##VIDEO ID:n4KYUVijwXE## e e e ja e e e e e hey how's it going how was forch bestest I was thinking about you guys in the rain there I didn't do the as was sorry I I did Red back oh you did yeah good cool beautiful that's awesome It's a Wonderful event whatever time yeah [Music] people noice or not yeah good ide thanks yeah I'm still read but she's there's two copies there make sure you sign them both what there's two copies there one for me I talked to her earlier she sound like she was okay to go yeah I talk to her earlier this week yeah she like a lot on the house everything so yeah I didn't think about that yeah good point huh I was on the phone with her for about a good 45 minutes yeah I got on and off I got luy well she's not near someone yeah so okay well I'll ask she ask her she actually it's just like let as well you know many um I so we'll do it we'll get you she's the oh yeah time e e don't know what the plan is the plan was rejected last um yeah yeah I just get confed because I know technically across from the 900 can I talk to say so I didn't get one night just see you now it's gonna the next sum color it's true absolutely we got long meeting I I couldn't even tell you at this point I mean it could go by fast score after something sorry okay that's wow you look good than that there you go two cop for might be zoing in tonight is she on I don't see her so far keep an eye out for on SC [Music] okay to flag United States of America stands I wish to announce that the 48 hour notice is required under the open public meetings Act was emailed to the Asbury Park Press the co-star and the new co-star on December the 7th of 2023 that a copy has been placed on the bulletin board in the burrow office and the copy has been filed with the burough clerk as a courtesy to the public this meeting may be attended via Zoom if for any reason the zo portion of this meeting fails or is disconnected the inperson meeting will continue and action can and will be taken provided that there is an inperson quarum MR Noble here Mr gbos here M Mahoney here Mr Weber here mayor Fox here uh welcome everybody to our 18th meeting of the year um I have and will continue to emphasize at this meeting a couple of points although we disagree on some things and have different perspectives our voices should be constructive we all want to Bright or Bradley Beach and ask you to join in that journey I ask everybody to gauge their tone going forward we're all neighbors and certainly want to make Civility and decency the underpinning of all discussions we had um before we get into the formal agenda I would be remiss if I didn't recognize some of the current tragic events around the country around this nation and globally first in the US uh the US hurricane Selen and Milton uh our thoughts and prayers are with those victims their families and to the First Responders dealing with these tragic events uh being a short town we can certainly identify uh with the power of these storms uh also October 7th um was this week on Monday um the it's the oneye anniversary of the massacre in Gaza it still looms heavy in all of our hearts uh some 100 hostages remain in captivity we hope the number is 100 and that there aren't more deaths reported we hope the governments can steer this to a conclusion that brings us uh peace uh I'm sure sure as our Jewish Neighbors in Town and County and country are reflecting on these things Jean Kor arrives this weekend uh the next thing I'd like to do because we do have a a small contingent here is I like the motion um the uh agenda item six to to up to number five before the workshop the presentation uh or Proclamation for M Rand like to make a motion to read that Mr Noble yes Mr gubitosi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes um Jackie Schneider was going to attend tonight but um right before the meeting she F and said that she just really feel up to making it so I I will present this or go through this Proclamation and one of the board members come UPC I knows Council F here council person raise your hand yes uh okay uh B grav Beach proclamation of memory of bur resident Julia ran whereas on behalf of the burough of Bradley Beach the mayor and Council wish to record their deep Sor of the passing of Miss Julia Rand on June 21st 2024 and whereas Miss Rand was a respected resident and one who demonstrated how much she cared for her community by her continuous efforts to share her directorial talents and love of Performing Arts with the burrow whereas Julia grew up in Bradley Beach and later graduated from Mary Mount Manhattan College where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in theater Julia also studied Shakespeare with the world Shakespeare company the American W through in New York City and New Haan professional acting classes and whereas Julia was an actress a director of theater and Opera a playrite a producer an artist manager and a former ballet dancer some many televisions include all my children Law and Order one life live Woody Allen movies and Cotton Club in addition this Rand has credits involving several play festivals and Allway Productions and whereas M Rand and former mayor Julie Shrek created the Arts Council in 2011 to which Julia was the chair up until her passing in June during her tenure on the Arts Council Julia was responsible for many stage Productions that brought much joy and entertainment to the community and whereas Julia and her partner jacine created a foundation called arts for Alzheimer's to raise money for the Alzheimer's transation whereas the bur Bradley Beach along with her partner Jacqueline are blessed to have known her and been part of her life now therefore be a resolv in recognition of Julia Sanders Sandra Ran's many contributions to our bur and citizens the governing body of the B of rley beach do hereby express our deep appreciation for her dedication to the program to the progress of this community and extend our sincere sympathy upon her pass october24 just thank you Larry and thank you councel for recognizing Julian's contribution to our commity she was a force if you knew her uh she was a a Powerhouse and ALS things theater and performance and all things Bradley Beach uh we will miss her deeply and profoundly but thank you for thank I met Julia I guess a little over four years ago and um about two years ago she she started a discussion about she that didn't know how long she was going to be around which I always joke with her that she's going to outlast us all um the last time I spoke to her was about a week before she passed away I called her to say I just want to make positively sure that we're not doing the Shakespeare Festival this summer uh because Julie had this way of surprising us all when she was ill and say n we're gonna do this we'll figure it out um I can't exactly say what she responded to me when I asked her that question um but um it was clear at that point she she she knew that the end was near so U I'll always remember Julia as that force that um uh was just mentioned and um you know we will miss her and as we move towards uh kind of a a 2.0 Arts Council you know where where do we go from here we're assessing that that reform it right now um but we really wanted before we got that reforming going and kind of a restaffing of it we would have been remiss not to recognize du and all our contributions so I'm very glad we did that tonight so thank you all our friends and um Arts Council Members um I know I I know most of you Julia was always uh a great person to work with so thank you all okay um we do have a workshop um scheduled and yeah you probably if you all don't want to stay for the workshop feel free to why we moved it out um so I had a request um from the council president um last week to get the 52 I'm going to call it the 52 um 52 Ocean Avenue project which is the north side pump house um we had at that point uh post budget approval resumed our engineering reviews um I've been holding engineering reviews with um Ben matlack who's here tonight to talk to us and um merth pretty much biweekly uh I don't know when we started that um B but it was probably earlier this year and um we actually stopped doing it in um I want to say the July time frame because of we had made as much progress we could as we could and we needed to get the budget passed uh I was not sure that we could resume uh resolution development and approval of those uh that quickly but I came to found out find out on Friday that both Ben and um Meredith had were in a pretty pretty good position to at least get these out on the table um so um we prepare these resolutions number 184 to 189 one of them is uh 319 Marine it's not one of the engineering related but it has CM implications U so what I thought we could do is go through those as part of the workshop um don't go through a voting process but just go through questions answers um and any discussion to to kind of move these along um but we can certainly start with the um with the uh 52 oceans 54 54 52 did I get it wrong 54 I'm sorry 54 um so uh do we want to start with that and Ben would you mind just framing 54 for us good evening everyone uh thanks for having me uh yeah so 54 Ocean Avenue is uh project that that uh we have talked about before uh the burrow received a grant for uh it's an act asset activation Grant from the uh NJ DCA uh it involves the grant is for planning and design purposes uh and it's in order to try and repurpose unused assets that uh municipalities have so uh this being a a building that's owned by the burrow it's underutilized uh the purpose of the grant is to try and figure out how you can refocus it uh for a better use for the burrow and for the public um so the proposal that I submitted is uh to do that work um part of that work involves uh preparing a conceptual plan uh with some different options and presenting it to the public and to council at a public meeting uh to figure out what is the best uh way to use this this building and how everybody wants to see it reutilized so at this point you know the next step of this would be um really a concept design after that after this step of survey concept development public meeting design B right so if if the council votes in favor of of The Proposal tonight that'll uh allow me to uh start to do the initial survey work concept development and then it it will be brought through public meeting for discussion and determining how best to repurpose this building uh once we have a consensus of uh which direction we want to move then we'll go into the nuts and bolts the detail design uh getting the proper Utilities in there to make the building usable and and then put together technical bid document um my understanding they not funding in place to do the construction uh but for additional grants for that work great so question yeah sure so Mr malac thank you for uh everything you you do and all the work you've obviously done in putting together these various proposals with the pump station in particular there's just been this um pretty consistent message from the council that we don't believe it's a it's a suitable location for the histor be I know your proposal um still gives that as an option I know the mayor's recent newsletter suggested it was still an option um I think still it is still out well okay the entire Council has suggested it shouldn't be uh the the uh but I think the public hearing would also provide input to us to inform us what the public would want the town historian who is in charge of the artifacts has told us he's sitting in the audience that while it might be a fine place for a periodic display of a handful of artifacts it should not service the museum for all of our effects so I mean we could continue to discuss this but we've discussed this a number of times and we've had Mr nin specifically tell us this is not an appropriate place to store the artifacts as a museum so I guess my question is in order for us to at least in order for me to vote on approving this tonight I would just want to understand if your scope can be appropriately narrow look at only things this Council would like to look at I'm afraid that to the extent your scope is Broad and including things like you know I don't know humidity issues for storing artifacts um I'm afraid we might be engaging you to spend more money than is necessary well I don't think that's necessarily the case because the the and it it outlines it in my proposal that uh we would prepare conceptual plans which are somewhat basic uh it's a it's just kind of a a general layout of a building for maybe a few potential uses and then only when a conceptual plan layout and use is approved by the burrow then we advance to the detailed design so we're not you know going too far in in multiple different directions to uh prepare you know detailed plans for different uses for the this building we're we're just going to kind of do a a basic conceptual layout and once we have an idea of where the public and the council want to go then we move in that direction and again I don't I know I'm going to appear to be difficult I don't mean to appear that way but we've been not with you Ben but we've been through this with other projects in the past where um a project kind of got legs of its own and started to explore many different Vari on a theme um it got very big the project and by the time it came back to the council this was a concern I raised during that process by the time I came back to the council it was too late there was too much extra work done on what on something that the council thought should be more narrowly focused so I kind of want to get ahead of this this time before before you attempt to lay out options one of which might include something the council's not in favor of um and before we engage the public and ask their opinions if we know in advance there's one or more um uses that you might anticipate evaluating for us and we know in advance we're not interested in those uses here here's another example this is a a property that can serve the north end I think we should have a lot of focus in the work you do and in the discussions we have with the public on you know what kind of BAS B Services we can provide it's a relatively small building but you know it should be you know I don't want it too narrowly Focus you but at a minimum I I would hope you'd consider bathrooms I would hope you'd consider uh possibly some sort of concession that would be very small in nature and that would not involve cooking and uh uh grease traps and uh emissions um you know a sandwich place or something like that whatever you know in my mind this is should be a very narrowly focused project the other thing uh you provided us or you provided you know the the mayor and and our business administrator with a with a graphic representation of what a building might look like and I think a number of us have raised the question would that particular graphic even be CRA compliant um and and I I know you still probably need to confirm that but that's the kind of thing I don't think anyone I speak for myself I don't think we should be expanding that building um as it is positioned on the on the boardwalk and it'll block resident views of the the beach and the ocean so there's so much that I think you would benefit from hearing from the council first before you begin to lay out a broader perhaps you know array of options for us sure and that is kind of the purpose of the the Grant in the first place is to EXP what can this building become that's being underutilized uh and I'd be happy to you know focus on a few you know specific uh layouts that that everybody's interested in um whether it's bathrooms or concession or anything else uh and we can you know bring a few of those to to a public meeting and discuss that and see what everybody agrees on and that's you know that's that's the point of this grant right now I don't have anything all I have is a the Grant application that we prepared and uh there's I don't have anything to show you other than that conceptual uh rendering that my my architectural guy put together on his own and that's actually by may please okay why I wanted to have this media again because not only were you renovating the original building but you were replicating it and building another building and just the think about building a building in front of the Atlantic Ocean these days doesn't sound like a great idea to me uh it'll block people's view of the ocean right now there quarter potty on Wheels blocking people's view but because it is right next to the playground so in my mind it's saying to me that needs to be a bathroom or it needs to be a food these are needs that people need on the North End they don't need a museum they don't need another building