##VIDEO ID:5bjd8_Gsup4## C present slpy present trer present Arie present Williams present zaran absent McKeller absent all right should we stand for the pledge y I pled alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we just noticed the new Minnesota state over there it's pretty I like the gold on there yeah that nice all right starting with approval and Amendment of the agenda I'll make the motion for for the agenda as presented Sor there's no minutes in the pack this time so we'll just that out and we'll have them at the next meeting okay okay so Diane I made a motion made a motion to approve the minute uh the agenda sorry I can second that all right we have a second and all in favor say I I I and oppose great open Forum nobody so we're going to close open Forum all right new business park projects priorities so when we did the master plan um and just to to Circle back we kind of agreed that after City Hall was decided and going to be worked on that we would put our efforts into city park and are we all still in agreement on that yes okay so then the priorities um are listed in our master plan they included Trail improvements um ice rank of W toilet pickle ball courts um bike crack and maintaining and adding to Harmony Park instruments and a community garden which we already did so um we would just have to put those in order and everyone can kind of did you want to get like a survey of everyone Joe and then get it back or shall we discuss like um what do we think should be first I guess we should just in the past we would uh uh people make rank lists and that kind of how it turns out um because you know there's a set dollar Mount to do certain things and um if we have a list of let's say three items that can fit in the dollar amount for the year we can do three but if the top one takes more than that amount or it takes multiple years that's why we need to kind of have an order so we can so from that point I can get uh like estimates on exactly items see what budget um is available so if you want to discuss it go right ahead if you just want to everyone make your list bring it back to the next meeting that's I mean we've done that that works well if if you know it's up to the members really if if you want to think about it more um that's that's your decision I just I need something um because I feel we're um December will be our final budget um generally speaking like the priorities would have been taken care of June and then you make a budget for the following year and um this year things are backed up but the dollar moan is still there because in years past uh we didn't have a dedicated amount it was the project figure out the cost then that got if that got approved the money would be there the follow following year um so this is a little different that the park does have funding now so I don't think it's super critical because there's 50,000 budgeted it made it through um there'll be something to do and we can decide over winter but uh yeah so it's up to the chair and the committee how how you want to come up with priorities I think we could spend a few minutes talking about it because I don't think we have too much on the agenda tonight um can I ask Joe a question before we start absolutely Joe when when will this be done because I'm thinking if we're doing stuff around here it might be congested or crowded here well with the community garden oh the whole project City Hall um it goes tentatively June to July is when the contractors will that's when they figure the building will be done done I believe the Landscaping the parking lots those sorts of things will probably be one of the last things to be done so a chunk of Summer would be over with before we could really start something here The Garden will be a goal Garden should pretty much um the bulk of the hard work should be done next week so they they could be PL they'll be planting next spring oh absolutely MH y it looks great we have five rays to go um we have more than sufficient uh wood chips uh the fence guys are coming back to close it in next week so that was really the most challenging part the putting in the water fixtures and um the tables and those items will I can wait till spring mhm all right we'll finish talking about that with the update oh she's got the pictures up all right how manys have sold so far we haven't sold them yet so that we'll get to that in later in the um but I think just starting to talk about things with the budget in mind if we thought about we have 50,000 next year it may not be our top priority but what could we get done with that you know what I mean and then continue to make plans because if we do want Trails there's a lot of work to be done to figure out where we would um add to the trails and I think that's a pretty high consensus on our list and I know um from people I've talked to that improving and extending the trails would be a pretty good priority if we don't spend it can it roll over for us or does it revert back to the general fund I'm not entirely sure good question I I would hope it builds because otherwise if you have a a big project project it you you couldn't get past it in the past like um uh the playground um the play ground was I wanted to say it was 160,000 um and the council at that time um split it they they allocated I believe you know half one year so the first year we figured out which play ground it was and then that money rolled in to the following year and then the money was there to purchase it um and that was you know four or five years ago and things have been kind of changing a little bit each year um their dedicated consistent dollar amount was discussed but it's finally established um and then are we carrying anything over from this year that we know of it's going to be pretty close that's what I was thinking but I would I would anti anticipate um the community garden budget I believe um it's