##VIDEO ID:X71KlrtS8zs## [Music] yeah e e e [Music] if you wish to speak to any item on the agenda or during the public comment portion of the meeting please fill out a speaker card each person addressing the board shall have three minutes to complete his or her comments on each agenda item for which he or she has filled out a card the chair has the discretion to determine or alter the time limits on any agenda item the board of County Commissioners requests that speakers appearing under the public comment section of the agenda limit their comments or presentations to matters relating to County Business that are within the board's Control Authority and jurisdiction good afternoon uh welcome to the County Commission meeting of Tuesday August 6th like to call a meeting to order and I would like to ask uh Pastor Keith beter to come on up with the affiliation of Central Florida free thought Community Keith that's okay you can be one tonight thank you Commissioners and staff for having me today maybe we take a moment to reflect on the values that unite us as as a community and a nation in this space we are bound not by Creed or doctrine but by a commitment to the principles that transcend individual beliefs we hold in common the ideals of democracy the Dignity of every person the right to free expression the pursuit of justice and the Relentless Endeavor for equality these principles guide us challenge us and call us to action let us pledge ourselves to the ongoing work of creating a society where every ver voice is heard where the rule of law protects the weak as well as the strong where differences are celebrated as strengths and where the promise of Liberty and opportunity is extended to all may our deliberations today be infused with respect compassion and a shared purpose together let us strive to build a future defined by cooperation mutual respect and a deep commitment to the common good thank you thank you very much very well done all right uh Pledge of Allegiance by commissioner Tobias please please stand and join me in the pledge I pledge Al to the of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all I guess so where is it I don't know wow okay oh had an add-on there Don huh with the flag up there very nicely done I should have looked I there you go all right um following me do I have a motion it does not say what minutes are do we have minutes to be approved here I don't see any date on any commission meeting so I'm going to I'll pass through that uh we don't have any resolutions or Awards and presentations tonight to consent agenda um does the commission have any of the items on the consent agenda that would like to be pulled please I'm M commissioner too U motion to approve the consent agenda uh I will accept that but we do have um okay we we do have some speaker cards on that I'll second that whenever you're read okay thank you so much um so we have a motion and a second to approve the uh consent agenda but there's some speaker cards and let's go to F1 assignment agreement on U Associates to half Associates an Sor Sullivan y have comments you'd like to make found how many do she have just three consents F1 F2 and F3 yes sir okay so if Sandra suvin um South Patrick Shores so on F1 I'm very grateful for this this the work that this company's has done and I understand that they're being acquired so it's great that the um the county is amending this contract um and I would just like to point out some of their very good work um this is a 10-year flood plan for North merid Island uh as we look to uh do the work uh and expand storm um sewage on that we need to pay attention to what is in their hydrology study that the county spent a half a million dollars on and actually use these reports instead of just uh all growth and not paying attention to the implications of growth in those areas thank you okay thank you you might as well stand there Sandra because we have I believe you have uh F2 also or okay okay you got another one after this so Sandra Sullivan so this one gives me so much heartburn this is regarding the um oali mck project and changing the um the specification of work um so this was a $26 million project uh that was for 750,000 of muck it has been and and the quote came in for half of that amount at 50 almost $50 million and the issue here is rather than fixing what is causing this problem is we're we're pumping mock 8.1 miles down to Palm Bay that's what causing the ridiculous price so instead we're going to we're going to play games and we're going to reduce the amount of mock they're going to pump to 250,000 cubic yards and we're going to remove the interal cleanup so the cleaning up of the nutrient loading that goes back into the Lagoon we're going to take that out oh but wait it says we'll do a change order later and add it back in again all it is is manipulating numbers to make something look good that is not good um this is this project needs to be changed to reflect the the overall problem which is we're pumping mck 8.1 Miles because you want to give Sno to a city the Sarno land that has historically been the place that we have put that mck it isn't just this one project that we're talking we're talking over100 million do just for this round and future cost hundreds of millions of dollars because we have a lot more projects in this vicinity and this is just this gives me a lot of H heartburn the Optics of this is not good at all thank you okay uh F3 ther Sullivan which one's that Westgate agreement between Westgate and Coco Beach Pier all you know what this Sanders all one so what this County does for the developers the backflips you do just drives me nuts so Westgate I don't know have you seen the news about them laying off a whole like 300 people or whatever they're not doing so good all right so this is spraw I want to give you an example this is spraw Park this is for the sand renourishment project that we just had do you see how wide those projects are they're not 20 ft wide are they no so this you have had previously a 40 foot width or 50ft width on on uh access to be able to access to put sand in that area and of course Coco Beach this is you know major tourist location I mean this has been priority for sand for the county and yet do you know under your sand re nourishment permits with the federal government that these trucks can't stay on the beach at night they have to come up they can't stay on the beach so where are you going to put them if you're going to narrow that to a little narrow pathway where you putting the trucks have you guys really thought this out I don't think so thank you very much um question oh commissioner Goodson Sandra can you step back up here can you tell me ma'am what kind of trucks you're talking about for sand re nourishment you they had four articulating big uh sand trucks MH uh they had uh diggers to put the sand those are excavators yeah okay that's great have you ever seen an excavator go down the road oh yeah they go on a flat bed correct right and the road's 12T wide excavator's eight transports eight yep offroad trucks are eight so if you have a 20ft easement where is this going to restrict us getting in there it's not restricting you getting in there it's how you store them when they come off the beach at night well you wouldn't bring an escavator off the beach at night ma'am You' pull it up on the tunes for it to be there the next day off-road trucks the same way except you have to have room to put them you going to put them in line down a row well yeah you would put them down the beach in lines oh yeah that you know but I'm just curious there common sense I mean common sense is you don't move that equipment every night that's no I'm sorry your federal permit requires it that's okay thank you ma'am thank you uh chair absolutely okay there's a motion on the floor with a second to approve the consent agenda all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay consent agenda carries okay all right going to uh public comments on G public hearing um let's go to l Hannah good afternoon Louie good afternoon man lady I'm Louis Hannah I've lived on H East Chris fly Road for 28 years retired after 30 years at a Space Center I'm an army veteran and I have a problem with the speed bumps on East chrisop Philly road we heard about the soon to be installed speed bumps just a couple of weeks before they were to be installed and that was a done deal they were coming deal with it it kind of felt like we weren't supposed to know about it beforehand before we weren't supposed to know about it until it was too late to do anything about it upon inquiring about why no one knew about a speed humps prior I was told that the only ones affected or the ones who voted for it the address is within a half the first half mile from to Judson we the residents east of Judson to the end of East chrisop and all the connecting streets were unaffected because we were unaffected not not one person east of Judson on chrisop foly or its tributaries had a vote or any say in the matter at all they were just going to be put in and that was it unaffected seriously this is my home we're talking about here my commissioner Mr Mr Goodson told me that we could use Judson Road thereby eliminating the necessity to drive over the speed bumps all together judson's a dirt road in the dry season it's a Dusty it's a washboard Road in the wet season next is a mud road if we the residents of East christly wanted to Traverse a dirt road on a daily basis we could have bought cheaper property on a dirt road to my way of thinking when something is AR arbitrarily taken away what is offered in return should be equal to or better than what we lost pave Judson and uh why punish everyone for the sins of the few catch the guys who are speeding put cops out there name on a document authorizing the installation speed bumps is the same name that appeared on at least one of the company trucks on the job site the