they have a building that's been there very long time that could use a renovation and be used for something rather than a luxury item I think a a need item would be better um utilized to I'm sorry one last follow up to me it's all about narrowing your scope I I don't want to give you a a blank canvas to say create I I'd like to say I'd like a picture of a tree with a with a squirrel next to it so you're very narrowly focused and then you come back and give us a few different squirrels a few different trees sure yeah that makes sense okay I'll just add on here to be perfectly clear I don't want the footprint of this building expanded I don't think we should go there so echoing I think what others just said um so figuring out what it could be and yeah it seems me to make sense like shouldn't we figure out what we want it to be first and then spend this money and I'm if I'm not wrong this is a $50,000 Grand not to be difficult then but this is about $68,000 in this the services that you so we we don't even know what it is 646 yes s 60 646 okay 64 i b it here so we're already spending more money than we have the Grant and we don't even know what the building is yet so um I would love to do that in a different order the the grant is for this specifically to determine how to reutilize the building um I realize that the The Proposal is more than that that allotment um it's mostly because of uh permitting that that would be required if the whether the building is expanded or not I I think Capal permit may still be required and then um the oh uh retrofitting the building to accommodate heating uh Plumbing ventilation electric uh those are you know those are costs that are what what no matter what we use the building for those utilities have to go in there that's that's just like a a cost so you're saying we spent some of the 50 Grand on figuring out what that would cost yeah okay that sounds good to me though if you want to figure out the building the first thing we should do is spend some money on coffee and cookies and get a bunch of people in the room and figure out ask them what they want the building to be and with that shouldn't cost too much money and then with that spend what's left on on making that whatever comes out of that meeting reality okay are we allowed to spend money hope we're this grant allows us to spend money on coffee and cookies we have to figure this out we need people's input well we can have a public hearing without public without coffee and cookies had get more people to have coffee and cookies I'll make the cookies okay I'll bring coffee okay next comments I do I do um and just to be to be clear about Mr matac the if we put the museum in there it would be considered an educational um facility correct could be it could be it might be and then it's in the flood Hazard area so that has different implications right and so I'm of the same mind as councilman Weber that I think the best thing to do and I know that you know you were asked to put these together is is to to figure out what it is that we want to do with the building first and what uh the council wants to do with the people in the town want to do and before we go ahead and and do the the buildout of the building I think that is I think it's kind of putting the cart before the horse to do it a different way so I think it's conversations first that public and that uh educational use that provides some exemptions from permitting is that correct or am I incorrect on that potentially potentially the uh educational use does not require a CF individual permit uh we we first first thing one of the first things we need to do is set up a meeting with to verify what the permitting requirements would be um before we advance further okay all right when we move to the next one Mr M one related question U timing timing of the the grant availability I know a number of these the council needs to take action pretty quickly others we have a little more time where does this one fit yeah so this one is a a DCA Grant and upon execution of the grant agreement the burrow has six months to uh spend the money um we've not executed the agreement yet because of I we haven't been authorized to start the work yet so we're we're holding them off but uh DCA is pushing the burrow to get the agreement executed um so that it doesn't drag on forever yeah so we can set up a public hearing pretty quick I think but that I'm just looking at the resolution first item is Sur survey and base mat Bas services but would we have that public hearing with or without cookies and coffee before you begin the survey work and a lot of the other work well I I would was anticipating having uh that work done and then preparing the conceptual plan to be able to present something to the uh to the public at the meeting so I could have a a schematic of the the building layout and the uh the site uh so that we could discuss well we could have more than one public hearing too we could have one requirements kind of a definition meeting and then following that design so we should that I mean if if we want to uh proceed at at you know one step at a time uh you know the first two um phases of this could be authorized you know initially uh potentially with with the additional phases to follow after I I don't know if that is allowed but if that's how you want want to do it then we can do that am I right that there's a couple of showers in there on the boardwalk level right there's there's there's like TI showers yeah there's there's some at the no I'm think that's like the the street level I thought on the Boardwalk level there's a couple of yes I think yeah I think you're right yeah yes but there probably anything we'd have to do there we'd have to redo it's pretty old and beat up yeah there's an 8 foot deep holding tank or old sewage underneath come okay do we have to first uh okay why don't we move to the second Recreation Center um actually I think we have to open this to the public first right can open I thought what we do is just kind of Bud through it's not on the agenda for him to do all these workshops it's not on the agenda so I would it's not a workshop it's a discussion about a couple engineering projects and sorry we open this to the public the sewer pum station I think we should do that sure we'll do a five minute on public sure any public comments yes hi mire 610 in the app um I want to basically say the same thing as most of the council people up there we were already having the same discussion when we were brought an architectural drawing asking let's bring the public together let's bring the community here to ask what we should do with this building before we continue on this so to see this much money just for preliminary steps which I feel like had been done already is there is even more money than the 64,000 being asked today because we had to pay for those drawings that came in front of us months ago so I feel like we need to know and I know we might not be able to get this until we do some preliminary work but a total idea of cost before we go anywhere with these plants how much do we want to spend on something like this as a community um announcing it especially to the North End residents all residents but especially the North End to ask for their feedback I think it's important a lot of people don't pay attention to the council meetings or the website so I would love announcements put out on asking for feedback letting them know there's a workshop on something that we know is dire on social media to a lot of residents about the North End um when you say dire what do you mean I'm not sure I understand what's they are constantly asking for some type of concession some type of bathrooms um they you know the bathrooms that are there that are more of a trailer bathroom they've asked to upgrade to permanent bathrooms um they complained about the ice cream and no food this year so just things like that I think it's important that the North End residents especially have are invited to discuss this type of Workshop so I feel like we're now two meetings in asking for Big Ticket things asking to approve a drawing last time that nobody knew about no one asked for and now we're asking to approve $64,000 on what we don't know so I also would like to know has this been bid out to other engineering firms other architectural firms is it just CME we're working with no offense then but we don't know anything we have no idea of like what can I as a resident come up here knowing about approving this 64,000 what do I know other than the numbers listed here I don't know what this I don't know what this plans for at all to me I'm thinking this is moving forward on that picture we saw months ago because that's all I've seen that's all I know so do the residents get any more information on this before we say yeah sure built this $644,000 through so we said we'll have a public meeting very quickly okay and would you mind just announcing that like to the residents as an extra other than just like a council meeting just I mean I could do it that's the way you that's the way you announce a public meeting we would announce it we public maybe you could put it in a newsletter prior to the council meeting asking for North End residents to you know that there is a big discussion coming up that's popular to specifically the North and residents and this is a great invitation to invite people for feedback thank you thank you um oh I also see I heard um Ben mentioned that the DCA is pushing to get this grant going just to put it on record I the DCA would push our 2023 audit to come through but um I'm asking the council at this like later with the resolutions to please vote this down we're just not ready as a community thank you yes since 1988 which was my first year ever in Bradley Beach I've requested a bathroom that side nothing elaborate toilets changing TBL S no Breezeway no concession okay in 88 we did have the nice concession by the pool but the sticking point was always the cleaning up of the site now let's jump to this past administration I don't know how many times I've stood up here and said we do not want a museum we just want a bathroom so let me be really clear I am at the North End extremely close to this site we do not want a museum we do not want a restaurant owned by the people in Avon we do not want concessions we want to put some vending machines and get into who breaks into them or who lost money okay I can bend there but that is it I would also like to say to me since I verbalize this so many times this is a public meeting how many years do we have to spend to get a bathroom and if you don't want one then just leave the building like it is because this is what is a dysfunctional government this is what is a dysfunctional Administration not listening to what is needed and definitely I would say in 2024 almost 2025 we're in a situation where we can barely afford needs we cannot afford luxuries and at this point in time a concession stand is a luxury and yes I'd rather not have to walk all the way home and make my own lunch but you know what like that can be managed okay and I think it's more a matter of concessions what it is you offer these people to bid on and what your requirements are and that whole scenario that's why you don't get concessions here and the type of food they sell but I want to make it really clear and I'm going to be redundant until you look at me and say how many times do she have to say it we just want a bathroom especially for the people that utilize the playground it's not even as much for the adults it is definitely for the parents that go there with their little children and need a bathroom it should not be such a difficult concept other than cleaning out the ground and everything with the station thank you thank you yes Thomas Jan 6 Third Avenue you know I think it's really interesting mayor you said you've been holding engineering reviews weekly with Mr Matlock no I didn't say that I said every other week oh every other week I'm sorry every other week now at those reviews that have there been any council members no oh okay just want to clarify that because I'm I'm just wondering who's going to create this conceptual plan but I'm going to make this really easy for Mr Matlock um this is no blue sky this is no Blue Sky Direction like we have at the church the crush the church the original plan that was submitted that rendering was horrific and uh this is really simple the building's 900 sare F feet conceptual plan what I'm sorry the conceptual uh rendering that was presented in this room by Mr Matlock about three months ago where you were adding a whole wing with a Breezeway blocking the view down Ocean Park Avenue that one that's the one I'm talking about okay okay um that's out the window it's got to be as councilman Weber said the existing structure it's 900 square feet it would make two very elaborate um I know they don't have to be elaborate they can be elaborate men's and women's rooms probably a family uh bathroom also for changing babies and it could all be done within that footprint and not only that the construction could be funded by The Beach utility so tax no taxpayer money would have to be used so I think that's really the answer keep it simple I could draw it out on the back of a napkin and Mr Matt lck can draw it up and we can we can get it done that's what we need we do need boms there um the existing Stainless Steel trailer is is not the standard for Bradley Beach so let's just keep it simple and actually I would I would contend that the structure that so they the temporary structure it's temporary we recognize that and was put in because of Co you know during the co time frame um it's it's done a good job for us and it's worked very well so I don't want to give people the impression there's no bathrooms there there are bathrooms there they work very well disagree many many of people on Ocean Park Avenue complain about the view and and I don't I don't think it meets our St I'm aware of one person complaining about the view we one oh okay yeah um but it's not our standard and Val we want to set a standard as a Resort Town let's Supply bathrooms we shouldn't have lines at the women's room uh because they get a little more use um there's more women's room that that we we should have elaborate bathrooms is what I'm saying I mean it's uh you know they built the mods at Boston College in 1975 and they're still there that was temporary so I don't want to see this building here for a very long time I want to see it gone and I want to see that building utilized 100% for B thank you thank you oh and Mr can for the record um I would appreciate you didn't do any of these other items as a workshop because they're not posted that way on the agenda I we've been down this road before we want to talk about them when each one comes up that's fine I address that I'm sorry I address that sure I understand your point um but they are on the agenda and so whether there's really no functional difference whether they discuss them during workshop and and allow the public to participate or they just make a motion in a second and they discuss them later when they're on the agenda and then the public doesn't really get the participate so I hear you on on the Forum but like substantively if they do this a workshop the public gets participated too there's probably people who would have come if they knew was going to be a workshop um you know but arum the opp I said I understand your point but I have a hard time telling them they can't talk about it's just going to extend the meeting now if you're going to open it to the public but that's your direction I I would just I charge you guys flat read thank you sir we do have one person on [Music] Zoom list hey Liz Hernandez 407 Newark I was just wondering regarding the cfra permit um is there an estimate on the cost if it wasn't used for educational purposes uh the cost to obtain the CER permit is is itemized in our proposal uh the permanent phase services are $14,300 um for preparation of the application and and attending a meeting with the DMP and whatever is required to obtain the uh the C permit that include the permit itself the application fee that's something that we'll have to discuss with uh the so that doesn't include the the application Fe corre I think that was the nature of the question but yeah right because the the application fee varies like per use and like per uh location so I was just wondering if that was considered when when you were looking at um the plans here that is not included in our our cost it would be a separate application fee that the we have to pay but we have to uh review with the GP before that number is got it okay thank you okay should we discuss other projects yeah