##VIDEO ID:2LeW4HvH05s## it is Monday September 16th at 7:30 and I call the meeting of the Brainard city council to order Tony can you call the rooll yep go ahead oday here stun here Terry stanglin here Johnson here chz here bans here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all sorry about that item number four is the approval of the agenda is there a move to approve move Johnson second by Johnson second by stting line any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries item five is the consent calendar notice to the public that all matters listed are considered routine by the council will be enacted by one motion there'll be no separate discussion of these items unless good cause is shown prior to the time the council votes on the motion to be adopted by roll call is there a move to adopt the consent calendar so move sting line motions by stting line is there a second second second by stunich any discussion hearing none toony please call the rooll oday yes stun yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chesak yes bans yes the consent calendar is adopted item number six is presentation item number 6A is the blade presentation I don't know who's coming forth to make the presentation come on up tell us your name and address and tell us all about blade all right in can you do it in less than like how long 15 minutes 10 minutes oh definitely yeah 9 10 yeah okay thank you I talk fast so it might be all right shorter and your name and address Talia Broadhead 2102 Bradley Court Brainard Minnesota 56401 thank you mhm so I am here uh to fill you in on all the exciting news all right let's figure out how to do the clicker so uh we started in 2019 um in croing county and to comeb back the drug you use um in our County and in 2023 um we last September we were awarded um we were one out of two coalitions in Minnesota to receive the drug-free Community Grant and that is providing $125,000 per year um for the next 5 years and so since then in the last year we've had many successes um we're kind of driven by the um and follow guidelines from kadka and um our goals is to um increase Community collaboration develop a youth Leadership Council um provide them the training and the education to to kind of come alongside us and fight the substance use um kind of disorder in our youth um build and maintain relationships with the school districts uh and um we also provide training and education for our members um and then just continue to support and stand by the recovery Community um the drug-free Community Grant is made up and our Coalition is made up of uh 12 sectors um and we have really really strong um um members from each sector um and we continue to grow so I think I really want to celebrate and kind of just um mostly is our successes and um what we're doing in the community in within the last year we've served over 900 students um as we've partnered with Minnesota prevention and Recovery Alliance and they provide a um um know the truth program and so myself last year have gone into the schools we've been in um Brainard High School Brainard Learning Center linkoln Education Center in the Forest View Middle School seventh grades um and so I go in there I bring people with lived experience currently clients that um are in the Minnesota adult and Teen Challenge program and they come out and share their lived experience and I feel like that has the most impactful um kind of statement with the kids they're really um interested and ask a lot of questions um but from personal experience we know that um kids start you using um or experimenting or are first exposed um most I mean usually like with a family member or a friend um and they're just not really aware of the consequences um and the dangers that it really leads to um we're just kind of um I don't know Society it just kind of a lot of things are normalized you know um so that's um pretty big part of what we've done the last um year we've also had two of our Coalition members myself and Kelly Johnson um we're both really huge Advocates um in the program but we've went out um to Arizona um we some in-depth education supported by kadka um and so we graduate in December in Washington DC and so we just kind of bring back everything that we learned from there and kind of um put the boots to the ground um in January 2024 with the help of opiate fund reliefs in Crowing County we awarded $200,000 in Grants to 11 local organizations and so we have quarterly Grant meetings and they all come in person and provide updates um on our next quarterly Grant meeting is September it's in 2 weeks the fourth Friday of this month so excited to see what they're all doing um their initiatives align with blades initiatives um and so partnering with them has been really successful uh back to kind of like the youth Leadership Council um it's kind of been a it's you know getting into the schools is always a little um there's barriers right um which is understandable and respect we respect that um my son Dylan he is an eighth grader at Forest VI Middle School I've uh kind of put him in and he's the first um kid that has been to the capital um we were partners with the Minnesota um um smoke free generation and we were advocating for the smoke uh the flavor band um last fall and so we met with sectors and representatives and um Dylan was both um able to share his personal experience with um substances I mean he has some older siblings that experience with vaping and nicotine and drinking and so um he was able to share how that negatively impact his his life and so we hope in the next year for um that just to grow and to um gain um other children that also have the same passion um we're in the community um we just continue to expand and um been out to the brainer and baxer night outs we've been at the March Expo croan County far hopefully you all stopped there and visited us um we've kind of started with an anti-vaping campaign this year um we do we will be targeting T THC and alcohol as well and our main goal is just to reduce the use um in our youth and so we um we provide resources um and uh guide them to other organizations in the community that can help them um additional successes um are also the like I spoke with the anti vaping campaign be smart don't start we've also supported the Naran vending machine in the local croan County Jail Lobby which is free for the community um and also just continued training and education to our members during our monthly meetings um we've had the Lakes area drug um investigative Division and they came and kind of um educated us on local drug Trends um and then we also partner with wilder research and they provide all our data um from Minnesota student surveys and also the know the truth data that we um receive by surveys that we provide the youth um when we're in the schools and so one of my biggest successes is our annual recovery our walk for recovery and so that was just this past week on Thursday um it was a huge success uh like I said it's the third annual um we almost doubled in size um we added the dunk tank and we had the law enforcement in there so that was a huge hit um we estimated serving 325 people that evening we provided free um do bro Pizza um we held our first mocktail bar uh hosted by just juice and so that was really um kind of a dream of mine of just um instead of talking the talk walking the walk alongside the recovery community and providing them an atmosphere and a space to um just celebrate and so uh we also had face painting rock painting um we had Lakeland news there um the big guy Eric and so um like I said it was a huge success and so I'm super um thankful to be a part of that um we have some important events coming up um and so this Thursday we're going to have Chad he's going to be um um speaking um to law enforcement first aid and any family members that are also you know support um people in that line of work and so um it's free uh and so that's going to be at the Art Center so everyone's welcome we also have next week Wednesday open to the community um the tall cop is going to be there educating on he used to be in law enforcement they call him tall because he is tall and so uh there is also going to be on Thursday an all day seminar for professionals working in the substance use field um and so that again is a free event um both of those are sponsored by blade and so I just encourage anybody that's available to come out and spread the word uh one more event that we have um in the near future is uh blade partnering with the law enforcement and this year or this it's this um event is Nationwide and we're part we do it uh twice a year and this time is going to be at the Brainard cup Foods um and it's just a safe place for people to come and use or deposit their misused or um expired or unwanted medication and so just kind of joining forces with that um opiate you know fighting the opiate epidemic um getting people talking about it again a lot of people um even P people that I personally know that um have started with a you know they ended with a heroin addiction um but it started with just some medic medication that was left over from Grandma or Mom or a husband so um it's it's an important topic that we continue to want to talk about but uh and just to keep it short like I said we want to continue um we star focused with the anti vaping but we really want to also um bring awareness and education around underage drinking and the THC use which we're all kind of getting used to um in Minnesota um but also