##VIDEO ID:v6qb34DfJ3o## [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] Board of County Commissioners acts as a quasi judicial body when it heares requests for rezoning and conditional use permits applicants must provide competent substantial evidence establishing facts or expert witness opinion testimony showing that the request meets the zoning code and comprehensive plan criteria opponents must also testify as to facts or provide expert testimony whether they like or dislike a request is not competent evidence the board must then decide whether the evidence demonstrates consistency and compatibility with the comprehensive plan and the existing rules in the zoning ordinance property adjacent to the property to be rezoned and the actual development of the surrounding area the board cannot consider speculation non-expert opinion testimony or pull the Audience by asking those in favor or oppose to stand up or raise their hands if a commissioner has had Communications regarding a resoning or conditional use permit request before the board the commissioner must disclose the subject of the communication and the identity of the person group or entity with whom the communication took place before the board takes action on the request likewise if a commissioner has made a site visit inspection or investigation the commissioner must disclose that fact before the board takes action on the request each applicant is allowed a total of 15 minutes to present their request unless time is extended by majority vote of the board the applicant May Reserve any portion of the 15 minutes for rebuttal other speakers are allowed 5 minutes to speak speakers may not pass their time to someone else in order to give that person more time to speak good evening welcome to the zoning meeting Thursday November the 7th and is Pastor Richard Maul here will you come up Sir it' be so nice to have you pray over us tonight and thank you let us pray almighty God you alone are the author of Truth and Love and life uh we ask you to be with us tonight as We Gather to determine how we can better serve the needs of our community uh Grant each of us uh the humility to be quick to listen slow to speak slow to become angry grant us wisdom not just to seek what we want but to seek what is best help this help us all to show respect to the law to our constituents to one another all this we pray in the name of our Lord amen amen thank you nice prayer we have a quorum we're going to call this meeting to order commissioner toaya please stand and join me in the pl the United States of America for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and jusice okay we have two sets of meetings Commissioners that we need to get approved September the 10th and September make motion Madam chair motion by commissioner feltner second by commissioner toaya all in favor say I I opposed passes for zero we're going to move into the consent agenda Commissioners I have some cards I'm going to go ahead and call the cards up first if that's all right all right um we have um Mr Tom Erman item F2 yes thank you um you know I'd like to speak again on the Sherwood um this should be I'm still asking for it to be delayed you know I know everyone's heard about the flooding concern but I have greater concerns about the fire safety of the community you know you look at we had a letter from the Mims fire Mims water department saying we have low water pressure and we're at Max Capacity and then looking at the comprehensive plan that we're going to be talking on later on the Mims water department growth from 2025 to 2030 is approximately 740 some people now if you look at just Sherwood if you had 600 homes there assuming 3 or three people per home that's 1,800 so you're already roughly 1,200 people 1100 people in the hole and then that's not counting the development they're doing on 46 what they're doing in Mims what they want to do on hammock Road and so I've also talked to the fire department about this my concerns and they raised concerns about this is a safety risk for the homeowners and our fire department and I think we've had an election Tuesday and we should wait till the new uh Commissioners get on here thank you thank you sir Miss Ruth Amato chairman s thank you is this on both consent agenda items or am I just speaking on one right now um you're on item F2 right now ma'am oh you have would you like to do both of them it's it I I was just going to do one and do the other one I just wanted to make sure which one I was speak F2 and F7 well you can take a pause after that and jump right into the next one okay surewood first then yes ma'am okay um I I know you guys have seen the same workflow reports that I have we've all seen the same problems we can act like we don't but the utility department has issues and it doesn't matter about the new pilot program that they just put into effect they literally can't comply with concurrency unless you wipe portable water off of the con comprehensive plan which we're working on tonight besides that I pulled a records request for the flow test for the fire department through the fire department and the fire department hasn't done a flow test for Sherwood Villas according to my record records request meaning the work that needs to be done for pre-approval for the stuff has not been done the cart has gone before the horse and there's no reason to be voting on an item when the when the issues haven't even been worked out you're putting problems on someone else further down the road to have to figure out the fire if the fire department doesn't have the pressure if they can't confirm that it's there to be able to put house fires out when those developments come in why are we approving it that literally puts the citizens in Jeopardy and our firefighters I think that the citizens of Mims and our County Employees deserve better than that thank you thank you ma'am do you want to do have seven yes okay short and sweet um when you approved the Gandy road project um you introduced a new higher density into that area that wasn't previously there and I think that's shameful because now someone can come behind that issue and induce that introduce that same density into another area until it gets built out higher than the feature land use map ever intended for it to be it was a sneaky way to bypass that and I think that was shameful thank you thank you ma'am Miss Sandra Sullivan F2 Sandra Sullivan are you there you are thank you ma'am I couldn't see her Sandra Sullivan s Patrick Shores regarding the H of the item for shorwood I looked up on your um notification system on your County website to see if this was properly advertised I could not find an entry I've screenshot everything I've printed it off to my computer so I've well documented in case it shows up after the fact um in addition I checked Florida Today newspaper for notice of uh of the uh the previous meeting and so my point is if you move ahead with a bdp and you have not done legal notice for a a quasi judicial hearing and that was not noticed and that's on you then you're opening yourself up to problems later on so you may want to just delay the bdp until you verify that you did CR cross your te's and Dot your eyes and you actually did do a public notice of a hearing for that um that change with all those a variances on that item that are contrary to the comprehensive plan that you'll be talking about today this should never have been approved and it's very irresponsible to the neighbors around there and the flooding concerns that are documented in the staff reports on um on the issues there thank you thank you ma'am Miss Katie Delany item F2 ma'am hey Miss Katie hello all right here we are again um there's many problems that are uh that are here with this development for Sherwood and I'm simply asking that you guys table this for today um because like we've said time and time again the studies have not been done we don't have um the fire fire department has not done the flow test to make sure we have enough water if a house goes on fire in that area the capacity needs for our water we don't even we don't even know if we have enough water for future development um for the amount of houses that are being built um this is all being pushed through extremely fast and we all know why the entire neighborhood the entire North Bard has made it pretty clear how they feel about this community and I'm simply asking that this gets postponed so that we can make sure that this if this project goes forward and goes through that it gets done properly to make sure that all the residents are covered and you know that that it's going to be okay for everybody thank you Mr Travis more good evening travels more living Sherwood I'm not going to repeat a lot of stuff you've heard over and over again because apparently it's not getting anywhere but you know the