I think we I I think I would make a motion to just quickly go through the other projects um one point that I want to make is that um we had a meeting with the CFO earlier today or the discussion and he really believes we should um put a bond ordinance together relative to all these prior to resolution approval so I think what we should do today is go through these resolutions flush out any questions that that the council has and then um between now and the next meeting really get up a reasonably accurate Bond number and and so for tonight you you plan to table these yeah I'd like to go through them and then I think we table and then just bring forward done in two weeks so I think it's just a quick you know Recreation are there questions are there issues or concerns and if they are we take them down and we deal with those that go just go back real quick to um the 54 our proposal was dated April 19th of this year U and that's at that time discussed that there were two options for the building the historical building and uh concession uh and that hasn't changed since April we haven't done any work we haven't uh prepared any additional concept plans so there's there's been some talk about well we've been hearing about this we've had public meetings about this for all which I I won't deny that this project has come up several times but there has been no additional work done by us on on this project and unfortunately until the grant agreement is executed uh the burough doesn't take credit for holding a public meeting about this project because that's one of the kind of the requirements of the requirement of the grant yeah is that you hold a public meeting to solicit input and uh we can't go backwards and say well we did that three months ago now here's the agreement that we we signed and it's already done they won't allow that so that's what what I'm trying to uh get at is that the proposal is to begin the work and then kind of start the clock on the the DCA Grant and uh move forward actually that raises one other question um then along with this was the memo from you from uh um June oh sorry that's Main Street never mind ask Main Street all right but but Ben you mentioned this earlier just to confirm there is a strong encouragement for us to commence as you're suggesting you should nonetheless we're not at risk at this juncture of uh losing the grant funding if we if we table this to the next meeting not that I'm aware no not I think if we get something done between now and the end of the year if the clock starts sticking before the end of the year we're okay I know mer had a meeting with uh on the on the prominade and on this today and tomorrow U the prominate U we're good um with a little bit of delay and I'm sure we're going to get the same answer tomorrow on this so um so I understand your point um maybe we just sequence a not a public Hearing in the context of this but more of a public hearing conceptually we're moving forward with this we will have public hearing with more detail later but we want to get some input fact F something like that yes okay thank you then should we do as you said Mr Mayor discuss the others probably or not at all yeah I think I think no I think um what I want to try to get from the council here is are we have any any red flags on any of these at this point time you've gotten all the data you know on each one of these so we could start with the recreation I think the recreation is pretty cut and dry uh but does anybody have any questions on I don't know Ben if you want to summarize it real quick and just do a quick Q&A yeah the recreation center improvements uh there are two grants associated with that one is a local Recreation Improvement Grant that's from the DCA and then a m County Municipal Park Improvement Grant uh the M count Grant is a a 505050 Ming Grant the uh local Recreation Improvement Grant is uh not matching it's just just a grant and those Grant funds can be used towards your match right um so the M County Grant 265,000 and the LG Grant 74,000 um is is that your Grant aot um this is Project is the resurfacing of the basketball and Tennis Courts uh improvements to the playground uh new playground equipment uh some drainage upgrades to the uh playground area and uh some some walkway improvements and uh the this one is one of the more pressing ones because of the uh local Recreation Improvement grant that has a deadline of December 31st of this year for construction we're actually already uh seeking an extension on that uh because we're kind of past that uh construction fall construction window at this point we're looking more towards a spring construction and that applies to the 75 $74,000 74 yes lot of County open uh open space they're they're more lenient with their grants uh there's there's not a deadline for that I do have a couple quick questions high level as you were saying Mr Mayor uh so one is some of the other grants are largely money available to the borrow without a match this particular one has a significant match 265,000 if we if we spend up to 265 of the grand so um so I guess a couple of questions one you add you add the hour match to the actual Grant plus 74,000 and I get this slightly over 600 604 is it 660 I think 660 660 was our our cost estimate that's your cost estimate but the grant funding is 604 right uh so the grant funding is uh 26 plus 74 right plus our own match plus our own match so what we're committing to kick in is 265 we're getting a grand of 265 we're getting another grand of 74 and if I had that all up it's 604 is that correct yeah do it the reason I'm trying to race this is you know when I first start through this I was ready to commit to you know the burrow getting that match and contributing to 685 but then I realized we're still almost 60,000 short of your construction estimate so if we were to move forward on this project estimating the construction 662 we're contributing 265 plus 58 or whatever the the math is so um number one that might have not been noticed by others I wanted to make sure I called it out number two we're really being asked to spend more than the quick math on the grants in 265 right so the construction cost estim is 662 I don't have the the math worked out in front of me exactly what the f contribution would be but would be the the I I'll phrase it like this mon County will uh participate 50% of um as of a match to what your construction cost is if you spend 600 that's two 50% uh would be 300 so they would match up to the 265 if you spend 500 half of that would be 250 they would only contribute 250 so you in order to realize the the full extent of their match you'd have to spend at least five 7 604 I thought with the two 265 74 plus hour 265 match yeah yeah so and I'm sorry I didn't make this clear the uh 74 can be uh part of your matching uh dollar amount towards the 530 right so if we did that we'd have to look at cutting some items within the construction or the project yeah if you were looking to to uh minimize it then we we would look to scale down the project or something and that can be done you know during the design phase we' obviously update our cost estimate as we go um to see where we can save costs or or you know if we need to fit into a specific budget then we can do that yeah I mean we had to do that with Lake Terrace but I mean we had a high estimate we cut a couple things out and got to the number all right now that helps because I was because all in the construction budget was more than I thought we wanted we all collectively wanted to spend so thank you uh let's see anyone else questions there move to the next yeah which one Main Street okay me oh somebody else goe I had a question on um Main Street uh again this one came with the memo from Jun six and I had asked a question I'm not sure we got this memo before I went back and I looked as the administrator and her answer to me was about Capital budgets and we us not passing the budget but I don't I don't see how just we didn't pass the budget yet like why we wouldn't get this Memo from you um I mean it's not on you provided it to the feral I don't know why we could of all gotten this and been um thinking of it I know I participated in those meetings uh regarding M tree but I this was the to see there was this budget sitting around since June 6 I was just kind of surprised that we're getting it and in a matter of days like having to vote on this so um I know I in those meetings about Main Street I don't know that we we landed on on squarely on exactly what we were going to do with everything was that your imp impression that we were like we definitely know what we're doing on every item that no we don't know exactly what we're doing on every item I do recall that in those meetings there was some uh we had some good discussions about whether we were going to utilize the grant that the bur received to focus on like a smaller area maybe in one section of town or if we're going to try and use that that grant money to uh do enhancements throughout the the length of Main Street um and I think the the consensus was the second that we were going to try and uh improve um things along the entire way if we can't do everything full suit the nuts uh in along the the whole length we would do you know the the first it would be like a first phase it was my suggestion so I remember yeah exactly so um but then knowing that we didn't have enough money to do everything along all along Main Street I was kind of trying to perform this subtraction like what is in here that we don't need to um so I that's I guess what I'm asking like you where did we land on all that we chose the light fixture and things like that yeah um but I was like I didn't thinkes I didn't think we needed so many cash receptacles and things like that so I just feel like in my mind I feel like I want that detail before we go ahead and say yeah let's go ahead and do this well I think I think a piece you may not be recalling U councilman is that we said number one this is not a two- month project it's a pretty lengthly project because of the permitting and all that stuff number one number two we appli for and have an application and for a further Grant I remember that yeah to cover basically the full the full deal and if I remember we may here on before the end of the year or is it early year probably here January or February which with which the timing worked out fairly well to say you know we this would duve tail pretty nicely so if we get that um additional Grant in February we'd probably be able to fund pretty much the whole project and to end with what we want um so that's I think the way we said we would proceed that that was my recollection that that what you remember then yeah I think that the intent was to design the full project and then implement it in phases as the funding becomes available correct and that's what this does that's what this proposal does correct yeah was there a committee report that you guys created I don't think we had created a report necessarily it was it was we just had discussions and then um I I prepared this proposal to based on that based on on those discussions and um we are now here today can you remind me who was on the committee uh it was the mayor uh councilman Weber uh Meredith DeMarco bi oone Public Works director and then um three three uh three of the business owners in town excuse somebody from BBCOR Travis seski from Vicks and I think that was it I didn't make it to every single one of those meetings so I was like did I miss something that this you know the memo I don't remember getting this before um and I knew that we didn't create really any kind of report so that's that's no it was basically input to we took the design that was done two years ago we kind of critiqued that and and said what are the requirements what we want to change on this is is my recollection of those three probably had four meetings we landed in a pretty good place and then said let's put the design let's put it designed together based on that for vetting with the with the council and the public right and the again this proposal includes uh public meeting for for input and discussion uh to hear people speaked back oh roughly time frame of the meeting so was during spring the summer spring in the summer spring spring and the I guess it would probably it would have been before the June 6th date so probably Springs until early suggest I appreciate this opportunity to you know for all of us to share our our thoughts especially if uh we can be in a position to approve a lot of this a couple weeks from now at our next meeting my concern I said it earlier but I want to say again because I I think it's true of this proposal as well and maybe Mr M you'll have a couple weeks to uh hopefully consider refining the SE Maybe the Fe but the scope I want to make sure that whatever we approve we are on the same page like we're saying yes go forward so for example on this particular proposal I would like to know as a council member what the committee's recommendations were uh uh maybe the committee I don't know if there's a designated secretary or something but maybe someone could summarize largely where you ended up just so we can all look at it and say makes sense let's move forward or did you consider this or that again I'd rather have give you the guidance up front then react to something where in my opinion at least you might have gone off on a bit of a tangent so the more guidance we can give you up front the better I know I said that about the pump station a minute ago but I'd say the same here just just give us the opportunity to give you guidance yeah I don't think we've was there was not a tremendous variation on the theme from the detailed design that was done two years ago I it's just refinement to that let's talk about street lights let's talk about you know a couple of those elements youve got those notes there was a little bit of um I guess yeah revision to what was presented two years ago or something um to kind of scale back some of the things that discuss elements that that were people were in favor of or not in favor of so there there was there was some of that and I can probably dig through my notes and and see uh exactly what the discussion points were and what what was favorable and not get that yeah and an example of that was um the street lights we have two different designs of street lights when you looked at how many we had an in how many we had on the street and replacement of one or the other it led us to we should probably go with this because it'd be a least cost option that was a lesser cost and we could live with it but this went Way Beyond Aesthetics right we were talking about bike Lanes we were talking about pavers versus we were talking pavers but not bike Lanes no we weren't talking about bike Lanes during the um meetings that we had we didn't discuss bik the meetings that you had you're saying the public W that here here discuss like so that's what I'm wondering is where we are on those things so so if we're not discussing bik Lanes anymore I would want to know that and we did discuss in papers we discussed what we're going to do about the street are we going to tear up the sewers and how far do we go before we're going to have to read so there's just a lot of things that we discussed in what I've seen uh in the one time that I was around for the discussion that now I don't I don't know since I haven't seen a committee report that I don't know where we stand right now um yeah and just a couple other details um I remember there was you had a lot of Planters flower pots and I believe the folks were like no like let's not do fire pots so that was again a subtraction um and there's a lot of trash Recycling recepticles and I thought too many and there was that uh and remember so the other there bump bounce yeah I don't know that we discussed the those like bump outs that you had shown conceptually was that that still part of what you is in your mind or are we doing that or not necessarily that's kind of part of the U would be part of the public discussion of whether or not that would be something we wanted to implement or not um the this plan did not include the uh bike Lanes did not include repaving the street it would just focus on the side basically from the curve to the curve yeah and the big question was papers and I think we ended up you know not everyone's going to be happy with this but like yeah we should redo the papers I think you worked up two set yeah we worked a few estimates to figure out how far these dollars could stretch right which got us into the conversation around second gra yeah correct so so circling back to what I said moments ago we just all like to be informed from where you ended sure you