##VIDEO ID:cLSTqA5-deA## our special meeting for Tuesday November 12th 2024 administrator bonac please call the role pres pres pres right rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands under indivisible with liberty and justice all right so I will turn it over to you number four number of quotes that were we had last Tuesday and also syis of the number of votes of each of the candidates stentors are Tod mayor counil members PA Jensen with that I would ask you to certify the uh the election results you need a motion yeah yes I'll make I'll make a motion to accept the results of the election as presented I'll second right any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries just a comment I think it's interesting to not that there were 5 people V well I think Crowing County was at 30% I believe they're around the same for all the county for voting that's probably true I'm looking for at the total and this was our by far the largest turnout for yeah elections yeah over 86% of our population that is good all right so we will go ahead and move on to the 2025 budget who will be presenting that actually I think Janette gone through the preliminary budget that was submitted ear this year um and there was a memo that was presented by uh City administrator chansky at the time and and based on the comparisons of the two two documents and and what we are looking at going down the pipe we do believe that this memo and that document are good documents we did find in places where there was a fudge here a fudge there that could be corrected but um it's there's nothing that's really out of proportion here I think it addresses most of the needs that that we have um and with that I I rather than going through line for line I I don't think that's very productive but if if in fact you have some questions uh we would be certainly happy to to answer those questions I think we're probably going to end up getting into a discussion is how the heck are we going to finance it's it's probably the bottom line um I think when you look at the the budget that was prepared um it most of the items that are there in line item form are stuff that are are fixed costs most of it is biggest portion of that being wages um the other thing that we did add to that we did U add some tables that are graphs that show tax capacity Trends and tax rate history within the community I think sometimes is very helpful that you know that the tax rate is basically a little bit the proposed tax rate is actually a little bit less than what was in 20124 I think that can be attributed to the fact that we've had some significant growth in the residential side of things um we tried to go back a number of years and and show you the tax capacity trends that can that's an informational thing more than anything else that um is really a reflection of the accessor values and changes in the way the legisl prescribes that estimated market value to tax capacity is is um computed the other thing we tried to do with a couple of pie charts is to show the proposed operating Revenue budget and the operating expend budgets I think those also are helpful in in looking at what's there the interesting thing is the U operating revenues we we don't get a lot of outside Revenue other than than taxes property taxes per se there are some communities that do get some state aid significantly they're um some of them are north of us uh less fortunate as far as uh wealth and and ability to to pay some very south also have some uh things but most there's a majority of Central Minnesota that doesn't get any um state aid per se that could change I don't see it uh really changing too much and who knows what the legisl is going to do this year changes on a regular basis um with that questions is it possible to get that handout that I was sent earlier sorry to the rest of council because I have just a couple comments about that actually I thought we sent an email this morning okay did I just saw it to me but yeah I do have I do have some handouts here maybe it's easier to yeah okay so everybody got it okay um you asked for it this morning thought that it would be beneficial if everybody yep um a couple things I think the city's uh equipment Capital Improvement plan uh David was going to fund it upfront with a million in cash um I don't I talked to him I had met with him and by cutting it back to say 500,000 and still keeping the money going in we were still funding it out 6 years I believe I don't remember exactly I think that was just a proposal cuz we haven't really talked about it yet so but I don't think we should put a full million but it's important to fund it but I don't think we need to fund 20 years all at once um just my thought I mean the money's still there and it was a proposal but that's in you know that's in the capital Improvement plan for equipment in the budget um and then the second thing about Bushman I really liked this handout um I did what I did is subtracted the 2025 and 2026 Investments that hadn't matured so that left like $ 7,981 12551 and then if you add back in the reimbursement for the latter truck at 1, 149,000 that gives you you know 9,3 90,000 in change so City Hall I mean has passed you know the council never came to a firm decision on how to finance it but I I'm looking to staff's Direction I think if we you know we can afford to pay cash and then that 280,000 that David had in reserve for bonding could be used for infrastructure and we're going to have significant infrastructure charges in the years to come Bushman being one of them um other than that I mean I'm com comfortable with the levy number um you know I don't think uh we have to go through everything line by line um I think one of the items in there the uh Erp software that decision um you know needs to be made the money's in there and I think it should stay in there but if we you know going to move forward with you know implementation of that software um I know staff sees benefit to it um but again that's you know it's budgeted um and that'll be a decision that you know will need to be made do we move forward other than that um I really didn't have a lot of questions on it I I think the doc really a good document think it spells out what's being proposed or being added I think it addresses most things and and this is really insignificant the only thing that I've found that as that that I think has been missed is is U we I'm having a discussion with the Pelican Township folks about the Improvement of Edgewater they want to do that this coming year um we have a portion that's about a quarter of I think that's going to be about $30,000 I think that's manageable within within the budget but it isn't spelled out specifically um um that said other than that I think I think it's a good document yeah I I agree David did an excellent job um and you know if the council decides not you know to do any bonding for City Hall I mean that money I mean the infrastructure again is it's there um it's a way to fund it and it doesn't impact the levy because it was already you know being put into which is important to note I look at the fund balances and and by the way is this is something that we created for for you folks as part of this budget discussion um this is going to be something that we're going to try and do on a quarterly basis so that you have a a better understanding going forward where those balances are um I I would think that hopefully the next person carries that forward to get it to a um a monthly statement for you probably a monthly but I I think that'll be very helpful going forward in the management but I think it's a it's a great tool to have it's information that you should have I agree I don't think we've ever had a broken down like this before so thank you we did it for two re number one for for the budget presentation but we we also today had a conference call with standard and core rating agency that's going to rate our bond issue for the the fire truck and those are some of the questions that they ask about balances and