##VIDEO ID:tbZ1wZw_bio## to order and we will start the uh meeting with roll call please Kelly here Michelle bre here DJ Dinger here here Sarah spear here John Ward here great if we could all please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank than you all right we will move on to the approval of the agenda second we have a motion from director Dinger and a second from director spear any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I please I oppose same sign motion carries agenda is approved this meeting of the Brainard School Board is being in conducted with Accord in accordance with Minnesota statute 13 d02 this meeting is being recorded access to the recording will be made available on the school district's website as soon as is reasonably possible so we will move on to the only order of business in this particular meeting and that is the resolution canvasing the returns of votes of the school district general election as presented I'll make a motion second so we have a motion from director spear with a second from director Hyman to approve any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I please oh roll call vote sorry thanks K Melle Breen yes DJ Dinger yes Randy Hyman yes Sarah spear yes John Ward yes Kevin Bo yes great thank you all right so uh motion carries unanimously we will uh entertain a motion to adjourn the canvasing meeting so move I'll second so we have a motion from director Award with a second from director Breen to adjourn the meeting any discussion hearing none all in favor I hi post same sign canvasing meeting is adjourned and we will now call the regular school board meeting to order I guess I'm showing 602 Kelly so let's start out with recognitions maybe go round robin if that's okay I'll start out with congratulations to the following Garfield Elementary School students for being selected to attend the young authors's conference at sourcewell on November 14th Ellie Ericson meline lagerman Emma Kempy Allison Mueller Derek lust and Rosy madans take it away congratulations to the warrior girls cross country team they finished second at the Section 8 AAA team meet and qualified for the state meet congratulations to the warrior boys cross country Runners Ben Statum and John coell for qualifying for the state meet congratulations to the warrior Cross Country Coach Casey Miller for being awarded the Section 8 AAA assistant coach of the year congratulations to the girls swimming and Diving team they are the section 8aa True Team section Champions and the Central Lakes Conference champions y okay congratulations congratulations director Breen for the pronunciation Olympics exactly I'll do my best okay congratulations to Baxter elementary students of the quarter the following students were selected for showing a positive attitude being focused being responsible with supplies and being ready to learn kindergarten Weston Holton Mina Norwood Kinsley Logan Logan Laura Hansen Cilla pin first grade Rebecca Lyn Johnson Ryland mun Ivy mesner Leana Bolter second grade Elena hendal emberly Jud Charlie Rudolph Laney Smith kylin s sigen Dominic Richardson Becka Winship third grade Owen serich Mariah Miller Nora Moss Karen sworth out Tyler Hood Phoenix Thompson joury niss Ariana Gardner fourth grade Mila Swedberg Greta vogle Riley Cooper Lyla Jordan Payton Andrew Gracie kfm Hattie McKay and Bryson k great oh and superintendent Grant W bat clean up Baxter School's application to the state DNR was accepted and approved Warrior Woods Baxter Elementary School is now a certified State School Forest very great all right we'll move along to public input I have two cards do we have any others all right then we will get going with uh Ann Schwarz please do you want to read the oh sure I can read the beginning of this I'm sorry member of the public can address the board during this time comments will be limited to 3 minutes complaints or allegations against students or employees may not be discussed due to data privacy complaints or allegations must be submitted in writing to superintendent Grant the Board of Education superintendent will not converse with guests to address the topics discussed at this time please come forward M thank you all right I have three minutes so I'm going to talk fast and get through as much as I can if you have questions you know um I'm here to talk about Force Fe Middle School um well there are many many great things going on there I don't have the time to talk about that um I'm here to really focus on what I think is the number one issue interrupting learning and students feeling safe there and that's bullying um Middle School is a tumultuous time kids are mean I get it I've uh taught in Middle Schools most of my career I love it um but this is is different I know the difference um I've also worked in districts in many parts of Minnesota as a consultant as well on this topic and on trauma informed care um I love middle school kids because they're so goofy trying out different versions of themselves um torn between childhood and being a teenager they still care what their teachers think um they're looking forward and counting on guidance and I think there's an opportunity here so I've been subing at Forest B middle school for the last three years I've really really enjoyed it and the staff is wonderful um my grandkids also go there and it's an ideal School I've been in a lot of middle schools the physical structure is ideal for community and for working on things such as this and for learning um there's some excellent teachers who go above and beyond you know make their lessons engaging to engage with kids get to know them I know and I can feel that the principal and the Deans there and the counselors really care this bullying issue is huge and they need help and that's the biggest reason I'm here my biggest concern is there isn't enough going on to mitigate or monitor or respond to bullly bullying in the school um the number what I see different about Forest View um I've taught in some huge bigger than Forest View Middle Schools i t and WIA um the number the frequency the escalation of bullying I just haven't seen anything like it and I think the anti-bullying policy is static um you know I think they do a great job at the beginning of the year going over it and talking to kids um the consequences I think um in my opinion and my experience um seem to be inconsistent but I do have to say that that staff there is pulled in so many different and important directions that it's very difficult I think um to get a foothold on this and really address it effectively there are no restoration practices that I see so we all know bullies hurt too right and we can help them as well but also the victims so um I won't have time to get into some examples but um data Gathering practices on bullying appreciate it am I done yes three minutes is up thank you now what now you spoke as we read in that the board does not respond dur okay no questions or anything that's correct okay thank you the most unusual board meeting and next up Terry Fric please thank you school board for allowing me to say a few words as you engage in the transition to a new school board with new directors con congratulations to Michelle Reon for being reelected John Ward for being reelected and Stephanie edman for being elected but thank you to John to uh Kevin um boils for your leadership and for the way in which you have uh engaged the board to weather quite a few bumps and uh changes and surprises over the years I've I've appreciated your the way in which you question and the way in which you lead so thank you very much for your work among Schoolboard um I think it's important to get back to the basics Reading Writing arithmetic but kids who come into the school one size does not fit all so I just want to share a short story and U leave it at that so this kid wanted he wanted a puppy he was s years old never had a puppy and in the window of the uh the department store no the in the window of the hardware store there was a sign puppies for sale and so he saw it went in and asked the clerk you have puppies for sale of course can I see them yeah so he called the mother dog out and five puppies came bouncing around the store and then the fifth puppy came out sixth puppy came out and it wasn't bouncing around it was limping and the boy looked and he said how much is that puppy and the clerk said well you don't want that puppy that's pupp not going to bounce and Run and Jump and play like Oh I like that puppy how much is he well 20 bucks so the boy said I'll give you $237 every week until he's paid off okay the boy reaches in his pocket and he pulls out $237 and as he's pulling out all of this change his pant Lake pulls up and he's got a brace on his knee all the way down to his ankle he hands the money to the clerk and he says I just know that puppy needs somebody who understands and that's the issue that I think quality education brings to our students one size and not fit all and God bless this board when you can enable teachers see and understand all the different types of students who come into their room thank you thank you Mr all right we will move along to where did I lose my place approval of the board meeting minutes from October 21st our last regular school board meeting move second we have a motion from director spear with a second from director dondlinger to approve the board Schoolboard meeting minutes from October 21st any discussion hearing none those in favor signify by saying I please I I I oppose same sign motion carries next up is the consent calendar so moved second we have a motion from director Hyman with a second from director spear to approve the consent calendar as presented any discussion hearing none those in favor ify by saying I please I oppose same sign motion carries thank you and we'll move on to uh presentations and we will start with the site continuous Improvement goals we'll start with Christina and move on to our site leaders from there hi Christina good evening TV on thank you for letting us come back a second time to go through our next set of uh School summaries about the continuous improve movement planning work that occurred um in August and then that work continues throughout the the school year so just a reminder about our CIP process in August uh site teams work together to review their data from the previous school year both quantitative and qualitative data and uh look at how that that data supports whether or not they they met their goal did not meet their goals or um show the progress towards our goals depending on if it was a multi-year goal or not uh that data review and goal um review is part of the reflection process that they go through and then after that reflection they identify goals for the upcoming school year and we did ask this year that schools create one literacy Focus goal and a second goal that is a continuation or refinement of a goal that they had been working on the previous year and then once they've set their goals they develop an action plan um of how they're going to meet that goal over the course of the year and then over the course of the year the site team meets and reviews their progress has data check in and then we start the pro process all over again in the spring and the summer so what you're seeing um in the presentation is really a short summary of the goal reflection um that they looked at their data and whether or not they met those goals or not and then their goals for the upcoming school year so our first uh site presentation we we have Molly rasy who is the principal of niswa elementary school good evening thank you for having me all right so I'll try and be quick um but I welcome any questions follow-up questions after this or during so last year uh we set a goal around MCAS typically we would do that um where we would be increasing from 56.6% proficiency to 59 and we did meet that goal um and that was MCAS so that's measured in third and fourth grade I'll talk about what we kind of shifted to in the reasoning for this year so we did meet that goal last year um we also had goals around Sabers which is social emotional and behavioral um that's within our fast Bridge as well and we had goals to use that um information to support our students in um accessing academics and um teaching some social skills and being more strategic around that instruction um and then measuring whether or not that instruction had an impact and then we also had the district goal around mtss um moving towards um a more strategic and districtwide process around MTS SS and implementing those um processes and forms um and we did do that uh last year I think we made more Headway in the area of Sabers mtss and then just looking at our data um and fastbridge supported that um I feel like or I know that mtss we moveed to weekly meetings and rotations of each grade level bringing um the concerns to the table and planning our instruction um every Friday I meet with a different grade and so in the past we've had teachers bring any concerns that they have around a couple students every three weeks and by shifting to one grade per week and that mtss process everyone comes to the table so it doesn't rely on whether or not a teacher finds that they need to bring a student we can discuss the entire group and opportunities where we can support all Learners if students are not um meeting um standard 80% of their class is not meeting standard around a certain skill we can look for opportunities within the entire um instructional period if students are really struggling and we need to have some more targeted instruction we can look for different times or supports for that student so we move to a weekly meeting and rotations of each grade grade so every five weeks we go through every grade level and we can discuss student needs that way um and fastb really supported that so we had common data to talk around I'm talking too much I apologize it's a deep dive and I shouldn't do that um I think you're doing fine any questions that went too deep our packet we have a second goal and I noticed that that goal is not on our so that was an error we only had three goals um that was not a goal for nisah okay um and I did not catch that in time uh for it to be within your packet I was just wondering yep that's my error um as far as this year's goals uh we have we moved to a growth goal using fastbridge data so that we were not looking at the end of year and only two grades we all understand that MCAS is not around two grade levels but it is difficult to look at information and whether or not we met or did not meet goals for two grades and really we're looking at just fourth grade so if we met one year we have two three sections in niswa that could be one or two students so we need to look at whether or not students are making progress in all of them so we're using fast bridge data so that we have benchmarks throughout the year to see if we're making progress towards our end ofe goal and that all students are um making predicted or high growth and we're looking at 80% of our students now the reason we came up with that number our kindergarten and first grade they did not have early reading and so we could only look at our second through fourth grade last year as far as whether or not they could make growth so we didn't have data for our whole school so it was an estimate so we went with 80% of our students would either be making predicted growth or high growth at Nisswa and that means that this information and we can track progress for every student because every student should be looked at not just whether or not they're making meeting um standard on one test but throughout the year some students call if because they do have a disability and they are probably two years behind but we should still be making high growth for those students especially with the investment of different interventions so through our mtss process we are looking at all students are they making progress and if they are not we are discussing why and that could be a student that's exceeding expectations because all students should be making predicted or high growth so that's what we moved to as a team this year as far as our social emotional goal we are also looking at improving our behavioral data by 10% and so last year we had um five students that were high risk and over the summer we dip in with those students the data is showing that the students came in at the same um level than they left so when we look at nisa's information around our Sabers we would have seven students total high risk so we and five of those are special ed so they would have qualified EBD or ASD which we have a lot of services around our Cloud worker is meeting with 54 students right now and we have 16% of our students are some risk we have targeted skills we support the student both in the classroom and out and then we have 81% low risk so all of this is part of the mtss process which leads to our data digs and um looking at our weekly progress too much sorry questions very good yeah how are the teachers uh Molly how are they adjusting to fast Bridge are they getting used to plugging in the numbers and is it becoming easier oh they have wrapped around all of this I think they've when we had our team meeting we have um every benchmarking period we meet with all the um teachers and they said it was the best team meeting they've had we're looking at common data we are looking at um digging deep into what every student needs math reading and social emotionally and walking away with some next steps then when we come to mtss we have progress monitoring um within fastbridge that we can see whether or not students are making progress with the interventions um between benchmarking periods and having that within one system is empowering and also um really lets teachers know that what we're doing is working and if it is not we should adjust so thank you yeah the the goal that you have for Literacy for this year you there am I reading this correctly the growth Benchmark from 63.3% to 80% yeah which is 24 so is that Benchmark is that from last year last year and that was just second through fourth grade and now we're bringing in K through in kindergarten in first grade as well is that does that question is that just making some assumptions about what we might expect from kindergarten in first grade yes based on their early math okay so the growth information from their early math information from fastbridge we did make some predictions so this year the numbers might not be completely accurate but we were still comfortable with 80% if 80% of our students are making predicted according to fastbridge or high growth that means they are in the trajectory that we would predict what we found last year is