##VIDEO ID:vfJ9pIzKw4U## all right that's an idea all right it is uh 7:30 on Tuesday September 3rd and I call the meeting of the brainer city council to order Tony would you please call the role o day here stunich here Terry here sting line here Johnson here chesak here bans here bed here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED pled of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all shoes I know I have the matching sign all right item four is the approval of the agenda is there a motion to approve the agenda so Mr chair Mr President Mr chz like to amend the agenda move the item of the uh on the PNF airport Levy discussion down beneath the uh new business item of the airport discussion so it' be right right after that as a separate item perfect Mr O do you have any problem moving the approval of the amended agenda nope uh Mr stunich no second PNF chair Johnson okay with this all right we have a motion to approve an amended agenda we have a second is there any other discussion any other discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign we have an agenda item five is the consent calendar notice to the public all matters listed are considered routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion there'll be no separate discussion uh of these items unless good cause is shown prior to the time the council votes on the motion to be adopted by roll call is there a move to adopt the consent Johnson motion by Johnson is there a second second second by Stang line any discussion hearing none Tony please call the RO OD day yes stun yes Terry yes stangl yes Johnson yes chz yes B yes we have a consent calendar item six is Council committee reports item 6A is the personnel and finance committee chairman Gabe Johnson thank you Mr President we had seven we're down to six items on the agenda first of which is ratify the hiring of line workers John Simmons and Travis Donnelly and the motion is to ratify the hiring of John Simmons and Travis Donnelly for the line worker positions further that Mr Simmons be placed on step two of the 2023 Line work wage grid and that Mr Don be placed on step four of the 2023 line Waker line worker wage Grid in ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich um to ratify the hiring of the line workers any discussion chairman Johnson yeah thank you we these are budgeted positions right now there are four before this there were four open line worker positions we received 10 applications four of which met the minimum qualifications and were interviewed we EX extended these two job offers and we're going to go back and try to find two more linemen to fill out the contingent thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign that motion carries thank you please proceed thank you next up is some resignation of a couple csos and the motion is to accept Mr John younger's resignation effective September 4 2024 and Mr Tyler Highland's resignation as of August 22nd 2024 further to authorize staff to begin the hiring process to backfill one of the Community Service Officer positions in ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by Terry any discussion Mr bans Mr CH a quick question what's the length of time we usually have community service officers serve the city of brainer it's I I defer to Chris maybe Chris or or the chief chief do you it usually varies up to two years is the maximum um usually why these individuals are attending um Central LS College that's when they're employed by us thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries thank you please proceed okay next up is the reconsideration of the Minnesota state delegation agreement and the motion is to reinstate Scott sedus Building Inspection delegation contract and further to allow Mr dth to participate in relevant inspections with Scott sadusky within 30 miles of brainer that Aid in delegation experience in ISO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by stunich chairman Johnson so we took action recently to terminate Mr Scott Sid's inspection contract but we've since learned some other things that I think the best course forward and staff's recommendation for the best courts forward at this time is to reinstate the contract with Mr sadusky and have Mr dth learn under him a bit thank you any further discussion Mr B Mr chz yeah I was wondering if uh maybe staff question but when we hire the position of our building official is this this this certification obviously isn't a requirement is that correct yes the certification is not a requirement it was just a desired qualification and then um so in order to achieve this it's going to take uh several years then is how I understand it that's typical from what I learned from our um current contractor Mr sadus it did take him 11 years to achieve this wow okay thank you any further discussion hearing none we have a motion we have a second all in favor say I I oppose same sign that motion carries please proceed okay next up is a wage resolution for the city administrator department heads and utility division managers and nons supervisor visory positions the motion is to adopt the attached wage resolution setting the July 1 2024 wages for the city administrator department heads and applicable Municipal utility division managers and non-union supervisory positions and IO move second we have a motion by Johnson a second by Terry uh chairman Johnson thank you Mr President this is what we have been intending to do all along is uh give all of our employees the same across the board living increase we had settled or we had set the wages for the union the non-union department heads before we had settled our Collective Bing agreements with the collective baring agreements there was an additional 2 and a qu% that was given on July 1st this resolution gives that to our non-union Workforce thank you any further discussion hearing none all uh this is a resolution Tony please call the role o day yes stun yes Terry yes stanglin yes Johnson yes chazak yes bans yes that resolution passes please proceed okay next up was the 2025 Library request we had a h split uh vote coming out of committee I'll hand it over to well council member stunich since he made he actually made the did you make the motion car St your number council member Terry all right council member Terry okay go ahead all right so during PNF uh we had the discussion uh of the library increase 2024 Library Levy was at 14977 the library is requesting a new Levy amount of 152 784 which is an increase of $2,996 the impact on the overall preliminary Levy would be an increase of approximately 0.4% with this uh wage or no with this increase in funds uh so I had made the motion to approve the uh $2,996 increase um for the library I have a motion by Terry is there a second second second by stunich any discussion speak to the motion um I I was thinking that the 2,996 is a minimal amount that they're requesting I think it's reasonable uh we haven't had an increase for the library board in quite some time um this money will go toward operating expenses it will not impact uh the hours of operation um they're doing the best they can I sit as the liaison on the library board they're doing the best they can to stretch their funds um and so the 2,996 will just minimally help stretch those funds a little further thank you Mr Johnson thank you and I was comfortable withholding them the library Levy in the city of Brainard flat again this year I this the citizens of Brainard pay significant ific more than any of the County residents for this Library among other things but also included in the budget like we're talking $3,000 but also included in the capital budget is $426,000 that is going to the library right they say half of our money goes to the building costs half goes to the operating costs but then when they need a new roof they just get another $425,000 anyway so I don't it doesn't make sense to me and I think holding them flat with a very generous well over the statutory minimum Levy is fair thank you any further discussion Mr bans Mr chz the statutory minimum Levy can somebody tell me what that dollar amount is any anybody from staff able to $6,795 152,50 184 that is incl is that including the not including the $2,996 that is including in incl okay so the current motion is to set the library's preliminary Levy at $2,784 thank you any further discussion the motion is to approve the levy with the increase and has been seconded all in favor say I I I oppose same sign I and it passes please proceed thank you next up we had a unanimous commission vote and that is uh the for the Eda Levy and the motion is to set the preliminary 2025 Eda Levy at $16,814.23 spoke on behalf of the Eda I'm on I'm on the Eda Mike are Kelly you are we're doing good work and it's a good organization and you know maybe they could use more money but I think that it would be more helpful if they could tell the council what this additional $27,800 would go towards next year instead of just hoping to get it and then maybe deciding what to do with it so I think we it's safe and fair to hold them flat this year and and and see what they have next year thank you any further discussion I got a question on the what kind of salaries does that Levy cover how much it's a contract with the city of about 35 32 go 20,000 somebody tell Le than $20,000 I think it's like 18 17 or $18,000 contract with the city to cover the city administrator myself and um community development director CRX wages okay and then so um that's your that's operations or labor correct and then and then the rest of the money typically goes for um like you got outside Consultants blade what not okay thank you any further discussion I'll just say Mr Mr OD I'll just say I agree in holding this flat I think there's nothing pressing that the Eda is trying to push forward uh next year this does make it more difficult say the ask goes to the maximum next year it's more of an increase than would it would be this year but I think holding it flat right now and putting the breaks on that is okay thank you any further discussion hearing none all those in favor of holding that eda's Levy flat say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed end of report thank you and as if you watch the beginning the airport commission Levy will be moved to the airport discussion later in the meeting we're now on item 6B safety and Public Works committee chairman Mike OD day thank you Mr President we had 10 items tonight first item was uh event application for concert in the park motion coming out of committee was to approve the attached event application and ISO move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chesk any discussion chairman o day thank you yeah this is a a new partnership formed between Community Action and um Jack Pine brewery to put on on a concert at Lyman PE White Park September 26th from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. um the new the new idea here is for jackpine to get their products out there so there will be beer and um other alcoholic beverages sold at this one but uh it should be a fun event thank you any further discussion question chairman Johnson do we know who the musical act is Seth Dow oh sweet I love him he's great thank you anything else hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you item number two was uh approving a street light request at the intersection of Woodland Hills Lane and Crestview Lane and a recommendation coming out of committee was to recommend to relocate the existing street light from 120 ft North to 12 to the south side of the intersection and I so move second we have a motion by o day a second by Stang line any discussion chairman o day so this is this is a streetl request that any anybody in the city can submit um the complaint was that the intersection was too dark uh this closest street light was obviously 120 ft away and it was attracting some um bad behavior in their opinion so um this should light up the intersection better and actually bring it closer to our street light policy that now exists that did not exist when this was put in uh the option of moving the light rather than adding a light saves us about $11,000 it's about 1,200 to move it so thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries thank you item number three was a discussion on a resolution uh for the no parking signs on Gillis Avenue and motion coming out of committee was to adopt the attached resolution removing on street parking from Galis Avenue on the Northbound side from Washington Street to the alley and I will move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chesk any discussion chairman oday so since Duncan opened up we have had some stacking of cars in that area uh when cars were parked along the curb they're pushing that line of cars out into the opposite um well the southbound Lanes so essentially blocking traffic um staff put these signs up as a precaution knowing that we were going to talk about it at Council since that time we've had no issues with that uh we figure just keep it as is if it becomes an issue in one way or another we can always change it later thank you any further discussion yeah Mr bons Mr chz I never asked this question earlier but um with this resolution um do we not just put up uh the permanent signs of no parking is that what happens no Mr Dean the signs out there they're essentially permanent signs so we can just leave them in place nothing changes correct okay thank you any further discussion hearing none Tony please call the rooll oday yes stun yes Terry yes stanglin yes Johnson no chesak yes bans yes that resolution is adopted please proceed thank