going to be pretty much right at $40,000 um we had $3,800 in donations various donations uh the wood chips which I estimated at $8,000 we got completely free um so that without that stuff it would have been 50 $50,000 range so that's going to be right there and then uh a lot of the signs at the disc golf course the spring was not budgeted um that was significant dollar amount signs and things like that I'm not sure where I put that if I put it in operating or took it out of the projects but um I don't expect there to be a whole lot left this year so so and then on that same note we also will be applying for Grants and Stu for some of these projects for sure so that takes a couple years sometimes or a year at least and getting them in at the right time and knowing which ones to go for and we won't have staff really to help us although Joe did do this uh Grant this last year we really thank you for that oh yeah with grants um it's a longer process you have to decide what you want get a budget established it generally I mean when we the grant was secured for the boat launch that was a and the park committee did that that was a hundred some thousand Grant and first it had to get approved we had to order plans um then apply for it it it took two years that's pretty normal for high dollar grants for smaller grants it's can be quicker so some of the things like pickleball courts there are grants available for that so it may be high up on our list but it may be a couple years away as far as getting funding for it like that um unless we want to just go for my feeling about the pickle ball is it is so popular and there are so many people like CR lake is busy from the early morning until late at night and people in line waiting to use it and so we have people driving from Breezy to CR lake to go play I think it would be so so appreciated in the community um you know and there just isn't availability right here anywhere near so there are two or three courts going up at uh Northstar that they're going to be enclosed at some point but I I agree pickle ball that that's fastest growing sport in America I think we get started on that I mean I think that'd be a great idea and and I'm not I'm unsure on Northstar if that would be just open to the public I'm assuming there would be a cost to it to play yeah so I I mean I would definitely if I were to rank order mine that would be just way up there to start pursuing that and we have the space for it I mean we have room behind the ball field existing ball field to put that in so multiple options yeah yeah I mean pickle B we thought we could he he said they need to get a truck in along there so I'm sorry there's what where we had talked about back by the mhm basketball courts behind there and along there has to be the width of a road you want to take that sure um we would need to adjust the site mhm yeah use some of the valley if you want it fit in there um but there's there's options I mean those lots that are getting donated right um I don't see it being a the volleyball court yeah it's possible being too inhibited I mean this was a park priority at one time it was it g gained a lot of steam I mean we did homework on it I think the last time we discussed it approximately $100,000 I think would have got us something pretty comparable to Crosslake and how many do they have there two court they four well they're adding but they're adding yeah did their current amount whatever the current size course they have right now was about 100,000 you know how many I just gave I I gave us um the numbers from 50 lakes that we're doing two and it was 50 grand for two that's yeah it's yep there's a range that's what TJ told me I don't know when four or five years ago so yeah so you know for sure we could get two and I don't know if we have room for more than that but um if we wanted to say year one it was going to be pickle ball we go for it and we still try to get maybe some grant money um and then start working on planning for Trails cuz that is definitely a bigger um mhm Endeavor and the other thing is um for the ice rink and to flood that um and put out a couple benches without a warming house would not be a big big deal and we could see how that would go I if we get I would like to visit with someone that has one I've never me had one oh yeah I know nisah would do that but they also had a Zamboni I don't know if he'd uses Zamboni on it or not no well I can tell you just n was um history with their ice rink when they started doing it without the Zamboni and with just trying to flood a field the maintenance was terrible it's really hard to keep a smooth sheet of ice it's hard to get in there to plow it off it's just it was and so then they started to add to it they had to concrete underneath where the rink was then they got the Zamboni lots and lots of donations so I think I love the idea of it I think it's way more than just throwing some water on the the baseball field and I may be wrong but I know that that has been over the past long time that they've had theirs going they yeah when I worked there they did have one in the baseball field but I don't know how it was created like uh I do know the park person um the real issue you get with uh as near as I can understand and I'm not a hockey player or anything is uh ice melts from the bottom and it uh when skaters are going along they punch through and um that's what the Zamboni helps with or you drill holes put water in it um I'd like to educate myself a little bit on it with someone um before I commit that we could do it and it work great um because we I mean we can get water we can push dirt around but we can get snow off of it but not a whole lot more than that well I would definitely um I don't know if agree we need to gather lots of f lot lots of information but binard has like five different ice rinks and they're not very elaborate like the nisah one and they