##VIDEO ID:OXiB6L_meZU## are open to the public and media consistent with the open public meetings act and that advanced notice required therein has been provided this is a meeting of the Board of Education of Branchburg at which formal action may be taken the public will have an opportunity to be heard as shown on the agenda can I please have a roll call M Desai here M Fai here Mr hollenbach here Mr Mater here miss noo M Shaw here Mr Tuma here M Joyce here M carpent here m j here uh can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge aliance to the of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands Nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and I will hand it over to you for the uh superintendent's report thank you Mr Carpenter um okay I first wanted to just give a little bit of information on enrollment as you know we've been I decid we're going to be I'll report out on enrollment at every board meeting so I'm looking at two data points when it comes to enrollment the first being how are we trending during the 24 25 school year so um right now our district enrollment had has increased since our last board meeting by four students and then I'm also looking at how we're comparing comp how we are trending in comparison to last year so um when I took a look at that data our district enrollment has increased by 22 students compared to last year and we've as I mentioned we've seen growth since our last board meeting so most of this recent increase is at Stony Brook School and Branchburg Central Middle School with a slight rise at whiten um this aligns with the demographer study projections with forecasted stable enrollment Trends over the next few years estimating I think it was in 26 27 about 1,200 students um but assuming that was assuming there were no more housing developments coming on and I know there was a recent article in the Branchburg Township that said that there will be some additional uh housing being taking shape in the community so we're just going to continue to closely monitor this because there are potential impacts to the school district the other thing I wanted to mention is that every year the second week in October is designated in New Jersey um as part of the Hib law the anti-bullying Rights bill of act bill the anti-bullying Bill of Rights Acts that the second week is actually the week of respect and what that means is that um our counselors and our teachers and our principles come together to create a variety of activities for this week that promote kindness respect um so right now we have going had have going on in the district over this past week a series of activities there were a lot of assemblies you might have seen your own children who were taking part of theme days um twinning I know was a big one that took shape at the middle school um and there are lessons that our school counselors are doing with respect kindness and positive behavior so I want to thank everybody including our students who participated in these great events and our counselors and our teachers for their hard work and dedication so it was a great positive week in all of the schools and that is my report thank you very much next up is public comment on agenda items only we'll move on to governance um we have three voting items and I have no report we have one approval of minutes two approval of Hib investigative report and three approval of Hib findings report can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions or comments can I have a roll call please Mr s yes Mr yes Mr harach yes Mr maer Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr Carpenter yes thank you next up is policy Mr s you have a report um I do the policy committee met on September 24th and Beth Stanton had joined us for that meeting it's a few things that we're doing for the second reading you'll see on the agenda today a lot of them are just revisions because we're just changing the wording to you know accommodate what was suggested by stme um and then some that are coming up the first reading again just a lot of it is changes in wording and um yeah that's it thank you very much um we have a few vot voting items we have one policy and regulations second reading and two policy and regulations first reading can I have a motion to move those so moved second any questions or comments can I have a roll call please miss asai yes Miss fzi yes Mr Hollenbeck yes Mr Mater yes m yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr Carpentier yes thank you next up is curriculum and instruction we met last week we went over the homework policy mainly introducing um three tenative dates for homework free nights that were proposed um Miss landisburg was doing a great job of trying to get maybe some restaurants in the community involved too so that we could say hey the kids won't have homework on these nights can you you know maybe throw a discount out so families can go out to certain restaurants and have a good time and not have to worry about any homework um we also mentioned the Panorama survey so the district plans to basically use that platform as a means to as to assess the um School culture in climate and then um we also talked about testing results Miss Anderson will be coming to a future meeting to present next board meeting next board meeting to present present the um testing results we also talked about the lifeline suicide