##VIDEO ID:qTSCgLhrm74## o'clock we'll call this meeting to order um Kevin boils director boils is remote tonight so he'll be joining us remote but I will step in to run the meeting from here so that we can participate live as well so we will start with roll call please Kevin Bo here Bren here DJ Dinger Randy Hyman here Sarah spear here John Ward here thank you we'll rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to for it stands na indivisible and justice for all all right we'll look for approval of the agenda as presented move second we've got a motion and a second any discussion I would like to say Madam chair that excuse me that um just due to an oversight we were going to have one more item on there about talking about the student represent Representatives on committees uh for the school board um but um it was an oversight and we'll do that in November instead so I just wanted to point that out and and our our student rep is I think going to come up and talk today at public comment but she's been very very um instrumental in the whole process director Breen right you agree with me on that yes I agree with you that's re Glenn so thank you great we'll watch for that in November thank you any further discussion if not we'll do a roll call vote Michelle Breen yes DJ jna yes yes Randy Hyman yes Sarah spear yes John Warren yes Kevin Bo yes all right we are wrapping up the fall Sports season we've got a ton of recognitions here tonight I'm glad to get us started if anybody wants to jump in we'll go maybe this direction uh congratulations to the warrior girls tennis team they're the Central Lakes Conference champions for the sixth consecutive year and congratulations to the warrior girls soccer team on their Central Lakes Conference Championship and going undefeated in the Shen Lakes Conference yeah okay um congratulations to the soccer coach Nick weeks for being selected as the Section 8 AAA boy soccer head coach of the year and congratulations to Wendy Modis and the BHS Key Club for taking first place in the silver division for their signature service project at the 2024 Key Club International Convention in July uh in July in Atlanta and I would like to congrat congratulate um the BHS FFA leader Magnus Nelson Magnus was awarded the honorary State FFA degree for outstanding service this is the highest honor you can receive in the FFA organization and congratulations to Forest View Middle School teacher Deborah schlutter Deborah has been selected for the M Minnesota SDA teaching award and be will be recognized at the Minnesota Coos conference on November 1st as part of the award she will receive a $1,000 Grant to support her ongoing outdoor EST earth science project which will take place in the forest only two teachers in the state are chosen for this honor one at the elementary level and one at the high school level excellent thank you and congratulations all right next up we've got public input we've got a number of folks tonight and just as a reminder reminder a member of the public can address the board during this time comments will be limited to three minutes uh complaints or allegations against students or employees may not be discussed due to data privacy complaints or allegations must be sub commed in writing to superintendent Grant and the Board of Education and superintendent will not converse with guests to address the topics discussed at the actual time all right first up we have Rees Glenn hello everyone I'm Reese Glenn a senior at Brainard high school and I'm here to talk about a new opportunity for students at Brainard High School to serve as repres resentatives on Schoolboard committees over the past couple months I have been working with superintendent Peter Grant principal Andrea Rusk and school board members John Ward and Michelle Breen to discuss the ins and outs of this opportunity and to formulate an application for students our vision is that all students at Brainard high school will be able to apply to serve on the committee of their choosing if they meet these certain qualifications maintaining good academic standing receiving a recommendation from a staff member and writing an essay why the student is is interested in serving on the Schoolboard committees how the students presence on the committee would benefit the education system and how the student intends to represents the interests of all district 181 students our hope is that applications will be reviewed in November and December after which short-listed applicants will be interviewed by the Schoolboard member of the committee they wish to serve on this application process is designed to identify qualified and suitable student Representatives while equipping students with valuable skills for the dozens of applications they'll have to fill out in the future I could spend my time today discussing the details and specifics of this opportunity but I want to focus on the significant impact it will have on the student Representatives as we all know knowledge is power students having the chance to sit in on important informative conversations will only increase their knowledge and understanding of what goes on behind the scenes in our district students have the right to be well informed on decisions that concern them and their future here at Brainard and awareness and knowledge in the right hands can only result in intelligent conversations and involved individuals well-versed on current topics regarding education in our district there are several takeaways that students can gain from this experience but what about what we can contribute no adult in education no matter how involved can provide the insight and perspective that a student can we are in the midst of it all and face the full effects of the decisions the school board makes although student Representatives won't have a vote students opinions are of value and if considered will lead to a momentous progress for our district I assure you that students want to give you their feedback and are ready to be informed and a part of the big conversations our age and lack of life experience should not be a reason to exclude us from these conversations but instead offer meaningful unique perspectives this District deserves thank you thank you re all right [Applause] next up we've got Ruby sha please so I think one subject has never been mentioned in school history last year I had a really great teacher who always gave me adequate coverage on on History this year feels like it was forgotten so it would be really great if if 20 e even 10 minutes of our day were're set aside for history in history we have done some bad things and some good things but we have to learn those things so we don't make the same mistakes thank you good job all right next up Sally boo please okay um I taught in the brainer district for 34 years and had two children who went through here so I'm very much invested in this District a recent mailer um from a group called restore our schools continue the same shameful disgusting lies and distortions that the brochure from homecoming it's here's one thing dismiss parents objections to pornographic and inappropriate content in our schools I was at every single one of those meetings where people talked and they were not parents they weren't even grandparents the parents said don't tell me what my kids can do some of and there's just you'll probably get it in the mail anyway half of the funding for this um Resto schools came from Mr donlinger through his company uh in to the tune of $6,000 perfectly legal it's uh you know it's an expenditure committee and it's perfectly legal for do that is it ethical these candidates that he is supporting want have openly stated that they are in favor of school choice taking money away from public schools and giving it to private schools they say it right on their website why in the world would a board member of ISD 181 support these candidates if you want to do that Mr Doner I suggest you resign because you have not shown that you are a supporter of ISD 181 thank you thank you Sally Dorene Iceland I choose to address more of the same before this meeting I looked up the uh actual meanings of misinformation and disinformation misinformation is just getting the facts wrong misinformation or disinformation is intentionally using wrong information basically in my world where I grew up it's called lying to intentionally promote and continue the misinformation right now most of our young people get their information from something called infomedia very few of them actually read daily news or find news sources that are accurate they go by a lot of influencers and other people they see online this is harmful to them that has been proven over and over in a number of ways when they're getting not not accurate information it's hard to develop the skill of critical thinking critical thinking is based on factual information and I trust just from hearing a couple of these younger School members here that they know what to look for and that they will make good choices for themselves the other thing is is I have been an election judge for nearly 40 years Integrity in elections is very important to me and is integral to our system and our democracy if we're going to promote and go after certain school board members and promote this misinformation that is a slap in the face of the Integrity of the electrical process that is not the way we would run our school or our country or this state for that matter and I feel strongly as you can tell about elections so please please get the information get accurate information and please exercise your right to vote thank you thank you Jan next up we have Amy AO hello my name is Amy AO and I have been an educator with the Brainard school district for 24 years