##VIDEO ID:eWBx7OX9j_Y## Monday November 4th 2024 administrator bonac call the role ball present Jensen present zeran present present Scott absent okay please rise for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all can I get a motion to approve or amend the agenda for tonight I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as written second any discussion all those in favor say I I opposed motion carries we'll go ahead and move on to equipment sales certificate sales Baker Tilly good evening mayor members of the council um I am Michaela huitt representing Baker Tilly Municipal advisers um on the proposed um set sale um authorizing the city to issue bonds or uh General obligation equipment certificates for reimbursement of the um acquisition of the ladder fire truck that was was um done in January of 2024 um within your packet is the um the uh summary of the action requested the um pre-sale summary which out outlines the terms of the um proposed Bond issuance as well as the resolution um that would provide for the issuance and sale of the general obligation equipment certificates series 2024a um within the pre-sale summary um just a couple of um highlights to point out again the purpose of the issuance is to um Finance the reimbursement of the acquisition of a ladder truck and to pay the associated cost of issuance um on the certificates um looking at the schedule events tonight um the council will consider setting the sale on the dates and terms of the bond financing um we're looking at a rating call with S&P on November 12th the sale of the bonds would be on December 2nd um and they would be through a competitive um bids process um that would be 10:00 a.m. at 10 or excuse me at the council meeting that night um Council would consider awarding um the certificates the as part of the rating um process the um the city currently has uh doublea b or double a rating and part of this process again with B&P would be to um um obtain a credit rating for this bond issue um the estimated interest rate on the bonds based on the current market is about 3.78 um% % and um the annual Debt Service in the bonds is about 136,000 um per year and again that annual Debt Service would be supported by the um annual pledge payments from the um joint Powers agreement between the city uh Breezy Point peat lakes and the fire district so um the way that The Debt Service would be repaid would be from the revenues per that pledge agreement so that's my brief presentation for tonight um I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have again the requested action item is to um adopt the resolution setting the sale of the bonds um with a competitive bid process taking place on Monday December 2nd okay thank you does anybody have any questions none for me no I do not okay nothing for me good all right thank you so much um do you have anything you want to add I do not uh the action that would be requested of you this evening would be to pass a resolution calling for the sale of the bonds okay then do I with no other questions do I have a motion um to adopt the resolution authorizing the S of bonds I'll make that motion I'll second okay any discussion all right all those in favor say I I opposed motion appears thank you thank you so much for being here all right so we'll go ahead and move on to the sheview Lane repairs good evening so before the city council tonight is action item on awarding the contract to the lowest responsive bidder um bids were opened on October 31st for bid bids were received the low bidder is Glade and construction with their bid of 126,559 um this is uh more than what we had estimated but uh the first and second low are within $800 of each other that's telling us that's the street value of this project um so we think they're responsive bids we're recommending a to gladen and they would be able to get started this fall and get most of it completed perect do you guys have any questions on the bids no I don't but it's nice to hear they could get started yet this fall so that would be good how long do they anticipate the work will take they didn't say for sure uh we'd get a schedule from them we'd schedule a precon after the award and um but this is in my estimation probably within a couple of weeks they'd be able to get most of that done cuz really at this point I mean it's just RI wrap work removing the dirt vegetation yeah is it still a 3:1 slope yeah okay that's all I have thanks okay thank you all right do I have a motion to approve Cad and construction I'll make a motion to accept proposal second right any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries thank you we'll now go ahead and open up to open Forum so if there's anyone that wants to come forward um please St your name and address okay one more time anybody all right we will go ahead and close open Forum REM the consent agenda do I have a motion to approve or amend the consent agenda for tonight I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda second okay any other discussion all those in favor say I I opposed motion carries we'll go ahead and move on to assessing sewer bills so I will go ahead and uh open up a public hearing um related to assessing the sewer bills to taxes so if there's anybody that would like to come forth to speak on this tonight uh please come forward um I might introduce it then then we can ask for public comment after that um before you as a resolution to adopt some uh special assessments special assessments that are here there are 11 of them one at the 8773 North Drive has been paid so that is not part of the proceedings this evening um the reason that there are special assessments is they are unpaid sore bills uh it's a typical activity to do at the end of the year to to try to collect the unpaid ones and if they're not paid uh we would try to assess them against