##VIDEO ID:X_HeOVo25cM## 7th 2024 administrator bones act call the RO Scott zeran pres Jensen pres ball pres absent all right please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one na under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right can I get an approval or Amendment of the agenda for tonight I'll make that motion second all right any discussion all in favor say I I I oppose motion carries we move on to the Bushman Road Project Paul all right thank you Madame mayor and members of the council for um inviting me to come talk to you guys tonight about Bushman Road um so I'm just going to kind of go through the status of our our work plan here and kind of dive into a little bit of how the open house went that we held here on the 25th I think I'll start with the open house um so uh generally speaking I think the open house would very well we had a lot of good um sorry I got a fly fly around my head a lot of uh one-on-one discussions with property owners we um we sent out invites to all the adjacent Property Owners along Bushman Road uh inviting them to come to this open house and speak with uh design staff our right of way staff and um get a lot of their questions answered um we received a lot of good feedback um some of the major concerns that came up um and I think we're all kind of aware of these um the RightWay impacts impacts to trees um there was a discussion about a small extension of ranchette and some of the the drainage um drainage issues so um after the open house while starting off we had 17 people that signed in on the sign-in sheet I anticipate we think we had about 25 some of the people didn't sign in um we uh had a lot of good one-on-one discussions um especially with those on the North side of Bushman Road where we were seeing some of those large uh temporary easement impacts um we talked those over with uh two or three of the residents that had the largest impacts and um post meeting we were discussing a little bit how to maybe address some of those we came up with some good ideas and we've started kind of investigating those a little bit um speaking with uh Public Works director zeren we um started incorporating some strategic curban gutter in some spots to uh help bring the construction boundary in a little bit and reduce the impacts to trees and things and so the major impacts that we're seeing are are starting to kind of work themselves out and be within that 33t um RightWay boundary that we have set aside for permanent easement um so that's what we're kind of working on right now um the status of our design we're at about a 60 to 70% plan level so if you attended the public meeting we we had actual plan sets printed off we were able to start kind of diving in with um those one-on-one conversations look at cross-sections look at property impacts um like actual specific tree impacts and things with residents and so I think that went over very well having those prepared um like I said before we are working on some general adjustments to not only adding curb and gutter but putting uh some profile adjustments in lowering in some spots and raising to help um condense those construction limits and help ease the right of-way concerns of some of the residents along there um with the adjustments we're also finalizing our Wetland permit application so with uh doing those adjustments to the profile and curbing gutter we're also seeing our Wetland impacts decrease uh pretty significantly we're waiting until we're kind of finalized on our construction um uh construction impacts before we formally submit that Wetland application to begin the Wetland credit process for some of the Wetland impacts that we're having um schedule wise so we're looking at um another public meeting uh at the beginning of December and uh uh we're hoping that we have final delivery of plans around the end of December of uh 2024 um this is all kind of dependent on that RightWay process um we had some general questions that came up at the public meeting that I think um I've had some requests to address um in a public forum um there was a lot of discussion about um why we didn't consider moving the roadway South um moving Bushman Road towards the power poles um or relocating those poles um I did go back and look at the um study that was done by Bolton and mink in 2021 they had a uh cost estimate so at that time there was still considerations being made for realigning ranchette Drive in a different configuration and they had some discussions with I think Great River Energy at that time about the cost of relocating those power poles and at the time Great River Energy was saying that it was about 30,000 a pole so um at ranched drive that was about $150,000 cost um I went through the Bushman Road Corridor just from County Road 11 to ranchette drive where if we did move the road South that would less than the impacts on the north side of the road um There are 16 Highline poles that would have had that would have to be moved if we did move the roads South um per the 2021 report dollars that's about a half million dollars in relocation cost for those polls themselves um going back to that Cooper uh report that was prepared by Bolton The Mink um you know the report looked at a lot of options for the county road standard the local standard um we've been going by the the local Road standard since day one and using the existing alignment so um it was never in our scope of work to look at alternative alignments um we took that report and are implementing the recommendations from that report um there were also some general discussions about you know moving the road south would that impact the costs or even moving ranchette drive to the West uh towards the gravel pits would that change the cost well it would uh significantly change the cost of the project um you know your big ticket items like the paving