in addition to being an educator here I was a proud Brainard high school graduate and both of my children both of my children attended Brainard schools in 2016 while I was a policy fellow through the Hubert H Humphrey School of public affairs at the University of Minnesota my cohort completed in a 9-month project around political civility here we are eight years later still engaging in some of the same conversations I've been disappointed to see the negative tone that has become part of the Schoolboard election this year from Flyers being handed out at a football game to postcards and mailboxes that use misinformation and skewed information in mailbox um sorry and skewed information to be depict certain candidates as villains it seems that some members of our community are less concerned with explaining why their preferred candidates are worthy of your vote than why they are ruin than they are with ruining the reputation and good name of other candidates the sad thing is kids are noticing they see the adults in this community Behaving Badly badly by spreading insults and rumors and they are learning that it's okay often from the very people who Express the most public concern with teaching morals and Christian values people should be empowered to share their thoughts about candidates in a positive productive way that can be accomplished without innuendo negativity disinformation and hidden sources both of information and financial support please let's be Role Models during this election season our students are watching thank you Amy well that's the the last of public input we'll move on to the approval of minutes so move I'll second thank you we've got um motion by director Bo and a second by director Breen any discussion if not we'll take a roll call vote DJ Dinger yes Randy Hyman yes Sarah spear yes John Ward yes Kevin Bo yes Melle Breen yes thank you we'll Mo move on to the consent calendar motion thank you got a motion from director Dinger second and a second from director Hyman any discussion Madam chair I I was informed that um my name is on the list this month and so I will be abstaining great thank you I just wanted some clarification for the Spanish trip is that in 2026 or 2025 it says 2026 on the um request for approval so it is 202 y okay great just ahead of the game yeah good for them okay thank you yeah any further discussion if not we'll do a roll call vote Randy heidman yes Sarah spear yes John Ward Ste Kevin Bo yes Michelle Breen yes DJ Dinger yes all in favor thank you all right we've got a couple of presentations tonight but we'll start with BHS student council and Andrea Rusk principal Rusk talking about cell phones yes next um well my time will be very short because I'm going to leave the actual presentation meet to the leaders behind me and so I'll just preface this by saying that uh our cell phone policy this year did not change from previous years we've had the same language for many years and the Professional Organization at the state level through the Minnesota Association of Secondary School principles um following the statute that is requiring all school districts to have a cell phone policy in place by March of 2025 we have were given two options to to consider at the high school level and one is to keep our policy that we have in language the same which means that cell phones are being used or can be used um before school after school during lunch and in between Class time no phones uh during class time and the second option was a um prohibiting cell phone use uh from being used after the first Bell until the last bell of the school day so those are the two choices that we put in front of our student body recently and in miraculous speed within about 30 minutes we had, 52 high school students complete a survey anyone want to guess which one they chose to support um I'm going to let the students talk to you a little bit about their feelings about cell phone use and our policy at Brainard high school but I'll just say this it was 98.7% to 1.3% um and and I think you know which side they may land on but I'm going to introduce ree Glenn and have each of them introduce themselves and just give some quick input about the cell phone policy great thank you hi again um I'm reys the student council president and uh superintendent Grant he came into our last meeting and we all kind of gave some input about uh the current phone policy and one thing that was talked about was how feel like last year and in previous years um the teachers kind of weren't on the same page with the phone policy um some teachers were a lot more laxed with it and other teachers more strict but now I feel like everyone has really gotten on the same page and there has been drastic improvement um with little phone use in class I mean of course you're going to have those kids that you know just don't listen but um one important thing we were talking about is we as high schoolers once we get to the high school we think and assume that we're going to have more freedom and Independence and I think if we start to micromanage then these kids are going to go out into the real world and lack self-discipline and Independence and I think if we micromanage then they're just not going to have the their own skills as they go out with no supervision and um yeah so I'll let Brady you can give your two sets hi my name is Brady Davidson I'm a sophomore here at the high school um and I kind of just wanted to touch base on the trust between teachers and students I think that this year and past years um we've kind of grown this trust with the phone policy of if you don't go on your phone then we'll kind of it just kind of bonds that trust and I think getting rid of those phones completely will kind of diminish that trust between the students and the teachers they'll kind of have less inclination to trust those teachers versus when you're giving more of like an option of not an option per se but yeah like a choice of phone not in class but still during passings which is a great thing of communication between getting rides and after school plans I'm a really busy person and I know a lot of students are and that's just kind of a great way of us to figure out our plans throughout the end of the day it's we don't have time to plan prior to that so I think it's a good way of contacting between passings um but I think the policy we have right now is a really good policy um and there's been growth like ree said um so I'll pass it over to Ryan hello my name is Ryan Larson I know a few of you I'm the student council event coordinator and the president of ASL Club there's been a lot of good points and opinions but this is coming from an online student I take six online classes and my phone is an amazing tool that I can use I take pictures of my assignments film videos and can upload right onto all my D2L classes and it's very easy and it's a great tool like I said and also kind of piggybacking off of Brady communication is very important especially for the student council board during homecoming week and all our big major event weeks we need to keep in touch with each other and make sure that everything's running smoothly so that we don't run into any issues and kind of prevent that barrier between everybody including the teachers and that's really it thank you hi I'm Olivia Johnson I'm also a sophomore at Brainard High School um they've summed up a lot of our good points of what we talked about but another one of our big things we talked about at our last student council meeting was again students being able to have a choice when they I feel like there's a lot more respect this year than in the past years I think this year especially because everyone kind of has a general idea of what's going on everyone it's been a lot more enforced this year I believe that everyone has kind of built up this Mutual you do this for me I'm going to sit in your class and listen you're going to teach me well and have an understanding of what I want with this I'm going to put my phone away and listen to what you have to say I think that especially within clubs in different classes it can be a beneficial to tool like Ryan was saying I think that um they summed up a lot of it but I think that the fact that students were given a choice and this year things have improved with students being able everyone being on the same page and they have a option they feel more responsibility put on them and I think that also gave everyone a really good understanding of what needed to be done sorry I'm going to say one more thing on behalf of our Treasurer he brought up this up at the last meeting um he believes and I think as a district that we are really trying to move away from students going to online school and I think there's a large consensus that if we enforce this phone ban that a lot of kids will say okay if I don't have the freedom and I'm going to be you know forced to not have my phone or then they're going to move to the online schools and I think we will see a drastic increase in online enrollment um and I don't think that's one of the goals for our district and I believe that would ultim ately decrease um our academics and I believe that's really important and one of our goals so I think a lot of kids without that lack of like we had said choice and freedom would resort to online schooling so that isn't the best I guess thank you any questions Madam chair thank you so could you um folks uh tell us in your opinion what kind of percent of usage in the classrooms has changed from previous years to this year did I state that okay um so this year I believe especially what I've been seeing in my classes is that because we have this Mutual understanding the phone usage has decreased a lot I especially in like I take an AP