##VIDEO ID:8mvaUTpRGDs## so we'll go ahead and call uh special meeting to order Wednesday September 11th 2024 dad call the roll ball pres present Scott pres present please rise for the pledge allegiance I pledge ALG to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God IND indivisible liberty and justice for all all right can I get a motion to approve the agenda um I'll make a motion to approve the agenda with an uh modification I know uh via email that staff sent out this uh meeting is more or less to discuss candidates for the interim City administrator position um so just amending it that number five is interim City administrator candidate discussion and H okay do I have a second second any other discussion okay um yeah I'd like to just clarify CU I know in the past we've talked about the difference between the intention behind a special council meeting and a workshop meeting um looking at the public notice that was provided it actually mentions of both a special meeting and then this Workshop will be held on September 11th 2024 at 4:30 p.m. so is the council looking at this is in fact a special council meeting or Workshop the primary difference being at workshops we agreed that there would be no action taken um we are this is a special meeting um the action we will be taking is deciding on when we would like to um do interviews well then I would just have to point out that the public notice that was provided is certainly confusing and misleading to the public when it makes mention of it as a workshop meeting do we know where it was posted as a workshop I have the notice pulled up right here it's on the city's website looks like administrative shansky was the one that posted it uh at least it has David C chansky City administrator clerk at the bottom and this is under calendar of events or this is actually under Public Notices um which again I think the public generally found confusing usually a meeting of the council is found under the area of Council meetings but in this case it was under public notice so I will say that there is a post out in the front area and it um was posted on Friday because I was here with Deb and it says the Breezy Point City Council has called a special meeting of the city council this Workshop will be held on yes so I do agree but it still says that we are calling for a special meeting of the council Council um so I think that it does suffice um the terms of a special meeting that would allow us to make decisions but I do agree it was probably an typing error um given that we were under a deadline um I believe this was posted almost end of day on Friday which we needed the 3-day notice so um we made it in on time it does say special meeting second sentence starts this but it does say right yeah so that was the point of clarification I was wanting to seek is are we seeing this as an actual special council meeting yes where action will be taken or is this a workshop because again the notice contain both yep and it it is noticed as a special meeting and the only other thing that I would point out is I believe as a Cil we also came to an agreement that in order for the public to be able to attend the meetings of the council outside of our reoccurring monthly meeting that we would stve for them to start earlier than 6:00 I don't remember that being something that was set in stone well it certainly was um I know that there are members of the public who have also stated that they can't come after 5:30 because of family so I think that the point really for us was what time could everyone on Council meet because that was more important at the time that everybody was here and that was that was the consensus that we had gotten back and we had only heard from um the four of us and you had not responded so that was the time that we all had agreed upon yeah and I hadn't responded because that's another point that I want to mention I think it was completely inappropriate on a Friday afternoon uh no less than two hours to respond to come to a point of deciding when the meeting and at what time it was going to be held you're right I didn't respond because in less than 2 hours notice email on a Friday you know there's work obligations and other things going on if others could respond within that short period of time that's great well I'm really happy that you were able to be here with us today for the meeting so thank you for being here anyone else all all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries all right so we will go ahead and move on to the discussion and hiring so I am going to start us off because I am not quite sure how members of the public were already discussing candidates given the fact that the city had not disclosed anything about candidates that were being spoken to um so I just want to clarify just like I stated in the article that um when administrator chansy left he gave me names that he potentially thought could be um people to call and it was not my job to interview them it was my job to call and see if they were interested and so that is exactly what I did and the email that I sent um was not quote unquote making a recommendation it was the fact that I had called each of them um and and we had two that responded and um I did not ever hear back from the league of Minnesota cities on any other candidates um so I just wanted to clarify that in no way shape or form was I the one that was making the recommendations I was given names and um I did send out an email asking for anyone else who had a recommendation to send in but no one else has sent in so we have two rums in front of us because those are the two who responded and showed interest um so we can go ahead and discuss that if I could I have a question before we move into that and this is an issue a concern if you will that I've raised before I don't recall the council ever making a decision to authorize the mayor to contact candidates to have any level of discussion on filling this inim position um well I'm not sure if you know statute but if the city does not have a administrator or assistant administrator then I am technically in charge of the city um as the head of the city so you can laugh if you would like to but that it is my job to step in as in that role um so if you know otherwise please let me know um but it is my role to step in um where is it state that I will I will send that information to you I would love it if you would because the league of Minnesota City's handbook says that individual council members