[Music] [Music] e okay it's 3:00 if everyone could please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr Brian would you mind leading us stes stand na indivisible Justice for All okay this is the Planning and Zoning Board looc planning agency it's an Advisory Board which makes recommendations to the county Commissioners who will make the final decisions on all these items item G5 is an LPA item items on today's agenda will be heard by the County Commission on April 4th at 5:00 p.m. when a motion ends in any kind of split vote a roll call vote may be taken to ensure accuracy as a reminder each member who makes a motion or a second needs to turn their microphone on so that your voice is on the record speakers for public comment on any agenda items will be given two minutes at this time if any board member has had any expart communication regarding any application please disclose so [Music] now all right seeing that I need a motion for the approval of the pnz minutes from February 12th 2024 move for approval got a motion by De Debbie a second by Robert all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously okay uh board we're going to be moving item G5 to the top so uh and then we'll go from there G1 two three and four item G5 please sir thank you Mr chair before we get started I just want to mention to the LPA members that items G1 and G3 are also LPA items in in addition to G5 so item G5 is the transmittal the water uh Supply facilities work plan and related amendments to the comprehensive plan to the Florida Department of Commerce this um was heard at last month LPA meeting it was found out after the meeting that staff had provided you all with a draft document that was submitted to the uh St John's Water Management District the had more information that's what's required this is a more sustin uh watered down version of the plan this is to meet the statutory requirements uh with the state and St John's so this is the transmittal hearing this is the first step of a long process that once you all make your recommendation it'll go in front of the board for transmittal to the Florida commerce it'll go up for their review along with the other state agencies and it'll come back down for you to review again with the recommendations from the state and all the reviewing agencies and at that time it'll go back in front of the board for adoption hearing where become final this document is again to comply with the state statutes it will not amend the service boundaries that we had a discussion with last time that that process would be done with the ear when we are we working on the the potable water and the sanitary sewer element there is a short PowerPoint presentation that was included in your packet I'm certainly happy to go through that with you if you so desire but I but it's at your direction uh it's I think this makes it a whole lot easier than last time I would agree yes does anybody on the board have any questions for staff yeah I have one question um on page two of the kimley horn report you mentioned the three uh water treatment plants are mims Barefoot Bay and San Sebastian but on page seven of the Capital Improvements under policy 1.1 you're strike Mr svin can you I'm having trouble hearing I'm sorry I got on page two of the uh kimley horn report you're listing the three water treatment plants as Mims Barefoot Bay and San Sebastian barefood Bay and San Sebastian being in the southern part of the county and Mims being in the north um but under the Capital Improvements for what we're voting on on page seven of I think it's exhibit B you're striking Mims as the level of service standard can you explain I'm sorry when you say level of service page seven did you say page seven under Capital Improvements policy 1.1 I don't have I don't I don't have any can you slide that up to you policy 1.1 on page seven of exhibit B and are you talking about the the kimy horn water supply work plan Capital Improvements plan CIP and I'm wondering if it's just a clarification that you're going to use the BC USD as the 200 gallons per person per day in lie of the 400 for Mims so I'm sorry sir if you don't mind can you repeat your question yes I'm I'm curious on and and I brought it up last time um under the potable water acceptable level of service standards under exhibit B policy 1.1 under Capital Improvements Mims is a water treatment facility and it's struck as 400 gallons per resident per unit per day oh I see and you're using I guess and I'm asking the question is Staff substituting the B cusd standard of 200 per day for Mims or so so the the the rational is is that we're in the program of replacing water meters so we're getting better data and we're getting a better representation of what service areas are actually using so we're correlating that between recommendations from the state that use 10 state standards and we're using that we feel that that's a more appropriate number overinflating that number would actually be using more capacity at our water plant that really would we would have to account for but was actually not being used okay I'm familiar with the 10age standards right so um so are you using 200 gallons per day for the Mims area uh the modification is we're using 200 gallons per day as a programmed amount as it relates to capacity at the water treatment plant for Mims okay so all three plants will be using 200 gallons per day in Barefoot Bay we're it's remaining at 150 correct because it's it's also a Sanitary District yeah okay all right thank you all right thank you Robert anyone else from the board have any questions for staff je yeah I do Jeff we'll go through all the technical phases of this process won't we this board that is correct as we move along so this is like I said this is just to comply with the state statutes of uh being in compliance with the with the uh Regional water supply plan um and to there were certain references in our comp plan that references to 2009 water supply plan we're updating it to the 2024 water supply plan when we get into the ear we will be addressing the technical requirements of of service boundaries and everything else that good Ron you spent so much time you guys spent so much time that I didn't want to leave you in the weeds here on I'm always in the weeds good all right is there anyone in the audience would like to speak for or against this item all right seeing that I bring it back to the board is any other questions for Jeff or staff I need a motion a motion to approve as written I'll second item G5 I got a motion by Bruce a second by Henry all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously okay item G1 item G1 and G2 will be right into the record simultaneously their companion applications so G1 is Quality RV Florida LLC request a small scale comprehensive plan amendment to 23 as24 from res 6 to community commercial it's application number is 23 ss00 0024 tax account number is 270 2826 located District 5 item G2 is Quality RV Florida LLC request a change of zoning classification from ru 1-7 and tr-1 to all uh bu-2 with a bdp application number is 23z 0083 tax account number is 270 uh 2826 located in District 5 committee members you'll you'll uh May remember this these two applications were heard on the January 88th uh LPA and pnz meeting during uh the process it was discovered that the applicant and was uh storing third party RVs and boats and that required um a different zoning district and that's the change that's the change from uh bu2 the applicant has also submitted a bdp to limit the uses to bu1 only and with the um RV and Boat store for for third party and that that uh bdp is in your packet as well for you to review and ma'am are you the applicant I represent the applicant my name is Jennifer ad I'm council at eer law okay could you state