an AP language in composition class I think a lot these kids are choosing to take this class specifically and I think these I how do I word this I think being at the high school choosing the classes that you were wanting to take um especially this year we have a lot more options I think the phone usage has gone down drastically I've been seeing a lot personally more people putting their phones away keeping it on silent and I just think it's gone down drastically this year you see kids more engaged in the classroom now for sure um um during or after class walking in the hallways do you see more kids talking to each other instead of looking at their phone bumping in there everybody I mean I don't I personally have never really noticed that I think like I we're social creatures and social beings that I mean yes there's the phone but I think we still communicate okay regardless I mean I haven't noticed personally a um a difference but yeah I mean it's five minutes passing time I think we all also talk a lot to sometimes great anything else for the group yeah uh Madam chair yes go ahead yeah just super quick I want to thank principal Rusk and the students that are standing in front of you right now uh for taking the time not only to come in tonight to speak to the board but for the work that you did on this to give us some perspective we'll talk about a little bit more about what's next from a board standpoint when we get to the uh policy committee meeting update later in the meeting so maybe stick around and you can kind of hear what's kind of next for us yeah thank you good point yes thank you for taking the initiative and for bringing the information to this group and being connected to it it's important thank you thank Youk you thank you you all right our next presentations are on the site continuous Improvement goals director Christina lungren is going to lead the charge hello that's the top back to follow students okay well thank you I'm here to introduce uh three of our our principles um we had a uh a a charge to bring forth some summary overviews of The Continuous Improvement planning work that our sites did over the summer and the reflection of their goals uh from from last year so so we're going to divide the presentations out over the next three three meetings we're going to hear from uh three of our principes this evening and then we'll hear from more at the November meeting and then some more at the December meeting so uh just kind of an overview of our uh continuous improvement process um each site brings a team uh in the summer we meet in August for two days and the work that they did this year they reviewed site data from the 23 24 school year and they were looking at whether or not they had met their goals that they had set the previous uh summer if the goals were not met they did some reflection about why why might that why might that be and then they use that information to uh set their goals for this upcoming school year we did do a shift this year we asked that all site set one literacy goal uh one continuation of a goal from the previous year and then they had the option of a continuation of a third goal or if they wanted to um add a new goal for the year they could do that and then from there teams developed an action plan um the steps that would they would take to uh meet their goal timeline data that they were going to collect when they were going to review that data and then um and then move on from there so tonight really what we're going to do is we're going to share a reflection summary of their 2324 goals and then they're going to share their goals for the upcoming school year so I'll introduce merus first early childhood hi welcome um so our first this last year was my first year as principal so I was able to really get to know our staff and um if you haven't already I would encourage you to come um and see our school we have an incredible staff I've learned a lot from them they've um they have a immense amount of wisdom and grit and we've gone through a lot um in the last year so uh they're teaching me a lot of things and encouraging me along the way um this first school that we had was um the percentage of our early childhood bpk which is voluntary preschool of the students um in literacy would increase uh their skills in their ts gold assessment from 85 to 88% um that was only 38 of our children that were in VPK last year so um keeping that in mind um so 91% of those students were proficient um which was incredible um the next goal was having our birth to three staff going from Individual resources um to of birth of three services to more defined and consistent rules um of their service delivery and Community Resources and uh our birth to three staff go into homes daycares and um all the different natural environments for our birth to three families in the entire Briner School District so they're driving to Garrison Fort Ripley um and everywhere else we had four new teachers last year and uh learning um are the equip model and how to support all all of our families was really a huge undertaking for them and so building their capacity to understand everything that our community has to offer was a really big big uh take on for them and then our third goal was uh going from three classes using the Frog Street culum and thank you for proving that um in 2023 um that we would have all of our classrooms use that frog streak curriculum in the classroom and that was also a really big deal for um everyone in the school and every uh three and foury old class to um to use a curriculum with Fidelity so um those were some big things that we did and we uh have learned a lot we've learned what is working and what's not working we have some unique classes and we have a lot of unique needs so we know that there's still modifications and changes that we need to make so um now as we are looking at our new goals um we're continuing with the literacy goal but now we have instead of those 38 students we're using all of our four-year-olds um as for every data so uh we got 176 um students to get free preschool for VPK and then we have um specialized students included in that so that's about 217 students that we're going to be assessing this year for our literacy in TS gold um as well as a gross motor so we're um focusing on those two areas to have really authentic um documentation with TS gold that means that it's going to be ongoing and we're going to be um using all of our staff to provide that data so this will be really exciting to see what we'll get in the spring um another goal that we're uh focusing on is uh developing a supportive and value-based work environment um really focusing on trauma informed care and building capacity with our core values and our core values we um have based on our school website and what our school district has shown so grit connection um are really some big things that we're focusing on um every month um but we're also focusing on trauma form care we have um different people that are coming in uh to give support a therapy dog from Michelle we have Angie Klein felter uh who was a free service to our uh school that's providing 10 hours a month uh for trauma informed support um and we've been writing grants too so really exciting to see um how we're going to grow um this year together so that's early child then what's VPK oh sorry uh voluntary preschool it's a grant uh through the state of Minnesota where um our four-year-olds are able to receive free preschool gocha yeah so 38 to 10076 is pretty big for know what the acronym was yes yep yeah thank you any other questions and that was through grants that we got from the state to increase your population there right yeah and it'll be um guaranteed every year so it's based similar to Title One um so we have um schools that have a lower um um free and reduced population like Riverside Harrison uh Garfield and so um we have students that uh really we want to give access to preschool and that includes free Transportation um it's General Ed Transportation um and then they get free meals as well um so it's uh meant to be a feeder program to be able to support um these students to get ready for kindergarten um and to increase uh the attendance hopefully in um as they come to brainer school and their Garten year yeah thanks great program thank you thank you yeah thank you next we have j Kennedy principal of Garfield hi hello welcome thanks for letting us visit tonight um I am here representing Garfield elementary school I have been at that site now for 10 years um that's a long time and we have had a lot of work that we have been doing for many years um and tonight you're going to kind of see what our goals were from last year some of those have been ongoing for many years as we have been working um not on a one and done type implementation but definitely trying to solidify some of our systems so our first goal is that our proficiency rate on the reading MCA and mtas accountability test would grow from 39% to 42% um the exciting news is it actually grew 10% it went from 39 to 49.1 um which was a total of 108 students in our third and fourth grade passing the reading MCA test last year um our second goal was around the proficiency rate on math State accountability tests and we had had a very consistent score in the 50th percentile and again came in at about the 50th percentile um that is currently higher than the district average at 50% in math and higher than the state average um our third goal was around decreasing our office referrals or our referrals to what we call the behavior intervention room a place where kids can take a break if they're disregulated or having a difficult time um in the year 2022 23 we had had 456 referrals either to the office or to that space and