with that youth Leadership Council educating them to Advocate um for their futures um and teaching them also um how laws and ordinances work and how to make change uh and then um we also hope to partner with law enforcement with the responsible um beverage serving training with local organizations and also kind of maybe some um uh partnering with law enforcement as well um for and incentivizing local businesses for um not serving minors and um iding properly I apologize I kind of stumbled over my words there but um we meet uh the fourth Friday of every month um it is hybrid it's iners and virtual and so um definitely get a hold of me or um any any one of the members and we'd love to have you so again thank you for this time any questions any questions president PE yeah Mr chz yes uh thank you for your presentation I I you're not condoning the use of the recre recreational marijuana then that's correct right correct okay so do you know if the blade organization or in one way or another push back on the legislation to approve that at the state level no we were not involved with any of that you didn't push back you didn't that yeah definitely hav hasn't been on any any of our agendas no mean did you so you did not make an effort to push back against the legislation approving the recreational no you did not okay thank you any other questions Kelly I have a question yeah um the the vending machine the Naran vending machine I think I asked somebody before it came out to the jail whether it was going to be um is it the is it the nasal spray or is it the needle nasal spray M thank you yeah again thank Echo Mr chz thank you so much for coming how does somebody get involved with helping do you have a phone number or yeah well so um Facebook I'm very active on Facebook and you could always me uh message but um Tony has my email and I could always afford a calendar invite so my myself talia. Broadhead mm.org perfect can you do that one more time slow yes Talia I have red hair. Broadhead at mn.org perfect thank you or you can get a hold of city hall or go on Facebook thank you very much Mr hang on tell you I just I don't have a question just want to remind people and the staff or mics oh yeah okay thank you y Jeff chz just wanted to remind staff and council members turn your mics on thank you Jeff thank you Kelly you bet item 7 is Council committee report 7A as personal finance committee chairman Gabe Johnson thank you Mr President we have six items the first of which is to authorize the sale a c retired CSO vehicle and the motion is to authorize the sale of the retired Community Service Officer vehicle number 443 using Enterprise Fleet Management and I so move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich chairman Johnson so 29 2019 Ford F-150 with like 40,000 miles on it thank you any further discussion be Mr is this a auction or just an outright sale Mr Johnson do you know it's using Enterprise Fleet Management maybe Connie would have a better understanding of how it goes Connie hman correct so the motion is to utilize uh Enterprise Fleet Management to uh sell the vehicle so we lease our vehicles to Enterprise they will sell our vehicles on their website and we get the proceeds is it something that anybody can bid on or I do believe so yes okay so it is an auction type it is an auction Ty thank you thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries please proceed thank you next up is an adoption of a resolution and the motion is to adopt the resolution authorizing police chief John Davis the authority to execute the 2024 Traffic Safety enforcement Grant and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich chairman Johnson we uh get every year we manage it administratively here in the city but we work with all the law enforcement agencies around on this grant thank you any further discussion hearing none all oh it's a resolution torney please call the rooll OD yes stunich yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chz yes bans yes that resolution is adopted please proceed I think next up is our fee schedule and the motion out of committee is to direct staff to use the proposed fee schedule and create an ordinance and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stun chairman Johnson so we have the fee schedule is being changed on a few of our fees but mainly the fee schedule in the past has just been adopted by resolution and it hasn't been been in an ordinance anywhere and staff is saying it it's probably a better idea if we have an adopted ordinance with our fee schedule so they recommend going in that direction that's what this motion does thank you any further discussion we just EXC we we have an ordinance then coming back before us once we if we approve this is that how this an ordinance will come before us yeah thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed think next up is the uh approval of the health insurance renewal and the motion is to approve the 2025 health insurance renewal as received from The Better Health Collective with an average 8% annual increase across all four of our health plans and with a 15% rate cap on our 2026 renewal and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed okay next up is the h ra a preliminary Levy request we had a split vote in committee on this the H requested $28,995 3,960 which is what their Levy was last year I'm not going to make a motion now because it'll be part of the resolution setting the preliminary L later okay any comment on the at Levy well can I ask just okay so we're not taking it as a recommendation from PNF now you're going to wait till we set our Levy that's what he just said yeah unless and okay so essentially you're moving it to that portion of our yeah instead of voting on it twice yeah just vote on it once right thank you well the only thing is the only thing is you you may you may complicate the general Levy vote okay I'll I'll make a motion then I I think it'd be cleaner y okay I'd move to set the HRA 2025 preliminary Levy at $173,900 received a letter from uh Duval the chair chairman Duval um requesting that we go with a higher amount but I wasn't in that letter I didn't see anything that was really specific for the difference in what they're trying to Levy versus what they had last year C can you can you fill me in on that yeah so the primary difference is they were they increased a line item uh by $45,000 that is uh board initiatives something like that is up by $45,000 in the in the chance that uh The rard Oaks developer may get a Minnesota housing Grant and may possibly need some Gap funding like we don't know what that amount is or would be it's just kind of a placeholder number and then also with that lb you requested increased their fund balance over at the H by $30,000 thank you thank you any further discussion yeah Mr bevans Mr chz as I understand the uh developer at the uh Outlaw f is looking to get a $100,000 of Housing Trust Fund dollars is that what and then this would be in addition to that the 45,000 that they want addition to their increase to that's where the increase comes from yeah that's what that that's what that proposed budget is yes so our taxpayers are already levied for the Housing Trust Fund so I that's all I needed thank you thank you any further discussion all right we have a motion uh by Johnson a second by stunich weer discussion all in favor of the HRA Levy the exact amount I think was 1739 960 hearing no further discussion all in favor say I I iose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you Mr Johnson yeah thank you and the final item was a preliminary Park Board budget we had a little bit of discussion on this their budget operating budget is an 18% increase in 25 over 24 so we just directed staff to kind of take a second look at it and go talk to the park board and see if there's anything in that 18% increase that that can be put off to Future years that's just not a sustainable rate of increasing you know but looking at it the it's largely Personnel Services so there really not much we can do there we have a settled contract and that is what it is but anyway we directed saff to go back to the parkboard and come back to the council with ideas thank you no motion on this out PNF any comments or questions on the preliminary Park Board budget hearing none ask a question yes so I understand that the um part of the uh increase was in operations was uh two seasonal full-time staff at a cost of roughly $8 or $9,000 each MH what's the percentage if somebody could come up with a rough idea of that 18% that that would cover just those two is there some last year Jeff their budget was basically a million dollars flat so every $10,000 is 1% okay so about 1 and a half to 1 and 3/4 yeah yeah about 1.8 no 1.8 we close there you go all right any other questions on the parkboard budget hearing none Mr chair end of report thank you very much next up is 7B safety and Public Works committee chairman Mr Mike OD day thank you Mr President we also had six items tonight uh first of which was the bids for downtown snow removal for 2425 winter uh motion coming out of Staff or out of committee was to go with staff's recommendation of awarding the 2425 downtown snorm removal services contract to Advantage Home Pros I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion Mr chair yeah we had two very similar bids um very very similar this the the math gets better when there's higher amounts of snow with this bid uh we are assured that they have uh the same types or similar