that even if a student was exceeding or meeting expectations it's a growing Benchmark so if those students were not making predicted um growth even if they exceeded in the beginning of the school year they did not meet expectations on MCAS so we have to have all students making predicted growth or they just will not meet expectations and that MCA is a measurement as to whether or not that student um can meet standard it's against our standards so the instruction we provide it is a measurement but this allows us to look at each student individually and make sure that they are all monitored not only our students that are struggling not only our students that are coming in exceeding expectations all students I love it I love the challenge yeah uh I think we don't don't challenge our students enough sometimes and it sounds like you guys are going to challenge them and I I think our teachers are amazing they are challenging our students um but we need to know that and and make sure that they're carrying it over to these progress monitoring tools so fast Bridge has predicted growth so where do those numbers where does fast Bridge get their numbers from how do we I mean what what are you happy with fast Bridge's predictive growth or I mean does that just a pie in the sky number they bring out or is this like this these kids came to school after Labor Day and by Christmas they should be at this point and by Valentine's Day they should be at this point and by this they should be is that how it works or how does it work well I mean just I do not develop fast but I can show you my progress monitoring and I took out all the names and everything but these are cbms so these are progress monitoring in between the assessments that's a CBM okay so it'd be like a running record they're checking for fluency it must have a it's an acronym isn't it based measurement there we go thank you that's why she's next to me um so this student uh their predicted growth would be this blue line you know so the above or below it this student is making greater growth than the predicted Line This is the 10 or the 15% this is where we would be looking at whether or not a student is struggling um or maybe we need to continue looking at whether or not there's a disability there but this student is making more growth than what the predicted line is so their Baseline what you're saying is is their Baseline is based at where they are or where they were at the end of the year last year um it's so if this one's way up here and this one's over here and this one's over here as long as they're growing we're happy we want them growing especially these students that are all in intervention outside of their classroom as well we want them growing a year and a half so they grow you're trying to catch them up right that's I was kind of wondering yes that's a good thing mhm so they should be making greater growth than their peers if they are have specific interventions and if they are stagnant not making growth then after three benchmarking periods or cbms um then we need to be looking at whether or not that intervention is working for them how often do you check this stuff so these progress monitoring every week um and then every five weeks we look at the as a team got to see whether or not our students are making predicted growth if they are not adjust MH that's a good idea yeah it's an it's an amazing program so excited for it and it's empowering and validating with what all the work we're putting in these these kids are growing significantly so these teachers are amazing so thanks awesome okay I got another question course do you no go ahead no I don't have one oh come on make one up so this social emotional Behavior goal so what you're so we're saying that there's a certain number of kids that are at risk you said yep right because I just wonder how you track this okay so what you're basically looking at is that if by the end of the year we're down to five we're going the right direction if we're up to 12 we've gone the wrong way so every single student matters so I don't want any student at high risk that would make me feel a lot better so how do you know if they're how is this is is this the Sabers thing as part of fastbridge so you like track them yep we're looking at and it's a screener right so we're just screening to see are there some things that we could be working on um behavioral would be the overall and each area there's social academic which would be ex I functioning and then we have emotional so whether or not a student can identify their emotions and then also regulate so if it's a non-preferred no emotion is bad or good but we just need to be able to support students and so this is one kindergarten class yep in elementary teachers do um a survey but so you'll see the red and so those are certain skills and you have to dig into the Sabers um um to see what skill that student really needs to work on and then we can have our collaborative worker or teachers to say Oo we need to really work on you know being able to organize or be able to identify our emotions and use a tool so if anger comes up in our body what are some things we could do deep breathe box breathing we could um maybe we need to implement more um go noodle or um movement within the classroom so each of these areas tells us okay this is a skill this student needs these are little kindergarteners we all need to work on things and so this is how we track it and we Benchmark every three times a year and then um we look at whether or not students are making progress in those skills if they are not we're not doing the right intervention Molly is there self assessment built into the Sabers so that would be in grades at the end of grade four okay and then up through High School yep but prior to grade four it's the teachers observations and we do it as a team you know we have specials teachers we have interventionists and we all discuss and it's just a screener so we don't diagnose anything but overall we just look at a class and so this teacher could be like yep we're really going to work on emotional so zones of Regulation other resources that we have or curriculum to access I know okay yeah it's a lot thank you yeah thank Youk you great right our second presenter is Conrad and he is the principal of harison Elementary good evening welcome thank you that's going to be a hard act to follow um but what you have before you is Harrison's 2324 goals and our brief reflection upon what we found um our goal had been to go from 44.9% in 2023 uh in literacy to 47.9% in 2024 meeting that Target we were looking for three additional students that would then meet MCAS uh unfortunately uh we ended up dipping to 35.9% uh but when we look at the data um what that meant was 23 of our students did not meet but a lot of those students for us were students that were at where they needed to be or above when the school year started and when having to make tough decisions as far as groupings interventions and such some of those kids did not get as much of our teacher time as we would have liked um because we were focusing on those kiddles that were at risk and not meeting and so that gave us a lot of of information and data to really problem solve for this year and how we're going to get into that um and really make up some gains for those KD that missed out um a lot of the KD that didn't make just barely did not make it or they were impartial uh so there's a lot of positive in that and that they're very close and that we should be able to get them back to where they need to be uh in goal two or three excuse me as it's listed there in math uh we wanted increase our students from 46.6% in 2023 to 49.6% in 2024 uh they dip to 42.4% um but I would add that we are not able to offer outside of whole group uh classroom interventions we're not able to offer interventions outside of that uh the other goal there listed for you uh would be with behaviors andal we wanted to drop our miners or our referrals for Behavior Uh by 10% in 2023 which was 524 Behavior miners to 472 of them in 2024 I would state that we did a pretty good job of that and that is carried over um even better this fall uh during this school year as far as number of referrals that are being being made and given for students any questions on that before I go on to the second slide so you didn't give us the you don't you don't have a number for goal two you're trying to go from 524 to 47 2 is that what you did is that that is that what that was 23 24 so last year so where we ended up as say in progress in progress that's what we're currently working on is increasing that number but that is where the number fell with MCA oh 472 yep yep gotcha yep and I would state with the behaviors were down significantly compared to this time last year that feels good huh yeah and many of the behaviors are from the same uh folks kiddos having difficulties which we've been able to ident ify some of the antecedants what their issue issues and concerns are and able to give them those support so that we can move them forward and we're seeing a lot of success with that so you think that the reason that we came at 36% on the reading was because too much time was spent at the at risk kids so the kids that were meeting it before kind of got lack of a better word I'm sure they didn't get ignored but didn't get as much time spent with them right so it's kind of the old deal the class can only go as fast you know the weakest link in the chain type of thing exactly exactly those kiddos still got time um I would State my own daughter was kind of in that mix she had exceeded in third grade um in her guided reading group she was usually only able to get one to one to two times a week whereas those kiddos that were showing greater need we're getting four around three four times a week just because of time and and staff hand that how do you fix it uh we're trying to be more strategic with it and getting some more of those those interventions in the whole group that have been identified by fast Bridge so that the classroom teachers getting those in the in the core lessons and then being a little more strategic about what we're bringing into interventions in our small guided reading groups as well as trying to get those kiddos that are were ex seeds or uh ex seeds or meet last year getting them a couple more touches as far as small group guid reading time to keep their skills going and being able to give them more of what they need and push them so it's just kind of a kind of a time allotment adjustment if you will and getting creative with that so we can give them a little bit more uh cuz if we give them that extra little push I really don't think it's going to take a whole lot to get us back to where we were and then beyond good for you good luck thank you what's an example of a minor behavior minor behavior would be a student that does not necessarily comply right off the bat when when given an instruction to uh go grab the pencil box grab your notebook and meet me back at the the round table or a group table to get going um to something as um using unkind words or budging in line in the cafeteria um some of those if they're more minor we usually try to address it with just a conversation uh then if it becomes repetitive it will go to a minor behavior uh just so that we have some documentation in case it it continues to increase most of the time and I'd say a vast majority of the time that's the end of it and you know we use it as a teachable moment so that the kid will understands uh why they're not to do that why they need to follow the instruction you know is it a safety concern is it a uh your classmates are waiting we want to make sure we have enough time to get started kind of thing uh and those conversations are are very powerful and those teachable moments were very powerful thank you yeah thank you looking at this year uh we want to move our well on paper we want to move our goal from 35.9% to 38.9% um but as a building we are expecting to exceed that number greatly uh with what we have in place and um a lot of the staff planning and meeting times that we have to discuss data look at students student groupings uh We've made it so that at our building our teachers are able to meet with special ed teachers and interventionists at least one morning a week so that they have from 7:45 until 805 at a minimum to sit down and meet and talk about specific students or groups of kiddos so that they can adjust their instruction and give them more of what they need uh to be able to hit hit on those needs that have been shown with the data in fastbridge um so I to me personally and as a building I I we feel we're going to definitely exceed that maybe even pushing over 40 um but we have to set goals for what we we put into our plan uh and 38.9% is where we're at um I would state that as well for math um really looking at some of those whole group interventions that we can do uh based on Fast bridge data so that we can increase those scores we have several teachers now that have been trained in avmr which is an opportunity for some additional interventions that our staff had was not aware and trained on prior to taking that training and that's starting to pop up inside of our classrooms um more prevalently in special education classrooms because that's what the original intention of avmr was or is as I understand it but it has a lot of practical purposes in the general EDG classroom uh and as we get more teachers trained in that in the building even for them to be a resource to another teacher that has not been trained is we're seeing a lot of benefit to that uh and a lot of helpful things really deriving from that that training and the implementation of those interventions um so this year our goal is to go from the 42.4 from last year uh to 45.4 this coming year it is our hopeful goal that we push above that we're always striving to go higher uh but our goal is written as such um looking at behavioral Min miners again dropping them from 10% from 534 in 2024 to 481 this current school year uh as I stated earlier this fall we're well well ahead of that curve um and that's due to I feel a lot of different things that we're doing in the building um we have our morning meeting time where we talk about social skills how to be kind to each other how to handle conflict how to work through things together as as couple of students and not always needing the adult to come in and intervene and when they do need it adults are are always there to help out with those items and those conversations uh and making sure we're teaching respect uh to Once to one another not just students but also to adults and we're really seeing a lot of lot of luck with that and and a lot of progress with that it's really heartwarming to see it um even walking in the hallways now I'll hear first graders starting up their own eye to eye in conversation with another student about why they didn't like what they did to them and the other student obviously recognizing that and saying you know I'm really sorry I did that you know and one one time even heard kid say thank you for telling me that I'll do better next time so it's really cute seeing it and really seeing them take hold of those skills um the other byproduct of of having some of those social skills taught and the kids really latching onto them and progressing with them is it really leaves you with a lot more qual high quality instruction time for the teachers in the classroom because not as much time is being dealt with behavioral interventions or incidents where the teacher needs to pull a couple kles aside and have a conversation which obviously would take away from some guided reading small group time or core instruction time with the whole classroom uh so that's really another reason why we're feeling we're going to see good increase in our scores and our data uh because more time is being spent teaching and helping the kiddos with the academic portion because more of their slal and social skill needs are being met I'm also having collaborative worker uh we're seeing progress with what what she's doing in her building and the group she's able to work with and then she's to the point now with a lot of those groups she's able to push in and help the kiddles apply the skills that they've been learning in her groups uh and sometimes that includes going out on the playground uh and working on social skills conflict resolution which is a big one on the playground let's be honest um and having a lot of luck with KD's really figuring that out as well um with her so a lot of lot of different things going on to help with those items and I'm feeling really good about the school year we're in and and how our dad is going to look in the spring are your math and reading goals based on MCAS yes which is just third and fourth grade right correct but as a building we we look at all of all of them and all the kles Mrs rasy stated we want all of our kids to grow and I would State all of our buildings want that in our district and we really look at all the kiddos um in our our meetings in the mornings um is a great time for our teachers to do that and really hone in on what our kiddos need per grade level and small group whole group Etc uh so that we're really watching all of them to make sure they're progressing as they should but your goal is that three students in third and fourth in for math and reading will um meet standards got it correct for both grades or each grade three kids total total yeah total our our unofficial goal is much more than that sure we we really think we can accomplish that but you got to take small steps to make big progress yeah great any other questions no than thank you so much for your time really appreciate it okay and then our next presenter we have Tammy St and she is the principal of Baxter El all right good evening and thank you for letting me be here tonight on behalf of Baxter and our goals so you can see our three goals up there from last year we had more than three but those are three that are highlighted um and and our first goal was working on educating our students and we had a secondary goal around that with educating our staff around social emotional learning wanting to lose um less time around Transitions and disruptions in the classroom so focusing on things that we can Implement and put in place to help that happen so you can see part of our list up there working on um understanding feelings through the zones of Regulation or the Catalyst approach is a way of um helping a teacher take old school kind of less time you do less as a teacher because you expect the students to engage and be more independent in their learning here's the directions I've said at once now if 10 kids out of 30 