##VIDEO ID:yYd6j1oMVLc## all right no no I'm just taking a note here okay all right we'll call the meeting to order at 5:21 we were out at the basketball court previously question about that okay are we going to be in trouble if weon for 5:30 want adverti for 530 I don't want to why don't we do the roll call on the pledge and then we can that should be 5:30 maybe closer to that I see what you mean though in case anybody decided to come anybody does come that's kind of the point of the recording it's just if anyone comes for open Forum if we don't start before their time you know before flexible am can't we yeah to if somebody does come in we just allow open Forum yeah I mean you could you could put open Forum off until later you you don't have to take that in order you can amend the agenda to say we're going to move open Forum to number 12 or whatever as long as you know the the committee is okay with that then we can you don't have to stay here extra 15 minutes yeah I think open forum is the only area where the public can interject so we can go through that and I think by 5:30 we will be at open forum is what I'm saying I think we won't have to worry about it say the Pledge really slow okay let's say it really slow so I'll call the role Kim presid Jim absent Diane here Megan here bill here Siana absent Gail present all right then let's stand for the pledge please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all so we're moving on to approval and Amendment of the agenda I would um I have one addition okay I was going to say I just have I'd like to make a motion to at least have the flexibility for open Forum if anybody does come um before 53 yeah I'll second that we have to vote on that all in favor favor I I opposed okay so addition under new business um I would like to add visioning and prioritizing the enhancements of city park which will also Encompass our discussion can you repeat that again H can you repeat that again visioning visioning and prioritizing enhancements of city park in Li of the new city hall being built as we said we would focus our attention there once we knew that it was confirmed that City Hall was going to be starting and we can start working on that for our f future agendas and because we did just talk about parts of that out at the basketball court to work on where the Pavilion would be going because it has to move and apparently next week they will be starting construction I'll make a motion to make that second I'll second that uh any discussion all in favor I I okay all right I think we could skip the open Forum then and go to approval of minutes did you want to talk okay I'll move to approve the minutes any second to that yeah I'll second the motion okay I do have a change under open Forum where Amanda Sigler Sigler spoke it just says she spoke and we don't know what she spoke about or what her point of view was and I think we need to get some trail here of that and I think it should be her topic which was the the uh addition of a third bathroom on the disc golf course and she was not in favor of it and I'd like that added to the notes I know she didn't want it by by whole 10 I don't know if she it has to be there I know she didn't want it at whole 10 okay by hold by hold 10 but we all voted and we decided not to put the third bathroom on at this time but I just wanted not just that she was here but why was she here and what did she speak to I am trying to remember what's the protocol when there ever is a open forum is that is it detailed of what each person spoke of I'm trying to remember previous minutes yeah cuz like I'm just for a paper trail I think we've always had more than just who it was in their address down um okay while you look for that I'll make a comment I have um thought of the minutes in general are very brief it doesn't say what we discussed when but just said you know a motion was made there was discussion and here's what the vote was well what did we actually look at anything of importance I mean maybe we want that proven too I mean in general the the minutes should be a little more meaty I agree I just think at this time without having any Administration that we're not going to be able to do that we do have it recorded though and so on the record we do have it recorded that what she talked about and you know she is recorded talking about it as well but in the recap it would maybe from here on out could from here on out yeah if we can ask for that but maybe yeah maybe for right now I mean who's going to go who I don't know who has access to these minutes right now who to make the changes do they have the files so I think I don't know so if you if you vote on and and approve an amendment to the that's I would I would just forward that to Deb who's the acting City Clerk and you know she would have to make those changes minutes are always a meeting minutes are always a balance between you know how detailed you want to get they're not a transcript but they should provide an accurate picture so of of what happen so that you know in as it goes on you should be able to look back and see you know kind of how people felt about things as well exactly thank you for that so I will add to the motion that we just forward to Deb the changes and I would not make a lot more so it's combersome I would like us at some point to go back and see if that's protocol though that we've done because this there's another one that doesn't have not to be a stickler but there's other open it doesn't necessarily say it says who spoke but that's it I know when I speak at the council meetings which I know everybody's sick of they they