types of equipment um this is first time we've gone with anyone besides Tom's backo you know as as long as I know um and Tom's has always done a good job uh just came down to the number on the bid I guess and we we'll just see how uh Advantage does in taking care of the snow thank you any further discussion yes Mr President Mr ches I I think what we see here is potentially um a lower cost next year based on somebody else looking at this and maybe sharpening their pencils a little more for next year thank you any further discussion chairman Johnson yeah I think it's kind of a risk to go away from what you know is reliable to save like 13 cents or 18 cents or whatever it is on 4 Ines of snow but you know if this is staff's recommendation they're confident in it I I I think let's go forward with it and maybe maybe we do see lower bids in future years now that we have two willing businesses willing to get in on it so I support it thank you Mr stun I have a question yes in the event that I mean we're going with Advantage Home Pros what if halfway through the snow season we're not happy with their performance is there any way of getting out of that and going backward to Tom's back or anything like that or are we stuck just curious if they're meet not meeting the specifications of the contract that is something that we can address through a notice to cure in the contract yeah I I don't know how you could ever answer that for both of no but I just right it came across my brain okay any further discussion hearing none the motion is to Advantage snow Pro or Advantage Home Pros all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you item number two was uh Bridge Inspection Services proposal and motion coming out of committee was to appr approve the proposal from Bolton and mink for bridge Inspection Services in the amount of 2,400 $ and I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by Stang line any discussion Mr chair something that we have to do every couple years get our bridges inspected these guys are familiar with it and it's a minimal cost in the grand scheme of things thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppos same sign motion carries please proceed thank you item number three was uh traffic control change at intersection of 5ifth Avenue Northeast and D Street Northeast um after some discussion uh the motion coming out of committee was to leave the intersection as is and I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion Mr oday yeah if you guys remember a meeting or two ago Mr chzo had a request to look at this intersection see if we can make it any safer uh staff's research kind of showed that it didn't weren't being uh a four-way stop just due to traffic counts and and pedestrian Crossings and everything else that was counted um so we could technically remove the North and South stop sign and possibly improve it um but our discussions we we just decided the traffic collisions in the last five years and everything uh didn't really warrant making a change at this time and maybe we'll just look into it after we do the 210 project and traffic changes through Northeast which inevitably it will that was kind of what we decided on thank you Mr chair any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you uh next item was a requested Direction by staff regarding signs within the right of way and uh this was a split vote but the motion coming out of committee uh two to1 vote was to stay complaint-based with our uh or sign complaints and I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chesk any discussion Mr chair obviously we're in in election season um sometimes we have signs pop up in areas where they're not supposed to be through state law um most people know they have to keep it behind the sidewalk some people don't uh we do receive some complaints just like any other law or ordinance that we have to follow uh we just decided some of us decided that we should uh just keep it complaint-based knowing the risk that maybe one side receives complaints more than the other side I don't know what sides I'm talking about maybe you guys do um that that is the motion excellent uh Tiffany sine uh I was the dissenting vote I I would rather see us for this one thing signs have staff actively enforce it just because I I think it puts staff in a really awkward uh place to try and explain why they took those signs but not those signs um whichever signs are which or all of the signs um so that's why I did not support the motion thank thank you Mr chesa you know after hearing what Tiffany just said uh perhaps we could have another motion coming out of here if uh if you would allow that uh if staff is called to a location where there's an improper sign place don't make the motion and they see we have a motion I I'm not making a Motion sounds like I'm making a comment I'm making a motion I say I move to do that I'm not doing that I said perhaps perhaps if this passes we could also have staff if they're called to a location and they see other signs in the near vicinity they also take care of those if there's a complaint about a sign or sign if staff is on location and sees that that's what I would probably suggest if I could be allowed to do that once we vote on this any further discussion chairman Johnson I've noticed a lot of M Day signs in the public right away I'd like to complaint on all of them right now not enough can we replace them with mine I since everybody spoke I'm going to support no on this this I think if it's in the right away pick it up it's too much you know better every person running knows better if you're going to stick it in the right away it should be picked up you can go down to the city garage and pick it up and stick it back in the yard and I I agree with Tiffany I think this really puts puts a lot of and you just heard Gabe Johnson tongue and cheek mentioned the Mich Day signs but rest assured this will happen and I think if if if uh if somebody complains that's great complain but staff should have the right to pick them all up without waiting for somebody to complain and create a a um you know create any potential political dissension with our staff if you want to speak again everybody's going to speak again oh I have to defend my record well I I'm pretty sure that was tongue and cheek I know but I will I do have more comments just round two on the political signs which is against our ordinance by the way to have them in the RightWay go ahead all right so I can't help when when people put Micha Day signs right next to the street I I don't put them there for the record I I don't either wa I can't help where people move them but I do put them in legal areas um there's nothing to do with uh why or why I say that we should keep it more of a common sense sense approach I don't think that we should have our staff out there aggressively managing where signs are and measuring how many feet from the curb and the the way that we used to do it with grass it's it works so much better when when we do it with complaint-based and use common sense if our staff sees a sign that's clearly not in a legal spot if it's in a park if it's on a Boulevard or if it's clearly in the right of way where it's not supposed to be between the street and the sidewalk then go ahead but we don't need to send our staff out like some kind of gestapo of of election signs this is a temporary thing that's going to last about six or seven more weeks that's all Mr Mayor I 100% agree with you Mike on that that if we remember the last time that we had s gate at the city of Briner uh I don't wish to relive that so let's just take a common sense approach to this if it's a danger if there's a gigantic sign in the triang wait listen you got giant sign in the Triangle of site at a stop at a stop sign potentially we got to have something like that removed but if if we're driving around picking up people signs we're wasting the citizens time and money thank you Mr stun was next oh go ahead Mr Johnson oh I'll reaffirm my support for this motion and just sa the previous sign Gates I think if you'll remember it wasn't really politicians it was a lot of real estate agents who had their signs picked up and were not very happy with the city of br support real estate sign gate okay anybody else got something burning they need to say yeah I'll say what I said in committee I had the sign gate issue where uh a nebor Mr chz go ahead I I am um the uh the individual had the sign on his side of the sidewalk and staff came along and said uh we're taking this and he said why because we have to and it was in the proper place so our staff if they're going to do this they need discretion use better discretion than was that occurred during sign gate so right but I'm in favor of the motion Tiffany round two okay I I don't I don't I'm not sure that anybody suggested that staff should be out looking for sides it's just a matter of if they see him versus versus calling in so if you vote in favor if you vote I you're voting in favor of complaint based sign gate all in favor say say I I oppose same sign I and the motion passes let's proceed thank you IEM number five we had a consideration of pass citations for 10002 15th Street Southeast um motion coming out of committee was to forgive the owner or previous owner uh Mr Degan $500 worth of the $717 and10 that were in question and I so move second motion by OD day second by ch any discussion Mr chair so this was a bit of a complicated issue uh Mr Degan spoke to us at committee and explained