the gravel and that kind of stuff doesn't change what really changes is the amount of grading that you're doing and that is a substantial amount if you move Bush and row to the South you have a lot of grading that needs to take place if you move it to the West there's a new road grade that has to um take place there are a lot of impacts to even private roads private driveways you either have to extend or shorten roads and driveways in that circumstance um that would add to the cost of the project um and uh just environmental considerations um Wetland impacts if you're moving the road South there are wetlands that you would have to go through to establish a new grade um the packs that we're seeing with just leaving Bushman Road where it's at are pretty minimal um just for the amount of widening basically um we looked a little bit um back to see if the report that Bol The Mink repaired looked at a rehabilitation option that was another question that came up um that report did not evaluate a rehab option such as a reclaim or um you know do doing a overlay or a millon overlay or something of that nature um and like I kind of said before our scope of work was to take the recommendations from that 2021 report and move them forward through final design and so that report did not address the rehabilitation option uh the rightaway acquisition process um continues to move forward um appraisers were on site today uh we're still like I was saying before we're still adjusting construction limits we're trying not to get too ahead of ourselves with presenting um exhibits and things to Residents that may not be finalized um so as we're adjusting these limits we're staying in contact with these residents to say that hey we showed you this the first time it's a big impact to your property we're still adjusting these things and trying to minimize the impacts to your property moving forward um our rightaway agent Benton did attend the public meeting he had a lot of good touch points with uh residents during that time too so overall the uh public engagement meeting we feel went very well had good attendance it achieved uh what we were hoping and talking one-on-one with the people along Bushman Road and um that December meeting we're hoping to kind of cast a broader net again and talk about construction impacts and what that means for everyday Travelers um I think that's kind of the the main point we're going to try to get across with that final public engagement meeting okay thank you any questions from anyone questions none for me I don't have any no thank you thank you a good update I'm glad it was well attended all right we will go ahead and move on to the open Forum please if anyone has anything come up and state your name and address I will be brief Bill Toof Green Scene Drive Breezy Point thanks for letting me speak I have two items I want to address tonight once a suggestion for an agenda for next month and one is Administrative question um first of all I feel every I've come up here I've tried to watch out for the Breezy Point taxpayer so what I might say now might kind of surprise some of you but uh I think um I believe an agenda item for next month should be that you folks should discuss and vote yourselves uh raising your compensation uh my suggestion would be two times what you're making now that put you in line with the other cities and councils of similar size that we have uh I do not agree with all of you especially three of you in a lot of lot of issues but I respect you being willing to serve and sit in those chairs and take the heat I also believe that a higher degree of compensation will result in a higher level of due diligence when decisions especially big decisions are being talked about I'm not criticizing anyone um but I I think a great way uh to get a hold of citizens is to knock on doors and that's why I think you really get a feel for the people that live in the community and what their wishes might be uh you know thing is you have to listen to them but I think uh added compensation I think would be a good investment for our community and I think it would end up saving us money in the long run uh I want to thank councilman Scott and councilman Jensen for always watching out for us as taxpayers my Administration question is uh there's uh has there been an event permit turned in for October 19th yet oh what yeah I don't expect an answer tonight I just if you could get a hold of me at some point for disc golf they're having they're not calling it a tournament or an event but they're having what they called a gauntlet out there on the 19th and you know we put a lot of time into putting that event permit together I suspect there'll be over 40 people uh I had checked with uh Mr chansky when he was still here and they had not turned one in as of a month ago or maybe they have by now but the purpose of this was to alleviate the liability for the city for what goes on down there thank you thank you anybody Gary bachan B akk 29464 sh real Lane I have an introduction I'd like to share with you folks I have been here in this one wonderful City 30 years 30 years and I'm ashamed ashamed of my city I'll tell you why I mean that with all my heart rentals I'm going to share a story with you I'll be as quick as I can I'm sorry Michael is not here I hope he reads the minutes I won't tell the location it was on the north side of the lake it was a rental two years ago somebody up on the High Hill 3:00 in the morning shot off bombs bombs you've heard them explode here all across on Fourth of July why do we let this happen it drove up the people that purchased the property right next to them they left left here and went back to Minneapolis they were personal friends of mine I found a a house here that's what happened no investigation nothing I'll get to rendles that's I'm sharing that with you I'm very UPS