open up to some public comment uh for let's say 10 minutes yes I'll so 506 you guys had on the agenda tonight an executive session That was supposed to 4 minutes it was an hour and 5 minutes okay you did it at the beginning of meeting that is not what we've typically done and all these people had to sit here for an hour so the 5 minutes and 3 minutes that you're talking about that's not what's wasting time and there's another interesting fact there was a meeting very recently where you weren't here Larry that meeting was over very quickly it was very polite and everybody was happy and there were questions answered thank you yes Don Greenberg 302 par place um I think in the interest of transparency answering questions in a meeting is great that way everybody gets to hear it as a couple of council memb said and the thing with Oprah is that it's going to create a lot more work for Erica so if you get as Al said 15 people with the same question and let's say that question's on the bill list according to the state law that has to be given to the person immediately and immediately according to the state law means on the spot anything newer than 2 years old must be given to the person on the spot if it has to do with budgets bills valur contracts government employee salary overtime information and it says right there on the government website the State website immediate means on the spot so you're going to bury arrogant in work you might be excluding a word or two from that statute no I have it right here if you'd like to read it okay so I'm reading it right from the State website it's it says right there immediate access shall ordinarily be granted for budgets bills vouchers contracts government employee salary overtime immediate access means on the spot reading it right from there so I think it's a dis service to the community to do it excuse me to do it via Oprah puts an inordinate amount of uh workload on the staff uh I might say the staff that doesn't have a contract yet um and I just think it's a bad idea thank you thank you yes Avenue um I have stood before you numerous times and ask questions and I was I also have emailed mayor counil in VA regarding certain questions that I had that answer counil meetings and to date I have never I haven't gotten the response the um email is some of the questions that I had during the council meeting regarded hundreds of thousands of dollars and I was told when mayor you said to me when you have time you will get back to me I'm still waiting and the last time I was here I asked about 300 and some odd, and I was told and I asked about I forget what it was it was about and I was told over while my concern two factors on the o Erica your workload and plus what will cost with that burrow with Mr Bernstein he is already a very well paid attorney by this by this Barrow and quite frankly I don't think we have money to those this is just a mechanism these requests would not go through Mr brookstein they would just using that form to make sure we're logging and getting back to people that does not need to go to be but then if you do it without transparency the general public it's not on the record the general public doesn't the general public would not be aware of some of the questions I've asked about the finances and the bills if it wasn't if I wasn't standing in front of you asking about the questions asking about the bills it wouldn't be on the record and the general public would be somewhat in the dark about some of the questions I've asked about the bill list I've asked numerous questions about bills that were paid from 2002 I've asked about numerous bills and it raised a lot of concern by many people if I'm denied that right to ask the questions and have the answers we are we're not getting it's not transparent no nobody's denying your right to to ask questions but why haven't my questions been answered that's my question by you and and I have numerous and I don't have all my files in front of me because I wasn't prepared to speak tonight but I know I have and I've distributed papers with questions to the and to the mayor and to the ba and I every one of those questions were ignored and they were not answered during the public meeting thank you thank you yes Thomas J Co 62 Third Avenue um you know it it's really important to go to other meetings and see how they operate um my feeling is is that this forum is for the public to understand the business of the town and many times mayor you say uh it's comments only when people ask questions but when other people ask questions you answer the question apparently you don't answer my questions but this is this is for everyone and it's for everyone to really understand how it works because we're a family also this anticipated end time was never on the agenda before you became Mar so it's a fictitious number because we should stay here till midnight to get the work done and that shows po Administration so if you work on your Administration strative skills we could get these meetings done two hours thank you thank you yes 4th Avenue um something you just mentioned slightly to Eileen when she was talking about questions that she had had um between last meeting and this meeting numerous or I shouldn't really say numerous I should say specific residents received an email from you Larry um basically trying to infer that we should be doing this work around you would like of submitting questions in advance to you um while probably in your mind well well mean um it's a bit ridiculous like we said we're here for information everybody needs to have the information your Administration has proven time and time again that as often as we stand up here to ask a question nobody gets back to any question um one possible solution would be just like we have committee reports why can't we have a financial report as part of every meeting that maybe might stop some of the questions that people have um you know might be the opportunity to talk about a couple of Hot Tops that are going on or you know where you're where you're focusing big purchases or something of that nature just so it may it may stop some of it um but going back to that that letter that I can personally um tell you as well as everybody that know that got that letter from you or email or suggest we'll call it a suggestion um found it inappropriate and the more concerning Act of that was how you would have attained our email addresses to send that to just us um you would have had to gone to a different protocol a different um spot to get them which you were not entitled to so whether you wanted to do it as you thought it was problem solving we all take it as an intimidation we're not going to be intimidated we will continue to stand up here and ask normal questions it would be great like I said one way to solve some of it is come with a little financial report I don't think that's asking too much for anybody if we can learn about the fire department and the school why can't we learn about our bills that's all I have thank thank you I'm sorry you felt intimidated by that was an attempt to systematize and get back on a very timely basis well then you should have systematized and said it to everybody in in the whole town not everybody you only picked out about a dozen and we know which dozen you picked out so sure that and next time you want time you might want to check your tyos excuse me I have five minutes if I really wanted it I'm sorry you don't we'll take one more question yes I do uh no you don't sorry we'll take one more and then we'll move on yes Nancy Meadow ocean parkum um if you want to streamline certain things let's look at how much time you spend talking and lecturing us I would imagine that could dramatically be cut and regarding what uh the lady before me said yeah I don't know why I was sent an email I've made it quite clear the only people that should send the email are the locker people and when I get an email from El Fox that is violating my right to privacy I usually do only make comments I as the attorney is pointed out I like protocol I like rules and I try to follow them it doesn't matter whether it's a qu why would I ask questions when the answers is usually I'm not going to answer that the fact that you have an Administration that treats the residents here that pay salaries is repulsive and offensive the fact that you don't reply to people to explain their confusion or their lack of comprehension also is a shortcoming and I can't imagine that Erica has time for extra work she frequently has set she gets overwhelmed she is busy times you also have things that should not be going to the opr attorney that you send to the oppr attorney even op request have I have received back inaccurate information so this whole thing in my opinion is a sham um if you want to add questions to the ordinance so be it personally I don't believe that this Administration will change any way Acts okay thank you why do you always say that what's that why do you always say thank you you're not grateful you're not appreciative thank that also is offensive thank you no we're we're going to stop um I still we're really trying to move forward we'll take one more question Maguire 610 the app common I guess common question yes um this Workshop is regarding adding questions and I find it funny that mayor you with what this Workshop is about adding adding questions you decide to diminish five minutes to three no no the workshop was to look at 5'9 okay so you want to change 59 by limiting our time and not asking questions I said that I'd like to look at limit of time to get the time the meeting yes right was it was three minutes two years ago right so what Mr Greenberg said you know and and Mr bonell said like it's okay to have an executive session go over time on our start time of this meeting that's okay no it's not okay it's not but the fact is is it happens it does happen and then we so you get to have that time even if it's not okay we don't get to take that away from you because you won't let us you don't let us you don't let let us tell you executive sessions have to be at the end of the meeting and not on our time you won't let that happen if we tell you that because we've asked it before but you're trying to diminish our time from 5 minutes to three and when if we have to over everything and get it redacted every time I mean no let me be clear about that there's no this would not go to the over attorney any of request it's just a mechanism to use I could I could have made form may I have overed I have overed many things and I'm telling you the taxpayers are paying a lot of money in Black Ink I have I disagree with that I have total documents blacked out and I I won a lawsuit over 20 pages that shouldn't have been redacted okay so we paid an attorney to redact 20 Pages just because you guys didn't want to give me that information it shouldn't have been redacted and my other concern concern is when Miss shisia stood up here at the last meeting and asked a simple question it was regarding a lot of money but the question was about what this account was she said I don't remember the name of the account what is this trust account what is that and she was told she had to opr that that is the simplest question to be answered here on public record of what kind of account that is I understand if it's something that has to be looked into and explained and can't be answered here right on time but to not be able to explain what an account is and telling somebody to over that it it's just doesn't make sense you watch other Town Council meetings and people don't get interrupted during their time they ask questions Council takes notes by the end they respond respond to almost every question that was asked or they respond by saying we don't have an answer to that we're going to look into it and get back to you or announce it publicly at the next meeting it's very efficient and nobody's interrupted and therefore time is respected and everyone's time is valuable but when we are being disrespected interrupted told no told you can't have information you have to open that what's the point that's a dictatorship that is not sitting here that is sitting here for no reason as a resident as a taxpayer this is our job this is our due diligence we do up here I don't want to be here I don't want to have to fight all this but I want to know where my money is going I want to know my why my taxes went up so much I want to know where the covid money is I want to know where the million dollars is is from the Kim Humphrey 2022 budget I want to know all those answers but I don't get them through Oprah I don't get them from the CFO I'm just told there's no responsive records we have no records that's what I'm told so is that even an answer we have no records of where Co moneyless thank you okay uh thanks everybody for your comments we're going to move yeah well unfortunately we far exceeding our time on this Workshop so I think um we need to really move on um so we're going to have a 15minute hearing on cdbg Grant application um to public hearing CME is going to present this and then uh it's going to be followed by a CME engineering project update [Music] thank you oh you got okay hopefully everybody can see that on uh zoom and I don't think I'm going to require the full 55 minutes allotted for me so hopefully I'll help to shorten uh so the first thing we're here to talk about today is a cbbg uh Grant application that is a Community Development block grant that is run through M County um sorry I don't have like a poter um so the uh application we're we're looking to apply for is improvements to the municipal build right outside here uh the uh front entrance to the cler's office I'm sorry not the cl's office the the front area where you go pick up your Beach badges uh is not ADA Compliant there's a little about a 4 in Step that you have to walk up uh so we're looking to rectify that um remove the step and uh install an automatic door um the this Pro uh application is uh due July 19th it is a maximum uh Grant Award of 200,000 that is a non-matching grant um eligible projects uh under a CBG Grant are construction or Rehabilitation of public facilities and Ada improvements so this checks both of those boxes um the application requires a public meeting and public input that's why today uh and uh the construction cost estimate is about 131,000 I know that seems like a lot uh the doors are expensive uh and we also want to make sure that we uh include enough um area of the cers in front for any regrading and timing we have to do uh and we're applying for a grant so we don't want to asked to with uh there is a resolution on the agenda tonight uh for the council to vote on uh to approve the submission we Grant and uh awards for this grant are typically announced in the fall um and that's basically it uh for for my presentation on this I would like to open it up to the council for any questions or comments and then the public if that's that's all right you give us thank you Ben appreciate appreciate you being here and hanging with us um can you give us a back of the envelope kind of what's it going to look like is it ramp coming in from the side or what are we talking about so we we looked thought about a couple different uh different ways to do it I I'd like to avoid having