you number four we had an approval of Buffalo Hills Gully memorandum of understanding Amendment and recommendation coming out of committee was to approve the attached mou Amendment with crowing Soil and Water Conservation District and is so move second we have a motion by oday a second by Stang line any discussion chairman oday this is the agreement that uh crowing Soil and Water Conservation District is giving us $35,000 towards the project that we had discussed last time thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you item number five we had a just a discussion item on our stre street sweeping projects and street sweeping information uh we did not have a motion on this uh on this item as it was just discussion we learned a lot about how much we're spending and how much time we're spending on street sweeping and how expensive street sweeping equipment is uh we had a gentleman request a smaller street sweeper for the sidewalks uh to keep sand off for pedestrian traffic and bike traffic um turns out those machines are almost as expensive as our two street sweeper machines that we have uh currently so it's something that we can look look at in the future not at this time but uh we also talked about paying more attention to those those areas that get a little more dirty a little more Sandy uh and and doing more spot cleaning as we go forward with our existing equipment thank you any comments on the street sweeping issue please proceed thank you uh item number six was a discussion on right of way vacations um motion coming out of committee was to go with option one where staff will investigate if there are public purpose a public purpose for these areas if none prepare appropriate documentation uh and process for the council to consider vacation of the right of way by Council Direction I so move second we have a motion by o day a second by chz any discussion chairman o yeah so this came up because uh Jack's house inquired about putting up a sign closer to the highway turns out the way that's platted was for a a frontage road which we're probably never going to put there um but right by there you can see in the green by their entry is where they want to put a bigger sign so um in looking at this this is technically city property right now there are some other areas in town that staff already pointed out that we could vacate um add on to private property owners ownership get back on the tax rols if it makes much of a difference at all but uh it also takes us off the liability of anything that's on there or uh gets out of the way for people that do want to develop something there so thank you any further discussion yeah Mr B Mr chz yeah I I think this is a I think a very uh good U suggestion by staff to move forward with this it seems to be we're doing work that doesn't really help anybody and it just gives our staff extra work it seems like on some of these locations where it's doesn't really have a good public use so I'm glad we're doing this thank you any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you item number seven was the discussion on the Rosewood alley sewer replacement cost motion coming out of committee was to replace a section of failing sewer main based on on the proposal received in 2024 and I so move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion chairman OD yeah we had a a sinkhole pointed out in this Alleyway um basically the sewer is collapsing I don't know if we have any pictures of it handy but um it is a very old sewer that we can't go in and line it it's it's too too narrow it has to be at least is 6 in we only have it has to be 8 in wide and we only have a 4in wide pipe there but it's not going to get better on its own we have the money in reserves that's what that money is for uh so we're going to go ahead and if you guys are in agreement fix it as soon as possible thank you Mr chair any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you next like 50 I'm sorry Mr chair wasn't it like 50 60 about $60,000 okay just for the record thank you for for one block of of San sanitary sewer excellent just for your information M uh proed number eight we had a discussion on the H Street detour route during the trunk Highway 210 project motion coming out of committee uh was to Grant permission to staff for the H Street uh possible detour route and I so move second we have a motion by Oda second by chz any discussion Mr chair obviously we have a a big project coming up and there's going to be a lot of different detours throughout the project as we uh hit different areas in the project this is this is during the uh 10 weeks that they'll be working on the double roundabout area you can see on that picture right there ideally we don't like to send a round or a a a detour through residential neighborhoods but there's really just no way no great way to do this one uh H Street is a little wider set up better for uh a little bit more traffic though not ideal but this would not include truck traffic thank you any any further discussion I okay go ahead Mr T yeah um I just hope that the the citizens will allow give us and be patient and this is going to be a a big deal it's going to be a headache for a lot of people and it's uh it just uh get it done move on hopefully it uh doesn't cause too many problems when this finally does come get come into projects gets identified and everybody knows what to prepare for so thank you I I I I just received one comment on this and that would be and I certainly support the motion but that would be to send truck traffic out 18 to County 25 as the major as the two major roads to continue on 210 East so I I don't know if that's feasible but it was a comment I said I would pass it on any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you number nine was a another discussion asking for direction uh regarding the trunk Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project uh coming out of committee our recommendation is to decline progressing further with the Bridge Project at this time time informed mindat that the grant would not be utilized and continue exploring uh other funding opportunities when available ISO move go ahead second we have a motion by OD day a second by Stang line any discussion chairman OD so at this time that Grant we received potentially would be about a $1.3 million award uh but this project is probably pushing more between five and six million there's too big of a gap too much uh of a risk and liability to put on our taxpayer citizens without securing funding at this time so knowing that there is a time limit and time constraint on this we're uh we're just going to let them know that this probably won't go into use for us Mr bevans Mr chz I I just had a question on the motion I think it was to stop working on the project or something to that effect I think it was item two okay what progressing further with the Bridge Project at this time informed mot that Grant would not be utilized and continue exploring funding opportunities when available am I correct Mr OD that's what I had that's what I I just wanted to double check that thank you any further discussion uh chairman Johnson it's a process question I mean when you deny you apply for Grant funds you receive them you get awarded and you say n changed our mind does that have any effect on future Grant applications I don't know anybody on staff if Brer is just now becom a flake yeah I know it didn't in the past because we've declined grants before it it can play into when the review committe is looking at at Future uh Grant applications but it's not part of the actual review process itself so it shouldn't be actually considered but but people have feelings yeah they they want to see a project that they fund come to fruition so they don't want to see funds turned back so uh they will think twice about that same project being applied for for grant funding in the future for that specific Grant thank you they'll just give us more next time Miss stanglin um so I'm I'm part of the ATP that uh awarded that Grant and uh there there were concerns expressed at the time about whether we could actually get the money spent mhm uh and basically the the they gave it to us because we were the like the last application that they were awarding um so I don't think they're going to be surprised by they already don't like us yeah thank you any further discussion T So as much as I want to see this go forward the other the other problem is we've we've applied for quite a few other grants and we've been turned down by quite a few other grants but they're all aware that this is a possibility right now without having that trail connect to the kayuna trail it really doesn't make sense for those a lot of those grants but one that does connect and and the pedestrian traffic increases across our highway right there I think that's when you're going to see a bigger push for this so that's just what I see going forward thank you and any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed thank you our final item uh was just Direction on active Code Enforcement cases uh this one had to do with 9917 7th Street South uh long grass and recommendation was abatement of the property nio move second we have a motion by OD day a second by chz any discussion they going to put up a fence to hide it right I've got a question Mr chairman Johnson no I was here for the committee meeting and it sounds like the previous owner at now has passed away so is this earmark to be put in the vacant building registry or you want to wait for it to be vacant for a year I forget how that works Yep this one would be one that would be put on there as well okay I think it's 30 days right so the vacant building registry um they they would have a potential um opportunity to sign up for a restoration plan of the building um the building itself probably doesn't have I'd have to take a closer look at it um have a lot of issues certainly the the lawn is an issue so um we'll still go I'll review this one and go through that process any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries please proceed and a report Thank you very much we will move on to item seven which is unfinished business item 7A is a call for applicants we're turn it over to Mayor BAU holy Hannah I'll tell you what we are getting low on these commissions just in time for the New Year where we can just add a bunch back on so if you're interested to be a part of the city of Brainard don't know where to get started we've got commissions you can be a part of Charter commission two terms expiring 2026 two terms expiring 2025 Transportation advisory committee two terms expiring 2026 The Economic Development Authority also has one term expiring 2026 uh thank you Mr Mayor and as council president I have two terms on the parking commission one term to expire in 2026 and one term to expire in 2028 it 7B is discussion of the tree committee Mr cranic what would like to discuss on the tree committee yes thank you Mr President uh so this brought up a at a few Council meetings uh section 14.03 of the city code contains the definitions that are associated with this section of code subdivision 7 defines tree committee as a seven member committee appointed by the mayor uh the duties of the tree committee are not defined in City Charter or chapter 14 uh as there is no defined role for the tree committee uh staff does not recommend forming a tree committee at this time however city council would like to proceed with the committee the following actions could be reviewed by the tree committee uh first would be placement of budgeted trees not the exact location but identifying which parks and Street and and general areas uh should be planted which with each Year's tree budget uh this would be more of a recommendation for the park trees as the park decides that part of it um and just to note the City Council budget is 25 for uh 25,000 for Park trees as well as Street trees each year a second thing they could do is recommend revisions to the tree policy or trap chapter 14 of the city code when necessary we did just review this so probably doesn't need to be done U very soon but those would be two possible uh things that they could review so staff is looking for direction on how to proceed excellent my recommendation would be to dissolve the tree committee second I can't make a motion let's get it over with pull the trigger Kevin I make make a motion we dissolve the tree committee for lack of interest is there a second second we have a motion by stunich a second by Terry any discussion Mr Mayor I would like to say that this is not an indication that the citizens of Brainard are not interested in trees I'm not hearing that from any of our citizens however I do support the dissolving of one said tree although the tree committee that that's been in place which was really just liaison Johnson has been doing one bang up job I will add that chairman chairman Johnson as The Sole member of the city of brainer tree committee I uh I understand the reservation of continuing on but I would say the the citizens are interested we haven't had it and the mayor's calling it out asking for applicants if he asked people who love trees as much as I do would apply in this is true and I did ask for that to happen but that said I'm okay with dissolving because there really is nothing for a tree committee to does anybody have any aspirin thank you we have a motion we've got a second we've discussed the living heck out of it is anybody else with anything serious to add about the tree committee happy o trees thank you hearing none all in favor of dissolving the tree committee for now say I I I oppose