##VIDEO ID:utfQu88jk7M## all right it is 7:30 on Monday November 4th I call the Brainard city council meeting to order Tony please call the role stun here Terry here stting line here Johnson here chesak yes OD here bans here bed please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right item four is the approval of the agenda I've had a request for one uh change chairman Johnson yeah I'd move to adopt the agenda but let's move from 6 A5 let's move that item to 7h that's the uh resolution reaffirming the purchase of the Roberts property and I move perfect we've got a motion to um to um accept to approve the amended agenda by Johnson second by chz any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries item five is a consent calendar notice to the public that all matters listed are considered by the r uh considered routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion there'll be no no separate discussion of these items unless good cause is shown prior to the time the council votes on the motion to be adopted by roll call is there a motion to adopt the consent calendar motion by stunich second by Terry any discussion any discussion hearing none please call the role stunk yes Terry yes Stingin yes Johnson yes chesak yes ode yes rans yes the consent calendar is adopted item six is Council committee report 6 say personal and finance committee chairman Gabe Johnson thank you Mr President we're down to four items on the agenda the first of which is a police officer hiring and the motion is to ratify the hiring of Mr Samuel Richie effective November 4th 2024 on step two of the police officer wage grid and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stun chairman Johnson thank you this gets us at 26 officers we do have the 27th and full contingent officer in pre-employment uh process right now thank thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries please proceed thank you next up is to approve some deferment of Assessments and the motion is to approve the applications for deferment of Assessments payable in 2025 for applicant at PS 411 91220 41300 682 and 41250 875 and ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by Terry chairman Johnson ual uh applications these were all deferred in the past and we're just going to continue to defer them next year thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries thank you please proceed okay thank you next one is just an update staff has been working on getting the uh Levy much much lower than we had it at the preliminary level and they've found it's just discussion only they' so far they've found 73,4 51 in savings so we're about halfway there to getting to a a 6% or less Levy this will be on the uh next PNF Council agenda to to disc so we can give our input to staff on what we would like to see cut or increase or whatnot thank you Mr bevans Mr chz um would it be possible to get the um what the staff is recommending to be uh cut before jerman Johnson I would like that let's get that on the next agenda when we talk about it in two weeks that soon enough um is it possible to get it sooner I mean uh Connie how soon could you get that from Mr chz I can send a summary tomorrow morning is that soon enough yeah perfect I'd like that but let's also put it in the packet next time still so the public can review it as well excellent any further questions comments on the 2025 Levy and budget update hearing none thank you please proceed okay next up is a resolution and the motion is to adopt the attached proposed resolution relating to the finance transferring certain funds to and from syncing funds closing out funds 316 and 321 with the cash balances to be transferred to six other Debt Service funds and any future delinquent tax revenues or special assessment collections going to fund 400 in ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich chairman Johnson so funds 316 and 321 were previous debt issuances that we have fully paid off and there is a cash balance so we're just transferring that cash into some of the other syncing funds to help pay off the other debt that is still outstanding thank you Mr Mr chz do we always uh do this type of transfer via resolution is that's a common practice Connie can you answer that yes we do it by resolution okay thank you thank you any further discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll stunich yes Terry yes stline yes Johnson yes chesak yes OD yes bans yes so that uh resolution is adopted five we've moved anything else chairman John end report thank you it next up is 6B safety and Public Works committee chairman Mike OD day thank you Mr President we had seven items on safety and public works tonight uh first was adopting two resolutions uh having to do with the iig ja technical assistance grant agreement and support nsbp Grant application uh first resolution uh is to approve the iig ja technical assistance grant agreement and Adoption of the attach attached uh resolution agreement to the terms of the Grant and I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion I would refer to our uh city engineer if anyone has questions on this he's not at a microphone so any questions of this comments hearing none Tony please call the role stunich yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes chesak yes OD yes bans yes that resolution is adopted please proceed thank you next motion from this item uh was adoption of the attached resolution supporting the nsbp grant application is so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by Stang line any discussion chairman OD say these are both having to do with what we approved in the last meeting the 10,000 that we're spending to uh reach some grants for the uh pedestrian bridge thank you any further comments hearing none please call the role stun yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes chesak yes OD day yes bans yes the resolution soltion is adopted please proceed thank you next item was authorization of application for the carbon reduction Pro program grant for the trunk Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project and uh motion coming out of committee was to recommend authorization to apply for the CRP grant program for the trunk Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project for $1 million and I so move second we have a motion by OD day second by chesk any discussion chairman R this is the uh grant that we already received the 1.38 million uh or 1.3 million um we pushed it along so we're we're looking to add another million dollars to that getting us a little closer to completing that project thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you uh next was a application for the surface Transportation block grant program for the Oak Street reconstruction project uh and motion coming out of committee was to recommend authorization to apply for the stgp grant for the Oak Street reconstruction project in the amount of 1.25 million is so move second we have a motion by o day a second by Stang line any discussion chairman OD this is obviously Oak Street reconstruction coming up in the 10-year plan looks like we're uh currently soliciting for 2029 this amount would help what sounds like about half to a third maybe of uh the entire project thank you any further discussion my only one is hopefully since this will be the third time that we've done this road since I've been on the council hopefully this will be our third and final time redoing Oak Street any further comments or concerns hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you next was a discussion on uh L safe routes to school project uh construction detour staff is recommending that we don't set up a detour for this there's just too many factors uh that make it more difficult with a detour uh we've seen that before with our safe routes projects um so we went ahead and and we're going to recommend not setting up a detour and that was a motion coming out of the committee and I so move second we have a motion by OD a second by chesk any discussion any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you next was uh Bolton and mink Amendment request for the Laurel Street Bridge repair project uh just some extra hours that Bolton and mink put into some additional issues that came up came to the uh total of $1,950 uh we're recommending approval of the amendment request for Bolton mink in the amount of $1,950 I so move second we have a motion by o day a second by stting line any discussion any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you next was uh Engineering Services proposal for the Hawkins Ronald Joseph resurfacing project uh motion coming out of committee was to recommend Award of the Engineering Services contract for this project to more Engineering in the amount of $80,000 ISO move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chesk any discussion any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you our final item was a update on the trunk Highway 371b Willow Street comparison of costs that was requested uh of staff and we just had a discussion there was no motion on this but we have a chart that staff kind of did their best on comparing what the costs would have been in 2018 compared to 2025 based on um the pricing that we had back then and now it's a little tough to compare but looks like the overall total cost would have been cheaper back then but with our hsip grant it actually brings our cost down below possibly uh what it could have been overall it is going to cost taxpayer dollars in general more but maybe not so much for the citizens in Brainard thank you anybody have any questions on the roundabout cost comparison chairman Johnson thank you I've can we use HP dollars for sanitary and water projects or is that for just roads just road so that grant that is taking down the cost of the street that went up substantially is not affecting at all the additional $114,000 in water or $5,000 in sanitary right that's just additional costs on the rate payers because of the delay in the project so right that's something worth considering well and I don't I don't think it really matters we kind of have to do it but good point yeah the water fund the water fund does not need addition $150,000 expenditures I tell you that right on any further questions comments or concerns thank you very much please proceed end of report thank you we will move on to item seven which is unfinished business 7A is a call for applicants I will turn it over to Mayor bedau thank you president bevans the following boards and commissions have seats available applications are available on our website the charter commission two terms expiring 2026 two terms expiring 2025 Library board one term expiring 202 Transportation advisory committee two terms expiring 2026 the Eda also has one term available expiring 2026 thank you Mr Mayor and as council president I have two Rec appointments available on the Planning Commission one term to expire in 2024 and one term to expire in 2026 item 7B is the final reading and public hearing of proposed ordinance 157 74 um the fee schedule uh this is submitted by Mr Ki anything you'd like to add to what's in our packet yes thank you Mr President so highlights of the fees uh proposed fee schedule change include residential set permit fees increasing to $50 per inspection um some uh permits require one some two some three uh yearly food truck licenses decrease from $300 to $50 with a $75 fire inspection uh including a $1,000 fee for city property inquiries which would cover the cost of an appraisal and then adding the fire department fees to the fee schedule which um currently was not uh and then increasing most of those set fees by $25 uh so with that staff recommends to conduct the final reading and dispense with the actual reading hold a public hearing approve proposed ordinance 1574 and then adopt a resolution for summary publication of ordinance 1574 and I can answer any questions thank you Mr kic and questions of staff on the fee schedule Mr chz yeah Mr cranic um why is Staff recommending these increases um based uh which increase well any of them all of them based on the amount of time that it takes one of our inspector specifically for the building department um we looked at uh other municipalities on what they're charging I would say we're probably middle of the road um for some of these inspections um some of them do by Straight valuation which would be considerably more than what we're charging right now now um you know for instance the the food trucks again looking at what other municipalities um you know have charged as well as uh hearing from food trucks that were interested in coming but um we're we're hesitant with the the $300 especially if it was going to be over maybe one weekend um so and then um I guess uh Mr Holmes could answer any questions about the fire fee increases but certainly wanted to get that as part of the fee schedule um because by ordinance then it is certainly more effective if if anybody to question the the fee schedule for the fire department it's more or less a competitive type thing okay thank you thanks Mr Jessica anything else thank you any other questions