your address also for the record yes my address is 508 North Harbor City Boulevard Melbourne Florida 32935 okay and a little bit about what you're wanting to do here yes um so I here I'm here representing Quality RV um as you heard um this is a business that does boat storage RV storage sales of of RVs this business has been in place for at least three decades the current owner did purchase it from a previous owner um as as you see in your packet you'll see a warranty deed from Mr Ralph Carpenter who was a previous owner we have I have here an affidavit from him stating during his ownership from 2009 till recently he had the same use and previously that he purchased the company from his father who also had the same use I believe from 1993 to 2009 so we're not extending anything we're um trying to be in Conformity we did do the bdp plan with the county at the advice of the county we worked together to create this plan and we're requesting to get this approved so they're in Conformity with the codes it has been there a long time yes sir and doing the same thing don't admit that hold on one second ma'am is anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item that's really good news all right seeing that I bring it back to the board we have any questions for the applicant okay now this is on item G1 all right we have item G1 have a motion by Ron a second by Robert on item G1 all those in favor say I I I any opposed item G1 pass unanimously and I'd make the same recommendation on item G2 uh including the bdp so I move move we recommend approval I need a second okay on item G2 including the bdp got a motion by Ron a second by Robert all those in favor say I I any opposed those items pass unanimously thank you all right he's got a nice business there thank you all right thank you thank you okay items G3 and G4 yes items G3 and 34 are companion items they will be heard together but you need a vote for each item G3 West Malibar Properties LLC requests a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment from neighborhood commercial and residential 2 to community commercial the application is 24 SS 0000001 on tax accounts 28611 0 28611 28615 28 0811 2 in District 5 and application G4 West malabor Bar Properties LLC request a change of zoning classification from RP and Au to all bu-2 with a binding development plan this is application number 24z 00004 and this is on the same tax account numbers District Five well I'm looking in the audience and we only have two agendas left is everyone here wanting to speak for or against this item yes okay well this is what I'll do if it wants to we're just going to try to make it because you know we make a lot of money sitting up here on this board we don't we donate our time but I try to do this when there's a lot of opposition or whether you might be forward I don't know would y'all want to maybe go outside and pick one person to talk because we don't want to hear 30 different times the same thing so that's that's why we offer that because you know say someone comes up and speaks and says well I don't like the color of the wall or whatever well and then we have in fact Mr Robert put on a pretty good show earlier you see how educated these guys up here are so but if you're not all going to say the same thing you're going to get one shot at us and that's it I see you raising your hand man but we can't talk until we get to the podium and we State our name and address for the record so just if someone's already said your complaint please don't keep going over and over and over again and I assume sir you're the applicant yes sir good luck well um please tell me you met with all these people we have met several times and um okay if um sir and we can't have that okay please everyone with all due respect the County Commission meeting is actually April 4th at 5:00 we're just an Advisory board so we don't have any final say or nothing all right sir you could state your name and address for the record yes sir Cole Oliver 516 delinois a Coco Florida for the applicant um so as a kind of brief recap of how we ended up here and what we're looking looking for from this body is do you mind getting a little closer to the mic you can slide that thing to you Mr Oliver there you go sorry I've usually not been accused of speaking U too quietly so I try not to too loudly into the microphone um just a brief recap of how we ended up where we are and what we're looking for so originally the applicant bought this property back in 20122 and at the time they had a user which was a Starbucks coffee shop that really wanted to go on the corner and in order to accommodate their utility needs for that use they needed city sewer and water and and so we applied along with our neighbor to the South which is also Bard County um bu1 property to go into the city of Palm Bay and bring the utilities over which the utilities are cheaper if you're in the city you're not paying the out of city um user fee um during that public process we met three different times with the applicants twice with the engineering team once myself and we spent several hour is trying to work through the issues that the citizens have brought up and through that iterative process we came up with the idea which you're here before you today on for a self- storage facility on a large portion of the property and then at the time a Starbucks coffee on the corner and the reason that we went with the self- storage facility idea was to accommodate the best we could the citizens concerns over increased traffic as you guys see a lot of these coming in front of you the self storage is a lowest traffic generating commercial use in the U fdot's handbook as far as you know the the intensity of the use um on the neighboring land and so through that process we went back to Planning and Zoning at Palm Bay we received a recommending a recommendation for approval of the annexation with a caveat that the Palm Bay Planning and Zoning Council said no connections on on two heeled Road would be allowed though it's a county road that makes that determination um that didn't work for the development needs that we were seeking with the Starbucks but we continued to the the council hearing at the council hearing the council in the first application denied the annexation of my neighbor's property and because of that denial my property was no longer um touching the city of Palm Bay so we weren't eligible to be annexed into the city of Palm Bay so after that we've continued working with the property on a way to develop it the issues that we have run into is one that the Starbucks use is apparently off the table right now as they're looking other where elsewhere would they come back I don't know I would hope so I think they're a quality tenant but you know if and when we get an application if this body in the C in the commission approves the bdp we would of course meet the traffic study requirements and any other requirements that the county code has for development of such a parcel what we're asking for today is a bu2 zoning with a binding development plan for the limited use in bu2 zoning of climate controlled self storage and then other bu1 allowed uses and the reason that we have to ask for the bu2 for climate controlled storage which is an allowable use under bu1 is that in bu1 usage for storage you can only go as high as the tallest or the shortest neighboring structure surrounding your property if I were to build an office building there I could still go three stories high 35 ft but to build climate controlled self storage which is a lesser use you're capped at one floor because my neighbor's properties have some one floor houses around them so that's the only reason we're here asking for bu2 otherwise we would be asking for bu1 zoning which is consistent with my County's