##VIDEO ID:C2fw_NqQ9Kw## okay we'll get started um welcome to the September 19th meeting of the Board of Education of Branchburg please be advised that this and all meetings of the board are open to the public and media consistent with the open public meetings act and that advanced notice required therein has been provided this is a meeting of the Board of Education of Frenchburg at which formal action may be taken the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda can I have a roll call please Mr Z here miss fa here Mr holl here Mr Mater Miss noo Miss sha here Mr Tuma here M Joyce here Mr carp here here can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we'll hand it over to Dr Chase for the superintendent report thank you Mr Carpenter um I have three items for my report this evening for everyone in the audience um the first is that we had a smooth start to the school year our staff came back to school and we had two productive days of professional development with them and Mr Carpenter was there to give them some gratitude um on behalf of the Board of Ed so I want to thank you personally for coming uh the first day went fairly smoothly especially with regard to transportation we found that there were students were actually uh on time and we always anticipate delays as we're working the routes and The Kinks out but we did really well in that regard and I want to thank Miss emila rebelo who oversees our transportation department and all of the bus drivers as well um I also made a a visit to the schools I was able to greet the kindergarteners who were going to school for the first time I have to tell you I carried one in a little bit heavier than I anticipated um but uh great great Vibe happening over there at whiten and Brook and bcms was great plus the weather has been fantastic pretty much so we've had a lot of students going out at recess and yesterday I was able to spend the time with the middle schoolers who were outside during recess running around so it's always great to see that uh the second item that I just want to bring to the attention is we have a lot of donations that we've received that are on this agenda and I just want to thank everybody who donated uh lots of different entities the PTO was able to provide the breakfast for the opening day for staff and I know that's very much appreciated and then we have a lot of um maschio helped do that as well and then we just have a lot of educational resources being offered to the district for support and also um some materials being donated for our Courtyard Garden so I want to thank everybody who is generously supporting the work that we're doing here in the district uh the third thing I wanted to mention uh is I'm going to go over a Visionary action plan however quickly before I do a quick enrollment update we have a total of, 1400 students in the district as of 919 which is today we're up from four students from the first day of school so we still had a little couple students enrolling at that point so I will just move over there so I could give the work versus last year do you know I believe that was that's higher than last year but I don't know exactly okay thank you okay I'm just going to can the people in the back seat they're good they're good I'm G to just lower myself a little here okay so I want to spend some time talking about something that we've put together for this school year which we're referring to as a Visionary action plan some people might uh be familiar with things that are called strategic plans this is called a Visionary action plan and it's going to be the duration of one year so I want to go over this but first I want to start with a little bit of the background as to how we arrived at this point in time so the the district had a strategic plan that was put in place beginning 2020 and it extended all the way to 2025 and I have that on the left slide the left side of this screen um as we know we had a huge disruptor during that time Co kind of upended the entire Earth so um and the world and so even though there were a lot of things that were really good in that first strategic plan of these goals we also knew that we had a change situation from when it was originally created so when the board hired the superintendent being me uh in the 2223 school year the first thing we did when I came in here is to familiarize myself with the district and examine um the district with regard to assessing the status of what was happening here and looking with key priorities knowing that safety is a huge uh importance to all school districts uh most recently I was at my superintendent's Roundtable and safety was mentioned there um in light of the terrible tragedies that are happening we know that the pandemic had caused uh emotional took an emotional toll on not only students but on adults as well so we were looking at things through the lens of well-being and then also how our students were engaged because they had just spent a good amount of time outside of school learning that they didn't necessarily have to come to school in order to do school so that was um an assessment of what was taking place during that first year I was here the second year we narrowed a little bit more with a focus and set some clear goals which was that we prioritize student well-being because it's important there's a lot of research that shows how well-being actually influences academic achievement and a lot of work that is being done on looking at the whole child so that was a prioritization for us we also know there's a lot of evidence and research in um education and it would be negligent of us to not use that evidence-based research to guide our practices we also know that as Things become uh tighter with budgets we operate on a 2% cap and as costs go up and teacher salaries become more competitive we need to make sure that we were updating our fiscal operations we had also had turnover in the business department at that time and we still do we were working with Miss Wares who here temporarily and we also know that we needed to improve facilities not with just regard to the actual bones HVAC units and boilers and things like that but also look at the classrooms that our students are learning in because