[Music] [Music] he [Music] for [Music] e e e [Music] if you wish to speak to any item on the agenda or during the public comment portion of the meeting please fill out a speaker card each person addressing the board shall have three minutes to complete his or her comments on each agenda item for which he or she has filled out a card the chair has the discretion to determine or alter the time limits on any agenda item the board of County Commissioners requests that speakers appearing under the public comment section of the agenda limit their comments or presentations to matters relating to County Business that are within the board's Control Authority and jurisdiction well good morning and welcome to the Tuesday April 23rd regular County Commission meeting you can do that again if you want we'll have fun before we get started I'd like to recognize two very special people that are here today and and of course we have have representative Dixie Sansom former representative Dixie Sansom and we'll talk about Dixie and and pray for her in a minute but we also have former representative Ralph Poppel Ralph where where'd you go to there you go so welcome welcome so let's get started with the Pledge of Allegiance please please stand pledge of aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for indice um I don't know but I'll ask okay we have uh Pastor Bo defa Pastor come on up lead us in the right direction today yes well thank you for that invitation and it is a privilege to be able to to come and uh and just read a short passage of scripture and then pray uh together it's 1 Timothy Chapter 2 Paul says first of all then I urge that supplications prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life Godly and dignified in every way this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our savior who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth for there is one God and there is one mediator between God and Men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all which is the testimony given at the proper time let's pray together father we do come before you this morning the privilege that it is to pray and to gather like this uh publicly we recognize that freedom and we thank you for it and we just pray that you would first of all as Paul exhorts us to there his desire is for Christians to pray for all people to know Christ to be saved and so that's on our hearts this morning that's what I pray for even now but Lord I also just pray for the wisdom the Insight the understanding that is needed from you to rightly govern lead serve this community in a way that is pleasing to you and is in harmony with your perfect will on the Earth today and so we pray for that wisdom for your oversight to be upon our commissioners today and we just ask personally that all of us would come to know you more and more through your son the Lord Jesus Christ it's in his name we pray amen amen thank you thank you very much uh I'd like a motion for the minutes of to approve the minutes of February 24th regular meeting motion by commissioner Goodson seconded by commissioner pritet any discussion or changes all in favor signify by saying I I all opposed signify by saying no resolution I mean the minutes are approved now we go to the resolutions Awards and presentations and I think uh commissioner toaya are you handling this first one I am Mr chair and with your approval I'd like to go ahead and read the uh first one absolutely thank you this a resolution honoring Brian lock for his contributions to Bard County during his many years uh of Public Service Brian if you want to come up here whereas Brian K lock has had a long and diverse career in serving his community not only in his tenure in public service but also through his church and whereas Brian graduated from the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy in 1995 the same year he received a Bachelor's of Arts from the University of Central Florida whereas he began his long career in public service as a police officer for the West Melbourne police department in 1980 and whereas within 10 years Brian had risen to the rank of chief of police of the city of West Melbourne and whereas Brian began his impactful career with Bard County 12 years ago as a code enforcement officer and whereas due to his hard work efficiency and ability to inspire the trust of others he was promoted to code enforcement manager in 2016 a role in which he thrived and whereas Brian uh transformed the code enforcement division to the model it is today a professional well-trained organi uh organization designed to maximize the County's resources for the betterment of rard County and whereas he was able to accomplish this in part by Leading by example and building a reputation among his co-workers as some one of deep integrity and Keen moral compass and whereas Brian was promoted to assistant director of bravard County planning and development in 2021 and whereas Mr Lock has mentored many employees in the time with the uh with the county and throughout his career uh in viewing in them the same strong values he exudes while maintaining a sense of friendship and camaraderie whereas Brian's knowledge experience and quirky sense of humor will be greatly missed however his legacy in the organization will live on for many years to come through the knowledge and experience he has passed on to the many people he has touched during his incredible career career with Bard County now therefore it be resolved The Bard County Board of Commissioners hereby recognizes honors and thanks Brian lock for his loyalty and service to the citizens of bravard County and Bard County government and expresses its wishes to the peaceful uh and enjoyable retirement I'd like to uh done ordered and adopted assuming we passed the uh the 23rd day of April 2024 I'd like to make a motion for approval Mr chair a motion by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner feltner uh all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries I I guess we'd consider this a lock change huh I love I love it there you go love it love it all right Brian you want to you had one of the hardest jobs here when it comes to code enforcement I doubt you got many kind phone calls or had to deal with uh well yeah we uh yeah it's it's challenging for sure yeah but uh with with the uh help of a lot of very dedicated uh co-workers and uh and Tad especially um yeah we're able to hopefully get most things resolved you know with without uh major Ado some you know uh do end up becoming more uh difficult and challenging but uh we always try to do the best we can at getting things resolved you know uh the way they should be so um well we thank you for your service and I asked this of everyone who's retiring what what what what what's on the horizon for you as you uh yeah well thanks so um a lot of things actually um want to do some traveling uh and want to do some uh some additional um work with my church and uh do some fishing and hunting I I I love the outdoors so want to do some more of that but um yeah just uh just enjoying life and uh helping continuing I I love helping people so whatever I'm doing that's what I hope to be doing is is helping people so we certainly need a servant's heart in Code Enforcement so the fact that you have that good disposition I think is is very very important yeah Mr M chairman can I just say a few scripted things here absolutely and probably the most nervous guy in the room besides me right now is Tad because I've got the mic and and I've while while I've I've I could share some stories um about Tad U most of them would be made up but any rate so now he's he's awesome so thank you very much this is truly humbling and and honoring so I appreciate this very very much um as as some of you may know my last retirement was not so much fun so uh this is certainly uh very much appreciated and I thank you from the bottom of my heart um so I wanted to give some credit um and and I won't give enough credit but uh to some some people uh and I won't I'll try not to name uh start naming a lot of names because then I'll get in trouble as well but first and foremost I do thank the good Lord because he's he's blessed me and also want to thank let's see my bride and best friend for 42 awesome years Vicki sheas in the back I want to thank U Frank and John and Jim and um all those uh Department uh uh heads that have helped me and supported me and um and again Tad for being the best boss I've ever had he truly is a man of integrity he leads by example and he is exceedingly wise I've heard it said a lot of times along the way that he is a wise guy and so I come to BL what a dump bump there you go that's that quirky sense of humor there you go yeah so but any rate he's he's an awesome leader servant leader and there's none better he pours himself into developing Solutions uh to very difficult uh situations and he tries for a win-win every time also want to thank Billy he is a rock star and uh he's he's really awesome but again we have I don't know probably 75 uh employees in planning and development and uh I'd say 74 of the 75 are rock stars I'm not going to name the 75th one but um no they're they you all have an awesome group uh not just in planning and development but across the board and um so Bard uh staff is in good hands and and again I appreciate all the support and the uh the trust that I've been bestowed with and it's been an honor and a pleasure blessings and happy trails well we thank you Brian hold on I think we need pictures yeah hold on there Brian if you would please I would say Tad's by the poll back then but that did make him a tad poll but all right we got a contest going Brian you are winning you guys know did you want to uh well we could do you want to get the you want to get the whole group up here commissioner sure absolutely I'm sorry I'm sorry that's all right anybody from uh Planning and Zoning come on up please Billy anybody else please there you go we need we need you all up here to show his show your appreciation for his work gives us an opportunity to also thank you guys and ladies for what you do Mrs lock where are you come on you down here already is this her is that we got we got Mrs lock coming in beautiful little girl thank you once again [Applause] Brian I believe you're up again commissioner toay on Child Abuse Prevention month for uh April or is that you okay then excuse me we've got commissioner pritet do we have Miss Jessica miles here good morning Miss Jessica I'm going to read this and if you want to say a few words that would be wonderful and I think you have some people joining okay whereas Florida's bright future depends on our healthy development of its children an adverse childhood experiences including the abuse and neglect of children can cause severe and costly consequences for the children families and society as a whole and every child has a right to safe healthy and a happy childhood where they are educationally and developmentally on track whereas research shows that parents and caregivers who have support systems and know how to seek help in times of trouble are more resilient and better able to provide safe environments and nurturing experiences for their children whereas during the month of April prevent child abuse of Florida in collaboration with the governor's office of adoption and Child Protection the Florida Department of Children and Families oun of prevention fund of Florida and the Child Abuse Prevention task force of Bard implements pen wheels for prevention the blue and silver pin wheel symbolizes the health and happiness that all children do deserve now therefore be it resolved that the board of County Commission of Bard County Florida does hereby designate April 24th is child prevention month Mr chair I make a motion to approve this resolution I'll second there a motion on the floor by commissioner pritet seconded by commissioner felner any discussion having none all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries thank you so much um again every year you know we appreciate the support um that declaring April Child Abuse Prevention month allows us to think about our children here in Bard think about what they're going through how can we help everyone can help prevent child abuse just be aware and that's it's as simple as that um you can cook a dinner you can do anything you for a family that you feel may have a need um and so our dedication it you know capti is a big group of collaboration with G's different Child Abuse Prevention agencies around Bard County and so we are you know know fighting tirelessly to eradicate child abuse out of Bard County and that's really our goal and we thank you so much for the support thank you thank you very much okay we're g to have fun with [Music] days okay we good all right thank you so much I think next month should be commissioner abuse months there you go I just want one of these please and one more it would be good I can give them to a few of our folks never mind I'll be quiet now all right uh who's handling this next one you are again good commissioner P I have Mr Joe seckler here is that you sir we're we're so honored that you're here today I'm going to read this and if um you would like to say a few words we would certainly love to hear from you sir whereas it is it is the desire of Bard County Board of County Commissioners and The Bard Commission on Aging to celebrate the contributions of our Elder citizens in strengthening and the prosperity of Bard County Bard County represents the 19th largest elder population in Florida and approximately 25% of bards County total population is 65 years of Agee or older and therefore we join with citizens across the United States in promotion of the national Administration on Aging theme of powered by connection and whereas in keeping with this National theme we recognize Joe Steckler local veteran and founder of The Bard's Alzheimer Foundation as well as a president of Helping Seniors of Bard for his example of positive aspects of growing older in Bard County and by his example remains engaged and successful in his community we applaud his work to combat agism and engage with his fellow citizens throughout this whole County now therefore County Commission we would like to make a motion that it's resolved that we hereby Proclaim May 2024 as older Americans month I make a motion to approve Mr chair Thank you very much there's a motion by commissioner pritchet seconded by commissioner felner all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries Mr Steckler would you oh hi how are you we haven't seen you for about a year yes right exactly how to start coming more often well again my name is John Pomsky and I have the pleasure and honor of serving as chairman of the bavard County Commission on Aging and we are here today to honor one of Bard's outstanding citizens in recognition of older Americans Month in May currently as commissioner Pritchard said 25% of Bard's population is over the age of 60 this is more than the population of those people under the age of 18 and yet the people under the age of 18 rightfully receive greater County funding than our senior citizens many of our seniors have worked many years and PID taxes however almost every month at our bcoa meeting we hear from Seniors who come literally crying to inform us that they can either not pay for skyrocketing rent or the food pantries have run out of food or that they can't afford their medication and often some of them all three in the Bible some of the our Lord's disciples ask him Lord when did we feed you when did we shelter you when do we take care of you our Lord replied whenever you did these things for the least of my brethren you did it for me the needs of many