own neighbor to the South and the county owned parcel to the north of us on the east side of mitton road is some of the most dense commercial development in the city of Palm Bay and a recently developed apartment complex that apartment complex is you know on the hook for the improvements at the intersection they have bonded both through the county and through West Melbourne so they have two bonds up to build the traffic improvements at that intersection already not to interrupt you but you said intersection heeled and Mitten yes sir that's correct at the intersection of hee and Mitten that they have bonded that's correct to the county okay and in conjunction with that there was some redesign work that needed to be done and in order to help facilitate that improvements this property owner has donated to the county what's called a corner clip so a portion of the uh the corner to allow for them to place the uh signal Mass arm in a correct location that helps facilitate the improvements that are being made my understanding is they are in the process of it's been permitted it's been funded and they should begin construction on that shortly um so I suspect what you'll hear from a lot of the citizens is concerns over the traffic that you know the development will generate and safety concerns associated with such traffic if you look at the conceptual site plan that is before this board where we show a connection to heeled Road a full access connection and our view that will increase the safety at the current intersection because it allows emergency vehicles to bypass any accidents that are happened at the intersection and be able to get back to the the West along heeled Road and service anyone that has needs back there additionally it would allow the res resid if there's an accident at the intersection an alternative way to get in and out of the neighborhood without having to wait the entire time the Capital Improvements that are currently um funded and in the process of being constructed forgive me I don't know the exact timeline on their construction as there been Hang-Ups on the equipment and the supply chain that goes along with the signals my understanding is they'll be begin Construction in the next 90 days but I can't guarantee that we understand that if this this plan meets with the approval of the board that we would be conditioned upon those improvements being completed prior to any you know Co being granted um we do have a traffic study that has been conducted that shows that with the improvements that are being constructed upon buildout of our facility with a proposed coffee shop because that was what we had in the works at the time we did the traffic study that the traffic that the signal would work and a uh the intersection would work and a a manner acceptable to fdot I'm not a traffic engineer apologies if I'm not stating the um those up here so we're in good shape I expect to have some questions from you guys probably um you know otherwise uh that's all I have if you all have any questions for me I'm here to answer them to the best of my extent well before we go out to the audience does anyone have any questions for the staff or for the applicant yes I do I was just looking at this conceptual sketch would the can you describe all the improvements that would happen at that intersection I'm looking at kind of a portion of that I see that we would go from two to three lanes at healed uh would there be other improvements in Mitten as well we're proposing a uh Northbound turn Dell Lane and turn into the property um which would align with the southbound okay so you'd be bringing in traffic before you get to the intersection as head north we're proposing to do that and some now it wouldn't be signalized traffic but it would be similar to the cut that is there to allow access to the public there an existing cut there there's an existing cut for southbound traffic to go into um the Publix which is on the east side of the street so we would basically do a sister additional Lane okay okay um and then you would have a left westbound left turn lane going into the entrance off of heel that's correct that's what we're proposing okay and then what are they so they're doing Mast arms they not Mast arms there is it is it is it a cable and and so they're putting up new new M arm poles in the whole nine yards I know they're doing new M arm poles and um I can't tell you honestly what type of light is there today okay thank you Mr chair if I can if I I can just interject for a second yes sir so Mr Oliver has provided a conso plan um it is um has not been reviewed for you know to meet county code it should be reviewed as for information purposes only um and it's not included in for your board approval now there are certain items that if you um desire to include in a bdp that's certainly something that can be you know discussed do try I just want assume that these improvements are based on the traffic study that's correct yeah that's good enough for me thank you yeah because I mean we got to reel it back in yeah and if should that change in the traffic St be updated that this will change probably for the better we're here just for zoning correct right I I don't I don't want to take um take away from you know the staff review of of the requir understand I just have a feeling based on the 8 million meetings we've had like this the traffic might come up when well when hasn't audience we're just a zoning board and a planning board we're not traffic and Engineering plans and all that other stuff so uh that is what we're here for and you're requesting the be two be2 with the sole be2 loose use being the climate control multi storage and then we would the reason you want other allowable bu1 uses would be is because of the two stories yes sir that's correct but now across the street we have apartments and everything else right there apartments across the street are three stories and I believe there's some of the single family homes including one that the county owns a porcel of that is two stories currently in the area Okay um and you know our proposal is three stories I just don't want to I want to make sure that we haven't I haven't misrepresented anything it is proposing three stories but we would stay within the existing height restrictions that would be allowed in the commercial zoning right right Mr Oliver if you don't mind grabbing a seat and uh those that want to speak against this we can start in the front row here and Sir soon as you state your name and address and everybody if you would please respect it I'm going to put us on a timer when it goes off please stop because we got 30 40 people in here at 2 minutes and we're getting paid big money to hear all this but voice yourself though I encourage you to go to the county commissioner's meeting so ready to go uh state your name and address for the record John connley 3620 heel Road I know you didn't want to talk about traffic but since they brought it up well I'm just telling you you brought it up so let's go ahead and open that can worms we got a know you turn at uh Mitten and heeled they're proposing a intersection down a little bit uh South on Mitten which will help alleviate bringing the traffic in there if that doesn't get approved and they just use Hill Road to enter right now we were got two L we got three lane construction going on in the intersection right now uh there's a study being right there's not a study there's a a uh a plan in the county right now for water where water's going to run back towards the West that's in the plan right now not the one you got but there is a plan that the County's putting together for water treatment or the water to go back to the to the West we have traffic problems you don't want to hear about but the zoning the biggest problem with