like railings and concrete ramp or something like that that you might see like a Switchback type type style you're not going to need a switch back no you wouldn't need that right uh but what we would like to do is just raise up the pavers to meet the uh you can see the yellow line at the uh the bottom of the door there kind of like the watch your step yellow painted line um we just raise up the favers to meet that and then we would take out that uh door that's there and and put in a brand new um door with like a push button to uh for to allow wheelchair access An Elegant solution thank you uh have you thought about up here meaning God forbid somebody runs from Council and they're in a wheelchair what is this town going to do and I've kind of been waiting for this day you just click your pen because uh I've just been kind of waiting for a long time for somebody to think about you know I don't know if this requires a redesign this whole building but uh and what everybody has to remember is we are all every single person out there we all one accident or one illness away from being that person in real so um if that is beyond the scope of the ADA compliance that you're applying for now could you possibly please or I guess together as this we would this but I hope my colleagues would agree with me that maybe for the next round of funding we look at what we can do this accessible but that is true and that that's a very good thought and that's something that we can look into thank you very much as a part of this U analysis that you conducted have you had the opportunity to look at the rest of our Municipal properties whether it be DPW whether it be the police station the fire department we Ada wise everywhere else so I haven't done a a thorough review of every property um we actually are Ada complying to this building uh because the entrance into the courtroom is is Ada accessible uh just this this front entrance is not so we want to rectify that um I I did actually go to uh the Public Works building uh it is not it doesn't appear that it's ADA Compliant at least from the front entrance uh you would have to put in some type of like chairlift or something like that because you just don't have the room to put in a large ramp there uh they do have a few good steps up to their their building um from from my understanding there's very little uh public um visit visitation to the Public Works building future phase or future Grant um but you know we we were focused on on the municipal building at this point and other properties have you had a chance to look at those as well I haven't gone to the other the other properties in the library thank you Ben great presentation I appreciate it um do you want to give us the projects update yes I would uh before I do that I would like to open this one up to the public because it is part of the grant rep oh sure okay great i' like to make a motion we open this up to the public second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes Mone excused Mr Weber yes mayor Fox excused any comments or questions little favoritism well maybe excuse me [Music] minutes um how will this impact the architectural columns will they be worked into the r yeah they'll be work we don't anticipate modifying them at all and then will the door swing in they would still swing out swing out okay great thank you Mr creep thank you I'm just curious about the price you said the do oh Don Greenberg 303 Park Place what are those doors across uh so the doors themselves are uh probably about $55,000 yeah something along is that including propit margin or yeah that's that includes uh purchase of the materials installation by a contractor that has to pay PR bailing wage rates okay uh and and then uh like I said we we included a good area of uh CER sidewalk restoration uh just to cover our BAS to make sure that anyr you have to doag all right thank [Music] you Nancy met Ocean Park ons um what is the maintenance on these doors um I don't wish to offend our public works department who still has no contract dig dig dig um but I cannot imagine that at the moment they would know how to repair automatic doors so I'm looking at we would either have to train or have a service contract and I would love to know the annual cost that that would be adding because cently they are able to repair these doors um and as much as I'm in favor of his ease of access to anything possible because I'm one of those people who's more than one day closer to needing it um we are compliant because we do have the other entrance so to me this is not as urgent as other projects um and I support Mr Weber's concern regarding the configuration of this woman to me that is more necessary than this since there is an alternative for this oh sorry I couldn't questions the public would like to know the cost of Maintenance and repor of these doers uh I don't have any maintenance contract costs or anything right now uh that's something we can look into we obain the grant to and we actually pick a a manufacturer i' like my cost before I well we have we have an estimate we just don't have any maintenance costs we have an estimate for construction for the this stage of this process is applying for the grant so this isn't decided what the project is so when get the contract then this matter well all that information should be known when you agree to actually spend didn't they say once once we accept a grant we got to go through with it you don't have to oh okay um it's not necessarily to your better the future parants but that's tomorrow's problem I mean I would think um somebody could make calls to service people with these and find out what it entails before we apply bed will know I don't know he doesn't work for me I can tell you that uh the installation of the doors you know typically any any project that we do comes with a maintenance Bond uh for usually a two-year period so at least for the first two years that uh the doors are installed any maintenance that is associated with it due to you know workmanship uh is covered under under that Bond and then I have one other thought since this is Main Street you explain that you're doing basing papers up we talking about doing all the papers or not doing all the papers and doing a lot of on Main stre um is this something that can be incorporated into that work or get this money and just sort of take it you know do that work and just take this money to cover that yeah I would say that that if if this I guess depending on how the the project Lo excuse me projects line up uh this project would probably be a stand alone uh and we would then not have to do this in the other Standalone before or after somewhere you're going to do the papers here then we're going to get a giant Grant we're going to do all the papers probably before okay so I'll get to that a little bit okay and er do we have any questions I don't know actually idea how much brand you're looking to obtain yes uh the the cost es is 131,000 so we looking to apply for that uh the maximum ask is 200,000 anybody else just need to see screen I don't think anybody I can see a couple people on the side no hands yeah so this second I just you you want to this me well I think we should close the hearing first yeah close thank you so make a motion to close this second Mr no yes Mr gzi yes M Mahoney excuse Mr letter yes may yes uh okay um so Ben's going to go through a number of projects um for those who aren't aware of this we've been very uh fortunate to get a number of uh grants um we've been working diligently on these projects um we at various stages but we thought this would be a good meeting to get everybody kind of up to speed plus I think after this we need some um some funding and approvals by the council to continue some of the work so with that um kind of ask you to take us through yes uh so this is a list of upcoming projects that we are working on uh well going to be working uh so originally my uh the this presentation is going to be the kind of precursor to uh asking for authorization for a number of these projects uh it's my understanding that the the budget has to be passed first uh before any authorizations can be can be issued so um I I will still go through all the projects and uh ask that the look for some Council action once the budget is is passed uh to authorize the you know the start of this work um so a brief overview uh we are looking at uh the main street street skate um the the full length uh of of the town uh Municipal Building Ada improvements we just talked about that C Grant uh we'll be also looking to apply for an NJ doot uh 2025 municiple Aid uh Grant application and then we have a couple of other grants that we want to uh Implement asset activation grant that is uh issued through the DCA uh a boardwalk preservation grant that is the prominade extension prade extension uh and and then the uh Recreation Center we actually have two grants for that um so let me start with first one is going to be the recreation center uh so we have two grants the municipal par uh Park Improvement Grant through M County uh it's kind of a division with their open space program and then uh local Recreation Improvement Grant again through the DCA uh divisional Community Affairs um 26 ,000 from M County that's a 50% match and then the local Recreation Improvement grant $74,000 that does not required mat um the scope of the work is the same as it was when we did a presentation uh to apply for L County Grant uh tennis and basketball uh Court resurfacing with pickle ball striping um drainage improvements to the playground to uh prevent some of the ponding that goes on there uh new playground equipment and then uh upgrades to the C walkways um so part of of my scope of work is to put together a concept plan and this has all been uh detailed in a proposal to to meredi that she may have shared with you uh put together a concept plan and have a public hearing to get some some input uh some Council input and then get a uh an approval on the design and layout before we advance to you know the final design I'm sorry to interrupt Erica Zoom is saying that they're not seeing the slides Zoom they're only seeing the first slide I don't have than [Music] sharing TR to uh there is a um resolution on the agenda tonight to authorize uh some environmental work uh that is required by m County um any M County Municipal Park Improvement Grant or open space Grant requires an a prary environmental assessment uh this is a a small authorization it's a $7,000 cost for the environmental assessment um and that is a requirement in order to uh receive the grant funds uh the cost estimate for this project is still the same as uh the last time I I gave presentation on this 66200 um and uh that is hopefully in Works uh you know as since the the budget is passed we'll we'll look for a uh authorization to begin the design work as well the next one sorry Ben quick question yes I know the total cost is 662 and I played with matth befor just to make sure I followed it $74,000 Grant no match 265 grant that is matching so the bur's kicking in 265 there a 74 plus 265 gr money total that up and we're like 58,000 shy of 662 so the bur's putting the extra 58,000 yeah so at this point it's still just a preliminary estimate uh we can you know once we get uh into the design phase we'll refine that and if there you know if there's a shortfall then the burrow may need to uh come up with additional money or we can modify the design to the B's Bud okay and um I know I've asked this before but I'm pretty sure the answer was we can't move we can't move Dollars around at least not that much because we had at least I at least asked the question if there was interest in the B considering a dog park up towards the railroad tracks it's the same general area but would would dollars be available if the B wanted to reallocate from I don't know some other element of this project to that or would that be a separate project Grant I believe that's a separate project uh because the the grant was specifically for these improvements um when when we appli for it and the pickle ball I just can't tell by looking at this picture but where where would the pickle ball courts sure so the tennis courts right here actually have the pickle ball striping on it um um going the opposite direction never having played P myself I didn't recognize the stripes thank you confusing so the next one is Main Street so the burrow recently uh awarded a congressionally directed spending Grant uh 1,462 79 um for improvements to Main Street uh and so we have been we've had uh a few meetings uh with a committee of people uh I'll say I don't want to call it a committee because I don't want I don't think it's not an official appointed committee or anything like that but uh committee consisting of the mayor Weber Biagio Kone our Public Works director uh Marth DeMarco and a few business owners and residents um we discussed the project limits uh the scope of the improvements and various cost estimates so this is just a a na of the zoning app just to show you what we're talking about um basically we're we're talking about uh replacing the paper sidewalk uh keeping the same papers uh improvements to Ada ramps uh amenities including benches bike racks light poles trash cans and Street treats I misunderstand you say keeping the same papers same style Pap same style sorry don't don't confuse it not not reusing the um we are looking at uh doing the entire limit of Main Street uh there was discussion uh early on about um whether or not we want to just do you know a couple of blocks and and do the uh the entire uh scope of the improvements with the the grant money that we have uh but it was it was that it may be better to uh spend the money throughout the entire limit of Main Street uh so that all of the burrow gets the the same benefit uh so with that we also have a uh a second Grant application that's been submitted uh same type of Grant congressionally directed spending uh was applied for we anticipate that to be announced in early 2025 and we're looking at a timeline of uh it's about about a twoyear timeline um right now we're just about at the beginning of the third quarter of of this year uh so we're looking for uh authorization to begin the design uh begin uh reviewing the permit requirements um because we have Federal funding for this uh there are uh additional enal requirements that are that are included um and additional approvals required by the Federal Highway Au um probably it'll be a a four to six month process to do do a design then we go through the uh NJ doot review process because we're on uh State Route 71 and then we have a federal review process because it's a Fally funded uh Grant once we get the go through the Federal then we have a public bid uh well final design and then public bid and then we get into construction which we're you know shooting for the uh middle of 2025 to begin construction and it's probably depending on how much work we're doing could be a 6 to 12 month construction period um there's a little bit up in the air because we you know are are still waiting for that second Grand to come but but we want to be ready when it does any questions on this quick two questions I guess one is um as we move forward with this is will this the work we do the investment we