run them every year I'm in five different locations and they've got like a some of them have a hockey rink and a general skate area and some just have the general skate area so I'd look into most of them have a warming house open we use the Gregory Park one a lot yes yes um it's really nice but they are out there a lot working on it yeah that's yeah it's on yeah yeah and they have volunteers who are in the warming house and yeah so yeah I think that's a good idea we'll start getting gathering information for the future that it's still a priority though um but it sounds like pickle ball sounds like it's from who's here so far and I just got a note Megan said she'd be here around 5:30 but um maybe we start looking into that and pricing that to get um to get going on that is that all right with everybody I think also looking to see what grants might be available for us to apply for for that yeah Gail has done looked into that it's generally speaking DNR grants um for establishing things is where you get them um I got to that point the last discussion and then the committee uh changed the person carrying that torch left and priorities got changed yep that's for sure um are we looking for the pickle ball like where would I start my research am I looking at a certain size or certain dollar amount like next year's budget or I mean I would just say let's look at two courts let's look at um I I think I sent you and I can Reet you the size CU they made them a little too short over at 50 Lakes so they regret they didn't make them a little bit longer for when the bounce back comes and then there's fencing is there a regulation size there is um itself but outside of the so they didn't leave enough room for for it to go back or to leave a little room before the fence and stuff so I've got all that information and I can share that and the person over there yep um that's good enough for that's a start I I mean as long as you're out comfortable that's the priority there's five of you here um that's where I'll start looking into um and if we go over or if we don't get grants we'll try all but we would you know difference yeah to dream for for four knowing that we might have to go two and two big enough for expansion first of all that yeah why donations let's get the dimensions and then figure out how many we can fit logically and sensibly in there so I will look for two to four courts figure out the dimension um great with with the gis I can put black just like a it'll show the area it's not gonna be like as nice as the map we have for this but it'll give you some placement options I'll just come up with a handful of placement options um look at the sites um and and I know I can do that that's people regret putting in too short of fences you know once again cuz it goes makes everyone go out but if it's close to the woods and it ends up going in there then we'd have to want to you know maybe think about taller fence so fencing is a big part of the cost and yeah yeah absolutely well fencing and the pavement those are the yep that's all I do think just watching 50 Lakes go up that once the installation of them doesn't take real long no so that's the exciting thing is it's not a project that's going to take a really long time to build so exactly no not at all me yeah yeah we may have to take some trees out and like you said level level areas and stuff so it would be dirt hauling um the generally pick aall courts I think are asphalt um I think it's a little cheaper more concrete I youan know that's that's your big expense and then fencing those those are your two biggest items mhm um everything else you know the Nets and the PT well the painting is fairly expensive but yeah I'll start looking into it and I don't know if I'll have something for the next meeting but it'll be my focus and we'll just kind of start wide and start narrowing in on it and thank you that's exciting we don't need to vote on that do we we're all in agreement I I yeah I don't think so because we're just researching researching diligence get a ballpark cost see where it fits um once we get serious about it that that would be a different different discussion all right so we move on all right we can take up those other ones later dates um Park signs inventory uh is just I thought useful information um to get the inventory I asked uh Cross Lake and nwuk they have Park staff um what they had they sent what they had um all the other areas Neil uh my second in charge visited the sites I mean by no means did he get every sign but he got everyone he could find um just to give an example of rules Maps um what different communities are doing um one thing that stood out to Neil um that we don't have that most other communities have is like at Trail heads like uh Maps like like a right rigid map and um as far as rules we seem to have as many or more rules in most places um you know you can see a wide range of different ways to post it uh the welcome signs um yeah so I don't think we're a whole lot different as far as somebody isn't really have everything super organized and consistent um some are very simple um it it was a good information for myself too um and this is just me more for information um as our signs are starting to wear out get old um a lot of the new like the disc golf course um the community garden um the signage is going to be evolving year by year as people discover this that um I think our rules will start to establish more um so that's the main reason I did it um we've had a lot of talk about that and I think it's always good to see what your neighbors are doing in relation to yourself um just comments questions um well I understand the need to have well first of all directional signs maps and such um and I also think that as far as being able to enforce some of the rules or you know behaviors that we hope to see in those areas we have to have them posted um I am a big