##VIDEO ID:kixRbWop2_E## [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] e [Music] Board of County Commissioners acts as a quasi judicial body when ad heeres requests for rezoning and conditional use permits applicants must provide competent substantial evidence establishing facts or expert witness opinion testimony showing that the request meets the zoning code and comprehensive plan criteria opponents must also testify as to facts or provide expert testimony whether they like or dislike a request is not competent evidence the board must then decide whether the evidence demonstrates consistency and compatibility with the comprehensive plan and the existing rules in the zoning ordinance property adjacent to the property to be rezoned and the actual development of the surrounding area the board cannot consider speculation non-expert opinion testimony or pull the Audience by asking those in favor or opposed to stand up or raise their hands if a commissioner has had Communications regarding a resoning or conditional use permit request before the board the commissioner must disclose the subject of the communication and the identity of the person group or entity with whom the communication took place before the board takes action on the request likewise if a commissioner has made a site visit inspection or investigation the commissioner must disclose that fact before the board takes action on the request each applicant is allowed a total of 15 minutes to present their request unless time is extended by majority vote of the board the applicant May Reserve any portion of the 15 minutes for rebuttal other speakers are allowed 5 minutes to speak speakers may not pass their time to someone else in order to give that person more time to speak well good evening and welcome to Thursday October 3rd uh the zoning meeting for the County Commission um we have Pastor Lucas On Media if you'd come up and give us invocation please that would be great let's pray father you are God of the universe your hand is powerful there is Authority and everlasting Dominion you show love to all and you also show perfect Justice you have established order in this world as you spoke creation came into existence and you entrusted us the stewardship and exercise dominion over all creation you ordained the governments should serve an extension of your power to uphold Justice and promote human flourishing though this world is plagued with sin you have designed structures to minimize oppression and maximize the good when governments function as you intended they establish Prosperity fairness and they protect the vulnerable Lord I Thank you for the role of government as a sign of your common Grace your word says that you cause the rain to fall and the righteous and the unrighteous alike and you place men and women in positions of authority to help order Society whether or not they fear you today I lift up our elected officials to you may they remember that their Authority ultimately comes from you help them serve you with integrity and humility making decisions not for selfish ambition but with a genuine desire to seek the well-being of the city of Melbourne I pray for wisdom fairness and foresight in the decisions made tonight that this chamber May promote Prosperity goodness fairness and the protection of the vulnerable and also the common good and yet Lord your word says what will profit a man to gain the whole gain the whole world and yet lose their soul it is so wonderful to live in the prosperous nation and yet in prosperity we can often forget our creator what a great travesty when men and women enjoy the benefits of the created order but never enjoy the Delights of the Creator himself I'm thankful that you are not a God who is disconnected from the world you made rather you have entered the Human Experience in the person of Christ lived a perfect human life and died a propitiatory death not only to set an example for us to follow but so that by faith we could live our lives vicariously through him in Christ there is forgiveness of sin and appeasement of your wrath that should fall on us for rebellion in the gift of righteousness the righteousness that he alone has conquered and yet so graciously shares with all who believe I pray Lord for this grace abound in this place tonight and I pray for your grace to be everywhere as you command men everywhere to repent I pray these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ amen thank you so very much let's all stand for the pledge please I pledge to the of the United States of America theice thank you very much um we've had some people that drove a long way and I want to it was this agenda item normally would be on the consent agenda but there's a late filing and Jeff we're going to go J1 which is The Binding development plan for Jen Florida you want to give us what that is please sir thank you Mr chair item J1 is the acceptance of a binding of Buble plan with Gen Florida 48 LLC PUD or 23 PUD 00005 located in District 5 this is the buy this is the uh companion bdp to the Pud that the board just approved with the conditions okay uh is there any problems with this at all Mr ckins in your opinion no sir it contains all of the stipulations that were in the board's PUD approval on um I think it was September 5th Mr chair motion sir motion to approve if there are no cards there's no cards oh no that's Cam right there's a motion by commissioner Tobias second by commissioner feltner any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay motion carries gentlemen you can get back on the road and get home early okay um also I normally don't like to do this but I'm going to tonight because uh it's Kimber Zena's anniversary tonight and I wanted her to be able to at least get home and have dinner with her husband uh so we're going to move H1 and h12 to one and two so if you would Jeff take h11 first please thank you Mr chair item H 11 and 12 are companion applications I will read them into the record simultaneously how um you can have discussion on both of them but they will need to have separate vote so item h11 is Aon readinger request a smallscale comprehensive plan Amendment 24 s02 to