##VIDEO ID:C_f9rBSalbU## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he what e e e e [Music] if you wish to speak to any item on the agenda or during dur the public comment portion of the meeting please fill out a speaker card each person addressing the board shall have 3 minutes to complete his or her comments on each agenda item for which he or she has filled out a card the chair has the discretion to determine or alter the time limits on any agenda item the board of County Commissioners requests that speakers appearing under the public comments section of the agenda limit their comments or presentations to matters relating to County Business that are within the board's control author and jurisdiction evening and welcome to the Tuesday September 24th 2024 County Commission meeting like to call a meeting to order uh before I do I'd like Pastor Rodney Osborne to come up and give us a prayer for tonight thank you Pastor let us pray God our Father we we come this afternoon thanking you God for the opportunity just to stand in your presence one more time God we thank you for another Day's Journey and oh God we thank you for this those that have gathered here today uh for this meeting God we pray God that every uh word that is said and every decision that is made is pleasing unto your eyesight and God we pray that you would bless each and every one of these leaders today of this great great County God of Bard bless each every resident uh of this County touch and bless and protect God each each law enforcement each first responder and oh God we pray today that those that may be in the path of this storm that is coming that you would protect them God in a special way and we'll be so very careful to continue to give you the praise the glory and all of the honor it is in the in the precious and most powerful name of Jesus Christ we do pray pray and ask it all amen amen uh the Pledge of Allegiance be led by commissioner felner please join me in the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um welcome once again and we have our wonderful uh people tonight that will be handling a lot of this stuff we'll try to get it done in a quick manner uh Jill do you want to start out with D1 actually I'll do that commissioner okay uh agenda item D1 allows for the reading of the tentative aggregate operating militate to fund the portion of the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget that is supported by property taxes at this time I'd ask the budget Office to read into the record the tenative aggregate millage rate for fiscal year 2024 2025 the aggregate tenative mill rate for fiscal year 2024 2025 budget is 44390 Ms this represents no change from the aggregate roll back millage rate of 44390 Mills and the tenative aggregate millage rate represents a 4.3% % reduction when compared to the current fiscal year 2023 2024 aggregate millage rate of 4.63 83 there is no vote required for this item so I'll move on to agenda item D2 and agenda item D2 allows for the public to comment on the county budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 before we believe uh begin the public comment I'd ask the budget Office to read into the record the f year 2024 2025 budget the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget is 2 B250 m925 1875 the budget represents an increase of $ 100, 81754 or 4.69% more than the fiscal year 20123 2024 current budget of 2 bill1 15,18 327 we're now ready to accept public comment on the budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 before we do that uh Mr County Manager I'd like to ask Morris a question since we don't have an agreement between the county and uh the fire Union I guess can we enter what kind of discussion can we have from here anything or nothing uh well we're currently in negotiations with the Union right and it's uh appropriate to keep those negotiations in the proper Forum where they're at now okay pardon me all right so let's go ahead and and move forward then um who's going to handle us oh that's the public comments here let's go ahead and do Michael Michael Branson please thank you Commissioners good evening my name is Michael Bramson on The Bard County firefighters Union president who do reside in Altimont Springs we want to thank the board for the last time they met and the staff for the direction to explore fire funding and budget and moving forward with that uh we're encouraged by the details facts and needs that this study will identify including lifeguards and Fleet Services however this study will take time it was commented take up to a year the budget being finalized today is insufficient to run and expand the fire rescue to meet the Public's needs and expected service over the course of the year and as we move through the process bcfr will continue to Hemorrhage experience and be impacted by failing equipment our most recent submissions of resignations has changed bcfr for the worse the resignations are not people and are people who are to considered to be our leaders our mentors our pillars of society people who are integral part of the day to day of Bard County fire rescue these members are not people who are on a pit stop on their way to a better place they were Bard they they're gone it will take a very long time to get The Replacements up to speed the outside hirers will be resented but not because of who they are but why they are here this budget did not allow all necessary expansions of bavard County fire rescue we do appreciate the consideration of expansion and we do want you to uh consider expanding the services and the budget for the services deserving of Bard County's Public Safety thank you thank you sir uh Christina Fleming good evening Commissioners my name is Christina Fleming I am a resident of District 3 and a retired firefighter I reject your proposed 2425 budget as it does not adequately fund Public Safety I'd like to address the critical budgetary needs of bcfr and why you cannot approve the budget as it is presented today one of our district 1 fire stations has been condemned with no suitable replacement in sight and as of date nothing has been ordered a temp leasing agreement is sitting in the county attorney's office for approval of two trailers on Arthur dun airport property in Titusville it should be noted that although temporary these trailers do not have showers for your employees mobile showers are being considered this unexpected lease with the airport will cost taxpayers roughly 1,800 a month before condemned for safety issues station 23 housed five employees per shift a district Lieutenant fire medic and two fire EMTs currently one rescue is sitting behind the hold station in fifth wheel camper the other is being housed at Station 22 in Mims This results in delayed response times for 911 calls which is both unacceptable dangerous and potentially leading to life-threatening situations this station should have been replaced 5 years ago when the roof opened up but its continued use can be attributed to budgetary restraints and tabled Capital overlay currently multiple fire engines do not have functioning air conditioning firefighters are being told that the backup engines are unavailable that air conditioning repairs are either not possible due to unavailable parts or because those parts are Obsolete and they are being told it is only a requirement to have a heater as a temporary solution fans are being used in cabs but this is insufficient with Florida's brutal heat index as Crews lack the ability to effectively cool down after structure fires and Wildland fires this is a critical need a new fire station in Vieira is scheduled to open on October 1st Station 4 9 still has multiple unfilled positions as a result of 34 unfilled firefighter paramedic vacancies when the doors finally open these positions will be filled with costly overtime or less than qualified firefighter EMT floaters is the viea corporation aware of the Staffing shortfall because this is a critical need since January 2014 we have lost 611 field Personnel or a fiscal impact of $13 million and this does not include the gaps created from transfers to inspections or promotions to Administration this year alone as of today we are looking at 71 field resignations this is a critical need and the basis for the public safety crisis that we are currently experiencing as of yesterday's negotiations we can expect our staffing and attrition issues to be exasperated because the current firefighter contract will expire on the 1st the word is out in the community and around the state who wants to work for a fire department approaching a pay freeze your lead thirdparty negotiator was asked 3 months ago to petition his client for a raise effective immediately via an mou with hopes that the bleeding would slow instead your county manager will use a frozen contract as a bargaining tactic to starve your employees with hopes that they will accept an offer that still leaves your senior firefighters and inspectors an average of 22.6% underpaid in comparison to the comparables that we constantly update to your team it's just a shame thank you thank you Christina all right that's the uh cards is there any discussion from the board hearing no discussion do I hear a motion we need a mo no we're ready to move on to the next item all right move on to D3 uh commissioner since the board uh must adopt the millages and related budgets separately comments and motions concerning individual tax levies can also be made uh at the time each millage is adopted item D3 allows for public comment discussion and Adoption of the final millages for fiscal year 2024 2025 um if there's any public comments on item D3 now would be an appropriate time to hear those comments is there any comments okay uh okay we need a motion no we we we'll just move on okay um the budget office Personnel will now read into the record the millage and related adval revenue for each taxing Authority follow following the reading of each tax levy is recommended that the chair entertain a motion for approval of that millage okay if you bear with us please there's quite a few of these and I'm going to try to get through them as soon as possible but Jill go ahead please okay The Bard County BCC operating fiscal year 2024 2025 tenative millage is 2.9 207 which is a 1.95% change from the roll back millage of 2.86 48 generating 197 million $1 16,552 by commissioner Tobi all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay motion carries The Bard County free Public Library District fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.336 which is a 2.16% change from the back 0.323 generating 22431 234 is there a motion to approve Move Motion by commissioner gson to approve is there a second second any discussion all in favor signify by saying I motion carries The Bard County Mosquito Control District fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 01367 which is a 2.63% change from the roll back millage of 01332 generating 9,275 105 is there a motion to approve so moved is there a second second motion by commissioner pre seconded by commissioner Goodson any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay the motion carries Fire Control mstu the Fire Control mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.492 9 which is a 2.73% change from the roll back millage of 0.479 generating 15, 9462 motion to approve is there a motion to approve that's you okay good is there a second there's a second any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries for the recreation District 1 mstu the f fcal year 2024 2025 millage is 04281 which is a 2.91% change from the roll back millage of 0.416 generating 3,564 26 is there a motion to approve so moved is there a second second commission commissioner pitet makes a motion to move seconded by commissioner Goodson all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries the recreation special district operations and maintenance District 4 fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 05036 which is a 1.61% change from the rolled back millage of 04956 generating 3,476 368 is there a motion to approve the recreation special district operation so move there's a motion by commissioner Goodson is there a second second seconded by commissioner P any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos n the motion carries next Mo for the Titusville Coco Airport Authority the fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.000000 which represents no change from the rolled back millage of 0.000000 generating Z okay is there a motion to approve motion to approve there's a motion by commissioner pritchet is there a second second seconded by commissioner Tobi all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries all right let's move forward law enforcement all right the law enforcement fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.869 which is a 2.87% change from the roll back millage of 0. 