make in mry which I'm 100% supportive of but will this work preclude us from considering moving any of our minds Underground electric lines telephone lines so uh it doesn't have to um because you know your your utility poles are right up against the curve line uh this work is all outside of the curve so if if you know the desire is to put utility lines under ground that could go in front of the curb under the road uh obviously that would be subject to State approval um because it's a state highway uh but you know I I think that that is still in the future uh but again it is very expensive it's it's it's not part of this design that youve laid out it's not part of this design that that was applied for um I believe I I told you before that the uh preliminary estimates from jcpnl are a million dollars a block to put utility Lo on the ground um they I've asked them for kind of more detailed breakdown of that and they told me they wouldn't even attempt that without us giving them you know a good chunk of money to to for their cost to to do that effort I mean if we were to ever go down that path to at least evaluated it would have to be in conjunction with another major project you know changing building out sewer lines or whatever I think so otherwise you it's going to be a million dollars of block or maybe even a side of block so I I appreciate that um the street lights are we talking in your in this committee are we talking about replacing these existing street lights with uniform design or yeah so we there we have a couple different uh different types of street lights in town um just the there's the single uh fixture street lights that are a little bit newer the older ones are the double uh fixture they kind of have like the uh the McDonald's Arch Arch shaped um the there are a lot more of the the double fixtures in town than the signals so replacement of those with the the singles is much more costly uh so these are some of the the uh decisions that we're we're attempting to make uh during you know through the preliminary process and that would be further you know finalized during once we actually get into a design and really hammer down costs and and design layout and what funding is available um there there's definitely been some very good input at at some of the meetings that we''ve had um to try and figure out how we're going to spend the money what what the look that we're we're going for is going to be and you know what the desired uh effect is of the lights um the double lights are the Downs yes corre that would be my personal yeah that that was uh I think that was kind of the the way we were leaning because there because of the cost basically uh there there's much more of them existing in town so the the single lights to replace those would be much less and there was the concern about sh upward shining lights uh that might affect apartments on Main Street thank you there no other questions on main stream I'll move on to the next one this is the promade extension uh so like I said we have a boardwalk preservation Grant uh from the DCA uh it's a $4,275 th000 grant uh requires a 5% match um and the scope of the project here is to extend the prom and buad from uh Third Avenue where it ends all the way until the Avon Bard this is the existing condition and then this is the uh you know the concept of per would look like you would still keep the same style with green space uh in front along Ocean Avenue and then the prom behind um right in the middle there is Second Avenue Grill we would incorporate that into the design the building stay uh same with the pump station on the left side of Pump Station uh correct uh so the gr that we have the 4. 275 uh gets us about to the Second Avenue Grill the full limit of of the uh the project uh is probably in the 12 to5 million range um so we are continuing to explore uh additional funding uh options for that uh but we obviously have a a very good start with the the 4 plus million that we did uh receive um um we have Ada beach access with ramps going down to the beach and uh similar to the design that the arore used however many years ago it was probably 30 4 years ago yeah um we have uh Jetty Rock likely in front of the bul uh and I think that's about oh and then different amenities on on theom benches lighting uh trash receptacles things like that to match what we have currently so I think on this one our decision making needs to be that first plump of green on the right is kind of what we're funded through maybe a little bit further than that second the second green south of there is be pretty much completing and then the third piece would be that little kind of horseshoe around the Pump House minimally I'd like to see us get those first two done but the pump house may or may not be as important in that we've got Dune and Jetty lock in front of that right now from a protection perspective so we just got to sort out as the town how much what's our appetite for how much money and how much grant money we can get hopefully there's a boardwalk too by our governor coming up here correct uh any questions on this one uh next is an asset activation Grant uh this is another Grant from the DCA it's a $50,000 Grant um and the $50,000 is for planning design and permitting um to rehabilitate unused assets so this is an underutilized building uh located on uh at 54 Ocean Avenue between uh I believe it's Ocean Park ab and Parkplace um uh and then the the scope work for for this project is to basically figure out how we're going to reutilize this building uh it our scope of work involves again a public hearing uh to solicit input and basically determine the end use of the building uh public input Council input and uh figure out how what we want to do with this underutilized asset uh we do have a just a conceptual rendering of what we were thinking uh of taking the the existing building there adding on a uh a covering um in between two buildings having a restro on the other for public use at the beach right now you have the trailer hooked up in the summer uh in this location so we would be able we already have sewer there which is which is great uh so we'd be able to use the um that space to put a Perman rest so the current building is on the right right uh the current building's on the left looking from the the road one more time it's on the the current building would be on the left okay and then the proposed restro addition would be on the right from the C stand we can we can extend South could we just turn the building now restrooms ask that that is an option and that's that's part of discussion process how can we reutilize this building but just from the cap per ex when we can do this yeah this is perable by Kaa and and we would you know that that's again that's part of this this grant is to go through that process to um have a meeting with with the DP uh in the begin talk about what type of improvement we want to make and then go through what per we would be possible to just take the existing building and turn some kind of concession that's what make the kind of money that yes that is again one of the options you know it's nothing's decided yet um the it's it's the intent is to take the building that is underutilized and utilize it somehow so uh you know what what we're looking for is is an approval to begin that process to spend the grant money um and once we we six months to spend the money uh and and come up with a use and a design of what we want to do I'm just surprised to see another building I didn't even think about know whose idea was that that was uh because the restroom um trailer is is parked right next to this building right was you know a a concept of well we can eliminate that and make a permanent building and then utilize the the existing building for something else you know as you're building another building you're you know blocking people's View and and just think we can utilize what we have there already for a bathroom I think a great idea is a bathroom because the playground's right there people could use it obviously we need it that's why we have the trailer there I think that'd be better utilization I don't see why we should add on to it and spend more Mone I don't know you said we'll have a opportunity to yeah get 100% and that is you know part of the grant is is um asking for public input because it's a public facility that is not being used uh to its full potential and you know not just this building but in other towns same thing and so they want to see what the people you know what the public wants and what the council wants and um you know that's that's what we're aiming to do with this gr right the original idea was to utilize it Society building on this concept can they generate some Revenue in that little breeze way selling some of their stuff in the summer having people there the restroom deal would benefit both the mini golf people go there and people play around um and you know the core building is pretty tight um we'd have to bang on to that we'd have to add on to that building I think there's just not a lot of space yeah it is it is a pretty small building right now okay all right and I have one more I mentioned thej do Grant application uh so this is uh these are the are we at uh this would be a continuation of work that is already started um Parkplace Avenue we pick up where uh the current project that is should be finishing up in in the next couple of weeks uh left off um and going to uh Ocean Avenue uh Fifth Avenue we have a project that's been submitted to the do for approval it takes us up to Madison Avenue there's actually already another grant that Bor has that will cover the next blocks we want to also uh finish off the last block of of Fifth Avenue and include that in in uh this Grant application um so on the agenda tonight is a resolution for the approval of the Grant application uh submission uh so are just looking for um approval by the council to submit the Grant application this time and uh the scope of the improvements and overlay drainage upgrades and uh we look at the as well and uh I don't think we have a estimated cost for that is that something worked up yet and uh we do have an estimated cost and I don't have it with uh but it's it is I would say it's probably in the uh $500 to $700,000 range uh we'll probably be asking for more than what we get typically that is how it goes with DOT uh and so if that happens will pull back the limits as needed to be able to utilize the funding that we again thank you for all your work and all the grants you yeah uh just in the last uh two years the Burrow's got over $9 million worth of grant money which is amazing so that's congratulations to you thank you thank you fingers crossed for another coming in come rolling in hopefully pretty soon for DP but uh now this is great work this is infrastructure and this is improving our community this is what we should be focused on as as a community I think um we've got the right focus on it now we just got to start ex I'm a little bit impatient with some of the fal money in that it takes forever to get all the approvals but um one of the things you put up here Ben I'm very happy to see is that 8 quarter view of particularly Main Street um CU we are going in for more money we're hoping that we can get funding next year that would kind of cover everything but it's going to take probably eight quarters to get everything done so but the end product would be worth time you can get funding to do it that's even better so we didn't cover s late but um we're working on it correct do you want to give a two minute uh report on that sure uh we we had a meeting with the Avon uh group uh that's that's working on sing Lake uh and discussed uh the recent Grant bur got uh it's about a 24 million Grant something like that uh which was for rehabilitation that that failing bulkhead uh near the east side of the um and so we we had a discuss what our our you know proposed plan is going to be versus you know the project that they're working on and just to make sure that they they don't conflict with each other uh so we're going to try and and move forward with that um I don't have the all the details for that one yet because we're we just got that that Grant but we're working on that as well then on that note um you said you talk to the Avon side are you talking to the group that does the has been looking at the dring the whole team okay that Marty MCH that group The Crew the rep crew and out almost there yes okay because I I captain Al particular reached out to me to raise some concerns that they wanted to get better connected sounds made that con yeah seems there as well they're doing living Shoreline Shoreline if you're talking about to dially well there the it's a it's a continuation of the project or the treatment of the B head that was already done on the Eastern Eastern portion it's not the solid wall of of uh you know the the Allen block wall that you see on the west side it's more a a kind of a combination of the two a wall for protection as well as some living Shoreline plantings and treatment that was done near the sil Park yeah so right now that's the plan because the other plan potentially would eat into about 9 ft of Bradley boulev which doesn't sound great I think we might be able to accomplish both we got we just got to keep working at okay um very good any comments if not appreciate I appreciate all the work you all have done on this and I think we're going to see some great results in the next year okay um the next agenda item is um approval of minutes um I'm sorry sure let's do uh so let's do 10 minutes of public comments thanks which will get right to Ben time um I just wanted to ask some questions um the recreation center thatround was done already and is that why the do par can't be entertained in that right that the scope of that project that Grant was already set during the Grant application so that's those limits are are set okay and um the drawing of the pump house that you had up that Breezeway was that um was that part of like the walkway to the street enough or it was part of that the not not the pump house you're talking about the um yeah the concept two buildings with the yeah uh that was just a a walkway between the buildings uh I I figured getting at is it is it going to overtake where the the playground is the answer is no it's the opposite side of the playground right so my question is um is that Breezeway part just part of the boardwalk or is that like where the entry is from the street you know how they have like a wide entry where the grass is right now so because it's not on the entry part I feel like it's just more to build and it's more cost that's also just a 50k Grant so what is really the total cost of something like that the so the the grant is for is not for construction it's only for design and plan so we would take the whole cost or you would have to look for another Grant to fund Construction okay um I don't hate the idea of doing bathrooms and maybe adding on concessions as well um like if if it could just if the building could just be added on and have two separate spaces or you know something like that I don't hate it because it's near the playground I like the idea of having both bathrooms and concessions um I just think this was just a little overdone