day of the installation Who provided the asphalt is this a conflict of interest just asking at the very least it's what we call bad Optics in today's world the resident who initiated this process was overheard boasting at the local convenience store about how he had gotten traffic slowed down on East chilly that he had pulled some strings of the Buddy at the county to get the speed bumps installed but he was unable to get them installed past Judson I thought my county commissioner's job to help the citizen he represents to make life better this is not better this is insulting and divisive East chrisop fly Road has been my home for over 28 years to be told I'm unaffected your time is up Sir well don't tell me I'm unaffected I am very much affected we're all affected commissioner Goodson do you have a comment yes I do first of all this was voted on with commissioner lber 85 % in the county code Frank correct me if I'm wrong county code says 85% right now that are front the property the speed bumps go correct Mark you maybe it's your question commissioner there's a uh BCC that uh governs that and uh we uh petition we sent out the petition and it um it was uh sent out and it uh met the threshold of the people that but is it true that the people that voting now unless you change the ordinance would people that live on chrisly road the front the chrisly road cor correct not the people that live a block off or a mile off on another Street correct that that is correct and these were approved by lober correct I I don't know off hand I wasn't prepared to answer that tonight okay so therefore if we're going going to allow Mr Dudley here you know you know if you we'd have to change code correct it's a BCC it's not it's not a code what is a tell him what a BCC is it's a board policy okay so we'd have to change it right correct okay now and if I'm not mistaken the people that are east of you have already voted too no they didn't okay you say they didn't but I was under the impression they voted too for when they pay the road they want speed bumps okay you're saying no okay I agree with all of y'all you're right no okay sir sir thank you very much but you until your turn's called you'll have to right come on up so I appreciate you uh just sitting there and no sir please that's all right that's please I'm asking you very nicely please just wait till your turn thank you so much all right thank you chair Terrence White Mr Terence White live at 5595 Joseph Court it's a Road off of East Crystal fley okay Mr Hannah covered a lot of the points I had on here but uh in doing some research a lot of the problems with speed humps people haven't even discussed they slow down the response of emergency vehicles being a former firefighter I know what it's like to go over bumps in a big fire truck and that uh and also including transporting someone out in an ambulance after the fact that ambulance can't leave the area in a hurry because of the humps one of the things that I witnessed for years in areas that do have speed humps is when a school bus goes over there the children in the back seat gets launched almost to the ceiling of the school bus sometime follow a school bus in a neighborhood that has speed humps and that but uh along with Mr Hannah no one east of Judson was questioned about the speed humps I didn't find out about them till I came down the road and they were in the process of inst installing them okay um it causes excess wear on vehicles one of the issues I see too is we have people down there that have livestock horses goats cattle and that and they play heck going over those bumps with animals in the trailer a lot of animals are spooky in the trailer anyway so that plays Heck on them too and it also plays on the suspension of the trailers and then while I'm up here too I would also like to request the speed humps on Joseph Court to be removed there are 15 residents on that street 14 of them told me they want them removed and then doing research on the ones on East Crystal fly I found a thing in the county that says you cannot install speed humps on a deadend road Joseph Court is a deadend road so thank you for your time thank you very much sir Robert Adams yes [Music] sir hello my name is Robert Adams I've lived on chrisfil road for 40 years and I'm here to make a citizen's request which I was told to do for a petition to remove the speed humps whatever that package is that's what we're trying to get a hold of and that's why we're here speaking five speed humps in have been installed in less than a half a mile from Courtney to Judson Chris Foy roads only 2 miles long with a bunch of other roads on it according to County policy the benefited areas and the effect Ed areas are the ones that are supposed to be checked out before you put your speed bumps in everybody on that road uses crystop every single day every time I leave my house if I leave my house twice I go over 20 speed bumps I would love you to put 20 speed bumps around your house and see how much you enjoy it other than that we were told by the commissioner Goodwin to drive down Judson that's not what I moved out there for 40 years ago I moved out to get away from HOA and if finally found me I don't appreciate it and the detrimental effects you know whatever you want to say and Co when when it comes to the the logistics of it how many of the affected homeowners signed off on a petition to use their tax money to put in those speed bumps I didn't I've never been asking 40 years whether I want a speed bump detrimental effects communities torn apart we used to be friendly people wave at each other people stopped and look at your Christmas lights now they flip you off every time you go by the house on the corner not too hard to figure out it's not really that much of a bring it together package so property values are impacted school buses damaged to my cars I'm not taking my trailers with ,000 worth of equipment over five speed humps just to leave my home every day not the way to do business why were the unnotified homeowners possibly have to use our personal funds to remove those speed bumps which is in your package deal so finally think about it do you want to drive over five speed bumps every time you leave your house five in five out thank you very much I appreciate the Living Daylights out of your time question sir chair yes sir question sir yes sir now if you want to remove the speed bumps and you ran a survey of all the people that live on Chrisley and off of chrisy yes sir would you agree if they voted for Speed bumps would you I've got 10 and some odd signatures here hang on hang on hang on don't want anything hang on let me finish a question okay all right cuz the first people that voted that lived on chrisy only one said no everybody else said speed bumps fine I see you shaking your head but I'll send if you'll give my staff that your email I'll send it to you but anyway going back to the question I got for you sir if you ran a survey and everybody that lived off of Chris Foy and on Chris Foy yes sir said they don't want speed bumps would or if they wanted or didn't want would you agree with the vote at the end yes sir okay very much so thank you thank you chair I mean that's logical I mean thank you very much sir thank you I appreciate it okay Alan miles good evening I'm Dr Allan miles 301 Lisa Road Northeast Palm Bay 32907 my question is why is there no urgency to put a traffic light at the intersection between Vieira High and the new middle school there are veterans leaving the VA Clinic seniors from Sonata East and a wet surface from the car wash there are high school students making u-turns golf carts and Walkers all diverging on this intersection it is slated for a light beginning the 2025 school year I believe if safety is a main concern of the commission then let's get a light temporary ones in the Palm Bay Heritage High School School are being installed I have some information on this system does anybody know what's going on with the traffic lights there sir the public comment section is for you to go ahead and give us your public comment it's not a question and answer situation commiss talk out of respect for my con constituent Mark can you speak for the for the light project that's happening out there I've know we have many conversations with the schools about it yes commissioner um the school district is actively designing uh this light and uh we are a contri a contributor to it um I don't have the actual design uh schedule at my disposal but uh they are planning to put it in sometime later this year and uh we anticipate uh by the end of the year uh I would say uh to have that put in but it is something that we anticipate them putting in uh later this year okay it still doesn't meet the safety qualification of being installed before the school year okay we're not going to get into a question and answer service commissioner asked Mark for response he gave it to you commissioner Fel do you have anything sir everyone's actively working on please believe me and also at Viera Elementary that's something I inherited and I've been working on that since I got here okay so thank you thank you for your time sir all right um let's go to H1 now commissioner felter you have a card okay Richard Bitner good afternoon Richard I live at 468 new found Harbor um the this thing is absolutely a monstrosity um I have pictures to show you the scope and size of this thing is this thing on okay you can see there that's me standing uh along and that structure is huge it's almost as big as the house thank you that's a side view that is the whole thing on my side sorry am I going too fast on these no no that's you're fine sure um then also there's safety issues on this too um there's rot where you can see the uh roof is collapsing there um you see right here that's collapsing and uh there's absolutely no privacy um when they're standing on their uh deck this is what I have to look at