##VIDEO ID:upJMz7IYgwU## all right thank you Mr strong it is Monday November 18th at 7:30 I call the city council to order Tony please call the rooll stun here Terry here sting line here Johnson here chz here OD here bans here B here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance pardon me I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all Kelly yes sir you should probably acknowledge Carrie Cherry's on that's next all right you got to thank you Chief stun and that was uh just acknowledging that council member Terry is attending virtually from 310 Canal Park Drive inth Minnesota 5580 next up is item four approval of the agenda Mr Johnson I would move approval of the agenda with one change and that's move 6b7 which is the city administrator to attend conference off of the personnel and finance committee and move it down to eight new business item letter e and I move approval second we have by Johnson a second by chz chairman we did have a third item we added on spw as well for the hay rides if you want to yeah let's add that too okay we'll add the hay rides to that'll be onest PW yep and this one would be under new business e on the administ Okay so we've got a motion we've got a second to add an item under new business e which is the ministrator conference and spw third item which is the hey rides any discussion any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I same sign Mr oh we have to roll call everything everything oh yay all right that's right thank you thank you Tony please call the roll Terry yes sting line yes Johnson yes chz yes oday yep bans yes the uh agenda as amended is approved item five is a consent calendar where all matters listed are considered routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion there'll be no separate discussion of these items unless good cause as shown prior to the time the council votes on the motion to be adopted by roll call is there mve to adopt the consent calendar so moved motion by stay line is there a second second second by o day any discussion hearing none Tony please call the RO stun yes Terry yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chz yes oday yep bans yes the consent calendar is adopted item six is Council committee report 6A is the safety and Public Works committee chairman mik Mike OD day thank you Mr President we just had three items tonight we have the first item is uh not this one first item is a discussion on sanitary Force main sewer lining project and Sewer rates a motion coming out of committee was actually just to send this one back to staff requesting some more information uh bring it back to the next meeting and I so move second we have a motion by o day a second by chesk any discussion hearing none please call the rooll stunich yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes chz yes oday yep bans yes that motion is passes please proceed thank you next item was Direction on active Code Enforcement cases uh this was uh motion coming out of committee was to go with staff's recommendation on a $300 citation once a month until correction plan is approved by the Community Development Department I so move second we have a motion by our day a second by state line any discussion chairman day the address this is 4014 Avenue Northeast uh it's an exterior structure needs paint badly um they have been working with staff on and off but it has not um come to completion as quickly as we'd like to see so we'll keep working with them thank you any further discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunich yes Terry yes sting line yes Johnson chesak yes OD yep Bans yes that motion passes please proceed thank you last item is a event application that just came across uh this afternoon this is for the holiday tree lighting and hay rides this is on the 30th of November from about 4: to 6:00 p.m. downtown brard um motion coming out of committee was to approve the event uh application as submitted with one change it did event it did originally say 1127 we changed that to 11 the 30th move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion any discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunk yes Terry yes stting line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes bans yes that uh motion passes please proceed and a report thank you very much next up is item 6B personal and finance committee chairman Gabe Johnson thank you Mr President we have six items the first of which is to ratify the hiring of Brandon bergo as a police intern and the motion is to ratify the hiring of Brandon bergo as our 2024 fall police intern effective November 19th 2024 at $209 per hour and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich any discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunich yes Terry yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes Evans yes that motion passes please proceed okay next up is another hiring and the motion is to ratify the hiring of Nicholas carali as an apprentice line worker affected November 12th 2024 at $358 per hour which represents the first 6 months of The Apprentice line worker progression schedule and ISO Move Motion motion by Johnson second by Terry any discussion hearing none Tony please call the role stunich yes Terry yes sting yes Johnson yes chesak yes OD yes bans yes that res um that motion passes please proceed and next up is an MOA with IBEW and the motion is to approve the attached Mo MOA with ibw local number 31 administrative support setting the 24 to 26 wages for the administrative assistant position further to authorize staff to conduct an internal hiring process for the administrative assistant position and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stun any discussion chairman John this is the job that we slightly changed the job description of at the previous meeting and now we're going to post it internally this position does work at the every council meeting for Life correct yeah as soon as they sign on they don't leave leave I thank you any further discussion hearing none Tony please call the RO stud yes Terry yes staying line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD day yes bans yes that that um motion is approved please proceed okay the next motion is a deferment of assessment and the motion is to approve the application for deferment of Assessments payable in 2025 for p ID 41250 586 and ISO move second motion by motion by Johnson second by stun any discussion chairman Johnson this application was received and staff determined that it meets all of the council set criteria for deferring assessments so we're recommending approval thank you any further discussion hearing none Tony pleas call please call the role stun yes Terry yes sting line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes bans yes that motion passes please proceed okay next up is the civil attorney contract and the motion is to remain with RRM and direct staff to enter into negotiations with them for financial can Council for consideration and ISO move have a mo motion by Johnson a second by Terry chairman Johnson so yeah we discussed whether we should issue an RFP and kind