[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and Mr Bruce could you lead us from the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the it stands Nation indice okay this is the Planning and Zoning Board it's a local and also the local planning agency it's an Advisory Board which makes recommendations to the County Commissioners who will make the final decision on all these items items G4 G6 G8 G10 G11 are all LPA items items on today's agenda will be heard by the County Commission on July 11 at 5:00 p.m. when a motion ends in any kind of a split vote a roll call vote may be taken to ensure accuracy as a reminder each member who makes a motion or a second needs to turn their microphone on so that your voice is on the record speakers for public comment on any agenda items will be given three minutes at this time if any board member has had any expar communication regarding any application please disclose so now all right seeing that I need a motion for approval of the pnz minutes from April 15 2024 move for approval second okay got a motion by Deb a second by Bruce all those in favor say I I any opposed that motion passed unanimously I just want to note too we're going to be moving item [Music] 14 to the last item on the agenda Mr chair you said item G14 uh yes okay Miss rosinka are you where did you go you want to come up to the podium and you're talking about items G5 and G6 good afternoon chairman Wadsworth members of the Planning and Zoning Board Kim Ranka on behalf of Aaron rener items five and six uh we are requesting to continue this to the pnz of August 12th time certain um we recently learned of some engineering issues that we want to resolve and also we've had quite a bit of public comment so we want to take time to to talk with the residents if we can if we can get them together I I don't know that we can satisfy their concerns but because there is some concerns we want to take time to meet with them all right do we need to take a vote on that to table it until the 12th yes can I get a motion on that I'll make that motion that's item G5 and G6 oh for G5 and G6 to be tabled to the August pnz all right we got a motion by Deb a second by John all those in favor say I I any opposed thank you sir that passed unanimously Miss Kim items G5 and G6 could you just say a little quick does anyone in the audience are y'all aware of item G5 or G6 all those that's part of that can you please stand up okay that just got moved now hopefully to the August 12th meeting if it doesn't go to that dat we'll be notified ahead of time is that correct yes so y'all are welcome to leave because we're not even going to get on that item Brian I told you see your War Reser call your wife tell her your helmet for dinner well halfway now as they're leaving hello hello if everyone could if we could kind of quiet down there as you're going but are are the other are y'all here for item G2 okay so can we see those hands again for item G2 one two 3 four five six so we have 22 people approximately if I missed one I'm sorry what we try to do to expedite the meeting do yall have one person that you would like to speak on that item well the reason I'm asking is we don't want to hear it three times about traffic or we don't want to hear three times about us going to devalue our house we try to pick one person because I give you I give you three minutes each to speak and after three minutes respectfully you're going to have to walk away uh so if you want to pick one person or two person I'll split the time with those people so that you can say why you do not want it or why you do want it it just kind of expedites the meeting do you want to pick one or two people to speak three all right we we had approximately 22 people so three minutes a person that's 66 minutes that's an hour to speak got three okay so that's 20 minutes a person so you get give 15 okay neighborhood but you all have the same concerns though looking at all of our papers up here so respectfully if we could kind of talk a moment amongst ourselves because well it doesn't seem like everyone is agreement that's fine I I'll tell you what all the people involved with item G2 if y'all could step out to the lobby outside and then that way we could get going and when you come back I'll bring it back up up to you Mr chair if I can just uh interject for a second what you can do is put item G2 last on the agenda um and that way you'll give them time I can't do that okay so all those involved with items G2 if you don't mind going to the lobby and maybe pick now we will hear everyone's opinion if you want that but we're just trying to do this to make it quicker so if y'all could take that outside we could start the meeting pretty pleased and we will pick up with item G1 thank you Mr chair item G1 Suzanne cook requests AAL use permit for a guest house and Ru 1-13 single family residential zoning classification application number is 24z 00007 tax account number is 2 43174 4 5 located in District 2 this item was continued from the 8 the April 15th uh 2024 uh pnz meeting there are conditions uh related to a guest house uh those five items are listed in the Agenda Report um with that if if you remember that there was some confusion by the applicant of whether this uh said guest house would be allowed to be rented out um and the applicant is provided an an email saying that the guest house would not be rented out per what the code requires okay and are you the applicant ma'am or is he I am and if you could if we could get that microphone closer to you and if you could state your name and address for the record yeah my name is Suzanne K cook I live at 1270 North Banana River Drive on merid Island Florida okay and a little bit about what you're wanting to do with this zoning um what I wanted to do was to build a separate little house for myself and when I want to get away from my children that live with me I'm right I need a quick motion on that one all the and yet they're close enough that if something happens to me they can check on me but I'm a little tired after 13 years you know to um and sometimes I don't agree with what they do or say to me so it's easier to run away and do something else and rather than rent a motel room it's easier and we do have the space there okay if you could stay right there is there anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item that's really good news I know all right seeing that I bring it back to the board do we have any questions for the applicant um I have a question for staff okay um I I don't have a problem with the applicant or anything else in fact I I'll probably motion for approval um but my question for staff is the difference between a conditional use permit for zoning and a builder development plan is one the conditional use permit to alter the existing zoning requirement and if you can explain sure I'm going try to do the short version of it mran a condition of use um our zoning code is um set up to allow for permitted uh permitted uses uh uses permit with conditions and then uh uses that are permit with a cup a guest house in this instance is a cup in this zoning District a bdp which is a binding development plan is a volunt voluntary signed agreement between the applicant and the board to put conditions on the property in support of the board granting the zoning of the property thank you they're very similar but different that that's kind of what I was under the impression it was now um with a uh a builder development plan that goes when the property owner transfers as well what about the conditional use permit does that does that transfer or is it only permitted to the applicant the cup is only for the applicant okay all right thank you um I'd like to make a motion for approval no on G1 I got a question all right one second on the motion got a question by John yes well don't we have to second it to have discussion just a point of order uh right we have to have second to have discussion so I'll second the motion so so John have discussion well thank you very much um ma'am you were here back in April and you had stated that you wanted to have this building for Airbnb now you're coming back and you're telling us you want it for your family members what I said was that had my if my my money situation went down um that I might have to but if that's the case then I'll sell the house a house is not important to me okay if I can't afford the house I'll sell it all right but this the small building that you want to put on your property who's going to be using it who I will you're going to live there yes and and how are you going to eat I mean there's no kitchen in there according yes there is well there can't there can't be a kitchen but there can be a sink and her family's going to take care of her she's got her son and her daughter-in-law so they'll be able to prepare our meals for her I'm I'm confused I I will have a mic I'd like to help you out but I just I need to know what you're going to do and I will have a microwave I'm not going to cook heck I'm 86 years old congratulations you look good um I don't know what to do about this this well we've got a motion and we got a second yeah I know I'm still discussing I'm still discussing okay well rental rental would be a violation of the conditional use iation and then how she eats is up to her I don't know if that's up to his board I have the floor excuse me okay um I don't know I just don't like hearing different stories and and I i' like to get to the truth and see what you're actually going to do there and if you're going to live there in that in that house fine I have no problem with that but if you rent it out to either your relatives or to others if I I don't want to rent out to relatives believe me we have enough relatives that that come as a matter of fact we had somebody that just left about a week ago from California they came to watch the um the Rockets going up didn't see it because it didn't go up but the fact of the matter is we do have my daughter-in-law is from Nicaragua so we have a lot of um South Americans that do and Central Americans that come to visit which is okay but they visit we don't charge them would they be staying in the main house or in the in the new probably in the main house if I I'm in the small house the small little place I'm going to let they can stay in the house but I want to get away from that okay I just don't want your neighbors complaining that you're renting it out and then code enforcement has to come out and and put the kabash on you my neighbor I take I take care of the area from the road all the way down to the canal and that's the church and I maintain that all the time I'm out there weeding all the time um and my other neighbor they're good fishing friends they're not they're not concerned across the street we have a nursing home that I don't think has anybody in it and the the um the school and they're not a problem okay thank you Mr chairman okay we got a motion by Robert got a second by Bruce all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously thank you all right thank you ma'am okay okay for item G2 did we pick three people or do we all want to speak we have at least three might maybe more we don't cover what needs to be covered so that's and so is 15 minutes a person good enough No 3 minutes a person is finees three minutes that's even I like how you talk we can we can go to two minutes if we have to okay uh plus one well we need to read it into the agenda here item G2 please good afternoon item G2 Frank mron request a change of zoning classification from bu1 and r210 to BU to PUD under application number 23 PUD 0000001 tax account number 26118 in District 2 okay is the applicant here and if you could state your name and address for the record please sir sure hello board members Chris burner mil Creek residential mcrt Investments LLC uh 1650 North Mills Avenue Orlando Florida um my name is Chris burner as I just said I'm a real estate developer and I work with a company called mil Creek residential mil Creek is a national apartment development company and we really focus and specialize in building luxury market rate uh apartment communities and really the best locations the best submarkets and the best markets around the United States um although you just heard that I'm from I live in Orlando today I'm actually from Vieira and grew up here my parents live here which is why this project is so important to me and special to me um our proposed business plan includes a 252 home luxury market rate apartment rental community that really seeks to V to maximize the value of the Waterfront along the Indian River that our property benefits from and what we think provides a great amenity for our our potential and future renters their guests and their families um you're going to hear from several members of our consultant team today uh including Jake wise Landon shear and Susan Hall um who are here with me um but generally speaking we are we are requesting a rezoning to PD for the property which will bring the property consistent uh with what's allowed under the comprehensive plan and more particularly remove a six unit per acre density cap that was put in place I believe in the 1980s and so with that I will turn it over to our consultant team Jake Susan and I think we have a presentation here that hopefully we can project to the screen and the same thing ma'am if you could state your name and address for the record yes good afternoon um chairman Wadsworth I'm Susan Hall landscape architect and I'm working with the madora team for this project okay where's the clicker is there a click how do I there is no clicker what do I do you just say next slide got it okay so yeah this is an aerial that shows the uh the uh distant location of the property along the Indian River a little closer up you can see the uh single family homes to the north uh our proposed project in the middle and the existing Condominiums to the South this is a site plan that uh we have put together that um illustrates what we are proposing for landscape buffers just conceptually you know we're aware that the concerns of our neighbors to both the of our neighbors to the North and the South and that um so we have gone above and beyond with what we are proposing for our landscape and tree buffers um we have laid out the buffers uh using the County's type B buffer code requirements and we've gone as a said above and beyond and we understand that neither the residents to the North or the South or the new property um residents really want to uh be looking at one another and so we understand that these buffers are important and they play an important role so we're proposing to increase the size of the buffers at the time of planting both in size and quantity 8ot um trees are required by code we are propos proposing to put in trees that are installed at 14 to 18 ft in height 52 trees are required along the north property line alone we're proposing to use 60 and the Hedge that we would use there along with ground covers which are part of the way the code requirement is written we're proposing to increase that hedge in size by 50% so um this would also apply to the southeast corner of the site where you can see building 10 that's on the riverfront that is opposite the existing condominium structure that's to the South Okay so we've put together a um as an example we've put together a slide that shows um the required sizes of the trees on the left of each set of three um the sizes we propos to install which would be in the middle photograph of each set of three and what we could expect to see 5 years later generally speaking we see trees increase in size about 2 feet in height and 2 to 4 feet in width a year so beginning and some trees are even faster than that so this means that 5 Years From the time of planting we should be seeing trees that are 24 to 28 ft in height and around 12 to 14 ft in width um but a very important point that I'd like to make is that this site is fully vegetated fully canopied and um it's important that we fit this site neatly into um this this property and provide amp ample landscape for um the benefit of everybody but this site because it's fully vegetated means that we will have a good amount of tree canopy medication mitigation to um address and this means that at the end of Landscaping on this property that we will have a heavily landscaped site following construction simply by the way the Count's mitigation code is written um I work with natural resources all the time and I know that they prefer heavily prefer to have all the planting accomplished within a site and they would really prefer not to have payout on on the trees and we're going to have a lot of trees on this property to accomplish that all right thank you all right thank you may sir you also your name and address for the record thank you uh Jake W civil engineer for the project business address is 2651 West doal Boulevard in Melbourne uh can we go to the next slide please where is it I'm sorry about to leave think it's the there you go thank you uh so this slide shows uh what Susan was talking about uh of course in Greater detail so what you're seeing in the middle of the two sections is what we're proposing um and then you show the how we've moved all the buildings to the center of the site we provide the best buffer that we can with a combination of extra plantings extra large plantings and tree preservation um it's equally as important important for our luxury town home or luxury apartment rental project to be able to buffer our neighbors as it is for them to want to be buffered from us um no offense at all it's just uh what we uh would prefer for our project to create our own little Enclave uh for our project uh just like the condominium to the south of us has done um we also proposed three stories because the uh condomiums to the south of us are four stories in height and the we have the seven or so single family homes to the north of us uh they have their Road and then their Lots so we have a little extra buffer too with a roadway there um we did have a voluntary uh neighborhood