the zoning we got right here is the traffic on Hill Road that's basically what we're we're fighting more than we're fighting anything else so we just need to make sure that the plan that they submitted to you you don't buy into just because they have traffic coming in traffic coming out there we put in a comprehensive plan 25 years ago for 2 and 1/2 acres in that area for residential and for uh our farming now it's getting encroached we've we've included Orange Road or Orange Avenue West towards Mitten that's always been where they can do commercial out that way we're encroaching more and more into heill road with commercial so my my thing is is what you can't stop development but you do have to look at the traffic P the impact and the water that's what you just got to look at that okay okay so all right God bless you he has and thank you sir all right so let's just get back to what he said and Jeff and legal counsel for the county correct me if I'm right or wrong there's got and Bruce you might want to chime in here too Bruce at the end here's an engineer Robertson engineer we got a lot of Engineers up here when an applicant like Mr Oliver goes to do this there is a lot of reports that are prepared as far as traffic as far as storm water runoff as far as water and sewer coming to here this is only the just beginning even if we approve this he can be disapproved later correct so so let me just talk about under the the purview for a land uson zoning so whenever this board and the board of County Commissioners reviews or requests a of land zoning we're looking for consistency and compatibility right and so with that um if the you know the board um sees that that the request is consistent compatible then then it would go through a staff level review administrative review of the site planine process where they would have to meet concurrency they'll have to meet you know storm water requirements they'll have to meet the requirements to bring you know Central water and sewer and all the other codes that are required to to to develop a piece of property this is just the first step of many in the development process correct all right and sir you already had your shot I apologize but we're we got to get through this sir would you like to speak like to speak if you could state your name and address for the record yeah my name is excuse me my name is Dennis Foster 4366 heeled Road um we're I'm I'm part of the group that was vehemently opposed to this this project from the beginning mainly because of the Starbucks coffee and the implication to traffic at that intersection and I can tell you now that our biggest issue with this whole thing is the entrance and exit onto heel road so we're back on traffic we're back on traffic again I sorry I'm sorry we are back on traffic again so um but uh uh the the the the Mr Mr Cole has mentioned that um he would like to entice Starbucks coffee back to that back to that parcel on the corner that's going to require the entrance and exit onto heeled Road and if that happens I think that intersection is going to be a nightmare he mentioned that that that entrance and exit is going to improve safety I do not believe that in one second I think that entrance and exit onto heel road is going to cause a major blockage major uh if think about what's going to happen at rush hour at rush hour that traffic backs up uh off heeled Road turning left or right onto Minton that traffic backs up can be 8 10 12 cars okay imagine a vehicle pulling into heel road trying to make a leftand turn into a Starbucks coffee on that corner a Starbucks generates 60 or 70 cars an hour at least and so you're going to have that traffic pulling into there and and now now they're they're blocked for turning in there because the traffic's got to clear before they can even get in so now you got school buses trying to pull down heel Road there's only one entrance and exit on to heill Road hundreds of residents up and down there emergency traffic is going to be blocked by an entrance and exit this was all reviewed by the by the Palm Bay planning and zoning and they recommended approval for this whole thing with the exception of that entrance and exit onto heeled Road be removed and that's been ignored by Mr Cole all right well thank you sir you're welcome all all right I don't want to keep hitting a bad tree but we've had two people speak about traffic we're here to talk about zoning I mean because that is what is our first thing and I can guarantee y'all with do and with Bard County this F's going to have to do the proper thing for traffic to get a permit no matter what the case may be but uh okay ma'am would you like to to speake with gentl all right you're about traffic too then aren't you ma'am be behind the well I've got one in front of you ma'am but do you want to this isn't G to speak oh she's not going to speak she's not brave if you could state your name and address for the record my name is Judith kumman I live at 1680 Willard Road Northwest I will concur with my neighbors traffic is a problem but I'm also concerned about the reason we lived at moved out there 25 years ago is so all of us we live on at least now one acre but up to 20 acres of property are out there for our homesteads we don't want to live in a Vieira where everybody's on top of each other we light that Serene country setting we pay our taxes we pay to have that road paved so that fire vehicles could get down there and emergency for forest fires that came out of the residents Pockets many many years ago even before I lived there so I'm concerned about my investment and my lifestyle out there I do not want a three-story storage unit whether it's air conditioned whether businesses can run out of it if they can store hazardous materials in there dead bodies I don't want that I don't want Starbucks at that corner I appreciate Publix I don't even like those apartment buildings but I didn't have a say in that I don't have a say in the other apartment buildings or that housing development that's going in there I just have a saying my investment and I see my property value going down because of all of this development Starbucks isn't going to bring me a return to my wallet or my investment and that's my biggest concern as well as the traffic okay thank you ma'am uh sir right beside her sitting down would you like to speak with he can still speak unless it's about traffic all right as we could continue back down this side behind the gentleman here in the red hat or okay I'm sorry right here I don't want to sound like a broken record maam but if you could state your name and address for the record uh my name is Susan Shepard 4212 heel Road Northwest yes ma'am okay I will try very hard not to be repetitive I come confidently before you might be a little repeat here saying the residents of heeld Road understand and know there will be a f that there will be future businesses on this stretch of property that's we know that with that being said I confidently say that the residents greatly oppose the erass inass from healed there are already established driveways along Minon Road for most of the property we have never had to have another way out of heeled Road by an access to a Starbucks drive-thru heeled road is approximately 2 and4 Mile two lane road one way in and out with a light at Minton um approximately there are 275 homes I say approximately approximately the whole area of the tun a qu mile is approximately 750 Acres there are many residents that live on the on healed and off the side streets as well the major problem traffic problem has created a dangerous and con congested situation for all this leads to compromising the lives of residents and property minutes and seconds count emergency vehicles fire trucks will not be able to timely get in there are no fire