know hopefully straing telephone P to onet I don't know how they stand it was only those are by Design up wow that's yep know that what's that I don't know that but I no I I went around with the representative in town block by block and some of those are designed that way for resilience you believe it or not but it blew my mind um yeah and one more question on that would your um engineering fees be reimbursed possibly at the end of the project through the the grant possibly I'm not sure about that we have to review that with the do they're administering the grant um but that's definitely something we would work for okay thanks um s Lake inter we've not doing public comment with any of these we're waiting till the end yeah wait till the end just trying to get go through we're not we're not going to vote on any specific we're just trying to get feedbacks for so sorry go ahead oh I was gonna say so the sil Lake improvements is a project that uh B received a n do Local transportation prodject fund Grant $2.4 million um it's for rehabilitation of the failing bulkhead uh between um it's a long Brad Boulevard uh basically between the it's the last section of wooden vad where there's snow fence where there's the snow fence um the conceptual like or the the design element that was uh discussed in the Grant application was continuing the kind of com of wall and living Shoreline that was done at silen Lake Park uh extend understanding that um there's also included in our proposal is uh meetings and discussions with Sil and Lake commission uh to make sure that they that the project that they're working on for improvements to the lake itself uh Mak sure this project is not conflict with with their project um and then again uh Public Presentation to to basically bring all the the discussions that we have with with s l commission and their their team uh and and are what the final concept design plan is going to be for the council's approval before we move forward into the uh detailed design and this this one is actually only the survey and dat map and then the conceptual design phase uh does not include full detailed design because we don't know exactly what that is question question or comments um so this of the various proposals and again thank and I know they've come in over the past four five six months um so some of them probably need more updating than others but this particular one I'm as you know I'm close to I've s through all the s Lake meetings and I've seen a lot of your direct interaction with the Restoration Team as well as the Southern Lake um uh commission and and I unlike the others where I'm questioning scope and and do you have enough direction from us this one because of my active participation I actually feel like you've you've got this one pretty well pegged um so thank you for that first of all and um and I guess my question is to the extent the mayor mentioned we may want to revisit some of these others in terms of creating bonding this wouldn't be included in the bonding right or we'd But ultimately would get reimbursed by the grant yeah I I I mean I'm not an expert on on Municipal bonding but this is a reimbursement gr um so you're you're not getting the money up front you spend the money and then you submit to the do for reur but we're talking about 24,800 too if we wanted to authorize you on this project 24,800 um yes do you know we have to BU that or well I think so we're we have a meeting with Mr gar Friday we can ask that question what we want to have in or out uh we can post that question on 24 on reimbursement Ian I'm sure he's going to cover that and related question I ask this on all of them um timing you know where the grant disappears if we don't approve or engage by this more recent yeah this one is uh not a a tight time frame uh this one the project has to be awarded by April 11th of 2026 which is two years from the DAT the award was announced that's the construction project not not award the the construction project yes and there's no time frame to to award a design phased to you yeah I will say just as we think about you know where we go with these this is one that I'm very comfortable moving forward whenever makes sense from a budgeting standpoint good uh prominate extension phase one somebody else well bet if you want I can summarize it uh so this one is uh another Grant through the DCA of 4,275 th000 um for extension of the promonade from uh Third Avenue to the municipal uh board um the this one is has somewhat what of a time frame um an agreement has to be executed by the end of this year uh with the full uh spend of the the money by the end of 2026 um the executing the agreement uh I believe you know that's in the process or I know Meredith at least had a meeting today with with DCA to discuss that with them so I think my understanding is it's uh there's no issues with it um but we do want to get get started on this um so that the agreement can be executed and also uh because this is a kind of complicated project there's permitting involved uh you know the the two-year time frame to spend the money with construction uh you know is going to come up quick um because of you know those the the design required plus the pering time frame this is a project though I think we want to move on quickly because we've had a snow fence up for 18 months to two years we it's it's a safety issue we want to get this done wa oh I'm sorry I'm sorry my brain went off there yeah sorry this is not yes bring to I went from the lake to the beach sorry no so this is not one that's what was the time you said end of 26 so yeah so the construction has to be done by the end of 26 the agreement has to be executed by the end of 24 yeah and Mr mik the agreement between who between the burrow and the DCA and what does the DCA need for us like do we need to name a contractor do we need to name an engineer but what do we need to complete by the end of I don't know the details on that um probably know that she met with them today all right so this is kind of near and dear to my heart because this was in 2017 I walked our then engineer and our B administrator on the beach and said we need to extend this thing all the way to the edge of town so we protected Southern third of town from Storm Place Sandy um so this is a big job and I know that we had a coastal engineer um I don't know if that's still the case if we have them or they're just in sort of that that uh pool of Engineers but I mean this is a huge job and I don't know if your firm has any done anything like this before a big giant sea wall like this we have yeah okay we involved in building the a bar Boardwalk um we were been involved in numerous um bulkheads and things like that okay so yeah this I mean this this of all the least this is the biggest job so I'm wondering why are we just going with our unal engineer shouldn't we be putting it out there and seeing what what comes back in terms of bids and knoow and you know I mean um I'm just for example may like the the alall pipe thing I mean we had multiple you know one was abon like we had multiple Engineers come in and make presentations and you know we construction yeah yeah right I'm just it's a different thing but I'm just saying like I don't know why we wouldn't do that for a big job like this so for this proposal it's only the the survey and base map con design preliminary permit review uh and and it does not include the a full detailed design uh this is relatively small compared to the size of the project right um so I mean it's it's the Burrow's decision whether or not you want to uh you know put out an RFP for for bids um I don't know who's going to Rie the bids but you know that's that would be up to you guys how that works um but you you know as your as your bu engineer of course you know I would like you to to trust that I can can uh do the work for you uh and uh you you could even do this initially to get the project started and then if you want put an RFP out for the the remainder you can do that but that's up to you okay so that that makes it clear because yeah I mean that's so this is like the small job to get ready for I don't think we're signing on for $4 million no I understand that um so okay and that's not uncommon to have somebody draw it all up and then bid it out else okay yeah because if if you think about and looking at the the scope of uh work that included in this proposal uh part of it is meeting with the the D to find out what the permitting requirements are going to be it's hard to put out an RFP to multiple Engineers to bid on if they don't know what permit you're G to understand and I I can remember something that came up way back when was well there's an initial meeting with the DB and like oh you can't do that you have pass the Army court because you're essentially going over their project and then I feel like once we finally did yeah with the Army Force they were okay with it because it was providing a higher level of protection than their flat sand beach which in their mind you know provided some kind of prote so they were okay with it but now I feel like we have a different engineer that I just don't want that to be lost in the sauce and that's all gone we have to start at square one again with the Army port so do you follow me I think so I mean we would we would have have bring Army cor to the table no understand but they already gave some kind of like yes it's okay conceptually you know to do this we needed some kind of you know have a name for it it's like the 403 wer or whatever they call and I believe they gave it but I'm like who has it right we don't have the same administrator we don't have the same engineer I think it's somewhere so I I will double back with you as far as because I would be ashamed to have to recreate those stems because it wasn't fast or easy to get that when the army so um okay some questions um I'm really fascinated by this well it's a it's a huge project a crucial project um so probably should warrant a lot of discussion a lot of attention as As you move forward but I don't think the Public's even aware of this I don't think we were able to share the proposals with the public but there is an attachment in here that you identify cost estimates and all said and done it looks like estimated project lost could be $15 million if I reading that correctly for the the entirety from uh thir Avenue to to the Avon Border right uh that our estimate was $15 million the the grant is uh 4.2 million uh there's a 5% baral match uh associated with that so the the $5 million range was was what we were looking at for phase one which we think is probably going to get us to about uh second a grill so that that leads me then to my well a couple related questions so number one whatever you're going to survey and scope out are you going to survey and and provide scope for the entire project I would think you've got to visualize the entire project and then just fund the fund and construct up to 4.3 million what yeah exactly that appr the the entire um Boardwalk or promade uh to the end and then scale back to what we can afford during construction and I'm sure it's not pro but in my simple head you know 4 million or 4.3 million out of 15 million whatever it is roughly you know 25% or something less um so is that roughly what we what we would construct based on this grant funding in this phase one of the project a third or quarter of the entire we're saying about second right yeah what is that what is that percentage it's it's um I don't know the percentage of the the whole length but it's it's actually probably in the 30 to 40% range really so spending a third or less of the money we might get 40% of the project done it's roughly the the the cost estimate included you know uh contingencies uh permitting costs and things like that so they the estimated construction cost uh is probably in like more like the 12 million range um so that's how you get kind of the 30 to 40% there uh and then yeah the 15 million is just very conceptual at it will be refined during design process agree with that except then we all live through Co and these contingencies exploded on us so I believe you now when you say it might be a size 15 yeah and the the other point on this is we're hoping that there are Boardwalk restoration phase two that the state comes out with and you know that you can jump all over that and say we've got phase one now we need phase two just another sidebar on this so people are aware um we are we met was meeting with DP yesterday on silven outfall and one of the positive outcomes of the silven outfall is all the jetty rock that currently encapsulates that whole project is coming out because they're going to we're going to use a concrete pipe so uh we can actually use that Jetty Rock for this project um we just have to find a place to put it in the in the in which might be that Bullpen the that Doom Bullpen there but that's a the secondary use of that Jetty Rock which is a significant amount of jetty Rock and that's what's below the carinated right right at the base of the the bulk right and assuming we will move forward with this I'm not suggesting otherwise but when we move forward is there a pretty clear path to getting the additional grant funding or is that really likely to be up in the air uh we don't have a clear path right now uh but we're you know we're constantly looking exploring different avenues for additional Grand FL like the state hasn't announced another round this they have R so we're going to encourage them to that would be great if we could if they could I would think they look favorably upon us for the second application if we've already begun them first yes absolutely and we if you look at how much we got versus some of the towns around us we fared very very well in this grant U it was $100 million it was given out we we did pretty well considering our size so I'm hoping that the same will be true on phase two and this also we mentioned sewer pump station earlier but this PR this prominade work would also be part of our Beach utility so what we do talk about Mr G's uh bonding we're talking separate y separate it have to be two separate bondings yes okay yes um absolutely y good questions no okay okay last is uh 319 line um I don't Ben if you want to just summarize that real quick so this would be for the demolition of the church um it's uh there's some environmental work that needs to be done uh some environmental work that has been done to test for certain things like Festus red Bas paint um additional testing is required so the reports from around 2020 recommended additional testing being done and this this proposal includes that additional testing putting together spe for the Demolition and then uh the construction expect I'm sorry Ben before you go too much further I don't know Mr councilman do you need to recuse or did he be quiet or you want me to it's I will text you you use my it's just GNA be five minutes so we can go too far sorry last time my thank you okay good there sorry um so yeah I mean that that's basically it's uh like I said there's an environmental work there's preparing the the specifications for the demolition uh we want to demolish the the building uh kind of bring the the grade of the property down to to reasonable grade so it's not just amount of soil left on the property and um and and that's that's what this SW uh I have a question last time we talked about it was 47,000 now you're seeing 79,800 so yeah so the the um this was basically the scope of work that was uh put out for RFP see a year ago um but that was just purely managed demo was it not that was to do both to get the the building demolished and to uh manage the construction or Dem construction demolition of the the building so it includes the uh testing done uh uh up front so that all the contractors are getting on the same thing and then it involves monitoring during construction and some of that includes uh you know we're in a residential area so it includes some uh air quality testing uh while they're doing the demolitioning the contractor is following the correct procedures and protocols for uh suest this abatement paint removal and things like that I don't know if you were here last time we discussed this but I talked to two other towns and they did not use an engineer to take down a building they say they only hire an engineer to build the building and they did an RFP for the Environmental Testing they had um Envirotech come in and remove the asbest and lead and then they hired Lynx with one of the companies to demo the building and you know this is you know we've seen a lot of money spent on this building already and I hate to spend another dime on this if we can save some money I want to do it so I I would recommend