less fortunate seniors has increased over the last several years and they cannot make it on Social Security alone especially when some receive only $900 a month formerly the county had allotted $500,000 a year for CBO funding which has been eliminated many groups including knels on wheels are now facing a deficit and are having to reduce the number of people they serve due to rising cost and decrease funding I'm a conservative but being a conservative should mean more than just financially as George H W bush once stated I am a conservative but a compassionate conservative I guess thought the commission might consider in their funding deliberations well today we are honoring a man who not only served our country as a captain in the US Navy but upon retiring to bvar County he saw a need to serve our seniors he first founded the Alzheimer's Association and developed three locations throughout the county now known as Joe's Club to serve seniors with dementia after that he accomplished the the the uh realization that seniors who don't have dementia also have need needs and he formed Helping Seniors of Bard and at the age of 90 the young age of 90 he still works to help meet the needs of our seniors so without further Ado it's my esteemed pleasure to present to you Captain Joe seckler there we go there we go I think you got it being tied to this wheelchair doesn't help a whole heck of a lot but uh I'll get around that I'm working in therapy right now to try to get back to a walking and I'm I'm going to do it but you know I participated in a United Way study in 1992 and we came up with 19 needs of people in bar our County nine of those needs directly affected seniors we have been working to resolve those issues since 1992 and not a whole heck of a lot of progress has been made one of the biggest problems is making the people in charge aware of what can be done and the need to have a good plan in place to solve the problems in the future I won't give up on that not until I die but I just want to thank the Commissioners and all the commissioners before them that have helped Us in Bard County make people aware of the problems and then to resolve the problems people like I own organization that are are here today John psky and the Commission on Aging Ian Goldman and the housing and human services staff of your own organization all these people need to come together and work for a common good that's the only way we'll ever ever solve the problem so I just want to thank everyone that has helped us I didn't get any of this recognition by myself it took a lot of people working with me and for me to make it happen so I just want to thank all of you everyone the county my own people and just the people that have contributed to helping us make these things come together thank you very [Applause] much here thank you Joe we are there's one right there okay do you know who handling Jerry s thank you very much all right um commissioner feltner resolution acknowledging a day of prayer in Bard County okay we have Miss Loretta doer and her group here today come on down thank you are we supposed to hold up these now not yet you can hold up the bracelet okay the bracelet this this one I've just been waiting to play with this that's all okay I'll read your resolution and we'll we'll pass it and then uh you'll be invited to make some comments and then we'll take picture yes sir Day of Prayer in Bard County whereas Civic leaders and national days of prayer have long and venerable history in our constitutional republic dating back to the First Continental Congress in 1775 and whereas the Declaration of Independence our first statement As Americans of national purpose and identity made the laws of nature and Nature's God the foundation of our United States of America and asserted that people have inalienable rights that are god-given and whereas the Supreme Court has has affirmed the right of state legislators to open their sessions with prayer and the Supreme Court and the US Congress themselves begin each day with prayer and whereas in 1988 legislation setting aside the first Thursday in May in each year as a National Day of Prayer was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan and whereas the National Day of Prayer is an opportunity for Americans of all faiths to join in United prayer to acknowledge our dependence on God to give thanks for blessings received to request healing for wounds endured and to ask God to guide our leaders and bring wholeness to the United States and her citizens and whereas it is fitting and proper to give thanks to God by observing a day of prayer in Bard County when all may acknowledge our blessings and Express gratitude for them while recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our state and Nation now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida does hereby Proclaim Thursday May 2nd 2024 to be designated as a day of prayer in Bard County and encourage the citizens to observe the day in ways appropriate to its importance and significance done ordered and adopted in regular session this 23rd day of April 2024 with that I'll make a motion Mr chairman there a second please commissioner felner made a motion seconded by commissioner PR all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay the motion carries Loretta yes sir good morning to the Commissioners thank you for uh your service and all your years uh you have been leaders over bvari County you all have approved or given the committee the National Day of Prayer Proclamation since 2016 so you are to be applauded for that that you're not ashamed to declare in bravard county and make and and and share and let the people know that it is a day of prayer and so we thank you and we appreciate you the theme this year for the National Day of Prayer is lift up the word and light up the world lift up Jesus because he's the answer to every situation problem what you all are doing it's Jesus by the way so and um I'm Loretta I'm the founder and president of Dove Bible club which is an after school club that shares the gospel the death the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ with students in schools so we're in 43 schools and we get to share and have fun and our students get to learn about Jesus and they get to pray for you but I'm also the county coordinator for the National Day of Prayer task force and we get their goal is to mobilize UniFi public prayer for America and its leaders and that's why we're here this morning we wanted you to see and know that guess what you're being prayed for by so many people and so I will we have you have your brochure from the Day of Prayer you have a bracelet from Dove Bible club and then you have a program of all of the prayer observances throughout bravard County Pastor Evie and then I would like you to see and know these names so we're going to ask everybody to introduce themselves and and yes yes just say your name they're praying for you all we're praying for this County so thank you again for your service to bravar County Pastor EV by the blessing of the upright the city's exalted you have brought a blessing over the county look at what God has done for our County over these years he has really blessed us and we just thank God that you would take a stand and allow this great blessing to come over our County but there are over 50 prayer sites thereout the county in churches businesses government centers um um just schools flag poles uh different language groups about four or five different language groups if you would just take a good look at your brochure you'll see how diverse all of this is and what a blessing it is amen so let's just just call give us your name I want you to be acknowledged you're praying for them they need to see your faces and and know what you're doing come Miss T just just say your name Linda Taylor and where are you from new Mount Zion Miss Baptist Church in melbour in melb ma'am you John Keane and we have a house Church acts two Ministries okay Carmen Kean I'm with him acts two Ministries Christy Stewart with Love INC Love In The Name of Christ we'll do it together Evelyn and Richard col with from Community Gospel truth and do Bible Club same with me Edy um Community Gospel truth and DOL Bible Club give it to do sister Evette Oliver love Center Church Melbourne Clinton Branch um Coco First Assembly Coco come visit us the Mission Church in Palm Bay my name is Margaret Irwin Mike and Margie kinslow School prayer teams for The Bard public schools good morning Amanda Hernandez I'm founder of we pray bavard and also the coordinator for the Space Coast prayer breakfast which will be held on National Day of Prayer brother Ed from the Mission Church in Palm Bay hello I'm Carrie thinkink and I try to help Dove Bible club and also the Space Coast prayer breakfast and that's it thank you all thank you and Pastor Mark Pastor Mark didn't get to from the Mission Church my pastor thank you thank you thank you very [Applause] much okay uh looks like we have commissioner toaya handling this next one that correct thank you Mr chair and with your permission i' like to go ahead and read the resolution on behalf of the Bard County Board of County Commissioners proclaiming May 2024 a stroke awareness month and before a board may decide to vote no on this one I want to disclose I got a call from Dr Christine zonka thanking me for uh presenting this so whereas every 40 seconds an individual in the United States has a stroke and every 3 minutes and 14 seconds someone dies of a stroke and whereas Strokes are uh one of the leading causes of serious long-term disability the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and the total annual health care costs related to Strokes are expected to reach I'm guessing this number is 240 b700 million dollar by 2030 and whereas nearly half of the adults in the United States have high blood pressure which is a leading cause of controllable risk factors for stroke and whereas during Stroke Awareness Month in May and all year round together to end stroke initiative of the American stroke Association strives to teach people everywhere that stroke is largely preventable treatable and beatable and whereas educating the public about b f b fast which stands for B balance uh or disiness E eyes or blurred vision F face drooping a arm weakness s speech difficulty and T time to call 911 an acronym used to help detect warning signs and symptoms of stroke and respond uh effectively now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of rard County Florida does hereby Proclaim May 2024 a stroke awareness uh month I'd like to make a motion to approve the resolution Mr chair motion on the floor by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner feltner all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries thank you Mr chair and I think we have have one Miss Mary Joe Allen and one Michael cely to speak about this that's right thank you very much I'm Mike cely president of the Health First Foundation and I'm here with our chief of nursing operations Mary Joe Allen she represents all the nurses at Health First and I just want to thank commissioner t toaya for reading that uh resolution and the commission at large for approving that resolution um I don't have pin Wheels um I don't have bracelets and I don't actually have Loretta I'd like to object to following that um those presentations but what I can offer you is that um in a in a life-saving situation or a life-threatening um situation particularly like a stroke you're going to receive great care at one of our facilities and it is our honor and privilege to serve this community this lovely community and um we're just thankful for this recognition thank you thank you thank you so much [Applause] how's it going sounds like AG wow okay commissioner Taya you have uh the honor of doing the next one also I believe uh yes and I think this is probably on behalf of uh the entire board up here um I was just probably one of many that reached out uh to uh Dixie over here I've had the privil of knowing uh Jerry since I ran for office uh in 2007 he graced uh my door many times on many different issues he is truly an individual that jumped head first into the deep end uh in public service and never uh came up for a breath he was he had uh many facets in not only Bard County but Statewide and um his passing is a great loss so uh with your Mission uh I'd like to go ahead and read uh the resolution yes yes sir go ahead commissioner whereas Jerry H Sansom was born August 4th 1947 the beginning of a life dedicated to Civic engagement and service to the community great and whereas Jerry uh completed the an associates degree from at Pensacola Junior College where he was also a member of the sailing team and whereas Mr Sansom went on to attend the elite and fantastic Florida State University completing a bachelor's degree in Marine Science and also complete uh competing on the sailing team and whereas Jerry Sansom uh completed his formal education at the Florida Institute of Technologies with a master's degree in Science Education in 1972 whereas upon the completion of his final degree Mr Samson uh uh quickly dove into the career as a government Affairs consultant whereas Mr Sansom has worked in the capacity for many municipalities and government entities including Coco rockage Melbourne Cape canaver Malibar Melbourne Beach Winter Springs the Canaveral Port Authority and and Titusville Coco Airport Authority and whereas Jerry's service extended to private organizations including Northrup Grumman Aerospace Services Ark of Florida Florida Aviation Aerospace Alliance Embry Riddle Aeronautical University uh SE SATs lab Consortium and the world city America Incorporated and whereas Mr sanson's professional life included being the president of JHS consultants and partners in the sanm group the owner of a diversified Marine Service representation and research for marine interests the owner of Diversified yacht services and a marine science and research instructor at Satellite Beach High School and whereas Jerry Sansom was a lifelong proponent of fisheries and Marine environments and whereas this was embodied in the service as a commissioner representing Bard County on the Florida Inland navigation District board a member of the South Atlantic fishery management Council more than 18 years of Trustees at the Hub SeaWorld Research Institute and more than 44 years is the executive director of the organized fishermen of Florida and whereas Mr Sansom is guiding principles and the capacity was to ensure all efforts were biologically sound and whereas his impact Effectiveness and accomplishments are shown by and by being recognized as a national fisherman uh High uh highliner in 2022 and whereas Jerry's interest included sailing flying and motorcycles and whereas Jerry Sansom and his wife spent 5 years living on a 32t uh catch uh with their three cats and whereas Jerry is survived by Dixie Sansom his wife of more than 50 years now therefore be resolved that this Bo the board honors and appreciates the lifelong dedication of Jerry Sansom both his efforts as a government consultant and his commit commitment to fisheries and marine life done ordered and adopted in regular session on the 23rd day of April 20124 Mr chair I'd like to make a motion for approval I'll second motion on the floor by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner feltner all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries Representatives s Dixie would you any anyone else thank you for thank you so much for being here we greatly appreciate it thank you uh Commissioners and representatives um this is a great honor and and on behalf of Bard which is our chosen home Bun's Hometown but we chose