want to ask you for directions you can just point at where it's written and engage in yourself I don't have to take take my voice and my energy again because we've got to teach those Learners to be independent to help make their own growth and stride so that's where that's coming from yoga calm is just I go into every classroom at the start of the school year and then some repeats from there and so forth I one I'm a teacher at heart so I love being in the classroom but teaching students um calm strategy of breathing which most adults I think know something about too right like you take that deep breath when you need it to get reentered so that you can get your focus back where it needs to be because again then that's less um time lost from instruction and hopefully a way to help center students um from not being off task or disrupting others um learning how to use calming strategies and things like that and so we accomplished that goal because we did deliver that to 100% of our students and then goal number two and goal number three from last year were focused around MCA results one being on math and one being on reading and um what I would say about choosing to use the MCA um data for our goals last year is that yes it's only tested and measured in third and fourth grade um like the two before me have talked about but certainly we still um it's all every single teacher has helped our students get there every single student matters in their growth when I go to graduation and I have no more children graduating but I try to go every year um and I encourage my staff um to go um Melissa schmackos I say every year go and watch the seaa blue come down because we are five years of building foundations but we helped them get there so while MCA tests are done in third and fourth grade every single staff member in my building including support staff help Garner those scores help prepare students to get there my Elementary staff helped those seniors get down that hill in the sea of blue but they aren't teachers of seniors so the data that you see is really the hard work of everyone in the building even though it's only measured in third and fourth grade the other thing about MCA tests that everybody needs to keep in perspective and center around is it's two test days for reading and two for math out of the entire school year it's in April and it's what the child brings to the table that day um in addition it's if a child was absent on the days of testing um as we analyzed our data and we dug deep into which children didn't meet because we would have liked to seen our results better um some of the students that we certainly thought could have met and produced the right type of work in their day-to-day ma um math and reading on work didn't pass but then when the teacher looked and said that child was gone on the regular days of testing they had to do the makeup they weren't in front of the teacher doing it that they were in the makeup room they rushed um one teacher in particular said I was surprised my students came but we can't say anything to them they go through how they go through and so they rushed and they came back so lots of elements factor in and I I think it's wise of all of us looking at that data to keep that in mind in addition if a parent chooses to opt out it's an automatic um does not meet and we had several of those so that's a strike against us and it's not for our work um and in particular when we know a student could have met or exceeded and they opt out now they do not meet so all of the layers come into play our level three children are obligated to take the same test it's a trickier test for them some of them we know can't sustain the level of taking that test so all of that factors in and as you can see our results we're not as high as we wanted them to be but um that's what they are at this point so we'll continue to do our best to work around that and and strive to make progress Tammy I'm just thinking out loud but um going forward will we be able to use fast Bridge as data to set goals Asos we could have this we could have this year if we wanted you saw that and and these are last year's goals but we're allowed to use either data measurement we are using fast bridge data just like Molly talked about in our building on a regular basis it's a screener so we're looking at it as a staff we just we set this measurement around that goal right but I'm wondering going forward now that we're really getting into fast bridge if we're going to be able to use that data to set goals rather than we could could choose to use either one yeah yep we sure could because I I was a school assessment coordinator I know what it's like I mean those are two days and a test and you to base your whole progress on those MCA scores just doesn't seem fair so what's the difference if you reuse fast breit don't you you have a certain test that just say in certain day is that kind of the same thing just that there's more of them right there yeah it's more so you would average them out for the whole year is that what you're thinking so you could have a bad day and like a bad game for an athlete make up for tomorrow it's an easier way in a screener when you do it three times a year to look at growth yeah looking at growth and then you can do progress monitoring along the way but you can look at growth where for our MCAS the way that you can look at growth is just from annual one year to the next one or two days to two days right and isn't MCA basically we're teaching to the MDA standards correct we're teaching the MCA I mean some people could do that we don't teach we teach to the curriculum and we teach to the state standards but I'm sure some places do teach more around a test okay I said sense I just I said it wrong no no you're right I mean I said it wrong uh it's just a snapshot in time is what I've been told and and I would like to see um fastbridge become more involved uh because it's a great tool just a thought yeah yeah I mean it's something to at least consider going down the road for the students not making it I mean certainly where you're working with we have a one position of interventionist at our site um and and with that one interventionist we're you know working to help um as many students as we can and then certainly classroom teachers are aiming towards interventions and grouping within their classrooms but um we if we look at our lowest 20% of our students last year was 105 students out of 505 so the lowest 20% uh is often a targeted population that needs intervention so for our 105 students we had a 1.0 one position of interventionist to to work with all of those students so that what does that mean one person for 100 people we have we're not a title school so we have one interventionist in our at our site so what's the 1.01 mean it's a ft one 1.0 ft is how you talk about a full-time position yep so um if we want to look forward at the next slide which is our goals from this year we did keep our goal this year centered uh around literacy and we did um keep MCA as our goal for this year and we may choose as Michelle said to switch to fastbridge last year we wanted to keep it this year around MCA we're doing a lot of work in training this year and one of the steps that we thought could help us increase perhaps um our score on that is the staff training and work um from the online um literacy training that we're doing so that's why we wanted to keep measuring in the same way for one more year um so you see that goal up there we are are continuing um a goal around Sabers data Molly already spoke in depth about that so I don't need to explain a lot around that but we want to increase the students in the low risk category you'd like to have more students there and Target is 80% of the kids in low risk and a higher Target than that true is we'd like to have 100% of our kids not being very much of a risk around any sort of behavior or academic um struggles so the the Sabers looks at as Molly said the social the emotional and the academic Readiness and preparedness and many many students struggle in that area bringing right materials having the right things out engaging and learning so that's what that goal is um about and around and we're going to be progress monitoring and measuring that our family collaborative worker um digs in with the ferone of our students that's her position and her role is to help students who need some extra help and supports um in place we have a partnership with Northern Pine some students get counseling on site for needs that they have beyond what any staff member should be expected to provide for them um and then lots of things happening in the classroom such as read alouds that focus on things like friendships and doing your best and being a good citizen and um not having your voice be a volcano because nobody else can learn around you when your voice is going off like a volcano and we have lots of layers in place that we can do in our morning meetings and throughout the day around that and then we added our third goal is a new goal for us um and that's around family engagement we'd love to see 80% as a Target but we're we were striving to exceed that of our backer School families engaged and we wanted to have four points of measurement because we want to have the hard data for that so we chose to measure the attendance at open house at conferences at something new that we're adding this year called keeping in touch days where we're inviting people to come in during the school day and I can speak more about that um in just a bit then our fourth one is some reading challenge participation so that's our goal is aiming to have 80% and we're tracking and measuring that um and I'll explain the last two of them but I want to speak on the first two first because you'll know what those are open house is not a new thing we've had it um before in our overall School data for open house we tried to advertise a little more strategically put it out on dojo a little bit more out on Facebook we had 91% attendance at our open house this year and we broke it down also by grade level for example 88 in our fourth grade 93 in our third grade 94 in a grade um and so forth and then we also had our special education staff track at openhouse now we know that often times families maybe have time for one stop and it's probably The Home Room teacher but we did want want to know how much those families are also checking in during open house with our special education staff and if that number is lower what could we do to help them meet those families right away in the fall to have one more connection to the school and we tracked at 70% of the people who had um students on a case load checked in with their special education teachers so we could see that we in that particular event we didn't meet where we wanted to be for special education but we met it at every other grade level for our fall conferences our school data tracked at 95% attendance I looked at previous years and we are up from other years but we were also more strategic um even though many of our numbers um amount of people that staff had to conference with were higher 80 80% or more of my staff had 25 or more students to conference with 40% of my staff had 28 or more students to conference with based on numbers that they have and yet um we had that 95% attend at conferences and what we did strategically was to reinvites if people missed a conference try to get them in a second's Time offer another opportunity I had people choosing to do phone conferences with people that didn't make it just to be persistent in the connection to home because we wanted to let parents know it's valuable that you hear how your child is doing we can't be um the only one there we have to have that partnership We Believe believe in the partnership so that's where that goal fell and for our special education staff connecting at conferences that was up from open house from a 70% to a 76% so that's our hard data on those two pieces right now our kit days are keeping in touch days are events that we have added in addition to other things that we've always done to get family engagement and it's where um each grade level has one opportunity anywhere from 45 minutes to I think it was an hour and a half with one grade level where we are inviting families to come in for a segment of time during the day and families can see what is happening with instruction um and so we're excited about that to get parents in through the door and see what we're doing um with our curriculum and um understand that our teachers are working hard and following standards and providing um that curriculum for our our our students so we have five of those one happening at each grade level the our sixth one is for our ASD population they have their own event are the parents participating or are they observing so we've had that's a good question John it depends on how the grade level has set it up um most of it is set up to be participating the teacher the kindergarten grade level did it all at the same time which is what we're asking every grade level to do and they um did theirs around morning meeting in some stations so families could rotate around and join in and see what's happening during station time see the work that goes on with a teacher sitting back at the guided reading table which at this time of the year our Kinders are still pretty young but the teacher can pull kids back to that guided reading table and now parents were there to go through the stations with their children but on a day one those adults the kids are expected to handle themselves at the stations and go through the stations and do the work so we wanted parents to see that fourth grade one they have theirs is doing uh like a book club Style with the parents they're going to have books to read and discussion points with each other third grade is doing some thing around like a reading Cafe so yep so you're expect you're trying to get an 80% you said that the open house was at 90 the conferences were at 95 and so you're so you're already exceeding 80 what I'm thinking my head at those two events however if we do the math you're trying to get all four of them to average 80 right because we could get 50% rate on this kit day and so we're going to do an average 100 A50 year at 75 yep we want more opportunities we want to welcome our parents we in that partnership and so we want to know want our parents to know and understand that they can come in we want them to come in and see what's happening in the classroom because it's all great and amazing things that are happening so what are the benefits to that for families coming in and seeing and knowing that we're hoping that there's engagement at home so I just was at a parent teacher conference yesterday um mid- between conferences because we wanted to do a check-in and the parent we were at that meeting teaching the parent about some math things that they could do at home to help this child progress in math so coming into an event they can see some of the things that kids are working on and you think it helps with absenteeism or I I just think the more engaged they is that what you're doing that's what the hope is I mean I remember when I went to school it was like teacher conferences and that was other than choir concert or band concert or a game or something parents weren't really around the school that much MH so that's kind of the idea though the they get engaged that maybe participatory in education look for that kiwi pack when it comes home maybe being willing to do one I didn't speak about yet is our fourth area that we're going to measure is reading challenge participation so we've put a few of them out to families right now they're optional for people to participate in but we set one of them as a read a take a picture of your child reading a book outside and then they would send that picture into our teachers via Class Dojo um had a one week opportunity to send it in and then the teachers would highlight those pictures on the side as you're seeing in the classroom and what kid doesn't love seeing thems on the screen and what parent doesn't love taking pictures of their kid but we were hoping that in addition it promoted reading at home so that's kind of some of the logic behind that one is we want kids reading outside of the school day and we're looking to kind of gift them the opportunity to do it a second one was read at home with a pet or a stuffy take a picture send it in Show show us that you've got a book in your hand outside of school so Tammy do parents have to set an appointment up or can they just be bop in and uh walk go into the classroom and see what's going on or would you prefer them to contact the school first so that's a good question so of course for the kit days it's scheduled and everybody is there if they want to come into a classroom we don't necessarily just have a an open time like come down and stand and watch in a classroom but we encourage volunteering so because they've got it to be in that classroom they should be on the approved volunteer list if they're going to be potentially pulling and working with other kids if they're coming in for something like that kit day where the teacher still in the classroom all eyes on everything they um don't necessarily then have to be on that approved volunteer list but they can't be then working independently with kids so we love our volunteers and those people who want to come in to do that sort of thing we usually have a set time for them we know they're coming that sort of it can be a disruption and I think sometimes people don't realize this it's not someone trying to be a hindrance to somebody coming in but if a child doesn't know your C so say for example birthdays are a big deal and the birthday cupcakes come in they we usually say just leave them at the desk in the office and we get them down to the classroom and it's not because we're trying to micromanage but the child doesn't know you're coming it's now at 10:15 math instruction is happening so if a parent shows up at the door with 24 cupcakes at the door the kid gets excited the class is interrupted the math lesson stops and now 505 students and everybody has a birthday or a half birthday which we celebrate if their birthday doesn't occur during the school year so they don't get missed imagine that Interruption so to your point we love people coming in to volunteer or for things that are set and and known but an unknown Can Be A disruption if you will and that's how we try to explain it to families so they don't like we're trying to be a roadblock from them coming in but get on that list and we'd love to have you see what's happening in that classroom by choosing to volunteer you know come in for an