that we do the same and have our ba handle this and save us a substantial amount of money here so I had a conversation with um the Avon mayor and I think the scope of what we're talking about in this project and what Avon did were two entirely different things uh number one that project was over 10 years ago number two that church was about the size of a closet it was Tiny and it really didn't have I'll call it the arms and legs of this church the the complexity of this church I didn't speak to Spring Lake but um when I mentioned that we had already a preliminary report onestos and the recommendation in that report was to do further testing uh what Mr Mayor Bano said was well if we were in that position you immediately have to do that and you have to get the right people to do it um so I I think we're in a different scope again I didn't talk to Spring Lake as as you said you had done but um I think it's a matter of uh we can look at the elements of this but do we want engineering professionals making sure we're going to the letter of the law this in the middle of a residential neighborhood is U is my big concern so I I I don't know Ben you have any comments on that I mean yeah uh I I agree with with what you're saying um Jan we kind saying the same thing uh we're we're we have an environmental team that we we work with that will uh do the testing that's that's necessary um whether it's it's us doing it or the administrator gets somebody to do it uh that's you know the council's decision uh but I will say that you know the the demolition I I don't know the the scope whatever other you're talking about but the the scope of this demolition is going to ex the fit threshold it will have to be put out for public fit so you will need a specification document that has the the technical requirements for um the you know where all the the regulated materials are how they need to be disposed of how they need to be handled um so that's all included in this and well it say construction phase Services $41,000 yeah a lot of that again is is environmentally related uh like I said the the air quality monitoring um making sure that that we have the daily inspection reports um monitoring the contractor's activities uh and and typical you know things that are involved with a construction project so you'll kind of be the risk monitor while the the demolition is going on throughout the entire process yeah on a side note has this been scheduled to be heard by the L use board yet it's in process the applications I think complete except for one I forget what the one thing is but the mer is talking to chrisy about getting that on track we we may have a special meeting on it shortly but the application is complete that's for subdivision and yeah D restriction y yeah I I'll just try in again we're just trying to air out all our questions so over the next few weeks we can hopefully resolve them and vote favorably on everything but the question I had was not just similar to what council president raised which is you know I've heard different things I've talked to some companies I haven't talked to other municipalities but I probably haven't had enough time to explore um what we can do on our own versus where we need a professional such as yourself um my my basic understanding is we do need to do the environmental evaluation some expert just as you were saying you'd use one of your experts has to come in and say you got aestus here you got aestus there you know however they identify the magnitude of the problem and location technical specifications somebody comes in and we you either deliver that entity or or we do and I imagine if we do it it's a some sort of a bid process or maybe it's a uh award without a bit but non-fair and open I you know I don't know the the details but we get that environmental testing done that report we I gather we would use and maybe this is where you come in but I've understood others did not use a third party like like CMA they take that report they then invite bids for Demolition and that report is part of the the bid package that's that's more or less my understanding sounding very similar to what you would do yeah it's just a question of what level of expertise do we need do we need your level or I think council president used said something to me I was said it in an earlier meeting um we need Engineers to help us build structures up not tear them down that's very simple quote I know that doesn't help business model but I you know it's just it's just an adage that I want to understand better sure so there you know when the contractor goes to demolish the the structure they need to pull a building permit from your your construction Department right and uh the uh construction official will be looking to make sure they're you know they bu out per correctly till these are be uh turned off those kind of things and at the end they'll make sure all the paperwork is in order but without a professional monitoring it there's no oversight over the contractor um so if you if you leave it up to the contractor to provide his own um experts to say that yes uh This was done in accordance with the the regulations uh you don't have control over it you know that that professional working contract not so if you look like at the outfall project that we did on a um Ocean Park we had cers manag that project with the construction company doing the work but they provided that oversight for us because the construction company wanted to do a few things we were not in agreement with we went to cers and said no this isn't going to work you got to do this and this and this cers manage that for us so it's not an exact analogy but um you know that's that's the way I I kind of think thank you okay think that's it thank you you know I just have so holistic holistically Mr like we will have six projects going on Capital group of projects that's all that's a lot for for any Town um as far as CMA CME being able to take on even if they're just with prelim hi preliminary um phases and and that kind of will it be you doing that do you farm it out to people and how does that work so I I would oversee all the projects okay uh the nice thing about this is that these are very kind of different types of projects uh so we have different kind of groups within our our organization that would handle it structural Department landscape architecture Department architecture uh department and and I can get multiple different uh kind of entities within our our building working on all these projects simultaneously uh and so there's no like um over exerting certain resources to to um you know we don't have guys working all n or work to to deliver all these projects we we'll have multiple people working on it and and we get these done okay and then you would be kind of the I would just kind of be steering the making sure everything's going sweet okay all right thank you for answering that no it's it's a very good question and and um it's it's double edge sword here on the one side um we've been able to kind of secure between County State Federal on these projects about $8.5 million so that's our tax money that we've paid the county individuals the state and federal we're getting back from those entities so that that 8. five those require some investment on our part but the question becomes we get that 85 back and what do we get for that we get a promin we get fix Sil Lake we get all these things so it is a bit daunting to your to your point but if we can manage it um we come into a pretty significant amount of Grants which is great now now what do we do we gota try to get it done so that's but your questions are well yeah no I understand that but then you know the the 4 million comes along with you know an extra 9 million that needs to be expended unless we can get another Grant to continue it and yeah absolutely yeah and that would be a whole other conversation yes yes absolutely and that could be you know all over the place 265 comes with 265 yeah yeah yeah absolutely absolutely yeah okay all right thanks Ben appreciate it all right so we we'll work towards with the council in the next two weeks is to get questions answer okay sorry Mr I get John Weber where is he I'll question sorry well we're still discussing it a bit so end up give it a second welcome back thanks joh okay uh we'll move towards approval of minutes make a motion yeah we're going to let you do that during the agenda it's gonna be the next agenda item right after I'm sorry we workshopped we workshopped the public building we're having a council could you just um we'll be happy to answer the questions with the Agenda Report which is going to come up in about two minutes um approval minutes September 25th U um want to make a motion to approve the minutes from September 25th's public hearing thank Mr no yes s yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh make a motion to approve the council business meeting minut of September 25th you did that yeah oh I thought I thought oh so I they wer separate the hearing in the um and the council minutes were not separate no okay I'm sorry they were okay that's all right all right public comments questions pertaining to the agenda yes Mr shamin you didn't raise your hand but I'm anticipating that you're going over on the CH 4 11 a half L Avenue um I don't know about the rest of the public but I found this whole process incredibly frustrating I mean it's obvious that none of the Committees that studied things like Main Street never had a report the whole process is just ridiculous and all of you trying to reach back in your memory to try to figure out what had been said at various meetings that we might not even been at really how I get to promise that whoever wins Mr Trump that we have reports from committees that are publicly noted that there's transparency in all this I mean otherwise you guys are just spinning your wheels um specifically I have a question on the one item that was not discussed which is um 20241 190 of auth authorization Award of professional Engineering Services with CME Associates for General Engineering Services and we I did not receive that resolution so it's going to have to go on the next agenda okay but obviously in addition to the over $400,000 on all these other ones there are additional fees that c will be charging I just want you to realize that this is a very Hefty amount of money I realize that they bringing that money on grants but one percentage is going towards engine thank you thanks um Mr Nishan I'd like to add one more thing too um we had an agenda meeting last week I believe it was Thursday morning and um we had one resolution on there and I didn't find out about these other ones until Monday that's why we were kind of catching up that I I wasn't anticipating all these resolutions to be on here yes but this agenda went out Friday council president number one and number two when you asked me that question I did explain it to you so I'll explain it again and that is I was not anticipating that Mr matlack or Mr Marco would be in a position to discuss in some level of depth these projects we felt as though it was important that if we could that we should move these forward and have this discussion which I think was beneficial to have so that is the reason why you asked about one project and we were able to provide more than that one and that's why we had a lot of questions today y yeah which is fine I'm very constructive thank you yes green 414 month Avenue um I tend to agree with Mr Nankin um specifically with the Main Street improvements um I recall a presentation where we had a long lengthy discussion about uh bike lanes and whether a bike lane can be on Main Street in One Direction potentially potentially in another Direction on the street parallel behind it um so to hear that that's not even a part of the report that we don't seem to have um you know I'm really looking forward to seeing the details of that report also with regard to trees so there was no mention of that in today's conversation covered that in in the uh so that's a part of the scope yeah okay it is um okay so I'm looking forward to um seeing the the report on that regarding um 319 Lorraine I'm sorry Mr Weber is here but I want to ask the question I understand that there's been um a very comprehensive environmental um study that was done and nothing no it was it it was um not sure I how to describe it I don't want to be critical but it was not an in-depth report Ben maybe you can frame what how how to say say that I don't want to say I don't want to disparage the report because it was it was what we asked for would you like a copy of it no he has copy of it thank you can you remind me the name of the company that did do the environmental study uh what so there were I think there were a couple there was a Rinker Hoff environmental did did a report uh and then tnm believe did a report uh after that one that I think referenced the previous report um and both were were kind of partial uh reports um I think I think at the time uh it was kind of anticipated that the building was going to be reused and refurbished in some manner uh not fully demolished so the the of you know looking at the lead based paint the Festus was limited to certain areas that they were anticipating to um renov um and then at the end of the report it says recommendations uh additional testing for any other areas that would be demolished right y yeah thanks okay thank you um and then the other question I have so this is with regard to the the prade extension um what the most vulnerable portion of the area that we're talking about I think we're talking about Third Avenue South to the Avon Border so what is actually environmentally the most um you know right now our Southern uh state is getting hit with what we see as might be the hurricane and I'm now thinking about Bradley Beach um what is the most vulnerable part of our Ocean Front um well the low point is the South part of town but the the area that we're referring to what is the lowest what I'm suggesting is perhaps and this may sound crazy but to do phase one where the most vulnerable area is and then work North from there I understand your question I don't know the answer to it it's an interesting question we can pose right uh because at Third Avenue it's elevated at Evergreen it's on grade and I would imagine that's much more vulnerable and just thinking ahead this is a costly project that we're going to have to come up with funds down the road um that perhaps we address the most vulnerable area and then move north and I don't know if there's a way to do that if it makes any sense but it's just something to think about that's interesting question yeah I just think that if if you built in the lowest part and there was like no wall and no bulkhead on either side water's just going to come around it so there's no to me it makes the most sense just to continue the boardwalk go down you know third is elevated third is elevated until really you start to get toward the Evergreen entrance yeah it starts to the whole problem is that the bulkhead stops after Third Avenue and then you know the boardwalk the papers kind of go back towards elevation is not a bulkhead on the ocean side there's a fence there and then there's a drop down to the ocean right well I'm saying the whole thing drops down to like almost to the level of Ocean Avenue and that's the problem where's the you board the top of Boardwalk it's bulkheaded and it's up here there's no bulkheaded down so right I but that's really further south of second even Second Avenue where the grill is there's still a bhead there I it's not the same there's like this little thing yes there's little one one foot 18 in above EXC just just a point on uh I just want to make on this um bik wings and the street that that was a report that rers did a Street Council goosi probably knows the name of it better than me who's on the committee it was about um creating a more safe uh desirable Street layout for our town uh back in 2021 elements of that were taken for this Main Street project but it wasn't a one for one kind of a deal but uh there were two reports uh but we did have significant discuss about it in proposal and I don't know if it was in his proposal or it was when we were trying to work on some parking uh projects it was maybe a little bit of both it was a presentation that included I believe it was mrl it was the first time I saw Main Street presentation and furthermore if I can just add to that I know my time is up but bicycle Transit is not just recreational as we know there are many people who use it for transportation absolutely yeah thank you yes R Maguire 61 ad um okay just a couple of topics here I'm happy this is all getting tabled tonight