of price shop our civil attorney contract and with a split vote we determine that we are satisfied with rat Wick and they were currently going through the arbitration process with one of our unions and it we decided it wouldn't be a good idea to change I voted no I do think we should price shop but I understand why it would be a good idea to remain with them as well Mr chair Le Mr chz I was just wondering know what they what they negotiated if they have any idea staff um how long they might negotiate for I think the current one has been 10 years if I'm not mistaken is that Mr President correct you may uh Mr B can answer that okay yeah the last time I don't have my notes in front of me but I think the last time yes I do the last time we went out for RFP for this contract was in 2013 for services effective beginning in 2014 that's the last time we put it out for competition I I think I can add something there Kelly oh okay hang on you get to be next Mr chz has the floor then Mr Johnson then Connie hman so I I would I don't know if it's possible but I would like to see a shorter term come back to see what the if there's a a huge difference between say two or three years as opposed to much longer than that that's kind of thank you about that yep Mr Johnson for our Charter we appoint our City attorney every two years so I think we do two-year contracts because the January of every year after an election we appoint the city engineer the City attorney all those positions per Charter so I think it's always it's a two-year I think so too yeah Finance director Helman that's what I was going to say is that we have done two contracts for every two years thank you anything else any other okay hearing none Tony please call the RO stunich yes Terry yes Stingin yes Johnson yes chazak yes OD yes bans yes uh that motion passes please uh proceed okay next up is the levy and budget discussion we uh were presented some information on the updated numbers for the budget and then we provided some direction on staff questions and you guys will have to correct me if I missed something here but the motion out of committee was to reduce the capital Levy by $100,000 increase the airport Levy to $125,000 and remove $10,000 from the street tree capital budget and setting the levy at 4.75% for the public meeting in December and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stun any discussion Connie correct me if I missed something there I just want to clarify that we're cutting the capital Levy by $100,000 each year going forward correct and that we wanted to reduce the park boards facility funding request by $100,000 each year as well that's the $100,000 we're cutting correct so if you look at the we did include in the packet a new revised snapshot of the capital plan as well thank you any questions comments or concerns um Mr ches yeah we talked about the airport Levy I mean think about half a dozen times in the last year and uh um it's um kind of interesting how we start out with a request from the airport of 225 and then out of committee it comes back at uh 150 or in the committee they discussed it at 150 and it got brought back at 14680 $146,800 and that got defeated at the council level and then the motion was for $11,000 be out of fairness and i' just like to remind um my colleague here about a comment she made a couple meetings back regarding a person a wise friend who said that the uh the government isn't always efficient but it's supposed to be fair and when we talk about fairness that's what that $1,000 was based on fairness to our taxpayers who get levied by the county and our taxpayers are also for the most part every year have been paying an equivalent amount plus having them pay for staff time which we've now seen is upwards of 25,000 and perhaps even more and we're talking about fairness so why do we keep shuffling this around um we want to we want to look out for our taxpayers and uh every time we um we see projects come forward for a million one we were willing to propose supposedly push them down the road a couple years and add another three or $400,000 on doesn't seem nobody seems a bad an eye like the uh like the uh sanitary sewer line down there along Riverside Drive and and these are the things that people are paying for and we look at the or airport ordinance that was suggested in the committee that it's our responsibility to the airport to to pay them more and I differ with that if Mr bevans did you get that uh that uh ordinance portion I sent you would you be willing to read that to so everybody understands it's not our responsibility to match what the county pays it's clear in that ordinance that we can choose what we want it's up to the other side to determine if they want to continue with the same amount or pay more so right there that gives the count the ability to Levy the entire County the entire administer the entire Levy that the airport is looking for as we discussed numerous times I don't know if you really need to read that you could read the one sentence in there probably where two sentences where it says that would you mind doing that not at all Mr chz and then I'll turn the floor back to you this was sent by you today at 59 p.m. airport ordinance is the heading such budgets shall be submitted no later than September 1st to the city council and the County Board the final decisions of the city council and the County Board as to the requested additional contributions shall be reported back to the commission the city shall pay 50% of the total contributions paid into the current airport fund by the city and county each year if either the city council or the County Board fixes its contributions at less than the amount requested by the commission the contribution of the other shall be decreased proportionally unless the latter shall decide to pay a larger portion of the total contribution than is required by this agreement Mr chz thank you very much so when when I hear the comment that we have to uh fulfill our responsibility to the airport well our responsibility is what we think is fair and that's our taxpayers that are paying the money it's not the city it's not the city council we see this wording all the time we see the wording and different documents we have for this meeting it it says the city this the city that anytime there's an expenditure it's not the city it's the people in the city it's this not the city council it's always the people paying these bills and we have a way to remedy this it's very simple everybody knows it but why why some people aren't registering that um I seen one member of the PNF start out with with approving the 255 and then Dr or 225 then drop down to uh 150 and then that didn't pass any with 140 148 or 14680 and then when the vote came to do a th000 they did a th000 and now they're back up to the 150 and then they go down to 125 I don't know what some people are doing over here and I just like to say that this is an important item we we our negotiation is simple we say we're going to give $1,000 and we do that and then next year the county says okay there going to pay a th000 bucks are we going to have this airport