##VIDEO ID:wC0UvyOFt7Y## for Tuesday November 12th at 7:00 we'll go ahead and call this meeting to order and Peter would you mind doing the roll call for us this time IR brisban here Ty here Weaver here zeron here all right thank you and may everybody arise for a pledge of allegiance I pledge the allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you first item on the agenda here is the approval or an amendment of the agenda itself do we have any amendments or do we have a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve we have a motion do we have a second I'll all in favor say I I any opposed motion has passed all right and next item is the open Forum so if you're in the audience and you'd like to approach the podium to share information with us you may do so state your name and your address if the item that you want to address is already in the agenda you can wait and address us at that time there'll be a public input for those particular items so this is anything in addition all right we will close the open form and move over to approval of the October 8th 2024 Planning Commission minutes do we have a motion to approve or do we have any amendments I'll make a motion to approve do we have a second I can second it we have a motion a second all in favor say I I any opposed motion has passed and we will move on to new business and first up is iup application I 24001 and we will start with a staff review Madam chair members of the board uh staff report for iup i2400 1 uh application Nicholas grunky and there is no site address on the property the property is zoned Urban reserve and it is unwed the applicant has filed the appropriate application the applicant has paid the appropriate fee for the application and public notice hearing was published in the legal newspaper and all Property Owners within 350 ft were mailed notice of the hearing public notice was not given to the DNR as the property is not in a Shoreland overlay dis District the applicant is requesting an interim use permit for animal husbandry summary of the property includes the subject property is unplatted land that was subdivided via meats and Bounds to a 20 acre tract the property is surrounded by low and medium residential zoning districts on the North and East boundaries the same zoning District Urban Reserve is bordered on the west and the south side is zoned wooded residential this property was rezoned in March 2020 from State zoning to Urban Reserve zoning based on review of the minutes of that meeting it seemed the primary goal was to get into a zoning District that would allow the animal husbandry use animal husbandry is allowed as an interim use in the current zoning District staff recommends the commission consider approval based on the plan submitted in the application and following the proposed conditions or any other conditions that the commission feels appropriate um some of the recommended conditions to consider would be to have all storm water runoff associated with the pasture area must be maintained on site any deviation from the submitted plan requires prior administrative approval from the city including the Planning Commission so meaning if somebody were to go in and add animal units the applicant would have to come back before the board number three the iup shall expire upon ownership transfer of the property or modification of the property deed and anal animal units not to exceed ordinance limits and any violation of the condition of the permit or the use of the subject property shall also equally terminate the permit so attached in the packets is the certificate of survey and some of the definitions of in the ordinance copies of what the definition of animal husbandry is and the amounts um allowed per acre which is one per five acres for a horse and then the uh use chart that lists the animal husbandry as a uh allowed use with an iup the applicant has also included their site sketch on the other side of the survey and the red area shows the fence boundaries of the property and then this zoning District also allows for an accessory structure or barn or something if they wanted to put up where it would not require ire a residential unit to occupy the property first and that again is I believe why they rezoned to this zoning class that concludes the staff report if you have any questions please ask I have a question Peter what do you typically see with a interm use permit as far as a specific date for ending that's a really good question on that something for you know we see ones that go up to like three years and such um the big cap being on the property ownership you know that it does not extend to a new owner so I think that's a nice catch all there um I couldn't really put a finger on a time frame for like just if the current owner has it and they have their one horse you know if they would need to renew it once every five years that certainly um would be an appropriate question if the board wanted to put a condition on there absolutely yes from your opinion just having the ownership property ownership transfer be the condition without a deadline is that I think that would be sufficient does anyone have any other questions oh all right then we will move to invite the applicant up to the podium to present please please state your name and address thanks for your consideration um so we'd like to get this property we um have a horse and it's been my wife's dream to have a little small little farm mini Farm kind of like for her whole life so uh we live close to the area and this came up and she had mentioned to the Bushman before about this proberbly years ago so this kind of like kind of her dream for it and uh we think it's a good opportunity for us but also for the city because we're going to take care of the property we're going to make sure that it's uh maintained well and the uh the outskirts of our land around the West Street and conro 11 will be taking care of taking care of much better than it is right now uh we'll keep it updated keep the dead trees out of there and make it look