##VIDEO ID:YpensuPwdfs## all right it is 400 p.m. we will call the August 27th Park Board to order and we'll start with the oath of office JD if you want to take a stand please raise your right hand then repeat after me I Joshua Burns I Joshua Burns do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of Minnesota constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge and I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office the duties of the office of Brainard Parks and Recreation of Brainard Parks and Recreation of the city of Brainard Minnesota of the city of brard Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me a God so help me go than we'll move on to roll call when you are ready Jesse Burns here Sandy present schaer yes shap here Miller here Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the plag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we'll move on to the approval of the agenda we will be adding a uh section to new business so a 9e um U for a uh for what exactly Mr chair if I can add an item for uh a request for trespassing from Gregory Park very good so we'll move to approve the agenda with the uh addition of the uh trespassing I'll make that motion second Motion in a second all in favor of the agenda say I I all oppose same sign we have an agenda moving on to the consent calendar notice of the public all matters listed are routined by the board and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless good cause is shown prior to the time the board votes on the motion to be adopted by roll call I'll make a motion to approve the consent calendar consisting of the approval of minutes dispersements and financial reports second motion and a second um Jesse please call the rooll burns yes Sandy yes schaer yes sh yes Miller yes all right we have our consent calendar um unfinished business we will uh discuss the rotary solar project Jesse thank you Mr chair so we do have an update uh after the last uh BPU commission meeting the Public Utilities Commission meeting uh we did get clarification that the Utility Commission did elect to approve um $32,000 of of uh their funds towards the rotary solar project u based on their calculations it would take them approximately 39 years to achieve a return on the initial investment on that um I did include some of the uh facets of an potential agreement should the park board agree to continue moving forward with this project um again that rotary was going to provide a $10,000 uh stien towards the project uh that the Public Utilities Commission uh would agree to fund the remaining portion uh that in exchange we would receive the energy credits and the revenue sales uh from the solar installation um we would still require that rotary provides the uh required documentation I think this was called out in the um the June presentation things like multiple required bids uh before any of the contractors would be selected to do the work um that the the panels would be covered under the city's Insurance uh and that damages would be covered through our insurance claims process uh the generated electricity would potentially used to power cameras lighting Outlets that are installed at the Pavilion um any other expenses the city would have for administering this program uh that would be covered by the uh electricity that's generated the sales of the electricity that's generated um and then if at any time the park board would like to have the panels removed uh they would be done at the city's expense so those are different things that I've heard uh on my end of things that should be included in the agreement uh staff would like to hear uh a direction from the parkboard of what they would like to hear uh on an opinion of early early removal of the panels uh in a draft agreement I think I mentioned this in the last meeting um there would there would be concern from the BPU side about potentially removing these panels let's say after 2 years years and we we realize that it's something that we really don't want to see in the Parks after um several damages or something like that obviously after putting in $32,000 uh they would want to recoup some of those costs um should there be uh some sort of uh a facet of that agreement that shows some sort of a recuperation schedule uh would it be a 15-year uh warranty phase out of that of that funding um that's just slowly is at 100% in year one and then it just works through the 15 years is it um some other different form or fashion of that so staff would like some direction from the parkboard of what would be included in that should you want to move forward with this project so right now staff is just looking for direction from the parkboard of how to proceed with this project and any other facets of a potential agreement should it like to do so thank you Jesse questions comments or further concerns for Jesse I uh I so it was unanimous the the the money yes okay I 39 years though was it is that different than the projection that we originally had the original projection was from um Winkleman solar uh this is from BPU that was included in your packet so this is one that BPU staff had performed okay based on the updated pricing uh including the cost of the um electrical service installation that they would have to get from uh the existing facility out to the billion so they included that cost as well okay yeah cuz I thought the the amount of time before we actually received some sort of return on this was shorter not 39 years right I mean I again I you remember what that was Jesse from the Winkleman proposal if I remember correctly I think it was like 13 and what was the warranty period on those panels 15 15 years because it seems like really to get oh yeah sorry you can continue I I'm just curious of the language if you can scroll up there at the cost to the city who who is the city uh the removal will be done at the city's expense who is the city where is this money coming from because there's a big difference is it BPU is it I I'm assuming it's not PPU I'm assuming it's parkboard correct I I clarification I I could include either one in the agreement I'm thinking if that the park board wanted to have these solar panels removed that it could be at the park board's uh Direction and budget but I would take direction of what the parkb would like to see in that agreement said I further down the Rital we go um the things uh looks a little worse uh every time like I said I I do like that the commission was unanimous that they want to see this happen are willing to fund it but you know can those things really exist on top of the structure for 39 years for us to get money back I am not confident in that um but I mean as far as Andrew could oh yeah I if BPU is on board with it I'm fine with it um I guess in terms of the removal to me that like I think generally a we like the idea of solar power in the park and if it's there in a way that's generating power and it's not unsafe right it's not irking or falling on people those are the only things I would see is a reason the park board would want to remove it um and then in that situation right we do need to hammer out is that us is that BPU is that somebody else I don't think there is anybody else um that would remove the panels but I think it's kind of a what situations do we want to take it down in and then who pays for it um so I think direction would probably just be that I mean again we'll continue to work on the agreement before we obviously make any sort of motion on it but um I guess it would be if if it is us that wants them taken down um would come out of the the park board's money or the parks Park budget yeah and my only concern is it's just like you said it's a long time frame it's 39 years I what's the life expectancy of them if the warrant is only 15 years you know it once you get past the warranty you're you're crapshoot and that's another you know over double that time frame in in the expected life expectancy before we even pay for them so per the presentation the the warranty period wasn't exactly the the time that they just stopped working it was the time that they're going to provide you a certain level of generation I think was over 90% I can't remember the exact percentage there was a certain percentage that they were supposed to generate uh beyond the or within that 15 years beyond that they would not warrantee that it would generate that same amount of percentage uh so they would continue to you would assume continue to still work and generate electricity uh it may just be a lesser amount of that electricity over time I just over 40 years I don't know what that number is and I I couldn't tell you how long they would eventually last in the park very good um so any further clarification besides the who who paid I guess in my mind it doesn't really matter who pays for it because whether the park board is paying for it that's coming out of the city's budget and whether BPU pays for it it's coming from the rate payers that are paying for the utilities that are you know serving the city and you know we're all on this board as rate payers or tax ta payers however you look at it and so whether it's coming from our rates or it's coming from the city's general tax levy I don't think that in my mind is really not a I mean from a taxpaying citizen perspective I don't think that's necessarily well I will say that the council is not going to be interested in this coming out of their budget this would would come directly out of your budget as a park so when you decide to get rid of would I can almost tell you for a fact that the council is going to say that's fine but it's going to come out of the park budget it is going to be a park expense I'm having a hard time justifying a payback period of 39 years I mean how long have solar panels been around you know is it 20 years we've seen this technology have we seen a a full life cycle out of I mean I don't know how long this technology has existed um do they last that long you know that's I think a question that is still outstanding you know whether it's less efficient and they still work but yeah like I said I yeah it's just the projections are just a little bit different again the full confidence of the commission to fully fund this project unanimously I get it um you know um I obviously we can't change that number that doesn't change 39 years is the payback period so it is what it is so for now um let's just get staff clarification on anything in here and then when this comes back to us we can make a conscious decision about whether or not we want to move forward with the project because yeah again you know the more information we seem to find the more kind of hurdles uh it does possess and more research and information we probably need um to make a educated decision so um apart from clarification go ahead yeah just forther clarification from from this group I think we at least these guys with like to know I'd like to be able to tell the council what is that time frame in which is it 39 years is that if we remove these before 39 years we the park board's paying for it or what is that time frame I think that's what we need to know I think that's a day one you mean the cost of the removal or the cost of removal I think in here it's saying that it's an option could be like a 15-year phase out so if it was to be removed prior to 15 years someone is going to be on the hook but maybe another question is you know if I heard staff saying correctly that we would get the credits generated so let's say that BPU wants to remove it for some reason on the other side what happens to those credits that we were promised for 39 years Lori can you go to the second page so staff included in here so this is a from from BPU so they did show the diminishing projected returns over the over time so to your point how long do these last the it's really tough to say over 39 years you're projecting um based on an estimate uh so you you are showing that it is slowing down over time it's not giving you the same Revenue generation over the same amount of time in year 30 as you are in year one um so it is diminishing in in return over that time uh regarding cost I couldn't tell you what the cost would be to remove these panels I assume it wouldn't be um more than a few thousand doll whether that could come out of the repair and maintenance fund for the existing budget um that's something that could be again directed by parkboard to staff of we can do that uh we would probably have to have an electrician come in to disconnect that from uh from the power source again we can be directed to take that out of our existing budget if that's so what the park board would like to do uh or that could be something that could be reflected in the agreement if the park board would like to see BPU cover that cost if they want to be removed I don't know if the the commission would agree to that but if that was the direction from the park board that's what we're looking for that direction um to your point uh JD about the the payback period um obviously the commission does not want to invest $32,000 to have them removed in year two um to potentially lose out on that investment before they see the payback um what that looks like again we're looking for for direction what could be included in an agreement um that that kind of mutually benefits everybody if we move forward with this project um I haven't heard that from this parkboard yet is are we willing to invest the time for staff to develop and work with our legal team to develop a draft agreement between not only the park board uh but the Public Utilities Commission as well as the Rotary Club um to continue to move this project forward and what the framework of that agreement is so that's that's really what I'm looking for from direction is is the park board interested in moving this project forward if so we will draft this agreement based on what the park board would like to see as facets of that agreement and we can massage kind of the fine details of that in future meetings but uh we're really looking for direction of if you want to move this project forward got it thank you Jesse here um I would like to see it move forward on the