we know that students learn best when they're working more in collaborative settings and we wanted to create classroom environments that are designed for more flexibility and collaboration so here we are in 2425 and we're launching our Visionary action plan for a because that will bring us to the end of the term of the initial strategic plan that was created from 2020 to 2025 and then we can explore the idea of doing another strategic thinking process to come up with another road mapap for moving forward but essentially one of the things that stands out in this plan is that uh it's a clear road map for achieving all the goals that we want to and it's very intentional it's very coordinated and it focuses on empowering students while supporting their well-being safety and both academic mic and personal success so the team and I administrators and I spent two days of an administrative Retreat working on crosswalking the 2020 2025 strategic plan to our work in the Visionary plan because we didn't want to lose the things that the district had in that plan that were valuable we just wanted to extend it so that it had more of a Visionary framework um that it had a strengthened focus on mental health and well-being we learned from covid a lot of uh lessons from using technology so we wanted to leverage all of that so that's what you see in the third box and also standardized key procedures we are a k to8 District so we want to make sure that we are uniform in the things that we are doing because we don't want to switch things up for parents and families we want them to be consistent and because I as mentioned before things are um tight financially for many school districts and costs are going up we also need to explore funding opportunities for long-term sustainability and also to support key initiatives so that's that's how this Visionary action plan came together and part of this uh plan is to come up with a mission statement so I want to share with you the Branchburg Township School District mission statement which aims to cultivate an inclusive community that Empower students to explore their interests build healthy relationships and develop the resilience and knowledge needed to thrive academically and personally in an Ever Changing world and you could see our logo over there um and if you you take a look at it I think we need to do some work there because that's a little bit more traditional and um that's something that we're going to involve the community and and the students in and helping to and the staff helping to redesign the Branchburg Township School District logo for moving forward in this ever evolving world the other thing that we came up with the the Visionary action plan are specific vision statements these are the things that we believe in that will get us to the actual effectuating the mission statement so we have four of them here uh and if you look to the right you're going to see specific action items so the way we envision this is that these vision statements aren't something that need to be revamped all that much because really they're grounded in great they're grounded in research adolescent development and what we know about good effective teaching and learning so the first one speaks to the importance of student empowerment so we envision a district where inclusivity fuels student empowerment ensuring every child feels a deep sense of belonging that inspires them to take on challenges explore their passions and grow into resilient confident individuals we know how important that sense of belonging is to academic achievement and we know we have to extend our our work in including all of students and making them feel like they belong here in the school so we have some action items there that we're targeting this year uh you I already communicated out that we are offering breakfast for all students so that allows them to be ready for learning we are also uh working on a timeline and already have begun to implement some of the work under restorative practices which I want to explain is really just about creating climate and culture in the schools so that all students belong staff are supportive of students and that we're creating the environment our students need we're also looking for more opportunities to capture student voice we know that the middle schoolers have a lot of opinions rightfully so they're finding and developing their sense of self uh we want involve them and our students in the younger grades in some of the processes we do here so that's one of our goals as well our action items we also purchased a uh School culture and climate survey tool called Panorama uh and this is something that we're going to be using to survey students and parents and staff members about the culture and climate and use that survey data to make decisions moving forward we also started a lot of work with transitions between school to school so we want to further refine that so that our student experiences are as continuous as possible the next statement speaks to student achievement because that is as important as um well-being so we envision a school district where every student has Equitable opportunities to succeed through well-designed programs and activities that promote sustained learning with access to highquality instruction supportive interventions and diverse extracurricular op options to empower them to reach their full potential so one of the projects our team is working on is really to build some standard operating procedures for inrs which is our intervention and referral services so we can support our students across all of our schools we also have an imple intervention manager that provides um suggestions for our teachers to use to help meet students who need some additional support you may have recalled last year we were able to extend our extra curric programs and this budget actually has them in the operating budget uh in the past the district used to run them based on which title four funds they received and then that led to some inconsistency because the amount it wasn't guaranteed that the district would receive that funding every year we believe these are important for our students so we're putting them in the operating budget