proponent for less is more um we we walked the Fire trail again we do that quite often but the other day and now they have more signs in there saying huge visit all the other croing County Parks it's huge and I just thought wow this is a a nature space and there's so many signs in the picnic area it's pretty overwhelming and I think when there's too many it takes away and people don't stop to read all of them so I appreciate this because I think you can see that on some of them and the ones that are simple and have the priorities there and a good map and I think that that's that would be my thing to keep in mind as we move forward but it's one of the most common requests we get is um uh Maps um and our walking trail is mapped the disc golf course is not um we've not paid someone to map it um now that we're where we're at I think a couple years ago I talked to udisk people and they would be willing to work with us to provide something for free um but like uh we don't have and the the maps I provided uh for like bidi like for example for residents that want to know where all our different Park systems are you know we don't have something like that and that would be it could be a simple project it could be expensive it could be hey we're happy with where we're at um it's I don't expect answers I just it was something we're working on because yeah we're going to be doing some moving um so I thought it was a good information this meeting and you know since the parks are a big part of our signage they're talking about doing all the city signs over and the parks do have a big part in that and if we tie it all together and can make a path going forward for everybody you know for the whole thing um I think that's good I like this one and this is kind of I like the symbol so it doesn't say no no no no no it symbols it says you know my favorite the symbol to me are too busy oh well this is how they're doing it curl wi um so like um in kayuna all their Cuna signs are just the sign and maybe we don't have 10 of those things here we have the major ones but I just like the symbolism and then the QR code that's where you get into having um this one's got that at the bottom so you don't have to have all of these just the key um please see you know this for the rest are are we how far are we off from the system being able to handle a QR code nothing no system that can handle that okay not at this point the software hasn't been purchased okay um it was budgeted didn't get purchased um it's been discussed for years um hopefully this next Council will get to get the software get it implemented tie it to the website um that'll be that'll be a long process too um or longer process I mean no one here's an expert wiiz at that we didn't sub somebody out to do it um but we do have I mean we pay it people to do it and we just got to get to the point where we know what we want on it and take action so um right so that one looks like it's printed more Diane on a metal this this would you or you just like the look of this I like I like the I like how it's laid out I like would like the city logo the name of the name of what park we're talking about are we talking about the just golf Park are we talking about you know the the fishing pier this you know you put the name of whatever it is there and I I just find those signs they're put out there giving direction but I find they're bit much at the entrance to a park I in my opinion where else would you put them so that people know what's expected that's why I like this I think this is better at the entrance to the park oh but are we talking also about um like a fancy wooden sign too or would this something like this replace that it's a discussion we're going to have to have yeah we're not doing it right now it's not right now those wood signs you know the original Wood Park signs we had they're wearing out out well they've been they've been around a long time exactly they they've lived their life um well like like we would have like by the garden where we have a fancy wooden sign and then like closer closer to the the play equipment you could have something with any rules you wanted you could there's a number of ways to do it um like our kiosk that we made you know that was really affordable right and those are nice because um as rules change you open it up printed it new message easier um when you have a fabricated sign that has rules and writing in stone basically replacing it changing rules becomes very difficult but it looks better so yeah well like at some place like say the fishing pier How likely are those rules to change are we going to suddenly say okay you can have alcohol we don't have hardly any rules posted there that's just like you know it's been a pretty uh well-used destination yeah the beach yeah the beaches you know the beaches rules um generally the places I guess the places I get the most discussion about rules being followed are here the beach and the disc golf course you're being this park oh cuz The Pavilions imagine all sorts of things people walking dogs um responsible use of of uh golf carts cuz golf carts are not allowed they appear there um you know when it's an elderly person while driving their golf cart through to the Pavilion to the park and I would anticipate um the community garden is going to create some because people are going to be hauling in a bunch of heavy stuff um that will be we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I mean there'll be different ways people are going to use it and I would expect you know those rules we come up with there will change in time but um it's just it's something I wanted to start thinking about because we've we spent a lot of money on signs and this year it was like five or 6 thousand and um we we've got a lot to look at I I told you I thought You' done a good job of providing us information yeah it's it's you can spend a lot of money