set on the people that are walking out the door with hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers money I'll be more precise rentals number one I and Scott really re e l oi kitty corner to me on the peninsula have been having trouble with a property directly across me police have been out there many times last two years Mr reallyy has notified the police he threatened me last year his words on the telephone were don't report it I'll take care of it he did nothing he lives in Minneapolis what are you going to do takes you a half hour to get anybody out there no seven cars were parked in his driveway seven I showed I got pictures the Planters got pictures the police have pictures four cars in their garage and three trucks down the road document the owner was there and I got up the next morning they' left and garbage over flowing garbage which I have pictures of was on the ground that's why I'm upset nobody gets anything done here I'm not zoning in on anyone let the pedals fall where they may a minut administrator the city has had three administer trators B one recently who took a lot of money twiddle his fingers for quite a while taxpayer money people I'm ashamed of that one of those people said on the council today Doug Rock regime he quit now he's on aoun toxic environment what is a toxic environment it's coverall I talk to leag that's what everybody says toxic environment it it's the administrator whose job it is to take care of a toxic environment rather than walking out of the city hall what a 100 Grand do something about it I will be back here I promise you with every I would like the new Council whoever is voted in in 2025 to research and I urge this council tonight you got three months to see how a new employee contract can be written so they don't walk out the door with hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money I'm working on that with the attorney general I'm working at with with the league and I urge you do your due diligence for 2025 we have to close that loophole end of story thanks for your time thank you anybody else have anything all right we will go ahead and move on um do I have an approval or Amendment of the consent agenda I move to approve the consent agenda second all right other discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries we'll move on to new business micher onac or chief sandal who has taken this one uh first item is the camping on public property and it's a proposed ordinance uh that proposed ordinance uh was developed by the chief of police um and the intent is to uh bring public property into the basically the same status as the rest of the property in the Breezy Point point which prohibits um part uh camping uh this would be considered the first reading of that ordinance um the second reading would be held at your next meeting if you so uh desire that being said um that ordinance would probably go into effect if it's approved after the second reading the first of the year upon publication uh is there anything in that proposed ordinance that you would like to see changed or um it it really hasn't changed from the uh Workshop that was when it was presented last week have anything I have no concerns with the draft as it is I have no concerns only question I have is um and maybe it was just my misunderstanding of what was brought up at the workshop but that the ordinance would go to prohibit camping on public property correct um so is this a standalone ordinance then [Music] from others that exist that don't allow camping on private property or the other city ordinances in reference to undeveloped properties so if if someone owns a property they cannot camp on that property so this is follow suit and includes the rest of the city's public property as well as someone's private property currently we do not have anything that states someone can't camp on a minimum maintenance road in front of their property okay so the language then just to clarify by the ordinance that's being amended is including language to not allow camping on essentially all public property yeah this is a standalone in the camping aspect so this is a new ordinance completely it doesn't include the uh privately owned property okay but it does include all public property within the city of BR point just a clarification it's a standalone and ordinance that adopts chapter 15 132 of and it amends chapter 132 of our existing code of ordinances so it'll become part and partial of uh our code upon adoption okay thank you anybody else have any questions none for me no I think motion would be in order to hold the to uh approve the first reading of proposed ordinance chapter 132 regard camping right can I get a motion I'll make a motion to approve the first reading of the camping ordinance under 132 for public property I'll second discussion so Jerry with the action the council takes tonight is there ever a point at which the public is able to comment on we actually will publish a notice that the second reading will be held on on this ordinance which prohibits camping on public property so that would be we'll put a a a public notice in the in the paper okay so at the November council meeting then would be the opportunity for anyone that wants to comment on it yes okay thank you okay all those in favor say I right I oos motion carries right we'll go ahead and move on to the police vehicle order so after covid we uh started experiencing delays with our Squad cart orders as uh we all know that includes a lot of things but in order for us to obtain a squad car sometime in 2025 we need to place an order now to do so so uh our last squad car was ordered in October of last year and we just received it last month so took us approximately 11 months to receive that squad car if we wait until the end of the year to place the order we will likely not receive a squad car in 