but I don't think it needs to stay as Tiny as there I don't I you know my opinion is to you know enlarge it a little bit and maybe make it two little things you know a little ice cream stand or and bathrooms or something so just wanted to share my input on that um when that's a 5% match that means 5% of that amount is what we have to pay and then we're still responsible for anything beyond that number if the cost isre okay so it's not really four the 4 million is just the grant money that doesn't mean that's the cost the size of the project days we can like the mayor said we can alter the limits to uh utilize the 4 million or extend beyond that right okay all right thanks Nancy Meadow Ocean Park Condominiums since 1988 I've wanted a bathroom at the pump station I've never wanted a Breezeway never wanted a concession CU we did actually have the concession at that point that we gave when we had the no one I ever know is um included in these plans and discussions and meetings and they always seem to be more Grand than those of us who have been asking for things want I distinctly remember something about getting the grant to research what we're going to do I thought we already did that I thought we made it clear that historical artifacts did not belong so close to the ocean and it just underscores to me how we the people are not listen to We don't want Grand ramps into butter Hall like the ridiculous ones that are on the beach but the bad m is better than no and we don't need a grand bathroom people from mini golf quite honestly are equidistant from the rain bathrooms to Park Place bathrooms or the Parkplace playground so they're not going to all be running in One Direction They divide it up and it also depends where the gate guard sensum I it's just mindboggling to me and then the fact of 5% or 4 point whatever million dollars on the prominade that's $200,000 I think Mr bosi is it not my you know I get bad with my zeros um we're bankrupt the fact that you're entertaining spending any of this is absolutely again mindboggling to me in my opinion it's irresponsible simple is best and to even go forward with the Main Street stuff we didn't see any renderings any DRS so how can you even make decisions unless we're assuming is the drawings that we've seen for the last few years which again many of us did not want those things so um I guess there's only a few of us who missing one person to vote and I just as always beg of you to Steward our be the stewards of our money d as well this also your aesthetic as well um are we a pretentious town is that the look we're going for or just just little parent want to be able to take their child from the B from the playground to use the bathroom thank you m just one quick one quick thought happy birthday thank you very much me see sorry see I meant to say it earlier U my only comment was going to be just so you're clear it sounded like we may not all be on the same thing we're not voting on these projects tonight but we are voting on perhaps application for some grant funding but just so you know the public will have an opportunity to to weigh in on all of these designs yeah well we kind of know how that's gone when some of us wait in it's kind of tuned out on other issues thank you for clarifying I appreciate it yes 12 thirr Avenue Mr M um that building that you showed on Ocean Park Avenue the height of that with that impr uh it was the same height as the building there I don't have di 16t I I don't know that are are you aware that a lot of residents complained on that P John went up they don't like looking at it so I don't know who represents the north end but I'm thinking those people aren't going to be real keen on a 12 16 foot building uh coming east from that site so uh just be prepared when the public hearing okay cuz they've already called uh what is the projected lifespan of the papers on Main that I don't know the other papers are not 40 years old yet so if these are going to get us 100 years then maybe it's worth it but um they still think there's nothing thank you okay we have one more on board and we yes I think I'm unmuted 302 4th Avenue um I have to agree with um what TJ just said as far as building another building and making it almost look more commercial right there up on the beach um I Jane's Jane's question was not answered where did that idea come from I I don't understand why the uh answer was not provided when Jane asked the question um I do think that there's no need to have a new building it should just be maybe the small bathroom if there's room room for a concession great if not no need to expand upon it because it will be sort of an eyesore for the people who live out there and being that this is a small town we don't need to further commercialize it um the other thing is I don't know if it's been considered if there's even any room but if you put pickle ball lines on a tennis court it's kind of useless for the tennis court if anybody's a tennis player it's kind of impossible to play real tennis a real match a game even just a game never mind a set when you've got these pickle ball lines on the court so I would almost say either get rid of the tennis court altogether because you're just wasting money um Town money or try to find out a way to accommodate both a complete tennis court that works and also pickle ball courts maybe fewer pickle ball courts and expand upon the pavement area to also still have a tennis court a pickle ball court can back into the margins of a tennis court so then somebody can't play tennis at the same time but it's first come first serve whatever that might be but if you have lines on a tennis court any tennis player will tell you they can't play tennis it's like somebody I don't know I don't know what an analogy would be but if there's a baseball game coming on and there's another ball flying over the field how are they going to know what ball to catch it's just it's it just doesn't work on me in playing that sport I don't know if there's any tennis players in the small crowds that we get at these meetings that we're trying to maybe have more people go to that's all thank you uh just to answer the question please uh just to answer that question uh I believe the the idea of the uh two buildings that are connected uh came from discussion with the mayor administrator uh because there's the ex bathroom that's hooked up in the summer right there uh originally the plan was to add onto the building uh and and connect a bathroom uh our architect uh Team uh came up with the idea of Breezeway between so that's where that came from again the grant is for planning and design so there is no design there's no plan for how this building is going to be reutilized the the grant is to come up with a plan on how to reutilize this building and part of that again is public input input from the mayor and counsel and uh you know we're we're happy to listen to any ideas that that you guys have man can you remind me the square footage of the existing building is it 20 by 20 20 by 32 20 by 32 I I think I'm going so approximately 600 okay great all right thank you um so we'll move to the next agenda item which is the um approval of minutes uh make a [Music] motion second yes Mr yes m m excuse Mr Weber obain I wasn't here mayor Fox obain wasn't here May 22 2024 executive session minutes um I guess we something in the shouldn't we sentence that I he went so fast no no I'm saying maybe we should table the approval can we table the approv I don't table it I can make the correction to send them back out so say say what you said sorry yeah I I can send I can send after you with okay all right that's fine then make motion to approve May 22nd 2024 executive session with corrections second Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mone excuse Mr Weber I wasn't mayor fo same um and you'll get me that sentence thank you make a motion to approve May 30th 2024 special meeting minute second Mr Noble abstain I was excused Mr hzi yes m excused Mr Weber I wasn't here may fo yes okay uh we'll now go to public comments pertaining to 912 agenda I'm sorry May 30th 2024 executive session I'm sorry make a motion to approve second Mr Noble abstain Mr yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber here mayor Fox yes okay public comments pertaining to 612 agenda items only uh any questions yes on the 14 month AV you I didn't have a chance to ask the question of Mr M um I did not hear on the Main Street um uh Grant and plan anything out striping um ice clothing garbage cans recycling and even importantly trees is that planned for down the road is in the plan Yes trees yes should I answer sure yeah um the trees I I thought I mentioned if I didn't I apologize yes Street trees are included in the plan uh striping for uh Park parallel parking spaces is is being considered uh um but uh striping for bike Lanes or changing the the road uh Lane um configuration is not part of this uh we're not including Paving or anything like that it's basically just from the the curve towards the buildings thanks any other questions on agenda yes hello I'm Robin flipy I live at 408 Lake Terrace and I just want to have comment about the affordable housing issue because uh I think we have a wonderful town made up of a lot of variety of Housing and it's not that big a town it's mixed throughout so we have the single family homes and we have back houses and we have Bungalows and we have condos and we have apartments and rental units um and I I think that's really the nature of our town and I really believe that people who qualify for affordable housing should be allowed to live in any neighborhood Hood in our town any Street any part of the town and I'm really afraid um that we you know are not going to be able to honor that if there's a move to limit the affordable housing only to Main Street um and I I don't even understand why that would be it doesn't seem fair it doesn't seem right but I just want to go on the record that I you know would welcome any affordable housing uh building in my neighborhood and I know a lot of people who have mentioned it to me I can't speak for everyone but I know that that was something that it was a lot of agreement on Mr um just to address that comment um you know the planning board I was on the planning board for 11 years and a long time ago the planning board as we were supposed to do just had to make a decision and create the uh the areas for affordable housing in this town and they decided on Main Street and it wasn't random it's because the state gives you criteria one of the things they want it to be near public transportation things like that so that's why that's where that was done and there planning Bo work on that for years um that's what was decided it was public meetings and all that stuff it wasn't just some random idea to put on Main Street so whole bunch of us up here and that's what was decided long time ago thank you yes Thomas J Third Avenue uh I am a affordable housing Advocate and I've stood in this forum when 301 Main Street was approved I asked for the affordable housing component as for the plan I was told they don't get it in 2017 I contacted the fair share of housing center I said help us help us get these units at 301 I came to they ran away they are complicit in the fact that we don't have these and for mayor Fox to use fair share housing center as the people who make the obligation okay they're complicit they should have gotten us those units when it happened I have you emails for it the people in this town deserve those affordable units paid for by developers I came to the meetings when 811 Main Street was approved I said where are the units oh we don't have to supply any what do you mean you don't have to supply any and now for us the residents to have to give up a million doll lot when we're barely going to make it if that's the case we're making no money on this church thing because it's been a debacle with the money that's been wasted on all these processes okay it's really simple the developers have to supply the units I volunteer for round four to be on a committee to help solve this because there plenty of ways to solve Our obligation at Builder expense I know mayor you take ilal meetings with Builders and the judges know that but and these happen to be some of the same people who um didn't have to supply this so now we residents have to supply them for millions of dollars so this is the problem your your letter in in the paper was really really really silly um and so you really got to go for the facts I'll stand here and say I have the emails for me contacting Kevin Walsh and his office in 2017 to get the units that we rightfully insert mayor angelat never followed up with our round three affordable housing plan to create the Avenues for us to supply the units Spring Lake increased their building permit fees and have a separate fee for affordable housing that's how they can now build two of the most expensive affordable units in the state at the bank on Main Street because they built up that fund properly they did the administrative ground workor that was needed which was not done by the Administration or your Administration so to cry now affordable housing uh I'm an advocate I've been here the record will show if you go if you go back to the record for those plan board meetings everybody told me no and so the resident should not have to pay for it I would advise you to do what you were told in October by the council immediately apply to the land use board for the preliminary approval and then de restrict it and then then sell the property this is this is not a good time to do it thank you sir yes for McGuire 610 brle AB um I would also like to ask the council to vote down the sale of the church I hate that this is going to look like a stall tactic once again in an election year um the deed restrictions are to be done first is what has been discussed since last October I don't know why we're trying to do an authorization of the sale it's the carpet for the horse that's our tagline here in Radley Beach so please um do not approve the sale until this goes in front of land use board we the residents we talk about assets we have presentations here about our assets this property is an asset of ours it is not for us to give away to affordable housing when we have devel Vel opers lined up for property that doesn't even exist here that they're trying to get their hands on that is not up to the residents to give away a property for a affordable housing it's for the developers to buy their property and they figure it out so in order for us to make the most money and since we have a big money issue in this town and we tend to not even know where it goes I would really prefer that we get four subdivided Lots deed restricted sell each of them off the most bank for a buck we deserve that um I'd also like to say the nature of this town is dog friendly and they belong in the Parks so Riley Park and Lake Terrace now don't have dogs you know we could talk about the nature of this town having affordable housing well public transportation is where it's supposed to be near that's Main Street dogs can't be in two parks in this entire town that's the nature of this town too so that's not a valid argument in my opinion thank you yes Nancy Meadow Ocean Park Avenue um