the taxes uh there have been numerous uh attempts to contact these people both written and verbal and they not responded Andor uh refused to respond quite frankly so the city's only action to collect those bills would be to assess the cost against their property taxes I I have a quick question um are all of these Hom studed OR rentals CU I know that a lot of times too a lot of other cities when they have long-term rentals who are responsible for utilities um they end up doing this I there's some of both here okay um I can't uh distinguish where they all are I know one of them is a is a uh part-time short-term rental and possibly another one um we haven't the last one on the list we've we've don't have a lot of information about because the the uh letters that we've sent have been returned with returned to Sender um and the attempts to contact these people have not been fruitful so I think there's a combination of both here okay um we certainly could uh we'll make sure that at the time that the renewals were short-term rentals uh come about we will look into the assessments and make sure that they get set they get paid at the same time at at the same time that the or before the uh licenses would be granted okay thank you does anybody else have any questions on these no no all right so then I will go ahead and open it up um for public hearing so if anybody would like to come and speak on this agenda item um please come forward right I will ask again if anybody would like to come and speak on this please come forward all right so we will go ahead and close the public hearing um for assess the sewer bills so do I have a motion to move forward on I'll make a motion to approve the resolution with an amendment of removing 8773 North Drive second right any other discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries all right so we go ahead and move on to the public hearing or sorry the camping on public lands m b do you want to go ahead and start that I can I can talk a little bit about it if you want me to or chief send are you anybody actually the the police chief has uh kind of taken a little bit of ownership of this this ordinance but the proposed ordinance has been read for the first time there was a publication made in the in the newspaper that there's a public hearing going to be held on the adoption of the ordinance uh we have not had any any input between the time of the publication and and this evening uh we would stand by the ordinance as it's been printed um the public hearing is open would be open to hear comments based on the the uh the ordinance the ordinance basically limits or prohibits camping on any public property okay anything add yeah good no that's good all right so we'll go ahead and open it up for a public hearing uh regarding the ordinance of the new camping on public land so if anybody would like to come forward now is the time to do so anybody all right so we will go ahead and close the public hearing um so do I have a motion then to adopt this ordinance as it's written I'll make a motion to to approve the attached camping ordinance as written I'll second all right and discussion all favor say I I opposed motion carries we are moving right along all right so new business uh we move to the Cannabis Ordinance one sec this one might take a little bit more um as my memo States there's uh we have two ordinances on on in effect today about cannabis one is a uh no use on public properties that is not proposed to be changed the other uh one is a moratorium that uh basically prohibits any licensing until after the first of the year that moratorium uh is is in effect till December 31st um unfortunately that moratorium cannot be extended so the city has to make some rules and regulations as far as where to allow cannabis I think statute states that we have to allow the retail cannabis at least one place in town uh this ordinance uh follows the guidelines that the state has published it is also been prepared by the by the City attorney there are a few things that the council will need to look at in this ordinance uh one is on page 62 uh of the ordinance or of our packet um and it deals with buffers and we need to choose a um distance that the Cannabis activity can be located how far away the Cannabis activity needs to be from a school a daycare center a residential treatment facility and or a public park and Playground now there's a range in the in the ordinance that it's Z to to, Z to 500 and 0 to 500 and 0 to 500 um didn't when we prepared this we didn't know what the council's feelings were going to be on those type of things so we just left the range there uh that will be something that the council needs to determine prior to the second reading of this ordinance which uh we would propose to happen at the December council meeting um the other concern within that proposed ordinance is there are some uh also some other uses other than retail that are are described as cultivation manufacturer manufacture wholesale cannabis transportation and cannabis delivery now are those activities that the the city or the city council wants to allow and if they do if they are allowed where are they going to be allowed in the draft We have basically looked at any of those activities being allowed as a conditional use permit in the commercially Zone properties uh retail for sure probably fits in that re in that category better there than any place um the question is do we even want to allow the the manufacturer the of of hemp and cannabis manufacturing and cultivation there there are many small smaller communities that are only dealing with the retail and not the other uses and that's I think that's an option for the council if they sort to choose to do that that said if in in fact we allow these uses as conditional uses in the U commercial zones Andor any other zoning