8456 generating 2,720 77 is there a motion to approve so move motion by commissioner pritchet to approve is z a second seconded by commissioner Tobi all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries rad and Bridge Maintenance please so the rad and Bridge District uh sorry rad and Bridge maintenance District 1 mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.498 which is a 2.98% change from the rollback millage of 0.483 6 generating 2,600 7483 is there a motion to approve Road and Bridge maintenance D1 mstu motion to approve is there a second commissioner Pritchett Mo makes a motion to approve seconded by commissioner toaya all in favor signify by saying I all oppos n motion carries rad and Bridge maintenance D2 mstu the rad and Bridge maintenance District 2 mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.16 87 which is a 2.68% change from the roadback millage of 01643 generating 1,226 881 is there a motion to approve motion to approve by commissioner Goodson is there a second seconded by commissioner toaya all uh any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay the motion carries maintenance D3 mstu the Road and Bridge maintenance District 3 mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.191 which is a 2.98% change from the roll back millage of 0.846 generating $595,000 the Road and Bridge maintenance District 4 mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.221 two which is a 2.84% change from the roadback millage of 02151 generating 1,999 483 is there a motion to approve so Move Motion by commissioner felner is there a second second commissioner pitard seconds any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay the motion carries the Road and Bridge maintenance District 5 mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.29 38 which is a 3.12% change from the roll back millage of 0.284 n generating all oppos nay motion carries let move forward the Road and Bridge maintenance District 4 North beaches mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.866 which is a 2.98% change from the rollback millage of 01812 generating $181,300 all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries the rad and Bridge maintenance District 4 merid Island South mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.984 which is a 2.71% change from the roll back millage of 0.958 generating $ 26,26995 seconds all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries the environmentally endangered lands 2024 fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.467 which is a 2.64% change from the rollback millage of 0.455 generating 3,168 598 is there a motion to approve so move commissioner pritchet Mo makes a motion to approve is there a second I'll second commissioner feltner seconds all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay motion carries the Port St John Canaveral Groves Recreation fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 02682 which is a 2.96% change from the roll back millage of 0.265 generating $599,450 there's a motion to approve by commissioner cret is there a second second commissioner Felton are seconds all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay the motion carries the north Bard Recreation special district fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.657 which is a 2.86% change from the roll back millage of 01611 generating 94,3 49 is there a motion to approve motion to approve sir commissioner Pritchett makes a motion to approve is there second second seconded by commissioner feltner all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay motion carries the merid Island Recreation mstu fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.232 six which is a 2.74% change from the roll back millage of 0.226 4 generating 1, 295,000 is there a motion to approve the Merit Island Recreation mstu motion by commissioner Goodson second second by commissioner felner all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries the South Bard special Recreation District fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 02178 which is a 2.11% change from the road back millage of 02133 generating 8,753 39 is there a motion to approve motion by commissioner pritchet is there a second seconded by commissioner felner all in favor signify by saying I all oppos nay motion carries okay moving along into our voter approved Debt Service millages the environmentally endangered lands voted debt 202024 a fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.0078 generating $531,500 makes a motion to approve is your a second seconded by commissioner Tobi all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion cares North Bard Recreation special district the north Bard Recreation special district voted debt fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.234 generating 1,110 106 is there a motion to approve commissioner prit makes a motion to approve is there a second seconded by commissioner felner all favor signify by saying I all oppos nay motion carries South Bard Recreation special district I think we still need to do the mer I'm sorry I apologize that's okay Island Recreation is that where we're at yes you got to read into the record I'm sorry yes uh merid Island Recreation voted debt is fiscal year 202024 2025 millage is 0.888 generating 49474 3 is there a motion to approve motion by commissioner felner seconded by commissioner Tobi all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay all right let's move on to South Bard Recreation special district I believe last one the South Bard Recreation special district voted debt fiscal year 2024 2025 millage is 0.328 generating 1,323 67 okay is there a motion to approve commissioner toaya makes a motion to approve is there a second second seconded by commissioner fter all in favor signify by saying I motion carries okay we finished with that stuff Jill we good yes we are all right um the elct office will read into the record the resolution establishing the County's final millages for a fiscal year 2024 2025 following the reading of the resolution it's recommended that the chair entertain a motion for approval of the resolution do you want to do the discussion on lifeguards before this or after that's that's next under agend agenda item D4 okay we still on D3 we still reading D3 right now we're still doing D3 all right uh who's handling D3 um I'll read the resolution okay please um a resolution to adopt final millages pursuant to chapter 200 Florida Statutes authorizing the board of County Commissioners to adopt final millages for fiscal year 2024 2025 and providing an effective date the board of County Commissioners Bard County Florida is taxing Authority for the taxing in taxing entities identified in exhibit a which is attached here to and made part of here of by this reference does hereby Levy the millages specified in exhibit a and does hereby State the percent by which the aggregate millage to be levied is a change from the roll back aggregate millage is there a motion to approve motion by commissioner Pritchett seconded by commissioner Tobi any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay at this point we're ready to move into agenda item D4 okay you want to do the Lifeguard before that all right Space Coast would you please put up the um slide on the options that we were talking about please all right U before we get into this tonight I just kind of want to share with you a couple of different things this is a been a very difficult before I do that I want to welcome all of our law enforcement people here and our fire people and thank you for being here tonight so we appreciate that it's a very delicate situation and each and every one of the Commissioners has different viewpoints and I'm going to let everybody speak their minds today and I asked the participants from the city Side to answer with the questions they want to ask but let's try to keep it as civil as possible because it's very emotional but let me tell you how we got here we got here because about 4 months ago I'm I'm not sure the date but the county had a workshop and we were discussing fire and we were also discussing uh lifeguards and there was u a one of the commissioner suggested that we try to attempt to get some addition money for lifeguards from the cities and there was lots of discussion about that and the bottom line was is that we all agreed that okay we could go to the cities send the county manager and the City attorney to the cities and if the cities agree to it then fine if they don't agree to it then perhaps they'll come back with something that would be acceptable to them I voted to allow that to go forward even though in my own mind I knew that the cities would say no there got to be some quite Ted conversation at one on and some anger and some upset people and uh I understand that I was hoping that we would have something resolved before we go to the final budget hearing we don't so tonight we're going to have a discussion if and I'm going to let every one of the Commissioners talk about it after uh and we're going to call up the the folks here and try to get to a resolution I asked the county manager to draw up some options on on potential funding methods and of course I can't talk to the other Commissioners so I don't know where they are but uh I think everybody would agree that uh we need to resolve something this evening I'll talk later on it but let me just go ahead and call the uh the people up that would like to speak on it and uh mayor Keith capy hey mayor how are you sir if you'd pull that microphone up a little bit buddy I'd appreciate it thanks so much ke all right thank you sir yeah mayor Keith capy of Coco Beach surf capital of the world um I'm very excited about that by the way um look we want we want the beaches safe and we we need your help to do it you know we just don't have the funding that you guys were hoping to get from us to do it so um I talk with my commission I speak on behalf of my commission um we saw this proposal and we decided that we were willing to to do um either one two or four uh which would be basically status quo of what we've contributed in the past we're we're more than H happy to to help contribute uh for the safety of our lifeguards our beaches uh with lifeguards um it's just what was proposed prior was not possible in our budget um just just something to keep in mind uh the beach is is the County's asset it's all a Bard's asset um and we all do pay into our property taxes for Public Safety which includes the beach um I would also say that keep in mind Coco Beach is only uh less than 1.8% of the entire population of the county so you know if we're going to pay 50% of the Lifeguard bill it it just doesn't seem to match up now like I said we would love to continue to to go status quo what we've been doing we're more than help happy to uh to contribute and we hope that you guys see that um anything extra I would I would consider as double taxation on our residents since we pay County taxes for um safety so thank you all right uh commissioner Taya I know you're going to have multiple questions did would you prefer to ask the mayor those questions or the city manager or just in an interest of bearing time uh I I'm I'm good with there are questions about the budget the mayor mentioned it was not possible in the budget so he may have a better uh handle but e either either one it's just questions of the budget if I can't if I can't answer I'll defer to certainly all right go ahead I did spend some time with your budget um just to go over some things and correct me if I'm wrong please uh you were 8.25% above last year's role back rate so a sizable tax increase uh I got that from your millage resolution um next year you will receive $ 2.93 to million of parking revenue for the very beaches you say um but then I I I went to uh uh page eight uh and it says ensure a safe City I assume that meant beaches was one of the goals listed so uh we put our uh I think we put our prior it where we put our money so I do have some questions on your budget here one that you've already voted in favor of on uh page g16 you have $70,000 for for storage shelves so can you explain to me how storage shelves are more important than lifeguards uh when it comes to Public Safety so I wasn't part of uh the reason behind that but I would assume we are having a new City Hall built so we have no storage shelves at the time if I had to guess that that's what it would probably be for so um as you know there's stuff that needs to be you know paid for no I'm sure it is for shelves I'm I'm not doubting that I'm just my question is how are storage shelves more important than lifeguards on the your beaches I mean it kind of makes sense if you have a building that you're just being built and you have nowhere to store stuff you would need storage shelves so I'm not going to have the city employees store stuff on the ground okay I'm I'm just I'm just trying to get to your priority was ensuring a safe City it