real nice um as far as the fencing goes we'll just we're going to keep it back as far as possible from the roads uh right now I think it's 150 from 11 and 100 from West Street the third section over that goes to West Street is really just additional right now we have we don't have a plan for that last part that would be only if we get a additional pet additional horse so and that would be the max of what we're looking for is possibly two horses right now it's just one but that that's that last part would be added on to give it give the pasture more room for for two and we'd be able to you see there's three three sections so we move move the horses keep the grazing up we'll put the weight back in the land soil up soil up Help The Help the soil better so that's what we're going to do that and uh that's really about it so technically Peter they could have four horses with five five acres per horse right that's how I understand it yeah correct we we're not interested in that we got two would be way way plenty they're kind of spendy in your consideration though we would like to know uh the question was arosed and I read through what I read in in the packet here was under Urban uh uh reserve one once we get the approval that is good until we sell as long as we own the land that is good I don't want to spend uh $20 some thousand on land and find out X time forward all a sudden I can't have an animal anymore I mean that's the whole purpose of us buying the land so I mean I have to have that understanding well iup there is a t limit on it we were just talking about that right correct the board could set a time allocate of you know five years where they have to come back in and reup their interim use permit um just a little history on the iup mechanism versus a cup you know that is the reason for the iup is just so you know 30 years from now perhaps the city of breezy Point's grown and changed in some of those areas where that perhaps might not be the best or most suitable land use there was an opportunity for the city to um end that use that's specifically how iubs are designed so to answer your question Nick is it would be like if the board said they wanted every year if they want it every five years I think on zoning review I think it's appropriate that it it definitely goes with the ownership regardless of whether they set a condition like if you do sell the property somewhere else not saying they can't do it they would just have to come back before the board you know um what that attempts to prevent is you know sometimes when people have approval all a sudden 25 horses show up you know or something you know more commercial not that you're proposing that but it's just so that it's very specific for yeah you know and then that the city also has a mechanism where you know um animals and cities you know have a long and complex relationship varying in different circumstances and things like that in some cities you know like Breezy Point where we get out to the edge of town you know perhaps the lots are bigger and have a more rural view you know like in know if somebody went like with horses right down on say like Lakeshore Drive that would possibly be a lot more challenging you know situation so um yeah the board can certainly consider a time frame on it you know zoning wise I think it would be appropriate just to limit to anytime the deed changes but you know but you know I that it if if it doesn't get Capp two time it would just go with the deed change you know and that's why we put the language in there with the deed change too you know so if somebody said well hey I didn't change ownership we just changed the deed where it's like no the owner changed like if we added another owner to the deed that would trigger a change too and not not a denial but just things have changed we better come back in and review it yeah know so so you would suggest Peter that anytime I would do something like that in the future if if that would ever come up and I have no reason to right now I would I I should do that prior to making any kind of move to get approval first is that what you're saying to me right yeah so in other words you know I'm 65 so when I'm 80 and I my son's maybe going to take over the property or whatever the case would be I would come and get that taken care of before I put him into the into the got that's right yeah yeah I'm not looking forever I'm I'm you know an old guy I won't be here long so well I appreciate asking the questions too because we like to make sure that everybody understands what the the scope is too so yeah does anyone have questions for the applicant no all right thank you thank you very much at this time it we are now open for public input to this matter so if anyone in the audience would like to approach feel free to come to the podium state your name and address and share with us um my name is Wendy Chon we live directly across from the property that he's um asking the permit for um can you state your address please 9023 First Avenue thank you Breezy um couple questions did he say just going to have one horse for now okay and is is it going to be an electric fence or is it going to be uh boards and you know a normal wood fence I I didn't hear that part Peter do you happen to know I do not on that I would defer that to the applicant to answer that question uh we do have a fence ordinance though that already restricts the variety of fences in an agricultural use they are allowed to do a couple more things like they could use uh electrical f you know because it's an EG related use but there's also fence height restrictions and such you know like a fence can't be over 7 ft tall you know but um yeah I would I guess defer that to the applicant if you okay would like and excuse me um the applicant said he doesn't live far away do you live in Delwood Acres excuse me do you live in Delwood Acres no here on Circle where here on Circle um how far is that from the property where you're going to mile and a half about a mile and a half so you're not where if for some reason the horse