basis that BPU pays for everything I mean they are very passionate as a board on for this project we would love to have it on our Pavilion if there's no cost to the park board or the city I don't know just an idea unless it's like something where it doesn't I don't know why we'd want to take it off unless it was something serious that was happening right like kids are crawling up there and doing stuff that we talked about that could happen possibly I mean we'd only be removing these things if there was like a danger or it was causing issues I would think we're not just going to say like H let's just take those guys down it's been a couple years I mean right I'm right so here here's my fear and all of this right you've got the three entities that are very different with three different pools of money all of those commissions and board seats are on a rotating basis this board including 15 years 39 years is a very long time time the everyone here will be long gone all I want to make sure is that everything is in stone as to who is paying what when so if these get taken down in year 15 what is the cost to the city in terms of if it's depreciation or if it's the value that we've actually recouped what is the cost to this board so that when the next board comes up and says hey we no longer want those there staff who may be here may not be here can come back and say Here's the agreement that was written here's what the understanding was and here's what the cost is going to be to that so that we're not getting into this wishy-washy shell game of moving money around that's my only concern with this Andrew yeah that I think that's a good 3 I mean it's a really long time uh which is great right we want to generate Renewable Power uh I guess I can take a shot at what I would like to see which is if the panels become a hazard or a blight BPU pays to remove them if if in the first 15 years the park board just decides voluntarily we don't like these when I get rid of them parkboard would pay for the removal after that uh BP would pay for the removal and Associated credits right so like year four they want to recoup the 28,000 plus the tear down expenses parkboard would pay for that if we're just like hey we don't like it anymore this is my thought yeah I think that's a fair if it is yeah if it's a hazard blight let's have BPU handle the the expenses for the tear down but if it's at ours because we just aren't feeling it or whatever the excuse might be outside of that um the parkboard will take on that expense I think that's I think that's a fair assessment very good do you need a motion for that could I get some clarification on um potential payback of the initial investment is zero payback if that's how the I just want to make sure that that's how staff would direct the draft agreement to come forward yeah I just I guess I would oh I'd say if right the park board is voluntarily choosing to remove them in the first 15 years we payback based on that pro-rated table um and then beyond that nothing no okay the 15year okay so outside of 15 years we're not giving any prorated amount back yeah so like year 14 if we're like Hey we're done we'd pay 19635 back to BPU plus the tear down expense sure that that does make sense as as well so all right yeah I think yes can I can I clarify would it be based on the 15 years of the warranty period so it would be 115th so you're looking at potentially if you tear them down in year 14 that would be about 6.7% of the initial investment so assuming it's $32,000 it would be 6.7% of $32,000 would be the payback is that my understanding or are you talking about the return on projected investment I was thinking about the return on investment I guess that would actually be 32,000 minus that number in the table wouldn't it because that's the money you've made back okay if it's me I would say it'd be the initial cost that be PR rated based off their initial costs that they put in to it not taking into account any Revenue that they've received from them well who is getting that Revenue dpu right yeah they get all the credits yep for the for their uh investment so it would be initial dollar amount invested minus any credits received to that date MH very good that is simpler love that is simpler yep very good anything else on that one Jesse not unless there is any other direction from the park board any other comments questions or concerns for Jesse on the solar panels so you Jesse so you're going to craft this bring it back to both boards let both boards have their say at it and then move forward with it that is Our intention we'll work with the the attorney to draft up an agreement very good uh we'll move on to 9A uh the discussion of adult sofball thank you Mr chair so this was an item that was requested by the uh Park Board uh a little bit earlier this month um based on an email uh so we've included a few different things in this um the first thing I'll highlight is the uh post easy meeting that we held last week uh over at Mill Stadium uh we invited our uh our team captains from the soft Sumer softball teams and um we have we essentially included the entire uh agenda here as well as the notes that we had taken uh from that meeting so you you're able to uh review those in the packet um a handful of different things that we covered in there uh we we broke down the fees from 2024 uh so that way they could all see not only just one league but all of the different leagues how how the league fees were calculated um um just to try and let them understand you know really the fees are to pay for the expenses of the league uh it's really not intended to fund different parts of the parks department it really is to just kind of fund the league itself um talked a little bit about the team sideline uh addressed the issues that were included in the petition that was uh um uh spread around in Facebook uh talked a little bit about different uh po potential policy changes that we uh that we might be proposing over the winter as well as next year same thing with some rule changes that might be coming up uh so these are different things that we wanted to make sure that we're in place um it may not necessarily have been well written La uh for this last season uh something that we would want to evaluate for U potentially next summer uh not necessarily this fall um and then also just any other comments and concerns that we' received throughout the different uh uh leagues throughout the summer um and just wanted to address that with all of the different teams uh while they were there uh and just get feedback from them um based on um based on those comments uh so I included all of that here uh so that the um parkboard was able to uh see all the different pieces and again I included our notes from the uh from that meeting I try to try to make it a little easier to read uh the questions were uh in regular text as well as the the Bold text was um the staff response to some of those questions and stuff like that so there was a a lot of um very good uh discussion that was had at that meeting I know the the the mayor came in for that meeting uh Nick was there uh Haley did a Fant I was there I was the one that was mostly taking the notes uh Haley was really kind of the one that was leading that meeting um I thought she did a really good job of kind of going through all the these different pieces um but I thought it was a a a really good meeting we got a lot of really good input from um from the different teams and the different captains uh I think there was just a couple other just um individual players specifically um but we got a lot of good input from from the different folks that were there and uh I think we have a lot of good direction not only for just things that we're already going to be doing this fall um but things that we really want to address this winter um to get ourselves ready to go for next season um but with that I also did include some of the emails that were requested by the park board for discussion I did include the email that was sent out to the uh parkboard regarding the blast Facebook page that uh we were at that time pausing the Facebook page uh based on some of the inappropriate uh posts that were posted on there uh the city wanted to essentially disconnect from that we did not want to uh be affiliated with a Facebook page that had those inappropriate comments we decided to communicate in a different manner uh with our different teams um since then the the the uh Facebook page has been reactivated but we are no longer affiliated with it um so we are just communicating in different means mostly through emails um with that I will uh uh look to the park board for discussion on the adult softball program thank you Jesse and I do apologize for my absence from that meeting but uh it does sound like you guys did a great job at least lining up some amount of expectations and setting up the groundwork for uh future discussions and uh having a little bit more of an open conversation with the uh these types of clubs so um thank you guys but uh what questions do you have for Jesse on the topic I think I I we feel pretty confident that we have a direction forward right we yes sir I think we addressed a lot of the issues that were um not only had occurred throughout the summer but were also raised out in that uh postseason meeting uh a big part of it was communication um that that came up through through those discussions and I think we've tried to address a lot of that um scheduling I think we've gotten a lot of that resolved and I think you'll see that even in the The Fall season um some of that was obviously inexperience with having done a schedule um and utilizing a software that just wasn't capable of handling it very well um but I think we've learned some of those lessons and and moved on from that um so we're better suited for fall and moving forward especially with the the new team sideline software that we're going to be utilizing so we've moved on from some of those issues and and kind of learned from some of those lessons uh some of the other stuff we've already kind of addressed and I think we've talked about things like the lights and we'll even have some more updates with that uh as well as some other part parts with uh like field rakes and stuff like that so um those those are all things that as long as we're having good two-way communication between players and uh participants and staff I think we'll be able to address just about anything that comes up okay I have I have one question I mean I I saw in the notes about the lack of like representation or making appearances um being at the fields that type of thing and the response was you know there's concession stand workers there's umpires there's a parking wreck intern uh has there been any discussion about well those are all very valuable members of the team of the city's team I think there's probably a need to have someone else there you know an an intern is an intern um they're still in a learning phase um umpires are really good at what they do but let's face it they're there to umpire the game and they want to get out of there as fast as they can they're collecting a check and concession stand workers are I mean they're there for a purpose you know if we looked at trying to I'm not saying to be there every night that doesn't need to happen but even if it's us stopping down every once in a while even if it's you know the mayor stopping by if it's any staff member um Haley anyone outside of those people I think that could definitely help and I think a a tag on question or I guess statement is what is the softballs player duty to self-regulate to some extent and not need um a person out there I think even when I was here um there was a lot of discussion about we want City staff to be more present in City Hall they're already working eight hours a day and uh the previous previous Recreation coordinator was spending a lot of time out at the fields um that wears on people that you know City staff can't spend 60 hours a week being both president in City Hall and I think that's some of the issues that Haley was probably dealing with is we were down an administrative assistant for a long time so there's no one to necessarily run the window um be there to take reservations for all the other stuff we do campgrounds Pavilions um I'm sure that has to play in this whole situation is City staff has an 8- hour day job and are likely expected to be present here at City Hall during those 8 hours and that additional time out at the softball fields is just that you know what is the softball players duties to self-regulate on their own and what is City staff's expectation for being out at the fields I think that's a question that I have and something that I struggle with because um these are adult leagues and there should be some sort of self-regulation that occurs whether that be through I don't know if they have their own Association or whatever that is but there needs to be some of that that needs to be talked about too I think Dave yeah I can jump in some of that was definitely discussed and and Nick I'll ask you to speak in a moment if if you're comfortable as well as someone that was there um yeah all those things were discussed um I think you know with our previous wre Specialists we were spending a lot of time there and I think the park board was clear that we needed to back off that a little bit maybe we backed off a little too much but a lot of that was again like you said our staffing at City Hall has been so low this year that uh we just we had we have to take care of everything that we can take care of um but the it was a very good conversation I felt like when we walked away and Nick I think you had said this to to me as well um very good conversation we went through issue by issue but also then allowed people to speak and hear what the concerns they had and one of those very specific things were you know is there a way for either a uh more representation to be there I would gladly you know every once in a while be there on a regular schedule I think the park board should maybe start investing a little bit of time you know one night a month or something doing something like that