those type of things and uh it was very beneficial in in that discussion this afternoon I mean I would agree with um councilman Jensen I mean I think you know we've walked through the budget um pretty closely I don't there's nothing that I would that I would have questions on um and then are you just um hoping to add those three that were missed then we we would make some some minor corrections but say they're administrative it's not going to affect the the bottom line okay anyway and you're talking about the line items that were addressed on the on the memo y um which again we can't raise the levy the only thing that we could do at this hearing is or sorry not tonight but December is the lower you can you can lower but you can't raise right no I I I I Echo we went through this line by line before I reread it everything's still making sense to me and driving with what we've discussed Council mayor and Council there is one item I don't believe that I had changed on the budget that you have in your packet and it's in regard to um the general fund we'll start there on page two transfer from other fund it's the very last line item this is page 14 of our packet thank you up de 18 17 keep going 16 keep going 15 there it is I yep that's there it is y okay so the the transfer from other fund 155,000 the note next to it says 5,000 would be transferred from cemetery and 15,000 from the capital um in reviewing the the Capital fund um Deb I'm not sure what page that's going to be on but we'll scroll down till we see Capital fund and in the expenditures so it's 401 if you're looking at the numbers there we go okay so now we're going to go there's the revenue we're going to go down to expenditures oh there we go so it's the very last item on this page the transfer to other um should be 150,000 there that was omitted so that's going to bring our total expenditures from 36 5,000 to 515,000 and that will not have an impact on the levy but it is out of your Reserves right because that's what we allocated for the for the street right okay correct y does anybody else have anything more of a typo than anything eliss it won't affect the ly at all perfect I don't think we have anything else for you guys do you need a motion to no no we don't need anything at all would expect that there would be a resolution in front of you in December okay approving the preliminary Levy I would suggest if in fact you walk out the door and you you think you've got a question please please call us um we we'll try and answer those questions as just as we can we're still trying to get familiar with this too both of us and I have to thank you for going through it as thly as we have so any questions or concerns about this address them before December 2nd so we can have it in front of us and prepped and ready and we'll do perfect that'll make it go more smoothly all right well looks like we can go ahead and move on to the Cannabis ordinance you got a Graft in front of you um hopefully I got to the drifted your direction at the last meeting I have made some some corrections through that proposed ordinance uh We've deleted everything other than retail for the Cannabis we are uh we specified that they highlighted numbers would be distances from schools day carees yada yada yada they're the maximum that we're in that draft ordinance um if you have any other concerns or whatever please again bring them to us and we can make those changes before the uh December meeting also um you ask for uh what other communities are doing it's all across the board there's some that aren't doing anything I don't know that we've had a lot of people banging on the doors asking about a license but anything can happen between now January that said you if you don't have any um issues with how it's presented we'll we'll clean it up and we'll we'll get it to you in your packet for December meeting it looks good to me I the one difference I noticed that NIS was the hours were a lot were longer and I like that we're adhering to what we have to and I think with this and any other it can be a working document we run into problem let let's not worry about changing it let's uh can I assume Chief do do we have any opinion any feedback on I like the obviously the maximum distances one likely uh area for one would be at the intersection down here it's I think that's getting close to the 500 ft for city park but I think it's over um you know as long as we're within that range the maximum makes sense the other thing to take into consideration um everybody has to start this January 1 however if we get six licenses throughout cring County that may eliminate the need for us to have our one it's one like license for every 12,500 residents so brainer for instance would be required to have at least two backster one if niswa Pat Crosby and a few others get licenses we may not need to license any if if there are six within the county but we won't know that until people start obtaining licenses we're not totally sure exactly how that licensing this is going to happen other than the state going to do most of it correct they're doing the backgrounds and they have some criteria for selecting who gets a license so uh the city in certain instances won't have any input on who receives a license the state will say this is the person oh really okay correct so will you know after the fact so let's just say somebody submits to get a license will the city not know that's happening until after the license is approved I believe so I believe the state would reach out to the city and say we have one applicant that successfully passed a background that's eligible to be licensed at that time whenever that may be we could maybe look at the rest of the county to determine how many have been issued besides um what we're working on so just to get ahead of let's just say that does happen because you know then there will be members of the public that wish they could have had a say on the license even though they we don't have a say in that so do we then approve the do we have to then approve the license that the state issues in certain circumstances I believe that is correct without public input correct like right they'll issue the license and that is the person that received the license they've already done the background um so that person would be approved to start a retail business okay and I think that would be important for residents to know um just so they don't think that we're approving like licenses without asking for any kind of comment or I can just see that being an issue in the future we would still need to meet our criteria correct as far as zoning and yes and and the other part of that is that these because this is a land use issue also that will also be uh part of the zoning ordinance and the zoning ordinance will ultimately change to reflect the exceptions and the permitted use for the C in the commercial District that is going to be presented to the Planning Commission for their input this evening okay okay and I did look up um according to crowing Count's EZ re mapping uh from the corner of uh the infrastructure down here uh to the corner of our Public Works um sorry and I'm referring to the Ace Hardware location at least that is 1,68 Ft so um it could go there okay thanks if you got any concerns or changes that you made consider that the second reading we will also publisher we are going to have the second reading okay right I like the changes that were made it's anything else that was quick easy something else just one point this information that you received this part of your pet mayor also receive and we'll continue we have going forward will be forwarded to him also so he'll be a partner even though he doesn't have a voting stance until January 1st but he will be part of that you will have the information that you have we will also try to get city computer as soon as possible perfect okay makees sense y thank you all right do I have a motion so move for journ second any other discussion all those in favor to say I I opposed motion carries