got out where you would know it because you live a mile and a half away they'll be moving there building a house on the propert they are moving a home on the property okay are you going to do that prior to getting the animal correct okay the animal will not be there alone yeah the animal won be there alone okay um that kind of answers my questions thank you thank you is there anyone else in the audience that would like to approach all right well close the public input and move over to the findings review so upon review of the interm use permit application the commission needs to consider the following findings as required under Section 1531 124 in review the commission should State whether or not the following findings are acceptable towards granting the iup the following findings must be met if appal number one meeting the standards of a conditional use permit set forth in 1531 19 of the city code and yes we find that the application packet site plan and Survey appear to have met the submission requirements set forth in this section number two does it conform to the zoning regulations performance standards and other requirements and we find that yes all the performance standards related to the proposed use appear to be met fencing will be contained in the pasture area a manure Waste Management plan has been addressed and the proposed animal units will not exceed ordinance allowances now number three is this allowed as an interm use in the zoning district and yes this use is allowed based on the city's land use matrix chart number four will determinate upon a date or event that can be identified with certainty and yes we've actually addressed that in the conditions which I will um repeat in a moment uh number five will it not impose uh additional cost to the public and then we find that there's no adverse cost to the public that has been noted at this time number six um will be subjected to by agreement with the owner any conditions that the city has deemed appropriate for permission of the use including a condition that the owner provide an appropriate Financial City to cover the cost of removing the interm use and any interm structures upon the expiration of the iup the following with the following conditions we find that number one all storm water runoff associated with the pasture area must be maintained on site number two we require that the de any deviation from the submitted plan would require prior administrative approval from the city up to and including the Planning Commission number three that the iup shall expire upon property ownership transfer change of our modification of the property deed as we've discussed number four animal units will not exceed our ordinance limits and number five any violation of the conditions of this permit or use of the subject property shall terminate this permit those currently are our findings and the conditions that we feel would be appropriate for approval of this at this time we will um have a open discussion here on the Planning Commission if there are any questions or concerns so the discussion was you don't want to put a time limit on it the time other than the number that would that would be up to us but per the discussion with Peter we don't have to set a time limit it can be with the transfer of property or deed we could set a time limit that would be appropriate still think you should have one on a in do you have a time frame in mind I was thinking five years but you know you go 10 years that's kind of then it's just about a conditional you know I don't know what do you think T I think the transfer of the property um they're obviously going to build a home there so their intent is to stay there right until whenever so there's in my mind there's no reason for them to come back in 5 years under a new Planning Commission to get a new permit that may or may not be approved and then all of a sudden there they sit with a horse or potentially four cuz that's what's allowed on that property right and then then you know we kind of put them between a rock and a hard place Peter question for you if they want additional um animals on the property do they need to since this is submitting with one do we need to would they come before us to get that approval they would need to would they he would he would be all right for up to four I think it is because of the 20 acres and one per and then and then anything beyond that would then be a variance because it's completely it'd be totally different because they'd be asking for something not allowed by the ordinance you know um I keep that language in there with the Planning Commission not that this applicants that way but I've had performance with applications in the past or applicants where if there's any question I bring them before the Planning Commission you know like like if they're like well hey we did it for one and I just say you know what we're going to go back to the Planning Commission because that's where we'll get that you know but but as at face value right now you know if he gets this iup they could do up to four horses on the 20 acres or two horses and two cows you know um yes correct yeah and you could also say no we want to do one horse or two horses you could certainly do that you know um that that gets a little bit a little bit more interesting you know if somebody you know would say hey the ordinance if the IEP is allowed they get to do these animals you know but you you certainly have that that ability to make that determination right now as well as the time frame too you know I mean 5 years and $250 to come back in to review it could be something too you know I mean the applicant largely has everything already done you know and and that's what we used to do with um vrbos and another place I worked at they started at three years and then went to five years as the vrbos were kind of like not as big as a deal as everybody thought they were going to be you know and um that you know the the answer I guess not to be myself to be gray but I'll take whatever you guys if you guys want it