get the op operating Levy they need to operate or are we going to sit here and play patty cake and uh go back and forth because somebody's got a a a petty issue with some sort of uh perhaps it's a uh it's Petty politics is all we see happening here and I'm looking out for our taxpayers that's what I'm doing by a $1,000 Levy thank you Mr B thank you Mr chz anybody else wish should discuss was that a motion to amend or just just a no vote it was just a comment okay I like the comment thank you can I ask a question you may how do we get to 125,000 for the airport at PNF I I can I see the disc so at the meeting two members of the committee wanted to come back at a 150 number to the council one member of the committee said well we tried that once and it didn't work so then we looked at the roughly $25,000 in staff time that we're putting into the airport reduced the 150 by that and ended at 125 thank you that's how we got there does that answer your question it does okay but I'm I'm wondering what the finality is of this motion when we if if I'm voting yes on this there's no finality until we approve the levy on what date Connie we could change this daily December 31st December 3 we could yes we could have a special meeting on New Year's Eve are you kidding I think we have to have to the county by December 31st so I would suggest December 30th we're pretty good at making changes sure okay Mr bevans I I'm sorry our Levy discussion can can Mr or just make sure he's done I just don't think that I I don't think that we're all in agreement on what that airport number is yet so I probably will vote uh I'm going to vote know on this thank you if it's Mr chz yeah I think Connie is in our meeting on December mber 2 where we have the public hearing or the um Levy discussion for the public that is where we have that and so that's where I'm looking for guidance on what to present at that meeting and then we'll make the final Levy at the second meeting in December December 16th or we call a special meeting unless this motion passes it's $1,000 I can answer that that this Council has approved $1,000 airport Levy this is a proposal a different proposal but a proposal any other comments well a question Mr chair if this fails can I take another shot to pass everything that we recommended that isn't related to the airport you you could actually do that right now if you wanted to you could separate that out but maybe we should just defeat this which is what I like to do okay if it's going to be defeated I don't mean to speak for the councel but that would be the okay I I I I would I would like to comment on their site I'm going to vote against it for the airport Levy I supported the Thousand I agree with Mr chz I think taxation of our citizens double taxation is is is something we can fix right now and I think the real the the additional tragedy is not only the double taxation but the fact that we we made a proposal in writing to the county to discuss this and the response I I don't want to report what you told me because it doesn't reflect well on our friends at the county but it it appears they're not interested in even discussing the administration of the levy I mean if the county would administer the levy they could set the levy at the 250 right and we'd all we'd all in the city of Brainard only pay once so anyway I'm going to vote against this because I don't like the 125 and I really don't like the fact that we're getting double taxed so as much as the one 25 might be necessary to operate the airport I'm not arguing that I don't think it should fall on the backs of not solely the brainer taxpayers but at least primarily the brainer taxpayers anybody else okay Tony let's call the rooll but this includes 125 for the airport stunich no Terry yes stting line yes Johnson no chzo no OD day no bans no motion fails chairman Johnson thank you Mr President I would like to move that we reduce the capital Levy $100,000 per year from the parks out set aside and reduce the Capital Street tree budget by $10,000 for 2025 and ISO Move Motion by Johnson is there a second second second by chz any discussion on this hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunich yes Terry no stingl yes Johnson yes chz yes oday yes bans yes that motion passes uh at this point Connie the airport Levy is at $11,000 that has been passed by the council anybody else have anything they'd like to add to this I should do one more motion you can on this same agenda item and that is to set the levy increase amount for the public hearing that's really the primary thing we need to do here and let's set that at 4% and I so move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by o day does that 4.75% would have 125 going to the airport got it I like this motion okay oops I spoke ahead of everybody I'm sorry Mr chz does the math work there Gabe uh I don't have the exact math there there would still be capacity to lower it with $1,000 airport Levy though but this is just for this is just for the public hearing that we're doing on December 2nd okay which it could change between now and then we're good at changing that well I like the sound of 4% I do too all right hearing no further discussion Tony stunich yes Terry no Stang line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD day yes yes that motion passes Connie I think for presentation on the first meeting in December a 4% will actually have a little fund balance a little fund balance which we can decide what to do with then but at this point the airport is still a thousand okay thank you anything else uh Mr Johnson thank you Mr President end of report thank you and thank you all for speaking civy next up is seven unfinished business 7A call for applicants Mr Mayor yes the following applications are available on the city's website the charter commission two terms expiring 2026 two terms expiring 2025 Library board one term expiring 2025 Transportation advisory committee two terms expiring 2026 and The Economic Development Authority one term expiring 2026 and you're going to want to get in on those because it's the end of the year and people like to start filling those up so get your applications in soon thank you Mr Mayor and as council president I have uh two terms to expire 12:31 on the Planning Commission one in 2027 and one in 2026 um and I've already received at least one application so again as the mayor said let's get them in now thank you very much uh next up is 7 unfinished business b a resolution awarding the sale of General obligation bonds series 2024 fixing their form and specifications directing their execution and delivery and providing for their payment I presume this is you Connie it is you have all the current numbers it is and I would like to staff would like to turn over to Miss Lauren Voltz from Baker Tilly to provide the council with information on the sale go ahead Lauren hi good evening honorable May May and council members um I'd like to summarize a little bit uh the sale results from this morning for the city's General obligation bond series 2024a uh proceeds will be used to finance the north BR reconstruction project for various