um you see how she's standing there um I want privacy in my yard every single time they step on their thing that's what I have to look at I have to look at them it's it's just too big it's the size of their house it's doesn't pass zoning they've already said it's against policy you know here we are was New York time when it should have been tore down already a year ago we've been at this for a year um I just want my privacy okay I I mean they're up there 2 feet I have to look two feet of their bodies every time they step on top of that uh structure the thing is like 50 ft long it's it's terrible it's just too big it needs to come down or modified or something but it's not fun going out my yard swimming and I have to look at them that's really all I have thank you commissioner to you have questions no anybody have any questions here Tom please how long have you lived there next door five years five years and uh undoubtly this has only been a problem for the last year well you said for the last there's been other issues um but the subjects really is on the structure but we have we have gone to court um we had a a privacy fence that was 8T tall that was removed um it was on our property they had the they had it removed and put a new the 6ot print that white fence that you saw they put it on their property so they took away 2et of our privacy we tried talking to them and it's it was her way and only her way it it didn't matter what we had to think thank you thank you chair okay is there any questions from the commission do I hear a motion Mark did you want want to comment on this at all so it it is a uh public uh Petition of vacate uh public utility and uh drainage easement so the request is to vacate um the two public utility and drainage easements to allow for uh the existing covered deck to remain and become compliant with the code enforcement case um and so the petitioner is requesting uh for uh 5 foot uh vacate on both the North and West Side um and that is at the discretion of the board to uh uh honor that or not and uh if so then the uh petitioner would then go before uh the board of adjustment uh to seek a variance uh is this commissioner Goodson's District yes commissioner do you have any recommendations in regards to this i' just like to make a motion for approval please okay there's a motion on the floor to approve is there a second uh there's a second by commissioner toaya any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries okay uh H2 approval of revisions to ordinance number 9837 also known as chapter 2 article 7 of the bravard county code of ordinances entitled construction and Improvement of public buildings Kathy are you on this one yes take it away it's requested that the board approve the revisions to chapter two article 7 Bard county code of ordinances construction and Improvement to public buildings uh uh any questions uh I just quickly I listened to this during the the briefing and I was extremely pleased myself uh anybody got a motion motion to approve yeah to approve proposed provision to chapter 2 article 7 of our county code of public buildings all right there's a motion on floor by commissioner V is there a second second sorry there's the commission commissioner pritet seconds any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries H3 appr approval of revisions to board policy BCC 28 pre-qualifications of construction biders prior to award Kathy take it away yes Commissioners um this requires the acceptance of public comment on the revisions to uh board policy BCC 26 pre pre-qualifications of construction biders prior to a ward do we have any public comments there's no public card there's no cards in regards to this any questions from the did you have something more Kathy okay any question is that on this motion to hold on please I apologize okay sir thank you uh all right there's a motion to approve by commissioner policyif conru prior thank you so much commissioner commissioner toaya makes a motion commissioner Goodson seconds any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all opposed nay the motion carries okay moving right along here Unfinished Business board discussion Direction regarding negotiations with city of Melbourne concerning Sno Road Landfill property um County Manager Abate is this yours uh yes uh myself and and the County Attorney uh we've given you uh some items so that we could get some board Direction after discussions with the city they were not interested in the purchase of the the property however there were uh questions about whether or not the board would might be interested in Leasing portion of it and or selling a portion or leasing a portion of it to uh for purposes of affordable housing um and the third area uh was um whether or not you wanted to sell a portion of that land for uh to the city uh at some point in the future so you would see that outlined in the agenda item you can do that either uh say yes you're interested in any of those three items or indicate that you'd be interested in it if it was a package either way we're looking for further board Direction and if the board would choose not to do any of those things then we did put a a second item which was did would you be interested in light of what happened uh uh in Prior board discussions and uh W use of wick and Park for Renaissance Fair whether or not you were interested in us trying to reach out to Renaissance Fair for a shortterm lease a year or less uh for them to use for Renaissance Fair uh this coming year uh and then the third option would be any other direction the board might have for us I did receive a an email from the city manager uh right before the meeting indicating that what she read in the agenda was consistent with our discussions thank you very much County Manager uh sandre Sullivan I reer I said this is going to cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars um this site has been not only used for dmaa site it has also been used and is required 15 acres for uh hurricane debris and you can see in the areial here how much of the site was used before um the math doesn't work you only leaving eight right now um I'd like to say that there's no appraisal in the agenda item there should have been a couple appraisals um I'd like to say that it says on here on the agenda item um whether allowing more time to reach an agreement a long term on a wait a second here uh City inquired whether the board might be willing to consider a long-term light lease of the site with a relatively nominal value that is not allowed I gave you a legal opinion from previously um I also want to comment on on it was very clear from the meeting that they don't want to pay for the land um and only M only Alfrey was pushing um and where he said um making points that they can leave Sno for a dollar a year for 99 years saying the county really wants to get rid of it and the county doesn't need the Sarno land we absolutely do and then I just want to say the Optics of this are not good okay so there was a hit piece that dropped this week and you dig into how who is the pack that funded that and you find out it's the entity across the road and it's very common knowledge in Bard County that he didn't want the affordable housing across the street on that property so is this trade for a 3 Acre piece of property for a 57 acre piece of property is this uh the just the Optics don't look good on this at all and as well when this first came up a campaign contribution to a county commissioner this is this is not good for We the People you're not following your own rules on appraisals from as far as I can see you have one appraisal um and you can't discuss leasing land for a dollar a year for 99 years this is utility land this was purchased with bonds There Are Rules there are State statutes this stinks it just has really really bad Optics and usually in the past things would have a tendency when you bring them before this board and you bring them up they would tend to go away once you've exposed it I don't get this board it just seems like even with things that are brought forward there's no shame anymore it's no shame for the people whether it's the people the will of the people on on what they want you like the other gentleman up here I'd hate to live next door to that structure W okay um Jeffrey is it noose thank you Commissioners I'm Jeffrey noose the executive director of daily bread and I'm uh grateful to just um very simply express our openness to the possibilities that have been put forward um in the negotiations we're an what you might call an indirect party to the negotiations and they um I want to provide a little bit of clarity that we would be open to the possibility of a long-term lease as well um we're indifferent to whether the property is owned or or leased by us and um I'm grateful for the county to step in and address this countywide challenge of the the problem of affordable housing and grateful for the um looking for um kind of Creative Solutions to this need I'm available for any questions if if there are any thank you say something quick yes ma'am commissioner PR nothing online of that but I want to thank you for all you do you have a great Mission and you really impact a lot of people and I just want you to know I appreciate it thank you commissioner okay um commissioner feltner you have any thing you'd like to say in regards to this so uh I would if you're looking for a motion uh Mr chair I would be interested in pin one um which would be to lease directly to Renaissance Fair uh for the next season and then any other uh thing that happens with this parcel is something that maybe even the next board can discuss in the future that would be my motion is there a second he's I know I I just was that's all right um will you take the chair for certainly I will second that motion uh commissioner too you have something you'd like to say Sir uh yes Mr chair uh this came out of my office