Our Hope was to decrease that to 300 um in this past year 23 24 we our results were not quite what we were hoping for we did have a reduction to 410 referrals um but we also had multiple Staffing um changes throughout the course of the Year some people had left positions that were very critical including some of the skills-based opportunities for our interventions in social emotional learning so we knew we had some factors that might have factored into that but the good news I can also report was that in 2020 22 23 those 456 referrals were from 96 students in our population and our reduction to 410 referrals only involved 66 students 45 of which had two or less referrals to the office so we are definitely decreasing the amount of children exhibiting larger amounts of behavior which we are also seeing translate to more classroom learning time and also more students increasing their performance so that was very exciting um for the upcoming school year we are going to continue to raise the bar to get that literacy score up our goal we felt we could get to 55% this year um that would be an additional six students passing or Meeting those standards for the MCAS We are continuing our goal around self-regulation skill understanding and also strategy instruction um again having kids in seats present in learning when they are engaged and able to regulate themsel does equate to Children performing better um and we have started that work that is a mission we have been on um probably now for about six to seven years it started with a morning meeting being brought back into every classroom about 7even years ago and that work has become standard and we're now adding more layers of support on top to help those children as Martha was saying who are struggling um to deal with some trauma based issues we see a lot of that in our population and certainly want to help to support those needs our last goal is our data dig goal and we are still all in the world of learning fast bridge and hoping to take that information and translate that into interventions and instruction both in the core tier one level and also the tier 2 level smaller group support to help those specific gaps that kids might have um filling some of those deep hole gaps that maybe things didn't settle and land or stick when they were in kindergarten as we might have hoped that maybe first grade things didn't stick or hold but now we're seeing in second grade that those holes still exist so we have used a lot of the data over the last few years and are hoping to have more success with our fast Bridge also to help fill those holes um we do believe that has also increased our children's ability and scores over the last couple of years so it's been fun to work do you have any questions so I have one so did you drop the math goal or is it still there it's just not on your list of three or that work or is this all to do with literacy um this is literacy self-regulation skills and then that fast Bridge one incorporates both math and reading and our fast Bridge goal is actually built around the number of kids increasing their overall growth for the year so that will impact every Learner in reading and math across our whole system not just kids in third and fourth grade who take an MCA test so this is now a K4 goal gotcha that last one and we're all learning more about fast Bridge how's it going I mean it's actually going really well um we had team meetings this far after fast Bridge assessments were taken where we could help dig deeper into all of those reports um I think getting to know the material as it's there and figuring out where the pieces we really need to hone in for what that instruction looks like when uh students gaps are identified is where we're at right now um and we're moving forward into our kind of our first rounds of that tier one intervention in core so what does the whole class need and then we have tier 2 supports that help the smaller group or what might individual Learners need yeah I mean I've been quite impressed with this whole concept of fast bridge I mean get to the students quicker intervene quicker uh instead of waiting uh maybe like we maybe did five years ago or whatever it's a great screening tool that helps identify a population of kids we can dig into deeper with other tools but it does get that list to us pretty quick yes so that's a that's a good thing great any additional questions for principal how do your discipline referrals look to date for this year I have no kids no I'm just kidding um it's great things are off to a good start we have definitely seen an increase of children who in our earlier grades are struggling with that regulation component still um those tier 2 skill supports are in place and we are starting those groups but that has been our biggest challenge um I did have a kindergartener say to me the Third of school so do we come here and do the same thing every day yeah and I kind of wanted to say yes but I could tell that he maybe wasn't quite that excited to do everything the same every day um so yeah it's it's interesting to see what they're excited about and I've also had some kids this year who told me well if I was the principal I would to have different rules so here's exciting things kids want to be in education I am going to have somebody who will replace me someday I'm just not sure who but there are many candidates at the table so um we are seeing like I said I think a smaller population of kids with a little bit more intense need is what I would say to the beginning of our year so far thank you thank you for asking great any additional questions thank you for putting these clear goals together for your your school to be able to ladder up to those and to understand what's expected yeah it it helps it helps everybody to be on the same page so I have loved this process I've now been doing this 13 years but it is to help to clarify what our needs are that needs assessment that we give to get to some of this and also the data we have really helps us to solidify a plan that can make action happen for our kids great thank you thanks and then last uh Inu hello hello welcome um so um you can see up there um I have two different programs that um we operate under uh at the braer Learning Center one is our middle level alternative program and we serve students um in grades seven and eight and then we have um our high school program that has students in grades 9 through 12 plus so um our first goal was um in um relation to the MCA math accountability test we in 2023 we didn't have any students um successfully um be proficient in the math test um but in 2024 um we had 5.3% of our students so our goal was 3% and we surpass that with 5.3% so it's an exciting meet there um our second goal was um regarding the reading um MCA test and in 2023 we had 33.3% proficient and our goal was 36.3 um we almost met that um didn't quite what you can see in in both of those um groups or cell sizes is that we have a pretty small population to draw from so one or two students um swings that percentage pretty far so we we were excited about that math goal um and in our middle level program um we had 11% um proficient in 2023 and our goal was 14% And last year we had 17.6% proficient so that was exciting and in 2023 for our reading in our middle level program um we had um 28.6% % proficient and our goal was 31.6 we didn't quite reach that um but we'll continue to work on both reading and math and all of our our programming um moving forward our biggest area that we focus on with our alternative students is re-engaging them in school and finding success in school again and we can see that they're they're finding success we would like them to be more proficient on some test but that will come as they find more engagement do I do this these are your new goals down there we go beautiful so we kind of um during our continuous Improvement retreat in August we kind of shifted gears a little bit and wanted to focus um more on on um faster results um like director Hyman was talking about earlier um we can we can um make change quicker so we're going to use um the fastbridge um assessments and we want to see growth um in our students not necessarily we do want to see them pass MCA test but we want to see them having growth so we are going with a goal this year for our literacy and that will be that the students that were enrolled on October 10th um that 75% of those enrolled with us that day or by that day um will show growth on those fast Bridge tests by the spring of 2025 we are also I'm going to skip down to that data dig one on the bottom we're also going to do that um in reading and in math um and what's really exciting is this year we are going to um Implement um some intervention time during during our school day um coming up probably within the next 2 or 3 weeks but we are going to have 30 minutes of intervention 3 days a week and very purposeful from our our uh fall fastbridge data and also teacher recommendations in reading math and social emotional learning so all the students that are in our seat-based program so in grades 7 through 10 they will all get an intervention based on their needs so we're we're excited about that we are going to continue um working on our math uh accountability test our MCA test and we would really like to see an increase in that so we're going to um work on um from 4% to 8% and then also in our middle level program go from 177% to 24% questions how often are those fast fridge reading assessments given is it four times three times a year we have a fall a winter and then a spring and the fall uh is where we get the Baseline yes see how yes and that's what we're looking for is growth during growth from that I thought they were new I thought they were um I