of staff I uh M May oh I just I have a procedural question James there's something on this that I've never seen before you've got three votes tonight instead of just two you've got the final reading and then the approval of the ordinance and then the adoption of the ordinance is that correct you want to do that three times tonight y so yeah so final reading to dispense with um the actual reading hold the public hearing approve propos ordinance and then the change in this one that we don't typically do would be adopting a resolution to provide a summary ordinance for the paper than you wanted to make sure may but yeah so my only question is still on the food trucks uh does is this going to then remove the $50 single day use yes um essentially it wouldn't be needed there's still be a $50 requirement for the parks department so $50 for a city $50 for Parks okay and but they still will have to then these ones will then have to get the fire inspection as well then correct they would yep okay I I don't know exactly how I feel about the that in particular I I'd be open to seeing where it goes um I I don't know if it's in our best interest to just open the floodgates to anyone that wants to bring a food truck up but you know if we're if we're blocking all people from bringing food truck up food trucks up I don't think that's a great idea but I don't I still don't know where I stand on that thank you for that clear and concise comment okay what happens if you have to vote I specifically just on food trucks I I have no problem with any of the other fees being changed I any further comments of from staff all right hearing none let's try item number one which is to conduct a final read reading of proposed ordinance 1574 and dispense with the actual reading and a vote to dispense with the actual reading of the ordinance must be unanimous is there a move to conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1574 so moved motion by St line is there a second second second by Terry any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I all opposed same sign motion carries unanimously it is now 7:48 I will open the public hearing and anybody who is in the audience can come on up State their name and address and let us know what they think about the new fee schedule if you are online star three will notify us that you are looking to speak and then star 6 will unmute you I'll ask a second time if there's anybody in the audience or online that wishes to speak on the proposed fees schedule and I'll ask a final time please come forward state your name and address and at 7:49 and I will close the public hearing and we're looking for a motion to approve proposed ordinance 1574 so moved motion by Terry is there a second second second by OD day any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign resolution we're coming there we're getting there is just approving it this is what I asked about this is an ordinance um Mr President I think that because this is an ordinance I think we have to do a roll call both okay for both of them Tony please call the rooll stun yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes chazak yes OD yes bans yes the ordinance is approved now we're looking for a motion to adopt a resolution for a summary publication of ordinance 1574 so move second sting line Second by chz any discussion chairman Johnson what's the summary publication it's nobody knows oh good we're approving we're just going to do this or we're we're getting good we're going to do this one till we're good Mr kit same question I asked earlier we have done summary Publications from time to time um this one because you have that those large appendixes in there that that show the fee schedule it would cost hundreds of dollars to publish something like that um we've done it with the zoning code in the past I believe the um the sewer ordinance that we've done um that's been done in the past as well um it's it does say that we do provide a copy if anybody wishes to see it but again it's uh uh typically done in other municipality as well where you have a very large ordinance otherwise it would cost hundreds of dollars to print something like this thank you any uh other comments all right we've got a motion we've got a second Tony please call the RO stunich yes Terry yes St Tang line yes Johnson yes chz yes OD yes bans yes that resolution is adopted we will move on to 7 C the final reading of proposed ordinance 1575 burning restrictions Mr kic and Mr fire chief Holmes if you have anything to add to what's in our packet thank you Mr President I'll start out here uh so the current burning regulations are not codified in city code and can therefore not be easily enforced if a resident does not comply uh the language drafted in the ordinance was taken from the recreational fire um regulations that are found on the PDF uh within the city of Brainard website but again must be codified uh in order to have uh in order to be more strict and and be able to apply the city code to it uh so with that staff does recommend conducting the final reading of proposed ordinance 1575 and to dispense with the actual reading hold a public hearing and approve proposed ordinance 1575 thank you Mr fire chief Holmes anything you need to add thank you any questions of Staff hearing none uh the first item on this is to conduct the final reading of proposed ordinance 1575 and dispense with the actual reading a vote to dispense with the actual reading the ordinance must be unanimous is there a motion to hold the final reading so Move Motion by stunich second by chz any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries unanimously it is 7:53 and I will open the public hearing just as before if you're in the audience please step forward uh in an orderly manner state your name and address and let us know what you think of the new ordinance 1575 if you're online star3 notifies us that you wish to speak star 6 will unmute you ask a second second time if there's anybody in who wishes to speak on proposed ordinance 1575 I will ask a final time if anybody in the audience or online wishes to speak on proposed ordinance 1575 the burning ordinance it's a burnning ordinance hearing none we will close the public hearing and we will look for a motion to approve proposed ordinance 1575 so motion by chz is there second second second by Terry any discussion hearing none Tony please call the RO stun yes Terry yes Stingin yes Johnson yes chesak yes oday yes bans yes that uh ordinance is adopted we will move on to uh 7D integration work group update we'll turn it over to City administrator Royals thank you Mr President just by way of quick review uh city council has this first came up approximately 15 months ago to consider integration of City it and Public Utilities it again just by way of review on July 31st 2023 councilman John Johnson requested a conversation occur between the city and Public Utilities find potential efficiencies informing one Citywide it Department like our HR department subsequently in my six-month review I did have a a bullet as a goal for my next reporting period to integrate it finance that was on a consent calendar and it was voted for unanimously then lastly on October 21st the council did direct an IT integration or excuse me an integration work group to oversee this process identified five name members by position that group did meet on October 25th and one of the recommendations that came out of that group was even though it wasn't my six-month review on the consent calendar we thought it would be a appropriate to put something before Council to get a vote on record is if Council still wants staff to pursue integration of it and finance I will say that we have a draft organization chart we have draft position descriptions to uh go along with that organization chart but staff is just asking for a motion to direct staff to continue um to work to integrate it and finance between BPU in the city thank you any questions of Staff okay we'll start with Mr chz then Mr oday yeah um I guess it would be for Nick um at our October 25th meeting um do you still see the likelihood here of having a workshop to kind of uh be able to identify the um the different uh positions that the job descriptions outline and perhaps any Cross trining of the bullet or the um what do they call the um presentations that were given were in a um I forget what format they were again PowerPoint yeah there was a couple at least two or three of those I think and uh I I was just still hoping that that would come forward at a time where we can get all the information that's been shared um that I think only has been shared with staff and uh so we as a council have the best information available to us before we start uh I guess I'm I'm not so concerned about the structure that you you have identified with the uh job descriptions but so more so than the actual uh work that would be done by the different it Department people that we have currently and if we're going to add more or not to that I would I would really be in favor of seeing a workshop so everybody knows what's out there who who knows what who doesn't and uh we can share all that even with the I think it's important the Public Utility Commission members as uh this was on mentioned on there meeting last Tuesday and there's still some concern as to what's really going on because it's kind of still a little bit cloudy I think for a lot of people more so than just the structure that's been outlined in the job description so I'd like to see us move forward with a motion to uh have a future Workshop to to provide the PowerPoint presentations and uh maybe more identifying what's going on so if that if that's what the council wishes I certainly think that's a if that's what council directs we would be happy to provide that information okay I I'll turn it back to you when the time comes Mr chesk but right now I'm going to just turn it over to Mr OD he had his hand up as well yeah I think he kind of covered a bit of what I was going to say I I don't feel one way or another about a workshop I think it would be a good thing I guess but um anytime we're looking to explore more efficiency in our in our setup and I all for it so I just wanted to make sure that this is something that is going to come before the council at some point before we we just move into it we don't I want to make sure that this is something that comes before the council that gets approved in the end after we've decided what the best way forward through this integration is going to be or even if it's step by step something like that but I think our staff that is involved in this just needs to know that we need to look into these things and we're just looking to be more efficient uh and to have our staff be able to do multiple jobs when needed or at least be trained in multiple jobs in all departments I think that's always helpful so I just wanted to say that thanks Mr R Mr BR uh thanks uh Council M day I I completely agree staff wants to be as transparent as we can uh we certainly whatever happens whether there's a workshop or not a workshop whatever Council directs um all of the all of our actions and recommendations will be brought before the full C any other comments or questions of Staff before I turn it back to Mr chz Mr Johnson yeah I just want to kind of second what Mikael o day said that I think when we started going on this we're we're looking for efficiencies within the organization and to make us run better potentially save money so I'm not just looking I don't want everything just to be integrated if that's going to cause us to hire seven more staff to manage this integration right it needs to be efficiencies to make us service our rate payers and taxpayers better and potentially save money along the way so I'm hoping that's the direction that that that work group is trying to take it but that's just my thought on it thank you any further questions or comments of Staff as to where we are Mr chesk you said you had a motion I I did but I did want to follow one quick uh I guess question or comment absolutely it's so uh if I'm not mistaken um um Mr BRS had set a goal to have this and it was part of his evaluation and we all I believe all of us agreed um and the way it was worded um I believe the goal was to uh get it and finance with public utilities and City integrated by the 2025 or somewhere throughout the next year and then in the summary it says um after they do do this after the ibw local 31 has been finalized the uh the contract but I it it appears we've started this a little before all that and I mean I I guess it that's that's what it was stated in the summary and uh so it would I guess my question is I is have we kind of got the cart before the horse if we're waiting for that contract to be finalized and I think that's through arbitration is it not is that Mr I think you're what you said is absolutely correct that's what it says in the six-month review um we can certainly wait until the contract is finalized um my sense um as staff was that once we were going to arbitration there was not any really any more staff work to be done uh on that front that's really