wasn't ensuring organized books but we'll go to another one uh G29 you have $525,000 for a marina feasibility study can you explain yes that for me and why more important not what it is but why it's more important than safety of of residents on the on the beach we we voted that down it's not it's not in the budget it's in you're it is in your budget it shouldn't be we voted that down okay I'll ask the I'll ask the city manager but that's in your proposed budget uh we voted it down it shouldn't be in there unless it was a mistake it's on your website uh okay um you have almost $3 million 2.9 in change here for a golf course M um less the revenue but still it is a negative to the tune of a little over a million dollars but you've gone a step further and you have priorities here which line item out I thought was kind of interesting so can you explain to me how a gulf Pond floating vegetative island or Islands I didn't know what that was I had to Google that by the way those are Grant funded items when it's in your budget it's probably not Grant funded yep Grant funded sir so let me let me explain how budgets let me explain how budgets work so you could have used those funds for golf funds the less whatever it was 1.2 1.1 in change is what you lost on golf courts uh that's general fund to cover the lifeguards that's what you're asking the county to do and and so th those Grant funds could be used to subsidize the the the other loss of that golf course I don't think so sir that that those Grant funds were designated specifically for clearing out those ponds not not we couldn't get Grant funds for subsidizing lifeguards or we do let me exp here's here's how this works we we had golf courses Bard County had three or four of them we got rid of them because they cost us money and they're costing the city money and you say you can't do it so my question is is that that is part of the 1.2 loss how in the world do you justify uh running golf courses when you don't have safe beaches it it's very unfortunate that we do have an asset that loses money however it's not an asset if it loses money an asset is something that's generally I see where you're going but it's very unfortunate that it loses money and we're trying to figure out ways to mitigate that um you know everybody has bad years and and loses money and that doesn't mean you just shut down your business that means you got to try to do what you can to make it work you don't need to tell me that this this board made the decision to get rid of our golf courses it made lots of residents they weren't very happy with that in all honesty but it wasn't fair because we public uh we prioritize Public Safety so we could afford lifeguards on our beaches finally help me with this last bit this is the thing that was most confusing to me um you employ 21 lifeguards right now is that is that correct I I'm not sure the exact amount so I there's 21 lifeguards on your budget right now on your on your pool yes on your pool so can you explain to me the difference between the safety of your residents at the pool versus the safety of of your residents at the beach they're all equally um should be for safety I don't I don't care what it is a life on the beach a life on the land a life on the I no I agree with you I agree so my question is though why do you fund one and choose not to fund another the pool is our personal excuse me Mr chair I'm I'm speaking with the mayor here I'll it thank you so much I appreciate it the pool we're going to have Keith from nobody needs to talk from the the U audience at this particular point in time we'll we'll get to those questions in a minute so I apologize Keith go ahead please if you'd be so kind mayor the pool is the Coco Beach City asset the the beach is a is a county asset Mr chair yes sir um or I'd like to ask the County Attorney a question yes sir go ahead uh uh Morris do do we own the beach we do not is it is it a State Beach it is and the the parks that are attached to those beaches that are in discussion are those County beaches or or County Parks I apologize so um we have a number of lifeguard Towers at county-owned and maintained parks and then there are a number at City owned and maintained Parks I believe in Coco Beach there's a mixture I think Lori Wilson is County own and maintain maintained although I think that's technically in Coco Beach but there are other ones that are uh at Municipal facilities in Coco Beach okay and and we have in this fiscal year 25 budget we have fully funded the lifeguards at the uh Lori Wilson Lori Wilson Park yes yes so so uh just to be clear the beach is not County property and the parks that are attached to the beaches that is not County property uh is also not County property so it is not a county asset as you just described you you want the county to pay for it but it is a state as our County attorney just said it is a State Beach I'm sorry I'm having to do these things uh attached to a city park just to be very clear uh personal residences are not County assets um waterways are not County assets they are all part of your Public Safety requirement to take care of so it doesn't matter whether our beach is Coco Beach or whatever you guys we pay for Public Safety and that lifeguard has included that according according to your ordinances you just said I'm sorry you just said that the the beaches were County and I just established that they in fact were not County so that that was that was it I I just wanted to be very clearing we pay for Public Safety and that includes everything thank you okay commissioner PR do you have something yes sir I just you I just trying to get numbers I should have asked this before I got here historically what were you guys paying towards this we paid 83,000 before 83,000 before and you're um you're willing to go right back to that again correct that we were willing to go even higher which was the which was the next um um the market adjust whatever you guys call it uh to like 86,000 okay what was it that was before that that before we started trying to work on other funds what was the amount that we were asking for Coco Beach I think it was like 700 and something thousand just for Coco Beach just for Coco Beach yeah was it okay yeah they they had multiple full-time Towers yeah okay so that's a you know that's a th% increase almost that it just we can't do that right now there are several um seasonal Towers in Coco Beach and several full-time historically they paid a little over 20% for the seasonal but weren't paying any anything towards the full-time so with the board direction to go to 50% on both seasonal and full-time that did result in a substantial proposed increase okay okay thank you sir thank you commissioner felner you have questions okay commissioner Goodson yes yes sir question what made you change your mind because you were adamant the last time that you weren't paying a penny well I want to work with you guys and I told you before when we met I wanted to figure out a way that we can work together um you know we we we want to be a team player and we we don't mind doing what we were doing in the past the status quo so you know you know we're here for safety and we're here to try to make it work so and um option five you don't like we just we still we can't do it we we can and right now we don't have the other options in our budget but I've talked with the commission and we've all agreed that we would be able to talk with the city about doing a a resolution uh to fit the what we were paying in the past okay thank you yes sir you have another question commissioner Goodson commissioner Goodson in this option five I'm sorry I'm putting you on the spot we might have to ask someone do you know what the um amount for Cocoa Beach would have been an option five sir I'd have to resort Frank on that 525 no there's three cities involved in right right I don't have the exact number but it's it's somewhere between three and $400,000 I believe 350,000 or so yeah something like that okay any more questions uh Wayne you want to come on up thanks mayor appre thank you and just I want to just include to I have spoke with all the other uh Coastal Community uh Mayors and they also send their um their condolences or not is um support good evening Wayne good evening everyone uh Wayne Carino city manager Coco Beach I just want to I think Keith was spot on um we're in full support of option one two or four um we we just want clean beaches we just want safe Beach bees that's all we want we contribute um I don't want to get into the weeds we just did but um it's pretty simple we participate we we were perfectly happy with the way it was the status quo before was um we felt fair deal for us and um it was working you know it was a team effort like he said and uh and it was working so um our commission was in full support of coming here to with in front of you guys and um requesting that we select one of those options and that's it guys thank you thank you way thank you I'm just getting to you I'm sorry Apologize One in walk away okay commissioner Goodson thank you yes sir tell me when will your parking garage be totally paid off uh is that a 20-year note on that it's sun6 2036 it's Sun 7 20 that's our CFO yeah does um all the revenue from parking go to pay for the parking garage that is correct it is it is committed fund okay come on can she come up she's already absolutely up okay P Patricia jot is our CF right okay so and right now your Revenue in in parking all parking on the beach is 2.9 is that what you said commissioner toaya Mr chair yes sir go ahead slightly over 3 million they've uh projected a slight I don't know why but a slight downturn to 2.9 in this fiscal Year's budget y so the parking garage is CRA and that is committed to the CRA debt it is not available for other uses and to your point yes our parking revenue is going down um and we expect that Trend to continue into 2025 we had a we had a bit of an increase following covid and the return to people being able to go outside that has not been sustained and will not be sustained as far as we can judge we have a budget of close to 14 million for our police and fire we have completed our negotiations um those negotiations do include increases to the salaries of our police and fire and that is for the intent to have retention we are still not at market and we are still at not at optimal levels for our particularly for our fire um our fire department does track the type of calls whether they are to residential versus to non-residential approximately 46% of our calls in our fire do not go to servicing the residents but go to servicing our visitors if you extrapolate our parking doesn't even come close to covering the cost of Public Safety for our tourists and visitors it's a real problem for a city that has a population just over 11,000 it's a heavy burden it isn't that we don't want to help with the uh the safety of our beaches it isn't that we don't want to to help with the cost of the lifeguards it's we are struggling under the burden of Public Safety in the whole for our visitors that come to our our city it is a heavy burden for our taxpayers we are trying our commissioners are trying very hard to keep our millage rate at the current level yes it's an 8.25% increase and that's because there's been Redevelopment um our commission are trying to get Redevelopment to help build that tax base to try to ease that burden but as you guys know sitting up there we're all facing the challenges of just supply chain and the costs and they're going up and it is a it is a really hard challenge for all of us in this public sector to try to meet the demands and the needs yes we can close our golf course it is an option and it is not an option that we are not looking at we do look at that and it may end up being the result um but we're looking at everything and we are trying to make it work but we can't we just can't we we are we are using reserves this year to balance the budget and that's to try to make some of these Capital Improvements um happen we're looking for Grant monies but it isn't going to be sustainable it just isn't okay that's why she's our CFO well she's very brilliant and very smart so thank you for that any questions any more questions pardon me commissioner pardon me U go ahead go ahead the floor's open guys sorry how much is your new uh complex your new complex costing 11.5 million okay um and you also mentioned that the parking lot was part of the CRA the parking sorry the parking garage was part of the C so help me hear what percentage of that parking garage did County taxpayers uh facilitate so the CRA um does receive the Tiff funding yeah what percentage um off the top of my head I don't recall the percentage and I'm so sorry um for this year there's about a million going into the CRA budget for the Tiff from the city and it's I think roughly four or 500 from the county okay so but those numbers aren't exact yeah so and I appreciate that I wanted