hydrants on heeled Road authorities need to truck in we have had fires in the past um the access Ingress egress to healed Road road is a wish list not a need the con the draft conceptual site plan of the be1 zoning change on the two properties borders residential areas uh the bu1 includes drive-thru as well as other undesirables the property is surround I said that residential homes by allowing the resoning change on that property all right will change everything we got it okay did I do good you did great and will we be able to get names of addresses of people that we can write to I'm sorry ma'am but we got to stop we're sir you were next come on up Mr chair if I can make a a suggestion if if the residents that want to speak want to gather up here there you go if you could get in the front row here we can maybe get through quicker y'all can come on up while we're talking all right sir if you could state your name and address for the record my name excuse me my name is Michael bramlet I live at 3075 heeled Road in reference my property is right next door to everything that's going going on here his retention Pond that he's showing backs up to my back property line that doesn't bother me what bothers me is that when my parents built that house in 1961 I could count the number of houses on heeled Road on that hand now she said there's 270 something houses not a problem I mean I understand that residential is is a bigger difference than commercial Mr Oliver was proposing the Starbucks right almost in my bedroom window now can you imagine just the loudspeaker people woking up and ordering at all times of the night coffee or whatever that noise it would have been horrendous the mayor of Palm Bay and this is a apologize for the traffic but the mayor of Palm Bay had the foresight to take a drive down in our area during rush hour and he had the infinite wisdom to say folks this ain't going to work therefore Palm Bay shot the whole thing down and rightfully so realistically he could build a six-story storage as far as I'm concerned I don't care I don't want to see the access on heeled road back to traffic but I'm sorry that's the main issue here okay sir thank you all right thank you sir if you could come up and state your name and address for the record Andreas leus 1691 Willard Road uh I'm mostly opposed to the storage complex the bu2 the bu1 anything anything higher than the current zoning um that's on those properties um a multi stoage a multi story storage facility welcomes a lot of unwanted people through all hours of the day I don't want that near my house um we've heard from people who have been here for 25 years my wife and my small family moved here um 2 and a half years ago for the reason that these people moved here 25 and 30 years ago um we like it quiet we like it out of the way um I believe this is the last area in Palm Bay that gives the f of what we have back there um on top of that I feel the zoning that's currently um on those properties is is appropriate for um uh businesses that could bring Mr Cole uh Mr Oliver um some income to to um you know whatever his his end goal is um I do not feel that it's necessary to go as high density as bu1 or bu2 um I appreciate that he tried to go lower you know to get the lowest density um allowable in a bu1 with the uh storage facility um but that's still too high the commercial uh property that's there U I think RP allows for professional um offices I feel that's appropriate for that area um I won't pretend to think that people are going to build houses on that corner because I don't think people are going to want to live there um but I do believe that it's already zoned appropriately to have uh businesses and provide income thank you all right thank you sir hi Jack is a Mac 1590 Studley Drive which is off of heeled road so I'll be brief be quick not to repeat uh the zoning concern with this is we can't look past the fact that one of these Parcels is currently residential so this is commercial creep into the residential this is just not taking an office building and rezoning it this is taking a house tearing it down well ultimately tearing it down and that's why it starts to encroach further into the neighborhood um two things I want to point out uh first off I appreciate that Mr Oliver had listened to us and this left turn lane I I know it's traffic related but is a good concession but the intersection has been planned to extend a dual exit Lane long before this project was proposed and right now Mr Oliver is saying well now we're going to have that left turn lane what he's essentially doing is taking half of a safety Lane that was designed for the neighborhood for that private business purpose so we can't look at this and go oh everything's been looked at so this is commercial property being put onto heeled road which is historically residential thank you all right thank you sir anyone else want to speak for or against this item not really yes you do come on Debbie botin 3966 hilled Road palmay Florida we've lived there for 45 years when it was dirt road all of that and I had five pages prepared but I've cut it down to one um just a few notes so let's talk zoning um just say no no um if you pass the zoning Mr Oliver who has an invested interest in this property they bought it with Starbucks in mind he is an investor in it and when we had a meeting in the past someone asked him what would you do if you were in our case and he said I would do exactly what you're doing I would fight against having a Starbucks at the end of my street so we're doing exactly what he would be doing if the tides were turned and if this passes he's not going to stop short at getting that Starbucks on the end of that street and we've already had a death at that corner a young man by the name of Josh Kramer died and we happened to be there it was awful and um right now okay traffic goes a mile and a half not no exaggeration down the road both directions and with that Starbucks it's just going to be worse and I've got um reports of Starbucks around the country $9 million lawsuit in Jacksonville because of traffic accidents and deaths um but I I will mail that to you or email all the things and the photos of the traffic and all of the information because for me this isn't going to stop if the zoning passes this today it's not going to stop short of him pushing to have the Starbucks that's why that property was bought with Starbucks in mine because that's the highest income I guess you can get off a piece of property in that area maybe but so that's my thing about passing this zoning is that it's not going to stop until we're dealing with Starbucks and all of that traffic okay thank you thank you I'm my name is Kip patchin I live on 1500 Pine Tree Lane Northwest since 1981 when I came out there and I'm going to make this brief um it was just a wonderful area where you could feel safe Etc my point up here is part of a family business of self storages one was opened in 1992 in New York and in New Haven Connecticut in 2002 they were five and six story is high there's a lot of traffic that comes through rather than what was said depending on the hours um I don't think it will blend in the neighborhood that we live in especially the entrance and also um the In-N-Out depends on the hours of the facility and the traffic as well which I'm not going to go into I think I have worked in the Self Storage business my father started it and I do believe you don't know who's in the apartments across that are going to use the storage that could affect there's children still living there this is not the world that we all lived in I really believe that this would not be um can't lost the word would be suitable for healed Road um it just doesn't fit in and I think that's too much there's too much too many people coming back