between the lawyers right now and we'll have an arbitration hearing and we'll have to let some 30-day Windows pass etc etc but we can certainly wait if the council so desires until after the contract is settled or we can continue continue down the path you know intentionally and methodically and keeping Council informed along the way it's up to the council okay Mr chesak you have the floor so there's three things that I see and I'm hoping your motion will address all three one is to continue the integration process two is do we have to wait for the contract y if is there a timing that you can effectively change and the third thing of course is the work group yes it's yours okay I would move that we uh continue the work group and uh just as a and and include those staff that I believe our uh administrator feels necessary at the time we're discussing other including HR and uh Finance people when they're needed and then with the work group and then um also to uh I would say uh wait till we get a finalization of the arbitration and or the uh contract agreement with ibe w31 local 31 and then also to uh get a workshop together uh I would say sometime within the first three months of next year sometime before the end of March unless we need unless other people think that could be amended to that's my motion thank you uh is there a second second okay we have a motion by chz a second by standing line first up is carer um may I ask council member chesak for some clarification sure so I'm understanding council member chesak so you had said continue the work group going forward but wait until the arbitration is complete what is it that we're waiting on well that's the way it was presented both in the uh the the uh summary and also the evaluation identified after the arbitration is finalized and then after the contract so if we if we go by that wording that's been on our table on our plate before now I would just like to continue that the work group just wait until all those things are concluded before we continue okay thank you ify s I um I would like to move to divide the question um and pull out that second piece from the first and third the second one is the second part is the motion to direct continue integration or the waiting it's the waiting until the arbitration to pull that out so we'll talk about them in two separate motions if my motion passes okay so this is like a motion to amend yes treat this as a motion to amend I I I'm going to ask for a second but I I think I'd prefer to defeat it the way it is but but just that's just my personal opinion but we'll look for a second to to Alderman Stang Lin's motion to amend second okay we have a second okay so now we will discuss pulling that one portion out which is the part where we wait okay anybody wish to discuss that well so I just don't think Tiffany you're up y I don't think that we would benefit because I think this is going to be a long and fairly complicated process I don't think we benefit by waiting even though that was what we were thinking at the time when we did that six-month review I would like to see us move forward without waiting for the arbitration to close but I like the first and third parts thank you chairman Johnson yeah I I I agree with council member Stang line I don't I haven't heard a reasonable explanation as to what we benefit by waiting or what we lose by continuing to meet I so I I don't see why we should wait so I I support the amendment to the motion and support the other two parts of the motion thank you mman I hold on okay Mr chz yeah I would have been happy with a friendly amendment to just take that part out no we didn't get that a friendly Amendment doesn't exist well yeah okay un friendly Amendment that's great thanks Jeff I'll just add one quick thing if you will take as long as you want um I think maybe the intent of this was was about staff time and the timing and everything that's going on so if staff isn't spending time through arbitration I think it's smart to move forward with this as the next step I think maybe the the official uh any official changes that are made might be something that hopefully arbitration is done by the time we get there because I I do agree that it's probably going to take a little time so that's all that's all thank you um I I I add that I think it would have been much cleaner to defeat this motion and restart we'd been done by now but it's not happening any further discussion on the amendment okay so we're going to vote on Tiffany and Cara's motion to pull this off and vote on it separately which is kind of interesting all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries so that'll be the second thing that we vote on so we're going to go back to the original motion removing that part about we wait until arbitration is over okay and then back to that we'll discuss that anybody who wishes to discuss the the uh amended motion okay all in favor of the amended motion say I I I oppose same sign motion carries so we're going to continue the work group uh to uh meetings and discuss the fully integration of the city public utilities it and finance departments it is okay for the administrator to add staff members is needed Mr President just hold on I'm just trying to repeat the motion so you know so you know what we and and we're going to schedule a workshop so now we're going to schedule Workshop because that's part of the original motion so let's all whip out our calendars here and see Mr BRS if you have let's do it on the day of our Retreat well that would be in February or March we could is that a motion Mr chz uh we got a full day right I'm not sure for the has that been set yet a bud well Mr bral says our administrator says we could just add it on to that day that'd be fine with me is that a motion I'll make a motion to that effect thank you yes I have a motion by chz to just add it to the work to the workshop that is tentatively scheduled for late February early March is there a second Mr Johnson no no no ready to speak against it I'll ask a second time if there's a second hearing none the motion fails for lack of a second anybody wish to try another time and date a question thr date do we have a budget workshop at all between now and the end of the year not scheduled no we've we chose not to we're going to handle it at PNF and Council meetings anything else with the budget maybe we could just have a integration Workshop instead between now and the end of the year we certainly could can can I ask I I got to ask Mr OD the floor to you if he chooses I okay Mr chz um may ask Nick U if we were to go over the Powerpoints which I hope is part of the workshop uh what kind of time frame are we looking at regarding uh I know there's perhaps two of them for sure maybe a third one that was combining both of them and I don't know if we need to be over uh burdened with uh too much information but some at least one or two of the I think Sean and Aon each did one that kind of give us an idea what staff is looking at time frame yes please uh thanks councilman chesak I do believe that um if it's just PowerPoint presentations and if we want full Council and the BP commission to be in attendance as well as I would assume perhaps key staff from both the city and BPU um I can't imagine it'd be speculation but I would think that we could um wrap this up in a couple of hours tops I'm I'm hearing a unanimous consensus that we want a workshop but I heard nobody put forth oh Mr President Alder woman's St I will move that we have that workshop on Monday February 10th at 6 o'clock so you're going to schedule two that's the 10th is that a holiday no yeah so many of them okay we have a motion for the 10th at 6 o'clock here in council chambers second okay and a second any discussion any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries not be here that's right there you go well those things happen God willing okay yeah it's two hours Chief no I said half of us might not be here then oh right after tomorrow right and maybe that's good all right Tiffany Stang line you asked to have the part about the timing removed to vote on it separately so that motion is still on the floor because that's the way you had it so the motion is this is why I thought it might be there is a simpler way to do this for next time but the motion is to hold off with any integration ation except for the work group and the workshop until after arbitration that motion was seconded and then it was amended to pull it off to be voted on separately is there any discussion on that motion on the floor hearing none all in favor say I I all oppos same sign I motion fails so does anybody wish to put a timing on integration or or this can come back right we as Mr OD suggested and I think we all agreed we'd like to see this back one more time anyway and we now have a work group time but does anybody feel they need to put a timing on this Mr Johnson I don't think that would be a good idea I don't think we should rush it I don't think we should drag it out I think we have the committee the city administrator is on it let's just let it take as much time as it needs to take okay appreciate that anybody have anything else they'd like to add to the timing or anything else regarding the the the it Integra and finance department integration work group Mr bavans Mr chz there is no motion on the floor right right correct okay so the so my original motion said the work group continue with that only after but we will still continue the work group y that's obvious based on the other two parts yep okay fair enough thank you y any other comments questions concerns about the public utilities City it and finance integration work session groups shops all right well let's move on that worked really that worked really good I hope the kids at the civics class were paying attention to that one item e is an update information requested on the brainer Lakes Regional Airport Mr BRS City administrator thank you Mr President uh on October 7th Council asked staff to kind of run down some answers on three items two and three we have completed and we have reported on those at the a or excuse me October 21st Council the the last item was to try to anticipate or estimate how much staff time relative to human resources and finance that the staff spends supporting the Briner Lakes Region airport airport pardon me uh this is these are very very broad approximations Sean if you can scroll down to the next little chart um we have we don't we don't have we can't base this on anything just because the way we track our time so this is just based on conversations with our HR director and our finance director so we are anticipating that in 2024 that we will spend approximately 453 hours between finance and HR and support of the airport uh and the dollar amount on that would be just under $23,000 and we tried to break it down um you know to the to the different functional areas within finance and HR and those numbers are provided but again this is not based on time cards it's not based on any hard data it's based on conversations with staff and best estimates thank you Mr Royals any questions comments on the presentation Mr Johnson so when it was pitched to us that we should just assume all responsibility for the airport one of the reasons was how much time HR s spends on stuff out at the airport but now I'm being told that it's 15 hours a year and we should take on the whole Behemoth of the airport because somebody had to work for 15 hours I I'm further against wanting to have anything to do with the airport after seeing that thank you chairman Johnson any other comments questions or conc concerns on tonight's presentation on estimated cost for 2024 at the airport Mr chesk yeah the the one thing I know was not calculated because it is reimbursed however it's a little concerning to me um if the time at the uh it spends at the airport um it was indicated that nothing is left uh uh unattended for City facilities while it is working at the airport if I'm not mistaken that's something maybe I'm paraphrasing that I think that's a correct assessment of how that was presented but if that's the case um and staff is it for the city of brainer is at the airport that that almost suggests that if they're not at the airport they wouldn't have nothing to do here that wouldn't be the case though would it m I guess maybe Mr boals would want to no that would not be the case and if Sean if you have anything to add please please jump in but that would not be the case as I understand it Sean anything to add uh can you restate the question my question is if you're if you're not if you're not at the airport you're here or one of you either you or Lori are here doing work it related to City facilities y so I I think it's a little bit um and that's the that's of course the answer is yes they are doing work here but yet if they're not here how is that work that work is not being done and that was indicated the opposite in the information we received and the question again well it's not really a question it's a comment it's well work is being done when they're not at the airport for the city of Brainard but it was implied that uh