to to plant Our Roots here and to grow here and this is where we will stay and this is an honor to be recognized by our County as as Jerry was recognized also by some of our cities we've got um a lot of good friends here who have become our family and thank you all thank you very much it's been an honor thank you thank you can we all go down some somebody else want to have a comment there before we go no okay let's get a great picture I'm coming what I was waiting for okay thank you sir okay than you well okay thank you so much for uh all of those wonderful resolutions uh does anybody on the commission want to pull anything on the consent agenda Mr chair uh I'd like to vote no uh without comment on F9 okay any other uh items that we need to discuss do I hear a motion please motion to approve the items there second there's a motion by commissioner pritchet seconded by commissioner Goodson to pass the consent agenda with a no vote by commissioner to on item nine okay let's go to oh all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries thanks so much all right let's uh go to i1 G1 G1 uh who's going to handle this please is that Jill are you handling it commissioner TOA uh I I can it's mine Mr CH goad if you would uh this is the the sex offender language the board approved legislative intent and permission to advertise for this ordinance at the March 12th meeting uh to remind the board this amendment adds clarification to our code that an offender Predator who's committed offense where the victim is a minor cannot work in a school Child Care Facility park playground or other place where children regularly congregate um definition of minor is Lo at in Florida statute 77521 I'd like to thank the county attorney's office for their diligent work uh on this important legislation uh if there's no discussion uh and even if there is the motion I'll make is to adopt the attached ordinance amending Bard county code of ordinance Section 74- 102 titled sexual offenders and sexual predators that is the the short of it Mr chair thank you so much commissioner B there's a motion on the floor is there second second motion by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner Pritchett is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries now Jill I believe you're handling this next one is that correct uh yes good morning Commissioners uh the midyear budget supplement provides the opportunity to adjust the projected Balan forward budgets that were developed before the close out of fiscal year 2023 and these adjustments are primarily associated with multi-year projects as well as Capital Equipment purchases that have long lead times and the agenda and supporting documentation summarize the total change and also include the individual budget change requests and staff is available to answer any questions you may have motion to approve sir a motion on the floor to approve is there a second by commissioner toaya any discussion good work Jill all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay all right to motion carries now um let me just Peter you can come sit up here if you'd like wherever you may be so you can be uh recognized in a minute but just bear with me for a second because I think I need to read into the record some very important stuff oh I'm sorry we are my eyes are off then okay but go ahead and sit there Peter uh board discussion authorization to commence negotiations with the city of Melbourne regarding property included but not limited to Parcels uh who is handling that for us commissioner thank thank you Mr chair uh the purpose of this item is to find out if the board agrees uh with this notion if so we can authorize the county manager and County attorney to start researching potential options and begin conversations with the city of Melbourne regarding the two pieces of land located on Sno Road um I have spoken uh on my behalf not the board's behalf of course with mayor Paul Al Paul Alfrey who also spoke on his behalf not that of the board to gauge his interest uh he stated Not only was he open to this idea he was potentially extremely interested um this land swap could solve numerous issues uh facing both the county as well as the city to enumerate some of those the benefit uh to the the city would uh potential options for uh providing uh space uh and even more space for the Providence Place project um I've been informed that there potentially could be a fire training facility for the city of Melbourne uh some mut mutual benefits uh it to serve as a location potentially for uh the Renaissance Fair as well as uh future fairs uh for the city of Melbourne and Melbourne can financially make up any difference in monetary uh value that would be placed in the solid waste trust would be a positive to uh bravard County so some options could include but certainly are not limited to uh land swap land sale uh or uh long-term lease um to be clear staff would have to come back to the board with any potential uh options uh it would also of course uh need to go before the city of Melbourne to gauge the interest uh there um I'm more than willing to uh work with the county attorney's office or the county manager uh if the board prefers and I but I don't mind staying out of it whatever the board would like um lastly uh before uh anyone uh cites conspiracy theories uh I'd like to point out that this would be M uh a mutual agreement between two government entities there's no private uh benefit uh here and the uh item would have a net zero uh uh uh cost uh for E either municipality in other words if there was a land Swap and one uh one parcel was worth more than the other parcel that difference would be made up uh in a uh Financial concession again going to uh Waste Management one other thing that is pretty glaring and certainly needs to be brought to light is the County's uh purchase of this land for more than $7 million in 2001 um clearly uh it is not worth that today uh Records show County records show the market value at somewhere in the neighborhood of 580,000 I don't know how accurate it that is but it's certainly not worth uh the $7 million none of us up here were on the board and or uh involved in government uh to the best of my knowledge at that time so while we can look at that we certainly can only speculate uh on on the decisions made by those that went before us a good example was I made a wise decision in November 2021 and when given the opportunity to purchase uh rivan shares at the IPO price of $78 I just looked up today they're worth $8.79 um uh uh thankfully I only have 175 of them uh I if anyone's willing to offer me the $78 I'm more than willing to sell them however the market dictates today they're worth $8.79 uh so uh it's just the decisions that were made in our past I think we can take this and make this beneficial to everyone again this is just giving authorization in fact the motion is to authorize the county manager County attorney to commence negotiations with the city of Melbourne regarding properties included but not limited to then the parcels 2736 24509 and parcel 27362 2481 and provide Authority for the county manager to conduct necessary appraisals and report back to the board with any potential option so no decisions would be made until there was some agreement between uh management so that's the motion I'm more than willing to answer any questions uh but that's the basics of this potential uh land swap let me get a discussion on this before I call commissioner Goodson is there a second Pro I I think we should go to the cards first and before we do that okay I think commissioner commissioner Goodson Mr I Mr chair real quick I misspoke I said I apologize I uh I should have said solid waste so I apologize it's not waste management Solid Waste again I apologize commissioner gson do you have comments do you wish them now or do you want to go to the cards I don't care I can I'll have the same comment now or later okay well let's go to the cards then Peter you're up is I isn't he on this subject here yeah I've got I have two of them in today all right so do we have any cards for this item at 67 years old this is the most I've ever spoken to a commissioner so you're going to speak on an agenda item I i1 right correct go ahead sir I heard about this about a week or so ago I was very excited to hear that I spoke with the mayor of Melbourne I think this is a great move on both of you with the loss of Wickham Park for large for a large venue and for large events this would make a great site I hope it goes forward and I hope you guys are able to put something together I think it'll be good for the whole Community that's my comments okay uh Sandra Sullivan good morning Sandra Sullivan so um this was actually purchased according to the agenda item this property um as a storm water Pond um I just want to point out that this is uh 58 acre if you count the Wetland the original parcel was 68 Acres okay so the parcel you're talking about swapping is that little tiny green one that's 3 acres for 58 possibly 68 Acres of of land now there is a cost to this because this land if you go through Google Earth and you look at its use it has been used for the oali uh mck dewatering for a number of years that was um in quite recently um the the issue uh with that is at the sa the Lagoon meeting on Friday they're going out to bid right now it's going to cost the county to put a dewatering site on BV 52 under the Florida in Inland water navigational District um the swapped property is entirely on Wetlands the piece of three acres from Melbourne so you're getting a essentially a worthless piece of property the question is why would we need to swap when you could just uh sell now it goes to how is this property purchased was it purchased with a bond and it is it is as a dump designation it is within um your um uh Solid Waste Department and um in which case it would need to be appraised and sold for fair market value I can send you the legal documents that you have for pertaining to that um it is very very much a red flag to me that in 2021 when the county wanted to use the site to extend Sarno the city of Melbourne would not raise the height on Florida recyclers but lo and behold on tonight's meeting related to the adjacent property the Florida recyclers property who sold this to the county out of $6 million profit the property that we're talking about but their property is getting height being doubled from 40 to 80 feet this doesn't seem to add up um putting in a venue for a uh renair next to a dump that had consent orders for smell in 2021 um that was in the news uh doesn't seem to add up apparently this is only for a shortterm thing until uh as he prepares another location and so as you mentioned this could be used for fire training affordable housing they could just resell it to Florida recyclers this feels like a shell game it stinks okay um any more discussion on commissioner Goodson you would like to make some comments regards to this sir thank you chair um I don't see a need to do this to swap 50 acres for three if we proceed on this and I would want staff to tell me how are you going to develop the three to have any economic value on Sno you know why not a long-term lease or a yearly lease uh I think the C's doesn't have land and running out of land I'm sure it could be used for Hurricane debris storage or processing that um you know if you're going to uh sell it or trade it then I definitely would want to know a value of that and the value of their land and what would it be proposed can the county even do this CU where did the money come from originally to buy it Frank it was a solid waste correct solid waste so would it not where is solid waste where is where they're not at the table today ultimately Solid Waste would be the beneficiary financially of uh of any either sale or exchange okay so you're going to give up 50 acres for somewhere around $400,000 is that the difference 150 against 580 I don't I don't see it and I I don't want to see I personally would not vote to have the staff waste their time you know thank you commissioner felner please I think the idea here and I spoke with um mayor Alfrey this weekend also had very good conversation um and they're excited about the prospect of a Melbourne In Fairgrounds the landfill is coming to the end of its useful life it'll be capped um and so we we'll still have this parcel as commissioner toaya pointed out none of us were here when that was purchased I don't think I would have uh you know we this board probably would have agreed to that purchase um 20 years ago but we have this parcel it's remained unused in during this time and uh I think the best uh use for it now um is for large events venue in Bard County it's not something that we necessarily want to do but the city of Melbourne wants to do it and so by giving them this parcel they'll be able to do that and that's why I'm going to support it today uh is there any other discussion is there a second to commissioner Tobias motion I'll second okay there's a motion on the floor from commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner is there any addition or discussion that's going to happen now hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I all opposed nay n motion carries okay now let's go to uh I2 which is Peter now Peter before you get up let me read this to everybody in the audience so that we can get a clear understanding of where we are and what we're doing because this is a very intricate situation there's been a variety of things that have been legal situations that have happened so to make it clear I'm going to say this item is an appeal it's different from our typical agenda item so I'm going to take a moment to discuss the process The Bard Renaissance Fair requested a special event permit to be used in Wickham Park the county denied the permit request Bard Renaissance Fair is exercise their right under county code to appeal to the board of County Commission that's what they're doing today for this item the board is sitting in an appell capacity that means we are here to determine if County staff and the county manager correctly followed the code when they denied the permit we're not here to judge whether the Renaissance Fair is good or not good uh our job is to hear the appeal decide whether staff made an error and if so decide how to correct that error in a moment I'm going to ask Mar and Donner to come up from Bard County Parks and Recreations to introduce this items she will have up to 10 minutes to do so and to respond any questions the boards may have after that I will allow Peter how do you pronounce that MIM m m house and a Bard Renaissance Fair the same amount of time to present his case and answer questions we will then take public comment on this item speakers will be limited to 3 minutes per person remember this case is only whether the rard county code was correctly applied to the permit request if you love The Renaissance Fair that is wonderful but it's not relevant to the issue of whether or not the code has been applied properly if you're opposed to the Renaissance Fair that is fine but once again it's not particularly relevant to the issues of whether the code has been forwarded we cannot change the code changing the code would require an ordinance and advertisement and additional public hearings we cannot wave the code and allow it to event to proceed if doing so would violate the code I ask speakers to keep these things in mind when making public comment today and please limit your comments to matters that are relevant to the appeal now that everyone understands the rules and regulations uh maryel and Donner where are you right here sir right here oh hi after you marelen go ahead good morning Commissioners Mary