prevention program so this is basically something that we'll be implementing um for our students and we'll be hosting a parent night to provide more information about that um and I think that was kind of everything that we talked about um we have some voting items we have one conferences and travel two approval of student teacher three approval of acceptance of out of District student for 2024 2025 esy for approval of acceptance of out of District student for 2024 2025 school year five approval of service agreement six approval of contracted service seven approval of 2024 2025 out of District program eight approval of 2024 2025 tentative School field trips nine approval of revisions to curriculum 10 approval of fundraiser SLS service project and 11 approval of revision of 2024 2025 out of District program can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions or comments on those can I have a roll call please Mr s yes Mr Bry yes Mr hollenbach yes Mr moror yes Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr carer yes next up is Personnel Mr Tuma do you have a report I have a brief report uh the Personnel committee met two weeks ago uh we just discussed vacancies and so far we've filled 31 positions this year which is impressive so that's a lot of work by the HR Group to get those people in here to so to benefit our kids um we talked about recruiting and Staffing there are still some unfilled positions for an instructional Aid two lunchroom AIDS an evening custodian at bcms and two bus AIDS so we're still recruiting them no impact on students but still looking to get the positions filled um we're going to be adding two part-time evening custodians at the CMS one will be doing some cleaning work over at the transportation garage and taking care of the uh the The Faculty lunchroom area here as well um we discussed the reconfiguration of the central office support team which will be on the agenda for tonight and uh we found a payroll candidate which is great news um and Ania is working on a staff statistics survey to kind of get a pulse of how the staff feels and she'll report out to that at the at a future meeting thank you thank you sir okay we have some voting items we have one approval of leave two approval of revision of personnel three approval of 2024 2025 non-athletic stiens four approval of personnel five approval of revision of leave six approval of mentoring seven approval of substitutes eight approval of provision of summer curriculum hours nine approval of 2024 2025 athletic stien 10 approval of transfer 11 approval of resignation 12 approval of Abol abolishment of position and 13 approval of job description can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions or comments can I have a roll call please Mr s yes M py yes Mr hollenbach yes Mr Mater yes Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes Miss Joyce yes Mr carpet here yes next up is finance and Facilities Miss Joyce do you have a report I do not the finance and Facilities committee has not met since our last board meeting but we are scheduled to meet next Thursday October 17th cool thank you very much okay we have some voting items one bill list and payroll two secretary and Treasurer reports three line item transfers four approval of shared services agreements five approval of donations six of designated signatories can I have a motion to move those items motion second any questions or comments only thing I'll say is I always appreciate the donation so thank you to the to the PTO the PBA and Home Depot anybody else can I have a roll call please Mr s yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Mater yes Miss sha yes Mr Tuma yes M Joyce yes Mr carier yes next up is public comment on any item I'm going to close public comment and move on to the board liaison reports first up is Somerville yep uh no meeting since our last brib meeting next one is next Tuesday um and then I'll move on to PTO can't look at you Kristen laugh um I'll go to PTO more of an update there uh PTO is excited to be hosting the white and book fair October 16th through the 23rd October 17th will be an evening sessions 4: to 6:00 p.m. and the SBS and bcms Book Fairs are in November trunk Retreat is Friday October 25th and they still have spots for trunks um and are in need of volunteers to help with the event next weekend October 19th and 20th is the family photography event um they are almost sold out so check your email if you're interested and uh PTO has recently approved several fund requests for the school such as comfort creatures at SPS Hydration Stations at bcms and pumpkins for uh for the Whit and school for uh kindergarteners at white school so they very much appreciate all the community support thank you next up is Somerset County ed services I have no report and likewise for New Jersey school boards move on to Branchburg Township nothing bef no report and cpag uh I'll just mention again the recording for the first town hall meeting is up on the website so if you want to it's a a meet the team so it's a good opportunity to learn more about um what our special who our um special ed staff is in the district so if you have a chance take a look thank you very much anybody you have anything else good to end it uh can I have a motion to uh sorry can I have a motion to close the meeting or whatever we do to close all right I'm all in favor all in for