same sign motion carries let's move on to that's what we better find something for Mr cranic to do all right let's move on now to the update on the airport ownership structure and Levy this is submitted by uh Nick BRS our city administrator I know Mr chz has some comments as well but we'll start with our administrator BRS thank you Mr President city council has directed staff to do a couple of things regarding the airport first explore options to have coving counter County pardon me take over full ownership of the airport and zero at the city's Levy second short of a change of ownership exhaust options to maximize efficiency and Service delivery by refining the structural foundations of the airport such as ITR fac fa Finance inlegal third explore options to eliminate the airport Levy for for brainer citizens or at or at a minimum Ure they are not double taxed uh of these three option one is is off the table um there's an email in your packet from the County Administrator indicating that the county has no interest in changing the ownership ownership structure as it is today staff intends to continue to work on options two and three in coordination with Crowing County and the airport director collectively we would like to provide recommendations via a letter to the Crowing County Commission city council and the airport commission for their consideration so what I'm asking for is a motion to direct staff to one work with the county and the airport director to develop recommendations regarding future structure of airport it facilities HR Finance legal functional areas two integrate those recommendations into a formal letter for consideration by the city council County Commission and the airport commission and three exhaust app Avenues to either provide brainer citizens relief from any airport Levy or minimally to ensure they are out double tax with respect to the airport I've also included in the packet some history um councilman chzo asked for some information as far as the levy he also asked for some information regarding the functional areas um if you recall staff did put together a PowerPoint presentation a few months ago with some recommendations that would be our starting point and our Baseline to enter into negotiations with the county and the airport commission as we draft up a letter um requesting whatever course of action we request pending your questions that's all I have any questions of Staff or comments on Mr bro's recommendations and I'll start with Mr chz because I I I know you've added to this issue well I I think uh administrator bral has covered a a pretty much a lot of what I was hoping to discuss us um I um I think the big issue um at least for me is the the levy and uh it's a u it's a shared Levy right now but when we look at the airport it's a facility that uh based on all the information we have it's an asset to the entire area not just even croing County and or the city of Brainard it it's it's it's a regional airport you know I mean you get people that been benefit from it in Cass County and aen and Morrison and Parts Unknown Beyond and U so when the levy is split essentially as it is now between the city and the county and that's where the double taxation comes in or twice taxed I think is a better way to put it and if if this if the county would be willing to take over the entire Levy um or the vast majority of it it would give relief to the brainer taxpayers who um if you were to say comparing what how the bra city of brainer taxpayers benefit to say the City of Baxter who just pays their portion of the County's Levy through each individual property owner and um it the the whole Catalyst behind this uh essentially the idea of City divesting ownership to the county was based on the fairness or lack thereof regarding the levy and if the county had sole ownership it would be a levy of all of croan County taxpayers including brard but brard then wouldn't have to Levy our own taxpayers uh almost a equal amount and the other the other things that Nick brought up my my first thing I'd like to see is just let's see where we can start with that um and um I'd like to see that letter just go to the county and um see what what they say about the idea of perhaps taking the Lev on entirely or say 90% of it even and um and get that off the table perhaps for our meeting on the 16th prior to the time we have to set our final Levy or our preliminary Levy and if we were to do that and the county says that their meeting coming up next Tuesday we would be able to know on the 16th if we can say uh relieve ourselves of that Levy for next year that we have on according to the PNF committee it's uh being proposed tonight of roughly I think 150,000 so if that's something uh the other idea that you know Nick's bringing forward I I'm not really sure how what uh Chris Schubert brought up about having the employees at the airport that that seems to be an important issue to say we we can have some liability there with considering the airport employees as city employees and I understand that so I don't like to mix them so much because I think one is far more important to know sooner than the others at least at this next couple week period so I'm in favor of what Nick's proposing however I'd like to just keep them separated for now um and just ask the county flat out without getting into the the other areas of facilities hrit legal and all that because that seems like a a structural thing that however we move forward on that the levy for me is the most important and that's I I I I mean I'd like to see support for that just to put it put it on their plate and see what they say ownership um obviously they they Levy the entire County and it relieves us but as far as I can tell if we were to say County if you're willing to take this over we'd be very grateful if you would uh we'll consider the other factors that come into play with our staff working on finance it HR and um maybe we can work something out with them um to to figure out a better program for everybody and may we just keep things status quo I don't know and then change our legal end of it with the employees but uh to move forward I I would I would be very appreciative we just get that on the on their agenda for next Tuesday which would be be setting that here Thursday or for I believe Thursday that's that's my idea I have a question Mr chz if they if they agree to this and choose to double it double the levy we to have no say in it correct not no right on okay just want to make sure just make sure that's clear that we're not suggesting that the what they Levy just that they administer the levy exactly that and and then they can determine what the airport uh commission is requesting and thumbs up or you know approve deny orever so theoretically this could be a benefit to the airport although the next question I have is Mr Johnson as chairman of PNF since they had this on their committee is what is the without making the motion what is the recommendation the recommendation was another split vote but I'll since I'm not making the motion I'll talk about it you'll get you'll get a chance to talk about it but to increase it from the 2024 Levy of 146,000 up to a 2025 Levy for the airport of 150,000 okay so and that's that was the that we that was the recommendation on a split vote out of out of the committee that we haven't had any motions and I I appreciate that thank you because I want to give everybody a chance to discuss the issue let can we keep it to the levy not it not h car that's all I want to talk about well as just Mr chz and I think that's timely due to the budgeting discussion we'll go with car Terry next um with all due respect council member chesak I don't see the necessarily the county taking over the uh entire Levy for this coming year so I would not be in support of splitting it out I think we skipped the first part with the the levy we move that forward to maybe the a discussion for next year um but for now I I think it's important that we focus on the division of the duties and responsibilities and and get that into motion um with respect to the levy I don't think that's going to go anywhere thank you we'll go with Mr stunk our airport lays on I was just going to say as airport lays on I Shadow exactly what Carrie Terry said Thank you Mr Johnson you said you had comments yeah I just I I think the priority for me is the same that like we need to figure out it HR Finance legal I think I mean the levy being at $150,000 is a lot but once you start spent having Sean spend half of his time out there for three months that's pretty darn expensive too and that comes straight out of our Levy and there's no there's no accounting for that from the airport so I think getting that figured out before we start talking about who's who's administering Levy or what is probably priority but I don't disagree with Jeff in that I think that's a good idea let's have the county Levy the entirety of the airports funding it makes it easier for the airport commission to only have to ask one entity each year instead of coming to Brainard and we say well is the county increasing and they go to the county and say is Brainard it makes it easier for that commission and then the citizens of Brainard would be paying the same tax rate for the airport as everybody else in the county whereas right now like with other institutions we the citizens of Brainard pay significantly more and I don't think that's fair okay and you do understand the timing of the levy though so you're basically agreeing with katry put it off into the year because you've got a you got a short window I wouldn't put it off until September of 2025 Kelly well it's either now or or you have a year because the Levy's got to be set y okay I still don't quite understand what if you're for or against I I indifferent and if we set the library the the library yeah the airport preliminary Levy tonight or if we do it in two weeks I don't think that makes a difference I understood but Mr chaz's request is timely very timely because they meet and we have to set a preliminary Levy it's I'm working my way down there Mr bro's had his hand up we'll go to the mayor and then you two Mr chz already spoke yep Sean can you scroll to the ordinances I'm looking for 30519 and then it's a subsection of that so it's one of the attachments section 305 the B the last one I might ask attorney langle for put him on the spot here ask him for recommendation go to 30519 we're getting there we're getting closer and then sub subdivision six I think is budget the ity so I'm going to if you if you look back you know there's the number one there's the number two and there's the items there and this is maybe a question for attorney langle I want to skip down to the next paragraph that starts with such budget shall and it says the third line down the city shall pay 50% of the total contribution paid into the current airport fund by the city and the county each year if either the city council or the County Board fixes its contributions at less than the amount requested by the commission the contribution of the other shall be decreased proportionately unless the latter shall decide to pay a larger portion of the total contribution than is required by this agreement so I guess my question for attorney langle is can this body act independent ly and set the levy at whatever they want this language decided what your contri making request would it be also fair to say that if this body so chose they could approve a levy that's less than 50% yes because this will automatically drop the other one down be at 50% unless they de go so I just want to make sure that the council was aware that as I understand this and I think attorney langel has reinforce that the council can act independently of what the County Commission approves as a levy anything else no sir Mr Mayor anything no Mr OE yeah that it's an interesting uh paragraph but I'm just trying to process it but I I think I in agreement with Mr chzo on at least putting the question out there just the timing we're at we still have another meeting there's a there's a County board meeting in between there's nothing wrong with asking that question and holding off on setting this this Levy uh until we have an answer on that and we have more time to think about it and figure out what we want to do in two weeks thank you and Tiffany stline um I guess I I don't see it going anywhere but we can send a letter it's not that big of a deal but I think that the timing of this is too close to the deadline for it to be viable for this year thank you okay everybody understand the schools of thought here I mean theoretically Mr chk's suggestion could conceivably result in more money for the airport which is crazy but it's just a matter of administering and fairness to the city of Brer to be not to be double taxed the only one that seemed to have a differing opinion was Mr Johnson who thought that it was the most important and the levy deadlines be damned so Mr John no we've all talked I was the last one Mr Johnson this is a PNF item what's pf's recommendation you get to make the motion because you did the due diligence in your committee if you choose not hang on if you choose not to I know Mr chz anxious to make one Mr chz well you we have one item the PNF item comes next we're not finished with the item we're on that was going to be my question did we combine the items or move the item they're separate I asked Mr chz asked for them to be separate yeah or there sason we just taking them out of order well yeah but you asked that right but I I I was hoping we could finish with the item that administrator bro's put on and