never put exactly what I talk about they just put my name address and I spoke because there's that's why there's a video yeah too so I just want to be consistent because if we do that then there might be setting a precedence and then well we do have a motion in a second so any more discussion no all in favor I I and opposed I okay passes so we will forward that to Deb it is 5:30 and open Forum right now and I see we have nobody to speak so we are check mark on that one all right now to number nine new business community garden regulation and application and it's on page five in our packet chair chairperson Arnie sorry to interrupt you would it be possible for us to discuss the small Pavilion first because if we have to take a vote if I leave you won't have a quorum I'm assuming uh I hope the Community Gardens would not take you said you had to leave at one 10 to okay well I'm pretty sure we'll be we get through it that quick okay okay I mean let's see okay and we can go back but uh look at page five in your packet and you will see all the changes that we requested are just cutting duplication and cleaning up things and there was a typo so none of these are changing anything from the spirit or any key provision in the guidelines I have a question yes and why are you removing the cost we changed the location of it okay we not removing the cost that was when I got to this part I had trouble following what was going on like okay that so look at page yeah that would be a very good question look at page 10 the application it was not in an order that was logical if you wanted a plot and then you maybe wanted to donate money and then maybe you wanted a second plot so it all added up down to one column it was here there everywhere so we move we changed that so you can see and the application is pretty pretty much as is and we're pretty happy with that these are both living documents but we made some very minor and we thought less wordy and conc made it more concise they all made sense till I got to that one part then I was like what yes so the garden group has gone over it and and we've all um agreed to those so we're just asking that you guys do and then it would get updated and then forwarded on to council I make a motion to accept updated Garden application and moving on to councel I'll second any more discussion all in favor say I I I opposed okay great old business small Pavilion relocation there we go so we met out at the basketball court um we looked at where it could be and we thought about what might also be going in in the future so we didn't put it somewhere there we might have a conflict and have to move it again we um talked about do you want a motion opinions yeah we can make a motion sure I I'll make a motion for that basketball site that Joe understands where it is because he helped us find it that that one where it was in the shade at this time of day on the other side of the pass yes I'll second so I know Megan wants to make a presentation about the where we go at the school need a second first then we discuss then we can discuss it okay I'll I'll second okay Bill seconds and we'll discuss now I just wanted to since council did say that they were okay with two options I want to just give information on the second option we looked at the first one I think we do our due diligence um but um I'm just going to read information about the space that the other space over by the school um so peat Lake School dist should put this on sorry thank you um peat Lake School District serves students who live in Breezy Point as well as peat Lakes Cross Lake and Jenkins many of the students who would be using the shelter our Breezy Point residents that's if they if it was at the school and the Eagle View Elementary School is located in the city of Breezy Point when Eagle viw Elementary was built now retired teacher Jim minr had the vision of creating an outdoor learning space for students behind the building including open grassy Fields trees Bird's houses bird feeders and garden boxes the Nature Center was supported financially by the Pelican Lakes Conservation Club peat Lakes PTA and then grants and many volunteer hours in 2021 deian Traer started the environmental Focus stem program at Eagle viiew where students participate in unique Outdoor Learning activities and stem topics but it's connected with environmental as well they call it e stem kids are outside using the outdoor nature area every day to learn eagle view has been awarded with a stem Innovation award by the Minnesota Elementary principles Association and also Dan has been recognized as sourcewell Innovative teacher of the year and a Minnesota finalist for the presidential um Award of Excellence in Math and Science teaching um they've been they have actually been presenting across the state about the program that they have so it's a very well followed um and program successful program and um other schools are actually looking to add similar classes to their schedules um if they the school was to um add the covered shelter to their Outdoor Living Spa or learning space they've been wanting one for a while the picnic shelter would be in the Nature Center would get used daily by both eastem teachers and then just regular classroom teachers looking for a little protection from rain snow or sun and that's about 600 students that would be impacted by that and um in the past the cost of building one has been prohibitive so they would welcome um gladly take it if that's how we choose so that's that's the other option thank you for that and I I'm I think we're so lucky to have Deana on the on the committee and