on signs very very quickly um or the minimal approach where you have one central location that handles everything QR code map rules um spread it out it it's something to think about because when you look at the whole picture it's it's a it's a large large project a lot of questions so I thought it would be a good good discussion topic and just uh something to take a look at it so all right anybody else have any input for that all right then community garden logo so this oh so this is uh the logo that um we're looking at for putting uh out in front of the Garden on a sign and maybe on the little signs um you know by the door and so we'll take a look at that on the back I think go to the next page so this was just really rough so we would have the logo um at the top and then um just on the outside coming in it would say um to rent a garden space in choir at City Hall the hours open sunrise to sunset no pets out all smoking with the line through and a QR code for when we we will apply that to the sign when we get it so that would be on your entrance into the garden through the fence okay question M um 8 and half by 11 it says the C on that page it says the Breezy Point the city of Breezy Point logo are we talking this one well we're talking about that one now yep so cross that out and put Garden logo okay because I I would like to suggest that at least have a a small corner somewhere on a small Corner that we have our use our city logo we're standing right in the city so do we need two logos on there well that's the question I how big is how big the sign how big is the sign oh it's 8 and a half by 11 it's going to be very small it's to be the size of this page with those three things and a little logo at the top yeah you really don't even need a logo but since we made one for the garden we thought we put it out with on the side and then coming out the other way coming out just to make sure um we'll say see you next time did you remember to shut the water off put the tools away take your trash and thank you and anything else that we might need to add on there the rest of the rules they will be getting and the guidelines which got passed by the council when they sign up um at the last meeting so yay we got the um forms all approved and we'll be just minorly tweaking them as we get more information um and we won't need to have their approval again and um so this is the next step as we get these signs made over the winter so we can get them on and uh is there the only thing I was thinking is I love this cultivating unity and growth I wonder if you could put that on your inside main entrance um the two signs as people are leaving it could just say that at the bottom where you have thank you yep or you know cultivating unity and growth I just like that and I think that would be nice to put it's kind of a nice little slogan or something I like that I would I I would still like somewhere the city logo since it is taxpayer this doesn't even say it's from funded by the I mean I think we need to recognize that this is funded by the taxpayers and put our our stamp on it we're skipping going ahe then I would like to finish with this and then we'll move you think we should have the logo on there as well the it's the text that says just if that's if that's a big sign you're going to have just like that well if you have this if no if you're going to put this on the front as people go into the garden put this on the inside on the one coming out of the garden it needs to be I just feel it needs to I don't think you want to put both logos on the on one side of the sign it's too much not that they would be the same size but I think you could you're going to have it's just busy too yeah I I mean we didn't even we thought maybe we don't need to put a logo then we thought we developed this logo let's put it on there but since it is aing City amenity the city needs to have the recognition for the the rest of the tax payers there will be a big wooden sign in the ground which we haven't seen yet or we're working on that that will say brazy Point Community Garden so right next to it is just the sign on the door on the fence we don't need a big giant ground sign and that so there will be another whole fence right or whole sign in front of the garden I going to somewhere somewhere theity no it's going to say that it's going to have that sign will have that so we haven't gotten to that part yet but because we were trying trying to figure out if we want to do the wood look or do we want to use metal or do we want to you know one of these other kind of things I agree with Diane though I think our city logo needs to be there too otherwise this looks like this was funded by somebody else or an outside group and totally F on the ad on the ad advertisement whatever Diane was mentioning I think it should go with a taxpayers does see that so they I think so yeah I agree well I think it's saying contact City Hall on the app so I mean that's but you know again like right here there could be a little logo just a little I mean I don't know how big this ad's going to be but just we the bre it's a half page if if we're if we're if not much bigger than known and our logo is recognized on different things to I I think it just adds more credibility and to the taxpayers it's a kind of a a recognition that it is a city official thing funded by all of us okay so back to this to begin with the logo um and the sign for the garden that we need to get approved and then put through this is just for the door in and out yep it's for people using the Garden or wanting to use the garden and then I should have said said there is going to be a big sign of wood or metal that says our logo and community garden and that's basically it right in front of right the door going in and out of the garden would that be on the arbor it's not going to be on the arbor I don't think I think we're going