his side of it uh he had a tenant that he could not uh evict in a timely fashion due to a lot of different complicating factors uh there were separate citations uh from one of our staff in Community Development and then there was another set of citations for other issues from a different part of our staff uh they did not communicate this was this is all last year or the year before maybe a combination of both um in the end the property is cleaned up it has actually been sold I believe um and in that sale Mr Degan noticed the $717 still remaining as a citation um he did offer you know paying the administrative part of it uh that's where that's where we came up to uh a random number of $500 instead of the full 717 um if you agree with it vote yes thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you the last item we had was another citation discussion considering pass citations and abatements for 1113 uh Rosewood Street and this is Mr Dave Braverman uh motion coming out of committee was to forgive all citations aside from abatement charges and I so move second motion by o day second by chz any discussion um I can I can explain a little bit of it I think we've all heard from this individual at least at spw once before maybe at the council level as well um Mr Braverman wasn't able to get into his property due to some legal constraints from a past partner um he couldn't clean it up uh the person living in the house kind of had him um strapped in that way but now he has taken control of his house he's got it cleaned up uh the abatement charges are the abatement charges we don't typically forgive those uh but we did forgive him in citations I think it was over $4,000 altogether to help him uh get back to taking care of his property and staying on his feet thank you Mr chair any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed end of report thank you very much number eight is unfinished business number 8A is accepting the resignation of Colin Francis from the Planning Commission do you need to accept this I think we probably should is there a motion to moved second by Johnson second by Stang line any discussion all in favor say I I for same sign motion carries thank you Colin Francis Item B is call for applicants uh we'll turn it over to Mayor Flapjack bedau who that's a new one wow all right I'll take it uh the following applications are available on our website uh check us out see if you want to join us see if you want to have some fun in some committees Charter commission two terms expiring 2026 two terms expiring 2025 Transportation advisory committee two terms expiring 2026 we also have one term on the Eda The Economic Development Authority expiring 2026 thank you Mr Mayor and as council president I have uh two positions open on one of my absolute favorite commissions next to the tree Commission of course with all respect the parking commission one term to expire in 2026 and one term to expire in 2028 uh item uh 8 C is discussion of the airport commission Levy request um or I believe this is what we had tabled from last time correct Mr administrator okay do we handle the table first or is it okay if we have a little discussion Mr attorney handle the table first okay so the motion was if I'm not mistaken out of PNF was a motion by Terry second by stunich am I right for the airport was was it 150 even yes okay so that motion is brought back on the table motion by Terry second by stunich any discussion chairman Johnson okay I was the no vote in committee you know since we know the county isn't looking at increasing their contribution to the airport and we're in a rough budget year I saw no reason for us to increase ours even if it was such a small amount so I I no thinking we should hold it flat okay any further discussion yes Mr chz um throughout this process uh going back uh well last November when we got the first initial uh ask of uh the county to consider taking over the ownership uh that that fell apart here not too recently and uh so now we're talking airport Levy discussion because of our budget upcoming Levy and budget and um one of the things that was very clear throughout the whole process was and I worked uh very closely with commissioner Corin on this it was always the fair thing to do is for the county to take it over so that Levy the levy is shared throughout the entire County the entire Levy and now when we find out or the county finds out that there's some staff Staffing requirements because that's what was determined in August August 1st the uh FAA got all worked out of what we need to do for ownership and um once the uh once it was determined that there's going to be additional staff work for County Employees if they were to take over ownership they just said no we're not interested but like the levy still sits there which I think everybody agrees is completely unfair for the city to pick up virtually half of this 300 what 15,000 3 312 whatever it is of of a uh by splitting it essentially with the county and brainard's taxed twice not double but twice and uh I'm not in favor of this 150 and I'll be voting no thank you Mr tzk any further discussion any further discussion hearing none okay the motion was for the 150,000 I you know I think if there's well let's try it this way all in favor say I I oppose same sign I I it appears to be a tie so I've got stunich stanglin and OD day affirmative chz Johnson and bevans as a negative Mr Mayor Flapjack right right is not coming up it is coming up how much is 150 Grand in flapjacks right now it's not really the time to talk about Flapjacks always the time unless they're aerial born uh so just so I'm clear on this this is an increase from 126 to 150 correct 146 146 I had written down 126 1468 080 08 Z okay uh ju due to our budgetary concerns right now and the and Zia is onto the park board we're sending budgets back to the park board right now is the time in which we have got to start tightening our belts we heard it and clear online when we presented what our preliminary may be H we are in a position right now where we have to start looking at dollars and cents and so I am in favor of keeping the levy as was so I am a no vote on this and the motion fails four to three Mr chair Mr ches I move that we uh set our Levy for the airport at $11,000 we have a motion by Chic to set the airport Levy at $11,000 is there a second I'll second we have a second by Johnson let's discuss it yeah Mr JZ sure um like I said earlier um this is an unfair situation for Brer taxpayers who I represent and everybody here represents them there's also three County board members that represent the same taxpayers all of us to they have three districts throughout the city of Brainard and um there's no doubt I nobody's going to give me a rational explanation I can't find it I've asked there's no rational explanation why the county cannot administer this entire Levy um and it it's based on one thing and that's fairness and when you're taxing people twice there's no other explanation for that there's no other example of unfairness that I've ever heard of and if you spread this Levy out against the whole entire County tax base it's a much easier pill to swallow for everybody and just take for instance any any City in croing County outside of Brainard um the benefits the airport brings are equal whether it's nisah Crosby Baxter and those three cities pay through their property tax to Crowing County we have it twice when you live in Brainard so if you own a business in Brainard you live in brainer now you get it four times so I I I think that the county has a chance here to take on an additional Levy increase because they have a meeting a week from tomorrow a regular meeting that they can certainly amend what they already set as a preliminary Levy of their 166 and change 166,000 and they have the opportunity now to do the right thing and we still have our stake in the game our horse in the race with Finance thank you Connie HR thank you Chris it thank you Sean and all that work is still administered by who the brainer taxpayers paying the salaries for these people and uh I think it's the fair thing to do and if somebody's got a rational reason why we shouldn't do this I'd love to hear it thank you Mr chizik chairman Johnson may I ask the attorney a question absolutely Joel based on your understanding of the ordinance that says we contribute the same amount but one side can give more or one side can can we just set it to $1,000 this year and are we following our airport ordinance if we do that so mayor and Council my and I don't have the ordinance in front of me that was a an ordinance adopted by both parties as I recall and in contained language the effect that if one party reduces the levy then it's reduced by the other party as well obviously $1,000 isn't going to go anywhere uh so um yeah I mean can you do it as I understand it without the document from yes you can do it I I would assume it's going to lead to further discussions by the parties but Mr Nothing Stops you from do Mr Johnson has the floor well that answers my question I I guess yeah I don't have anything else right now thank you let's see if anybody who hasn't spoken wants to speak Joe was incorrect I I think I just wanted to clarify it well okay he said that if one side reduces the other does as well is that what I heard I believe that the other side can yes can yeah they can okay they don't have to though don't have to but again I don't have that document in front of me either that's what I want clarification on