##VIDEO ID:2vATr9BWvsU## e [Music] e [Music] if you wish to speak to any item on the agenda or during the public comment portion of the meeting please fill out a speaker card each person addressing the board shall have three minutes to complete his or her comments on each agenda item for which he or she has filled out a card the chair has the discretion to determine or alter the time limits on any agenda item the board of County Commissioners requests that speakers appearing under the public comment section of the agenda limit their comments or presentations to matters relating to County Business that are within the board's Control Authority and jurisdiction good morning and welcome to Tuesday August 27th 2024 County Commission meeting I'd like to call a meeting order and uh if you would Pastor Brenda P Patterson would you please come up and lead us in inv ation good morning let us pray I thank you Father God for each member of leadership here today as your word says let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers for there is no power of God but the powers that be ordained by God just as you sent your son to rule he ruled as a servant and I thank each of you for your service to the community and I pray for health wisdom and discernment as you lead us thank you for your service amen amen thank you we'll have commissioner feler lead us in the pledge please I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all well good morning once again um I do have before I get for approval for the minutes a couple let me go ahead and and ask for a motion to approve the minutes of July 9th 2024 the regular meeting July 11th 2024 zoning meeting August 1st 2024 zoning meeting August 8 2024 special meeting on the Melbourne Tillman is there a motion by commissioner pritet is there a second is there any discussion all in favor signify by saying I the motion carries okay I have a couple little small cleanup things um I apologize for bringing this back up again but uh apparently I did not fill out my reimbursement for my trip to Washington correctly and I want to be absolutely in compliance with every Cross of the te and Dot of the eye that the clerk would like me to do so I need a motion to approve a reimbursement of the funds of of my uh trip to Washington DC I ended up driving and the reason I ended up driving is because the uh computers and the airlines were hacked at the time and I did not want to take the risk of missing that thing and I did not include that in the motion for approval so I would appreciate a motion to approve that with uh the reimbursement for the mileage motion a motion by commissioner Goodson commissioner pet second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries thank you very very much okay um we have a I don't normally like to do this but uh we have councilman Tim Thomas from the city of melburn here today that's on a tight agenda and needs to be uh to another meeting at 10 o'clock and uh there's only three cards that we have but I'd like to go to uh the new business area of the card which is j4 and Larry could you come up please and uh present this to the board please now this is the approval to extend the existing TDC mirror Amphitheater Grant from April 6 2024 to April 6 2025 and approval of 1.2 through 1.23 million TDC Grant to construct and restore concession structures adequate to serve existing the future large events okay thanks all right Peter I really would like you to be on on call up here also for some uh questions that some of us might have Larry the floor is yours you can tell I don't do this very often I don't know where the button is so uh good morning Commissioners I'm going to uh read some of this but I I think I know I've been working on this project for about 5 years with the Myer board so I should know a lot of it heart but I'm a little a little anxious so please forgive me for that I will uh I'm going to start off with uh the request and then if move the mic closer to I'll touch on some of the highlights and uh certainly take any questions so the request uh is to uh that the Commissioners would approve the recommendations of the TDC the TDC came forward with uh two recommendations that were submitted to a through a a request from the Myra board the first was that the the TDC would extend the existing grant that was approved in 2020 of which some money has been expended for engineering and architecture and this and to uh April 6 2025 uh the way it's going if you do approve this project today it would be getting started in September uh the second request was approval of a $ 1.23 million uh request to upgrade the restrooms in the park for existing events but also to accommodate events that would be utilized for the amphitheater right now in the park uh in the Park area itself there's just one restroom it's on a septic system and there's only two uh facilities in there so there's no way that would accommodate uh a larger event or even the events larger events that they have right now so on the uh fiscal impact side uh as we went through the course of this project like like some projects there was some uh Vision vision building and some things the the Myer board felt that we needed to accommodate if we're going to create a class facility to accommodate uh the expectations that were in the grant so the addition of a restroom was they felt was very vital to serve uh initially in the first phase 1,000 uh attendees to the event it's expandable to 2,000 for an additional $400,000 which we're not asking for today uh during the course of this project as you know we've been in several inflationary Cycles uh so the project uh total cost was $7.8 Million for a much improved project despite the inflationary challenges uh some good news is that uh The Bard County delegation approved us going forward uh to the governor for a million dollar appropriation to assist to assist us with some of the inflationary costs and that that appropriation was approved and it is in force there's a grant agreement that's been executed to assist with those costs so the uh I think what's important is to uh look at the leverage here as well so we have the State of Florida $1 million Grant towards that cost 133% of the construction cost Myra would contribute $4.4 million which is 57 % of the cost and the TC TDC grants if the existing Grant continuance is approved today and the uh the new Grant would be uh TDC contribution would be 31% would you like me to talk about the facility some or just no I I I I have a couple of questions real fast because I am completely confused uh Peter did this not come before the TDC for approval early on yes sir this came ear earlier this year yes it was denied is that not correct uh no sir it was it was approved yeah was it approved here uh no it did not make it to the board at this at that time yeah I think there was an agenda item on it and it was tabled no hold on let me let me just let me just got you go ahead I I believe we pulled the item okay that's that's what happened all right good okay commissioner felner I would just say real quick I think when I spoke with my at the time uh they didn't have all of the costs uh finalized and it was my recommendation that they they pull it until they could they could uh better sort those things out and so this is them bringing it back here so I think it was just that simple one last question I think that the biggest concern has always been where are you going to park all the cars and and I I need an answer to that question that's a very good and fair question uh initially uh when we applied to the TDC TDC this was certainly a concern that the TDC brought forth back in 2020 uh the Meer board at the time worked with the veterans to locate potential shared parking facilities but it was very informal as we moved through the permitting process uh the uh County uh uh graciously uh uh said you need to get a parking study done so that was the other thing we were waiting for uh commissioner feltner so the Meer board said let's do this right let's make sure that people if they're not parking on site there's a plan for where they can park where we can do shared parking so parking study was approved we were waiting for that also that parking study has been approved by the uh County staff uh it was at a cost of $30,000 that parking study is included in your attachments and it allows for on-site parking uh to accommodate uh the viewed tearing area of 2,500 people if if someone is going to go uh to a larger event than that we don't anticipate very many of those in the projections we only have two larger events there's a shared parking available within a half mile of probably about 5,000 cars uh the the mall has 4,000 parking spaces there's public parking spaces and private parking spaces approaching 12,000 people within 2 miles so anybody that wants to do a larger event they would have to permit it how they're going to transport people how would they get them back and forth and and show their shared parking agreement to the so Larry is the parking study done yes and did you just give us an outline of what it said yes okay okay um we have some cards here Tim Thomas come on up councilman welcome thank you sir well uh thank you everybody for letting me have the opportunity to come up here and speak to y'all this morning and chairman steel again thank you for uh your Statesman like the meanor I appreciate you giving me this opportunity and I'm I'm excited for y'all because y'all have the