then then see what the airport Levy Mr br's put a number of items on on he's numbered them one two and three so okay you asked for the levy first anybody is there more to discuss on the levy Well everybody's had a chance to talk once everybody's had a chance to explain their position would you like to do another round or would you like to do something else well I was hoping to make a motion coming out of this item I know you were but it was a PNF committee I'm recognizing the chair of PNF okay we're going to see what I I think that's fair I mean I think that would be the and if it's a motion you don't like you can vote against it I almost think he's going to turn it over to kerer but we're going to find out he made the motion in committee I don't know what he's going to do I so I mean the theary procedure Mr be we are on item uh C this is the one that was on PNF was already on regular console it says update on Airport ownership structure and Levy right we're on the levy part of it but but again the the PNF item got moved after this so you're jumping ahead to that now before we're finished didn't get moved after it it got moved to a part of it I know exactly what it was I said a part of this you asked for the levy part to be first no I wanted this move specifically after well you didn't get that that was what I asked okay it was approved all right then we're going to go to the re then if if there's no objection we'll do that second but I don't see how we can but we'll go see what happens so the recommended action on this item per Mr chz is to direct staff this is a recommendation of staff to work with the Crowing County and the airport director to develop recommendation regarding future structure of a airport it facilities HR finance and legal functional areas and number two to integrate those recommendations into a formal letter for consideration by the brainer city council Crowing County Commission and Airport commission and three exhaust Avenues to either provide brainer citizens relief from any airport Levy or minimally to ensure that they are not double tax with respect to the airport okay that's the recommendation anybody can make a motion to do that or something else i' I'd move to follow City administrator's recommendations we have a motion by Johnson a second by Stang line any discussion yes Mr chess yes I I I like the recommendations however based on the levy timeliness and as Mr oday said it doesn't hurt to ask when we have everything on this recommend Commendation thrown together it takes a lot to just focus on the levy if the county were to say next Tuesday you know what the city makes sense this is what's fair for all the croing county taxpayers which includes brainer we will take the levy under our wing and then the other stuff is secondary until this gets taken care of if we have this going to the county in a letter and they look at this and say boy there's a lot there um how do we how do we just focus on the levy at that point now they they can but there's so many other things going on there that's why my thought would be to move that we just have the letter for now ask them to consider having that discussion and see what they say for next for our next meeting on the 16th so I would as much as I appreciate all the recommendations I would be voting no excellent Mr Johnson I'll support this motion this is what we've been working on for a almost a year now you know right now we all also have a levy discussion coming up next but this isn't related directly to the levy this is about improving the operations at the airport and our joint Powers agreement and I think these are all three good things to continue moving forward thank you Mr Mayor well so Gabe for clarification do you believe that that that the levy question could follow this given it's on the agenda next given the motion though yes we still got a set a levy right any further discussion the motion is to accept staff's recommendations all in favor say I I I oppose same sign I motion carries chairman Johnson talk to us about the levy okay thank you council president I don't think I have the authority to say well we're not going to talk about this or we're not going to vote on it this was business that came before the personnel and finance committee meeting the Personnel finance committee took it up we voted it I think is our responsibility as a committee to bring our recommendation to the council even if we've received new information in the few days since we've met so since it was a split vote I am going to pass it over to Cara to make the motion so I make a motion that we increase the airport Levy from the 2024 amount of 14680 to $150,000 for 2025 I second that we have a motion we have a second any discussion Mr bavans Mr chz I would move to table this until the 16th of September we have a motion to table this this until the 16th of September any discussion or is there a second on that motion second we have a motion and a second to table this to 9:16 any discussion on the timing of the table and and the the purpose of tbling when we didn't give staff direction to see if the county would take over the 2025 Levy would be you can only talk about the timing only talk about the timing well then I'll vote no okay you'd rather have a different time tonight that's funny but that's how the Motions of tabling yeah any further discussion on the timing of the table okay so the motion is to table this to September 16th uh let's do a Voice vote can we do that Tony OD day yes stun no Terry no stanglin no Johnson yes chz yes bans um I'm going to vote yes only because I know what this is for okay so this is tabled there'll be no further discussion of this item let's move on to item eight which is new business consider well Mr President you could allow further discussion in if you want I can't after our table can I Tiffany we could talk more airport not airport not the city's Levy yeah we tabled the city's Levy for the airport yeah we did I wanted to do it in the other way around but Jeff didn't insisted that we want to okay it's table all right crazy as it is item 8 is new business am I I am correct Tiffany yes I thought so our parliamentarian agrees item 8 a is consider conditional use permit we could go Amendment at 703 Oak Street to construct an outdoor playground at a current Child Care Facility uh this is Mr cranic bring us up to speed thank you Mr President so this is the YMCA child care facility that was recently remodeled the applicant is proposing the installation of a 50ft x 50ft fenc in playground area with a 5 foot high privacy fence a permanent play structure in the playground area and weatherproof outdoor storage boxes for all loose toys uh the applicant has stated that they have done an unofficial parking assessment over the course of a few weeks the location of the proposed playground will not interfere with the pickup or drop off of children on a daily basis the playground will be off to the side will not hinder any parking or backing up in the parking lot area um just as a reminder the child care facility right now uh walks kids across the street to the YMCA play area so this just kind of creates a safer location uh so with that the Planning Commission considered the cup Amendment at their August 21st meeting uh conducted the public hearing and unanimously recommended approval and I can answer any questions any questions of staff on the YMCA playground hearing none we're looking for a motion to either accept staff's approval of the conditional use permit i' move to approve motion by Johnson second by Terry any discussion do you have any sign line uh Mr President I will be abstaining on this as I am employed by the YMCA oh okay though all right any further discussion all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries with one abstention next up is item 8B the first reading of proposed ordinance 1572 prohibiting outdoor storage for crypto Mining and similar uses uh Mr cran thank you Mr President so due to the sound level concerns the city council directed staff at their August 5th meeting to draft an ordinance that would prohibit outdoor storage for crypto mining facilities data centers AI centers and similar uses uh I do believe the Planning Commission will be looking at crypto mining facilities and potential additional language in November December kind of as a larger hole this is dealing with outdoor storage uh the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed ordinance conducted the public hearing and unan unanimously recommended approval so with that staff recommends conducting the first reading of proposed ordinance 1572 and and to dispense with the actual reading note a vote to dispense with with the actual reading of the ordinance must be unanimous any questions of Staff chairman Johnson we denied the I because of noise in the industrial park that was one of the reasons listed as a reason for denial among some others some other much more important ones yeah thank you any any other questions of staff may ever know just a followup to councilman Johnson's question who is in charge of regulating noise in the state of Minnesota the mpca and they have regulations they have reg regulations um it is what we've learned more up to the municipality to enforce those so but they set the regulations they set the regulations perfect thank you any further questions of Staff hearing none this is a first reading any motion uh to conduct the first reading in dispense with the actual reading must be unanimous any I'm oh oh I'm just ready to make a motion uh I move that we conduct the first reading of proposed ordinance 1572 and dispense with the actual reading we have a motion by stangl is there a second second by Terry any discussion hearing none oh oh I'm sorry Gabe Johnson I I'll vote Yes because I don't want to hear anybody read it to me but I'll vote no on this I I eventually when it comes to an ordinance before us I I don't think we should be trying to make our Industrial Park the quietest industrial park in the state of I just don't think that's like the same sales pitch for industry to move in is you have to be quiet when you come here so I'll be I I do not support it may know I'm going to Echo those exact same remarks thank you any further discussion hearing none on the first reading I believe will have a public hearing at the second reading planning commission's already conducted the public hearing oh Planning Commission has already had one okay any other comments hearing none on the first all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes unanimously we'll see in two weeks on that one next up is 8 new business 8C the first reading of proposed ordinance 1573 regulating garage requirements for residential housing units Mr cranck thank you Mr President so as proposed the ordinance Amendment would no longer require a garage for two to four unit buildings while single family homes will be required to either have a 12x2 garage or 10x 12 shed uh currently multifamily uh 5 plus has no requirements for garages either uh the ordinance's intent is to allow for the market to to dictate garage construction by removing the garage requirement for uh one to four unit residential buildings the amendment will reduce construction costs and therefore encourage future housing uh development uh just a few comments from the Commissioners uh to kind of get a sense on their thoughts uh commissioner Peterson feels is uh it is an affordability issue for some people the issue of leaving stuff outside comes down to the house the unit the tenants and the landlord he stated that he has built houses for people that wanted to get into home ownership but could not afford the garage immediately but did want to add it later uh so that is kind of one uh possible scenario in there commissioner Duval agreed uh that the market is going to drive garages for a certain group uh to build garages some of the larger homes uh to build affordable housing there needs to be some way to pull cost down by removing walls and slabs uh this is the quickest way uh to make a difference in affordable housing within the city of Brainard uh so with that uh the Planning Commission uh unanimously recommended approval of propos of the prop proposed ordinance and held the public hearing uh so staff recommends conducting the first reading of proposed ordinance 1573 and to dispense with the actual reading and note a vote to dispense with the reading of the ordinance must be unanimous any questions of staff on the garage ordinance okay hearing none we're looking for a motion to either accept or reject the recommended action of the first reading of proposed ordinance 1573 Mr Mr President excuse me I move that we conduct the first reading of proposed ordinance 1573 and dispense with the actual reading you may motion by stting line any second second second by Terry any discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor say I I I oppose same sign motion passes unan unanimously we'll see in two weeks on that one item 8 8D is a resolution for uh Improvement 2316 the South Brainard uh resurfacing project ordering in a feasibility report Jesse Dean thank you Mr President so uh Bolton is looking to start the process for the 2025 South brainer resurfacing project uh kind of the start of that process is preparing the feasibility report uh the streets kind of included in that resurfacing project is kind of that Buffalo Hills neighborhood north of Buffalo Hills Lane and west of woodrest so all the Ridge Court uh kind of all those different streets that are listed in there uh so staff is recommending adopting the attached resolution uh that orders the feasibility report for