meeting and uh one of the items that they talked about was sometimes Ruby Road which is the the road to the north of us does have some flooding issues uh so part of our engineering effort will be to help alleviate uh some of those of course our project will provide on-site treatment and we won't have anything that runs off from it at all uh you notice our application is not asking for a future land use Amendment at all it's just strict resoning we're utilizing the existing future land use Amendment there is an old cap six on there from 1980 uh thinking back to 1980 I was in first grade and I looked it up cattyshack was the biggest movie of the year so it's been a little while since then viir wasn't even something uh people were thinking about um so we were asking to uh eliminate that part of it so we feel like uh the stairstep approach that we're proposing is a good transition of the height the the condensing of the buildings towards the middle of the site is good I've been driving by this site for decades uh that little commercial Corridor has never been very successful um so the be1 zoning probably wouldn't have anything uh moving forward anytime in the near future um we provided a traffic study uh the section of us one is uh very low capacity excuse me very high level of service and has a lot of trips available we're not providing any deficiency on it at all in fact it still is only about 64% capacity which is much much better than most of the main corridors in uh Bard County with the zoning uh that we're asking the Pud we have the option of doing alternative development standards with the option of asking for waivers we have the option of asking for Den bonus we're not asking for any of those none of those at all we're just asking for uh the zoning uh we do have a wetland area on site that we worked around in preserved we're going to greatly enhance it right now it's got invasives and it's uh not looking too good um so we'll be improving it with a mix of uh uh replanting buffering it and uh keeping it uh enhanced with the um water connection to it as well uh we do have an existing dock that's in distri repair so we already talked to staff about working with a manity protection plan making sure we're in compliance with that to bring the dock back into uh compliance with being able to utilize it as they said for an asset to our project to be on the river the way we are uh the Pud was created so you can cre create these types of uh unique and cohesive development plans and so we have a lot of different amenities uh around the project plus uh the access to the river that we talked about previously um this developer uh friend developer that we've worked with before is uh typically does their projects with low impact development standards they try to get to like a lead silver level um so they are very proud of uh how they try to work within the environment that they're at um we also will work with staff to hit as many of the points with the green storm water infrastructure that we can to um we know that's a always a concern at the county level and for for us as well uh being local uh there's no endangered species uh that were found on the site we did do environmental assessment of it uh we have the wetlands and there could be a few go for tortoises though that we would have to relocate uh a final study would be done on that prior to construction starting with that being said I promise not to go through all the points and staff you've got your future land use policies 1.2 1.4 2.1 admin policies three and four in the natural resource review if you see all the different criteria 2 three four five of them for each of those that we either comply with every single one of them or they're really not applicable to our site um so we are uh feel like our project is meeting all the criteria that uh we need and we're again just asking for our zoning to come and compliance with the existing future land use that's there today uh with that being said I don't know if the team wants to add anything else but we do appreciate a chance to respond any public comments while you're right there Mr wise is before we go out to the audience does anyone I got a question yeah if you don't mind all right it's just one one engineering question did you have you done a traffic study and if so what what are the uh improvements that are being required or recommended do you know the specific improvements sir if you could state your name and address also for the record Landy Shear uh address 2651 west of gy Boulevard um yeah we did a preliminary Tia for the planning level study um there is a Northbound right Dell Lane and a southbound left Dell Lane that is proposed or going to be proposed with the project and Incorporated when site plan thank you I got a couple yes sir je I'm Gonna Get You Next Jake Jeff the the item they talked about in 1980 was that six or four um my recollection back in 198 80 there was a land use plan which predated the 1988 comp plan um and that cap and density was at six units the acre okay because I think that was a Nancy higs favorite what you you weren't even here you may not have been born but that was that was well constructed back in 1980 do you remember Bruce I'm trying to remember if it was four or six wasn't too many it was six yeah I don't remember much about what they what she did in this I remember she did a lot in South Mel Beach but I don't know too much about what she did here but it applied to everybody yeah um Jake is how how close is the old Alamo to this site do you know what I'm talking about the old Alamo or does that think I can go back a couple slides here Bell to you there's like one track in between that and sitting there so the old alos uh yeah the street north of us one more development and then the old El was there okay if I said the Lancaster property does that mean anything to you does not okay we're going to give you a chance the water on this site would come from where uh city of Coco has a 16-in water main in the US one right away and then Bard County probably answer your next question has a 6in does Bard have the swer there they do okay and they have the capacity they do yeah we would be doing a private lift station that we would maintain okay is is the address of this site rock ledge or is it what is it it is rock yeah I think the mailing address is rockl yes okay it's uh it's not a trick question I mean I just fair enough yeah okay um how far are you from the city of rockage B the true city of rockage boundaries you you do you know or I'm trying you with too many yeah it's a little strange on us one I think if you get up by Indian River Furniture you're hitting the Rock Ledge line so that's a good distance from us to the best your recollection is there any is there anything what's the closest proximity to this potential site that would be somewhat identical to that site well I would say the property the south of us directly is four story condos residential uh if you go up and down this Corridor you see a mix of single family distance wise I mean how far is the site the site to the south of us um we hundreds of feet from between building to building uh just north of the AL uh another condominium project that we did um probably about 15 years ago or so um so that's pretty compatible and there's um again a mix of single family North and South in between those as well how how long has these new owners owned this property yeah take so Mr Lancaster passed away I want to say two years ago I had spoken with Mr Lancaster for several years his neph or his son-in-law I can never remember the relationship inherited the property um and so we are contract purchaser so Mr Master stani still owns the property and we have a purchase contract to acquire the property so so this is truly the Lancaster property it is yeah okay I was Jake yeah and Jake wouldn't Jake wouldn't know contract negotiations so okay that's all the question I have for now yes sir Mr Robert thank you um so give me the rationale for removing the cap of six units per acre Robert could you get just a little closer please sir can you give me the rationale for removing the six cap six units per acre cap than um yes we're looking at the overall property because it's a mix of different uh uh land uses underneath it so because it was back done all the way back in 1980 in order for us to be able to have a successful project with this type of Luxy apartments and the maintenance and upkeep that goes with them um in order to be able to do a project like this we have to have enough units to make it so that it can be um maintained in the luxury manner that we want to you mentioned that the property to the south of you um is a also a condo is do you know the number of units per acre for that I don't know the numers units but typically in this area it's dictated by uh wetlands and things like that because V County doesn't allow impact actually it's dictated by the coastal High Hazard area and I was just going to say the coastal High Hazard area as well yes thank you and the exception for the commercial portion is not mapped as a coastal High Hazard area and the ration I'm a consultant for FEMA um the reason is is commercial doesn't have people living in it so the cap is dictated by the coastal High Hazard area yes so that's been since 1996 not 1980 yeah a portion of our site is within the coastal High Hazard area and we do meet all the requirements of but if you're going to change it to be residential then you're going to have the whole element would be changed because coastal high-hazard areas are not for commercial therefore residential I think yeah I just uh I think it's important to note here that this Coastal High Hazard is not the same Coastal High Hazard as defined by FEMA this is a coastal High Hazard as specifically defined by Bard County so if you look at the FEMA map that's correct not a FEMA Coastal Hazard I work in FEMA in 17 States so yeah it changes and jurisdictions do have changes but um so if the entire surrounding area and the other properties are all capped at six units per per acre and I'm assuming that the majority of the people in the audience have that concern why would Bard County want to Grant a specific element or a specific property to not have that cap when all the other properties including the one to the South complied with it I I would just assume and maybe incorrectly so um but that you would want to to unify the zoning layer and the comprehensive plan layer that's been adopted by by County Commission and so that's really what we're proposing to do right the there is a adopted comprehensive plan I apologize I don't recall exactly when it was adopted the zoning cap was put in place in the 80s um Jake maybe you know or maybe our our land use Council Jason knows when the the comprehensive plan was adopted but I think it was adopted post 1980 and so again really we are just trying to marry up what's allowed for this the County's comprehensive plan and and the zoning layer is really the request okay um bear with me for a second I'm looking at a 2023 Florida statute here and it is Coastal management and in here it says under Section B for local governments that have not established a level of service for outof count hurricane evacuation by following the process in paragraph a the level of service shall be no greater than 16 hours for a category 5 storm event as measured by the San Francisco scale currently the Eastern Florida Central Regional planning Council has a category 5 hurricane at 56 hours now I don't know about you but I've spent 30 years doing Urban search and rescue and nobody gives you 50 6 hours worth of notification for a CAT 5 you're lucky to get 16 hours for a cat 3 so what we're looking at is one I have some problems with evacuation two I have a problem with the cap of the density and US1 is an evacuation Zone and it it's not going to be just local people using US1 if I95 as in the case of previous hurricanes is clogged then the secondary route will be US1 so I do have some heartburn with increasing the density particularly in areas of the coastal High Hazard area as defined by Bard County but also by FEMA thank you and uh our current uh zoning and land use allow for 157 multif family units so we're not asking for a significant increase we're just asking for that old cap 6 to be removed that was again done in 1980 but if you do the math for the area just reduce it back down to the cap for six units per acre that that could be a very viable option you probably get rid of half the or 90% of the objections that you're about to hear thank you that's all okay any other questions Mr John yes I have a question for staff Mr ball I always understood that a PUD was for mixed use this is a single use development how does that play with the puds um it it can a PUD is a flexible zoning category or District where the applicant can come in and design their zoning code to meet the product type that they want to build it allows for flexibility to um the subbs um and that um so in that respect it's a um it's a zoning District that the um that the applicant has ability to design on its own but doesn't that set a precedent I mean people could come in and make everything a PUD just to do a single use development it just I always thought it was mixed use industrial commercial retail uh not just residential on its own as an apartment project it it can be mixed use it can also be one one um one single use is residential there's no restrictions either way okay because I didn't see where it it stipulated that it could be a single use that's why I was asking the question oh in our code we do have an rpu which is critically for residential okay thank you okay okay any other questions from the board I have a question for staff Mr Brad so in order for this to be profitable which is what we see all the time coming through here they have to have a certain number of units it's currently got 157 that they can use which that's not enough for them but that's given us a little over 10 units per acre so at 252 units it's working out to be about 16 units per acre way the way that we calculated it is it's about 17 units the acre overall okay so is there any other category other than going to a PUD that they could use to get the acre or the units per acre that they need because this seems like a large jump I I don't want to go off the cuff and tell you what would work and what what wouldn't there there are some zoning districts you know I should say standard zoning District that you know is is comparable to the you know res the res 15 we'd have to look at the with the cap of six I don't know off the cff of what that would what that would be and I don't want to give the board a false sense of direction all right thank you got a follow-up question to that just want to make sure I understand that too so the only way they can get the density bonus that they want is to go with P they just to be clear it's not a density bonus what is it they're they're they're allowed to shift their units but overall they cannot so they have two land use categories they have the commercial the what is it NC they have CC and um uh are you you're I'm sorry res 15 with the zoning because this is a little bit wonky is is that prior to 1988 there was no uh uh flu designation so in this instance the board decided the cap the density with the zoning in this instance it's res 10 or r210 with a cap of six so normally without that cap you would be able to do 10 units of the acre correct but just looking at it with the land use so the density they're requested so if they're getting to 17 units the Acres because the neighborhood the community gives them 30 units the acre on that part and combined with the 15 they get 17 okay I just want to make sure I but so really the it's not the Pud that's getting them there it's the correct Community I just want to make sure I have that straight thank you Bruce I still like your word that you use bonus bonus Mr chairman we could apply for bonus density we are not at all no I understand that's what that's what I wanted to make sure you're not yep and I thought that's why I was wondering why you chose the Pud I thought that was what was getting you the the additional unit but that's not not at all I want to make sure I understood that if and look at the staff report the second page it identifies the County's comprehensive plan shall be the guidance for consideration when considering the appropriate zoning District to rezone a property to moving towards consistency with the future land use that's what we're doing thank you is that 80 1980 1980 yes that was back in your day Mr mine too CAD sh was my favorite movie Easy you too okay any other questions from staff or I'm going to take it to the audience any other questions for staff thank you okay Mr Jake if you okay now how many speakers did y'all want at least three one at least three okay we're going to be nice we're going to give you at least three and a possible four if you need it and whoever would like to speak can come up and if you just get close enough to the microphone so we could get your name and address for the record Mr chair before before she comes up and speak I wanted to clarify this for the board is the existing land use and Zoning is consistent so if you look at the consistency table in 62 1255 the commercial component of the uh cc is consistent with the bu1 and the res 15 component is consistent with the r210 thank you thank you for that clarification that's good to know is three minutes fine I I think so I think it'll be fine because after you say your name and address I'm going to hit my little button okay please when we get to the timer we got to cut it off okay that's all right and your name and address please all right my name is Pam Higgins and I live at 100 Ruby Street right AB budding next to this property all right okay um so I wanted to thank you all um for letting us air our concerns um we appreciate you all volunteers and that we really appreciate the the questioning that you're taking and that you're taking this seriously because this is very important to all