think you have this I just don't know what it's called I thought there were these new deals where you just give them these quick little deals and you can like it's not really a f fast Bridge like the whole school's doing it it's more like you have availability to kind of spot check them and so you can kind of realize who's doing what is that true benchmarking yes yes so you wouldn't test everybody but you just give them like a quick two-minute test to see if you could if the intervention that you had been providing was um making an impact does ites you see good results I haven't done any oh because we this is all new we will be we're going to actually do our benchmarking about every six weeks we're going to give our intervention six weeks and then check it instead of waiting for your fast bridge to come out in February getting kind of late I think it's a great idea the sooner you can get on it the better off you're going to be I would think that's what we're hoping well let's hope you're right who decides those benchmarks is that something that the teacher's deciding or is that through the B I'm not exactly positive but I think Benchmark or the benchmark scores come from Fast Bridge right yeah okay got it yeah I mean it's a student scor so I mean it's whatever they we're scoring and we we read it through fast bridge and that becomes the baseline or The Benchmark correct great any additional questions it should be noted Madam chair that uh your four goals that you had up there principal Habi um three of them you increased maybe you didn't meet the CR criteria but you increased the goal and and that's really important um with uh the students that you're that you have in in your facility um cuz those kids weren't engaged and aren't engaged and now are engaged and the statistics show that so nice job thank you great perfect cool who's going to win the baseball we know you know thank you yes now we head into new business and we've got an presentation from director lungren on the world's best Workforce annual report okay so this is uh we are bringing to the school board uh the annual summary report of our world's best Workforce goals from last school year so this is the 23 24 summary report and at the end of the presentation We'll be asking approval for the summary summary report so world's best Workforce uh statute 120b um is just to ensure that school districts um in Minnesota enhance student achievement through teaching and learning supports and there are four goal areas uh as part of the world's best Workforce and schools can decide uh the goal set the goals within each of those general areas so our uh first category all students are ready for for school um so last year's goal was around the percentage of students proficient on Early Childhood summative assessments and our result was again the 91% um so we had met that goal that was a one-year goal and the other component is just to talk about some of the things that we had put in place for action steps last year and as the principles discussed in their presentations a lot of this work is ongoing so some of the work that we did last year was uh first year implementation which would be continuing into this school year uh some of the work that we did last year was even selecting uh resources that we're going to be using that we're implementing this year um and some of the items of action steps were selecting some professional learning opportunities for teachers that we are implementing this year so these are a continuous uh process um towards these towards these goals so uh last year um as as principal Smithson uh talked about they implemented the Frog Street curriculum at the Early Childhood programming and they selected and began using the TS gold assessment Tool uh for that observation of student progress and growth in early childhood uh closing the achievement Gap between student groups that's the second category and so we set the goal of looking at the achievement gap between students and special education programming and non-sp special education programming um again this was a a one-year goal we did not meet that goal um last year uh some of the things that we started working on last year and that we are continuing with uh for this upcoming school year last year was that first year of implementing uh fastbridge as the screener tool and last year our special education teachers started using the progress monitoring tools um looking at the identifying skill gaps uh assigning interventions and then monitoring the progress towards uh developing those skills with those tools and fastbridge um districtwide we implemented the multi-tiered systems of support structures um and we're working on refining that last year that is work that is continuing into to this upcoming school year uh the elementary literacy uh coaches worked on revising the elementary word study program curriculum with language for that and uh that I'm going to use my notes for this one is uh a focus on Phonics pheic awareness and spelling and it's designed to be systematic sequential and then have explicit instruction so those were uh revision to that that curriculum and then that's being implemented this this school year and then the other piece around uh closing the achievement Gap is we developed the professional learning plan for teachers for this school year and our two Focus areas one was around literacy um where we are participating in Ola which is the online literacy and Language Academy and that's the professional learning around structured literacy and evidence-based reading instructions so teachers uh prek through grade six core teachers our special education teachers and intervention teachers and elel teachers are participating in that professional learning this year and that's ongoing over the course of the year and then our 712 core teachers uh they are participating in something called mdll which is Minnesota uh da data and assessment literacy and that's around using assessment information to shift your instruction to respond to where students are at in their learning so that's a course that they're taking over the throughout the duration of the year and then they're doing some work around core instruction um and looking at instructional practices to support tier one core instruction uh all students or all uh students have career and college ready by graduation um oh and then I have the wrong thing in there we have a typo with the goal sorry about that uh so we did we did not meet this goal um that was uh looking at the accountability uh components from the MCA there are some specific questions that are related to College and Career Readiness um we did not meet that goal but some of the action steps that we're taking around career in college ready um we implemented the warrior pathways at the at the high school last year was a first year of implementation for that um so trying to be intentional with supporting students in uh course selection to uh make decisions that will help them move in the direction that they would like to go to post um High School graduation and then last year we also implemented a resource called School links which is a college career in life planning Tool uh where students can do some intentional course planning they can track unteer experiences scholarship opportunities work experiences uh do college applications uh do some intentional planning around some self-awareness of of where they'd like to go U moving forward and then um all students graduate is the last goal area um and that goal we did we did meet um and so just working again towards all students graduating um kind of coming back to some of those other pieces um that we've looked at earlier um implementing and refining the mtss structures to support our our students in their learning and then again that focus of that professional learning plan to help teachers with developing uh core instruction practices to support our students that is it so that is the summary and then I Linked In the one page this is just the actual summary of the the annual report what exactly is Warrior Pathways so previously um I don't if you're familiar with Bridges career Pathways um that was the the kind of the previous nomenclature but basically what it is it's uh looking at what is an area of interest for students so maybe I want to do something in agriculture or maybe I want to do something with Health and Human Services or music and that's where I'd like to go once I leave uh school and do I want to go to college a four-year College do I want to look at a two-year College do I want to look at a certification uh what opportunities are available in that area so I'm exploring uh an area of learning and then the pathways are to help provide some intentionality with that so if I want to go into the agricultural field what courses can I take as a high school student to help me move in that direction or to find out if I'm interested in really pursuing that that line of of learning um it also provides opportunities for some work experience around agriculture um to do a volunteer experience and it can be specific to that area how old are these kids how old are the kids the ones that can do the pathways I you're not going to do that to Fourth grad or no nth grade nth through nth grade so is there anyone there that's helping coach them like there's a ton of jobs in this field or or is this just this is what I want to be and so let's go for it so that's what we're working on is is moving down that direction Co a little bit of coaching like you're going to make more money doing this or do you want to travel there's really no jobs in Minnesota for that you're going to have to move to the ocean or you know what I'm saying so in School links um that's one of the resources is they