nothing is affected uh by them working at the airport well they're not working for the city if they're working for the airport and so I I would argue that as my point I think everybody would understand what I'm saying I would hope I'm open open for questions if you don't any questions of Mr chz nope okay any other comments on the presentation on estimated costs that we spend at the airport on finance or human resources all right then we will move Mr B that does go my point is this if they're working at the airport yeah it then they're not working at City facilities which is a cost to the city which is in indicated that there is no cost to the city because we're reimbursed and I don't agree with that because they can't do work for the city of Brainard facilities if they're at the airport therefore you have a implied cost where they're not able to work for the city so I I I didn't appreciate that being put in there because we can't track a time for it because it's reimbursed so therefore there's no cost I I don't agree with that staff works for the city they get paid they're doing work for the city if they're not at the city they're at the airport pretty simple to me so Mr President chairman Johnson yeah what Jeff's describing is absolutely correct and it's called an opportunity cost because we don't have them here working we are losing something I I don't know how to quantify it but it exists and it is a loss thank you anything else on the presentation of airport wages okay everybody okay that we move on we will move on to item F which is providing direction for Paradigm auto code violations Mr kvic anything you'd like to add to what's in our packet yes thank you Mr President uh so at the last city council meeting the council directed staff to provide additional information regarding parking surface requirements for Paradigm Auto and their U-Haul business and to discuss a potential land swap with the owner uh staff has scheduled a meeting with Mr Schmidt uh this Friday to discuss those options uh in the report that I provided to council I did uh voice my concerns about allowing Crush material uh in this location as it is the Town Center zoning District uh even if it were to be coated uh as other properties could do the same thing if if it were permitted or allowed to be permitted in the future and uh From staff's perspective this would probably not be in the best interest of our downtown and around our downtown area um I think that there are potential opportunities in the future in our industrial zoning district for crushed materials potentially to be uh coated and I believe the Planning Commission is going to reviewing that sometime in the near future um staff did provide another option to uh within the memo to the property owner they could petition to rezone the property to Makers an employment zoning District uh which is north of the railroad tracks there everything south of the railroad tracks in that locations Town Center uh but if it were to be rezoned uh there would be opportunities for potential looser restrictions that they could ask for um in that area um from a staff perspective a variance would not be a good option as it has to meet practical difficulty standards that are not cost related uh so with that staff is recommending um to city council that the property owner be given 90 days to initiate a land swap or submit all applicable zoning applications to the Community Development Department at the conclusion of the 90 days if either option has not been initiated the property owner May request additional time from city council or staff would then initiate legal action from the city attorney and I can answer any questions any questions of staff any questions of Staff hearing none we have a recommendation from staff to allow the property owner in additional 90 days to either initially initiate a land swap or submit a zoning application change at the conclusion of 90 days if either option has not been initiated the property owner could ask for more time or staff will initiate legal action from the city attorney move with sha recommendations thank you we have a motion by o day a second by St line any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries next up is um 7g looking for direction on contested nuisance assessments Mr granic thank you Mr President um so city council adopted the resolution with the full assessment amount and staff indicated that additional information would be provided at the next meeting for properties that are disputing their assessments the first three properties that staff will discuss here they had turned their uh essentially sheet for contesting the news assessment in prior to the public hearing uh the four after um had turned it in uh I guess after the public hearing but staff has still included those and has made recommendations uh so with that I'll go through each one of them provide kind of a brief summary on each one of them and then I certainly can answer any questions at the end uh so the first one 523 Grove Street uh the property owner was send citations for exterior structure issues uh did the project without a permit uh This was done by a property manager since um the property owners kind of reclaimed um uh ownership of the property or or responsibility for their property U fire that individual and obtain the proper permits to complete the project uh project has been inspected and is completed staff is recommending waving the nuisance assessment of $675 uh 420 Quint Street uh this property owner has been working on the renovation of this home for the past 10 years and was sent citations for junk and debris um also for storm water uh violations this past year uh fees were not forgiven or recommended for this property during the 2022 assessment period as there was no improvement of the property uh staff has since met with a property owner on site uh multiple times um and there are expectations going forward related to the city Cod uh staff has seen a vast Improvement uh over the past few months at this property um one of the expectations is kind of cleaning up uh the junk and debris weekly at the property um so with that there has been some improvement and and uh um some work with property owners so staff is recommending waving the full amount for the storm water and sight control violations and half the amount for junk and debris um one thing to note is the property is on notice for the vacant building registry so if uh the property does not meet uh requirements uh for grass and completely have the structure done by the spring um there would be potential for that $77,000 fine um from the vacant building registry uh next property is 720 Laurel Street uh this property owner had obtained a demolition permit for a dilapidated garage um it was certainly a blighted garage and and condemnable um they were in contact with staff however the junk and debris from inside the structure were left outside for several weeks uh since the citation was issue the property has been cleaned up so staff is recommending waving the nuisance assessment this is the first time they've had a citation uh next property is 303j Street uh so this property has had multiple issues for junken debris long grass and weeds and Zoning violations for a number of years uh the current violation started in October of 2022 when an illegal fence was constructed without a permit uh the property owner did include a letter um directed to to to staff as well as city council um at the October 16th 2023 city council meeting council did direct staff to apply a $300 citation monthly until the fence was corrected uh staff certainly tried to work with the this property owner and gave a number of months to reach out to City Council Members or Planning Commission members um in the event that uh the code could be changed for fencing um that didn't there's been no code change they're still in violation of the fencing ordinance uh as well as vehicles in the rear yard so as none of the items have been corrected staff does not recommend waving the nuisance assessments for this property uh the next one is 1223 Rosewood Street it was brought to staff's attention uh in November of 2023 there was an individual living in the property that had not received a rental license the owner did reach out to staff and indicate the person was assisting with maintenance in there was not paying rent U that was one of the reasons he did not believe he need a rental license um I originally recommend reinstating the fees as the owner has had a Pass Rental license at this property and knew the rental licensing rules uh certainly could have been some confusion there uh after reviewing his letter I do believe there are some communication issues uh one of the issues was his email was going to my junk email so I couldn't respond to him with some of his questions prior to the meeting uh so with some of the confusion there um and and with the expectation that he knows rental licenses are required going forward staff recommends waving the new assessment for this property uh 15 uh 284 beaverdam Road uh this property um has had numerous issues over the course of several years this is the one that had um very concerning septic problems um with the pole shed um the previous owner did not comply with the SE septic requirements and also ignored correspondence from City staff uh at the December 4th 2023 city council meeting city council directed staff to cite $100 per business day for non-compliance at the time we' believe that uh this property was um draining their their sewage out a drain tile there was no permit from the county and no information that we had otherwise um so in August of 2024 the property was sold contract for deed to Mr Brett Canfield he's the one that submitted this he's now the owner of the property um so since that time staff have been working with Mr Canfield and bringing the property in compliance it was determined the pole shed had a non-permitted holding tank it was never certified at the County uh but the tank was recently pumped and inspected and a certified in uh septic inspector passed the inspections uh the County's not requiring any other documentation um the city of brainer building official required a pressure test to ensure the plumbing was not leaking uh it did pass the the inspections for that um so it is completely compliant and and uh based on the inspections that were done it was not leaking into the into the ground um so that was uh certainly good to hear on that part of it um uh staff was made aware last week that someone who was a living in the pole shed is an unlicensed rental and working with the property owner for compliance uh so with that staff does recommend waving all pending nuisance assessments for the non-compliant complient septic uh but leaving the $875 for an unlicensed rental violation uh significant amount of time has been stent sent by or spent by staff on this property uh as well as postage so staff does not recommend waving this fee in the future if the the rental is corrected and the last one is 1023 sou 6 Street uh the current owner of the property is Mariah steel the previous uh people living on the property were squatters had an unlicensed in oper operable vehicle that's shown on the uh screen there uh the squats were removed and the issue has been resolved and there's been no issues at the property since so staff is recommending waving the nuisance assessment for this property and I can't answer any questions thank you Mr any questions of staff on the nuisance assessments Mr chz well I have a I have one question from from staff if I can Jeff and then I'll turn it right back to you problem okay Mr cran Victor these need to be we don't need to vote in Mass correct we could take each one individual you could take each one of them individually okay and that would certainly be my recommendation but Mr chz you have the I was going to move all staff recommendations we approved there you go we have a motion on the floor and a second BYOD day any discussion and and you just heard mine I'm going to vote against it because I know of some of these I know more information than Mr kvic has given us and some of them I just wouldn't wave and and I'm sorry so I'll vote against this motion Mr Johnson yeah I I I'll be voting against it too and primarily because a 1420 Quint Street I it's we say 10 years but the government started telling him to finish the project 10 and a half 11 years ago and he still hasn't I I just think it's been far too long to be giving him forgiveness for something that he knows he has been doing wrong for going on 11 12 years now I I just don't see it so I'll be voting no on the N Mass approval thank you carer you had your hand up no sir Mike OD day would you guys be into a friendly Amendment on I amend my motion yeah just pull a motion I'll amend my motion what's that I'll amend my motion oh amend it or pull it I amend my motion amend it Mr ches my motion to uh all staff recommendations except the Quinn Street when Mr Johnson referenced we'll pull that one off off of my motion thank you is the seconder okay with that I'm okay with that okay I'll still vote against it but it's cuz there's