of our communities along this area um I'm speaking now since we met out in the hallway for at least four communities um north of us is called Pisces area that's one we're Ruby Street we have this property that we're talking about then we have luguna Vista and then we have Indian River Isles North and all of us are represented here and I wanted to thank everyone that came and we're wearing black um so you can kind of see where we we are and showing solidarity for uh our togetherness in wanting to oppose this action of PUD so um also wanted to note that this process is new to most of us in particular me and we're starting behind the eightball and not this language and comprehensive plans and Coastal high high areas and all sorts of uh land use and future land use and using the maps and all that we've had to learn on our own for the last month while we've been involved in this and of course the developer has been looking at it for months and months and has had input from um the staff which we have not had so we're coming to you from behind and we're also looking to you to um to be The Gatekeepers to really um look at this as and see all of it um we've learned also that your recommendation to the County Commissioners is very important to them and what you say will have a huge impact on their mindset so therefore you are very important to us um I wanted to speak uh primarily about the um oh no only have 37 seconds left okay watch this oh thank you thank you very much appreciate that okay so I wanted I'm my area that I wanted to talk about particularly has to do with PUD zoning and although the staff I guess that's what you're called the staff considers one to three units of rental property a varied amount of home uh options seems very wrong and according to the Bard County's code of ordinances chapter 62 subv section 621 1442 there's section three that says it's the the um purpose and attend an objective is the creation of a variety of housing types and compatible neighborhood Arrangements that give the home buyer not rental the home buyer greater choice in selecting types of environments and living units that's right from the code there are no home buyers in this situation it's all rental unit okay um so we feel that this use of PUD zoning is wrong that they they couldn't get this place this um this property and put this this unit on it this plan without going to PUD they they could not do it um they can't use what it's currently zoned at and you all know that um Common Sense alone tells you that gosh the how you have to manipulate yourself and to try to understand how they get to the density levels um is mindboggling and that alone tells me that something nothing's wrong here this is not the appropriate use of PUD um in this proposal there's just one outof state owner who would be given the concessions of relaxed density um in order to make this plan um also wanting to point out that this plan is going to be a business this is going to be rental units all rental units and it's going to be to my mind multif family commercial real estate it's now going to be put on residentially unit uh zoned property and doesn't seem appropriate at all for this plan um that is a big thing um and then the other point is you know multifam is um multif Family rental again is businessyoutube it's a business proposition they're going to be making money off of this we understand that this whole property could be sold off we don't know the next owner they all say they're all really good and nice and wonderful but um from another state um and we don't know what that looks like for us um there are many issues we have with the concerns of this applicant and you all have at least 11 letters in your package from our people there's probably more we have more than that you have more than that I was able to pull off from the website only 11 um some of us I don't know if they didn't make it in what happened but maybe you've got them that's good so we're very concerned about it but you can within those letters read all that you don't want to hear us talk about over and over again um and so from that um I just want you to understand that our focus is that the planned unit develop is not an appropriate measure or way to approach this and it's not um the other point that I want to make is um that PUD this would be the first PUD in our corridor from Bard from Barnes Boulevard down to the Pine Causeway there are no other puds none there are no other units of this high density no other properties with R30 or even r 15 built out along that Corridor and that is huge because it really changes the density from caped 6 or EU to this huge 17.2 average and the ask is a lot they're asking for so much and at on basically our community's backs so um I haven't covered everything I'm sure but others as well so um I did one other thing that I did want to point out is that the um if we could look at the layout again the top down could we look somehow look at it no well we'd have to call them back up okay well you've got it here okay so well they say there's 160 ft between our homes and the next building but what they don't tell you is that the parking areas and the garages are right there they're literally Maybe 10 ft from our properties in so although they say oh we moved everything to the middle they haven't they have 500 spaces there so I wanted to point that out plus also within that area there are other protected species there's Bobcats and we have alligators we have other things and there's a little Pond which we all love that they are going to fill in I was very nice and extended your time all right there we go I'm done thank you very [Applause] much now are you wanting 37 minutes or three I'll try to keep it short she covered a lot of things so I won't well the reason won take that long we don't want to hear understood about the alligators again please yes sir but no it with all due respect to everybody the applicant and the the neighborhood you know the county thank goodness for our staff makes these guys jump through hoops they're not going to just allow something to come in here if it doesn't be contiguous with you know the surrounding zonings and planning and Engineering we have Engineers on this board we got guys with FEMA on this board we've got actually a very good board very knowledgeable board but uh how many how many minutes would you like I'll I'll try to keep it under three I'm I'm going to give you five and I'm going to have to cut you off at five thank you all right um your name and address sir my name is Rob celo I live at 605 US Highway one which is the Laguna Vista condos to the south of this project all right here we go and I appreciate all of you being here and some of you probably know that I'm a commercial real estate broker I um am have always been relatively pro-development and some of you also probably know that a handful of years ago I sat on this board so I understand what you guys are looking at and I appreciate that you're giving me a little extra time I won't go into some of the things I was going to read this but um Pam covered a lot of the things there so a couple of things that I wanted to just clarify when we talked about or the developer talked about the condo building right next door being four stories and so therefore there three stories um condo or apartment complex shouldn't be a big deal um the difference is density we are on 4 and2 Acres we have 24 units our density is 5.3 it's a it's a huge difference so we while we do have a four-story building it's well buffered in all directions it the density is under the cap of six um the the the development to the south of us Mr gase who's on vacation can't be here today he's got an a site plan approval for uh 11 unit two building complex again staying under the density of six so following the the trajectory that we've used for a long time in this area the density going from a cap of six to 17 plus is just seems untenable to all of us which is why we're all here today um there's a couple C other things that I'll say um Pam did mention there are no similar developments or densities frankly between Barnes and pinita so there is a there is a condo our condo complex there's another condo complex a little bit to the North and then there's the large uh town home complex at the corner of US1 and beer Boulevard it's very big um I looked it up and I did some calculation they are single story mostly and couple couple two-story town homes they are under the density cap of six there's over 100 units there um but they have 35 Acres so they again while it's a big complex they are staying with that density cap um we do also there there's another couple of points about the Pud designation which Pam didn't mention that's specifically states that a PUD must must uh meet significant open areas and natural preservation this does not do that it has one section in the center of wetlands develops the rest must take advantage of the natural features of the land that's questionable they're going to add some trees but they're going to essentially fill the entire piece of land with buildings and parking three must create a variety of housing types specifically says that in the Pud designation must now one and two and three-bedroom apartments are not different types of housing there's no condos there's no Town Homes there's no single family residences uh and number four it must have an inclusion of compatible Associated uses must does not do that having a clubhouse and a pool is not an Associated use in my opinion um so one of the other main points that I wanted to make is that the that the preliminary development plan needs to be EV evaluated with the context right of section 62448 in the zoning code which says I quote the degree of departure of the proposed plan unit development from surrounding residential areas areas in terms of character and density there's this is a high degree of departure in terms of density I mean a cap of six to a cap of 17 or 18 is UN is is it's un believable that they would even ask for it honestly um there there are a few ad administrative policies also that that I know the staff has worked with the developer on but there's a few that they don't meet and one of them is policy six there's several more that are in the letters but policy six says that the proposed application must be consistent with all written land use development policies all clearly they've not met all of them they've not met most of them and they don't meet the definition of a PUD which very clearly says they will have a full range of residential types as well as industrial commercial institutional land uses all of those things are part of a PUD so with that I'll will gladly answer any questions but I I got you with four seconds left all right thank you [Applause] sorry all right all right sir can you make do with five minutes uh yes sir I think I can my name is Kevin Fox uh 6398 anchor Lane I'm here to represent uh 52 Property Owners I'm the president of the indianer of RS Property Owners Association board you had the floor um primarily I first start out I only moved here in 2002 and I remember coming over to this complex with the County Commissioners and uh they brought up this exact issue looking forward to the future uh of how they would develop the lands and at that time I remember them discussing and voting on and supporting the six units per acre everybody's using this 1980 1996 with all due respect when you call planning and zoning and you try to get the minutes for the County Commissioners trying to find so I could bring some actual facts to show you it's next to impossible to find it unless you're a system expert I'm not that uh I'm primarily just up here to speak on the neighborhood to say I don't think it fits get in with the plan the plan was six units I don't know where this 15 comes from um but my belief is the County Commissioners voted to support the six all the other developers along the US one from Barnes down to pinita Causeway have all lived by that rule these people are just asking for a exemption to that well if you give it to them the next neighborhood south of that south of lagona Vista just north of our neighborhood in River ises North there's approximately I think 14 acres they're zoned exactly the same way business and residential so with all the respect I foresee them going in and putting 252 apartments in there why would they not if you're going to grant that and it's just going to be a snowball rolling down hill and we're going to develop in is that what we want I'm not against developing I fully support them to let to develop the land as much as they want under the six dwelling units per acre that's primarily all I wanted to uh speak up uh I don't believe it really complies with the Pud as a neighborhood when we talk about it a PUD to me is the Avenues you go up there you have Apartments you have condos there's houses there's shopping movie theaters and all that that to me is a PUD maybe I'm an uneducated individual who doesn't understand all the nuances of these rules sometimes I think these rules are written so that you can tell the public as myself one thing but then you can do something totally the opposite go well you know there's a little hedge over here you can do that it's a gray area and I would ask that the board as a whole would think about if you were the neighbor living right next to it on Ruby Street Laguna Vista uh the neighborhood to the South India River Isles North what would you want if you were living there if it was your next door neighbor if you were in our shoes right now what would you ask the board that's pretty much all I have unless you have any questions for me no we're good all right thank you sir I probably won't even need three sir thank you that's all right but your name and address for the record my name is Rebecca hatch I am a resident at 110 Kieran Lane representing the six members complying with the density cap on our property I think we have six total Acres but again seconding what our neighbors are saying there and uh thank you all for letting us have this opportunity today I'm forever thankful and um I really love uh also development as well however the one component that I have not heard anyone address is something that is super important here in Bard County sorl save our Indian River Lagoon and while we have some beautiful pictures of landscaping that are going to be on there I didn't see any native species I don't see any nutrient reduction and it is my understanding that there is some recent Florida legislation that will be coming down that does require that to be done for any storm water that is emptying into the Indian River Lagoon so I would ask you to consider the Indian River Lagoon and the impact that this project would have on that thank you okay thank you hi uh Robert Taylor 160 Ruby Street I'm not abiding by the agreement that we only send up three but I'll be very brief I had one point to make and that is let's just talk about apartments for about one minute I everybody else you know from our the other side they brought in all their development articles I brought mine oh it's print on the back of your notes this is all of the apartments on Highway One as we mentioned between Rock Ledge and P Causeway this is how many there are so 240 Apartments you're out apartment shopping what are you looking for I lived in an apartment once you expect it to be in a dense area you'd be able to walk out across the street to Walgreens and get a candy bar a lot of Apartments have kids they don't have their own yard they need somebody to play where the car kids in an apartment play a lot of times on the street and around if you play in the street and you're on Highway one there's no sidewalk you can't ride your bike from this apartment complex anywhere on the planet you would have to ride your bike on Highway one and even my 20-year-old kids are not willing to do that in the same way there's no McDonald's there's no grocery store this is essentially the last little bit of a rural community in between other cities that developed and there's no resources there we used to have a wonderful restaurant as you mentioned the Alamo it's gone commercial is not it's not thriving along this quarter because people don't want to be there shopping for things like this you can make a decision and say yeah let's put enough people into that spot and make them walk around and let's create commercial but you would do be doing something completely new apartments I don't believe this is where they belong you don't find apartments on top of a mountain all by themselves in the woods I don't think Apartments belong here period okay thank you thank you [Applause] sir well if you want to come hold on hold on we still got one more one more so we're going to five now right come on Sir come on is there anyone else going to speak okay cuz I'm going to this will be a minute okay nice to be able use this we put this in here in 2010 your name address though for the record RP Higgins 100 Ruby Street I've been a resident of 28 years it's a fine Community wanted to let you know that I I want to thank you all for the opportunity to speak um wanted to address a couple issues that Mr maibo and Mr Solomon brought up that I thought were appr propo what do we do in case of a hurricane so we got 252 residents who are looking to get out of town the good thing we have a neighborhood and we all help each other sorry um I don't think that's going to happen with this new development I don't see it happening and and uh it's part of the charm of living in this part of Florida I think our way of life is going to be altered uh immeasurably um the second thing I wanted to address is in 2016 Prov County passed a resolution to add a half cent sales tax for cleaning up the Indian River and it was addressed earlier but this development flies in the face now you're going to hear a lot of technical stuff I'm sure about how they're handling run up we're going to have almost 4 Acres of asphalt put in to cover 500 parking spaces what's going to happen to that that's going to go directly in the river okay