change the future land use designation from agricultural to Res six uh application number is 24 ss002 um Tex counts 2000 2219 2228 2229 2230 2231 and 2232 located in District 1 item h12 is Aaron reninger request a change the zoning classification from RR mh-1 to tr3 with an amended bdp application numberers 24z 00005 Tex accounts number is 2000 2219 2228 22 229 2230 2231 and 2232 located District 1 commissioner the applicant has revised her application to now request res 1.25 for the land use change and the zoning uh request has been changed to RR MH 2.5 there's addendum in your packet with the staff analysis there's also a revised uh bdp with two conditions those conditions moving forward are as follows number one that the development of the property is limited to no more than six units which meet the minimum standards of the RMH 2.5 zoning classification and number two the developer shall satisfy the requirements of article 7 subdivision and plats should the property be developed with three or more units thank you Mr chair thank you uh commissioner P cards well I do you want me to take the cards first okay uh Ken Harrison there is no Ken Harrison here tonight oh there you go sorry Ken Harrison 4960 Gandy road Mims Florida uh what I want to speak to you tonight about is the flooding in the area and I sent all of you some pictures tonight of the flooding to your emails and this property goes underwater on a regular basis so that's a big concern for us because if it gets filled then it blocks up everything to the North and the north swamps flood across this road onto the property and they flood the property and right now today as we speak that property is underwater so this is normal it's not just a oneoff event it happens all the time and what we see is more and more development in the swamps in the wetlands and more problems for the people around that so that is a big issue for us and I think Miss pritet should be aware that on Harrison Road that road has been filled and culverted and filled over and over and over through the swamp same situation hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last 10 years no doubt whatsoever and we're setting ourselves up for the same thing and then we have the FEMA issues where FEMA doesn't want to continue to pay the repetitious claims we have the insurance issues in this state where we're having Insurance problems people are being cancelled they're not being insured but we just continue to set ourselves up for these problems when we allow people to live in these areas and even if the owner comes in and fills the area which some of that's been happening already then they fill and they build these swamps up or these Hills for their septic tanks and as the property floods it leeches from the drain Fields into the surrounding Waters so that's just another big concern that's a health problem and then if if there's changes one of the things that we're really concerned about is the Agricultural and objective four in the future land use element says that bavard County recognizes the importance of agricultural lands to the community as the industry benefits the economy reduces the extent of urban sprawl and the cost of providing public facilities and services provides environmental benefits and provides open space space and visual Beauty the county shall enhance and protect agricultural lands and provide for the continuing viability of the agricultural industry in the County's economy so that's pretty clear and Indian River Park has maintained this agricultural zoning since 1988 the property next to it that they argue is higher density which Hidden Lakes is a separate plat it was platted long after Indian River Park and it's adjacent to it it's not part of Indian River Park so we want to keep that rural living we want to keep the agricultural future land use that is a major concern of ours to keep the agricultural future land use he can still do what he wants he's got six IND dependent Parcels all combined he can put a home on each one under the current future land use that is extremely important to the community that we keep it agricultural that we not introduce a higher density future land use to the area and I guess because I got a little bit of time left it looks like a lot of land up there if you look at it it looks like uh this big open space but farmton owns 12 12,000 Acres of that space and farmton as you well know is developing all of that they're going to have every type of living from very nice homes to affordable housing and even in their master plan they say that their affordable housing has to be within oneir of a mile of amenities Transportation this property which they wanted to develop as affordable housing is three miles from the nearest handy way and five miles from a Dollar General it is way out there and it's not the kind of place you want to stick people in the swamp who can't hardly afford to get around to begin with so that's the argument and I hope you'll do the right thing thank you thank you Jr hearing thank you Jr Herring 4241 hog Valley Lan road Mims Florida I'm opposed this my property backs up right to Mr renegar's property proposed and uh as Kenny spoke earlier uh I was just out there the property's flooded it's on the back side of mine Waters come up there's limited access in and out of there there is I'm I'm in the process of uh building a home there there is issues with insurance and it's harder to get out there because of rual living and I don't think that we need to add any other homes in that area that one there's a limited access that comes across wetlands and that's been stopped up it causes grief for the Neighbors on Gandy the water floods them and I'm just against this thank you thank you very much Stephanie Knight yes ma'am go ahead so a map's been provided to show current Wetlands on the property per the St John's river manage Water Management as you will see the wetlands covers the entire front access of the property side and back back access of the front parcel there are currently three code enforcement violations pertaining to this as you should already know based on the proposed B binding development property Mr Ren Ander