[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh e e please stand and Mr John would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge algi to flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay this is the Planning and Zoning Board looc planning agency it's an Advisory Board which makes recommendations to the County Commissioners who will make the final decisions on on all these items item G5 is an LPA item items on today's agenda will be heard by the County Commission on May 2nd at 5:00 p.m. when a motion ends in any kind of a split vote a roll call vote may be taken to ensure accuracy as a reminder each member who makes a motion or a second needs to turn their microphone on so that your voice is on the record speakers for public comment on agenda it items will be given 2 minutes at this time if any board member has had any expart communication regarding any application please disclose so now Mr chairman uh yes Miss Deb first ladies first G5 I spoke with Jimmy Dunn from Canta communities um he called and introduced himself and gave me a little bit of an introduction on what they're planning over there and lasted about three minutes okay Mr John I also had a call but I declined to uh to listen and to meet with the person okay all right staff are we good with those yes sir no issues all right I need a motion for the approval of the pnz minutes from March 18th 2024 motion to approve second got a motion by Henry a second by Debbie all those in favor say I I I any opposed that passed unanimously okay item G1 Mr chair before before we start into the agenda I just have a um um comment to make if anybody is out in the audience to speak uh for or against item G5 there is a signin sheet back in the back with Trina if you plan to make any comments please fill that out for us thank you all right thank you Jeff item G one please yes item G1 Christopher staler request change the zoning classification from ru- 1-9 to ru- 1-11 application number is 23 z86 and tax account number is 21416 located in District 1 and like the board to know that this has been read vertis to the correct date uh of April 15th for today and May 2nd for the County Commission meeting okay is the applicant here yes sir if you could come up to the podium there and get as close as you can sir to the microphone and state your name and address for the record Christopher stroer well how y'all doing today good um Christopher stroer um 2940 hops Place Titusville Florida and a little bit Sir Mr Christopher about what you're wanting to do I'm trying to change the um my zoning from R1 I'm trying to build a residential home trying to change from R1 to to 111 and um I think in 1960 the land was subdivided so it don't meet the qualifications right now to to where I needed to be for a single family residence yes sir all right Mr Christopher you hold on right there with us is there anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item Mr Christopher that is great news you don't even seeing that I bring it back to the board has anyone got any questions for our applicant Mr chairman yes sir Ron uh I move that we recommend approve of loning change I second okay we got a motion by Ron a second by Henry on item G1 all those in favor say I all those opposed sir that pass unanimously man I thank y'all very much you have a blessed day Mr chairman yes sir question for staff how will this affect the neighbors are they all going to have to change too not necessarily it all depends on um if they were if they have structures on the property then it could then we have different parameters as whether it could be viewed as a non-conformity lot of record there was something in the in the staff report that this particular one was non-conforming it's vacant land correct but they all the neighbors have been built out so some some there there's some of them have so if there's a structure on a property then that would be viewed as a conforming lot because at some point in the past that we've recognized it as a conforming lot for whatever reason okay what if there's you know they want to do a renovation or something would you hold them up no not for renovation okay thank you thank you Mr chair all right thank you John item G2 please item G2 Jonathan and Emily schoolfield request a change of zoning classification from Au to RR mh1 application number 24z 0000001 tax account number 244 3960 district one okay is the applicant here sir same thing if you could get as close as you could to that microphone and state your name and address for the record Jonathan schoolfield 1337 Royal burkdale circle rockage and a little bit of why you're wanting to do this uh we have picked out a house we want to put on there and it's a manufactured home and uh can't change my wife's mind on what to do and so it's a beautiful home and we want to put it on that property so all right if you could stay put right there is there anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item all right seeing that I bring it back to the board do we have any questions for the applicant Mr chairman uh I move that we recommend approval the sing change second I'll second I think Logan you were F set first on the second correct all right we got a motion by Ron a second by Logan all those in favor on item G2 say I I any opposed that pass unanimous thank you all right sir okay item G3 item G3 is William and Janette gridge request a change of zoning classification from rr-1 to Au L and removal of an existing bdp application numbers 24z 00003 tax account numbers 2372 located in District 1 okay is the applicant in here sir same thing sir I sound like a broken record I know but you got to state your name and address for the record my name is William gridge my address is 9610 Woodland Ridge Drive Tampa Florida and a little bit about what you're wanting to do Mr William well currently the properties R R1 I'd like at the Au so I could build an agricultural building in the back okay and Sir while you're right there is there anyone in the audience want to speak for or against this item all right seeing that I bring it back to the board do we have any questions for the applicant Mr chairman had a question uh since there's no principal structure what's the purpose of the barn to uh put in agricultural equipment uh I have a tractor oh okay is that is that tractor for your business or is it no no sir personal use okay you be willing to loan it to somebody talk to you later all right all right uh Mr chairman I move that we recommend approval list zoning change and the removal of the existing bdp all right let's hold on that first motion Mr John you said you have a comment no I have a question I did not receive a copy of the bdp in my package you know how much I love bdp it's the it's the removal of the bdp just for the board edification The bdp Limited the development of the property under the rr1 to two lots so this request would remove that restriction to two lots in the ability to have agricultural uses on the property limited to the light part of it okay all right second the motion one second Mr are you okay yeah I'm good all right Logan did I hear second I'm sorry yes okay we got a motion by Ron a second by Logan on item G3 all those in favor say I I any opposed that pass unanimously thank you very much all right sir thank [Laughter] you and here again ladies and gentlemen we are just an Advisory Board to the County Commissioners these decisions are not final the County Commissioners might make the final decisions so uh item G4 yes item G4 Suzanne cook requests conditional use permit for a guest house in an ru- 1-13 single family residential zoning classification application number is 24 z007 tax account number is 24 3174 4 five and District Two and ma'am you must be the applicant and if you could get as close as you can to that microphone and state your name and address for the record please you can pull it down thank you my name is Suzanne Kowalski cook I live at 1270 North Banana River Drive on merid island okay and a little bit about why you're wanting to do this um the reason is I'd like to put in a a BNB um it would give me an extra income um the way the