##VIDEO ID:OI-FhMtF__g## so I'll call to the meeting to order and Joe do you want to do the role sure Miller here to here slpy here Arie here trer here Williams here zeran here all right should we stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right approval and Amendment of the agenda I'll move to approve as presented Diane moves to approve a second a second Dean second all in uh discussion all in favor say I I I opposed and the agenda is accepted approval of minutes I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from December 12th okay Megan makes a motion second all right all right d seconds and any discussion all in favor say I I I opposed passes all right election of the chair and vice chair okay as for motions for chair I do I get recognized by you or by just go ahead yeah okay I would nominate Gail okay second so we have so we have some okay you can make motions for multiple people if you want okay I'll second that nomination okay Diane nominated Gail is there any other motions I recommend motion Megan zeron to be chair is there a second you want it I'll second just got to have right any other motions for chair how do we do this do we say can I ask a question if we have two nominations would it make sense that the person who isn't voted as chair becomes the vice chair autom aut atically that would make sense to me yeah I mean I agree agree take a vote on it go with the first okay all those in favor of any discussion both that have been nominated or willing to be chair yes there you go all those in favor of Gail say I do a hand okay one two three four five all those closed I I then we do it for Megan yeah okay all those in favor of Megan can we vote twice I know okay it looks like gaale 5 to Two Carries okay and then Megan is vice chair okay congratulations lady yeah thank you thanks for your confidence for me going forward appreciate it and it'll be great to have Megan to back me up all right anybody here for open form doesn't look like it check staff reports um I'm working on a pick ball es minuts um what I'm doing is create a spreadsheet that has two courts Four Courts six courts eight courts and 10 courts um I'm basing my numbers off four court construction and then I'm PR rating them based because it's square footage it's pretty simple to do that um that will include concrete an option for concrete um pavement uh 7t High galvanized chain link fencing um300 ft of 8ot asphalt Trail which would essentially the area we discussed we get you a pave trail from our existing Trail up to that general area and go in a circle around it it's not exact I mean these are these are good discussion numbers but they're based on hard numbers I've got quotes from a Anderson Brothers on pavement um Elite fencing for the fencing I'm waiting for uh the surfacing Nets from uh a contractor in the cities that was recommended and also has provided a local contact that I reached out today um who that could be good you know he's closer it could be cheaper just CU he's closer um and then there'd be some surveying because uh that area is a res I mean it's Zone plotted a residential neighborhood there there's roads there the city does own all the property it was the intention for a long time to make it the City Campus I mean before I was here um Diane would know more more about that than me and deian um uh but it's something from our experience with this golf course it's something we're going to look at because the fact that there's roadways in there um just something to I'll be looking at and talking with the administrator because it um you know we deem them they're not suitable for driving on but yet we build P Trails we just want to make sure we don't get into any trouble um and then contingencies so that that's what I plan to have at the next meeting um then we can have you know more discussion because the you'll you'll get some totals um see what to do you know how to pay for it how to proceed modify it um that sort of thing uh any questions on that progress or well and Jody just to catch you up a little bit on this so we yeah do you want to explain to her just a little where that location is we don't have our fancy map in here but it would be approximately I've got it 800 ft that way oh okay so kitty corner from where the community garden if you go down like that opening is an Old Road that's abandoned um where we kind of where we stockpiled the wood chips up in that corner is an option um you know it's far away from parking but it it is more level it's one of the better spots we got um you know the other option would be behind the ball fields which you know that's I don't know well that great somay we're going to need parking yeah and we have more room to expand up there if we wanted to add more later yep and as I mean in the past it was a goal of the park committees to acquire properties that way and those ones in red are private property um but everything uh that isn't is the city owns presently and the two closest to the community gard and we're in process of that acquiring right now y um but like these here are private property but it would be probably somewhere in that area so it'd be like a trail that would go around no it it's just you know our salt sand and storage buildings kind of not optimal placement long term but you know that's a big picture thing thank you um and then the signs um that's the other project I've been working on uh for the community garden um I did briefly talk to Gail um the two um it's something that pop po into my head when we were going over this agenda when Gail was visiting with Jerry KN um the community garden logo you know it's round our city logo is round um I think if we were were to use our city logo and then in this space where there's water blend it not just there though we could expand that for every you you know every the beach cuz we do have kind of a hodge PGE um and I touched base with uh the CLC gentleman um I forget his name but I have appointment with him on Monday believe Monday 12:30 so we're going to go over that Leon that's his name and uh we'll see what we come up with um and it's not set in stone I mean that's that's just a start I did talk to Jerry briefly he says we don't want to like recommend altering the logo like getting rid of it drastically changing it but um he kind of I think it could work really good mhm because it it would you you could take the bottom half of the community garden stuff and extend that into the water you know the the grow together and then the other Park stuff over time we could incorporate them um because I've been uh kind of thinking about you know when I presented the sign stuff um the general it seemed like everyone didn't have a strong opinion but less is more um and that's something we we could make simple ones I mean we could make a little straight shelter that has each one of these logos on one side and then on the other side it could have