they're going to have lift stations and this and that and the other thing what invariably with the vegetation it's going to get clogged who's going to clean it up you going to pick up the phone and call somebody no it's going to go in I mean because it's an apartment apartment owners don't care they don't have any skin in the game this is what we're going to miss anyway um I want to thank you all again for the time appreciate it all right thank you [Applause] sir all right I'm going to ask one more time is anyone else want to speak for or against this item and I'm going to we got one we got one more all right thank you so much everyone here we will need your name and address for the record ma' yes sir Stephanie bacon 6167 anchor Lane Rock Ledge Florida proud member of the Indian River Isles Community I too served on a homeowners board or Property Owners board for close to 13 years so I really respect all of your time here today and thank you for that I'm all about the kids right now school buses do not stop on US1 for a very good reason we're over 55 miles an hour there they pull into each development and pick up our children I would suspect that 252 homes would also generate many children so just something for you to cons consider um I'm sure there's a plan for something like that but thank you very much all right thank [Applause] you all right floor is closed I'm just kidding I'm going to close it though anyone else want to speak for or against this and then I'm going to close the floor and then I'm going to close the floor we're going to take it back to the applicant and sir you w to come up I just wanted to make a quick comment before hold on one second I don't know if we got his name and address for the record H happy to do it thank you good afternoon Jason surl gry Robinson 1795 nassa Boulevard Melbourne okay I just wanted to make one quick comment before Jason talks about I think some of the legality around the Pud and the comp plan and and Jake addresses some of the more ticky tacky comments that were made and it was the comment of apartment developers um don't care and don't have skin in the game um candidly we do care I I personally care this is a piece of property that I've pursued for several years now um my colleagues in the office tell me that it's a passion project and it is a passion project I'm from here this is a great piece of property my parents live seven minutes down the road and um we have a lot of skin in the game a lot of time we invest a lot of money um and because we think that we better the community and we create homes for people so I'll let Jason address some of the more legal related questions but I just wanted to clarify that thank you Chris uh chairman members of the board I appreciate the time in response I've Tred to summarize just three big points and then I'll turn over to our project engineer Mr wise for any comments regarding some of the details in response to the public comment um appreciate very much the the presentation he made from the outset uh the three things that I want to touch on are the notion that the Pud is the basis for our density here um we believe that to be incorrect and it's based upon the comp plan I'll touch on that first second why a PUD and why it's Justified here and then some of the compatibility matters so if you would please and I'm happy to flash it up um on the overhead on the Epson if I can um first just when we're looking at the comprehensive plan the very first administrative policy that we have number one says that our our zoning official our planners and the directors at the county staff level are our experts when it comes to reviewing and determining appropriateness of zoning conditional uses special exceptions things like the like today so staff is where uh we defer and where we look to for guidance so what did they do after we made application they prepared a staff report and on page two of the staff report I'm hoping to flash this up if I can all right where the arrow starts okay the notion that the notion that the Pud rezoning is the basis for our requested density is um is not correct it's actually based upon a comparation a plan policy 2.10 and this was something that we had worked with staff on uh and the uh County Attorneys Office prior to our application after we had our first very first pre-application meeting there's a policy in the County's comprehensive plan that says that residential development is permissible in certain commercial land use designations at density of up to one category higher than the closest residential Den designated area on the future land use map which is on the same side of the street here as you can see at the end of that paragraph where I have the the arrow the next highest density is res 30 we are using that and not this PUD rezoning as the basis for our dens as the basis for our density and in fact as Mr Weise touched on in his presentation we are not seeking any comp plan Amendment it I'll be brief I'm just hit I'm just hitting them one at a time as quick as I can I didn't turn it all from the last time thank you so much so just to finish that point before I go to number two the next page page three of our staff if we were to apply the res 30 30 not 15 we could do up to the 288 or the 1946 as staff the resident experts have cited in their staff report the number we're requesting is less than the potential and the maximum so the Pud is not the basis for the zoning the comp plan and the policy that we reference 2.10 um as confirmed by staff is what we're basing for our density that's number one why a PUD number two before we made application we received requested and received a zoning verification letter the bottom of the first paragraph We have inconsistent zonings as Mr wise talked about in his presentation part of the property has the smaller part has a commercial zoning the larger part has a residential zoning that's highlighted there at the last sentence not consistent with the future L use so why a PUD we are doing a PUD so that we can uniform the entirety of the property through one zoning and allow it to be developed in a way that creates an asset for the property owner its rental residents as well as the surrounding community and the county this is discussed bear with me I'm going as quick as I can on page four of the staff report you'll see some catch words like uh Ingenuity imagination flexibility if you're trying to uniform a property bring it out of incompliance you need to use all of those adjectives and that's what we're doing here compatibility last point and then happy to turn over to Mr wise for anything in the weeds um there was I think it was the first speaker that's were coming from behind on this application I would respectfully disagree we applicant at our own valtion voluntarily had and many attended a community meeting on March 26th where we shared these plans we received input and we in fact modified things like buffers and access and some of the on-site considerations in response to that so just a quick little point there as I pass that all my way to compatibility in last Point staff report compatibility there's a whole section of it I want to say it's page bottom of page nine and going over to page 10 there's four outline crit iera from an administrative policy policy number three from the County's comprehensive so when we're talking about compatibility this is just not us saying what's compatible this is what's outlined as the criteria by the county in its own comp plan so the first one here at the bottom of the page whether the proposed this is the staff report page nine and we'll jump over to page 10 the minute first of four criteria whether our uses the Pud will have um traffic or other activity that that would significantly diminish the enjoyment or safety or quality of the existing neighborhoods those that are represented here today the answer to that was no it does not top of page 10 you can you can read it it's right there b and c I want to skip over and I want to go to d whether the proposed uses result in material violation of the relevant policies and the comp plan the answer to that top of page 11 was no it does not no material violation B is uh is a property value consideration staff said we have to have an appraisal to do that can't do that because you don't have the use to the appraisal we have materials based upon um our experience in the market that would argue and I've seen it I've heard of expert uh testimony from others and other zoning cases that have said that new development actually increases property values the surrounding area we'd be happy to present that evidence Mr chair would like hold on one second please ladies and gentlemen that they didn't speak or comment while y'all were talking so let's please do the same for them thank you chair I sat down a couple times I wanted to get up here so bad that's all right sure just really quickly to Jason's point right there there is um or there have been published several research papers at the University level that speak to property values and and um development nearby I think the first to point out and unfortunately none of these were specifically specific studies done for Bard County they were done at universities around the United States but the first was highlighted by the Urban Land Institute in Nashville um the the the the quote being well-placed apartments with attractive design and Landscaping actually increase the overall value of detached houses nearby um the value of single family houses within 300 F feet of an apartment or condominium building went up 2.9% a year slightly higher than the 2.7% rate for single single family homes without multif Family Properties nearby that was by the Urban Land in Institute um another study um by a senior research fellow at the um Ken Gardner policy Institute of the University of U Utah the impact of higher density apartments on surrounding single family home values in Suburban Salt Lake County I'll I'll see if I can find the punchline for y'all um let's see this study found Apartments built between 2010 and 2018 have not reduced single family home values in Suburban Salt Lake County um let's see here between 2010 and 2019 Homes located within 1 half mile of a newly constructed apartment building experienced a 10% average annual increase in medium value while the value of those farther away increased by 8.6% only in the southeast part of the county did homes more than 1 half mile away from the new apartment construction experien higher average price appreciation than those located less than a half a mile away um one other study a summary was conducted by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission of multif family housing impact literature review um the last one being the study's name was smart growth and the challenge of nimi multif family dwellings and their association with single family housing selling prices in Tallahassee Florida it was created in 2013 By Houston Gibson and Matthew Beaker of Kansas State University um the punchline was uh let's see the study found that single family homes within 300 feet of multif family housing experienced no negative impact in property values in many cases the authors observed that single family homes near near multif family housing often witness an increase in property vales compared to single family homes not adjacent to high density development thank you Chris so that's B we've done a b and d coming back to C C essentially says that there has not been enough data within the preceding three-year period I would argue that compatibility is established through this being a transition area from the existing fortory or taller condos to the South and the lower single family single family residences to the to the north so your compatibility is created through the transition area that we're creating through the Pud I I really thought that those were the essence of the various speaker comments but I'd be happy to answer any questions I also want to make sure that um Mr wise or Miss Hall have a chance to talk about any site specific items that were mentioned by any of the four public speakers five public speakers with that I have nothing further do we have any questions for him board um yeah I do have a question so the properties you're talking about compatibility between properties to the South and properties to the north um one thing they all share is a cap of six units per acre so how would that not be compatible or how would you be compatible with that we have the future L use designation today we have the polic that's a future land use the existing land use right now and you've got a lot of people over here that are very very insistent that there uh between rockage drive and pinita there is no puds and there are no apartment complexes so we're looking at compatibility with the adjacent properties and I'm bringing up that they are compatible because there are six units per AC it's vacant and thank you for that thank you for that question and noted on the on the cap I would say and I don't I apologize I don't have the comprehensive uh plan map memorized but I do believe that they share the same comprehensive plan designation as our site Jake Landon does that sound correct I think the res 15 and the CC runs up and down this Corridor and so while maybe today they have the six acre cap there is nothing stopping a guy like me coming here in a month or two and making the same application on that adjacent property right and so I would argue that we can get to even further consistency because they have the same density basically allowed as a right that we have today okay and I was just taking notes from from some of the speakers so I'll just run through uh what I had written down that something some said uh we do have one local owner uh who does have a lot of skin in the game as he put it uh they're not trying to do a project flip it move on they're looking for long-term residence for this area and um back in 1980 could you imagine the number of apartments that we have in this area today nobody could nobody could imagine what was coming right now what we're see see is a a demand for them like' never seen before uh look at all the apartment projects in Vieira and all across especially Southern Bard County and uh you can't even drive up and down 528 or any of the other corridors and not see them coming up everywhere that is what is in demand today that is the market and we're providing a a needed product uh for the area always dangerous start comparing projects to projects but very briefly uh Laguna to the south of us a lot of property is in Wetlands conservation easement they probably went four stories because they had a limited amount of up to probably get their height when that project was developed uh again million other factors of development but uh those are the major ones um the Pud it does identify a variety of products but that's for puds all over the county there's numerous puds across bouard County that have single family uh types of uses or one type of residential use use if the property was bigger it would probably have more but it were limited on the size of the property uh we do meet and it's written in the staff report the open space and preservation criteria we do provide a lot of amenities we have a mile Trail around the property uh pool sport courts uh all kinds of things like that so this is a luxury product and we're providing those types of uh uses for it and the staff report again identifies that we are in compliance with it and I didn't even mention the access to the river um speaking of the uh nutrient removal I heard somebody say the historical use of this site is a nursery and a tree farm that's about the worst possible use to put next to a river with fertilizers and all the things that directly run off straight to the river we're taking that all back we're going to meet all the BMP and exceed all the uh criteria of the St John's the nutrient removals about probably 96% to 98% that means 96 to 98% of any of the nutrients will be kept on site and treated and not go into the river it is a significant Improvement to the Indian River uh Lagoon system with what we're proposing to do um and that's the criteria that we meet today because of the concerns of course that we all have that live in this area um sorry I just running by my notes plantings native plantings only that's all we'll do we'll remove every invasive the site is over overwhelmed with invasive the wetlands are a mess we're going to improve them fix them buffer them um and enhance them significantly that's all part of our project it's a a great enhancement to our project to have the preserved Wetlands to have the a access and the visibility to them uh same with the uh preservation of the Native plantings around the entire perimeter to help buffer plus what we're planting uh and to protect the Indian River um storm water treatment uh I mentioned earlier we will uh do the the the uh nutrient removal and provide all the criteria because we're on US1 we meet much more stringent requirements than bouard County requires we run 48 storm events that we design to not just one or two that the state and the county have us to the uh you heard Mr Sur go through and identify how the staff report one after another how we meet all the criteria um that applies to our project up and down uh our application um US1 it's again one of the best corridors in this entire County it's only at 65% capacity almost every project I do in a major Corridor they're already P their level of service and don't have capacity uh so this area does have uh capacity for roads um and then yes we could have more units we didn't ask for the max we we put in what we thought was compatible with this site with our neighbors height density um there are other multif family projects in the area you've got a Laguna to the South you've got other condos to the north those are multif family multiple story developments uh so they are compatible as well and again our application is just a change in zoning that's all we're asking for this board's consideration and with that appreciate