have no administrative Authority councilman Scott listen we not here arue by the counil end up doing every time you sit here at the table so please just stop we are here to talk about the two candidates that were sent you had an opportunity to send in recommendations of candidates should you have known of any you could have contacted them I even gave you all of their contact information I said please call did if any I don't know if anybody did so I'm not here to argue with you tonight I'm not here to argue with you I'm simply asking the question when did we as a council decide to authorize you to contact candidates we going to move on and we are going to discuss I'm sorry if you don't like the question you're out of order and I will call I will call us out of this meeting so you need to knock it off and we are going to discuss the candidates I don't plan on knocking it off any you are out of order councilman Scott we are here to discuss the candidates thank you out of order according to who councilman Scott I'm just trying to get a simple question clarified Scott please I do not want to end this meeting right now I'll interject real quick this is I whether it's not or the mayor's position or not needed to be done um I even contacted one of the candidates and had an open discussion with them I don't know if anybody else has um something need to be done and who we can't wait until the next meeting to decide that so and why not why not yeah I mean what's the overall sense of urgency we have competent City staff that I'm sure can keep things moving forward until our next city council meeting I would agree uh with you that we have top-notch staff that can do that but why not have the discussion about what our next steps are and that's what we're here for tonight especially due to the fact that it's budget time of year I mean there's a lot for the council to accomplish um and staff is taking on extra duties but budget I mean that's our primary responsibility we need to get that done and keep the city running um and I think we need to look for an interm administrator it's important whether it was Madame mayor us anybody and that's where you know the recommendation I only could think of two potential candidates uh myself which are previous employees here with City or at least contracted um I'm not sure if you you knew anybody as your previous as Administration if you know anybody that's still interested or has uh interum potentials um this is where we are at right now and if there's more then great um but but I until we further discuss the candidates that we have in front of us that's where I'm at right now well honestly I I think we are probably a step or two ahead of at least to me where it feels like we should be I mean where's the discussion on both the organization as a whole in looking to fill the interim position where are we in any conversation about um organizational structure and how we might want to see things look differently what other changes might be well serving to our current staff as well as the citizens to think about and consider quite honestly we may have people on staff right now that have the experience the interest and the abilities to serve in an inim capacity but here we are launching right into considering people externally before we're having any conversations at all within the current city organization I have had conversations with staff as I I've I've come in and asked staff uh opinions uh on Direction and they've supported a interim uh Administration now if we go posting for full-time Administration I think we still need a somebody in charge and if one of the staff members feels confident in their abilities and wants to apply for a full-time position as eventually we will discuss because an inter room is that of a short-term instance then we can certainly have that discussion with with a current member of Staff if they feel confident in applying for that I I encourage that I think we have great staff that if they feel confident in what they can do and and they want to take themselves to the next level that is something for sure that I would encourage and they could apply if they felt that that was something that but I mean I do feel like our staff currently has full-time work that they're doing within the city so we do not want to take in my opinion staff away from their current full-time role um I don't know if any staff has heard of anyone in within our staff that was interested in serving as an interim administrator um not that I've heard of because I've been in here and I've been talking to staff so we are here tonight this is typical of a city when this happens um two candidates who have The Experience who are willing to interview so I would like to move on to discussing the two candidates that we have and then we can discuss what next steps are and when we would like to um set up interviews with them or not so we can we can discuss that so um based on the two interviews or the two resumés that have been sent in um what is what are your initial thoughts I'll start that conversation if I may Madame mayor is um Mr bonek has been previously with the city um as they planning zoning uh Administration and I feel confident with his background he would be a a quick and easy fit to come back in and uh familiar with the city familiar with policy familiar with all of us we've had the chance to work with him um all of last year and he's had an extensive background um previously up at Cross lakea interim um previously at city of Aken city of Chisum all his interim City administrators um this was after a uh running city of New PR for I don't 30 some years um so with his extensive background knowledge of the city I think it' be a wise of us to sit down and interview with them and or U pursue a uh negotiation of a description of work for uh interim purposes um which one one job would be to also assist us in hiring a full-time uh administrator if that's the way the council decides with the interim I I think that makes sense um he's familiar with staff um work you know worked in the city so he'd be able to get up to speed fairly quickly I would agree I think we should interview Jerry um anybody that can be a city manager for over 30 years um was quite an accomplishment um like council member had stated um filling in in Cross Lake um I think uh his background is good um the other candidate I liked the resume but when I did a little research online there was some R flags that I was not comfortable with um I will go ahead