U something you open so as rules change um events so we're not tied into a oneoff sign that has rules on it that every time the rules change we got to spend a th000 bucks on a new sign mm probably won't be as visible because you're dealing with you know printed things but um it it's it's something I've been considering I think it would be a pretty economical way to do it too I mean we could build those little structures for th000 less than $1,000 a piece I mean they're couple 4x4s 2x4s paint some steel cuz Neil did buil the kiosk at the golf course so it kind of be modeled after that I think that it could be an option if the committee wants to go that way um so I'll have I might have that by February or March um and that's what I'm working on right now and then also uh the bathroom for the uh White Overlook parking lot got delivered today um I was just busy with other things but um so that's out and uh I think that was mostly what I directed to work on and that's where I'm at on everything so any questions uh a question about the sign for the sliding Hill and Snowshoe now that we have snow actually they haven't arrived they're ordered um when they arrive we'll get those out um and then probably next week we'll we can do similar to what we did to highlight the route perfect year um doesn't look like like the ribbon tied to the trees yeah ribbon for now yep long term I'm thinking something easier like do a colorcoded post or markers on trees just reflectors that are out of the way but when it's the appropriate season and then at that you know at a kiosk or something it could say the winter Trail here's the map here's the colors to right do these things um so we're not putting ribbons but it'll work for now and that's what we'll do simple it works in other places great all right Committee Member reports well um I think the latest number is 15 plots are rented in the garden 18 now okay [Laughter] like that someone actually found out about it is amazing for one so 15 plots was 25 % rented in se you know like in five days since the second so now it's 18 and that's really that's that's wonderful news um I don't know if you saw that oh that's what I was going to ask are more people getting the the beds the raised beds or the on the ground yeah okay yeah I think we're going to be purchasing some more of those down the road I and if that's what what sells then we put those where the yeah we add those yeah yep but that's wonderful so that was exciting and then Deb got it on the website and um she started with our ad which actually Leon from CLC made up they did a great job for us they made up our logo they went back and forth as we revised it they made up the ad we went back and forth they revised it and now the ad dropped today the pat Community Ed so that we should really start seeing you know because if people aren't on on the web page or on the Facebook page they're going to hopefully they'll be looking on paper so we've kind of covered it all and I feel really good about it I just think that ad just stands out so beautifully and um I think it's he's right that we could combine our logos and has anybody put anything in the Echo or um it' be really cool for them to do a story on it that would probably get the rest of them rented we do have country Journal April yes oh Lake Country Journal is okay yes which is gorgeous actually um one of our gals is the marketing gal and so she's the one who got like country Journal she's the one who went to the PE quat she's got Echo but their their timing was just different so I think they're gonna but have you T they've talked to Nancy at that Echo okay she did contact but I'll just follow up Nancy okay Tom Tom is the reporter Thomas okay okay okay I'm sure that would be something be very interested in covering right a lot of time like I just saw like the Happy dancing Turtle stuff and it just came out and it's already the signups are already started and some courses are already gone so sometimes there are timing is a little later than um but yeah so we're going to that was the next thing I was going to say is L's country Journal it's pretty exciting uh they interviewed myself and Darcy and I put some pictures in and they approved it so she didn't know it's small picture right and they'd like to come back in August or September when we're up to full Garden you know and take more picture have their actual photographer come with so I think yeah that's just off to just a wonderful start that's really exciting cool um what else I think that's all that's all I had nobody else okay and the last thing was uh the rules of conduct and procedure and I had spoken with Jerry and he had mentioned actually even a few months ago that we at the beginning of each year just go through the rules of conduct and procedure um so everyone is aware because there have been issues about people not being aware of of behaviors and and we've had this discussion so to reissue it every year and have everyone sign and date it um is what we are proposing we don't have the council doesn't do it they just adopted it to be the procedure for the meeting so the council doesn't sign a date it we don't have the committee okay that's what Jerry had said to me so maybe he didn't know that at the time but is that I mean should we need to discuss that or are we adopting it and we need a formal motion or we're just doing it I'm not sure I want to memo hear from Jerry just says brief discussion and if you choose oh he said in written acknowledgement if you think would be appropriate I guess make a motion if yeah so we do need if your group chooses that you need to sign off it so discussion I really don't feel a need to have to sign something frankly you know we're we're not elected we're volunteering I've read all these I've read all these I I just I don't see I would be against having to sign sign it I mean if we all vote to it I guess I'll have to but I just just don't think we need to do that I I don't disagree oh s oh yeah so I was just going to say I feel like if we all vote that we accept these then that's the same as signing right yeah I mean it's documented that we have all agreed to follow those Norms um especially with the council isn't signing I think it's just Overkill personally I didn't you know that's just what we discussed and he had recommended so I was going with his recommendation but I think that solves the same does the same thing yeah I agree with Dean so does someone want to make a motion I'll make the motion in favor of the rules of conduct and procedure as presented I'll second that and then we will do this on an annual the first meeting of every year review it annually and then any new person who comes on would also be given these the time they come on the committee okay so there's a second we have a second you did okay any more discussion all in favor say I I I opposed and it passes great meeting is adjourned thank you yeah