but in terms of having staff there I think we just need to have consistency to it and I think that's what people were were asking for what is the consistency to it um and that's definitely something I think we came up with a path moving forward with as well yeah just a couple comments um I was there I'm relatively new to the city I'm I'm a I'm a very I'm I'm not relatively new when it comes to playing softball I played tons of softball and it was uh some of the greatest memories of my younger years and I think it was very valuable I left there I had a chance to meet and visit with a lot of the players and so often in government people want to be heard and I think I kind of uh s picked up on that a lot when I was there Vis with folks and all people like predictability in in um in their in I want to say schedules but you know adult softball isn't a schedule but people like predictability structure is generally good people perform better in structure I definitely heard that that they would like more staff representation at the fields I also made a comment that Haley Jesse myself we all have responsibilities at City Hall as well so we took an action item as a staff to explore how we can be more intentional and predictable with um when we might be able to have some presence at the softball fields I do I agree with Paul I I do think there's a a tremendous amount of value and it warrants further conversation about softball associations because I do think that as adults and I I made a comment when I was there at this meeting it's really hard to legislate morality it's really hard to legislate character and when we're dealing with adults adults Sports there has got to be some responsibility with the members to self-regulate and self- police um that so I think it's a it's a mix between the two we can't have a staff out there continually it's just isn't feasible um but I think we can be more intentional and predictable and when we can be out there so we took an action to look into that further so I expect we'll have some we'll make some progress on that Avenue but I do think it needs to be a shared responsibility between staff and um and the state holders the players themselves if I can follow up with that too I I don't think the city is without fault in any of this I think I think this was a year of learning I think we uh there are things we've done well for a long time there's things we haven't done well for a long time somehow we got some of those mixed up a little bit and we weren't doing the things we've done well for a long time as as high of a level as we've been doing we got to take a step back reevaluate all those things operate and figure out how to get to a smooth operation over there and I think it'll happen it was VE it was a very good meeting um and sometimes it's just people just need to speak right I'm a big believer in that sometimes we just got to let people speak and you got to you got to hear some of the issues and some of them are wildly specific right wildly specific to to their small part of that pie that this board is going to be very far removed from but the more we have connection to that the more we have an interaction with them the meetings twice a year having them come before us talking about what the issues are and then actually letting them see us make some of those changes that's how we're going to get to a better place with that but I think fall league should go much smoother and then by Spring I think we're going to have a very good uh program that's up and running and I think we will have ironed out most of those issues very good any Cara yeah I I think communication like you guys said is just going to be from what I read and what I would think moving forward just that would be such a huge piece of this because they maybe wouldn't need us need to feel like we would need to be at the field as much if they were like we know that we can send this email or we know that oh Haley's planning I don't know million other things or not that they need to know exactly what everyone's doing all the time but just that communication piece and even as me personally on the board when I started getting some of these comments I was like wait what like I hadn't I was really confused cuz again I not a softball player and so I didn't know this was happening and so even from a a board perspective it would be you know just communication on on things is is helpful but I look forward to this new scheduling and sounds like you guys I mean obviously hear more but it sounds like there's some good plans in place moving forward thank you cara Andrew yeah I I think this is all really promising um I hope this kind of ends up as like a a handbook or some document that's available to all the players in the league um just kind of what I was seeing on Facebook was a lot of kind of negative reinforcement cycles of uh you know an example right oh I wish the games weren't rained out today and then just piling on of frustration around that and I think if there's a handbook that says hey we're going to make a call at 4M and we're going to use the information best information we have at the time and that's the decision um that at least is clear and transparent and I hope that can help because I think Facebook really lends itself to a lot of that negativity and I'm happy we're out of that as a city um seeing uh just some of the really negative things I think it's not helpful and if that needs to happen that needs to happen but um I think this is all really promising and I think the scheduling software is going to be great I I don't think I realized how bad Civic wreck was for scheduling and that's a bummer because I know we paid lot to upgrade to that but yeah seems yeah Nick sorry just want to piggyback on that I think that's a great comment full disclosure I'm not a I'm not a social media person at all I think it can be an echo chamber it can be very very useful but it can be very very destructive at the same time I would say you know if I had to summarize what the what the the healthy path going forward is it's communication policy and process communication I said this even at the meeting I've been working for 35 years and the number one problem in every organization I've been in is communication bar done always and we can never seem to get it right communication policy to Andrew's Point people like to have boundaries people like to have structure they can agree or disagree but if the policy is what it is it kind of takes the oxygen out a lot of those conversations that's the policy we're going to enforce it and then process to make sure we're doing things consistently and the same way all the time and people I think I think we have a much brighter future if we can stick with those three principles thank you Nick and yeah for me I just this this program you know is break even now but you know the program has a lot of uh place to grow as well I mean we we can be we have a lot of fields in our system you know we can be utilizing this a lot better so if we can build a foundation solid foundation on this this program can can be better and you know again it ties in with like Banner programs and other sponsorship and a lot of activity within our Park system system and we just need to find that that starting point that Foundation point where we can build off of that and again with the self-regulating and things like that for the players and the you know potential Association and the stakeholders you know we can do better and you know we we I do believe we have a path forward um after this Dave yeah I just wanted to say too to the softball players that you know sometimes all the the jargon up here gets lost in the shuffle you know we're moving pieces around and this is a very behind the granite wall if you will up here in our high seats but I think sometimes the softball players just need to hear us say that we support them and that we support these programs and we want them to be successful we would not be invested in if we were not so I just sometimes I think we need to do a better job up here as well as saying we support you guys and we support what you're doing and we just want to make sure that we're figuring out the best way to do that so any further comments questions or concerns jesser Nick all righty we will move on again thank you guys so much for all that work and coming together with it pretty pretty quick I would like to think uh that took a herculan effort to uh put some semblance of policy together in a in a couple days time after our conversation so thanks so much uh moving on to 9B the discussion of the pickle ball resurfacing cost Jesse thank you Mr chair so at the request of the park board uh you requested uh some cost comparison of what it would cost to resurface um like a tennis court repurpose a tennis court towards a pickable uh pickle ball court uh we actually found a very comparable um project that was just recently bit here in Spring uh with sper Park here in Wilmer um very similar to uh to our tennis courts here at Gregory uh maybe not necessarily the poor condition part but uh they were resurfacing poor condition uh surface tennis courts uh they elected that they'd rather instead of moving forward with tennis courts they wanted to resurface them and uh put a pickle ball surface um in its place um based on the uh square footage and the square yardage um surprisingly enough they were actually very comparable uh size as well so that even from a scoping standpoint uh it was also a very comparable project in that way um so uh we were able to take that and kind of draw some inferences of what the approximate cost and kind of apply that towards what could that possibly look like if we wanted to elect towards you know let's let's take a hypothetical resurfacing of Gregory uh Park tennis courts North or South um and I just did some rough approximations using that as as a framework of Tak that exact number and applying it to our courts there uh so I did include those calculations um they did not include Nets uh So based on what I was able to find uh the anchored net systems run approximately about $1,000 per net um so I was able to just include that with it uh so I do have those um numbers in there I did highlight that I do not recommend resurfacing of the existing pickle ball courts in Memorial Park uh we do have a challenge right now with trying to maintain uh good ice in the wintertime I'm unsure of what the ability would be or the potential for a new pickle ball surfacing would be to absorb heat uh in the winter time so we're already having that issue of making good ice in the winter uh would this potentially exasperate that problem and endanger the potential for pond hockey in wintertime so I wouldn't recommend looking into resurfacing um the pond hockey rink over there um but if you wanted to explore the tennis courts over in Gregory that a potential there um but really looking for direction uh and discussion uh from the park board regarding um how you'd like to handle this information very good thank you Jesse for finding all of that information first of all and uh lucky uh that Wilmer has graced us with a project uh similar to this um as well so I think for me a lot of that conversation was to make sure that we um had a concrete number that we were able to work with so that we could do some community outreach and some uh fing within the community other uh initiatives and things like that um to try to accomplish that I know we've received a little bit of feedback from the from the public um about wanting to keep the tennis courts um uh via email um as well but um just give us a a solid foundation of you know what is it going to cost for us to resurface um these and then understanding again trying to get more of an understanding of utilization as far as tennis in that partic on those particular uh of Courts as well but uh gives us a a solid foundation to work from um did anyone have any questions for Jesse comments or concerns Paul so my I guess my first so pickle ball is a very hot topic I'll say that right off the bat across all the communities that I'm working in right now um city engineer and East skull Lake they're having the same discussion right now about needing to refresh their pickle ball courts um I guess my first question kind of stems at do we have enough infrastructure for pickle ball players in general where if we take away tennis is that going to be enough to support the community that we have around pickle ball or should we be looking at this differently to say that you know we have tennis courts um they might need to be resurfaced anyways I don't know what the condition is of those but do we need to be thinking about this differently in thinking you know do we need more pickle ball facilities in general cuz I think what a lot of cities are struggling with right now we've heard a lot of good success stories of communities that have raised funds um with just through the pickle ball Community to install pickle ball facilities uh Walker is a great example I think they put in a $200,000 pickleball court and that was all fund raised money from pickle ball players and that was I think in a month they raised that amount of money so um you know I think the pickle ball community in this whole area is very energized right now and I think think you know we also need to consider do we have enough facility or enough existing areas where uh pickle ball could be um an opportunity um whether that's resurfacing or creating new pickle ball facilities um and it might be you know a joint conversation with a lot of neighboring communities because I know for a fact that a lot of communities that we work with are having the same conversation and I think part of that was uh initially the hockey rank that we had maybe half planned to put up in JC's Park um not uh not coming to fruition so um you know as a as another potential facility um more so um for pickle ball but um anecdotally um from a lot of the community community members and and pickle ball players as well Memorial Park just isn't enough and the surface isn't necessarily good um for pickle ball just again to Jesse's point I think even the city of aen um suffers from the same problem