we would also need to uh at a later date amend the zoning ordinance to include those uses and definitions in the zoning ordinance uh it isn't that hard of a situation uh we've done a a draft Peter's done a draft as far as what that could look like for the zoning ordinance and and he's prepared to take that to the the Planning Commission at their meeting next week those are the items that I think that the council needs to discuss um and provide some guidance to us for I have a question um do we have even have any commercial land big enough to fit any kind of operation I know that we're unique in the fact that we just don't have a lot of commercial land but do we even have I I think there are some some potential places to do that um oh yes that's what I think the biggest concern is going to be the distance from from a school right um but yeah I think there's some places that could could fit I'm assuming that possibly when it from a retail standpoint that there may be some existing businesses that would um look at it as a potential I I can't I don't believe that we've had a lot of people knocking on the doors and saying when are you going to do this and where can we do this and and how can we do this um I there certainly hasn't been any since I've been here that said I haven't heard from from the staff that there was a a real want to you know for people to do this but I I assume that once you know it opens up that there's going to be eventually there's going to be somebody knocking on the door and that's going to say I'd like to to start something and where can I do it and the state requires us to have one license for ret sales yes we do not have to have cultivation manufactur wholesale Etc that's correct okay and um that that was one of my questions and then the other question that I was going to ask is when it comes down to the distance um you gave the ranges 0 1,000 for the one and 0 to 500 if we went the maximum for each one of those does that still allow a location for this to be done CU I remember we dealt with an adult use um a long time ago that you had to make sure that there was a place that that could be at if we went the maximum uh distance for each of these does that still allow a location for retail sales I believe so okay um the it's a you can make that comparison to the adult use uh thing but that was that's a little bit different um the adult use thing and again the adult use is is allowed in an urban res Reserve area and by a conditional use permit but it was uh I think the feeling was if we have to allow we want them to be as far away from anything as possible Right is this something that makes sense to discuss in detail at a workshop in November we we certainly to provide direction for changes in this draft for the December meeting sure and then we can vote on it then I just think it would be nice to have a little bit more time to look at these questions not that I don't think the direction you're going Michael is necessarily like a bad Direction with the maximum or I'm fine with that my question would be you you made a statement that the second reading would be in December and we can modify hone in on the distance for the second reading we don't have to said in set that here tonight no I the intent was to look at those parts of the well to look at the ordinance in total is that something we want to proceed with and that's I I think I'm reading that the council would like to proceed the second part of it was to introduce those items that need to be defined and uh get you thinking about it versus I didn't expect a a a hard fast answer this evening other than no maybe but um that said the the thought needs to be put into it and uh yeah we can massage that as we go yeah I'd like to see what other cities surrounding cities of similar sizes have if they have yet and or um yeah just kind of look look it over so I think it's a good idea to talk about it further at the we can certainly get you copy of uh what is happening in in niswa and and pead okay yeah I would be for one would be opposed any manufacturer you know growing wholesale that I don't think fits in this community we have to have the one retail location and so be it um and I would lean towards you know the Max on the feet but we'll wait to see you know what other communities have done to peacot I could being a little less I mean they have a lot more commercial storefront um and same with niswa that may be a little different yeah I if we vote to not allow it from a manufacturer distribution standpoint and somebody in the future buys a piece of land and comes to the city then what would be the process you I as with any other ordinance it it's a it should be a work in progress if in fact there's Merit to amending it we should be amending okay that's I just wanted to make sure to clarify that in in case somebody in the future you know wanted to do that um in a few you know what would be that process so I will say two on a you know Workshop it needs to be scheduled tonight cuz you're getting in you know we have the special council meeting the 12th you have Thanksgiving where a lot of people head out of town so if the direction is going to be a workshop um in my opinion that needs to be scheduled tonight can we do it at on the 12th well we only have two hours remember and that's budget and certification of the election um because Planning and Zoning has a meeting at 7 so we're not we could move it up well the canvasing won't take more than shouldn't take very long yeah I think you probably have would have enough time to do that yeah if yeah if we can get a little more information on this it shouldn't take very long I don't think we'll talk about this for a really long time um can we also have uh the chief in our law enforcement way and on some opinions on this on our Workshop would you be able to attend on