and um just a little background I I want to thank uh the County Manager on on this as well as the the County Attorney they worked very diligently on this um I had had some discussions with the mayor of Melbourne um clearly the mayor of Melbourne was observing Sunshine because he had no idea where his board was going to go I did the same I have no idea where this board was going to go um but what the county manager did with the instruction of this board was go out and get an appraisal of that land it came back at far more than what I would have expected um and then so did Melbourne they went out and got an appraisal and theirs came back even higher than our appraisal so um then the offer was made for an exchange for road maintenance so they could amortize this cost over 20 years uh clearly the uh other elected officials in Melbourne were not too intrigued uh with that plan and that is AOK um and I fully support that decision uh there were a bunch of other decision points in there about parceling up this land um I I I would support uh the way the motion and the second are going on that but I think we need to close the door on parceling this off I think you know I don't know what sections of that 57 Acres they'd want the the the sections that we may use the dry sections or anything like that so if we were going to go in an exchange uh for some road maintenance and the whole par parcel was was was being uh dealt uh that would be okay but as far as parceling it up I don't think there's any more need uh for staff to continue negotiations based on what we've received back I would not be in favor of a long-term lease with the city of Melbourne for uh you know a dollar or ,000 dollar I just don't think that that would uh benefit us uh in in any nature so uh again I would support that motion as well as a second as long as uh we put some sort of termination on clearly we're not going to meet and that is a okay with the with the city of Melbourne uh on what they're looking for uh this is just a creative way to uh commissioner feltner just has a creative way to help out some uh uh live larpers out there uh play in some costumes and um I certainly would uh support that um uh as long as there were some clear Provisions in there with that lease uh obviously the uh Parks director I'm sure would put in play that just costs um uh certain cleanup be done uh a market rate be be done this is uh the city of Melbourne so it' be very we need to be very very very clear that you know entrance and and an exit and uh you know all that stuff is outside this is not County Land uh the the sorry the entrance is not County land that all needs to be handled and permanent through uh the city of Melbourne so we can offer the lease but we certainly can't guarantee anything what's going on so I know that's a lot said but I would like added in the motion and this may may not I would hope this would be friendly that we would not go any further uh with negotiations with the city of Melbourne because we're just too far apart they're not interested in in in that type of deal as well as the provisions with the uh whatever the the renaissance fair that we set just costs and all that good sir I would I would Mr chair Mr chair I would accept that as a friendly Amendment if you want to restate that for the purpose of um making it clear for the clerk and for the motion Mr chair yes sir okay uh the amendment would be to terminate negotiations with the city of Melbourne and to require the uh Mr chair would you would you want the agreement I don't think we need the agreement to come back to the board I think we can trust the I think if you if we sir if you don't mind um what if uh the same rate they paid for last year they they at Wickham Park they they pay for um this next season coming at the Sno property would that can I pump that over to management yeah I would say you're looking at the cost that that was the all-in cost in terms of what they paid for the permit they also had a variety of of uh um camping that was going on RVs Etc that they did did so we have an all-in cost for that and in the current motion as well as in the agenda item uh all ancillary costs cleanup Etc would also be included in whatever would be terms so it would be under the same uh terms for the period of time uh that we collected uh the revenues uh from the Wickam Park situation and then the illary costs as well okay so the additions are number number one to terminate negotiations with the city of Melbourne and number two use the provisions uh in the staff report to have a similar uh fee schedule as last year for the Renaissance Fair hopefully that would be a friendly Amendment Mr chair you want to go further on that or you want to I I accept all that as a friendly amendment to my motion commissioner pret did you have something you wanted to say I did real quickly okay so since this is a different area for them I'm sure they're going to have to do some clearing and setting up is that going to be on their dime as well my understanding that any kind of site work prep uh would be up to them he said a word I didn't know so I just thought would double right that would be included the the work prti that would be whatever cost would be on riss that would be included in the lease so I mean all of the things that we're concerned about would be included in the lease as a cost paid by the person who's leasing it right yes commissioner P did you have something else okay one one year one year least that's what it says in the packet yes sir one year okay all right uh any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries Renaissance FS back in Wickham Park bet you they'll be happy Sno oh sno sno sno excuse me my brain's I'm losing it here okay I would be in trouble there okay now on J we are on public comments no sir we're on oh J1 sir okay um J1 approval of contract with keeper vard beautiful for State Road 406 Max Brewer Causeway State Road 528 Beach line Causeway State Road 518 oal Causeway Highway 192 and State Road 44 uh Causeway cleanup U are you you handling this one young yes sir you handled it well for me hold on please I have a a request to make um Mr chair items J one and two are very closely related so I was going to ask if we could discuss them both together and then both items contracts working in collaboration with keeper bar beautiful I think we should have one contract with KBB on all the projects rather than having Coco Beach as a middleman for State Road 520 Causeway and Beach cleanup project item J1 has the maxb causeway in the Titusville area the 192 Causeway in Melbourne the beach line and it just makes sense to kind of put them all together and so just separate now 520 so I would um make a motion at this time or as soon as we're ready after a discussion to approve and authorize the tourism director to sign a three-year contract with a 2-year extension with KBB beginning October 1st 2024 for the six Causeway projects Plus the beach clean up for the annual amount added together 47,1 184 per year subject to the county attorney risk management and purchase servicing approval the funds for State Road 520 Causeway and Beach cleanup would come from the tourist Beach fund under the sections 102-111 193b and 4A of the county code and the funds for the five other Causeway projects will still come from the Lagoon portion of the beach fund under Section 102-1 194 the code and then adopt the legislative findings at that time for the requested action for these so that's just an idea to put them both together and I I think it would um serve KBB and then we would be able to take Coco Beach out of that as a middle man it would just get all the projects done uh well that certainly is going to put a spoke in the uh stick in the wheels here I I I'd have to find out whether or not Coco Beach and keep rard beautiful would be interested in doing that uh in the interest of Saving Time Wayne do you have a problem with that Wayne Carino city manager Coco Beach not at all not at all it makes sense actually to be honest with you great that's that's good news all right one down one to go uh keep rard beautiful John do you have a problem with this uh John go keeper of our beautiful no sir I don't I think this would be a good idea okay good we'll go sit back down let's see with the CER San I know you're chomping at the bit to talk so come on up I got it no I think there was a car so Sandra Sullivan South Patrick Shores I just want to give a shout out I drive down almost every single week Waterway Warriors is out cleaning up P cause is so impressive they're their volunteers um this just one of their posts on social media and I don't know why we're not and and they're doing other causeways they're doing other areas they're doing other roads they've put receptacles All Along The Causeway so when people go fishing or they're recreating at the side of the causeway they're putting their trash in there these people work so hard it is so impressive and so I look at we're giving 30 almost $37,000 to KBB it doesn't clean up panita Causeway Waterway Warriors does and and the work that theyve been doing okay they've been working with natural resources natural resources know what they're doing they're they're going down into the Lagoon they're picking up stuff out of the Lagoon in engine blocks I mean you would believe the stuff that they pick up and there's no consideration here for for for this group Waterway Warriors that have been for I don't know two years now cleaning up that that panita Causeway on on a weekly basis just drive down there sometime you'll see all these bags of trash at the side of the road with their volunteer sign and posted on the road look it says right here Adopt A Highway panit Waterway Warriors what are we doing here we're not acknowledging people who work really hard volunteers that are out there every weekend picking up trash can I say something real quick Mr chair oh please do I this board