uh their initial problem was you know they need a specific surface for the ice to to form and so the surface that we have is the surface that we have and we really can't change it if we want the hockey ring functionality um so kind of going out for that point yeah I mean we asked this question I think last year early last year what was the utilization for pickle ball how big is it and you know in a lot of our our leagues you know our stuff to the brim right now and the tournaments and the turnout I mean there's a lot of local interest anecdotally speaking of course you know all we can do is really look at our league registration and things like that for concrete numbers but right now yeah I mean we we are struggling a little bit to to field people even just casually playing and again I know there's an agenda item coming up um for a very large League um you know um privately run league uh coming up so you know I guess yeah anecdotally there's a lot of interest and a lot of people saying they can't really get time on the courts and you know again frankly that the that the surface itself uh doesn't lend itself to a competitive nature so um that's kind of what U the feedback that I've received from the community so JD I'm all for adding more pickable because it is the Hot Topic is that a way that we can bring people to the community to spend money on our businesses if we have the facilities that they can use absolutely that's what we should be doing more people here instead of other cities my only concern is I don't feel like we should completely eliminate tennis I'm not great tennis player I've played it a couple times I think I'm pretty good when I can hit it over the fence it's not really tennis but there are people that use Gregory park for tennis um you know I know I actually stopped out there earlier today one of the courts looks brand new one of them looks like it's probably in need of being replaced soon so I think this discussion about should we do a large pickle ball court there that that might be where the direction should go but still allow other sports absolutely and I think you know some of the cise was I mean I think the north Court's in pretty great shape um comparatively um to the southern court and we do Jam a lot more pickle ball courts into the southern one than we would do the northern one so I you know in my vision for this we' keep the north as tennis um because that that court is a regulation size um and then do the resurfacing which is kind of you know even on a tennis level needed um on the southern side and then you know again a lot of the compromises we could still stick a tennis court inside of the Southern the southern uh courts and still just squeeze it another tennis court if we needed it but again that's a question for you know usage like you know do we have a lot of folks f up three tennis courts on a very regular basis that's a question I don't know you know again anecdotally there are folks playing tennis in our in our Park system won't deny that one bit but is it enough to Warrant five tennis courts anecdotally I don't think so but is it enough to fill three I don't know I don't know that question so or the answer to that question Paul um one of the issues that has arisen in some of these other communities is the underlying surface is in too poor of shape shape to actually get a resurfacer to stick Jesse do you know any underlying I don't know when that South Court was resurfaced I believe the North Court was done right around 2015 2016 if I remember right it's when that rain Garden got put in at Gregory at the same time I believe it's fairly new um but that's that South Court I'm not sure when that got put in um I know some communities are dealing with underlying surfaces that are 34 years old and the resurfacing people come out and they say ain't going to stick sorry you know you need a new you need a new base surface and at that point that's the time for an expansion because if you're going to tear it all out anyways you know your fencing costs are going to be expensive or more um but that underlying base surface comes into play when you're talking resurfacing very good do you have any idea when that South Court was put in Jesse no I don't um I do know the quote in the Wilmer project did address um some um some of that to try and some of the like kind of soft be spots and stuff like that um but to your point if it was completely deteriorated I don't think they addressed that specifically to your to that point I don't if it was completely unusable I don't think they would have probably bid the project very good any other questions car um I don't actually have a question comment sure um so I just want to play Devil's Advocate and just remind everyone that we're looking out for all the parks and all the things so you know ahead of looking ahead in the budget you know there's $100,000 we have set aside 2028 for playground you know I mean that could cover pickleball court but you know it's kind of like how we have we spend a lot of money on softball sometimes sometimes it's pickle ball sometimes so like just want to make sure we're budgeting our we don't really have this budgeted so we'd have to not do something else or if we do find somebody obviously to donate the money that's even better but just remembering and then what happens when pickle ball isn't a thing I love pickle ball so I mean I'm not trying to be anti- pickle ball but like what happens when we have all these courts and then pickle ball then we have all kinds of maybe tennis or skating ranks or I don't know so just like also planning ahead if something changes with a pickle ball craze great yeah and I think you know um to you know the conversations Dave and I have had outside as well is there is a lot of excitement in pickle ball in general so I think the Avenue first was of course getting the estimate finding out what you know if we're going to go to the community and ask them for money what does that number look like what what's our goal right and so um setting this Baseline and then doing some community outreach to to see what we can figure out and uh you know set expectations for the community and stakeholders um and seeing you know what kind of money we can get cuz I I do believe we have that particular court budgeted in the 30-year plan right um I again I'm not quite sure what year it is how much money we've got saved up etc etc but you know by the time this project comes to fruition you know maybe we've got a couple thousand dollars that we were already going to spend in the maintenance of this particular court that we can utilize along with Community money um to push the project forward um at an earlier date um and I believe it would be a much much earlier date um cuz yeah I think we're yeah thought it was late 30s this uh in this budget plan yeah so um so again yeah I think again next step um for myself and anybody else who wants to be a part of this would be to reach out to the community and the stakeholders and and find out you know where everybody's at and having an understanding of what the concrete part of the pun um numbers um look like and um realize a project like this would cost at least U this amount of money um given the market so Dave yeah the only other thing I want to mention too is that there is brainer is not the end all Beall as well so there are other surfaces out there so tennis is more covered in this area with the high school and with Forest View and with Baxter there is more coverage for tennis than there is for pickle ball so I'm not anti- tennis but I do know that there you know just right here right next to us there are a bunch of courts that are currently available as well so tennis does have good coverage um and I would not be anti- tennis by any means but I do want to see us trying to figure out what the solutions could be I'm surprised by these numbers these are lower than I expected so that's good uh the 2 15,000 that's you know I was looking at 150 in my head of what we're looking at for like a brand new structure which is probably about right 150 175 200 now probably yeah welcome to the current world um but those numbers are at least promising and obtainable and if I could just highlight the 215 that includes a few different amenities with it so like a bike rack and sidewalk so to your point about the 150 for just the court or itself is probably close to that 150 you said sidewalk that's $80,000 right there so there you go very good so uh Andrew yeah I I certainly like the idea of transforming the North Court because you get double the capacity that we have today I think that's a pretty good return on our investment South South what did I say North oh boy yeah you are absolutely incorrect y 100% wrong uh South yes three cords goes into six love that um it seems like a good Next Step then is to investigate the surface to see if it can be I think it's acrylic was it um right if we can get that to bond and then have an accurate number for the community kind of where I'm leaning very good uh any further comments questions or concerns about the pickle ball estimate uh no uh no public input on this agenda item um so how are you going to reach out to the people well I I do have your phone number that I do have your phone number so yeah this is going to be of those things like if we're going to fund it privately through the community um needs to be you know like a private um fundraising and that sort of thing would would be something that Dave and I would would reach out to the community for um specifically so may be good to have a public forum on this yeah we certainly could come to kind of move forward yeah we certainly could um early stages of course but yeah I mean we need to find the money and like I said we need we need to reach out and like I said we've we partner on this a lot already um have a lot of conversations with you already um so it'll those conversations will continue to happen so between myself or the mayor or anybody else who wants to be involved in and trying to Community Fund raise so um moving on to 9C the update on Memorial and Lyman P white utility costs thank you Mr chair so uh another item that uh part Park Board requested of staff to provide an update on utility costs um specifically the splash pad um but we actually had one of our uh City Council Members part of our budgeting process request of IM P White Park so we actually included that as well uh so I did the last trailing 12 months of utility cost for Memorial Park and linman P White Park and we were able to isolate specifically Memorial Park the warming house and splash pad um so I included the utility costs uh as you can see obviously summer is the peak season uh Memorial Park as you can imagine uh water is a significant user uh of of the utilities there uh it's usually about $4,500 in the peak season there uh Lyman P White Park uh the reason for the peak season there is irrigation uh use a ton of the water there uh the lighting is all LED so you're not using a ton of uh utilities there during the summer it's mostly just for the irrigation there so uh just wanted to Quick givey breakdown uh of the utility cost for those two parks uh so in the last 12 months it's roughly about um $33,000 or so uh for those two parks and just utility costs um obviously doesn't include any of the other uh maintenance costs that goes into it too those just uh Water and Electric very good thank you Jesse yeah those are one of those conversation items when uh we presented the capital budget like one of the uh besides Labor uh um the uh actual increase in costs uh year-over-year so from budgetary requests and yeah obviously Lyman P white being more uh or actually being fully functional this last summer and then uh the splash pad just getting more usage um than it has uh in previous years I would guess um again anecdotally um that uh that was a significant increase in our overall costs um for our budget so I have a just a question um um Jesse I know this was talked about right at the beginning of Memorial Park with the splash pad I think there's ways to like turn that thing back um from so much water usage cuz I mean if you go out there now the thing is spraying I mean it's cool don't get me wrong but it's spraying 30 ft in the air you know it's quite a lot of water that goes down the drain um is that something we can look at and investigate maybe for next year is you know I think there's ways that you can reduce the amount of water that the splash pad pumps out every time a kid touches that that uh start button yeah um I don't I don't remember what the gallons per minute are but it becomes significant when you start talking about on hot days that thing is running probably 10 hours a day 12 hours a day at a certain GPM you can you know and I think a small adjustment to that Splash Pad will make a huge difference in the overall Bill and you're not going to take away from the fun being had at the splash pad yeah we were good contributors on Sunday what was that we were good contributors on Sunday yeah exactly we've been all summer too but I think there is a way to kind of to to dial it back and it won't take away from the the overall experience the fun yeah yeah I mean b you know B hug I guess but yeah yeah yeah it's it's a big dollar D yeah yeah do we know what the cost of the softball lights are in this as well because I'm assuming that's some of it for the June July August we're running lights every night I believe those Coster also rolled in with the concession stand so it'll hard to break the lights themselves apart from the concession stand utility as well but I mean the consu sand is still being used for softball though so electricity is still the electricity correct I can roll all that together too yeah I just would like to know just so we can really identify what what is what cuz the problem with with Memorial as opposed to you know Lyman Lyman is Lyman right it's you're either having a concert there or we're pumping water into the grass which beautiful grass wonderful grass some people are saying the best grass um however uh Memorial is a little bit tougher because Memorial is very compartmentalized as to what's being used over there you