and I know the board knows this but that money that went into the parking structure that you're getting 20 or 15 or I don't know I don't park there uh the parking Revenue pays for the parking debt and that is per the debt agreement yes but uh 40 roughly 40% of that parking structure was paid for out of Tiff funding County TI funding no all of the debt is being paid for by the parking Revenue sorry the the the the bond that went out to pay for that parking structure came out of CRA correct CRA yes yes yes and the CRA receives Tiff funding from the county but the Tiff funding is not going towards paying the debt I get it I get it but the initial construction and all that good uh stuff of the of the was paid by the debt it was debt financed gotcha thank you okay you have a question commissioner felmer just to clarify his point what does the funding uh support so it supports the Redevelopment of the downtown area which was blighted when we started the CRA program or a agency um and so we provide grants to local businesses we've been talking about um providing grants to some of the homeowners in that area to if they've had um negative impact due to whatever conditions we've got um a grant program established to use that at least until it is sunsetted so it's based on Grant applications from the local businesses um and potentially to uh with our last commission meeting one of our commissioners brought up doing some low-income housing as well and using it for that purpose which the CRA does allow commissioner PR go ahead I just a question I know it's too late in your budget time period to do this but I got to throw it out would it be possible for you guys to add $1 to each car par and maybe allow that to help in the future of of helping to allocate some of this cost is that a available with CRA funding to do that well not not through the CRA because we're limited on how we can use CRA funding I do know that but you could you could maybe make some changes in your CRA plan too if you want we've talked about increases to the parking program as as a whole to try to offset some of these costs but I think that we've reached you you can go so far and then you start to actually lose Revenue because you lose people willing to pay that price so I think we're at the maximum level that we can set our parking at this time without having it just drop off in usage um where we won't really get a benefit from the price increase so we're going to have to find op not something you're like would like it's not that we're not willing um it's just that we don't think that we'll we'll receive the benefit that we're hoping for we think that the revenues will they're kind rate will go up but the usage will go down and the revenue will stay neutral okay as what we're finding kind of hoping that be a thought later so I got one quick question for you city manager you knew this was coming so um last time we were we you had you guys had agreed you were going to pay that amount of 82 are you willing to catch that back up for us on a past promise that y'all didn't do the one we didn't pay for 2024 of course okay thank you all right okay well thank you very much let's go on to the next card um Karen normally when somebody calls your name you come up with a guitar and start singing a beautiful song Welcome commissioner it's nice to see you I just wanted to come and speak as support of our mayor and our city manager and our CFO um we did have this discussion in our last meeting where we uh were all agreed to option one two or four and I just want to say I um being on the commission now for eight years this is some of the same an example of some of the same things we've been dealing with for for the time I've been on the commission is our Public Safety is staffed for only over 11,000 residents yet we have to accommodate over 3 million tourists the year so we are constantly being taxed with calls our Public Safety with calls for all these people um so we've tried to find creative ways um even before I was a commissioner to try to deal with this Staffing for our Public Safety but also for paying for it too and um it goes back to the issue too I'm sure you all know that with generating a bulk of the sales tax for the county based and it being redispersed based on our population we have one of the smallest populations in in the county so that's a challenge for us um so um this is something I've been dealing with as a commissioner for the past eight years um with your continued support uh we' really appreciate I mean we want to work as a team with you guys so going back to these options would help us to continue to do that um as the CFO CFO explained um we we just couldn't do what you guys were asking before the 700,000 it's not we don't want to contribute it's just we couldn't do that much um we appreciate the skills and the knowhow of your lifeguard staff and uh we were working well with them before um so I just wanted to support my fellow commissioner and city manager and um ask for option one two or four and I think that's fair and just continue our relationship working as a team to provide safer and cleaner beaches for our residents in the city and in the county and all our chours that come from all over the world so thank you thank you commissioner uh anybody have any questions of Karen all right uh mayor dennington Allison how are you nice to see you again Allison is the mayor of Melbourne Beach if this is tall enough hi thank you Allison denington Melbourne Beach mayor uh first I want to say thank you I know this is a lot harder job than anyone realizes and there's a lot of different things that you have to Bal you know balance um and you have to be fiscally responsible and I appreciate that um I'm reading from your website the beach Management program healthy beaches are essential to Bard's tourist-based economy which is true but I would say that safe beaches and lifeguards are equally essential to the tourist-based economy of this wonderful great state we are a little bit different because we're small um we're not like Coco Beach we do have a little bit of um Beach parking paid parking the revenue from it has been steadily going down um and you know um the history is that over the last 20 or so years is that cities and towns our Revenue sources have been steadily chipped away so we have fewer fewer means of Revenue but our liability and all of our responsibilities and costs have stayed the same and gone up and it's especially bad for small towns like us um you know we are almost fully built out so we don't have and we only have a few commercial areas and we have a ton of people that drive through on our roads and streets you know we we have a we have a basein one area that has been a problem for 20 years it's an interior Street and we don't have the money to fix it so so safety is important but the truth is you know and this is going to sound heartless but tourists drowned our residents don't drown the statistics and history bear that out we want to have safe beaches but our residents they want their tax money to go to fixing their roads so they don't have to wear boots for a month to walk out and get their their mail you know and so that those roads that they drive on every day the taxes that they pay for goes to fixing those roads because they're paying County taxes and town taxes we just in our budget they requested two more police officers we have one but you know we raised our salary and we're still one of the lowest salary um for our police officers in the county but when you add the salary plus all of the taxes and expenses I mean it's you know I don't know the exact number but $80,000 well that's basically all of that revenue from our little Beach parking area so you know unfortunately I think if our residents have to choose between paying any money at all um they they they very well made choose not to pay any money because you know our our parents they watch their kids they they know about rip tides it's the tourists this is a tourist issue so thank you yeah go ahead uh and my manager is here so and I have our budget if you have any specific questions Elizabeth are you here yeah she is oh there you are she's going to be the one knows all the numbers really well commissioner first or commissioner I'm going to ask budget so we're going have to have the manager I just ask the question I asked Elizabeth could you come up please come on up you have budget Elizabeth's a city manager of Melbourne Beach so that's the person to ask I brought it thank you mayor appreciate it if you'd stand up here too just in case commissioner has another question go ahead Miss Elizabeth real quick I same question I asked them what what was y'all's um input before we started talking about changes do you know the money um it was pretty substantial for us we had we had a part-time do you know the dollar amount though I'm just I don't you had gone to a full-time and a part-time which we never considered a full-time guard for our beaches do we have the amount that Melbourne paid for their portion cany I it was like 60,000 and it was going to go to 138 was what I recalled which I think you're correct if Coco was 880,000 and we were 60,000 I mean that's so they said I think they they had mentioned that you guys were willing to go back to the his cost for me personally and I'm just one vote um I I would be I my position would be if the county doesn't pay it we we're happy not having life guards at all okay so that will reig my next question if you're willing to pay the part that y'all didn't pay in during that time period when you made us the promise you would pay it that you didn't pay I didn't make any promise and we we we had a lot we had residents on both sides of this issue but right you know I know I think the city had made a commitment to that though and you guys didn't pay that in would you be willing to pay that back is we paid in this year you did pay in okay all right that question's all gone then thank you for the I thought we voted to yes go ahead man if I got it right it was Coco Beach this year that did not pay correct the other cities did correct yeah I just you know money doesn't grow on trees and hard choices are required and and it's not you know we got mayor I mean John did you have something I I did um and I appreciate your honesty um you know it was different than what we've heard in the past I think the board up here I mean we just heard that the mayor said they don't need them they don't service um and it really takes I I appreciate what you did I'm looking at you you had a tax increase uh of 4.6% this year I voted against that but it passed the other votes listen it happens to me all the time um but um I did have one question you have a $50,000 which is substantial for a a uh budget of your size a $50,000 uh rental vacation rental tracking uh software contract um can you explain and I look the best I could find was Revenue through fines was $6,000 on that on your budget can you explain yeah I'd be happy oh I I know all about I'd be very happy to talk about this um in the past we've had one code enforcement officer of 20 hours and we also only had one building official and we had no break so he essentially could never take vacation you know um the code enforcement officer is just it's not enough time for him to um be able to go out and get the evidence and do all the things that are required to bring a code enforcement case for a short an unregistered short-term rental we have like 20 or so but we have about 40 unregistered short-term rentals but the cost associated with with Gathering just the data doing all of the stuff that you need to do it's it's insurmountable um for one code enforcement officer of 20 hours um there are there are software that you can purchase that does a ton of the work so you can bring these cases faster our um our priority because of our residents are to really go after these unregistered rentals get them registered that would be a revenue Source um and and to do that we have to actually enforce these unregistered rentals that software will allow us to do those very quickly and to actually bring cases so let me so let me understand I appreciate your honesty so you said there's and it's hard about 40 unregistered so you spend $50,000 a year for 40 unregistered well actually if you look at the air DNA data um which is a report that comes out every year it says and actually if you look at the data on Hotel use over time historically people staying in hotels is going down and people staying in airbnbs is going up and you want to know where the vast majority of people want to stay they don't want to stay in Orlando or in big cities they want to stay in small residential houses and communities the statistics are that places like Melbourne Beach are going to increase you know tenfold um we don't want to turn into Jacksonville Beach where you know they have 350 um you know plus you know airbnbs and they're losing longtime residents or up in the