to have it in the ground you know before the door on the side so it won't block any driving of so just as you design that keep in mind that people on the committee are are would like to have it say city of Breezy Point with that on that wooden sign on the wooden side that's what we plan to have but we haven't even put that forward yet that's not huge a little it's going to be this big it's going to be on a big wooden sign it be on a sign this big right next to the Garden entrance where this is just going to be a little 8 and 1/2 by 11 rule sign just the basic rules because we don't want to put everything on there like we just talked about just the key things so that city of Breezy Point Garden will be in a separate sign we just haven't mocked it up yet but but on on this a little that's an ad we're not talking about that we're on this page I'm just giving you an example of how small it can be and and taxpayers still get so if we put the this logo on the front of the on the going inside and that logo on the one going out is that okay yeah okay so we'll put that on this other side or the second sign going out the city logo somewhere it could be small in the corner well the whole thing is only this big so it can be pretty good size cuz we don't have a lot of type on there okay we got that done do we have to vote on it or are we good I think um I yes I would I would like you to vote and where are you advertising we haven't done the advertising yet this is still just the little small sign going on the G we're still actually in we're still actually in this exploratory phase so now you would take this and go get it priced right I can and then we come back with them with a mockup mock up and then we vote then we vote yeah direct staff to research we we can do that let's do that I I do have close to good enough understanding but I think we'll talk coming back on it would be good um and then as far for just for that memo um that second point maybe I was mistaken the future home of the community garden what I was thinking we were discussing was similar to uh what's for City Hall something like that sorry what uh for the discussion on yep so reading through this we're about halfway down Garden logo and signage yep the second bullet point in discussion um where it says future home of Breezy Point Community guarding my understanding from the request was like right now we have a sign out front that says future home of Breezy Point City Hall yes and it would be somewhere over yes this area yeah yeah do we need it now though that the garden's up and ready to go do we need another to make to spend the money for another sign to say future home when the garden's ready to go but nobody knows but us nobody want to say future home we could just say visit our community garden or whatever I it's your discussion I that would work but I mean I just think a sign on the road versus cuz no one knows it's back there and only the group that's in on this kind of we know but if I didn't know I wouldn't know I actually have a lot of people who have asked me about it and they're super excited about it so I think now it's more visible with the leaves and not to mention the trees yeah gone really opened up VI and I would agree with deian I've had more um inquiries about this project than most yeah save the money good good how much should a sign like that cost ask engine cuz it looks like no couple hundred doll 50 to 100 per sign and the larger ones 100 to three well maybe we need to see how much interest there is in the plots before you we may not need to put another sign out there if we're going to if the plots all sell out right away well no January 1 yeah um really quickly I think second it'll be like a rock star line out the door with all the construction going on there's a lot to see out there already it's like almost too much to try to look at okay so we're saying hold off on that one hold off in the future well I think you could use that $200 for something else okay group asked if we could do that but we're going to hold off then bring back rep back work with uh Gail to I because I believe I have an understanding of what you agreed on but we'll work through it to get it there and then we'll bring it back when it's ready yeah okay and that won't take too long so that's an easy small one that is good enough for that topic all right all right then the next page is the ad so okay talking about putting the logo here the city of Point logo you know a little one it's like our stamp of approval and our recognition that the taxpayers are part of this deal I'm fine with that before we were getting push back on it so um it was kind of back and forth so I'm fine with putting that on there it'll make it what a dundale now so push back against the Garden or whatever it was it's kind of pointless so we'll do that we'll add that and we're also going to add we would love to have added um a QR code but that doesn't seem like it's going to be ready so we'll put the www along the bottom so it has um it's going to be a long one all the way to the Garden actual page we'll put that down on the bottom we're going to be adding that other than that this is how the ad is going to look this is like our run through of it looks great um you think so so this would go in the peat Community Ed spring flyer and it's 295 and it's just basically telling everyone it's here so I always look through everything in there and sign up for stuff from from their booklet okay so so you just need motion to approve going ahead with that ad I make that motion and the 295 which they will bill us for I'll second I'll second it okay motion MH and all in favor say I I I opposed okay great done old business none all right staff reports um already dressed majority of it um so the community garden uh we have five raised beds we just ran out of dirt so we're one more truckload of dirt so that's I mean that's right