opportunity to make a decision today that's going to impact the residents here in Bard County from generation to generation to generation one of the things I'm just I'm so impressed with in this county is the interaction of our of our veterans with the youth here in bouard County it it's incredible and so a lot of that a lot of that is because of the great leadership that we have of key veterans uh many of those that are sitting behind me but a lot of that too is because we have a facility at the veters memorial Center that really kind of creates that Synergy where the veterans can come together with the Youth of our country and really focus on those V those values we want them to have the values of Love of community love of service love of nation and so during September all the way up till probably the early spring you can go out to the vmc almost every two week every two weekends and you're going to see probably about 600 Roc Cadets probably another 600 parents out there watching these kids compete in leadership uh and athletic Endeavors again to improve their leadership skills and create those values of loyalty Duty respect selfless service honor integrity and personal courage and so these facilities and these grants that uh that we're asking for again that's just going to improve those facilities and again continue to build upon that Synergy that that has this this really unique um atmosphere of these veterans having such a major impact on the youth here in bouard County and let me just kind of explain how much of an impact it has every one of the jrtc programs in bouvard county and a lot of it due to the interaction of the veterans in this community are all honor units of Distinction that's the highest rating a jrtc program can have in the department in the Department of Defense the other thing is Bard County RC programs in the in our high schools are some of the leaders in the state in the nation and the number of students that get RC scholarships and then appointments to the service Academy and I I can promise you a lot of that a lot of that is because of the impact these veterans have on these students and then the importance of the vmc and creating that Synergy so again I just I beg you guys again to uh to to approve these these Grant requests and again this is going to help us create uh the next generation of leaders for bavar County and also for our nation so thank you sir thank you councilman uh is it Don Weaver good morning Don good morning thank you Mr chairman and thank you to the uh councel to the committee I uh it's my honor I think for the fourth time since 2015 to come before this uh Commissioners and talk about the Veterans Memorial center let me emphasize it as a concept while veterans due to the day-to-day running of the center it's a county park one of the best in the in the county and we uh operated on the basis of what we think will give the best impact not just just to Veterans but to the community and since uh the State of Florida approved a million half dollars in 2015 to build the best military museum we think in the county uh the the immediately Myra and the County commissioners of that day stepped on and and created the first phase of the park then a second phase tourist development built a new entranceway uh that partnership between state tourist development the county uh and the Community when we got the museum we were able to raise $600,000 from the community organizations individuals and businesses in kind contributions to remake and put an outfit that Museum and really set a high quality standard all along we realize this is a Meritt Island a central Bard place where people have loved to come and while you think about it we we uh in 2015 we connected to 100,000 visitors a year now there are far more than that but once we have the amphitheater and as Larry stated the capability to have major events with pay uh with the payment back to the county for maintenance and uh uh continuation of that Amphitheater we have a real uh opportunity uh to better enhance the community uh in the military we have a term called Legacy uh Legacy means what we leave for others and we really do appreciate in these years now 10 years since we got that grant for that museum that uh you give consideration to this project because it is far more than veterans and I think one way we can symbolize that the county has already designated a full-time position as manager and a halftime maintenance position uh if you approve all this to be able to make sure this works and uh we'll invite you out to all the events we'll keep it on the calendars and again uh as a citizen of Bard who grew up here uh I always say and end my conversation by saying there are 74,000 now veterans in Bard County we represent them the Veterans Memorial center in park also represents the entire community and we get many many visitors from uh overseas from overseas and from the around the country and that'll increase thank you very much Mr chairman and all Commissioners thank you Don uh Jack rman morning Jack good morning Commissioners my name is Jack ramman I'm at 568 East Hall Road North merid Island and I'd like to comment on the great job that Larry and Don and Dean have done to get this facility moving down the road and also with the uh support of commissioner Goodson the amphitheater will add another star to the crown of being a top destination for all those who visit Florida and those that live in this amazing State and unique area the Veterans Park and museum is the hub for them the services education and celebrating their unselfish contributions to our nation and state this much needed facility will promote Community spirit and be a hey that's what's happening now a venue for symphony orchestras outdoor plays graduation and other special community events enriching all that attend the wide range of entertainment and education activities there are many other accolades but would just note some of the brightest like nbz analysis of the economic impact of $69 million in 10 years 40,500 annual attendees and generating 11,500 room nights heads and beds adding that the North Maryland HOA the largest HOA and the oldest HOA in the county is 100% for honoring our community and Veterans by approving this Amphitheater in closing I would like to express the thoughts of the great sports writer and commentary Garland rice and the uh annual football for when that one great scorer comes to write against your name he writes not whether you won or loss but how you played the game and um I hope you make the right call and approve this Amphitheater thank you very much Jack uh Cynthia wall good morning Cynthia good morning my name is Cynthia wall I reside at 3605 South tropical Trail on marid island I've been a resident for 16 years um thank you for the opportunity today uh we are looking forward to hopefully seeing this project go forward I'm speaking to you today on behalf of a 501c3 established for the purpose of increasing the sense of community on Meritt Island it's called Community advocacy for Meritt Island we raise funds throughout the year from private citizens and small events and we take those funds and we plow them right back into the community whether it's through beautification conservation um or again creating a sense of community last year we held our first annual holiday illumination celebration at The Bard Veterans Center it was attended by about 5 to 600 Merit Island residents uh we are doing it again this year we expect to have about 2,000 residents uh we're doing this in conjunction with Dawn and The Bard Veteran Center it's a joint venture we are having to build a stage in the parking lot just to accommodate the entertainment we'd like to bring in live entertainment from the community we involve businesses as vendors um creating a kind of a Christmas Carnival atmosphere we invite retail people to come and have an opportunity uh to sell to the community but it's really about a place and it's a place where mered Island can come together we don't have any other facility like that on Meritt Island so for us to try to have uh a community feel we need a Gathering Spot and I think that the Bard Veterans Center and what this Amphitheater could create is our very best opportunity to do that without it we are still a community looking for places to gather and the resources are just extremely limited so thank you for your consideration thank you very much now is anybody else here to speak on this issue that has not filled out a card Sandra see some somehow or another your car always gets down at the bottom I don't understand that I apologize yeah that's fine good morning s Sullivan South Patrick shes so I I you know this project has tremendous opportunity for gathering places even to the um U um uh various events that they have there for the veterans the only concern I would like to bring up uh is pertaining to what is happening around um this area and uh and I just want to put forth a suggestion that would help uh achieve what the desire is for this so I'll get to that first and it is that as a a Veterans Park um serving veterans uh we' like to keep it that way and perhaps if there is a revenue stream that comes in and of course you know hopefully profit positive that a commitment is made to redirect those funds or a portion of those funds back to the veteran Community maybe with the the homeless veterans uh programs or other veterans programs because my concern is that with some of the