we are also looking at exploring scheduling op options and course offerings at the middle school because we know that uh Middle School students at the heart of what you need to teach them is you need to give them an opportunity for a lot of choice so that they can explore because they're developing a sense of identity so we're going to be starting to look at what our schedule here at the middle school allows us to do and what it limits us to do and also schedules in the other schools with regard to content areas we also have a uh consist consistent attendance procedures you may have received the alert earlier in the year many many different ways I sent out communication the schools sent out communication and we sent out another reminder uh so we are actually keeping uh more close attendance in Genesis that actually will initiate letters to parents who are not meeting who whose children have been absent for extended periods of time you may not know this but attendance is a national crisis across the country uh the state of New Jersey actually is targeting this as well this is actually attendance Awareness Month and the reason this is um we are championing this is because we have seen a lot of students have high numbers of absences and we do have policy on treny mostly what we're targeting is we want our students to be in school because when they are in school they learn and that is important for us to really spend some time focusing on our third vision statement speaks to the importance of family District collaboration have said many times that it takes a community to do this important work of raising children so in Branchburg we envision a district where there's strong collaborative Partnerships with families and they're at the core of our community they're supported by accessible resources transparent communication and inclusive practices that Foster meaningful engagement and shared responsibility for Student Success whenever possible we want to work in partnership with our families that's hugely important if we are if we are implementing something here at school and it could be reinforced at home that just makes an experience all the better for students and the same thing is said for if something is working well at home we want to know that so that we can Implement that in school and we also want our parents to be fully aware of what we're doing here in the school district so that they can help support that in any way they want to as well so a couple of the action items under here is we're taking a good look at the channels of communications how things how information is being flowed out between schools classrooms and the district we are also working to standardize the student and family handbook so for a family that has for a student in their family that goes through the Branchburg Township School District we don't want things to be so vastly different from when you go go to whiten or Stonybrook and Stony Brook to the Middle School of course there's going to be variation however wherever possible we want to think keep things as consistent as we can so that's that's the spirit of that work there we are also expanding the use of Genesis um for student information you you may have seen that we were actually in a newspaper for a case whereby um we had to Pro produce a lot of information about a code of conduct so we're using Genesis feature so that allows us to pull reports um and share that information with parents as well um my another thing we're doing this year is I am going to be sending quarter toly newsletters to the community the first one should go out by the the end of this month I already have it drafted we're just working to put it in a newsletter form and in doing that I will speak to the community about larger Concepts and ideas as well and we are also considering the accessibility in our communication practices um including translation services virtual opportunities which parents have said that they appreciate because during the pandemic we were able to hold a lot of meetings virtually and that allowed a lot of parents who have historically had to leave work to come to school it relieved some stress there so if that was working then we want to continue that wherever possible and then use other varied communication times our fourth vision statement uh res it speaks specifically to safety and sustainability safety is Paramount here uh I also wanted to just say we worked we had the police here earlier in the week so we work very much in collaboration with the Branchburg Township Police Department and I want to thank them publicly for all their help and support because safety is safety and sustainability are Paramount we believe that here and we want to maintain a secure learning environment while efficiently managing and enhancing our facilities to support long-term success and well-being for all members of the community some of the work that we're targeting here is we know that suicide uh is a huge factor in adolescence I believe I don't I don't recall the statistics statistics specifically but I think the APA put out American Pediatric Association said it was maybe like the second cause of death among adolescent so it's a problem and we wanted to make sure that we got ahead of that so we are implementing an evidence-based suicide prevention program here to support student mental health and well-being um I've the program we're putting in here I actually implemented in a former district and it was tremendously successful so we already have had training on that and um the lessons are going to be provided to our students to help them understand how to report things how to seek help when they're feeling upset um we're also going to have a new reporting system for them to help out their friends if if a friend is in need or in danger we so that's the anonymous reporting system that is in the second line we're also working on a timeline for security enhancements that we've already started a lot of enhancements over the course of the two years here so we want to continue to make sure that we're upgrading our facilities in that regard we also have reinstituted um and formalized more the districtwide Safety Committee uh which is what I just mentioned before