economy is we never um my everything's going up right so I'm away from my neighbors my neighbors agree that it wouldn't be a problem to them we're going to find out about that in just a minute okay well I have a church on one side and I have neighbors on the other and we all get along famously good deal Ma'am why you stay right there is there anybody in the audience want to speak for or against this item that's good news see no one's here to speak against it right Mr chair I I just want I heard some statements in there that's not factual I just want to let the applicant know that the guest houses you can't run out they have to be for family members only so you can't do a an Airbnb with the guest house well kind of that's what I'm looking for well with that zoning correct me if I'm right or wrong Jeff you what you're saying with a zoning you cannot do that it's a B&B is there a difference bread and breakfast what it is is the uh using a guest house a guest house has conditions that cannot be rented out it has to be only for your guest or for your family members also the property does not allow for them to do a short-term rental in less than 90 days that they have have uh like they're running out their house or something I see you coming sir good afternoon board I I believe this is new information for us okay for from the applicant so I I think at this point staff would request that we table this to the next meeting to give us an opportunity to work with the applicant to see if we can come up with a better application for their purposes or something along that lines can I get a motion the table second Bruce did you I'm sorry okay we have a motion to table this item in a second all those in favor say I I any opposed so we're going to table it for now and give you some time to get with staff to see if they can work out the details okay okay ma'am all right thank you okay meeting adjourned oh Kim I'm sorry item G5 please thank you Mr chair uh before I read this uh let me read the item into the record so item G5 is Gen Florida 48 LLC requests a large scale comprehensive plan Amendment 23 2023-24 MZ one two and a half to Res 4 and Community commercial the application number is 23 LS 000000001 tax account numbers is 3277 3368 3827 3829 located in District 5 so before I turn this item over this is a large scale comprehensive plan Amendment we haven't had one of these in a while so this is a a two-step process where the application before you is a land use change that that if the board of County Commissioners um decides to transmit this up it goes to the state in the coordinat review with the Florida Commerce and all the other state agencies to provide comments and back so once this comes back from the state the the applicant will have time to address any of those comments and uh responses and then when it comes back for adoption the the associated PUD will will dovetail with the adoption hearing for for this application in the Pud this application before you only establishes a density based on the infrastructure requirements it's not based on a plan it's not based on specific requirements for the Pud as far as buffering and crosssections and whatnot that will be done at a later stage we are only going to vote on density the the application request before you is a density increase res for in community commercial okay so miss Rena before you get going so I guess is if everyone that's a affiliated with this item could you please raise your hand so now I'm assuming and I know the definition of that word everyone wants to speak correct well hold on because what I'm going to do is I will give each of you two minutes to speak on this item or if you would like to have go out in the lobby and pick one person and we'll take however many people there was here times two and you can have that much time to speak on the item because we just don't want to hear it's lowering the value of our land or you know my horse can't cross the canal or it's an increase in traffic or etc etc we don't want it to be repetitive you know because if everyone has the same issue with the item it I will get right back to you ma'am that's why I'm saying we will give you I'll give you an opportunity to go in the lobby and if everyone agrees pick one person to speak about it and we'll do that sir I'm of we've done this yester soared for one speaker if you allow us the time to do that all right if everyone would raise their hand again who's let me do a quick count one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 times two is 24 you got 30 minutes how about is that fair enough thank you we're very organized because we get paid big money to do this we all we all volunteer our time but anyhow we do that because we love our County that's why he wants so all right well Miss Kim if you know the deal if you could state your name and address for the record yes sir uh Kim renka I am with Lacy Lions rosenka 1290 rockage Florida I'm here on behalf of sunra communities who's in partnership with Jen Florida 48 LLC which is the property owner um we are here on the large scale Amendment comp plan Amendment with me are um Jimmy Dunn and Dan Edwards with Santa communities if you have questions also the engineer of record is pulos and Bennett and with me is Lance Bennett and Andrew Ivy and also planner Jesse Anderson who is with polus and Bennett he was formerly the assistant growth management director at Palm Bay also the transportation engineer ah yes uh James Taylor with kimley horn is here as well I have provided everyone with the PowerPoint we weren't sure if this was going to make it because we just brought sent it in this morning but also there's some fine writing on there that you might want to see and so we handed it out to everyone so you can go along as we're going through uh we had a community meeting last Wednesday and um 98% 95% of this is information that they have already seen so this is what we plan to go through okay uh the location of this is is South Bard County it's about three three and a half miles from the county line it's on Babcock Street ordered on the North by Willowbrook and it's it's uh west of Babcock Street it is 11009 Acres a little over 119 acers uh we're seeking a future land use to allow a mixed use development a PUD application has been submitted but it is not on the um agenda for today the request is for res 4 limited to three units an acre some of you remember there used to be a dir of three the county doesn't do that anymore but the Pud will limit it to three units the acre engineering is not complete so we don't know for sure if we can even get three units to the acre but the uh the future land used for res 4 is 1, 182.5 s acres and seeking Community commercial on 27.3 3 AC Acres on Badcock street it's 398,000 Square ft² intended to be retail type services for the residents here and the surrounding residents more detailed for the location in yellow uh that is the the property that we're seeking to change the future land use you can see it is somewhat squished between Palm Bay City Limits and Deer Run is to the south of the property and Willer Brook Street is to the north between Willer Brook Street and the property there is a 100t drainage ditch there's 120t RightWay of Willowbrook Street and then there is a strip of land to the south of the ditch that is 150 ft um some of you may call it a spite strip but this is to stop any annexation into pal Bay this is owned by um James sator and Jerick Holdings LLC which is a santor property they also own Jerick property also owns all the property not sure if I'm going to be able to do this all this is the strip I'm talking about right along Willowbrook that's owned by jerck it's about 250 ft well yeah and then all of this property all the way to St John's River Water Management District property is owned by Jerick and to the north up here is Rolling Meadow Ranch um it's a little over 1300 Acres this is the property owned by Andrew um I can never say his name right Mas Mash yes uh that DNX from palom Bay back into the county if you all may remember that this is a challenging project um this is why we need to change to Res 4 as mentioned in