where I thought we should be it's really good um that will arrive tomorrow I expect the wood chips the raised gardens that'll be done this week the will be closed off next week um the pipe that got the fence post that got dinged will be replaced um and then they'll just leave picnic tables um TX those sorts of items to figure out over winter and fall uh what's left to fall and then um once we are completed I'm going to update the layout map to reflect because there's been changes to it we've made the center aisle bigger moved things around slightly but everything is still there um some Dimensions change slightly um we'll get that updated so it's accurate for when we start taking reservations everyone can it makes sense um that's all we had on that uh The Pavilion move the pads ready The Pavilion I don't have a hard timeline when they're going to move it it's it'll probably be when it's in the way for the project is when they move it so that's for that sits uh the disc golf course kiosk um we're going to try and get it moved before winter um so basically once we're done out there it'll be our next item i' would anticipate the next week or two and then um what we're going to do is the the sign in the parking lot there we will trans for that sign to the new parking lot for the meantime all right no cost it's there I forgot I didn't even realize it was there um that should address I forgot uh we had a discussion with someone they would like something identifying in the lot um I thought that makes sense um and then the final item was the the disc golf course basket removal seasonal um we had had requests to remove baskets um initially when I looked into it following the letter of what the council proved said 75 ft which would have not really done anything more than maybe one or two so we were more generous with the scope of the removal um we didn't Grant all the requests but we you know we did Grant I best way I could try and say is the ones that are meant to be applied to the properties they border so um that that was how I looked at it so you know if people are asking why why did we go beyond that why didn't we follow the letter of the law well that is what we did I talked to the administrator and um that's what we came up with so um so far I haven't heard and I did hear back from folks from both sides of why' you move it that much um and they wanted and uh we had a discussion and the players understood some of the players understood where we're coming from um and we did have requests to remove all 18 which I think would have kind of pushed it further so I'm right wrong or indifferent that's how we did it um that's all I have thanks for promptly taking Tak care of that Joe you're very quick on that thank you all right any Committee Member reports yeah I'd like to uh I have something to say um I would like to have seen the minutes from the meeting to the last meeting uh after I left there were some critical comments made towards myself and to other committee members uh I can't speak for the other committee members although I would suspect that they probably agree with me that uh committee members trer and mckel would probably agree but I just think that if you could go after somebody in public do it in our presence or face to face uh it's disrespectful and especially bad form when it is being done in a public form and really the two items that I'm just going to comment real quick their survey had nothing to do with the choices that this Council made if you all recall in August we gave the council those two choices to choose it because I gave a survey didn't prevent them or looking at other options uh and also uh uh the survey was done with never an attachment to the park and wreck committee I've never said that and it was never part of the umbrella of the park and Rick uh umbrella so I just think we're in the future anybody here has something to say to me I'd appreciate if you say it to my face thank you anybody else all right um I did have uh because the garden guidelines and application were approved by the council they should um with the minor tweaks we should put those on the website uh just so people can look through it um yes in that link that was one okay item I should have addressed in the staff report is the the council did wanted to be very clear with the community garden that payment is part of the application um and then I believe councilman ball had a minor adjustment that change of a wording it really didn't change anything important they would like to see that change yeah and we didn't have the exact number of yes yep that's what it was raised beds and cuz we and she wanted that cleared up and we though that will be done those are the minor tweaks yeah yep those will be done before January what did you say that was the guidelines the guidelines for the garden that we had approved before and they approved it now the council and the application so those are done and ready to go and they can go on the website whenever you're ready to have that done because if there's a lot of people inquiring they might want to look in there and see you know once we get that up we can direct we'll then we'll start handing the applic we'll put them in the tray so people can grab them you know send them in with check and we'll go from there yep and then um probably next month we can talk about who and how it's all going to get taken in and if you need help from the committee let we're willing yeah if you're still overwhelmed you know are you going to date when they come in like date and time come in you're going to have to yeah yep and it's on the application actually I think the date time and or the date anyway um but then we're going to have them select I mean the first people come and get to select which plot they want it's kind of nice so first come first sered and uh that that could be that could be interesting how how how we divy you