for that very thing and I I know that would be a great use um I think it's a worthy use my opinion on it is that we have so little in park and wreck and um we just can't afford to to give something away if we have a good use for it and I think the development of city park with the new city hall and our Focus here I think it should stay here um with the new city hall being built and I would I would be supportive of asking the council for that in a separate way for them to build a new one um I think that's another route you could go with that or she could go with that um and I would be supportive of that for sure anybody else yeah I I I'd see it as a city it's on isn't it yeah I see it as a city asset that we've paid for and when we is not coming on here when uh when we built that one that's that's back when our yearly budget was maybe $10,000 so we managed to to do that and I know it's hard but it sounds like the school has a lot of other sources of support and uh people enthusiastic for it our little Breezy Point perks we fight for every dollar and I do not want to give it away I want to keep it here and use it there if we put it like like what the Joe suggested where people could still see their kids playing they could be back there it could be shady and I don't want to give it away anything else I really like the location that we've picked out back there and I was 100% thinking that's what we should do but after hearing the presentation I now I'm kind of up in the air I like the idea that 600 kids are going to use this it's going to get used daily um you know I've driven by here many times at night and a lot of times there's kids with a golf cart sitting in the where it is now it's just kind of a meeting point for older kids um yeah I'm not sure I'm going to vote I'm just being honest I don't wrate at this instant I do like the flow of having the Pavilion and pickle ball court someday and and connect have a little parking area back there I think that'd be look look really neat as we look out of out of the remodel building here but could could I make another comment when we did get this one one of the reasons we did that was because the big one can be in use for a birthday or retirement or you know whatever people could come show up and at least they'd have an alternative that's good point you know we otherwise we really limit ourselves I know we rented the big Pavilion last year for an event and I don't know that anybody was over here but had they shown up at least they could have had some facility to use um any anybody else no I'm with him that sounds amazing I think you know it's something we couldn't should support moving forward but I like the design we decided on tonight so I want to just recognize that as important and something I'd be willing to help you know facilitate well and I simply shared the information to I feel as Bill does I I'm happy for it to go to either place um I'm not against one or the other personally um so that's my personal opinion so Diane moved Bill seconded and we're going to vote all in favor say I I opposed all right that's where that Pavilion is going then Joe okay all right all right so um I added an item under new business but I skipped it because I wanted to get that done before bill so we're going to go to talking about um the visioning and um City Hall Park here and so we had put in our master plan um installing a bike rack creation of an ice rink expansion of the trail Pathways um explore the possibility of um an outdoor Vault restroom that's open uh in the winter as well considering possibly having an ice rink there and um especially with the B uh the garden now as well um and and installing pickleball courts also I would like to talk about maybe doing a um a trail along 11 with a crosswalk and I don't know if that gets into out of our territory but to get here to use our Park there's not really a safe crosswalk and a lot of people have mentioned that even driving a golf cart or um you know it's just not easy to get across 11 there especially when it's that speed of a uh Road at that point to get over here um so that's maybe another thing we could add to our our list of visioning so we would just get started on this tonight but knowing that we have city hall now going and they're going to start digging and that's why we're moving that so quickly I think we should um agree that we want to place our focus in City Hall Park that we don't really have anything else for this next year for sure and decide how we're going to move forward with it so do you want us to do visioning tonight or come back next meeting having give it more thought yeah I was just saying let's agree that we all agree if we agree that this is the way we want to go that these are the items we already have put in our master plan we may want to add or subtract too that's I'm saying now that we know exactly the deal yeah the first Domino is is tipping it's like we can progress yeah the garden is in um in January we'll have $50,000 more dollars uh we're going to have 50,000 in our budget each year so we can add that up or we can use it and um we may not use all of our budget this year for the garden so there may be some carryover um gaale I had a quick question um I know in our previous meetings um so Council had given us 40,000 for or given the the Garden Project 40,000 but they were wanting us to continue with grants where do we stand on grants well what we had done was we had asked staff to P to pursue the loow hanging fruit um of sourcewell and what was the other one does anyone remember Lions Club was it he said was it Lions I don't remember at all was