submitted this zoning request should never have been submitted considering the wetlands had been filled to create access to the property the property currently has a total of six divided Parcels with five Parcels being zoned as RR mh1 which is one dwelling per acre including the one that is mostly covered in Wetlands so that's five dwellings the one large parcel zoned as Au with future land use of agricultural which allows for one dwelling per 5 Acres but if Mr reninger divides that parcel in half it would then allow for two additional dwellings which make a total of six or seven units on the entire property as he is requesting now I have printed that visual for you guys for convenience so you can see I put little houses and everything on the map um it states in The Bard County policiy objective four policy 1 Bard County recognizes the importance of agricultural lands to the community as the industry benefits the economy reduces the extent of urban sprawl and the cost of providing public facilities and services provides environmental benefits and provides open space and visual Beauty the county shall enhance and protect agricultural land and provide for the continuing visibility of the agricultural industry in C in the the County's economy further down in section A it states residential densities shall not exceed one dwelling unit per 5 Acres this isn't just a simple suggestion but The Bard County commission's written policy that was just updated in February of 2022 we have been advised that in approving the request for Mr reninger it does change the future land use in a policy that was created by y'all to protect rural areas like ours which is a part of the Indian River Park you would then change and affect the character of the neighborhood and be in breach of your current policy there's multiple misleading comments in the last meeting that we had by his Council which may lead you to De to decide uh your decision his council did State and I quote right now it is agricultural future land use of five units to the acre which is R excuse me RR mh1 zoning which is one unit to the acre so right now we have an inconsistency he could build anything he couldn't build anything there anyway but that was untrue he can currently build four dwellings on the four Parcels that are zoned RR mh1 since they are grandfathered in as such and he could use the five excuse me 9.7 acres to divide in half which is the future land use of agricultural his Council then stated quote zoning of this property is RR mh1 which is one unit to the acre which is 17 units but that's not true he only has five Parcels Zone as RR mh1 which is five dwellings then he's got the larger parcel which is an agricultural allowing for the two additional dwellings if he splits that property in half his Council then stated that the future land use is agricultural which is five units to the acre but that was untrue the future land use again is agricultural allowing only one unit per 5 Acres not five units to the acre she also stated that quote so this is a decrease in density currently the 17 units Allowed by zoning now requesting six but that was untrue again it is currently only allowed six to seven units if Mr reninger splits the larger parcel allowing for one dwelling per 5 Acres which is exactly what he's asking for again you will see on the map provided I have clearly mapped out what is currently allowed with no zoning changes so there's no confusion he's literally able to do what he's asking right now how it's zoned there is no reason to reone as of right now he can build this six on his property without changing any of the zoning so we are asking that you deny the request zoning changes that he has submitted and leave the zoning as is allowing him to still build his six units on the property with the current zoning uh there is the picture that I have to have you guys share uh that was this morning all we had was a thunderstorm last night and based off that thunderstorm with all the rain those are the pictures from today of it underwater so if he brings in all the field dirt to build his Pro or to build his dwellings which he can do I mean I'm not against that he can do it um legally but it is going to flood everybody else out everybody's flooded right now and all we had was a thunderstorm not even hurricane so it's it's a really bad idea to put everybody else out because of him thank you Ruth MTO good evening thank you for taking my card late I appreciate it traffic was horrible getting down here um I want to read to you a point on the Public Works flood plane Administration from The Bard County website the first point under natural and beneficial functions of the flood plane is natural is natural flood and erosion control the flood plane provides flood storage and conveyance and reduced is flood velocity as you can see by the pictures that you provided it's clearly like a flood plane it's holding the water from the rainstorms the flood plane the flood plane holds water storage to recharge our aquafor which helps prent flooding page six of the staff note starts with summary of mapped resources and no ory land issues the first one on the list are wetlands and hydraulic soils on this property the second is the aqua for recharge soils I would think that that would be of great importance to the county at this point since there is a looming Water Crisis in North Bard we are also in an insurance crisis allowing land like this to be developed only makes both of them worse this is clearly a wetland that recharges our aquafer the future of this land the future land use map specifically talks about this era needing to have low density one home per 5 Acres agricultural to be honest one home per five acres should be required to be built on stilts to protect it from flooding to protect us from our insurance crisis if we keep allowing houses to be built on land like this that is going to flood it is going to flood the neighbors it feeds the insurance crisis of this whole entire State it's at the heart of it this it would also allow the water to sit there and recharge our aquafer just like it's supposed to just like it naturally does and instead of being like down