hour twice a month if you can something like that so any questions what's the dojo it's an an app that families can use it's called Class Dojo I don't know what they somebody came up with a name right there's an app called seesaw which we don't use there an app called remind but we got all on board as a district in the elementary to use the same one and it's called Class Dojo so it's an app that you can have on your phone it's web- based as well and so it is an opportunity for a teacher to communicate directly with a guardian without giving out I mean I don't necessarily want to have 505 families have my personal cell phone number because I don't want to be available 247 but I can communicate with them in the app and they don't then have your cell phone number but it's Direct communication because it pops up on the app so someone could say to a teacher there's a change in pickup plan tonight you know DJ's not on the bus I'm going to be in the pickup line so there it is right there so it's an opportunity and a way to communicate not going to ask what's what's the Kiwi what's the Kiwi that comes home is that a fruit or is it a it's a brand name of a bag that has Velcro on it and you send books back and forth in it it could be a glad pack and then it would be glad you I haven't been to I haven't gone to elementary school since my kids got out of there it's been a while DJ come on over to backer and see what's happening I've got I've got a places I'll take Garfield I'm working on it oh the Places You'll Go if you come to Backstrom and it take you around can't find it there all those round back I get lost back there in the in the New Forest wandering around trying to find the front door I was back there one day well thanks a lot smarter now all right thank you Christina well well John's trans transitioning up I just want to uh there's one thing about the MCA I I kind of lost track of when did they reinstitute the opt out penalty because in 21 it didn't count I think it was two years ago so the 24 MCAS 23 MCAS if a kid opted out it counted against us but prior to that it did not so before that it was just an opt out and now it's it's well they did it one time for Co it always was the opt out was a penalty and then they suspended it for 2021 or 22 or whatever2 holy cow isn't that crazy I think it I think it was two years it's been years of that okay so again our our final uh school for this evening we John Anderson and he is the principal of hor this is called the confusion close John information in front of them they promise I'll I'll throw a lot of acronyms our way here too I was told not to add any more slides to the presentation but I did feel I needed to bring a packet um to support some of the things we're talking about just anticipation some questions with that so there's some surveys that we're sending out to kids and and and some data that we're going to obtain from staff and those are the things there so I'll just highlight and reference that as we move forward with with the information about Forest View so 2324 reflection um goal one and two will be moved forward into this upcoming year of which I'll share with you in a few moments about what we're changing and improving with those but as you see there goal one um is our our reading goal um that will still be in progress um we have some improvements that we are um implementing this year again which I'll reference goal two is about our improved social emotional learning um and are programming for that we're W we're wrapping that into our 2425 uh CIP plan as well so I'll reference that goal three was with math uh we will not be moving forward with that with our CIP but we will still obviously still be moving forward with our um with setting goals with our math department and our math plc about student achievement data what I do want to mention about our mathematics in terms of our 2324 we're a little bit surprised of where that data was at we anticipated uh a much better result than that um but as you probably know at this table that we did talk we have been involved um at the middle school pretty deeply in a curriculum review process for math as you know last few years we've been digging deep with that evidence-based strategies researching those how does that then connect to the resources that we use which then was the purchase of the reveal curriculum and then also or the reveal resource and then also embedding those building that thinking classroom in there so we're pretty excited that they are um implementing all of the things that they said that they were going to do with with that research and that implementation of that new resource for math it just won't be reflected into the 2425 uh CIP plan uh any questions with 2324 again goal one and goal two will be represented in in the 2425 so we are doing the I thought I thought the building thinking classroom thing was like a like a pilot that you were doing as a class or two there are components of building a thinking classroom of group work and you discussing processes math processes with a group with your teacher in that teacher facility ation that there are components of that correct for every every kid in Forest View this year yes yep do that so that's embedded into every class building thinking classrooms into mathematics group work and facilitation of discussion of mathematics in in relation to our process of problem solving yeah it's it's not a curriculum it's a it's a process a strategy y yep yep yep yep so we have we'll have nothing to compare that to them whether or not that strategy is working um our MCA data and our fast bridge data that we can take a look at from year to year and then from Fall to Spring okay what's the rational for not having a math goal just because you're uh otherwise we'd have four okay for a CIP major goals okay yeah so our math folks are still working doing everything that we just didn't put it in the full CIP plan part of that too as we put in a CIP plan we then prioritize staff development dollars so the last three years we've been prioritizing staff development dollars for our mathematics and our science folks to be able to do that work that they did okay that makes sense I just was y it didn't go away yeah it's it's there back to the thinking uh of the building uh thinking building classrooms whatever the heck it is that's not districtwide that's just something that's being done at Forest viiew in the math classes I can't speak to the high school I know they were involved in that process but I know at Forest viiew um we using those strategies yeah yeah and it's there's so it's currently just being utilized at Forest View okay um and it's there are certain practices um that are layered in with other types of instruction so there's um the like he said the grouping strategy the discussion conversation math convers ation and then that's paired with some explicit instruction as well so that's a a layering in with more explicit instruction direct instruction as well the only reason I asked the question uh at least we'll be able to maybe do some comparisons with other buildings then because um uh I've read quite a bit on the building thinking classrooms and it's really some people are equating it to the science of reading where we we left teaching reading the way it was done back in the old days and for all those years uh and now we have the science of reading there's some people that are equating this thinking building classrooms to that same concept of reading that it it's not evidencebased now there's arguments on both sides so it's it'll be interesting to compare the data uh cuz it's not districtwide it's just being implemented at and I did we did have the ability at a DC meeting to I can't remember who the math teacher was but boy talked about an energy I mean my gosh that and I guess the kids love them talking about Max Krueger there you go yeah yeah he gave a presentation stop by his class anytime I I do want to highlight um there's extensive work about evidence-based strategies and how that embeds what we should be doing in the classroom and the resources we use so please know that that reveal resource purchased is really aligned with the research the math folks have done about evidence-based practices so the curriculum exactly yeah what I was referring to John was just the thinking building classroom but that's there's still people arguing about that and my point wanted to me that we are fully implementing reveal this year so part of that not into 2425 because we're in that implementation phase of that yeah okay cool thank you just to catch me up because I'm that takes a lot is so basically with your goals social emot you find that social emotional learning and educational programming is more important than math because you took math out to leave seal in because you didn't want to have three goals you only want to have two MH is that right soal is more important than no well then why would we and it's not measurable very easily maybe with Sabers or however that works um I I could say this way math is on the list but if we have three goals to present tonight there it is the three are there again math spent a lot of work over the last three years with that research that they had done and they are in the phase of implementation of that with that reveal um resource and what they're doing in their plc's and what they're doing in their departments well these are the three so you're saying yes these are more important than the math that's all I car I mean it doesn't I'm not saying you're wrong what I just want to know where you're coming from so that I know what to expect I I don't want to go on record say it's more important well then why but we have four there but these are the three that I would like to highlight about some things about some action plans that we're doing okay so we could do one two three and we could probably do 23 I'm just you know yeah but what what I think I heard you say John was you know thinking about theal and and how we help kids regulate and deescalate situations that is a schoolwide goal every teacher every person in the building is focused on that the math goal all of the Math teachers are focused on that not to say other other folks in the building don't care about that but you need to have everybody's eyes on this goal yep is what I feel like well said I can expand on that too when we talk about our 2425 goal so um there it is first one literacy um again this is a carryover um this is our literacy goal uh we've had this statement um as far as our overall plan for about three years now this is probably the fourth year that we've talked about our schoolwide literacy initiative so a few things I need to share with you that we did um like many other schools did switch our AC comp building wide literacy goal to a growth goal Based on fastbridge data so the things that you've heard from elementaries there are some parallels that we're doing with our language arts PLC and our teaming and our department meetings with language arts when review of fastbridge data take a look at at groups of students who need um some individualized small group work and so in our grade level plcs are diving into that that next step um of of doing those uh interventions with those students so we did switch instead of MCA as far as our Acom goal we did switch to that growth data between fall and spring for those students it's not listed there but that was part of um our schoolwide literacy plan so plc's departments um diving into a little bit deeper with that fast bridge data in your packet um I think it's towards the back uh as far as actions for a literacy plan it's in your packet on page three I believe uh we've been reviewing uh um our schoolwide literacy plan we really want it led by our language arts teachers they know best um but when you go from elementary and you switch to Middle School you start to have Specialists right I'm a I'm a science teacher how do I help kids read better so we need to have a unified plan with that and so our language arts folks um have met twice now this year we've reviewed what we've done over the last three years and we have um some other uh plans to enhance some things but if this was an electronic copy the literacy link is there we're doing a pre-test post test which I'll share in a minute and we do have a document of classroom applications um for our literacy expectations and so if you go back to the oh let's see halfway through the packet you'll see that wonderful little mini poster with the paper airplane this is how we Define at Forest View how everybody who has a classroom can help out with literacy we have two big buckets that every body in every classroom needs to focus on it says it right there number one complete sentences so if I'm a science classroom if I'm in a Project Lead the Way classroom I'm a social studies classroom we focus on complete senses so if we have um we try not to do multiple choice um but if there are uh essay questions we don't accept bullet points we want to force you middle school students are expected to answer all questions complete sentences we start with a capital letter use proper sentence structure and end with correct punct punctuation that's bucket number one for everybody bucket number two and this came from our language arts folks a few years ago uh our academic vocabulary so students of foru will understand and communicate the definitions of these words number one Define and two apply these words to multiple academic settings so if you walk around foru you may see in a social studies class these 1 two 3 four five uh academic vocabulary words on a laminated sheet in the front of the room and so they will highlight that during certain parts of their lessons so um compare and contrast summarize analyze demonstrate and evidence that is uh uh there's some background with that with MCA and also our language arts folks said these are most commonplace uh transferable academic vocabulary in all subject areas so going back to kind of the action plan there we are planning on doing a pre-test post test our preest for these academic vocabulary words will happen in January and then we'll do a post test in May and it will be assessed and the assessment link is there if you had the electronic copy um about um how well do our kids able to Define uh these academic vocabulary words and how well are they to or how uh what how skilled they are in the application of that as well um so we're meeting multiple times during the school year to review our our literacy plan and uh to keep giving support and extra resources for our non language arts folks to help with that initiative questions with that part okay our second CIP goal for this year have uh foru Middle School will continue to improve social emotional educational programming for this year and construct a plan for programming for following years um so we have brief history lesson we have changed different resources for social emotion learning and life skills um we've done uh Second Step resource we've done um uh um being a good human I think it was called uh we've done a little bit of research our leadership team looked at this and there uh is a wonderful resource called top 20 so on one of the pages in the packet there's some bullet points of our action plan um all of our counselors have delivered um top 20 lessons now there there are certain skills that are delivered um for for students for that real common language nothing fluffy um but these are just life skills so these are the things that all students have already learned lessons have already been delivered to all of the students 58 already next phase for our school counselors is then to take our Sabers data and do some small groups and reinforce some of those lessons so this is what they call top 20 lessons taught the line students learn to identify their moods and states of Mind as being positive which means above the line or negative being below the line so taught some skills to be able to do some self analyzation um about what mood they're in and how that affects them and the ones around them triggers and invitations students are uh taught that how different situations that invite them in to go into either below or above the line indicators thoughts feelings and behaviors that signal that they're below the line phrase called submarines how do you protect yourself and others when you're below the line and trampolines positive and healthy tools to help you bounce back to be above the line so um in our leadership team uh in August we determined that we we are going to start um we have a couple uh about we have a threeyear implementation plan for this year one is where counselers are going to deliver all of the instruction and they did that already they are then going to like I said take some small groups of kids we have some saber data small groups uh and assist with teaching these tools our job job then in the summer is to develop followup lessons that core teachers can teach in their classroom or during power time that's not been developed yet but that's step two along with that is then to encourage other teachers to be trained and then we can have them so uh uh teach these lessons to students so it's not all on our counseling team third year then would be a full implementation of all of the lessons delivered by our counseling staff and a full body of follow-up curriculum that all of our teachers then can um follow up or or if there's a certain time of the year that they see some Trends with their own team they can revisit these lessons and feel comfortable about delivering those things so in essence um we just decided to stop messing around with other resources go with a TRD and true one um that we know that there's research behind that it's supported by castle and it really as kid friendly language um and so that is our um again goal two along with that which kind of relates to goal goal three about our experience for students and staff um we are in the process of also educating our staff again about what top 20 skills are so we have a staff meeting tomorrow um and we'll be covering the summary of these things and then we'll also be encouraged them to talk in some groups about how they can already implement the language and reinforce that language of the top 20 skills that have been taught to the kids already last thing about seal um is we're implementing we used to for the last couple years we used to call it fun Friday um we're doing Flex Fridays um what we do is we take 25 minutes every Friday um during their power time and we put academics away just close your Chromebooks put everything away and um we have a little fun and so it's either board games or it's a directed activity by the team um or directed activity in certain classrooms in