all of these projects because I'm finding that we have the same issue for every one of them and I feel that the public knows nothing on any of them we don't have access I emailed Erica today asking you know do we get to see these proposals do we get to see what all this is for and I got a response that we can't the public cannot only the council can so as legislators representing our voice why would you vote on something that we have no reference up at all so I just feel like it's not even how government's supposed to run so I would appreciate this being table till 2025 at this point because I can't help but feel like there is just some favor to CME I it's just so much money to cme's pocket right now this is so many projects um councilwoman Mahoney six projects like you mentioned and I when I added it all up today and I posted on social media I'm like how do we just get started for $44,000 not knowing our sewers are so beyond what we estimated already and they're not even done yet so now to have six other projects on and believe me I want a gorgeous Main Street I want the bulkheads I want silven Lake to finally get fixed I want all these things we all want all these things but we have to do them the right way and we have to be able to see if things can cost us less and get the same results I feel like we don't have any other options other than CME and I'm sorry Ben I'm sorry I just keep attacking you that way and your company it's it has it's not personal it's about doing things the right way and I just can't help but feel like in my world of business and my personal world I get estimates for everything I try to get the top three and choose from the top three and I just feel like we know nothing like we're all these resolutions came here for a vote tonight on $440,000 Just for beginning phases on nothing the public knows nothing and the council just got the information Monday and whatever that back and forth was just now between the mayor and president president Den Noble I just literally don't understand how council is supposed to get all this information on six projects two days before a meeting how we the residents don't have anything they're supposed to vote on it it just is not how government works and it's just very frustrating for me extremely so when you have residents who come up here time and time again trying to ask questions never getting answers that's where the frustration starts and it's four years of this and we're done so please table this till 2025 thank you Mr Canon just a quick question can you just tell us all before the record what is the rule around being able to share u a professional proposal you know we we the council are sitting here reviewing Mr malak's proposals but I'm told we cannot share those with the public until what are there rules around what we can and cannot share some public documents as far as I know so there's no competitive concerns about sharing CMEs proposal that other professional service so there is it's not awarded to lest bidder wanted to hire someone cheaper you can do that or you can actually hire someone more expensive it's at it's section five local contracts act um section 11 and you it's Professional Service you can word at your discretion so sharing the proposals or what have you is not an issue in this context so if we're going to vote on this or or discuss this again in a future meeting we could share the proposals with the public in advance of that meeting yeah those are public documents if if there was a oh I understand there the b or competitive Contracting process those would not be available because it's Professional Service there is no competitive Contracting process so you can share them do whatever you want thank you Thomas J 62 thir avue um uh M Mr mat what is the bid threshold you referenced I believe it's $44,000 okay great thank you um and then um mayor you referenced a meeting uh this week with Mr Garts will the council be at that meeting no it's a it's a update meeting by Mr Gs just not to the council is that what you're saying we hold any number of meetings with any number of people all the time so no the answer is no no so the council will not participate in that meting cor okay great that's what I want to know could you do me a favor for bookkeeping um I I'd like to get more specifics on which of these individual resolutions will be tabled because it's kind of a mishmash right now how about 182 um we're going to table 184 through 190 182 and 183 St okay so it's 184 right to 190 correct great thank you very much thank you yes NY work on I uh underscore Mr M's frustration regarding work um I add to it my total confusion um I was a government contractor and we would win an award we were the lowest responsible bidner opposite word there for me was to be responsible that the goods and services I was manufacturing or selling not necessarily the cheapest and it bothers me that if we were or when we eventually demolish this church that we have to pay someone to see if the contractors we hired to demolish it are doing it right it would appear to me that we would hire someone who is reputable responsible and has their own oversight I don't understand why we have to pay someone to do their recordkeeping that should be part of their proposal and presentation as to what they can do when they demolish the property and with all that goes on here and we always get a bid and we accept a bid and then we they come back to us for more money because they didn't think of this or think of that let's do it right the first time somebody comes back to project want some more money no this is what we ask for this is what we expect and I would expect it for once we hire somebody who's calling who has penalty and pride in their outcome and I realize it's New Jersey but there has to be some company that can do this correctly thank you yes Dr Tom the Avenue I've had a few concerns about the the demo project I know I did say this last time about getting RPS are we still GNA are we going to do this in conjunction like getting the cost for him and the rfps at the same time for just a demo company and then weighing it all out and see what we want to do or we just weighing his option because last time I was here I gave a name of someone who does Demolition and they do it all over the state and they just they don't need Engineers so are we going to have both options possibly I'm not sure ask your question again I'm sorry sure so uh last time I had asked about doing rfps just for the demo just demo get like three different demolition lyns is one the one I know is in glenz he's all over the state um and you would have them rfps on here as well as that and then the council would decide what is the best route to go um is that a possibility or is that not a possibility I think we have to well somebody's raising my his hand I I can answer that uh it's what I mentioned before about the B threshold so the cost of the work that a contractor is going to do to demolish this building is going to be over the $44,000 bid thres yes I would say once that happens you have to do a public fair not bid right through which is governed by local public contracts right so then we can can we just bypass him and just do the RFS without doing just do the all them contracts so Mr McGuire that's a bit of what we were discussing tonight that was in fact the question i' been raising okay do we need an expert yeah to knock something down the same way we do need an expert to build something up so that question we haven't resolved that yet but that is the question the council was asking us have you talked to any demolition people about this yet or only seen me I'm sorry have you talked to any demolition people or only CME I have not spoken to a demolition company I've spoken to a developer who uses demo companies okay can can talk to a couple of the see if they've done this scope of work before without having to do this I know this is a big job it's not the biggest job the guy that I know he's done way B jobs in New York right in downtown New York so right they're very experienced in this job so can you talk to them well also asked the tnm to give me some information that's not I ask trying to answer your question so I would prefer if you guys take the 319 demo which is going to slow the project and that's going to be lovely for the people campaigning to say that you're going to um uh what's it called delay the process longer but unfortunately this is just the dumbest thing I've ever heard to spend money to do this um and I think we should talking don't talk yeah I'll sorry we're we're next no I'm not out of order I did nothing wrong you're trying to over talk me I'm not trying to over talk you you're doing it right now I'm TR I was trying to engage I'm not engaging you I stopped so don't engage me just be quiet please oh my God so what was I saying I hope that we can not proceed with the Demolition until the new year have a new mayor here because either Mr shook or Mr gubitosi can make way better decisions because this is just ridiculous the next thing I want to talked about is the main shoot improvements the only thing that I've seen I've been to almost all the meetings were the two things about the bike lanes and the lights and not I don't think there was any agreement on anything so again I do not want mayor Fox having his hands in this at all so if there's any way we can delay that I know there's Grant attached to this I know things have to be decided but I don't want his finger this at all because I don't think he listens to us I don't think he listens to more concerns so I implore you please if there's any way that we can delay this longer and get extensions I would love that um what was the other thing I talk about oh why don't we have this subdivision yet this has been going on for so long how long does it take to get it subdivided now I'm going to engage Mr Ross what why is the uh subdivisions taking so long I stated before the the application complete it's get schedule that's not my you don't answer my questions why is it taking so long that's not my time because he talk you talk so I got sorry why I answer the question I'm sorry thank you got yeah I would like to add that I did talk to a demo company and um he was the company that did the building for Avon and he said he recommended doing RFP for en Environmental Testing RFP for environmental remediation separately and then once that's the building is remediated then they would come in and they would demo and remove the building okay and again RFP for them as well you know for a demo company and is there any way that we know when we're getting the the when is it going to land use on the next meeting that's what I was hoping to see but um I didn't get verification on that yet is that going to land use on the next meeting I think they have one soon it's in the processer the mayor process of getting scheduled how do you not know that because it's either going to be a special meeting or schedu thank you anybody else yes I just have an observation back the Main Street yes Main Street needs Improvement but I work seabird so in the summer I travel every Main Street I travel down 71 and the difference between Belmar Avon Belmar Spring Lake even into seagar Washington Avenue is every morning People are cleaning the streets they're cleaning in front of the buildings they're either power washing they have these things hold rooms and they sweep and they have these squeegees and they do their windows and there is a effort I think to have a cleanliness about mainstream and I'll even say that manisan has that as well uh when I go there so I think it's important when we talk about improving Main Street that's a way to improve it at almost no cost the other thing that maybe nobody notices is we have some buildings that have hoses that are coming down into plastic bottles I mean I'm not going to tell you which ones they are but I don't know why we have that other main streets don't have hoses coming from the top of their buildings to the ground floor and into fabulosa about I don't know why that is so we're talking about spending a lot of money how about we just clean some stuff up so it looks better and it doesn't look dirty and it looks clean in a place that you would want walk around and spend some time that's an observation okay thank you okay we'll move to the next item which is uh ordinances we have no introductions we have an adoption for the refunding bond ordinance 20249 refunding the bond ordinance of the burough Bradley Beach in the county of Mammoth New Jersey providing for the refunding of all a port or all or a portion of the bu's general Improvement refund refunding bond series 2020 2014 appropriating not not exceeding a million n therefore authorizing the issuance if not to exceed 1 n General Improvement refunding bonds of the Bradley Beach for financing and cost thereof so I'll make a motion to open the public adoption hearing for 20249 second Mr Noble yes Mr gboi yes Miss Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh the adoption meeting is open to the public any public comments okay I will make a motion to close the adoption hearing and vote to approve 2024 n second Mr Noble yes Mr GUI yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes uh there are no Communications uh tonight the resolutions not have the consent agenda we have uh two individual resolutions and we're going to make a motion to P some other resolutions um let's go first to 2024 182 approving the agreement with the mcspca for animal for 2025 for animal control services within the barel make a motion to approve 20241 182 discussion first y okay uh Jan um well I I would like to say thank you to Dan Jacobs he saved an eagle from my backyard he also saved a swan yes that baby eagle landed my yard and um he also saved to Swan from s Lake and also I'd like to make a mention to um Sylvia Robinson she lives on Main Street and there's a cat colony currently on Third Avenue in the 700 block this summer alone she trapped and neutered and released about 17 adult cats she adopted about 15 kittens out so this year they're adding the TNR program to the agreement so now we we can have all our stray cats or feral cats fixed and they don't live a very long life on on the streets so they they get returned to the area and they um live out their life a lot healthier and with this program so I'm glad to see we finally have an agreement with them because it was a lot of work and U syia did a great job getting a lot of cats on a home but um this this will help eliminate that problem thank you the um the comment I wanted to make was um number of months ago I want to say a woman joined us and spoke about um her frustrations with the mcspca uh specifically regarding addressing trapping in whatever uh Fox boxes that were there um so that was the last I really had heard of that discussion um on this topic until until we got our materials for the for the weekend um so I did approach uh council president and said well what's going on I was on the impression we were more inclined to work with the Humane Society and it was council president Den Noble who educated me a lot of what she just shared with all of you as well as this uh what's it called The Catch and trap TNR yeah on trap unit return okay trap and return uh program Apparently one that the MSC SPCA whatever uh is less expensive and they have this very strong program that the Humane Society doesn't so in case any was wondering why we're about to vote to retain the MS PCA instead of the Humane Society a lot of what council president the noble just shared has influenced me thank you I I just want to say that I'm no fan of Ross litra who's the head of the MSPCA and I was inclined do not uh have them do our services because of uh his behavior towards employees because I think how you treat the people you work with and who are employees is so very very important but after talking to Jane and finding about the TNR program um and Alan I spoke about the woman who had complained about the foxes I remember her sitting probably out about where fall the champion is and then that they had gotten that uh fixed I think that's they're actually doing a good job I totally believe in t trap newa release I think it's an excellent program and um since they are actually taking care of the foxes that's really good so um I would never want anyone to have to work for Ross but I uh am very thrilled with the programs that they provider so as long as things stay good and we don't get more you know we don't get complaints then then uh then I'm willing to vote on this okay thank you have a second second Mr Noble yes Mr guzi yes M Mahoney yes Mr Weber yes Fox yes um 20241 183 authorizing approval of purchase through the Ocean