know if the stadium is on there's a cost to that that you know if I if I remember correctly BPU has the park split into threes softball um warming house splash pad in millsfield okay so this is just this is just warming house Splash Pad okay yeah yeah we should be mindful I bet you 95% of that cost is water water consumption if only we had a water department in the city of [Laughter] brard and any any other further comments questions or concerns on utility costs just uh they're [Laughter] up it's great that it's being used yeah I the utilization uh we out there it's a sorl down the drain I mean it's it's pretty incredible how much water anecdotally yeah anecdotally speaking it's a lot of water I mean oh Andrew here do we have a record of how many times the button is pushed I don't know if it tracks that does it I think there's a counter on there I think there is I think there is and I think it runs for I was promised a counter I think it's five or 10 minutes per time I don't remember what it is but there's ways to adjust that too you're our millionth button press you can go there with the Rin um okay very good any other questions comments or concerns on the utility costs all right we'll move on to 9d uh the court rental fee waiver Jesse thank you Mr chair so staff had received a uh request from U Mr McGregor uh he's one of our uh um pickle ball league players um they are looking to establish a private pickle ball league with a group of about 20 or plus uh participants on Wednesday nights uh over at Memorial um Memorial Park at the uh rank over there with those Four Courts uh yeah Four Courts um they're looking to uh utilize the courts for 3 hours through October so roughly about 8 weeks um there his concern was the uh the rate uh is kind of based on when you compare that rate it it's equal with other different pickle ball courts like in the in the Metro very similar to other pickle ball courts but obviously this isn't exactly the same kind of surface same kind of Nets and stuff like that so more like a prograde pickle ball court uh not what is over at Memorial um but they're looking for a waiver of the costs uh for that to establish that um that private League there um right now the current leagues are on Tuesdays and Thursdays uh so we wouldn't have any conflict with the schedule I think we ended up just moving one of those because we uh weren't able to fill the other one um uh there so there when we did the calculation there's about $2,400 in potential Revenue uh uh should they still be interested if we don't wave the the fees here uh but staff is recommending that we uh wave the court rental fees for this request thank you Jesse I think my initial um this was the conversation we had last time obviously we we waved for the the nonprofit I think one of that conversation um is that I I did kind of want to have a league rate um like an all-encompassing League rate cuz I you know I I do me personally I do think $25 per Court per hour is still a lot of money for what we have to offer uh within the system and you know I I don't mind private leagues one bit I I think you know something that when we talk to uh stakeholders and uh letting the players be responsible for their own League um I I'm all for it um I am for waving this particular uh League's rental fees this time around um but I do want in the future if we want to have um some private um private leagues and Rental usage and have specific time frames I just maybe like a discounted League rate because we we can count on them to be there etc etc you know kind of that loyalty program if you're going to operate a league you know um I I think that's something that I would like to see in the future um instead of being like okay you're going to be here for 3 hours a you know that sort of thing yes you know I I just like to see more of a league rate if we're going to have a a ni organized play out there um is it like a nightly type of rental or like a per day that the league is running or instead of like a per hour you know right yeah no and I you know I I again the the details of that probably need to be ironed out a little bit but I you know I in this particular instance again um 2400 bucks you know is is it's I mean it is a significant amount of money if you're you're going to be playing in a league but I mean 20 people 2400 bucks I mean I guess it's reasonable but when you look at you know um you know the sustain ability of something like this and you know um putting a little faith and uh you know um being able to maybe commit to improvements um when we do a league rate things like that um I think I just prefer in the future we we kind of come up with something right like this is the amount of time we're going to allocate you know this often these days etc etc and just have kind of like a standard discount or discounted rate if you're um booking you know a League's worth of of time so Dave yeah I'd like to see us handle this similar to the way we do baseball associations something around along those lines if we could because though that's a very similar thing a nightly weekly thing that's happening and although it's not a league per se it is consistently being utilized by them so I'd like us to treat the two very similar and again um for the promotion and growth of the program if we do um have more options people are going to want it um further and more um and you know and we just need to have um some consistency when it comes to this sort of thing obviously we like you know we don't want to open the floodgates on the waving of rental fees um but you know we do need to find a sustainable way for people to develop um private time and have consistency in this and be able to utilize the courts at a at a decent rate so they can just be used my only concern is precedent yeah you know what are we doing because we're having discussions about fees with other things and we say this rental of the field or rental of this or rental of that is included what precedent is this doing when um I think originally when we wanted to do a fall league we wanted two more leagues and now we're going to wave a fee for this when we couldn't fill the original four nights or four leagues of pickle ball so we went to two and now we're going to wave fees for a private League you know so is that kind of are we losing potential Revenue are we losing revenue from the leagues it's not that I don't want to see pick a ball everywhere um I may or may not agree with the price of the rental but I just worry about a precedent here Jesse did you have a comment yes sir Mr chair so I know it comes up every fall um that we establish our fees and and rates for the following year um we do the same thing for Campground Pavilions uh field rates uh I don't believe we've changed the field rates since I have been here uh up or down um so this can be something to your point about establishing precedence uh even though if you wave the rental fees here we could be establishing fees for 2025 moving forward um the discussion regarding uh having League rates um that is something that also came up during the the adult softball uh postseason meeting is uh that is something that's rolled into their um their their league fees is rental of the softball fields uh do we establish a a specific rate for the the softball fields do we establish different types of League rates so that is something that we can uh bring up as part of that discussion of establishing fee schedules for uh different leagues or all of the leagues and and rentals of those facilities specifically and you know to that point a lot of our a lot of our program and stuff like that is wrapped up in administrative and uh and labor um you know less so much the actual renting of the facilities and usage of the facilities spec specifically in softball right so I mean looking at it and just saying okay you guys run your own league as the association will rent them out to you you know that's you know to our benefit I think you know again privately run um you know associations or leagues um you know that have just the understanding again we have a set of policies and procedures that you need to follow if you're going to be a private League inside of the city and and utilize this this league rate but you know we we can establish something that's a little bit more um you know um a little bit more congruent with what we're trying to accomplish um in that and again I don't know what those rates look like specifically again you know I I do know that those that the $25 rate is like a Metro like good qu you know like competitive quality surface type uh pickle ball court rental so again I don't personally agree with it but yeah we can make those adjustments um you know but in the meantime you know are we just full waving this I mean do you want to see maybe just a reduction in cost um I you know I'm open to that as well I think I have one other question with it has there been any discussion with staff and the private league as to why they want to do a private League I mean could this be a learning opportunity is there something that we're not seeing that we should be doing differently to better serve the citizens or is it just that the kns that we pick didn't work with their schedule um you know I think is there something we can learn from it also we haven't engaged them in that way um I think the other comment that I've received was that they have a different set of rules that they're using um but beyond that I haven't inquired to that level very good we'll start with Cara way so yeah right finally yeah um okay for this particular request I do not feel like we should wave it I mean maybe half but we are just previously talked about how we want to have pickle ball courts and we have this demand for pickle ball and now we're like just the whole cost of it there's going to be staff time I'm sure probably not a lot I don't know Jesse maybe you can speak to that but I if it like rains they have to clean the leaves up like I don't know what kind of cleaning they do but like there's going to be some time from staff involved um maybe we could put this money towards I don't know a fund I I just feel like we can't just keep not having people pay because again it's the whole like how is that fair to the next person I do think for the future league fees for pickleball would be smart idea but I just we we chose $25 at some point I don't know if we did that based on um the surfacing or however we chose that but we all agreed on that a little while ago and now we're like oh maybe that's not what we want to do cuz the surface is good isn't good enough well I don't know we voted on it earlier in the year so I feel like we have to like follow through with our or you know give them half price or something but that's my opinion thank you Andrew yeah the thing that's kind of standing out to me is like this is exclusive use of that facility for 3 hours and to say that's free when we've just talked about everybody in the community wants to play pickle ball but by the way 3 hours once a week you can't at Memorial um I think feels a little gross when it is a private League which I think is great but to kind of have that just be yep the whole facility is in use I think there should be a cost to that uh surfacing aside right I could be swayed on some amount but I think there there should be a cost to that for sure um I guess my other question is do we know Jesse what the league is charging players so our current league rate was $50 per player I believe I believe it's $50 per player um it's pretty minimal from a staff perspective I I do know that we uh Supply pickle balls uh for the league um and again there's just minimal staff that goes into it obviously the the surface needs very minimal work maybe potentially paint every once in a while but it's it's pretty minimal even that at Point um maintenance of the Nets whenever whenever needed but from that perspective it's pretty low sorry I meant the private League do we know what they're charging no they have not told us that obviously they they were more concerned from the at $400 it's I think just using the number of 20 it's $120 per person that would be quite a bit more than what we're charging for Republic League yes I I do agree I guess my other concern here is if we wave the Fe fees are we subsidizing a private business by saying hey you charge players $50 but the courts are free and so their costs are essentially zero um I think my opinion is that we equated to if there's 20 players if we charge 50 for our leag we say I I think that is at least justifiable that's what we charge for our city run leagues and it's a justifiable you know that's what we would be receiving D yeah my only comment is just a reminder that your policy is not to wave fees so you have set that policy very yeah I like Paul's idea and I definitely want to reevaluate this with our fees November December whatever we do that um especially if we're looking at Gregory and maybe that's a better surface and this is a inferior surface further comments questions or concerns on the waving of the fees all right we'll be looking for a motion for this uh I would move to approve the private league for a cost of $1,000 Motion in a second any comments questions or concerns on the motion itself hearing none all in favor say I I I all oppose same sign uh we will let them uh play for a th000 bucks um and then the newly added 9e um the trespassing um and we'll go to Jesse for that one thank you Mr chair uh Sor police chief uh requested this item um so I I will present on his behalf uh we have recently had some issues over in Gregory park with the few individuals uh one specifically but three individuals um more more recently uh they have been continu continually occupying Gregory Park um kind of in that Pavilion area uh the names are Tony Ray Bryce Johnson and Timothy Cooper um kind of in that Pavilion area um they have a history of disturbing others in the park and leaving trash behind um we actually recently had um a uh a Paton that had reserved the Pavilion um had an unfortunate um experience there with their reservation um didn't go very well they had to kind of clean up after them um as part of their reservation so it