order to get kids to just interact with each other meet a new person get to know some people in your team so that's again connection to social emotional learning um and once again if you if you know more about somebody you might be a little bit nicer to them and so to encourage some of that interaction between kids and get away from screens and start looking at eyeballs and have some fun so for example if you walk down I use 7c for example if you walk into their team you'll notice that there's card games and board games all over their tables in their Commons area in fact they encourage students to do that instead of screens before school is to play Connect 4 um so that's one piece of of that um with our social emotional programming yeah Flex Fridays every Friday every Friday y well the reason I call it Flex Friday is because there are some students that that still want to work um so we do have a classroom for kids if they want to get their homework done so instead of semantics but we just added a room in every team that's a kid can go to if they need to finish their test or or they behind on homework so homor in addition to well we'll just move on to uh data dig the third goal improving Middle School experience for students and staff um FMS will engage in efforts to assess student and staff School climate discuss school climate data information and take efforts to improve the student staff data so hate to do a little history lesson again but and I hate to bring up Co but if you look at middle school if you all know looked at the national Trend between student achievement and behavior when we finally came back and we were all together all day long um we had to re-evaluate what we were doing with our systems and our support for kids and making sure that they were focused on being in a safe supportive environment um so for the past three years Forest fewers our staff and our CIP if you look at our ones from previous years we were really focused on Behavior which was important and necessary at that time um still important but our question was how are our kids behaving back down the question that we want to talk with our leadership team is how are kids doing and how are they doing in the environment that we're providing and so that was where we wanted to do some data dig so we're going to do some we we're doing pre-test post test for both staff and students and I'll share that and in in a minute um we did a lot of work with behavior and as a building principal I'm very proud and pleased to where we're at and and nothing is per perfect um but we've made some significant changes with our Behavior programming our support programming um our reflective and restorative efforts and students whether it be a buling situation a conflict resolution or a true discipline incident that we really try to have uh things in place in structures in place that students have to be reflective and restorative in whatever um that situation was and I could go on for that but for time I won't uh uh go in a little bit deeper with that goal three um not only are students um be being trained in top 20 our staff will be this year too through through our um through our staff meetings um in addition to that uh the back part of your packet shows two surveys um one is the staff survey that we did in the spring of 2024 we will be doing that in December maybe January late December January um those are the questions that are on the back of your packet says FMS staff survey um and there are topics that we ask staff faculty mindset School climate staff family relationships School leadership and staff leadership relationships I did not want to print out the data that we had from last spring because it would have been a lot of pages so if you want to see the data you can take a look at that I can share that with you we reviewed this in the in the fall during Workshop week we reviewed this at our last staff meeting and we had some discussion questions about what that means what were some things that looked really well what were some things about our staff and our culture as adults that we need to put on the table and address um so we're having some discussions with that the survey right before that is the school culture student survey we're going to be sending this out um either next week or the week after we're going to get that at the end of November early December um we pulled some of the the uh questions from the Minnesota student survey and then we created some other ones about about data that we want to see so we want to know uh and we want to be able to share with staff what are our students saying to us about their experience at school and so um we're going to pull that data before holiday break we're going to review that after holiday break and and get in some discussion groups and talk about some different action plans that we can take a look at we're going to break that down by team so each team will have their own data what they're seeing with this we're going to give it to these students uh like I said here in November December we will then uh give it again with the same questions in may see if the needle moved at all or where things happened with that um it's very important that we that when we talked about this with our leadership team that we have data to lead our Direction what direct what we want to do so all 1600 kids are going to get this by team um and we'll have some time then built in the school year to have some discussions with that I think it's great you're surveying the teachers I think it's terrific you're surveying the kids are you surveying the parents um no why um there's a lot on the plate want to make sure that what we do right now is done with high quality and have the time effort that we can have love to um but well our discussion was was let's our highest priorities right now for us is the the the adults under the roof and the kids under the roof of forest you engagement of parents is huge um but being able to do certain things and having the time for that we we determined our leadership team let's look at what our staff are saying let's what our kids are saying John how how many times a year do you do the uh student survey again twice twice yes okay yep pre- test post test twice John were your councelors trained in top 20 yes so they went to the training yes two of the four okay the other two will get it okay yeah um I probably should share with you just real quick I didn't mention this part of our training for staff um it hits two buckets um we purchased a uh staff journal for all of our staff and we'll roll this out tomorrow actually um that the journal goes through all of the skills that kids are learning and then it also has our teachers reflect on how does that affect you as a human being and how you interact and what do you bring to the culture of the building um but then also how do you use those skills in your life so it serves two purposes we want to talk about our adults um and the culture that they that they're in and help create and maintain and then also teach them the skills here so we're doing this as well as far as training with our staff um again uh we got to take care of our adults and make sure that they're performing as best can or be being the best version of themselves because then we know that's going to transpose to the kids well thanks quite the update very questions thank you thank you thanks and thank you Christina yeah thanks all right we'll bring up Barb Dorne from [Applause] msba okay where are we at hopefully has booked one of our hotels that has a bar in it tonight no that's all right hello everyone nice to see you good to see you hi Barb hello there I'm going to hand out the information that I emailed to you I get and copies of it and then we'll talk through your options uh because you do have options have options hey how's it going thank you thank you thank you I've got one so I'm good okay I have one got it yeah okay terrific so the reason why I'm here tonight is to revisit your superintendent search as you know last year uh you launched a search we had this meeting on April 2nd and at the conclusion of five weeks you had not found the right person and so we tabled it you brought in interim superintendent Grant and so we revisit with all of our boards that were not a successful search the first year what they want to do this year you have a lot more time this year because it's only November so you're five months earlier than we were the last time I was here to talk about these exact same issues generally a repeat search is um it's a repeat search and you're going to have one new board member in January everyone else you've been through this you've been through the training you understand what's going to happen so things do move more quickly as far as the board investment and time that you need to put into in terms of doing this search successfully so one of the things tonight is we can go through this whole packet you have a lot of decisions to make if you'd like to follow the suggested timeline I have in here this does suggest posting the position um in a week or two we could talk in general about the search process pros and cons of Starting Now versus maybe launching it in December instead and I could come back in a couple of weeks and we could do it then in terms of making detailed decisions about the search process so that's when I said you have options you definitely have options so when we start a search over as you know um we never charge for a second search at all we in fact didn't charge last year we wait until you have a successful candidate and assigned contract before we actually invoice the district so I want to remind everybody there is no cost or additional cost for any of the work that we're doing with you we want to make sure that you're happy with the process and with the candidates and with your final determination about who's going to be the next superintendent for Brainard Public Schools so I think the best way to start is to just take a look at the very first couple of items on the planning meeting packet we won't do introductions because I'm Barb dor msba director of leadership development and executive search for folks behind me that don't know me they all know you and so we're not going to go around and do introductions we also won't review the process because you have been through it so if you take a look at the Timeline I have put some um suggested dates in yellow those would be board meetings but there's a couple of things I want to cover overall before I turn it back over to chair boils to facilitate if you want to adopt a timeline tonight so one of the things that I will ask right off the bat is in terms of a public survey last year we did the stakeholder survey you had an outstanding response from your community with over ,00 people filled it out which was phenomenal for a district your size you could skip that survey this time if you so choose um most districts do skip it because it's been five or six months I think ours opened on I think ours closed on April 14th I looked at today I have it yes I could open on theth and close on the 14 April 14th so April 3rd April 14th is was 1,128 people I know that you're also working with Leatherman to do a survey I believe correct a more in-depth market research survey I haven't had a district redo a whole survey in a redo search but if you want to we can do it so that's the second line you'll have to decide if you want to do another public input survey or not that's one thing that tends to be a little bit different uh we do do another Q&A session post it record it put it on the website because your timeline will have changed and we want to make sure that candidates have a chance to watch that as well um we'll do more search preview meetings we met with three groups last year internal leadership groups to explain the timeline the brochure the survey opportunity answer questions with your internal leadership teams as well we'll do those again we did those virtually last year the two meetings that most boards combine in a redo search you don't have to do it but your option would be that first one where it's interview training possibly discussing the survey report um along with the meeting that you determine finalists interview training if there's one new board member I can do that with them oneon-one in a virtual meeting if anyone here wants to go through it again we can certainly do that I have the same packet of information we talk about protected categories we go through all of those same circumstances so I'm still happy to do both of those meetings if you feel it's necessary the first meeting will be longer if we have the survey again because there'll be a a summary report for you to review that's when you make some decisions about what's next in terms of working with additional groups during the interview process uh so some people do combine those two meetings together otherwise it's the same the round one interviews typically three to six seven people max round two interviews two to three people so those are the only big changes to the timeline so maybe what I'll do is just answer questions about the timeline in general and if you don't have questions and you want to move ahead with solidifying a timeline right now this is about a three and a half month timeline that's a typical search three and a half months you would be done with this timeline by the end of February early March at the very latest um unless for whatever reason we want to extend the search deadline keep it open longer we can always make changes as we go through the process um or you could wait and launch it in December as I said and you'd be done maybe in the middle of March April is when search season is at its peak so no matter what whether you decide tonight to move ahead with firming up timelines and making all the decisions right now or do it again maybe at the end of November early December you'll be done before per uh Peak search season really kicks in and that was not the case last year any questions for me on the overview of how it's different far as what the board is required to do hearing none chair Bo over to you thank you Barb okay well let's just open it up for open discussion particularly amongst the five of you I will not be part of this process so I think um you know I'll just try to direct the conversation and add tidbits based on having gone through two superintendent searches myself um so maybe we kick it off with um what do you think of the timeline as it as it's structured now I think we should wait a couple weeks I can't remember why because you're going so fast to the deal but I uh I don't think we need a public survey does anybody think we need a public survey that's we just did it I don't I don't don't so I guess that's one thing down right today is the planning meeting right right what did you mean when you said you want to wait a couple of weeks what were you talking about you were kind of flying there through that deal you're like we don't need to do this today we can wait a couple weeks I can come back up this is a typical planning Mee well we were going to go through and pick out all the questions tonight and set up not all the questions but you do need to make if if you want to post on November 25th um I actually might suggest backing it up to November 20th because we have two searches posting on the 25th already if you want to do that then you have to make decisions tonight on the timeline all of the vacancy brochure information including salary there's a new law going into place if you saw that in your packet that you have to post a range right that's different so you'd have to identify that if not tonight at some point before we go live with the postings uh you'd have to make decisions about what you'd like to do um with national advertising background checks although that last year we had it as to be determined uh whether you want me here in person for all the meetings or if I should still do one or two virtually like I did last year you would have to choose the questions for the application um I circled the two questions on my list that you had in the application in rebellis those could be different this year all of those decisions will be made tonight so that we can launch everything in a week or so or we talk big picture about things that you want to do again things that you don't feel are necessary you can keep this packet and I'll come back up maybe first week of December or the week after Thanksgiving and then we can go through all of those decisions to be made that would be a special board meeting that'd be a special board meeting I think our regular board meeting is on the 10th December yep it's on a Tuesday it's after the big event or whatever the Bingo or whatever um well I would vote that we should take the time I know what I don't want to see happen is that what happened last time so I think we need to make some changes or we're going to end up with more of the same and so I didn't get it's probably my fault but I didn't see this information until yesterday I guess was it and um I've been kind of whipping through the questions whipping through the job description whipping through some of the stuff and I I I I know of myself I'd like to have a little more time to really try to make a good decision Kevin Sarah were you in no you weren't on the board when they the last were you so you've been on this this is your her second this is your third round too or second you done twice well for some of us this is all flew through remember I was like well I don't know why that question got in there and you're like well you voted on it well it's like yeah well I didn't know what I was doing well now I do know what I'm doing and I'd like to take my time and I think this is a very important deal for a lot of people and a lot of families and a lot of Educators and and I don't see any reason that we have to rush you told me last year that the peak week is Christmas when everybody's off on their breaks that you get a ton of applications at that time because they have time to think and write their stuff out and so I don't know what the Panic is if Christmas is kind of primed season for lack of a better term um I don't know why we would rush this tonight and try to hammer out all these questions and all this stuff in a hurry when we could all just kind of come up with what we like and then next meeting we'd be way more organized I think again from the from what for what it's worth Department I actually agree with you I think you know we deliberately are starting this early and speaking with Barb when we're setting this up we know we're way out front and we're doing that on purpose so that we can be methodical and do the exact opposite of what we did last time