adopted a resolution in recognition of the Waterway Warriors um Sharon n is here tonight and um you know I think they're an amazing group that goes out there and cleans up they called me on a Saturday morning and we got Road and Bridge out there and we picked up the remains of what must have been a dock um that was set up there for a bonfire we removed every Splinter of that uh with their group and um they even went back out there with a magnet and picked all the nails up so please believe me when I tell you they're they're an amazing group and we appreciate and and Sharon just uh from there or if you want to speak uh you're in support of what we're doing here tonight with the contracts please okay okay she'll do a card she'll do a card that's now you can either come up and speak or let this go because I think this is going the right direction that's up to you so do you want to speak I would love to speak okay come on up first off thank you for the opportunity um Sandra we' we absolutely appreciate those words and we are in absolute and complete support of the agreement with KBB moving forward we are look looking forward to a collaboration with them however that's going to look and we could not be any more in support okay very good thank you so much ma'am thank you for all you do I just wanted to say that real quick thank you all right John Nico is it did you have do you want to have any comments or are you okay as I said earlier I think this is going everybody's Direction so if I were you I would sit still and just let the board take action I'm fine with this okay good all right now commissioner pritchet would you please give us a another motion please that we could everybody could hear and the okay I'm going to give this to you guys at the clerk is that good all right um so the motion is to approve an authorize the tourist director to sign a three-year contract with a 2-year extension with KBB beginning October 1 2024 for the six Causeway projects plus the beach cleanup for a total annual amount of 400 7,184 per year subject to the county attorney risk management and purchasing Services approval with the funds for the 520 Causeway and Beach cleanup coming from the tourus beach fund under sections 102-1 193b and 4 a of the county code the funds for the other five Causeway projects will come from the from the lagon portion of the beach fund under section 102-1 194a of the code adopt the legislative findings set forth with the requested action for the items that are listed in J1 and J2 and authorize the county manager to execute any necessary budget change request is there a second to the motion second okay motion by commissioner Pritchett seconded by commissioner feltner any more discussion yes Mr chair yes sir commissioner toaya thank you Mr chair and uh first of all I like the first two Provisions in here and in fact I had one of them but only on one section so I think it's wise that we combine these two uh I also think it's wise that they're run through the county for an administrative uh cost um my issue though is with unfortunately with the numbers they just really don't add up very well uh and and here's where I got it um so I want to look at bif forgate these really quickly here uh there's an increased cost to the causeways of roughly $36,000 in change however there the scope is expanded to add an additional Causeway and so that great that justifies the better part if not all of the uh initial cost so I I have no concerns with the added uh expenditures for the causeway portion of that so I just want to be very clear uh no concerns there but I do want to go to the other section here we're looking at uh incre an increase of roughly $85,000 are 49% um that is to go from an expenditure of 175,000 to 260,000 so again that is 49% they Justified that with uh three things um an increase in tourism they said uh an increase in fuel costs and an increase in material costs so the scope isn't expanding these are the three added costs um unfortunately none of those justify a for or even get close to justifying a 49% increase so I I did look up these because when you come and ask for more money I think it's very fair to have some baseline so I looked over the uh the the the period of time um since the last contract and we've seen uh using the data from fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2024 we have seen roughly a uh good job Peter a 12% uh increase in uh tdt collection um but when you drill down a little bit more we've actually seen uh about 11% increase in Coco Beach so again 11% nowhere near that 49% uh then we get to fuel costs fuel costs over the 5 years according to the US Department of Transportation have gone up 35% and I I do understand 35% is close to 49% but I was informed walking in that that only counts for 10 to 15% of their budget and finally materials um there's no justification of what materials we we were not presented with any justification of what those materials are so uh I don't I I have no problem with a 49% increase as long as we could justify why we're providing 49 uh% increase um I would be more than willing to provide a 3% increase per year over those five but that doesn't get anywhere near that $85,000 in fact uh it would be about $57,000 less than what is collected here and and and I would be willing again to uh vote for that 49% but again there is no justification tourism is up but it's not up 49% fuel is up but it's not up 49% and they've given us no justification of 49 uh of of what materials they needed um they did the job at 175 uh I don't know why we need to arbitrarily offer a 49% increase I think that that would be irresponsible of us to go excuse me to go ahead and and provide that level of increase number sir I'm sorry um are you finished sir you have something else I was just asking number okay so you know if you did the 3% if you did the 3% increase um that would be 5700 ,1 126 uh less than uh what they're asking for so okay will you take the chair commissioner PR please yes sir thank you so much and I understand what you're saying commissioner Taya and um I think what's happened here is that these good people have been working short-handed in using volunteers that supplement what they been doing and they have been getting underpaid to be able to do the work that they need to do I am perfectly comfortable with their their proposal and uh I would absolutely unequivocally without any any question support it I understand your your opinion in regards to it I don't have the same opinion so hopefully uh we can come to some sort of understanding on this and move forward would it be possible get the gentleman from KBB to come up and maybe if he's got any exclamations of explanations of um what it would be that's up to you you got the chair oh I was asking you as the chair oh yeah okay usually talking just right if it's permissible I'll take that question I'm Deb Harmon I'm I live in Indian Harbor Beach and I'm the board of board chair for keeper Bard beautiful um I understand commissioner SI is concerned and I want to um explain how we arrived at these numbers he's asking for a percent increase it's near impossible for us to get to a percent increase that I can make sense and defend and John will tell you that when he showed me the numbers and the estimate that we put together for Peter for both contracts I said what based on what and we dug in and we analyzed our costs for the last two years and have a very have given a pretty detailed cost estimate for what it's costing us now and what we can foresee next year so just to clarify one thing on the beach contract we were actually before the pinita entered in there and we were asked to do that and are grateful for the Waterway Warriors and what they're um what we're going to do together but on the beach contract we were originally paid $60,000 back in 2019 and in 2020 two I believe we were given an extension of $40,000 for that one year to to take care of the additional trash from the people coming back to the beach during the pandemic for one year um we are asking for 120 that expired at the end of your fiscal year 2020 two I believe maybe 23 so we we were compensated $100,000 the trash did not go away we did not cut our level of service we have analyzed our cost and said it's going to cost 120 and if you look at the number for pinita added they're roughly similar numbers the the caway if you remember to what's in your packet the level of effort on each Causeway varies so there's some variation by Causeway um as far as the beach contract is concerned I can't defend why it was increased I think the number was artificially low and I don't know why based on what was negotiated years ago so I can tell you what's in that number and we would were happy to disclose how we arrived at the $26,000 for materials which includes fuel it includes supplies like bags which the big bags that we use at the beach are quite expensive it includes personal protective equipment because we do have people out on the causeways doing fairly dangerous things and on 520 as part of the beach contract I can give you the breakdown it's roughly 236 um ,000 just for the beach and another um roughly 24 to $225,000 for the causeway at the 520 Causeway all of these contracts are based on the same labor rates that we have now the same general costs for our allocations for insurance our vehicle insurance every year for all of our vehicles is roughly $ 53,000 or was $53,000 last year um I don't know that any of that was included originally when I look at the numbers now versus then it's very hard to get to that but I can tell you we are happy to sit and disclose we went over these numbers and the backup for these numbers with our Treasurer who's been our treasurer for 30 years uh just this morning so I can't speak to the increase because I wasn't here when the original number was created but I do thank you commissioner steel for pointing out that on top of what we