Street and utility related improvements um so as of October of 20124 um our Market was showing a true interest rate to the city of about 3.38% and last week we were up a little bit um about 3.35% but this morning um our actual results were 36% from Hilltop Securities um and if I could go to the next slide we had seven biders which was very good we had a very busy sale day today with lots of um issues in the market um so we had seven biders with about um 20 basis points in between our highest and our lower lowest um bids our lowest um true interest rate to the city being Hilltop um and some familiar um purchasers in there before uh that have purchased the city's um issues previously um and we are if we go to the next slide we are interest rates are still historically low but definitely up since um 2019 and 2020 since our uh our our covid historical lows and the um our rating agency standard and pores has Affirmed um the city's double A minus rating which is in um the a category one of the the highest ratings that um a municipality can achieve and so um some of the reasons why um a city might be rated is that it's um an outside assessment of the city's credit worthiness and the stronger the rating the lower the true interest cost to the city is going to be um and it's part of an investors and an underwriter's due diligence um and so again um the S&P assigned um a doua minus to the city's bond issue and all of the city's outstanding General obligation debt so um some of the main points they highlighted were uh that the city is continuing to grow in population and Market values and they also highlighted the conservative um management practices that have been ongoing with the city um and the city's healthy fund balances and liquidity and one other piece I would like to mention is that um the power amount we went out with this morning the 3, 370,000 um dollar power amount we were able to reach reduce that by um a couple $1,000 due to um some special assessments some prepaid amounts that had come in in the amount of 178,000 and the fact that Hilltop had bid of premiums we were able to reduce the borrowing um to a power round of 2,910 th000 um and able to get the city the required amount to fund projects today um so our recommendation is is to approve the resolution awarding the bonds to Hilltop Securities based on their low bid of 3.68% are there any questions that I can help answer any questions of our bond Council any questions of Staff Connie anything else you'd like to add then we're looking for a resolution to adop to looking to adopt the resolution awarding the sale of General obligation bonds series 20 24a and the original aggregate principal amount of $2,910 th000 to uh Hilltop security fixing their form and specifications directing their execution and delivery and providing for their payment so moved motion by Stang line is there a second second second by OD day any discussion any discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunich yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yep chazak yes ode yes peans yes that resolution is adopted anything else by the bond councel um congratulations to the city and thank you for allowing Baker Tilly to assist you okay thank you thanks for joining us next up is item uh I'm sorry where oh uh yes item 8 new business 8A discussion of the process to Phill vacant at r position effective January 6 2025 is what it's listed in our packet Connie anything you'd like to add to what's in our packet um just that that really the recommended actions and motions should be first to determine the process that's going to be used to fill the vacancy then declare the vacancy of the at large position set to expire December 31st 2026 and and then based on the process that's used to determine establish a time period for the applications to be accepted in the date when Council city council is expected to act thank you and this would be for Mr chz at large position for the last two years any questions of Staff Mr chz I'm ready for a motion I like the way I like the way you think any questions I'll ask just one more time and then I'll turn it to Mr chz you're up Mr tiic uh yes I would um move that the um vacency be declared as of December 31st 2026 for the out llarge position that I currently hold and then the applications uh acceptance uh are by the city starting tomorrow the 19th of November and close the application uh um close the application time frame on Monday December 30th and then the appointment made at the January 6 2025 city council meeting or the review of the applications and possible appointment be conducted at the January 6 2025 city council meeting I so move second we have a motion by chz a second by Johnson any discussion chairman Johnson originally I'd talked to Kelly and Nick about this and I supported just moving quickly and getting it done this year but I had a good conversation with Jeff that there was a new council member elected who should have their voice heard in the process so we should wait until the new Council is seated at the table to make the appointment so I support Jeff's motion thank you my only question is and I I support the motion 100% but uh and for the reasons that Jeff and Gabe have said is does December 30th 6 days give us enough time based on who knows how many applications we're going to get to review them and I'm I can't answer that I just thought cutting off application well it has created a problem recently so with the hiring so I just was a little concerned that 6 days may not be enough time may not I don't know you guys can decide the motion says December 30th Mr uh OD I'd be comfortable making it earlier but I think as long as it's before the packet comes out and it's included in the packet before that meeting with that applicant information or just the applicant form or whatever it is cover letter whatever they submit I think if that information is in our packet then we should all make time to go through it okay any other comments hearing none Tony please call the RO stonic yes Terry yes sting line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes beans yes that motion passes uh next up is eight new business B calling for a public public hearing to request to vacate right of ways this is well it says Mike but Jesse Dean our city engineer thank you Mr President so staff is recommending that the council call for a public hearing on considering vacation of the public rate RightWay in two plats uh Madison Heights and RM mocker uh commercial Edition uh the M Madison Heights plat is the Gren Avenue area just north of the Buffalo Hills Lane uh so staff is recommending consideration of vacating Lot B and the 10-ft walk between Lots 8 and n on the on the rocker's uh commercial Edition staff is recommending consideration of vacating the frontage road uh between block one and Highway 25 next to Lots 1 and two uh for the discussion in September and the state statute referen in the agenda item uh Council can vacate the RightWay with a resolution passed by super majority uh a public hearing must first be held with the adjacent Property Owners noticed uh the recommendation is to