I don't want to repeat everything as Maguire said but I would also enourage you to vot down the sale of the um old church property um it does belong to us it's not a private sale um and we should not be in the business of all the things we said before um and it needs to be for lots and yes the developers that's there problem to create the affordable housing um and again look out for our money it it it is ours we own that um I also have a problem with agenda item 202 24-14 um I'm a firm believer in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and I would like to underscore ation of church and state and the fact that a church from a neighboring town that has its own gazebos wants to have their program here which is a church program I find inappropriate so I would and you don't even have anything here regarding cost license fees and all that stuff and we always say you over so I would encourage you to not vote for that and then um 2024 143 and 144 and perhaps I overlooked it because every time I say that I'm told it it was included um with other documents but I don't understand how we're awarding two contracts when there's no fees I mean how much it would help the public to know how much the fees are and I'd like to make sure that I'm saying comments even though you kept saying questions please questions please so um how you know again please do your jobs councel and um perhaps you have information then think it's important to share I really don't know but I would never award a contract or sign a contract or somebody actually do any work for me if I didn't know what it would cost and I think that that's your job to know what things would cost yes Dr Tom McGuire 610 Bry Avenue um I thank you so much I think I asked about this about that I don't like legislation but legislative impossible questions so I really thank you guys for talking about that um and I hope by the next meeting we can have a resolution to change it it was nice you know someone asked an a question he answered it it was you know kind of nice but the fact that we have to make it you know along it's kind of ridiculous but we're a small town I thought we just be informal at times um the other thing is about the the legality of the actual resolution I mean the way I read it it looks like you're just selling block 41 Lo one for the church it's not you know it doesn't say subdivided all the different blocks so me if I just seen this and I was out town I came here I'm like oh great they're selling one property because that's what it's listed as is you're selling one property you're not selling Bo units on I know you've talked about it but that's not what this says on here so I just wasn't sure if this is even legal as far as a resolution so can answer that I don't know did it have to be subdivided it have to go to the land board first to actually do this because according to like the tax map it's still listed right lock and lock isn't it so um without focusing on all the procedures and what has to happen right the goal is to if the town is going to sell this property that the town should be able to control what it becomes and it's really a procedural discussion or decision on what is the best way to protect the town in terms of controlling what that property becomes while not making it so restrictive that if we're to auction it that we receive the same amount of money the most amount of money right and so there's two there's two real levers to the question I can tell you that I'm sorry that you guys are all sitting out here for a little extra time in the executive session but we had a very thorough discussion in which we Engage The affordable housing attorneys and professionals as well in the best way to receive the maximum amount of money while um protecting the town and controlling what it should be um there's been that's what because it's it's also protecting the town with respect to affordable housing as well and so we that that meeting that we just had earlier was to tie those two things together to best protect the town while not burdening the potential purchaser so that they're willing to give us the most amount of money okay and I there's been lots of ideas in this room about how to do that and there's there's many different ways to maybe in our discussions maybe between six and a dozen yeah right and so we settled on a course of action and it will be published in advance of the next meeting this the resolution 136 is going to be table this evening so that we can Implement we'll be discussed in the back and publish it for you guys before the next meeting okay thank you very much so I would um encourage um L next time you're done with your executive session if you could have just taed it right then so you could save at least 20 minutes right now ask Church you're talk about so just your efficiency and that's what you want efficiency I wouldn't have been here I wouldn't have asked that questions so just for sake your efficiency next time share and I appreciate the answer thank you much W up one Wai here too I was waiting on the to speak so I me m asking question are you asking a question again or can you hear me you hear me sorry because it says the host is not allowing participates to unmute on my screen um yeah you know a great example of why we should be able to ask questions is what just happened because I had a question regarding the sale of the single lot as well and Greg just answered it and I could save time by not giving this uh talk that I'm talking about right now but it goes back to where I didn't get to speak in the beginning of the meeting on the workshop which is amend that the amendment to chapter 5 whatever it is for trying to uh make a decision if we should allow for questions or not whereas the mayor said the goal is to try to shorten our meetings I will tell you that I'm in agreement with what the mayor said which I never am that I do believe that people don't go to the meetings we don't have more people at these meetings because of the length of the meetings I actually would have I I would agree that maybe we shorten the time but no matter what you always have to allow people to ask questions and that's just built into the time and if you shorten the time it might force people to be more succinct including myself because sometimes we do tend to ramble maybe people need to jot down their questions and make sure they get their answers that are uh relevant to whatever either the agenda is or important things that really affect everyone in the town because that's why this is a public meeting so everyone can hear the answers but I think exactly what just happened um with Dr McGuire where he asked a question he got the answer right away from Greg um just solves the problem where we know now that there is a next step and we don't have to dwell on the sale of Line Avenue at this time because I was disappointed myself to see that there were um you know I don't even know if there were the subdivisions that were made this was what was promised so long ago they were going to reconfigure it but it was all going to face out onto the rain Avenue instead of the side street so it would be more attractive to a buyer um but so those were my questions but I again I'm wasting the time here not being as distinct as I should be if we were to minimize the or shorten the length of time but no matter what you have to allow people to ask questions and get answers and have transparency um and there's been a lot of discussion tonight about how cumbersome it would be on Erica and how the public would not know the answers um I think the example with Eileen where she brought up the uh question about the $300,000 account that's in trust whatever that might be I missed that meeting but I will tell you the word got around about that in town and it makes the town Council the mayor looked bad that she was told to over something when it came to our money that she was asking about she wasn't asking about the mayor's money she wasn't asking about the council's bank accounts she was asking about everybody's money in the whole town and she deserved an answer that night and if that were if that continues then I think somebody else made a good point that there's no point in going to these meetings because it's not a public meeting it's just a view of watching the mayor um however he wants the meeting and and uh the problems or whatever to be solved or created um and I think that's really all I I wanted to say was just about the meeting allowing the questions and I'm glad that Greg gave us an additional report regarding the sale of marine Avenue thank you thank you yes hi Mary Backstrom 218 4th Avenue I have a number of comments but I wasn't allowed to speak earlier when I had my hands which is why I'm here I'll say this for the very end I'll speak spefically and concisely to the church I personally listen affordable housing can be next door to me it can be that side it can be across for me it can be the whole street I support affordable housing but the idea and the suggestion that we are looking to discriminate against people in affordable housing because we don't want to give up that one lot it's frankly incorrect and it's offensive to many of us here's my issue I want four Lots this is how much our our our taxes went up double digit so on the one hand we have a developer who was on the call I don't know if he still is looking to develop Auto Tech site great I can't wait for that and austral do a great job but we want to instead give one of those $4 million locks to him or her or somebody else for affordable housing at our expense that's a a million dollars a million dollar yeah first of all can I I should have preface as been to know this is my time I have it on tape because I've done the content analysis you shut down women who you don't agree with so I'm just asking you to let me speak that's it absolutely I'm just trying to CL I'm asking you to let me speak I'm letting you speak well then stop speaking stop speaking please because I've watched it you okay just don't say a word on speaking thank you so that's my issue it's more about budgetary things I want more affordable housing in this neighborhood I support it I would have it next to me but this idea that we're going to just give away a lot for affordable housing um and then the people who are against that are somehow elitist kind of like what people accuse the folks on the Sixth Avenue of fourth of Sixth Street uh of Fourth Avenue about the elest about the pantry I'm sorry I'm tired of that and I'm tired of that spin it's incorrect and I'm just standing up here for the record to make that point Thank you thank the point I was trying to make before was that the developer doesn't take on afford a lot that would be there's actual companies that do that that's the I just trying to clarify your point sorry um there's two actually uh Brian Downey hello can you hear me yes I can hi okay great Brian Downey 619 4th Avenue I would like to comment on resolution 24130 the approval of Darcy's liquor license renewal specifically as a neighbor who shares the alley between third and fourth Avenues before the license is approved I would like to address some problems related to Darcy's parking lot tent I was happy to see Darcy's stay in business during the pandemic thanks and part to the tent but his time has passed and it will be a welcoming site to see it Go in November for the following reasons the skeleton frame of the tent stands as an unsightly outdoor storage 7 months a year the parking lot is not used at all and in summer months capacity to the restaurant is increased with no parking lot all trucking deliveries garbage pickup porta potty emptying and food and beverage traffic happens in the alley blocking my driveway at random times 7 days a week I would park my driveway more if this was not the case next there have been seven Sunday concerts this year so far May 5th was rained out but that was the first of five consecutive Sunday concerts book this happens for 4 hours a Sunday 2: p.m. to 6: p.m. there's no place in my house that I cannot hear the music the volume is unregulated and increases as the band plays on the crowd Gathering and loing has an impact as well inside my home limiting the number of outdoor performances for the remain of the tent would be appreciated regarding dumpsters and waste I had a conversation with the manager on May 5th asking if the dumpers dumpsters could be covered because there's a lot of bird and Vermin activity resulting in food and garbage in my yard and the alley this request has yet to be met I also requested that The Dumping of grease and mop buckets into the manhole cover stopped as well this results in a grease slick in the alley and also a checks verman who knows What Lies Beneath I have seen online L use board meetings that address similar issues and it would be nice to see the following happen once the tent is removed in November Park cars in the parking lot move dumpsters and grease container into enclosures in the parking lot out of Resident site maintain dumpster use to Bradley Beach codes codes such as enclosing covering ver proofing and proper dumping of grease and waste again I am very happy that dark's made it through the pandemic and is here to stay in Bradley Beach thank you thank you Lauren Egbert yeah good hey Lauren Lauren all right now can you hear me I can hear you okay Lauren Eggbert 404 and a half brenley Avenue um I just wanted to make a comment on Lorraine Avenue um and I I would Echo what people have said that I um would object to the idea of giving away a million dollar lot on that property and I would like to underscore again that this from the very beginning has been a public asset I would have liked to have seen from the beginning there are being um meetings in large public spaces with plenty of advanced notice as opposed to the two or three days notice that there was with respect to what to do about it I have absolutely no con concern living down the block and around the corner um with affordable housing I do have a concern with giving away the lot and I also have a tremendous concern with what I've heard was the plan for what would then be built on the affordable housing lot and that that would be a three unit building which of course um that would require you know a a normal circumstances a use variance to even be in that area of town we're not zoned in that area for multi- family dwellings there was an application before the planning board that was turned down for the expansion of a two family house that's there and um that street is a very very narrow Street to begin with and which brings me to the absolute need for deed restriction and we don't we can't be subject to what whatever a land use board where everyone on the board according to our current form of government is appointed by one person so those those deed restrictions need to happen and the public needs to be given really ample notice and special notice of a special meeting to talk about what is going to happen there um you know I realize with the um with what has happened with the finances in this town and our difficulty with control of just what has happened with money that we do need to sell that land um I think it's very sad we have to do it according to what the public wants and it has to be really clear and open