going to check with the Lions okay but we had staff to look into a couple I think there was at least two for staff to look at into and I think they had their minds on other things and they're no longer here so they're that's not being done so maybe would it be reasonable to Circle back to that and see um I know that they had said that staff needed to apply and things but maybe it could get things rolling and bring it here or something like that what I'm sorry what was I'm thinking like a Grant application maybe actually download it and see if there's pieces that they could so they don't have to do the searching for it the grants we cuz I know that they have a million other things to be doing too but how much time would it be to fill out the grant 20 huh 10 or 20 minutes or day or two days the I know personally the sourcewell one is fairly straightforward and with the plan that we have here and documentation from city council and their funding it wouldn't be hard to fill that in it's under an hour I can work on it I've done sourcewell grants before so they're pretty cut and dried okay great wonderful thank you Joe okay maybe I'll get some of that as financial information they need and she might be the one to do that Janette yeah if it's similar to the last one I worked on it's it's yeah they've simplified things so I guess I I will commit to going back to look at who we what other we asked for them to to look into and then I will get back to Geor maybe bring it back to our next yeah okay yeah CU I was thinking I had mentioned the initiative Foundation or some of the community foundations too like um what's someone in brainer Community giving I think but they may do like Community type grants so I'll look into that I'm going to peek into Patriot Foundation as well yeah it's part of initi foundation I was thinking that might ring a bell maybe that was the one we asked the Patriot Foundation is a Education Foundation but it can't so they may be a good one for the the project you were talking about behind the school that's a good idea well thank you Kim for looking into that one check with Jim on the Lions yeah okay I just wanted to come back to that so as far as dollars go we're thinking that yeah we got to get that in line and then it'll tell us what we can move on for a second and third and but like again if we really think we need to get pickle ball courts in first and it costs 880,000 I don't know whatever then we say we've got in our budget can you guys you know will they approve the other 40 out of the city budget matching grants or we can do matching right for that and then we can also ask the council yep for you know so PLC I think they want to see they want to see a vision they want to see a drawing they want to see it laid out so if we do that we should figure out a way to get that done and then show 1 2 3 4 these are the things we want to do prioritize the mhm maybe they'll say no we want this first and that first and they'll tell us you know to do it a different way at least we'll show what we want and they can put it in the order they want to go back to our master plan between now and our next meeting yeah and we can use it everybody look in there page 28 it was in this packet anyway discuss that the May June P packet we approved it in May yeah would we also um be willing to accept money from a like a large donor like individual donor of course okay just has to I think it has to be officially accepted it'll have to be accepted the counil right right and if they want recognition then we'll put a plaque or whatever on the pickle ball I saw over at Cross Lake that they've got big banners on them because they put up wind guards too which is really necessary it's getting windier and windier and so some of those real estate or Banks or whoever gave the money put up these big banners on the pickle ball courts and that also helps to the wing coming through so they get you know yearr round advertising and yeah so I think we could also raise money for things like that need more businesses and businesses yep need more there's a lot of businesses that support our area that aren't necessarily in our area like I'm thinking Coca-Cola and ohes places like that that they they do a lot of business here the vendors yep they like to do that kind of stuff I talked to Chris Cullen hot dogs for events usually they give banners actually too they'll make them custom yeah that's why it would work great it worked right on the pickle ball courts and Chris cullin said he would they would volunteer and also look into helping us out with any plans we had too so that is exciting so I just want to get that into everyone's minds and get us doing a little homework and following up with the money parts and ideas and and you know maybe it's a big deal so maybe we will have a wood Seth they did that drawing for us you know when we get down the road a little bit and have it flushed out they could maybe do a little drawing for us a winter project do a little plan well we can just Contin you know it be winter before we know it we'll just do it every time and when we get it flushed out we'll turn it over and see what it would cost for them to give us a little easy drawing to show to council okay so if you saw the garden um we made a little presentation here in introduction to a lot of people or a few people who came which was great and they have a townhouse area that was um really excited all the people in there she thinks that we're going to get a huge number from Breezy uh tow houses to come over and and have Gardens cuz they don't have any area to do it but one of our people on the