other ones that I know of um I know the Beaver Dam one was dumping raw sewage under the ground for years and to say that it was sold after we put all the fines on it I mean what a great what a great deal that is so it it it's unfortunate and I I would certainly expect higher than $875 on that one Mr cranic so that's what we had thought was happening um it was that's I'm not I've been there I mean you can say something different if you'd like to no yeah if if you believe believe that and you and seen it property has been a great tragedy for probably not as long as the one on G but uh that that's the one where they race motorcycles and do all kinds of stuff that they shouldn't do including well anyway I think the I think when you start dumping raw sewage on the ground you know there's a problem you know there it doesn't take a a a sanitary engineer to know that's wrong so oh met my motion I like it I I would just assume go right down the line but I'll I'll vote against the motion but Mr chesk you wish to amend I'll amend my motion to uh remove the Beaver Dam Road uh uh uh address as well is there a second second we have a second so the motion is to pull that one as well any discussion all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that one is pulled okay now we're back to the five correct Mr kic any discussion on those five hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries Mr Johnson you want to go first or you want me to yeah I I'd move that we uh maintain the fee the fines on the 1420 Quinn Street property total in uh it was $1,000 or so $1,025 $1,025 and we assess that and I so move is there a second second second by OD DayZ chz I'm sorry thank you Mr chesak chairman Johnson as as I already stated this has been a problem this is in my neighborhood I hear from my constituents on it all the time since before I was elected I'm the second longest serving council member up here and I've been hearing complaints about this since before I was even elected something's got to give and he's got to get the project done and we can't just be giving in him over and over and over again so I I just think we should maintain the fines that he rightfully accured himself by his actions thank thank you any further discussion I have a question Mr ches so if this doesn't pass are we just back to trying another motion on it yep okay we have we have to give something y because we're we're as of now we are assessing the property the full amount yep which in Mr Johnson's recommendation would be just fine so if we don't do a motion it it's on the assessment rules which is why we do it the way we do it any further discussion hearing none all in favor favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries my recommendation on the Beaver Dam property since this has been a nightmare for decades would be to would be and to give the new property owner a break because thankfully there is a new property owner would be to split the assessment thereby it the total assessment is $21,000 honestly got us lucky these people are not in jail and split that down to $10,500 that gives the new property owner some incentive to finish it off but the I suspect the new property owner had to know there was an issue when he walked onto the property Mr cran so so yeah so recently um and this is why I was part of my recommendation uh it was an unpermitted holding tank that was installed I believe it was it certainly could be different that was happening four years ago and I know there's been a lot of issues with motorbikes on there in the past and and unapproved rentals and unapprove and unapproved rentals um I could probably give you within the last two weeks here we did um get uh certification from the county that the holding tank was pumped that that this property leads from it was inspected by a certified septic installer so it was good on the county side of it and then um we did require our building official to they hired a plumber to run a pressure test on the system um to make sure it wasn't leaking um and was going towards the the uh um holding tank so it was it was approved from that part of it I can't say what was happening in the past that's why I'm offering I'm suggesting although I can't make a motion a $10,500 reduction and again if it was up to my recommendation there'd be people in jail for pumping raw sewage in a wetland on Beaver Dam Road but anyway anybody else can make a motion can this can I ask a question yeah so being there's a new owner yep are you suggesting that they should have been made aware of this and somehow uh done something to remedy it or you're putting the burden on the new owner Now by this area I presume the new owner was aware of it and so why then but your your Mo your idea here is then to assess give a half break give cut it in half I I presume the purchase price you could not have bought this property Jeff without knowing that there was it was dumping raw sewage on the ground okay it was Aaron Brockovich okay so and the if the new owner didn't know about it this a little bit like my email went to junk I mean you know it's it's well that's what he said I know that I know that's what he said I've heard it before anyway I think this I think the new owner is should be commend ended to the tune of $10,500 absolutely I think that's a the phenomenal thing they're doing this has been a terrible property but on the other side of the coin to not give to not give any kind of uh that's like saying I I I quit shooting people so I because I sold my gun well I great you bought it but you had to know it so that's my that's my point everybody knew it Mr cranic knew it it was a it was a this has been a disaster but you guys can do what you want I'm I'll either vote up and down but I'm not going to make a motion M well Mr President I will make the motion for um reducing the citation amount to be assessed to $10,500 we have a motion is there a second a second I have a motion and a second Mr B does that include the rental part of it I would say yes in my the total is 21 so yes the answer is yes okay I I support this I think that it gives a break to the guy a half price break on a very large assessment to put towards the fixing of it but truth be told the seller should have taken the burden on not the citizens of brard is my argument he Gabe Johnson should not have to pay for this what the seller did so and I'm just looking out for you Gabe thank thank you thank um so the rental violations were for the previous owner the rental violations were for the previous owner but we did find out that the that it was being rented by the current owner and and so there would have been new violations by the current so the previous owner owned it and rented to the current owner no but you rented to somebody else so he was uh illegally renting both structures um he sold it to this new person this uh it was it's always been advertised as a bonus living area um when when we do see it and certainly we keep an eye on this property quite often um so I'm not sure if the new owner was unaware that they couldn't rent that location out or not um staff uh did include that um with the information that I did give to the owner when we met with him uh the main thing we discussed was the septic so it's possible that he wasn't hearing that part of it but certainly um we were made aware of the rental and and are working through that issue now as well thank you any further comments or questions chairman Johnson yeah I'll support the motion I and I just I don't know what to do with this it's another one that's been a disas environmental disaster literally for years and and I just want to say the hippoed contract for deed to me was a bit of a red flag because it reminded me of that tobacco license kffo we had there for a couple years or it's just a shell game you're just moving around putting a different name on a literal piece of crap and never have to be accountable for it and I so I I'll support this motion but I don't know what the right answer is the perfect answer any further questions comments all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries anything else I have I have one question I missed it on the first motion Mr kic like property number one where they did some work without permits and we wait saved the fee all of it but they still have to pay for their permits correct that's correct okay all right I just wanted to make sure that there's still everybody has to if there's a rof permit or a whatever everybody has to do that all right we are on to number eight which is a PNF agenda item that we moved uh let me pull it up here it is um the uh what is it Mr Johnson is adopting a resolution reaffirming the purchase of Robert's property and discussion of the Wellhead protection partner Grant this is a PNF item but you said you had nothing uh uh from the from the committee is there anything you want to add to what's in our package yeah on Wednesday this wasn't what was presented on Wednesday and there was really no information so the committee didn't really have much to talk about or deliberate over to make a recommend recation to the full Council so it's it stayed on our our Council committee report but since we didn't have any of the information that is now included in the packet last Wednesday we just I just thought it would be better putting it on the full Council agenda then let's turn it over to staff we've got uh Connie Hillman our finance director Danny lock from the Pu the finance manager would either of you like to speak to what is in our packet and then I believe we have a do we have a re yeah we do have some recommendations from staff so we'll start with Connie okay so the city has been in the process of purchasing the Robert's property for years this item is on the agenda for two reasons when Council made the motion during the September 3rd council meeting to finalize the purchase only one of the two Roberts Parcels was listed in the motion during the many discussions of the purchase of this property both Parcels owned by Robert Sand and Gravel were included it was just the September 3rd motion that left out the second parcel of the purchase in order to have a clear record of purchase approval attorney lingle prepared the attached resolution the other reason is how to pay for the purchase of the property the total acreage being purchased is 35.244242 that was approved by council at the July 15th meeting also including the packet was an executive summary delineation and vulnerability report both items detail why it is in the best interest of the city to purchase the property if you look at attachment 1B the outline in red which looks like a finger pointing at something can you go to attachment 1B Sean so the red that looks like somebody's pointing at something is the um um is the sorry is the emergency response area in the Wetland Protection Program and the blue squarish outline shows the Roberts property which is almost 40% of the emergency response area so we don't think that there is any question that is in the best interest of the city to own the property the utility can apply for a grant to help buy pay for the property the grant through the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil resources would put a permanent protection on approximately 25.24% underground infrastructure the grant would mean that the city would pay about $116,000 for the 35 Acres the 10 acres that is not in permanent protection would not be specified specifically identified in the grant there was also been discussion about not wanting to apply for the grant so the property could be redeveloped the Topography of the property is unique and that the SE Southern portion of the property is considered to being a flood plane making the property difficult to develop also put the letter from Mr Meyer and the executive summary of delineation and vulnerability report includes the reason as to why the property shouldn't be developed and be only for wetland protection challenges with the grant a signed purchase agreement was needed in order to apply attorney langle did not get the fully executed purchase agreement until about October 9th the grant is not a reimbursable grant meaning the purchase of the property cannot be complete the closing cannot occur before the grant is awarded the grant has now become competitive so funding is not guaranteed and the grant process is about 30 to 60 days so with the purchase agreement um not being fully executed until October 9th and the Roberts want to close on the property as soon as possible extending the closing date could be problematic for the seller that being said is Ping full price of the 48,000 rather than about 116,000 the best use of City funds so staff's recommendation is to adopt resolution approving the property purchase agreement related to the purchase of the robber's property the second is discuss the risks associated with requesting to postpone the closing date of the property to apply for the grant and if the council's direction is to request a postponement of the closing then authorization to apply for the Wellhead protection partner Grant with the Board of Water and Soil resources okay before we move on