County Purchasing Co-op uh pricing system for Sopo fuel make a motion to approve 2024 183 second Mr Noble yes Mr gesi again just for the benefit of the public uh the mayor shared information with us that a lot of competitive pricing um work has been done by the administration and this is in fact the best um purchase price for the burrow so I will vote Yes m m yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes um motion 2024 1884 through 190 to table till the meeting of the 20 is it the 23r 23rd second Mr Noble yes Mr goosi yes M money yes Mr Weber yes mayor Fox yes okay uh we've got mayor and Council reports why don't we start with council president denov we got it all right so let's start with the Bradley Beach sh Tre commission they had a meeting Wednesday on October 2nd that I attended uh few applications 401 3rd Avenue is planting a tree good news 414 4th Avenue the removing a tree planting one 506 burlion removing one tree it is dead no replacement 314 Third Avenue they're removing eight trees and planting eight trees and 501 through 511 Lake Terrace remove Three Trees but they're planting 78 trees plus bushes a lot of Hol and birches so that's good news threee of the month is awesome it's almost 200 years old black oak it's at 307 Ocean Park you got to see it to believe it uh they were also working on their fiveyear plan the um the planting was September 28th this is probably too much information but it rained really bad and I was soaked to my underwear uh we planted and I wasn't alone with that I had other people bounce that the same thing happened to them even my genie gr um 22 trees were planted special thanks to the the um commission members and residents that volunteered and especially to our DPW Armondo and Josh they dug the holes they delivered they stake the trees they put the water bags they are awesome shade tree account is now $1,000 tourism October 8th mark your calendar Friday they're gonna have The Adams Family movie in the park starting at dusk Sunday October 27th big day the Bradley Vu um runs from 12 to uh 4 that's when they trick or treat at the local businesses and they visit with them and then the Bradley Beach rat department will hold trunk retreat in the municipal lot the same day from 1 to 3: then at 300 p.m the Halloween concert in the park will be held so bring blankets and chairs and sit and enjoy the afternoon and then at 5 o'clock the annual Halloween parade sponsored by the Bradley Beach Fire Department will be held in Riley Park so PL spend the day in rally Beach also looking forward to the holiday season the tourism commission has been working with both the rec center and the burough of rally Beach special events to create its first indoor outdoor Mary Market the market will be held at the rec center from 10: to 2: p.m. 10 a.m. to 2 PM on Sunday December 1st there'll be over 30 vendors refreshments and live music mark your calendar the tree lighting will be Sunday December 1st that'll include hot chocolate and cookies live music and the classic rewind band horse and carriage rides plus a visit from Santa and last but certainly not least um Bradley Beach Elementary School they did not have a board at meetings but I would like to mention that the it is respect week and the Bradley Beach Elementary School students gathered for an engaging assembly as part of New Jersey's respect week it emphasizing the power of kindness and standing up for one another our students learned how to be upstanding upstanders helping peers who are teased and understanding the import importance of talking to trusted adults when facing these challenges we they also encourage children to show respect for themselves their classmates and their community so let's continue to foster a supportive and caring environment for all and that completes my report thank you thank you Council thank you um I'm the Leon for the police department and I will present the police report prepared by Captain Terry Browning last week uh detective Lieutenant Terry browny was sworn in by mayor Fox as our new police captain witnessed largely by fellow officers family friends and members of the council this was an informal ceremony and once uniform upgrades are complete there will be a more formal ceremony open to the public but I just wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate uh Captain Brown uh on his very much deserved promotion and now thanks to Captain brownie just want to keep saying that so I refer to him correctly going forward the police report follows a local man was arrested for simple assault and harassment following a dispute a mwan man was arrested for disorderly conduct and littering after he showed up at a local establishment already severely intoxicated and created a disturbance we also arrested one individual on a contempt of court warrant a member of our K9 unit provided Safety and Security sweeps at the Belmar 5K race this past Saturday lastly the police department would like to remind residents that as we do every year the portable stop signs that are seen on Madison Avenue on all the East West streets have have been removed for the winter season this does not change the fact that there is a required stop at location as indicated by both a permanent stop sign on the corners and the St bar in the street I am the liaison to the ca commission and just a quick update that the next meeting is on Wednesday October 16th commission uh discussions continue to focus upon the advancement of activities focused on restoring the health of the lake including securing funding developing planning for uh planning to prepare for the repair of the bulkhead on the Bradley beach side of the lake and more broadly for the dredging and restoration of the lake itself the Civ commission holds monthly meetings on the 3 Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. here in Burl hall meeting room at 701 May thank you thank you Council Council Mone by Ben thank you Ben thanks Ben um the environmental commission met on October 7th we will be participating in a beach sweep on Saturday October 19th and you are all welcome to join us beginning at 9:00 a.m. sign up and sign the waiver by going to clean Ocean action.org or meet us at the Fifth Avenue gazebo the day of the sweep but you'll need to sign a waiver that day too so you might as well do it online first the commission would also like me to remind you that idling your car is harmful to our environment New Jersey Law prohibits idling for more than 3 minutes unless your car is being being warmed up on a day colder than 25° I just learned that today so please don't idle your car unless you're in traffic then you're allowed to uh the land use board will meet on October 17th at 6:30 p.m. and um local 152 is still put2 months without a contract thought I'd put that in there two years thank you two years January is not two years now it's two years it's coming up on two years yeah mayor um so starting with first aid squad for the period ending today the squad responded to 10 day calls and five night calls that's a total 15 calls I love that they do the map for me and that fantastic 10 were for medical two were for fire there was one water rescue request uh one water rescue request Squad would like to thank the lifeguards for their quick action on October 5th in rescuing four juveniles and one adult from rip current on the Newark ad Beach their quick action resulted in the squad only transporting the adult swimmer to Jersey Shore the squad provided medical OverWatch for the traumatic brain injury walk as well as medical OverWatch for the fire department live burn drill at fire academy congratulations to first lieutenant John Zack for obtaining his National EMT certification for prehospital Trauma Life Support uh they the squad requ no Mutual assistance for this period and they fil 100% of their assignments for this period and volunteers free training for qualified individuals uh applications are on the bur's website and they have uh a Cadet program for people ages 16 to 18 who are interested in serving their community and now for the fire department's report for the month ending September 30th they responded to 10 excuse me 11 day calls and three Night Calls the total of 14 calls one was for fire 10 were for fire alarm activations three were carbon dioxide alarm activations uh the department conducted one training for the hose line stretching and flowing water to fires there were no Mutual Aid requests happy to report we have two new firefighters currently attending MTH County Fire Academy the department fulfilled 100% of our assignments for this operational period and they are also looking for vol and they offer free training for qualified individuals the uh application can be found on the burough website uh I'm going to add I went to fire department's meeting last week a couple weeks ago and they just reported on the successful 5K that many people in this room uh participated in or came out to observe and as a result of that they were able to donate uh over $8,000 to different organizations around town um so there's spreading it around and uh we really thank them for that um I would also like to thank mentioning the shade tree commission uh the planting that we had this Den Noble mentioned how many trees we planted 22 and that is fantastic and of course we can't do it without DPW so we want to thank them uh but you know given the number of people that come to the shade tree commission and ask permission to cut down a tree we're kind of breaking even you know with the number of trees that we get planted every year and the number of trees that people come and ask to get cut down so um I cannot imagine what this town would be like if we weren't out there planting 20 something trees Every Spring and fall um because we're kind of we're kind of breaking even um something else kind of unrelated uh a long time ago this town passed an ordinance that says trash must be in cans with lids you can't put out your trash in a loose bag and there's really good reasons for this squirrels get into the bags or seagulls get into the bags and then there's trash strewn all over the street uh I personally just seeing a lot of loose bags out there so I just want to remind people that our ordinance says got to be in a can and can's got to have a lid so that doesn't mean like you put out one can and there's five bags all around the can because you can't fit it essentially you need to get another can and uh this is not just because we like rules it's because we want to keep the town clean um so just remember that and uh that is accepted my report thank you councilman okay uh I've got a few things first uh I just want to let people know that the Bradley Beach office of emergency management last Friday was able to acquire a 7500 watt portable generator for use during burrow operations the generator is on permanent loan from Mammoth County Sheriff's Department of the MTH County Office of which is a subset of the MTH County Office of Emergency Management uh this generator will be invaluable for outdoor weather events and has the capacity to power the municipal building in the event of a generator failure this acquisition ensures that the burrow can maintain critical services without relying on jcpnl for immediate assistance during emergencies it's a great step towards enhancing our preparedness and um getting a loan like that is great because it doesn't cost the same thing um we are holding a u the final mayor's Wellness walk this Sunday at 9:00 am this is um one of um our interesting ones in that it's uh bring your dog so it's a walk time for you and your dog um your dog needs to be on leash but come to Brinley Avenue and um we'll be supplying separate water dishes and dog biscuits um for the dogs um Dr um Kathleen Heeney president of the Heeney veterinarian Consulting and retired director of Merc animal health will be um leading this talk it's her it's her part two uh she did one last year and did she did a great job and was extremely uh informative so I'd encourage people it's supposed to be a beautiful day if you'd like to come down and um with your dog feel free um I'm going to just try to hit the highlights on um the library and on the recreation in that um there's just a tremendous amount going on in both and I I encourage you to look at the website but next or Wednesday October 16th there's publishing Pathways it's a workshop for aspiring authors Friday the 18th of O this is the library I'm sorry Friday October 18th a costume ball uh children will be able to um sing uh Play Dance uh Musical games if you want to bring wear a costume that's great it's ages 2 to six registration required Wednesday October 23rd family bingo um there'll be toys office supplies and more there again registration required Thursday October 24th read for the record uh this is a read for the record is really interesting uh it's participating in read for the record by reading the same story that many around the world would be reading at the same time they're trying to set a record for the most people reading the same book at the same day I don't know if it gets in again Book of World Records but it's an interesting idea uh Thursday October 24th Bradley Beach Visual Arts Community presents Harvest and colors art EX exhibition um and again there's a number of other activities just check the website uh lots of great activity by the library we always do a great job Recreation yesterday morning I don't know if um Chief Arnold was there yesterday morning I don't think I don't think you made this one yesterday morning this year yeah did you make it yesterday this morning oh it was this morning okay I'm sorry I who you were you made it no I wasn't there okay good I didn't make it either I made I made it last year but it was a great event um s wck Department Bradley Beach Elementary School team up uh their annual Walk and Roll to school so um great group of kids family and teachers meet at Riley Park and with the assistance of police they uh walk safely to school on time uh because of this partnership and programs like Walk and Roll and learn to ride the school has received bronze level recognition New Jersey safe roots to school program for 2024 through 2026 congratulations uh big weekly lineup at the recreation mat name Monday uh first and third Monday every and again this is all the website um movies at the rec center uh Cherry yoga Monday starting 10:21 from 10:30 to 11:30 table tennis we've got a donated table tennis um ping pong table so from 9: to 3 um on Tuesdays for eight weeks there is a table tennis competition uh homework helpers every Wednesday 3:30 to 4:30 open wreck which entails any number of AC activities every Thursday Friday from 3:00 to 7: uh for all the kids uh open Play Maran is every Friday from 1: to 3 uh and then I think council president Den Noble mentioned this but 1027 is a trunk Retreat which is the third year um which been a highly successful event um and I'm gonna I'm G to just stop my comments there um I got a few more but I'm just going to f it because I talk too much already so now go to public comments and I don't know if there are public comments I'm going to I actually had something just come up that I have to go attend to at home so council president could you handle public please ask it quickly okay I was G to ask if he I got I got a video where the mayor was talking about the chart of study I guess I'll ask is um charart of study commission where he said that he saw a post on Facebook that had misinformation I'm assuming he was talking about mine was you talking about mine no no I was telling I need to see okay um so I wanted to know what the misinformation was because I watched the video and I he didn't specify what the misinformation was except he said that there was a timeline that the commission should this pass would have until March to issue their report March 2025 all the research I did I have done said nine months hello she directed it to you I thought she does say n months for stud right so what the mayor said was it was March which I think is incorrect no that you know that's not months children that's not my month November to to March is not my month did you send me an email on this right M ston yes I did and I provided you with the correct information correct you just said you said watch I don't watch Facebook videos I emailed you back I gave I answered you before you came here today right I gave you permission because I I can't ask the guy that I wanted to ask the question to oh I stly submit that that's not mine so it's nine months it is not March there would not be a special election then in June because he said would be a special election then in June of 2025 yeah that's what he said in his video he said March we'd have to give