uh the legislation report prepared by staff and the staff comments there are current deficiencies in infrastructure but all have Solutions even the staff report says they're potential Solutions uh the engineers and experts are here today and we'll explain the solutions and here to answer any questions the uh the transportation infrastructure will be dealt with the school deficiency the water and sewer deficiency all have been discussed um with the various entities and as you all aware proportionate fair share requires that capacities be and concurrencies be met what's not in the staff comments but in Sun terrorist response which is in your packet is a review of all the other large-scale developments in a 2- M radius of this proposed project and most of these proposed projects have greater density than what's being proposed here there's nothing in administrative policy that requires you to look just at Bard County Properties I looked and looked and looked and it's just surrounding development also to I did forget to mention if you look up this is where St John's Heritage Parkway intersects with Babcock and that's what's causing all this development all this development and there's a Publix going in right there and that's about uh point. 6 miles north of the project so development is coming to this area oh no it's not coming it's there it's there all right uh St John's Heritage Parkway from I5 I95 West links Emerald lak Cypress Bay and water stone development so that is what's going in there right now Sun Tera Lakes go back to the uh the concept plan the the bubble plan as it was uh the proposed development is for 3,246 units 3,980 3 398,000 ft of commercial um that's the red along Babcock um it says phase 11 but that's just to designate it as the commercial area it will have open space of 390 uh 468 Acres of open space 140 Acres of active 328 of passive um assuming this is approved by Bard County and comes back the Pud will be in front of you sometime in the fall early fall hopefully so um just to let you know what those colors are the uh light yellow is the resid itial the um medium green is passive Recreation the darker green is active Recreation and then the really dark green is Wetlands this property has about 114 Acres of wetlands 94 of them will be preser preserved approximately 20 will be impacted and in correspondence with the county requirements um and the the orange coloring is the impacted Wetlands the light blue is storm water and the dark blue is Lake active Recreation the big pond on the west there that's part of an existing burrow pit that will be turned into an active Recreation site and uh it'll be amenitized for the residents there's also walking trails throughout here and um it's intended that some of these Parks will be open to the public not just for the residents that's still in the planning stage we did have a community meeting last Wednesday it was the first time many of the residents knew about this project um and so we had a virtual option there's no place to hold a community meeting that far south so it was at the comfort in on Malibar Road there were approximately 23 people that were in attendance and 21 attend virtually um we ended the formal meeting about 8:15 but people stayed around and the engineers stayed around to speak with them the concerns and responses is as you would expect um traffic school fire and place response density consistency and compatibility with that I'm going to address the first issue um of TR of traffic and James Taylor will come up to address that Mr Taylor also could you state your name and address yes sir Mr chair for the record James Taylor with kimley Hornet Associates Transportation engineer uh by trade at 200 South Orange Avenue or downtown Orlando thank what you see on the screen here is the anticipated study area for a traffic impact analysis that we're going to be conducting for the purpose of the county um and all the permits that go along with the site as well as the access the the blue on the outside is the anticipated 5 mile radius around the site that we'll be studying um you see some red dots there indicating study area intersection some red roadway segment showing where the uh traffic is to a point that's significant enough to include those items in the study area as well and then some blue dots along the front edge of the property indicating probable access points um you also see some percentages on some of those roadways and these are the anticipated percentages that come out of the the local travel demand model for this district and the dot um and basically what it's showing is the anticipated traffic from the site is intended to um be more or less equally split north south a little bit more to the north as people are getting up to John her Parkway and then onto the Interstate also some on minko road as well as Babcock Street oh is that my own slide okay so today what we've done for the purpose of the uh future land use amendment is we we've conducted a study that's prescribed by the state to show a short-term and a long-term impact for the trips that are anticipated from this uh proposed amendment and what it indicated in that study out to year 20 35 for the short term then 2045 for the long term is that Babcock Street from Grant Road down to mik road is anticipated to exceed its capacity uh as you know it's two lanes out there today it's operating about 40% of its capacity based on today's uh counts but this project as well as the other growth that uh Miss Kim showed on the screen earlier is anticipated to increase that to the point that it exceeds the two L capacity of that roadway and then as as we come in for additional permits if this goes forward is we will do that long that larger scale Transportation study that shows uh how the intersections the roadways and those sorts of things all need to get mitigated as prescribed by the state and also the local uh requirements and I'll be standing by with any questions sir one second before did you a question for the engineer James did I think read where it would be level of service D and at what point would that occur assuming the numbers that we're looking at today sure well it you know Babcock Street if that's what you're talking about that's actually going to be a level service F okay if that roadway is not wide the four lanes okay in the future but do we have a preliminary number of what the units would be when that trans inspires I mean that's in the your program I'm sure but yeah know that's a great question that will be a part of that future traffic study because uh as we've talked about mitigating for the capacity items that'll be one of the things that obviously the county won't want to proceed past a certain amount of development until the taing is available for conversation purposes today if if this transpires how far south will you will you go with with the modifications and changes on Babcock sure the the deficiency that we're showing not just because of this project but because the other growth of the area extends from moo all the way to Grant so that's about a three mile segment okay um the mitigation for this particular developer will is prescribed for the by the state either either a proportionate share contribution for their impacts or a physical Improvement not the whole three miles but something that equates to the proportion share okay so just for conversations you might just be a three lane the center by Direction you that sure I mean that would not mitigate for the entire deficiency it really does need some additional capacity the bidirectional left turn lane that you're talking about gives it a little bit more capacity but not the capacity that that's needed out there those mine thanks thank you good real quick yes sir if you don't mind Mr chairman just want to uh make sure I I remember this correctly Babcock from Malibar Road to the county line is All County correct so we're only dealing with one entity it's not multi-jurisdictional okay thank you how well we know Bruce and and this uh this issue obviously came up at the community meeting and although we don't know for sure at what time it will have to be widened