know the the first person that applies and the process of if we you know the fifth person has to wait to the first person the pick you know what I mean if there's a line yeah I could see that being let's say that first person in line Waits two weeks I hope we have this problem um that would be awesome in in some ways it might just be first you go down the list just fill them in um they'll be learn they'll be learning we'll we'll start if it doesn't work great we'll change it and try try and get it smoother so that just popped in my head that I could see if we let people pick not saying let them pick but if they pick it could cause a lot of uh red tape because well I do think they should have some choice though because some do have I mean I'm thinking mobility and things like that I would like people to be able to choose where they're located or next to friends and things like that yeah I don't you know I think it'll it'll work I don't think it's going to be a mob fighting f but um I sure hope we do have you know a sell out and CU we did talk about maybe just doing it one zone cuz we have two zones for watering you know and so we thought maybe if we filled the first Zone if we didn't sell out the first year it it'll be a learning process we're going to have a lot of questions um I think we should you know and then we're going to um and as it fills up I think it will get a lot smoother yeah because routine will start to establish yeah well then people keep their a lot of them keep their plot from year to year yep and once that process happens that eliminates a lot of questions so I think we should have a response four or five months because I think this will be a big S success when 36 plots are gone and 25 or to non Breezy Point residents and they're going to be saying well we paid 40,000 for this and I don't have a plot out there so I think we need to have a response of what we're going to say to that and and I don't know if we should have let them continue to use plots year after year we can say get here early and get a plot then next year I mean I can see that being an issue it could be yeah we may have to say or maybe they have to pay ahead of time or cens first yeah there is a $10 difference it's 30 for breezy and 40 for n and Cross Lake is anybody any anybody the same amount so we did Jack it up for people who weren't do you say well all these Breezy people applied we're sorry you know you live in Pine River you're not going to be able to get one this year I mean we didn't set up to do that or everybody yep yep right now that is how I read the application it's first come first serve um the dollar amount doesn't change based on the plot like the raised garden I believe are the same costs they're the same as it's just if you're not a resident it's $10 more that's the difference and if we do end up with this problem then we will deal with it and change it for the next year you know if a bunch of breezy people are saying we can't get in preference to then we will then we will make it that way it yeah there'll be we didn't cover all our bases we'll learn something um right I I think it will be a very well-received project I hope so yeah it went really good and uh I'd really like to thank my guys they they they did it I I came up with the figures how it's nice and symmetric consistent that's Neil and the guys that they did it so I minimal help with it yeah we had to make some pivots and we had we asked for a different mix of soil and and and Joe and his team have been really fantastic I mean everything that we asked for they've accommodated and thought of better ways and more ideas and it's just it's been a really wonderful experience so thank you guys uh it's fun to see it going up can people get more than one uh we said if you'd like one you can request it but that won't be given out until every everyone else everyone gets one only and then if we have extras and there's usually somebody who thinks they want one and they pay for it and then they can't do it they get sick or they something moves you know there's always some plots over across Lake U that are are empty also went to um the garden group went over to the food shelf and we talked about um having a designated plot for them um or also just telling us what they don't get from their other sources so we don't step on those feed I mean we'll give them our excess of whatever we get um but so we had discussion about that whether they should get a plot for free or whether they should pay for the plot she was okay paying for the plot she was um she had no problem with that and thought that was probably even a good thing because then their volunteers will you know come in and help work with it too nice so we really want to make that an integral part of the garden and sharing all the excess and then putting in in our extra area we still have we have like 20 yards that we're deciding maybe what we want to do that we didn't put anything in yet um just cuz it worked to fence it out to the to that point um so we you know we'll see what what proceeds here and and make some um decisions after we get a little experience in maybe some herbs that everyone can share or things like that we had all kinds of ideas but um one more thing bill I will address what you were saying you had to leave early that night and that was not um known to me so you were supposed to be here during that discussion and whatever your personal reason was you had to leave early so I did not I intended you to be here and everybody to be here and to discuss in general um the whole thing so it wasn't like just cuz you left I made up all kinds of things to talk about it was um intended for everybody to hear so whoever wasn't here was not left out on purpose and I have no problem ever saying exactly you know dealing with issues head on straight so with that is there anything else then I will adjourn let's adourn the meeting