schedule the public hearing for the December 16th meeting can answer questions thank you any questions of Staff any questions of Staff thank you very much we're looking for a motion calling for the public hearing for each of the RightWay vacations to be held on Monday December 16th at our normal council meeting at 7:30 p.m. so move second motion by stunich second by chesk any discussion hearing none Tony please please call the role stunich yes Terry yes stline yes Johnson yes chesak yes OD yes bans yes that uh motion passes uh next up is item 8 new business C public hearing and adopting a resolution ordering Improvement and ordering preparation of plans for improvement 23-13 trunk Highway 371b in Willow Street roundabout project again Jesse yes sir thank you Mr President so as part of the assessment proceedings staff is recommending that the council hold the Improvement hearing for improvement 2313 uh which includes the full reconstruction of Willow Street between South 6th and 7th streets uh following the public hearing staff is recommending Council adopt the attached resolution that orders the Improvement and orders preparation of the plans um staff will be available to answer questions as needed let's ask if there's any questions from the Council on this project hearing none it is 806 and we will open the public hearing and if you've got something you'd like to say about Improvement 23-13 this is the 371 business Willow Street roundabout project please step forward state your name and address and uh tell us what you think if you're online star three lets us know notifies us that you wish to speak come on up thanks for coming state your name and address for the record sorry uh Blake Peterson 623 Willow Street thanks for coming Blake appreciate your time um so I would be interested in having some clarification on this project it looks to be that um I'm speaking for one of the properties that is being affected by this and so the first section states that basically the city will be acquiring about a 50ft by 10t parcel on the front section of the property and we'll be getting about $100 for that which is apparently a fair market value although I feel like if I tried to buy it from the city that's not exactly the number that I would be offered um the real question I have here is then it says we will be required to pay half of the other portion of the easement when uh the city acquires kind of all the way up to the front of the house so why is it the homeowner's responsibility to pay $5,200 so that I so that we sell you the land is my question that is a good question we're going to see if somebody from staff can answer that Jesse you want yes sir so I'll quick clarify so the 50% of the assessment cost is for the street reconstruction cost not for an easement um what you're referring to for the uh easement cost that we're uh acquiring it's for our cost to construct the project uh that isn't a cost that we're going to look to uh recoup through the project uh the cost that we're talking about with this assessment hearing would be just Street reconstruction cost so rebuilding of the pavement the curb uh sidewalk uh cost associated with the street reconstruction so per the special assessment policy uh City picks up 50% of that and uh the assess Property Owners pay 50% of that um there is a sidey deduction uh that doesn't necessar apply here cuz it's just the one block here but uh you're based on the front Frontage the front Frontage uh of that uh on that block yes sir come on back up that's right right so does that make sense as you you get to yeah you the cost of the road costs a lot more your portion is $10,400 and we pay half and you pay okay the easan is just we're not actually buying that property we're just going to use it and you when it's all done you won't even know it correct we're not building anything on that property are we that's not a the there is a small section that is that's not a rightaway purchase is it if it's permanent easement it would be permanent essentially right away okay but I did have to look at that property specifically you might want to come by tomorrow and see what we're planning on doing on that 10 uh I think a sidewalk is going in on the front section um and then just a roundabout is going in down the road so I guess my thoughts are so I mean what was already kind of mentioned here in this council meeting is that you know the city's not exactly paying for this the taxpayers are paying for this so in theory this already is being budgeted by homeowners and stuff and I'm feeling like putting a roundabout necessarily on that corner is is not going to improve the property value of this any in fact it's going to make more traffic down that road because it's going to make that a much more consistent thoroughfare so if anything it feels like we're being required to pay $5,250 to potentially lose Pro a property value at best I just don't see where the value is actually coming back to this property and that's what we have this for so you get to make that state if you wish to do something about that there's a whole another process where you'd have to get an attorney and say I'm not receiving value for my money so that is the Avenue that I would move forward with yep okay I suppose that that is my statement I appreciate your time thank you anybody else in the audience or online that wishes to speak to us regarding Improvement 2313 I'll ask a second time and a third and final time I will close the public hearing at a12 and I will look for a motion to adopt the attached resolution in which orders the Improvement and preparation of the plans so moved motion by Stang line is there a second second second by OD day any discussion any discussion hearing none um Tony please call the rooll stun yes Terry yes dline yes Johnson yes chz yes oday yes bans yes that resolution is adopted next up is a first reading for proposed ordinance 1577 the annexation of 15106 Riverside Drive Mr kvic it seems like we've done this recently we have thank you Mr President so this uh does have to be redone upon review the office of administrative hearings determined that staff only noticed one of the two owners of a contiguous parcel next to 15106 Riverside Drive uh the owners were not listed on crowing County's website uh but due to both owners not being notified the office is requiring the ordinance and public hearing to be redone so staff has notified the public hearing for December 16th as it requires a 30-day notice that additional property owner was notified uh after Consulting with City attorney prior to the meeting staff does recommend adding one additional line to the ordinance upon passage this ordinance repeals ordinance 1576 uh so with that staff uh recommends to conduct the first reading with the additional line and dispense with the actual reading of proposed ordinance 1577 an ordinance providing for the annexation of 15106 Riverside Drive so move second a question yeah okay I I'm going to note your guys's enthusiastic motion and second but I I I really think I should ask for if there's any questions staff Mr chz yeah Mr cranic um do I understand you correctly that