and forth especially with the apartments and then they're building other apartments uh right off of 95 and then houses and I think I heard 900 more houses connecting to Saw Grass Lakes um this is just the way I feel I've been out there a long time just for the record seven Brew just just opened on PM Bay Road within okay thank you though ma'am within one mile from Starbucks that's proposed hi um my name is Michelle Buckingham I live at 3901 heel Road Northwest um my father-in-law bought property out there in 1978 when the road was still dirt road um we now have six Buckingham families that live off of heeld Road um so we've you know been out there a long time have a lot of family out there um my concern I agree with all of the concerns that you've already heard um particularly traffic issues and safety issues I am concerned regarding zoning that Mr Oliver talked about just you know wanting to change that one part so have the storage facility and the other part he's saying they don't have any you know initial they don't have anything planned for that maybe Starbucks maybe not um it concerns me to change the zoning on that piece of land without knowing what he intends to do with it if you change the zoning that would allow something like a Starbucks then it's changed and that could happen and if it's not Starbucks it'll be something else but I would be concerned about making the change without knowing what he intends to do with it it concerns me that he's not saying what would be there he's just leaving that open ended um so that that's my concern regarding zoning so thank you all right thank you ma'am Cindy Kenard 1511 p Tre Lane Northwest my biggest concern about the three-story proposal is that if you go up and down that street yes there are apartments across the street that backs up into the Public's essentially business area if you go up and down that street there are no other businesses that are tall there's a Walgreens there's a pizza place everything is one story there's um uh one that does surveying um everything are uh except for the like the Walgreens and everything everything else are mom and pop businesses trailer rental a bridal shop everything is low there are no tall buildings so this is going to stand out and will this set set a precedent that would not be a good thing I don't think that's a good thing the traffic is already horrendous not even talking about how bad it would be for us on hilled road just even Mitten is a nightmare if you've all never been down there you don't leave the house mitt's a nightmare all the way to Jupiter so I mean exactly right ex exactly but we will beway to but but for safety reasons for us that would be horrendous on healed any okay thank you I'm John day I live at 1641 Willard Road Northwest right off of held Road my wife and I have lived there for for 25 years and I would just like to say I agree with everything my neighbor said and I would add one more point is one business worse than another well it turns out that I think coffee shops have an added complexity that makes makes it less desirable it's called the Starbucks effect Google it what it means is when people are thirsty for coffee they line up they don't care if there's parking spots or not they are going to form a queue and hold up traffic and this has been documented so I would say that that's possibly the worst business that we'd want to put there thank you all right thank you sir anybody else want to speak for or against this item you sir you're smiling looks like you want to come say something cuz I'm going to close it to the audience come on hello everyone my name is Kathy darle and I live at 1555 Henley Road and that's right off of heeld Road the only thing I wanted to mention and I appreciate all your time today and listening to us I just would like if you can consider all of the people were here that some that didn't even come up and speak that you consider all of our comments and not go over all of our comments but you know appreciate that all of us came out of here you know during our workday just like your workday to take time to do this yes ma'am yeah and again the only thing is is you know we just want the neighborly thing to be done you know and unfortunately we do know there's businesses that come there but we just want to be heard and we just want to have you consider you know what it would be like if this had come to your neighborhood that's all I want to say thank you all right thank you I'm Barbara rder I live at 4215 Hill Road Palm Bay I just wanted to mention I didn't hear our neighbors mention this but we have farm animals on our road we have horses and we have cows and we have chickens and we have goats and pigs and you know it it's it's a country environment and and we love our property I have almost two acres um we we have go-karts and golf carts and um four-wheelers and all of this back in our deadend community that Ventures out into dead end roads and to have a commercial property um to go in with a lot of more people and it's just it's dangerous um we have a preschool across the street with cars as it is that's causing a lot of um congestion um and you know we have families with young kids moving in and they're they're moving in with their small families so they can play in the road and they can play basketball at the dead end and you're going to have people coming into to our road not knowing it's a dead end flying who are they going to run over what animal are they going to run over you know people do ride their horses on the roads and in their yards and just wanted to stay that I'm with the community and our okay thank you thank you I'm sorry you already had your shot at me anyone else want to speak for against this item yes sir hi I'm Jason Gart um I currently don't have an address on healed but I bought property and the address is in it's pending um I'm born and raised in Malibar Florida and we're used to having we grew up on property I ended up moving into Palm Bay because that's what I could afford when I bought a house we just bought property on heeled to get back to the country lifestyle to add a Starbucks there to make it to where the congestion just piles on and the people that could healed has got one access to make it to where there's people that would go down the roads fast all everything that's been said I agree with it all it takes away from the country living style and that's why everybody that lives out there does live out there okay thank you sir anyone else want to speak for or against this item I'm going to close it to the floor those that want if you're thinking about it come on up it's all right all right I'm going to close the floor then for those that speak for against it Mr Oliver if you could come back to the podium I actually have some questions for you myself yes sir mitt road is four lane right there at heel I'm very familiar with this intersection I mean like this fellow back here you just spoke you know you was born in Malibar I was born in rockid so I'm probably Yankee for you but very familiar with the area grew up in West Melbourne uh I have a lot of friends out of Hill Road but uh there's a lot of businesses coming fronting mitton Road I would agree with that statement yes sir we go Palm Bay Road we hit mton Road they're coming whether you go south whether you go north uh Mr Henry you you have got a lot of experience here yeah I know you don't want to admit it no I don't want to admit it you know you want me to start sure can we talk fast so we can get out of here I hope you cut me to two minutes um you know we this board looked at the Starbucks that was proposed at Pioneer and North Courtney on Meritt Island and when I heard that it's like these people here their concerned we were concerned as well and I had some reluctancy but it was amazing