but it will have to be widened with all the growth that's in the area so just to look at a transportation impact fees for this project alone will be approximately 16 A5 million and then the also the issue uh came up with schools because this is pretty far south and uh the school impact fees will also be about $16.5 million for this project between the retail and the commercial uh we did a school capacity trying to remember where I am in the oh not yet we did a uh we did submit to the school board for a school capacity letter and the school capacity School concurrency um did show that there would be uh there would be issues with the adjacent school capacity uh and there would be a shortfall of available C capacity for elementary and middle schools however they did note that um for the next 5 years the intermediate growth could could be accommodated by putting in um portable classrooms I talked to Karen Black at length there are at least five sites that could serve this area that the school board owns or that's being dedicated Ashton Park which is going into the south and east it's off oh I did it wrong again sorry about that I'm not used to having two pointers um Ashton Park which is going down right about in this area it's right down in this area I think they are putting in a 30 Acre Site for element K through 8 which would also be available to serve this this community so we understand that school capacity could be an issue but Florida Statutes provide for proportionate fair share and so any any deficiencies would be addressed as the time requires it to be uh another issue that came up was fire and police response and um again that will be addressed as necessary this is served by palom Bay Fire Station 8 no excuse me four under an interlocal agreement and there's also a fire station um near moo road closer to the east but anything that is necessary would be accommodated and anything that needs to be uh addressed for fire and emergency response because obviously santa wants everyone to be safe and they don't want to impact anyone with fire and emergency response um as to density and capacity density and capacity compatibility I wanted to bring this up before Jesse comes up this is the perimeter crosssection of the minimum buffers and what the uh the developer is intending to do and would be part of the Pud as I mentioned there's quite a large buffer to the north between the ride of way the spite strip you also have a 100 foot Canal that is around the entire property except on Babcock and then the developer has agreed to to leave 50 foot of a buffer in a natural state so the minimum buffer from property to property line would be 150 ft uh the the uh at the community meeting they also agreed that if it is a sparse 50ft natural buffer they will improve it they will make it much more um solid to make an opaque buffer so that's something that you would hear at the Pud stage it would be part of the Pud conditions next Jesse um Anderson will come up to explain the other developments and their density in the area and again these are in Palm Bay except for Rolling medic although it shows yeah Rolling Meadows which is in Bard County it's two units to the acre and it is adjacent to the site good evening board members Jesse Anderson 1340 tradition Circle Melbourne Florida um specifically yes I am a local relatively speaking sorry for anyone that sees that as too far away um but you know I I did work for pom Bay as they had mentioned as the assistant director of growth management and I do reside in bravard County uh this is an area that has come to be a place of my heart and when speaking on it it's it's actually a joy to be speaking on this type of project today uh this project is situated in a very interesting location it is very much so surrounded by the city of Palm Bay in a broad stance except for where you have conservation lands over to its eastern side and along with our parcel of course we have dear the Deer Run community and so I'm not at all trying to exclude them but looking at the broader picture as you see on your screens today much of the city has encapsulated parts of this and then larger developments in the county that are coming in the future have also started to Encompass the area surrounding this development now when we look into compatibility in a Florida statute stance we're looking at compatibility in a term that we are saying that it can coexist in a relative sorry coexist in a relative proximity to each other in a stable fashion over time so that no use or condition is unduly negatively impacted now yes there there's going to be a concentration by some members in the crowd today on the unduly negatively impacted aspect but what we need to understand in this entire statement today is that is a stable fashion over time and today we've also made sure to convey to you that this project is intended to go through the plan unit development District zoning regulation standards that as you know requires phasing development it requires us to go through processes that actually have more regulations in line that allow for us to ensure that we have different types of uh compatibility through us being able to slowly develop the property instead of this being just simply a residential for where it would go straight into preliminary subdivision plans then be developed straight up it's going through the plan unit development zoning District so that we can phase it and appropriately lay out the schematics for this development so that it does not unduly negatively impact anyone over time instead we will ensure that development throughout its time period will be in concert with the Land Development code for Bard County as well as all the interjurisdictional entities that do oversee many of these processes such as the Water Management District and so forth that'll see the construction plans as they come through again as phases because at this over Thousand Acre project you're not going to see a single subdivision construction plan come through you're going to see if I'm not mistaken 11 different phases throughout this construction plan process and during that process depending on what the needs are of the market certain portions of it may be developed earlier than later uh that for instance could potentially be the commercial if it was demanded earlier alternatively if there is a point in time when the roadway needs to be expanded because of these increasing amounts of subdivisions coming through it'll be determined during one of the subdivision construction plan routine evaluations by your staff who will identify that it has gone over capacity and then revert it back to saying that Babcock widening will need to happen before approvals commence beyond that we're looking at the properties that are surrounding us going from the western side we have Rolling Meadows uh Rolling Meadows yes is an rees2 which is a little less dense than what we're looking at in the rees4 but mind you we are looking to cap it at three dwelling units per acre and they could potentially go up to 2.5 with a PUD in their own entitled uh future land use so we're only looking at a half a dwelling unit per acre difference at that point in time between a county designated area and our our proposed future land use uh beyond that we also have the likes of Emerald Lakes sorry before I go into that sorry it's Rolling Meadows then we have water stone moving into the city water stone has low density residential in the city of five dwelling units per acre high density residential of 20 units per acre and a substantial amount of commercial Cypress Bay going further to the east uh actually has a public as was mentioned earlier today so we are already seeing a food chain go to this area of the county which is very exciting feeling and beyond that we actually have Emerald Lakes which is going to span into 3760 dwelling units and over 2.8 million square feet of non-commercial or non-residential activity mainly being commercial Ashton Park a little bit further south is also expected to have over 1 million square F feet of commercial so the point of this is that 2 Mile buffer and that is what that uh Circle