didn't go very well um so this was not uh an isolated incident this is continued we um you probably see it later on in our our maintenance report we've also had to repair some uh light damages in that U same Pavilion because of people ripping light fixtures out of that Pavilion um because of this um so unfortunately today uh all three of them uh were engaged with a a mutual physical fight with each other underneath that uh Pavilion uh until another Park Patron actually came and attempted to break up the fight um uh police were dispatched to the area and all three individuals were criminally charged with disorderly conduct uh for fighting in public uh our police chief is requesting if the park board uh would approve staff to work with our legal department to uh work through the process to have those three individuals trespassed from uh our Parks system thank you Jesse any questions comments or concerns on the trespassing we're we're talking about all three not just one right PR correct yep we have the power to do that I'm like is that something yes it gives the police department the right to arrest I think if they were to enter the park system do we know their history is their mental illness is there like I mean I don't know my understanding is that has done once before uh and it were and it was UN under the action of the park board again we would request not only approval from the park board but then we would start working with their legal team um probably our Pro prosecuting attorney of what that would look like but I think having the direction from the park board helped support that direction for staff to work with our our our attorneys once before huh um yeah you know earlier we just talked about wanting our softball participants to regular themselves act appropriately in the Parks uh if we have continuous problems with people not doing that then if it's affecting other citizens use of the park then that has become a problem and I am under the belief that if you don't do something about it you've just encouraged that behavior to continue I would be in support of it I'll make a motion to trespass those three individuals for the police chief's recommendation second Motion in a second any discussion further on the motion Andrew I guess my question is if we know they're littering and destroying property can't we charge them with those things to have them removed from the park believe there's I believe there's violations of the city code um but I don't believe that that goes to trespassing I think that a Define um based on the violations of the city code um but going through if we can have them trespass we could have them removed from the park stuff on me because you know this kind of hearkens back to the alcohol in the Parks discussion right CU it's still illegal to be disorderly in the park system it's still illegal to destroy public property it's still dis you know illegal for them to do the things that they're doing inside of the park system it's still illegal for them to do that and so for me you know it was the same thing with drinking in the park system right it was still illegal for you to be drunk in the park system um but on top of that it's illegal for you to drink in the park system it just seems doubly that way so like it's what they've done is already illegal so are we deterring them from we're just saying we just don't want you in the park system anymore that's that's what we're saying and for indefinitely is that how it works or I think that is the request of the police chief interesting um yeah Andrew yeah I guess maybe my discomfort is more that it feels sort of extra judicial that like addressed our police chief but also for us two minutes ago I think never heard these three folks names to be like yeah and you can never go to Gregory park again in your life with zero kind of not that seem to be a trial but like any discussion or process involved feels pretty gross to me I guess I would maybe I think I would vote against this as it's currently offered but if we could put a time limit I would be more interested in that um just feels like a very drastic measure like I agree it needs to stop um but to say for the rest of your life you can't go to this park because the park board heard about your conduct for five minutes one day um feels like not what we're all up here to do so that's where I'm at I don't necessarily know if it's our responsibility to trespass people either but I mean if we're going to do it maybe it's a 5-year trespass honestly I I I what was was it indefinite in the last situation as well I am unsure I was not present for that all right I don't think their concerns are against Gregory Park so I I feel like it would have to be like again we we just heard about this felt like they need to get help for what's really wrong or something but again I this is like a lot to put on us and I know it's supposed to probably just be this like two-minute thing but I don't feel comfortable making this decision for someone's I get it it's just a park it's not like they're going to jail but maybe they will I don't know yeah this is a tough one maybe we our hearts are too big more explanation maybe the police chief needs to come in talk to us about what this means I mean I I just feel like we have they have enough to charge these guys already you know I mean they're going to be fine for their misconduct I mean I as as I understand it they're already being criminally charged for the uh the fighting in public issue um so they were arrested this afternoon um but this isn't the first incident that he has run into with with these folks um they've been addressed with uh uh the police department in the past at this park repeatedly uh most recently all right um Andrew maybe an alternative uh I'd be interested in reviewing a draft of the trespass order at our next meeting and maybe if we could also have the police chief that would be nice but yeah I think I'm not comfortable proving that today yeah I don't necessarily think I am either just given that I mean especially a lifetime ban on anything you know people do change so even if they are Hooligans now 5 years from now maybe they're different people and they should have access to as taxpaying Citizens uh our Park system so I'm not sure if I'm I think it's the indefinite side of things the finite like the the absolute never again will you set foot in the city of brainard's Park system again I think I'm having an issue with and again I I don't know what the precedent is you know with I mean this is the second time this will ever happen so I'm not sure um that I'm I'm in for that how do we how do we not Kick the Can down the road though um because we're giving them four more weeks of full access to the park system to continue to cost money to the taxpayers well they have they were arrested today so they were arrested but they've also had issues in the past with law enforcement and that hasn't deterred them they've given them opportunities and their actions have yet to change so if we continue to just kick the can down the road um you know I think we were all appointed to this board sometimes to make tough decisions um it sometimes it gets a little uncomfortable and it's okay to be uncomfortable fear is okay but is there a way to get an answer prior to four weeks from now about if this is if a trespasses lifetime or if it's a set amount I wish I could remember from my prior experience but I cannot remember if there is a year range on that any thoughts Dave you look like you want to say something I am simply here to make sure that you guys are following your own set policies that city council uh trusts in you your decision- making but this to answer your question this does fall into your jurus direction this is a park situation so This falls under your jurisdiction in terms of whether or not the trespassing is I don't think we're necessarily trying to pass the buck on to somebody else for responsibility right um I think it's it is a manner of do you lifetime ban somebody for you know again relatively stupid mistakes um again we don't know the extent of any of their misconduct like actually the extent of their misconduct like the they break any of each other's bones or they just a couple of goofballs screwing around in the park system you know we don't actually know that it's just that somebody there was an incident at the park that involved another Citizen and these guys were arrested for it well I I know that from my experience sitting in Jesse shoes the police department does not take this trespass issue lately that's why it has only come up once before in the past sure and so I'm kind of on the same page as JD here there's a reason why why the police chief is recommending this and it's obviously due to the historical nature of these individuals conduct in our Park system whether that's you know we spend a lot of time in Gregory taking care of vandalism garbage all these things that come about with people doing thing nefarious things in our parks and you know speaking I think in support of the motion that JD and I made police chief they they take these situations very seriously and there's a reason why it's only occurred one time in the past fa I believe Jesse's got you bet Chief if you want to go ahead and jump on yep I I can hear you Jesse okay can you kind of go through um what I'm hearing from some of the parkboard is some of the concern is the time frame on on um the potential trespass order as well as all parks versus one park and and just the um the string of incidents with these with three these three individuals if you could just kind of elaborate some of that yeah no thank you for the opportunity and and I apologize I don't have I'm no longer at work and not in front of my computer so I can't give the detailed statistical data but what I what I can say is um the the three individuals we had an incident with today um we have been I guess monitoring their activities uh within the park and within the city for some time um on on a daily basis they are spending a significant amount of uh their days uh at the Gregory Park um in the Gazebo um we have had instances report SS of confrontations between um some of these individuals and other people from in the public uh none of these altercations have um necessarily become uh a criminal matter however concerns about um their conduct and being disruptive to some of the other par goers uh today we had a report of a physical fight amongst these three individuals and uh I appreciate the camera that you have in your Gregory park because it was very instrumental in um helping us identify what took place and to sum it up uh these three individuals were once again just hanging out uh in the Gazebo area there and for reasons unbeknownst to me they all three engaged in a physical fight that uh was sustained for a period of time until an unknown individual that was strolling through the park had uh saw what was going on went over and um attempted to break break up the fight then subsequently the fight did end um so I had reached out to Jesse uh to bring it to his attention and to bring it to all of your attentions you know as far as a couple of the questions asked was um as far as the duration now Minnesota State Statute um puts a maximum time limit of one year on a criminal trespass uh it could be an option for the board if they um decided on a shorter amount of time it's just a matter of communicating that to the police department and after that amount of time um we would no longer enforce any Criminal Trespass so really the board could um Implement that up until uh for a year's time as far as um this par versus every Park I would I guess leave that up to the board's decision my only concern to this point that I can articulate has been um their conduct within Gregory Park I'm not aware of any other issues in any other Parks I so if if a trespass was just applied to Gregory Park I I think that would be a a reasonable place to start thank you Chief thank you Chief yeah I think that's plenty of clarification for us that really helps me on this is that one year is the maximum I now I'm certainly in favor of a trespass for this for all parks the entire system for one year yep yeah like you said I I just don't like the indefinite nature but if we are we are maxed out at a year it's a year I'm I'm on board so just so we can be clear can we please modify the the motion so that it it fits that language make that yeah I would amend it that it's to all parks for a duration of one year second that modification Motion in a second on the amended motion uh any other discussion all right all in favor say I I all oppose same sign uh they are trespassed thank you uh we will move on to the public forum we'll open it at 5:35 this is a Time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the attention of the board and we may impose time limits oh Jesse I believe we have one more item the uh event application there's two yeah there sorry my my my agenda was missing those um on the bottom of them so the agenda my apologies let's uh not open the public forum and move on to um 9f since I inserted a 9e all right thank thank you Mr chair uh so the next item is a uh is an event application for the concert in the park uh attaches an event application uh for Thursday September 26th from 5:00 to 9:00 in Lyman Pete White Park uh consists of a concert at the amphitheater with sound equipment um hosted by the uh Community brainer Community Action partnering with Jack Pine for serving beverages uh during the event um they're required to obtain a Certificate of Insurance uh obtain a temporary liquor license and meet the requirement set forth in the city code section 1200.1 7 um one thing that we also included in here because this has just been an issue in the past uh just reminding the performers uh over at L and P White Park to just consider their power loading uh as he utilize the power Banks uh we just had issues in the past of folks overloading one power bank so we just want to make sure that those folks remember that um so staff is recommending approval of the attached application with the included conditions uh within thank you Jesse comments questions or concerns on