development that's going around for example Woodfield uh Woodfield was a wetland piece of property with zon for four units it was converted to PUD um and as a PUD it's entitled to 25% more uh zoning and somehow ended up with 377 units the The Story Goes that is being suggested this is going to be short-term rentals and then you have the Flyin that just got built and so around that area you have a short-term rental developments happening meaning this is becoming a tourist Hub and so if this is serving the community that is the greater good and that is wonderful but if this is just to create a facility as a a tourist de a tourist destination I think that money should be committed as a better facility to surveying our veterans that's the only comment I'd like to make thank you thank you Sandra um okay let's go back to the board comments from the board commissioner Goodson yes um as you know that's in my district and I think Myra has done an excellent job funding it throughout and been very patient I would like to see the support of the board for this item other the other factors I heard somebody mention this is a question to you Larry has the county already hired somebody to run the venue uh I would say no the uh County task force uh uh made some recommendations on if the county were to manage it they potentially would want a full-time manager to work with promoters and a halftime person to uh manage the maintenance but that has not been decided to my knowledge uh the dire the directions uh given I think to that task force and if I get this wrong please correct me uh we're to to uh you know create the qualifications to go out to the public if the amphitheater is built for an RFP to hopefully uh get a sustainable uh uh promoter to respond to that and then uh you know hopefully it can be sustainable from that standpoint uh or or uh or some other alternative and we're the Meer board they're all business people and residents of Mir Island and all all willing to step forth and uh assist with uh anything the county would need for business planning okay that be a question Frank Frank if you decide to hire somebody within the county would that be brought to the board for discussion prior to the hiring of the person um if we went out on RP we could bring it back going be County staff no that would not come back to the board okay thank you thank you commissioner feler I I'll just say quickly I thought uh maybe earlier in the discussions that ultimately that this would end up with parks and wreck is that is that not right that's correct commissioner that's what we would be looking to staff it through the RFP process would be through parks and R yes sir and comment to that would you not want to hire somebody that had a great deal of experience uh promoting or or uh getting this venue up and running that has skill I mean I don't know if pars X got scale but I don't know you know right and the qualifications would be the same whether we went on RFP or it was going to be internal of course now I've got a couple of questions Peter so is TDC coming up with uh a million 23 million million point2 yes sir uh the TDC approved 1.23 million out of the uh Capital fund uh so we've been basically we've hold held those funds those are available right now in that in that fund now I'm in complete agreement with this project but i' I've got some um my stomach's churning a little bit because once again here we go with do we know how many heads to beds a facility like this is going to bring in I know it's important for the county and I know it's important for the veterans but here we are spending TDC monies with with no um real direct knowledge of what kind of heads to beds it's going to go so do you have any idea of of what that is uh sir I would have to defer to um to Myra on that there there is in there's an economic analysis that is included as an attachment in the agenda request which addresses that issue commissioner I wonder why I didn't see it but that's not neither here or there so there has been an economic analysis done and everybody Larry do you have something you want to say yes there is an economic impact analysis done it was uh my view uh done pretty conservatively uh we uh asked embeds to assist us with our base data that was provided by the veterans and in terms of uh uh room nights or just on a select 34 events of which only would be about half we probably be the paid events uh 4,545 attendees and on the uh the room kns was 11,557 a year yes okay Rob did you have another comment you would like to make I just say quickly about the heads and beds um I think there is demand throughout the county for uh an events venue um that was part of a earlier discussion that we had so I I think some of these things that have ended up in our Parks could also go there in instead of uh being in the Parks and maybe that would be a better fit so that's my view okay is there any more discussion from the board hearing no discussion do I hear a motion for approval or denial motion for approval commissioner Goodson makes a motion to approve is there or second second commissioner approach it seconds any other discussion all in favor signify by saying I I'll oppose nay the motion carries thank you very much thank you commissioner sure okay let's get back to the uh resolutions and who is handling uh the hunger action month resolution that would be my dear friend our future chairman here commissioner felner see the whole truth of the matter is is that I've only been the titular head up here I've had my chairperson on the right that's been taking care of me and my chairperson on the left has been taking care of me so luckily for me I've been able to struggle through it good morning commissioner felner the floor is yours good morning good morning thanks for being here today could you speak a little closer to the microphone please thank you I I think I did this for you last year also you did commissioner okay uh go ahead and read the resolution and then we'll vote on it and then uh you'll be able to make some comments resolution for Hunger action month uh whereas hunger and poverty are issues of vital concern in Florida where 13.2% of people face hunger and who do not know where their next meal will come from and whereas Bard county is committed to taking steps to combat hunger in every part of our community and whereas Bard county is committed to working with Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida a member of the feeding America Nationwide network of food banks and educating people about the role and importance of food banks in addressing hunger and raising awareness of the need to devote more resources and attention to hunger issues and whereas Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and their 87 partner agencies have distributed more than 8.5 million meals to individuals in Bard County in 2023 and whereas Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida distributes 300,000 meals every single day throughout their s sount service area in Central Florida through its network of food pantries souit kitchens shelters and other community organizations and whereas the month of September has been designated hunger action month in order to bring attention to food insecurity in our communities and to enlist the public in the movement to end Hunger by taking action including volunteer shifts social media shares and donations to ensure every community and everybody in it has the food they need to thrive and whereas food banks across the county including Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and its partner agency network will host numerous events throughout the month of September to bring awareness and help to end Hunger in their local community now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida does hereby recognize September 2024 as hunger action month in Bard County Florida done order and adopted in regular session this 27th day of August 2024 with that Mr chairman I'll make a motion to approve is there a second motion by commissioner feldner seconded by commissioner pritet any discussion from the board hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries thank you all so much um my name is Stephanie plos and I'm the director of government relations at Second Harvest Food Bank um I want to thank each and every one of you for bringing attention to hunger action month and to food in Security in Central Florida you know we live in a really beautiful Community with a lot of very generous people and it's important for us to elevate those of us our neighbors who may be struggling to find where their next meal is coming from Bard County um has 87 partner agencies that are affiliated with Second Harvest Food Bank these are Community organizations that are doing this work every day they are serving our neighbors who are in need every day so we cannot do this work without them and we cannot do this work without the partnership that we have with Bard County government now our partnership with Bard County government I'm hoping will increase um Second Harvest Food Bank is investing in a large facility here in Bard County in Melbourne um you all should be getting an invite from me this week to our um dedication event um and we would love to see all of you out there to learn more about how we're investing in our neighbors here in Bard County so um look out for that and thank you again for your commitment to ending hunger in Central Florida okay hold on one second