have Career Cluster um modules I guess would be the word for it so there's information about in again agriculture what are possible careers um in in that field where would I maybe find a job in that field what's the the pay scale what education do I need it is there yeah yep so that's in that school link so we are really just in the beginning stages so we just started this last year so we're still working on refining that that kind of that coaching and communication piece um but that's what we're continuing to work on this this school year Co I was encouraged at Forest VI uh my understanding is they're even talking to some of the kids at Forest VI what some of their interests are even though they may not show up in this this goal and these results um to me personal opinion if we can find out what turns these kids on they're going to they're going to love coming to school and uh they're going to learn because they want to learn because they're interested in the subject matter so I was encouraged to hear that foresty was even looking at nothing to the extent that's being done at the high school but it was kind of conversations huh beginning conversations yeah yeah I mean I'm encouraged by by that uh this is good stuff good stuff great I don't know if this is the way to phrase this question but how many pathways are there at the your um so if you look at the back of the shirt that you have there oh we've seen this yeah okay now now I get that was handy actually that was perfect so those are the pathways then I think we have 23 concentrations okay um so we tried to provide some some diversity and then we also wanted to provide some flexibility too so um I'm not maybe as a ninth grade student I think I want to go into agriculture I'm interested I want to start exploring Who would know grade my sophore when I'm a 10th grader I'm like eh that's not really for me so I can I can shift so we tried to provide some overlap and really it's about exploration um understanding of yourself uh where you feel successful what do you enjoy um and then we're trying to just provide some intentionality with planning as as the opportunities that you have at at high school to move in that direction remember last year uh Michelle we we were given that uh manual for courses the course catalog I mean it looked like it looked like a college course catalog but they had a whole section there for for career Pathways that was it's really cool it really is cool well in C Pathways it's it's as valuable to find out what I don't want to do versus what I do want what I think I want to do um and all of this Pathways has evolved over years from the jobs program to service learning to Bridges to you know now we have career Pathways so it's evolved and tweaked and gotten um very very well done um to the point that the that as you said director Heyman you know build it and they will come if they if they like if they like find something they like they're going to get give get all in get all in well I I did have a question though on Christina um you on the number of the goals that that weren't met you know that weren't met what what needs to be done in order to help find meet those what what can we as a district do to try to help reach those goals and outside of money so is there are there things well I I would say our Focus this year is is really step one is that professional learning um around the literacy instruction and then uh tier one core instruction um those are the two pieces that we're focusing on right now um to uh really look at the instructional moves that we have available for for teachers to respond to students and then using information to respond in that moment to student needs which I think we we talked about you know sooner than than later I think that's the that's the starting point so that's our focus in this moment and then we'll we'll shift once we have a chance to implement that learning um we'll we'll go from there thank you thank you is Junior Achievement still around or's that gone I think so I don't know that we do it any it still exists we don't have a districtwide program lost its funding thank you Lord I'll go I'll go back to you you're back on there you go I I just wanted to make sure people knew I was still [Laughter] awake was that something a Junior Achievement was that something to do with the YMCA or YWCA no but it was like you know would come in and teach it so learn how to do a very structured way of doing like a book study okay and they would read Rich uh Tech literature and text and learn how to have conversations and discourse cool lots of hands on lots of hands on lots of hands on most districts have it as an after school I don't know if read past practice yeah we had it during school day well it kind of falls into this category a little bit y MH I love the new format of the um report out it's very makes it very clear and I like to be able to see bulleted out what's been kind of made to for Progress so I appreciate that thank you all right so our business tonight we do have a proposed motion on the agenda to approve this report so this is last year's World best world's best Workforce annual report kind of a summary of how things went last year that we have to deliver to the state is that the second thing on our agenda yeah yeah that's part of goes with this presentation yeah so to speak yeah I me I read it before we got here but yeah I make a motion we approve the um 20232 24 world's best Workforce annual report got a motion second we've got a motion from director Breen and a second from director Dinger any additional discussion if not we'll do a roll call vote Sarah spear yes John Ward yes Kevin Bo yes Shel Breen yes DJ Dinger yes Randy hidman yes thank you all right next thank you yes great work thanks next piece of new business is the approval of the first reading of policy 435 which is access to employee mailboxes in the district's internal Mail system and I believe we have Oli ol Oli is here some come in he here oh great originally he wasn't sure if we need oh okay gotcha good evening good evening welcome thank you so I wasn't sure if I was doing a presentation or um I can certainly entertain any questions that you have I know we've got a couple of um folks on the school that are members of the policy committee anything you would want to bring forward in regards to this policy well we talked about it in uh the policy meeting uh the 435 is a new policy that was developed by Ali thank you it's got a lot of good stuff in it and uh this has to do with uh employees and staff um I do believe that we still have language in here about students I don't do we we need to remove that language uh I think we talked about it and I I'm still seeing it in here uh but that's a minor issue um if you could maybe give a little background as to why you developed a new policy sure sure I can do that um you are familiar with board policy already but I'm saying this for the benefit of those that are watching and uh individuals that are in the room uh board policy has nine sections uh and section 500 pertains to student section 900 pertains to non School persons or community members and section 400 pertains to employees and personnel and so we currently have two policies that were developed back in 1995 that are related to section 500 which is pertaining to students and I believe this board revised it recently in 2024 so you're familiar with that um we also have section 900 in a policy that's similar to The 500 that pertains to um non School person that was also developed as a template by the Minnesota School Board Association as well as the Minnesota Association of school administrators and was revised by this board back in 2024 as well so we don't have when you look at section 400 we don't have something that addresses an employee and so that's one of the reason why these this policy was developed uh certainly uh the political environments play a role in it uh so this is unique in the state of Minnesota in that it's not a model policy by either the Minnesota Association of school board or the Minnesota Association of school administrators unlike the other two policies in section 500 and and 900 great thank you so as an employee if I'm I'm looking at distribution and some guidelines on that I would not go to the 500 section because that pertains to student I would not look at the 900 section that pertains to non-school members or the community in this case this policy would easily give employees access to a section that pertains to employees and personnel which uh addresses distribution as well as putting uh materials that would advocate for one person one candidate versus another and uh employee mail boxes yeah that was the I think that was the key reason why uh the policy was uh was developed uh with everything going on with this election uh this year I can't keep my my head out of above water but uh a lot of stuff has happened and uh it was something that uh we need to address and I think we've done it uh my only question too is what how did we leave the policy meeting uh Peter uh we've still got five is it 505 yes 505 and that needs to be addressed too because there are pro there were procedures in there for handing out material and I don't know if we want if we're going to change 505 or remove that move it move the language over into 435 or I guess when we left the meeting I was uh is 505 the student policy and 435 is the staff policy right correct yeah yes yeah but the 500 level policy kind of at least implied staff stuff from it the the syntax of it a little bit so we're the idea was to get the 900 level the 500 level and the 400 level to be roughly uniform in terms of how they're worded because each only pertains to a specific layer right 400 is well Alie I already told