the 12th or have somebody yep absolutely okay perfect all right so that's what we'll go ahead and do then all right so we will go ahead and move on to the community garden application and guidelines who has takes that one Jo um simple request to uh the park committee along with the community garden group um they came up with these rules um they came up with the application the fees um it was approved at the last uh Park and Recreation meeting and that's why it's here um I think it's a great start um cuz I think as we experience the garden the rules may need to change some but um it's a great place to start I feel and uh just curious if you have any questions I think it looks really good well I have none the only comment I would have is payment so staff isn't on the hook for continually notifying people that there's some type of clarifying statement in there when will the payment be made is at a time of application um that would be the intention but I think it should clearly state that so uh staff I mean obviously is very busy uh at this point we did vote for our software for when is that going to be the payment system we did I don't that I think is going to end up being a new administrator right well I was I'm curious when do you remember when we were going to be I'm drawing a blank on it now but I I don't see this any different than like a golf cart permit it's eventually they'll be able to pay it online with our new software that we this point staff is extremely busy they've taken on a lot of extra duties they shouldn't there should just be a statement payment is due this time you know at time of application and uh otherwise it looks good yeah I mean there's a lot of interest in the community garden I think it uh will be a big success but you know staff has a lot on their plate at this point when is this going to be ready for the garden well when is when are we um yeah when for the spring the the applications will be accepted I want to say um it spelled it out and there from January to April I believe okay so January 1st is what we've been telling folks that's when the applications and uh we still got to kind of cross the bridge on and figure out a plan on how to determine who gets what plot but until it's constructed I'll amend the map once the map's amended we'll have a better way to you know this year most likely might be sticky notes on the cardboard sheet with names and numbers but um it it's a good start and uh we'll keep it as simple as as we can and uh improve on it down the road what happens if you get more applications than you have garden plots could probably um have you figured out a way to who's going to get it and who's not this first come I think is what it says yeah do say first Ser um based on what I'm seeing I w't be surprised if it's half full okay um and then we'll see how it works I mean right now we're it's coming along quick it's going to look like a garden in the next week or two so uh people get a better feel for it so that's awesome you guys have done a really good job and kudos to um our park and wreck team do we do we have numbers for how many plots yet or are we still kind of figuring that out no um okay it's off the top of my head I want to say there's 36 10 by 18s we had to adjust our sides a little bit we adjusted the layout minimally to make maintenance easier and then uh I want to say the the raised beds are a through W so however many that is 23 there you go okay thank you okay so 50 over 50 options all right I was just looking at there's a section that says Garden sizes unlike the under the guidelines and I didn't know if there were supposed to be like numbers next there's like it says four 17in high but then the other two are blank yeah right there so I just didn't know if that was supposed to be filled in at some point or if it was just we weren't we didn't know yet so we're just leaving it blank for now all right yes that that could that's what is that probably referring to okay will be the number cuz the 17in high is actually five okay um okay and I didn't want to get um as long as our measurements were correct and everything and um they seem to be everything's going according to plan and we'll firm that stuff up all right thank you for that update do we need a motion to approve the application or are we good motion to approve the application and the rules oh I'll make a motion to approve the uh application and the rules second right any other discussion all those in favor to say I I I opposed motion carries we'll move on to finance specialist wage uh this is a uh request on by Administration to increase the wages of the financial specialist on a temporary Bas temporary basis because of the uh losing the assistant and the the city administrator and me being here on a on a part-time basis uh I've actually relied on Janette more than I probably she thinks is probably necessary but um she's the only one that really has some idea of what the what the financial implications are at this point and uh she's stepped up and and has done her Duty and I think that on a temporary basis she should be rewarded for that stepping up and and doing those extra things yeah I think it's a good idea I think it's a good idea I did have one question when did the Fiscal Agent responsibilities get transferred from Pequot to Breezy for the joint Powers August 1st okay and that's reimbursable by the that was my next question so yes so that is reimbursed by Pat or the fire district um but yeah I just want to say thank you for stepping up appreciate all your work both of you guys everybody all the staff yeah I mean it's very welld deserved all right do I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve second any discussion all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries right move on to the the campus of election results just an FYI that uh we