we have a resolution for you okay yes thank you so very much okay um who is going to be handling the Florida water professionals month I am sir all right Miss Marissa King are you here there you are I'm going to read this ma'am and then if you'd like to speak to it we would love to hear from you whereas the Florida water and pollution control operator Association organized in 1940 is a nonprofit trade organization that promotes the sustainability of Florida's water utility industry through Workforce Development to Pro to protect the health of Florida's citizens and to preserve the state's Water Resources whereas this organization in recognizing the importance of Florida Statutes and administrative code that regulate the water industry acts as a liaison between the Florida Department of Environmental protection and Industry Personnel whereas the Florida water and Pollution Control operators Association recognizes all those who have played a significant part of operating and maintaining Drinking Water waste water and storm water systems in Florida by celebrating water professionals month which applauds your consistent efforts to promote our health and environment 365 days a year through sunshine and catastrophic stor events now therefore be it resolved that The Bard County Board of County Commissioners does hereby proclaim the month of August 2024 as water professionals month um Mr chair I make a motion to approve this resolution there's a motion by commissioner Pritchett second by commissioner feltner is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos n the motion carries thank you um my name is Marcy King I'm uh representative of the FW and PCA I'm honored to stand here and represent um all of the workers in the Wastewater water and stormw water industry and to receive this recognition um as utility workers we often go unnoticed and underappreciated uh despite playing a crucial role in daily lives honestly the less you see of us the better we're doing our jobs um Wastewater and water treatment Industries play a crucial role in maintaining the public health and protecting the environment um supporting industrial Industries uh we uh we uh we have ongoing F I'm sorry we have ongoing advancements and Industrial uh ongoing advancements and adherence to regulatory standards are essential for ensuring the provision of safe and clean water the fwpca uh is a organization that works diligently to provide the training opportunities and continuous education to members who are engaged in the production of uh drinking water the collection and disposal of waste water and the collection and treatment of storm water we look forward to continuing our efforts to improve and enhance the processes to ensure Public Safety and Environmental Protections um thank you very much everybody for for recognizing our efforts thank you commissioner pret would you join her for a picture please thank you so much all right um I believe commissioner felner is going to handle this next uh resolution before you get started commissioner I just would like to say real quickly uh the resolution commemorating Nancy higs is just well received today Nancy was an incredible human being we didn't always get along uh that was part of her Dynasty she she fought for what she believed was correct and right we Nancy and I traveled many times together to Tallahassee and and helped get and purchase the mullet Creek islands and a variety of other things and there's not enough things I can say in my heart about Nancy Hig she was a wonderful person commissioner felner please and we I think we have a group here today of the family I see a former commissioner out there come on Sue come on is that Pat coming up yeah hey Pat Barbara Arthur come on oh my goodness we got Barbara too holy mackerel we got the whole crew got the whole stack here good morning Barbara nice to see you both again nice to see you all Mr chair I'm going to have two motions actually so we'll do the first one and then the second one and then you'll speak okay and uh then we'll take a picture all right and it's it's uh a deep honor uh that you would ask me to do this uh I have a resolution on behalf of the Bard County Board of County Commissioners commemorating Nancy higs whereas Nancy higs has been a resident of Bard County for 44 years and whereas Nancy higs earned a bachelor and master's degree degrees from Florida State University and whereas Mrs higs time in Bard County was filled with public service and whereas Nancy was a Bard County Commissioner from 1992 to 2004 a former educator a university administrator and a former manager of the Barefoot Bay Recreation district and whereas during her time in public service Mrs higs received numerous Awards including the Children's Home Society legis l Of The Year the 1,000 friends of Florida Community Steward award the Sierra Club Lifetime Achievement Award the partnership for a sustainable future environmental Ally award and the Martin Luther King Coalition special service award and whereas Mrs higs was also a board member for several organizations including the harbor Branch oceanographic Institute Circles of Care the Marine Resource Council the Barrier Island preservation and protection Association and the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary program which I now serve on and whereas also successful in her professional life Nancy was the co-founder and president of Education Solutions International and whereas Nancy Higgs was well known as a stalwart and dedicated advocate for the Indian River Lagoon and whereas Mrs higs was also a passionate Runner completing the Boston Marathon in April of 2017 at the age of 67 and and whereas Nancy Hicks passed peacefully while in Hospice at Market Street Viera on July 10th 2024 now therefore be it resolved that The Bard County Board of County Commissioners recognizes and honors the dedication and accompl accomplishments of Nancy higs and is grateful for her vision and efforts within the county and the Lagoon done order adopted in regular session this 27th day of August 2024 with that I'll make a motion to approve second motion by commissioner felner second by commissioner pritet is there any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries I'm going I'm going to do one more okay now normally this would be something that we would have on the agenda and uh but we had an opportunity here with the family uh today and so I'm going to ask ask the board to approve this here I make a motion that the board wav board policy BCC 58 naming County facilities and renamed the park known as South Beach Community Park to Nancy higs Park and utilize the South Beach special Recreation District Municipal Services taxing unit mstu to fund the signed replacements second motion on the floor with second by commissioner felner seconded by commissioner pritet is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries graciously God bless her for her work sir you're you're [Applause] recognized I I don't have a lot to say other than how honored the whole family is um me and in particular it's nice seeing people I know and Rob thank you so much for all your efforts and for attending the other day greatly appreciate it I know I apologize for not getting a chance to get around and see everybody as much but particularly apologize Rob was at the very back of the service and I couldn't see him and I couldn't figure out who it was I was the least important person there I promise you that's but this is a tremendous this honor um Nancy would be thrilled and um we really appreciate everything that you've done thank you thanks we have resolution for you yeah commissioner pet wants to say something I I just wanted to mention um there's so much things that go on behind the scenes and commissioner higs a few times gave me a few phone calls and gave me some suggestions and um it was just always wonderful hearing from her especially if you did something that was well she'd call you up and cheer you on and um Miss Schmidt I don't want to leave you at of that either commissioner you've you've done the same and I I appreciate you so much so thank you that's a very impressive group right there I can tell you that yeah yeah let's go oh he want all of us over there come on anyway come come on if I go you go out of hold on one second yeah I'm always sorry well for those that don't know this is Arthur is Jason's mother Jason interesting times with Nancy in the past really very interesting okay let's uh let's get back to business here we're now on uh the consent agenda is there any commissioner that would like to pull any of these items on the consent agenda I have those I got okay we're going to pull F5 from the cons consent agenda but if that's the only one we need pull let's go ahead and and make a motion to approve the consent agenda until we let's just get Sandra Sullivan up here and we'll finish it up Sandra come on up I couldn't hide your card this time because it's the only one I have darn good morning Sandra Sullivan uh first of all uh I want to thank you for some of the of the changes this is Senate Bill 102 the live local the one I call you own nothing and be happy law um and uh so I appreciate some of the changes that you made in particular uh one of them if the proposed development is adjacent to two or more sides of a parcel zone for single family um within a residential development of at least 20 25 contiguous single family units the height shall be either um and