that was the committee that met with uh the chief buck and his team at the Branchburg Township Police Department we're also looking for efficiency in managing our hibs and so we're using a new software program called hibster that many school districts use and another thing the board is doing is to look at sustainability and finances is the board has a referendum committee that is exploring and possibly executing a referendum process to secure funding we know that the referendum process allows school districts to secure a percentage of the cost of repairing a facility so it would if in projects that the district has to do it would make fiscal sense to look to a referendum because then the district can get back a percentage of that from the state so the board will communicate more about that so those are the action items under there and in summary um just basically we have the vision we have the plan and we have the commitment and what we're trying to do is we're trying to make thriving futures for our students so it's important to work collaboratively and stay focused on our goals so we can Empower every child to succeed so I presented this out here I'm I'm going to bring this to our committees as well because the board operates in a committee structure for further feedback and in input uh but this is something that once we worked through all of the Kinks or if there's any feedback that the board wants to give in committees we're going to start to share out and make more public so I want to thank you for this for your time can you give us some insight like how you plan to once this is finalized and I know you have like specific action items but outside of those like how does this broader plan get cascaded down from you to the building people then to the teachers so that every action that they're taking they're think thinking about the same thing that you're thinking about about the top yes so that's a good point because a vision is only as good as it's implemented right if if I have a vision and it's not being carried out through all the buildings it's not going to really move so the building admins are required to have building based goals so the goals for all of the buildings this year is to really work on culture and climate so that speaks to the piece here that we're working about culture and climate they're also working on some of the things that they um send out like newsletters so a lot of their goals that they have at the building level are tied into this and the principles have to have a professional development plan of their own um every every person in New Jersey teachers included are required to have a professional development plan on an annual basis so those plans will also be tied to items in this action plan as well um and then the teachers once they're informed the work that they're doing and the support that they're getting all gets tied back to this so that's how we operationalize it throughout the district and also making sure that we are continually looking at this and measuring how we're moving forward we this is not something that we want to look at just at the end of the year when it's time to talk about how we're doing we want this to be living and breathing and we want this these vision statements to be part of our culture and the mission that we're using to drive everything that we're doing one other question since it's part of their action plan how's the breakfast going the breakfast is going extremely well we haven't had very high participation but it has been smooth sailing it's very impressive hungry kids get food quickly and then they go off to where they need to go quickly thank you me so there's going to be different me metrics because it's not like um in corporate you have kpis where you're able to come up with like an 80% tile of something there's going to be different measurements so in some of these action items it's just specifically the completion of the plan so one set a timeline for implementing restorative practices so once that timeline is created that means that we met those goals um so it's going to be variation of evidence based on what the specific action item is and will there be periodic reporting out on yes I can report out on this periodically either committee or full board thank you and that is my report thank you thank you okay we will move on to governance I have no report we do did I skip oh sorry public comment on agenda items only nobody okay now we'll move on to governance thank you very much um I have no report we have two voting items approval of minutes and approval of Hib investigative report can I have a motion to move those items motion second any question questions comments can I have a roll call please Mr Sai yes Mr yes Mr holl yes M sh abstain on one and yes on two Mr tum yes M Joyce yes Mr carier yes thank you very much next up is policy Mr s report um no report will be meeting in the next week I believe for Tuesday Tuesday yeah um but there's just some approval items gone on for first reading and second reading which were discussed last week cool all right we have three voting items meting that's yeah that was a long time ago not last week last meeting sorry uh we have one policy and regulations second reading two policy and regulations to be abolished and three policy and regulations first reading can I have a motion to move those items uh motion second any questions or comments can I have a roll call please Mr Desai yes M yes Mr H yes Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr carpet yes thank you next up is curriculum and instruction Mr meter is not here I can't remember if we've met since the last meetings I don't believe so I believe we have a meeting on I think Thursday Thursday yeah okay thank you we have some voting items we have one conferences and travel two approval of 2024 2025 tenative School field trips three approval of service agreements four approval of fundraiser and service project five approval of acceptance of Grant funds and six approval of 2024 2025 out of District program can I have a motion to move those motion second any questions or comments about any of those I do have a question about the approval of service agreements number three what is Bridgeway doing