a chance uh to respond if you guys have any questions any questions board for the applicant anyone else on your staff there Mr Jake would like to speak no I just want to say thank you I appreciate the board's time and consideration today we appreciate yall um again you know our company really focuses on building kind of best-in-class luxury market rate rental product um we think that it's suitable and appropriate for this site we're excited about doing business in bravard county and and we uh appreciate your consideration Mr chair if I may um explain what Mr schles um explained about the zoning verification letter that was on the property as the property stands today there are two land use category um designations and there's two zoning uh classifications it has Comm commercial along the front and are or um res 15 behind that it also has bu1 zoning and ru 250 or um r210 zoning both of those uh zoning classifications are consistent with its respective land use category I and I want to make sure that that that's put on the record because there's some confusion with the zoning verification letter respectively with the land use and Zoning those those um land uses and zonings are consistent with each other thank you well if you want to come back up to the podium you've heard Mr Robert down there talking about the men and women in black in here is there something in the [Music] middle cuz I know you're looking at 17 per acre approximately 17.2 to be exact correct uh 17.2 or 17.02 I don't know2 yeah okay there's a cap of six sure we're 11 apart candidly sir I felt like our initial profer of 252 units was closer to the middle or was at the middle right again as the staff report identified right I think we could build up to 284 282 Apartments we are already offering to do less than technically what is permitted um and so no I I get it yeah so I I appreciate the request um but again we've I think we've proferred a a an attractive site plan at a home count that does a good job of buffering from the four-story building to the South and the single family homes to the north we've provide very sufficient and substantial setbacks from our primary structures from the property line um and so candidly I I think the site plan that we've proferred and put before yall is a is a fair representation of an attractive attractive community that will be successful in the area okay any other comments from the board I got a few Mr Bruce I'll go ahead and start I guess might as well yeah you start um first I want to thank all the residents for coming out and allowing us to uh trim down the the comments I thought you guys did a great job I think you covered all the hot button points I don't think you left anything out it was very complete so I for one board member appreciate you guys agreeing to to have uh some unified voices um on on that end this property definitely needs to be developed no doubt about it if is this the development that needs to go there I'll get to that later but uh I agreed with a lot of the things you guys said I didn't agree with everything uh I did want to make a point uh that Jake was very true that developing this property will be better for the in River Lagoon than the way it sits right now no doubt about it um and it's a shame that the only development on this side of the road for quite a ways is that is the condominium project that has its own storm water system all the residents on that side drain directly into the Lagoon and that's a problem we've had since I've been here in the early 1960s so um those older houses that drain directly into the Lagoon are part of what I consider the main problem that we see today um you've got a great development team you've got the best landscape architect in the county you've got the second best engineer the county I wonder who I wonder who's number one no idea but um as long as I've been doing this I have never seen I don't care what you say Jake I've never seen a PUD with one use never and it's never been an apartment complex and we've done a lot of PS and we've done a lot of apartment complexes and I've never seen a PUD apartment complex so that's the first for me um and then the second thing is is and I have to be consistent uh is Transitional zoning I don't agree that if we have development at six units per acre or less that we should have a spike in the middle of that for one piece of property so I think this property re the request for the density to me is too extreme it's not compatible with what's to the north and south or even even in the area in general even though the land use supports it it was down zone for a reason the zoning caped at six uh it is in a coastal High H are is right on the river um I don't like the fact that you're doing a PUD that you don't have to Plat so you don't have to do a 15t perimeter buffer so you're doing landscaping in the landscape buffer not including the 15 ft preservation buffer that's required by the county so um I think it's asking too much in my opinion and it's strictly because of transitional zoning that I've said time and time again I cannot support the request Mr here you want to go then I'll go Miss devb go ahead thank you um I would also like to thank you for coming out and taking your time and making the effort to come out here and all of you uniting and deciding to have just a few speakers come up and talk to us and not us have to sit here for hours listening to the same thing over and over and over again and I do really appreciate that and thank you to the woman who came up first you really educated yourself there is a lot of different acronyms that go along with everything that with pnz and you you you went ahead and you really made sure you understood it you understood it correctly so thank you I appreciate that I think I agree um at this point uh you know the amount of units that are being requested and being asked for this I believe is not appropriate for this land use it's just not compatible and there is a slippery slope that's going to come in where that's concerned there is other land around the area and once again as much as we need Apartments as much as there are really great people that live in apartments that absolutely respect the area respect the land respect everything there are just as many that do not they don't have an ownership to that to that piece of land the same ownership that you have as an owner so I would agree that I don't feel like this is compatible Mr Henry well you know there's uh there's times when you've been around a long time that uh there's advantages and disadvantages um if in defense of the staff had they known what we went through in 1980 and the the debate the constant debate that was associated with this six units to the acre on the river etc etc um there wouldn't really be a discussion today because that was Ironclad and unfortunately a lot of the staff was not here and U and unfortunately or I was here so I got to have the opportunity to go through many of those discussions uh both both on record and off record and you know it's such a great area in my opinion it's just virtually it doesn't need any more changes to to do anything more in that area I mean I knew Bob Lancaster probably better than the applicant but you know it just that whole thing was never designed for a greater area than than six units and six is almost too many but that's what is fully designed for that's what everybody's maintained and I don't think we ought to change anything and by no means could I support what has been presented today Mr Ron I see you're thinking over there you've been pretty quiet today uh yes I have uh I enjoyed listening to all the people uh and by the way thank you for coming out and the point that I would make is you did a great organization and continue that when you go to the County Commission that's they're the ones that are going to make the decision they're the ones that you've got to impress you impressed us really great and I think you do the same thing with them they'll be very very impressed so please go there uh when I was making notes I was looking at the uh uh uh drawing that they had what their preliminary plan was I said rainwater runoff is going to be a big problem with all that concrete and asphalt those large buildings I mean where's all the water going to go and I see two pawns well I suspect they're going to be full all the time and probably overflowing uh that just seems to me a real real problem I just don't don't like that idea uh another comment is these are luxury apartments and what we really need is affordable housing not luxury housing we have a problem with have not having enough housing but it's not enough luxury housing more luxury housing we need we need affordable stuff Den an increase of three times that just seems to be outrageous U and wetlands are going to be covered up I look at the layout where the buildings are buildings 1 2 3 4 and eight are partially in flood Plains and also in coastal high-hazard areas you know that's a significant problem I just cannot support that and uh I would make a motion that we recommend and denial of this uh zoning change I'll second I'll second that motion well Mr Robert already seconded it oh good we have a motion by Ron to deny and a second by Robert all those in favor say I any opposed that was denied unanimously [Applause] Mr chair if I can just for the for the audience this will be heard at the July 11th board accounting commissioner's meeting yes okay item item G3 I'm going to read item G3 and G4 into the record together but item G4 is going to be read first so gen Florida 48 LLC represented by Kim rosenka request a smallscale comprehensive plan amendment 23.22 to change the future land use designation from res 1 to 2 and A2 and res one to Res 4 under application number 23 SS 0022 tax account number 3 300 365 and 3569 in District 5 item G3 Jen Florida 48 LLC again represented by Kim Rena request a change of zoning classification from gu to PUD under application 23 PUD 00002 tax account number 3006 excuse me 365 and 30000 569 in District 5 and before you begin I want to read into uh for the board board cons uh considerations we actually state that there are six but there are five so one is the proposed development should be capped at three units per acre number two is should the developer provides provide the storage of campers travel trailers Rec ational trailers and vehicles boats and boat trailers and other similar vehicles on the single family Lot number three the approval of requested waiver from section 62-14 46 d3b to allow residential structures two stories or less a minimum building separation of 10 feet rather than the 15 feet shall be accompanied by usable open space for recreation with more than a Tot Lot prior to County approval of consideration um excuse me prior to County approval of a construction plan and preliminary plat the developer sh a provide documentation that the city of Palm Bay will approve the project access connection to Babcock Street and B determine the adequate Water and Sewer services will be available will be available for the development and will be available prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy thank you Mr chair if I if I may these are two uh applications you can discuss the land use and Zoning at the same time however you'll need to have separate motions for both Miss Rena make it easy I do have a PowerPoint which I don't ever know how to use this system you just got to go underneath there okay I thought it was going to be pre-loaded no juste on that keyboard what is it and now at the very bottom it should be the Tas I've never had help from above I'm coming the power to the IC is it this one right here haha thank you and then let's maximize it right here thank you all right thank you uh my name is Kim renka on behalf of Jen Florida uh 48 LLC uh the applic that's the developer and applicant the owner of the property uh with me today are represent pres atives of the company Rick Germaine and Dan Edwards they're in the back there if they have any questions they can answer they'll certainly come forward also with me is uh the engineer of record Andrew Ivy and the traffic consultant uh with kimley horn James Taylor they're here to answer questions as well this is obviously uh two applications one for a future Lane use amendment to Res 4 and one for a PUD I wanted to start um back in uh 2014 uh with bus and mayor we did a PUD on Hall Road and it was all residential that was the first PUD that Bard County had seen in a long time um and again puds are are something that are very common now but back in 20145 they were new as were rezonings in in North merid Island so uh just with that little background having listened to the long debate you all had here previously u u just for um bit of an overview this is in South Bard County know how to use this it's located uh west side of Babcock Street north of Willer Brook Street and un Incorporated Bard County and again we have the small scale of res 1.25 and there's a small section of res one along Babcock we're asking for res 4 or four units of the acre capping it at three by the Pud as you will see uh this is the property this is again um it's south of the uh St John's heris Parkway by about 900 ft so it's very close to where that road has expanded which has caused quite a bit of development to the North in that area and uh Deer Run is about 1.27 miles to the South there is one single family home to the north right here uh but if you look a little to the uh west of that property it almost looks like there's some commercial use of Davis Lane I'm I'm not real sure but there's a lot of trucks parked there okay uh this is the reason we're asking for the residential 4 um there is no Res three and uh this is to allow u a variety of housing opportunities in South Bard County and it is going to have a substantial amount of open space Recreation passive and and again we'll go into this in more detail when we get to that but this is just to show you why we're requesting res four and it does access one access off Babcock Street 124 units this again is the location there is the uh St John's Heritage Parkway um there has been a uh traffic methodology submitted and says that there will be no decrease in level of service on Babcock Street or any of the uh surrounding roads um this is a good representation of what is to the north and what has been being developed in this area you'll see there's a quite a bit of development going around the St John herod's Parkway as you may recall there's a Publix going in right there at the intersection of St John's haris Parkway in Badcock Street the issue that has been raised in the staff report is the consistency with res 4 and you guys have heard this argument before but it's even a stronger argument here because we are further north and because of all the development off of Babcock Street and St John Harris Parkway in Palm Bay your U Future Lane use policy 1.7 does not say surrounding or it doesn't say adjacent development it says surrounding nearby it also does not limit it to Bard County so the development that is going on 900 ft to the north is something you can look at and that is a higher density than what we're requesting here and this can be considered a transitional density change uh the uh flu policy 1.7 States a step down in density from more urbanized area which is pombay to the north which is urbanized um the St John harr's Parkway has prompted this growth there are current deficiencies in the infrastructure they will be solved that's why there's proportionate fair share statute 63. 