one year we'll have them do one year if you want them to do five years 5 10 whichever you know but at minimum the property transfer you know and that's also cited in ordinance too but it's nice to have it as a condition on the front side as well too so if we wanted to instead of a time frame just said if there were more than say two horses on the property then the iup would expire and have to come back in front so instead of it being based on you know it could be based on a condition absolutely mhm would that make would that satisfy what you're thinking of a need so that if there was additional animals Beyond maybe like two horses that they would have to just who for is it I I asked Peter that today well that's anything here that we do I know yeah that's right seems so open-ended if you don't have a time I know we did one several years ago on some sheep and that thing blew up on us like really bad so and all good points to consider I you know I mean it would it's I'm I'm for it it's just I thought there should be a time yeah and you know our applications AR you know I mean to come they're pretty easy you to come back in every 5 years for Renewal that certainly you or denial you know yeah yeah absolutely like a city goes through uh say Bushman Road gets substantially changed and modified and stuff and and it doesn't you know and and at the same time too you know it comes in as a housekeeping item you know just submit your plan Planning Commission says you're good with it stamp go on for another five years so that is a good consideration you know um I think on the circumstances of the property from you know this is just I see the the the deed being good enough but if you're not comfortable with that I certainly you know certainly you know I know once we've done in the past I thought were three three years we did yeah and and in the discussion I'd be you know where I'm looking at it from which certainly you know reduced the year or put a year cap on it is just they can't go over four horses anyway so we're not opening a Pandora's box of something that's unheard of in the ordinance you know and um but as far as some of the history with some of the animal uses in the city I might not have as much history to where so they wouldn't have to come back in if they wanted to get 20 chickens yes they would well that would be that's something different like tonight there is animal husbandry for horses you know so yeah if he came in and said I want to do cattle and I want to do four cattle I'd say oops you said horses we got to come right back to the board oh really okay just to be just so I'm on the safe side so I'm not put in making that judgment call because I think that would be the most safe and appropriate way to do it you know not that he can't but the story changed you know like if they're they're now cattle there could be some different is it a bull you and yeah okay does that kind of give a little bit of well and uh you know the condition number two says any deviation from the submitted plan would require approval so essentially if there was anything that would be the the determining Factor so to me that seems appropriate and then along with number three that kind of covers our basis to make sure that if there was something that became an issue or question because it it changed from the plan we would have that ability to review it and just make sure it still is appropriate okay any other thoughts questions things to consider do we want to put horses and number four somehow to make it clear for this one so animals yeah it's not exceed should we just say we could modify it to say horse units is that the right wording yeah that would be a question for Peter I don't know how he would exactly word it but I'm just trying to think of making it specific being that it is interim and number four condition just put horses horse units not to exceed ordinance limits which would be four but we also said that um it should be thank you so does that include donkeys they're do we want to include ecoin that's a fantastic consideration I mean yeah like if somebody would if it is equin and the definition of equin is a donkey and perhaps the donkey's loud that's why I'm saying horses that's why yeah well I kind of go back to number two though any deviation from this plan would if they did add more than one horse and the plan says one horse wouldn't that be a Dev I don't know what the plan say he said two is it two on on it says one on here but then he said he'll probably have two I mean he always one that's not within the plan so if we approve the plan according to item number two any deviation from the submitted plan would require them just to you know come back in front of us and say hey is this okay right I just POS a question I don't have a does anyone feel comfortable making a motion I'll make a motion to approve I 24001 um per the five conditions as they are stated not change in number four no we have a motion do we have a second second that all in favor say I I I any opposed motion has passed all right moving on to the next item next item is cup application number c 24005 and we will start with a staff review Madam chair members of the board good point um application c255 teren gr Haagen okay property address 8959 ASI Road Lot 6 block one first edition of Sunset Strip parcel ID 1000 4839 properties zoned R2 unsued applicant has require attended the required pre-application meeting the applicant has file filed the appropriate application for the conditional use permit request applicant has paid the appropriate fee for the application and public hearing notice was published to the legal newspaper to owners within 350 ft of the property public notice was given to the DNR via email we received a reply back back that they had no comment uh the request is a conditional use permit for guest quarters and the property is located on the NorthShore General development class as in mcke Lake the property and adjacent properties were ploted as residential lots in 1969 the zoning classification for the property and