March of 2025 we'd have to give the report June of 2025 there would be an election and then the following November there would be an election another election on all of the people if I don't I don't know what we said in your post or what social media posts or whatever it is that you're referencing but as I wrot to you in your email the commission's elected they have to be organized they have nine months until August of 20125 to complete their recommendation if they recommend that the form of government should change there's a referendum again in November whether that's going to happen or not and depending on whether the vote is yes or no it would be reset in 2026 okay so he was incorrect and I can like I said I don't I haven't seen the video I what was said I'm just s the correct information I did see the video you are correct you are correct the mayor was incorrect yeah okay because I read very carefully that petition I follow all the rules I know people don't do that but I do and I don't like it when somebody says that I'm giving misinformation out and then does not say what the misinformation is I don't know that's weird but whatever you should say what the misinformation is do you two agree I agree all right but he's not here so for clarity if I can ask Greg a question and not take up people's time um does that if people vote Yes and they do see a five persons Charter study commission do they actually take their seats on January 1st or does it start like the day after election day P to organized within 30 days I've SE it I've done my research perfect so it starts before the end of That's great so we don't have to wait till January it says you have to organize by November November 15 you have 15 days after the November election you have to set your agendas as a practical matter what happens is you have the first meeting but you have no secretary you have an attorney you have nothing right and so the first meeting is really just to select who the chairperson's going to be to then gather all that and then come back and approve those people and have the bur Council for the expenses is part of it as well so the first meeting is really what do we need what's our budget submitted to the council and then once the council authorized it's really not till December that you actually sit down and maybe have a hearing or what have you because you got to get those people in place thank you very much Mrs Davison would you want me to share the information that he had was incorrect do you want me to maybe write him an email I I know what he said I mean right he said it in the video okay I'm gonna share that in an email to him to let him know that he's I I would point out that I provided you guys at one point with a memo that had the entire timel and you can feel free to share that it's not it's not really pry did you share that with the mayor as well I'm pretty sure he shared it with every I thought so too maybe we can ask the mayor to correct his misinformation that he's putting out thank you thank you for bringing that to our attention very okay I I just have a few comments Lindy rley Avenue I don't know who to ask this to but um I look through our rfps and we have an RFP for engine uh environmental and demolition of engineer services for the 319 lra project why is this here and why are we doing it again what's the date that you have on that it's it's 23 I just un shove my phone it's July 10th 2023 we never did we never did it I just asking the question do you recall this Mr Canon you look I mean I mean we could try but none of the people that actually know the answer here oh it's not convenient okay I just had a question because looking at this I know I know because I'm not being angry either I'm just like curious because I honestly I've been looking at this website for months now because I've been doing nothing and um I didn't see it there all the time and I just kind of found it so Mr Steepy the at that point in time there was there was an understanding that that we were uh we were not we were the burrow the question was at the time who's going to do the Demolition and we were talking about selling the property intact subdividing deed restricting doesn't say that though no no I know that's why I'm curious about the date you got because there was I'll call it confusion or or inconsistent understanding around what role the burough would play in Demolition and we up until October 25th 2023 there was this confusion and on that date the entire Council of five voted that we would sell the property subdivide D District sell it to an entity and that entity would do the the demolition so further discussion on this topic is one of the biggest problems that happens within the council and the mayor's administrative form whatever you want to call it he jumps topics he doesn't stay with one topic and maybe come back to it in a month he waits six months nine months to come back to it why are we looking at the engineering report from the recreation center when that was from we got the grant last year like that should have been like been moving along instead of coming all at one time it's a lot to swallow for anybody you know you guys have a lot of work to do and to go through all these proposals at one time for these resolutions it would have been so much easier if you had maybe one a month instead of like six so that would be my suggestion it's a very good suggestion you know I and I think the audience here and all the residents would be able to easy would be easier to follow along um the other thing is um wait a second because I'm losing my train of thought with that um plan that we had for the rec center uh councilman whoever weren't your trees that had to be addressed on that site that you were concerned about and I don't know if we ever got to follow up on that well the memo or whatever a companied that still talks about tree removal uh but I'm not convinced that we need to remove the so that's just one aspect and the other thing I would like to suggest is maybe we should get our um environmental report done now and not wait for anybody so we're at least one step ahead I like that idea you know I just we're just like waiting forever for to get things done and there one more thing I to remember what it is um oh Main Street if we do follow through with Main Street in a timely fashion I would like to see the North End done first thank you because they're always done last I like it good idea Miss meta so miss kind of names thank you're welcome um I had the most Divine experience getting my tree from meeting with two people on the commission well I can and the L on and then there in the pouring rain well let's go back Public Works digging the hole exactly where I wanted it and then the pouring torrential rain there's our own councilman Mr Weber planting my tree which I had been watering religiously and up getting pooped so had I known this was such a seamless procedure I would have done it a really long time ago I have a lot of property I just am now envisioning trees and I'm going to save the containers that I got from Mr Duffy to water them with so like shade tree commission I'm count me in on trees so thank you I wish other parts of this community could work that way and then it was staked in the pouring rain by DPW I mean just great and yet they don't have a contract it's hard for me to look them in the face quite honestly because I don't know what to say on the other side of things the website and interesting that the mayor and Mr sh has left so it's kind of the only one to hear me really would be Mr goosi um there Ocean Park Avenue was torn up and detoured yesterday would have been nice had there been an announcement on the website that was actually a resident um well I I I I happen to be there and me too I couldn't yeah and I think they they they were just redoing their own pipe and it had to go out further than they expected and they had to dig up it was an emergency kind of situation if I I whatever I'm just saying those are the kinds of things that I personally would like to see on the website announcements not not a personal announcement from the mayor but something that would help others in town yes um I've said this before the tax bills I really truly believe we would eliminate some problems if when you mail them out which it's got to be any day now you include in it in multil language the procedures for snow removal and your cars that tax bill goes to every single property owner if you don't live here and you rent it out it's your job as a landlord to then forward that information there is not one property owner that would not get the information because here's the thing how does p DPW do their job when the cards aren't moved it's kind of like the street sweeping bed um cards are not ticketed DW can't do their job so what department could help ebw do their job I wonder um but again I really think that that could be helpful and if not at least gives you something to stand behind with you were given the information um we're back to the old separation of church and state and it really bothers me that you um Mr denov mentioned in your report all these activities and the holiday activity and there we were guess it was last week where the temple had a event or gathering um to celebrate their New Year where everyone was cordially invited um I don't know what went down with that do they have to have a permit did they apply for a permit did we wave a permit do they not need a permit costs that were acred did they pay for that I don't see where we as a community pay for their costs when they're doing something that the whole Community is invited to and I find this really unfair because again where do you draw the line with what religion with what group I don't want to judge um and these are things that I think the new Administration no matter who would be and I'm sorry that a possibility Mr sh walked out but somebody's going to need to deal with all this because it's bigger than Bradley Beach it is really denying separation of church and state and fism which we know this Administration favors businesses for I will get off of that I'm still waiting for p&l on the W Department because I cannot imagine the money that's spent and wasted there um um idling we had our own resolution that we couldn't idle our own vehicles for more than three minutes um or whatever you said um but then we said that resolutions expire after one year so I would say can we turn that into an ordinance just our own Municipal vehicle should not idle I've brought this up before and I would think regarding stop signs and being reminded that we need to stop at them I would think that would also apply to a full stop and that would apply to law enforcement but Sly me thinks that laws apply to everyone thank you thank you can I ask Chief Arnold something not about the sou um if something is in is a Jersey Law then do we need an ordinance in town or right so it's just like you know stopping at a stop sign is a state law and so the ising this state law and so we don't need to I guess the resolution was done to kind of H at home remind remind people so we need to still remind people well I think the environmental commission has this idea has an idea not this idea has an idea that we have some un money that we haven't used and we're going to maybe see about getting signs and putting them up in certain places about no idoling to remind people we're the sign City I may have to hello say your name and address 614 Avenue um talking about the idol of cars um I live on 600 block actually 614 uh on Maine and U by line um the street light there I don't know how long it is but very long so we get cars backed up idling I think it's a three minute light I have never actually timed it but it's the longest light in the town yes it is is it oh my God say the of I had a friend that almost fell asleep on it he told me um but anyway it's it's a problem because we get four five cars maybe three that reach our house and at that point the cars are idle and uh at a good uh time um and also um I think they need a um a loading zone on Main Street right there by the butter biscuit there's quite a few stores there I know on the 600 block on Main Street there's a load on for the liquor store um there's none on 600 lot which is um I think necessary because we got a lot of deliveries from you know the restaurants and they all mostly go on the side street on the rain so we have those trucks there and um so I think um a loading zone cross police station would be a perfect 15 minute loading zone um and timing of that light we got look into that I have a quick question for you what what time do you notice the deliveries coming in um it's actually all day it is all day yeah it is all day we did add a a loaning Zone on Second Avenue and it's from I think 6:00 AM to 2: pm and that seem to help a lot and also um talking about Second Avenue um I noticed the uh streets uh parking spots are mocked out yes and I think that's a great idea for the whole town I agree with you especially the limited Park especially you know from the restaurants and people that come don't know how to park and they take up two spots and I think those parking Mark out spots would really help I think you have a brilliant idea and I agree with you how how did they get him on Second Street did somebody have to request them um mayor Larry fox actually did that all does he live on second no he son M but uh I live on third so that's why I know about these l spots but um I I think especially in the 600 blocks it's very helpful to have marked out of all the restaurants Andes and pizza places and people's driveways get blocked ever since we had those lines put in they don't get blocked anymore so I know it helps a lot yeah so hopefully maybe that's something we could do in 2020 C with our new mayor thank you Mr Coan J 612 thirr Avenue um I prepared all these questions for the administration and um or Eric is the only one here from the administration and I can do my best I can't promise you anything so my first question is um it was alluded to by Miss meow uh when will the tax bills be out or you just going to hold them till after the election oh gosh no okay no those those should be out shortly I don't even think we've received them from the county yet to be honest with okay okay I'll I'll double check on it but I I don't recall seeing those at all yet days until the election and by the way um being that they're going to be late you know we're going to get them late get them out late there of course will bece caring an extension okay thank you and then I was wondering uh when we will receive the 2023 audit which was due July 1 I was wondering if that's going to be held till after the election sorry my hum um I don't know okay did you make a note for the mayor maybe he can answer my question and then uh my next question is when will we receive the 2023 2022 audit corrective action plan which was due in 2023 uh I contacted DCA local Finance board Christina zichi this week and uh she informed me that they don't have one on file and I can't find one on the town website so I don't know how we you know administering our money when we have such a bad audit report for 2022 the audit report for 2023 is held back should have been out in July and now we don't even have a corrective action plan to say what our Direction was from the bad 2022 I unfortun I'm sorry I'm sorry to say this okay but I know you relay that right you know you know I will I know you will also I did have I have a document unfortunately but I will Rel that okay okay yeah it's it's it's more fun when he's here but thank you for I'm not fine no you're fine but just you know there's a little more excitement uh the other thing is is there is a video that the mayor put out which uh where he bragged about the tax rate the tax rate was going down well I I just want to clarify for people who don't really understand the process that the rate has to go down it's nobody's taking credit for that like he is because you added 161 million 4 89,000 increase to the rails so the rake has to go down so again this misinformation that people get I find to be very frustrating and I would hope the council would demand immediately that we get the things that I'm asking for it's beyond you know the DCA is giving out grants and everything but clearly DCA local Finance board isn't doing a Smash Up job protecting the residents the DC is giving out fines too to certain people others yeah not not to anyone else they they get waivers you know it's I think what do it refer to as politics thank you very much thank you thank you TJ um anybody on anybody else anybody on Zoom no I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting do I have a second second all in favor I I