and I would just also like to support the gentleman who just talked about Darcy's tent I went by on a Sunday and I asked myself how the Neighbors in that in that area were surviving Sundays so I would I would love to see the problems he mentions address sooner rather than later thank you thank you okay looks like there's no other comments so we'll move to the next agenda item which is uh ordinances we have no ordinances for introduction or adoption tonight excuse me uh communication three items uh to L board CL member mer Marco uh Paul Murphy he's gone from a full-time to part-time status so we U needed a um B employee and um Mr morco actually raised your hand volunteer which is a prior land use MERS DPW seasonal employee memo and then each staff employ um resolutions excuse um consent agenda I'll go through those quickly and um for approval um 20244 is approving St Paul's Ocean Grove Church to conduct their Church Outreach service on Sunday August 11 2024 atth Avenue receiv from 12 to2 2024 2025 approval of redemption for 600y Avenue in the amount of 272526 20241 126 approval of annual R alcohol liquor license for KDK and Bradley LLC ta to bradle beach B 20247 approval annual renewal of the alcohol beverage liquid license for Swami Shin Inc also known as Jersey Shore wi Jersey I'm sorry Shore Wine and Liquors 2024 128 the approval of the annual renewal of a license glce and carada otherwise known as Bradley Liquors 2024 um 129 approval the annual alcoholic beverage liquor license for wi bar gr Incorporated 2024 130 approval the annual roval of alcoholic beverage liquor license for Dar LLC uh otherwise known as Darcy's Tavern 24131 approval of annual renewal license uh beverage liquor license Main Street LLC pan uh restaurant Wine Bar 2024 132 approval annual alcohol beverage liquor LIC for Portuguese Shamrock LLC also known as the Elbow Room Bar and Kitchen and 2024 133 approv annual REM inactive Beverage Control license for lab LLC otherwise known as Brad on the uh liquid license renewals the first two you on the actual resolution it says you know objections and recommendations have been made and on all the others it's like there's no objection so I who's making these objections it consist of OB objections it says right here whereas objections and recommendations have been made for Renewal thereof so I'm just asking who is making whereas objections and recommendations so these are the recommendations that that you know cops in the shops and all this other stuff um is are the objections coming from the police yes yes okay so do we know what the are you don't know I don't believe there are any objections it's just what's listed on there it says right here there objections in recommendations all the other ones say there's no objections so I'm just wondering I mean we just had somebody had concerns about and it says there's no objections so I'm just asking who's making these objections and where they come from it's the police department that's the police depart the objections they conduct a local so in my memory it seems like every year there's objections about the you know the is it is the same thing it comes all these recommendations and I'm assuming not know any objections that it's referring to you don't know any objections okay so they they carry from year to year if they're special condition that's it's special conditions so there's special conditions on the bowling alley in that resolution okay so those could have been from prior years um the best practice is just to continue to Ren it with those special conditions even if the specific problems that led to them have been alleviated to maintain it has rights to get them removed through the ABC if they like as well it's not a oneway street um if there are objections or concerns about a current uh the process is special conditions there's a process to do that um involve notice um and there's appeal rights and we we can go through that if the council wishes desires to do that or you consider that potential these rals that's your your local makes sound like there's something objectional about couple of businesses no it's a form have to remember there's um uh you know this is this is a bifurcated process so all of the overall credentials to hold a license in the state of New Jersey are governed by the ABC and they check qualifications of theing convictions undisclosed interests and all the place and individual qualifications where you're able to inserve intoxicating L liquor under their regulations the town has things that you would believe should be under local control like hours of operation um specific issues with particular establishments and the special condition process is designed to address local issues that are your jurisdiction so that's the whole rubric that so Erica maybe a similar question but on uh 127 maybe it's just a typ I'm not sure but the where objections the recommendation section number one says Li lies shall corporate is that cooperate or is it cooperate that's supposed to be cooperate yeah oh okay so I just want to make sure we weren't incorporating no okay and um and I am just curious what is question yes bless you what is the um the activity the Outreach for 124 2024 d224 do we have a better understanding of what the church Outreach is what is that it's it's an ocean growth uh church I don't know it's an outreach program I have no idea what they're doing they've done it before they have not this is the first time that yes I I believe they didn't have anywhere to do it in their town they reaching for Weir I don't think it's something that to make a habit out of you know using Aro I think they just they needed a spot to um do this and we chose here okay thank you is available yeah available to the general public it's available to anybody that wants to go to they're not just it's not just for ocean I'm just curious what the activity was you know is it going to be wild yeah I yeah I don't thinking wild um and anybody can attend yeah obviously you can't you can't evaluate the content of what M on there it's available it's one one of the the issues of renting public fac that's the extent of my questions thank you okay motion to approve the consent agenda second thank you uh Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mahone excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh individual resolutions there'll be a couple of little twists and turns here um the first is and actually it ties into 2024 13424 35 and4 136 uh so we'll start with um 2024 134 authorizing withdrawal of P litigation before the superior court of New Jersey County entitled in the matter of badley Beach doet number 1012 um yes so on this particular resolution the wording may not be all that clear to the public but basically between this resolution 134 and the next resolution 135 uh this is a a choice facing the council we have to choose one or the other um so we'll be voting on the first one if depending how that vote goes you know you know we'll do the opposite on the second uh and just so everybody understands basically the burrow had this opportunity um to attempt to comply with a fair share of housing obligation that we have a re units it wouldn't if we were to pursue that uh working with fair share housing that's really item 135 if we were to pursue that there are there are some risks associated with that and there are some costs associated with that um and you know a few people have commented tonight the cost are largely giving up potentially a million dollar piece of property to a to a nonprofit organization that would help us construct that that housing um and there there at least were concerns raised um also that what would be constructed there could could increase density in that area for you know other residents nearby so that was option one to again encourage the building of that that uh fair share housing solution but it would be at a significant cost to the b a million dollars per house give or take and when we get to 135 uh that was our alternative um which would be to uh I'm sorry that is 135 would be continue 134 that we're about to vote on is our only other option which would be to withdraw our application to participate in beir share housing so uh that's basically what we're about to vote and I just want to make sure people understood we will continue in 20 round depending how we vote yeah right corre can I vot on 34 134 because it's just about from that is okay I no yeah I'll make a motion on 2024 134 authorizing the withdrawal of pending litigation before the court of Jersey Mammoth County entitled in the matter of the burrow Bradley Beach at Al docket number m-1 D100 D21 I make a motion uh to approve this resolution second Mr Noble yes Mr gesi yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox uh I'll vote no um my primary reasons for voting no are um my concerns around the loss of temporary community that we lose uh potential for development um in town uh in other sites um also um a couple small things like the affordable house trust fun Housing Trust Fund we can't really be involved in that although we haven't we've said it we've said it but we haven't done anything with it um I think it puts a little bit of Main Street at risk and it does open us up to a potential lawsuit from fair share housing um and basically the primary reason is um failure to um comply with our constitutional obligations so those risks I view as um risks and I try to minimize risks number one number two uh fair share housing and our special Master uh provided that option to us on 319 Marine it was misstated um by um a few people um that uh that was know my idea it wasn't my idea it was fair share housing's idea they made the recommendation um we worked towards a I think what would have been a good fit for the neighborhood and we would have provided some affordable housing in our community which you know we're chasing that right now um given our land values and our property values so that's my ration for okay 2024 135 given the fact that 2021 2024 134 was approved um I'd vote i' make a motion to withdraw of 2024 135 second Mr Noble yes Mr gzi yes M Mone excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox uh yes given 2024 134 uh 2024 136 authorizing the sale 317 319 Mar Avenue also known as block 41 on tax M GR in accordance with New Jersey sa 4A semicolon 12-3 I'll make a motion to uh table that and um the table is really because of the length partially because of the discussion we had um there's a couple refinements that need to be made um but we're very confident that on the 626 meeting we will have this um buttoned up and ready to uh vote so I will make a motion to U table this motion this resolution second Noble yes Mr gub yes M money excuse Mr Weber May yes 2024 86 introduction 2024 budget to be read by title only make a motion to approve 20246 second Mr Noble no Mr gzi I'll spare everyone my typical linky prepared stat on this particular topic um but I'm just going to say that U the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result and our Administration continues to put the introduction of the budget on our agenda which is certainly their right to do the mayor's right to do but um we we the council don't fully understand this budget we have repeatedly for two months asked for access to the CFO we don't have access to the CFO uh more recently as I've begun to better understand a few of the issues I've I've at least raised the question that would we be able to have access to department heads so far the answer to that has been no or at least non responded and I don't know if I don't know of any other municipality anywhere that that requires a council approval of a budget and yet the council is not able to access the the financial experts uh in our case the CFO and the council is not allowed to access the department heads so with that said I have to continue to vote now m m Mahone excuse Mr Weber um just letting everybody know I've had access to the CFO for every single budget since 17 since I've been up here and by access I mean you know conversations not in the council you know just private access and um I don't know why this year is different so I will vote now mayor Fox oh yes um I comment on the comments um we've attempted to provide a good budget it's I think the the number right now is 3.74% increase it's very with last year it's Got U for those who haven't read the budget message I ask you to read the budget message I think it explains a lot of the budget um yes okay uh 2024 137 authorize amendments to the temporary budget make a motion to approve uh amendments to theor budget second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes M Mone excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 138 authorized send estimated tax bills make a motion to approve 2024 138 second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes 2024 139 adopting a cyber incident response plan motion to approve 24139 question this one I unfortunately I know uh councilwoman Mone could be with us but I am aare copy us all that she was asking questions of how business administrator yes okay thank you second I thought you second Mr no yes Mr go to yes M Mahone excuse Mr Weber yes mayor fo yes um 20244 approving the closed out change order for Char Park improvements make a motion to approve 20244 second Mr Noble yes Mr G yes M Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes may yes 2024 141 authorizing preparation submitt of the Community Development block grant funding application to fiscal 2025 motion to approve 141 second Mr Noble yes Mr DUI my quick comment on this and it's really responding to one of our resident concerns earlier um uh and that is you know we're voting on something we don't know the exact price on yet but we have a pretty good just just for the public to know we have a pretty good track record on these applications typically running four five $6,000 um as as was noted earlier and Mr Mal I'm not you on the spot test you for price but um but but we've got a pretty good track record in terms of what I would think to be a reasonable cost as well as a great track record in terms of actually receiving fairly significant grant funding so uh it's not that I I personally did not consider the fact that I was building on something where I don't know the exact cost however uh if if you're from continuous to work you know way supporting the burrow uh then I am confident in voting yes for this m excuse Mr yes may fo yes um I thought that was only me that to AE no I zone out some sometimes to sorry guys uh4 142 approval submit of Grant application executed Grant contract with New Jersey Department of Transportation for the improvements of fth Avenue Parkplace Avenue project to make a motion to approve 24 142 second Mr no yes Mr yes M Mone excuse Mr Weber yes may yes 202443 awarded contract for professional environmental engineering Services C Associates for assessment and site inspection p p aiad recation appr 14 excuse me I'm sorry um the had indicated to me that this should be tabled 144 I'm sorry Recreation Center yeah that that was me passed the vot to me I'm sorry 143 is okay 144 forgive me I'm sorry okay Mr no yes Mr and if anyone hasn't read this this we do know is a $7,000 cost and I go yes um Miss Mahoney excuse Mr Weber yes Fox yes I'll make a motion to