does re realistically convey to is that's the two mile buffer around this property that's going to be an entire new community itself and right now we have the ability to plan for it the correct way we have the ability to make sure that we're going through it in a plan development standpoint which the likes of Emerald Lakes the likes of Ashton Park the likes of Cypress Bay Waterstone these are all planed developments why would we not want to follow suit and make sure we have the planed region that we're looking for instead of most of Palm Bay where I was previously and you know I love it but it's sprawled out it does not have much sustainable development and as you've heard many other developers say before you rooftops do matter to an extent I won't I won't argue that more than anyone else because I I am a planner at heart but because of that to get the infrastructure into place to get all the services to get the commercial all of those aspects you do need a certain level of residences to support that and that today is what we're trying to do we're trying to make sure that we become a middle component where we are buffering between our neighbors that are in the county but also being a transition between the city to the North and the city to the South that we are unfortunately jux toos between and that's one reason why we actually see ourselves as compatible and then real quick just to lastly sum this up Beyond compatibility is the fact that we are looking at an area that we're trying to prevent sprawl inefficient urbanization so if we continue to look at a 1.5 dwelling units per acre or less type of development it's not going to have the ability to support those services that infrastructure that needs to desperately come down here to help these folks in the future so yes in the short term it may not impact them greatly but in the long term if we don't develop this area in a more conducive and sustainable manner they'll never get to have those infrastructure benefits that will come with proper sustainable development that can come through PUD in this area at res 4 okay thank you sir I have a question for your planner you mine since you work used to work for Palm Bay if this was in the city of Palm Bay what would the required um commercial component be for a project like this the require a commercial component for a PUD yes for a pro this size so I believe they are currently trying to amend that section of their code because there is a conflict in it uh there is a 20% restriction where they are supposed to have at least 20% commercial but they have realized that that was accompanied to the gross area of the project which is a little more difficult to actually you know Encompass for instance 20% of 1100 is over 200 Acres of commercial we don't even have 200 Acres of commercial fronting Babcock Street so we don't have an arterial roadway that's going to make cons you know conducive sense for that so what they're actually trying to change it to is more aligned with the Bayfront mixus District which is 15% of the or 20% of the gross floor area of the first floor of all units so that would be all of our units first floor first area ratio or first floor area ratio to determine how much commercial we would need and we're providing over how many acres again I'm sorry 38 uh 27 28 sorry 27 Acres of commercial 27 Acres of commercial so be what about uh 2.7% of the gross area or of the fresh floor gross area of the gross floor of the gross area possibly around that I don't have that you know right in front if it's over so many acres I think it's over what over 100 has to be 25% again that portion of the code has not been something that anyone has successfully worked with I actually was somebody that assisted in writing that and we realized right afterwards that we overshot by doing it on Gross acreage it should have been based off of the proportionality of the site rather than the gross acreage of the site so asking for gross acreage ends up over asking commercial for PUD um yeah can you comment on on transitional zoning um that you have what density you have to the north and what density you have to the South and how this falls in the middle and how that would meet transitional zoning requirements well say we're not speaking on zoning we are speaking on a future well density transitional density transitional density okay I just wanted to make sure because I didn't want to you know step into the next Lev so transitional density um well we're not looking at transitions of density we're looking at a transition of a general area there is nowhere as Miss rosenka had mentioned there's nowhere limiting the specific area to those AB budding the property which is why you want to look at a more holistic region if you thinking about that specific area alone where is their commercial where do they use their services where are all these compatible things that they would need we're helping bring things to this area to bolster it as well as be self- sustainable so our transition is to reduce our density down to three dwelling units per acre which as I had mentioned is very similarly compatible with Willowbrook which is up to or sorry Rolling Meadows which is res 2 with a PUD that can be 2.5 so we're only a half a dwelling unit per acre different at that point in time from a compatible further away from arterial Road residential development so the fact that we're abing an arterial roadway with better access does usually progress towards a higher density than that of an area that is further away from arterial access points that would need a lot more effort to get citizens into an area that has access to commercial nodes and other services okay but this simple answer is it's res 2 to the north and res 1 to 2.5 to the South and you're asking for res four in the middle so you're asking for res 4 with a restriction to Res three and a vicinity of this area okay thank you Bruce just to clarify up to the north there's there's a portion of the property that on the other side of the canal that's res too but the majority of of the property to the north Is Res 2.5 res 1 to 2.5 res right but there is res too yeah yeah thank you so thank you um also just to let you know um Jesse Anderson got his PhD at University of Florida and taught this for a while in case you he uh was very informative and very uh Professor Prof uh like a professor go Gators the other thing I wanted to uh bring to your attention is the utilities and the utilities will be coming from Palm Bay there is a letter in your packet but there was an updated letter sent that didn't make it to your packet that explains more how the utilities pombay has done a will serve letter and um explains in detail I'm not as well versed in this if you have questions after you see this we can have the uh the engineers speak to it but I did want to hand this out as well thank you I think the one we got in our packets were they didn't have capacity correct and they don't but explains how they will uh finally just to go through the process which uh Mr ball did early in the present before our presid presentation um we did have the community meeting this is the local planning agency it is intended to go to board of County Commissioners on May 2 if it approves it will go be transmitted to the state for review that could take 45 to 60 days to come back then they have to advertise it again uh so County Commission hearing would be sometime in August or September hopefully at that same time prior to that time if it comes back positively we would come to you with the Pud so the Pud and uh future L use Amendment would go at the same time to County Commission September October time frame so this is just the first step it's going to go up to Tallahassee every agency is going to get to look at it and then it we'll come back um to make comments and to uh have the county address comments the developer address comments and uh with that we're open for more [Music] questions Mr Ron uh what size lots are they going to be uh the Lots will be um smaller Lots anywhere from 0.1 acre to 0167 acre they'll be smaller Lots but they don't know yet for sure especially around the lake