it's restricting it to basically 150% of the single family homes adjacent or three stories so um I'm very appreciative to see that and thank you um we had uh people fill this uh Chambers in the past over such a development there is one however I would ask you to make an amendment to so under Senate Bill 328 changes a county must consider reducing parking requirements um and they changed it from a major Transit stop to a Transit stop and so in the changes that you made um it would be nice if there was some uh specific uh where it's considered because it doesn't say you have to approve it it just says You must consider it so in your ldr in Your Land Development regulations as you have now you for example protect the Barrier Island from Bonus density because we recognize that the the Barrier island is a uh an issue because we're 56.5 hours for evacuation or critical evacuation deficiency lives can be lost be when you put more density on the Barrier Island so I would be appreciative if you would consider a change to amend this uh and say we'll be considered and but but where you will not consider it for example because of the protection of the Barrier Island and and in fact under 16 3.3 State Statute it it concurrency requires that you're no more than 16 hours in a category 5 and we're 56.5 hours so there's a there's a legitimate basis for rejecting it uh for because essentially what this does you know a major Transit stop is where you have mult like two two bus stops or you have bright line in in a bus stop it's you know and we're changing it to basically within a quarter mile of any bus stop now we can do we can we can reduce the 20% parking requirement and put more density on a property so I would very much appreciate it if you would consider the the public safety aspect of the Barrier Island and add that restriction in there which you can't do because it says You must consider but you can have legitimate reasons for rejecting thank you [Music] all right um is there a motion on a consent agenda motion to approve second the motion to approve the consent agenda seconded by commissioner feltner uh any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor by signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries thank you so much okay let's move on if we could please to um did you want to do this before public comments okay yeah go ahead commissioner felner please you all notice that uh commissioner toay is not here today so there is no vice vice chair I don't have any uh Florida facts for you but we do have a County uh employee recognition and we wanted to do that um because he deserves to be recognized and so uh this was sent to us um Mr Sean Kim Kimble who is a part of the renovation uh Team lead Carpenter for Public Works uh has been with the county about 6 months and Sean is currently leading the team renovating parks in Rex restrooms throughout the county uh his handiwork can be seen at the new Val M steel Park uh where Shawn and the team managed to complete the renovations ahead of schedule for the grand reopening um sea is a father of five and grandfather of nine uh he spends his days off traveling and cruising when the weather is nice he likes to take out his 28 foot Bay liner where are you Sean stand up sir thank you we appreci appreciate what you do for bvar County thank you all right let's go on to public comments please the first card on public comments we have is uh Tom Erdman good morning Tom good morning thank you for thank you for giving me this opportunity so my name is Tom Erman I live at 4791 Squire's Drive in Sherwood and so I know Sherwood is not on the agenda today but I'm here to ask you to consider delaying the vote for the Sherwood rezoning for three reasons number one as we all know three of you County Commissioners will not be seated here starting in 2025 and that's when stuff is really going to start to happen you know so it's the new County Commissioners that are elected will have to deal with the impacts of this vote then number two you know a concern I have not seen a soil sample results yet and as we all know old golf courses tend to have arsenic in the soil and so when they start bringing the bulldozers in and everything that soil is going to get moved around wind's going to be blowing and it's a carcinogenic that people and kids in the neighborhood could end up breathing in and 10 and 15 years down the road you know our concern is that we can have a increase in cancer and so we have not seen their dust mitigation plan and I think this is vital for the safety of the local community then the third reason that I'm asking for a delay is you know it's not just Sherwood you have Royal Oak you have Birchwood there you have so much development going on in North Bard that it's time to put a little pause to it and let's look at the entire picture and make sure we could leave our kids in future Generations a North Bard that we're happy with that has the right environmental impacts and uh something we're proud of yeah thank you rumor is are doing a soil survey but the uh all they found so far is beer and bloody Mar's I'm sure there's a lot of beer all right thanks so much thank you all right uh next up is Christian Fleming Christina Christina okay good morning I see that things are being deep cleaned over there so I got some facts for you guys this morning as of yesterday we have lost 66 employees in fire rescue 57 of them are in the field that's 66 we still have four months left of this year simal county is ratifying their fire contract today they're ratifying it today day which means we're going to lose a lot more come October fire department is underst staffed Fleet is under staffed fire prevention is underst staffed Road and Bridge Parks and wreck were all underst staffed and you've heard this numerous numerous times so with our Fleet speaking of that we have brand new engines engine 49 and rescue 49 they're for a station that's opening up that's not open yet we're using those units to back up our supply right now rescue 46 who gives city of Coco their their their whatever you want to call it they were in the back they were in rescue 49 a brand new unit that hasn't even been put in service they had to use it engine 49 was used it broke down in 42 hours of using it a brand new engine brand new so with that being said your term is not up until November you are here until November we voted you in until November that is your job your sworn job your sworn duty to stick up for the county your employees and your constituents that is what we voted for you guys to be in here we need you to do that we need you to keep working until you leave that is what you were voted in for I have high expectations of people I've always had high expectations that everybody would be do their best and that's what I expect but lately I've just been disappointed have a great day thank you Christina Katie Delaney good morning Katie good morning Commissioners uh this morning I was coming to speak to you all about the Sherwood uh the Sherwood development um I hope that you all have a chance or had a chance to watch the Planning and Zoning meeting where this was talked about and if you haven't I I urge you to please watch that because the developer did mention that they have not finished the studies on uh on this project and so as this project will heavily impact the area and it will be a huge topic of conversation for the coming year so um I'm coming here to ask that you please postpone this uh this vote on the rezoning um at least until all all of the information is available um with those studies and whatnot that's that's it thank you thank you Katie yes ma'am yes ma'am Miss Katie congratulations on the election and I'm going be praying for you to do a great job thank you I really really appreciate that thank you so much thank you okay um Sandra Sullivan I believe you are the last card before we carry on with the agenda is that at the end or are we going to oh that's for H okay got public okay Sandra Sullivan South Patrick Shores so at the last meeting there was a a last minute add-on without proper notification um to do with uh uh paying $1.71 million for a a study uh of County funds on how to how to fund essentially the sewage system for space space Florida which is an independent special district um and so I did a records request for a reference study that prompted that uh and I was uh very concerned about what I read so what is being proposed in the study that was done by the EDC is to do a tax increment re investment zone so basically tax the residents of district one and District 2 as a non adalum tax to pay for essentially a uh pipe putting in sewage from um space Florida to Sykes Creek as the first phase and then later phase a which I don't think we'll ever get to is kind of a crazy idea to to remove six sewage plants and to uh do a regional at Tao uh it seems more probable that between now and then we will actually upgrade to awt because that's required by 3030 um 2032 it also concerns me that at the recent soral meeting here's proposed this is space Florida up here this is federal lands and then also on the federal lands we're more than tripling the size of space Florida so there's a lot of plans that are not being communicated to the public this is from the North merid Island incorporation study that was a vote taken not per state statute under public comments we know why now because of the legal issues pertaining to North Meritt Island historically