to other staff members like Danny's here thank you for coming and our attorney let's see if there's any questions of Connie cuz that was quite a that was quite a lot of information I you wanted this up okay Danny anything you wish to add to what Connie said nothing additional all right thanks for coming attorney langle anything you want to add well I the the resolution as County indicated is is to really make a clear record about the purchase of this property the two Parcels two parcels so regardless of what the discussion is about the grant I'd appreciate if we could get that much accomplished here tonight so we have a clear Council Direction on record that we're buying these two Parcels from the from the Roberts the other part about the the grants um yeah delaying the closing is not going to go well uh with the sellers and if that's the way the council wants to go then I can certainly talk at that point about some maybe some options going forward if we can go deal with the resolution first I think that'd be a good idea okay Mr chz yeah I think for Joe um this wouldn't qualify based on uh negotiations with the Grant and the U asking to postpone as a closed session under property purchase with it is that is that something we want to look at or not council member chesak Yeah we actually could if we get to that point if we're going to talk about perhaps uh asking to extend the timeline for closing on this in which case that may very well need to involve some tweaks to the terms of the of the purchase so yes at that point we're we're into the provisions of the open meeting law where we could have a closed session and then we could actually go into that tonight if we needed to yes we can Mo we can amend the agenda and have that tonight if you like I think that answers my questions uh let's see and then if we do purchase are we going to dis uh determine if it's a public utility purchase for one part and city for the other is that on the uh resolution no the so by Charter the city owns all of it right but the funds funds are coming the funds are separate from the resolution okay thank you chairman r i remember this coming up at least two years ago maybe it was 3 years ago and originally it was we were going to offer $300,000 for the property uh the discussion about this grant was brought up at some point but it was too restrictive and I from what I remember the agreement that we came to either in a meeting or or in BPU maybe discussion in their meeting um was that once we purchased the land we would we would find the size that we would use in the future for Wells and then look into the rest of the property whether we can do some development or maybe since it's a budding Parkland maybe some of it becomes Parkland there's a lot of different opportunities with with that property so if if if we're going to use a grant that's going to Cuff us into just leaving it as is and it's a beautiful chunk of property um I I don't I don't think we should go after that particular Grant so I think going going back to the original discussion $300,000 was supposed to come out of BPU funds and purchase the property now the prop now the property is up to $48,000 maybe that's why this is prompting discussion on this but I I feel the same way about that as we did back then I think in the end there will be some property that is able to be developed whether it's a big chunk or a little chunk makes no big difference to me but I think some of this money will in turn get returned in the future thank you I have a question for you Danny I'm sorry can you come up to the microphone and you have to state your name and all that and Sean can you pull the map back up you have to state your name Danel lock finance manager where's the well in this there are no Wells currently where would the well be would be deter undetermined at this point undetermined at this point correct my question of Finance director Hilman earlier in the week is as far as the robits are concerned if they get their 48,000 we have fulfilled the contract to my knowledge although we'll let the attorney answer that my question to finance director Hillman was why can't we have two purchase agreements one for the 80% of the property that we're never going to develop because it's in the flood plane which is likely somewhere where the well is going to go which by the way it's my understanding we need this well we should price start that with that no you're the Pu guy we need this Chris Evans is Chris Evans is here that's right oh man I'm sorry I'm I'm just the finance guy all right I'm sorry if you know what my apologies Mr Evans if this if this question is more for you please have a seat uh somebody please tell me we absolutely need this yes I mean I was under the impression we do well it's it's twofold number one for future proofing because this would be potential for at least two new wells uh with that said there's a better than probable chance right now based on the geology that the quality of the water on this property would be less would have less content of uh manganese and iron so it's it's it's a more pure water so that would help us with our overall water quality plus again future proofing for you know next Generations what have you you know as the city develops and grows uh or if the chemistry for some of the existing older Wells are such that you know we can retire them or uh or at least shut them down to get the A Better Mix better quality of the water thank you I'll take that as a yes my my question then is can we not have two purchase agreements equaling 48,000 the the part that's [Music] developable separate from the part where the wells go and then write the grant for the second part of it well unfortunately I can't say exactly where the wells are going they could be in the one part that we're making the assumption is the Wetland area or it could well be that the second site might be within that extra 10 acres that is considered developable at this point moving Target correct dang thank thank you Danny I'm sorry Mr Evans I am so sorry I I I didn't mean to pull Danny up here when here you are so thank you he needs the practice I need thank you for coming up Danny I was just gonna say m Mr there's a well so my property butts up against this there's easement in between our property and up on that would be the the north uh West corner of my property would be the nor the north east corner of this this property and there's a well up on the very top of the hill there so you picture the well being down closer to the the waterline but it could be anywhere on there where it's the highest part of the Hill anywhere in the middle it's it's just depends on what's underneath so it could end up in all the developable areas too dang thank you Mr Habor our new Public Works director hi thank you president I was just commenting that maybe we just purchase it and then subdivide it later when we know where the well will go and from councilman uh od's comment great that we don't want to get a grant where it restricts us but we subdivide after we get it we do some studies where the well would go and we move forward from there that's all I wonder if that would fulfill the grant qualifications Mr O is shaking his head no just to reiterate that the grant is not a reimbursable grant so the property cannot be closed on before we get awarded the grant that's the whole problem with the grant so if if Council decides you know what we don't want to risk this we want to get this done we need it for Wellhead protection we'll pay the full amount and then there's no restrictions and Danny and I will work on how to come up with the extra $300 and some, to pay for it that that's the kicker with the Grant and also it's now it's it's um it is uh competible or compet uh yeah it's it's competitive competitive anything anyway and so we might not get anything anyway right on chairman Johnson I it's a lot of decisions in this one agenda item and I know this conversation with Roberts have been going on on for decades but this current purchase in in the form that it is was it from back to 2018 2019 because I know when we started the negotiations with them when we when we assigned the Public Utility Commission to take the lead on the negotiations our community development director and City administrator at that time started showing this land prematurely to potential developers enthusiastic very very enthusiastic about the opportunities with this land so the public he commission asked us to hold back on showing it to developers until something gets done and that was that was over 5 years ago now I just don't know why we don't have any questions answered about wellheads or developable land or where like what the plan is for this property when we've been working on this purchase for five years and now tonight we're supposed to decide Grant or no Grant all the land some of the land delay the purchase now that after it's been delayed how many times have we been close Joe 20 right we've never gotten this close I'll tell you that right now because we got a purchase agreement that's signed and we're supposed to close this week so we're we're right there so time there is a timel us to this question much a time in this yes you'll be next Mr jiz yeah so where I'm sitting I don't know I'm with Mike on on the grant that locks the land up to being used in perpetuity that's just a long time that's that's a long that's until we're swallowed by the sun nothing can be put there right that's a big decision to make I do understand that we need it and we do have all our current Wells there that we do need to protect them so I support the resolution to purchase the land but I don't know about this Grant and now that we've gone from 300 to 400 I don't know where the money would come from to buy it anyway but because we're time sensitive so we got to make decisions so that's that's my thoughts on it thank you Mr chz and then Mr kic I think this one's for Joe again um if we approve the resolution for purchase um it still can stall out after that is that correct correct the resolution is is it's a paper issue it's just to make sure that we've got something in the file with the clear indication from the city council were buying these two Parcels because there was some confusion in the record and frankly the closing agent always likes a certified resolution anyway even though it's not technically required for the city of brainer because you're a charter City but whatever we had some confusion the record this clarifies a confusion but you are right it does not specifically deal with timing of the acquisition yeah I guess the reason I'm asking is uh if if we approve the resolution to purchase which I I would love to be able to get money from the state to help pay for a significant portion of it and then of course that has the contingency where we can't do anything with a significant uh number of Acres of it um if we if we find if we did go forward with the purchase resolution and it's stalled out um we would still have the option then of applying for the grant so that that's kind of a a maybe after James yeah but I just wanted to make that point uh that be fair to say if it does if it stalls after Connie it would be uh available for the grant opportunity still if you can answer his question please Mr Lango well the availability if it stalls out and we don't close y consistent with purchase agreement then they have a potential argument to sell to somebody else and that point has been raised that these gentlemen they're ready to move on you know one of them they're they're done they're they just want to get this over with and they want to get it over with now thank you very much Mr cranck you had your hand up next then Connie Hillman our finance director yes thank you Mr President and Chris and Danny might be able to uh comment a little bit further um but I did sit as part of the Wellhead Protection Team um with our Consultants going over this property and the and the Roberts property and I did ask them Point Blank if we should develop this area for residential development and they did not recommend that um any type of development in here because it's part of the emergency response area one um so that was a recommendation from the Consultants now you know I can't say where those well heads are going to be and if there could be some development in there um but I just did want to point that out and make Council aware of that um I know Danny and Chris might be able to to answer that a little bit further um I believe and and also could clarify this there might be potential for park or trails in that area um as part of this grant but you know there might be potential for that but uh um I did ask that question and you guys can certainly clarify certainly we'll go to Connie hman next she had her hand up next so just when we talk about stalling out if we lose the purchase agreement we can't apply for the grant either you need to have a signed purchase agreement before you can apply for the grant but you can't close on the grant or you can't close on the property until the Grant's awarded so there's kind of a chicken and egg thing that's why it was so important to know