for us what I C called really yeah I'm I'm not spec I don't have the specifics of what services they're provided I just know that um I think they're doing evaluations but I don't know which kind of evaluations because I mean they're known to be skilled nursing asist to live it right so just trying to determine where that it it might be a physical EV I could find out from Jen and her team specifically just curious yeah anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr um yes Mr yes Mr H yes M sha yes Mr tum yes M Joyce yes Mr Carpenter yes thank you next up is personel Mr Tuma do you have a report uh brief report uh Personnel committee met three weeks ago I was unable to ATT because I was out of town but um catching up with the the meeting notes from Miss yard everything on the agenda has been discussed and is pretty routine one thing I want to draw to everyone's attention is the approval of the substitute pay increase so again having some difficulty keeping substitutes and obtaining substitutes hoping uh an increase in the da rate will give us a little better success cool thank you sir uh we have a few voting items we have one approved of personnel two two approval of transfers three approval of leave four approval of substitute pay increase five approval of revision of leave six approval of recision of personnel seven approval of retirement eight approval of RTI coordinators nine approval of substitutes 10 approval of revision of extended school year hours 11 approval of lead evening custodians 12 approval of resignation 13 approval of vision of school club and 14 approval of 2024 2027 agreement between the Branchburg Township Board of Education and the Branchburg principles and vice principales Association can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions or comments just one quick comment I want to call out item number seven with Kathy Theo retiring um I can't tell you how much help she's been to me over the years of being on the board and how she kind of Keeps Us on track so I just want to to call her out and say thank you for her efforts second it hopefully Kathy oh my yes she's a great asset to the district I'm sure she'll be uh poorly missed but big shoes to fill yeah big shoes to fill so thank you Kathy we wish you the best in retirement um anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr Sai yes Mr grey yes Mr hbe yes M sha yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr carpet here yes next up is finance and Facilities M Joyce do you have a report yeah I have a short report he in papers um the committee met uh on the 12th was that last week time flies um we had a good discussion one of the items that we talked about um we got an update on how the new custodian structure is working um it looks like that's working out really well for us so we're happy to have some um staff on board that is uh doing a great job and we and there may be some additional staff that we need to hire as the program is being evaluated so um we'll be informed more about that at the upcoming meetings um we were informed about the sub rate increases um the business office uh is still working diligently to try to staff up is having a very difficult time finding folks um we're still looking for someone to help with payroll so we'll be getting more information about that hopefully we'll have some better luck with that soon um the item that we spent I think quite a bit of time talking about was again um what the business committee was tasked with which was to come back with a recommendation about allowing hunting on our Harland School Road property um the committee had asked the administration to go back and uh talk to uh the township administrator as well as do some research and come back with a recommendation the recommendation that the administration made to the committee was to at this time not allow hunting on that the Harland School Road property um big concern was the potential for um Insurance uh issues claims and potential increases um so after a lot of discussion the committee uh accepted the recommendation um I believe I reached out to all the members of the board and I didn't get any uh there would no one seemed to have any concern with taking that recommendation so for what it's worth I think we're going to put that one to bed for now and we're done with that um um I think that's it my report our next meeting is October 17th thank you very much we have some yep we have some voting items we have one bill list two secretary and Treasurer reports three line item transfers four approval of donations five approval to pay bills six approval of use of school buses seven approval of installation of two new gas fired high efficiency Benchmark cond condensing boilers and related equipment at Branchburg Central Middle School eight approval of revision of sale of solar renewal en energy credits nine approval of contracted services to replace inner fesu doors at Branchburg Central Middle School and whiten Elementary School 10 approval of memorandum of understanding between Branchburg Township School District and Readington Township Public Schools 11 approval of agreement with delta T Group North Jersey 12 approval to close cafet to close the cafeteria account 13 approval of lease for Old York school hand overand 14 approval of the 2024 2025 memorandum of understanding with the jointure for Community adult education 15 a grant permission for Girl Scout community service project 16 approval of Transportation jointure with Readington Township Board of Education 17 approval of Transportation jointure with Bridgewater R and Regional School District 18 approval of Transportation jointure with Somerville Public School District 19 approval of Transportation joint sh with Bound Brook School District can I have a motion to move those 19 items motion second thank you any questions or comments yeah a couple of questions um when will we install the boilers we're hoping for fall fall yes but uh for obvious reasons uh we're waiting on um we're waiting on uh this approval and then some lead time to get the item in okay and on item number 11 Delta te group is that like a Placement Firm to help us fill interim positions yes it is a uh actually a uh what do they call