committee uh worked with um CLC and they created that board for us like boom awesome so that's also a possibility that we could tag off of that and just work more and then they get the experience and and we get a nice you know Vision product without having to go into big expenses for it because we don't want to spend money there if we don't have to so that's another place we could look into for that um all right anything else all right we'll take that up at next meeting so that should be on the agenda um visioning for City Hall Park for next month's agenda um then pending items for discussion under 10 B we're talking about uh the item list that was in on page 14 in our packet and because we don't have a staff right now or even an interim staff I think where we're going with the visioning of City Hall Park it kind of is one of these items and that's where we're going to put our Focus right now and not have to try to delve into all the other ones um I think we can cross off the future of the old disc course parking lot because I don't believe we're going to do anything with that at this time right Joe so we can take that off it's just going to be there and used if needed for parking vehicles or and it will be uh uh the restroom would stay there that would be great service like the southeast corner so that that was the initial plan um the signage should be removed directing traffic to it um we still have the kiosk there which I hope to move sometime after we finish the community garden if wether lows so like in November maybe okay for it freezes fair enough so you say the signage isn't down yet it is it is down so all that's left is a kiosk yep okay and then the new signage uh we got the Rainer Drive signs and oh good those just came in the other day hopefully get those up probably next week or oh the ones that are going to go under the yep we go okay and then I think we're waiting on a straight arrow for one intersection where the road we have the sign before the road but it just you know it doesn't show to go straight across I think that's un Riner and Shady or SK ske perhaps I don't know but they'll go up soon as they come in um so you already answered that question uh the only thing um that I suggest that we do is look at adding a no smoking and no alcohol sign because we don't have the kiosk moved and we don't have a sign developed and up um that we and we need additional signing to make sure people know there's no smoking or alcohol at the first hole on each course I think it would be appropriate to have a sign so then nobody can say they didn't see it they didn't read the kiosk they didn't see the one little tiny sign going down the path if it's that whole one on each course and even maybe whole 10 um or we could even add it to some of the signs that are already o like there's already a sign over there has wondering like property line stuff I don't know if it could be added but I apologize I'm going to have to leave okay I this was scheduled months ago and I didn't know it was going to fall on this day so I apologize again do you need me to stick around for any kind of vote so we have a quorum okay thank you see see guys in a month see you in a month um I was just thinking of that Gail if take care I I guess this is a funny question but do we have signs like that already available that we could like just get up out there or would they need to be ordered possibly I mean if I have extra signs it's no big deal I don't need action okay um and if I have to order a couple signs it's not a big deal either they're 4 or $50 so okay just those you know just be out of the operating no alcohol and smoking no alcohol no SM I ordered a couple spares but I don't know off the top of my okay well if we're comfortable with whole one at each place that's where i' put them so that's what she want and do you have any input on that I mean not really not more than any more than Jo okay I just think no one will have any excuse because there is there are city parks that do allow it um I remember going to the parks with my parents when we they always brought a a cooler beer so you know they do play people play at different places and they don't know and one little sign on a path going down right now is not and when we get our QR code and have all everything in there too I think it'll be more um non- excusable to say you didn't know but if we put it in the first hole of each course and they're just small signs off to the side right you know they'll see it then I think it's a small investment that is worth our while yeah and a lot of golf courses standard golf courses allow drinking yeah for sure for sure yeah I think it's important to point that out they could always be moved too if we did end up choose you know it's not like they're just going to get tossed so we don't feel we need a motion no no okay excellent all right that's all I had for pending items and I think we'll like I said move off the rest of it if you think anything else on that list needs to be moved ahead besides City Hall Park let let's talk about it next time um and in our master plan if you see anything that you want to talk about uh step reports um we're busy doing landscaping projects uh we're wrapping up the cemetery this week um probably switch back over to the disc or uh Community Garden in a week or two um still figuring out how we're going to construct it as far as few loose ends but I don't see any problems um we are running short-handed so we are not Mowing and doing trash and those sorts of things as much um Joe is that due to Summer help gone not budget because now we have money in the budget for staff