when the grant was fully executed and we didn't have a time to get it on to council to ask to apply for the grant per our city policy um the other thing we do believe that you can purchase credits back so if we go into this Grant and we permanently restrict it and then later we decide oh no we need to develop this there is a way that we can buy those credits back from the grant so it's not intuity that it will stay there I think the one thing if we can get the resolution to clarify the record that would be number one and then we can Contin continue the discussion on how we proceed with the grant or not the grant Etc thank you Mr Evans anything you want to add to what Mr kic suggested you may want to add to about yeah thank you Mr President uh again not totally restrictive as we could do some Park uh and Trail work on the property uh I guess the only other thing is that you know again trying to Future proof that you know it could be at least two Wells so I mean initially it would be one well but you know this depending on how the quality of the water Etc and you know expansions that uh it it could be multiple well sites and then of course there's another part of this it's a uh real potential realignment project for some water and sewer lines uh for another uh part of the uh environmental uh mitigation thank you Mr langle if we approve the sale and then motion to apply for the grant what's the chances of the Roberts Holding Out 3 to six weeks to get paid because we can't consummate the purchase agreement per the rules that come with the grant Mr President if you go that route then I would suggest that we go on close session and start talking about modifications of the purch agreement to see if we can convince the robbers to stay in the game thank you all right anybody down on this end anybody down on this and Tiffany stangle oh well I um I would like to kind of get us maybe moving a little bit but I move that we adopt the attached resolution approving the property purchase agreement second we have a motion by stangle a second by Johnson stting line it's okay it's okay it's okay it's passed by bedtime thank you for being patient with me Mr Evans and Miss dangle line we have a motion to uh adopt the attached resolution approving the property purchase agreement it's been seconded by Johnson any discussion on the motion hearing none Tony please call the role stunich yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes chesak yes ode yes bans yes okay the second recommendation from staff that I'm sorry that resolution is adopted the second recommendation from staff is regarding postponing the closing date of the property to apply for the grant and you heard Mr langle suggest that if we wish to discuss that we go into close session this evening does anybody have anything they want to do on item two and that would also include item three which is the actual closing I'm hearing nothing else on this item so we will look to close this item and yes uh I just I I move we go to close session after this uh rejourn regular meeting to talk about that okay we have a motion by chesk second by Johnson any discussion on that hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign and then just so we get the proper uh statute when we we'll look for Mr langel to help us with that one he'll look that up while we're going on to item 8 public forum this is time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the attention of the council uh usually we like to have you keep it to 3 to 5 minutes it's 9:06 and we will open the public forum if you're online welcome star 6 will let us know that you are willingness and wanting to speak and star three then will unmute you I'll ask a second time if there's anybody who wishes to speak to us this evening on something we haven't already discussed and I will ask a third and final time if anybody wishes to come forward to speak during the public forum time I will close the public forum and turn to my right and we'll go to staff reports we'll turn it first to let's start with Eric sharpener online nothing to add this evening thank you Chief Holmes I have nothing to add thank you police chief did anything yes a couple of items to add uh first of all I was absent from the last council meeting but my understanding was there was a request for an update on where we the city is with recouping some of our losses from the damaged flashing Beacon sign on Oak Street um I checked the criminal court file um underway for that driver and the city prosecutor had um submitted to the courts um a claim of restitution on behalf of the city that criminal case is still open there has not been a ruling or a disposition yet so um maybe more to come later thank you second thing um so as you know our department um monthly has a booya recognition award for our own Department staff when when they go above and beyond and we like to recognize our staff internally and Sergeant Paul roer had um forwarded to me an incident that um a couple street department employees assisted the police department on and it really stood out that it was uh very appreciated and um I had the thought that there's no reason why we can't necessarily extend a a buoy of recognition outside of the police department so I just wanted a moment to recognize um Street Department workers Chad lardy and Lewis Schlagel and I'll just read um Sergeant roer's comments on kind of where they went above and beyond and that is uh Brainard officers responded to a two vehical accident on M Avenue with one vehicle in a private residence's yard and the other blocking the roadway on arrival Sergeant rer observed a street department vehicle with its lights activated helping to direct the flow of traffic and later found out both Street Department workers ConEd off the area helping to prevent vehicles from running over the vehicle crash debris these actions helped officers in preserving debris evidence in the roadway prevented a backup of vehicles on the busy road and assisted in getting the vehicle out of the roadway in a fast manner boad to Chad lardy and leis Schlagel for their proactive approach to helping another city Department along with their service to the citizens of Brainard and it it it might seem like a simple thing but there's a lot going on with these crash investigations and for them not to have to worry and um um about what the street department was already doing for him was very um appreciated so wanted to point that out thank you thank you very much Chief Sean strong our itg director anything for this evening Jesse Dean our city engineer and why I think technically there's no end anymore no sir so one quick update uh we do have a storm sewer outfall that has been scouring uh an area right next to a pretty large sanitary sewer M next to the Evergreen Cemetery we have our contractor that's going to be starting the repairs here later this week and then following that our engineering team is going to start working on survey and designing of the U permanent repairs for that storm Su roadfall so that's all thank you Connie Helman Finance director yes uh just a reminder that all polls polling locations will open tomorrow um be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8: p.m. election judges report at 5:30 a.m. and we'll be there until everything closes out usually until about 10:00 just wanted to give a huge thank you to all our election judges as well as the entities that allow us to use their buildings as polling locations we cannot do it without them and appreciate all that they do also the council will need to hold a special council meeting to Canvas the general election results the meeting must be held between November 8th and November 15th we need to have a quorum of council members staff's recommendation would be to hold the meeting on Monday November 13th around 11:30 or 12 so we could kind of piggyback on the PNF meeting and we would for sure have three council members there well did you say what what was the date it has to be held between November 8th and November 15th you recommended the 13th and I recommend the 13th okay so moved second we have a motion by Johnson a second by Terry to hold the election canvas special meeting on 11:13 at 11:30 11:30 any discussion yeah when the PNF takes us six minutes to do their meeting why don't we have it might go outside and have a Sig yeah you have to build in smoke break for PNF hearing no legitimate discussion all in favor say I I I oppose same sign you've got a can meeting anything else just to make sure that we will have at least four members of the council present at that time I'll be there okay perfect thank you be there to screw things up Mike Habor welcome aboard how do we do on the your first day the first it's been great Jesse's been just amazing gave me a good tour of of all our facilities and parks and staff and it's just really blessed to be here and thank you all thank you I don't thank you James Ki community development director yes thank you Mr President so just want to note that the Eda will be touring the gist for crypto facility this uh Thursday November 7th at 1: p.m. the city council and BPU commission has also been invited to attend and it has been publicly noticed thank you very much Joe langle or what was that Mr Mayor I will I need air protection they have it okay I know that they provide it Mr langle from the city attorney's office nothing here thank you our HR Director Schubert nothing to add to my written report never to be skipped again Chris Evans our Public Utilities director thank you my apologies yeah I know you can give me the evil eye I deserve it my my packet says Danny Lockett well he's a good man thank you Mr President I have nothing to add to my report at this time thank you Danny you're here anything you want to add all right administrator BRS Eric sharpener I already went I did him already I'm didn't you read your package so it's been stated already but I just want again I want to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to Mike he's going to be a great addition to the team and as Chief Davis alluded to you're inheriting a great team so we're expecting great things we're happy to have you so welcome aboard that's all Mr President holy mackerel well the moment we've all been waiting for the honorable mayor bed well I already used up my one joke so uh you got a joke calm down now I'm trying to speak play the tape back uh I just wanted to let the council know that we were asked by the YMCA to give a letter of support for the Minnesota deed Child Care Eda Grant there wasn't time for that for the council to do so so I did so on behalf of just the mayor I wasn't comfortable speaking for the council as well so as from the mayor we did send one of those so I just want to make sure you guys were aware of that um and I hopefully the rest of the city supports them as well great uh addition to the city they have become uh Halloween Kelly bevans dangerous depl right outside your front window was awesome it was like being at The Who concert it was pretty pretty pretty sweet but I want to give a a shout out to uh multiple people North Brainard was a happening place um Zion Lutheran had their trunk Retreat about 100 kids in line for that the Franklin Arts Center had their handicap accessible event as well and then of course Kelly bevans was handing out candy uh and uh sucking back back a cocktail or two but uh just as always great and I want to thank everyone uh that was out there uh having a good time for being safe and uh also a lot of teenagers out and some people I heard were saying you know I saw too many teenagers I actually liked it I thought it was it was pretty cool to see a bunch of kids that are maybe at that age where all right you're just out getting candy but still pretty pretty interesting to see as many as we did this year and I fully support it I like kids getting outside and having some fun so and then lastly H the hometown holidays uh celebration is Saturday November 30th 10:00 a.m. is the start the downtown window walk will go from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. there will also be uh deals and whatnot happening as well and then at 5:00 p.m. this is a Saturday so it's a switch from our normal Friday the city hall tree lighting ceremony will happen as well so we'll have that whole thing going on I hear that Kelly bons might be handing out hot chocolate hopefully we're hoping to hopefully hot chocolate cider and s'mores should be should be a lot of fun so that is Saturday November 30th which is uh small business Saturday so a great event to partake in end of report thank you Mr Mayor Mr chz any objection are we starting with you this n whatsoever um we got a um Public Utilities had uh decided to increase water rates 20% coming up December 1st that was at our last meeting on Tuesday and then uh there was a double double header yesterday in case yall missed it the wild one and overtime their kicker is hasn't missed a field goal or an extra point yet and uh I was kidding um wild kicker uh but I had that one thing in in recognition of mayor uh B the um what does does anybody know how old the Minnesota Vikings starting quarterback is