uh the South braer resurfacing project any questions of Staff hearing none is there a motion to adopt the attached resolution ordering the feasibility report so second motion by stunich second by St line any discussion hearing none please call the role OD day yes stun yes Terry yes Stang line yes Johnson yes Chach yes bans yes that resolution is adopted item nine is the public form time all this is where time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the attention of the council we usually like to keep have you keep it to three to five minutes anybody who's in the audience who has something that i''d like to have the council know about that we have not discussed this evening please come forward and state your name and address and anybody online St three lets us know you want to speak please your name and address uh my name is Matthew N I live at 252 Oak Street thank you and what's on your mind tonight well I was wondering about a Brian Park does the Parks or the city council have anything that they want to do with it cuz it's just a patch of grass sitting there not even a basketball court or anything when is the next Parks meeting Mr de fourth Tuesday come to the here right here Parks 24th 24th of September okay yep Mr Mayor has something he already is on yeah and actually if you can connect with Jesse Jesse we probably have a uh plan for the future use of that Park I don't believe there's much improvements being currently looked at for there but the park board has just went and assessed all the parks and put a what would you call it master plan there you go that's the word I'm looking for master plan together for it so we do have that documentation for it okay come up here anytime before the 24th take a look at that master plan so familiarize yourself with's what's on the docket and when okay and then then also about the airport for funding and stuff yeah we can't has anyone reached out to Amazon can't have talked about the airport funding that's an agenda item this evening so we're not taking public testimony on the airport funding I'm talking about bringing money into the airport I understand if you've got funding ideas for the airport we'd love to hear them just drop them off at City Hall yeah they go right in the garbage okay all right anybody else for public forum anybody else public forum anybody online for public forum then I will close the public forum at 9:38 and we will move on to staff reports we'll start on my right to fire chief Holmes I have nothing to add thank you and police chief nothing to add all right it GIS director Sean nothing tonight online is there anybody nothing this evening Mr President thank you Eric sharpener from the HRA we'll go over here to Connie hman our finance director nothing to add gessie Dean our city engineer just wanted a quick highlight uh we'll be wrapping up the South brard reconstruction project here within the next couple weeks uh but we're also going to be kicking out uh a handful of our different other construction projects like the Laurel Street Bridge uh the the parks projects so we'll have a lot of other different projects that'll be kicking off here shortly so uh still continuing to be a busy fall uh through construction season thank you community development director cranic yes thank you Mr President just a few items here so first one block metrics uh the company that uh the crypto company that uh presented at the Joint Eda uh meetings council members were present uh as well as uh Public Utilities Commission members is looking at potentially purchasing uh the vcv LLC and property and are close finalizing new plans for 1911 TC Drive uh for the Eda to review uh the preliminary plan include a building with immersion miners uh it's not finalized yet but something that uh does appear to be moving forward on their end uh also I have been attempting to hold a parking commission meeting but have not been able to find a quorum of members so staff will bring options to the next city council meeting thank you City attorney langle nothing here thank you HR Director Schubert nothing to add and our brand bank and new Public Utilities director Chris Christopher what do you prefer I know what the name bad says uh anything polite but uh Christopher's good Christopher Evans anything from Public Utilities uh just want to say uh thanks again uh for everything it's been a very interesting week in a half roughly uh just to give you a quick update uh for me I've been working with and meeting with my uh uh managers and supervisors as well as uh trying to get a handle on some of the current issues projects Etc as well as uh trying to uh uh learn the policies procedures statutes and all that good stuff and uh I think we uh are uh my colleague in crime may have some additional information to share tonight Patrick good evening Council sorry we don't have your own mic phone that's okay uh I just wanted to update you the electric vehicle charging that you guys uh authorized the location over here that has uh is not going forward the ultimately when the pen hit the paper and started calculating the numbers it was too expensive and so the Public Utilities Commission decided not to not move forward with the electric vehicle charging see he's going to take over the liaison job now that was my job to tell you that he took it away from me just like that thank you thank you very much Christopher anything else no that was about it but I just wanted to take a take an opportunity to thank uh Patrick for making this a very smooth transition and providing me some of his insight and uh doing as best as he could with a mind Mel to uh share his knowledge and insights and uh he's a very Class Act and it's a pleasure to work with him and want to just thank him for his is uh past current and uh future assistance uh if so warranted and that's all I have Mr President thank you we we agree we try and hire Patrick as often as possible Mr BRS current city administrator thank you Mr President just a few things um the current review period for our annual reviews ended on August 31st that has been typically done for however many years I'm not sure um we have a LED I've assembled a small group of department heads primarily the directors with the most personnel and um I want to make some changes to that review process so the short version is we're going to be moving that review process to a calendar year as opposed to what it currently is so we're going to extend the current reporting period by four months so this current reporting period will be 16 months rather than 12 and I also want to streamline that a little bit um at this point we do quarterly reviews well on paper we do quarterly reviews with our employees I think that's challenging sometimes just because it's it's pretty compressed so we're going to change that to semiannually so all employees will get their annual review by the end of first quarter of the calendar year and they'll get their mid mid-mon review by the end of third quarter in the calendar year and we're just trying to strike that that nice balance between makeing sure these reviews are meaningful and actionable and not overly burdensome so um we've had some really good dialogue in our group we were getting very close to a template that we're going to use this is going to be a work in progress I think ultimately we want to tie all of our performance objectives back to strategic goals but that might require some some more robust foundational documents we'll work toward that end so that's ongoing um but I just want to let the council know that current reporting period will be extended by four months the review process the paperwork will look look a little bit different but I think it's going to be good for the employees second and uh I can relate to councilman chazak my my my thunder was stolen I want to personally thank Patrick uh he's been uh a source of great counsel for me for the last six months and he will be missed so thank you for all your help Patrick um you've made my first six months much more enjoyable than it might have otherwise been and then lastly of course just welcome Chris um we're we're we're it's a pleasure to have you here looking forward to working with you and I think you're going to bring great things to the table and uh welcome AB board that's all I have sir thank you item 11 is the mayor's report The Honorable mayor Dave bedo oh well welcome Chris see you later Patrick see you soon maybe huh well we all know that he's not going anywhere so uh just super fast I want to say congratulations to all of the parents and teachers for our first day of school here in the Brer Lakes area uh as a parent of a senior a first grader and a prek student uh we got the entire Spectrum covered so I just want to say thank you to all the parents out there for entrusting our wonderful School District with your children and thank you to our teachers for all the work that you do um I'm sure today was chaotic and long so uh police versus firefighter softball Showdown I don't know if you know or not but we had some rain we didn't have some rain we thought we were going to have rain but but it went from 88% chance of thunderstorms to not a single drizzle um however we rescheduled the softball game to this Thursday at 6 p.m I know that's more difficult once the school season or the school year starts however this Thursday 6: p.m. police versus firefighter Showdown uh at the uh Mills Stadium at Memorial Park and uh and the Rivalry is brewing it's getting chippy it's getting feisty the the weight didn't make anything better so but we're really excited I think it's going to be a lot of fun uh hope to see you all out there for that gates open at 5 game uh excuse me national anthem 6m sharp and then lastly just another uh reminder that September 21st is the flapjack Festival slash Touch a Truck right here downtown Brainard you get to bring the little ones down they get to feel all of the big rigs they get to get their hands on the tires get them dirty and then go eat Flapjacks so it'll be a ton of fun uh 10: to noon con concise this year it's been a little longer for yep it's going to be a little longer for multiple years we're going to go get them in get them out so uh Touch a Truck and Flapjack 10: to noon uh let the kids come down let them have a good time and uh Flapjack eating contest relay uh costume contest for best um Lumberjack uh you know if you get your Buffalo plaid Jesse I'm looking at you I'm expecting a buffalo plaid Fedora so I hope Amazon's got that for you in time so uh but it's September 21st 10 10 to noon right down downtown and the report thank you very much we'll start with no 12 council member reports and we'll go ladies first car ter oh I feel so honored uh few things so um Mr Dean I want to um thank you and all of the contractors for the Street project down in my neck of the woods around uh Bane Park um all of the neighbors were very impressed with the level of communication from not only City staff but also the contractors did an excellent job so if you could pass on our thanks um I'd really appreciate it um the other things that I have uh Chad robishaw is going to be doing a presentation for our First Responders law enforcement ambulance Personnel probation officers social workers um and those who are a part of their uh families the um event is titled saving fam or saving lives restoring families and changing leges uh Thursday September 19th from 6:00 to 8 at the gii ziby Center for the Arts and then another um event we have the tall cop says stop um September 25th from 6:30 to 8: at the gchi um this is a presentation that provides tools resources and training to combat substance abuse for community members parents teachers all sorts of folks can come and learn about current drug Trends in our area what to look for um and how to um have effective conversations with folks in your lives around substance use and then we have another presentation and training by um tall cop on September 26th from 9: to 4: in the croing County Land Services building the audience for this training is for professionals those who work with uh individuals and families who might experiencing substance use disorder issues that's all I have thank you Tiffany stanglin uh yeah so had a region five meeting and uh just thought I should maybe highlight their work with the regional food Business Center uh it's a USDA program administered one of 12 in the nation um so region five is is doing ours uh and provides um assistance to increase value added in the the food supply chain um so wanted to mention that and then also I know that Jesse had mentioned it before but just in case anybody didn't get it written down on the 10th mot is having an open house uh to talk about 210 and 371 uh the public one is from 4: to 6 p.m. so that's what date Tuesday September 10th 4 to 6 p.m. at mot and Baxter it'll be a great time if you've seen some of the plans you'd appreciate it anything else no that'll do it Chief junic nothing Jeff chak yeah the EV stations aren't a go anymore they uh they got a grant money and then after the utilities did the numbers it's a lot of money over 100,000 so um they didn't see the um uh cost benefit anal or the return investment I guess is what so yeah that's that's all I got thank you chairman Johnson thank you Mr President I have two and a half things as my fine constituent was going to say he he called me with this idea and I've done a little bit of research and reading on it and I think it's a really good idea but Amazon does lease out spaces at airports and hangers and distribution at airports they fly in goods and ship them out of airports across the country so I think