2025 so I'm just looking for approval from Council to uh make a uh request to place a car in order for purchase a 2025 anybody have any questions no questions for me so Chief how does the approval of moving forward and purchasing the vehicle um coincide with what are we looking at for uh for the cost of that vehicle the cost would uh is is part of our capital outlay I believe it comes in right at $60,000 for the squad car and Equipment that's already planned in the budget for the following year okay thank you and you typically make that order in December is that when you Ty well ever since Co we've been doing it in advance right um we've got an authorization from the administrator to do so otherwise we don't receive the squad car but considering administer chansky is no longer with us I thought it appropriate to bring it before Council before we did such this year okay I don't see an issue with that all right do I have a motion then to approve the purchase I'll make a motion to approve ordering 2025 police Tahoe I'll second any other discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries right we will go on to Deputy clerk wage increase uh there's a memo in your in your packet um requesting consideration of an increase uh wage to the of $5 per hour for the deputy clerk uh with the administrator um and the the assistant administrator leaving um and I'm only here part time there's Deb needs to uh pick up some of the pieces fill in the blanks and uh this typical request it's a temporary request until uh job duties change but uh it's very typical in other communities to do the same thing when there somebody leaves and somebody picks up the pieces for takes on the extra workload so I would recommend approval anybody have any questions no I think it's warranted um and uh should be done yeah I have no concern yeah I guess my question isn't anywhere along the lines of whether or not it's it's Justified it's more so to um I guess why $5 additional an hour was that based off of some comparable situation in other communities or I'm just trying to understand kind of how um I just finished it an intern um administrator position in Cross Lake um that was the typical wage increase over there was was $4 an hour um and there were I believe two positions where they were temporarily um increased to four the the hardest part of that is when the the time is up to take that $4 doar away becomes somewhat of a delicate situation but uh I think it rewarding people that step up and and pick up the pieces I think is is valuable to the city I would agree and then yet I also think about how in different ways and again this isn't anything arguing against or or not seeing the need to consider addition compensation um you could probably make a reasonable argument that there are other staff too that are taking on certain things and and so that's I guess part of my concern is um what are we doing or what are we needing to consider as far as what other staff are doing in light of not having a full-time permanent administrator um on board because I certainly don't want to be part of a situation where people feeling like that's fine you know um you're being recognized for stepping into additional roles uh like with the elections and so forth but I can't sit here and say that I know what Janet and others may be doing too that you know there could be an argument of some additional consideration as well I think we would deal with those considerations when they come about until we F till I find out actually what's going on and and how many of those roles are increasing I can uh speak specifically for Janette um I'm she and I are right now trying to get a handle on the budget and the budget process so that we can talk to you folks intelligently about that because neither one of us were involved in the process so I see her is taking on some additional roles down the fut down the line too as of yet they haven't we haven't gotten more past the study phase but uh we may come forward with another request down the line and I don't want to in any way get ahead of our ourselves when it comes to that um I just I would like to see whether it's at the next meeting or the following month's meeting um an understanding around what are other staff doing what other Duties are they taking on during this period of of having an intrum administrator um just so that we can potentially be addressing other needs that are are there that staff are stepping in on and addressing and um are are being considered for whatever level of additional pay that they I'm certainly willing to discuss that with the council down the line I I uh still trying to catch up I can understand that and I think too we hired you knowing that you've been in this position more than once and so you definitely know whenever you're asking for something it's because it's needed and I think for me personally I trust your decision making and so I I would be in favor of this increase anybody else have any questions about it none for me okay I get a motion I'll make a motion to Temporary increase the deputy clerk city clerk wage uh $5 an hour starting uh September 4th 2024 oh second any other discussion all those in favor to say I I osed motion carries all right we'll go ahead and move on to Shor View Lane repair Z or who all right all right good evening here to speak to you about Shore View Lane um the permits have been acquired from DNR and core of engineers to complete the the uh proposed repairs caused by the ice damage and our recommendation uh to the city council tonight is to authorize advertising for bids um we think that uh it would be in the city's best interest to proceed with that process uh a lot of the work the majority of the work is uh the type of work that could be completed um during the month of November uh some of the work uh pending the weather would not be able