yep that that's the way I read it Mr chz thank you okay any further discussion I I have a comment but I'll let Mr go I missed in the motion is this a preliminary or are we setting the airport Levy officially right here well everything's preliminary until we adopt okay that's all you know so we can't go but we can't go uh we can't go up correct we can we can go down we can reduce it so if we set it at this this will be the maximin ly okay I I I I mean $1,000 I I understand that this is a situation I'm sorry Tiffany you can go after me no uh yeah I can okay I just if you read the letter from uh Debbie Erikson uh saying they they declined to even discuss it with us we've been on the um you know we've been on this for over a year now since last fall and at this point they still refuse to discuss it and I have to admit that's a little disappointing let them set the let them set their Levy where they need to be and I think I think um I think we need to do what's best for our taxpayers and our taxpayers are still paying them $1,000 more than anybody else in the county as I said last uh council meeting I think this County administering this Levy could could be the best thing for the airport the fact that they've chosen not to even discuss not to even put it on the agenda sort of disappoints me Tiff not sort of really disappoints me Tiffany well I just noticed Connie um grimacing and I wanted to hear what was on her mind if we can I I don't see a problem with that I was just saying that you're studying the preliminary Levy if you set it at $1,000 and then we decide later on we want to give them $146,000 or whatever it is we would have to reduce our Levy if we lower the levy to the ,000 does that make sense I mean we can raise the airport's Levy but then we're going to have to cut our operating Levy if we go all the way down to the ,000 when we're setting our preliminary Levy does that make sense yeah yeah that was it that was it just when the finance director makes a face like that I want to know what she anybody want to go round two Chief you haven't spoke yet no good anybody need to go round two okay the motion is to set the preliminary airport Levy $1,000 motion by chz second by John please Mr President and we've had a request for roll call Tony OD day yes stunich yes stingl no Johnson yes chesak yes B yes that motion passes all right next up is I 8D the final reading of proposed ordinance 1572 prohibiting outdoor storage for crypto Mining and similar uses we'll start with uh Mr cranic you like to add to what's in our packet yes thank you Mr President uh the primary language added to the ordinance in outdoor storage is prohibiting it in all zoning districts for crypto mining facilities data centers AI centers and similar uses uh staff also provided General Cleanup in this section as there were references to Old sections of code as well as incorrect indentations so with that staff does recommend to conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1572 and dispense with the actual reading note a vote to dispense with the actual reading of the ordinance must be unanimous and then second to approve proposed ordinance 1572 and I can answer any questions any questions of Staff any questions of Staff okay anybody wish to make a motion on the final reading of proposed ordinance 1572 Mr President I move the we conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1572 and dispense with the actual reading second we have a motion by Stang line a second by stunich any discussion any discussion hearing none all in favor of the final reading say I I oppose same sign that motion carries unanimously next up is we're looking for a motion to approve ordinance 1572 so move sting line motion by Sting line is there a second second second BYOD day any discussion say that I think this is just a step I I think we need to have and I've said this before you've all heard it before I think we need to have a a more global view and the Planning Commission is going to get to that at some point Thank you any other discussion Mr Mayor just clarification on your statement global view being being Global on the issue or Global being Global uh smaller than Global I guess Global on the idea of sound okay if we're going to do sound we need to do sound appreciate the clarification any further discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll O day yes stunich yes sting line yes Johnson yes chesak yes bans yes that uh ordinance is adopted next up is item 8e final reading proposed ordinance 1573 regulating garage requirements for residential housing units Mr cranic thank you Mr President uh so the zoning code requires garages and storage space for residential buildings with one to four units in all residential zoning districts as proposed the ordinance Amendment would no longer require a garage for 2 to four unit buildings while single family home would be required to either have a 12x2 garage or a 10x 12 shed uh to store items the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval as this is the quickest way that they can make a difference to affordable housing in the city of Brainard uh so with that staff recommends to conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1573 and dispense with the actual reading and second to approve proposed ordinance 1573 and I can't answer any questions any questions of staff on the garages okay hearing none uh let's roll this out here uh the first uh thing is we're looking to a motion to conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1573 and dispense with the actual reading so moved sting line motion by Stang line is there a second second second by chz any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries uh unanimously uh the second part of this is to adopt proposed ordinance 1573 is there a move to adopt it so move sting line motion by Sting line is second by chz any discussion hearing uh Tiffany stainland yeah well I just um I still expect most houses to be built with garages the market will dictate that but this gives some flexibility uh in what is required of Builders and developers in our community thank you Tiffany thanks again for for your service on Planning and Zoning hearing no further discussion Tony please call the role OD yes stun yes stingl yes Johnson yes chz yes bans yes that resolu that ordinance is adopted item 8f is a resolution setting the 2025 preliminary Levy for the city of Brainard and the Brainard uh H which we've done and uh move to set time and date for the next budget public hearing let's turn it over to Connie hman to see if she's got anything she'd like to add thank you so as you stated the 2025 Levy needs to be set by September 30th the amount that was included in the resolution had the H's Levy set at 173,000 960 also included in the packet was information very preliminary information on the estimated market value and the impact it would have may have on tax capacity and the tax rate um also included in the agenda we requests were budgets that have been or updates that have been made to the budget um when the city is when the council is setting the levy it should set the levy in dollars so included in the packet um was an attachment called for use in setting the 2025 preliminary Levy amount with the airport Levy at $146,800 we were at about an 88.2% increase which is um setting the levy to achieve a balanced budget at this point of $ 7,529 $616 um with the airport Levy at preliminary Levy at $1,000 that could bring us down to a levy of 7,384 536 which is about a 6 12% increase over the levy granted we can go down but we cannot go up from what we said tonight so the um recommended action or the needed from Council is to adopt a resolution setting the 2025 preliminary Levy and motion to set the date and time for the budget public hearing which generally we have on the 2 Monday in December and this year that would be December uh 9th at 6 o'cl that's a separate meeting that well it it can be part of our regular scheduled meeting typically we have set a a separate meeting for the budget public hearing but that's up to want to double check any questions of our finance director Tiffany single could you repeat that number with the lower airport Levy the lower airport Le with the lower airport Levy according to my calculations it would be 7,384 536 thank you okay any other questions of Staff any other questions of Staff okay hearing none we're looking for a motion we'll look to our finance chair Gabe Johnson to lead us through this okay I'll uh give it a stab we uh I move to set the preliminary Levy for the city of Brainard at 7,515 698 plus1 73,9 for the HRA and ISO move we have a motion by Johnson is there a second second we have a thank you Tiffany we have a second by Tiffany sting line chairman Johnson so I I I picked 8% I fully expect us to be below a 6% increase we're going to have to cut some expenditures and and increase some find ways to increase Revenue to the city between now and December but I I didn't think it fair to go down to the 6% with the airport at a thousand because it may come back in a few months that the Thousand Levy isn't going to work for the airport for the county depending on what our discussions with the county happen between now and then I think that flexibility should still be there but that's just my opinion thank you Mr chair chairman OD yeah the the way that the motion was worded made it sound like that number plus 173,000 that's what my confusion oh the H is outside of a separate a separate two numb we had to announce