um how Starbucks has handled that very delicate and high volume intersection but Mr Oliver is not here to talk about Starbucks I didn't see Starbucks anywhere on on our sub right zoning it almost sounds like I'm a commercial for Starbucks because they're certainly very popular back in probably in 1995 Bruce you can maybe help me here a little bit we came up with a a very extensive plan that involved Heil road that whole area and this County was willing to spend many dollars to try to make some significant improvements that would have maybe aligned Palm Bay Road better than the zig and the zag in Palm Bay Road there was a lot of time and money went into it and this is almost like a reoccurrence of they didn't want these improvements well we might not have if had that been implemented we may not have been here today to have the discussion about what's going to be on Mitten Road aren't there a lot of what is the road there off Jupiter Emerson Willard dead ends it won't even go to heel correct no not no and there's a bunch of Roads from Palm Bay that don't connect mhm and you know there was just a lot of things there when I looked at that agreement that is between every political subdivision that I that I've seen that you got West Melbourne over there on the on the east side you got pal Bay roads in this thing you got Dr Horton into it it just such a complex thing you know if the people on heeled Road could have seen these improvements right from what that agreement says that had to been done uh maybe half the people wouldn't be here today so that's extremely disappointing to me this applicant here has nothing to do with this but I can't in my days here you didn't get if you didn't get the road done you didn't get a CEO you you weren't going to turn the lights on on those apartments and a lady said there's 275 uh residents on the West Side there's 380 at the the apartment complex on the east side I I only hope the people were as disenchanted with the DR Horton project as they are what's going to go in there now the the tough thing for me that're we're just doing a storage building here and man if to me it's a it's the least traffic generator you can have we know that sometimes when people bring their devices there to store they may not come back for a month so I would I was hoping somebody today was going to be excited about a storage facility right to me it's a it's impressive when I read the the the submittal and I haven't heard anybody say boy that's a great idea and let try you look at the property and it's 300 ft deep on heeled Road and a couple have said hey we don't we don't want a driveway there but I don't want people on heeled road to go out and make go out in the Min and then make a quick right to get back into whatever might be here in the future that doesn't make good sense to me either when you could say there's a driveway 300 ft down the road that's where their Drive is that's probably 15 storage car so I it just there's just a lot of things this submitt today could have been a lot worse than than to me it's a pretty good submitt I mean it's it's not the greatest but there's a lot of other things here we'd be having discussion I don't pardon me one second aren't you approved right now for two or three stories of Office Buildings as it zoned right now I believe for portions of the property yes and um I don't I think even if it was remained residential you could still build a three-story residential house so the height right is you know kind of a legacy of the way the original bu1 code was drafted now if I understand you correctly please correct me if I'm right or wrong who has bonded the Improvement for this intersection as we speak the apartment devel ER who built the apartment on the east side yes sir and they're making him do something over here on the West Side to make the entire intersection work Mr Jeff are you aware of that the third party agreement between DR Horton the city and the county yes so there's a bond in place as we speak for these citizens here to improve heeled Road section right now I'm not aware of the bond I know that we did an agreement with the city to um to approve uh some Road improvements I don't recall exactly what those are but there are Road improvements that are planned as Mr person or two people that's bonded or supposedly supposed to improve this intersection I've not seen the bonds personally this coming from my traffic engineer what I understand is that Dr Horton the parent company of the development drri I think was the company that developed the apartments they put up according to my traffic engineer a performance bond both with the city of West Melbourne and a separate performance bond with Bard County but again that's heay because I haven't seen it personally sir I'm sorry we're up we we got to discuss this now please don't get us off track so there are improvements as we speak for that intersection that is my understanding yeah okay because even though I I don't want to say I didn't want to hear it pardon my forg forgive me but we got on traffic a whole lot so obviously somebody knows there needs to be some traffic fixed there yeah there was there was an agreement between the city and deer Horton for the apartment complex so you're probably going to get gouged on improving traffic too comes with it so this less impact is actually smart any other questions or for the applicant not so much for the applicant but for Jeff I had some minor discussions with you about the elevation of a storage facility next to regardless of the outcome here today can you guys take a look at that it it it was Antiquated in the 90s and it's got a really you know can can you guys go back and look at that to see if it makes better sense than it did we we can my step and I can go back and look to see what was what was going through the public hearing process what I can tell you now is what the current code allows for no I'm not expecting a miracle I'm just uh yeah it's just to me it's just an important thing and I'm going to say again this site I don't know Mr ol are going to agree but I I think if it if it's approved it it needs a driveway somewhere on healed road to get you know to get access they're going to make it yeah do and traffic studies and everything so but we're in the past what we did the Dunkin Donuts we did on Meritt Island I was trying to look out for all the Catholics and they that driveway went away I almost want to make it a bdp so we make sure the staff realizes the importance of it I mean the Dunkin Donuts now that's humongous it's worse than Starbucks and people got to go out for 30 ft on North Courtney which is only six Lane not a big deal because they roll you over there it's a little different they don't even crash they just roll you over and they've got to get to get back in maybe it's only happened on Sunday but it's he's not this is not Starbucks anyway so anyway Mr chairman yes can we make that part of a bdp you you could do that I would caution you on making that part of a bdp because it is part of Staff review and let the engineers to do their review based on what the code allows for and what it doesn't um that that's just my my my concern is is that we have an advisor board that is not relying on staff and their technical expertise to Des or help design or review what an appropriate access is certainly we have the access code that uh looks at safety and traffic and and the technical merits of that Bruce you're designning every day chairman well hold on one second Mr Bruce I had John here in front of you okay John go ahead yes sir thank you um when I got my package I didn't see anything about a Starbucks it just talked about the mini storage and then when I came in today and I get these notices from the public they're talking about a Starbucks so my whole