to be done so we would need to have a final completion date probably May 30 in 2025 uh but if you bid this at this time of the year we feel you'd get some reasonably good bids uh by doing that so um some of the the work that um would likely have to be completed in the spring would be the paving obviously there's some patching out there that would need to be done um also the DNR did impose uh some live Stakes uh to be placed uh to regenerate some of the vegetation in that rip wrap uh embankment so pending that actually the fall would be a good time to do that if they can uh so we want to give them that opportunity but otherwise it have to be done in the spring so hopefully by this time with your authorization we'd have bids for you to consider next month at your regular meeting and we would want to get this done as soon as possible because it could happen again correct it could this winter it could well with the embank the bank the way it is pushed up I mean this road has had ice like malax happens every year go across the road and the city had to use frontend loaders to clear it if that ice pushes into that bank my concern has always been the manholes where the city sewer Runs Out to the point I mean that could cause I would assume potentially you know some damage uh increase the cost of the project with I mean if we get a snowy winter as well not having the full wi of the road is going to present problems to Public Works they're going to have to end up hauling snow out um to keep the road as open you know as possible so I think it makes sense to me so you'll have something for us to vote on next month correct at your regular meeting okay anybody else have any questions no I think it makes sense to move forward no for me all right thank you thank you all right so we'll go ahead the dub Street speed oh I do you to make a motion what do we a motion to accept the shore riew Lane repair and authorization to send the plan out to bed oh yeah okay I'll make that motion I thought we were second okay any discussion all in favor to say I I I oppos motion carries all right go ahead and move on to the dub Street speed signing um so the memos uh relates to the map that I attached that little red dot um that got posted at 35 I think 2014 not sure why my Simon inventory shows it should be 30 um I do know ranett was 35 so possibly an employee in the past put what he thought was a correct one um Sergeant Garcia brought it to my attention and that's why I checked our survey so this isn't a change this is just a correction so you know um we're going to pull it down the 35 and put what should have been there for the last 10 years really cuz I always wondered why it said 35 and when there was a stop sign that went to be honest I spend about that much time watching street signs there's that is interesting it's been that long but I know cuz I've always wondered why they did that and why would they increase it to 35 when it stopped that's the best I could determine what happened and it you know um this will correct that situation I mean I deal with all sorts of signed questions that's kind of how I find when something disappears um that sort of thing but uh the road plan will map out our signs better than our old inventory so oh that is interesting all right cuz cuz I mean I wouldn't just change a speed sign without authorization like I'm not going to pull down a 30 and put up a 45 that's just the intention that this is what we're going to do just so you know that um the mistake was noticed and we're correcting it so well it makes sense now more so than it did before right do you need a motion to replace right I'll make a motion to replace the existing 35 m per hour speed limit sign on Dove street with a 30 m hour speed limit sign any discussion all those fav say I I oppose motion carries all right brush site speed study if we could pull the map up to start so I can describe so if you look at the bottom portion of the map there Center the circle with the arrow pointing out that's where our sign is located right now it's in blackout mode so it does not display a sign we did not want to influence drivers one way or another so we could obtain the most accurate data possible so what a reader does is it shoots a signal out in front of it when it strikes a car it bounces back at the sign and that's how it determines what the speed is so up at the at the top you can see uh is ranchette drive and there's a little corner it's off the map there on upper side but so that sign will reach people turning on to Percheron from ranchette Drive once they come around that corner and all the way to the sign however at Belgian the cross street right there um two prior to the sign right there is Belgian there is a dip and a hill there so on a car if a car were to turn off of ranet drive this the sign will pick it up but it will lose signal when it goes into the dip and then when it comes back up on the top of the hill again it will capture the car again so if some was someone's coming in off of ranchette going all the way to the brush site and then leaving again on the same route it's going to count that car as four times on this when you look at the uh the car counts by day so it's hard to determine exactly how many cars we have coming and going that location picked up the majority of the traffic on that roadway but it will obviously there's duplicates no matter which way they go because once they leave the brush site they're back on the sign but if they're coming from skiet specifically they could be counted up to four times for the same car on the same trip so I just wanted to make sure that everyone understood that and then as far as uh the speeds that are displayed on here the uh the when it says average Peak speed once once a car is on the radar the peak speed is the fastest that car gets to while it's on the radar so the the