it would be a good idea for the once the county takes it over that they look into do it and maybe they could get some significant Amazon revenue and I think that's a good one and secondly I noticed the mayor has the O'Brien Park master plan up so if you talk to him afterwards he can show you a picture trying to find it after we we got four Clos session oh yeah they're GNA want to come back a different day we'll get it we'll get it to you and then finally my Thunder's been stolen but I just want to thank Patrick you know it's been a pretty crazy year that he didn't have planned out where he came in when we needed a city administrator and and he led the city with great leadership skills and he thought he was done but then we needed him to help us continue with the Union negotiations and he thought he was done and then we needed an interim Public Utilities director and he said yes at every turn and he did it professionally with great leadership every time and I just appreciate you being here and appreciate working with you Patrick we'll find something else for him thank Union negotiations are Eternal chairman Dave I don't really have anything to add I just want to Echo those sentiments thank you Patrick uh I don't know how much longer you're going to keep coming to these meetings they're pretty fun so probably for a while but we'll see you in a couple weeks I'm sure tonight was really fun okay and I will close out by uh first of all thanking Gabe Johnson for running the meeting a couple weeks ago when I was away uh a special shout out to the police department uh instead of a Northside residence picnic this year like we've done for the last 25 years it was a Citywide one and Christ sukup said it could not have been done without the help of the police department the police department really took the took the B bowl by the orange and and and ran that thing and she wanted to make sure thank you thank you thank you it was phenomenal and last uh and it's been said numerous times but it deserves to be said one more time thank you Patrick you're great friend to the city of Brainard so thank you I appreciate all your efforts the last item is an adjournment and we'll be adjourn to four separate items the first one is a closed session per Minnesota statute 13d point5 subdivision 3c2 to discuss temporary and permanent easement appraisals the second item on our closed session is pursuant to Minnesota statute 13 d05 subdivision 3C 1 and three to discuss partials 401 6051 9 and 413 61081 our third close session agenda item is labor negotiation strategy session pursuant to Minnesota statute 13d point3 subdivision 1B to prepare for negotiations with the IBEW 31 public utilities and the final item will be to adjourn to close session pursuant to Minnesota statute at 13 d05 subdivision 3A to conduct City administrator broyal 6-month performance review we can I please get a motion Soo to adjourn by chz to those items is there a second second second by stun all in favor say I I we will take a six-minute break and a reconvene at 9:00 in closed session so if you're --------- ##VIDEO ID:bLYVUr-QpHU## all right let's call to order safety and Public Works city of Brainard it is September 3rd 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in council chambers we have 10 items on safety and public works tonight first item is an event application for concert in the park this is uh Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so attached is the event application for the concert in the park uh it's proposed to be held on Thursday September 26 from 5: to 99 over in lman P White Park uh within the amphitheater um sound equipment uh Amplified sound um they are partnering with Jack Pine uh for serving alcoholic beverages during the event uh so they're have some requirements per the U City code section 1200.1 7 uh to sell alcoholic Pages within a public place uh one part of that is requiring city council approval uh this event application was approved by the park board at their August 27th meeting so staff is recommending approval of the attached event application at this time thank you and you said they're partnering with jackpine who is partnering with jackpine uh Community Action is the nonprofit uh per the requirement of code thank you that action Comm is that all worthwhile great organization okay heard some things about i' motion to approve second motion is second any more discussion heing none go to a vote all in favor I I motion passes number two we have a streetlight request at the intersection of Woodland Hills Lane and Crest View Lane again this is Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so attached is the application for that streetlight request uh it does uh meet the standard that is laid out in the street lighting policy uh for units being uh placed at intersections as there is not one currently placed there however there is one approximately 120 ft north of that uh intersection uh between 2604 and 2606 Crestview Lane uh so staff is recommending approval of the attached request however uh because there is a a light very near uh to this location we're recommending that that one nearby to the north be relocated to the intersection uh rather than an additional one be placed uh the cost of that would be uh the cost of the new wire uh which would be about about $1,200 uh if Council would like to uh simply add an additional poll rather than relocate the existing pole uh it would be about another $1,000 for an ex uh one of those gray poles that would match the rest of the corridor uh so the cost of that would be $2,200 uh as this meets our uh standard we would recommend that the city cover the cost of this installation thank you you guys have any questions yeah I um I guess it's nothing really to do the um the Kelvin we from four to three is that the on the lights themselves is that where we're is that is that just for residential and Commercial does that does that affect our street lights that's yeah it's throughout um but as this would be just relocating the existing one it would be whatever the existing one is uh set at okay I've heard some Rumblings about the different uh lighting that we've approved and how it's not necessarily getting put and when we put in new lights I I'll have to talk to you about that later but anyway that's all I got okay yeah I think it makes sense to move this one um it's the cheaper of the two it fits better with our street light policy as we've uh established that after this was actually put in but I agree with it I move to approve second it's recommended there moving to approve with the option to move yep not add okay to move it correct all right we have a motion in a second any more discussion none go to a vote all in favor I I motion passes item number three we have a resolution adopting no parking on Gillis part of Gillis Avenue again uh Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so to clarify we are uh looking at just the stretch of Gillis Avenue on the east side uh just north of Washington between Washington uh and really the alley just north of that um something that we discovered with the opening of the the Duncan restaurant um when Vehicles were parked there um there wasn't sufficient space that when a vehicle was parked there uh traffic going northbound would have to enter the oncoming Lane uh to get around those parked vehicles um causing a potential safety hazard or or some traffic conflicts requiring uh either people to stop within that through Lane uh potentially backing traffic out towards the highway uh or again force them out into the opposing Lane of traffic um so just to immediately alleviate that concern and discussing that with the police chief uh we placed some no parking signs uh on that stretch of Gillis Avenue on the east side until we could have a discussion with the council um right now we put together three different options for the council to consider uh one would be to adopt the resolution the attached resolution that would remove on street parking in this section um as there's only 15 ft uh of Street width Lane width there uh we can't really accommodate both a travel Lane and a parking Lane um in effect it would remove about three parking spaces uh when measured from their driveway to uh what's allowed north of Washington um another option would be to uh elect to continue to have parking on on that stretch and direct staff to remove those no parking signs uh another option would be to potentially reconfigure the southbound approach to the signal into a single Lane uh that would be combining all the left through and right turn actions uh into a single Lane uh this could allow for uh a parking Lane in the Northbound Direction uh we did look into where the detection Loops for the signal going to the South um they are positioned appropriately that we could make that accommodation uh that would be something that we would work with mot if that was uh something to be changed was part of the project coming up uh but staff's recommendation is to adopt the attached resolution removing the on street parking from Gillis Avenue on that West or the east side or the Northbound side of Washington Street to the alley thank you so we staff made the decision to put the no parking signs up it's been what two weeks a week and a half believe it's been about two weeks have we had any issues since the parking signs went up complaints no complaints that we've received um I spoke with a police chief uh shortly after the decision um and he was that that might be a potential he hasn't let me know if he he's received anything on his end um I believe that there has been some folks that have parked a little bit further to the north um but I haven't heard any any uh anything from that end thank you yeah go ahead Jeff so if parking still exists then on the north of the alley um up to um what is it uh B Street C B Street right is that the next Lo up I believe so okay and if traffic is going north and there's Vehicles parked north of the alley on the east side of I'm sorry Gillis um will they still have to go out into the oncoming traffic if there if there's traffic approaching going south no sir so as soon as you reach the uh driveway that enters Duncan uh you lose the three lane configuration I'll call it three lane configuration the two split lanes that approach the southbound approach to the light uh that goes away and it just becomes a typical residential section after that okay so this problem has always been there it's just that with the increased traffic we've found it more of a problem correct we haven't really had any demand for people to park on Street on that side of Gillis especially the years since it's been a vacant building I think with Duncan just opening being brand new we'll see this more now maybe maybe less later but I think if we leave it as is right now it's so far it seems to be working and we can always go back and easily change that if it becomes an issue I'd move to approve staff's recommendation on this second motion a second any more discussion congratulations to Dunkin Donuts yes congratulations on increasing traffic on Gillis uh any more discussion hearing none go to uh go to a vote all in favor motion passes I number four we have uh approval of Buffalo Hills Gully memorandum of understanding Amendment again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so this is a followup from the previous meeting uh staff reported that the uh croing Soil and Water District uh was going to uh commit an additional $35,000 towards the Buffalo Hills Gully project uh this is just the formal memorandum of understanding amendment that reflects that change uh The Soil and Water Board did approve this at their recent meeting so uh staff is recommending approval of the attached mou Amendment thank you who approved it at the recent meeting uh The Soil and Water Board okay all right move to approve second motion a second any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes I number five we have a discussion on street sweeping information again Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so at the August 5th council meeting uh Council has presented a request during the public forum uh regarding a per a request to purchase additional Street swooping equipment um so just some discussion staff has compiled some of the information for the council to uh just to review it uh so attached uh we included just kind of a summary of what are we doing currently uh as well as uh what what some of the equipment would potentially look like uh so right now we do uh a spring and a fall Citywide sweeping um spring obviously to clean up from the winter melt and what's left over from like winter uh salt and uh sanding uh fall again to also kind of clean up from leaves and everything else that uh debris would before uh winter based on the approximate time it takes us to get around through town it's about $330,000 just in staff time now that cost doesn't include fuel uh or anything else that's just staff time uh for the cost to do each season so you can double that for both spring and fall uh then we also do the weekly downtown street sweeping uh so that's every Wednesday um I believe it's from 3 or not 3 goodness what time is that it is I think it is 3:00 U it's only for a couple hours though uh they get out there every Wednesday uh go from Spring until fall um and do a sweep through uh the downtown district uh that one's obviously a lot more cheaper a lot less uh staff time a lot less uh equipment that needs to go down there so that's about uh 5,500 uh dollars for the entire season again that's just stff time uh doesn't include fuel or any other costs um something that