they anticipate that perhaps the lake with its amenities will have larger Lots that's interesting uh and what price range are the houses that you're expecting to sell to be determined it's to be determined I I heard them comment to the community meeting that entry level houses now about $325,000 so but again this I mean you're talking home construction starting in a year and a half and who knows what what cost will be at that point a year and a half I know I'm always optimistic Mr chair yes sir Mr John um that's what's the developers experience in developments of this size we got to stick was zoning here but for the density purposes for this huh land use land use yeah I want to make sure that they know what they're doing and this question came up at the job this came up at the community meeting and they did and if you go their website they've done many large ones uh I can't remember the names of them now and I apologize Harmony is one of them you you'd have to come up because they can't hear you well staff helped me if I don't want to get out of line because I promised these people they could speak we need to focus on the density use and land use I mean developers experience I mean we're not even this has it to go to the state then turn around and come back then come back to us again correct that is correct this is a two-step process so yeah this is the comp plan the land use and density so if we could kind of focus on that board I sure would appreciate it I'm I'm not sure I want to be in involved in in qualifying every developer that ever came in we've been here for a couple of week no it's it's not our business yeah I mean all right well here in that do we have any other questions from the board because I'm going to turn it out to the audience I I've got one for and I didn't know when to ask it why didn't we bring this in to Palm Bay we can't because of that Spite strip to the north we do not touch pombay because of that Spite strip I yeah and the canal and the roadway we there's a tiny little strip up here but it doesn't touch and it wouldn't be sufficient anyway the road the fact that the roads the counties doesn't and it maintains its Cony through there no sir okay any other questions from the board I've left a utility letter up here for Miss Teresa the HOA president but I left one it for her too they did I don't know that they've seen that it wasn't in the packet and I actually didn't see it till this morning but it had been sent to the county all right and Miss Teresa is it Teresa Teresa oh Teressa I am sorry but I even added some extra minutes to your time we got another person came too well wait a minute now if we're going to get multiple speakers no just you yes she was at the meeting yesterday too is this okay can you hear me okay yes and you just need to state your name and address and I'm going to start the clock here okay my name is Teressa torsello I live at 267 deer runroad in Palm Bay and I am the President of the deerrun homeowners association which is an equestrian development now I do have a statement but listening to all of the um discussion that was going on here I have some notes that I'd like to say first before the statement um and one of the interesting things was ironically on the way here there was an accident at the end of their property Willowbrook and Babcock 18wheeler and two vehicles I was trying to get around the 18wheeler and almost got into a headon because the people were just speeding by I called 911 and went into an argument with the dispatcher well is it on Babcock or is it on Willowbrook because we own Babcock we don't own Willowbrook I'm not sure I'm not part of the accident yeah but is it Willowbrook or Babcock because I can't send Palm Bay unless we know ma'am I wasn't part of the accident but there's an 18wheeler blocking traffic and the school's getting ready to let out and we're going to have problems here and more people are going to be be injured but I don't know what to do because we don't own it after about 3 minutes she finally gave me over to the county who said well we're not sure what it is so we called the state trooper there was an accident that went on for over 20 minutes and we had no police because they were arguing over jurisdiction I thought it was very ironic to be coming here about this and already having the problems just because of what's going on down there um Rolling Hills was annexed back to the county so yes there's nothing contiguous to palom Bay as that was stated but there are current deficiencies in the infrastructure they said but they have Solutions I'm sorry I didn't hear Solutions what I heard was $16 million for roads and $16 million for schools and that told me the solution is the taxpayers the two mile radius of projects that were discussed with greater density are not bravard County and they not they do not bu up against de run they do not but up against the Miko Sanctuary that's across the street they are farther out and that density traffic that they've already done is a nightmare if you drive in South Babcock you will see it's already a nightmare I'm not quite sure what they're talking about when they talk about Emerald Lakes because that was swapped so there's a new name for it so I'm not sure what that is um the active recreational lake at the meeting last week we we asked about that is it going to be skiing what's it going to be and it was oh no no it's not a recreational is what was stated a recreational Lake means more traffic than just what's in there people are going to go to the lake um the traffic impact of a 5 mile radius that impacts all of the pal Bay developments and we were told they didn't have that we asked if Babcock was already a service d Road which we knew it was but we were told they didn't know so it was interesting to hear that it is a Level D which we new um and it will be an F without the um enlargement of Babcock also the school capacity I'm going to get into that I've got the capacity this talking about a school in Ashton is something that isn't even there we are at full capacity in South Bard um when I moved here 20 years ago Westside Elementary was here before Sunrise they were at 165% % capacity we had 20 Portables the children suffered so having all these developments means we get to to make our children pay once again and you know you know as well as I do where are they getting the teachers for these Portables we don't have them um sorry I just want to go through my notes uh all right the compatibility and uh unduly negative aspect we haven't negative aspect we are on 2.5 acres minimum some of our neighbors have eight Acres they have doubles so when you look out of a 5 acre lot and we do have members who were actually in this audience who have a 5 acre lot that will go up against this and you're going to see possibly 30 houses looking back at you and I will get into how I got that number because what was stated about about how many per acre is not what we heard the other night we also have to worry about the trucks so if they're going to do it in 11 phases how many years are we going to have to deal with trucks if you drive down Babcock you will be run off the road at least once a week from the pickup the dump trucks that are there sorry that are flying there we have police officers all the time sitting there giving out tickets and it doesn't stop so if we have years of phases now they did say there'd be no input or output well that's more or less what the input or output of the developing but once these builders start we have to have base we have to have trusses we have to have concrete we have to have machines that's going to go on for how many years that doesn't make us safe and it's not compatible and that's not short term if it's over 11 phases minimum 11 years de run is a PUD we are a planning unit development bravard County future Land Development made it one per 2.5 acres why change it now South Bard you can't find lots like ours where we are going up in price without any more developments because nobody can find land like ours if you look at what the deerrun homes are valued they've already skyrocketed and we have people who are