south where the state's spending Untold zount of money to build water storage centers down there because they literally devastated the flood planes we have a chance to not screw this up that way we have a chance to protect Bard protect our flood planes and protect our resources or we can just flush them down the St John's river furthermore the water that this land holds cannot be discharged without flooding other property owners whether it's next door or closer to the St John's river we're all discharged in this area ends up the mass drainage of wetlands south of Lake Harney is causing record high water marks without record rainfall years this statement is a fact as can be seen by the photos tonight a major part of this property is underwater this is just normal rainfall currently the gauge height at Lake Harney is just below action stage and is predicted by Noah to be over action stage in just a couple days action stages means when they have to start planning for mitigation because flooding could be imminent if you continue to add drainage to that that means action stage flood stage at Lake Harney where all this L all this water ends up you're flooding people out by the river it's not the neighbors but you're still flooding people you're flooding out agriculture you're flooding out homes it literally can't be put somewhere that it's not going to flood somebody not this amount of water has anybody from the county been out there to see exactly what it looks like the high water marks other than code enforcement for the violations on the property there are no better experts than the citizens that live in this area they have tried to communicate with this board tonight and on previous meetings I really hope you hear us thank you thank you very much um you want to hear from Mr Rano first Mr Ranka thank you chairman steel uh members of County Commission my name is Kim renka 1290 US1 and rockid Lacy lions resen in the rockage office here on behalf of Aaron reninger he is here as well uh I do want to um admit that I misspoke I did not mean to misspeak but you all know that agricultural is one unit for five acres I just mixed up my words I apologize Mr Harris and Mr knight uh but yes so there are 17 Acres uh with future land of five use five AC of one unit for five acres and the zoning is one unit per acre you don't look at the actual lots for that you spread density um so in theory if the future Lan use matched up he could put 17 units there that is a fact um that was not a misstatement regarding this agricultural um objective this land is not being used for agricultural that object is to keep agricultural lands being used for agricultural um as to drainage and flooding those are all site plan issues as you all know development standards will not allow him to impact others that the post-development can't exceed the predevelopment so he's not going to be discharging more than being discharged now and that is what your county staff always makes sure happens um regarding these allegations and they are allegations of code violations there's been no hearings there's been no notice of violations issued yet and there is none on your bass system apparently there is internal but not not uh available to the public and as I mentioned to you at the last meeting FD has been out there and said there's no Wetland violations and that's in your records so they are allegations they have to be fixed if there are before he's able to move forward and the only other thing I would say is that this is a substantial decrease from what we were asking initially of up to 30 units it wasn't going to be that many um but this will allow him to do a subdivision of six units it will be done properly it will not flood itself it will not flood others and in order to do a subdivision we can't divide 9.7 acres into two five acre lots that's not how math works you don't get to um average up so this will allow him to develop all of the land develop it with good engineering principles not one unit um individually like has been done out there so we would request that you approve the future land use change to 1 to 2.5 acres which Mr Harrison is a very valid uh future land use and also that you change the zoning from our I always get it wrong RMH RR mh1 to RR MH 1.25 and uh we will accept The Binding development plan conditions and get that to the county uh very shortly and we're here to answer any questions Miss pritchet please miss Ranka if the property stayed zoned the way it is right now how many units Could you um build on the property um I believe it's based upon the future land use I I think they may be grandfathered in there may be five but we're looking for six well the L's data showed seven right now well that's if we divide the 10 acres in half okay which we can't do okay um so a couple of thoughts with this um when I read it the first time last time with the amount there was there was no way this property can hold that kind of density um I actually was thinking at that time maybe a maximum of eight but it still would have been like a bit of a struggle for the um Road and a few of the draining situations the good thing about um when we if we if when we approve this if we approve it after we finish listening to all the data is that before you can build you guys have to work with the county you have to maintain your own storm water you're not allowed to let your water roll off into other people's properties so right now if we have other properties that are rolling on to this property we might have a code enforcement problem with the properties around this property we might have to look into later but um and another thing Miss renka is when you guys do build this after you do more than three units you know or houses you're going to have to comply with subdivision so that's a whole another thing that you guys are going to have to get through right now so um after we listen to the rest of the data I I think you guys have greatly listened to the residents before with their with their issues and problems and I think a lot of the flooding problems for that area will help get solved and I'm pretty consistent in that division up there when people want