get paid for we bring a lot of volunteer activity and we haven't stopped even though our funding has not been adequate for the last couple of years and we're just asking moving forward to be paid for the value that we're giving for the paid work and we'll continue to work hard to supplement that I'll just say I come from the business world and I come from a world where we competed for government contracts at all levels and I understand you've got a fiscal responsibility I have a fiscal responsibility as a citizen I want to see you use our funds well but I also have an obligation for stewardship to make sure that our organization is sustainable because of the work we do thank Youk you commissioner toaya did you uh just one quick question Deb yeah sorry thank you for I don't come from that I'm a public school teacher so I don't but you did say something and help me so in your business you said your words not mine I can't defend the increase I can't I can't explain I can that's exactly what you said I wrote it down I can't defend the increase so if someone came to you you know a contractor came to you and they were asking for I don't know a 50% increase and you asked why are you asking for a 50% increase and they said I can't defend the increase would you provide him with that increase these are your words I can't defend the increase I understand but let me say it a different way I I cannot all I can do is Def is explain the costs that we have today and how it compares to what we've been paid for the last two years but you just said the treasurer was there for 30 years did you not that's true I'm listening to you and it's just not adding up that's true and he can't answer answer it for me either okay so so why so if your Treasurer can't answer it who's been there 30 years if you can't why do you expect this board to arbitrarily hand you 49% more again you can't explain it your Treasurer can't explain it but you expect us to hand over 49% more for all I know in in 2019 it was a grant and it was not intended to cover our full cost I don't know that's why that's fine I appreciate your honesty I really do app I can tell you we're happy to sit and disclose the costs that we have today and let you review them in detail let your financial people tell us whether or not they're there things that are not all done very well and you're extremely honest and I really I do appreciate that ma'am absolutely thank you all right um commissioner felner did you had something that you wanted to add ask a question of Peter uh this went through TDC where where there any concerns over the cost of the the at that time two contracts in the aggregate was was there any concern about that there were questions that the TDC asked but uh they felt I think satisfied after after getting the answers and uh it was unanimous vote okay uh commissioner pritchet do you have something to say yeah just um commissioner Goodson this is kind of um in your your area so I wouldn't mind if you kind of um chimed in with with your thoughts sir well you have two two options here in my opinion you can table this and bring back everything that commissioner Divine wants to look at or you can vote today because I'm in agreement they do a wonderful job TDC says that everybody voted unanimously for it so I'm on board with them okay okay uh do I hear a motion I made a motion you made a motion to approve it okay it's been seconded by commissioner felner I will second it all right uh any more discussion all in favor and signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay nay motion carries okay we're through with J1 and J2 now we're going to miscellaneous proposed amendment to Revard County Home Rule Charter to align the school board residents uh to the County Commission District I believe this is yours commissioner too thank you Mr chair uh I want to go over a little bit of the history and uh of what's happened here uh May 23 the board of County Commissioners the redistricting the the the school board voluntarily voted to align their District boundaries with the commission districts so that we share the same boundaries as the County Commission uh this was one of the things that I uh wanted to do when I got elected I thought that there were five uh County Commission districts or five Schoolboard districts it should make sense that they were aligned uh accordingly let me tell you why I think this was a good idea it it lowers cost to taxpayers it reduces confus to voters and it eliminates redundancies following this V vote by the school board I suggested at the July 11th 2023 meeting that we look into uh potentially a charter amendment to ensure that the two entities districts continue to align in the future um why do this because dictating the boundaries remain uh uh cohesive will save reoccurring estimated uh of approximately uh $30,500 every 10 years um uh so $177,000 in legal fees $133,000 in GIS licensing uh we'll also save an estimated this is pretty important 250 hours in County staff time alone the school board would bear its own cost next time redistricting comes round the county and the school board would have an equal number of appointees on the new redistricting committee uh to get this on the 2024 ballot the language must be submitted to the supervis supervisor by August 19th 2024 seeing this is a charter Amendment there would be a super majority so we would need obviously four of us um uh it also requires review by a three uh attorney panel to ensure quote it Embraces uh only one subject and is consistent with the Florida Constitution General law and the charter the attached resolution includes a clause that the language will not be uh sorry will not be submitted to the SE soe unless uh and until it's approved by at least two members of said panel the panel is not able to complete the review the amendment uh in time for the 2024 deadline it would be submitted in the 2026 ballot measure now this is pretty important here uh that uh this does not take authority away from the school board uh when the Five County Commission districts are redrawn the five school board members uh uh areas would also be uh withdrawn in conjunction however this is the big one the proposed Charter Amendment provides for the following redistricting the school board will still retain The Authority Under Florida statute 10132 section 2 they may make any changes that it deem necessary should they not see fit so in other words what this would do is make the default of us working together if the school board didn't like that they would have the ability to override but it makes no sense that we invest time Money drawing lines and the school board does the same thing under the same uh parameters so uh this would uh potentially put it on the the ballot in uh 20 uh 20 2024 and uh if we can't meet the deadlines put it on 2026 I'm open to ask uh I'm open to answer any questions on uh positives negatives uh um suggestions any any of that good stuff I'm very very very happy that the school board voluntarily uh joined us so if you're in County Commission District 2 you're also in school SCH District number two right now I just uh want to make that as a default and not necessarily Goodwill like it happened this last time so that's that's what I'm looking for I've got a motion that will go over everything I said but um I think you should make the motion okay uh I move to adopt the attached resolution proposing an amendment to The Bard County Home Rule Charter to align Schoolboard member residents areas with the County Commission districts two authorized staff to submit the proposed Charter Amendment and ballot language to the three uh attorney panel with review proposed Charter amendments for compliance with the Florida Constitution Florida law and The Bard County Charter and to determine whether proposed amendment Embraces only one subject three if at least two members of the uh of the panel approve the proposed amendment provide for placement of the proposed amendment at the referendum held uh concurrently with the November 5th 2024 general election for if the deadline should pass uh before the panel is able to successfully complete its review the amendment will be placed on the 2026 ballot that is the motion Mr is there a second I will second that okay there's a motion there's a second commissioner felner CH commissioner Goodson question um commissioner can you tell me with the three panels reviewing it what would could do you have a cost that's going to cost the county uh I'm going to punt that over there's an hourly cost Mr chair with permission punt that over to the Absol go ahead please I think we have a one-time estimated cost of $115,000 for the three attorney panels VI so this is s uh Mr chair yes sir go ahead Comm this is such a great idea commissioner why would we not get with the school board is sharing the cost Mr uh Mr ahead it's open you guys can have an open discussion thank you Mr chair um I you know out of Goodwill the school board aligned with us so and we're talking $75,000 I think that that's fair what the big savings here is the ,000 uh every 10 years now the mapping software that we buy and or we we don't buy we license at the Schoolboard license We Now can do that and combined uh um the legal notices now can be combined if if we should go this way and most importantly again 250 hours of uh staff time could be split there so you know I I would like the school board to Pony up $75,000 but I certainly don't want uh I don't want this to go down for for the split of that okay thank you chair commissioner felmer um this would not happen uh until 2031 correct that's next redistricting 2031 so with with all due respect I think the the board could decide in in early 2028 whether it wants to take this issue up and put it before the voters that cycle and uh if the voters agree to that uh that that would still be in place by um 2031 so I would let a future board do this okay there's a motion