the oah found this discrepancy they did unbelievable thank you all right any other questions of Staff hearing none we have a uh motion to conduct the first reading of ordinance 1577 with the additional line item as outlined by Mr crvi and dispense with the actual reading and an uh an ordinance providing for the annexation 15106 Riverside Drive and of course as usual to dispense with the actual reading this vote must be unanimous the motion is by OD day second by Stang line any discussion on the motion hearing none Tony please call the role stunich yes Terry yes stangland yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes bans yes that uh motion passes we'll do it again in two weeks for the last time change the airport Levy three more times next up is going back to the PNF agenda on the um on the request by Mr BRS Mr BRS we might as well turn it right over to you thank you Mr President um gosh within the last few days I guess the association of governmental risk pools um is is holding their annual governance conference from March 16th to 19th that's a Sunday through a Wednesday in Las Vegas Nevada sourcewell has invited all of their Board of Trustees to attend uh I'm privileged enough to be able to sit on that board all expenses for this trip would be paid by sourcewell so the Board of Trustees I Sit On The Board of Trustees we oversee the Better Health Collective which is our pool for our employees uh and this is just our annual governance conference all expenses will be paid by souro it would just cost me my time um I am asking the board for permission to attend this I would certainly be available uh I'll be tracking my emails phone calls Etc but I would uh be out of the area from Monday through Wednesday of that week I would just ask the board to consider that okay any questions of Staff where's it at a really crummy hotel but it is in Las Vegas Las Vegas Nevada I missed I knew I read it just forgot Mr Johnson I have a motion when you're ready I'm ready I mooved to authorized City administrator to attend the EG R conference governance conference March 16th through 19th 2025 motion by Johnson second by Stang line any discussion on the motion hearing none Tony please call the roll stunich yep Terry yes sting line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes bans yes I I would imagine your phone will be ringing off the Heart during PE beat crap's time um next up is item nine public forum this is time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the attention of the council we like to have you keep it to 3 to 5 minutes it's 8:17 I will open the public um Forum if you're not in the audience but our online star three will notify us that you wish to speak and um then star six will unmute you I'll ask a second time if there's anybody in the audience or online who wishes to bring something forward to the council that is not on tonight's agenda and I will ask a third and final time if there's anybody wishes to speak to the Council on an item that's currently not being discussed this evening and I will close the public forum and I will go to staff reports we'll turn turn to our right welcome aboard Eric sharpener thank you Mr President yes uh just a quick update today for the council uh in regards to our small cities development program grant that we are working on uh the pre-application for my staff did have a meeting with our deedre uh last week in preparation of that pre-application that's uh set to be submitted by the end of the month our deedre actually has indicated that our application would be likely more competitive with only submitting a streetscape portion of that application for this round since we do currently have a small cities Grant Out in southeast Brainard right now for Rehab we would then plan on submitting another pre-application at the end of next year if the council would so choose to allow us to do that to then include commercial and housing rehab for that project area for the funding in 2026 to really be used in that second year of the Reconstruction cycle um something that caught us a little off guard uh by the fact that we've got currently a a grant up there uh in southeast Brainard right now uh something we can work through and we're still uh very optimistic that we would get the streetcape which is about $600,000 for the city uh to utilize for lighting park benches things like that along that thorough fair so wanted to give you guys an update before we did submit that preapplication uh we do want to believe what our deed rep is giving us as far as um good information and heed heed their advice on this that is it thank you Mr sharpener police chief Davis nothing to add thank you that those whiskers helping with the deer hunting at all or no not at all okay itg director strong nothing today Finance director hman nothing to add uh engineer Dean you're here that's M Mike you got it Mike hav aor our Public Works director thank you president mayor and Council uh last week we reported an exposure of the assur uh main near Evergreen Cemetery well we had a contractor out there stabilizing that and engineer staff are going to be working on the survey and design to prevent any future damage to that area and then lastly uh we also installed or we're in the process of installing some cameras at a few of our locations and thank you for chief Davis for staff helping us locate or put those in good locations for vandalism and and other items there's the three different locations of the bridge that that path underneath there lime and white uh the restrooms and the amphitheater and then Kanas Park also so those are the three locations thank you yep community development director kic thank you Mr President uh so at the next Planning Commission meeting the commission will be reviewing three short-term rentals for Renewal also we'll be reviewing a cup for a brew pub at the lern saloon and uh finally reviewing the cup and variance request for seven residential units above Bob and Fran uh with that staff is also has has begun preparing a crypto ordinance for commission review in December uh the Eda and city council uh were able to uh tour the gist for crypto facility this last week very interesting so uh thankful that they were able to show us that and and will certainly be beneficial in uh helping create that ordinance that's everything I have well repeat what the Bob and France thing was um it's a cup request as well as a variance request for seven apartments above Bob and fr okay they had to leave the beds up there so they yeah smart Mr langle can I ask you a question Mr langle will we be receiving an update on our property purchase we had recently had a closed session and I thought we'd have heard something back we're still waiting for got it soon very all right HR Director Schubert our Public Utilities director Mr Evans nothing to add Mr President thank you very much we'll now move on to my absolute favorite time of every council meeting the mayor's report thank you president Brothers what about Nick what Nick let Nick no he's going we're paying for him to go no we're actually not paying for him to go to Las Vegas excuse me Mr I will