Panhandle where they have 1,200 residents they have 1,200 houses that are airbnbs so yes we want to take this seriously if you look at the there there are um ratings of places that are great for airbnbs for investors and and Melbourne Beach is ranked like 99% they are coming so the numbers of what we have doesn't reflect what we are going to have and we want to do everything we can to make sure that at least those places are registered you know honestly I would love for the state to have some tax for every one for the counties and all the municipalities on these airbnbs because I I appreciate you you answered it there are 40 but you're trying to prevent other ones coming in it was just a sizable amount of your budget $50,000 dises I think it is like a capital from some of the Comm Capital cost associated with the original thank you for that I have other Commissioners that want to ask you a couple of questions please thank you commissioner I I don't have a question but uh during that discussion I mean that was $1,250 um that you paid for that software for each one of the airbnbs um I find that interesting because we talked up here about uh software similar to that and I I think that would be uh pretty expensive for the county to to pay um something like that um do you do you think that that's is that something that you're going to do next year I'm just curious so the manager knows about she priced the software there may be less expensive options I think it was it was a what happened was it wasn't in the original budget at all and because of some meetings that we had and citizens that came there were adjustments and she did get a little bit of information and put that in there whether we use all of that the question real fast what's been the rate of return for your $50,000 investment how many taxes how much taxes have you gained back so far zero we we've not implemented the program okay well I would suggest you get rid of your software we haven't it okay all right any more questions for Melbourne Beach if not we've got other things we got to do here I appreciate it thank you so much uh city manager Casey come on up Indy Atlantic welcome Mike thank you talking about lifeguards I understand the importance of them um my background I come from Public Safety I was in a police force for over 30 years and I've worked in the Atlantic for 35 years almost and I've seen drownings before and back in 2007 when we had those drownings and stuff but most of our residents were already paying County taxes I'm not going to get in too far into that we pay the same taxes somebody Incorporated we also our residents aren't going to the beaches where the lifeguards are they're going to the more quiet beaches where aren't to lifeguards and they know from swimming and stuff like that our drownings historically are people that do not live in Indi atantic they might come from other areas of Bard County we've had a few of those but a lot of tourist and with the tourist tax dollars and advertising comeing to the Indi Atlantic or come to the beaches in Bard County we're advertising on billboards that come there the beaches are safe well I think it's important for our tourist to keep it safe but it's just a burden on our taxpayers we have 3,000 residents and we do charge for parking and our parking money stays all the way down there we have two Enterprise funds where the parks are and the other stuff so that money funds that are only so it's not going into any funds for the general fund of um supporting you know Paving roadways and things like that so I think it's and we're acceptable for one two and four I've talked to my um Council and stuff okay we did pay our portion this year already yes you did thank you uh any questions of commissioner commissioner Pritchard you have a question uh the same question I'm I'm guessing if the other two picked up that chunk of change your amounts been very small so so far to us right yeah we paid about 41,000 this year I believe 41,000 yeah okay thank you okay Mr yes sir go ahead cou quick questions please uh mayor can you explain you we've heard that Coco Beach uh is seeing a decrease in Revenue yet you're uh estimating a little over a 20% increase in parking Revenue can you explain that are you talking about the current budget I'm fiscal 23 24 you have 747 fiscal year 24 25 you have 97450 roughly a 20% increase so we've seen it depends which um light them I don't have the 24 25 but so we have seen it this year a decrease in parking amounts we've raised the rates okay that's a good answer you've just raised the rates you may not have as we're getting to the point we can't raise them and stuff we raised the rates that's why you saw that increase to keep up with the cost down there of the infrastructure and things for example the bathrooms in an Park need to be replac that's a half million dollars we don't bring a half million dollars in in Nance Park funds per year I got it okay um would does the same thing happen with taxes I see this year you have a 7.23% tax increase will there be some level of uh I'm asking for my brother here lives in India atantic will there be some time where you don't raise taxes where it hits that level where you just can't do it anymore yes there's times we look at taxes and the council looks at it but you know we've had the increase of cost wages and everything else and you know again work police and fire giving them the raises and stuff and other employees keeping up with things we're one of the lowest paid in in the county and trying to keep us eligible one last question here um on page 29 of this year's budget you have $370,000 for the Fifth Avenue Landscaping is that more important than uh to your residents I don't know than than lifeguard safety on the beaches well right now that 370,000 been going on since 2017 with the fdot working back and forth and amounts raised Council we at the bid right now they weren't happy with the first number we rejected the first bid because it came in way over that mount and we may not do it depending on what the bids come in and because we don't see it being that cost I'm sorry you have you voted this is the you voted on this uh uh budget did you it's yes sir okay 37 so it was higher so but I I so I'm sorry I'm just shocked it it was it was higher than 370 and you got it down to 370 and that's a good thing no it is originally it was in a 200 range okay and it came in at almost $500,000 okay we've rebid hoping to lower those bids and I'm hoping to get closer to the 200,000 but we had money in reserves that we did use for that it's not money that keeps coming about so this money we've saved over the years for the project and then I increase it a little bit just in case we come above and'll be up to council and they don't really want to go above that original number okay thank you all right any other questions for Mike hearing none thanks Mike we'll get back to you in a minute an sha cab Angela Angela hello hi Angela cob Koko Beach um I am not a commissioner I'm just a business owner there I've been doing Beach renals for 15 years in Bard County I started in indianic and now I currently do them in KOCO Beach um I just wanted to ask a couple questions I'm also here for some of the lifeguards that couldn't be here um but who pays for all we're not going to we can't answer your questions okay you can give us your public comment but we're not going to be able to answer your questions oh okay so all the Billboards along um 95 I'm guessing are paid by bravard County we can't we can't answer your questions um so I see them all the way up to Georgia advertising to come to Cocoa Beach um I believe that the reason we have so many visitors there are because of a lot of advertising to come there um the beach that I work at is extremely busy we have four current lifeguard stands in Coco Beach which I don't even think is enough um I have seen more tragedy since I have done Beach Ryals than anybody can probably imagine I've had to pull out bodies myself and I'm not even a lifeguard um I just think that the reason we have so many drownings are because of the advertising too to come to Coco Beach it's not our residents that are drowning these are every single person that I've seen pulled out of that ocean is a visitor and a lot of those visitors aren't even spending money in Coco Beach they come in from the the cruise lines and they spend one day at the beach and leave and then they have this tragedy happen a lot of people that I talk to because I talk to every single customer where you from while you here they say oh we just have you know a flight in from Orlando we decided to drive out to the beach they're not staying at hotels there they're not spending money at even the restaurants they bring their own coolers a lot of times and they hang out at the beach and sometimes they drown and a lot of times it's not has anything to do with anybody in Cocoa Beach uh our tax money isn't um going towards I mean it's going towards us and what we do at Coco Beach but these are people that don't live there and they're not spending money there and I just wanted to make a point about the parking garage too um I go to work every morning and so I see who parks in the parking garage and the first two floors are usually taken up by um residents who don't have to pay for parking so that's probably why we're not making a lot of money on the parking garage too so um but I think that uh we should stick with like option one two or four thank you thank you so much do you have a question no questions uh commissioner PR would you take the chair please I certainly will sir thank you very much well as each of you probably know I'm the guy that called this whole question to a head and um I want to share with you why uh first of all we have a 60% decrease in budget for lifeguards a 60% decrease in budget for Life cards first of all Coco Beach and this beach are is the number one surfing beach in the entire east coast of the United States that's incredible number two added to that we're the fifth most dangerous beach in the United States of America why over 300 people pulled from the ocean last year 14 drownings but we also have tremendous amounts of shark bites now we have a TDC that is being funded by a tourist tax and I can assure you with the fifth most dangerous place in the United States for a beach that if we have one or two or three or four more drownings next year I can tell you right now that tourist tax is going to plummet there's already been articles out here beaches not to go to and it's already out and and I can assure you you that will absolutely ruin what we're doing as far as tourism goes I'm not here tonight to pick on your budgets how you spend your money I think is your your your your you know what you need to do now I understand commissioner tobias's thing on well you should be able to afford it and here's why and and I appreciate that but what I appreciate more than anything is is that we do the most important thing for the general public and that is safety on the beach this budget only included unincorporated areas and I don't care what anybody says in this room unincorporated areas are being paid for by County taxes fully why in the world would cities not be afforded the same Lux because they pay County taxes also and the reason the beaches are so overwhelmed with Invasion from the general public and from the visitors is very simple we're driving all of them to the beach so is that the city's responsibility that all these tourists are coming there and and messing up their Beach and they've got to have more Beach control they got to have more garbage pickup they have to have more safety or is it a responsibility of the T DC the county and potentially some of the uh seasonal lifeguard monies that the cities give I I'm flabbergasted that we're at this point right now last year when I first came on the commission uh commissioner pritchet was the was the chairperson and and the first thing we did is is that we had TDC come in and fund some of the money now we fully vetted through our the TDC or tdt tourist development taxes are are usable for lifeguards in the past interestingly enough let me just kind of share with you what's happened over the last few years in 2023 there was a total of 119 people staed during the season everything else we had a $3,143 th000 budget Coco Beach gave us 83,000 India Atlantic gave us 41,000 Melbourne Beach gave us 20,000 now the next the very next year in 2024 still 119 people full-time 29 seasonal 90 out of the general fund the county general fund came $2,881 th000 and out of TDC $934,000 they need to part participate in this funding they absolutely do they're the ones that are are are having the invasion comes to the beaches and I don't want to sit here I'm I'm leaving the commission here at at the end of my turn I don't want to be responsible for having people point at me when I go at Publix and say why didn't you do something about lifeguards on our beach