on the floor it's been seconded any more discussion all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I all oppos nay nay motion fails okay I candidly commissioner T it's a great idea the timing is just off I think is what the problem is but ultimately speaking we'll get there sooner or later um all right letter to Palm Bay regarding low-income senior citizens homestead tax exemption once again I believe this is yours commissioner TOA thank you Mr chair and uh first of all I want to thank one of my constituent constituents for bringing this attent uh bringing this to my attention I went to uh my uh campaign actually PO box and uh he had sent a snail mail letter bringing this to my attention so uh I thought thought it was very interesting uh uh Bard County enacted an exemption in 2007 uh after 75.3 1% of Bard County voters approved an amendment to the state constitution um this additional homestead tax exemption for low income seniors is authorized by section 60 of article 7 of the Florida Constitution uh what it does is if you own uh your permanent res prescy as of January 1 you're approved for the 25 thou additional $225,000 homestead exemption 65 years of age uh as of January 1 applicant all persons living at household to file federal returns must provide a copy of their prior years's federal tax return for verication the low-income threshold for qualifying is calculated annually by the Department of Revenue to put it in perspective in 2004 that is merely $ 36,6 144 uh 11 of the 16 municipalities um we offer this as I just said 11 of the 16 municipalities also offer this homestead exemption for lowincome seniors uh um so there are uh five that do not and let me tell you why I'm uh picking on Palm Bay here uh first of all I represent a large portion of Palm Bay the constituent that brought it to my attention is from Palm Bay and most importantly Palm Bay has a uh 6% almost 7% tax increase that they will be uh budgeting here and that sounds pretty offensive um the good news to that is they were also talking about a 2 m that came outside of that so uh for tax pay taxpayers in Palm Bay it's uh could be worse um the other ones by the way are rockage Melbourne which is talking about a 6 and a half% tax increase and Indi Atlantic which is talking about a 7.23% increase so again um the mayor of Palm Bay claims uh you know very conservative but if we look at the approved uh tax increases of the last years uh we would see that uh 24 25 2.6 23 24 2.9 22 23 15.3% tax increase and 2122 a 2.5 uh% tax increase to be very clear they play games over there um but uh you can't play games the Department of Revenue as defined uh by a tax increase uh the Department of Revenue very very clearly says if it's above the roll back it's a tax increase and of course Palm Bay has have to uh had to put in whatever a half page ad in the Florida Today it maybe a quarter page ad advertising their tax increases so uh what I would like to do and first of all I'd like to sorry I'd like to thank the U City manager Palm Bay that reach out ahead of time that was that was very kind so in closing let me tell you what uh on July 24th what governor DeSantis uh had to say uh at a press conference he said quote why are you trying to raise property tax in the middle of some of the worst inflation we have ever seen he goes on to say why don't you manage things better instead of trying to come uh and jack up people's taxes I think that's pretty damn clear um so all I'm asking here is uh I've attached a letter I would like the board to coign here uh asking the city of of Palm Bay to offer the exact same exemption to low income seniors here not that that'll counter the tax increase that they're trying to levy on the rest of their citizens um but uh I I think it would carry more weight uh with this board I tried to I think the letter is attached I think I tried to make it pretty nice I'll tell you the copy that you should this board go in a different direction uh the letter that will come out of my office with a appropriate disclaimer on it will will be nowhere near as nice we talk about low-income uh we talk about low-income housing here's an opportunity for that we already take advantage of that Palm Bay doesn't um I just like the letter to go out and I fully support by the way any other board member here sending a similar letter to the other uh cities that uh don't participate in that again um goodness gracious the snail mail letter I got from a constituent who go nameless uh brought that to my attent attention I really really appreciate you taking the time and the effort to do that and here's my attempt to help get it fixed for you I wish we could do it uh unilaterally up here but uh we can certainly provide some pressure to Palm Bay to do the right thing so that's the uh request the letter is attached uh to the to the agenda commissioner felmer don't worry I won't take along um just to clarify the 50,000 is off the the value on the Municipal Taxes it's it's not any other item on a trim notice or tax bill right Min understanding Municipal correct yes sir I'll second your motion if you want to make it you is that a motion commissioner TOA uh so the motion is to authorize the chair to sign the attached letter to be sent to the city of Palm Bay on behalf of the board that's the motion Mr chair okay there's a motion on the floor by commissioner tobiah seconded by commissioner feltner any more discussion commissioner interpr it thank you sir commissioner toaya if you wouldn't mind reading the letter and um I I just don't have it in front of me so if you wouldn't mind doing that and um um there is a real crunch on our especially our um elderly people right now trying to make ends me like you're saying um you've got a good handle on that so um I hope the cities will kind of have an ear to that a bit because people are really having a hard time right now making bills so okay um thank you the letter here is De your mayor Medina cc to the other uh article 7 sections 60 of the Florida Constitution of Florida State Statute section 10 196.75 2A and B Grant County and Municipal governments the authority to enact an additional homestead exemption for low-income seniors over the age of 65 to meet certain criteria this exemption can be up to $50,000 under subsection a and a or up to the assessed value of the property under subsection B to be consider low income under statute the senior has to be has to have an annual income of less than $ 36,6 14 for 2024 uh new paragraph senior citizens on our community especially low senior lowincome seniors are a vulnerable population with limited opportunities improve their financial Outlook Bard County and 11 cities within the county have enacted one or both of these exemptions unfortunately Palm Bay is not one of these municipalities in addition uh it is uh proposing a 6.9 2% tax increase uh uh new paragraph on July 24 2024 Governor D santis held a press conference at St Pete college and spoke directly to this point Governor santis asked uh quote why are you trying to raise property tax in the midst of some of the worst inflation we've ever seen Governor D santis falled with a recommendation quote why don't you manage things better instead of trying to come and jack up people's taxes new paragraph that tax increases proposed by the city of Palm Bay will create a financial burden across the associate economic spectrum especially consider the rising cost of homeowners insurance Healthcare medications and other essential items both of the current tax increase uh are in direct conflict with the goal of increasing affordable housing the board of county commissioner urges the city of Palm Bay to enact an ordinance implementing low-income senior citizen additional homest set exemption these exemptions will help mitigate potential disastrous con uh consequences of the proposed tax increases of Palm Bay sincere and uh Jason steel chair that's the letter that's this is the kind version the one that will come out of my office um with the disclaimer will not be so kind may I sir absolutely commissioner tobay I like it and I do know the non-ind version that would come out be tougher I think we might get a little more attention if you take off Governor desantis's thing in there just if if you would consider that part Mr chair go ahead sir sure I I don't mind getting rid of I don't mind getting rid of that they were direct quotes but I don't mind getting rid of that be a little softer so all right uh any more discussion all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I all oppos nay motion carries I don't think it's going to work John but it's a good idea um all right so we are on J5 approval for partial funding of phase 2 study for Port St John Regional wastewater treatment plant um this is uh we put it on this afternoon we had spoken with uh the federal government um representative who is responsible for these grants and uh we were told that um we're in good shape for the grant but we needed to get this taken care of because the funding for this particular Grant they have toh spend the dollars that are available by October 1 and the upper echelon uh fell that what you see in here would be uh necessary for them to to have that approval this will provide $700,000 grant for funding of a study that is going to help us uh with the Mir Grant which is a combination a Department of Defense grant that helps us with uh uh installation at uh in Port St John to bring over water waste water to from Beachside over onto the mainland it helps with affordable housing resiliency in the river uh and a variety of other avenues and it's something we definitely need to do in that area anyway so we're looking for board approval utilities okay uh Ed do you have something you want to add to this uh no I thought that was a pretty good summary it was a pretty good summary um Sandra Sullivan I know you're waving your card I see you Sandra I haven't lost your card