Ellen Donner Bard County Parks and Recreation Department director this is regarding the appeal for the Wickham Park usage denial The Bard Renaissance Fair submitted a special event questionnaire requesting the park use Wickham Park for their 2025 event included in it was the setup the actual event and the tear down the requested use period runs from December 24th 20124 through March 7th 2025 a period of 74 days I evaluated the request and determined that it does not meet the requirements of The Bard county code of ordinances section 7882 B1 and that part of the code States beginning January 2025 special event permits at Wickham Park shall be limited to a maximum of 15 consecutive days or two consecutive weekends excluding the portion of the request use for the December 2024 the request includes 65 consecutive days and seven consecutive weekends in the calendar year of 2025 the request exceeded the maximum allowed under The Code by 50 days or seven weekends additionally section 7882 B1 provides beginning in January 2025 January February March and April of each year shall have a minimum of one weekend free without special events at Wickham Park if the requested permit was granted the months of January and February 2025 would not have a minimum of the one weekend without a special event as required by code therefore the permit was denied The Bard Renaissance Fair appealed the decision to the County Manager on March 21st 2024 the county manager issued his decision upholding the permit denial Bard Renaissance Fair has exercised their right under county code to appeal to the board of County Commissioners I available for any questions the board may have is there any questions of Miss Donner did you fill out a card yes I did okay uh why don't you come on up Miss Steiner what is the legitimate government purpose of this ordinance I'm I'm not certain what this is appropriate County attorney yeah I'm sorry this is uh this is an appellate process uh Mr mous will have 10 minutes to present his case there's no C cross-examination this isn't an evidentiary proceeding it's merely an appeal to determine if the code is properly applied yes but you cannot apply a code that's unconstitutional all right Mr mhus can make that case but i' suggest you take speaker cards after hearing Mr mahon's Case Please Mr chair okay thank you so much all right uh Peter come on up you have 10 minutes I appreciate your time uh I'm going to change my tune just a little bit I was going to be real nice and friendly and everything but we know which direction this is going uh so I'm going to be quite honest with you the attorney knows that we're going to end up in court on this one I said we would fight it all the way to the end and I meant we will fight it all the way to the end but I'm going to tell you a little bit rard Renaissance Fair we've been there for 11 years nine years we had a handshake agreement with the park to provide the dates for the following year the during our event as long as we were in compliance with the park we understood that to be a contractual issue you can deny that it is but we understood that it was we've followed those procedures along the way that you changed the rules last year in September we found out in October we have tried to move Heaven and Earth over the last several months to find a new location Mr feltner knows it I've had several meetings with him and his staff and I appreciate the work that we've been doing we brought our employees in from all around the state to check out other Parks we were recommended to use a park on the 520 we spent two days out there measuring and laying everything out it holds 160 cars not enough parking for our event so there was no other place in Bard that's why I'm happy to see Mr Tobias do what he's doing I'm asking you to make we have two sites that we're working on right now now hopefully the city of Melbourne site comes to fruition but if not we have 77 Acres that we've been working our taals off on clearing the pepper trees out getting the property ready to hold the renaissance fair and Mr feltner and some of the other departments have offered to work with us to get that property approved if the Melbourne property doesn't fall come into place what I'm asking for today is to stability in case these two Avenues don't come to fruition by January that we have a fallback that we can use Wickham Park for the one year that's it that's all we're asking for we don't want to be at Wickham Park we've wanted our own land for several years after meeting with Mr feltner uh zoning people and several other people and we talked about the 77 Acres we can get that done it's going to take a lot of work and hopefully there's no obstacles along the way but that's what I'm asking for is if we're unable to get either one of those properties ready by January that we can fall back I don't think there's a business around that can shut down for two years and survive so that's all I'm asking for is by October November we'll know if we're going to open up in January on the new locations if not that we be somehow provided a way to to use Wickham Park 2 weeks doesn't work it takes us 2 weeks just to build our event and it takes almost two weeks to tear it back down three days to build it two days to tear it down is just an impossible task and the cost to try to recuperating two weekends is is undoable so that's all I'm asking for at this point we have the two properties I think one of them will come through if not both of them uh the 77 Acres we have another use for if the city of Melbourne does their property I own a winery uh and the winery will fit real nice there on that 77 Acres so we have another use for it if it doesn't become a Renaissance Fair site all I'm asking for the Commissioners you made the change in September I wish you'd have contacted us I wish we'd have been at the table to talk about it we weren't given that opportunity we found out when we were in Sarasota putting on a Runa sance fair and as soon as we got back to Bard we jumped on it to to find a new location so all I'm asking the Commissioners is did they follow the guidelines yeah more than likely do I want it to go to court not really but I'm willing to do that if that needs to be done so that's where I'll leave it at and if you've got any questions I'll gladly answer them now uh Morris yes sir I guess the commission asked questions of Peter at this particular point in time is that correct you may do so if you wish all right now there's no questions that would be allowed from the audience is that correct that's correct okay so anybody on the commission have any questions for Peter hearing no questions thank you very much Peter we're going to go to the cards and uh figure this out in a minute all right now you the as I call you you will have three minutes to to uh come up and speak remember please what I've told you this is a typical this is a legal situation all you can really talk about is the appeal we're not we're not here to debate whether Renaissance Fair is great Renaissance Fair is not great we're not here to be able to tell you that we're going to make a decision today that we're going to give Peter what he' like to do in his say we're here to only talk about what went on and whether it was done properly so with that I'm going to call es Esther corneliuson is that correct up all right well that doesn't is that ma'am ma'am you you can't speak from there please come up here if you're going to speak on this issue we need to get it all on on on record thank you yes sir yeah I was just saying that I was here to beg to please leave my Park alone and since we can't um beg for that I'm going to all right well thank you so much s [Music] Sullivan good morning Sandra Sullivan so I was I just want to say I was I I think there is an issue here because I was at the meeting in September and what was stated by the commissioner is this is a community park and not a regional park and a community park is different in how it's used compared to a Regional Park which is not the neighborhood's Park as in a community park and a regional park has Brad our use and I'm just going to say this that one of the resounding themes of me coming to this commission is about accountability and transparency and the issue I had with this ordinance change is that the stakeholders the people who rent and Reserve that park for periods of time were not informed the only people and because I was sitting here in the audience the only people that were uh weighed in are the community members and so I don't think that this was handled correctly when you do a zoning change for example with the uh dma site you know with the new Tua you know you notify the people within 500 ft Fe or 1,000 ft you didn't notify the stakeholders and so essentially we have created a crisis for businesses because we failed to do a a transition or you know even looking to how you're going to allow these businesses to continue to uh uh do well and it serves a lot of uh customers in that area in my opinion this this commission should go out and redo the ordinance and do it right this time with the people coming in the stakeholders being informed and coming to the table because you created this issue and now you're going to make it a worse issue by by selling off a piece of land it it that deal the fact that we don't even know how that land is going to be used as firefighting affordable housing renair or what we're not believe you're on the wrong subject anyway so stay in on this issue my request to this commiss is revisit the Ordinance do proper notification to the stakeholders so they all come in and wait to the table instead of a select Feud to get the result that you want David lowerhouse sir I found that when you announced the relevance my comments are no longer relevant okay all right thank you for the opportunity right Liz null I believe you all did follow the ordinance procedures correctly and would also like for Peter to know that we do not want the ren the fair there for another year there's too much damage the scrub JS are damaged we ought to think about the Flora and the fauna in that Park thank you thanks Liz we appreciate you understanding that outside comments other than about what we're doing is uh really not needed but thank you for coming up and saying what you've come up and said Jenny n second okay that's good Francis Gomez hi good morning I learning long time ago is to kind of politicians in this world the one who believe and have a dreams and the other ones who just make business or take advantage of the business who their spot gave them yes this situation was bad management we don't even have a vacation legis we don't follow as Sandra said the regular you know protocols we need to for place an ordinance and we are affecting many people people we need fix this we need do the right thing daily I walk in the park with Miss caddy and Mr David and we have the same issues that r fest have M every time who rigns water is flooding the park my sons go to soccer practice and when it's rain water and m and a lot of stuff there's going on in the weekend part the playground doesn't have a regular bathroom imagine a little kidos using a porta partty we can do this in a better way we can do this in a we can say a mixture way I'm pretty sure Mr Peter is agree to fix maybe some of the problem that ween part have I'm pretty sure Park and Recreations won't fix those issues like reforestation we have a fire the last year you know the fire and weeken park and what's going on with that that's happen because we have a bunch of trees there who are already dry and we don't re forestate we have we don't have a playground there water issues duck par etc etc etc why why you accept and working and make make a better weeken part to follow uh Mr weeken you know Legacy to leave something behind we are here just for fight oh you can use it you cannot you are uh breaking an ordinance you don't what's going on and what happened with the people we are the people we deserve a better management and all of you are doing a really really poor work thank you thank you Francis uh before I call up the next name uh please remember while we're here this isn't a debate about what we need to do at Wickham Park this isn't a debate about renaissance fair being good or not and I understand you want to vent about those things and at another meeting at another time you can vent as much as you want in regard if it's on the agenda please keep your comments in regards to whether County staff did this correctly or incorrectly so Kathy Danner please okay thank you Kathy Monique Seaman I pass okay so that looks like we have uh all the cards here so I guess we can call the question now is that correct Morris in regards to this I think I think we need a motion okay well I was just going to yeah thank you I just want to make sure did the first Speaker have a card and want want to speak as opposed to questioning it could be under you could have filled it out under public comment instead of instead of this item so if we we're going to let you talk okay what is your name my name is Kevin rutage I a member of the Florida bar all right Kevin go ahead and speak and after you're finished please walk back there and fill out a card because we don't see it here okay well first I'd like to preface this by with the last time I was in here I was actually sitting over there representing this room I was sitting over there representing the count helping assist the county and trying Municipal ordinances so the issue is is I don't believe that the ordinance in question here would survive a rational basis test because every purported legitimate government interest has been debunked um the city of Melbourne actually had a hearing about a month ago where they went through the arguments that the fair cut off access to the park uh dog walks noise and criminal violations and it was shown that through the C court record the city Melbourne records that there were no complaints about entered in the city of Melbourne which would be the logical course of ENT those complaints now if those are not The Logical basis the rational basis or the legitimate government bases for this ordinance what is now we have a young lady over here who added Flor and FAA but we are talking about natural processes there was nobody that I observed during my time at the r going out and chasing Scrub Jays or interfering in Scrubs it was the wet grassy field that they use so there's no real ecological harm going on and if there was we have no as a government entity there is no legitimate scientific study to prove that now I've actually spent some time at the county of Attorneys Office prior to Mr Richardson taking over and I implore the County Commission please seek outside Council to review this ordinance because when I was over at the county county attorney's office there was a very strong culture of telling the commission what they wanted not what was legal please look to outside councel thank you very all right thank you very much I have no concerns about the constitutionality of the ordinance right I I understand I appreciate it is there any discussion in regards to any of this stuff before someone makes a motion commissioner TOA so I I move to uphold the decision made by staff and County Manager per Bard County uh code section 78.8 to and deny the appeal that's a motion Madam chair uh Mr chair is there a second I'll second all right there's a motion on the floor by commissioner toaya seconded by commissioner felner uh any other discussion in regards to this matter before we take a vote hearing none uh all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries okay can we take a five minute yes let's take a five minute break