why didn't you protect the general public and tonight I'm here to tell you that I've met with every one of these city managers every one of these City people I went through all the budgets with them and then I figured out when I was going through the budgets me going through their budgets is none of my business none of my business what is my business is is whose responsibility is for all these people coming and invading our beaches and being tourists now I like tourism and I want it to stay but I guarantee you with a budget like this with what we have right now couple more drownings a couple more shark bites we need those lifeguards on the beach to pull the people out of the ocean we need those lifeguards on the beach to start blowing whistles when the sharks are out and we need to protect the general public so I'm begging I'm begging of all the things all the votes that we've taken since I first got on the board I'm begging this County Commission to vote with me tonight and I would like to make a motion to accept option one as a potential funding source for the life card issue Mr thank you uh Mr chair uh give it back okay option one has roughly uh 1.9 million for tourism yes can you explain where what funds those one that those 1.95 million will come from absolutely and then to see if as you said is the chair of the TDC uh has the TDC given their opinion on how whether or not that this is a wise investment or not those are the two questions TDC has not given their uh opinion on it and the TDC has got some conflicts of interest in regards to this because where the TDC money would come from as far as I'm concerned would be the uh General marketing fund now I've talked to Mr crannis in regards to this there are several other places where the money can come from uh what the only place I don't want it to come from is what we just funded which was uh Bard cult Cultural Arts and and the sports thing so that's off the board as far as I'm concerned but Peter uh Peter hello Peter crannis Earth to Peter need to make sure that you I'm doing the right thing here and and telling these folks that the money is available I have the answer to those questions commissioner if you want to know where the F there is in the cultural fund after what the board did in the votes that you did last week There's currently 550,000 that is not allocated in the capital fund there is $710,000 and the marketing fund has approximately 1.9 million uh that is available above the 40% threshold that we have to maintain in marketing now the marketing budget itself is $113 million is it not Peter roughly yes sir all right so I'm not so sure we can't take some money from the marketing budget itself uh Mr I'm asking Peter is that a possibility Peter I would look to maybe Morris to to answer that as far as what's available what's able to be used it is available in there but I know there are thresholds uh below which you cannot go as far as the uh expending marketing funds on marketing dollars so and I that 40% is one of those but I don't know how that correlates to your your numbers Peter there above the 40% there is 1 1,955 th000 available in that marketing fund okay M Mr chair yes sir go ahead I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry who's chair now I'm sorry well commissioner prit it was she handed it back to me but I'm standing here with a motion that I put on the floor that's not been seconded and I was just not dead though not dead yet I don't think and I hope I hope it's not ever going to be dead but there might be another option it might be better for everybody you you mentioned that there were some conflict issues with uh the TDC well the hotel years aren't going to like not spending money on trying to get them to their hotels that's the conflict isn't inherently though there always that conflict absolutely so my question then is why would we accept their advice certain times and not others for instance you know we accepted their advice for a lighthouse right um just last meeting yeah and then so I I'm I I I'm not I'm not doubting the conflict I'm just under trying to understand why we accept it certain times and not not others that's called politics that's all I can tell you and and they're our recommending board to this County Commission and this County Commission is the final Authority so if we don't like what they have to say we can do it and we've done it a bunch of times so my question is is and I see they're recommending and didn't you just mention a couple minutes ago they haven't made a recommendation one way or another on this one no and and candidly I don't don't know that it's necessary they're recommending body you just said though right and don't you said his chair they are and that's a question that I can ask Morris morrris I mean if we want to do this do we need to bring it back through and walk it through the TDC I mean because in the event that we want to do this and the TDC says no it's going to come right back here and this is too big of an important project that I think that if the if this board says we need to protect the general public then we need to protect the general public if you need to go back through the the the parade of okay let's go through the Committees and all that stuff that's fine but even if they say no it comes back here final and we're the final Authority is correct pardon me sir that that is correct there's some things you do need a recommendation from the TDC in order to accomplish by Statute this isn't one where that's a hardwired requirement to have that recommendation Mr chair uh I I will have I while I can't support this motion I will have a uh a motion here that I think doveet Tales will will get us there um but won't require us to dip into that marketing uh dollars but will get us to the $3.7 million I I have a difference of opinion on on where those dollars should come from but I I can I can get us there but you're you have the motion on the floor so just so let you know I I will have something else okay is there a second to that motion hold your motion for a little while sir just so we can hear it because oh absolutely and let me tell you that I would be more than happy to hear it as long as it kept the city's money is at $151,000 you would hold that right now I'm holding it right now I'm holding it go ahead um mine mine dub dovetails off off option five um if you look at option I had another one this is the water down version mine that gets us to the $3.7 million uh dollar um the county on option five actually decreases from 1.9 to 1.3 I think that's unfair so I would slide that $600,000 uh over there you got me confused now because I'm not reading that in option five opt op he's saying increase the you're saying increase the county okay got it I'm sorry thank you that 600,000 that roughly $600,000 savings would come from uh would then be uh expended on tourism uh that would leave a uh tourism amount of 1,275 562 coincidentally we have roughly that amount give or take5 or $10,000 in the cultural and to be very clear this is outside of the cultural money that we just spent left okay okay MH and the capital that is leftover we just wasted a whole bunch of money on a lighthouse okay so this this that no one's going to go to uh mind you uh and I lied to you sorry not a lighthouse 2 extra lighthous keeper Cottage Cottages whatever so uh that savings would come out of there there would be no marketing loss uh so uh that would get us to the $3.7 million again the county general fund would be the full 1. n41 million the tourism would be the 1,871 th000 less the savings which brings it to 1,275 562 and the municipal contribution would be exactly what it is in option five which is $525,500 44 uh to be clear that is a large amount less than the grant that we offered the cities at 50% much less than the 50% almost half of of that amount so that would be I think this was I mean I think commissioner Goodson was talking about something along these lines at a at a former one to get the cities paid in and to be very clear I think it would only be fair it to give the cities this option so if Melbourne Beach I hear didn't want to participate they they wouldn't and the other two cities wouldn't have to be uh uh you know uh detriment because one city uh didn't want to pay that that portion so that would be the that would be a motion that I could uh deal with would would give us to the $3.7 million we would not have to dip into uh marketing well let me share with you my comments in regards to that if we do that we're going to be right back where we were before with the city saying no and here we go They're not going to do it I guarantee you I've already talked to these people till I'm blew in the face in regards to it they can't afford it and and here we go right back to where we are so we could go through that process again but it is going to work I've told you guys that the first time you're not listening to me I've talked to these cities till I'm blue in the face and it's not because of of of anything other than they can't afford it they can't afford it and if they can't afford it Who the hell's going to pay for it okay I just yeah go ahead please whoever Madam chair yeah please go ahead can can I clarify uh the 525 444 that's that's what is out of bounds for the cities in option five is that what is that where we are yes sir correct okay so um just from your conversations with the municipalities what what is the number 151 457 is that 183 is what I was just told what they're up something like up kick was 183 if they paid would you ask I I I understood 151 I did not understand 8 82,000 from Coco Beach because theirs would be higher he said no I'm sorry that was wrong okay 86 I'm sorry I got it over there 86 60 and 41 is what I think that we had question 268 oh that is more hold on no I added in your payback first year I'm sorry commissioner feler all right question question yes sir um you know you can talk all you want about blowing whistles for sharks and we promote people to come here people are going to come to Florida regardless whether sharks or whistles but at the same token you have a responsibility chair to protect and govern the county with their money you know now the city the cities can choose what they wish to do with their budget and I don't have a problem but at the same token sometimes you make decisions that affect you that affect you for a long period of life now granted you're going to go back the same thing ever how we vote tonight next year with the same complaint now right now do we have two motions on the floor or one chair we have everything on hold right I'm sorry no that's fine we have everything on okay how about Tobias is this on hold okay thank you okay can I make a comment yes please just real quick you know I've said than sorry go ahead please Mr chair uh I've made this this same comment before when we've had this discussion and you know I worked for a hotel for a long time there's nothing to say that tourism is going to be great next year we we've been here before in Bard County um and uh travel has has stopped immediately so what whatever we do here today um I think is we should just be mindful of the fact that that's going to get us through the situation today there's just no guarantee uh that we'll be able to do that again next year and so I think we'll have to continue to work on it but uh I like the direction we're going where uh we can get the county general fund uh component um down so I think we're heading the right place commissioner I'm sorry ask a question absolutely commissioner felner what what was the the county general fund that you're comfortable with on the budget sir um well I think in five that looks that looks the best and so uh but we have this this issue where the cities we can't get there with um their Municipal um component um so I I I like the amount that commissioner toaya uh had for tourism and so I think um that gets County general fund down a bit and also the municipali uh contribution so maybe he could restate that um for us with the updated Municipal amount let me just make a comment real fast because what's going to end up happening is is perhaps we've already heard from Melbourne Beach they don't want to participate they want to pay nothing now in the Atlantic probably would not be able to afford this and that $525,000 would be taken out of coka beach so that's not fair can I jump in yeah please let me help me understand because I'm not getting it rank first you wouldn't need let me add something if I may to help the board a little um under the historical the three cities would be paying Coco Beach would be paying 86,000 of the 525,000 they would be paying approximately 350,000 right yeah um the uh Indie Atlantic would uh was historically paying 44 they in the Atlantic um had uh a went to a full-time Tower we added a full-time Tower so their cost would have gone from 44 to 125 under option five and then Melbourne Beach would have been 22,000 and they