today well I wouldn't want to speak out say you forgot my card and be escorted out by the deputies again well we can arrange that if you want so um at the last meeting we uh we were discussing Port St John and this red line here is capacity this is 2024 right here look look how far up we are almost double what the capacity of the plant is according to this crazy and also in that report is this one this is the federal lands here in North Merit Island and we're developing that for Wastewater so then we talked about earlier today about the hydrology study that I brought up and this is the the 10-year flooding kind of interesting when you do spend a half a million dollars for a study they don't include the space Florida portion you might want to look at that um chair right there see missing from the study this is very much a flood plane this floods all the time has the flooding on North Mar island has filled this more than this room more than any other topic citizen driven I want to read something here so this is the number wasn't brought up but this is a 1717 million to be funded from utility services so what we're talking about here is the the development of the space Florida at least lands is being constrained because their sewage is going to uh uh space force on the base and that's at near capacity so right EDS and they were like oh we want you know a letter from nbed saying we'd support put in a temporary line haha to to um this to Sykes Creek SE plant but this is about develop and it says it also talks and you guys brought up affordable housing so the changes made to set Bill 102 in 2024 is to put allows affordable housing on those Federal owned lands problem with all of this is there's no there's no property taxes paid for that so you're literally putting the cost of all this infrastructure on the people for business and then you come here last meeting with the EDC and you want T tax abatements for the companies that going there I mean this is this is just I can't comprehend this that we first of all are being so irresponsible with Port St John being overc capacity and then you know you're looking for you're looking for the people to pay 1.71 million for something that should be paid by the state and the federal government because this is something that is for them not for this is this is this is another classic example of we the money versus We the People you're going to burden the people for we the money interest crazy okay uh anybody have a motion I do I want to make a motion to approve and I also want to mention that this is an Enterprise fund so it works like a business so the money we invest in this which we have to do it's over capacity it's um the business of the Enterprise fund will eventually pay back all of these funds down the road and and and do a great job help our citizens with growth so I I just wanted to mention that from the thank you very much is there a second to commissioner pet motion second okay there's a motion by commissioner Pritchett second by commissioner tobia is there any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries okay public comment we're on public comment and we have Senor Sullivan Sandra Sol so um I am going to talk about I don't I forgot to put a card in for this one and it's done it's a done deal but I'm going to talk about it anyway so this was F6 under consent this was permission to advertise the repeal ordinance 8929 and this was from the item and so basically the looked up on this on the um Florida D's U sorry St John's River Water Management site Sandra what are you I'm completely lost on what you're talking about I you know that's okay you know I I just want to talk about something I forgot to put a card in for if that's okay if you guys want to object to that I'll just stop talking about it but I it's up to you I'm asking Morris I'm not asking the commissioning away thank you very much Morris it's up to you the the policy provides that cons sent agendas for discussing business items of the county that are not on the agenda you're not supposed to discuss items that are otherwise that the commission would like to hear this go ahead Sandra okay thank you I just I just wanted to communicate so this was for putting in water line and this was a funding source essentially as hookups by developers they would pay a connection fee and that was you know revised a couple times with some ordinance agreements and so now we're like saying okay the Lin's all put in and it's all a done deal and I'm I'm pretty confused about this because I just had the paper here because I looked up on St John's site on the cup and this is the lake right there that is this Lake right here and there's no water line there there's no water there's no there's not in the cup so it's almost like it seems to be a misrepresentation in the item that this has been handled and and the waterline is there but according to St John's site it's not there so I I I just wanted to say you know I've been coming to these meetings for almost six years um and it it it honestly it gets frustrating it gets frustrating coming here and I I I'll just say again I've never seen a commission like this particular commission when it comes to not resp respecting the will of the people and and seemingly not having the the interests of the people in mind and always being with the money that's my perception so many items have a nice day all right uh let's go to board reports commissioner I mean Frank AB body I have no report Morris no report sir read to P it I will wait till next meeting um commissioner Goodson doesn't have a report uh commissioner felner I'll just say one thing real quick yes sir go Mr chair when we were on the discussion about the KBB contract um I wanted to uh recognize Julie Braga who on uh TDC I think she brought up pinita and and was a voice for that so I'm I'm glad that pinita is uh included in there and that Julie made a case for it thank very much I have a real quick report I was in Washington we had tremendous meetings I think we had some success the decision on the bright line fund will be coming in O in October I don't know what it's going to be yet but I have uh passed this booklet around on who we met with where we met all the other things and I'm hoping and praying that we get a good result so I'm done there now commissioner Taya thank you uh this is the vice vice chair so uh today is National root beer float day uh the useful Florida fact uh Telestar one launched on July 10th uh 1962 from Cape canaval the world's first active communication satellite AT&T uh uses satellite to test basic features of communication via space uh this day in Florida history on this day in 1763 Augustine Prost arrived in Florida and was appointed as the interim military governor of West Florida after 7-year war ended Pros was appointed to the West Indies where he served as Deputy Inspector General in Kingston Jamaica and then most importantly the County employee is uh Morgan Roth she's a program assistant with a family and uh uh consumer services at the UF extension service department she's been there three years uh this is what the director had to say about her I'm delighted to write this recommendation for Megan Roth who's been an outstanding member of the University of Florida Florida IUS Bard County team for the past 3 years Morgan has demonstrated exceptional skills dedication and professionalism in her role making her an invaluable asset to organization from the moment Morgan joined our team she worked to strengthen our marketing efforts her uh her expertise in the area immediately evident and we were thrilled to have her capabilities knowledge on our team she took the initiative to work collaboratively with all program areas providing assistance wherever needed Morgan's efforts were instrumental in establishing protocols that uh gave our office a professional look across all programming areas Morgan's impact particularly notable in her work with Farmers Market at Wickham uh Park she worked to attract more vendors clientele especially after disruptions caused by covid-19 in addition to the marketing UH responsibilities Morgan also serves as the farmers market market manager overseeing day-to-day operations and managing the double bucks supplement nutritional assistance program dollar Grant this grant ensures that uh consumers on Snap can purchase fresh fruit and vegetables effectively increasing their buying power and promoting healthier eating habits over the last years Morgan spearheaded two additional marketing campaigns aimed at attracting more consumers to the market her creativity and strategic thinking have significantly uh contributed to the Market's growth and success Morgan's commitment to professional development is evident through her participation in the lean Six Sigma program during this program she worked on a library project to streamline the process of adding books to showcasing her ability to excel Beyond her primary responsibilities her success in the project highlighted her versatility and problem solving skills further providing for Value to our organization in conclusion Morgan rthur is a remarkable employee who consistently exceeds expectation her contributions to our team and Community have been substantial and our positive attitude and willingness to take on new challenges are truly commendable we are proud to present Morgan Roth as a worthy Employee Of The Bard count of Bard County and hardly recommend her uh in any future endeavors it almost sounds like they're trying to get rid of you here saying you'll grade other places but you're always welcome here thank you so much we really appreciate all you do uh for Bard that's the report Mr thank you believe we are finished with this do I hear a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay the motion carries thank you so much well that went a little bit longer than I anticipated the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]