please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] only got one card on this one one3 we haven't done yet thank you very much uh you handling the 13 Mary Ellen on the city of Coco Parks operation and maintenance or is Jim uh good morning I am yes good yes you have the floor thank you so much Mary Ellen Donner Bard County Parks and Recreation Department director uh this before you is a request uh for action for an interlocal agreement with the city of Coco for park operations and maintenance uh Bard County actually operates and maintains eight parks in the city of Coco which include two community centers and since 2011 we have not had an agreement and so this this is asking the board request that action to um consider number one present the proposed interlocal agreement to the city of Coco for their approval by October 1st of this year 2024 second option would be if the city does not approve the interlocal agreement by July 31st of 2024 the county will notify the city that it will cease to maintain those parks in the city of Coco by on October 1st and uh any other direction that the board May provide would be appreciated okay any uh questions it's your District right Tom okay you're good do I have a motion think we should I don't believe we have a card on this aard noard no cards on this particular one no sir I let me yeah go ahead Mr commissioner Goodson okay U Mary Allen told you it's been since 2011 okay and we're in 2024 uh the taxes raised that the the cost of that Park is about one parks are about 1.6 Coco kicks in about 500,000 don't want to hurt Coco but I want everybody to come to the table and it be fair okay and if you know I was a response was given to me that they we've been talking about this for uh eight months 10 months correct Mary Ellen to with Coco I've been talking with this the city of Coco since I got here years well that's true but but I brought it up to the correct about eight or nine months ago yes okay they wanted us so you'll know they wanted us to install a $1.5 million sewer line from Mo stradley Park to Coco High School okay but they also charge you meaning the county they charge us for water and sewer 30 somewhere around 25 to 30,000 a year for their own water for their own Parks I find that totally confusing also we maintained a park on P Street and Mary Ellen or the county put in brand new playground equipment okay with in a week City Coco closes the park because of the drug activity you know there seems to be no coordination between us and them maybe this interlocal agreement will bring them closer to us and we can work together to have good Parks but that's all I have to say you know I would like to see the board look at this with consideration of you know of we have to fund parks in the city and the other issue would be that upsets or kind of confuses me uh they're going to say they don't have the money but the other day they found $5 million to give to the a private entity meaning bright light okay $5 million they found the other day there's comments or at one board meeting a $700,000 splash pad on 524 J uh juny Reno's Park well if you know anything about a splash pad it ain't the cost of the splash pad it's the maintenance and I definitely would not want to see us maintain a splash pad even though you can say all you want to about kids kids kids and I agree with that but you know there's a certain amount of u responsibility we have to have with our money and if we're going to get beat up every time I am not in agreement for that and that's all I have to say Thank you Mr M uh chair thank you sir um commissioner toaya uh thank you thank you Mr chair I've got some slides up here and I want to thank uh commissioner Goodson for bringing this to the boards at attention um I'm strongly in support of this item but I'm going to do something I haven't done in real quickly I'm sorry to interrupt you I'd like to recognize that we do have the county manager from Coco here Stockton Whitten and the mayor mayor Blake so just wanted to let say hello and and let you know that they're in the in the room super thank you so much won't change anything I know that I understand that in fact uh uh again something I haven't done in seven years here I uh am going to strongly support this but I'm going to try to convince you to to vote against this and let me tell you why because we had a very similar thing come up I don't know two weeks ago when it came to lifeguards and you voted no on that so I want to point out the extreme similarities that are taking place between these very two extremely similar items number one both of these are located in a District Two your District the parks there as well as Coco Beach the largest uh the largest beneficiary of uh the County's resources when it comes to lifeguards let's go to the second slide here the exact same history that you pointed out uh we've been maintaining these parks for 40 years appar apparently uh and I'm I'm off a little bit I guess we've been providing life lifeu services for just about uh 15 or 16 years so we have a strong history of uh covering 100% of the cost but same history there so let's go into the negotiations of the Ila which you've mentioned here that uh we haven't had one for quite some time uh same thing when it comes to the negotiations of the Lifeguard uh ilas we've met with them numerous times and uh always get uh turned down for any type of agreement here's where it gets uh too similar it's almost scary uh in your proposal you ask for a 50% cost share uh ironically I as at a previous uh meeting asked for the exact same cost share the 50% County 50% municipality again exactly the same of which you voted no on and then you pointed to the last one the cities are crying poverty and you pointed this out I appreciate it just cuts against the argument um the uh city of uh Coco Beach um has uh claim they didn't have enough money to help with this but you know they're floating a golf course for a million and a half doll they're building numerous buildings they're under all sorts of debt uh you know that they got themselves into with with with that stuff you've got Coco here and I agree with you $5 million that is going there Splash Pad where that money comes from but claiming poverty is is is something both of these organizations um or these cities uh are done the the similarities go on and on and on of these so again I'm I'm strongly going to be supporting this because I think it's good policy but for consistency sake um unless there's a difference I'm missing here between I don't the residents of Coco and and the people that that uh that uh frequent the beach in Coco Beach I I don't think that there's a uh reason for you to vote in in favor of this so that's that's my argument I must say that was one of the most interesting arguments I've ever heard may I ask a question yes sir go ahead um I don't know if you're for against it commissioner Tobias which way are you because one and one you made yes I'm for it and then no I'm not let me be very clear very clear please very clear I'm extremely consistent and have maintained consistency up here as a as a board I believe that our municipalities need to cost share on these type of activities I voted that way each and every time when it came to lifeguards I open this up with commissioner Goodson I think this is great policy I wish we would have done this ages ago I strongly support this but you gave me many reasons why you voted against lifeguards and those reasons are the exact same reasons uh up here under the exact same uh structure when it comes to cost share history uh so I my argument is for consistency sake uh it would most likely benefit you to be a a thumbs down on this one okay uh one thing I can say about your consistency is I can't ever figure out what they how you're going to vote but thank you for your comments but I will not I will be for this okay okay commissioner Pritchett yes you may miss um Mary Ellen what percent is the city of Coco reimburse in the county for right now to maintain their Parks so right now we uh collect a an administrative district for tax and um so there are specific taxes collected within the city of Coco and that goes towards the maintaining of the parks uh but specifically Coco does not pay us to maintain their Parks okay does the city of Titusville pay to maintain their Parks it's the same premise we we collect taxes within the the city so when we yeah what's the amount it's about what 550,000 some so in 2023 we collected from the city of Coco uh 568 th000 and we expended 1.6 million for a difference of $1.1 million okay so um a while ago we we did this analysis with Titusville and we came back and found that they're pretty much paying for all of their that is correct their Parks cuz we were going to look at as a time that we were talking about maybe moving Parks back to the cities and so um but they were able to cover that and um Titusville North Barda area also did a special form of Taxation to help support some of the extra Park activities too which might be a good thing for Coco to maybe to to look at but that's their business with that um so I I think we need to to get to the place to where I I'm guessing commissioner Goodson this is this is a good motion sir to to try to get the agreement done fairly soon um it's just appropriate and the only other thing would be maybe to to take the parks but I know that's not something that's been very popular with with this commission over the past so um you're going to give them a few more months which is which is good so I I think it's good um so commission felter you have any comments none do I hear a motion like the motion chair we this receive okay there's a motion on the floor to approve is there a second second there's a second any more discussion if I may there were three options uh can I can I make hold on let me hear the options and then you you want me to make a motion that includes all of the options uh yes okay I move to authorize staff to present the proposed inter local agreement to the city of Coco for their approval on uh approval by October 1st 2024 and if they do not approve by July 31st 202 for to notify the city that it ceased to maintain the city of Coco parks on October 1st 2024 the county manager is authorized to make any necessary budget change requests I think that effectuates all of the requested okay and there's a second to that by okay is there any further discussion hearing no further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries all right now we're going to go to the approval of the tourist Development Council uh tourism Lagoon grant program funding guidelines application and score sheet we turn it over to you Peter good morning uh Mr chair and Commissioners yeah this is a recommendation coming from the TDC uh recommending reinstatement of the tourism and lroom grant program uh maximum funding up to $500,000 uh maximum per Grant $50,000 um and all the accompanying guidelines application and score sheet questions sandre Sullivan you want to come up and speak on this issue got a card here the light's not working the lights aren't working I'm apologize Patrick Shores just a quick comment so um last season uh comments were made after Hurricane Nicole that the beach fund was insolvent and by the grace of God and a help from our congressmen that got fully funded this year and and you kind of Breeze through a a bit of a crisis through that support but you can't always rely on that and to be fiscally conservative I think that that beach fund needs to be rebuilt uh the lagon tax provides a lot of money uh two projects and uh it seems redundant U given that there's a lot of other things in that section of the tdt tax um under beaches for example you even the acquisition of other Parcels like spra next to spra and such there are other uses that it could be put to I just going to say this uh um you know one of the objections I had in the past with the use of this tax was for example you may remember the seagrass controvery and putting there's no seagrass in the Banana River none okay and where did we put the first seagrass project in salai beach where there's no seagrass and where we have the worst water quality and we didn't know about it because it's in tdt and most people don't look at tdt agendas so I'm not too happy we already have a lagoon tax let's spend this on tourist related stuff I mean some of the monies that that where this is going I even question that it's for tourism like seagrass okay um commissioner toaya yeah by the way the lights aren't working that's why I've Miss no it's my fault I should have looked down that direction I apologize uh okay this is going to be a little bit uh different from the recommendation um the there's about 8 million in the according to uh uh according to the county staff there's about 8 million in Beach fund reserves uh may sound like a lot however a single storm uh can impact that at best case scenario it's a 9 to1 match when you grab federal and state Partners at worst it's a 3 to1 match so this is highly leveraged money even in short term in 2022 the beach fund had insufficient funds to cover the damage from two storms that impact the county the use of 8.4 million in arpa funds was necessary to cover the costs of said repair even without a storm Beach maintenance projects uh can be in the millions um and by the way even storms that happen offshore that don't impact us can greatly impact this the TDC lagon grants were a regular funding source for derel vessel removal by natural resources um there are other funding sources and uh they are highly competitive so I went back uh 2019 2020 72 vessels were removed at a cost of 112 of of this fund 2021 2022 uh 36 vessels at 49,900 and 202 22 2023 25 vessels at $121,000 to be uh clear derel vessel removal does not meet criteria for soral funding so the motion I'm going to make here would be to reject the lugon grant guidelines in the interest of building reserves in the beach fund for Beach maintenance and repair and to include a fiscal uh year 2024 2025 alloc a not to exceed $150,000 for The Bard County deri vessel removal program as it does not meet the soral requirements so that's the motion I'm more than willing to answer any questions should there be any okay there's a motion on floor by commissioner toay and it's been seconded by commissioner felner is there any discussion in regards to this issue hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay okay carries now here we go County attorney we have did you have something commissioner Goodson okay I'm sorry uh Morris you have a five please thank you yes sir um I5 is a request to approve a settlement agreement between the county and Eric and Amanda obloy this relates to code enforcement leans that were imposed on real property on Gator Drive in Meritt Island between 2015 and 2019 the acred amount of the fines on the six cases total $350,500 as of July 2021 when all related code violations had been complied the property is since sold property belongs to someone else the lean amounts were transferred to a cash deposit in the registry of Court that's being held by the court recently we mediated this case with former judge Charlie Robert berts and I think we got to a uh an excellent outcome the county would receive $290,000 cash and satisfaction of the six code enforcement leans totaling $350,500 okay uh any discussion any questions do I hear a motion I'll make the motion for approval I'll second commissioner Goodson makes a motion commissioner feltner seconds uh there's no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries let's go to your Bross versus Bard County settlement Morris please if you would all right I6 is another settlement agreement uh related property located on Meritt Island in this case