last time we were rushed in a lot of senses and really is no fault of anybody it was just circumstances and timing yeah more than anything else um you know because for me again from what I would say is two things that I would definitively say from the first search we did two and a half years ago to the one we did last year um where I think what I would like what I would do one definitely want to craft an a a structure where there's a lot more stakeholder input during the interview processes which we did two times ago but this last time we really didn't we kind of you know we didn't feel we had time to really have those those candidates um meet with various groups like Community groups teacher groups um administrator groups things like that we skipped all that this time and I think and then the other thing I think is the the length of time that you want the posting out there so the sooner it's out there it's out there but to your point you know um I'm sure there were a lot of people that knew we had an opening a year ago that have been sitting back and watching and whatever so I think a couple of weeks is going to make a difference I don't know if that I would wait a month but well Barb said the week after Thanksgiving well we're not talking about very many more days just our regular board meeting but I mean the week after Thanksgiving is what the 5th or something like that I me if you want to find a time for a special meeting where we go through and make these decisions and you have some time to absorb the things that are in here um we can pull out calendars and I can look at my calendar right now on my availability as well just before the holidays is a good time to post I don't know if it's peak time it's not as busy but people who are certain they're going to be looking for an opportunity do take the holidays as sort of a breather to start uploading resumés getting letters or recommendation ready it gives them a chance to get a head start on the season the crazy season is is January starts in January March and April are the 90h hour weeks for people who do superintendent Sur so March and April out there but we took last year a three and a half month process on average and did it in five weeks so you did feel rushed there is no question because you needed to get things done and if you remember we talked about well let's open it up let's see let's see what you get if you find the right person you find the right person I mean we have done a search in three weeks and found somebody um but it is unusual with a search that tight to to necessarily find someone and to feel like you weren't being rushed along the way because you you were you were so we can do whatever you You' like I can pull my calendar out and come back up here in early December I could come to your um maybe your regular meeting in December um Thanksgiving is the 28th and our regular meeting is on the 10th so that Monday is the 2nd so it either be two in a row follow me the first week of December the first Monday is December 2nd and I'm booked that night I know our meeting is the 10th mhm we're on Tuesday again do you think that's harming us harming you how like too long waiting too long no no every year um with our searches we do about 30 a year on average 10 of those will post before the end of December 20 will post after January 1st so if you post before the end of this year you're in the first third of search is going out without question that's just been that way for the last six years so you do have time I'm just not wanting to rush you however sometimes the redo search people are ansy to get out there and get it out quickly which is why we put everything in here for you to take a look at tonight in case you wanted to get out quickly and get moving then these decisions need to be made tonight but this it'll be your search you tell me what you'd like to do what do you guys think what do you think John I feel Rush tonight I do too I don't feel I me I'm not panicked but I'd like to take my time and work on this what do you think Michelle I agree what are we being rushed are we are we just talking about posting the vacancy no we're we're talking about all the elements that Barb's talking about the entire you know theoretical examination of the entire timeline whether to adopt it or whether to digest this and come back at it in two three or four weeks with a special meeting in those or whatever Randy it's the it's the advertisement it's the questions you put in the application all that stuff would be done tonight but I think even given the decisions that I feel like we've kind of made tonight that we don't necessarily need to do the survey again like that probably this time keeps us on schedule with with some of what you have here for the timeline so you wouldn't have to completely redo the timeline other than the posting does that make sense I yeah I would I would redo the timeline because everything is sort of a cascading effect so I would come back if we do this in December instead with a revised timeline that doesn't include the public survey how do you feel about combining those two meetings because it would be interview training talking about interview questions and procedures and interview training honestly this group here doesn't need and I can work one-on-one with your new board member to make sure she's comfortable yeah I think that's okay so we could combine those two into one because I believe this group does want to spend some more time on the actual interview questions than we did last time I think that I don't want to put words in anybody's mouth but I think right I think we feel like we left some meat on the bone when we got to the end of the interviews last time we're like gosh I really wish we'd have tweaked these questions a little bit more to get at some specific things that are you know I don't know gerain to our district I don't know I mean I had that conversation with at least three of you that I know of I like getting things done fast personally but this is pretty important and we should take our time and kind of dig through we've got all the information now so if we kind of got organized you know Sarah shows up with a few things that she likes or doesn't like and Randy does and John does and I do we could probably get it done pretty fast if we actually dug through the thing yeah a lot of it comes down to too like the um what is the thing called the the posting brochure that goes out there yeah is it going to be worded exactly like last time or do you guys want to really dig into it and tweak it more well this is what I did in 15 minutes today not saying I'm going to get what I want but this is from going you know it's like so I think to your point to have people have at least a couple of weeks to digest that come up with some ideas that you at least throw that in there could we Str we could structure that at a meeting other than I mean almost like a retreat style meeting too right because it would just be this be the only topic M maybe that's better than trying to cram it into another meeting mhm I like that that' be the only argument I would make against doing it yeah I kind of prefer that y would you all like to take the hiring criteria survey over again has enough changed since last April that if you each took a hiring criteria survey it would lead to a different leadership profile Oh you mean this uh second page of the brochure you create all those different priorities on what you about this deal in the five bullet points um in the BR this is what this is what candidates look at this is the leadership profile you were looking for last year based on the survey you all took and the five question the five uh leadership skills five bullet points you could keep it most districts keep it because not that much has changed in the however if you want to change the leadership profile we can send another survey out to everybody you could all take it again we could create a new leadership profile we can do this any way you'd like to do it it's just because the search last time was so condensed and accelerated and you have so much time ahead of you now I don't want you to feel rushed now um I just also don't want you to reinvent the entire wheel because you were very thoughtful in the decisions you made last year you did a very good job so just to clarify what I think I hear you saying the the bullet points that we have on the leadership profile just to jog my memory those come directly from the survey that the board took and said this is what's important to us correct okay so if we wanted to change these in some way we'd probably want to retake that survey correct let's do it or tweak or just tweak what we have well that survey itself takes 10 minutes to do it's not yeah it's quite short i s it to everybody again you're talking about public survey just the one that the board members do where you rank what what you're looking for gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha think that might be good just even Jagger own memories why we said what we did at the time I actually think that the thing that we that everything we came up with last time was was pretty good even though we were crunched I still think was pretty good the whole process I thought was pretty good we weren't as it turned out satisfied with the candidates obviously that you know whatever um but the but the process the the verbage we worked hard at that and I thought that that it's pretty solid so I'm I'm ready to roll with what we had would you like me to pull up my calendar and we can find a date for a a planning meeting this is special meeting instead of weaving it into your regular meeting do that I like that idea sure are we going to do a retreat or are we going to do a just a it's a special board meeting but it would be format would be fairly informal got got gotcha yep cuz you brought up uh yeah but it would be listed as a special board meeting I think we'll be fresher and then having it embedded in a board meeting and we don't have to do it here and we don't have to do it at 7 o'clock at night we could be doing this at 10:00 in the morning uh or something where it's a little a little smarter and fresher and I'm a morning person myself well it's eight are you saying down now what does your maybe that'll help us narrow down I could give you dates I'm available but I don't want to lead the conversation if it makes more sense for all of you to no aloh say we'd rather do it at 10 a.m. on a Saturday or something than I can check my Saturdays or six o'clock at night special meeting you tell me if we're talking early December I am available the 3D not the second or the fourth I'm available the fifth the third and the 5th if we're talking afternoon evening sure what does like 4:00 on the third look like for folks on which way on third you know my calendar really there a finance committe meeting in at noon but it'll be done by who knows by 12:15 so no later than 1:5 I mean do we want to do it right after that if you guys are already in the building for that meeting or do you want to wait till the hours I'm happy hour that day I don't know you got a better deal than I do I'll just have to reschedule that I I think the third would be great yeah I do too okay uh so what do you thinking Sarah like earlier like Barb just Zooms in I mean it's it's up to you guys if I know some people are already be in the building for meetings at 11:30 or noon or whatever it is if we just want to add on to that or if you want to go later in the afternoon 4:00 what works for you Barb later in the afternoon works better for you anything works for you're I'd like to be here in person for the planning meeting because there's a lot of discussion why don't we just do it like it 1:30 yeah huh then we're not pushed on the finance meeting and we can run and get a sub or something and that works thought Dinger Automotive was going to bring in okay we bring it in thought we moved all the committee meetings to the morning talk to the Su SI that's we're going to call them now SI Tuesday December 3rd at 1 1:30 1:30 here this this spot I got to be here at 8 I gotta be 12 in this room this room 181 terrific so I'll tell you what I wrote down um a couple of things I'll send another hiring criteria surve survey link excuse me to all six of you and I'll give you a deadline to fill it out so we can craft a new leadership profile I will be here in person on Tuesday December 3rd at 1:30 for the planning meeting I will send you a new packet you can look at this if you want but there'll be a different timeline I'm going to eliminate the public survey from the timeline and I'm going to combine the meeting where we talk about interview questions interview training along with the day that you announce your finalists and select your finalists so I'm going to combine those into one okay and we're going to have this meeting here makes sense I guess fine we're going to be here okay so if we meet on Tuesday December 3rd should I expect you want it posted within that week so I can put a posting date of December 7 8 9 10 something like that okay oh posting for the posting now put out there I mean I wouldn't break your neck I'd rather have you do a good job I the way you make it sound is if we if 30 people go out 10 will be in December and 20 will be in January so it's like if you wait till the next week we'd be fine MH I don't think it's a panic but if you get it out that week great okay it's a pretty quick turnar around the posting really because that you make a decision on what the brochure is going to be that night our edits are usually pretty minimal if you have thoughts on it now you had some maybe DJ that you had jotted down I'm happy to take those you can email them to me and I can put them in there I am going to reach out Peter if it's okay to you to confirm some of the things for the district as far as the the finances and the numbers and stuff I'll send you an email to confirm those for me if you would um I'll work with Kelly again on uh getting information to you I do want to thank Ryan for his help for some reason you're not able to get my attachments in the district anymore Peter didn't get them none of you could get them I didn't get your first email at all I only got the one email they bounced back they kept bouncing back because I had an attachment did you open it with the link okay that did that work the link once I figured out that if you went to the three dots you could print it I was trying to this thing that's the only way I'm going to be able to get information to you um is just in my email is have the link long as you could open it via the link instead of an attachment that was some of the delay in you getting this until yesterday because Ryan I'll have it fixed tomorrow he's the go he's the king we'll get it fixed thank you I think they just that work msba emails are looking like spam but it was only the attachments that were really screwing it up so okay I think that's all I needed for tonight is to know the direction you wanted to go with a couple of those big things especially out in front but not like Rush correct I think it's a it's a smart way to do it and doing it in a separate meeting you know how it is by the time we go through three or four other action items we're a little frazzled sometimes okay well in the meantime we can all review this stuff and tweak anything we wanted you can um especially in the brochure the leadership profile yep yep and if you want to take a look through the last two pages in that packet those are the application questions and if you look at the um actually it might help if I tell you this if you look at the second to last page in that packet what second to last page in the packet these are the questions that are in Rellis for the applicants to answer in writing and so if you're looking at this there's two pages this time this is the list we used last year we have a new list this year with some new application questions that you could consider but on this page last year you asked six and 10 those are the questions six and 10 so one of the decisions you'll need to make on December 3rd is what questions do you want in the application they can be anything they don't have to be anything on here these are just the most common screening questions for you to decide if they're worth interviewing or not how which one's last year the one that starts with please or the one that starts with what six and 10 on the shorter list of 12 the first of the two pages okay it's 1 12 6 and 10 you asked along with a question based on the leadership profile for Briner Public Schools why are you the best candidate for this position that was asked as well that's pretty standard that we want them to refer to that leadership profile and answer questions but otherwise if you look ahead of time and decide do any you like any of these or do you want to write your own for the application that's that'll save some time then that night too or that day too so the second screening priorities questions those are some new ones you came up with the second page are new ones that we're using for this year this was last year's list it has 15 on it correct they added a couple yep some are similar from what we came up with no we just no I know right but this these are applicants this is not these are not questions we ask out with the posting basically like their little essay it's part of their application process to answer these questions they come got gotcha gotta got that'll be that meeting where we combine the meetings together okay that before that meeting because yeah we'll have remember we had categories for this leadership profile here's six questions you could ask for this leadership profile six questions from your stakeholders told us here were five or six questions that needed to be asked based on stakeholder feedback and then you each I think I had two or three questions came that night from you folks maybe what I'll do is ask you in advance of that meeting to also email me questions from board members so we'll have some suggested based on the profile some based on the stakeholder report and then there'll be a category board member questions and I'll just list them all and you can from that pull some that night to asking your round one questions or round two so we'll we'll add a step in there that you could send them to me in advance so that I have them on that list you you were writing them that night if you remember y so you'll develop a third list then of questions that we send to you we'll get we'll we'll still have these two and then we'll have a third one based upon when we get closer to the interviews when we get closer the interviews this is simply for the application aw when they fill out an application to be your superintendent