he's darn old there you go that's all I got oh there you go mayor never have that time back again moving on he stuned he St thank you Tiffany Stang line I'm I think my brain is still pounding from Halloween that's my excuse okay it's okay I've got nothing to add chairman mik OD day just wanted uh to reiterate a welcome to Mr Habor and uh reminder to get out and vote tomorrow oh that's right you going to say that really we talked about this kids kids now calm down I only have one thing to add to the mayor's Halloween report 1,730 kids crossed my front steps on Thursday night a new world record for Gregory Park dare I say the Halloween capital of the world Gabe Johnson chairman yeah I'll keep the Halloween theme going I take my kids to North Brainard and thank you Kelly and all your neighbors that the atmosphere in North brainer is just electric every single year the kids absolutely love it and that's why the teenagers are out trick-or-treating because they don't want to give it up it is so much fun going to North prer it's like you're in an 80s movie running around with hundreds of 1700 little ghouls and goblins trick-or-treating and it's it's just a blast bar Terry uh we had our um drug takeback at Cub Foods and I want to thank the Brainard Police Department for uh being um alongside blade uh we collected 47 lb and 2 oz of unwanted medication um huge step in the right direction for the county and hopefully next year we'll double it who doesn't want it and Best For Last Chief stuning it's a better joke good luck to everybody running and as Mike said get out and vote thank you very much we are now looking for a motion to move into Clos session for reasons of of real estate negotiations Mr langle is there some State Statute that I need to quote yes sir it's Minnesota statute section 13 d05 subdivision 3 C to discuss uh potential amendments to a purchase agreement concerning the land owned by Robert S and gravel PS 413 61081 and 41361 080 I saw move second motion by chz second by o day any discussion all in favor CI we will take a 7 minute break to clear the room and the computer --------- ##VIDEO ID:vK42QEoHRTo## all right let's call to order safety and Public Works uh Brainard city council it's Monday November 4th 2024 at 7:15 in council chambers we have seven items tonight on spw first item is uh adopting resolutions and welcome to the uh meeting of acronyms this one is about the iig ja technical assistance grant agreement and support nsbp Grant application uh this is Public Works director Jesse Dean go ahead thank you Mr chair so staff received notice that we were awarded the funding from mot for the nearly $10,000 in ija technical assistance grant dollars uh to allow for srf to prepare the national Scenic byway Grant application on behalf of the city uh so attached is the grant agreement and the resolution that agrees to the terms of the grant uh in addition staff has also attached a resolution that supports the nsbp Grant application that srf will include with the Grant application so staff is recommending adop of this resolution as well thank you so we have two resolutions looking for two different motions unless you guys have a discussion before I'd move to approve the uh item one and the as far as the Grant application and the resolution second motion and a second any more discussion none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes I move that we recom recommend adoption that' be number two I second motion and a second any more discussion none go to a vote I'll in favor I I motion passes item number two we have authorization of an application for the carbon Reduction Program grant for the trunk Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so staff is recommending authorization to apply for the carbon Reduction Program grant for the Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project so as a reminder this is the same grant program that awarded the project just over $1.3 million earlier this year um based on the amount available staff is recommending applying for $1 million in additional Grant dollars for the CRP Grant and can answer questions that the council may have would this be a 1 million in addition to the 1.3 we've already had allocated yes sir okay thank you move approval second motion and a second any more disc discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes item number three we have authorization of an application for the surface Transportation block grant program for Oak Street reconstruction project again uh Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so staff is recommending another Grant application so this one is for the surface Transportation block grant program uh this is a competitive Grant with the other counties and cities within this region uh as the the funding is for year 2029 staff is recommending applying for this program for the Oak Street reconstruction project um the project is for Oak Street between 16th Street and Highway 18 and is currently programmed in the CIP for 2029 as it as it is already showing wear and tear uh it will likely also see some additional wearing during the two years of Highway 210 reconstruction um due to detouring as folks Route Around Town uh so staff is recommending applying for the for 1.25 million for the stb GP grant program for the Oak Street reconstruction project program thank you how much of the project would this a by percentage roughly would it cover probably about a third of the street cost okay thank you I move to um authorized staff to apply for the St bgp second motion second any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes next we have a discussion on low safe routes to school project construction detour again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so as we are preparing to begin design plans uh staff would like to receive direction from the Council on construction traffic rout routing during the safe routes project by LOL uh during Harrison safe routes project we elected to sign a detour route due to the amount of traffic that normally travels Oak Street and and to be able to accommodate the flow through temporary adjustments to the traffic control however 8 street is significantly lower volume uh than oak street so in addition there's going to be some challenges to the adjustments to the traffic control uh around each Street uh detouring to the South is going to create some confusion and frustration with the oneway on G Street by L um detouring to the north is likely going to recommend quite a bit of changes to traffic control for flow uh so after reviewing this staff would recommend that no signed detour be planned for the safe routes to school project uh and a request direction from the council thank you yeah Mr chz so if we uh block off H is it going to cut off access to uh Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue on either side of L um say if you're on H and want go south going either direction or will they be able to still access third and fourth they would have to access it from a different direction uh so they'd have to come in from the south or the North depending on where you're going okay so the answer is no they won't be able to access third or fourth Avenue if they're on H and want to turn South going correct yep that would be in within the project area y yeah I think traffic is is going to be just as fun as it usually is when we do projects like these but it'll be safer when we're we're finished just got to get through that part so staff is asking us to uh basically um not set up a detour do we have a motion I would move that we' have no DeTour for the L safeer El school project stff a recommendation give a motion and a second any more discussion on it hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes I number five we have uh Bolton and mink Amendment request for the Laurel Street Bridge repair project again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so attaches an amendment request from Bolton mink to complete the remaining completion items on the Laurel Street Bridge repair project uh so there some final issues that came up that are requiring more hours than originally intended uh this Bolton and mink is requesting an amendment for an additional 1950 uh the original contract was just over 40,000 uh costs for the engineering on this project are stated eligible uh staff is recommending approval of the amendment request for Bolton and mink uh in the amount of $1,950 thank you is this project completely finished yes sir they were waiting on some of the restorative items uh with some turf grass on the bottom I believe that stuff has come through now thank you got a motion I would so move to approve the change order second motion and a second any more discussion he none go to a vote all in favor I I motion passes next we have uh Engineering Services proposal awarding for the Hawkins Ronald Joseph resurfacing project uh again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so staff sent out a request for Engineering Services for the Hawkins Ronald and Joseph Street resurfacing project including design and construction engineering uh we did received three proposals from Bolton M more engineering and SE those proposals are attached uh staff performed a review of the proposals and a summary of that review and total costs are included in the agenda item uh as mentioned in the item staff has some reservations on the number of hours that more engineering has included in their proposal uh which may prove challenging um this may be a potential for a higher risk of an amendment uh comparatively as the assumptions are less clear as with all Professional Services contract we are build on an hourly basis for the services needed uh more engineering is the lowest cost proposal at $80,000 which is significantly lower than the other two proposers um with having reviewed and considered all the factor staff is recommending Award of the Engineering Services contract to more engineering uh in the amount of $80,000 and can answer questions from the council thank you me how's the name Morris spelled m o o r e okay I always get a little hesitant when their name is more oh I see where you're going with that clever huh oh so we have I don't have the packet open in front of me I'm having trouble opening it on the computer here but um the hours that are uh estimated from the from Bolton mink and SE compared to more what what how much of a difference was it pretty significant uh two to three times more okay so $100,000 would be a lot to make up in those hours though yes sir okay okay that's all I have I will move that we go forward with staff's recommendation second motion and a second any more discussion yes go ahead Jeff I I think there's a little hesitancy here by staff and myself included I'll speak for myself but uh it's always uh kind of alarming when we see a proposal come in that's uh significantly lower than two others I mean it's roughly half so hours we get built for and um we'll know long in advance if uh they're going to start wanting more money though right before they will that be correct yes sir we're going to be tied very closely with them during the contract all right that's all I got thank you any more discussion there none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes item number seven we just have a discussion item on the trunk Highway 371b and Willow Street comparison of costs uh Public Works director Jesse Dean go ahead so thank you Mr chair uh just follow up informational item for the council so staff prepare to break down of a comparison of the 2025 estimated cost for the roundabout project at 6th Street in Willow and what it may have been in 2018 uh this was significantly challenging uh as Mak making a relevant comparison meant that we are using bid price prices in the 2018 project uh with no consideration of how inclusion of the roundabout would have affected those prices uh as mentioned economies of scaler different between the two projects 2025 and 2018 um but again including this work in the 2018 project may have further affected pricing ways that we cannot say with certainty um there are also different bid items and standards that uh have changed since 2018 which makes uh an Apples to Apples comparison a little bit difficult but that said staff put together its best effort to make this comparison uh although I would caution that it should be seen as a reference only and based on a number of assumptions thank you Sean can you pull up the chart just so it's on there for public record thank you what was your estimated difference again roughly $70,000 well the total the total on in 2025 is 1.124 million uh the total in 2018 is 442 443,000 estimated but we have hsip Grant of $750,000 let's go around so that brings it down to 374,000 didn't add a dollar for every complaint since then we have pretty significant number you don't get dollars for complaints all right any more discussion or questions for staff uh only just I I want to say that I appreciate that it's hard to do an Apples to Apples comparison on something like this or impossible and but I appreciate having some idea thank you Jesse we can adjourn to the council meeting