3180 that has been created to allow growth so there is comments in the staff reports about oh we have insufficiency water sewer Etc but those will be solved or it can't be built and that is the sole reason for allowing proportionate fair share developer will bring centralized Water and Sewer to the project we do have a will serve letter which I'll give to you here shortly because I do not believe it was in your packet and that's flu policy 1.2 so that will be addressed um res 4 is compatible because of the urbanization to the north criteria B of policy 1.7 does not require adjacency to be a transition also there is res 2 to the north and rolling Meadow's Ranch um it's uh and that's over 300 1300 Acres of res two to the just to the north and west we are not intending the developer is not intending to seek a 25% density bonus as referenced throughout the staff report that bonus has conditions attached such as requiring higher densities to be relegated to the interior portions of the p UD track that doesn't work for this proposed plan as you see this is a pretty long narrow strip and you've seen from the Pud plan there's there's not a lot of interior so that uh 25% bonus would not work if we had to put the smaller density on the interior administrative policy 3 compatibility with existing and proposed land uses again the land use is single family homes it's not Apartments the actual development to this is uh and there is actual development to the north and to the Northeast administrative policy four character of the neighborhood the closest neighborhoods are to the north there are Waterstone Cypress Bay and Emerald Lakes there is no other neighborhoods nearby those neighborhoods I've just cited are far closer than dear run uh staff does state in the comp plan report that the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with policy 3 policy 4 and the flu policies I've just discussed the later States the County Commission will make those determinations I would submit to you that we are compatible because you don't look at exactly adjacency per transitioning from urban areas um the cie policy 1.3 states that Bard County should utilize The Advisory level of service standards and the staff report specifies the fire rescue cannot meet those levels um Sun Tera will provide whatever proportionate Fair shares required for fire rescue and Santa has also agreed to to donate 2 acres of land for the fire department um for their proposed project to the South again we do have a technical memo dated September 23 of 2023 and that states the roadway segment analysis shows volume will still operate within adopted level of service the traffic from 124 units is not as substantial as from other developments that have been uh proposed in this area school impacts there was a concurrency review the staff report says different things at different times but the concurrency review States at this time the adjacent elementary middle and high school concurrency areas are projected to have enough capacity even if it doesn't with all these developments they're going to do proportion proportionate fair share there was a meeting I believe a week ago Monday of all these new developments and they're trying to figure out a plan to move forward with additional schools and Santa was part of that meeting okay uh what I'd like to do uh and that that pretty much is the future land use presentation I'd like to go ahead and go ahead and do the Pud presentation now so you all have everything in front of you and then you can ask questions I do have just a few handouts including the will serve letter Mr chair is mren is passing that out I just wanted to clarify a couple things that she said number one the fire station property was not uh donation was requested by the board for the property to the South and number two um if you look under flu policy 1.7 under the criteria it States areas adjacent to existing residential for land use designations or areas which serve as transition between existing land uses or land use designation with density greater than four units of acres and areas with densities of less than four units of acre that's how we Define adjacent um um to existing res four in our comprehensive plan okay also policy B says areas which serve as transition between existing land use or land use segat with greater density of 4 years of the acre so again I believe there is some some analysis that can be done okay okay uh so first with the Pud um I do have the will serve letter from pombay that does state that uh that there will be capacity um what I've given you is a map that shows the developments to the north that are in pombay um there is this agricultural subdivision to the South here uh that's why it looks that way they're they're small Lots they're not intended for residential but it's just a very old and it's mentioned the staff report um the second page I've provided to you is the Pud and it does have the development standards um again it's 124 units um they all smaller Lots they will have over 4 Acres of common wreck and open space there's one small little Wetland that will be impacted and there's one large one that will be retained as you see to the north side there and um there are two waiver requests um which were read earlier that we are requesting as well um the final document that I provided to you does show The Proposal the not proposed the actual developments to the north that's the water stone expansion that's 5 to 20 units of the acre the rolling Meadows I referenc which is in the county it's res 2 there's Cypress Bay at 5 to 20 un of the acre there's Emerald Lakes at 3.5 density units of the acre and then Pete Holdings is just to the East and and just on the edge of that 2 mile radius and that's 10 dwelling units of the acre and then Ashton Park is 5.5 units the acre so this is representative of what is going on in this area and uh showing that growth is is uh is happening in this area and that all the roads and infrastructure will meet this growth demand so again this is a small scale future Lane use Amendment today is the local planning Agency for the future Lane use board accounting commission is July 11th uh the Pud will also go along with those as well if they if um recommended for approval and approved at County Commission uh with that we are requesting approval of the future Lane use amendment to change alter res 4 that will be limitated that will be limited by the Pud to three units to the acre the two waivers request a waiver to emit the storage of area for campers travel trailers recreational trailers and vehicles boats and boat trailers and other similar vehicles and a waiver from the minimum building separation of 10 ft rather than 15 ft uh shall be accompanied by usable open space space for recreation with more than a Tot Lot and then the condition is fine condition four that was in the staff report so with that uh we are here to answer any questions that you may have how come this site how come this site didn't go into the city of pal Bay uh the staff report says there's adjacency by the street by Badcock I don't know anything about that that would be the only adjacency is to the street but we have not sought nor do they want to go into the city of palom bay do you're going to be getting your water from the city of Palm Bay and they're not going to require you to Annex I I don't believe so I don't I don't believe that we're I know that the staff report says we're adjacent by Babcock the street is in the jurisdiction of pombay but I don't think they can make us Annex through that we're not adjacent to any land masses that are in the city of palom bay okay okay Mr chairman yes sir I have a question um you were before us on their other property two months ago yes sir uh bigger property 1100 acres and you had requested a res 4 we decided on a res two the County Commission gave you the res four yes sir so it looks like they're in favor of this as far as the meeting that was held with the school district last Monday turns out that all the development of that area is going to amount to about 33,000 units which are about and they figured it out it's about 12,000 students wow okay which means they're going to have to build 11 schools within the next five years if all these developments go forward so that's kind of a a big program that's going to go on and I just wanted to make you aware that um the school district is trying to work with you uh to and with the other developers in the area to make this happen but seven elementaries two middle schools and two high schools need to be uh incorporated into that area to make this work so let's hope it all does thank you yes sir Mr Robert go ahead Rob oh sorry Mr Rod uh Kim uh in the center you have what looks to be 40 wide 40ft wide lots and a five good setback which means there's like uh 30 ft for a house is that right I'm going to let the engineer who designed it talk good afternoon uh Andrew Ivy 2602 East Livingston Street uh Orlando um I think you might be looking at an old uh site plan sir there's a more recent one uh all lots are intended to be uh 50 feet wide okay well that brings up the that was I guess that answers the other question I had because what was shown up on the screen yeah that that doesn't look the same as what I have in my package okay so what's the date tell uh the most uh recent plans are from May 31st okay so all of the lots are now 50 feet wide yes sir okay I was concerned how you're going to put a house on that lot uh even with a 50ft wide lot uh what did I what did I hear about offsite parking and and are you you're the um there's no intention to have a parking lot just for um boats and uh RVs so the intent is to have them on the lot sir okay the driveways will be 20 feet long okay I just GNA say 50 feet 50 foot Lots going to be kind of tight how what are there GNA be two story houses uh some of them yes some of them or most of them uh some I can't say at this point uh most Builders have uh multiple options some longer some shorter but with two floors and things like that and you got two uh are those Retention Ponds BL so you're going to have uh have the drainage into those areas to keep the rest of it high under ey yes sir okay do you expect uh that to be have water in it all the time yes okay that's what I thought thank you thank you Mr Robert um thank you Kim you always do such a professional presentation um I have uh some concern about uh increasing from residential 1 to residential 4 and I think Ron's um point about the lot sizes and what is compatible in the area and you know people do like that country living out there um and this 50 even 75 foot wide Lots uh seems to constrain that a bit so um while it is certainly allow in your presentation um what is compatible out there particularly since the water and sewer is projected to come what 2015 uh 2025 um that's still a a large large area I'm having the same concerns about increasing density along that Corridor as everybody else does and many of the people in Palm Bay so can you speak to that for me you've made a lot of comments so I'm not exactly sure where to go first but dealing with compatibility these are the same siiz lots that are just to the north here and yes they're in Palm Bay but that's what's being developed down there um increasing density that that's where development is going I mean you can see from from West pen proposed and the 2200 20 uh 22,000 residents going down there so I don't think there is an established neighborhood for this parcel itself unless you look to the North and that's the only neighborhoods that are there U there there is some large homes there and yes they do I don't know if the donovans are here they're the ones that live to the north um and they they've lived there for a while they've lived like 22 years so again we we're not supposed to impact neighbors and there will hope if you've seen from the Pud they're um there is the big ponds to the north to help buffer the Donovan's property and any impacts to them from these other houset almost half the property so can't remember so 300 ft of property is going to be storm water next to that property to the north also the um discussion that was in the earlier um agenda item is the definition of a PUD I've done puds in Miami Dade and Broward and Palm Beach and I have to agree with Bruce and and uh Mr minipo that they usually have a combination of different types of facilities different types of commercial buildings commercial and residential types um and this looks again like it's more like single use um is that your understanding of a PUD the first PUD that I ever did with bus and mayor was the one off of Hall Road and Meritt Island it was all single family um and it did have two different types of homes although Mr minib would not all us to do to homes in that project and said Town Homes don't belong in North m Island uh but um to me a variety of housing means a variety of housing types for the community that's how I read it so this is this is um a way to make this narrow strip of land um developable for homes that people are finding to be in demand okay and and that's a good answer you know not not to Bel or belay the point anymore but but um I think there's concern on the board that people are using or developers may use a PUD to get around certain zoning requirements and and that's just a concern that's a professional concern that I have and I'm I don't I can't speak for the other members but the like you said the increasing uses of puds now the puds I've always been working with were for um cras and other developments where you're taking a blighted area and you're turning it back into to something that's more desirable um and that has always historically worked in the past but that was in the last century so I'm in the space program now well and and I understand the county is redoing the Pud ordinance I I've seen it I haven't evaluated it fully but there there may be something in that that changes what we're doing now for the future I I don't know all right thank you any other questions from the board no I just I just like variety being two things but that's okay I guess variety definitions have changeed but at least it's more than one so that's yeah um than the last one so uh yeah I I think this one is a little bit different than the one that's to the South because of the character of the area that's almost directly to the north um and you can see where this area is going you know it's a little bit different than being south of willbrook so um I don't really see an issue uh John was there any that's I know that's what I'm saying it's the good yeah the other one was south of Willer Brook and I had a concern about the transitional zoning but this one is is north and it seems like it's it's almost directly adjacent to to compatible land use and density so John was there anything else out of that student accommodation plan that was just passed by the board um that we need to know about other than the summary that you g the very brief summary you gave us um it's a it's a ongoing process they're going to have another meeting within the next couple of months but essentially what they did was they brought all the developers together with the school board folks um or the school district people to discuss the impact that all these developments were going to have so it's it they're they're going to try and resolve all the issues that are going to come up with 33,000 new new residences there is is quite significant and it's all in the county so um I have nothing more that I have the minutes to the meeting if you'd like to get copies of that I was just curious and you are our school board member the keep us aast of what's going on at the school board how it affects what we're doing here um but besides that I don't have any more comments or questions Mr Mr I'm sorry go ahead I'm good so I so Mr h i I was at that meeting and I just want to clarify for you all the most significant developments occurring in the city of pombay there's this property and there's the other one that just went to uh the board a few weeks ago those are the only two developments currently that are in there so I would probably say around 30,000 of those homes are in the city of PM Bay so with that being said I just want to make sure that this board understands that the pimary development plan that Miss rosenka uh submitted to you all at the beginning of her presentation is different from the one that was put in your packet and the major difference that you all should know about is that the plan is is showing 40 foot wide lots and the original plan that was presented to you there were only 50 foot wide Lots okay we can stipulate that all 50 foot Lots that's there was four or five in my packet I apologize I've given the wrong one but it's intended at 50 foot Lots as long as the 40s are on the interior I don't have a problem with that at all um so long as the larger Lots around the perimeter that's fine but I'm looking at the the uh the South Palm Bay Area future development map that was put together by the school board u based on all these projects I'm seeing 13 projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 projects that are in this area affecting what's happening with the school board so um and they're not all in the county they're they're in the city they're in Grant b car they're they're um in the county so uh there's a lot going on so I think that would' be nice to maybe kept the breast of what's happening but um I don't know if you have this map but I could share it if anybody wants to see it Mr chair one last thing if M Miss renka is requesting 40 foot wide Lots if she can come to the podium and request that part of the request we can add that to the board packet the uh the owner is saying yes 40 foot Lots would like to be in there I so 40s and 50s 40s and 50s 40s on the interior yes sir that could be shown on the plan yes okay thank you any other questions for the applicant for I take it to the audience is anyone body in the audience want to speak for or against this item okay bringing it back to the board Miss Kim come on back up I need a motion I'll make a motion that we accept the uh future land use requests as presented second okay now this is going to be for item G3 correct yes future land use only yes okay a motion by Bruce a second by I'm sorry who Mr Ben all those in favor say I any opposed item G3 passed unanimously I need a motion for G4 so G4 is the um planning designation to to PUD correct yes okay I'll make a motion that we is there any conditions of that just the PD as presented uh for the plan presented there there there there was Mr Moya um there was some waivers too correct so I can I can read those we can read those into the um into the record if you so desire uh when we read it into the record we um added those just for um for you to consider okay so um the uh conditions are as as follows so there's um the proposed development should be capped at 3 units per acre number two the developer should provide the storage of campers travel trailers recreational trailers and vehicles boats or boat trailers and other similar similar vehicles on the single family lots approval of the request waiver from section 621 1446 d3b to allow residential structures two stories or less a minimum building separation of 10 ft rather than the 15 ft shall be accompanied by usable open space for recreation with more than a Tot Lot and what I would do is add another condition to that a waiver to allow for the U 40ft wide Lots I don't have the code section but it'll be in the 1400 C of the code and then number four prior to county approv of the construction plan and preliminary PL the developer shall provide documentation that the city of Palm Bay will approve the project access connection to Babcock Street and determine the adequate Water and Sewer services will be available uh the development and will be available prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy thank you so I make the recommendation for approval with the four conditions as just stated second got a motion by Bruce a second by Deb on items G4 all those in favor say I I any opposed thank you those two passed unanimously now Miss Kim just to reiterate item G5 and G6 were table until the 12th thank you thank you item G7 Mr chair items uh G7 and G8 are being uh continued uh per the requests of the applicant okay item G9 item G9 and G10 I will read into the record together through their companion applications uh G9 Alex Deus and rosemary Deus and Brandon Deus request a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment 24s period 07 from CC and NC to all CC