uh as a result of certain code actions and other things the county ended up owning undivided 1 half interest in an 80 acre parcel of real property along with uh Mr Paul Bross Mr Bross filed a suit to partition the property asking the court to divide the property between himself and the county the parties mediated this case some time ago once again former judge Crawford served as the mediator um the county agreed to a partition of the property equitably Distributing the the property and another number of other terms uh subsequently at a closed attorney client private meeting the board of County Commissioners directed me to prepare a final settlement agreement consistent with the terms of that mediated agreement and bring it back it took some time to uh come to an agreement on the finer points of the agreement but we are here and I think this is a uh a good agreement and resolution of that case all right uh are there any questions commissioner Goodson you ready for motion I'll make motion for accept of the I'll second the motion by commissioner Goodson second by commissioner feltner hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries all right going to 1-7 I believe at this particular point and uh that is permission to advance for public hearing on ordinance to repeal the economic development adorm tax exemption for BK Technologies which fail to do the required items that they were supposed to do from what I understand and Karen are you handling this yes sir okay good morning Commissioners item i7 is requesting permission to advertise for public hearing to consider adopting an ordinance repealing the economic development ad alarm tax exemption for BK Technologies if approved the public hearing would be on May 21st okay I'll make a motion motion on the floor by commissioner felner is there a second second but thanks seconded by commissioner uh toaya uh commissioner toaya you have the floor thank you um we always hear positives about these so I just wanted to go through a little his uh history here this this item is due to BK technology choosing not to adhere to the ordinance requirement of submitting an annual report for 2023 uh two certified letters with confirmation of a receipt were sent to the company in addition to resending the abatement for the remainder of the 8-year term ordinance 2019 uh 010 section one uh item G allows the county to seek reimbursement of adorm taxes abated in favor of the company During the period of the company did not meet requirements of the adalum tax abatement program in this case BK Technologies the county can seek reimbursement of 9 259 looking back to 20 uh since 2018 the county has heard nine abatements we've approved six to be clear only two of these six are actively receiving abatements to make matters worse in the same period we've actually rescinded eight of these now including BK Technologies um I just want to thank the board uh for approving uh uh or sorry not approving the L3 Harris abatement this year uh we would certainly had egg on our face had we handed L3 Harris uh millions of dollars in tax abatements uh right around the corner L3 Harris lays off 5% of it of its entire Workforce uh so again I wanted to thank the board members that uh uh decided to to not award that and be lery as we hear these in the future so uh I move to Grant permission advertise for a public hearing to consider uh adopting of an ordinance repealing the economic development adorm tax exemption for BK Technologies Incorporated that's the motion motion on floor by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner feltner is there any more discussion Karen you have any more comments no sir okay all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries we are now going to I8 we have a couple cards on this but it's proposed revision to board policy citizens process for advising the County Commission and we have no staff handling this or is this uh you can pass Mr TOA okay yeah got it commissioner go ahead thank you um I don't often do this but I I'd like to thank uh Miss Kristen lordy for bringing up this policy as I'd not actually given it a look uh it's BCC 95 um it's good that it's being brought up this policy has not been reviewed since 2014 as a result I uh proposing re revisions to the locally originated recommendations to improve efficiency amendment to this policy to ensure that the policy mirrors the charter section 2.9.1 as much as possible this is very important as the program was approved by 73 . 27% of Voters in 2012 so um we need to effectuate their opinion through policy as much as as much as possible these proposed revisions originated from my office but as the they deal so closely with the charter I ran these suggestions through the county attorney's office to make sure that there were no legal issues so if anything comes up and it's uh closely related to uh Charter I may be puning it over there so we get a a legal opinion accordingly I've made a table explaining the reasons behind uh the substantive changes located in the document please note uh the bottom that these revisions were suggested by The District 3 office but uh reviewed by the county attorney's office for legal sufficiency um a as you can see there are other minor changes or procedural changes that you may want to uh ask about but certainly we're not in clud in the table um I'd be more than willing to go over the individual uh revisions but I believe the table does a pretty sufficient job of doing that so with that being said um um that's the reason the rationale behind the uh updating of uh BCC 95 okay um any questions or discussion or a motion we have some cards on this uh SRE Sullivan I know you're getting more than 10,000 steps on that watch I just know it no technology watch okay okay Sandra Sullivan sou Patrick Shores um first of all you know I think the people really weighed in on the will of the people and our communication and not feeling heard right so there were 58 uh responses to this and uh we encouraged uh better communication between the commission and the people you do not see that reflected in this now the first thing I just want to say is after seeing this agenda item the first thing I did was email our County manager and requested the redline version to be uploaded which it never was I managed to get it from somebody else who did get it from the county was one person so I'll first say a lack of transparency on this item because as you can see with the red line version almost the whole thing is Rewritten so let's talk about how this reflects some of the comments made by people so this process is in December when people are busy with their holidays um is a very difficult time it it was suggested either extending it into November or Jan January uh but or opening it up in advance uh to where you can put it in and it wouldn't be considered until that time um the second one is um I had you know as a systems analyst I had recommended a simple thing to add a field to that speak up Bard form that would allow staff to put in their comment and then at least then the person making the suggestion would have an Avenue to email you know the staff member and have a dialogue because ideas come not from one person but by collaboration and then the third thing is this one really gets me so the language I just want to read this the county manager shall schedule and it used to be an agenda item for the board of County Commissioners and it used to be say to consider the citizens uh recommendation as practical uh within the period now it just says it comes to the commission for final vote uh and so the other suggestion that was made by the people is to have one agenda item for all the items could which could be 50 it could be 100 it could be that we have a workshop that we have a workshop to where there is a dialogue um that whether it's yourselves or staff to at least have a process to consider but you know the bottom line is you guys don't want to hear from the people I mean it's evident coming to these meetings you really don't care to listen to the will of the people people not have more to say about that under public comment thank you Katie Delaney good morning um my name is Katie Delaney and I'm here to speak about the citizens process for advising the County Commission aka the Speak Up rard program I'm opposed to this update in the policy this program was intended to give the people a real process to make positive change in their Community the change in this language is not citizen friendly for example before the language said the citizen the uh City I'm sorry the county manager would solicit citizen engagement that got removed then a small But Mighty change was made and it was very passive aggressive um and it that the word was added courtesy that it'll be a courtesy to open up 30 days before uh the cut off the courtesy would have been if you all would have opened it up prior to holiday season with an election right around the corner why update this now which Mr toaya mentioned why and it's obvious that it was retaliatory against one of the speakers more citizens have used this program this year than ever before and that should be glaring to you all that should be glaring that citizens are not being heard and that they're using this tool to engage with you all because emails aren't getting responded to and and it's um there's no other way for us to get our voices heard you could have done a good faith effort and made revisions that would be more friendly to the citizens for example like commissioner Goodson mentioned we could do a workshop to speak about the proposal so that we could actually have a robust conversation around the citizens um ideas and why not why not just say um instead of saying No this doesn't work uh Mr Bate it would be nice if we could get the staff to speak with the citizens and say hey this isn't under our jurisdiction but maybe we can make something else work obviously the the people care about this what can we do you could have also advertised for free by making um a post on social media announcing the program is open that would cost nothing and it would take two seconds and it would show the people that you want their engagement instead of making positive citizen changes you're wielding your power against the people yet again thank you thank you very much commissioner hson section three a changes the annual filing date to January the 31st purpose is to move the time uh period for submission to and after the holiday so doesn't you said that we didn't do that for your your liking so the reason why I don't like that change is because that pushes the whole process further another month and the whole reason why this was done this way in January um was so that it would line up better for Budget season okay that was the intent okay if it pushes the head of month through the holiday season you don't like that so would you prefer September on in a perfect world what I would love to see is the program be open all year and then the oh hold on but then the staff only have to look at the proposals during that month prior to January 1st so you would like to see staff work every day on a proposal that everybody could just hit their computer and send it in no sir all right you said every day right I would like the the the website to be open so people could send in their proposals not that staff would have to work on it every single day they would only have to work on it in that window okay thank you chair thank you thank you very much any other questions I do have a closing one yes sir go ahead please uh thank you Mr chair um well everyone may not agree on these proposed changes uh the revisions are intended to keep the policy the exact same as Charter language uh that was voted Again by 73.2 7 % of the voters not one of the speakers came up today and referenced how this was in contradiction to section 2.9.1 of our Charter had they done that then it might be in consideration of uh worthy of a change however again I'm trying to align our policy with let me go with this again this is Republicans Democrats and independents 73 3.27% of the people out there again not of the people that came up here and spoke but of of of the the folks that voted on this uh on 112 of 2020 uh 2010 so I move to adopt or Prov Pro proposed revisions to BCC 95 the citizens uh process for advising the County Commission that's the motion Mr chair second that there's a second there's a motion by commissioner Tobias seconded by commissioner Goodson is there any more discussion nope hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries now we are going to um one are we on one n correct oh boy all right referendum regarding the establishment of a non-ad special assessment Municipal service benefit unit for Road paven in Cape Canaveral or Canaveral Groves excuse me and who is handling this I am you are okay the County Attorney you and the County Attorney Mr um Richardson would you like to jump in first or we have cards on this too I be glad to commissioner um item nine is a proposal uh it is it's a request for the board to provide direction to myself and to staff uh regarding a potential referendum election within a sub area of Precinct 102 um for the purpose of Paving certain County maintained dirt roads in Canaveral Groves what this would do if approved would give us direction to work with the supervisor of elections uh to do what's necessary to set up the sub Precinct so it would be ready for a referendum election and for staff to more thoroughly evaluate and estimate the cost of the road paving project evaluate financing options and approximate the amount of the assessment upon properties within the benefit unit that would be created so that we would be able to advise uh the citizens prior to the referendum election on what this would cost there's a within the agenda package there's a list of the unpaved roads that are the subject of this agenda item um the sub Precinct that would be created would be Property Owners with properties that have uh those unpaid roads or would otherwise be benefited by the paving project and if this went to referendum election uh it would require a simple majority of the voters to approve the referendum however further action would be required from the the county in the future to enact a non-ad valorum special assessment within the the municipal service benefit unit that would be created County attorney who on the referendum would be able to vote for this item any of the electors that reside within the the benefit District that would be created so it's only for those that are affected by it that would be allowed to have an opinion on it that's correct Okay the reason um we we started this is just a little bit history there's 82 miles of dirt roads in the county and district one has 68.6 miles of them or 84% of them countywide mainly because we have a lot of rural areas and people move in there and they build their houses they're nice then we get enough houses in and now they would like to have the roads paved in the area totally understand when you move into a subdivision those paved Road fees are in the cost of the house so that's how those are paid for it's typically not paid with taxpayer dollars andless there's a situation with the main road and the county has to pick it up so for the past seven years plus the commissioners before me we this has been a um item of trying to figure how to get roads paid for people that want them without having to make everybody in the county pay for them because they already paid for their paved roads in their neighborhoods so we have tried many different Avenues and we're trying different mediums so this is an area where we get a lot of complaints from the people that live in these areas so they've tried to go