we are canvasing the election results and and the workshop that we're proposing to do on Tuesday uh November November 12th 4:30 p.m. and we don't need to do anything with that CU I already we don't need a motion on this yes we do oh we do okay I'll make a motion to approve the canvasing of the election along with a budget Workshop second a workshop in general we're going to change it to a workshop to include the budget and also cannabis at this time and any other uh topics that might be posted it's a special council meeting yeah Special councel Mee special councel um I'll make that motion to have that special council meeting on November 12th at 4:30 okay second all right any other discussion all in favor say I I opposed motion carries perfect we are moving along uh speed study what do you got for us Chief sandal at the request of council we placed our speed sign on Dakota drive right at the entrance to the dump site um it was placed October 10th and the data was collected on the 28th during that time frame the highest recorded speed was 34 mil an hour the average speed was 21 mil hour uh the sign is facing westbound so it's going to pick up traffic for the three residences that are right there on Dakota and then also people turning on to sue drive so the numbers that are indicated there will be obviously some residents and not just people going to the dump site but at least in that time frame speed did not seem to be an issue in that area all right well I think like we said before this is really good data especially when we have residents who are concerned with speed um with regards to the brush pile does anybody have any questions done for me no I do not I would love to see it at least on one more Street s folk I know that that has been where a lot of residents have um that I've spoken to um have said there the issues have been so I think if we could just collect that data and potentially put their mind at ease that there's not speeding that would be great unfortunately probably not an opportunity this year Okay the reason for that is the last day we had the sign out the batteries went dead Okay um partially shorter days cloudy the solar panel wasn't charging well enough we can't risk having the batteries go dead when it drops into freezing temperatures so we would have to place it next year but we can always um put officers out there you know monitoring speeds as well so I think it would be good timing for this spring then um again I think it's just helpful from when we have residents come to us you know asking for help or having issu you know they're having issues with speeding to be able to tell them this is the data that we've collected so that like and we've seen this on Bushmen so I think it would be good to bring back for the new Council to consider in the spring you guys agree yeah that's fine okay all right staff reports City administrator search um again I'm not asking for um any specific action this evening just to I want to introduce the fact that uh you will be starting a search uh at sometime in the very near future for a new city administrator uh I want to ask whether the city council would like to initiate that search and conduct that search by themselves or they wish to use a professional uh I call them head hunting sear search firm uh to help you through that process to find somebody that fits your needs um that said I've worked in uh in this capacity in some other communities where they tried to do it internally and I've worked in other communities where they've done it with professional folks I would recommend that you use a professional search firm uh that said I I think you um you get a better pool of candidates and you have uh a lot of expertise in helping you uh weed the pool down to a manageable number and you will get a better uh I think a better selection that would be my recommendation now I know that there's some concern that there's going to be new people uh on the council um that said I think if you decide to go with a a search firm I think you can start that initial search you could start that initial search at today if you wanted to um involve the new people in the uh in the process um so so that uh someone can come aboard as soon as possible I mean I think we should be utilizing a professional search firm uh one question I had is there uh um there was other firms that may be interested um two additional organizations and to what the quotes I I think uh from what I've seen the the uh it's it's going to range between 20 and $25,000 no matter who you get um that said I think uh there are a couple other firms that uh would submit proposals um one of the things that uh I've seen in the proposals that I got so far was that a lot of this stuff is done virtually and I think there's some um Merit to at least initially to do some stuff face to face especially with the council and and to get a feel for what the council is looking for in the new individual um I think some of it can be done virtually but uh I think uh there's some real Merit into some face-to-face interaction in that process are those two additional firms local or within one of them would be local yes okay um I mean I think it's something we need to move forward with and I think also that the new Council needs to be involved in the process um for finding uh the administrator so Jerry are you suggesting that you'll reach out to these other two and then we can have proposals in front of us in December and we could then select and start that process in December exactly okay you also would know then who's as of tomorrow you'll know exactly who's could be involved in the process and I think that would be very helpful too I I agree with Mr Jensen is is having an outside consultant helping us uh find the the applicants would be ideal so I don't know if you're looking for a consensus with