zoning changed I've allowed one to 2.5 um I I think anything smaller than that it would have to be like moving your mother on the property to bu a little unit in the corner because there is a lot of sailing problems with the um water under there and um so those are the things we've got to watch out for I know a gentleman talked about farmton coming and hopefully they stay more up in the north area but that is going to bring water and and hopefully some sewer situations for you guys later if you decide to go there but that's that's up to you guys later down the road but there's a lot of changes going on right now but um the goal is to maintain this um rule atmosphere out there and I think six units to 17 Acres doesn't necessarily make a problem with that situation did you have any more cards sir no do you have a motion I do I oh I'm sorry I didn't see your name up on the board here that's okay I just want to ask staff if the if the residents up there are saying that there is violations code of enforcement violations is there any violations that are in the back coming forward that we're unaware of there's there were three complaints filed for the uh property out there and they are currently being investigated um so I think that you know Kim is correct and that that there may not have been notices of violation issued or received by her client but they're in the process of being investigated and determining but as we all know that they once it goes to the special magistrate that's when the violation is actually determined up until then it's it's our notice of violation and then we do a notice of hearing but the the special magistrate hearing commissioner Goodson he won't be able to get a permit if he hasn't met all the code if there is code violations he will have to meet them before he can get a permit next question please yes sir could you tell us the three current violations that are going forward I believe that there are there's one that is related to some Wetland disturbance there's another one that's related to uh tree removal and um I have to refer to natural resources on that on the third one I have what's on bass if you'd like me to tell I'd rather hear it from staff okay just so the record's clear these are complaints they're not violations yet is that correct cor the notice of violations went out today there was three for land clearing and impacts to Wetlands why aren't those available on bass I mean they just got posted today I don't know when you check they should be on there 3:00 this afternoon I'll get those for you okay commission let me make sure though he will not be uh able to move forward though until he meets and takes care of code violations correct correct that's what I thought by law that that has to be done regardless so um nobody will every Everything has to be in place before he's allowed to move forward okay one com anything Mark yes one comment on that I understand what you said commissioner but um moving forward with a violation sometimes takes forever and then the horse is already out of the barn so I don't know if you know anything about Florida and developing land you already know that you can't touch wet lands so you're telling me this developer didn't know that and touched Wetlands did he touch wetlands are you still investigating we believe so but we're still investigating and we'll go to uh notice of hearing and then the special magistrate what's the remedy for that if that did occur that's a good question we'll have to work with d we do have a Wetlands delineation um I'm not sure what dp's ruling was but we'll work with them as well to be consistent FD FD P has issued a notice of no violation which I submitted to the county it's in your record said there was no filling of wetlands that violated their [Music] rules one more and I'm done yes sir go ahead the wetlands that are in question whether he did them or he didn't do them is it one acre five acres does anybody know I'm not sure I mean that would be part of the investigation cuz it does look like he avoided most of the wetlands but we'd have to work with d to and use the wetlands delineation that was provided that was uh obtained by the applicant I'm not sure what D used in their assessment but we'll work with them so unfortunately I can't give you an acreage at this point okay I'm sorry okay and staff is sure like commissioner Pritchard saying that if you approve this tonight he's got to correct all those issues before he can get a building permit is that correct yes sir okay let me just ask one more question in the event that there is some Wetlands there won't they have to do mitigation in order to oh yeah okay so I mean yeah I just wanted to make it clear and put it on the table that there's all kinds of things they got to do before they're going to be able to move forward yes sir and if that wasn't part of the case I would have kept it in the bdp but it's already lost so I I didn't yeah but the other two items have to stay in the bdp okay chair one question yes sir I hear both of you talk but also some people don't always follow the law but as long as you can't get a building permit and the commissioner is for it I understand and you'll be here sir to watch over that no uh you might be shocked I'll keep an eye on it and tell you how's that there you go all right is there a motion yeah I make a motion to approve with the two items in the proposed bdp that limits it to six units and that he has to satisfy the requirements of article 7 subdivision and plats should the property ever be developed with more than three units we need to do one too right we need to do this for h11 and h12 okay so this is for h11 Jeff the h11 is the land use so the um so what I'm what I'm hearing is is that you're recommending approval of the res one to 2.5 yes sir okay is there a second second okay there's Comm second by commissioner toaya any more discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos nay nay motion carries all right let's go on to um H2 h12 yes ma'am go ahead is this the one with the bdp Jeffrey yes ma'am okay motion to approve with the two items of the bdp that I just read clk's office okay is there a second second all