both numbers yeah I was just confused so thank you good good clarification any further discussion could I get clarification yeah okay I so help me out here okay so with what Connie said with the airport Levy at a th000 it was 7,3 380 some odd, so if you leave out for now just don't include the uh HRA what is that number did you include for the airport at what amount right now so yeah she said it was 7 7,380 something, y I went 7, 515,000 SO3 40,000 more than what we could do and Jeff that's because if the county comes back and says we'll take on the levy in 3 years but you guys we really need you guys to still contribute this year I want to have the flexibility to be able to do that plus it'll be a miracle plus if we yeah if we Nick can get a call back at least so we got that going for us so so our earlier discussion of setting the airport Levy is not included in your motion the airport Levy is at a th in my motion I have baked in some uh room to work with some 130,00 ,000 that isn't isn't allocated to anything yet I just want to clarify yeah I got it I understand okay y Connie I think or Jeff I think Connie wants to muddy the waters even further Connie I was just going to clarify that with the airport Levy at 14680 it's an 88.2% increase with the levy at for the airport at $11,000 that would put us at 6.12% increase Gabe motion is to propose an 8% increase for the preliminary Levy room to work Jeff yeah I like room all right any further discussion Mr Mayor yeah I just want to make sure that we're speaking to the public when we do these preliminary budgets I have a gigantic problem with the notion that the city just presents numbers and we just accept that and we move forward and we say that's it that's the only thing we can do we hear time and time again that we have to be willing to cut our budgets and work within our means and I want to tell the public that that is absolutely what the goal should be of this Council we have to set a preliminary but then we need to do the work to work our our way back to getting to a lower amount because the taxpayers deserve that thank you Mr Mayor any other comments hearing none all you want to go again sure Mr OD day so I agree with Mr Mayor BAU uh it this is the part of government that makes me sick every single year automat automatically we're just going to raise the levy you never see it go down but at some point we have to look at our budget every line item and weigh each one and realize some of that stuff we just can't afford you don't do that at home you don't dig into somebody else's bank account when you run out that's essentially what we're doing so setting this at an 8% I don't like it set it at a 0% and go through your line items and find out what you can drop we can't afford everything that we want that's just the way it goes so I'll vote no thank you Mr President Mr Chaz um based on what I heard I have a question for staff and I think I know the answer but it has to do uh with our Engineers request to have the street scanning uh equipment software um whatever that is for uh 30,000 I think is that still included in our levian budget it's the capital budget capital budget but that's still part of our yep it's Levy dollars okay uh that would be a confirmed Jesse or Connie either of you answer that if I remember correctly that was included in the 2024 Levy budget it did not pass last year it's in the it's in the 2025 budget at this point yes and I and I am not in favor of that so if if that comes out I mean I know it's uh 30,000 that's about a half little less and half a percent um so there's things like that to mik O day's point right on you know so we got to we we have to look at this between now and the final Levy so like everybody's talking about here let's put our thoughts together and look at some of the ways we can do this and I just I just I just identified one of them so thank you any further discussion I think we're ready to vote on the preliminary Levy 7,515 698 plus the 173,000 and change for the h all in favor say I this is a resolution this is a resolution this is a resolution Tony please call the RO oday no stunich yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chesak no Evans yes motion passes all right next up so we have oh let's look at the um do you want to do a separate mon the second Monday in December at 6:00 as what we've done in the past or do you want to do it at a regular meeting anybody have any thoughts I I'd rather do it at a regular meeting which should be the second I believe right first meeting in December is Connie can you look up the date yeah it'd be the second December 2nd perfect is that a motion Mr chz yes a second second Mr Johnson any discussion on that hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign we have a date and time for the budget public hearing now while we're on this should we look at do we need another Workshop between now and then that is up to the council anybody have a thought on that at this point in time I don't believe we do I uh we can always uh identify a need at a later date than yes we can okay so not at this time we will move on to item nine new business looking to adopt a resolution declaring cost to be assessed for nuisance downtown snow removal and Downtown special service assessments and call for a public hearing uh Jess Jesse Dean this is under your this is under your page anything you'd like to add to what's in our packet thank you Mr President so staff has prepared the cost to be assessed for the Downtown special services district and new cens for the previous year the total cost for each are listed in the agenda item and staff is recommending adoption of the attached resolution declaring cost to be assessed and calling for a public hearing on October 21st excellent any questions of staff on the assessments for new nuisance downtown snow removal and the Downtown special services okay hearing none we're looking for a motion to adopt that resolution so move second by o day second by stting line any discussion on the motion any discussion on the motion hearing none Tony please call the RO OD yes stun yes stting line yes Johnson yes chesak yes B yes that resolution is adopted item nine new business B is adop looking to adopt a resolution declaring cost to be assessed for improvement 2208 South Brainard reconstruction assessments and call for a public hearing uh Mr Dean anything you'd like to add to what's in our packet thank you Mr President so similarly staff has also prepared the cost to be assessed for the Improvement 2208 uh the South Brer reconstruction project which includes the Reconstruction of the streets listed in the agenda item uh the costs listed in the agenda item uh and staff is recommending adoption of the attached resolution to C claring cost to be assessed and calling for a public hearing also on October 21st any questions of staff on Improvement 2208 hearing none is there a motion to adopt the resolution declaring the cost to be assessed for improvement 2208 second motion by Stang line Second by chesk any discussion on the motion hearing none please call the role OD yes stun yes stangl yes Johnson yes ch yes EV yes that resolution is adopted uh next up is discussion on the parking commission Mr cranic let's discuss yes thank you Mr President uh so the parking commission worked on a parking plan that was adopted by City Council in February 2022 uh staff would like to begin working on the implementation of some of the recommendations some of them already have been implemented um so with that staff has provided a couple options uh parking commission is is lacking right now on some members I believe member members uh joer and Ericson would be available um um so with that option one would be to meet with commission members Jer Ericson and then mayor BEDA liaison to make recommendations city council or option two would be to decommission the parking commission and have the safety and Public Works committee make future recommendations to city council and I can answer any questions perfect thank you Mr cranic any dis questions of staff on the issue yes Mr chz so if you were to have the three three members that and the Lea on that's how many is there three or two so really two of them one of them hasn't responded um so I believe because there's three members two of them would constitute a quorum if I'm not mistaken at that point yep so the attorney's not even said um that's what my question was yep okay any other questions of Staff Mr OD with our city code we already have regulations for parking that would have to go through through Planning Commission and and different projects that people are building a new building or a house or whatever it might be correct that's correct uh parking commission you know probably one of their biggest things was was looking at that parking study um that they did downtown and and recommending that um you know the option would be an option would be to decommission at this time but if there were something large at the city council um would want to implement certainly could um reinstitute the parking commission at at that time I think it was decommissioned in the past from from lack of membership um so a few options there okay I just with splitting the splitting basically those responsibilities between safety and public works and the Planning Commission I think it's it's okay if we can't get people to get on the parking commission to have those discussions in the other committees so I'm okay with that thank you Mr Mayor you're saying taking