would go to 50,000 approximately 50,000 so that's what the increases would be the difference between uh the historical amount and the amount that's under the proposal that the board's discussed I just want to make sure you all had that information that it would be helpful to you cany manager an option one though when you have the 151 457 is that Coco Beach at 46 and Indian Atlantic it's how much no no that's Coco Beach at 86 indan Atlantic 44 and uh Melbourne Beach at approximately 22,000 okay um so a quick question sir um if if we do this and so I heard very clearly melbour Beach didn't want to pay so we wouldn't be able to collect from them well if if you know we'd be following the board's Direction but obviously um if they weren't paying then they wouldn't have lifeguard Services they wouldn't pay but we wouldn't have any corresponding cost under either tour or the board because I know Satellite Beach a while ago his historically wanted to do the same thing so they're not in any of this either we don't they're not yeah they're not they haven't been participating since I believe before 2018 so I I think what we're trying to get to tonight is some type of dollar number to move forward with for for our budget buddy over there so that um we can figure out how to allocate these funds right now um so so uh I um I don't think the cities are going to get there do I think they should pay a little bit more than in the past I do because we all got to come together and let me tell you a couple things on this and and I don't want to beat y'all up and I do know you have smaller um residents but if if I asked you honestly you would tell me you still want tourism so I I don't you if if you don't we we can make sure TD and I'm not trying to be mean we can make sure we don't advertise those areas anymore more it's possible um but that's that's something that you're guys going to have to work through in in the future with that but there's a lot of money that comes in the tourism dollars I'm telling you right now if I could get all this up in District want to get the tourist I would take it just like that we don't have beaches up there that we have to do this on so let me tell you my residents are all having to pay for your lifeguards and you say we go there well no we we have a great Beach we have to pay 10 bucks every time we go to the beach go they all of their citizens and and the tourists too so that's that's what we have up in district one so I'm I'm trying to hear you with this and again I I don't know where the rest of the commission's going to land on this but a couple of outside of the box things is and I've never had the um support on it before but I would be glad for Bard to just take the beaches back and to figure out how to allocate this because the co time really gave me a lot of heartburn but those are just some things and commission I don't know where you want to go with it I do think the tourism tax dollar should probably pick up a little bit bit more of it I actually think probably the airbnbs and the hotels should have an extra sear charge that pays for lifeguards if it's you know the tourists coming in but I don't know how to get there I'm sorry I'm an accountant I'm not a lawyer so I don't know how to get to those places but that's that's my thoughts on it but I don't want people drowning and I hope you guys are in that place too and everybody just comes up and just kind of tightens their belt and does it I'm willing to that from district one too as far as allocating these funds um so commission I I don't know where you're going to land at but I don't mind us going ahead and doing 1,941 as we had originally planned take the rest out of the tourist TDC what we can and then um having the cities jump in with what they promised to do with a little extra but again I think if a whole city decides not to participate then they're going to have to figure out how to protect their citizens and stuff that's just my thought on it so I'm done sir well I'd like to have a motion from somebody I think you have two competing motions well the motion that I have I'll put one more time that I I move to approve option one is there a second um I am going to second that sir but I want to renegotiate one of the funds in there you have Municipality of 151 but Coco Beach just said that they would P back the 82,000 that they still had so we would do that and then alleviate that off of either the tdt or the or the general fund for the county amount okay so that means that you really would have to pay $160,000 roughly in the beginning so that helps there a little bit a question to clarify the 1950 where what what silos does that come out of in tourism I I don't know that's what you guys if if that's what you want to oh with you no no no go ahead um I have just I I know um the cultural very important to commissioner Goodson so I don't want to mess with that so I know these are extra funds so I'm I'm fine with that capital and you're telling me these are all extra amounts Mr cran is correct uh the 550,000 out of cultural the 710 out of capital uh those are extra funds yes ma'am okay and this is just a one-year budget so um I'm thinking the delta in that number then if if we did this it brings it down 880,000 either we already got the general fund down so we could take that 80,000 what we could do is we could do the 1 1941 out of General we could do the city portion with that extra amount is 23 3457 and then just have the the touris and pick up the rest because that would alleviate I think almost $400,000 from there from the tdt jumping in so just a thought actually it's less than what we have an option five um commissioner I'm sorry would you say that one more time commissioner those those numbers just yeah let's talk about those numbers one more time are you talking about $1,950,000 or from the county general fund what are you talking about from the general fund on County general fund 1,941 68 which we already had put into our budget and then the cities would be the 151 1457 plus the 82,000 which would be 230,000 roughly I have that amount at 234 614 that's based on what Coco Beach's share would be in the current year okay you got you got that Rob okay and then the Delta from that what's what's the math on that for TD the Delta that tourism would pay would be 1,566 393 so that's even less than option five for tdt so well that's palatable to me and I think it's palatable to the city so I'm just trying to and and commissioner Goodson I'm not trying to be mean or anything like that but I do think about the county on a daily basis and I also think about all the lawsuits that could come out of these things when we don't provide life Ser lifeguards on the beach so please don't think that I'm I'm not thinking about our County I am I'm thinking about our County very much and question chair sure let me ask the attorney if you had no lifeguards and somebody drowned would there be could there be a lawsuit there could always be a lawsuit we're largely immune from liability we probably have less risk honestly if we were to no lifeguards and putting lifeguards on on the beach in terms of liabilities but that shouldn't guide the discussion let me answer commissioner good since there may not be a lawsuit but I'll tell you one thing your tourism is going to drop like hell and it'll continue to drop so you know what's why don't we just get rid of TDC alt together I mean are you kidding me well I don't think anybody knows that can predict tourism as well as we all might think we can no we can't but you say I think the shark issue would be something blowing a whistle of a shark that would be interesting that's going to to tear him pretty quick these are all realistic factual numbers um all you have to do is go to Google and you'll see what's going on right here on our beaches with tremendous amount of shark bites actually new Sam is the the biggest one but we got problems out there if we don't have people on the beaches taking care of our tourists taking care of our citizens who get problems but that's just my thing and and listen commissioner Goodson I love you I think you're great well tell me how many shark bites were there last year I don't know 26 whoa was that County new Serna or was that just no that's just in Bard County and you Google that I did okay some mean shs lifeguards there's over 350 pullouts drownings 14 okay can I suggest something here Mr CH yes sir go ahead um I'm hearing over here to my left that you know you don't you don't want to take anything out of the cultural Silo is that right that's correct okay uh for the tourism component 1.5 66393 um we could effectively half of that could come from what is currently in that capital and I'd be more comfortable with that because again there's nothing to say that tourism will be wonderful next year and you ought to leave some I think some marketing ability there so that's that's where I would be can you your numbers okay if you would be kind enough to read those numbers in and that would be this would be considered option one but with different numbers uh for what commissioner pritchet read before the 1,566 393 I'm suggesting uh that be comprised of this 710,000 that's in capital and then the balance would I guess come from the marketing portion could we do that yeah I think um even doing with what Mr Goodson wants to do am I correct on this cany manager that 550 is what's actually extra after we do The Bard culture Alliance and all the cultural no the the 550 is what is currently available after the votes the board took at the last meeting in the cultural F we didn't complete it okay okay no that was left over in the cultural money right okay okay I'm good with with what you guys want to do to divide it I just want to um be honorable to um commissioner Goodson because we traded collateral a long time ago over that so if I could uh I just did some quick math here so what I'm saying is 710,000 from what is current here on our sheet this ISS capital okay [Music] 8556399626 approximately I love it we do that you guys good with that the this oneyear budget well that we you guys want to discuss that with the next County Commission let's get by this one first any more discussion now which motion are we on we are on we are on the local motion modified we're on we're on the modified Lo motion of option one that uh and commissioner feltner just put in the numbers that are new so commissioner felner please if you would do this one more time so that Kim and Donna can get it down for our record okay for excellent clerk to the board uh ladies there tonight uh 710,000 from the capital what what's on our our sheet here for Capital 85633 uh will come from the marketing and then County general fund compon it uh 1, 941,618 [Music] would be the municipal contribution okay 23416 is that correct Jill $234,600 to commissioner tobias's proposal so we can see numbers against numbers or not no I don't because those numbers don't work as far as the city numbers go I mean I do I do though so okay I want to see the numbers that divise proposing right when you do though can we make a motion a second then we can't do there's already a motion and a second on the there's all kind of motions running around hold on hold on if if I'm out of order here let me know but if I'm not mistaken we have a motion on the floor for option one with the modified numbers that commissioner felner just put into the budget that's where we are on this motion so for discussion purposes I believe commissioner commissioner Goodson would like to see what commissioner toaya would have and commissioner tobay if you would probably if you would go through what yeah I um Mr chair I I I don't I think I think you have a coalition of three here I don't I do have one I do have one question though um to Mr Kennis you know I find it a little disturbing uh from my perspective here as someone that was over the tenure of my eight years here fighting hard against the TDC and now I'm on the exact opposite side of this so that's called politics oh my either I'm going crazy or someone else is so this is about a million dollars Less in million dollars Less in marketing I I don't know how we have a rub rrick for for marketing how we spend um but we do spend about 13 million so if you're going to see a loss of s or eight% of marketing dollars and assuming marketing works because we're expecting um you know H how many less tourists you've got to have a dollar figure per night in beds in order to judge how well you know marketing is is going on these type of things if we don't then why are we spending anything in marketing is is my question sir I'm not sure I get I have your question exactly are you asking me how much how much do I how much do I predict will our tourism will decline as a result of a budget cut is that of a not a budget cut because it's still in marketing so to be very clear but it won't be marketing that is Billboards or you YouTube or however you do or contract out to