right there's second by commissioner feltner any more discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay nay motion carries all right thank you very much Happy Anniversary yes we're going to uh yes there's one item on the consent agenda on F1 uh it's accepting a binding development plan with Paul J Turner and Jackie Allen Jeff do you have anything there I do not okay is there a motion I'll make a motion for a consent there's a motion to approved consent is your second seconded by commissioner pritet all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries all right um we're into public comment area Bruce Moya good evening Commissioners this is foreign to me I usually don't come up here for public comment but uh today I'm coming up uh as the chairman of the government Affairs for the uh home builders and contractors Association um as you may know we're a 300 plus member organization um uh local organization with a variety of home builders and contractors uh members that employ um of you know thousands of County residents um I come to you today to relay some concern from some of our members as you know our group has become engaged with local municipalities when development issues arise um we got very involved in the city of tus Phil's tree ordinance we were engaged with the city of Palm Bay when they were having issues with driveway permit delays uh we met with the Department of Health when they were having septic tank permitting issues so today we'd like to assist in resolving uh what we're experiencing in the county site plan subdivision RightWay in processes um there's some history in the past where the county had a process um right around the re right after the recession the EDC implemented the snap program I'm not sure if you're familiar with that but the uh was very well received by not just the county but all the municipalities and it streamlined the system and we were getting about an average of about three to four reviews per project after a while after a few years the count of fell out of favor the county never got recertified because we were actually monitoring on an annual basis and um as so it kind of fell off soon after that the county itself implemented a lean Six Sigma program where they again got the review process into about three to four reviews per project and that kind of has fallen off in the last few years as well so um currently local Consultants a lot of them been around here a long time 30 40 years are experiencing six eight currently I've got a project that's over 12 reviews um and it's just uh consistent delays um that is in violation of your code section 62288 and 62323 um and the results of this are significant project delays and additional cost to the to the applicants your your customers so tonight I'm just requesting that maybe our group could get with your staff and assist in maybe getting the process back on track okay commissioner pritet commissioner toaya let's clear this if commissioner to all right everybody wants to talk about it commissioner toaya uh Mr chair this would be a question for uh Mr denninghoff is that okay yes sir go ahead Mr Jenning I I'm going to ask for something here I I these reviews are my guess is because there's probably ins insignificant uh not insignificant sorry significant uh errors in in whatever in the planning process is that is that fair to say why why why are there so many reviews is it it does not have sufficient data attached to it um well I the the Frank answer is that the county doesn't control the quality of the plans that are submitted for review I Mr chair yes sir go ahead I'd be very do when people apply do we attach who uh I don't know the engineer of record is for uh these plans that are turned in repeat that please uh for these reviews right the engineer of record they're listed on the plan somewhere is that fair um would it be possible to find out which Engineers have the most views uh require the most reviews I think we could put together that would be very helpful to see which Engineers are not providing quality because I I the fear I have is um that there's a lot of blame on the county on this but the reality of the situation it's probably funneled into two or three Engineers quite frankly that aren't doing their job appropriately and are blaming the county for review after review after review so I think it would be helpful not only for us as a commission but um for consumers out there to see which Engineers require and you know Mr Moya here said he has one that's eight which is probably telling me something here that you know the quality of of the work product that he's turning in but I think that would be very fair I don't to to see U which Engineers quite frankly are turning in insignificant or sorry significant lack of of workable product I'm sure we can put together report uh or provide the information that you're asking for on a uh say over the last six months or year or whatever and that that would be helpful information I think we could provide that back to the home builders and contractors and maybe they could share that with you know to to see which Engineers uh require remedial work over and over and over and over and over I don't know as many as I've I'm hearing eight times so thank you commissioner felmer just real quick is the Builder table group still meeting is that was something that was almost quarterly um for a while when I first got here I don't know is that still happening no that is not at that time we we addressed the issues that were outstanding and quite honestly we were told that uh from some of the major builders that there wasn't a need to continue did you have something commissioner pet thank you when we implemented the snap and the lean6 sigma did that help with the people submitting things knowing what to submit was that something to help the builders and the engineers out well yeah it's the same Engineers that were submitting then and getting permits and three to four reviews that are submitting them now and getting them in six to eight to so it would help the engineers of figuring out how to get things submitted no it was this more of a um of a basically Consolidated effort to