and get msbu packets and then nobody's had the time to go fill them out and get those petitions in so what we're we thought we would try as a pilot Pro program is to put on a ballot Just for this one area so the people who just live there can let us know if if they want to pay for having them paved or not if they come up and they back and and everybody votes no on it then you know we it we won't mess with it but if they do vote Yes then the county is going to find a way to help facilitate that and help to make some type of Equitable payments from the homeowners to help get their robes paav so that's primarily what this is and um Mr chair I'm going turn this back over to you question commission Goodson would there be a prior to the vote would they have an understanding of what their Frontage would cost per foot is that the way it would work um yes that's why we're bringing this action now instead of just bringing you a resolution ready to go because it's going to take some staff work to determine that assessment methodology yes sir okay okay any other questions Commission U all right well s San you're up what a beautiful day it s Sullivan sou Patrick Shores so this is the map that is in there and uh includes down here Assange and and Angelica right this whole area is the taxing district area so um I want to just go back to when this first came up which was May 4th 2023 um and it was around the time that I saw um some lobbyists uh visiting commissioner offices and I had asked about what that was about and it was about the the bright line it turned out to be about the bright line development even though I was told by D4 that it was about burrow pits but anyway so at the next meeting after the idea was brought up about doing pave roads at the very next meeting was 52323 with the controversial um item of bright line development putting a road down through a a dirt road ass and Angelica and it wasn't really obvious that was the item now what I would like to see if you're going to move ahead with this taxing district is assurance that the stipulated agreement is being fulfilled and that the developer of this bright line development as as it's referred to by district one that they are paying as it says uh agrees to pay all the Count's reasonable costs in acquiring said lands and interest in land and cost of constructing a public road access uh over the land because they so they agreed to pay and they agreed to have an MS2 Tu cost which never happened until very recently um but they agreed to pay for that cost of this new access off of g Road so I'll be doing a records request and I would like to see a copy of the canceled check or payment made by this developer because what it looks to me with the timing of two meetings May 4th followed by May 23rd is that something's being finagled here and we're going to see we're going to do the records request and we're going to see whether this is trying to put this cost onto the taxpayers to cover that thank you very much commissioner Goodson it I didn't know they were back working are they got the money Hightech um in reference to what Sandra Sullivan is saying is that not the road that's north of 528 has nothing to do in this ta taxing district is that my understanding I believe you're correct sir I think the those roads are already paved and that's that's we she's referring to the new road that's going to go from the connect to Grom yes I don't think that'll be part of attorney this wasn't intent to put that in there correct no the the map shows a general area and there's a circle showing the general area but the agenda report if you actually read it specifically identifies the unpaved roads that would be subject to it and on the map the unpaved roads there's a key to it and you have to read the key but the key shows you which of those roads are dirt roadways that would be paved and again only Property Owners AB budding those paved roads and you have to go a number of streets north of Angelica or o Sage before you get to the nearest unpaved road that would be subject to this msbu so again the map shows a general area but the sub Precinct would only be those properties of budding one of the unpaved roads that would benefit from the project one one other question please yes sir go ahead I don't I don't know this might be a Frank question I guess or his attorney question uh you have numerous roads in this special taxing district would they be done over a period of five years 10 years or I know you're say that how quick would you collect the taxes I don't know I County attorney we were working on that that data by cost do you have any idea on that so so there are a few options um there's a certain only a certain Pace at which we can go with Paving roads internally we could use external contractors as well so there are a couple options and I think part of this action is for staff to go down and they've done a a more General assessment but we will have a more detailed assessment of the the time and cost and and by doing it on this scale and doing a number at once you can realize some efficiencies that if you just did one isolated Road at a time you might not so um but you're correct it'll take some time to do all it's approximately 14 miles of unpaved road so take all commissioner Goodson we had just started putting so much work into this in the county attorney's office was starting to put a a great amount of time into it so I wanted to check with with the board to see what your ideas were with this if we move forward before I had them really start investing even more time into it if you approve this we'll come back in um in likely May uh to you that the second May meeting or maybe the 1 July meeting with a lot more information and a resolution that would place this uh as a referendum election on the ballot okay uh let's go back to the cards Orville Cox good morning commissioner uh my name is Orville Leland Cox I live at 4180 Paddington Street in canava Gro area I have lived there for 33 years since I uh had my house built at that time to my understanding and best of my recollection there was no paved Road anywhere you know maybe the you know the main road can never grow Boulevard and uh but now most of the roads are paved on the east side of I95 the main roads the west side where I live and there's a lot of houses there uh are still unpaved uh I believe we pay the same amount of taxes property tax as the people on that that's living on these paved roads my question is why should we have to pay when these other roads were paved and paid for the county included in the property tax as the unpaved roads uh up to 3 or four years ago our roads were horrendous on the unpaved roads uh after much discussion with uh commissioner preet arguing uh begging uh they did come in and build up the road base almost all the unpaved roads so now I don't think that it's going to be that much cost because the road base is there except for the pavement before that these roads were horrendous they were this far below the you know like when it rained it was like a a canal a ditch you know You' throw Wes uh there again when it's when it's dry then you got the dust you got the washboard roads and stuff like this it appears to me that it's just to charge an extra cost to these people that live on unpaved roads now now would be basically double taxation uh as we're already paying the same amount of tax as everybody else uh also with all the the new development housing developments and everything in district one all the US one there's another one being built one on canaval grov it's got tons of houses seems to me like there's a lot of tax base being added to these and so it's just my uh I would love to have the roads paved but I don't believe that the uh the extra cost okay thank you sir I appreciate it yeah go ahead please sir um I I love your community and you're one of the people in there that I think are so incredible so I we've done a lot of work on the roads I've heard from a lot of your neighbors that want them paved but if you don't just vote no and this will completely it's all up to you guys what you want to do by the time it gets to you're the only ones that'll be voting for it yeah I understand that some people want to live on the dirt road I don't know why they say because you're you're riding you know riding horses which you can't ride horses around any there no there's no Trails right so you have to haul somewhere to to ride out back or whatever you have to hide out you know get in the trailer and go a couple of miles to get any any woods where you can ride so that's kind of a non-issue to me but getting back to the whole thing is I don't believe why should we have to pay an added tax when other people that well that live on these pay Happ is is you guys if you looked at your tax bill there only like $40 or $50 a year your money going for the roads and so it's it's already County has to supply a lot of money to maintain them we put a lot of money into refurbing them for you guys cuz it was a mess but to pave them everybody else pretty much pay for theirs in other areas of the county but I have this roller area out here that didn't there was some um tax from a couple commissioners before that that did some of these projects but there's no more money so if you want them paved no money I know so just so you know if you want them paved there's no money that I can find to pave them with most Road are did not have the amount of residence as this areas like in Rose does you know you might have something in North Bard for three m road and there might be 10 10 residents you know there's one road uh cquad that's one of the main roads yeah it is that's off of uh yes sir but the the but on this and they that ser that one road serves like over 50 residents in that those houses yeah but you you vote no on this and it'll completely go away it's just a way for you guys to have a voice if you want to do it we just try to find a way to to help with the process but again it's it's all up to you guys what you want to do yeah if you want to pay if you want to pay for it well every Everybody kind of does and that's my point right when I I moved into my neighborhood I had to pay for those roads so I I would love to do it if if I could talk them in to give me extra fund just for us but it's it's countywide tax dollars so that's what I we have to try to figure out and I've been trying for seven years to find a way to get some money up for y'all many of these roads that are already paved on the east side are being repaved res and time again I know they're being resurfaced cuz the county did that resurfaced which they didn't really even need resurfaced so you know it just seems to me like there's a lot of waste that don't need to be thank you sir and the ones that like s are being neglected thank you sir we appreciate your comments uh Craig is it hotling hot yes sir okay thank you good morning Craig good morning good morning um I actually did start the uh process of the msbu and I've got a good uh feedback from most of the neighbors um so I can't speak for everyone I can't speak for every every road out there but at least on on our part of of calam mundan uh we are at the level of the 66 and 2/3 or whatever the percentages so um I thought now would be a good time to bring it up uh some people are in favor some aren't but uh again as far as us it's just a concern of the vagueness of cost uh we don't I can't tell them what it's going to cost until everyone signs and we get the estimate and the bids uh so that was it just um is it per per lot is it per uh owner right some people have 7 Acres and that only counts as one vote some people have two separate 1 acre lots so would that person be paying twice the amount that the 7 Acer lot has uh so just like I said a little vagueness everybody's unsure I can't really give them the answers not knowing them myself uh but like I said I did get a good response going basically door to door or gate to gate and meeting all these people so uh like this gentleman I haven't been here for 32 years but um if you go down calaman Avenue it certainly needs some work I know the graders do come and they say it's once every week or so but we haven't seen them in three weeks um so again just a lot of concern we've got vehicles that are getting ruined by this uh it's it's literally a washboard for for the entire length of the road um that's it uh that's all I have to say thank you if you would just get that to my office sometime over the next couple days and and we'll start looking at that and we will work on getting you the data with the others so but thank you thank you candidly I think this is an extremely creative idea that commissioner pritchett's come up with so it's just giving you guys an opportunity but Martha Ashley mulch well there's an old saying you can't please everybody all the time and yes um I'm in one the section of canal Gro that's considered the Forgotten area uh we don't get the road maintenance that we're supposed to get we don't get our ditches uh mowed and things taken care of but I do agree that this needs to be put out there to the residents to vote on um I know personally I I agree with uh what Mr Cox said that the people on the the other side of uh uh can Al goes uh they they don't have to pay for their roads their roads are already paved and here we are still begging to get ours paved and like uh someone else said they're always repaving roads that don't really need to be repaved so I'd like to see how they look at the money and and how it can be adequate help us but one other concern I have is there's hardly any empty lots left we get more and more people on that side of the Groves and we still only have two ways out of there God forbid we get another forest fire like we had in 2003 you're not going to get all those people out of there think about it thank you thank you very much uh Brad mush is that how you pronounce your last name msh m thank you yes I just Al also wanted to uh uh hopefully suggest that we you could also consider putting speed bumps on uh sections of the road such as Tangerine Street which is where we live because uh that after a couple years ago speed bumps were put on kangro Street which is north of us so the dirt road Tangerine street that we live on became a bypass for people to get around the speed bumps and the traffic instantly jumped so if you pave Tangerine street I'm assuming it's going to become an even more convenient bypass to get around those speed bumps on can gr so I'm hoping there's an option to add speed bumps on Tangerine Street if that does get paved so it doesn't become a very convenient bypass for the speed bumps that's all thanks sir Clinton NS good morning I'm a canaval Groves resident uh met with pck four or five years ago I think we had the county there discussing uh Paving and concerns I think we all agree that it's a it's a major issue I know that during Hurricane Matthew we had some problems with wash outs and such concerns getting emergency vehicles in even the school buses after the hurricane was a problem uh but again I think we all agree this needs to happen uh coming down to the funding end of it the majority of the roads in there are paved particularly on the east side of the highway those were not done under special assessment and in the idea of fairness and and consistency is commissioner Tobias said we hope that we' be uh granted the same that these roads get paved for the safety of the community and the folks that live out there um I need you guys have a challenging job and we appreciate what you do thank you thank you very much Katie Delaney my name is Katie Delaney um I'm a candidate for District 1 County Commission and also a resident of canaval groves I truly don't have an