adjacent properties are medium density residential this zoning district is a common zoning designation for most lak Shore Lots surrounding North Lake this zoning District exists to allow seasonal year round residential uses examples of these uses include small seasonal cabins to large residential Lake homes the R2 zoning classification also requires a conditional use permit for guest dwelling quarters in an accessory structure the conditional use permit request only pertains to the guest dwelling within the accessory building the rest of the building size is regulated by the accessory structure standards in the ordinance the site topography access and lot configuration appear to be suitable for the proposed use and is consistent with the comprehensive land use plan which allows guest quarters and areas within the zoning classifications on Lots meeting the required lot size based on the applications information and presentation at this time staff recommends the commission could consider approval with any conditions that the commission would find appropriate um one recommended condition that staff has is that the guest will living quarters must not exceed 700 Square ft within the building uh attached in the applicants packet um are the drawings and the site plans of the property and uh a lot of um nice elevations so we can get a really good look at how this is going to look out and then also the language in the ordinance that allows guest quarters in the accessory structure and that y 700 square feet is determined is a state standard that was come up in uh Minnesota rule 6120 so I don't know why it went to 700 versus a th000 versus 400 but that's why it says 700 in our ordinance is to match what the state language is for guest Cottage so um that concludes the staff report if you have any questions um please let me know no looks like it's being built far enough off the lake we don't have to worry about setbacks Peter the guest quarters is going in the existing garage yes yeah they pulled a permit for a house to build that garage and now they want to build their full-time retirement house or their main main property so so that's the change in Direction here got it cuz it said existing so I wasn't sure where this was being um done it are we ready to bring the applicant up y all right then moving on to the uh applicant review so if we invite the applicant to come up to the podium state your name address and review your case good evening uh my name is Terry grunhagen and uh my address is 8959 also in mcke Road uh my wife and I also have a home in Minneapolis uh that's considered our mailing address and you'll find that in the application um just a little background we bought the property about 5 years ago and my wife and I intend to retire uh sell our home in Minneapolis and move up here full-time uh currently we use the garage uh to store our pontoon in the winter and uh we have the attic space as our place to stay when we're at at the lake so to speak so uh we're happy to answer any questions you may have um and I'll just uh open it up for that so like you're were saying Teddy the existing garage is going to be remodeled to look like that we don't intend to remodel at all uh the the garage is built and fully just like this correct oh okay yeah the uh the reason that we chose this route is we decided to build the garage first uh in 2020 and 2021 and at that time uh Jerry bonac I believe uh Peter's predecessor kind of guided us on the process when we did apply to build our new home we'd have to designate uh the attic space as guest Quarters at that time so we we've always understood that we had to do this and now we're getting close to the time when we want to build our home and uh make that official designation of of the primary residents the new well I guess it doesn't really matter but it does the new home is going in the building envelope the way it looks so yeah we we intend to follow packs and all we intend to follow all set packs with the new home correct it's kind of nice to have one on Aussie that's actually got enough setback I mean everything seems to be in good working order here yeah looks so essentially you're 208 squ ft short is that my understanding no we're under the maximum limit is my understanding yeah it has to be less than 700 Square F feet I believe okay any other questions for the applicant no all right thank you thank you at this time I invite anyone in the uh audience to come up to the podiums state your name and address but I don't see anyone else so we're going to close that right away and move over to a findings review all right so findings review upon review of a conditional use application the commission needs to consider the findings as required in section 153.11939 2 B the user development with conditions conforms to the comprehensive land use plan and yes this use conforms to the standards of section 15396 uh guest quarters number C or letter C the use with conditions is compatible with the existing neighborhood we find the proposed use of the property similar to the surrounding area which includes seasonal and yearound residential use D the use with conditions would not be injurious to the public health safety welfare decency order Comfort convenience appearance or prosperity of the city and we find no adverse effect to Public Health has been noted um under the section two where following must be considered a the conditional use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the proposed permit on that property nor substantially diminish or impair property values in the immediate vicinity and we find that there is no injurious use that has been noted at this time B the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and Improvement of surrounding vacant properties for use predominant in the area we find no adverse effect on orderly development that has been noted at this time C the conditional use will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for Public Utilities facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community and we find