pause my time just add an extra 5 minutes I can gladly do that City administrator boals I apologize not at all my my mine will be very short but very very very sweet I'm going to be on vacation beginning Wednesday day after tomorrow to go see our first grandchild out in Washington so I'll be on vacation Wednesday Thursday and Friday of this week that's all I have thank you now The Honorable mayor B he's just announcing vacations tonight yeah even Vegas yeah exactly uh super fast uh the Brandon Community Action and the Brer JC's were able to do some awards the last couple days um and so I just wanted to give a tip of the cap to uh nonprofit of the Year visit Brainard and today just today announc citizen of the Year Wade HOA jokei and he cried so Wade you're welcome for making you cry it was great it was actually very very very touching and uh couldn't think of a better recipient for this year uh should be an award ceremony in the first or second week of January so stay tuned for that uh one massive event to quickly ballooning into Epic Proportions here uh small business Saturday is Saturday November 30th not November 27th Saturday November 30th is small business Satur Saturday uh down town the window walk will be happening from 11:00 to 6: there will be hay rides now from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. and then the tree lighting ceremony right here City Hall Parking Lot 5:00 p.m. uh fingers crossed we're trying to do something extra special with that but we'll see what happens however that also means ladies and gentlemen the unveiling of the cookie statues will be happening that day as well you've all been excited Christmas cookie statue you've all been waiting for it I uh probably developed cancer over the weekend while uh inhaling lots of Styrofoam uh however these statues look really really cool and I'm excited for people to see that so that will be unveiled on Saturday November 30th for those of you that can't keep track which is myself end of end of report are those cookie statues scratch and sniff well I'll tell you what it smells like burnt styrofoam nice all right let's go to council member reports and let's start with online carer nothing to report thank you Chief stunich nothing to report Gabe Johnson kids don't drop KCK the cookies please don't Drop Kick the cookies please that's all I have where you like the no fun guy you're like the Grinch there's got to be one uh I I would add and to Mr kic's report kind of sad to see Bob and France going out of business they've been familyowned for many many years I stopped in today at Auto Import the Volkswagen dealer that family's been operating that business since 1959 so those are two sad losses to the business Community but uh thank both families for their years of of putting up with the rest of us so Mr O um yeah I want to say congratulations to administrator BRS on the the first grandbaby congratulations sir uh I also want to say thank you to all the voters this is our first time I I think meeting since the election uh and the pole workers I think we had it's it's amazing how much work that is and how fast our pole workers in croing County get everything turned in when for some reason in California I don't even know if they're done yet so I want to say thank you to everybody who worked on that and got those results in efficiently and and accurately super humanly super humanly so uh thank you all for that thank you chairman o do you have any staying line nothing for me and Jeffrey chz uh yeah I want to thank mayor bedau and also the dispatch for the fine story they did on the junior JC award recipient there that was a really nice story and uh quite the individual I can't remember name's 15-year-old sophomore Abigail Hansen there you go wonderful wonderful uh achievement she has and lots of volunteering but also want to thank congratulate Nick as well the first grandbaby so thank you Jeff item 13 we are looking for a motion to adjourn to close labor negotiation strategy session pursuant to Minnesota statutes 13 d03 subdivision 1B to consider strategy for labor negotiations including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of Labor negotiation proposals conducted pursuant to Minnesota statutes 179 A.1 to 179 a.2 the closed labor negotiation strategy session meeting may be further closed for discussion of litigation strategy protected by the attorney client privilege as permitted by Minnesota statutes 13 d05 subdivision 3B the specific subject to be discussed pursuant to Minnesota statutes 13d .01 subdivision three are the legal positions and strategy and the interest arbitration between the city and IB ew31 Public Utilities Union uh Bureau of mediation services case number 24- pn- 0860 I move all that thank you second I have a motion by uh Johnson a second by Stang line any discussion hearing none Tony please call the role stun yes Terry yes stting line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD day yes bans yes let's take a seven minute break to clear the room and do whatever personal business --------- ##VIDEO ID:ACbZgxT5yx0## all right we will call to order safety and Public Works uh this is city of Brainard it was November 18th 2024 7:15 p.m. in council chambers we just have three items tonight uh first of which we have a discussion on the sanitary Forest main sewer lighting project and Sewer rates and this is for uh Public Works director Mike abacor and I'm going to refer and I'll refer to Jesse thank you Mr chair so staff was director provide recommendations on a programming year for the sewer Force main lining project as well as a recommendation on the sewer rate adjustment to accommodate the project uh as reported at the October 21st meeting the attached report is recommending an estimated $1.1 million lining project uh so staff reviewed the capital plan as well as the scope of work included here with the uh with the project u based on the review staff is recommending programming this project into the 2027 construction year um as kind of mentioned in the agenda item 2025 2026 are pretty heavy programmed years uh both from an Administration and a funding standpoint uh programming the project in 2027 allows for the project to be in a lighter year and provide some time for planning um as mentioned in the agenda item using 2027 as the recommended year staff recommends using 1.4 million as the budgeted amount this accounts for a little bit of inflation as well as engineering costs uh due to the large amount uh staff is also recommending that the project be bonded rather than expended from cash reserves um bonding uh bonding the cost has some additional costs such as interest however spreads the cost over time making the total cost a little bit more palatable for the sewer fund uh if the council elects to follow staff's recommendation on 2027 as well as planning to bond some or all of the amount of the project uh this does allow for a few years that we could use the recommendations under the pre previous sewer rate study uh staff would then recommend that a new rate study be completed in 2027 rather than the original plan of 2028 uh this would accommodate this