opinion about whether or not these roads should be paved um I think that the residents should decide that's that's a good idea what I'm frustrated with is that there was no Community conversation um many times commissioner pritchet has been asked to come to the homeowners association meetings and has not come um I know from personal experience I've had many times where I've tried to reach out and I've not gotten a response back um people are frustrated people are frustrated people don't know what this process is people are um are questioning is everyone going to have to pay this tax are is it only the homes on the specific streets um when when I reached out to my neighbors and and the community in canaval groves um I will say most the people don't want the pave roads they feel like they uh live in canabal groves for a reason because we want you know to live in a rural atmosphere um the people that do want the roads uh a lot of them only want it because the uh dirt roads have not been maintained and just like some of the speakers talked about that that's a huge problem that these roads have not been maintained um and then again there's people who just want the roads paved so I think it's a good idea that this goes to the voters um but I just wish that there was more transparency more Community involvement um and I find that it's ironic that you know Miss pritchet and and Mr DEA you you sat and talked at the budget meeting about how you know the the infrastructure it's not your problem now wait for the next Commission but you're going to you know and I was referring to impact fees and whatnot um but you're going to try to rush through Paving all these roads without even having a conversation with the community and I'm having the same people reach out to me in North Bard and Mims and scotsmore they don't want it what they want is their dirt roads maintained so um yeah we just need to do better thank you question commissioner gson yes sir how much better can you have I'm sorry how much better transparency can you have than allow the people to vote I think that's a great idea but what I think should have happened first you said that you wanted to see more no you said you wanted to see more transparency I'm trying to ask you what would you want to do right what I would like to see is a community conversation with the people that live there prior to having to spend the money um putting that on a ballot and putting the staff through all of that when you could have just had a conversation with the community huh thank you so much thank you once again the light system's not working so I apologize just call out if you want commissioner Goods I mean commissioner TOA please sure M how much is this going to cost I don't know you your attorney doesn't even know how much is it going to cost per parcel do you know that how I do not and let me tell let me let me tell you why I asked the question because I believe uh I'll call her chairwoman because she's been chair is going through the process she the reason she has brought this up and and is something that she scolded me on ages ago which was if you're going to use an inordinate amount of staff time before you do that please bring the issue to the board that takes a lot of work for staff to figure out how much of this is going to cost how it's going to be divided we don't have that information I'm sure Mrs uh chair pritchet would be more than willing to share the information we had a citizen out here who said he's gone and spoken with folks he just doesn't have it neither do we but this is the process that'll get us to that we don't have that information and and and normally I vote against these things but based on the information that I've gotten from uh this that um the chair pritchet is trying to get all of this information together to be able to uh present this to the citizens where they have all that information we don't have this information this is the steps required to get that information to expect her to have answers before we have them is just UNF nobody is expecting her to have answers what I asked for was a community conversation thank you thank you for your thank you for your time I my my I will be I will be supporting uh I will be strongly supporting this okay okay all right Stephen the okay there you go sorry are you having fun yet Stephen absolutely I knew it and uh thank you folks for uh taking the time to hear me speak today uh commissioner Pritchard I am a stitch one on banana Avenue my wife's emailed your staff in reference to this already we own horses we own horses on a dirt road we bought on a dirt road specifically so we can enjoy the pleasure of riding our horse in our community uh there's been a lot of development on banana Avenue we've got maybe three or four Lots left on banana that can be developed on uh I've been out there 12 years this is my second time living out in canaval groves we love it out in the Groves we move to the Groves specifically for the dirt roads uh if I wanted to live on a road that was paved I'd have moved to Vier sorry but my question question to staff and to you commissioner is there are going to be folks that live on paved roads in that specified new district for voting or is it only going to be the folks that live on the dirt roads going to be able to cast on this ballot County attorney I believe it's just the dirt roads correct would be the ones on dirt roads okay that's sir again uh I'm opposed to this uh as other folks have stated I don't need the new taxes my taxes are high enough out there I have two lots I have two lots specifically for for my animals and we like it like it is that's that's you know that's and you have never gotten a hold of me asked me to pay your roads I know so that's no ma'am I've asked you to come grade roads and I've all you want will do it yes ma'am and they do and they they have done better since they've raised the base thank you uh I worked in the asphalt industry as a kid it's EXP expensive to pave roads and I really don't want to see that extra money I'm retired now my wife's getting ready to retire and I just for for us it's a bad move okay thank you thank you thank you okay um we have come to the end of the cards here uh do I hear a motion yes I'd like to make a motion for the county attorney if if you guys are willing to go ahead and and put in the time now and get us more of the specific numbers so that we can present them to the community so they know exactly what they'd be looking at if they want to do this or not just so you guys know if I get another windfall tax hun of money it's going to help with this as well if this is what you'd like to I'm not certain what the motion is I know I just made a messy motion what a female um a motion to um allow the County Attorney to move forward and working on the information and a resolution I'll second that okay there's a motion from from commissioner Pritchett seconded by commissioner Goodson is there any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay all right motion carries well you need to live you need to live on a dirt road then all right okay there nayay we have uh board reports Frank abat County Manager yeah I do have a couple of items for you Commissioners um yesterday evening Public Works received uh a request from the TP they are working on an accelerated uh Grant and and um and for a grant for Ellis Road it's a multimodal project uh a grant opportunity uh the federal government uh had shifted the time frame it was supposed to be a couple of months later but they've accelerated it a few months uh for whatever reason and so uh we're looking for a letter from the chair to support the project to be sent to the office of the Secretary of Transportation at US Department of Transportation uh and I'm sending that one out and uh to each commissioner um the second one is a similar request for a um supporting letter from the board for pombay they have an Emerson Drive project it's h for Safe Streets for all implementation Grant and they received that request as well the TPO is requesting that um uh we also support the board support that so we're looking for the chair to uh you know with board approval to sign both of these uh letters of support for these uh Grant application requests do we need a motion for that uh yes you do okay we have a motion to move forward with the letters of request and is there a second I'll second seconded by commissioner felner uh all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay okay the motion carries um since this kind of ties in with one of the things that commissioner felner was doing I was I'm going to ask him for his report now so that he can discuss um his letter that he's got he's proposing yes thank you Mr chair uh took it upon myself to write a letter um in support of uh Ellis Road funding that's in two different places in the budget Governor um is getting the budget soon and total is $10 million so I thought rather than each of us trying to write a letter I would just uh do one and we could give direction to the chair today to sign it and send it um I passed that out earlier um I'll read it real quick if you if you like but it's pretty straightforward yes anybody wants to hear yeah go ahead okay all right to The Honorable Governor Des sanis thank you for your service to the people of the great state of Florida your steadfast leadership continues to be important to the future of Florida Space Coast I am writing on behalf of the Bard County Board of County Commissioners in support of the 5,769 432 from the general fund and 42305 68 from the f. trust fund for the Ellis Road widening preconstruction activities currently funded in the 2024 25 budget this road project is a top Transportation priority for Bard County Ellis Road is a strategic connector between I95 and the hub for Aerospace Aviation and defense contractors Bard County additionally this appropriation will allow for RightWay acquisition to help Safeguard this project from rising inflation this approach would reduce the overall widening construction cost in the future accelerate the schedule and help secure the project delivery in brief the Elvis Road Widing project will provide a significant Improvement to a critical Regional Corridor in Bard County thank you for your consideration Jason steel chair that's the letter and I'll make a motion for that is there a second second is there any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all right motion carries now um let me get through just a couple of uh last little things here commissioner Goodson do you have a a report no sir commissioner Pritchett do you have a report Morris do you have report no report Mr chair okay commissioner toaya thank you thank you Mr chair today's a pretty uh brief uh today is n National talk like Shakespeare day uh the useless Florida fact in February 1999 Plant City stole the Guinness World Record for world's largest strawberry shortcake measuring 82744 square feet weighing in at 8150 lbs from Quebec Canada that yeah however the record is now being held by a city I camp pronounce in Philippines for a short cake weighing 21,23 at least it's not in Canada's hands uh this day in Florida history in 1921 the Florida legislature divided old doto County into five parts for the counties of Hardy doto Charlotte Highlands and Glades County and most employ and most importantly the employee uh recognition is Lisa uh Cruz uh she is land acquisition specialist too in public works the land acquisition Office three years of service Lisa has over 20 years experience in the title insurance and closing industry and she makes uh and she makes her well suited in land acquisition area as a land acquisition specialist Lisa's job dues include negotiating with property owners for the acquisition of property easements and right of ways to support County projects in addition she reviews title reports legal descriptions and appraisals and most importantly she works to establish and maintain a relationship of trust and integrity with the public she's extremely dedicated to her job and County uh she's always had a smile on her face and is one of the most Pleasant people to be around according to those she works with she is a ray of sunshine fun fact Lisa enjoys boating antiquing and traveling in fact one uh on one of many travels she found herself on a cruise ship during a nor Eastern the waves were crashing over the deck 11 of the ship but uh like the trooper she is uh she remained true and uh steady in tough times she didn't even get seasick like most of the passengers around her Lisa Lisa thank you so much for your service you provide a very important function that most of us uh most of folks in the county uh benefit from but have no idea is going on thank you so [Applause] much thank you that's my report Mr chair okay we have two uh last comment cards u from the public sander Sullivan Sandra Sullivan SS Patrick Shores so uh over the last couple weeks I've been writing a lot of emails and calling the District 4 office uh without response um we were made aware of a meeting I was aware of this a couple months ago uh a a uh a county meeting with the uh some of the residents of South Patrick Shores on the 25th of April and since I didn't get an answer out of the District 4 office I decided to go to the save our Lagoon citizen oversight committee on Friday and I asked this specific question the use of the dmaa dewatering site for the Grand Canal project are you extending the Tua agreement to facilitate other projects because our community we had a community meeting with over a 100 people present everybody was invited um and we were told uh in 2018 that this project would be only for the grand Canal project because of the inconvenience to our uh community members um so it was Flatout stated a misrepresentation that this was only for the Grand Canal project and you can review that on waves action I posted a clip of that video I think I've sent it to you via email as well so lo and behold yesterday in records request which I routinely do I see this email and it's an email from salai Beach to D and it says the biggest hurdle that we are unable to start our project until the county is done with theirs as we would be using the same site for the mck at this point the most upto-date information is fiscal year 26 before the city can start their mck removal so in other words the county flat out lied to us and further I called Amanda peek who's the administrative director with that department in Florida D and she confirmed the intent to use the dmaa site in South Patrick Shores so no wonder I didn't get an answer and I'd like to say that problem with the county is you're not you're taxing us we the people agreed to tax ourselves for the save of Lagoon people and you're lying to us I mean the same thing for the say the rocket trees you know which now I understand is under initiative to re-evaluate how many trees to cut down last time in 67 we were told it was simply a repaving project no because I did due diligence I dug into it found out they were being lied to it was about doing a Paving project and then we got a Flamingo Road Project in South Patrick shores as well which is another project you're not listening to the people and you're actually going to violating your own ordinance and cutting down trees between commercial you guys need to rethink how you do things Katie come on i' like to I appreciate that very much Katie all right um do I hear a motion to adjourn motion there a second no you guys want to do some more stuff okay second all right commissioner felner commissioner Goodson moves to adjourn commissioner felner seconds all in favor say I hi all oppos nay all right thank you very much the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]