no additional cost to the public has been noted at this time D the conditional use will have vehicular approach to the property which are so designed as to not create traffic congestion or an interference with traffic un surrounding public thorough fares we find the plans proposed to use the existing City Road facilities to access the onsite parking e adequate measures have been taken to provide sufficient off street parking and loading space to serve the proposed use the proposed plan is to use on-site parking F adequate measures have been taken or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor fumes dust noise vibration so that none of these will constitute a nuisance and to control light signs in such manner that no disturbance to neighboring properties will be results no nuisance has been noted at this time the proposal is residential use similar to the neighboring properties G the conditional use will not result in the destruction loss damage or of a natural Scenic or historical feature of major significance and we find that no Scenic or historical features have been documented H the conditional use will promote the prevention and control of pollution on the ground and surface waters including sedimentation and control of nutrients you find that there's no significant source of storm water modifications that have been noted and then the following are recommended conditions for approval first the guest quarter dwelling living quarters will not exceed 700 Square ft and that's the only one we have so at this time we will begin our commission review if there are any any questions or concerns with the proposed just one quick one when they come in for the permit for the garage and the there's really no it's pretty cut and dry isn't it Peter it is yeah I misspoke when I said they were going to remodel the garage I meant to say that they're they're transferring that use over the garage to a a dwelling quarters yeah so they'll come in with the house for standard permitting right right I doesn't have anything to do with necessarily what we're talking about but how were they able to build a garage maybe it wasn't them before their house they classified the house or the garage as a house because of the living yep living quarters in it okay never mind just curious how the loophole in that goes any other questions or do we have a um proposal a motion I'll make a motion to approve it c-2 24-5 with the one condition I I think it looks pretty good looks good we have any seconds I'll second that all in favor say I I I any opposed motion has passed and moving on to the next item on the agenda genda which is C cannabis ordinance so Peter would you mind walking us through this all right we um move down on the agenda into section six item C so a little bit of background on this um the city has a moratorium on uh cannabis related uses and businesses Etc that many area communities have done and that's going to expire uh December 31st uh what means is the city will need to have rules and regulations in place so if there is somebody that comes in to make an application for that such use they have some guidelines to do that um the the planning commissions uh this didn't because of some of the overlap and some of the absence of administration you know the the Cannabis ordinance to the city council had maybe just was waiting on the side so it would have been um the city council has to have an ordinance on cannabis regard this so how this involves the Planning Commission is it has to be represented in the land use charts as well too in the land use like if there's going to be a cannabis ordinance it has to exist somehow in the land use ordinance which is chapter 1 53 which is the spot that's in front of you guys today um without going too long into it Administration uh meaning the interim City administrator and city council has given Direction at the last council meeting and then again today during their workshop that we need these definitions in here and essentially basically everything related to cannabis is going to be pretty much prohibited except to have an option for a Poss possibility of retail sales you know and I know Roger you brought up an interesting question where if cities have to have one or not that language is yes and no um if um in in talking to Deb earlier I remembered you know and I was able to get reaffirmed with her conversation with the city council as well too and if she wants to speak on this matter as well too absolutely um there's a capacity that Crowing County has so like all of these cannabis retail places croing County could Trump all the cities and say we're going to have six of them they're going to be in downtown brainer period and then and then if Breezy doesn't want to have one we don't have to have one you know but what this option does um in talking to the interim administrator now I'm recalling our conversations is we don't know what that's going to look like you know if we're going to get like 50 applications zero applications or anything like that and and and at that time I think it will be we decided um we we're going with what the city of nisah is going with and what the city of brainard's going with you know to allow that as a conditional use permit for one that's not managed for the city and then everything else is related to cannabis activities is prohibited you know um if the city chooses to change that I suppose that's you know obviously up to them you know the city council so what this is what we're looking for here tonight is if you guys are good with this type of language as just a recommendation to the Planning Commission on what you'd like to see done with chapter 153 so yeah I just thought of something that the new garden plot out here you can grow 18 plants can't you no not on City oh yeah just retail period so they're not worried about people growing it yeah and then also there's the the setback rules that are within this they can't be within a residential area so so you yeah they absolutely wouldn't be able to grow it and then also because they're