constantly knocking on our doors to sell why didn't the developers look at that we asked this question last week did you even look to see about a one per acre one per 2.5 no we don't do that why not that's what's in the area yeah and I believe they purchased Harmony that wouldn't be one to look at by the way um they told us they purchase it so it's the new only look at the new um also the half acre difference at Rolling Meadows I don't see why they can't do the same to keep our County contiguous to keep it the same across the board um they said that there is a 2 Mile buffer in Palm Bay property and it's all talking about the developments but they didn't mention again Deer Run or the MOs scrubs we are their neighbors the direct neighbors so we are the ones that that are going to be affected and our infrastructure with stores I've been there for 20 years I haven't complained about having to drive to Windixie on moiko or publ on on Bayside we love seeing our neighborhood the way it is we don't have a problem with with anybody coming in but we want to keep it in the life cycle that in the lifestyle that we're used to and now I'll get to my statement um and the lack of of participants here we only knew about this last week yes they had the meeting we found out last minute for that meeting and so we had we showed up there we showed up on Zoom um we do intend to be more at the at the uh commissioner's meeting but um we did not find out your courtesy letters that were sent out actually didn't get to the homeowners until Friday so most didn't even know about this so Deer Run is not opposed to neighboring developments but we are greatly concerned about upholding compatibility with our existing Lifestyle the proposed Santa zoning request will not be compatible with deun as you know deun is zoned agriculture with a one home per 2.5 acre parcel Canta wants you to rezone them to R4 with the commitment of building a maximum of three dwellings per acre this of course is with a density count however the re the reality is that there will be 3,200 Plus Homes that they plan on building it's not three homes per acre it's more like 13 homes per acre we stick with real math at the meeting last week Santa explained that some of the houses will be on 40 by 80 plots that is 13 homes per acre obviously that is not compatible with your run two sides of Santa will be up against your run no one on 2.5 or more Acres wants to look out their yard and see 32 houses staring back at them 32 homes with an average of four people per home is 128 people per Deer Run backyard whereas we have four per 2.5 acres there's a major noise difference in that not compatible the proposed Santa zoning request will not be compatible with the eel program that is their neighbor to the east the environment Mally endangered lands eel program acquires protects and maintains environmentally endangered for resources stewardship and ecosystem management eel protects the rich biological diversity of bravard County for future Generations the moiko scrub Sanctuary protects 1322 Acres of Bard's remaining scrubby Flatwoods messic Flatwoods habitat this Mosaic of seasonal marshes and dry Flatwoods shelter many any indigenous species of plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in Bard County these indigenous species are and endangered animals are right across the street from where Canta wants to build 3,200 homes and a four-lane highway that is not compatible with our environment we're also concerned about the infrastructure in the area how can Babcock withstand another 6,000 plus Vehicles each home averaging two vehicles we were told that Babcock would have to widen to four lanes as they stated when we asked who will pay for this that was an unknown Canta developers would hope that other developers would pitch in as well as the county which means taxpayers when we asked about water and sewage we were informed that Santa has a letter from Palm Bay that they are willing to serve them we all know that there is already a capacity issue in pal Bay with their water and sewage and that they are currently two years behind your staff has the letter stating exactly that palmbay does not have the capacity but they're willing but they can't what about fire departments police departments the county has no plans that I saw on building a new fire department in South Bard although we could use one a new police station our closest County deputies are stationed on Malibar Road we asked about Healthcare we were told that is a capacity issue that the county oversees I can tell you we're at capacity in our local hospitals and if you try to make an appointment with any specialist we're four to six months out right now we asked about schools and we were told Bard County owns land on Willowbrook and a new school for capacity would be in five years that doesn't work since Sunrise Elementary which I personally fought for to get there is that capacity and it's frozen meaning no student is allowed to add to that school right now the back backup is Westside also at capacity and Frozen Southwest Middle is also at capacity Bayside High is at capacity and Frozen the backup High School Heritage is at 99% capacity Palm Bay High is at 96% capacity so redistri redistricting is not going to resolve our issues worse than that is currently there are 275 open teacher positions in Bard County and that does not include the bus drivers we can't hire teachers today for the students that we have we have no room for the students in the developments that are currently building out in Southeast Palm Bay we have lots of them including 5,000 on moo that wasn't discussed but we're going to allow more developments with thousand more students in an area that is currently at capacity without an actual plan we spoke about the BMS between the properties once the pepper trees are removed there is no natural burm some area will have 50 ft between the property which includes the canal so it's down so you can see straight across um some will have 100 but we will see into the backyards of 15 to 30 homes per our backyard and we'll hear the home the noise of 15 plus homes we also discussed storm water drainage surprisingly to us was the statement that Canta will pump into the satii canal there is currently a 3.57 million ion dollar storm waterer park being built to help capture the pollution from the satii prior to it entering the Sebastian River which is a major tributory to the uh RI Indian River Lagoon the project isn't even completed taxpayers haven't seen the benefit of creating a storm water park and the Lagoon as you know and the Sebastian River is horribly polluted yet we're going to add the storm water from 3,200 homes back into the satii and if they don't pump it into the satii then they go into satori's Lake which the county had to put a pump into satori's Lake to prevent deer run from flooding every time it rains additional storm water from an 1100 acre parcel of land will flood Deer Run Deer Run would love for this area to be zoned R1 one home per 2.5 acres to have continuity to enjoy the beautiful wildlife and peaceful setting we all have seen the County's plans in this area for years and we love it which is why many of us move there without proper plans to protect Santa's only developed neighbor which is dear run from excessive traffic noise and flooding and not having substantial plans to avoid the lack of police fire schools and health care we are requesting that this zoning request be denied thank you any questions yes I do you still have 15 minutes I from the board to everyone there we want to thank you for doing that often times we give the opportunity for one person to speak and I don't think you missed anything so that way we don't have to hear it you know exactly repetitively we wanted to respect your time and not be repetitive and vice versa thank you all right Miss Kim would you like to come back up and address what you just heard good evening again good evening not yet good afternoon Kim renka on behalf of Santa Lakes uh just a few comments I mean again this is future land use we're not at engineering stage it's not a zoning right um Florida statute