concentration on reviewing this proposal was for Mini Storage and i' I've been questioning all the many storage facilities that have been going up around the county especially unincorporated are we becoming a storage County where everybody can just bring their goods and store them and is this highest and best use for this land um I don't think so and I I I really feel that we need to look at this as what is this project going to do for the neighborhood and I know Mitten road is very high traffic there's the commercial across the street and there's the commercial just south of this are we going to have commercial going all the way up to 95 is that is that how it's going to be I mean we're doing this on an LPA first and the LPA had residential that was the plan let's keep this residential let's not make this commercial so just looking at it from that standpoint I would object to it Mr Bruce yeah well if you don't put commercial on an arterial Road where do you put it um everywhere there's an arterial collector Road in this County you have commercial uh it's because the only other option is to put it in the residential areas not on the edge of it inside of it so you know if you got a collector Road like Mitten I don't even know if to collector material but it's it's a big it's a major roadway you're going to get commercial um yeah I mean there's storage in Vieira who why would you need storage and V where they have big houses but they do they for some reason they need storage there too so um it is it is according to the um the engineering manual that all the traffic engineer use to it it is one of the lowest uh traffic generators on the list and that's Nationwide study so that that's a fact um so I like dealing and facts as an engineer um looking at this through a pure planing lens they would through a pure planning lens a connection to heel would be the most desired connection because you go to the lower classification roadway first in in a planning lens because you want to make sure you have connectivity you know what happened to First Union on oal in South Patrick it's a nightmare so to have people come in and and not be able to access commercial property from the road that they're coming on and to go on a higher classification roadway just to get inside is is a safety concern and it's a nightmare so um that's uh that's been proven so um I like to deal in facts I I understand I I he I hear you guys what you're saying about traffic and and and Zoning um I haven't heard a lot of specifics on on where you where things may or may not meet um you know normal criteria that we use to judge things on um but uh you know getting another turn lane on this road on heel is going to help tremendously I think I remember I was trying to figure out I was remember when heel didn't have have light uh when it finally got a traffic light cuz it was a stop sign for long time that was back in the Henry Days yeah well that was I'm not as old as Henry but I'm getting it's not if it's not good it was mine yeah so yeah I've been here a long time too but we remembers what we might have done yeah and and we don't have a Starbucks in our code we have classifications of uses right is it is is a considered a coffee shop or restaurant yeah we look at those but I don't even know if legal could actually deny a use based on who's buying the property we don't know who's going to be there so um maybe it will will be maybe it won't be I I I don't know we just look at the uses that are allowed in that zoning and determine if they're appropriate uh so that's um kind of what we see and this is not unique in any any any sense or form um wherever you back up to a major classification roadway you have the front edes commercial and then the residential behind it yes this is a longstanding community it's been there for a long time and it's not the only one I mean look at all the how long has the police foundation been off at 192 right um it's I remember when 192 was a dirt road how about that um so yeah I I I have I'm really all about the facts and um I'm not seeing a lot a lot of great testimony but um I don't see the facts as support that we would not that we W that we would restrict access to heal uh or that we would deny this request thank you you know I was going to tell John he was woring about storage facilities let's let's start worrying about apartments down 524 any other Mr Robert uh thank you uh and I do have to agree with Bruce um you know looking at at the facts you know this is a major arterial I think it is an arterial I don't think it's a collector I think um heel road is the collector actually because it's one way in one way out and it's only form of egress but I want to look look at the administrative policy and it says the character of a neighborhood of an area shall be a factor for consideration whenever a reasoning of an application involving a specific proposed use is reviewed and that criteria goes on to say it shall not Material or adversely affect the impact of an existing residential neighborhood by introducing types of intensity and traffic so one way in one way out that's different from an interconnected roadway system so I do agree with your traffic uh impacts um uh if you just look at turning movements now you know Bruce and I are engineers and so we got two left hands and we think differently because we are different so um a leftand turn a Southbound on mitt turning into uh heel and then doing a left-hand turn into a coffee shop will impact eastbound traffic there's no doubt about that but then it'll be the Turning movement out of whatever is going to be in there to turn right to go eastbound on heill to get back out to Mint and to use the controlled intersection so that in itself is a traffic related issue so for that with the unique characteristics of this and you know from what looking at Google these are large acreage properties and all around everything else is cut up so that's the lifestyle you want one way in one way out um it is a safety concern it is a fire rescue concern um and then so traffic on that road is critical and so for that but I have to agree with Bruce I mean a corner lot on a on a major arterial that that just screams commercial so from a zoning standpoint I would almost have to say yes but I do we are listening to the community and saying that you do not want further encroachment off that main arterial that's that is very much listened to as Bruce has noted thank you Robert thank you for that because we are here for zoning you know and I'm going to need a motion for item G4 if somebody unless we have more questions for the applicant or for the staff Mr chair you need a motion for G3 first G3 is the land use the land use right I skipped it sorry about that the LPA this would be a motion for G3 and the no the the land use doesn't have the bdps for the zoning the next item cor correct correct okay you need to have a separate motion just for the land use I will recommend approval and I'll second that got a motion by Bruce a second by Henry on item G3 all those in favor say I I any opposed okay Mr hoop and garden you oppos I need to and Ian Logan Logan sorry and we had two opposed that did pass you don't want us to read it off or do you all have that you got that we got it Logan and John opposed okay item G4 uh G4 I'll recommend approval with the bdp and I'll second there got a motion by Bruce on item G4 with the bdp and a second by Henry all those in favor say I I I any opposed same to opposed so to the citizens out there April 4th at 5:00 at the County Commissioners meeting and good luck thank you all all right Mr Oliver thank you okay meeting adjourned the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of rard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such [Music] [Music] period [Music] [Music] [Music]