water situation I my main concern I didn't bring it up last time but one of the issues we have with the flooding is not necessarily the new development is the fact that our flood zones our ditches are not maintained properly and what really has me concerned is at the last meeting commissioner Steele mentioned how far behind that budget is to get things done and they were talking about South Babcock and I thought to myself well wait a minute if there's not enough money to take care of their problem what are they going to do with our problem when it hits CU I think everybody agrees there's going to be water flowing down through Sherwood and you're just in total denial if you don't believe that so how can we get reassurance or Assurance from the County Commission and and from the the U Department that we're going to get our ditches maintained and prevent the flooding we have now I mean how do we do that is that your responsibility do we go to the the the staff and beg how do we get that done best way to get it done is put this thing off get the current problem fixed and then go forward with the development if that's what you want to do thank you thank you sirer who Miss Judith Baker I don't really have anything to say I'm just looking for approval of my binding development plan oh I'm sorry I oh you are an applicant you're you're good thank you thank you dear um Chris Ram oh my goodness rametti thank you applicant as well wonderful all right um Commissioners um that's all the comment cards I have applicants otherwise do we have any comments is there um is there anything you want pulled before we approve the consent agenda you would like to speak I'm sorry ma'am what's your name okay you did you have it for J2 though I thought this was J2 I'm sorry I asked and that's what they said so that's why I put down there I'm I'm sorry I shouldn't be doing this with you right now but did you want to speak on item J2 or or F2 come on up I'll fix it for you come on than okay thank you commissioner felner all right first of all I didn't even know that Sherwood I came for something else but that Sherwood is is up for approval uh like sandre had said I also went to the Florida today and I did not see it in there as well as to the website did not see this about this agenda being on this meeting uh or about Sherwood approval um as you guys know my name is fate Swanson I live in Titusville 32796 and um the develop the proposed development surrounding our property it's going to go all around our property and they're going to put a road 5T from uh basically uh smack down against my house and so um uh basically I it's it doesn't have enough adequate storm water drainage having doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is not going to happen or putting more in for taxes to fix this problem isn't going to happen because it hasn't happened throughout the county it's it's it's just it's a it's a no-brainer um the proposed buffers uh on pod one which by the way all all of these the whole development should have went through the state not through the county but they divided it up so that it could go through the county pod one then pod two pod three or how many pods are going to do and how many densities they're going to change and and all this other stuff underhandedly stuff that they're trying to propose and of course I'm upset you would be too it's basically raping our land the whole Community it's interwoven this this is not like a piece of property right next to Sherwood it is interwoven into the community a community that's thriving yes it's old but there's a lot of old properties in the State of Florida and in bouard that thrives very well and we are paying taxes we're paying our chair I pay more than our share okay so uh so the buffer is a huge problem we changed we we gave them seven different variances and we're trying to change the zoning and then we have then we're saying oh a man can do what a man can do with this property well well yeah I we're we're giving him everything and then we're saying a man could do what he what he could do with his property how how is that fair the other thing it destroys the natural beauty you know sure wood wood get it woods and you know Robin Hood and the whole nine yards that's going to be gone the whole Community is going to be detrimental to this community and actually to the north bavar because we're we're opening up the hatch on the water system and the flow test hasn't been done just a multitude of problems that are not fixed now the infrastructure is not there and it's going to be a huge problem so I am begging you to put Ino please thank you thank you ma'am has already been approved so what we're doing tonight is putting a binding thing on it so certain things can't happen to the community as you can't talk out there guys read the civility thing I really want you to speak your mind when you come up but we're going to be respectful tonight and and um what's going to happen is is they start trying to put through certain plans to their operation it's going to have to run through so many things I don't know if they're going to pull it all off or not because there's a lot of hurdles to still get through even the water flow test there's still a lot to go with that so anyways this is just doing The Binding development plan Commissioners what's your pleasure for the um consent agenda motion to approve motion approved by commissioner Taya second second by commissioner Goodson all in favor say I I opposed passes 4 Z we're going to move into public comments I have Bishop Paul Martin do I miss something I'm good okay hi sir how are you good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the commission my name is Bishop Paul Martin I reside in West Melbourne Florida I'm here to speak because among other things that I do over 49 years as a minister I become a voice for the voiceless I'm here today to speak to the character both as business people and as individuals to Mr Kenneth Brown my associate who is with me and Miss Joanne Bower Lee they tried to reopen the old Billy Restaurant in spresser Holland and there were some things that happened that were of none of their control and the whole thing turned into a disaster P to be perfectly honest Mr Brown has a copy of a book that he gave y'all that contains all of the information Mr Brown and Miss Lee are two of Simply the finest people that I as a minister and a bishop have known I am with them three times a week every week for over two years now I know them very well they're good people they're hardworking they have a wonderful honest Generous Heart I'm asking this commission to look at their situation with clearer eyes and Open Hearts and do what has to be done to help them to resolve the situation until there is a solution you will see my smiling face every time that you have a meeting until the problem is resolved I thank you for your time good friend sir is that your District okay I have Madam chair I'm just I was I was just curious sorry no I I just um before we get into those items I thought maybe there's some easy ones we could uh I still got two more public comments oh I'm I'm sorry you got it we move them around which one I I hear you thank um I have cheers on the ocean I think this supposed to be right Mr Brown okay we just put in the wrong spot I gotcha so I say that's a very unusual name cheers on the Ocean Grill greetings Commissioners uh thank you Paul I thank you very much for those very kind comments uh I was here once before and I did deliver a book and my name is Kenneth Brown and Joanne Lee is the proprietor of Cheers on the Ocean Grill which was unfortunately closed by a termination of elase by The Parks and Recreation after 6 months of arduous bust our butt typing uh trying to get the place prepared and ready both busting our finances at the at the same time uh we were uh putting these signs out called opening soon for six months we were inundated with people from the community all looking for uh the old billies to reopen as cheers uh Ocean Grill cuz we have two other restaurants that people um uh totally enjoy and uh uh they were really looking forward to it uh and when it was um one day we went the doors were locked for no particular reason that we could understand uh there was certainly no effect to public health safety or welfare uh but the joy that we had hoped to bring to the community uh was terminated which we feel was very Draconian for the answers or the reasons that were sated uh we would like that if the commission could possibly uh somehow use persuasion uh or the communication necessary to get in front of Parks and Recreation again for us for them to revisit to at least give us a hearing of why they terminated the lease uh a week before our opening um gave us a few days to get our equipment out the place was infested with rats lizards spiders all