under application number 24 SS 00007 tax account number 2110 2561 in District 1 item G10 Alex deasus Rosemary Deus and Brandon Deus request a request a change of zoning classification from bu1 and Au to all bu2 under application number 24z 000021 tax count number 21 02561 and district one and these are um although I've read them in together they need a separate uh recommendation for each thank you okay is the applicant here sir if you could come to the podium and St your name and address for the record Alexis Deus 1900 Corbett Road Orlando Florida and a little bit about what you're wanting to do Mr de uh the property right now currently is bu1 allows everything but mobile home sales and uh we currently rented it to a gentleman that does mobile home sales and wants to do uh trailer sales and he won't is not permitted under the uh allowances okay uh any questions for the applicant uh Mr chairman yes sir questions um hang on a minute uh are you're going to have uh used car sales well the uh bu1 allows be uh used car sales okay are mean they're going to be used cars not new cars no no it's under the bu1 allows used car sales but not mobile home sales or RVs or kindu I just wonder what what what is your plan to do uh to rent it to RV uh sales and that so forth uh the mobile homes that you're going to have what manufacturer are you going to be using do you know no he got a contract with uh Disney to sell the uh the campers that Disney has at at their Campground and uh there's like 360 units now that was the next question I had you yours was the article in the paper about the Disney Disney uh what was it Wilderness Fort Wilderness yes yes that's correct so he got a contract to remove those and but they are they're recreational vehicles they're on Wheels they're not uh stationary uh Mob okay and one last question uh would you be willing to have a binding development plan to restrict the bu2 uses to only automobile and and mobile home sales what are the other allowances for bu2 that's the only thing that's missing on the uh article which is be uh to sell RVs and trailers and and mobile homes I just wondering if you if you because if I don't just just allow that and that's it just two right across the street U some of the things that you can put in a bu2 are dry cleaning plants ice plants paintting Bobby shops see these these are things that I don't think I'd like to see in that neighborhood in in Mims there's nothing there's like and that that's why I'd like to have uh if you could it's a ghost town it needs everything like it needs us to get in there and uh bring something forward and I I live in I live in Mims I know the people oh so you were familiar there's nothing around yeah uh but nonetheless I would like not to see those kinds of things that what you know what you're proposing I don't have a problem with Al so you're familiar with the mobile homes the the uh but but what I would like is that if you decide you want to sell the property to someone else and they decide they'd like to put an ice plant or dry cleaning plant then you know they can I understand I understand that's why I'd like to have a bdp that says you can have only these certain bu2 uses okay like mobile home sales like you car sales that that I'm fine with that yes we're fine we're just having the the the mobile home sales and no uh dry cleaning stuff or anything okay sta staff can you can you work with him to come up with the bdp absolutely what so what I'm what I'm hearing Mr barer is that you want to do um a bdp to limit the to bu1 uses and bu2 uses the automobile sales and uh uh mobile home sales yes correct okay question so so we can work with the applicant to explain the process and what the next steps are for that okay thank you I got a quick question of the four bu2 properties shown on this map that you gave us or any do any of those have a bdp not that not that I'm we're aware of okay Mr chairman what what about repairs are you going to do any repairs none you're going to drag them over from uh Disney and there yeah yes correct okay so you do you want to allow repairs in case they do need it I think we should add that Amendment for repairs yeah maybe later on you should add a building and you know spruce up the spruce up us one there because it's lacking a little bit of everything you know you know what I mean he's not a fan of Mims well I'm I'm a fan of Mims we own two properties on us one so I'm very familiar and I know that Mims needs everything there's a there's no schools there's nothing there man oh there's a school it's a brand new school I hear it's coming up yeah I hear I hear I heard about we're already going to be here till 8:00 let's get back on track Mr Ron we got a motion with a bdp say something we haven't even it out to the audence yet hold on ma'am hold on one second all right hold on there sir could you oh of course yeah let her and is there anyone else want to speak for or against this item after her okay if you could come up ma'am and get ready ma'am if you could come get the microphone as close to you as possible and state your name and address for the record my name is Karen R I live at 3427 Andre Road my property is right behind his property and it's been like a train wreck since he moved in these cabins came in he's cleared it I get up every morning I look at seven dump truck loads of dirt there's debris debris has been buried I don't know concrete it hasn't been a pleasant experience it's always been residential over there until the people passed away and now it's turned into commercial there's no fence his property buffers adjoins uh residential areas where there's children there's been fences damaged and still not repaired and it's just sitting there so yes I oppose it okay thank you ma'am ma'am if you could come get as close as you can to that microphone and state your name and address for the record sure my name is Katie Delaney and um I don't really know too much about this specific project but just from hearing the conversation that just happened I I wanted to say something about this um I would feel very uncomfortable with just an open be2 change um I think there needs to be clear um boundaries to that if that's done or is I don't know if it's possible to keep it bu1 but then add in the the mobile home um allowance mobile home sales allowance maybe to the be1 I don't know if that's an option as well but uh I just had to say some things about Mims I I I know that people who live in Mims love love Mims and love the way it is so yeah all right thank you thank you anyone else want to speak for or against this item sir if you could come back to the podium Mr barer do you want to revise your motion or go with it or can I ask Ron Ron if have you visited you you live fairly close here here don't you yeah I drive right there every day oh okay should be are you satisfied with all the information your disal information you've heard on this development plan you know yeah I don't think there's a problem uh I mean he you know if he's doing something that uh he shouldn't be doing on that property then I believe that would be a Code Enforcement issue yeah correct and I say one more yeah but I don't want to approve combat zone either we know you're against it so we we've already been there but I believe that uh having the bdp to restrict it to just the sales of these particular items and to do a repair on the house if necessary Jeff have we left anything out of that bdp in light of this information well um just so you're aware there there is a Code Enforcement case against the property owner it's for um removal vegetation without a permit and that is going through the code enforcement process okay so um with with that so what I would tell you is is that let me tell you what the some of the uses are allowed in bu to it allows for major automotive repair it allows for um warehousing and Outdoor Storage so those are the you know those are the big big things you know in a in a zoning officials um things to be concerned with as far as the bdp to limit those those uses um just be aware that bu1 allows for minor Automotive repairs and so that would be a use that would be that is already allowed on the property so anything that's listed in the bu1 would also be allowed right yes exactly Mr chairman is excuse me is there a fence around your property no there's not a fence right now currently I pulled the permit for the fence to comply with the young lady here so so you are going to put a fence on uh God willing yes I got to pick up some more cans and bottles and stuff to comply with her okay any buffer requirements on a on a property like this they're they um during the site plan process they'll have to provide the uh appropriate buffering between commercial and residential between commercial and Commercial there is there's no buffer requirements okay if you can make this a user friendly development oh absolutely absolutely thank you yeah I have a just a quick question so uh we have commercial against U residential which you have to portion of the north all of the East and and all of the South but also on the East you have that right away unimproved RightWay there's a little triangle in the back which there's Road off I it's Andre road comes down he would be required to put a wall where rebuts residential correct the code Yeah the code requires that if it's um um if it's adjacent to residential but if it's right away then I believe that there's a separate code part of that 15 ft we right but yeah so I what I would think would be appropriate is obviously he's not going to access that dirt road unless he paves the whole thing absolutely so if he's got to put the wall then that wall should continue along that rway and he should not be able to allow but add in the bdp that he cannot access that road and that we'd have to put a wall there we can we can certainly add that condition part of the bdp that way he's walled in road to that property right I just I understand but you know somebody could come in there and PVE it and access and I don't think we want to be bringing trailers back through there um and I think it would make sense to have a complete wall to completely separate them from the residential East we're putting a fence all the way around that Andre requires a wall so so so just just so I understand so when when we write up the report this is that um to uh a bdp to limit the use of the bu1 and within the bu2 zoning uh automobile sales and um moob home sales and it require a 15ot buffer along the rear of the property no he has to put the required six foot wall just okay along the entire um along this even along the RightWay okay along that entire East East Boundary okay and anywhere else at a buts residential got I'm good with that and what does the buffer require the buffer is whatever the code says the buffer has to be okay but the but the code would would SE there'd be a hole in the wall where you about the road and I don't think that would be appropriate so that's all I'm unclear about the Wall come on that will be later ma'am it'll be anywhere above a residential use pardon anywhere at buts of residential property which is all the East to the east all the South and that little bit of the north the northmost piece belong to the east so that you there be a wall between you and him so the wall is going to face my property yes ma'am my property is going to face that wall yes ma'am and it's going to be how tall 6ot 6ot yeah yeah that way you're not looking into the back of his building you say wall is it like a fence uh it's supposed to be a wall per coat a wall mhm okay I guess I can be happy with that I made the motion do we have a second oh okay you can second it got a motion by by Ron a second by Robert all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously you guys have a nice even all right thank you that was we need G G9 got G10 G9 motion G10 so the yes so the motion well so the bdp goes with the zoning not the land use correct that would have been for item G10 we should have the land the last motion should have had no bdp mentioned that is for the land only right the bdp this one okay what do we need to do do we need to redo the first motion yes let's redo the land use motion I'll make the motion that we approve the land use as requested second okay okay a motion by uh Bruce a second by Deb on the land use motion yes all those in favor say I I any opposed that passed unanimously now Ron can make the mo now Ron for the bdp and the okay yes and we've for the bdp that restricts the sales that restri restricts the bu2 uses and has the uh wall along the residential areas to the east I'm sorry what to the east to the east there's also residential to the South okay a motion by Ron on item G10 a second by Robert all those with the bdp and the specifications all those in favor say I I I any opposed item G10 passed unanimously item G11 thank you Mr chair item G11 is put it in me storage LLC or cuss a small small scale comprehensive plan Amendment 24 s04 from indd to community commercial application number is 24 ss004 TX account number is 232 2557 located in District 1 okay is the applicant here good evening my name is vahit tamori with morning Associates 32 East New Haven Avenue Melbourne before I start one one thing about PUD I live in a subdivision called window uh I'm sorry Grandy Brandy Wine States as PUD is our residential this was developed long time ago but that's another example of beauty that aside um we're here to down Zone this property from industrial to be2 uh it was bu2 it was zoned industrial before now it's down zoned again the only reason is there's some Corky requirement in our industrial that any type of storage has to be behind the building doesn't doesn't make much sense at all but it is what it is and we have to go to bu22 in order to get any type of storage for boats and sto boats and RVs even though we have 8ot walls in the front and uh the code just basically says if you have a half a mile long property along property line along the RightWay you're supposed to have to have half a mile of building in order to store anything in front of it so that's where we hard we just want to basically use it for RVs and boat storage and some mini storage and that's all there is to it I'll be happy to answer any questions all right Mr veed while you're right there stay put real quick hopefully this is going to be easy is anyone speak want to speak for against this item great so seeing that I bring it back to the board we got any questions for the applicant I I have just a statement to make I I think we have too much Mini Storage here in the county and I we need industrial because of the space program we have 362 uh public storage facilities in this County serving 700,000 residents in Houston where my home office is we have 406 for 6 million people something's wrong and I don't like to see more storage I think I think we're building too many of them and um we may be accumulating a lot of junk and putting it in storage but I don't believe that we need another self storage facility here so I would vote against it all right see that do we have any other questions for the applicant yeah I have a comment uh with people building a lot of houses on 40ft Lots they're going to need storage yes they're putting their boats on those same Lots in that development how haven't figured out how they're going to do that I don't know how they're going to do that I mean the the primary use of this is going to be boats and RVs that they only have very small section of if you can because we really put that building in there because they they told us we needed a building we really don't want any building Z requires us to put a building up there so it's not our doing we don't want any Min work we just want Bo and RVs and boats and RVs are not an inexpensive item not everybody has them and they can't store a 40 foot bus on your property anymore but is this outdoor storage it is so you only need a building for for administration that's correct but since they they said the the initial step was 300t building and we were happy to go back to that and put 300 foot building but the point was you had to put the building all along the right away you know to put RV and store RVs and boats behind it doesn't make a bit of sense but that's is there a variant that could be made on that no really you can't have a variance for use yeah that's for somebody's got to look into that code I'm not in the business of changing codes they don't get changed that easily but that that just doesn't make a common sense that all be that as it may Mr chairman yes sir uh I move that we recommend approval of this land you change second Bruce beat you this time Robert we got a motion by Ron a second by Bruce all those in favor say I I any opposed yay one opposed thank you Mr V okay item g12 item g12 is Richard joner requests a change of zone of classification from gu to ru- 1-9 application number is 24z 00006 tax account number is 271-6623 located in District 5 is the applicant here sir if you could come to the podium and state your name and address for the record yes sir I'm Richard Jones 720 Unity drive a little bit about what you're wanting to do here okay so I contacted the planning department last fall and asked them uh to confirm my zoning and if I'm able to rebuild and I learn very quickly the property is legally established but not conforming is gu right now requires five acres to build um trainer Gil and staff has been very helpful to uh with helping me navigate the process so I'm just trying to change from gu to ru-1 D9 um my property is more than big enough for ru-1 D9 I wish it was five acres i' stage gu but it's not all right we s right there is anyone in the audience want to speak for against this item that's really good news all right seeing that I bring it back to the board yeah I'll motion to approve second okay item g12 motion by Bruce a second by Deb all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously thank you all very much thank you thank you sir item G13 Jamie Kent and Charlene sap Kent and Germaine Kent request a change the zoned classification