uh both this project and then the next 5 years afterwards and can answer questions thank you uh we had some emails today uh I don't know if you guys well Jeff wrote an email there was some response from staff it sounds like you guys are having a meeting tomorrow um looks like all of you are in here right now um maybe you want to clear the air here with with Mr chzo or all of us is there any extra information that we're still looking for before we make a decision I have a quick question on your September of last year am I uh no you are not anyway so um I'm wondering about the rates we approved last September they're good for two years I understand this year and next year is that correct and then we do it again every every two years is that how we've been doing it so the action taken by the council uh was back back in November of 2023 to establish the rates for 2024 and 2025 uh Direction was that we were going to bring the the sewer study uh with the recommendations back for uh reconsideration at that time okay so so we do when we set them in November of last year they're for two years and then we do it every two years subsequent right is that what you usually do I haven't been here for the previous two years before that so I couldn't tell you previous practice was but but being that we set them for 24 and 25 we would have been doing them again correct yes we would come back and fall of 2025 to establish what the rates would be for 26 and moving forward okay do when you said 26 Would we not do them for 27 as well uh that would be up to the council okay um and then um was this plan uh anything in our capital projects plan for the next 10 years is this was this line included in there this uh sanitary sewer line originally we had the $32,000 identified for the lining project but as mentioned uh in the I believe was the October 21st council meeting uh we quickly uh realized that that was not going to uh be able to cover the expenses for this when was that scheduled for in 322,000 the 302 was from 2024 2024 okay yes sir all right that's all I got right now Mr chair thank you anybody have a motion or anything um I I'd like to hold this over until our next meeting and see what they come back with for more information okay let me my motion we this being as this is something we're trying to plan out three years ahead I don't think there's a problem with that is there any issue with that with staff okay you want a mo motion with that yep that was my motion what was the motion again to come back at the next meeting after they discuss the questions and different things and just to get a a more uh uh completed answers to my questions and uh more information I'll second the motion motion and a second any more discussion none go to a vote I'll in favor I motion passes next item we have Direction on active Code Enforcement cases this is for uh community development director James cranic thank you Mr chair staff is bringing one property uh before the council for review tonight uh 4014 Avenue Northeast exterior structure um with a picture you can see a lot of peeling paint it's an accessory structure uh the letter was sent the initial violation letter at the beginning of August uh the homeowner did reach out to us and uh did give them an additional month so um essentially two months instead of the standard 30 days um once that had passed uh staff began the citations uh did not hear from the property owner through that citation process um from when the packet was sent out um we actually did hear from the owner he had planned to paint it this past weekend here um temperatures were warm but I'm not sure if it's still appropriate for paint um however that it did not get done this past weekend either uh so with that staff is recommending at this point a $300 citation once a month until a correction plan is approved by the Community Development dep Department um correction plan would probably obviously can't paint in the winter time um if it's something that we could agree upon from our department as well as the homeowner it' probably be something mid June we'd give them um to get the the accessory structure painted so with that I can answer any questions I think that would have been my question um obviously we can't force him to paint in the middle of winter unless you want to build a tent over it or something but um I think that's reasonable I um move that we proceed with staff's recommendation second motion and a second any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes next we have an additional item he did did I not add that in the beginning you said there was three okay there's a third item that was not originally listed this is a tree lighting um application event application uh and I believe we have the applicant here he was here now he's there uh this is tree lighting the tree lighting event on the 30th November 30th are we rushing this yes I don't like to rush things yeah we can push it back till December um this is uh the applicant's name is Dave bedau if some of you might know him if you want to speak on this sir I think you said the 30th I think it's the 27th but maybe I'm incorrect Saturday the 30th is it the 30th then I wrote it wrong on 27th is Wednesday it is Saturday the 30th so this is not what is on your your sheet in front so typically the Brer Community Action has been asked by the city to run the tree lighting ceremony we are doing so however we had asked if it would be okay if we had hay rides during that event and in doing so in speaking with uh engineer Dean uh the recommendation was to bring that portion before the council so that police and other departments would be aware that that would be happening there isn't an actual request for usage of any city property um as we we're going to try and use a separate private parking lot for the loading and unloading but uh we do want to have horses pulling a wagon on the city streets okay and the actual pay rise are from 4 to six from 4 to six probably 430 to 6 but just for the purposes of um for this making sure we four is probably accurate all right is there any um route you plan on taking have not established however I don't we have had thought about potentially doing it on this side with the tree lighting ceremony however that would require Crossing C six Street I don't think that that's a good idea so um we're looking to find a parking lot on the opposite side and then a small zigzag through the downtown area does the Fire Marshall need to approve this or anything he's not here that wasn't my question is there going be smoking allowed on this day ride in case of fire oh it'll it'll be a hot event so it's all insured everything is insured we'll make sure it's insured you have a shovel to clean up after these horses I am not in charge of what you refer to as uh Apple scooping I will not be doing such things someone will someone will someone will thank you we have a motion uh I move that we approve with the amendment of the 30th the correct that sounds better I'll second that put the wrong date motion second any more discussion none go to vote all in favor I I motion passes we can adj the council meeting