be marketing but it's a million dollars that'll go to lifeguards as opposed to those other how many less how many less heads and beds do you expect and if you don't have an answer and you don't trace these things why are we spending any money on marketing all right that's um well can to say something to yeah go ahead commissioner Felder please I kind of wanted to get an answer here if we're going we're cutting the marketing budget like 7 or 8% so this is a huge huge huge do we expect seven or 8% less tourists do we expect 3% less tourists I know there are market trends here working that you have to layer on top of all this stuff but you have the benefit of the issue about whether we should have lifeguards or not it plays into the facts I mean if uh commissioner Steel's premise is right if we don't have lifeguards and we have an incident that could that could certainly reduce the number of tourists potentially so you know having a million dollars in um in lifeguards could preserve our predictions for next year so I I would say it's you know while it's a very difficult metric um I don't know that I could say for sure that we will have a reduction because the having lifeguards could actually you know prevent us from from having losses in the future so uh you know I think it's hedging your bets basically yes commissioner Felder just back to the Lifeguard just back to the Lifeguard discussion I think we all understood understood before that lifeguards work right we that that they were it was effective on on the the beaches that we had coverage absolutely so and and also I'd say on the on the the money component here I think the board was headed in the direction of taking it solely from marketing so what I'm trying to what I'm trying to do here is simply split it and I I think that's a a reasonable compromise yes sir yes ma'am that's all right um County Manager let me let me help wrap my head around this so the cultural 550 that doesn't count the all the grants we just approved correct right that's everything except grants is still 550 okay but so we did not fund the cultural Alliance 202,000 correct no we did no we did so we did we did not we did not I'm sorry I I missed what you're talking you mean funded in this in this for fiscal year 2425 there is no contract in place nor is there funding identified for such a contract so what we could do um is maybe take 250,000 of these cultural funds to hold it aside for that and we go ahead and apply 300 of this towards it as well yeah hey I'm voting for this thing I wish we'd hurry up me too I just don't know what amendment we're on I'll do that commissioner felner if you want to revisit that with your motion okay so Jesus go okay okay uh so we will then um going back Kim and Donna uh so we'll put basically uh 300 back into the marketing and move it from the cultural does that does that sound does that sound right okay I think she wants you to read it so uh from the um tourism then I think I I said before um 710 and then the 856 out of the marketing and we're going to put uh 300 right so that's going to make that 556 [Music] 393 okay so um Kim you want to read us back what we have so that commissioner felner can check his number is that what you want to do that's I'm sorry go ahead 556 393 for marketing 1,941 68 general fund 234 14 from municipalities and 300,000 from cultural that's good second it um that's my motion motion on the floor it's been seconded is there any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying oh did you have more discussion I just want to just for the future commission here if they're watching this is so this is so difficult this is absolutely this board voted five nothing to ask the cities to pay 50% uh if this motion goes through and I know this motion that's not what this board did they we that this board did not vote that we voted to send the county the county the county manager and Morris to in fact try to to recommend it to them we did not vote that way that's absolutely not true okay sure uh I my motion asked the cities to contribute less than one third the cost and and here we're going to settle on a little more than 9% it is very very difficult it is very difficult for we we all observe Sunshine up here I would ask future Commissioners you just got to you just got to stick when you when you when you make an offer up here you got to stick with what you say come hell or high water it makes it not only difficult on the other Commissioners up here but it makes it extremely difficult on staff and um I appreciate the city's showing up but the cities I think I think their budget when they come to ask for money out of our budget it it's very important we look at that there are City there are decisions that the city's made that they're not willing to cut that this board has made cuts on we cut we got rid of our golf courses and you just heard the city of Coco Beach is not willing to do that so the fact that they say they can't afford that they can and the reason they can is because we're going to end up paying 90% of the if this if this Mo this when this motion does go through all I just all I just ask is that we and I know I'm going down four to one on this one that we you know it's just it's just it's just disgusting on this one in my in my opinion and and it's got nothing AB absolutely nothing to do uh with safety it's just this board has made tough decisions up here that we've heard for constituents that didn't make us very uh that didn't make us uh happy or didn't make our constituents happy and those elected officials haven't made those decisions and they haven't had to make those decisions because we're backfilling not not again 90% of the Lifeguard Services we will be we will be covering when this motion goes through and it may be 89 depending on whether or not that $80,000 and you just heard Coco Beach up here say all they can afford is $80,000 then all of a sudden it's now 160,000 maybe we should they paying the money they didn't pay last year any sorry sorry I I should have just kept quiet thank you for giving me the time Mr chair you good good good with the tenacity I think each and every one of us appreciate whatever you do on this commission I'm sorry that uh you know you do a great job and and I think everybody understands it and we appreciate that any more discussion I do want to make a motion discussion after I just want to say cities if you would just try to figure out a way to help raise some Revenue with it a little maybe um figure out what you could do with maximizing your your fees and and just help with this it's going to go up again I will not be here so just just maybe think through that because I know none of us want anybody not to live and I I know you guys want tourism I know what it does for your restaurants and so um I'm an accountant I know better [Music] so no more discussion all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay n motion carries 3 to2 thank you very much pardon me vot it now commissioner Goodson didn't that's okay that's his opinion you kept saying you that's this let's take a break thank you very much 10-minute break thank you thank you very much Mr go said you kept saying down there I know but it's politics hey also I'm look [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you mayor I don't think we have much here just to yeah it was uh tough d right I think we're on D4 yeah right for for agenda item D4 the budget office will read into the record the resolution adopting the County's total budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 following the reading of the resolution it's recommended that the chair entertain a motion for approval of the resolution is there a motion on the floor please could we have a motion I'll I thought he just did go ahead a resolution to adopt a final budget pursuant to chapter 200 Florida Statutes authorizing the board of County Commissioners to adopt the final operating and capital budget for fiscal year 20202 24225 and providing for an effective date the board of County Commissioners Bard County Florida is taxing and governing Authority does hereby adopt an operating in capital budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 in the amount of 2 B250 m925 1875 okay is there a motion to accept so moved motion by commissioner pritchet seconded by commissioner felner any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I'll oppose nay the motion carries all right uh you up Jill still uh no it's still me commissioner uh item D5 requests that the board adopt the attach resolutions establishing final millages for fiscal year 2024 2025 for those dependent special taxing districts for with the county for which the county Lev uh Lev levies a millage and authorized the chair to sign those resolutions Florida statute 200.0 65 allows the board to adopt tax levies for all dependent special taxing districts by a single vote unless separate votes are requested by member of the public okay you don't need to do anything Jill no sir no we just need a a motion is there a motion to accept please so commissioner pritchet moves to accept is there a second second seconded by commissioner felner all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries for item D6 uh we're requesting that the board adopt the attached resolutions adopting the final B budgets for fiscal year 20 24 2025 for the County's dependent Special Districts and authorize the chair to sign the resolutions Florida statute 200.0 65 allows the board to adopt budgets for all dependent special taxing districts by a single vote unless separate votes are requested by a member of the public you reading a resolution this time Joel uh no at this um moment we just need a motion okay is there a motion by commissioner Goodson seconded by commissioner pritchet any discussion all in F favor signify by saying I I'll oppose nay the motion carries and finally item D7 requests that the chair entertain a motion to authorize the county manager or designate to execute all letters and Exhibits necessary to establish establish that Bard county has complied with section 200. z65 and section 28.63 Florida Statutes the truth and millage law so move there's a motion on the floor by commissioner felner seconded by commissioner pritet any discussion hearing none all in favor signify saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries all right we are now on [Music] to D1 I thought we did that e e e i e IO okay got it second page that's right Florida Department of Agriculture and consumer services who's handling this go ahead all right so mosquito control's final budget was just approved in item D6 for 13 m785 $32 so we request here in item E1 that the board authorize the chair to approve and sign the same budget but on the state form uh so that we can submit it to the Florida Department of Agriculture this is required by the state by state statute to maintain our status as a certified mosquito controlled District okay is there a motion so mooved by commissioner feltner second second seconded by commissioner pritchet any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay I will be here tomorrow with TDC if you got signatures that you needed that you need for tomorrow or whatever so anybody that needs signatures I'll be here tomorrow for the TDC meeting all right board reports Frank AB body no report Morris report Mr chair commissioner Prett yes I just want to thank the county staff for all of their work and and complying with with the commission's budget through the years and always taking care of those items mosquito about to take off I want to thank you whenever we have questions about mosquitoes you give us the best answers to give our constituents so thank you Miss Jill you and your staff do such a great job of putting this together and your ability to answer our questions at meetings it's just it's just uncomparable with how good you are County Manager of course you know I I think you're amazing and and all your staff but I can't name you all but thank you so much for all your work on this helping to keep cost down for all the people that live in this County I really appreciate you and I just wanted to say that thank you and Canon commission thank you guys for all your work I know all the study we have to put into this and all of the um information we have to bring to do these budgets is great and you guys are are great and we thank you commissioner Goodson oh thank you thanks for praying for Florida State and for Florida they both there you go commissioner toaya commissioner felner commissioner steel no report uh commissioner Goodson drive safe tonight please if you would and uh our thoughts are with with your family is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn is there a second all in favor signify by saying I all oppos n the motion carries thank you the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any and all responsibility or Li ability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]