kinds of uh rubbage and garbage all around the yard uh we were accused of cutting sea grapes which we did not uh we have a transcript and affidavit uh from a court reporter from the person who was a homeless guy he was uh a former veteran PSD pstd type guy who wanted a job so every once in a while he would come and ask for food and if I can give him some work so he had the job of doing some pots and pans and cleaning up some of the rubbish uh but for some reason he didn't do it he got angry he sent uh these voice messages saying that he was going to close our business by cutting sea grapes and it's all documented Joanne had nothing to do with it I had nothing to do with it and the only other thing we did was something called an improvement we were responsible for all the ventilation all the fire marshal all the approvals well I did without her approval I put in a vent for a washer and dryer which was a 4x4 that had no effect to AB building and that was the two reasons given for termining our lease so we would like if I could have some persuasion to get in front of the commission uh par Recreation director again thank you thank you sir you're very kind man thank you Miss Sandra Sullivan good evening Sandra Sullivan so the last time we were here there was a conflict uh with some plans with Lori Wilson Park and I think this the people spoke very loudly on that issue I've done records requests to the state uh pertaining to the federal agreement uh on this and um certainly the plans that you had are not permissible under those Grant agreements and uh so I've posted those online uh we had a rally with a very terrific turnout called hands off Lori Wilson Park and with tremendous amount of news coverage of the support for this remaining a public park only public use only um and um so that's a picture of the turnout um my favorite sign was no means no so then we had a Driftwood meeting and of course Driftwood puts out a press release the night before oh we've withdrawn our thing well not really okay so that was the turnout I just want you to know what the public turnout was to your stinkiness when we were here during the meeting that the Optics of this isn't really good I'm told that that's your husband that was sitting with the lobbyists and the Developers for driftwood I want to go back to the records re quests that I have done and seeing that this started in 2017 and in 2018 with uh Mr Tay's name on some of these documents there was a plan to hand off Lori Wilson to a developer to run that site okay in violation of the federal grants and the state grants that govern that site you guys don't seem to care what is lawful what is what is the moral thing to do you just do what you damn well feel like it please don't cuss in here okay you're doing so good so far it's called freedom of speech ma'am and when you do hold just just pause I'm going to hold your time okay just for a second I'm going to hold your time I'm going to hold your time for a second if I figure out how to do it we're going to really try to be civil you can say anything you want to say freom speech is hold on just a minute Mr um Richardson are we allowed to like contain what kind of if we use vulgar language in here or not yeah you have to remain within the bounds of Civility Miss Solan come on just stay to your message stay to yourage you can say what you want to say but listen I I challenge you that under freedom of speech I can speak candidly I can't use language like swear words and things but I can speak candidly this was slimy as hell you you can say that stuff but if you would we have children and grandchildren watching this if you would just using it right time so I'll get a few so when I go through those documents there was a plan to have Driftwood run that site that they would put their parking system in that they would have a restaurant an ice cream shop a concert Place etc etc you know and then there comes up you know conversations with commissioner felner about that drift I presume Driftwood because he's talking about Melbourne wants to Annex un Incorporated Bard as well which is the Paradise Park next to Driftwood D so is the big plan here to use our public parks for amenities for hotels and basically screw over the people maybe it's time you start listening to the people thank you commission Goodson is I was going to ask if it was coming back please sir as far as your comment about screwing over the people they offered a deal to Coco Beach Coco Beach then then they pulled the deal because Coco Beach didn't like it then they came back said hey okay I can't no no no no no you know more than everybody else Sandra there's no need for me there's no need for you cannot talk out there you have to wait don't don't I'm going to give you a warning we're not going to do this here on with me doing this we're we're going to be civil and we're not going to talk from out there you guys are welcome to come up and talk say whatever you want to say I'm going to really ask no cursing and that if if we would just keep this civil there's a great pledge of Civility up there it really works and it's too great of a Community to um argue in the garbage so I'm sorry sir go ahead no there's no comment because there's no way to comment it's just we don't know nothing we're accused of everything we are the ones that are doing everything wrong you know you can't even laugh with a straight face but anyway let me tell you a story about this whole thing I told Westwood and their lobbyist there's no more dog park there's not going to be one as long as I said here for two more years but I'll tell you an interesting story I got a call the other day I got a call the other day from the May coco beach one day after the election oh I have a great idea for the dog park it's amazing what day an election will cure stupidity you follow me now he's all for it but he's also now elected but we or I got beat up of doing El ilal deals commissioner devis has been accused of illegal deals and all I think he was doing was offering the park if the county agreed for them to take it over meaning Bard meaning cooko Beach all right so all that being said don't let's find something else Sandra there's no dog park there's not going to be a dog park okay thank you thank you sir we are moving okay commission um feltner you had an idea to move things around but I do want to mention that item h8 has been Ted I don't see any cards here for that so I just want to tell yall up front commissioner felt mam chair can it's it's been withdrawn did I say it wrong yes okay it's been with thank you commissioner felner which ones do you recommend I only was thinking that there are a couple quick ones in here even H9 I'm fine with that's in my district um if the applicant's here we could you know probably get them out of here in a reasonable amount of time uh you got some other ones so all right that's your prerogative let's start with item H9 thank you madam chair item H9 is strick WTH developer LLC requests a change the zoning classification from bu-2 to Au application number is 24z 0026 tax account number is 26599 located District 4 commissioner felner I do not have a card on this you're right it is quick so what's your what's your pleasure is the applicant here I don't have a card okay I'm I'm fine with it so I'll make a motion to approve have a motion to approve item H9 second second by commissioner toaya all in favor say I I opposed passes 4 Z we're going to move into item H1 just interesting good evening Madam chair thank you sir H1 is a is the second public hearing for amendments to chapter 62 article 6 zoning regulations had a new conditional use classification accessory dwelling units and specifying conditions there to so since the the board last heard it there's been two significant changes the first was it to incorporate the board's motion to address the potential for property to be split after the conditional use permit was given for an accessory dwelling unit so that the accessory dwelling unit and the primary structure would be on two separate Lots that's uh so there's now provision to prevent that um in addition to that there's now an Express prohibition for using storage containers for accessory dwelling units other than that it remains as the board sought your last hearing thank you commissioner felner good catch on that commissioner Goodson good addition to that as well so what y'all's pleasure on item H1 I'll make a motion for approval Madam chair a motion to approve by commissioner Goodson do I have a second I'll second Madam chair second by commissioner feltner all in favor say I I I opposed passes unanimously we're going to move to item H2 item H2 Madam chair is transmitt of a large scale comprehensive plan Amendment 24 LS 0000001 regarding the barrier The Bard Barrier Island BB as a new element to the comprehensive plan under the