peak speed is for one specific car and it's the fast as it's going um while it's on the radar so the average Peak speed would be an average of all the vehicles that the sign captured with that we uh also included um some additional statistics from September 17th until October 1st with speeds um and it will display on there what the uh number of traffic and speeds are during those time frames any questions at all the road speed limit is posted at what 30 it's 30 miles an hour yeah so just noticing that um that graph that shows average speed over 30 right it's at 100% so does that mean that every vehicle that the radar picked up was going faster than the posted speed limit so I believe the graph you're looking at is the blue one yeah with the darker blue the 3% is the darker blue and then the on the right there it says over 30 m hour average so 3% of of all traffic was over 30 m an hour 97% was under 30 and like I said I think at the last meeting or the workshop that I don't know if that area for me would be where we would catch a lot of it I think it's the road's coming into it just because of where suul you turn left which is where a lot of those trailers come from and then by the time you reach the sign then you're going to down downhill so downhill probably is when you're going to see it the fastest but um I guess I would be interested to see how fast people are going on Suffolk um just because that's where I've seen the majority of speeding and if the council wishes for us to move this sign to suff we certainly can the reason it's on Pon right now is because r from pan came in with a petition yeah and they live I think they live what on Belgian and like I don't know specifically where they so I can see cuz if you look at ranett so when you take a left on ranchette and a Peron you do go down a hill to that stop sign a little bit Belgium yes yep and so you can't really gain a lot of speed on Peron just because the stop signs are well there's quite a distance from Belgium drive to where the the sign is correct but there's a huge hill going up right but there's plenty of time to for people to get up to speed in my opinion right yeah yeah certainly especially if they're coming straight down Peron well there's a stop sign in Belgium there's a four-way stop on Belgian and Peron so you have to stop there and then there's a big hill going up Percheron to the middle of it and then that's when it flattens out to where the sign is so yeah I agree but usually people aren't necessarily speeding up the hill not that I've seen i' take that road six times a day um I guess for what I've seen more so is the speeding on the other other two roads that have no stop signs that are pretty hilly but I do think that a lot of times we do these speed studies and realize that they're not going as fast as we think just like on Bushman Road um you went out there and you also saw that but I think it does help residents to get this data so that they know for sure how fast how fast people are going I do know that I had a resident come talk to me off of Suffolk um because her kid her grandkid play out you know close to the road so I know there has been issues for sure with speeding on that road with the trailers and I I think it would be helpful just so that residents can see how fast people are going just to say hey we did the we did the due diligence and we did the research and this is how fast we clocked everybody going I want anyone else it's kind of hard if you don't live over there I suppose I don't have an issue with moving the sign and putting it on seok I guess just based on the petition that we had received but I don't have a problem moving it and if we do move to suffk would you like the speed to be displayed or not displayed I don't think you should display it because I think that would give more of a true people don't think it's on if it's and then they don't stop I think that's going to be a a more accurate um read of it I I would be curious ious to know how fast you will go on saulk just because it seems like they're speeding but and there isn't any you know stop signs but again a lot of the branches that come off a lot of them come off on S Fulk as well I would say the majority of branches that I've seen come off on S go right in front of even Sergeant Garcia's house um but I actually wouldn't mind taking a look at the speeds on S folk and then having the sign as well blackened out just past um what is that Sue yeah because to me what I'm hearing or understanding is the issue is the speed once they start coming down the hill yep right and it'd be I think worthwhile to just understand you know what does that look like I mean do we have truly ridiculous outrageous speeds occurring [Music] or does it just seem that vehicles are traveling faster than they are because they are bigger vehicles um I think at the end of the day that's really the the primary issue is just with the hill that people go down in order to go straight into the compost area I wouldn't want to live down at the bottom of that Hill especially if I had kids because that is is actually like they're going down a hill you're flying into the compost I mean that's um I don't know we can put it wherever Council would like I just need to know where you want it I think St willut maybe towards like the you know back half or middle to just so they can get you know just to see what they're traveling before they hit that stop sign so my question being coming into fall now now we're going to have heavy traffic for a little bit and then it's going to die off if we've already had the Speed sign on perch run and we want to find out what is doing coming down the hill by the dump I would suggest probably putting it someplace in front of the dump first so we have consistent data instead of taking a couple weeks off and then moving it that's going of yeah that