them I'm lost for words it's a staff hire yeah it's a staffing off like almost like a a temp agency of some sort we are having trouble getting custodians that are Subs okay thank you anybody else I'd just like to Echo Dr Chase's comments about the donations that's really quite a long list so thank you to everybody who's helping the school district um and can I have a roll call please Mr Sai yes Miss Fai yes Mr Hollenbeck yes Miss Shaw yes Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes m Mr Carpenter yes thank you that brings us to our next public comment on any item anybody out there okay I'll close a public comment and move on to the boardly Ison reports Somerville your first one all right so excited um attended My First Somerville board eved meeting on September 10th um a lot that was covered uh first the new superintendent U Mr Gary lisco started um with the school year he started actually in August um had a chance to meet him and it was obviously his first board meeting as well so we welcomed him um second uh new staff was welcome across all three schools so that's really exciting to to just welcome uh actually some of the staff that had were born in Somerville and went through the schools and now teaching there so that was great to see them Somerville board is also setting new board goals as well um and lastly of note there is a referendum that will go on um the ballot for March 11th 2025 it'll be two votes um first is facility updates you know um Labs HBS Athletics all of that um and that's all part of the long- range plan that was developed uh which was also submitted in August it's actually been 20 years since their last referendum so it'll be two points on the ballot the first uh for about $24 million which would roughly be tax neutral to to the residents and then the second voting item would be an additional 27.4 million um to cover new items like a new gym at the high school a multi a multiport turf at the other schools because a lot of groups do use those school grounds so it was submitted um and then they expect to hear around November 9th uh New Jersey uh Department of Education review should be complete around November 9th so a lot of exciting things happening over there in Somerville cool I'm sorry you noted two questions correct y the first one is 24 million the second one was 27.4 and you said two basis points for tax purposes no I they don't know yet the first one should be tax neutral um and the second one uh not not sure yet what that would look like at least I don't have that but it's all public so just have to go look I just didn't note that down and last week feels like it was a long time ago so if they did note it I forgot to write it down yeah great stuff okay don't run away because you're next I'm not I'm just can I just comment though just for the Public's uh knowledge that referendum will be voted on by Somerville residents Branchburg residents do not get to vote on the Somerville kind of important very important yes thank you would that have implications to our absolutely tuition rate thank you y PTO yes um okay so um there is the Branchburg fair that is happening this Saturday and as part of that the PTO is is supporting bringing uh Miss Katherine darvo she's owner of Katie yoga she's a Branchburg mom resident and she will be participating in that in that fair she's a yoga teacher aromatherapist and designer she's dedicated to promoting wellness and mindfulness um so visit her table um under the Community tent and you'll find a lot of great accessories and 20% of all sales will be donated to the branchford PTO cool thank you next up is subet County ed services that's me I have no report for New Jersey school boards just keep in mind that Gwen is no longer our service rep and now we've got Patty now I think at some point we're going to have ask her to come in and introduce herself and there's anything that you all want to be trained on in particular just let me or Terry know and we can try to set up some type of training um with those types of things in mind I know the year is fastly coming to an end so just be thinking about what committees and everything you would like to be on for our next term if there's anything in particular that you want to do just reach out to me and when we make that transition we can um try to put you where you want to be um next up is Branchburg Township no report um be I do have something um bef will be at the country fair at Wok Park this Saturday running a liveaction candy lands game and carnival games tickets can be purchased ahead of time for a discount or day of at the park more information can be found at the bef website please email the bef if you're interested in volunteering for this event bef is also sponsoring its first event at Hummingbird studio in riton on 10:16 A Halloween themed glow party a portion of the proceeds will go directly to bef in order to fund events and grants for our local schools more information can be found on the bef website or hummingbird Studio website and the BF website is Branchburg education foundation.org thank you cpeg yes um the first cpeg uh letter of the year went out last night Miss Anderson sent that out so everyone should check their emails all the parents um the list of all the meeting dates was included the first town hall meeting will be next Monday September 23rd um if you would like to attend it's a virtual meeting we're trying to make things as accessible as possible for folks um so that will be at 6:30 you need to RSVP for it so make sure you check that flyer that that went out um all of the meetings after the town hall meetings after they're complete are uploaded again to the website I'll remind everybody that you can go to uh the main website under organizations and you can find the link for the special education parent advisory group or cpeg um oh and I will note one thing I noted in the email that came out is uh we have liais on that for each school and right now they have a vacant position for the whiten school so if there are any parents out there um of who would like to fill that spot you can reach out to miss Anderson thank you anybody else have anything no can I have a motion to adour the meeting motion second all in favor I thank you