and I I agree with you definitely on Jerry bonac I think that um with the second candidate though um Patrick wo um did State and he um said that I could let everybody know that he actually thought John was a great candidate and should have gotten the job in brainer and I think there are two sides to every story um especially with in city government I think we actually know that so I think that he deserves the benefit of the doubt to at least come in an interview with us and then give an opportunity to discuss maybe some of the things surrounding um what was um what happened in Little Falls I don't think it hurts us um to interview him um he is looking for full-time and you know who knows maybe maybe it is a fit and maybe you know there's some things that can be clarified so I I think that it is in our best interest to interview both candidates and um get a little background um and that's kind of where I'm at with it at this time I'd feel more confident with just looking at Mr bonac not to say that the other candidate would be a potential for a full-time later on um just knowing that what we're in the midst of projectwise budget wise um I believe Jerry would be able to hit the ground running more pick up the pieces and continue on with what we're working on right now without bringing somebody from outside completely new into the City and the environment um I believe it would be just a overall smoother transition and again if if the other candidate wants to apply as we as we if if we oppose for that full-time Administration position I encourage them to apply um but I'm I feel confident with Mr bonack do you think that there could potentially be any push backs similarly to choosing the contractor for the um City Hall um we kind of had the same um reasoning for saying well you know we trust the contractor we know the contractor and then um later on we kind of said well maybe we should have looked at more than one contractor so I just don't want it to come back later that you know we should have looked at more than one candidate we because we run into some of those issues prior and I don't disagree with you I think Cherry's a fantastic choice and and can hit the ground running and in no by no means am I saying no but I'm just saying for the sake of public the public um you know if we had two resumés I think it it would look better if we interviewed two people not to say again I I I agree I just I understand that Viewpoint and where my counterargument would be is is Jerry has been a contractor with us before he's had um number of years with CT uh Breezy Point here um over 12 years and so it's not really reaching something new and it's like I say short term you know this is a a filling for two to 5 months maybe um as things progress um are you okay with any hourly wage that Jerry is going to ask for I think that's still up up for city council to discuss and negotiate um now whether that's the full coun if we want to make a subcommittee um for this um either or but I think it'd be wise of us to meet with uh Jerry and get a proposal from him well I only asked that because there could be a huge difference too in what each one would be asking wage wise and not have to um to compare I again I don't want to run into any issues especially if you know one is asking for more not to say that I wouldn't pay whatever he was asking for I'm just saying I think for the sake of being transparent and having the two options it would be better for us to look at but I'd like to hear what everyone else also thinks well I'm more than a little curious as to why you think City staff in the community would be served at all on an inum basis even considering an individual that was essentially let go on account of an ineffectiveness or inability otherwise to develop the needed relationships with City staff and the community have you ever not been let go or separated because of inefficiencies in a role that you've had no I haven't okay so um beyond that I I feel that your mark that you just made was no different than the rudess that you've been displaying to me okay for quite some time and just to let you know it doesn't bother me in the least that's okay I just wanted to double check I'm just raising the question why would you be recommending in or otherwise suggest we consider a candidate that's just this year been let go or asked to resign however you want to frame it he no longer works for that City and it's public knowledge that there were definite concerns about an inability to have the needed relationship and rapport with City staff any you want to potentially invite an individual like that into our community what are your thoughts on Jerry brand I'm fine with considering Jerry and interviewing him and seeing if where he's at and uh you know the amount that he's going to need to be an intrum um is something that makes sense and is a good fit for the city yeah I guess I'm still with let's interview Jerry and I don't feel we should interview the second candidate yeah I think there's consensus on Jerry um I guess I at this point I think we can wait and if other candidates want to apply when when we open up like a bro the broader position then that maybe that timing maybe Mak sense more sense okay and I'm only okay with interviewing jery at this point in the fact that that's clearly where the majority of the council's at I still think and I will continue to think that we're missing an opportunity um within our current city staff I really highly doubt it no offense council member that you've spoken to every one on City staff that may have the background and the interest to sering an inum capacity I don't know did you meet with every city staff member I did not meet with every city staff member I met with out of administration four or five so you are correct that I did not meet with all staff members is there a staff member that you are particularly um interested in serving in this role or has expressed interest to you or is this just something that you're there's not but I have to believe that even within a relatively small you know staff that we have in the city that how do we know that there's not someone um that is in a department that you wouldn't necessarily think of somebody being in that has the background and would have the interest interest and with some modification of their current roles couldn't step into the position on an interal basis that's simply the point that I'm trying to raise um but I can also understand that there's little to no appetite