works mhm yeah I think that would work I I would be curious to know how fast people are going when they're going into the compost site and if they're going that fast they're not reading the sign that basically States the rules um so I would be good with that everybody else makes sense yeah that's fine all right do you need a motion to move a sign or I do not okay all right so we will go ahead then and staff reports supervisor Zan Cemetery uh so the memorial Paving project is in place uh all the pavers were laid over winter we're going to come up with terminology and how it actually works um I think it turned out pretty pretty well uh the new columbarium uh Foundation was poured today so I will talk to the columbarium manufacturer see how long it needs to sit before the column bearing can be placed um should happen before winter um possibility we'll get a sidewalk around it um whatever doesn't get accomplish this fall will be done first thing in Spring but I think there's a good chance we should get the sidewalk around it and then most likely wrap up Landscaping in springtime okay any questions I and then community garden uh community garden right now the water lines are in place um we've made a few alterations to the the design uh based on uh my co-workers vision of long-term maintenance um essentially between the big plots widening out a path so the skid steer could bring Mulch and that sort of thing and lessen the amount of uh wheelbarrow work um as a consequence of that that added a couple larger Gates than what we had planned um not a huge difference in cost and then um we met with our fencing contractor today who altered how I invisioned con construction he would like to see the fence up first um whereas I was thinking we construct everything and put the fence around it um and he also mentioned we should put a bottom rail so that added like two $22,000 over the estimate but um based on where we're coming in on Lower water cost I think it the budget shouldn't change a lot we're going to save in other areas that you may have some areas that are a little bit more expensive um but it's so far going well dirt should be arriving this week um they're hauling in Wood free wood chips that was a huge part of that budget and I think we might be able to get all the wood chips for free um but having the fence have to be constructed first that'll kind of slow us down uh they'll make the gates next week and we're kind of finagling on when it's going to go up he's under the understanding we want the fence up as quick as possible then soon as that wraps up the rest of the stuff inside I think we should hope in late October early November we should we should have something you can really look at and walk through so it's exciting thank you any questions on that anybody have anything to report uh yes I do um we had the first ad hoc streets committee meeting September 4th uh at the meeting the main objective was to establish a chair and vice chair so Tom Nelson is the chair uh John Monier is a member Craig O'Reilly is another member Jason Gore is Vice chair and Lenny sad is uh also a member of the committee uh meetings will be the third Thursday of every month um I think it was a very productive meeting I think the uh residents that volunteered are very competent and I think it's going to uh make council's job a lot easier um so they'll be keeping busy there's plenty of projects coming up and I don't know if you have anything else to add Joe no I was uh actually going to talk with Dave to see how the road study is going along to see if we um what our next meeting agenda looks like and uh um just topics I know we're early in that process but uh I'll firm that up with Dave this week and we'll work with uh the chair Mr Nelson and uh if we need a plan our meetings and agendas and go from there right thank you um I just have a couple comments too on the open Forum um to Mr to's comments initially that permit was by number of people the clubs know that they don't need to pull a permit and that is legal um but I guess if I'm sitting on Council in 2025 I'm going to bring it back up because I I don't I think it should be tied to number of people they're in essence going to tie up that course for the day um you know the vrbos I think I mean that was a pretty there was a lot of meetings that year it was very controversial but I think what it's always going to come down to is enforcement by the city yeah and I think Council needs to keep a close eye on that um and you know that's another issue I the previous administrator and assistant City administrator they were very busy and there was really no focus on enforcement I mean property owners that are allowed to rent have rights but so do residents that have b the properties I mean they all have rights in my opinion I agree I think that maybe something to look at is well first off if that we know there's a property that has issues like continuously ISS like having those issues having some something that's like if you you know have X number of issues it's all spelled out though it's already in there guess so how question is I don't know I don't know about yeah like I don't we're not getting reports I didn't hear about it so I'm not sure if it was investigated or not and if it wasn't as he indicated then you know I don't know why but so because there is a process if you have like I think it's three yes violations that are substantiated our speed investigation then you lose your did they have three do you know was there three so right now my belief is people are directed to report it to our planner and he he looks at him determines if it's a a violation or not and I assume consults with the city administrator okay I I had a long conversation with Mr B and on I believe it was Wednesday uh last week uh we agreed that if he has a problem that he needs to at the time the problem