state coordinator review process this is a two-step process that will be transmitted up to the state for their review and comments um they will issue an orc report which is objections recommendations and comments based on that the County May adopt at a later date with those changes or or whatnot so this item went to the LPA and with that and part of their motion they included the ex an exhibit one which was included in your packet uh staff's recommendation would be to uh move forward without the inclusion of the exhibit one in your motion thank you madam chair thank you sir Commissioners I have some cards I'm going to call those first all right Miss Sandra Sullivan good evening again so the the area of critical concern for the South Beaches area came as a result of a meeting here where a vote was taken under board reports as presented by Mr toaya to upzone South Beaches and so this this bill was the consequence the whole intention of an area of critical concern is to stop upzoning in an area that is a very critically very critical environment so South Beaches is our largest sea turtle nesting area is very critical we've lost our Manon which had double the amount of loggerhead nesting we're now the largest loggerhead nesting in the world and survival of that species and we're also have 50% of greens nesting in Bard this is actually a core aspect of our of our tourism what is wrong with this and what you brought forward is you have not listened to your Advisory board for pnz who unanimously voted to to respect the intent of an area of critical concern the area of critical concern is to restrict intensity and density in increases and that board recommended the removal of the Pud section which is a giant loophole in this in this this one that you've brought forward and staff did not respond to what the pnz board unanimously voted on to remove that section and of course because you know that's what this board wants that's what D3 wants and they're again this is about ignoring the will of the people now if any of you came to that meeting the bbia meeting you would have seen hundreds of people showed up of we the people but no you have to respond to we the money and ignore what the intention of an area of critical concern is supposed to accomplish and ignore the will of the people in the process shameful not surprising is it for this commission Stacy Gallagher hi there I'm Stacy Gallagher welcome from Gainesville yeah yeah cool yeah um the policy and coordin the policy coordinator for Sea Turtle Conservancy were based in Gainesville um so the Florida legislature and the governor approved House Bill 1489 because they recognized the importance of The Bard Barrier Island area and realized that the current efforts to protected are insufficient so with this creation of this area of critical State concern the county was required to create new stronger requirements that will meet The Guiding principles in this law unfortunately after the public comment periods and overwhelming feedback from the community what is currently the draft what's going to be transmitted fall short of meeting the Law's requirements and at its best unfortunately what is going to be moving forward is simply a copy and pasting of what currently exist in the comprehensive plan and at its worst in section 12 it proposes for increases in intensity and density within the bbia so to ensure that the county is creating requirements that fulfill The Guiding principles numerous changes need to be made to this draft to account for the expertise that you've been given the hundreds of comments made by the public and they need to be incorporated so as was already mentioned the areas globally important sea turtle populations are faced with a lot of threats including poorly managed beach front lighting and Coastal erosion due to Sea level rise even this year this very year an adult sea turtle was hit and killed by a car on A1A due to problematic lighting so it's definitely a a very urgent issue that we believe this appendix this document can help to address and it can be addressed by updating the uh County sea turtle lighting ordinance language to match the state's model lighting ordinance and also requiring the county to proactively enforce the ordinance will go a long way in preventing something like that from happening again then this is within policy 2 of the appendix we also recommend that policy 2 provide further Clarity on what types of hard Shoreline armoring are prohibited in the area just so it's very clear what can and cannot be built on our beaches to further cause erosion uh policy 8 Upland resources the language should be amended to ensure that the county again proactively enforces all of the policies to prevent destruction of critical Upland vegetation and then as was mentioned policy 12 which dealt with increasing density and intensity should be very heavily uh you know basically take what the LPA recommended um and remove that section so we urge the county to implement changes from the community subject matter experts and the state to ensure that it is meeting The Guiding principles of the area of critical State concern this received unanimous support from the legislature the governor approved it so it's now up to the county to do the work and write the language so that it improves what already exists in this super important area so thank Youk question yes Mr Goodson now are you a state agency we're a nonprofit okay so you um offer suggestions to the governor correct to the governor or to the to the State of Florida um yeah we definitely try to offer our expertise when we can yeah are you working with staff our staff yes okay and how are the that's how's that being perceived by you we provided our comments um the natural resources staff we have great relationship with them it just in every draft that we're seeing the recommendations and changes are not being implemented it's essentially just the same draft that's being presented so I I think we're we're definitely open to working with folks we're we're ready to provide our expertise as are the other groups here um we want to help and you're telling me or us that that is a state mandated law yes so in the area of critical State concern a requirement is that the local government so the county has to enact and changes a state law right yes yes it is a state law and the area of critical State concern the local government has to make sure that the guiding principles in that language are being F there time that this can be put into effect like the next 6 months the next two days what is the time limit um I don't I so there's someone from 1,00 friends here who is more knowledgeable on the timelines of these um they the county has stressed and the consultant that you're using that a area of critical State concern hasn't been passed in 40 years so the process is very um nebulous but yeah I can get that answer for you I don't know it right now the top of my head can you tell me is every County that's on the uh water or the shoreline are they going through the same stuff um I believe there there are not many areas of critical State concern but the Florida Keys has one the green swamp um appalachicola so yes there are communities that are effectively implementing areas of critical State concern okay thank you well just stay right there questions Frank can you comment on what she's saying or someone Billy's been handling this I'm going to let him address it sure the underlying state law I believe that she's referring to was the was the legislation that enacted the area of critical estate concern this document that that the board is voting on is designed to address that very thing now if the board were to transmit the state agencies will have a chance to review and it'll come back to the board for adoption so we believe that it's consistent with the guiding principles that the state established including that for sea turtles if we are wrong the state agencies will tell us so thank you all right thank you ma'am let me ask you a question real quick so we we've done this a few times through the year so when you get comments back they're still able to make additional changes through through time periods because it's it's it's fluid correct the board will have the opportunity to make any changes uh when the comments come back from the state if in fact the board's not happy you could make additional changes and resubmit it to the state so it's a very fluid process this can keep changing the final adoption will be by the board after that process is completed thank you thank you CH thank you than you sir um Mr Craig Wallace good evening Commissioners Craig Wallace I'm representing the Prov indon Coalition this evening I'm from Satellite Beach uh my I do understand that this is a a multi-step process and there will be opportunity to address some of these issues previously