you yeah Y and remember this is a first reading so by Statute we have to read this two more times before it becomes a final policy correct do you feel that this brings us into alignment with those other two policies just based on the discussion at the committee Randy are you feeling that there's some overlap between the 505 and the 43 I have to look again at the language in 505 but is that what you're um yeah I can't remember 505 if it dealt withy employees staff and students okay kind of like like uh Kevin mentioned there seems to be uh there's an implied some implied language there that maybe just needs to be clarified and cleaned up probably to director Bo's point so we've we've got a couple more readings of this I'm comfortable tonight if we made a motion to move forward with this and then when you bring it back to policy take a look at it and make sure that it doesn't um go against itself in our other policies I'm sure there's alignment there but I mean I would yield to olly and and Mr Grant too but that was kind of how we came out of policy committee meeting with it was you know the idea was to get this out there so that the board conceptually understood what was being attempted and then you know to to get them to go back and make sure the uniform as much as possible and that we clean that up in the next policy committee meeting and bring it back to the board correct great I'll make the motion second Madam chair oh sorry go ahead um let's vote on this and then we'll come back for more discussion does that work for you no okay I just have one question if I could Madam chair yes go ahead okay Al how much in input did the employees have in the creation of this I would love to the opportunity to well well what I'm used to is when there's a policy that we place it somewhere publicly so that others can see it and have the opportunity everyone within the community can see it have an opportunity to make suggestion that would be ideal and I love I would love that practice in this District if we can do that um what what I have done from my standpoint is to make sure that the policy does no harm to make sure that any case law that we refer to has not been overturned that the statutes that we reference are C currently in place and has not been overturned by the legislature and so we have done our due diligence in that sense uh but certainly we can always improve in terms of input uh because this policy applies to our colleagues within the district and we want to make sure that we can do any way we can find a way to ensure that others have input and access it's going to improve the policy and so if it's a practice of the district to do that if it's not I'm I'm game in terms of doing [Laughter] that I agree I think that gets us to a better outcome with folks that actually have to enforce the policy and enact it close to it good all right we have a motion on the floor from director dondelinger and a second by director Reen any further discussion if not we'll do a roll call vote please John Ward yes Kevin Bo yes Michelle Breen yes DJ dondelinger yes Randy Hyman yes Sarah spear yes thank you all right and our last order of new business is uh approval to change the December 9th school board meeting to December 10th Mo excellent we got right motion from director doninger I'll second and a second from director Breen uh I will just add uh for just information the reason behind that is because it interferes with the brainer Public Schools Foundation fundraiser that evening and so we'd all like to be there to support that all right uh any further discussion if not we'll do a roll call vote Kevin Bo yes Breen yes DJ dondelinger yes Randy Hegman yes Sarah spear yes John W yes excellent all right we'll move on to committee meeting updates spor Hyman the policy and Community Relations Committee well this would be short and sweet because we talked about most everything tonight already so there's no point in me reiterating what we did except for one item uh and that would be um an Marie um from the uh uh facility fee uh situation that we have going on with giu zby that uh we talked about memorandums of understanding when someone is looking to get a discount on something uh that a further discussion would would need to be uh Etc and uh we kind of came out of committee saying that yeah you know what maybe we don't need to be offering discounts either uh so uh but she she would like to have a little support when she does get some push back from people either from the uh from uh Peter's executive cabinet or even from uh from the school board to be part of that decision-making process so that's kind of was really the only thing that is new as far as policy uh notes are concerned so we already talked about cell phones and we just got done talking about 505 and 435 Etc so that's my report Madam chair great thank you for that our Madam chair yes if I may tack on to uh director heyman's report as it relates to cell phones because when the students spoke earlier I mentioned that I was going to talk about this a little bit I think um just so everybody really watching understands the timeline we did a resolution back during the summer uh at policy committee that we passed at the board level back in I think August that bound this board to take action on cell phone policy at this meeting or the November meeting so there will be an agenda item on the November meeting and that agenda item will be basically approving either sticking with the cell phone policy that we do have per what we heard from the students tonight or if something comes forward between now and the next meeting where uh other board members want us to debate it more be as it relates to the full day ban versus the current status quo that we're using so I think you know if for anybody listening if you're trying to get feedback to your board members this this would be definitely the time to do that and if we get feedback like that we have a contingency plan to do another policy and community relations committee meeting in November if we need to right now we do not want to have one scheduled so I just wanted to add that flavor thank you for that that's a great addition all right um let's see our next committee update is the curriculum instruction and staff development committee and I can give a little bit of an update on that we also saw much of that here tonight at the meeting so thank you director lungren on the world's best Workforce and and the chain that's coming for that so you'll hear us referring to that as the comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness Plan into the future um also we were given access to um some of the fastbridge reporting as well as the plan for um the professional learning plan for staff for the year and the aces report from the state and that is based on self-reporting in the student surveys that go out to grades 6 9 and 12 and we have a district advisory committee meeting on Monday for those interested anything you would add director Hyman no all right okay great next up we have some inter informational and brainer Public Schools Foundation I can give a brief update on that as we talked about the annual Bingo event is December 9th so stay tuned for more information coming out about that put it on your calendar it's a Monday um the fora Grant cycle is open for applications for educators through tomorrow at midnight so if you're working on an application you have through tomorrow at midnight and just a reminder those are for academics activities in arts and Athletics last year the foundation committed 52,000 um between the fall and spring Cycles to fund those activities that were brought forward by Educators the big event is February 8th and and um the warrior warn sale continues proceeds for that are going to go to school pantries so just a quick update on that great great stuff happening all right Business Services report is next up director Marcy Lord good evening uh in your board packet is the enrollment report and we are down 10 from last month the 5year average is about seven so we're a little bit higher but not much um nothing else to note on that and then the financial report is in there as well nothing you know above the 1% variance other than the construction fund and that's we're winding down on that one so uh the audit starts tomorrow just giving a quick update on that and then if you guys noticed in your board packet under the consent agenda the trade house um notice was changed to proposal because we didn't receive any bids so hoping that if we get that out there the first person to submit their proposal we can maybe sell that house it'll be open until January but first come first serve we'll get the posting in the paper and all that good stuff any questions I I know this is probably not in in your wheelhouse but have have we ever thought with the house to do a slab on grade house with INF floor heating that seems to be the way construction is going these days if we wouldn't if the kids wouldn't learn something new possibly and make it easier to sell and probably sell it for a higher price just throwing that out for whatever it's worth well I think the problem is Randy is that you you know in order to do that then they have to go off site yeah they oh they would have to go off Sid well how would you put the cement down with the heat in it pretty soon you'd have you'd have you'd have hes all the way around the high school I I I will tell you that it sounds great but in floor heating is a lot of money and I don't know if that's the intent of the program it's not that hot understand understand I I but yeah director doninger just told me up you got have slapped put it in parking lot across the street yeah just gets a little smaller thank you anything else for I'll strike