forward the discussions that have already happened at that commission correct that's correct bringing so basically what he's saying is those the stuff has already been brought forward but now we' be relooking at where we are with it and then coming back with those recommendations that have attached okay okay Mr chz I hate I just got to have clarification how many members of this standing committee are there and is that include a voting member liaison the liaison is not a voting member um there's five total members right now we we officially have three um but um two of them have um been a are able to potentially meet okay and if two of them meet that's not a quorum it's two out of the three so I believe it then it would be a quorum then there's five standing five members of the of the committee if you have three five slots five yeah that's five members if you only have two show up you don't have a quorum they only have three on but but there's but it's a five member board that's a full committee you two two is not a quorum of five I have good news I believe our attorney Can Shed light on this yeah there's two vacancies so while those are vacant it shrinks to a threers committee until you get two more back on that committee again so right now you've got a three-person committee and two people are a quum of that three-person committee okay I guess that's a so a vacancy is no longer a okay yeah all right doesn't count okay um any any other questions of Staff okay so staff's I presume so the reason this is on there is looking for some sort of direction from Council staff gives two options option one which is meeting with the two out of three remaining members and mayor BAU to make any recommendations to the council option two would be to decommission the parking commission which would certainly be my choice since I'm the one who voted against having the parking commission come back all by my loansome the second time uh or maybe have another idea you know so let's give some direction to staff chairman Johnson I'd move option two thank you option two decommissioning the parking commission I'm kind of surprised that Kevin jger stayed on this one we have a motion by Johnson a second biod date to choose option to decommission the parking commission and have the safety and Public Works committee make future recommendations to the city council any questions on the motion any comments on the motion yes M yeah okay we're going to go mayor BAU first because we always make him last then Tiffany then chz as the liaz on to this fine fine group of people you can be on the tree I I the tree group no longer exists as well uh I would just like to say that uh the work that has been done by These Fine individuals was was Grand and uh fantastic and I really appreciate all of their efforts and this is again not an indication that the city of Briner does not take parkings areas we most certainly do is there any truth Mr Mayor to were bringing back parking meters downtown I believe that was in the report that was presented so maybe maybe removing the commission is safe all right Tiffany sting line uh I'm I'm going to vote Yes but I I am concerned I think this is the third commission we have decommissioned and put on spw since I've been on spw I'm not saying that I'm overworked I'm not but I I want to see more citizen engagement and um but no I don't think parking commission is where they need to be thank you Mr chz yes um I'll be voting no because we always put things in a committee when there's nothing wrong at all about having the full Council have this discussion because it winds up here anyway and then people don't get the opportunity to be part of it in committee because they're not in the committee so I'll be voting no and making a motion if it fails to have the full Council be the parking commission or take on that role gotcha how about down here Mr chairman Johnson as a former member of the decommissioned tree committee I'm getting my revenge on a different city committee here appreciate that appreciate that type of vital Mr stunich oh I give up you came here for this Chief you got to have something you're sick you're dying you come with your last dying breath say that all right all in favor of option two say I I I oppose say sign it passes let's got Mr cranck okay perfect next up is item 10 the public for this is time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the uh to the attention of the council we like to have you keep it to 3 to 5 minutes and it's 8:46 and the um public forum is open if you are online and wish to speak um star three notifies us that you have something to say and then star six unmute your microphone I'll ask a second time if there's anybody who wishes to speak to the Council on any items not on the agenda and I will close the public forum at 8:47 uh let's move on to uh staff reports we'll go to my right Mr sharpener from the h welcome good to see you in person yeah couple of updates uh Workforce housing development program grant that is going in front of Minnesota housing next Thursday the 26th if you remember the city did uh apply for on behalf of two projects 805 Laurel and that Outlaw F project so we're crossing our fingers that we're going to get some good news that Minnesota housing is going to fund those projects more to come but that is set to go to their board next Thursday uh we are wrapping up our project at the Northstar building exterior project if you've driven buy it you'll see a very very nice new retaining wall retaining walls are very expensive as councelor Johnson mentioned a few weeks ago it does look good it looks sharp I think it adds to the aesthetic for the the Lyman P White Park too as well blend in pretty well uh last item uh if anybody has nothing to do tomorrow uh I will be speaking at the Rosen Meyer Forum at CLC at the chalberg theater at 7 o'cl with our former city administrator Jennifer Bergman uh basically it's going to be a forum regarding housing issues and solutions a community conversation I'll be there crickets or no crickets thank you or pm thank PM je what was the time again 700 p.m. thank you from the police department nothing to add thank you thank you from the itg Department Mr strong I'll just mention CLC now has a replacement for their uh video person starting soon I'm meeting them tomorrow so the clc's content should be coming back to the cable channel shortly I hope so it's been a ghost town for the last couple months of just our live meetings but there should be more coming again thank you finance director Hillman nothing to add thank you uh city engineer Public Works director Dean thank you Mr President so the bridge rehab work on the Laurel Street Bridge uh it's getting close to wrapping up the contractor scheduling uh rehab of the joint that's going to require closing of the Laurel Street Bridge uh beginning next Monday the 23rd it's going to continue for almost two weeks until Friday October October 4th uh we have notified our first responder School transportation and bus transit service of the upcoming closure uh so keep your eyes open for that um staff was also notified after the packet went out that mot was informed of a potential alternative way to move the grant funding for the pedestrian bridge back an additional year um this would require the district to find another federally funded project that could be funded in 2025 instead of 2026 that they could enally flip the funds with um moving the funds back a year uh for us could provide staff an opportunity to keep applying for additional grant funding uh opportunities to supplement the one that we've already received including applying again for the CRP Grant uh which is the same one that we've already received so we could go after it again um there's going to be a meeting on October 3rd to discuss those funds at the ATP level thank you Mr Dan community development director cranic thank you Mr President just a few items uh so the Eda will be holding a special meeting um or a special meeting in the council chambers tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. to consider block metrics' uh recent proposal for immersion mining within a building at 1911 TC Drive uh Planning Commission will be holding a meeting this Wednesday at 6 pm. the regularly scheduled meeting and will be uh continued discussions for design standards within the city of Brainard that's the current code that they're working on and last but not least we have the Touch a Truck and Flapjack Festival this weekend um so it's Saturday Downtown Brainard here um for the Touch a Truck we'll have big rigs set up some of our city Vehicles kids can get in hon horns and then Flapjack festival at the same time from 10: to noon um it's all you can eat pancakes for I believe $10 $10 adults $5 children donation and uh um I there's relays there's a costume contest so get your plaid shirts out uh and then there's I believe a pancake eating contest as well so fun things in downtown Brainard Mich Mich o day was an official winner but not a winner we already discussed that previously but I would like that in UND dispute he's been disputed well there was maybe some Tom take his trophy back I just want to make sure we get that on the public record is it his time for his report not yet but that was well worth the addition to Mr kic's report um where where do you go to or you can eat Flapjacks so VFW and it's uh I think the events are going to be held in the Laurel Street parking lot BFW right on six not the legion this year okay BFW okay and