Our concern is that the all the public comment that has already been input has not been forwarded to you apparently or has been uh deleted uh for some reason so we're really concerned that even if we the next time around when we have that this opportunity to to make comments are they going to get Incorporated in so we don't understand why uh all of the important public comments that really do differentiate this area from um any other uh Community along the beach uh this area of critical concern why that those elements have not been integrated into this proposal that we're forwarding onto the state so it's it just seems like uh the commons have gotten lost somewhere Mr Wallace have you been talking about this a little bit in in the meetings that you have for the Lagoon uh not specifically to the Lagoon though okay all right just checking thank you all right thank you thank you sir Blair withington good evening uh Blair witherington I am a uh research scientist uh with a conservation nonprofit uh inwater research group uh my expertise is in sea turtles and uh Beach ecology I'm also a resident of floridana beach I've lived there on the South Beaches for 27 years and I've done research on the South Beaches uh since 1984 I think so I'd like to speak in support of attaching those public comments that the previous speakers talked about to the draft amendment that you transmit to the state uh it's very important to attach uh that input because the draft Amendment before you as you've heard the speaker say has not really benefited from all that public comment uh there were quite a few edits and comments provided by the community uh including 300 of us that attended that uh introductory meeting uh to introduce the critical area designation uh and about 150 residents provided comments to the draft Amendment and more than a thousand residents answered the county consultant's questionnaire about the plan Amendment uh and the critical area and I should point out that all of this input is well informed in addition to living within the affected area we are Property Owners business owners Realtors as well as PhD oceanographers and PhD Coastal biologists uh we're certainly experts on local living and local quality of life issues uh and there are a lot of us and we care a great deal but I think it's important for you to know and we know the deadline to submit the draft to the state was short and that the present amendment makes some progress which is why we support forwarding the draft but only with the community edits and comments attached even if this input is perceived to be too detailed for a comp plan it was structured to meet the intent of the state law and so we hope it will be helpful for future deliberation of the commission and thank you very much I appreciate your time thank you sir Kim denkins I think you're the expert I here right thousand friends of Florida from Tallahassee I will not claim too much um expertise but I will let you know what our thoughtss are um again my name is Kim dinkin I'm the policy and planning director for 1,000 friends of Florida we are a nonprofit nonpartisan organization that advocates for saving special places and um building better communities throughout the state before I joined the organization this goes to the question about how this was established 1,000 friends had the honor of working with the sea turt turtle Conservancy Barrier Islands preservation and Protection Association local um residents and the legislators to Esta L the BBI area of critical State concern we are concerned that as written the proposed amendment doesn't meet the legislative findings for the area in particular that allowance for density and intensity bonus policies in um in policy 12 is inconsistent with the legislative finding that existing density limitations on the island result in decreased public tax burden and it conflicts with the legislative intent that the land use management system that's created in the plan promotes growth in accordance with the existing capacity of public facilities in more general terms as others have mentioned the copy and paste approach for creating the new element from the existing policies doesn't clearly establish that the development standards in The Bard Barrier Island area will be any more stringent than they are elsewhere within the county the element should contain direct language that requires best management practices to eliminate light pollution for sea turtle protection and names those sources within the regulations it's that it specifies great greater protections for Dune ecosystems including requirements for revation in certain cases requires rather than suggests that certain storm water retrofits and wastewater projects meet higher standards requires rather than just State support for nature-based Solutions and low impact development practices establishes a date certain for evaluating the coastal control setback line and evacuation times and above all prohibits density and intensity bonuses until such time that those adequate infrastructure is uh is there we understand that staff is working on new ordinance language and updates to other ordinances and that new development regulations will follow this comp plan Amendment and that exercise of cataloging all the relevant policies was a good one uh but the comprehensive plan is the County's road map for growth upon which specific ordinances are created it has to be the goals objectives and policies that are established within the Barrier Island area of critical State concern have to reflect the status as one of the most fragile and endangered Coastal ecosystems and communities in North Car North America worthy of protection from further harmful impacts and that the safety of residents of the island are at the center of any development decisions we hope that you'll take the my suggestions and the suggestions of others who have spoken here tonight under consideration our staff has worked with local governments throughout the state and we stand ready to help if there are any um any ways that we can engage thank you Commissioners um that's all the cards I'm going to close the public comment part of this do you have any comments okay um do we have a a motion or Madam chair I want to thank staff I mean I think um it was I think the rudest thing up here said was that this was a cut and paste job I can't there were countless hours that went into this I mean it was pointed out that whether I'm for it or not uh this is something that was our pain and and hadn't been tried in 40 plus years so to say that we had cut and paste from other areas is just patently incorrect so like it or not there was tremendous work that went into this not only listening but bringing it Forward we're between a a rock and a hard place here um many of the request made would put us in some very tenuous positions when it ca when it would come to uh uh you know Bert Harris legislation out there um and I'm just going to go back to uh what the governor said uh less than a month ago uh our governor I can't believe the governor that signed this but says people had their priority they have a right to do what they want with it uh no question uh the reality is people work uh their whole lives and work hard to be able to live in environments that are really really nice they have right to make these decisions with their property as they see fit it is not the role of government to forbid them to force them to dispose or utilize their property in a way that they do not think is best for them I think it's a good question how the governor can have these type of sentiments and support a bill like that and I think that puts staff in a really tough position I think that puts uh the state staff in a tough position as we transmit that up there but that is a burden that was going to fall on uh two Commissioners up here will that will have to look at that in the in the uh near future so um uh I I just want to tell uh staff I greatly appreciate the time and the effort uh that went into this not only staff but the legal side of this there's a ton of uh angles that that needed to be considered so I'm going to uh make a motion for the approval of this to be transmitted um and uh thank everyone uh not only staff but the public for their involvement on this okay I have a motion to approve I'll second it second by commissioner Goodson all in favor say I I opposed passes for zero when this comes back with the comments commissioner Delaney soon to be um you're going to work real hard on this I'm sure and pull in a lot of information with the other Commissioners that'll be a good time to make some changes and tweak it oh commissioner Atkins here too hi Hi how are you welcome too can you'all stand up for a minute so we can just if you don't mind M Madam chair since you recognize this to ladies you know with can I just say real