they should answer two of these questions in writing because when you went online essay at the end of their okay okay it's an attachment to their application is the anwers to we had six and 10 six and 10 on that first list of 12 I didn't yeah there's a whole other category where we have to pick or write interview questions for the first round in the second and then we'll talk through to your point Uh Kevin about involving folks in the interview process you have more time to do it we can talk about who gets to be on those that the road yeah um I would suggest that the stakeholder report be placed on the website again because it's still pretty fresh and I think your applicants are going to want to read it so yeah is isn't it it just we took it down didn't we after we picked our candidates I remember yeah when the search was suspended I believe that all came down I don't remember but the superintendent search page but we can post it again oh yeah you're not doing another Sur we it down okay anything else for me before I get out of the way you have a lot more work to do I know no okay nice to see I'm interested in um and we don't have to hold you y up for this we can talk about it in a couple weeks or three weeks um not so much about what the questions are is is how they're written language is important so for the interviews that's why I'd like to have the time like when we do these suck we threw these babies together last time it was like rapid fire well and then we were a little more restricted at the time because we had applicants sort of in play already if I remember right right we had to be be like I like 42 and whatever and we had to be yeah it was a little trickier it was a little fast it was all really fast and you did a really good job honestly I thought you did a really thoughtful job in the time that we had allotted so I'll be back here on December 3rd look forward to seeing you then thanks so much for the time and attention oh thanks for making the trip bar we appreciate it you did a great job last time it was you know we're excited to get going on enjoy bye bye bye bye all right so now we will move along to our new business portion of the meeting and we will start with our first action item which is the approval to continue with our current cell phone policy per the cell phone policy resolution that we did back oh was that August where the board committed at that time to in this particular meeting make a decision on what we were going to do before we sent all of our staff and our students off for the holiday break and so um turn it over to Mr Grant to kind of kick us off um well we had the information that the student council provided um the last board meeting where they came and spoke um I will just tell you this yesterday I was at the high school for their Veterans Day program and um Andrea I asked everybody to turn off their phones and put them away and I purposely sat in the student section um every every kid around me I don't think they knew who it was maybe a couple did I don't know but everyone looked at each other and said turn your phone off and put it away and that I just watched and phones were going in purses backpacks Pockets there wasn't a phone on I didn't hear a buzz um I I think the kids have come to the realization that um if they if they do what is asked of them originally they don't have to get the hammer they don't want the hammer and I think they have great respect for what they're trying to accomplish now is in good faith with the board and good faith with the high school and the staff that's good good yeah know I mean for my part what I would say is I mean I I entered this thing wanting to see what some of these other districts around this the country that we're looking at trying to implement really a full day ban but the reality is there's no definitive data or best practices that we can draw from I don't feel like there's any other direction we can go until we you know until we either have a problem that we have to resolve right or some glaringly obvious data comes out from some of these other districts that it's having this miraculous effect of some sort and we have to revisit it or the board does that's my take on it I have a question director doninger so do we need to do these Board of Education draft resolutions enforcement policy reviews for all the policies we want enforced or just for this one because this is like a this is a double dog dare you thing you know it's like well I Dare You John and John's like well double dog area you know like what do we we already have the policy so my question is why is it in the packet to the packet so that we can affirm that that's the route we want to go so should we affirm other policies we want enforced or is it just this one this one because we did a board resolution specifically back in August to compel ourselves to do this this isn't driven by any policy other than we had a policy committee meeting in July and then another one in August and what we determined was you know in order to create a good faith interaction with everybody all the stakeholders involved including community members that had questions about this we said okay what we don't want to do is like have no direction and then literally get to this point in the year and do nothing so we said okay we will do something in November this is what we're doing okay y so something could be nothing I know it sounds like a Seinfeld episode but it it could be you know that we basically just say that the the policy as written I mean the only Randy you can you know jump in here because you're the chair of the policy committee but the only thing we really have that's out there that's dangling is we have pieces of cell phone policy in two different policies yeah we need to and we have a meeting on the 27th where we can probably clean that up finally and get that cleaned up in December where we get on one set of railroad tracks we can work with Ali and and everybody else on getting that squared away because that's the only remaining conflicting piece the only other the only other thing that was out there that was up for debate was do we want to try to do a full day ban or do we want to enforce the existing policy that already exists which is in classroom time the phones go away the problem wasn't that we didn't have the policy the problem was that it was being enforced um inconsist instantly it wasn't being enforced uh certain teachers were certain teachers weren't came out of this was self enforcement yeah that's what we really wanted to accomplish was the kids take care of themselves without having to be directed by adults I mean that's the ultimate goal and we achieved that and and kudos to the kids the staff and the board for saying if you could just do this everything's coatic and we're fine and the kids said sure we can do they didn't want to go any further because they knew what the causes were going to be good I just like to make sure that you know boards that were before us and all of us and the policies that have been passed should be enforced in this school and so I'm not trying to pick on anybody but it would make me feel more comfortable that we aren't wasting time passing policies that don't get enforced that's all so this is great so do we need a motion on it I'll make the motion okay so we have a motion to continue with the current governing policy for the remainder of the Year sure and then again policy committee meets on November 27th I believe is that right do I have that right yeah and if you write a new one we'll do the reading well we're going to write a new one but what we'll do is we'll there's is it 540 and five what are they I can't remember the two policy numbers but 54 54 524 and 54 so that we need to just get the language out of the one and get it to where there it's only addressed in one because it's slightly conflicting but we've been going off of the one that was already there which is 524 well that'll be a separate thing for a separate meeting correct we'll just reaffirm it which is U we have to reaffirm the the abolition of that language from 540 the language in 524 probably doesn't even need to be tweaked at this point cool the only time we would need to tweak it is if there was a decision made in the future by the board next year to say we want to do a full day thing or we want create different consequences or whatever because that's not you know that's all stuff you can do later yeah okay so we have a motion from director doninger I'll second and okay so all right so we have a motion from director doninger with a second from director Breen to approve continuing under policy 524 for at least the remainder of the year and revisit in policy committee the uh cleanup of 540 any further discussion hearing none those in favor signify by saying I please I oppose same sign motion carries thank you okay next up is the approval of the second reading of policy 435 access to employee mailboxes and School District internal systems I don't think we need to drag anybody up here for this but as I understand it this is second reading there have been no changes correct to date we have some potential changes on tap for the 27th policy committee meeting right that will be discussed but as of right now nothing changed from the last time we unanimous unanimously approved this reading of this policy a month ago and so this this is a new policy so it get read three times is that the deal correct correct okay so this is just a to go to the next round yeah it's a formality to get it through the process although again there have been some proposed changes uh to the policy that may come back in December I theoretically this will come for third reading in December but because we have that policy meeting on the 27th M uh director Ward Mr chair I just want to make sure that I asked a question last time of Ali oh he is here about you know has have the um have the organizations have the theer organizations other organizations been included in the whole process and I wasn't sure that I wasn't you know if they hadn't put in in the process as well and I'm not sure that I the the answer was I think no wasn't it who are you referencing Dr W well the other organiz teachers union the gotcha gotcha labor unions the organizations labor organizations have they been has the staff has the employees been involved in the process thank you for asking that question Dr uh director Ward um not the staff population but certainly the union presidents at the same time with administration were a form of the policy at the same time so the policy has been shared with Union presidents in various unions as well as billing principles and administrators all at the same time and Mr chair and what was the feedback question was asked for any feedback there was no feedback okay thank you motion second so we have a motion from director doning or with the second from director spear to approve the second reading of policy 435 and its draft format on access to employ mailboxes in school district internal systems is there any further discussion here hearing none those in favor signify by saying I please I I oppose same sign nay motion carries 51 next up is the approval of the read act mou uh presented by Missy joob Carrie Ross and I get to get some exercise tonight if you get to come back up good evening again chairman boils interim superintendent Grant members of the brainer Public School boards thank you in advents for your time and attention um the topic tonight is the read act mou but before I do that I like to pause and just make two remarks the first is I want to recognize those that are with me here to my left is Missy job she is our president of the Education Minnesota brainer as well as a teacher in the school district to my right is um Carrie Ross our executive director of schools I really appreciate these two individuals for their collaboration partnership their ideas coming together to make sure that we have a product where we're all on the same page with an emphasis on certainly uh student uh achievement in terms of reading and so the second thing is I just want to pause and knowing that thing no November is Thanksgiving we're in the spirit of being grateful November is also Native American heritage month and I think it's important to recognize our students who are Native Americans and let them know that we appreciate them and value them certainly uh their contribution to our learning environment is valuable I also want to take the time to pause and recognize that November is uh National youth uh Awareness Month highlighting that across the us about 2.5% of Youth are homeless and in brainer Public School whether in brainer in Baxter in NWA or our surrounding uh communities we have students that come to us where at times they may be in a situations where they're homeless and we have staff programs in place we have fundings from title programs to support them and we we provide services to our students just like any other student that is free and appropriate education and so at this time I just want to pause and just recognize those two groups um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to read the statement that we shared with you and your board memo uh for the people in the back so that they have a sense of what react is all about uh the Minnesota read read stands for r stand for reading e is to ensure a academic and D is development so the Minnesota re Act was passed and signed into law on May 24th 2023 the goal of this legislation is for every Minnesota child including multilingual Learners and students receiving special education services to be reading at or above grade level the parties at the state level agree that individual teachers would receive one-time stien that is outside of negotiated compensation additionally Minnesota School Board Association and Education Minnesota collaborated and created multiple models ofus it was then left to the local school districts and the local education in Minnesota to come up to come to an agreement via andou for Minnesota statute section 120 b123 subdivision 5 brainer public schools from a menu of approved evidence-based training chose Ola Ola stands for online language and literacy Academy we have commenced Ola trainings earlier this fall the details within the react mou ensures three priorities one compensations to teachers and payment to Ola does not exceed what was allocated by the state two support teachers preparation and three all students will read at or above grade level brao public school was allocated State funds to facilitate teacher training and to uh pay for Ola training board approval of this mou is necessary to trigger the release of these funds this will cover this year and Ne next year both Education Minnesota and brainer Public School administration jointly crafted and support this read act mou this evening we are asking the school board's approval thank you I move that we um support this um or approve the react mou I'll second it all right so we have a motion from director breham with a second from director spear to approve the react mou as presented further discussion director Heyman uh just the question in phase one how how many teachers are in phase one we we have I believe about 375 teachers and then in phase two how many teachers that we know of in grades that that are that are in grades 7 through 12 obviously new hires and things like that we don't know about but as it sits right now grades 7 through 12 how many do we expect to be trained in phase two we have about 300 in Phase One and about 75 will be in phase two okay that includes um some of our colleagues from PA education Co-op as well now are these all are these just uh teachers that are involved with literacy and intervention and special adwards this because it I mean correct me if I'm wrong but the read act now requires grade uh efficiency in every grade not just grade three true correct um that's true so how how are these teachers I I think I'm not sure who made the presentation I think it it might have been and uh uh principal rasy had said something about the fact that uh or maybe not all I remember hearing is is that there are some teachers that aren't used to teaching reading anymore so statute I mean statute 120 B12 is very specific about who is included in Ola training so it's all elementary teachers all special education teachers are prek teachers uh teachers that provide reading intervention okay um and anybody that has anything to do with adopting reading curriculum or making decisions about reading programming but I mean excuse me go ahead yeah so the way that we have defined that in brainer um is a little bit more broad than some of our neighboring districts have done we've included all of our prek teachers um our k6 teach teachers we consider that the elementary Focus um our prek through grade 12 special education teachers are in Phase One um that includes our slps includes our El teachers um we included them in phase one even though that they are identified in phase two um really what's going to be um in Phase to will be our 7 through 12 language arts teachers maybe some new teachers to the the district people that don't come to us with the credentials that they've already earned in another District um things like that for the most part we front-loaded all of uh those essential staff into phase one so that we can do the work that we want to do with crafting um Quality programming or revisiting some of our opportunities for changing programming sooner rather than later even though mde has given us a threeyear timeline we didn't want to wait no I I get that uh I was just you know and maybe it's again uh people down in St Paul are trying to do something that can be fairly difficult I mean if we're going to if we're looking at proficiencies in all the grades how how I mean who's going to be teaching those students well we're all going to be teaching in grade 11 in grade 12 I mean yeah okay um well we're all going to be teaching those students I think Misty's got some suggestions here as well um I'm looking at missy because at one point we had a conversation about everybody doing Ola training regardless of what their LIC and maybe I'm the one who's confused here that's happened before I can maybe speak to this a little bit I I happen to be an English teacher I taught eth grade for 18 years and I'm currently teaching sophomores and juniors at our alternative education education center and uh and we this has morphed a little bit over the last uh over the last year or so as we figured out how to navigate this originally the plan or my understanding of the plan was that every teacher would be receiving Alla training um regardless of what grade level or content area was taught and so that meant a