I mean if you could find someone to work no that's not the issue at all it's I have four employees and all four employees are working on specific projects that takes all four employees so we the summer help can't do our other things so it's got it it's a short-term project so it's not like it demands you know we hire four extra guys so we're always have appropriate amount of staff once the projects are done I anticipate normal service so we do have many people saying they would volunteer on the garden committee and that would work with them if you need any help on any of it so I would rather not have private individual work on just so you know heavy equipment and liability it's just same with the the disc golf courses I mean we had volunteers of Plenty but when it comes to cutting trees and things I don't want anyone hurt so for sure okay just so you know if you do come up with something there are some people all right you already answered the question on the road signs that I was going to ask about and the kiosk so nothing else there um Committee Member reports I will start then um I went to the Planning and Zoning um we discussed the fence and got that approved and uh again if you didn't hear this we talked to that couple who own those two lots and we may be get able to acquire them either through donation or buying them from them so we can pursue that um is wait a minute is that you're saying Parks is buying that or the city's buying that City okay so it's not our it would be in our Parks so right next to the Garden so we would end up with them but we're not going to use our budget for it it would be the city or they'll donate them or get a tax both way yeah we've had Park funds purchased tax Lots before okay I was just wonder if it's like our Park budget would would have to buy those lots because they would be part of the park I didn't know if that's just a city we're still in preliminary yeah it's been done both ways okay it's probably pretty provisional right now just couple nights ago right we're like this is that it cross the fingers at work so that was in the budget process okay so um I would like to um talk about what happened with the city here and with um the administrator and the uh losing our two staff and I want to bring up the rules of conduct that we were given and I don't know did you get one when you came on if not I'll get one okay the rules of conduct are for the council and for any boards or committees and we all got one when I came in because I felt I needed to know how it should run and everyone else should and I think some of the issues um with just proper behavior um the rules of conduct basically need to be followed and so I wanted to highlight a few of those um so we all have a safe and professional place to to work and be on a committee and volunteer and for the public to be able to come forward and tell us things without um worry of reprisal um So speaking one recognized free of interruption uh directly on the subject avoiding personal attacks refraining from using an insulting or demeaning language indecent or threatening behavior and that is not only here but when you're out in public we're held to the standards of being on this committee or being on the council representing the city to not be doing these things in the public sphere or online fully participating in the meetings and with respect kindness consideration and courtesy um we should be a model of leadership and civility to the community demonstrate honesty and integrity um we should never publicly criticize any specific employee or person on a committee or um member of the community avoid personal comments that could offend other council members avoid argument and debate in public be active listeners be punctual and attendance um if you miss three meetings a year your meeting Miss in 25% of the meetings and that is not acceptable in my eyes I think when you come on to the committee and you know that we have this meeting on this day at this time there are things that are going to come up and there are emergencies and those are absolutely going to happen but if it comes down to you missing more than that then I think it's not great for us because we don't get your your input and your vote and um so I think we need to make that kind of a standard for ourselves and I would like the courtesy of being told because I was not informed that Jim or Deana was going to be here everyone should have my number and if you don't it's 61272 9654 you can text me and call me I'd like to know as as soon as you know you're not going to be here so I'm well aware and I can plan the meeting around these things if we end up with a lot of us not being here then maybe we don't have a meeting but if we don't know that till we get here then I didn't plan for doing something else tonight or whatever being with my family whatever it is so I would ask for that courtesy and up the communication between us because I do communicate with with everybody um I want to be accessible and I want you to feel like you can come to me with stuff that we need to talk about and get on or off the agenda or whatever I just want us to have good lines of communication so we all feel like we're you know we're working together we're a team we're neighbors and uh I want to get that collegiality built in um Bill had to leave but he went in front of the council and the reason we only had two choices tonight for the basketball Court of the school was he went in front of the council and told them he had done a survey online about where the Pavilion should be did either of you any of you reply or see that survey neither did I