quick if you don't mind please uh with commissioner Alman um coming here I think he was the sponsor of of the language so certainly he can he can uh have some input on this as well wonderful and you know you guys were putting a lot of I'm put my family's trust in you thank you for taking the job appreciate it okay we're going to move to item H3 thank you madam chair item H3 is a transmittal of the evaluation and Appraisal review uh based Amendment to the comprehensive plan application number is 24 LS 00002 to the state land plan a land plan agency Florida commerce for review under the state coordinat review process established by section 163 3184 parthis for Florida Statutes again when this went to uh the LPA the LPA uh motion included exhibit one which uh removed the density bonuses that are already in existing flu designations staff's recommendation would not to include this exhibit one as part of your motion thank you sir Commissioners I have comment cards I'm going to do those first okay Mr Tom Erman okay so the name is Tom Erman the 4791 Squire's drive you know for this comprehensive plan the magnitude of changes that are trying to be pushed through here is huge and I think the Citizens need ample time to review it and comment on it so the first thing I'd ask is that you know we don't vote on it now I know you have a requirement to deliver something the state here in a little bit but I think we should wait again let the new Commissioners view it look at it this plan how the changes is all in favor of the developers is a 100% developer friendly change and I'd like to point out an article you know medine it's a second medine second largest city in Columbia years ago their temperature was Rising more than the outside the city limits and so they started a green project they started green corridors through the city and within 3 years the temperature of the city dropped 2° Celsius and they're adding more trees they're hoping to bring it down another 3 to 4 degrees cels by adding more green space this comprehensive plan does just the opposite of that you know some of the changes you're trying to push through here is a con 3.3 section I4 you know under your class 2 water you're reducing primary structure buff for protection from 50 ft to 25 ft doing the same thing along the [Music] Lagoon then you're also the flood planes you know changing 100 it's between 100 years and 25 years you're removing the limit of two homes per it's totally removing it then from 25 to 10 year flood plane you're removing the one home for 2 and A2 acres for 10 year you're removing the requirement for one home per 10 acres then for your aquafer recharge this one really kills me is a type one aquafer you are removing the requirement not to have septic tanks in that air and a type one aquafer recharge area a type one aquer recharge area by definition means that nature gives very little water treatment to the water when it per percolates through so again you I would ask you that you do the right thing for the community and for our grandkids and people that live here you know do what God's will is and leave this place a better place than it is now not a worse off place thank you thank you sir Miss Ruth Amato good evening again um what can I say wow it looks like it little closer almost completely trashed with all the lines written through I mean pable I was able to write a five five page report not very long ago and calculate how much portable water each home needs what projected use might be all off the comp plan but now we've just going to take it all out Public's not going to have any way to be able to watch what the County's doing if they so choose to um who who's going to is there any oversight left I mean the flood plane we're already flooding on the St John's river way worse than what we did 20 years ago you guys know this and you put a loophole in that you you increase a deny on the flood plane and but but if you're building P then we have different restrictions that aren't as strict that's okay to have with the insurance crisis in the state the flooding that people in North Bard are experiencing at unprecedented levels these days is it really wise to just keep destroying what little we have little resources we have left this this is a plan but it's not a plan for North Bard and when you but I'm not sure what else you would expect when you hire the services for someone to do Urban Development on your comp plan because I think you got exactly what you ordered but it's definitely not for the citizens it's a developer dream it really needs to go back to the drawing board thank you thank you ma'am Miss Sandra Sullivan Sandra Sullivan South Patrick Shores so you guys are leaving I guess this is your last sah to put something through that is so egregious it's unbelievable this is almost like a complete rewrite I read this document I I I've been weeks angry um I want to bring up some documents you so I want to start by saying Florida faces an exodus as residents declare Insurance crisis final straw you can go there's tons of articles on our insurance crisis the number one thing and yet the way this this comp plan is written you're going to make it much much worse this is so so shortsighted this is for the Developers for we the money and not representative of we the people I want to read just one line from this one article an insurance crisis that has sent premium skyrocketing and caused carriers to flee Coastal States like Florida and California spreading so um I asked for a record request um or a uh legal opinion and I've given you that from the commissioner's office regarding the Barrier Island and what I see in here because I live on the Barrier Island and we are very vulnerable to Coastal storms is the removal of the language prohibiting density increases for affordable housing isn't it interesting you made affordable housing at 140 Mii Ami now um you're just going to make Florida unaffordable to live um okay so the right height I you know just not following the law so I also gave you a copy of a a letter um from Janna Williams from the state that specifies that you have to conform to the state law for evacuation for your losos I don't see an losos in here a level of service but it is defined by the state it's 16 hours for category 5 do you know what we are for evacuation yeah let's roll our eyes 61 hours to evacuate the Barrier Island in a category 5 storm and you want to put more density on the Barrier Island you want to put more density on merid island on North merid Island you want to remove the protections of the wetlands oh yeah let's just have more flooding here here's a couple pictures from the live storm Milton you know just a few pictures of flooding we don't care about it you know come to Florida and do all your development we don't care if you flood we don't care if you can't afford your insurance but let's make all these changes to the comp plan and let's not care but that losos for evacuation is defined by state statute 163.5 for 16 hours in the category 5 and you're not following it there's so much more I could say this this call plan is so stinky I think it's F Swanson okay um again we you know most of us bought into uh what we currently have with the comprehension plan the laws the ordinances and the shall not laws and they seem to be just make up this these changes in this uh comprehensive plan where you basically remove density limits from the flood plan so it's going to uh detrimentally affect the unincorporated bavard County as well as so many others um particularly where I live in North Bard um we're already experiencing I I you know the growth on 46 we've been there for over 30 years and the growth on the recent growth I should say with loves and now we're putting another development behind it and we've got more developments going on 46 it is a death trap it was a death trap before um i' I've had an accident there um with a semi the whole thing and it's gotten worse the lights I avoid it now I avoid it I go down to Garden Street to come back around or go to the North or South I don't I don't use that exit you can't see I've I've talked to many many people to try to get the hedges cut clean and put a a mirror there I've given them all kinds of suggestions and nothing's done and so far as the flooding too um I've asked I don't know how many times I called when when Rocky was at the North bouard uh Road and bridges he cleaned out the gutters and things like that where that goes underneath 95 the covert or whatever nothing is being done you you the accidents the they're not taking care of things so but the bottom line is we're putting this through without a lot of testing uh with a lot of a lot of things and it is going to be detriment Al uh it's a sneaky way to get you know it's a loophole for the developers to put more density on the properties and I basically I