also is a pretty significant expense for us is the disposal of Street sweepings uh we can't just bring bring that to a lill it's considered hazardous um so uh actually in 2025 we do have this in the proposed budget uh we have $30,000 uh budgeted right now it's about every five years we do this we rent a screen uh to screen the street sweepings uh and then we haul that out to the the specialized landfill so it's roughly an average of about $66,000 per year if you were to annualize it uh right now we just have the two Pelican sweepers uh they're pickup type sweepers this works really well for street sweeping uh really kind of keeps everything down um we really don't like the um flicker type sweepers obviously that can be a a danger for other vehicles and uh we don't want to fling uh dust and debris around um it's about $250,000 uh for that piece of equipment um and they're not really sized for sidewalks it's even tougher well not tougher it's really close to get them onto a trail they're really built for the streets uh to get new equipment for the trails and sidewalks uh I think that was what was being uh pitched at the public forum um kind of the cheapest equipment is those flicker type brooms with a guard that's around $100,000 again I don't like the idea of a flicker type broom because that can throw debris around even with the guard uh and then those brushes can wear very quickly uh I've seen that with uh a handful of different operations especially when you're using that on pavement um the pickup type sweepers they're better uh suited like I mentioned with our Pelicans um if you get the smaller ones the mini types uh they're going to be about $150,000 uh but on General they're same thing with Pelicans they're about a quarter million per uh any other questions with in regards to street sweeping I have any questions questions I I guess I have a comment maybe I I I think I I I don't I'm not in position to speak for or anyone else but when it comes to the gentleman that's come before us asking us to improve our street street sweeping um it's kind of like anything else you could have the street sweeper go by and immediately after that something could happen to where there's a piece of something that lines up for whatever reason getting in the parking lane or travel Lane where bikes go or anywhere that can cause damage to tires or anything else I don't know how you keep on top of this to where you never or you you essentially neutralize any type of Hazards for you know tires of any sort and I I I just think that we're spending the kind of money we are on equipment and labor it's uh kind of hard to accommodate everybody's um wishes on the seems like we're doing as about as good a job as we can within what's uh expected perhaps that's all I got Mr Jean has a comment if I may uh so part of our policy is if we have like a a safety hazard or a certain area um that can be something that we can address on a caseby Case basis uh we typically do a Citywide uh twice a year but if there's an instance where uh we have U really concentrated area of dirt and debris that might be something that we identify and just go do uh a quick sweeping over a a block or two um it's a lot obviously a different story to try and do something more Citywide um but if there's a a concerning area that would be something that we could do uh by request that was going to be my question is do we do a lot of spot cleaning and um I think we could maybe set up something between streets department or Community Development where we like we handle other complaints if we have complaints in certain areas that are kind of repeatedly filled up with sand and debris then we can maybe hit those more often instead of the entire city more than twice a year I think maybe just pay attention to those those areas more you have I was wondering if we could kind of similarly do maybe our more trafficed streets an extra time whether it's I don't know the snow emergency routes or something that you know those streets that would be most vulnerable and most used um some similar idea I think yeah the tough part is the sidewalks if you know this the trails aren't necessarily built wide enough probably for our existing equipment and if you're were going to buy a mini one that costs the same as the big ones that's that's a whole extra expense that we would have to visit in the the capital plan going forward in future years instead of just adding it right now obviously we're in budget season right now and we're trying to make Cuts rather than additions so um maybe something keep our eyes on in the future um I think we can do better with what we have right now just paying attention more to it got a question yep so Jesse if um there's an accident over here at uh 7th in Laural and there's debris you know perhaps glass and that is that the street Department's job to go and get that cleaned up in a somewhat reasonable amount of time no sir it's actually part of our uh contract with the contract towing service okay so there is a rate as part of that anywhere else say on North Brainard and you're at uh Kingwood in E and there's an accident there and there's debris is that the city street department then clean that up anywhere within the city city limits uh where it's a result of a a car accident where uh our police would report to that uh they would bring out our contract towing service or the police would assist with uh cleaning up the debris uh we we have helped out with that though too okay all right all I got yep thank you thanks and this was just a discussion item so unless anybody has more discussion we can move on good to go all right number six we have a discussion on the RightWay vacations Public Works director Jesse Dean go ahead thank you Mr chair so staff recently received a request from the owner at Jack's house to install a sign adjacent to Highway 25's RightWay um outside of the RightWay of the highway but uh technically it's within the platted Frontage Road uh it did include the original plat of the RM mockers commercial Edition there um in reviewing this request it's something that we reviewed that um it really doesn't serve much of a public purpose at this time uh it's bounded to the North and the South and uh we really don't see a potential future use for that as a frontage road um find you know and we do realize that as it's Technic public right of way our our maintenance staff does actually Plow That entrance way to Jack's house uh we have been for uh some time now um so it just it it brought up a good part of the discussion and I I wanted to get some clarification from the council how you'd like us to uh address these as we kind of discover them is kind of remnants of older plats or uh like old outlots or alleys that kind of no longer apply as Alleyways or no longer serve a purpose as the kind of were originally intended um especially some of these really out older plats um there may have been an intention back in the 40s and 50s uh that may not be the same intention anymore uh I did include a handful of different uh examples like uh Kramer imren uh it's the Old South Fifth Street Extension I know a couple council members are familiar with this uh it's really in effected driveway uh South to Kramer's residential property uh the issue here as immigrant has a vacant parcel Beyond this um but since it is still public right of way our staff expends time and materials to plow it each year uh and sand and salted and it is quite a dangerous uh Hill for them to get their big trucks down that Steep Hill it's very Steep Hill um so I I do hear about it just about every uh winter time about how challenging it is for them to back down that hill without being able to see the way down uh down on Gren in the Madison Heights plat uh there's an outlaw there that's just a narrow parcel that might have been a a at one time a potential crossover or a park um there's probably no uh real public need for that unless somebody wants to establish a new cross over there um there's no utilities in there uh but staff actually had to go remove two dead trees there um so it's something that will potentially have to continue to maintain maintain and hold liability over um long term and then in addition there's a 10-ft walk east of out Lot B um that might have been an originally a trail connection uh but it was never built uh after that and because of where the existing built uh homes are built and some of their facilities uh we're going to have a lot of trouble if we're ever going to be able to build that 10-ft trail um probably require them to move some some of their uh fencing and stuff um not going to go through the rest of them but uh there's just a couple other examples and these are just some examples that I've I've noted here that uh were top of mind I know that there's a handful of other just different remnants um that we've run across throughout just even my couple years here that um just where a couple old plats come together and there's just these weird remnants that um that kind of fall to the Wayside uh so staff's really looking for direction from the council and how do we address this uh we put together a few different options uh one would be um if we run across these areas uh should we investigate if there is a public purpose and if not if there is none um preparing the appropriate documentation in process for the council to consider the vacation of the right of way by Council Direction uh that is something that's allowed by Statute for us to vacate right away per the council Direction uh needs a few more votes than per like a petition um another option would be uh the same thing but if there is no public purp purpose uh we can reach out to the property owners requesting a petition for vacation um some of the issues here are the fees for the petitions for vacations are currently $100 by the fee schedule and typically there's not a lot of value for a somebody that's been already using that property to petition us for uh vacating that right of way so um it's likely not uh going to result in a lot of vacating of uh old right of way uh and another option would be just directing staff not to pursue these areas and just only address them whenever we do receive a petition again if somebody's already been kind of unofficially using that area we're probably not going to receive one um so staff is uh recommending option one uh seeing that there's potential for liability as well as we do expend staff time and uh and there's expense to some of these uh we'd like to see if there's an opportunity that if there's no public purpose that we're seeing that we would want to bring that to the council's attention and see if they're willing to uh vacate some of these old uh platted rways or um out lots and um move forward by Council direction thank you yeah I think um I like their recommendation anytime that we identify these and they're basically platted in a way that just gets in the way um this is a good way to get them out to public ownership or private ownership and actually get part of it back on the tax rolls and most of them aren't going to make much of a difference in that regard anyway but um since we do have a Mot representative is there any problem with vacating that From mot's perspective the one on Highway Long Highway 25 Road yeah I'll imagine mind probably bought it in the first place the city for that access so I would check to see if there's Access Control along that way far as that might be the only way people get okay sure okay so long as we have proper communication with menot and I've spoke uh with the person that permit stuff out there in depth uh they've looked into I know they spoke with other people at mot regarding this one didn't seem like a front Dr was ever going to be a thing at this one so that's why staff brought this forward sure areas basically fully developed along that area and I think if any areas are fully developed and we don't see a purpose in keeping them I think that's the proper time to bring them up if we have a newer development where it's you know not fully developed we want to keep those as platted but um those can always change as development developments change also I have a question yeah go ahead Mr chz so on just on that Graden area there um if we vacate that what it goes on the tax roles on Whose tax Ro who who picks it up most likely we would split that evenly to the four adjacent property owners and we would probably split that evenly at least for the outlaw specifically okay and they they this would go through a public hearing where they could say we don't want you to do it city of Brainard or or or say nothing or whatever right correct we would have to notice all of the adjacent Property Owners of that intention okay um all right that's all I got okay got a motion I will move that we go with option one second motion and a second any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I motion passes item number seven we have a discussion on the Rosewood alley sewer replacement cost again uh Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so staff was alerted of a a sinkhole in the gravel alley east of 15th Street between Rosewood and quintz uh after looking into this further uh this is a challenging uh sanitary sewer main it's in really really tough shape um we were getting a couple different quotes on this one was to replace it and then we were going to get an additional quote to uh potentially line this uh this section of Maine um we did receive the quote to replace which is attached to this um when talking with one of the lining companies we found out that uh lining was going to be very challenging here because it is a small line