that tonight so you can continue down that path and I I just you know if if you're going to say we want to do it internally that I I wanted to know that more than anything El but I will I will follow down the path of uh talking to these other folks and and getting proposals and and try to get something to you by the meeting in December okay and I would agree I think um definitely hiring um it looks like the recruitment schedule for one of them you know is 12 weeks so I I think that um getting it started sooner than later is better um given that it is more of a longer um process and um the new Council will be looks like actively involved in that early process if we started that in December so yeah I think it makes sense to go with that professional search for firm as well it's worked well for us in the past and I think um it's a good idea to get started now because it could take a little time yeah perfect all right that's all you needed then from us we will go ahead move on to City Hall renovation update who that's me okay um FYI the uh the votings have been ped uh high-techs been uh around on a daily basis back filling is is should have been completed today uh they've done some removal of some trees and and stuff in the parking area to the to the north uh they did that today uh this week there should be electricians and plumbers digging around out there and putting in the underground stuff um we would anti well based on what I've been told we will probably be able to have a council meeting in this building on in December I think uh then and it's going to be another 30 to 60 days after that before we can get back into this building for Council action so we will have to take some kind of uh we'll have to find a temporary Quarters at some time um if you got ideas let me know U but I don't know exactly when we're going to have to vacate this that's going to be kind of dependent on how things go out there the weather and that type of thing so if we vacate then more than likely there will be no video recordings or audio I don't know the answer to that question at this point okay uh hadn't thought about that quite frankly what Pelican Conservation Club I know that was mentioned as a potential they approved it for the summer months okay okay that might be an option to look for the 30 to 60 days um it's probably going to be two or three meetings okay our training room has an occupancy of 30 people I believe so as long as we don't have a big turnout the training room at the police department would work oh perfect would there be availability to at least record any capacity okay so we may not have video but I guess least then we would have that okay we certainly can work with some some folks to see if we can make that happen on a temporary at least a temporary basis to to do some of that yeah I think we could too I think we could get that done I'm sure our technical council member can help a little bit with that too potentially Perfect all right thank you for that update we'll go ahead and move on to the semetary um the entrance area um we've been long talking about thinning out the vegetation along the entrance and then uh around the water feature that was accomplished a week or two ago um and then uh in the meantime I've been working uh the memorial paper papers those are installed and researching different ways to pay for them and um next Cemetery meeting will probably have some examples to narrow the focus on um I'll present some examples from different organizations and try and get us a a pathway to what they want to use hopefully have that up and running by Spring get through rules applications that sort of stuff uh the colum barium is installed the sidewalk is done um it does need to be sealed once again so uh um the gentleman that poured the sidewalk he said once it dries off it's going to look kind of white and cruddy for a little bit but once he he'll come clean it with acid it seal it and then it will look very comparable to what we got um everything went pretty smooth on that project um any questions on Cemetery stuff looks great Public Works did a great job um and then the community garden kind of touched on that we probably have six or seven of the 18 or 10 by roughly 18 beds done today um the dirt is uh we're putting it a foot thick we expect about 20% compaction um we're trying to achieve about 10 in thick for wood chips uh um we great donations on wood chips I don't expect us to have any problems um so far the budget is staying some things of shifted but it's going to be pretty close to staying right on budget so we should have significant changes in the next couple weeks any questions on that that's all I have thanks Joe to hear and your team all right so last sourcewell board um to both uh I think this is an FYI did that uh there will be an opening for a uh city council representative on the source World board coming up after the first of the year um if you're interested or if you have some interest in being on that board let us know and we can certainly submit the application for you and that it does come with a requirement that the uh governing board endorse you But first you we'd have to find out if you're interested in being a board member for Source W questions all right thank you um agenda forecast looks like we have uh our Workshop SL special meeting on the 12th um and then December 2nd um do you have what do you expect to see on the December 4th second second is is it is it the second okay yeah second December council meeting yeah um I expect that we'd have the two or one ordinance the Cannabis thing I expect to have a final Levy um and that's what I know at this point right perfect do anybody else have anything before we turn all otherwise then I'll take a motion I'll make a motion to J second any discussion I in favor say I I opposed motion carries thank you