don't know what we're doing here B I don't know how bavard is going to look I don't know what we're doing I really don't I don't understand this ites it I don't know where the common senses so I this seems like it's insanity and I'm very concerned very very concerned so I hope you vote no thank you did you send me emails recently about some things up there by 46 was that I have not but right behind my house is where the helicopters come to Eva people will you send me something and I'll help get started on some of those things especially if there's em I've emailed North Bard will you will you email me sure we had one lady don't we were able to take care of a a few things but if you let me know I I'll make sure nobody's at risk well there's been accidents I've asked them to cut on the like I said Ro Rocky send it to me is a huge I I anybody D in jump on it thank you ask question if this passes and you know would it automatically increase density commissioner the the framework that is is being proposed would not systematically increase any densities on properties what we what we've done is we continue that language throughout the document that was previously approved in our current comp plan as it sits right now now is it true that on Meritt Island and especially North Meritt Island but the only place on Meritt Island that you can have 37 units would be Myra myos land you're not going to go to North Mar Island and do it correct I mean unless AO approved it of course so uh So within Myra not North marama but Myra there are Provisions in our CRI code to allow for that provision yes sir correct and if I'm not mistaken there's been one in two years one development on on Myra land in Meritt Island and that's where they behind the mall by the veterans of the apartment complex yes sir that's my understanding as well thank you thank you sir Commissioners I have no more cards do you have comments or Miss faith I already did yours right I know but there was a comment made I can't we can't no you can't ma'am I'm sorry you can't you just had public comment and then we hear the information Mr Lany did you have a card M miss y'all get I would like to bring commissioner Delan well soon to be up here um um sure because I think it's good for her to is that good yeah okay if you'd fill out a card right after it'd be great thank you ma'am one concession here thank you after you I'm closing it you're on um I'm just going to bring up one thing um because this is personal to my home um there is massive amount of development that's being allowed in the in this version of the comp plan in canaval groves um six or five homes per unit and that will totally change um the whole dynamic of my community and I was told a story commissioner pritet about um some pink uh boxing gloves and I'm asking you to please take them out and fight for North Bard One Last Time thank you Delany I don't usually do this but but they're going to send it up with comments and I just I know you're going to you know tighten all those things up you're going to have time to study it out and maybe make some changes when they come back with the comments because I know you're a bulldog so I I have great confidence in you doing that question sir are you referring to the city of Coco developments in uh West canav Rose I'm referring to flu 1.9 Fu 1.10 I have no idea what fbl is but you know are you referring to the development city of Coco putting in South oh you're not there okay where are these developments going in in Canal Road it's not developments it's this is the comp plan changing oh I got you yeah thank you question to staff may I have another question staff certainly I'm enjoying your question well staff will you tell me has there been comp plan changes to what's in effect in canaval Grose in this new proposal not to not to my understanding we did not make any systematic changes to densities uh throughout the county specifically The canava Groves it's literally right here I'm reading it I don't I don't know what you're looking at okay maybe it was something that was already in there so it might be something that could be changed later I don't know I after the meeting I can get with Mr Lan and we can we can figure it out okay thank you sir I'm sorry you can't talk from out there I'm so sorry thank you thank you okay thank you so Commissioners we have all the comments in and do we have a pleasure of the commission did you you have a look on your face or Jeffrey it's it's policy flu 1.9 it speaks to a residential six directive land use designation affording a transition in density between higher urbanized areas and lower intensity land uses within the Canaveral Groves and South Beaches small area plan study areas it's a land use designation doesn't itself increase any densities or anything of that nature if I may I I believe that's to recognize what's exist existing residential six directive out there oops okay so um commission what's your pleasure commissioner what's your pleasure well it seems like most of the comments were dealing with density and which I understand I may not agree with but I understand but also we're not dealing with density in this submitt so I think that those comment there may be other ones but those comments are largely unfounded based on on on what we have so I I would be inclined to vote up on this one given the testimony that we've heard from the individuals as well as what actually is happening via staff is that your motion you want me to make the motion okay I'll I'll make a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve submitt of a comp Motion in a second quick comment after this is done it comes back there's still a half a year to make changes yeah yes Madam chair so uh this follows the same process um for uh this will be transmitted up to the state Commerce State Commerce will review the uh uh the comp plan and we'll issue an orc report and uh with all the other state agencies reviewing it as well and they will send down a report with any recommendations objections and comments and then it'll come back to the board for adoption with or without those recommendations okay there'll be new Commissioners here and um you guys I hate throwing this word out to you but you might want to do it workshop and um figure out what you want to do at the input and then figure out what you want to do moving forward and um God bless you guys on that so we have a motion in a second to send it up commissioner Felton are you good okay all in favor say I I opposed pass is 40 we're moving on to item H4 I'm sorry mam you're ready to move forward I am sir okay item H4 is Michael and Bonita Osborne requests a change of zoning classification from ru 1-9 to tr3 application number is 24z 000038 tax account number is 24 9628 located in district one and U Mr Osborne I'm so sorry if I known it was this quick I I would have put it through Mr Osborne you here um commission I'm good with this it's in my district I make a motion to approve I have a motion to approve second by commissioner to all in favor say I I oppose passes 4 Z thank you thanks for patiently waiting thank you okay we're moving into item H5 sorry about that item H5 is Julia berat requests to change the zone and classification from ru 1-9 to Ru 1-7 application number is 24z 0039 tax account number is 23349 located in District 1 okay I have a few cards on this um do I have the Hi how are you do you guys want to come up and open it and then I'm going to let other people speak and you can Mr Miss berau right I okay I'll tell you I'm going to do the other comment cards I'm Gonna Let You Go last is that good okay I have um Mr David Bolan sir sorry yeah my name is David Boland I represent my parents who can't be here they have property adjacent I guess to the property you want to rezone their concerns are I guess whenever you reduce the width of the various Lots it's going to set a president moving forward where new developers may buy some of the older lots and at which point they could potentially um subdivide those at a smaller basis which is going to negatively impact their property values um absent that they're concerned about more septic systems in the area potentially polluting the river um and for that reason they oppose the rezoning thank you sir Michael botri I'm saying that okay ma'am you're going to be right after them so thank you thank you sir did you just want me to start yes sir I'm Michael Bogi I live at 6845 River Edge Drive um so I'm directly to the south of the adjacent property our property lines actually conjoin so what I just heard was actually part of the largest part of concern is going to be um water and septic we're in County we have no water we have no septic it's a very difficult and expensive place to live um if you guys want to all run down our street to make this a little more uh manageable the other thing is is that