the issue with North Meritt Island has been flooding there was a small area study done that recommended rezoning to one unit to one unit per two and a half acres and not one unit per one acre the area of the hydrology study a half a million dollar study done by the county shows that this area where they want to put this additional development is in an area of increasing flooding the entire area is like a giant bowl and this time of year when the river level is at its highest level and we have a hurricane event it floods and there's no place to really pump the water so the last part of the controversy is under the new Senate Bill 328 our state has now authorized to put density housing under Senate bill you ow nothing be happy probably Workforce housing on on Space Florida lands on North Meritt Island you're going to make these people's lands worthless and I'm going to say one last thing the federal government loses liability immunity when you use it for privatized purposes and that makes other people liable too okay then um let's move on please and go to public hearings who is going to Jill I was you how are you this morning I'm good good Jill go ahead please H1 requests the adoption of fire rescue schedule of rates and charges for hazardous materials Special Operations team standby response fire prevention and inspection rates okay any comments we have no cards on H1 no no all right well actually I'm sorry I don't see one I don't think so no we're good sorry I just all right any discussion from the board motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner PR seconded by commissioner felner any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries one down Jill you're up okay H2 request the ratification confirmation and certification of the annual fire Services non Ador special assessment tax roles okay uh we have speaker cards s Sullivan so um under the fire assessment this is a of course a non um non adalum tax you have incorporated as of a couple years ago a 3% CPI every year and my objection All Along on this is that the we have right now A a crisis happening in the county with our EMS uh and funding uh appropriate uh salaries for them um and so we did a few years ago a pretty hefty increase while was promised with that increase is that we would use that to bring their salaries up to um being uh to to the surrounding area when I look at the budget and I look at the numbers what is actually happening is a disproportion of shares going to meet uh growth and while some of it was supposed to meet growth um it it was supposed to address the salary issues uh within a couple of years and bring them up to where they should be that didn't not happen so why did that not happen I mean we have all this growth happening in Bard County and when you look at the graphs the um a cost for the county for the cost of this growth and and the vehicles and the stations is is gone way up I think the number was $13 million um so what the problem is until we solve the problem is the the EMS and fire impact fees that are the share of the developers to pay their share of growth is not happening so you put a a CPI increase every year on the people but you didn't do a CPI increase on impact fees every year you know if you if you're going to tax the people let's tax the developers as well for paying their share but we need to address a fundamental issue we need to address EMS and fire impact fees that have not been updated in 32 years and we have all this growth everything has gone up in cost a fire Tru has gone up by threefold in cost uh how many times have I come up before this commission over the years and discussed impact fees and usually I just get a blank look and nothing is said meanwhile we have a huge number of people leaving I was at the the negotiations for fire and they didn't even negotiate your side didn't even negotiate in good faith you took something went out to caucus left us sitting there for an hour and 45 minutes came in and said uh see you later guys we're not going to talk anymore today and they said what about the other issues no we're not talking about it okay then um do we have any discussion from the board hearing no discussion is there anybody wants to make a motion please H2 I'll make a motion to approve second motion by commissioner prant seconded by commissioner felner any more discussion heing none all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries all right okay H3 requests the adoption and certification of the annual storm water utility non analor special assessment roles any discussion commissioner felner no I'm ready to make a motion sir okay make your motion oh I'll make a motion to approve is there a second second commissioner felner makes a motion to approve commissioner Goodson seconds any discussion hearing none all signify by saying I to approve nay for the motion carries okay now we are on H4 Billy hey how are you man doing well commissioner thank you you're up Sir uh H4 is uh a public hearing to consider the amendment to section 62 D2 bvar county code of ordinances to remove a definition of major Transit stop and to add a definition of Transit stop in order to comply with changes to Florida statute page four okay um any discussion from the board are you did SRA did you want to talk on this one too okay we might as well put you right up here in front come on S Sullivan there's no reason that both cannot be in your ordinances the the major transic stop is still a definition there's a definition by F dot what that is that's where and this is a legal definition it is when two or more types of Transportation come together that definition has not changed there is maybe you need to add a Transit stop definition in light of the changes to Senate Bill 328 but the definition of a major Transit stop is still the same it's only in the context of the change of law of 528 that you need the definition of a Transit stop but there may be reasons that you may need a major Transit stop definition as well outside of Senate Bill 102 I would keep it in there um and I would suggest that uh in light of the push back generally across the state on Senate Bill 102 uh we feel we people feel like we've just been sold out you're putting our this bill puts our communities at risk and and I would just generally as a say that in the research I've done of a bill that was very similar to Senate Bill 102 without the Mandate the staff analysis by the state said this is a good bill because it doesn't mandate it doesn't violate the state constitution I don't know why Bard County isn't in fact pushing back on Senate Bill 102 as a violation of the state constitution for planning and zoning laws but in the context of this I would keep major Transit stop because there is a legal definition by fot there may be other reasons you need to keep this in there and add Transit stop because they're two separate different definitions they are not the same thing thank you okay is there any discussion from the board hearing no disc no discussion do I hear a motion please commissioner Goodson moves to approve second commissioner pritchet seconds any more discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion Carri Ares all right uh Ed how are you good morning good sir good morning take it away um item H5 is the repal of ordinance 8929 this was an ordinance created in 1989 as a capital recovery um the project is complete and we are just doing some house cleaning of repealing ordinances that are no longer needed okay Sandra so for the agenda item this is the area uh and in here when I go to the St John's River Water Management site and I look up what's called a cup and consumptive use permit you see see that this when you say this area is complete according to the consumptive use permit where water is provided there's no water service in this area so a lot of the lands as you go west within this area are owned by the St John's river water man Management District when I looked up on the property appraisers but it it it is kind of I just think this is uh kind of interesting and I'm just um you know wondering whether I'm looking at surrounding properties uh that do not have water service out there per the consumptive use permit and you know there's been some rumors of a developer coming in there and so I'll just say the Optics on this perhaps don't look correct thank you okay um any discussion from the board hearing no discussion do I hear a motion motion by commissioner pet to approve is there a second second commissioner Goodson seconds any more discussion from the board hearing none all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay the motion carries okay H6 uh yeah Jill go ahead H6 requests the adoption of the solid waste disposal assessment solid waste collection and recycling special assessment and the schedule of special rates and gate charges okay great we have a card here from my old friend Chris Roman Dy Chris come on up thank you Commissioners so uh this has been brought to light because I've I guess I'm a resident in Bard Chris Roman Daddy for 41 years and when looking at these rates that are proposing to come in and overlooking the entire issue I've gone through the budgets it looks like it's a million dollars a week it's a $52 million budget to run the solid waste division now with all the different incomes they bring in and we'll be closing sorno Road soon it's been keeps getting pushed but it looks like it'll be in March now and what that's