Bard county code Bard K C plan provides prop proportionate fair share 163318 so we can't build anything unless we make sure that we have fire police roads schools those type of things um and the impact fees help pay for that that's why I mentioned the $16 million for transportation and $16 million for schools so again we we're far far field yes we we did explain the engineers have looked at drainage they know the way the water flows and where it's going to go but they also explain that post-development cannot exceed pre-development water runoff so that is the standard that the county abides by so this development cannot legally impact and flood their property they did tell us about their flooding problems and of course we'll take that into consideration the engineers when they're developing this but there are no fully engineered plans yet this is only future land use um as a as to the schools and and I know it's not an issue cuz make it work um and the school board I even got an invitation today to meet with all the other developers in the area next week to talk about where these schools um they do have many many sites they have a high school um to the north of here they have Warrior Avenue a charter schools going in near Sunrise Elementary um Ashton Park when it starts building will build the school uh but I also did want to State um in the August 22nd of 2023 capacity determination letter they did state that they can indeed maintain for 5 years what they have they also have the Sunrise Elementary School limited or um utilization and for the 2023 2024 School uh year it's at 84% capacity it won't be at 100% capacity to 2027 2028 so that's that's in the record and I understand it probably looks like it's at capacity because I remember when my kids were in elementary school and it seemed like there was never enough space I mean they had a cart art in a cart they didn't have an art class anymore they had a cart that went from from classroom to classroom so I understand that and and the school board's very aware of it they're wanting to work with everyone and uh to do what they can so I just wanted to bring that issue um yes proper plans are needed and the potential Solutions are you build the infrastructure as you need them and you make sure the infrastructure is there as the different phases come on board and the developers committed to do that they can't go forward without the proper um concurrency and capacity the county just won't let them but again that's going on down the path and so with that I appreciate your time we're here to answer any questions that have come up we have Engineers we have Traffic Engineers we have planners and um I appreciate your time and I ask for approval of the change the future land use well we just need someone on your team for future land use intensity not all this other stuff right now so for the for for the comp plan oh that's that's Jesse Jesse Anderson I mean and that was that was Dr Dr Professor Anderson speaking to you all right anyone from the board have any questions for Miss Rosena have some comments I don't have any questions all right let's have some comments thank you um I I really appreciate what what you said and how you said that was very professional and you covered everything everything very well I won't say I agreee with everything you said but it was very very well done um my problem with the I'm not against the project I think something needs to be done here but my problem with this and I have to be consistent of things I've said since I got on this board how many years ago Henry um don't I don't want to date myself yeah exactly so you know I've always been I've always preach transitional density transitional zoning to go from what you could say Is Res 2 to the north it's it's about half and half res 2 res 1 to 2.5 and res 1 to 2.5 to the South right and then to spike up in the middle at 4 regardless of the bdp that might be coming it it doesn't to me it's inconsistent with what we've approved here in the past and it would be definitely inconsistent with anything I've agreed to in the past um we do a lot of puds I'm I'm an engineer i' work with these people um on other projects and you know we get these this feedback that compatibility and consistency all the time and I'll be honest I don't see it here um I've seen it we've been forced to do it in a lot of places yes we have and I was probably going to be forced to do it when if this thing ever gets to the point where it gets to the Pud and there's a lot more things we can talk about like lot size and and and all those things when it gets to PUD but I'm not not convinced that this is the right land use for this property um if this was in the city of Palm Bay it would have a 25% commercial component um I don't even know if it would get approved in Palm Bay I really don't know that but I just really think that a a realistic transitional land use needs to be applied here since we're just talking Bruce do you would you feel comfortable with the two yeah I would I I hate to say it but I'm thinking exactly like you and maybe that's because we're old you know but um to me transitionally I think that I feel much stronger about that than anything when I looked at this and I didn't want to say much but I know an awful lot about water stone so I know about the interchange I know about it all but anyway it just seemed to be much more suitable and uh that's that's sort of my direction Jeff what's the thresholds now on a drri is is that over a th000 over 50 oh Dr it was it was based on the population of the county I I wouldn't tell you based and this is just speculation on my part I would have to say that this would meet the threshold for for density if there was because that's that legislation is long gone it hasn't been around I'm going to say since 20 prob wor a lot of people over know yeah but it's based on the population and for my recollection that this property would be considered a drri that's all chairman I got Miss rosenka you want to come back to the podium please ma'am do you have any wiggle room that that would be the developer I I don't I don't speak for the developer so you would need either Jimmy or Dan but but again I mean it's a Res three it's and we've been told we can't put it in the County ordinance limiting it to Res three so that's going to be limited by the Pud right and again engineering's not been done yet so it may be two and a half units to the acre and it may be an open space subdivision so um that would have to be so hypothetically staff HP hypothetically you can make a Rec you can make a recommendation to Res two and it could be forwarded onto the board for the board to you know take in consideration what the applicant is requesting and what the what this board is done I I'll make a recommendation that we we recommend approval of this at a res to land use and I'll second there with the community commercial oh with the and the community commercial for the yes for the commercial comp I'll agree to that so you're negotiable well just two of us I'm going to stand on them real quick see if she can make a needs to make a comment take it to the board and see what they say yeah we're listening to your recommendation okay we've got a motion by Bruce to go to a res two and Community commcial with Community commercial that's correct we got a second by Henry that's correct all right board all those in favor say I I any opposed so that passed thank you for time all right so staff we Debbie wanted to make a motion on something about I'm just okay if we have any no other comment then we'll say meeting adjourned the opinions expressed by any member of the public during any period of public comment do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television or the program sponsor and are solely those of the presenter the board of County commissioners of Bard County Florida Space Coast government television and the program sponsor hereby expressly disclaim any in all responsibility or liability for any defamatory or slanderous statements expressed by any member of the public during any such period [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]