table 202 2024 144 and that's due to budgetary we've got to get that scored away first so24 144 make a motion to table second Mr Noble yes Mr yes M Mahone excuse Mr Weber yes may Fox yes okay excuse me um we have no announcements at this point we go to Mayor and Council reports um and I can start that um I've only got a few very brief comments um first I hope that the presentations by C indicated to you that there's a high level activity in our community around improvements um you know some could view those as costs and the sinking cost but um you build your house you improve it over time so these are improvements that given the level of grant money that we're getting and how we're going to try to operate you know probably each will uh continue to be um one of the Premier towns on the Jersey Shore so uh very much appreciate the work being done there uh I'll go to Memorial Day for a minute big success um our Grand Marshal Bruce Baker did a great job at the ceremonies as did the respective Chiefs of police fire first aid I particularly want to thank Mr Baker for um walking the parade he um the car that he was driving unfortunately was a 1955 Cadillac that only made two blocks before decided not to go so him and his wife uh not only walked to the Northend of walked Walked all the way back so I appreciate that but his comments were very quiant and he had relatives at the ceremony on Monday was very moving uh couple more comments um Bradley food pantry U might have been temporarily closed for the last 27 days but um happy to report that tomorrow it's reopening um a tremendous amount of community uh spirit has been displayed by some business owners the north side of town and some volunteers who work through this reopening uh I think it's just outstanding so I'd really like to thank Lind Curtis and determined staff of volunteers um it's a temporary site but um it'll get back to dealing with food Security in our area so CR that come up coming up with a Innovative internal move um please check the library and Recreation upcoming activities I will mention a few for the library summer reading starting on June 17th um there's dropping crafts um on most Thursdays in the summer uh June 20 June 18th I think this is a really uh uh important one uh Mariel hialgo um is going to do a juneth celebration of jazz music at the library um so I I think that's a that's a great um event to attend um we on Saturday starting in June we also have uh English as a second language classes for Spanish speaking adults registration is required uh and there's a few other kind of key things but um just check the website there's a tremendous activity for the library Recreation is starting uh pretty soon with the um summer camp which has been a great success um we were able this year to reinitiate a shared service agreement with um Neptune City we've gotten some more of their uh students and we're happy about that um last points uh the middle school and the um adult one beach one read were held in May on May um 17th to 21st both were very successful I was not able to attend this year for the first time but uh I speaking to the organizers they did had another very successful meeting that that is my comments okay I'm going to start my comments with the question do acting administrator excuse I know you left and you let us know why you were leaving and so we appreciate that okay and I want to wish councilman guos happy birthday could think of a better way to spend your birthday even for the last five hours um and listen I know it's really late and it's tempting to just like maybe not read the firefighters report but you know what they give their time and a lot of their time U to do what they do for us so these student can do is read their report so for the month ending May 31st fire department responded to seven day calls and four Night Calls for a total of 11 calls eight were for fire alarm activations two were for poweride alarm activations one was for the odor of gas department conducted two trainings one for roof cutting and saw operations and one handson training for railroad emergencies given by New Jersey Transit SP collaborated with the fire department at this training there were no Mutual Aid requests and the department fulfilled 100% of their assignments and of course they're looking for volunteers as always and they offer free training and you can uh get that information through the bur website um I would also like to say that uh Memorial Day Parade was great of course we had great weather um I know a lot of people in town put a lot of work into that people at work for the town so I just want Tok all them also a lot of volunteers volunteer and it makes the event great so it's great to see everybody and just appreciate that event and then on Memorial Day itself I think we did a great job having a solemn Memorial Day and again same thing a lot of Staff time uh and a lot of volunteer time and that makes it great so thank you to everybody that has something to do with that um continuing with the greatness Alliance week last week was last week right was great uh want to thank Paul Gavin and everybody the alliance so not a great week's worth of events I went to the art show at the real estate place across the street which was great uh they did a great event at the maritime farest and reminding everybody what that is all about uh and moving the park which I went to with my family which was enjoyable so um one other thing I'm going to mention is just simply an observation on our form of government uh I know Belmar has the same form of government that we have the only difference is there are Parts in town um but when I the I read about in Delmar how you know this council member is working on this situation with the uh with the housing authority and they you know they head that up and deal with that and another council person is leading the whole effort against the Verizon towers and then this third council person is dealing with their issues at their Marina and heads up that whole operation and they all have like agency and ownership on these things we have the same form of government and It just strikes me when I read the paper that we don't have that uh it could be like that here it used to be like that and um just throw that out there because we know I know the form of government change is on the table um and now I just want to say that we also know the status of the DPW and the dispatchers and the administration uh Administration workers their contract they're going to have a hearing with uh in August and um I know people always ask what's going on with them what's going on with them and we just know that they're going to meet with AUST so I was curious they don't have to ask because that's really the next step so that's it for my report thanks very much thank you Council thank you um I'd like to start with a quick police report uh that has been invited to me by detective Lieutenant Browning um a North Jersey man was arrested for hindering apprehension after police responded to the train station for a dispute the man also had several outstanding warrants including a full extradition of Superior Court warrant a local Resident was arrested and charged with simple assault another local Resident was arrested for violating a restraining order following a traffic stop a local man was arrested for obstructing the administration of law hindering apprehension and several motor vehicle violations we also had two subjects since the last meeting arrested on contempt of court warrants I'd actually like to make a quick motion and I hope someone will second and support this but I'd like to make a motion to add our Bradley Beach Police Department K9 presentation to our July 10th meeting agenda uh the re and the reason I'm doing that is because through my own Omission uh I was supposed to have it added to tonight's session which would have probably taken us a little late and in working with the chief I I've learned that that one of our guest presenters will actually be on vacation the second meeting of June so again my motion is to add the the PD Department's K9 presentation to our July 10th agenda is there a second second Mr Noble yes Mr G yes M Mone excused Mr Weber yes mayor Fox guess yes I actually already had that on my radar um so that's good for okay I great mind think Al all right cheap my apologies for not getting it done this evening we look forward to that yes um just so you know like something like that really doesn't require a motion I already had it in the works but I talked about it's okay it's cool it's all good well I talked about it last meeting then I forgot to put it on it's fine wanted to motion it on and I I I'm you're you're always ahead of thank you um I'd like to make a brief statement about uh fallen heroes activity uh efforts to enhance our Memorial Day celebrations for our fallen heroes continued mayor fox has tested appealed our award veteran leaders in the community to develop a more consistent process for recognizing our Bradley Beach falling Heroes mayor box has asked Bill Shu nor gar and George Bacher to help us with this process and as expressed by the mayor the hope is that this committee will be able to come up with recommendations soon no later than mid June so we're getting close hopefully the bur will have time to take appropriate action in time for plann festivities for July 3rd at Riley Park um couple of quick comments oh I did want to reference following up on councilman Weber the bbca alliance week uh it was a great week and I thank the bbbc for coordinating all of it I specific was asked by Paula Gavin and the bbca to try to help organize one of those events it was the maritime Forest event June 7th Friday and u m Gavin gave each council person an assignment to handle one of those events uh in in the case of the maritime Forest uh we had an extremely knowledgeable guest speaker most of you probably know him already Captain Al maesi but he did a great job framing the the 11 or 12 year history of mar course and uh and a little bit of the role that uh our mayor Julie Shrek had played at that time then our own councilman Weber uh spoke very eloquently about his relationship and and the relationship he knew mayor Shrek had with the maritime forest and getting it off the ground uh also our own Jane deny was the speaker U you notice I didn't have to go too far to the guest speakers uh who spoke eloquently on the sh Tre Commission and the shade tree commission donated a an American holly tree native species salt resistant to the mariti forest also want to recognize Michael heidleberg our uh superintendent and principal from the Bradley Beach Elementary School who managed to assemble a number of our students from the elementary school who are participating in the environmental Club there uh and it was great the kids lined up with the uh shade tree folks who donated the tree and we got great pictures and hopefully one or two of those can make U one of the newsletters that come out overall it was a beautiful day pretty nice turnout and uh and the ultimate goal of this particular session was just to educate the public on what a great natural resource we have here in Bradley Beach North and northeast corner of the Town um a lot of people have said to me this looks like a bunch of weeds it's all natural native species plants serves as a habitat for migrating birds they call it the Starbuck Starbucks for Birds U and it also provides uh great resiliency for and protection for Fletcher Lake and for Bradley Beach in general so I wanted to mention that uh silvin lake has an important meeting coming up on June 19th 7 p.m. here at the Bazi Center uh they're going to evaluate more around the funding that's available to Bradley and and uh and the dredging of that link and my final uh prepare comment I want to reference once again uh local 152 and the and the status of that bargaining in that contract weeks and then months go by and no contract agreement has been reached with local 152 the union that includes our dispatch clerical and DPW employees we are approaching one and a half years without a new contract and without pay races I understand that we have lost three W employees in this time frame and I believe none have been replaced the lack of contract progress certainly can't be helping our efforts to retain these valuable employees of course the council does not manage employee activities only the mayor has this Authority however once a contract is agreed upon the council must vote to approve it despite this fact mayor Fox will not allow any council member to participate in the nego iations prior administrations always included Council representation this is truly a sorry state for Bradley Beach and our employees as I said last meeting this time frame and this treatment of our employees is inexplicable that concludes my comments thank you the only um comment I want to make on U your comments Council if you have mind is if somebody um in the uh Maritime Forest hopefully you can now say there's no weeds one thing I didn't mention is we had 75 volunteers on last Friday during the day cleaning out the maritime forest and doing a beach sweep one of the U corporations had their impact de so they apparently took six truckloads of not weed and other weeds out of the maritan for very much appreciated counc president tourism offera by the Sea kicks off the summer season on Monday June 24th at 6 p.m. at the beach front at Fifth Avenue gazebo the summer movie series will start with Greece and it'll be in Riley Park on Wednesday June 26th at 8:30 p.m. the tourism commission encourages guests to make a picnic out of the night and bring takeout or even grab dinner from one of our awesome gravity Beach businesses on Friday June 28th DJ J will be back on the beach front for music and dancing and also the tourism commission has put together a page listing all burrow restaurants with a QR code directing visitors to the site for takeout delivery to the beach as of now after just two weeks they have had over 1,000 visits to that page uh their trust is currently $86,000 the there was no Board of Ed meeting but with the Bradley Beach Elementary School I'd like to thank the lifeguards and the Bradley Beach Police Department for stopping by and talking to the students about water safety very timely the eighth graders were in DC I believe they returned today I'm sure they had a wonderful trip and graduation is June 19th and congratulations to the class in 2024 with the shade tree commission again there was no meeting but they did have this beautiful um opportunity of community Unity with the planting at the Julie Shrek Maritime forest and um Not only was the shade tree commission there but the bbca the Bradley Beach Elementary School environmental club and um they planted the eylands of Paka as you said the American Holly and just a fun fact that it uh attracts pollinators including bees wasps pants and night flying WS this is a native speci it's also the marel host plant for the calus henrique so very important to have that so and that repe that completes my report thank you very much thank you okay we now go to um public comments liit single instance yes I'm Poland Champion 411 and a half um since there's noaz on with the Historical Society I thought I'd give a Bradley Beach Historical