requiring us to do is to take everything to Coco and when you do that somebody like myself retired it's only one trip per week but I want to let you know that's that's a that's over $1,200 a year more for me to go to Coco because maybe not all you that were here when it was decided but somebody didn't figure out the dumps was going to fill up and start the new one out on 192 years and years ago when it should have been planned so that there was a seamless transition so in doing that not only will an average landscape guy that has somewhere around three loads a day he'll be burdened about 15,000 a year in excess fuel if he's bringing it up from down at the south end of County to Coco just in his fuel bill but more so in the proposed changes that I think I understand today is that all the construction debris to commercial accounts all these different accounts I agree should be now start to be charged I've looked at other counties and that seems to be pretty reasonable the major issue I have is in your yard clearing debris I don't know if you've ever cleaned your yard up or maybe you hired somebody to clean it up but whoever you're hiring to trim your coconut trees and your palm trees is now under this provision going to be build to bring it to the to the Wasteland so in doing that one cubic yard it's about two full garbage cans is $14.40 is what the cost is going to be our Trail is that you see all the landscapers in town running around our seven 7 ton Trail is 14,000 lb if they fill it up to what they're legally allowed to carry it's $331 a trip 100 trips a day is going to be bringing in an extra $8 million for the Coco or each facility to bring this waste in that's a lot of additional Revenue now when I had the chance to meet with Tom the director uh not too long ago he came out and said it cost me $42 a ton to process this so we're going to charge 47 so now we're going to take the burden because we didn't raise the rates your if you look at your homeowner's tax bill it used to be $59 you're all over the last years raised it to $63 per house that's supposed to take care of maybe just your garbage but at the end of the day we could always bring our yard debris if you brought it from your house you didn't pay for it matter of fact this says if you bring it yourself but if your landscaper brings it we are going to charge and so that's where I think the burden is we're going to get hit heavy on the fuel till you get the new facility opened up I hope you take that into consideration and two I think there's going to be a riot up there come October one these Landscaping guys I I've been trying to get a permit even though I'm retired for the last uh two weeks you got to go through the city of Melbourne and get a tax receipt it takes about three weeks to go or you got to drive to Titusville to get theirs I can't pull in I got I got I got let loose the other day you won't even take a credit card at the dumps to dump because it's in process which could take two weeks just to get your gate permit right now and I think those things all should be looked at to say if you have to put it in I think there should be a a a temporary time element to get people up to compliance they have put up a bond you have to put up a bond for two months worth there's a lot of a lot of activity going there so thanks Chris your time's up thank you very much for your thing absolutely yes sir is it true that you could trim your bushes and cut them the right length and leave them on the curb and then pick them up so so this week I loaded my trail and dumped it out front and call Waste Management they'll do and they'll pick that up and when we talk to Tom I think somebody said somebody's going to start looking into that but today that's true okay I thought so than y okay any other questions do I hear a motion motion to approve a motion to approve by commissioner pitet seconded by commissioner felner any other discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries all right now we have uh H7 okay which is H H7 is a resolution adopting the Melbourne tman Water Control District user fees um a public hearing was held in the district on August 8th and all board members and attendance adopted the resolution okay is there a motion to approve make the motion motion by commissioner Goodson seconded by commissioner pritet yes there you go I just wanted to make sure all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries thank you so much absolutely let's take a 5 minute break please if we could pardon me [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] than previously uh acquired uh we originally required 22.3 6aces this requires an additional 02 Acres it's for the construction of an airvac pump system vacuum Force main lines lift station and Sewer Service the fair market value uh is 100 uh and $11,300 and uh that's what the asking value is okay anybody have any questions regards to this do I hear a motion motion for approval is there a second second motion by commissioner Goodson seconded by commissioner pritet uh all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay the motion carries all right uh J2 legislative intent permission advertise modifications Virginia good morning Commissioners nice to see you you too this is to approve legislative intent and permission to advertise code modifications regarding the structure of the save our in Lagoon citizen oversight committee the citizen oversight committee recommends the board consider two changes the first is that the current structure of the committee includes Seven Fields of expertise with a voting member and an alternate selected to represent each field those Seven Fields are science technology economics real estate tourism education and Lagoon advocacy to encourage future representation on the citizen oversight committe by residents whose incomes are tied to the health of the Lagoon like commercial fishermen fishing guides clam farmers and eour operators who experience the changing Lagoon conditions out on the water daily the committee recommends dedicating a field of expertise to Lagoon Commerce this could be accomplished without increasing the size of the committee by combining the education field of expertise with Lagoon advocacy second in 2022 two the board added 8-year term limits to all advisory committees via the County's uniform Advisory Board policy these limits will impact 50% of the committee this year this includes five of the seven voting members and two alternates who are in their eighth year of service the result will be that no one on the future oversight committee will be cognizant of all The Balancing Act Guided by County Commission and public comments received since Inception of the program and the longest standing voting members remaining if reappointed will have two years of service therefore the committee recommends adding two non-voting sort of historian like positions who would be exempt from term limits but subject to Sunshine Law to provide readily available historical context for the larger number of new members the league of cities and the County Commission would each select one position if the board approves legislative intent for either or both of these changes the ordinance revisions will be prepared and advertised to come back to the board in the form of a public hearing draft markups of the current policy to incorporate both of these recommendations as attached to the agenda package and the markup also cleans up some terminology and transitions the initial oversight committee appointment process to an ongoing process okay thank you Virginia um Sandra Sandra Sullivan South Patrick Shores so I am vehemently against this uh first of all this is an amendment of ordinance 16-15 um I would appreciate first and foremost if we're going to look at modifying the the ordinance I think we should have sit down and have a a workshop with an init invitation to the public to come in and put ideas there's a lot of issues ues with with the Soro program as it now St stands um previously I brought a letter before you that was signed by 19 entities companies uh and a few uh prominent individuals that had concerns of uh conflicts of interests uh within this policy itself one of the changes acknowledges uh that this board does the alleg allocation of fund to project list so they are making decisions on on on funding and this board took away even the oversight of requiring conflicts of of Interest disclosures which was exceedingly controversial uh you have a policy that says eight years on a board now there is a procedure if somebody applies and they do not have qualifications you can still extend by a waiver the members on that board so we may end up with some of them continuing to serve because if you don't find enough people that are qualified to serve on the board we don't know give the process a chance if it if there's a problem afterwards but it will be very confusing to have two people sitting up there who are current members of the board that are not voting members or whether they're voting or not and they're weighing in you know it it it just has bad Optics we have a policy of eight years and we got we got my we got people on Myra 15 we're 16 and 18 years on Myra you guys aren't following your rules it's like uh well we want to follow it here we don't want to follow it there no be consistent there's a policy and the policy works if you've been eight years on a board and we respect term limits and there isn't anybody