my comments Marcy are you sticking around here for second afterwards sure as I talk about the thing tomorrow yep okay thank you thank you thank you thanks all right superintendence report boy well um you know a week ago about a week ago Garfield had their uh inappropriate call that came in forc the lockdown and um I think we learned an awful lot about what we do what we do know what to do but there's some things we didn't know what to do and one of the things is what do we do if um in this particular case the building principal was out of the building at the time and so was the secretary so thankfully though the people that were filling in or helping take over the building that day for supervision um they were really quick to react and so forth and um the the interesting part though is that as we sat down with all the principles and directors uh following that a lot of questions came up about procedures policies and so forth and something just as simple as about um every building has an emergency button and the question is when are you supposed to push the button and uh the question is you push it don't worry about what happens push the button because all that does is it goes a Dispatch they determine who's going to come to that building or that site so um fortunately nothing bad happened but there is you know for the Garfield staff I think there's still a little bit of concern about how they feel um going after that period and the simple fact that um we have to sharpen our pencil a little bit better on how we are going to respond um and it was just interesting that there was just a gap of time where between the time the call was made to when the police arrived nobody called you know you push the button the Poli are going to respond so um we're looking at our crisis response information to make it easier for the principles and everybody to know what to do um but those that at Garfield they did a great job of keeping the kids safe keeping the kids calm and um even I want to thank the parents for the way they conducted themselves um several came to the school and they were wondering what's going on because you know you can't stop social media once it's gone it's it's got wheels and the parents were very good even though the some of them wanted to take their students out of the building um we had a procedure for that to happen so that um the student would come be walked to the door by an adult and the student had to identify yes that's the person who's going to take me home and of course some of the times the students were saying why am I not going to stay in school and we we let the parents take care of that part so it was an unfortunate incident but um it was also a growing one and one that um we learned quite a bit from which is really important and um you know I just thank Garfield staff in the brainer Police Department for doing a great job helping us and they worked hard and you know they got answers that needed to get founded so that was the best part about that other than that if you look at the uh calendar you can see that starting in November um there's going to be all kinds of concerts and so forth going on and it's an opportunity for the St public to come in and see the talents of our kids which is really our way of showing what our our talent is and to welcome the public in and and enjoy some really outstanding music um it's always a great time of the year between basically the beginning of November to the end of December where the holidays kick in and all these festivities happen and fortunately we have really talented kids that we can put up and have people come and watch and listen and appreciate the work that our music department does and so forth so I think that's a it's going to be a lot of fun and in the gz I'm I can't wait to go and watch this this is g to be great this will be super so that's about it excellent yes talented musicians and talented instructors yep all right um um director updates let's start on this end director danding or [Music] anything all right I I would just like to apologize for how crazy things have gotten in this election uh for the whole board for myself for sure I can't speak for the board but I can speak for myself you know we've got false allegations against uh three people that are running um that'll be dropped tomorrow uh now I guess that I'm I I guess I did the postcard I'm not sure um I won't use any names but you know the reason we have a mailbox policy now is because of Hanky Panky that's been happening on the other side and it's kind of embarrassing I never thought this would get to this level as far as my involvement in that deal today I also give $10,000 a year to hockey since we're going to get into it and I give money to Ducks Unlimited but I don't get to pick who's on thee hockey team right I had no idea about what they were going to do I just knew the side I was on you know and I'm sure that you guys when you put money in the plate at church do you know what they're going to do with it so I'm not approving anything I'm not involved I was accused at the last meeting for the deal with the football game so I don't know what I've done but I agree with you it looks tacky we can do better Peter talked to about us last Saturday and I think going forward I think we just need to stay above board and try to stay out of the weeds you know what I'm saying so there's my two bits thank you thank you Dr Breen so um the last board meeting I was tasked with um kind of a big um a big job to to develop a mental health task force for the district and so I just wanted to do a quick little update on Wednesday I'll be attending a community Bridge makers mental health meeting Resource Group meeting at sourcewell that will give me the opportunity to connect with region five stakeholders we're going to explore resources in our community and then collaborate to develop a strategic plan for the vision and mission of our district 181 mental health task force I've had a number of um Educators reach out to me who would like to be on this committee um so I'm looking forward to to getting this off the ground um but it's pretty daunting to make sure that we're doing a good job not only meeting the mental health needs of our students but also of our staff thank you for taking that in Dr Hyman yeah I just got one thing to say I can't wait till November 6th um I have not been involved in anything I've been accus acced of things I have not been involved in anything as far as the homecoming football game I was helping plan my mother's celebration of life wasn't even near this community and I was accused of certain things so I'm over it I'm a big boy I can handle it the important thing is this District needs to move forward no matter who is elected come November 5th and we have to come together as a board we have to come together as a community thank you thank you Dr Warden well tonight we uh witnessed uh student representation and participation from a 10-year-old to an 18-year- old and the 10-year-old I want everybody to know at the candidate Forum came up to me at the end of the candidate Forum that we had recently and handed me her little note card saying I didn't get to say this tonight can I say it at a board meeting and that to me is powerful when a little 10-year-old wants to give their feelings and input versus an 18-year-old and 17 and 16y old and 15y old want to give their input so you know I'm really excited about this whole student representation um on committees and and the ability to have the student voices heard I also Peter I ALS superintendent Grant I just also appreciate the fact that you brought up the Garfield thing and I just wanted to expound on it on one one little one or more little items on it um principal Kennedy was at a conference at an educational conference that's why she was not in the building and principal Kennedy I don't know she's yeah she's still here she came back she came back to her building immediately and I think that needed to be pointed out also because she was there in a heartbeat and she was she was gone a distance away so and then as was superintendent Grand said the the super the uh the staff were absolutely amazing but there has been some additional it's a traumatic experience there's no no doubt about it um so as an educator I I can't imagine having received that call and having my students it's it's traumatic so we need to I agree with you superintendent Grant we need to look at how can we you know continue to support our emotional status of our staff and our students and our families and our parents when something like this happens and hopefully pray the Lord will never have that happen again in brainer but if it does let us be prepared right thank you thank you director W director boes I have nothing thank you um the only thing I would add uh to just some of the conversation we've had tonight and we've had this discussion as a board before is that our power as a board our only Authority as a board is when we act as one and not as individuals and so when we make decisions we make decisions as one unit and we support the district as one unit and and everything we do is in one voice and I appreciate that about this group um and the ability to rise above what's happening right now and and move on because that's where that's where the district needs us to be as decisionmakers and as a unit all right um let's see we've got a few future meetings on here thank you for pointing out the the musical concerts um and the last thing on the agenda is a motion to adjourn so move second got a motion of second we'll do a roll call I'm assuming there's no disc Michelle green yes DJ Dinger yes Randy Hyman yeah Sarah spear yes John yes Kevin Bo yes all right thank you we are adjourned thank you everyone