you know right next to a park they don't meet the setbacks and they're also not in the zoning District um commercial zoning district is like the only area really within the construct of our zoning and land use language that something like this can perhaps maybe fit in there um city council sounds like they're going to ratchet it up to the the most aggressive setbacks you know or the most restrictive ones uh that the state has so and I can get back with you with um another more in-depth response onto like but I believe that's where like the city doesn't want to close out any type of you know considerations of being able to consider a business like that if you know if crowing does utilize all of the all of the ones that they want you know so Deb do you have anything you want to add no just that that six that the county talked about was by population that's what so there's six five six other real R right yeah but we're giving an option six is the minimum every municipality has to so we're just basically setting the guidelines y so when someone does is this language similar to what other cities yes are doing yeah this is taken right out of brainard's ordinance okay okay yep and the league of Minnesota cities perfect and I just then I don't have any qualms I don't well I see in here too they um have conditions within section like 11608 that it can't be within 1,000 ft of a school um daycare Residential Treatment playgrounds so that kind of takes care of some of the I think like the park right questions you always figure somebody's going to try and push the limit you know sure and how this involves the Planning Commission too is you know City Breezy Point has will have a whole cannabis or specifically related to that just like you know liquor licensing and things like that you know what this would be is if somebody does come in and want to do one and they meet all those setbacks they'd of course come to the Planning Commission first then they'd have to go to City Council to get final approval for it um so you know and this is the area where this would be their starting their jump off spot I guess and so for our job tonight it's really just looking at this zoning document the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and I don't know if there's more discussion but I would make a recommendation to um make a recommendation make a motion to make a recommendation to city council to approve zoning uh changes to 53.3 as indicated in the document do we have a second to that motion I would add 13.04 53044 all these Pages yeah okay I'm going to modify that motion to not only include 15303 but 15304 another one more and 44 53.0 44 the chart the back page and also 13.04 I will second that all in favor say I I I any opposed motion has passed is there any old business um that anyone would like to bring forth any uh staff reports Peter um there is that training for the um sourcewell for uh introductory to zoning rules on Thursday I I can't go I have medical commitments that I need to go but uh the information I sent out is last or I think about a month ago but if anybody's interested that's going on on Thursday um the city Administration search is going to be starting it sounds like the city's going to hire a professional recruitment firm to start a search for uh City Administration candidates and I'll update you when uh when they get when they get down the road with that it's probably going to be a couple months out you know before getting the um getting the finalist where they can you know have the applicants so um and then we got a there's a couple variances that may be coming in the deadline for next month is actually this Friday and again it's just been the same thing where people they they it just takes a while for them to get a survey you know they're still five weeks out on surveys and things like that but if they can get them in here we'll have a December meeting if not um but I'm thinking more than likely we will have a December meeting because I'm thinking at least one of the applicants will be able to get their stuff in so um that includes any staff reports if you guys have any questions on goinging on certainly let me know you know I mean certain everybody saw the election results and everything like that we're going to have um new um city council mayor that's going to take effect in January so we'll renew our discussions with ordinance update changes and stuff like that with that project we put that on the side burner while you know some of these administrative changes that happen so we're not trying to do too many things at once so um that'll likely be coming back in here in January so yeah what's the time I I should know that what's the timeline on the new building the new building they've had a couple different construction related meetings and stuff like that it sounds like June of next year is what is what is being talked about like that this will be possibly um shut down fairly soon using this building and we've looked around to have different areas I forget the name of the there's like a Conservation Club in town oh yeah could use that that they were looking at using for you know and we would certainly look at using that you know for the Planning Commission meetings and there might be some resources in the police department too I think they have a meeting area too depending on how big it is but yeah the construction Project's really moving along fast so and I think what they're well what not I think what they're what their plans are right now is to get that done then they're going to shut down this and keep this you know keep offices going here while this area gets updated so okay sure have had good weather I mean really good weather they should be just cranking like crazy yeah seems like they really coming along quick and stuff goes up fast anymore yeah yeah some of the the discussions too um with the storage of some of the materials how it's going to be kind of bouncing around here for the next year as the project goes any commission reports all right meeting has adjourned