it's actually a 6 in line compared to uh most of the uh sewer Mains which are eight or larger uh and because of that we would not be able to line it um so really replacement is uh one of the only options in regards to kind of rehabbing of this line um so staff is bringing a couple different options to the council to consider in regards to this one would be um to replace the section uh really about 350 ft of uh sewer main that's failing um based on this proposal that was received by Dantel uh in 2024 understanding that it is an unbudgeted expense uh using probably the reserve funds out of the sanitary sewer fund uh another one would be to budget replacement of the sewer Main in 202 5 or any other year within the CIP uh understanding that any year within the next couple years would be technically unbudgeted as they're not in considered as part of the rate study uh anything beyond uh what was included in the rate study could be done as per part of a future rate study uh but uh we could budget it in a future year uh the other option would be to just continue to monitor the line as is and just do as best as we can to continue to uh jet the lines whenever the backups do occur uh until really a complete failure occurs and then completely replace the line Thank you so the problem isn't going to get better on its own um I don't think we want to keep sending staff there to partially fix a problem especially when it's a a sinkhole um and if we have the funds available in the reserve fund that's what it's for so I say we move forward with this and get it fixed as soon as we can do we replace it with a six or an 8 inch we would upgrade it to an eight thank you I will move that we go with option one replace the failing sewer M based on the proposal received in 2024 second motion a second any more discussion is that plan to get done this year then Jesse if we go forward tonight I would check with d Chantel to make sure he's got the capacity to do it this fall but that was his thought is he'd like to try and get it done this fall are we obligated to get a second bid no not with this amount okay any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I I motion passes I number eight we have a discussion on H Street detour route during the trunk Highway 210 project again uh Public Works director Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so we have uh looked into a handful of different ways to to uh detour traffic and as part of the upcoming design for the Highway 210 project um I wanted to specifically uh talk a little bit more on the northeast uh section of town uh specifically in regards to H Street uh I know that we've recently kind of done more uh restriction of things like truck routes and using H Street so I wanted to kind of point this out a little bit more specifically for the council um is what's potentially going to be included as part of the the state in and and working through this process um some of the things that I've included in there are just some of the impacts of what could happen as part of each different stage uh some things that I wanted to make sure I pointed out to the council is in some areas there's the potential to try and limit as much as we can uh for detouring traffic through uh residential neighborhoods uh in and some in some ways um it's probably our our best option to utilize those local routes uh especially like H Street in some of these instances um I'll take quick uh stage one a for for instance uh detering Highway 25 traffic um in this stage is likely going to be one of the best options here uh because there's really no other uh likely alternative route for them to take uh to get from south to North uh utilizing Highway 25 going up to mil Avenue and further north um we can try and Detour a different route but it's going to be highly likely that folks are going to use it anyway uh which is going to cause a different traffic issue uh and if we're not controlling it um that can cause a lot of confusion a lot of uh really upset customers out there uh so sometimes it's in our best interest to still uh be able to control that traffic uh if you remember that was kind of some of the issues that we had even though we were signing the uh or I guess part of mot's 25 Bridge Project they were signing the truck d tour and um everything to kind of go down to uh industrial uh Industrial Road uh down to 117 they come back up 371b uh back to 210 but a lot of them are still running down Oak Street um you can sign the detour as much as you can but sometimes they will use whichever route is more advantageous to them uh so we're trying to be about as measured as we can understanding that it is routing detour traffic through a residential area um so staff is looking for an authorization from the council to utilize H is needed um while minimizing The Detour traffic through that area um one thing I I'd like to note is something that's not shown on here is something that we've also discussed um with some men do staff is uh there's an option on here that's not shown in any of these and it would be trying to simplify that a little bit uh even further yet uh is trying to combine some of these stages um part of that is to also simplify it for people using those detours and trying to solve some of the confusion for that uh we could potentially run them up um fourth uh where the signal light is and run them up to 8 street up by L and then run them over all the way through H Street back over to 13th uh we would have to be a lot more restrictive on the time and the calendar days of when they would be able to have that detour in place cuz obviously we wouldn't want them to be able to do that during school um but we would be able to do a couple different stages all at the same time uh we wouldn't have to be flipping traffic and detours uh multiple times uh we'd be able to do that all at once so that would be a potential option uh that hasn't been fully vetted that was just one quick option that was thrown kind of off the cuff uh but again staff is just looking for authorization from the council to be able to utilize H Street as needed again understanding that we're we're going to try and minimize uh detour traffic as much as feasible got Mr chz okay um I know you don't have it identified the Fourth Avenue yes sir the H but by the time this comes around we're going to have bump outs at the corners of Fourth Avenue and H Street how how do we navigate that if we were to do that so the way we're designing it is going to uh accommodate plenty of passenger vehicles and uh likely any anybody with trailers we're going to sign truck uh traffic to go elsewhere uh we we're not going to want truck traffic to go through um the local traffic detour area Okay so that's if even if we were to go that route uh it would be very specific that it would be for local traffic only so bump offs are getting done next year next summer that's the plan for next next year is that's getting scoped I'm not sure exact which Corners would potentially get bump outs on it though that that is yet to be designed okay I thought they're going across H or into some some of them I don't know how that how that would impact the fourth 2 H though yeah that that's what's that's what I was thinking of you know how do we do that it just seems to be a very if there's significant traffic trying to either turn eastone H Street off of fourth that uh bump out sticking there I I don't know how would do that that's all I got for now you Tiffany um when we did the the other project uh we wound up partway through deciding that we needed some extra signage and the temporary signaling speed um I would like to get out ahead of that with this I see you nodding and saying yes so um if we are going to be putting traffic onto H Street which is much wider than a normal street we're going to need that thank you so that that's the intention as part of this process I mean it's very early as you can see this isn't by any means a refined design by by any stretch um but you can see some of the initial thoughts is putting in a potential temporary roundabout at 210 and 13th to accommodate the additional traffic and control turning traffic uh you'd look at doing uh maybe some different traffic control at H and 10th rather than a four-way stop to make traffic flow better same thing at H and mil uh you'd have to do something different there uh especially when you're going to have kind of conflicts there so those are things that still need to be resolved as part of this process and as they continue to work through the design um so that hasn't been completely finished up yet so just to be clear too that this is just authorizing the possibility of this it's not making anything official that'll come back at some point when we get a little closer to the project I assume when we look at the actual dour routes yes sir okay y thank you so in other words you just want our permission to use H for your planning so you don't have to waste a lot of time and come back oh we we don't allow you to we say no you're not going to use H right yes sir yep I'd move to approve the use of H Street for their planning purposes for the DU detour routes for due 10 seconds thank you motion and second any more discussion I can't think of a better way if I do I'll let you know hope there is a good way any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor motion passes uh final item tonight for safety and Public Works is uh active oh no we have nine we have two more we got to hurry up uh yeah Direction requested regarding two trunk Highway 210 Lum Park pedestrian bridge project if you want to quick rundown on this one Jesse Dean thank you Mr chair so staff reported that we did get the $1.3 million uh as part of the one Grant uh in in addition to that uh staff reached out to the DNR to see if there was additional funding that they could uh provide as support towards the project uh as of as of right now they have not been able to commit any additional funds uh doesn't help that they're in the middle of their funding by Anum too so that's that's another challenge for them uh so as of right now they haven't been able to commit to those uh they were going to do some digging into it uh but I haven't got a firm commitment from them um but after meeting with srf to kind of talk about the timelines of what would be needed to be able to encumber the funds by the end of June 2025 which is the requirement for the $1.3 million Grant uh staff needs to get direction from the council whether or not we Mo start to move the project forward we're kind of at that point of no return spot now uh with the federal processes we need to start having things get moved into motion um to be able to meet those deadlines um so staff is kind of looking for direction from the council here um one would be to proceed with the current grant funding uh we would still continue to work towards finding additional sources uh working with the DNR other mot grants uh until uh construction U we we feel confident that there might be more Grant funds to be found as using that 1.3 as momentum uh but understand that that's no guarantee by any means uh and that any additional funds beyond the 1.3 million would have to be borne by the city um for the project um the other option would be obviously decline progressing any further into this project at this time and just informing windot that um we just won't be able to utilize this Grant and then just continuing to explore uh future funding opportunities as they become available thank you so the way I see this the potential here is the city's on the hook for over 4 million of this project on taxpayer funded portion of the project I just it's too B big of a risk as far as I'm concerned it's it's a project I want to see I've been pushing to get this done because it's going to be the safest way to get people across but that trail isn't even connected with Crosby yet and if if we need to make this decision today right now whether we're going to continue trying to get funding I think we I think we tell them we we can't use it at this time um I think we should continue to push as we go into the future but at this point I don't see it getting done at the same time as the highway project that's that's just what scares me as putting our citizens on the hook for this huge project that really is a DNR Trail so I think as a DNR comes through with more funding in the future and they they want a safer route across the highway I think that's where this is going to come from not necessarily the the tax ERS and Brainard prep for a motion yes no you're good I'll move that we uh tell men that we can't utilize it this time and we'll just continue seeking out funds second motion and second to go with the uh option two any more discussion hearing none go to a vote all in favor I I motion passes final item is uh Direction on active Code Enforcement cases uh community development director James cranck go ahead thank you Mr chair so staff is bringing one property before the committee for review which is n uh 9917 7 Street South So based on the neighborhood complaints we believe the property owner has deceased and the grass based on the picture is uh over 2 feet tall so staff is looking to see if Council would like to expedite the process as they have received only one citation uh staff does recommend abatement of the grass immediately so it's not the kind of grass you can walk through and get your toes all night no definitely not you might cut your toe okay I'll move forward with the um staff's recommendation on second motion and a second any more discussion heing none go to a vote all in favor I I we can adjourn to the council meeting