the event application shaking I'll make a motion to approve the event application with the list in conditions second in a second any discussion on the motion hearing none all in favor say I I I'll oppose same sign event application approved moving on to uh now uh 9f 9 g g 9g all right very good yep 9g the postseason letter from the ski loons Jesse thank you Mr chair so this just informational uh this is a a letter A postseason letter from the ski Lo received uh wanted to include this uh for the Park Board uh for your consideration uh at the conclusion of their um their season I believe they had a couple last uh practices uh but their their show dates have concluded I think August 24th was their last show if I remember correctly but I can't recall right off the top of my head um they will be scheduling a uh postseason uh meeting with the L Lake Association uh we will get a date confirmed within a uh week of that meeting uh we will share that date with the park board when that's available thank you so much Jesse and I you know honestly these types of things being attached and having this type of information again that that dialogue that we just really haven't had between you know other organizations and things like that it's really nice to have those attached Dave do you have a comment yeah I just wanted to say that I had a great conversation with Chris dens um said everything went very well this year in terms of uh the interactions on the lake the only request that he forwarded to me was potential of just looking at make updates uh as someone that has put on events this year uh lot of rain this summer lot of rain so there just a little language in there about that type of thing but uh in terms of just a face Toof face with Chris great feedback on how this year went so yeah and I'll certainly be looking forward to um attending the uh the postseason uh meeting between the association and the organization as well so again happy to see at least anecdotally um that everything uh went very smooth this season um so we'll look forward to uh the feedback that we receive any uh comments questions or concerns on the letter from the skons no all right very good now the long awaited public forum will open it actually at 5:39 um It's Time allocated for citizens to bring matters not on the agenda to the attention of the board and we may impose Timely if there is anybody in the audience going once well if it's not related to the resurfacing of the courts um you are uh allowed to speak so Kevin Ru oh yeah name and uh yeah name and address for I'm just Kevin Ru a citizen of Briner how about that yeah and we spoken Jonathan and we spoken mayor Dave about the interest in pickle ball and we all know today there's a lot of interest pickle ball up tennis down so we we've all I think agreed that that's what's going on so my question to you and uh we spoke mayor Dave you know about um funding mechanism so we are we do have a group meeting Thursday out memor at 10:30 to talk about forming an association because there's different groups out there there's Baer people there's East Shore people I mean they're out there and and we've had some nice discussions so we'd like some direction on how we what you expect from the citizens or from the pickleball players on some fundraising and mayor Dave you gave us you said that's as community service or um in your area Community Development you had some ideas so give us Direction please there are some other members here of what do we need to keep the momentum going that's the question so uh conversation about fundraising um just overall about picco ball I guess uh you know it's more a little more your expertise um like what would oh can I I think I think we need some more definition on what this like getting back to my original point do we use the ex I think the Park Board needs to have more discussion on what are we actually fundraising for what park is it in what are we do doing because I think that's the starting point so that staff has the ability to go and look at costs to build new courts resurface the existing do what we need to do to support pickle ball players figure out what that cost is so that we can give direction to the newly formed Association of what the Brainard Park Board would like to see um regarding pickle ball and that way we have a number and whether it's part budget part fundraising whatever that is um you know the city has a process for budgeting it it takes a while um Rome wasn't built in a day you know let's start having these discussions at a parkboard level and from that point we know what the costs are we know what the dollar figure is and what the fundraising aspect of that should be because I think it's so early on at this stage that I don't think anyone could just say let's go resurface the South Court and make them all in the pickle ball and and let's go you know I don't I don't think that's a feasible okay when I've had these discussions to find out the process okay because it's a process we get that we know that but we understand you know what we talked about is you know a minimal approach longterm I've understanding you know it's not even if we did it right today it won't even be in the 2025 budget okay so we know that so that's a whole different animal for dedicated pickleball courts so we need in my discussions that I've had some people in this room some type of a interim plan and that's what we had we up at $38,000 you know you it seems to be U not an insurmountable amount but if that's going to if that would drag on for not even make next year I mean when we won the time talked we thought if it's small enough we could do it this fall yet but I'm not hearing that at all that anything's going to move that quickly okay so I guess we need to know then do we hit go for the home run or just going to go for a single or double now I mean as to your point you you kind of you didn't say it as fad but right now pickle Ball's hot so we we have to jump on what's hot right now I don't know we don't know what's going to happen in five years this is what's going on now and that's what we should address these are the citizens of Brainard and we want to enjoy enjoy our Parks you know as we talked about fees and and Fe we pay taxes we all pay taxes so I guess we just need direction and and you say you you want to reach out so who you going to reach out to and when I guess is a question we' have of so we so we know we got momentum going to how we keep the momentum going if anybody can address that so I'll throw the other hat on from a community action standpoint I would I would gladly come meet with you guys on Thursday um and then we can talk about the the association side of things and what that potentially could look like for fundraising yeah yep uh if you come to the parkboard with a stack of dollars board's not going to tell you to get lost I've so far that I've met you guys you know unless it's solar you tell you get lost then fair enough fair enough however uh so I yeah I would gladly at 10:30 on on Thursday come meet with you guys and and then I can kind of share some of my advice for working with these guys but also from the other side from the uh private sector in what you've been very helpful so I'll text you mayor Dave so you know we it's 10:30 at Memorial it's going to be in the hockey Rinker right around that facility and I'll send you the same message John you've been very helpful to us so if that's the starting point then I cuz I mean yeah we we like within the system itself yeah we need to decide if if this is if this is the right fit it does seem I mean again from my perspective a no-brainer but you know is there room for a bigger facility you know what what does it look like right how much right pickle ball is being played within the system and what do we really need you know cuz is six enough I mean that's if we're going to address an issue i' like to address it right and figure out what that is I think that's the discussion that needs to be had addressing it right is dedicated courts but that's a that's that's 2026 or 2027 I mean the time is now two years out on that so and that's that's coming from the city to them so just to be clear the city has been very clear to this parkboard your budgeting process is two years if you're if you think pickle balls the answer you're two years away uh for anything gigantic like that so if it's fundrais dollars that's a different a different scenario but when we're looking at directly from the budget and I can already say that I've said to some of the board members here council's probably going to be asking you to make a reduce in your ass this year anyways that's just where we're going to be our budget is in a state where we've got to start finding dollars to be uh removed but there are other alternatives to figuring that out so um I think we can figure something out yeah so we'll work on that uh well Dave specifically if I can attend I will most certainly be there and then um as a board again creative ideas is on top of you know the the one that I think that is glaring and obvious um and finding some more um information I guess on tennis un usage of course but finding maybe again other alternatives for um maybe even a bigger home run style projects so um yeah said always appreciate the enthusiasm so that's that's the one thing yeah step one keep the enthusiasm because I appreciate it at ton and we've had a lot of great conversations about this and then step two um you know getting the association together having a lot of conversation so thank you very much for your time thank you so much any other folks for the public forum yeah I just yeah come on up name and address for us uh Kevin Hall unfortunately I'm in Baxter but uh we're very involved in pickle ball throughout the different communities in the area and I keep heiring back from like Mission Lake and ironon uh Walker I believe also got in on some of that some grant money that's out there that the uh state has through the co act or something like that they got a bunch of money in and there's I don't know if that's a loophole or how they're doing it but it's getting people outside getting exercise and all that and that's my question is does the board or somebody on the city staff look into possible Grant I think it's a possibility so just you know from our standpoint we did have arpa dollars are called American Rescue plan um um we have three projects ongoing right now um in three parks that utilize those arpa dollars okay um but yes I think you know we could have staff look at grant opportunities for yeah I I don't think that's I mean that's anytime we try to you know start a project up you know in anyway shape or sure it's literally the first thing we do is try to find some free money um so you know again yeah ongoing conversations but yeah we we actually are utilizing those dollars inside of the park system um literally right now I believe those sidewalks were dug up um in Lum Park um at this point in time so we are utilizing those dollars um you know that they're talking about but yeah the the grant situation is something that we we always this is going outside of Minnesota where I I do some wintering down south I was told there that they're getting money through the tennis Association that the American tennis asso Association has funds that they use towards pickle Bal and I think you know for the association once it's formed and everything that would be something the association could explore on a private fundraising Type L I think we're going to get a good thing going I think so too I think it's going to be I think the dollars are going to roll in but uh you know that's that's something privately the association could explore I kind of the same seen how like Cross Lake has theirs put together so they have members that can play in the morning you know it's dedicated to the members and it's open open play Then for the rest very nice facility set up so okay very good thank you for time yeah thank you so much again appreciate you guys all the enthusiasm you know again getting butts and seats and feet on the court so very important to us last call for the public forum and we will close it at 549 p.m. and move on to staff reports the recreation and maintenance report thank you Mr chair so I have a few different items here so I'll start with the recreation side um so talking a little bit about the in the park so we did have that on Saturday uh my understanding it was uh it turned out pretty well it took a little bit to get it set up uh unfortunately that big screen is very tough even with just a slight breeze um haly was lucky enough that uh she was able to get it up and and running uh and it and it turned out well my understanding it was some in the realm of 70 to 80 fiveish people uh attended the movie uh so it was pretty well attended uh were're able to sell some popcorn we had Krabby Dales come out um as a a food truck vendor uh so they were out there um thought it seemed like the uh the movie was pretty well attended at least from even my driving by after it had started so um we're looking at potentially two to three uh additional movies um between September and October uh so those dates are coming up yet still um from Adult Sports standpoint um summer softball is pretty much wrapped up with the exception of MS2 is still uh wrapping up their tournaments this week and I think next week um they were the ones that were delayed uh by rain quite a bit this summer um so they are still wrapping up um but we are going to also get started into some of our fall Sports um just because we don't want to get too far into the fall U before a lot of those get kicked off so um kind of shuffling and shifting uh so Haley's been really U juggling a lot of those schedules and stuff like that but she like I mentioned um she's really worked with a lot of the teams on getting the schedules right for fall uh the fall leagues uh working with both um her network as well as the teams uh in those leagues so um looking for a pretty successful season this year um for fall season uh going into maintenance um there's just a few different things I wanted to highlight I know uh Park member ship you had a question regarding