to even be having those discussions to be even entertaining organizationally you know where are we at and how do we see the best way moving forward when I think of a seamless transition I can't think of a more seamless transition than to potentially have somebody currently on City staff move into that role well then what I would like to suggest is that we um whether or not we can set a date I'd like this set a date that we can interview um Jerry but also open an invite to any current staff member to certainly um ask for an interview for an interim position and that can be going to either Madame mayor um or all of us in fact since it's a staff member emailing us um and I would have an open uh interview that if they if they so choose to submit for application for the interim uh that they can do so and we would um certainly interview them on the same date yes please send the resume to I'm fine that yeah I think that's well I appreciate that I feel like for once an idea that I had actually grew some legs yeah I agree with that I mean it Mak sense I don't have problem with it interview Jerry give staff an opportunity if they so want choose to apply um that is perfectly fine does anybody want to make motion uh do we want to make a motion with a a date of interviews and time frame or do we want to direct a member of council to negotiate or try to work on time frames I will the best with Jerry and dab and we can set up times and give them to you guys for let's just ask Jerry first if he's available because I would ha to put a date out and then him not be available to interview unless has he given you any direction on when he is available okay so as a as a council we can't meet without a three-day notice um so we'd be looking at next week at minimum um do we want to contact do we want to make a motion to approve to interview on a future date to be determined um Mr bonac as well as any other candidate that we would ask for uh a consideration to submit their resume by no later than Friday at 5:00 p.m. 4: p.m we'll call it since uh I know that's when City closes and then um work amongst ourselves with a potential of a special meeting to be held um Wednesday the 18th 19th or 20th and we can send out an email once we confer with either the staff member that uh has applied or Mr ronac on a dates of and Times of availability just a couple of thoughts Mike on what you mentioned uh I believe you referenced any other candidates that expressed interest that's where I would slightly disagree because it feels to me like we're back to considering the individual you meant staff members so yeah I meant staff members I wanted to no this is just internal staff it's it's internal staff that feels confident that they would like to uh step up to that interim role and Mr bonack so yep narrowing it down to current staff members okay is that your motion yes and date and time to be determined later okay uh Drive second second all right any discussion and staff members are to express interest as a candidate Hall by Just containg DE and I res resum similarly to how we did have done it before or or the Emil any other council member as well I would ask at this point um that staff would email the entire Council uh the interest um we've all received the the resumes from the other two candidates there's no need to go to Deb first and disperse they can they have that right to email us their candidacy okay okay I have Deb cced make sure Deb cced on that though yes because Deb would be lining up the interviews for said times yes correct correct um yeah and for the for my I mean I I believe Jerry is going to be a great great candidate for the city he'll be able to pick up quickly um so for the sake of moving the city along um I also will be um I will be voting and unanimously with the rest of the council right all those in favor say I I oppose motion carries do I have a motion to adjourn so move second any other discussion just for discussion sake before we do a journ so the once by by Friday 4 4:00 whichever staff member would like to email us we can we're setting up a special meeting for interviews for the 18th 19th or 20th that is the goal at this time well it won't be a special meeting it won't be open to the public interviews are open the public oh they learn yes okay okay is that how we've done it I had a little re-education yes meetings for our interviews for administration I believe are open to the public yes because I attended the previous one as a res administrator chansy oh okay I wasn't aware of that okay yep all right so sounds good okay I heard there being consideration of potential dates I think we should discuss those dates real quick just to see well I would agree cuz and correct me if I'm wrong Mike but I thought I heard you say the 17 18th or 19th 18th 18th 19th 20th I give it 18 19 20th due to the fact that we're allowing any staff members to apply before Friday the 13th at 4 p.m. so that way we have a 3-day notice to publish exactly who we're interviewing and we'll get in touch with um Jerry and see what days and times are available to him in those three days and we will send that out to council with those and then from there we can all decide um what date and time works the best for us to set the meeting up right so it would make sense at this point to at least have some conversation about what would work for the majority or all of us hopefully um we will wait until Jerry tells us what will work for him because I am traveling for work and out of the area both the 18th and 19th so I would certainly lean towards the 20th as a Medan date the that it matters it's not going to hurt to discuss a date um we want full Council here um granted it's based on Jerry's availability but um it would be nice to know what date you know the entire Council can make it I could I could make the 20th work yeah I mean I can make the 20th work anytime I can make the 20th work yeah I think I can too okay so we'll just so we're going to we're going to aim for discussing with the candidates candidates as the 20th um should we just set a time now and I suppose we want to have Mr B so we're going to work on the 20th for some time frames makes sense Mike yeah I mean if we're all an agreement with the 20th works and if we hear back from jury that it's not going to work then we can look at another date but I like the fact that we're leaving here with the date in mind and in a Time okay so 20th open and me time to be determined yes okay all those in favor say I I iOS motion carries