it's a uh on the Geological Survey it it actually has a waterway that goes directly into the wind uh River so that there was talk of uh building a stilt house at the last uh uh meeting for the approval um Not only would the property lines be narrowed so that it's closer to our home but it would stick up and start at 8 or 10 ft up above and then be a huge Sail on a narrow lot and I have photos of Irma where the entire roof with the truss was in the road um from that storm we had our trees down it's a it there would be a lot of liability factors so if they could show in their building plans how they're going to pay for the refurbishing of the uh where the area where they took the trees out and now it's lost about another 10 or 12 ft up there um of ground so there're serious e ecological issues there's water there's the the river and then of course there's the uh liability for safety that's about it there's several NOS I mean it's a dangerous place to build that's it thank you sir Miss Cynthia hello thank you uh good evening my name's Cynthia Bogi and I've lived in the house that's to the south of the adjacent property in question um for the last 21 years so I've seen a lot of changes on River Edge Road uh also I don't know if the board is aware that uh the husband owns a dilapidated bar that should be the property should be condemned um that also adjoins his wife's property that's next to our property the bar has not been open in many years um and it's an eyesore in the community um uh the neighbors have told me on River Edge many of them uh some of them quite elderly and can't be here including my father who's not 97 he lives beside me on River Edge and my brother lives to the uh further south um anyhow we have lived there many years combined and it's a complicated area this is not a simple yes or no I'm very concerned about the Waterway with the septics we are on well and my septic I don't see how they're going to stay away if they shorten the uh they're allowed to build on that 50 feet how they're going to stay far enough away from my septic and my well um also over the years that property has re eroded substantially because Mr and Mrs berot have not maintained their property it wasn't until this last last year and really I put on a blinders to a lot of stuff but they started clearing the land and he came to me and he's many offers have been made to him over the years to sell that 50 ft so this is not a financial hardship to them um I have 25 fet on my side of my house that has not been built on uh that was combined with my house in the last year and a half that my son was willed by my father he sold it to me and it was combined anyhow I made Ed an offer of I think it was $120,000 for the 50 feet and he just pretty much Shrugged his shoulders and laughed at me I know over the years my father offered much money to them to sell the 50 feet we weren't even going to build on it we were just going to clean it up and maintain it for the Dolphins and the birds and the wildlife we have tures there we have red fox we have dolphins that bring the babies to us I have pictures of all the different animals in our area it's ecologically challenged right now I've seen a drop in the number of dolphins in the area and Wildlife anyhow that's another issue that's on my mind because I think that there is could be a natural spring also located on that piece of property so I want improvements that's not what I'm saying I'm all for improvements but at the expense of who my house now after 21 years of living there is worth a fair bit of money we have maintained this home through many storms uh the roof that my husband was talking about that flung during uh the hurricane was from a different house down the Ray and it landed in our road so if they're giv approval for a still house it better be able to withstand over 150 mph winds I've been in the house when we've had over 130 mph winds and uh so I I can just tell you that a still house on property that's sliding into the river is not going to suffice for the building requirements also there's this idea of the bar property if they wanted to house if that was their true intentions they would combine their properties they would build build a house of I'm sorry good size sorry thank you for your time thank you um Mr Berto if you want to come up Jeffrey um I'm sorry Mr Jeffrey so if we change the zoning they can only put a house on it correct the the difference in the zoning classification is there's smaller setbacks and smaller lot width requirements between just that 16 ft correct correct yes so the the current zoning requires a 66 foot wide lot the proposed zoning would allow for a 50 foot wide lot so somehow it just got inconsistent with what we're using correct so um and then um the the area there they they're going to have to put a septic tank in because we don't have sewer correct uh based on our staff report it says that uh water and sewers uh they have access to the city of Titusville so so they'll when they're coming in for their building permit they'll assess that and if it's if it's available they'll make them connect to it okay but you can both come up and speak one at a time I have two cards on you so thank you sir you want to talk go ahead um well um basically you know if you don't change this zoning we won't be able to use the property we won't be able to build a home um and we feel like it does kind of follow the comprehensive plan is just changing one residential to another and you're building a home on it cuz that's kind of the zoning you're putting on it yeah uhhuh yeah that's it I mean if you have any questions she said a lot of stuff and I feel like a lot of it would be addressed later but you know so I don't know if there's any questions you guys have or anything else I need to say no I'm commissioners of my district I think it's I think it's a good project so if I can have a motion to approve it uh motion to approve motion by commissioner toaya second second by commissioner Goodson all in favor say I I oppose passes 4 Z thank you thank you thank you okay we're going to move to item H6 item H6 is so the Vita land LLC request a change the zoning classification from ru 1-9 to Ru 1-11 application number is 24z 0046 tax account number is 30171 131 located five do not have Commissioners still here but I've got one card from the applicant and I don't know what you guys want to do but it looked like something that I would approve in my district so I think I understood that um D5 was okay okay um with with their items tonight so I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve okay I have a motion to approve second second by commissioner toaya all in favor say I I I oppose passes 4 Z okay moving into item H6 May manarino family revocable living trust requests a change of zoning classification from ru 1-7 and rr-1 to all rr1 application numbers 24z 000041 tax account number is 28253 located District 5 okay Commissioners I think this about the same thing I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve second motion to approve by commissioner felner second by commissioner toaya all favor say I I oppose passes 4 Z moving into item H9 we did it sorry sorry I have no cards on it commissioner F did I do something wrong no we did we did nine earlier oh yes so hard to get good shares these days all right um we are um done with the regular business for tonight yeah and um we have no new business no more public comments so we can move right into board reports County Manager I have no report all right County attorney I have no report Madam chair okay we have um commissioner Goodson well I would say this pray for Florida State but it ain't going to help so I picked I'm now pulling for the Gators oh ma Madam chair yes sir isn't isn't Florida State playing Notre Dame there's not a we're we're rooting against the entire Catholic faith is that what you're asking us to do are you Catholic I I pretend to be goodness gra he's willing to try Okay commissioner toay are you GNA um do your vice vice chair thing not not on um zoning meetings Madam chair I've got report okay very good I do want to read one thing because this just came out and um I can't help it I just have to read it um Robert Kennedy Jr who's going to be working with Donald Trump on January 20th the Trump White House will advise all us Water Systems to remove fluoride from public water fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis bone fractures bone cancer IQ loss neurodevelopment disorders and thyroid disease president Donald Trump thank you for that and I just had to say so all right KY stones in there pardon Kenny Stones probably I got a whole book full of stuff by the way if you ever want to read it so you guys um we're going to call the meeting close God bless y'all have a great evening the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]