the garbage cans in Gregory and how they had kind of moved out to the out uh exterior of the park um that is something that uh Troy and I had a discussion on that was kind of intentional um to try and avoid as much vehicle access into the park so that was why the trash cans were kind of relocated towards the exterior of the park is try to minimize that um obviously if we have more like a trash issue uh we may have to re-evaluate that as far as I can tell we're not having that kind of an issue um so we'll continue to do that but that was the intent is to try and limit that um so that that was why those were moved out there uh Memorial Park field lights I know uh this kind of came up as a discussion um so we had more discussions regarding what the cause was because I know this came up uh in some of the concerns of softball players and um so the existing lights out there I believe it was field two or I can't remember I think it was field two uh it might have been field one that the the chunk of Lights had burnt out um and talking with Troy it was very odd that how many had went out all at once so we had about I believe four on hand uh we weren't expecting um the dozen or so to go off all at once um in talking with him he's he's suspect that it might have been like a lightning strike uh that would have caused them to burn out uh there's an inside filament and an outside filament um for all of them seem like the outside filament I believe burnt out which is also an odd way for them to burn out so that's why he's also suspecting that it might have been a lightning strike unfortunately we just didn't have that many lights on hand the other part of that is getting an electrician and a lift lined up at the same time uh we used to be able to utilize the fire department ladder truck we can't do that anymore uh with their new ladder truck it has to be fully loaded uh and we can't bring those out into the fields uh fully loaded it would not only damage the field damage the irrigation uh so we do have to wait for an available uh rental lift uh that's tall enough to reach those lights uh so that was some of our challenges with with the lights um but it is something that we're going to try and reflect in policy especially from a safety aspect is you know how much is too much before we can't utilize those fields anymore uh so that is something that we learned through this season too is we want to make sure that that's reflected as well um but some other things that are in the maintenance list that you know one one thing specifically that came out of the discussion from uh a concern from softball players was um we put wallu guards stain the steel wallu guards under the hand dryers in the uh the bathrooms over by the softball fields obviously with painted walls it's a lot tougher once that egg line gets in there it's very tough to clean that off uh by putting those stainless steel plates that should be a little easier for us to maintain that uh rather than just repainting it every so often um so stainless steel plates were put in there um CTC did complete putting in new fiber boards for security cameras over at kuas uh which will also tie in with the College Drive Bridge uh Memorial Park and Lyman P White Park uh we may not have the funds to do new security cameras at all three Parks uh we'll prioritize k on us uh that was kind of always that in the bridge were always kind of the top priority um Memorial Park we wanted to get those uh upgraded as well with the new fiber and Then followed with lime andp white uh we'll get new cameras there as well uh like I mentioned just depends on how much the the budget will go we just have to do some more electrical at the bridge um so there's some expense there as well um some other maintenance items I wanted to highlight um the light lenses at Lyman P White Park specifically the ones in the seating area um there was a couple that were I think kicked out um they are incredibly expensive uh if my if I me my memory serves me correctly they are about $250 per light not including staff time to reinstall them and they are also difficult to reinstall so uh those are not cheap lights um the bike repair station over at Lyman p park was also recently fixed um not only the bike repair station but the air pump um started leaking as well as uh some vandalism started stripping some of the tools off of it uh so that might be something that our maintenance staff is going to have to combat and and continue to work on uh we'll do our best to try and keep it up but obviously that's a very expensive thing as much as we can try and avoid obviously replacing it uh we'll try and continue to repair it as best we can uh and then another thing that came up from uh not only comments from softball players but it also came up in our postseason meeting uh something we addressed uh with Troy our maintenance supervisor uh was the turf divot behind second base on field two uh they said that there was kind of a low space there um it is something that we are aware of there's just no way that we can do it currently um obviously we're using those fields right now um the only way would be to take that field offline completely and we just can't do that with how many teams we have playing right now um so it is something that we're going to eye for potentially a fall project after the season concludes we'll probably put down like winter seed and hope that we get a really good uh Spring weather season that the grass can grow really well and it's ready to go for summer season next year um with that I do have some updates on a project standpoint um the parks area projects that uh Paul brought up um we are anticipating those are going to get kicked off uh after Labor Day likely starting with JC's uh which will work out obviously in our favor because the parks will have slowed down quite a bit in usage um one thing I was anticipating potentially adding on to the agenda unfortunately I did not get the um the final numbers from the contractor um the water hookup fixtures over at the campground uh weren't well specified in the plans um so the contractor bit a certain type of fixture uh they were like flush mounted almost like an irrigation box but they had like the flip cover uh box like you would think with an irrigation with a like a key that would turn it on and off obviously it's not going to be very good for an RV to hook up into and turn on and off uh so that is something that we ask them to uh change and adjust that comes with an additional cost a little over $600 per fixture um we do have some money in our contingency uh as we discussed kind of a couple meetings ago um when we talked about a few different additional items so we do have some money and contingency to address that um but looking at proper hydrants um that have back full preventers um I can't remember what the other details of the Santi y yard hydrants is really what they're and they're designed specifically for um for campgrounds and I believe the ones that we selected were Ada uh accessible that would automatically um trigger back after a certain amount of time uh those are the ones that we had uh directed the contractor to look at um rather than kind of fabricating a pipe and a spigot on a 4x4 post like we have in the existing uh uh Campground so that was one of the pieces there as well as the 1 and A4 in uh copper water M that was planned to be installed it does meet code uh for what is planned to be out there for the number of fixtures unfortunately one and a/4 inch copper is very uncommon size so the fixtures were actually going to be about 10 to 12 week lead time so it would have been a project that we would have ended up having to install in November which would have been very difficult um to what we can do is we can upssize that to an inch and a half uh which actually sets us up really well for a future Improvement project with the existing Campground Which is far undersized uh for what's out there um and can uh service the campground for long term um with that 1 and A2 in obviously there's a small increased cost with that as well uh parts are a lot more readily available from a maintenance standpoint that also serves us better uh if we ever have a low leak or an issue uh those parts are going to be easily sourced for us as well rather than an inch and a quarter where it might be more difficult um roughly the cost for both of those things I believe it was going to be somewhere in the realm of about 7 to $8,000 for the hydrants uh roughly about 25 thou or 2500 uh for the water main so overall somewhere in the realm of about $10,000 uh for the upgraded water and fixtures for the campground um I don't know if the the park board had any questions in regards to that stuff un unfortunately like I said I don't have any final numbers from the uh the contractor at this time likely by the next time we get to a parkboard meeting we will probably be almost done with that work I don't know if the park board has any specific questions or or concerns on that at this time I don't believe we do yeah I think it was just simply that we just didn't have the right fixture uh from the get-go right the it was generically defined in there as a frost-free hydrant um in retrospect I it would be I don't design campgrounds on a very regular basis I I wish I would have caught it uh had it been more uh specified with a specific model number I think it would have clarified better um but when the contractor and their supplier looked at those plants and they saw frost free hydrant they look at a certain type and they they bid a certain price on that and may not necessarily be the correct one very good uh beyond that uh the Buster Park pavilion my understanding is the concrete was uh placed for the new sidewalk and slab uh our maintenance staff is going to eye in the next couple weeks I believe uh getting the uh new Pavilion um we got to drill in some new anchors now uh with the slab placed uh so we'll put some new anchors in and get the Pavilion installed and assembled uh the disc golf course uh my understanding has been very popular over at Memorial Park uh so much so there was a request to put in a picnic table and trash can because there's a a pretty decent weight for hole one uh and people are kind of throwing some trash on the ground uh so we talked with maintenance about getting one over there um with uh and the other update I I can quick throw out is uh the Lum Park pavilion rehabs I think talking with Hightech they're still planning for September uh so we're just going to coordinate around um the couple reservations during the week uh during the work week um just to make sure that they don't have any impacts to those reservations uh with that uh any questions on that report would appear no okay um the other thing that is a little bit new here um the uh new Complaint Form that has been added to the parks website um this is something that um came up as part of the discussion with our softball uh Community pickle ball Community about being open and and with our communication obviously we've always had our emails available but uh to make sure that they felt like we weren't being responsive or didn't have an ability to reach out to us we added this form to our website that uh they could always submit a form online uh and that would go right to uh our our Park email that would get to routed to our staff um so I included and Our intention is to include this uh with our Park Board packets as part of our report um these complaint forms uh so you can be aware of uh what folks are saying um as they come in uh I've also included our responses to some of these um whenever they're warranted um some of them have been in regards to like the blast Facebook page um some of them were regarding um schedules uh when they were communicated so we've just kind of clarified some of those those communication pieces um but as of right now that was all that was uh received as of when the parkboard packet has gone in as far as I understand I haven't received any further um beyond that uh but like I mentioned we will include all of the different complaint forms and if we have a response to those we'll include those as well uh with future parkboard packets very good yeah awesome uh with that we'll move on to board member reports we'll start with JD I don't have anything nothing Paul I got nothing well I have something the uh movie was awesome um I actually really enjoyed um that experience it was awesome to have a film uh only be up for an hour and 40 minutes uh kind of a refreshing uh taste but you're right yeah the wind uh did take it occasionally um and push it around a little bit but really awesome like I really enjoyed that I mean it wasn't when I rolled down there I expected that you know the cars to be kind of around but it was a very nice like just the right amount of folks uh down there but it was a very very nice experience um and then yeah I mean the Complaint Form you know again um that was just kind of the initiative um to open communication and things like that with the public um just so that you know we can maybe get a better you know cuz again it came up in our last board meeting we had ask like hey what else is going on what are people saying and you know it was okay it was just the schedule you know um so this gives us an opportunity to kind of you know again it was kind of Nick's idea as well to to install this and and have a little bit more of a closer touch uh with folks um that are having issues within the park you know uh positive or negative I guess almost always negative but um just a little bit better and easier way for us to just read through those and and be able to you know react to them our own way and come up with Solutions so instead of just giving staff like hey feel these emails and figure it out so um more uh more eyeballs on uh what's ailing the citizenry but otherwise yeah I I I honestly cannot sing the Praises of that of that movie in the park enough it was really awesome so nothing for me I just want to say welcome to JD thanks for coming on yeah all right with that we'll be looking for a motion to adjourn so moved second Motion in a second all in favor say I I all oppose him sign we are adjourned