so I guess the members of this committee don't get to be included in a survey that's non-sanctioned by our group our committee or our city and then he goes in front of councel misleading them telling him that he's representing Park and R and giving them these numbers well what are they supposed to think and my question I was at that meeting I watched it um and so I had come up and spoke mhm I saw a couple different things and um they had asked about the bathrooms and I tried to speak to what Mrs Ziggler or Ziggler had her voicing her concerns but we how we came to the conclusion of we're probably not going to just leave it as is was where we were so there wasn't really a decision um and I'm trying to think of what the other thing was my question is and it it is tricky is sometimes like earlier I made sure that you know my personal opinion even though I'm presenting right information and that is fine um and like when you go in front of council they have to know this is your personal opinion or repres clarified our committee and you David explicitly said what we had decided and we were going to meet at the disc golf course which I'm want to start calling the Park and Recreation Area because that's what it is it's a recreation area and it won't be a recreation area until we have other other things out there we do have snow shoe we do have sledding but if we had a pavilion a permanent bathroom if we had a Kids Place play area natural play area those are things we have in our plan and I did hear the comment that there's no plans for it well we do have that in our master plan we just didn't have where we would put it staff actually Joe did suggest that that's where that Pavilion should go so that's where we started that conversation that didn't come from any one of us and that didn't get talked about the other um parts of our master plan didn't get talked about I'm okay with where we ended up today but I don't like the way it went down and I don't think we were represented well and I think the council was misled and I don't appreciate I don't think it's within the rules of conduct that we've been given and that we should follow that we go off on our own and do surveys and then present that to the council and I think there needs to be a clarification too I mean every individual has their own rights to do whatever they I mean but it needs to be represented this is my I'm speaking as the member of this committee or this is my personal I think that would help exactly like I did as a citizen not as a Committee Member exactly yeah because it was prefaced that to but I don't did but you were very effective in lobbying for the school and the problem I had with it then was that there was no no one uh giving you know the Counterpoint right and and so I can see where Council obviously had not watched The Parks meeting some had one or two and um didn't disregarded what David told them and frankly I miss aaza I think if we'd had um Mike morone or anybody mike always was able to give us the council point of view and I'm assuming that he was equally you know forthcoming to give the the the T you know the temperament that was going on and the the comments and just the general feeling of the Park's position I think he Our concern with going along with that was that we could bring that Lea we could request that liaison come back well I would could that be added to our next agenda um I would like to do that I think to discuss that I think there is something we don't have L of connection or communication exactly and especially with staff I agree but is there any reason why we can't vote on that tonight then put that to the council oh we have to five for that okay so yeah we'll put that on our agenda for next month's meeting and then request it to the council the following yeah and see if cuz you know we also there's some vacant places and there going to be some reorganization and I don't know but staff gone it would be nice to have a liais on too because we're not getting all the minutes and consistency and the communication so yeah let's add that to the next agenda I think that's good MH okay um so as I said I've seen disrespect from people on committees to public members it's not acceptable it's not acceptable in our rules of conduct um disrespect to other members on the committee um and misre representing I I just think these things are not acceptable and and there will be consequences you know we can't have it going not in defense of Bill but those of us here have seen him come up with these I took a survey or I pulled 10 people we've seen him do that so that's kind of his his way of operating so I think to to us I I don't put a lot of credence in that but Council not knowing that that's his pattern and that's how he works um I can see where they would be you know maybe impressed by his statement I yeah maybe before you know they limit you know our options they maybe check with the committee you know to you know I think it's perfectly fine he wants to talk to the community and get you know opinions and engagement but but is it a select group with the community that's his his group uh or that should be done by us who came into Pelican Square you know that should be done by us on the city city on the city website or on the city Facebook page not on whatever Tik Tok random Instagram who knows I'm not doing all those things and it picks up a select group of people who are selectively continuous in their little circle mhm and I don't think that's a representative and I don't think the council would agree that was a representative and I think they were misled mhm and um that's not