high school firei teacher or a middle school math teacher or content Area Teachers whose whose standards didn't really necessarily support literacy instruction in any meaningful way would be spending a significant amount of time um being required to participate in a training that wasn't really relevant to what they were teaching and so the district made the decision here to scale that back and really include teachers for what for whom this is um this is really relevant to the Daily application of instruction in our classrooms um and as a secondary teacher I was not trained to teach anybody how to read um the Assumption was with my secondary um degree that kids would come to me with those basic liter literacy skills in place but we know over the years as a broad society as um as as reading scores have continued to struggle and struggle and struggle more and more and more kids are coming into our secondary classrooms without those Bas level skills and so the idea is to provide all the teachers who will be providing some sort of literacy services or curriculum support for students regardless of grade level to have the that those training pieces in place to be able to pick up those pieces for the kids who still need those basic basic supports in place okay I think um the other connection that I'll make for you director Heyman is um our overarching professional learning plan that includes includes a component called mindal which is about assessment uh literacy and using data to drive your instruction that um is also a component that all of our secondary folks are doing right now next year um some of our elementary folks will be doing that so that is in conjunction with Ola training to help people um use evidence and information in a way to guide instruction and bolster tier one instruction um and be more thoughtful about the interventions we offer outside of tier one to make sure that all kids are meeting that expectation of reading well on grade level yeah another question that you may or may not be able to answer uh students that are in college right now let's say they're up to miji State and they want to become a teacher are they going to be taught about the react are they going to get the training in college so that when they're done with school we don't have to at the our level the school district level we don't have to train them yeah that is not part of the college curriculum at the moment so the colleges have their own like Course Review cycle uh just like we have a curriculum review cycle colleges have to go through a re-evaluation process on a regular review cycle and they have standards and practices that they have to be um their programs have to be aligned to um teachers coming out of teacher prep programs are learning about about the science of reading they're learning about structured literacy they're not necessarily taking Ola or letters or uh caral but they have a foundational uh understanding of structured literacy that some of our more veteran teachers didn't have the opportunity to have um in their coursework 20 years ago 30 years ago or more um so we will have to have an ongoing um opportunity to onboard teachers um in a structured literacy course or in your opinion is that a downfall of the uh uh mde program as far as I mean well so that's it mde doesn't govern higher ed no I know I yeah okay but you got to remember too if you went to North Dakota State South Dakota State Winona well let's just say they have their own thing in Wisconsin and then they have a different one in North Dakota and a different one South Dakota you'd be learning all these different things so we'd only be able to hire teachers andless teachers would have that skill would be Minnesota teachers I have a quick question did did we change the Randy told me this and I didn't think he was right but so this Ola is just training I thought that Ola was training plus curriculum nope so we changed our curriculum we have not are we teaching the same stuff just teaching it a little different way we haven't made any changes to our instructional resources that curriculum that's curriculum yep that's easy words you got the yet we haven't changed any um we haven't made any changes yet because we haven't finished the training so we don't really know what the next best steps will be until we complete the training um we are using resources in a different way one of the examples would be the work that the group did last year on word study in our elementary schools our data showed us we needed more concentrated focus on foundational skills and phonics and phic awareness so we did a bunch of work um researching what best practices would be what evidence-based practices are what do we need to do to make sure that our students have more Knowledge and Skills of phonic awareness and phonics skills um and it turns out we already had those resources in our schools we just weren't using them in the way that most benefited students so we're still using those materials this year just in a different way so would it be safe to say that our plan is to update our curriculum in the next couple years or do you think what we have is fine and we just got to teach it different um I don't know how to answer that director dondelinger one of the things that you'll see in theou is um money that is set aside in our allocation to create uh I'm calling it Loosely a task force because we haven't identified what we're calling it yet um to bring together a group of the teachers that have finished Ola training to help us design what the next plan is what kinds of things do we need to focus for instruction what kind of resources do we need in order to be able to do that to reach our goals for student achievement go ahead my goal as a classroom educator would be to um to be very intentional with including classroom teachers in those conversations about what resources we have that work and what resources we have that need to be updated um and I think that our Administration is committed to with us tax Force committed to uh providing teachers that opportunity the the people who are doing the booths on the ground work to make sure that they have a voice in um and helping determine what is best for our students with classroom instruction with regards to reading because we have the same goal the goal is for our kids to read well and read better thank you further questions or discussion well I have one more and my question is it's the same question it's just a different way because you guys are like attorneys I have to keep asking the same question were you think it's something we would buy or something we would design would the Task Force write the curriculum because I've had quite a few teachers reach out to me that have told me that they've been they went they've been trained to teach not right curriculum and that we've done in the past before I was here uh Miss you've been here for a long time um Carrie you're fairly fresh olly a whole bunch of us um is that took quality teachers and then all of a sudden turned them in the curriculum designers for lack of a better term or writers and I've had quite a few elementary teachers at least tell me that that's not what we're good at that's not our deal and that we should buy curriculum and then people that aren't here anymore old directors told me that there's 10,000 curriculums that we could pick from and I'm just curious are we going to look outside the school district or is this something that we're going to design ourselves I'm not saying that we're not qualified to design it I just kind of am curious before it's done and the dust settles is usually when I get to find things out and people are asking me about this parents so I just am curious you know I'm not expecting you know to lock it down but which which direction you think the task I mean which direction do you think you'd like to go so I might be fresh to brainer but I'm not fresh to um the work of curriculum development and I'm certainly not fresh to the work of literacy leadership so what I would would say is it's a both and there are high quality resources to use as a base but it's never enough to purchase something that comes out of a box there always has to be the art and the science of teaching reading combined and only the teachers that are teaching the curriculum have the expertise to do that additional crafting and that design in order to make it work within the system that you're at I could easily go and say St Cloud or buiji is doing XYZ and it's working for them so we should buy that but it doesn't work in our context the same way it works in another District there's always a yes and scenario so we start with something that is evidence-based we we start with something that is high quality and we develop it in a way that is Meaningful and relevant to the kids the kids in the system that we have so basically that's what we've been doing now so the information I've been getting is a little it's true but it's maybe well maybe we maybe we didn't we did have a curriculum we're just kind of tweaking it a little bit not really redesigning it what you're saying is I can't speak too because I wasn't here for the full implementation NE was I I did a bunch of things with the middle school when when Misty was at the middle school at the beginning stages of the development but it the devil's always in the details it's never just the act of purchasing something it's always the things that happen the next year and the year after that and the year after that until you fully know what the resources are that you have gotcha well thanks for letting me know I understand much better okay good happy to help you always do hearing those stuff other questions or discussion hearing none those in favor signify by saying I please I post same sign motion carries thank you everybody have a great night thank you all right we'll move on to informational we'll do a bpsf update real quick with director spear um yes so as you guys know we've got Bingo coming up as a fundraiser on December 9th there are very few tickets remaining so if you don't have yours you'll want to get on that um also you might remember they every every fall we do the warrior Warren initiative where they bring in or you can drop off your old Warrior wear and they wash it up and sell it so they've made a little over $2,000 and and that money will go to the pantries within the district so deciding um how we might do a matching funds type challenge with that and or the money from the the Bingo sales also going towards that so more to come on that but that is where that landed and also the group is reviewing application right right now for 4A grants for educators in the districts who have brought forward um some of the projects that they'd like to see funded in their classrooms very cool thank you yep Equity Task Force update director Breen um yes I don't have an update our Equity task force meeting was cancelled last month um we'll be meeting on Thursday great thank you director Breen and we'll bring up Marcy for the business services report come on down director L supposed to take longer she could have just kept rolling she has another one to do he could just kept removing I know I could have in your board packet is the enrollment report um it is down about 27 from the beginning of the school year and our average is 15 so it is higher than usual um I did check with the principal Rusk and she said that drops are being reviewed um and they will provide more feedback once they learn more after that Rie what do you mean by drops people leaving people leaving so they're going to like surve him get after him find out what's going on check up on them and that does look like it's mostly at the high school level right correct correct thanks yeah are these edms These are so the column for 114 is head count that's actual people yes good y it's hard because when you see the bottom it says ADM so I'm like I think this is real people but and the budget is ADM yep you got got it I think we know by know two years of looking at these I think I'd have it down yeah um and then also in your report or in your packet is the financial report um you'll notice that food service is H up about 3% compared to last year the majority of it is in food so we will have to review that during the revision uh community service is also up about 4% compared to last year uh the big hit is in salary and it's a change we went from some of our teachers going from hourly to salary so in the end it should shake out okay but it is a change from last year which is why it's such a large increase uh and then also there was a increase in Staffing and fund and friends so the more kids we get and the more staff we can hire you're going to see an increase in payroll uh building construction and uh the OPB funds are a little bit higher and so those ones will also be reviewed during the budget revision just to make sure we're tracking um and then I did have a request we did have to complete a survey for the unemployment the summer unemployment and they will base our payments on that and I just wanted to give the board an update that that was for quarter two and three for summer unemployment we we spent about a 409,000 so just keep that in the back of your mind because we are going to get state aid on that but once that state aid is gone that's going to be our responsibility what do you get it for one more year no mandate huh until it runs out until it runs out well don't delay on sending in our application to get it back oh you just missed it by a couple hours we just ran out yeah know shees so that's all I have great thank you thank you superintendent's Report with the Soulful stylings of Mr Grant yeah um I'll just go back to uh Veterans Day I uh made it to Harrison Garfield Riverside and the high school um I think that's all I made it I think if you don't go you know you're missing something really special first of all at the elementary levels you know we talk a lot about scores and so forth well those kids at those schools they all sang The Star Spangled Banner without any help of reading or seeing on the project on the wall they sing uh Grand Old Flag they did the Pledge of Allegiance um they sang America the Beautiful all remembering with I'm sure tter Lee before that but the key is that what I want to bring out is when they're focus on doing some things that are really important to them they're hitting home runs and I think that's one of the things maybe we got to rethink about a little bit Let's Help the kids refocus on what we want them to learn and maybe our scores will go up but um the community is there it's really cool to see the parents and all the veterans are are invited to the each site they they introduce them they have them stand up they talk about the different forces there's a guest speaker at all of them and um it it's just really impressive at the high school it's a little more formal obviously because of the size and so forth but I would tell you this um it's very rare in a large setting 15 16,700 students will sit for one hour and be quiet and pay attention and be respectful and appreciate the veterans that were introduced appreciate the main speaker appreciate their peers who did a phenomenal job in singing and playing uh their instruments and the and the simple fact that um every student was given a flag and you didn't see him throwing them around or anything like that I mean I know sometimes we kind of get harder on you know the behaviors and the attitudes and so forth but you would have seen 17700 kids perfect Patriots that day for that hour and that's what was really impressive to me is you know when you ask them to do something they do it and if you give them rationale on why it's good to do it they understand that and um it was just really phenomenal to see that at different grade levels and so forth everybody was in the same frame of mind and I think for the elementary kids to really say something out of um instruction and so forth but to reflect on they proud to be an American um I I think that happens a lot more than what we think and we only sometimes get to see the stuff that doesn't you know make us feel good but all you had to do is be in one of those schools and you would have no question our kids are learning and there really are good Citizens We're raising and they understand the purpose of what veteran to stay is all about and so that was pretty cool I thought that's it cool thank you uh director Breen anything to report on facilities in Long Range planning yep I've got a few bullet points here so the scoreboard installations at the softball field Brainard high school and the elementary schools are complete apparently there are some really cool scoreboards um in those at those sites Riverside's roof um over the gym will be replaced this summer it was not part of the renovation project process for um building 181 um turf at the high school should last two more years with proper maintenance so I think we can give credit to our buildings and ground people that they have been maintaining that um surface because typically by about now it needs to be replaced uh two quotes from reals for for the Buffalo Hills property we need to choose and then get that property posted um temporary accommodations are being made for accessibility to the BHS field and track um Jeff will look into more options near the bleacher area we're having some accessibility issues with um some students and and families I'm sorry I know everybody wants to go the Buffalo Hills property what's what's the latest there I wasn't aware of um at our meeting at Mercy committee talked to this more but at our meeting um we had a couple bit we had one bid but we didn't have the the bid from did we get the second one yet a bid to what purchase It Or List okay got it don't need it that's fine no probably not we're looking for a listing agent for the property so we haven't decided on the listing agent because we didn't have that information oh I see so we don't decide to not I thought that no yeah not a bit okay that's fine yeah okay I just didn't want to read about it in the paper again like we bought the farm we bought a farm we bought the farm all right motion dismiss well just real quick to highlight everybody can read the uh the me meetings that are listed here but do take note on November 27th not listed here there's a policy committee meeting and on December 3rd we now have a special board meeting for the superintendent H things that we talked about with Barb December 3D with that said I I will I will go ahead and accept director dinger's motion to adjourn I'll second it so we have a motion from director doninger and a second from director spear to adjourn any discussion hearing none those in favor signify by saying I please I