get projects moving quicker and to streamline the process so a communication thing would would help maybe a little bit of Comm yeah a lot more communication okay so maybe that'd be something to to kick around um because I worked at city and county and these guys totally Rock compared to the city I came from so um maybe um something brainstorm come with an idea to help get better communication with you guys of of how to get things sub it in a way that's going to be easier for them to push through cuz I know you turn in some really big projects and they're getting very um creative many times too so um but I do think you guys do a great job but I'm I'm hearing you on that so um we'll maybe try to figure something out there sounds good by the way it's highly unusual for us during public comment to have a question answer situation so this is the first since I've been here uh I think it's a good idea too so we'll move forward thank you thank you very much I I thought you were finished no I never started you didn't recognize that I personally think that this is an excellent idea so I'm going to tell you stuff that I have experienced and I don't I'm no longer doing this but I hear it from contractors I hear it from my son what can happen it takes forever to get some and John this is no reflection on you okay I think that we all need to sit down together and talk about this with numerous contractors so okay here's my complaints everything he's telling you is true it's not the engineer I don't think it's all the engineer but here's what a set of plans goes through and they approve the Landscaping they go through the next time and they add two more trees or three more trees even to the point when the job is at 95% you have it striped and then the inspectors come out there and say I don't I need four more inches here even though you had approved site plan now you can say the hell yourself and I'll go down to the county and raise hell but that's just going to hurt you down the road so you go out there at your expense after he's drawn it after he's sent it through you eight times and somebody has to add four more inches a good example of the day you had two sidewalks meeting and there's a v form one guy said pour it next and we did uh WJ did next day next one said no no no put cra there 6 weeks over here in ver we waited to pour 4ot a sidewalk now the city was involved they couldn't make a decision and the county couldn't make a decision so you had an open sidewalk at the contractor's liability and your code says or somebody's code said no valve in the sidewalk but right across the street you could see a valve and a sidewalk so what we have sometimes is no Direction and when you have no direction in construction it costs money we're not asking the county I'm not personally going to I think the county does a wonderful job with everything they do but there needs to be some meetings and some discussions in my opinion and I just gave you a limited amount contractors can give you all kind so I don't know okay Mr Moya thank you for bringing the issue up okay and I'm just the messenger okay Mr messenger Ken Brown greetings Commissioners I'm here to introduce a complaint and to seek uh well to have a mission to seek a resolution to what has become very fair and unequitable for two you going to have to speak closer into the microphone sir which has become very unfair and unequitable to two very fine young aspiring entrepreneurial people in Melbourne Beach uh one is a uh uh a lady entrepreneur opening two restaurants and another is a uh a black Chef who's phenomenal and for an event that was uh that occurred there was none of their problems actually it was me that caused the problems and I was the investor so I'm here on a a mission to try to seek a way to find a a solution that resolved some of the issues and maybe seek some influence uh from the panel to do that uh a lease on something called um cheers Ocean Grill across the street from Spencer Holland was uh won by Joanne in a bidding process to open the old concession booth at billies that had been there traditionally for 20 30 years and then one day uh she came to within a week of opening the business the doors were locked the key was changed the lease was terminated and what would seem to be very unjust reasons uh particularly unjust to her because she didn't have anything to do with either any of them for the two reasons that were cited one was cutting sea grapes the other was putting in a ventilation for a hot um for the hot air washer and dryer to release the hot air through the building which every hot air dryer in the country has going through the building and she had no influence on either of those and nether the Gary now that's where I come in I was involved uh I was given the responsibility 6 months earlier to renovate the place bring it up the code uh do all the plumbing do all the electrical put all the equipment in make sure the hood and everything was all cleaned and uh properly ready for approval and we were with one week within opening and then this the doors were lock locked the sea grapes and the Sea Oats weren't cut by any of us and putting in a little 3x4 vent which could take $50 to correct after making a large investment into the facility all we had to do was have a notice of complaint or something that would be done it could be corrected instantly as far as the sea grapes are concern um it wasn't done by us and there was nothing wrong with him if you go take a look now because it's all it is is a a very fine view and Vista so um the problem comes down to the lease being terminated for these two particular things after a sizable investment uh that was lost and is affecting her other business because it was really essential to have them both operating at the same time your time is sir thank you very much for your explanation I um I have some booklets I'd like to leave because they like to be able to approach you uh come on your next meeting on the you be kind enough to hand them over to one of the lovely ladies over here on a I only made six so I didn't okay well you can give all they're going to do is they need one for the record that's okay well thank