to fill that board there's a waiver and they can extend it there is a methodology we don't need this this has really bad Optics that the people who sit on this board just want to continue their influence and if we want to sit down and make changes to the ordinance let's have a workshop and let's look at some of the other things that are just not good in this ordinance thank you very much okay um comments from the board hearing no comments do I he motion commissioner Goodson makes a motion to approve is there a second by commissioner Pritchett a second a quick question Miss Virginia these are two nonvoting members correct excuse me the um changing the field of expertise that would be one voting one non voting adding the um the historical positions they would be non- voting thank you ma'am okay commissioner P are you okay with the second on that yes sir thank you so much I appreciate the question it was a good one um any more to discussion from the board hearing no discussion do I hear a motion motion oh there's already a motion on the floor hello it'd be nice if I was somewhere on Earth today all right uh that's okay uh no more discussion from the board hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I'll oppose nay motion carries all right now not last but close to last Peter how are you good sir thank you uh J three is bringing from the TDC the fiscal 2425 marketing and media plan for approval it's in the amount of 13.38 5 million with a uh disaster backup fund of 1.36 million okay um Sandra pardon me am I know sometime I think so me yes j3 yes did I mess up no I just to say okay yeah it's gonna be interesting go ahead thank you Sanda Sullivan South Patrick Shores so in going through this presentation there's some things that I didn't see in here sorry sen her time and going through this uh presentation that was ATT there were some things I didn't see the good news is what a tremendous job look at look at our numbers uh for tdt tax I mean record numbers that's great and this is how it it breaks down okay so the the area for marketing is the the blue part okay so you guys heard the joke about The Driftwood method and the joke about this is what you did with bright line you move money into through marketing so here you didn't have to do a super majority vote that was required to spend the money from from capital for bright line but you moved it through marketing to make it legal so you could do a simple majority vote that's the Driftwood method so you did that with Driftwood too so um I just want to say what the other thing that is missing in here is the tdt meeting where you're moving money the Driftwood method youve moving money from the cultural fund to marketing fund and then from marketing fund you're moving it to lifeguards okay now uh per state statute you can only use tdt for lifeguards if you have a estimated population less than 275,000 people according to the most recent population estimate pursuant to 18691 well our population is more than 275,000 people so Randy fine recently at a Patriots meeting indicated that this was not legal so I my question I guess is your presentation omitted the Driftwood method where you're moving money through marketing and you're spending it out of marketing but it's not in this budget that you're here um and then you know in terms of the actual tdt legislative text from the state it says up to 10% of the net revenue budgeted and dispersed to promote County tourism by funding tourist oriented cultural and special events you know that 10% is for that but then you move it to marketing and you spend it in a different way so you're not following really the state statute I think you have a really big legal issue here if indeed you are still spending money on lifeguards from the cultural grants fund and not spending the tdt tax as legally required by State Statute thank you very much thank you for your comments okay um discussion commissioner Goodson uh I I think our attorney's answered this a number of times okay but I must comment because I didn't know Randy fine was practicing law now but undoubtly he is so maybe we should get him as our second attorney that's all comment I got and you make sure he knows what I said okay all right any more discussion commissioner feler i' say something for Peter um he's he's worked very hard with uh you know uh Hotel years and such to make sure that some of their their ask and the marketing plan were there so Peter I I think you did a good job there yes thank you sir and with that I'll make a motion to approve there's a motion to approve is there a second second seconded by commissioner Goodson now I do have a couple of small comments I'd like to make before we get started this is a no good deed goes on punished situation for Peter you you have a marketing plan that's going to include so many different aspects of what's going on with the TDC it's crazy so very very difficult one time we're saying come to Bard County where we have lifeguards the next time you know you go down the road and you see a a billboard that does not have CL include lifeguards on it I guess we've removed some of those okay so then then there's an issue in regards to whether or not using lifeguards with TDC money is is uh is legal and I can assure you that we've looked into this and we have an attorney You're Not Sorry Miss Sullivan you're not an attorney we have a very good attorney we have a lot of people that look at this stuff so whatever we do we do with the advice of good general counsel so not being disrespectful to you in any way it's just that I'm telling you that we do what we need to do following good legal advice now whether or not there's going to be money spent on lifeguards through this year through the cultural fund or something else I don't know because we have not decided that yet we have not decided that yet the cultural fund monies for lifeguards were used last year is that accurate Peter yes sir so as of right now there's no money in the TD don't shake your head because I'm on I'm the chairman of the TDC I know what I'm talking about here don't it's it is absolutely at this particular point in time no monies are being used for lifeguards with TDC funds that does not mean that come through this budget period that we're going through that we will not put them back in so I don't know what's going to happen with that do not have a magical ball on it so as a result of all that thank you for your hard work you know this is a subjective thing on your part and you're going to and that's why we have you as a director we're just going to have to follow what you think is your professional situation now commissioner Pritchard did you have any comments you'd like to make um I would just like to say I'm I'm impressed that you got something that hot tellers are happy with because that's always hard getting these packages approved and I'm hoping that we do figure out a way how to cover some of those um lifeguard situations we have people visiting here and it just makes sense that the people visiting that need the extra lifeguards are helping to pay for that cost and get it off the burden of the citizens as well so I hope that we continue to figure out a way how to do that and because it would just break my heart for another kid to die on the beach too so yeah especially after we just had an article that's saying Bard County's beaches were the fifth most dangerous beaches in the entire United States so we definitely need to do something about lifeguards but that's not the issue today I believe we have a motion and a second no more discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries thank you all right thank you very much Peter for your hard work I will see you again tomorrow on TDC all right we have um public comments or we have any more public comments no we don't we're good that's great now we have board reports Commander a body how about you you got something for I have no report all right Morris Richardson did you have uh something you needed add to the record yes sir Mr chair the clerk has asked that uh B to clean up or follow up on your earlier item about travel reimbursement the clerk just asked me to read into the record that the um total travel reimbursement was $ 27428 of which 1,1 18250 was mileage for the travel yes and I would like to add real quickly with that Morris that that was well under the amount of money that the airline ticket would be and I spent 26 hours driving so as not to miss any meetings but I do recognize the clerk tenacity and her professionalism on compliance so I'm glad that you did that today thank you Rachel for your help all right uh let's see here anything more Morris no sir thank you okay Rita commissioner Goodson no sir commissioner felner do you have anything other than your vice vice chairman thing that we recognize today I I I don't have anything really beyond that except I'll just say I went to National uary um uh program uh meeting end of last week and they're pretty excited they received a significant Grant of $9.4 million I think uh for more restoration efforts in the lagoon I think that's the biggest that they've received uh so we'll hear more from uh Dr defreze on on that in the coming months but that's uh I think that's a very big event for them okay I have no report is there a motion to adjourn motion the motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos nay the motion carries the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]