is is occurring that he needs to call and say there's a problem and we did give him the non-emergency police number to call and he assured me that that he was going to do that okay um I think some of the issues that he had before that were he came forward two days later or or 3 days later and it wasn't when it was happening so they couldn't document exactly what was happening okay and the the biggest issue in any enforcement is going to be having a record of of something happening at the time that it happens then then there's no disputing and that's the key to this thing and I think uh I remember two years ago having some of these same conversations that we need to involve the police officers at the time that something's happening so that we have an official record and we can if in fact there's three or four I think it's four violations actually that you you pull the license we have evidence that we can do something to enforce it um with without having those things happening are getting those calls at the time there's an issue yeah that that's really happening I know that Gary has complained to uh Peter a few times uh Peter's actually talk to the neighbors and the neighbors said all that really not an issue so there's some conflicting things going back and forth but as I left it with Gary and he assured me that he would call that number when there is an issue okay and I would give the same advice to any property owner that that has a concern about their neighbor's property right okay and I've used that non-emergency number multiple times um obviously if the police have a higher priority call they have to take that first but it's very effective if you have these type of issues and to Jerry's point they have to be documented you can't call 3 4 days later um they need to be done when it's occurring um give the city planner you know a report something to go off of that's current okay okay right and so someone calls us and reference one of these complaints and we know it's a a vbo we would inform the planner so you know he's going to be keeping the stats on the violations and also I don't think the majority of residents Andor taxpayers are aware all the owner contact information is on the City website which includes phone numbers email addresses their address I've contacted property owners that wasn't for anything to do with a rental it was something was impacting their property that I thought they might want to know so it's all on the city website okay perfect thank you for your comments um just uh just quickly we did have a interview for the fire district the other day for um volunteer firefighter that went really well so we will will be adding one additional fire fire to the fire district and uh then next week we will have our quarterly fire meeting Fire District board meeting perfect um administrator bonac do you have anything for uh the agenda a forecast for November what we can expect to see right as of right now well I do have a request from councilman Jansen that we have a uh budget Workshop I believe there's 10 to we you know we're looking at the end of this month to have a a budget the first of them I think in talking to Mr um I think the intent was to have a budget Workshop in October and November so that uh the first meeting in December we could finalize that leby uh so I'd be looking to you folks to get some kind of a a date for a budget Workshop hopefully towards the end of the month okay um I'm Gone the 28th and 29th so Jer you're talking about the end of this month the end of this month for a workshop 3 unforunately I'm not avable no um the 30th would work for me what about the 29th I'll be uh not available on the 28th or 20 9th um away on business 30th would work for me the 30th is probably the best day I'll defer to the rest of the council for yeah councilman Scott yeah I I am traveling um out of the area for other than the remainder of this week for the rest of the month so what about the first well November's yeah are you a able to call in it all at a certain time like just so you can like participate in the conversation um is it is there is there any way that you could uh approve that that budget and uh we could have a phone call conference or something at at some time to address some of your concerns and then you'd bring it to us then like bring us his concerns when we talk about it do we know if Michael's available on the Michael's going to be available towards the end of the month saying that what about the first week in November just and we could just meet twice in November if we need to yeah I mean I'm open the next I mean not the fifth but the fourth or the sixth or the seventh I don't have anything those days that's to say we can't have two in November that's what I was saying yeah we can try to fit two in if we need to I'm pretty I think too I think a specific budget Workshop is definitely needed yeah I can do the 6th I mean I can do November too the first week of November because the council meeting will be the 4th oh sure it may it may be be after the the fourth so if you want to do two of them in November I have no problem with that so this sixth maybe yeah the sixth time open how's that for you Brad a Wednesday any days that don't work and then maybe maybe we can just schedule it and if you give us days that don't work so the council meeting in November is on Monday the 4th the 4th Tuesday is going to be the election y do you want to just get back to him with some time no I'm probably going to have to do that there's a few things that um i' have to clarify to know for sure it's you can give me give me some dates that don't work and then we'll we'll try and work work with you to get it get something that okay okay yeah that sounds good that'll work all right I have a motion to adjourn so move second all right any discussion all in favor say I iOS motion car is