you okay thank you sir yes okay let's go back to um H1 item je did you have sure item H1 stri developer LLC request a change change of zoning classification from bu2 to Au uh this item is being uh requested to be continued for read advertisement of to a future meeting no action is required okay um are you going to handle all these Jeff okay go ahead H2 so item H2 is put it in the storage Lo request a change the zoning classification from IU to bu-2 application number is 24z 000010 tax account number is 232 2557 located in District 1 okay um you want me to take the cards first if it's just the applicant I was going to make a motion to approve it it's pretty easy okay go ahead then just say it's the applicant you want to talk I do I I'd like to hear from the applicant okay V or Ved you're on two Ved do you want to just go to a direct question and answer Mr commissioner t or would you rather have him just one question yes sir I think you probably can guess where this question is going how did you come up with the name for your store I'm not the owner I'm an engineer of you're the engineer yes okay do you know how the owner came up with the name uh nope got it what is what is the name stick it in there okay then thank you all right we'll leave that one alone make a motion to approve sir I'll second motion by commissioner PR to approve second by commissioner feldner any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppos signify by saying nay motion carries boy that wasn't appropriate for this board I'll tell you that right now okay Robert Corbett is uh Jeff go ahead please with the next item H3 is Robert Corbett request a change the zoning classification from au2 tr-1 application number is 24z 000016 tax account number is 24108 43 located district one commissioner pret please yes sir make motion to approve second motion by commissioner pritet seconded by commissioner Goodson any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppos nay the motion carries you're up Jeff item H4 is uh C Nota and Kimberly a Nota joint revocable trust requests a change zoning classification from Au to EU application numbers 24z 000031 tax account number is 25111 32 located deser 2 approval I'll second motion by commissioner Goodson to approve seconded by commissioner felner is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay the motion carries Jeff please item H5 is Edwin and Stephanie Silva request a change zoning classification from Au to rr-1 application number is 24z 0032 tax account number is 210 5526 located in District 1 commissioner preet motion to approve sir I'll second motion by commissioner Pritchard seconded by commissioner felner is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay motion carries item H6 and H are companion applications I'm going to read both of them into the record uh together however you need to have separate motions for each so item H6 is Judith a baker revocable living trust request a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment 24 s09 to change the future land use designation from res 1.25 to community commercial application numbers 24 SS 000011 30000 39439 5 396 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 4113 and 414 located in District 5 item 87 is Judith a baker revocable living trust request a change of zoning classification from gu to bu-2 application number is 24z 00 036 Tech tax account numbers are 3000 394 395 396 41 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 and 414 uh the applicant has Pro voluntary provided a bdp that limits the use to uh um many storage and outside storage of RVs and boats this application is located in District 5 thank you Mr chair what was planning and zoning on this one they record a unanimous approval on both items sir this is in my district I don't have any problems with it I make a motion to approve second motion to approve by myself Jason Steel seconded by commissioner pitchet any discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I'll oppose nay a one man ban here carries all right let's go to uh H7 H7 is the same same motion please motion to approve with the bdp with the bdp okay second okay there's a motion by me and seconded by commissioner preet any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries all right let's go to you again Jeff item h8 is Leighton and Michelle hodj Hodge's request to change the zone and classification from Au to AGR application number is 24z 000034 tax account number is 21755 okay in District 1 motion with a motion to approve seconded by commissioner toaya any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I all oppose nay the motion carries item H9 is Pier car and Christina chiai request a change the zoning classification from Au and gu to all Au application number 24z 000033 tax account numbers are 231 4742 4743 4744 2 322851 located in District 1 motion to approve sir motion to approve by commissioner pet seconded by commissioner Goodson is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I I all oppose nay motion carries item h10 is Tyler Gardner and Shelby hind request a change the zone and classification from gu to RR mh-1 application number is 24z 000037 tax account number is 24 6117 located in District 1 motion to approve there's a motion to approve by commissioner pitet seconded by commissioner feltner is there any discussion hearing no discussion all in favor signify by saying I all opposed nay motion carries all right there uh I do not is there any new business or unfinished business I don't see anything uh no additional public comments go to board reports commissioner County Manager I have no report County attorney no report sir commissioner pritchet no report commissioner Goodson no report sir commissioner tobia no report commissioner Felder no report and I have no report do I hear a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by commissioner Goodson seconded by commissioner felner all in favor signify by saying I what now so moved okay she bet an hour it was an hour and one minute oh so you were trying to for B got it the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County Commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]