appropriate behavior they did that night um somebody from the council did say well we have a couple Park and wreck members here too I wasn't expecting to speak on behalf speak on behalf nor I don't know I can't speak for Bill but so sometimes too it is one of those things where you're not but you try to represent and it you go into it with good in intentions well so I thought what you said and you actually said the group decided we didn't want to give it away we found a better location for it so you did set that parameter which is what the committee agreed to but you did make a good case for moving it to the school so you know and I wasn't there to make a Counterpoint so should I have to attend every council meeting I think I should be able to trust our committee members to represent fairly what went on here and trust that you're going to go represent us anyone who wants to has to represent even if you didn't vote for it what we said and we didn't decide anything we decided to look further into it and they took that away from us yeah and turned us into you know you get to pick between a not a and C because of a of what got presented in front of them although I wouldn't want them if they already knew that they wouldn't support an area I don't want to go explore an area they wouldn't know that unless I was here or someone else who could give the counter point like Diane said well they had all four options and but no one speaking to them and saying I have a survey I could go up and say the same thing I mean do you see what I mean it's just not that's not right so that's what prompted them to give us the options cuz those were the two Ops there three options we were looking at we were going to meet at the um Park and wreck area and they took that option away because of the other two who spoke to the other two options so I'm like I said I'm okay with the option we ended with I don't like how we got there and I don't think we want our choices taken away from us and I don't want but ultimate and it wasn't out of any disrespect no they asked me on the spot I'm a human being yep I no longer work for the school district I thought everything you said I wanted to make sure that nobody thinks I'm favoring one thing or the other um but I also don't yeah I think we need to be careful with our tone right now too and I know we need to be clear but I think yeah you you did make those clear statements I'm not sure they heard them in the you know in the spirit of what you said you were saying in the spirit of honesty yeah and I don't know that they took it that way or if they just kind of glossed over I I can't control how people take what I say you did make a beautiful presentation that off the cuff it was impressive and if someone someone had been here to give an equal or let us know maybe they'd want to this golf location you know that that's I think the part that's missing is there was not you know no balance no Counterpoint now we're more aware yeah and that's all I wanted you know I just want to go over these things cuz I want to have a good trustful respectful relationship amongst everybody and well I'm almost been thinking too um when I think about this team or committee you know there are often people that aren't able to come and I know the mayor had wanted this expanded to seven people does it really still need to be seven people we are and we can't vote on something right now um we have seven people and only four are here we don't have a quorum yeah so I think four is a quorum four is more than not out of seven four four out of seven yeah it would be quum right we could vote oh I think you have to have one more than half right no cuz yeah you're right cuz if we had five before three could vote just has to be an odd number one more than half or it has to be more than half I mean yeah we got so anyway we can vote them to have a ask the council to bring the liaison back to our committee right well and I'm wondering too if yeah if we need to have still seven people my question that was I wondered the first time so I I would say with the questions on whether a quum exists I mean it's not an urgent matter to have I'd rather not you might as well just and that way you can put it on the agenda next time and people know good idea and are we required a gender balance on a committee that I've haven't seen anywhere okay in a rule okay I um policies here okay just be thankful you have people people we we used to beg for five people couldn't get five before now I I think I like I like seven I like the group we've had we've discussed it before I think we have a good mixture of opinions and complicated yes yeah and it's a busy time of year not making excuses I miss two medians and I've apologized but um I like being here so I mean it's still new for me to be the chair and I'm learning and that's why I wanted I've just seen some things and felt like I needed to reestablish some you know some operating and rules of conduct procedures and make sure everyone's clear and know that they can contact me and especially now we don't have staff I would really like to be contacted and not figure out at the meeting that three people aren't going to be here two's not going to be here and all that so yeah just the whole thing with what happened with the city I don't want any more of that going forward if we can if we can prevent that let's Okay make it joyful all right so nothing else we will move to a journ move to a journ second second all right all in favor hi hi I didn't think we had discussion thank you all thank you and don't forget to take some tomatoes and apples home I got a lot of tomatoes