Society report um we started off in Alliance week on Monday with a our second annual virtual stroll down excuse me down Main Street and uh we talked about Deli barber shops lunch Nets and what else I think that was it um sorry bars next year um mostly ones that existed through the 50s 60s and 70s and we had about uh 40 people on Zoom as part of that session on Tuesday I made a presentation to the third grade class at the Bradley Beach Elementary School on the history of Bradley Beach and this is something that we have not done uh since before um we also are in plans for doing a tour of the museum this later this summer to the summer school students thank you Dr Tom I know it's only comments but I really hope you answer this question because it's uh really I just don't understand I got two three emails from you mayor Fox um over from June 3rd to the 7th I was just wondering you sent me an email about a video that say something about Victoria please share with your mom um do you know you say I can cover that okay I how did you get my email to send this you send me emails I just searched all my emails and you don't come up there but how was I included on this I didn't sign up for any news only a newsletter I'm signed up for how did you get my email to sign to just send me something about to your residence was it not sent out to everyone or is it only sent out to like people who ask questions now you're not going to answer the question I said said no you just answered one of my questions and now you're not going to answer the question because you're going to address it address it now I'm right here just tell me why you sent me this address after the meeting when we're done well I appreciate it if you don't send any emails ever again is there a way that I can opt out cu I'm pretty sure you're supposed to give me an opt out option um please don't send me emails unless I email you you can email me I like your newsletter I do read it I read a lot of other burrow stuff but I do not consent to sending me any emails please don't any send me any more about Victoria or about your dumb edits or anything to do with anything please thank you very much thank you yes hi Peter sharp 301 Second Avenue um I missed a number of meetings so this is a topic that's already been addressed or hopefully resolved please stop me but I've been thinking about the uh various legal actions that have originated in Bradley Beach and made their way to freeold over the past year and specifically wondering about the accumulation of any legal charges that have taken place uh those will eventually come due to the citizens of Bradley Beach um I'm thinking of three legal actions in particular I guess last year around this time the uh Council tried to both Dominate and approve uh three paid positions um for the burrow um this was clearly outside their Authority and uh the case ended up in freeo because mayor Fox felt compelled to uh defend his prerogatives to do the nomination um I know shortly after that there was a bill put forward before the council by mayor fox in the amount of $7,000 and some dollars and uh the payment of this bill was voted down by the council um as if there are bills you don't like you can just make them go away um but anyhow um it seems like there's possibly one or two legal charges pending for that legal action um then call it round two the council passed a resolution to limit the mayor's powers for temporary appointments that also ended up in free hope uh again there was a court decision by judge English uh even though this was perhaps a uh tighter legal matter um you still vote against the council and I'm wondering if again we have two sets of charges that have yet to become before the citizens of Bradley Beach and then I read in the paper not too long ago that the council was again in freeold this time on the matter of the chief of police uh I read in the paper that there was legal representation for the council there so I assume that there was probably a um and I'm wondering if the people in the front of the room know the full extent of these charges if they're going to be passed along the people are barley beach by what mechanism so I'm hoping that if that number is not known now uh four of you five of you can put together a number U that can be reported at the next council meeting perhaps during the mayor and Council reports to let us know what kind of Bill we're facing um and as an aside uh Council people I know you're frustrated by the current Administration you envision something that was a little bit more collaborative maybe some sharing of the power and uh you know I'm not suggesting that may fox has been acting outside his authority but I'm just saying this is not what you expected so onto the more narrow matter of these legal fees it seems like your frustration has affected you judgement in these three instances and you're 0 for three and three hold so the uh the most recent judge judge McCarthy had some pretty pointed comments to make uh to the people originating these uh legal actions are causing them to be originated and I just wish you would stop it because it seems like you're acting not to the benefit of the citizens gra Beach but to their detriment if in fact we are going to have to pay these legal bills so again I would ask for some kind of tally at the next meeting to be reported to the citizens of Bradley Beach to see how much we on H for and I thank you for your time thank you [Music] yesu 610 Bley a uh just wanted uh wanteded to say I love the QR code up at the beach I noticed it I took a picture of it um back when I sat on tourism we really Tred to incorporate um how to be able to support main street food establishments while people are on the beaches so I do love that glad to hear it's doing well um thank you for the DPW contract update I was going to ask about that status uh it's a little sad that still trying to pass a budget and we don't even have a bunch of employees not just DPW Court Personnel clerical and dispatch I always try to remember to include them we don't have a 2023 contract for them and we're trying to come up with a 2024 budget so let that make sense um I wanted to mention regarding um the church property I forgot to mention this earlier but we still don't have RFP information that we were told about so is that ever happening like what's going on with that I thought uh we had a ton of rfps and information and the public was going to get that information and we never got that and we were just trying to sell the church um okay I'd like to remind everybody about the 2022 audit we had um an audit reporting material misstatements um a material misstatement in an audit is an error Omission or misrepresentation in a company's financial statement that could significantly impact the decisions of users such as investors creditors or Regulators material misstatements can be caused by errors or fraud so I want people to understand the importance of that I believe I've read that in the past as well I like to remind the public and keep it on record that we have quite a um journey of money missing money hidden money not shared not shown where it's deposited um we had $434 of covid funds during under the American Rescue plan with no responsive records not even knowing where it was deposited into um um we have been told $600,000 was not replenished last year for the 2023 Surplus that was already on top of the 13.2% tax increase that we had in the Municipal Taxes so that's just what we've been told we were told in 2022 that it was 300,000 and it ended up being close to a million dollar um I also would like to mention Library audits have not been done done um for several years I want to remind that back in 2022 when Kim Humphrey was our business administrator she used to get really annoyed and frustrated when people were asking questions about the budget that year about the $300,000 that was found um now she has a lawsuit against a council person because of all those questions so I want to remind everyone that that was the 2022 budget that she was frustrated about all those questions and now we have close to a million dollars that was not replenished into our Surplus from that also stating possible fraud um let's also reflect on the fact that she is still today our qualifying purchasing agent so she's still an employee of the sporo spending our money um can we ever get money under control in this Administration obviously not um I would like to also respond to Mr Sharp's comments about lawsuits if you look at all the titles of those lawsuits all started by Larry Fox Larry Fox's Administration against the council who is spending our money because he can't collaborate Larry Fox if people are so worried about lawsuit money which they should be they should be worried about the million dollars that wasn't replenished in 2022 they should be worried about the 434 covid funds that were not even have no records at all they should be worried about the overspend on the sewers they should worry about the 600 we were told was not replenish they should be here for Budget workshops and be worried that we don't have a budget yet so the tactics of the mouth pieces for your topics it's getting a little old thank you yes yes thank you uh Thomas J Coan 612 3rd Avenue I want to thank Mr Weber for acknowledging that Mr Marco left the room I mean that should have been an open public comment Mr Marco has now left the room at 8:45 or whatever time it was that's how you professionally run a meeting um it it's just embarrassing I'm just concerned now she's going to be able to make the meetings for the L use board now that she's on there um but uh I want to thank you also for voting no on the bu you know what let's just bring the control of off this in here let's just bring in the the DCA I mean let let's get this done because this is outrageous uh having been a councilman to be told that you can't meet with an employee you can't meet with the CFO I can't wait till the outside agencies get that that that is unbelievable uh mayor I'm G to ask you a question even though I'm not allowed to when do we expect the 2023 audit in process it well see that's a that's a broad word like it's due June 30th like when's it coming it's in process will you have a date I like specific dates and times it works well that's how numbers work in my brain you have a specific date specific I answer the question but I don't believe I must ask a question like Council MC goosi you know give me a real answer now I understand how the budget's working uh also I want to clarify some of the comments from the audience before okay uh and the judge English case the first time it was four points mayor Fox won one okay the second time there were two points mayor Fox won one the second point was that uh he illegally fired Mr cany so the council did win on that one I also want to say I attended uh the last one of Chief Guida I was in the audience and you know one of the comments from the judge was even though he said wow Bradley Beach has a lot of aards I don't blame the counsil doing this okay so go to the record that's what it says okay it's just more horrible mismanagement over and over that creates this and also no one's worried about the money that I spent on Lawes the illegal meetings that the mayor took okay no one's worried about my five grand I didn't get that back you know what I had to put a $2,000 retainer up to to file for the for the opras that were redacted that one I got my money back the town paid for that Mr Sharp okay so it's bad Administration cost your money all the way down and that's what we do don't we not supposed to talk thank you sir thank you yes an ocean Condominiums it'll be really clear because apparently saying it before is not work do not ever send me an email I'm not on your list the only list I am on is for the locker period end of that it is considered intimidation and harassment it would be really nice though if you were to answer the letter I wrote you on April 15th for an issue that has been going on since December 15th and now you're telling me an employee that used to be full-time who never return one phone call is now part-time it is there are no excuses other than incompetence of the administration and management of employees it I expect an answer my attorneys expect an answer because there is a rental property not listed and to wait now for you 57 days for an answer is not acceptable now let's get to the beach so the lifeguards told me they're not putting in ropes this year because it's too much trouble and I inquired why there were indeed 500 flags that were checkered I know nothing about car racing and they said will you swim in between the shepher flags well if you look up what the sheer flags are for in any other Realm of the world that's the area where all watercraft are allowed not people so imagine how confusing to anyone that attends the beach that's going to get let's get to the website is anybody ever going to correct it work on it make make it better I went to find out when badges would be needed for the weekdays and it said TBA in two places I looked at Audits and budgets audits is in an ascending order which is incorrect the budgets are in a descending order which is correct just again the incompetence and the level that we find that someone finds acceptable for work product and I don't care that the employees are mad that I complain about them let them do what they're supposed to do and I don't say anything but I should have a website that we're paying 00 a month for that functions I've also noticed that we've had since March 2023 I think it wasn't L it was 2022 several key department head employees leave our employment and yet where I used to see tremendous Bill list items for locks we have not changed every single lock in the burrow since the last employee of a high-standing so to speak at least entitled left I find that totally irresponsible U when I do not have we stopped using locks use that's why you're not see yes there are still locks in this burrow I can even Point them out to you stop talking during my time I am merely saying and I know from certain employees that things have not changed and you again not protecting just as you're not protecting me with the rental property you're not protecting the burrow and it also doesn't protect the employees um I heard there was some sort of event I think it was two Saturdays ago in Riley park there were no porta potties so one business actually was kind enough to let the vendors use her restroom and then had to close early because it was too much for the business to handle um where are the rules and regulations for events um just again it is mind boggly you have signs on the grass and Ry Park that say no dogs every year I come up here and it's nothing against dogs but you need to have signs on the prominade no dogs no people that grass is not activity grass it's visual we spend a lot of money to maintain it um with all the money you waste and we know we're signed city um you could certainly do that and again why is nobody using the B and boardon from the rec center have you drive by and know what's going on and thank you stop saying that it's really offensive appreciate it you know you do you take action okay there's no other questions I'll make a new motion toour all favor how heck that hey Erica