from Au to R u-111 application number is 24z 0013 tax account number is 2110 3548 located in district one is the applicant here we wore him [Laughter] out all right well seeing that I bring it back to the board any questions do we need a motion to table well I think we can still vote on it without the applicant correct you can vote to deny or approve or yeah because I mean it seems pretty simple motion to approve second item G13 a motion to approved by Bruce a second by Brian all those in favor say I I any opposed item G13 passed unanimously item G14 table to the end the agenda I want to read 15 into the record correct sorry Scot G g15 is Scott Martin request to change his Z and classification from bu-1 and Ru 2-15 to all Ru 2-15 application number is 24z 0015 tax account number is 252 0270 located in District 2 okay is the applicant here sir if you can state your name and address for the record my name is Scott Martin I live at 335 Jack Drive cooko Beach and a little bit about what you're wanting to do here Mr Martin um yes I have two lots they're kind of small I've owned it for like 25 years I've decided to build something personal for myself so because one side's only bu1 the other's r215 I wanted to make them both r215 so I could build um a place for myself and and and just two other units it it the backside is already Ru 215 and everything around me is Ru 215 or Ru 45 all around my property all right is there anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item all right seeing that I bring it back to the board any questions for the applicant motion to approve second got a motion by Bruce on item g15 to approve appr a second by Brian all those in favor say I I any opposed item g15 passed unanimously thank all of you thank you thank you sir item g16 item g16 is bravar County of the bo bvar County Board of County Commissioners request a change the zoning classification from Au with a cup and gml to all gml with the removal of a cup application number is 24z 0017 tax account number is 25007 located in District 2 all right so what I can do Mr chair is bvar county is the applicant on this so this is a resoning to uh bring the property up into compliance back in uh uh n or um 1999 the code was updated to include subclassifications of the gml zoning district and so um as the Sheriff's Office wants to redevelop and develop the property um the subclassification is needed so the I stands for uh institutional so that there's also a small portion of the Au that would be a cleanup as well I got a Jeff the U that parcel at one time was that three separate individual Parcels are you talking about the one the far the the tip yeah because this one we're bringing back in is a triangle and then you have I think two rectangles there yeah it's one with it's one big giant triangle yeah okay that's what you're going to do yeah it's the it's the whole um the whole property let me get you the acreage for it at some 48.92 Acres yes sir okay Bruce you were doing good oh motion to approve second got a motion by Bruce on item G Mr chair you have a sorry oh thought you already did that for you I did do it I thought okay sir if you can state your name and address for the record yes sir my name is Robert Bray I live at five sichley CH Street in West Coco and my concern about this I know this is the property we're talking about is the shareff form we've been discussing this for a while about the gun range but my question is is the reson is going they're going to build more gun range are they going to redo that or what's the whole process uh what they're planning on doing with the property well now as far as the design I don't have all that my understanding the sheriff's office is not not touching or expanding the gun range that's already existing on the property okay I was led to believe they're going to have more vegetation meaning uh fruit fruits and vegetables and stuff that's what somebody told me I I heard more of that than the gun business to be honest with because you don't live there I hear a gun every day we've been fighting this for a while I gu right we we don't add more guns are you in Catalina yes I am so I give me a little credit I know that yes so I guess my question is is this resoning is going to make it more louder than what it is I would guess so what would be the thing not that we're aware of correct the um the noise ordinance is still in effect that um it still has to meet county code again this resoning will not have any changes to the uh gun range as it's already been permitted and is operating the change will allow for the Sheriff's Office to construct a drive driving range which will allow it's a for automobiles it's to train the deputies on how to drive their vehicles okay can can I tell this gentleman it's it's a house cleaning issue more than anything AB absolutely it's it's a it's a house cleaning issue you're not going to get Bazookas or not thank you all right sir thank you Stingers okay I had that was a motion to approve second got a motion by Bruce a second by Brian all those in favor say I I any opposed that passed unanimously item g17 item g17 is borrows West Suite developers LLC requests a cup for the on premise consumption of alcohol and a p zoning classification application number is 24z 000019 tax account number is 303 0134 locan District 4 is the applicant here sir if you could state your name and address for the record yes sir thank you Mr chairman my name is Mickey grindstaff I'm with the law firm of shuten Bowen 300 South Orange Avenue Sweet 1600 in Orlando I'm here tonight on behalf of my partner marbert Lewis who is the attorney in Miami who actually represents this owner of this property who building a four-story hotel um as we speak uh and it's it's a substantially constructed it's not yet completed but in the original approvals they did not um address the uh liquor permit and we're here tonight asking for a conditional use permit to allow on consumption um I think it's the four Coop with which alcohol within the bars restaurants by the pool and in the Sury shop all right hold on one is anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item seeing that I bring it back to the board we haven't denied one yet so I'll motion to approve motion by Bruce on item g117 is second by Deborah all those in favor say I I any opposed that passed unanimously thank you sir thank you all thank you item G18 thank you Mr chair item G18 is Walter chiniki request a change the zoning classification from ru 1-13 to Ru 2-4 with a bdp application number is 24z 0020 tax account number is 262 4912 located in District 4 the proposed bdp uh will limit the density to two units okay is the applicant here all right see you that I bring it back to the board you want to see if there's anybody else out there yes yeah I think they want to speak about this yeah all right if there's going to be public speaking and there's no then I'll make the motion that we table this to the next meeting second okay you got a motion to table item G18 by Bruce a second by John all those in favor favor say I I all any opposed don't understand then that motion that pass unanimously I'm sorry ma'am hold on can you Jeff you want to give them just a brief explanation of what the request was entailing yeah what I'll do is I'll have Trina go and talk to him and she can she can explain what's going on thank you thank you okay item G14 thank you Mr chair item G14 is the Seminary Seminary Covenant Community Inc request a change the Zone in classification from inl to Ru 2-15 application number is 24 z0014 tax account number is 21136 Loca District 2 Mr Bruce you know the drill I do thank you members of the board the pnz I usually don't do this but it was a super long agenda with a lot of important items on it so I'm breaking my tradition by presenting this and also being on the board for the other items and we thank you thanks so this one is is really a great I'm really super proud to be part of this so we we're representing uh a group called Wings of Grace and they uh what they do is they they they build affordable housing and they house under privileges underprivileged youth we have developed a model that we're building the first of its kind in the city of Melbourne it's just received site plan approval and it's getting ready to break ground for 24 units of affordable housing that is specifically Geared for use Turing out of foster care so what happens currently is when teens turn 18 and they are no longer funded by the state the state the the parents kick them out and they're home basically homeless um and it's a surprise to them it's a shock to them so so what they've what uh rings of Grace has done who's a nonprofit organization is they partnered with ways for Life who's been working with teens uh aging out of foster care for quite some time so now what they're doing is they're they've established this prototype of uh of units where they they house them temporarily they train them on at the site and they basically get them ready for Life uh if they're not prepared so they they train them how to you know how to get a job how to interview how to take care of themselves how to do their Finance says how to do all this so they found another spot they want to build these all over the county so they found a spot in merid island and that's this site right here so what they want to do is get it rezoned so they can actually put this um development in this location uh and then hopefully get another one and do this all over the county so that's really what we want to do um so if you have any questions we'll be glad to answer them for you br and curiosity I where where do you get the money to fness I fortunately I don't have to be the one that finds it but uh they they do get grants to do these things and um uh right now wings of Grace has scattered homes all over the county that they do this right now but now they're going to actually put it into a into a a multi basically multif family development where they can be there on site and provide the services on site for them does it take you to account I guess I'm being a little nosy here but does it take into account Perpetual maintenance and stuff yes yes sir yeah they want this to be long term Bruce all right can can I go yes sir Mr John long as it's a zoning question it it is I'm on the affordable housing Council here uh okay and uh we've seen uh projects like this come forward and they're needed the the problem with the youth they're 18 years old they got no place to go and we need properties like this so I'm I'm hoping that they'll do a good job and that they will put up some nice buildings have nice training for the people so they can become productive citizens that's the whole idea yes thank thank you Mr Bruce I got to take it out to the audience real quick does anyone in the audience want to speak against this item then ma'am if you could come up here and get as close as you can to the microphone and state your name and address for the record I've been waiting hi everybody um how's it good yes okay my name's Elizabeth michaelan I live I'm I know some of you I live on marid island I live within the zone of reason around this development I don't have a single problem with what is said about the you know what the facilities to be used for I have a major problem where it is this property is a flood plane it is own as such a portion of this property is considered Coastal Hazard region it is across the street from Tropic excuse me not tropical but Jefferson it's nestled lovingly between Jefferson and tropical Elementary we're a small tiny Island I would love to see affordable housing I just don't think this property is geared for that particular project now I wanted to go through this and I'm seeing that based on the application that I pulled off I'm seeing 45 homes they want to go to Ru what is it 215 215 so that is the opportunity to build 45 homes on this property if I'm not mistaken says so on the application I have a concern with that as well the traffic this is an island and some of you live here so you already know the challenges especially in South mirid Island we have two byways we've got tropical Trail we got courtne and then we get one tropical Trail I as someone who lives in the area I already know the traffic issues at school times going to coming from I already know the problems with 520 which by the way in case anybody wants to be you know be made aware of the problem 520 West 520 East both sides were picked as the top five for most congested byways if we have storms and I'm not even getting into what a flood plane's designed for if we have storms and we want to get off the island according to Emergency Management it's somewhere in the range of 66 hours to try to get to safety when do we stop looking at what we you know think we need and look at what we have and protect what we have we're a Barrier Island our job is to protect Mainland that's what we're here for they're doing more studies about it and our best universities are doing these studies and they're interesting they're really really interesting I'm against it I'd like to know more about it I got a chance to meet the gentleman when we were out there to have a discussion this is not what he told me out there okay I think it's great my girlfriend rais and not raises but she is a foster group home right next door to me I don't have a problem with that she's not on a flood plane she's not in an area that I think is is very very sensitive I think the flooding there's risk to flooding with the school you got to start weighing what's more important the kids that are going to school and the possible flooding and how many kids end up in this program do we have another it sounds like this is a great organization maybe we have another opportunity to do something in something that already exists I hope you hear me I mean I can get into the environmental aspect of it I was supposed to have 20 more people here we're going to talk about the traffic you got me and I'm just asking very very politely please please consider you know what I'm talking about okay thank you all right thank you ma'am anybody else want to speak for against this item all right seeing that I bring it back to the board uh Mr chairman I just want to reiterate um what I had on the very first set of agendas um about evacuations about Coastal construction High uh excuse me high uh Coastal High Hazard areas this does a it um we are talking about Meritt Island we are talking about a single access for evacuation and half of it is in the femo flood zone and it's a Zone AE so I fish bodies out of the water doing search and rescue it's not fun so I do agree with the young lady that the extremely Noble uh commitment here um I just think it's the wrong spot Mr chair I have a question yes sir Mr bran Bruce it's 43 units not 45 is that correct that would be the max that we could possibly build but we're we don't propose to build that many I don't know what the number is but it's not going to be 45 and it says multif family so is it going to be town home no it's going to be a complex it's going to be a housing complex very I guess institutional looking kind of thing where they all have their rooms but they have common kitchen common laundry common facilities they have training rooms they have all that stuff so it's it's not no it's not tow houses or anything like that how many buildings is it going to be I don't know how many units we're going to be able to fit on the site but it's I be multiple building it should be I I'm it's my understanding they're going to take the the building that we did in Melbourne at 24 and put it on the site that's my understanding maybe they're they might try to add a couple units but I don't think anywhere near but is that one in Melbourne one single building or M it's one single building y i sure I want to thank everybody I'm Pastor Paul rosbury I'm the chairman of Seminary c community and wings of Grace is one of our Ministries we have 30 Ministries up and down the the coast we acquired this property in 2012 from a existing Church uh at that time the roofs were gone and we've renovated it to that point currently when we're talking about this aging out of foster care there's an education building that's right next to the sanctuary which is about 4,800 Square fet uh there's a parage also on the property and so what we're talking about is maybe taking the Ed building which is already existing on Higher Ground using that as a possible building with that would house the youth as well as maybe some other facilities and maybe where the parsonage is extended over to there so we really don't know what the site plan is going to be we don't know the numbers yet but we want to move forward with this as quickly as possible than maybe you know and I I shared with the lady I said I will meet with them uh and have them come and talk to us because we are in the neighborhood we want to be friendly and I'm work working every way I can so that we can help our County to build what we need right now we need over 300 housing units for aging foster care kids now every place we going to look we're going to have to come back to you and see if that's the right property so I I thank you for your time and I hope that you'll help us move forward because that's what we need to do for the whole County thank you thank you sir so Mr Bruce so it sounds to me like we're going to utilize some of the existing buildings and maybe add one if needed yes sir obviously we're going to use the buildings if there already there yes okay all right any other questions for the applicant I'll make a motion to approve second I got a motion by Brian a second by Deb all those in favor say I I I any opposed Mr Robert opposed thank you that almost passed unanimously M Bruce I believe that's it is that correct motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second on the money second third fourth and fifth good job the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of bvad County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of bravard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]