so the parking lot on Laurel got it anything from the attorney's office thank you HR department Schubert our spanking new Public Utilities director thank you Mr we haven't broke you yet I have nothing to add not it out you don't know how to do this at all yes he does I talk to him all right Mr admin Mr administrator just a couple things thank you for a couple days of vacation last week had a good Adventure on the motorcycle I really enjoyed that great weather we do have uh the wellness committee is uh putting on their hosting an employee appreciation event on September 19th from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Public Works building so please come out and attend if you can also we have the airport exercise on September 20th I believe all of city council has gotten an invite to that uh I want to say the RSVP was maybe tomorrow maybe Wednesday tomorrow um so if you would like to attend that I'm going to be out there for at least a couple hours that's uh that's an that's a requirement from the FAA to maintain this the 139 certificate that allows us to operate as an airport so they'll be testing a lot of emergency response type activities also the uh I have the icma conference that's the international city and county Managers Association the national conference is coming up next week in Pittsburgh so I am flying out on Saturday so I will miss the Flapjacks I wish I could be there but I'm flying out Saturday and I will be flying back uh Wednesday of next week I'll be out in Pittsburgh for a few days that's all thank you very much Mr Mayor can we keep H can we keep a few Flapjacks the ones that fall in the dirt I would I would have it no other way no other way I mean he's a new city administrator he's got to learn flap jaacks yes okay Mr Mayor The Honorable mayor Dave B thank you first of all Jesse Dean fantastic haircut I just want to say that for the record fantastic haircut secondly uh everyone was excited a couple weeks ago for this police versus firefighters softball Showdown I don't know if you heard about it I think there was a mayor that had been talking about it for quite a while it went fantastic and I just want to thank our officers and our firefighters for participating uh we had 202 paying adults that came through we had uh a buttload of kids and then families as well so we were looking at over 300 people that came out on a random Thursday uh during the school week to come have a good time and uh I had a lot of fun I think our police officers had a lot of fun I think our firefighters had a lot a lot of fun Kevin stunich is making an arm motion like his armore uh Kevin threw out through two first pitches the first one dribbled I wouldn't even call I would call it a kick it was a kickball it was I thought we were playing a different sport anyways uh but it was a great event and I I just want to uh re iterate how important it is that we as a city continue to be out there and uh and uh putting our best foot forward and it's a good way to be a part of the community I'm getting interrupted here while I'm talking but yeah he wants to know what winner was yeah he wants well who won the police took home Paul Bun's bat as the trophy first they broke first they broke it and then they won it uh they are responsible for fixing that and returning it next year but uh really a lot of fun can't say enough about uh how important it is for us as a city to just be out there and and uh to gather up as families and have things in our community that we can do like this and it was great had a lot of fun and thank you again to everybody involved so and then it's homecoming week ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you know this or not but it's a pretty important ordeal High School football is a big deal not saying that because my son's on the team I'm saying that because it's a big deal for this Friday the uh brainer Warriors will be taking on I want to say it's Alexandra but I might be wrong I might be completely wrong as I'm saying it but I just want to shout out to the the school district for all the festivities they will be having this week and uh it's just a lot of fun get out there and uh wear some blue and represent brard it's always a good time so homecoming game this Friday end report thank you Mr Mayor you do a great job promoting our city and I I'm apologizing for everybody on this Council that laughed when you called out Jesse dian's hair cuz I know you know hair I mean right there are two things that you always compliment people on their shoes and their hair and I just want to say Jesse good hair good work right on I don't know what the rest of the stuff was doing on our agenda we save the best for last right okay next up is 13 Council commit member reports uh I always put Mr chz on the spot so this time I'm going to go first we'll let Mr chz go last so who I talk to today is Mrs Mary cope practically practically came with the water tower she has given so many years of service to the city of Brandon on the city council and she had a she had a medical concern and she wanted me to let everybody know that she's doing fine but she really wanted to thank the police department for fantastic standup service when she called 911 she said we are so lucky to live in a community with public servants like our like like Brainard has and she you know Mrs scope means this from the bottom of a Hut so she wanted everybody to know she's doing good she told me how old she's going to be in 30 days I am not going to pass that on but wow that's all I'm going to say and thank you from Mrs C to the to the police department let's hop on to our uh to our uh committee chairs so start up my right Mr Johnson thank you I too Mr Mayor am excited for the homecoming football game where I will be watching Brainard host Morehead on Friday I was so close they're kind of like Mr chair to my left Mich Guys these guys kind of took it away from me I was going to talk about homecoming and the uh the softball game which was all a lot of fun uh looking forward to the homecoming game also looking forward to flapping some trucks and trucking some Flapjacks right um but on the the basis of hair see this is important you guys don't have enough Grays it's not the the style now is more gray at least half so keep working on it though keep working on it Mr stonic anything you can anything you can add I can't top any of this stuff of the stuff Tiffy St line uh yeah so I had kind of a busy month so bear with me I'm going to talk fast softball game was great Ma I dragged my mom along she got very confused a time or two when the scoreboard did some interesting things me that was you I told her it was user eror just not to look at it it's fine the police are winning um so that's great uh I attended the mot open house about 371 and 210 and I really want to thank all the the people in the public who came out to talk about it uh it was a full house uh a lot of people interested in in the 210 371 uh interchange there it's going to be interesting what's going to go in there I have some diagrams that I left sitting on the kitchen counter that I meant to bring to show you all but maybe next time uh had a Tac meeting for region five uh visioning session uh with some developing a long range Regional plan Jesse was there for most of it um and it was interesting to see how similar uh the concerns are across Region 5 and in the odd places where we don't have similar concerns those those finer grain details that was also interesting so stay tuned for more on that there is going to be some public engagement on that as well um Zenobia and I attended Zenobia is my dog uh we attended pride in the park uh this weekend sat with the Quaker booth and she had a great time she had lots and lots of cookies and pets from all the people coming by it was a great time the weather was wonderful so I want to thank everyone involved in that everyone who turned out and uh the folks who are putting it on and then if any of you uh attended last year connect effect at CLC they are doing that again I have information on that if you are interested it is a hold on connect effect is an Innovative interactive entertainment experience that aims to tackle the prevailing issues of loneliness and social isolation so it's going to be in brainer and Staples for basically the whole week the September 23rd through 27th okay that's everything okay Mr chz take us home yes with all the compliments to haircuts and perhaps shoes I want to compliment you Mr bevans on your tie tonight and um also all my signs are properly placed and to m cod's point that if a c if a person puts out a sign without my um being there it may get put in the wrong spot I try to explain where the proper place is I do my due diligence and also there's a Transit meeting coming up this Thursday Mary Co is a member and I look forward to seeing her there all God willing and uh she is an excellent member she's done a fantastic job for as long as I can remember she's been on the transit and she's a very hard-nosed Committee Member that sticks to her points and she's a value to the city for being on there and doing all the other service she's given to the city over the years than true that thank you we are now looking to adjourn to the Employee Appreciation picnic on September 19th at the Public Works building what time is that Mr administrator 11:30 11:30 and also to adjourn to the fullscale exercise at the airport September 20th at 11:00 a.m. so motion by OD day second second by chz all in favor say I I I opposed too bad